SPECIAL REPORT: Last Chance To Answer The Call, Pick A Side Or Take A Stand

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Published Date: September 25th, 2023 |Updated Weekly  💢




“Sharing Information, Your Chance to Take A Stand | The Power Of Unity Consciousness, Awakening Humanity To A Hidden Reality | Answering the Call Begins With You, Reaching Out To Family, Friends & Neighbors”


Freedom is Not Free, Either to Obtain, or Maintain

Freedom is found in what we do each day, in the thoughts, efforts and actions of a Free People: Respect. Compassion. Peacemaking. Understanding.

The Price of Freedom of Expression comes with the price of kindness and civility, even toward those who express views we don’t share.

The Price of Freedom of Worship includes respect for religions and faiths besides our own.

The Price of Freedom from Want includes sacrificing and serving those in need.

The Price of Freedom from Fear includes facing our fears with faith and courage.

Freedom is not just a Feeling, or pronouncement.

Freedom is best defended by individuals – each of us doing our part,
Wherever We Live, Whatever Our Circumstances.

It’s True: Freedom is Not Free,
And, as long as we are willing to pay the price,
The Future of Freedom is Bright.


Speaking Out vs. Silence

“Your silence gives consent.” ― Plato

“Stand for what is right. Even if it means standing alone.” ― Suzy Kassem

“I will stand up, I will speak out, For not to offend, but to defend.” ― Nourished Living – w/Natty

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.” ― Elie Wiesel

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life: Define Yourself.” ― Harvey Fierstein


We Count When We: Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up

By John W. Whitehead

Don’t pity this year’s crop of graduates because this COVID-19 pandemic caused them to miss out on the antics of their senior year and the pomp and circumstance of graduation.

Pity them because they have spent their entire lives in a state of emergency.

They were born in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; raised without any expectation of privacy in a technologically-driven, mass surveillance state; educated in schools that teach conformity and compliance; saddled with a debt-ridden economy on the brink of implosion; made vulnerable by the blowback from a military empire constantly waging war against shadowy enemies; policed by government agents armed to the teeth ready and able to lock down the country at a moment’s notice; and forced to march in lockstep with a government that no longer exists to serve the American people, but which demands they be obedient slaves, or suffer the consequences.

It’s a dismal start to life, isn’t it?

For those coming of age today, and for the rest of us who are muddling along through this dystopian nightmare, here are a few bits of advice that will hopefully help as we navigate the perils ahead:

• Be an individual. For all of its claims to champion the individual, American culture advocates a stark conformity which, as John F. Kennedy warned, is “the jailer of freedom, and the enemy of growth.” Worry less about fitting in with the rest of the world and instead, as writer Henry David Thoreau urged, become “a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.”

• Learn your rights. We’re losing our freedoms for one simple reason: Most of us don’t know anything about our freedoms. At a minimum, anyone who has graduated from high school, let alone college, should know the Bill of Rights backwards and forwards. However, the average young person, let alone citizen, has very little knowledge of their rights for the simple reason that the schools no longer teach them. So grab a copy of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and study them at home. When the time comes, stand up for your rights before it’s too late.

• Speak truth to power. Don’t be naive about those in positions of authority. James Madison, who wrote our Bill of Rights, observed, “All men having power ought to be distrusted.” We must learn the lessons of history. Those in power, more often than not, abuse that power. To maintain our freedoms, this will mean challenging government officials whenever they exceed the bounds of their offices.

• Resist all things that numb you. Don’t measure your worth by what you own or earn. Likewise, don’t become mindless consumers unaware of the world around you. Resist all things that numb you, put you to sleep or help your so-called coping with so-called reality. Those who establish the rules and laws that govern society’s actions desire compliant subjects. However, as George Orwell warned, “Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they rebelled, they cannot become conscious.” It is these conscious individuals who change the world for the better.

• Help others. We all have a calling in life. And I believe it boils down to one thing: You are here on this planet to help others. In fact, none of us can exist very long without help from others. If we’re going to see any positive change for freedom, then we must change our view of what it means to be human and regain a sense of what it means to love and help one another. That will mean gaining the courage to stand up for the oppressed.

• Refuse to remain silent in the face of evil. Throughout history, individuals or groups of individuals have risen up to challenge the injustices of their age. What we lack today and so desperately need are those with moral courage who will risk their freedoms and lives in order to speak out against evil in its many forms.

• Pitch in and do your part to make the world a better place. Don’t rely on someone else to do the heavy lifting for you. Don’t wait around for someone else to fix what ails you, your community or nation. Mahatma Gandhi urged: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

• Stop waiting for political saviors to fix what is wrong with this country. Stop waiting for some political savior to swoop in and fix all that’s wrong with this country. Stop allowing yourselves to be drawn into divisive party politics. Stop thinking of yourselves as being members of a particular political party, as opposed to citizens of the United States. Most of all, stop looking away from the injustices and cruelties and endless acts of tyranny that have become hallmarks of American police state. Be vigilant and do your part to recalibrate the balance of power in favor of “we the people.”

• Finally, prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. The demons of our age, —some of whom disguise themselves as politicians, delight in fomenting violence, sowing distrust and prejudice, and persuading the public to support tyranny disguised as patriotism. Overcoming the evils of our age will require more than intellect and activism. It will require decency, morality, goodness, truth, and toughness.

The only way we’ll ever achieve change in this country is for us to finally say “enough is enough” and fight for the things that truly matter.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your political ideology is: Wake up, stand up, speak up, and make your citizenship count for something more than just voting.

Pandemic or not, don’t allow your freedoms to be curtailed and your voices to be muzzled.

It’s our civic duty to make the government hear us, and heed us, by using every nonviolent means available to us: Picket, protest, march, boycott, speak up, sound off, and reclaim control over the narrative about what is really going on in this country.

Mind you, the government doesn’t want to hear us. It doesn’t even want us to speak. In fact, as I make clear in my book,” Battlefield America: The War on the American People,” the government has done a diabolically good job of establishing roadblocks to prevent us from exercising our First Amendment rights to speech, assembly, and protest.

Still, we must persist.

So, get active, get outraged, and get going: There’s work to be done.

—The Rutherford Institute

Action vs Inaction

Inaction a remedy of indifference, the most insidious danger of all.” ― Elie Wiesel

There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.” ― John F. Kennedy

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” ― Winston Churchill

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.” ― John Stuart Mill

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” ― Haile Selassie

“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.” ― Norman Vincent Peale

inaction slow death

Inaction is a Slow Death – Stop Dying and Start Living

It all started with a conversation with my friend. We were catching up after a long time and we discussed normal day-to-day things, somehow the blog came up. His only critique was that I seem to “over-complicate” things. I asked him to expand upon it and he explained that all my blog posts required a long time to create and edit, If it is not close to perfect I scrap it and I end up stressing a lot about the quality.

All of his points were true, I know that “Quantity over Quality” is the best way to grow an online presence and create impact, I know that “Perfectionism kills Creativity” but something inside of me didn’t allow me to progress, Perfectionism.

If you are like me and believe that you should only put out the best work and you should only start when everything is right and perfect, then this blog post is to convince you that, your very own perfectionism is the prohibitive factor in your growth. It is slowly killing you and you might not notice before it is too late.

Photo by Luca Nardone from Pexels

Am I Dying?

I believe I possess a ton of potential. Potential to create an amazing blog, creative YouTube channel, and a profitable business. I want to do all of these things, but I find myself in a constant state of numbing myself, scrolling through Instagram, looking at reels, watching mind-numbing content, and feeling this ever-growing need for constant dopamine hits.

I just described an addict. Addicted to this glass slab, looking at this somber screen, waiting for the next hit to feel good enough. I find myself in a constant state of Inaction, this state of paralysis, unable to do anything or find meaning in this life.

I am dying because my dreams are dying, they have no base to stand upon, I cannot call myself a YouTuber if I post a video every six months. I have often asked myself, why am I not able to post consistently?

Is it because of Life Circumstances, college-related work, upcoming projects, or simply because of Fear. The answer, as you may have guessed is Fear. Fear of Criticism, Fear of being rejected because my opinions don’t fit the conventional wisdom, Fear of being forgotten.

Accounting for these fears, I stopped posting, stopped creating, and stopped doing the very things which gave me joy. I felt stagnated and I couldn’t do anything about it.

I did nothing as my dreams were slowly dying. I was slowly dying…

A man sitting in sorrow near sea
Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels


Inaction is the lack of action when something is expected. It is when we give in to our fears and hopelessness and do nothing.

Chances are that, you would have wanted to learn a new skill or a new language, the very thought of visiting a foreign country and speaking in their tongue would have brought excitement, and you would have started planning on the pathway to learning the language, would have looked up a few reference sites and would have stuck with it for 2 days.

Where did the motivation go? Why didn’t you learn the language?

The probable answer to all these questions is Fear. Fear of not being better at learning, of failing, of not being perfect.


Inaction hides in plain sight as Perfectionism. People claim that they are Perfectionists as if it is a badge of honor. A perfectionist is someone who strives for flawlessness, they are someone who would need to fixate on imperfections, try to control anything and everything, and would work hard to create a perfect piece of work.

Perfectionism is impossible to attain because it is an imaginary concept, a man-made beast that can never slew.

Perfectionists die way before they fulfill half their potential. Their very own fixation on imperfections would always allow them to give themselves excuses and give up, accept defeat and live a miserable life. A miserable life of unfulfilled potential. This causes deep internal strife, causing pain and bitterness.


There are two types of pain. One is pain of action, the other is pain of inaction.

The pain of action is self-inflicted, it is waking up early and working out, maintaining a diet, and facing rejections. It is painful but it is put towards creating a better life for oneself.

The pain of inaction on the other hand is caused by fear and worry, it slowly eats into your soul and destroys you from the inside.

Buddhism argues that “Pain is inevitable, misery is optional”. Whatever might be your religious affirmations, this statement holds more truth than anything else. We all have to go through pain merely because we are alive, the only difference between a corpse and us, is that we are reactive to pain: we laugh, we cry, we fight over pain. Pain, my friend is inevitable, misery on the other hand is optional.

