New Weekly Reports: We are offering this Special Report in place of our Weekly Report. We will be changing our report model to reflect a more positive outlook into the future, adding a new single Weekly Positive Report and topic specific Monthly Special Report, to our existing single Weekly Report and Monthly Reports. These are critical times, and we ask for your help sharing and forwarding our report to your family, friends, and associates.
Publish Date; December 27th, 2022 | Updated Weekly 💢
Spiritual Warfare | Compression Break Through | The Event
2020 Great Lockdowns | 2021 Great Isolations | 2022 Great Shutdowns | 2023 Great Collapse
2022 Biggest News Stories, Industry Outlook 2023, Living the Future Past Documentary, 10 Biggest Consumer & Customer Experiences, Oscar Predictions, Food Trends 2023, Inflation Predictions 2023, International Civil Unrest, Russia’s Final Assault on Ukraine, Global Famine & Shortages, Regional Trends, Megatrends, Fourth Turning, Ralph Smart Predictions, Global Markets Crisis, Crash, & Collapse, Living the End Times, The Earth Disaster Cycle Documentary, Geophysical Changes, Mini Ice Age, Bart Simpsons Predictions, Cosmic Breakthrough 2023, Divine Intervention Scenarios, 4 Spiritual Keys, Future Miracles & Positive Manifestations, Golden Age Prophecy
This Special Report is our Annual 2023 year in review and looking forward into all aspects of our immediate future. 2023 Trends, Predictions & Divine Intervention looks at the potential changes and transformations for the coming year. It starts with a breakdown and review the events of 2022, identifying the top news stories, most influential people, and powerful images from pivotal moments of the year.
We then examine the predictions and trends for 2023. What can we expect in the food industry, energy & financial markets, the housing industry, and general trends in business? How can we prepare for the coming planetary shifts and life changing events ahead? Will the New Year bring civil unrest, war and new pandemics? How will weather and climate be affected by the geophysical shifts?
We also have predictions from researchers, analysts, intuitives, thought leaders, astrologers, ancient seers, Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, CS Lewis, Gearld Celeste, David Dubyne, Abraham Hicks, Bart Simpsons, Ralph Smart, Jim Rogers, Mathew Gardner, Redfin Reports, Lee Harris, Eckhart Tolle, Daniel Scranton, HOPI Prophecy, Gregg Braden, Jonathan Cahn, and Apostle Joel.
We all recognize we are living through a time of immense transformation for humanity and while we contribute individually the collective is awakening as we seek manifestation of divine intervention.
GAR Team

Compression Break Through | Divine Intervention | The Event
“The End of Times, Trials, Testing & Purge”
There are two one-sided perspectives on this planet. One is that we need to do everything on our own. And the other one, we are helpless, and we are powerless and need external help. Actually, what is necessary here is partnership. Partnership between the surface population and the Galactic races. And this is the way it is done all over the galaxy, and this is the way it has to be done here to be successful. We have one necessary essential element to the liberation, and they have the other one, and only together we can make this possible. So this is why this partnership is necessary to empower each other and to make this liberation possible. We are creating a bridge between the surface of the planet and the heaven, and this bridge will trigger the Event. It will assist in that process, and it will defeat the darkness.
People sometimes have expectations that are not based in reality. People are expecting a few minutes of one strong meditation can transmute all darkness on planet Earth which was accumulating here for thousands and thousands of years. That of course is not possible. Real physical change that will be visible, evident, and what people are expecting, will only happen the last few weeks before the Event. Nothing will be really visible months before the Event. The only time when people will really begin to notice changes is a few weeks before the Event. So no matter how many meditations we do before that particular moment, there’ll be no really strongly visible external changes. What does change with every meditation is we empower the positive timeline, and we prevent many negative things from happening. Without our meditations, we would not be having this conversation right now, maybe this surface of the planet would already have been destroyed.
So we have averted so many negative scenarios. We have averted so many wars. They have attempted to create a war in Syria, in Iraq, in Iran, in Israel, in Ukraine, you name it. So many times over and never succeeded. The only time they succeeded was with this pandemic, and the only reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, I would say the main reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, was that the key Lightworkers on the planet have made crucial, stupid, and egoistic mistakes in 2020, 2021 and in 2022. That could all be prevented; it was not necessary, this pandemic. It’s completely unnecessary, this whole drama could be avoided. But I would say that many other things have been avoided with our meditations and it helped a lot.