There have been wonderful human beings throughout history who have suffered far more pain than we could ever imagine but came through with a sense of hope and contentment.

Viktor Frankl survived holocaust camps, where children and women were gassed, men were treated far worse than filth and were denied the basic human right to adequately clothe themselves. They were made to work on railroads till they die of exhaustion.

It is surprising when Viktor claims it to be the most meaningful period of his life. It changed his perception of life.

People before the war, used to the comforts of life were always complaining. After the war, most stopped complaining about petty things, they found the profound meaning of life and started living with contentment.

If you have some free time, watch this amazing video by Joey Schweitzer which was a major source for this blog post.

Inaction is a Slow Death


It is alright to understand that you haven’t worked on your dreams, you might have lived years without realizing your potential. It is alright to feel sad but don’t let that emotion take control, push through the pain and create the life you want.

If you start working hard on your goals, then your life is going to be filled with a lot of pain, the type of pain which will push you further in life and create a lot of prosperity. It is the pain of action and it is worth savoring more than anything else.

The journey is going to be filled with lessons, tears, and happiness. Get started and don’t worry about results, opinions, or doubts. Everything will sort itself out when you start putting in the work.

You will get fit when you start loving the pain during intense workouts. You will get wealthy when you start loving the tedious work of always updating and learning. You will start becoming a better Mom, Dad, Son, and Daughter when you start putting in the effort to keep in touch with your loved ones.

Start moving and start living the life you deserve to live — a life filled with adversities and memories.

Joey Schweitzer put it more elegantly than I ever could.

“Inaction is the holiday of fools who trade temporary discomfort for long-term existential suffering”.

Get Out There and Seek Discomfort


standing in resistance

Standing In Resistance 

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” ― Dumbledore

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” ― Albert Einstein

“Some people will not hear you regardless of how much, how loud, how truthful, how loving, or how profound you speak. Wish them well and let them go.” ― @mindsetofgreatness

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.” – M.K. Gandhi


My purpose now is to address the key, underlying point from those articles, the import of which is much neglected in truth media discussions. When we make this understanding clear to ourselves, it will give us the ability to break the inertia that’s held us down.

This point is based on having a larger perspective of our situation. In the smaller, ego-centric view, there are two factions fighting for control of the planet, and there is a chance that humanity will lose and fall into an even darker age. That is not what is happening. Our situation is actually that we are being moved up and out of darkness by Source Itself, as a simple matter of evolution, and everything we see happening on the outside that looks chaotic is simply the ego playing out its issues. We are a ship riding waves on the ocean of Life. There is no ‘chance’ involved in this movement. In the third and fourth dimensions there is duality, and everything looks like its in opposition to something else, hence, we’re in a war with forces that could capsize us. In unity consciousness, the fifth-dimensional view, there is only the movement of the divine forward, led by love. The ship we are on is impregnable.

Evolution – the natural unfolding of consciousness in Creation – is what is making our transition possible, or the progress we’ve made already would not have happened. Life itself is carrying us into a new age. What makes it look risky to so many is their identification with being limited persons, alone and in danger on Earth, rather than being powerful spirits, held in the arms of the Source, which is orchestrating the whole maneuver.

We have yet, as a group, to make this supreme realization. Knowing this truth frees us from worry, doubt, fear, angst, and reactive behavior. It is that shift of consciousness, when made by enough of us, that will unleash the full power of the new age energy through us and create the manifestation we desire in place of what’s been here. With it, we leave behind forever the old paradigm of victimization and suffering in which we believed we were just egos stuck in bodies at the mercy of forces much bigger than us. We now have the opportunity to rise to our true nature as powerful creative beings of light, emanations of loving consciousness that are perfect expressions of the divine source, capable of creating anything we want easily and magically in alignment with that Source.

We eat fear for breakfast. Those who choose to rise will rise; those who choose fear will stay where they are.

The Biggest View Is The Truest View

Humans tend to be myopic. We think we’re small and that the world is small. We must emulate the Source and be all-inclusive and universal in our relationship to everything. Our habit has been to see through the ego’s eyes and our personal identifications – how we learned to be – rather than through the natural self and natural mind – how we are born to be, creating things in playful resonance with the Source.

The truth of all truths is: We are not egos using force of muscle; we are spirits using lifeforce energy.

Choice characterizes our new age. It is our choice is to be Great and Happy, or small and sad. Creativity is easy when our identification is with what we really are, and it is almost impossible, a down-right war against opposing factors, when we identify with ourselves as little people doing little things. Then, we battle the forces of darkness, rather than extinguish them with our Light.

So, what is causing this change to take so long is nothing more than our view of what we are, because the view, and the thinking that goes with it, determines the actions we take and the experiences we create.

So what is the biggest view of the situation that we can have?

The biggest view is the one outside of the ego’s view with its personal concerns for safety and security which blind it to anything else. The biggest view is available only when we calm down, stop (following) thinking, and become empty and still. When we rest inside we contact the divine energy and guidance that is what we are. When we do not do this we have no creative resources to work with and are limited to programmed behaviors. Without a unified mind approach, there is only us vs. them. So the choice is, “Do I let my lizard brain run my life small and frightened, or do I access my higher consciousness and create Heaven on Earth?”

To tie this directly into the main difficulty with our well-intentioned truth media players, their view can be summarized neatly by something said more than once by a main character in the play now, ‘Juan O Savin’, as he describes the method the ‘white hats’ use in dealing with ‘the cabal’:

“They do something, then we do something.”

This perfectly describes a reactive, rather than a creative, mindset. Creativity is the unified mind’s approach. It is not plotting anything. It is not in reaction to anything. It simply does the next thing it takes to create its project. The creative mind plants a garden, then tends it. Loving attention to detail is all that’s required for it to grow. No gardener fights nature to get plants to grow. It is a relationship based on love and cooperation.

And that is the best way to look at what we are doing now on Earth:

We, as emanations of the Source, are creating the wonderful project of our new world as a Garden.

                   We are stardust; we are golden

                   (Million year-old carbon)

                   And we’ve got to get ourselves

                   Back to the Garden

                   Joni Mitchell, Woodstock

Creating What We Want Now From The Biggest View Possible

When we access the power to create what we want, we actually do create what we want. We are literally making history – we make it up as we go along. Either we do it consciously or by default to our programming. The new age is characterized by a reclaiming of our power to choose for ourselves. This is why there is so much oppression being exerted in the world right now and so much bizarre, negative behavior. Humanity is being forced to choose which world it wants to live in – an artificial one of fear, doubt, and external control or the natural one of love, trust, and self-rule. Aquarian Age energy is all about that freedom and its rewards.

As it is true that one cannot serve two masters, it is our responsibility now to ask the proper questions and act in ways that are responsible to our greater purpose and true nature. The biggest view then, is the one we have when our awareness is placed inside looking out as the Unity of all things. This viewpoint creates the inner experience of having no fear or doubt, only peace and powerfulness. This is so because this is the knowledge, the direct inner knowing, that we are one with our Divine Source. This makes us feel held and supported by It, and so we know we are safe. Actions taken from this state, if they are necessary, are mostly successful. There is no need to worry about what the cabal is going to do next.

We clearly are working this out in our consciousness now, as one of the most popular truth media personages, Charlie Ward, constantly contradicts himself by making two statements that are impossible to coexist: “God is having a war with Satan” and “It’s all pantomime”. On one hand he is telling us to take it seriously; we’re in a war. On the other, he tells us it’s not real. I point this out because that is exactly the current state of humanity now – we have one foot in the third dimension and one foot in the fifth.

‘God’ is not having a war with ‘Satan’. That is ego-generated, fear-based drama, born from the mistaken 3D perception of the world in separation, and it causes tension and the prolongation of struggle. Life is bringing humanity forward out of a dark age. It is not a question of whether or not. It is simply a matter of fact. Life is not fighting anything; it is composting the old as it grows the new to replace it. And the main reason why this realization is so hard to get to, to see and to utilize, is that we still firmly believe that somehow we are not directly connected to the Source, but are separate from it. That false belief drives our neurosis by keeping us constantly triggered by an irrational fear of death. When faced and felt through, our fears about dying melt into feelings of safety and security through the love we feel inside.

How Best To Handle Our Feelings

Much energy is wasted and pain created by thinking in any other way about what is happening on Earth right now. How we handle the emotions and concerns that come up as we go through the remainder of this process is very important, because we literally are creating how we go through the remainder of our transition. We create this through what we believe is happening and what we believe is possible. Seeing it as a struggle produces struggle-filled experiences. Seeing it through the eyes of unity and peace produces experiences that match that vibration.

So when I find myself worrying about what the cabal might try to do to us next, I stop myself immediately and say to myself, “Ya, I create some fears sometimes if I think about things in a 3D way. But I know that Life is bringing us forward, so I choose to go with that view and let it take me to a higher experience.”

I quell the fearing aspect of myself by telling myself the truth of the bigger picture. I choose to see it in a higher way, and to trust that choosing. It is little understood that trust is not an abstract state, but an actual power that changes reality. Going inside to the Source is the only real refuge.

Again, the quote from Chuang-Tzu describes the choice that creates life for us:

        He who comprehends the greater destiny becomes himself a part of it.  He who comprehends the lesser destiny resigns himself to the inevitable. – Chuang-Tzu

The main thing is that we relax. We must relax our mental grip and think about what we really want to have happen. Worrying is imagining what we don’t want to happen. The enlightened way is to know that what we want is already done, already accomplished. Continuously asking ourselves, “What experience do I really want, despite what may happen in the outside world?” is critical. It is written that the proper way to create is to ask, have faith that it is done, and receive. There are no other steps in there like struggle, suffer, beg, or worry. There is no process at all. We tell the Universe what to do and it does it for us. So what are we going to choose to act like? Little egos who are ‘at the effect of’? Or masters of creativity who snap their fingers while smiling at the joy of having what we want, and then seeing it appear?

The answer now is to enjoy ourselves in happy expectation of arriving in our new world. Keep the vision, keep perspective, hold the course optimistically, and turn potential conflict into creative tension by relaxing into the big picture. Imagine that the situation is already where you want it to be. Indulgence in doubts, fears, and reactivity betray a lack of faith in the Source and ourselves. We can be in peace through all this, enjoying ourselves creating beautiful things even during the process of humanity having a birth-quake.

The old paradigm way of viewing our situation is the result of memory and practice after thousands of years of down-falling in vibration with constant accompanying horrible experiences like mind control and slavery and cataclysms and continents sinking and sickness and dying – none of which are intrinsic to our true nature as Beings. That was all part of the maya, the karma, the dreamed-up stuff we created with our wounded mindselves, the healing of which implies a vigorous, willful letting go of it all.

Here, it is wise to remember the insightful words of Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NeuroLinguistic Programming:

The Best Thing About The Past Is That It’s Over.

So, now all that’s coming to an end, and we need to stay calm and spiritually aligned so we know where to go and where not to go and what to do and what not to do until the dust clears. Leave the cleaning-up process to the Source and let everyone do their job within their merit and calling. It is comical to hear the ego-placating new age exclamation: “The Alliance is in complete control!”, when it is We who are actually in control. We have creative control. Those working on the outside can only reflect what we make possible to happen from on the inside. We are supposed to take the reins of power in hand and drive the horses where we want to go. Creative imagination is not daydreaming – it is the power to create what we want to experience. And it must be accompanied by powerful intention filled with confident emotional content.

So grab hold of those reins, y’all, and drive those horses! 


“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”  – Martin Luther King, Jr

4 steps to awakening others

Taking a Stand Requires 4 Easy Action Steps

Step 1: Think of a family member, friend or associate partner recent challenging conversation, interest or experience.

Step 2: Then pick a topic from our list of 46 topics that would fit with your last discussion, or personal experience with that person or group.

Step 3: Next, open any one of the links attached below, review yourself, then copy the text explanation, link, and text directly to their message box.

Step 4: Last step, if appropriate send this entire Special Report directly to your family, friends and associates. Don’t let them down, give them the chance to choose, make a choice, and awaken!

Critical Topics & Information 

 Find a topic you’re interested in or desire to learn more about. Its designed for you to easily share with family, friends, and associates. 

  1. Awakening Journey 12 Week Series | Hero’s Journey
  2. Red Pill vs Blue Pill
  3. Great Awakening & Deep State Maps
  4. Awakening: Connecting The Dots
  5. Global Awakening | Cosmic Disclosure
  6. Global Weather
  7. Health Watch 
  8. True History
  9. Hidden Truths 
  10. The Event 
  11. Spirituality
  12. The Path of Awakening
  13. 2023 Predictions, Trends, & Divine Intervention
  14. Covid Virus, Bioweapon Vaccine & Vaccination Planned Fraud
  15. Covid 2 New Round of Viruses & Vaccinations
  16. Spike Proteins Mechanisms
  17. US Federal Reserve & International Reserve Banking Scam
  18. Global Deep State / Khazarian Mafia, Cabal, Illuminati, Secret Societies (who controls the world map)
  19. Global Economic Collapse
  20. Global Social Breakdowns & Collapse
  21. Global Depopulation Plan & Genocide / WEF Plan 20, 201, 2030, etc…
  22. Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Beings & Satanic Cults
  23. Weather Wars, Energy Weapons, & Targeted War Zones
  24. 5G Weaponized Technology
  25. Ukraine War Deception
  26. 911 Truth
  27. Russian Hoax & Deception
  28. Programming & Mind Control
  29. National Election Fraud (rigged voting machines)
  30. US Congressional Foreign Aid Scam
  31. Obama, Biden, Bush & US Congressional Crime Families
  32. Human Trafficking
  33. Crimes Against Children
  34. Adrenochrome
  35. Deep State Satanic Cult
  36. Attack On US Food Production Plants
  37. Planned Global Famine
  38. Intentional Supply Lines Sabotage & Breakdown
  39. Global Geophysical Earth Changes
  40. Holograph Plasma Med Beds
  41. UAPs & UFO Government Disclosures | Fake Alien Invasion
  42. Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB)
  43. Tartaria, Civilization Reset
  44. Ascension, The Event, Galactic Super Wave`
  45. Transformational Breathing Series
  46. Redefining Health, Alternative Remedies & Immune Support

Fast & Easy Key Responses & Educational Links to All Topics Listed Above 

START HERE: Welcome to the Great Awakening Reports Awakening Journey

We celebrate your arrival and search for the truth. Your journey is a shared synchronicity, and we are here to serve as your guides. Our purpose is to provide authentic content, scientific evidence, vetted experts, and thought leaders using intuitive tools to construct your unique pathway to awakening. We look to help you connect the dots and see the Big Picture. Seeking the truth dissolves our shared conditioning and programming, creating a path for discovering our hidden reality; we are then free to connect to the global collective consciousness, manifesting a new future for all of humanity.

We have created a 12-Week program to help expand your knowledge and connect the dots to your Great Awakening journey. The Great Awakening Report aims to bring you news and information that promotes and accelerates truth, awakening, and disclosure. Our practice is in creating higher individual frequencies and vibrations to expand the human consciousness.

  • RED PILL VS. BLUE PILL Awakening Within the Movie Matrix 

The terms “Red Pill” and “Blue Pill” refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill and remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. The terms refer to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix.

The programming of our beliefs and thought patterns is so embedded and has functioned so well that we don’t even realize it has happened. This deeply rooted programming leads to the first challenge in the awakening process. Most people will argue the perfection of their beliefs against the imperfections of others. With such strong beliefs, it can be difficult for someone to accept different ideas or belief structures that don’t match their current knowledge or understanding of how the world works. Most will cling onto their current structures for some stability during this ever-changing landscape of information we call The Great Awakening. You must be willing to let go of everything you thought was real and cemented in reality. Re-learn this universe as a child would, but this time leave the programming behind. This will be the first challenge you must face on the road to The Great Awakening.

  • Great Awakening & DEEP STATE MAPS

Mind mapping is a dynamic and effective strategy for brainstorming, collecting data, developing ideas, visually presenting, and more. They work by gathering seemingly unconnected words, titles, ideas, or otherwise, around the central concept being conveyed. Mind maps are unique in the fact that they utilize both sides of our brain. They are beneficial in the way they aid in breaking down primary concepts into more palatable keywords. These keywords can be researched and thought about individually, which will eventually come together, leaving you with an understanding of the primary concept.

Both the Great Awakening Map and the Deep State Map give the viewer a clear representation of the scope of the topic and a curiosity-evoking experience. Both maps will leave you asking questions and forming hypotheses which is a beautiful thing. As you study, you will connect the dots and see the main concepts at play. You will be able to make a personalized route through the information, which will give you a sense of freedom and a more intuitive learning path on your journey. Let your curiosity and intuition guide you to your sources of information and next topic of study.


Connect-The-Dots is a type of puzzle that displays numbered and seemingly random dots on a page. When you connect the dots in numerical order, a picture appears. Like in the puzzle, connecting the dots requires taking all of the information you have gathered and then linking it to see the bigger picture and how everything is connected.

There is always a catalyst, always a cause for an effect, which can help you understand how to connect things that may appear wholly separate or random. Connecting the dots can function similarly to a fractal where you can zoom out infinitely and keep making connections and learning the nature of the universe.

This practice of connecting the dots is something you have always done, whether for yourself or others. You certainly have had a conversation with someone where they thought you jumped topics randomly, and you had to explain how you got there–the connection you made that brought you to your point or next subject. This movement from topic to topic is the natural flow of open conversation and learning. Randomness is simply a perception based on not seeing how things are connected. There is only the appearance of randomness; it isn’t truly possible. With that being the case, you can connect the dots of everything; you can see how everything in the universe fits together, one subject at a time.

  • Global Awakening | COSMIC DISCLOSURE

Are You Ready?  The global awakening and cosmic disclosure go hand-in-hand; however, this does not mean that you have to wait for the media or the governments to disclose everything before you get curious and begin to investigate and figure out the truth for yourself. There is an immense amount of information out there to sort through and many dots to connect. A cosmic disclosure will bring mass amounts of people into the awakening process. Once the government comes forth and says they have been lying about this subject, it will cause a cascade effect that will cause people to start asking what else they have been and are currently lying about or covering up. This inquisitiveness in the population is needed as a sort of jump start to the process. 

The world’s governments and ruling elite decided eons ago that man wasn’t ready to know about UFOs and ETs; now that same controlling global deep state isn’t prepared to face the people they lied to for so long about so many things. They know that they will have to answer for a multitude of atrocities if they don’t want an outraged and possibly anarchist population. That being said, this very well could have been the plan from the start. Wouldn’t it be much easier to usher in a one-world-government (NWO- New World Order) system into a world where no one trusts their current governments? If that were to happen, they would most likely offer us some pieces of truth and a couple of scraps of technology in order to build trust (we do like our shiny toys). It would be simple from there; all they would have to do is throw in some ideas on how to “combat climate change,” come up with some catchy slogans about equality and justice, and ensure the safety of all earth’s inhabitants, especially from an ET invader that they will create.

  • Geopolitical 

The escalation of events continues to expose the hidden hand of the Global Deep State / Shadow Government. The MSM (mainstream media) continues to propagandize their reporting by normalizing the socialist-communist radical left. We see continued resignation from global CEOs & board members of the top Fortune 500 companies. Hollywood is no stranger to bad behavior as we learn of the elites’ sexual abuse of women, sex trafficking, and pedophilia, all currently reported weekly. The increase this month of over 220,540 sealed indictments, the continued early retirement or resignation of Congressmen, Senators, CEOs, board members, and Hollywood “A” list actors all reveal the scope and magnitude of a global network of corruption. Q posts inform the world from behind the scenes as a US military counterintelligence operation for The Earth Alliance. Yet, the battle is not over, and the fight continues to intensify at all levels. Our posted articles, videos, and documentaries will provide a deeper historical and current understanding of the crimes and atrocities committed against humanity.

The Global Deep State’s agents extend into every country around the globe. Using proxies, paid agents/lobbyists, and blackmail to achieve their goals and objectives. A Global Alliance led by the Positive US Military, Russian military, and China’s positive military, along with 175 third world countries, now aligned against the Deep State, “NWO.” We witness a Global War between these two factions and the crumbling from within our institutions, including the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and the corrupt political system.