Many things could have been much worse than they are now. It’s a complete miracle that we are not living in a completely totalitarian New World Order regime right now. There are elements of it, yes, but we are not there, we are not living in concentration camps. So it’s a complete miracle that we are not there. If we compare what the dark forces are doing, how much energy they put into this and the state of humanity of the surface of the planet, we have been extremely successful if we see how these things could have turned out.
There are two factors involved here. The first one is there is simply more darkness than anybody expected, I expected, the Resistance Movement expected, or the Light Forces expected. And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected. So those two factors combined have resulted in this process being less pleasant and more challenging than I initially expected. So it is hard to determine how this will play out, but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.
Of course, the dark forces will try to challenge that, this is their nature, this is a war, and of course they want to win when they’re in the war, and they will do whatever they can to win. They will not win, but they will do whatever they can to disturb this process. But if we manifest more unity, that will be a very powerful protection against that. So it’s a matter of two forces interacting. On the positive side, we have those Lightworkers who are cooperating and who are manifesting common sense. And on the other side, we have the dark forces that are already cooperating and that are using their strategy in a way that is much more efficient than I have seen among most of the Lightworkers. And then we have the Light Forces clearing the exotic technologies, and they cannot intervene directly before the threat of exotic technologies is removed. So this is the situation now. We have much power in our hands to make the rest of this journey easier.
Yet most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I’m not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave. But there’ll be a point when enough of the negative, exotic technologies will be removed and the Light Forces will make the breakthrough, and then of course, this war will be over, it will not matter anymore, this will be a total game changer.
We are NOT heading towards disaster; we are in a Tug of War. We are now in a situation where both sides are equally powerful and are opposing the other. So the good guys are opposing all this and the bad guys want to manifest this. On one hand, we have a slow collapse of the society, on the other hand, we have a big awakening happening. People who haven’t seen what’s going on even a few months ago now are opening their eyes, and they see, and there is a massive positive non-compliance happening also at the same time. So we have a dynamic equilibrium between both dark and the Light agendas here. Both sides are quite powerful, and I expect this tension to continue until the breakthrough happens. At some point, there will be more of the dark appearing to win, at some point there will be more of the Light appearing to win, and this equilibrium, these strong opposing forces in my expectations will continue like this until the breakthrough. And, of course, we are not going back into the old normal, this is not going to happen, this went too far. The old society has reached a point of no return in the summer of 2019 already, and this cannot be reversed, the only way is up, the only way is towards the Event.
If people get oppressed, they need to resist that oppression. I mean, peacefully, coherently, massively. If people say nothing, if people just comply, then it’s easier for the dark forces to implement those measures.

We can see more people coming to a realization that something is not right, something is going on, people are beginning to question things. Of course, the alternative media has been poisoned with so much disinformation and when people begin to read all those articles and look at all of those videos, they get more confused, but at least they begin to question the official narrative, they begin to think, they begin to want to make their own choices, which is a very positive occurrence. It hasn’t ever happened on such a massive scale before, this is the first time in human history we have hundreds of millions, if not billions of people for the first time questioning the official story. This has never happened before.
We are in the last phase before the breakthrough, before the maximum terminal flux, which is the Event. So we are in that last phase, and the thermal flux is accelerating, which you can actually experience. All that tension that is felt is actually more and more energies flowing, more and more, I would say in terms of physics, more and more thermal flux occurring in the system. And it’s increasing and it will keep increasing until the Event. So there will be more tension, more dynamic forces in play, until something breaks and that will be the moment of the Event.
We seem to be approaching the boiling point? And as you say, “Hold on a little longer and withstand the siege”? No. I would say the best, if you are in a situation like this, the common strategic sense would be to keep holding the Light, no matter how long it takes. Because if you let it go right now, if you surrender right now to this chaos, then it’s not going to be fine. You need to keep your focus, you need to keep your light ongoing, holding that tension, holding that consciousness, that focus, until the breakthrough happens.
There is no Plan B. This is now the Gamma timeline, which calls for direct intervention. Since a few years ago, we were on Gamma timeline and this needs to happen, so there is no Plan B. It just needs to unravel until its final resolution. We are in this Gamma timeline; we need to keep on going until the intervention happens.