  • Global Weather

The growing daily evidence for global geophysical, Earth, & climate change, plus the weaponization of global weather, has never been more evident than in recent months. NASA satellite photos have revealed that our solar system has entered into a cosmic solar cloud that has affected the weather on all planets within our solar system. This plasma energy cloud is activating our Sun, which burns bright white today as opposed to the yellow we saw 30 years ago. These energies from the cloud and Sun are heating the core of our planet, causing the expansion of Earth’s crust. This expansion has caused the increased activations of volcanic activity and earthquakes by 100 to 500 times normal. In one 24 hour period, Dutchsinse reported more than 200 earthquakes registering 5.0 or higher on the Richter scale. Our weather patterns include extreme hurricanes with high wind speeds along with an increase in storm surges, tsunamis, hot and cold temperature extremes, droughts, flooding, forest fires, and 10,000 to 30,000 lightning strikes in one 24 hour period. We look to follow the evidence of both historical and present-day occurrences of these events. Our tertiary topics Geophysical, Earth Changes, and Climate Changes, track together and support the evidence for dramatic changes within our solar system and Sun (Star). What’s missing is the knowledge of the Deep State/Cabal’s use of scalar weather modification weapons such as HAARP to accelerate the cyclical events and their agendas. All of this is part of a bigger plan connecting the dots leading us towards The Event.

  • Health Watch 

HEALTH WATCH | THE HEALING WEB | The Great Awakening Report has partnered with Dylan Louis Monroe (@masterconspiracy), the mastermind behind the Deep State Mapping Project, in releasing The Healing Web, a map exposing the truth about the health industry, the battles waged against our health, and holistic approaches to treat what ails you. Please download a copy of The Healing Web to use as a reference and guide in your journey to seek and maintain good health.

The Healing Web is a bi-hemispheric index of holistic and pharmacological remedies for most common illnesses and conditions. It’s a visual aid to illustrate the variety of alternative therapies available and the central importance of diet in treating all diseases. Though beneficial at times, Western medicine is built on toxic treatments that fail to address the true causes of illness and lures trusting patients into lifelong treatment plans. The web includes the historical origins of both systems in the upper corners of the diagram. An optimal approach to healthcare would utilize the best techniques of both systems. Let the Healing Web guide you to finding lasting physical and spiritual healing, wellbeing, and vitality.

The majority of the first World is presently witnessing a catastrophic state of institutional failure in their primary state-sponsored medical industries. Hospitals are being built at breakneck speeds to combat a global health crisis. Still, in reality, it’s not a crisis at all, but in fact, a masterfully orchestrated plan carried out by a sick cabal of elite profiteers. Previously known as “Robber Barons,” their wealth goes back to Pharaoh. (first dynasty of Egypt) 

  • True History

The Great Awakening Report is dedicated to showing the possibilities and evidence of our history from many sources to connect the dots and show the whole picture. We value all information and remind you to use discernment and your heart to feel and analyze what is being presented. When it comes to relearning our entire history, there can be some hesitance in accepting new ideas, evidence, and interpretations. We find it highly beneficial to look at our ancient texts and spiritual teachings; these hold a vast amount of information that is quite telling and informational when viewed within the scope of all other knowledge and discoveries. The Bible and other religious texts seem to be coming alive in our time, showing off their accurate predictions, revelations, and prophecies. 

The true history of Earth and our solar system has been hidden, stolen from us, and lied about for centuries; however, the truth of our origins is now coming to light. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. Archeologists are mapping artifacts and hieroglyphs of ancient ruins worldwide, ancient texts are being studied in new ways, and we are interpreting our teachings with a new understanding. These discoveries paint an entirely different picture of our history, present, and future. 

We see continued evidence even in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being one of their most-viewed programs. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos.

  • Hidden Truths 

We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden sciences and technologies. There is a planetary, cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence, making this the most challenging, critical, and complex topic to understand and comprehend.

Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs. Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft disclosure since July 2015, with the whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets valued in the trillions. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from Earth’s population are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military-industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This secrecy and endless cover-ups are where the saying, “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie,” comes into play. They’ve had to hide the truth for a long time.

The Hidden Truths category is one of our hottest and most rapidly expanding topics. There are highly classified secrets that have been intentionally hidden and suppressed from humanity. New disclosures regarding all our sciences, mathematics, physics, and astronomy are being revealed. The DOD has over 6,000 advanced technological patents classified as Top Secret. Soft disclosure, including fictional works such as movies and books, subtle marketing, declassified documents, and advertising, has been in progress since July 2015. As of September 2017, Washington DC has been embroiled over Partial Disclosure vs. Full Disclosure.

  • The Event 

The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle based on our solar system being part of a binary or two-star system. Current evidence, research, and information on The Event are limited to ancient texts, SSP scientists, military disclosures, whistle-blower testimony, satellite data reports, and scientific observatory papers documenting specific galactic events within our solar system. Solar flares (release of photons, electrons, and carbon dioxide gases), solar winds, coronal mass ejections (other solar particles of radiation), co-interaction regions where fast and slow solar winds converge and send out vibrationally strong shock waves throughout the cosmos which will greatly affect this planet. All of the occurrences mentioned above will cause the inner core and the outer arena (magnetic and geomagnetic fields) of Earth/Gaia to tremendously thrash, surge, shift and vibrate faster, elevate higher, and receive enormous pulsations of Source light. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. This topic is key to understanding the Big Picture for our planet, race, and the ascension of every soul on this planet.

  • Spirituality

The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other. Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation that “aims to recover the original shape of man”, oriented at “the image of God” as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the world’s religions. The term was used within early Christianity to refer to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit and broadened during the Late Middle Ages to include mental aspects of life. In modern times, the term spread to other religious traditions and broadened to refer to a wider range of experiences, including a range of esoteric traditions and religious traditions. Modern usages tend to refer to a subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the “deepest values and meanings by which people live”, often in a context separate from organized religious institutions, such as a belief in a supernatural realm, personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, awakening experience, or an encounter with one’s own “inner dimensional” soul or spirit.

  • The Path of Awakening

To be on a spiritual path means to live mindfully, paying attention to the signs along the road, and being conscious of our body — the vehicle we are traveling in — and of the needs and safety of others on the journey. To be on a spiritual path means to look inward as often as outward, knowing that the externals of our lives are reflections of our thoughts and words, manifestations of that which we are imagining and energizing into being with the fuel of our passion.

To be on a spiritual path means to use the rearview mirror to be sure that the path behind is clear of debris and that we do not obstruct another’s journey with the clutter of our own. It means making peace with our past, knowing our future contains it, and summoning the courage it takes to acknowledge, forgive, and release whatever we have clung to that impedes our movement.

To be on a spiritual path is to take responsibility for creating our own creed, based on our commitments, and to respect the rights of others to do the same. It also means to reflect anew on what beliefs we’ve inherited to be sure they are compatible with our wisdom and compassion.

To be on a spiritual path is to embrace the mystical paradox that while we are singular, physical beings on this journey, we are also profoundly connected to one another, animated and sustained by the same vast Spirit that abides in the star, the petal of an iris, the howl of the wolf. […]

To be on a spiritual path, it is necessary to forgive yourself for wrong turns, for failing to yield, for driving under the influence of others. These are minor and forgivable infractions. The more important rules of this road are to be attentive, to notice when you stray, and to get back on the path as soon as possible.

We could all use a road map for the journey inward, a guide away from the crowded thoroughfare to the quiet path of our own true calling; a reminder that it is not the destination, but the journey, that is important. The fourteenth-century Italian Saint Catherine of Siena once wrote, ‘All the way to heaven is heaven.’ Perhaps this is roadmap enough — this one stark line enough to keep us walking, reminding us that the wind we feel on the back of our necks is nothing less than the breath of God.

  • 2023 Predictions, Trends, & Divine Intervention
This Special Report is our Annual 2023 year in review of the prior year and a look forward into all aspects of our immediate future. 2023 Trends, Predictions & Divine Intervention looks at the potential changes and transformations for the coming year. It starts with a breakdown and review the events of 2022, identifying the top news stories, most influential people, and powerful images from pivotal moments of the year. We then examine the predictions and trends for 2023. What can we expect in the food industry, energy & financial markets, the housing industry, and general trends in business? How can we prepare for the coming planetary shifts and life changing events ahead? Will the New Year bring civil unrest, war and new pandemics? How will weather and climate be affected by the geophysical shifts?
We also have predictions from researchers, analysts, intuitives, thought leaders, astrologers, ancient seers, Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, CS Lewis, Gearld Celeste, David Dubyne, Abraham Hicks, Bart Simpsons, Ralph Smart, Jim Rogers, Mathew Gardner, Redfin Reports, Lee Harris, Eckhart Tolle, Daniel Scranton, HOPI Prophecy, Gregg Braden, Jonathan Cahn, and Apostle Joel.
  • Covid Virus, Bioweapon Vaccine & Vaccination Planned Fraud

THE PROBLEM | BIOWEAPON | THE PLANDEMIC | This “plandemic” was implemented and made public by the global elite, joined by the Communist Chinese Party in a global assault on humanity and our way of life. It is all about population control, collapsing the world economy, and driving the world into serfdom with a few narcissistic billionaire eugenicists running the show. To do so, they need to implement a socialistic or communist regime. The virus was the trojan horse; the vaccination, appropriately called experimental gene therapy, seems to be the weapon. The injection is not approved by the FDA and will be the real agent in carrying out the virus population reduction agenda.

The real numbers are coming in concerning side effects, aborted children, sterilization, paralyzation, injuries, and death which many researchers, doctors, and scientists say will increase exponentially (research shedding and protein spikes.) The masks are an enforced compliance experiment, and Stanford research has proven they do little or nothing to stop a virus. According to Dr. Fauci, most people died of secondary pneumonia created from wearing masks during the Spanish flu.

  • Covid Scam 2.0 – A New Round of Viruses & Vaccinations 

Pandemic 2.0 is on our doorsteps just in time for the 2024 election season! Are we going to be stronger this time? Are we going to be bolder? What if our career depends on it? What if the way we’re viewed or what we say or what we think? If we’re public and we’re honest, we actually adhere to the tenet of free speech. It could cost us our job or our livelihood, our ability to feed our families. A second wave of COVID tyranny looms, and MSM, in collaboration with the powers that be, seek our compliance as passive, unquestioning followers. But let us not forget, passivity can lead to our own demise, just as lambs are ultimately go to slaughter. They believe they can deceive us once more since there was no accountability the first time around.

Will you choose to be submissive like a lamb, or will you roar like a lion?

The time has come to stand up, speak up and let our voices be heard.

If not now, then when? If not us, then who? Do not allow fear to dominate you!

  • Covid Vaccination Recovery Protocols, Remedies & Detoxing 

COVID 19 VACCINE INJURY REMEDIATION & RECOVERY PROTOCOLS | The first step to recovery is acknowledging that you have participated in an experimental program, and therefore cannot be sure as to what you were even injected with. Evidence has shown that different batches of Covid 19 vaccine have yielded widely variable results, from benign to lethal. Suspected toxic ingredients may include spike proteins, graphene oxide, snake venom, mRNA, animal retroviruses, and nanotechnology. Approaches to the treatment may be systemic, or focused on specific symptoms. An overall diet and lifestyle adjustment is also be required to shift away from toxic “mainstream” pattern of consumption to a more organic and health-promoting way of living.

Our recommendation: Follow a BASELINE Protocol, then choose at least 1 or more therapies from each section 1 – V. Therapies are typically listed in order of the most recommended first.

  • Spike Proteins Mechanisms

Spike Proteins: In virology, a spike protein or peplomer protein is a protein that forms a large structure known as a spike or peplomer projecting from the surface of an enveloped virus. The proteins are usually glycoproteins that form dimers or trimers. The term “spike protein” often refers specifically to the coronavirus spike protein, one of the four major structural proteins common to all coronaviruses, which gives rise to the distinctive appearance of these viruses in electron micrographs.

“Like a key in a lock, these spike proteins fuse to receptors on the surface of cells, allowing the virus’s genetic code to invade the host cell, take over its machinery and replicate.” — Bruce Lieberman.

  • US Federal Reserve & International Reserve Banking Scam

What many Americans overlook is that the Federal Reserve operates as a distinct private entity, separate from the Federal Government. It formulates its own policies with minimal oversight, reminiscent of the central banking system that the United States vehemently opposed during its revolutionary days. The Federal Reserve was created as a savior for the banking goliaths of New York when their own mistakes almost brought them down.

It is time to become aware of the hidden dynamics at play, to uncover the mechanisms that have influenced the nation’s course for centuries. This is not a matter of conspiracy theories or concealed agendas; it pertains to undeniable and incontrovertible historical events that have left an indelible mark on the country.

Returning to the year 1913, the establishment of the Federal Reserve was not the sole instance of covert action. Alongside the Federal Reserve Act, federal income tax was surreptitiously introduced. Where is the legal basis for such taxation? The quest for a clear statute mandating the filing of income tax returns has proven elusive. Those who have attempted to unearth the law often face consequences.

The manipulation extends beyond financial matters; it is a dual strategy, with one facet targeting business and the other impacting society. This two-pronged approach is designed to maintain the dominance of the powerful while keeping the masses oblivious, bound by their hard-earned income. It is time to stand up, shake up the system, and reclaim the power over money creation.

Zeitgeist – Addendum is a film that features former “economic sharpshooter” and successful New York Times writer John Perkins, and introduces the Venus Project, a social redesign organization. It attempts to locate the root causes of the pervasive social corruption, while also offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other “establishment” notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part of. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.

  • Global Deep State | Khazarian Mafia | Cabal | Illuminati | Secret Societies

America and Europe have historically dominated the world with their power and wealth. This strength was created by 13 core families, who control politics, food, economies, media, education, natural resources and militaries. Their influence is seen in nearly all governments throughout the world. They are known as the Illuminati and manage 99% of the world’s resources, leaving 1% to the rest of the world’s population.

The objective of this series is to provide insight into the identity and origins of the Khazarian mafia. The region presently known as Ukraine once served as the core of the Khazar/Chazar Kingdom. This kingdom remained largely unfamiliar to the general populace until Arthur Koestler documented its history in his 1976 book, “The Thirteenth Tribe.”

The Chazars were a people of Turkish descent whose history closely intertwined with the early history of Jews in Russia. The Chazar kingdom was well-established in much of South Russia long before the emergence of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians in 855.

It is believed that around the 7th century, the chaghan (leader) of the Chazars, along with many of his pagan subjects, adopted the Jewish religion.

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, King Joseph of the Chazars, in a letter dated 960 A.D., traced Chazar lineage not to Hebrew origins but to Chazar, the seventh son of Togarma. Togarma was the brother of Ashkenaz and the son of Gomer, who in turn was the son of Japheth (as mentioned in Genesis 10:2, 3). Gomer, distinct from the Gomer mentioned in Hosea, was the brother of Magog, Meshech, and Tubal, all of whom are prominent names in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These chapters describe a group invading the land of Israel (Ezekiel 38:3, 6).

Present-day Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe are believed to be the descendants of the Chazars, taking their name from Togarma’s brother, Ashkenaz. The prophecy of Ezekiel regarding the “Russian” invasion of Israel is thought by some to have been fulfilled when Russian Jews migrated to and established themselves in Palestine.

In essence, contemporary Jews are seen as a mixture of Judah, Edom, and Khazar/Togarmah/Magog ancestry. Modern Zionism is, according to this perspective, a realization of the prophecy found in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

  • Global Economic Collapse

JPMorgan’s recent warning should alarm all Americans. CEO Jamie Dimon, speaking at a Barclays-organized industry event, highlighted imminent challenges that could severely impact the U.S. economy, posing risks to consumers, investors, businesses, and banks. Dimon also commented on the Federal Reserve’s new regulations, emphasizing that they may displease customers and increase banking costs.

He explained how these regulatory changes, known as the “Basel III Endgame” reforms, might diminish the appeal of bank stocks, drive up loan costs, and compel banks to curtail lending, potentially leading to more activity in less regulated sectors. Dimon cautioned that additional lenders could face problems similar to Silicon Valley Bank’s recent challenges. He emphasized that any crisis eroding Americans’ trust in banks affects the entire banking industry, with repercussions persisting for years.

Furthermore, Dimon cautioned against overly optimistic economic projections, citing numerous risks and interest rate increases that could exacerbate recessionary conditions. JPMorgan has consequently upheld a bearish outlook on the stock market, urging clients to adopt a defensive stance. The bank has also adjusted its investment strategy in response to rising commodity prices and potential inflation spikes. JPMorgan strategist Marko Kolanovic suggested that bank turbulence, an oil shock, and slowing growth may push stocks closer to their 2022 lows.

The real estate sector, particularly commercial properties, has emerged as a significant concern. Charlie Munger, vice president of Berkshire Hathaway, warned that numerous banks are exposed to default-prone commercial real estate loans, signaling trouble for the U.S. commercial property market. These early developments underscore the growing crisis. Even as the head of a major financial institution expresses concern, we must prepare for more significant challenges ahead. While the full impact may take time to unfold, the decline is already underway, and the U.S. financial system is running out of time.

  • Global Social Breakdowns & Collapse 

Our society is unraveling before our eyes, evident in major cities where urban decay, rising crime, family breakdowns, and moral values erosion are rampant. Young people are running wild in the streets, lawlessness is growing, and our system of government is melting down in plain sight.

There’s growing concern, noted by ZeroHedge analysts, with more Americans seeking ways to live off-grid, as internet searches for the term “live off-grid” have surged to a five-year high. The motivation behind acquiring rural land, building tiny homes, installing solar panels, and sourcing food and water independently is partly attributed to severe inflation, exacerbating economic desperation.

This is fueling a shoplifting wave all over the country, and some grocery stores are being forced to implement extreme measures right now. A new report by the Washington Post reports this desperation has fueled a wave of shoplifting nationwide, leading some grocery stores like Giant Food to remove popular products and implement strict receipt checks.

Distrust in major institutions is eroding societal foundations. A Gallup poll revealed abysmal trust levels in Congress (8%), Big Business (14%), television news (14%), the justice system (17%), the federal government (26%), and the church (32%). These disheartening statistics underscore the urgent need for a course correction to avoid a bleak future. If we stay on this path, our future will be doomed. Our society is self-destructing, and it’s crucial to confront these issues, even if some of the facts and statistics are unsettling. For more details, please refer to the following article:

  • Global Depopulation Plan & Genocide | WEF Agendas 21, 20, 201, 2030, etc…

Agenda 21, a globally accepted initiative signed by 179 nations, is a critical concept often overlooked by the media, a deliberate attempt to keep many uninformed. Officially known as the United Nations ‘Agenda 21,’ it serves as a comprehensive blueprint for worldwide, national, and local actions to address human impacts on the environment. The UN’s proclaimed objective is to promote ‘sustainability’ by primarily shifting towards privately owned land. However, this objective thinly veils a pursuit of complete control.

Additionally, Agenda 21 advocates ‘population control,’ which essentially implies regulating the global population according to their preferences, thereby infringing on individual rights. The UN has dubbed this plot ‘Agenda 21,’ defining it as a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, government, and major groups, in every area in which humans have an impact on the environment.” Agenda 21 is now referred to as Agenda 2030.

David Icke Agenda 21; The illuminate would block him from speaking. He was supposed to come to Toronto and they the rich thieves in Torinto canceled him. This annihilation of humanity has been going on since time began. Soros, Rockefeller etc don’t look human and never die.They are aliens. I just dint know if they are Draco or Reptilian. They are very ugly inside and out. I cannot believe billions are so asleep. I was never asleep, even , when I was a child I could see. I never fit in with this society /world.

  • Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Beings & Satanic Cults

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.”  – Sun Tzu

The Deep State’s plan is old very old. This was over 70 years ago on how they plan to bring down the America and ultimately the world. Sound familiar? A New World Order has been part of the DS’s plan and conversations for decades, as a way to get the masses used to hearing the term and ultimately accepting it.