People are waiting passively for the Event; this is not what I’m saying. I’m saying that you need to do whatever you can to make your life better, too manifest as good a life as possible, and in the circumstances that they are right now. But the Event is the final goal. We have been born for something greater. We have this higher purpose in mind as well. So both. This moment, live as good as possible, do your mission, and live your life in a way that is aligned with your divine plans.
There are protests taking place all over the world to counteract the mandates and lockdowns. The politicians are aware of all those demonstrations. Of course, they will ignore them. Of course, they will do nothing. They will pretend nothing is happening because they want to keep their positions, they want to keep their power. But energetically speaking, the coherence of the field is rising, the power of human consciousness against this New World Order takeover is rising, its increasing in power until the breakthrough. So this is the counter force which prevents all those negative scenarios, like concentration camps, etcetera, from actually manifesting. It keeps them at bay.
Is it likely that we’ll get to a point where there’s a global revolution on such a grand scale that it would bring some of the negative elites to their knees before the Event? It is a possibility, as I said, it’s a dynamic scenario with many rips and undercurrents and anything is possible. There was one possibility for a major revolution and an occurrence breaking through in September, which did not manifest, which is better because it was more peaceful. It could be quite violent, and we could not be having this conversation right now if it manifested. So if this revolutionary timeline manifests, it will be quite drastic, dynamic. It can have various outcomes. Some of them are pleasant, some of them are less pleasant. So we will see, it’s impossible to predict, there are too many variables in this situation right now.
Common sense is very much needed. Everybody’s so emotionally polarized and so easily swept with this current negativity in one way or the other. So common sense is very much needed. And a spirit of cooperation, which has been almost completely lost. The surface population never really understood how it is to cooperate. That is something that is completely natural in the rest of the universe. We are going to learn to cooperate. That’s very important.
We cannot, you cannot open the eyes of others. They need to do this for themselves. And you will be labelled “conspiracy theorists” if you try to open the eyes of another person who is not ready for it. So I would say you can share this, but share it only with those who are ready. You don’t force this upon anybody because many are simply not ready. People can get frustrated, it’s most important to maintain our focus keeping our own vibration high and find our own joy in whatever way works for us. People will feel that you have a different vibration, that you are somehow different. They will go to you with their questions, and then you can explain to them what’s going on.
GAR Edited Version: by Cobra
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2022 Year in Review
Unprecedented Christmas Weather Origin? HAARP to Bounce Signal Off Asteroid on December 27, 2022 in new NASA Experiment to Prepare the Globally Anticipated 2029 encounter with asteroid Apophis - Strange Sounds
Here’s the reason why the U.S. weather is very nasty right now… They are heating up the HAARP machines for a space experiment! The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program technology is about to be used (on Dec. 27) by NASA to decipher the interior of an asteroid…
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2022’s BIGGEST NEWS STORIES as Told by The Wall Street Journal
A timeline of 2022’s most important news stories, from Russia’s war in Ukraine to inflation and the midterm elections.
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2022 in REVIEW | Associated Press
Stay informed and read the latest news today from The Associated Press, the definitive source for independent journalism from every corner of the globe.
Events That Shaped Year 2022 | the latest news on the topic
💢 | Here is everything we followed, analyzed, and discussed in the year 2022 as the world braces for whatever 2023 has up its sleeve.
The Most Traumatizing Events From 2022!
💢 | This is absolutely hilarious and perfect. Thank you for all the entertainment while also telling the truth. Happy New Year to you, your loved ones, and everyone reading this!
A PROPHETIC Review of 2022!!!
💢 | Do you know what that means? It means that what we are doing as a society is not working. It means the country is on a downward path and that rejecting God causes pain.
Feverishly Racing Toward Our Own Destruction...
💢 | We are careening directly into an abyss of war, pain and misery, and our leaders are thunderously applauding as it happens. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to Washington this week because he wanted more money, and our politicians in Washington definitely did not disappoint him. Even t…
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Our World Changes | Dec. 30, 2022 | Rose Rambles...
💢 | DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE LAWS OF WAR (PROTOCOL) Military Working behind the scenes Record Bankruptcy in US RETAILERS CLOSINGS,
2022’s Ten Most ‘Conspiratorial’ Events
💢 | Via 21st Century Wire, It’s New Year’s Eve again, and with that our time-honored tradition of looking back at the most conspiratorial events of the past year.