You need to understand who your enemy is, “To beat your Enemy, you must be able to think your enemy” – Sun Tzu

  • Global Climate Wars, Ukraine War, Using Energy Weapons & Targeted War Zones

Not another one.  As I have repeatedly warned my readers, leaders all over the globe seem to have come down with a really bad case of war fever.  Instead of sitting down and attempting to find solutions through diplomacy, many of our leaders seem quite eager to use military force to settle matters these days.  There is no peaceful end to the war in Ukraine on the horizon, China is making preparations to invade Taiwan, and the “shadow war” in the Middle East could easily erupt into a full-blown regional conflict.  But in this article I am going to focus on the next war that is reportedly about to begin.  A group of nations in western Africa known as ECOWAS is preparing to invade Niger with the approval of the EU and the Biden administration, and CNN is reporting that “D-Day” has already been chosen…

  • 5G Weaponized Technology

The global rollout of 5G technology is an ongoing process that aims to provide faster and more reliable wireless communication worldwide. 5G, which stands for fifth-generation, is the latest generation of mobile network technology. It promises to deliver significantly higher data speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity compared to its predecessor, 4G.

The rollout of 5G involves several steps. First, telecommunication companies and network operators need to upgrade their infrastructure to support 5G technology. This includes installing new base stations and antennas that are capable of transmitting and receiving 5G signals. Additionally, existing network equipment may need to be upgraded or replaced to ensure compatibility with 5G.

Once the infrastructure is in place, network operators start deploying 5G networks in specific areas. This typically begins in major cities and urban centers, where the demand for high-speed connectivity is highest. As the technology matures and becomes more widely available, the coverage expands to suburban and rural areas.

  • Ukraine War Deception

Operation Ukraine: Crime without Punishment / 2022 #Ukraine #Donbass, Kiev has carried out numerous war crimes against civilians in Donbass. The Western media has kept silent or put blame on Russia. In the documentary, investigative journalists trace back major attacks on Donbass civilian residents perpetrated by the Kiev authorities.

The film also shows how nationalist battalions became part of the Ukrainian Army and why the Western media turn a blind eye to Kiev’s war crimes. Documentary Planet

  • JFK Assassination and 911 Truth

A global phenomenon, the JFK to 9/11 is the first documentary in human history to untangle the establishments lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy assassination and 911!

This is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks truth of the Secret Societies, which, are still a secret. We must wake the world before it’s too late. Stop watching fake news, lies & propaganda!

We must all do our part by researching & sharing truth to save our world; when the world awakens the cabal won’t survive! And once they’ve been taken down our lives will be better than ever! Every country will flourish the way God intended! The only way for the world to win, is to search for and understand truth, and say NO to these wicked satanic wealthy globalists who are destroying every countries economy from the inside out!

If our world unites, it will end all tyranny!

  • Russian Hoax & Deception

The entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a substantial fabrication initiated by Democrats. Both the FBI and the CIA were aware that it was baseless, as was Barack Obama. The knowledge that it was a sham was widespread from the outset. However, they chose to present it as genuine. The CIA informed Barack Obama that Hillary had instigated the Russia collusion narrative to divert attention from her email scandal.

What else have we learned from Durham’s investigation? Well, we’ve discovered that the FBI terminated two inquiries related to the Clintons. Three different FBI field offices raised concerns about the Clinton Foundation, suspecting it might be involved in money laundering with foreign connections. They suggested an investigation might be warranted. However, Andy McCabe, who is famously known for his marriage to a Clinton donor, convened a meeting and conveyed that the Clinton Foundation was strictly off-limits.

The second investigation that got shut down involved the Hillary Clinton campaign allegedly accepting illegal contributions from overseas sources. FBI informants caught conversations within Hillary’s campaign where they seemed willing to accept funds without concerns about their origin, whether from Albania or Morocco. When this information was reported to FBI headquarters, the directive was to close the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s foreign campaign contributions. They decided not to pursue it, choosing instead to focus on framing Trump as a traitor.

  • Programming & Mind Control

PROGRAMMING & INDOCTRINATION | MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES | DEPROGRAMMING | The global denial of programming at all levels of the human experience is now being exposed.  Our collective programming begins at birth, with parent fear based conditioning, technology, and religion.  Then we have our educational phase of programming with government educational conditioning and indoctrination from grades K – 12.  Throughout these years we are additionally programmed by tv series/movies, (subliminal suggestion), advertising, family traditions, and friends.

Following high school comes the early adult indoctrination/adoption base on political bias, military service training, college/university professors, and corporate training programs.  The last stage of programming happens during the transition to adulthood (age 25 to 65) defining one’s place in society, job market restrictions, technology, and social economic status.  All of these programming strategies are based on controlling the population via guilt, shame, and fear of rejection/bankruptcy/failure and self & group – policing cultures.  The key to deprogramming is to first discover the truth regarding all aspects of deliberate programming and then the acceptance of forgiveness of others and yourself.  We need to be aware of and create a protective shield against new threats.  The following articles and videos will help you understand the reality of programming and the tools to help us all through the process of self-deprogramming.

  • National Election Fraud (Rigged Voting Machines)

The 2020 election was stolen. It seems many conservative pundits and show hosts have forgotten this. Maybe they’ve been gaslighted like so many Americans into believing that there wasn’t massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020 based solely on corporate media repeatedly saying there was no massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020. For others, it’s just a matter of self-preservation; acknowledging the stolen election is a surefire way to get blacklisted from Google ad money or massive Facebook traffic.

On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I had the pleasure of speaking to someone who shares my views on, well, pretty much everything. Seth Holehouse, better known as Man in America, joined me in what turned into a lovefest of voter fraud AND vaccine “conspiracy theories.” We’re both considered to be “fringe” now since we still talk about the stolen election and we continue to reveal the truth about the jabs, but I no longer consider either term to be pejorative. We’re telling the truth. Anyone who tries to deny that can dig themselves a ditch.

We went through some of the important elections on the ballot in less than two weeks. Coincidentally, we consider the two most important elections to be important for the same reason. Arizona and Pennsylvania hold the keys to exposing what really happened during the 2020 election. If Kari Lake and others can win in Arizona and if Doug Mastriano can win in Pennsylvania, we have a tremendous opportunity to finally get the truth from official sources. Both states were at the center of the stolen election and both gubernatorial candidates are adamant about bringing the truth to light.

As former Trump advisor Peter Navarro told Holehouse, getting the right people elected in November will go a long way toward finally illuminating and possibly reversing the stolen 2020 election results. It has always been a longshot, but Bible-believing Christians like Holehouse and me must acknowledge that if it’s God’s will for the truth to come out, it will no matter how much the forces of evil try to cover it up. Conversely, if the truth is not supposed to come out then there’s nothing we can do to force it out into the open. The results are above our paygrade. All we can do is fight the good fight as we do not know what our role is in the plan.

No discussion about conspiracy theories with Sell Holehouse would be complete without a deep dive into some Covid-19 “vaccine” information. Both of us are bombarded with new reports daily. I can tell you from first-hand experience that there is no shortage of theories. We just have to sift through and discern what is real and what is false. This is why we are in the process of building Discern.tv.

Holehouse shared an extremely interesting theory about the bioweapons. From his perspective, the disease itself was just the excuse to roll out the real bioweapon: the jabs. He shared leaked information from the Chinese Communist Party that dates back two decades but that coincides eerily with what we’re seeing today. If the CCP wanted to take control of America (they do) but they didn’t want to destroy the fertile land (they don’t), then the easiest way to do it would be to poison the people with a bioweapon that couldn’t target them or others.

Covid-19 doesn’t quite fit the “targeted bioweapon” requirements because it can affect anyone. But the various Covid jabs we’re distributing in the United States and other western nations are NOT being distributed in China. Could the push to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth be tied to an attack by the CCP? It’s conspicuous, as we noted in the show, that the people targeted most heavily by vaccine mandates in America are medical professionals, first responders, and military. If you want to destroy a nation, those are the professions you want hit the hardest.

  • US Congressional Foreign Aid Scam

The Republican-led House Oversight Committee alleges the Biden family received millions of dollars in payments from foreign nationals in China and Romania. CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge discusses the committee’s findings and several other ongoing Biden family probes.

  • Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush & US Congressional Crime Families

Obama’s so-called legacy is proving to be a house of cards, collapsing under the weight of his atrocities. And it’s not just Obama but a slew of administrations that have walked this treacherous path.

From President Reagan’s time, the Bush administration, the Clinton administration, to Obama, it appears that the United States was led astray, the nation falling prey to large-scale, audacious crimes.

The next part features George Soros, a name synonymous with immense wealth and influence. His hands, it seems, have been busy pulling the strings of the judiciary, controlling the courts, funding them.

  • Human Trafficking & Pedophilia 

Tim Ballard is on a mission to rid the world of child trafficking by saving one child at a time. Tim is a former member of the CIA and DHS who infiltrates these trafficking networks and brings them down. Now his life has been turned into a movie called The Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel. The movie is due in theaters on July 4th.

The global issue of human trafficking surpasses our worst nightmares. With each passing year, more cases come to light, partly due to improved law enforcement efforts worldwide—a positive development. Another contributing factor is the increasing difficulty in concealing victims, isolating them, and keeping them hidden from the authorities.

However, the primary reason for the growing number of identified human trafficking cases is the alarming rise of this criminal industry. The human trafficking “business” expands annually, yielding greater profits as it ensnares more individuals in the modern slavery labyrinth. Estimating the true extent of this global tragedy is challenging. Experts believe that we are aware of less than 1% of all victims. For instance, in 2018, the ONDC reported around 49,000 identified victims worldwide, a stark increase from the fewer than 20,000 victims identified in 2003. Since 2014, the number of identified victims has surged by 60%. Unfortunately, local law enforcement often cannot intervene in these unknown situations.

As a result, many victims remain trapped in slavery, while traffickers continue to operate with impunity. The legal system manages to prosecute less than 5% of traffickers. In 2018, some of the countries with the highest numbers of people in modern slavery included India with 7.99 million victims, China with 3.86 million victims, Pakistan with 3.29 million victims, North Korea with 2.64 million victims, and Nigeria with 3.39 million victims. Additionally, the top five countries with the highest prevalence of modern slavery as of 2018 were North Korea with 104.6 victims per 1,000 citizens, Eritrea with 93 victims per 1,000 citizens, Burundi with 40 victims per 1,000 citizens, Central African Republic with 22.3 victims per 1,000 citizens, and Afghanistan with 22.2 victims per 1,000 citizens. The global human trafficking situation is grim, encompassing not only sexual exploitation but also organ and adrenochrome harvesting, making trafficking an unimaginably cruel reality for countless souls.

Millions worldwide endure various forms of abuse and unimaginable horrors. Victims may find themselves trapped in the trafficking underworld for years or even a lifetime. Many countries have implemented laws to identify, apprehend, and prosecute traffickers, although their effectiveness varies. The world, as a whole, is gradually working toward freeing victims and bringing traffickers to justice.

  • Crimes Against Children

Our children are a blessing bestowed upon us by a higher power, a reminder of the profound importance of nurturing and safeguarding their well-being.

It is essential never to lose sight of our original purpose and motivation. From the very beginning, our mission has centered on one fundamental principle: the welfare of our children. In the face of formidable challenges, organizations like Planned Parenthood have attempted to obstruct an investigation into their profitable enterprise, one that involved the harvesting and commercialization of body parts from unborn infants.

In this endeavor, the responsibility does not rest on the shoulders of a select few, but rather on all of humanity. We share an obligation to ensure the safety and security of our global children, transcending borders and boundaries. It is through our collective efforts that we can work towards a world where the rights, dignity, and future of every child are upheld and protected.

Robert D. Steele, a few years ago, at the ITNJ Commission explaining the global effects of child trafficking, how it expanded, and the future goals the Commission seeks to achieve in ending the matter.

He goes on to include the involvement of US government departments such as the FBI, CIA, DOJ, other Secret Intelligence Communities, the involvement of the Deep State Cabal, the involvement of legitimate organizations and businesses, the involvement of pedophilia, organ harvesting, satanic ritualistic murder, PizzaGate and the consumption of Adrenochrome in his discussion.

  • Adrenochrome

Abortions have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with WOMEN’S RIGHTS. I know this is a very touchy subject for many, but the TRUTH is — Abortions part of the matrix’s satanic ritual disguised as Women’s Rights. Baby parts are valuable and in demand. Baby guts are in the covid vaxx too.

The war has always been on human children. Watch this story on a large container full of Aborted Babies found in doctor’s backyard.

They do not push abortion issues for the rights of women — the real reason is that the matrix system needs infant body parts as inventory supplies for production of products.

  • Deep State Luciferian Satanic Cult
  • Attack On US Food Production Plants

For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been hit hard for exposing the inexplicable number of “coincidences” happening to our food infrastructure. From late night food processing plant fires and explosions to bird flu that keeps popping up hundreds of miles from the last outbreaks to decisions made by food companies that make no sense considering the state of the economy, the series of events keep happening.

The journalist I spoke to claimed to be “investigating” the string of events, but just as fact checkers and other corporate journalists have continuously reported over the last couple of weeks, I knew that this was going to be another attempt to debunk the notion that the powers-that-be are manufacturing the food crisis in America and across the globe. But even this journalist was noticeably surprised at the coincidences that I laid out for her, claiming that she would have to verify certain things that she didn’t know before. These things included the properly placed explosions and fires that seem indicative of sabotage rather than coincidence, the fact that they seem to only happen at night when the most damage can be done, or the demonstrable fact that we have had more “accidents” in the last few weeks than the previous decade combined.

Corporate media is selling the idea that we are just more aware of the industrial accidents today in light of inflation but that they’ve been happening all along. This is a bald-faced lie. Corporate and local media will report on industrial accidents whether there’s an inflation issue or not, so either the accidents in the past were oddly ignored or they didn’t happen at the frequency we’re seeing today.

  • Planned Global Famine

The world in the 21st century has not yet fully overcome the problem of famine on Earth.
The war in Ukraine is a threat to global food security.
The only reason why Ukrainian food exports do not reach the markets of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa – is russian aggression and russia’s blockade of Ukrainian seaports at the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
The aggressor destroys our infrastructure, mining, and shelling fields, exporting Ukrainian grain like pirates to sell on the black market. This is bringing the global food crisis closer.
Ukraine is a granary of Europe with highly fertile soils. We are one of the leading countries in the global food market.
Currently, 90 million tons of agricultural products are blocked, which Ukraine planned to supply to Africa, Asia, and Europe.
By blocking Ukrainian ports, russia is plunging the world into a famine, and rising food prices. Stop RF immediately. Help us remove the russian blockade of Ukrainian ports.

Hundreds of millions of people are desperately hungry all over the world, and by the time you are done reading this article more children will starve to death.  Earlier this year, CNN actually admitted that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”, but because the mainstream media rarely features images of the tremendous suffering on the other side of the globe most Americans don’t even know that it is happening.  Here in the western world, the primary way that the global food crisis is manifesting is through significantly higher prices at the grocery store.  Those higher prices are certainly painful, but we can deal with that.  But when you don’t have enough food to feed your family on a consistent basis, that really is a nightmare scenario.  According to the official UN website, 735 million people were in a “state of chronic hunger” last year…

  • Intentional Supply Lines Sabotage & Breakdown

Supply chain problems were supposed to be a thing of the past, but instead our supply chains just keep getting hit by issue after issue.  Have you noticed that it has become really difficult to acquire parts and get things repaired?  It isn’t just your imagination.  And have you noticed that store shelves seem rather sparse just about wherever you go shopping?  During my latest visit to the local grocery store, I was stunned to see how thin stock levels had become.  I assumed that it was because I had arrived at a bad time and that they were about to be restocked.  But then I started looking into this, and I discovered that major supply chain issues are starting to develop all over the country.

What is causing the shortages in fuel, food, and fertilizer that are debilitating society, and who is behind what appears to be a clearly planned mission to paralyze the world?
In 2015, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, held a war drill in Washington D.C., where a global famine was prepared for, in the event that the nation of Ukraine fell into war.

Much like the infamous Event 201, an emergency drill in 2019 which prepared for a Covid pandemic which materialized shortly after, the elite which planned for global starvation were eerily prophetic in their predictions of doom, and have preparations in place to gain power through the chaos.

Who is Jim Savage? What is the depopulation agenda? And how can we respond to protect our families? All these questions and more are answered in “Shortage”!

  • Global Geophysical Earth Changes

Why are so many historic natural disasters suddenly hitting us one after another?  For a moment, I would like for you to think about what we have seen over just the past several weeks.  The wildfires on Maui were the deadliest in the entire history of the United States.  Then Hilary absolutely pummeled southern California, Idalia caused immense damage along the Gulf Coast of Florida, and now Hurricane Lee is threatening the east coast.  If it actually hits a major population center in the Northeast, we could see immense devastation.  Meanwhile, large earthquakes are striking without warning all over the globe.  On Friday night at 11:11 local time, a highly destructive magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit Morocco

  • Holograph Plasma Med Beds

Imagine a world where technology holds the power to restore the human body to its optimal health, a world where disease is a relic of the past, a remnant of the old medical system. In this world, the focus is no longer on disease, but on wellness, not on profit, but on the betterment of humanity. Welcome to the era of Med Beds.

The time has come for you to become acquainted with an astonishing breakthrough that is about to transform the entire field of medicine. A technology that has been hiding under our noses for the past half a century, a technology so revolutionary yet so veiled in secrecy, the ‘Med Beds’.

Med Beds: The Future is Here. Med Beds are not just beds. They are miraculous healing contrivances, masterpieces of advanced technology, capable of restoring your body to peak health by utilizing the original DNA codes. Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? Except it isn’t. This technology, while concealed from the public eye, has been tested, refined and successfully used by the Secret Space Program for a span of 50 years.

  • UAPs & UFO Government Disclosures | Fake Alien Invasion 

What is the ‘Feared’ Project Blue Beam and Why Aliens and NASA Could Be Involved | Project Blue Beam was first exposed in the mid-1990s by Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast – despite his death two years later, the theory has resurfaced in recent days.

The world is reeling from the possibility that the US shot down an alien spaceship earlier this month, but conspiracy theorists are claiming that it was actually to do with something called Project Blue Beam.

The Pentagon refused to rule out the possibility that three unidentified flying objects shot down in as many days over North America are of alien in origin.

In September, during Mexico’s inaugural public congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs, the remains of purported “non-human” entities were showcased. These two preserved bodies, discovered in Peru in 2017, are believed to be around 700 and 1,800 years old, displaying distinctive features such as three fingers on each hand and elongated heads. Jaime Maussan, a UFO researcher with previous research that faced skepticism, asserted that researchers could provide evidence indicating that the DNA of these two mummies did not match that of human beings.

  • Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB)

This is quite timely, perhaps, as the new Earthpipes show some promise for neutralizing the predatory aspects of these facilities cheaply and efficiently. We normally locate underground bases by the smog fields that they produce above ground. This happens because nuclear generators produce dense deadly orgone radiation (DOR) which forms smog by positive-charged ionization. Smog is nothing but filth in colloidal suspension in the atmosphere. The various colors of smog are determined by what kind of filth is available.

It’s our feeling that the bases are being built as a hidey-hole for this regime, which has effectively lost its psychological stranglehold on the world populace by now and is retreating. It would be unwise to allow them to just wait us out and take another swipe at humanity later on and we know that neither predators nor their arcane weaponry can function well within a strong orgone field, even underground, and slave labor is no doubt essential to running these facilities, so intense orgone will invite them to do what you and I are doing: claiming our birthright of individual freedom and responsibility.

The earth pipes are still in the experimental stage, but Carol and I intend to test them on the main U/G base near Dulce, NM, next month and meanwhile, our network is testing them on U/G bases closer to our homes and pooling the empirical data. For example, Carol, Laozu Kelly, and I planted six Earthpipes on the base near Joseph, Oregon a couple of weeks ago and Kelly and McGinty are perhaps on their way there to check the results today. Both of those fellows are energy sensitives who are reasonably unbiased, so their observations are very useful.

The Earthpipes may promise to be an excellent alternative for underground targets to the 3oz Towerbusters and the 12oz Holy Handgrenades because a much smaller amount of orgonite can get a much more dramatic result underground, thanks to the use of the copper pipe. It’s similar to the way a cloudbuster can draw in DOR from the atmosphere for many miles around and it may be another step toward what Dr. Grebbenikov was able to achieve with resonant chambers alone (antigravity flight and time/space manipulation). The trend in spiritually-resonant science it to do more and more with less and less. I don’t think we’ll be like the dolphins in this lifetime but I do believe that they’re the living standard for us in 3D.

  • Tartaria, Civilization Reset

Welcome to “Exploring Tartaria,” where we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the Old World, Part 1. Through this lens, we peer into history, casting our gaze upon the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. You won’t find Hollywood studios or scripted narratives here—this is a different kind of exploration. We assert that “Tartaria” was, indeed, the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and we currently reside at the culmination of the post-Millennial “Little Season.” Our gratitude extends to all who have delved into Tartaria’s research through various forums and sources. Together, we continue our quest for knowledge and wisdom, gaining a unique understanding as we look back upon the wonders of the Millennial Kingdom. In this endeavor, the relics of our past take on even greater significance.

Tartaria, denotes a pre-Mongolian empire originating in northern Asia before expanding across the entire northern hemisphere. Great Tartaria once held the distinction of being the largest empire of its era and likely would have retained that status today. Its flourishing can be attributed, in part, to advancements in technology, the harnessing of free energy, and the grandeur of its architecture. The concept of lost souls enduring eternity in Tartarus, an underworld, stems from the Tartarian Empire’s demise, concealed and obliterated during a mysterious mud flood event. This hidden world of the Tartarians lies beneath our own—a subterranean realm. Tartarus wasn’t the underworld and will never be the underworld. Tartaria is the underworld. Religious authorities manipulated the historical impact of the mud flood, using it to sow confusion and dissuade the populace from challenging their religious authority, making them believe that dissent would consign them to the “underworld” alongside the Tartarians.

  • Antarctica, Land Beyond The Ice Wall

In 1946, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal appointed Byrd as officer in charge of Antarctic Developments Project. Byrd’s fourth Antarctic expedition was code-named Operation Highjump.[4] It was the largest Antarctic expedition to date and was expected to last 6–8 months.

The expedition was supported by a large naval force (designated Task Force 68), commanded by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. Thirteen US Navy support ships (besides the flagship USS Mount Olympus and the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea), six helicopters, six flying boats, two seaplane tenders, and 15 other aircraft were used. The total number of personnel involved was over 4,000.

The armada arrived in the Ross Sea on December 31, 1946, and made aerial explorations of an area half the size of the United States, recording 10 new mountain ranges. The major area covered was the eastern coastline of Antarctica from 150°E to the Greenwich meridian.

Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking – recalled the admiral – is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.[42][43]

  • Ascension, The Event, Galactic Super Wave`

TIMELINE CHANGES & NEW SEQUENCING OF EVENTS; Since 2016, multiple timelines have collapsed, leading to significant changes and event re-sequencing. We are currently on the Delta Timeline, marked by several transformative events set to converge in the second quarter of 2025, culminating in ‘The Event.’

This convergence includes the Compression Breakthrough, where the fabric of reality undergoes a profound shift as Light from above and below meets on the planet’s surface. It’s often referred to as ‘The Event.’ Additionally, a Galactic SuperWave originating from the galactic center is expected to have a profound impact on our existence, prompting a quantum leap in consciousness.

  • Transformational Breathing Series
Our “Transformational Breathing Series” is an offering from GAR to assist you in bringing forth a balanced, calm, and productive life. Our breath is vital; It is what animates our souls and bodies as we experience life. Whenever we encounter challenges, our breathing is the first aspect to suffer and often the last thing we consider as a remedy. We hold our breath,  hyperventilate, or do not consciously allow our breath to enter deep into our bodies, denying ourselves access to this healing life energy.
  • Redefining Health, Alternative Remedies & Immune Support 

Health is the physical, mental, emotional expression of our spiritual vitality. In many ways, it is our realization and the manifestation of our truth and wholeness. This way of thinking is in stark contrast to the current ‘healthcare’ systems in our world, which encourage dependencies on the system, on pharmaceuticals, followed by disempowerment and choice-less-ness.

The journey to reclaiming Health is multi-faceted. As we become more aware of the fantastic creations that are our bodies, we also become aware of how intricately connected we are to our environments and how Earth has truly supplied us with everything we will ever need. Medicine then transforms from that which masks our ailments to that which returns us to wholeness.

This report lists several remedies, medicines, protocols for recovery, and general recommendations for well-being. It is not meant as a prescription; as we are all on the path to reclaiming our health, personal research and understanding are required.


The Global 2023 – 2025 Everything Collapse; with the engineered bubbling and Deep State manipulation of all markets, and the coming planned market crisis, crash, and collapse  will destroy nations, societies and communities. The world is now experiencing Hyper-inflation soon to flip into Hyper-deflation. Where Values and Pricing will see a 60% to 75% over all collapse. The vaccinated will be known and identified as the incubators, shedders and spreaders of all new outbreaks, identified as a series of more lethal hemorrhagic viruses. A Zombie Apocalypse reality. This collapse will go down in history as Beyond The Greatest Depression ever recorded.

      • The Planetary Engineered Starvation & Famine; the global Deep State engineered supply chain shutdowns and port closing is now showing up in the stores. Add-in global flooding, droughts, and crop destruction, and Bill Gates buying up US farmland planting no new crops most stores will be out of food and supplies by August of 2022.
      • COVID Vaccination Narrative is Falling Apart, designed as the cover story for the Great Reset | Narrative. Key to launching the New Global Financial System, Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
      • The Great Vaxx Die-Off 2022 – 2025; this is a critical time period for the global depopulation agenda of the Deep State. The world is now awaking to the reality of poisonous death jab. The US 2022 estimates for Vaxx related deaths ranges from 60 to 90 million. The global death rates will be in the 100s of millions by the end of 2023.
      • Event Waves of 2023; New disclosures of Vaccine-related Plandemic deaths, death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. The Great Die Off of 2023 & 2024. This is targeted to begin in fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized, die from complications stemming from the vaccines, or be unable to work or carry a job. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Crisis/Crash/Collapse, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking events or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from False Flag WWIII/IV, new global Plandemics, a SEERS Hemorrhagic Series of Virus Waves, massive  death rates from vaccine complications, creating global supply chain shutdowns, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin manipulations used for global human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global geophysical crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.

        Ralph Smart Awakening 2023 

        • Humans will begin merging with AI artificial intelligence, becoming TRANSHUMAN 2.0/Humanoid
        • More people will be seduced by and ultimately live in the METAVERSE. The awakened will reject it
        • 15 MINUTE SMART CITIES will become more commonplace in many countries
        • GLOBAL CIVIL UNREST will continue and escalate to riots, similar to what’s happening in France, Germany, Iran, & China.
        • The HIDDEN DECEPTIONS coming to light. People will realize that “the truth is a lie” and “the lie is the truth”. Life in reverse – l-i-v-e it becomes evil e-v-i-l . . .
        • The threat of a TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE beginning with stacking of crisis. 
        • A GREAT WORLD WAR will emerge – the Russia/Ukraine war is going to escalate where other countries will get involved. Think rationing . . .
        • There will be MASS EXODUS out of the cities into the Red States, Red Cities
        • The GREAT DIVIDE will become apparent between 3D and 5D
        • HOMESCHOOLING CHILDREN will increase
        • People will DETACH from MAINSTREAM SOCIETY, causing a collapse of traditions
        • LIGHTWORKERS will rise up and come forward
        • REALIZATION that UNITY is our greatest power
        • Humanity will see EARTH’S true, HIDDEN ORIGINS
        • Another NEW VIRUS/PLANDEMIC begins, originating in China then spreading globally
        • Alternative websites that allow people the freedom of speech will surpass YouTube (Rumble/Bitchute for example)
        • HUMANS MARRYING ANDROIDS ROBOTS. Expect the weird, the bizarre, the crazy
        • MEN AND WOMEN are going to start to see themselves as COMPLEMENTARY & HARMONY will be restored
        • More PEOPLE are going to OPTING OUT of their normal, societal life and instead begin to live their best life in truth
        • 2023 is the YEAR OF LIBERATION – the hidden comes to light . . 
      • Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues across all platforms with the exception of Twitter. Elon Musk as the new owner of Twitter has been releasing critical documents exposing the FBI’s involvement in censoring (90 + FBI Agents on the payroll) He will continue to releasing documents revealing new disclosures.
      • New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
      • UFO | UAP Disclosure of June 2021, will be followed up with the exposure of alien live currently living on this planet. (among us for 1000s of years) Continued increase of daily sightings, new reports released by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion Project Blue Beam still on the agenda. Timing is tied to change or loss of control of the MSM narrative and negative breaking events.
      • Antarctica story continues to grow and reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations currently living in underground cities. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. New testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
      • Update; DOJ John Durham’s surfaces with new indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2023.  This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of it’s conspirators.
      • Mass Arrests total 600,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts. Has been increasing and accumulating at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
      • Continued Mass Global Resignations 35,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
      • Unsealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Documents, disclosing CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy Assassination, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, with new information released in 2023.
      • Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, there are now over 54 active volcano’s around the globe. With 100s on the ocean floors. Earthquakes are averaging 500 to 1000 a day within a range of 2.0 to 8.0 on the ricterscale. Happening in Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
      • MiniNova & Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (Now described as a MiniNova 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
      • Global Weather: 2023 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
      • Healing, Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex. Release of new technologies and truth about suppressed remedies for all disease.
      • Earth’s True History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute ranging to 35′ in height, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
      • Tartaria the lost civilization that is now coming to light. 1000 years of an advanced civilization expunged from the historical record books.
      • Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
      • Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
      • NASA Releases Proof: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle


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