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2022: The Year the Conspiracy Theory Became Conspiracy Fact | Principia Scientific Intl.
💢 | 2022 was the year conspiracy theory became conspiracy fact, the year it didn’t take tinfoil hats to believe powerful elites were pulling off crimes of global proportions.
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2022 A Year of Toil, Trouble, and Yet Hope for Many Americans
💢 | The following article represents five days on the road driving through Arizona, California, and Nevada, listening to everyday ...
Project Veritas | 2022 Year-in-Review
💢 | Project Veritas 2022 Year-in-Review Project Veritas. Mission Statement
Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical & transparent society.
2022: A Cultural Year in Review
💢 | The entertainment industry has been in a consistent state of decline in recent years, and 2022 unfortunately failed to buck this trend. Despite this, there were a handful of decent, even good movies and television shows produced. However, as always, books remain the premier venue for storytelling, and there were some truly great books I had the pleasure of reading in 2022.
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Year in Review 2022: PEOPLE WE LOST- Getty Images
2021 Year in Review: The Year of people we lost and shared are lives with.
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Celebrities Who Passed Away in 2022
💢 | As the year closes, it’s time to commemorate some of the prominent people in the world of arts, ...
2022 Year in Review | MOVIES
IMDb presents this supercut tribute to our favorite films of 2022! Which movie was your favorite?
Lonely Planet Reveals its TOP DESTINATIONS for 2023
Guidebook company Lonely Planet has revealed its 18th annual “Best in Travel” list, this year taking a different approach to the places it recommends. From Asia to the Americas, see the 30 destinations that made the rundown.
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Why You NEED To REVIEW YOUR YEAR (2022 Update)
Before setting goals for your next year, be sure to review your year first. Here’s a free 10 question workbook to help you audit your last year.
BEST MOVIES of 2022: The 25 Best Films of the Year
The movies are back! Here are Inverse’s top films of the year, ranked.
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TOP SPORTS STORIES of 2022 | Your Morning
From bombshells to Canadian athletes making it big on the world stage, TSN’s Marissa Roberto breaks down all the top stories in the world of sports this year.
The 22 Most Significant Stories of 2022
💢 | In the last episode of the year, I review 22 significant things that happened in 2022. From athletes ...
Our Top 22 VISUALIZATIONS of 2022
In this ninth edition of our yearly round-up, we highlight visualizations that broke new ground in design and data-driven reporting.
These Were The Most Important Science Headlines Of 2022
💢 | Over the course of 2022, it’s easy to lose track of all the amazing stories in science and technology...
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Mapped: GLOBAL ENERGY PRICES, by Country in 2022
Energy prices have been extremely volatile in 2022. Which countries are seeing the highest prices in the world?
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All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization (2022)
From the wealth held to billionaires to all debt in the global financial system, we look at the vast universe of money and markets in 2022.
Which countries have the largest populations, or the highest GDP? This animation compares countries based on 20 different metrics.
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Situation Update | The WORLD YOU ONCE KNEW is OVER: 12 Predictions (and Solutions) for 2023
- Vaccine deaths accelerate, with 26%+ excess mortality and rising
- Live births falling in high-vax nations as babies aren't surviving gestation
- BASF announces PERMANENT shut down of European operations
- Deindustrialization of Europe will accelerate; collapse now unstoppable
- Crop failures and food scarcity to worsen significantly in 2023
- Global push for digital money, CBDCs - financial tyranny on steroids AND MORE
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2023 Trends & Predictions Documentaries
Living in the Future's Past | DOCUMENTARY MOVIE
Jeff Bridges shares the screen with scientists and profound thinkers going beyond politics and borders to look under the hood of humanity, revealing eye-opening concepts about ourselves and our past, providing the keys to a better future.
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Forecast by the IMF Shows GERMANY and ITALY are to TUMBLE into RECESSION in 2023 | Business Special
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday predicted that Germany and Italy would both tip into recession next year, as it also lowered its global growth forecast.
Every day, millions of sailors, truck drivers, longshoremen, warehouse workers and delivery drivers keep mountains of goods moving into stores and homes to meet consumers’ increasing expectations of convenience. But this complex movement of goods underpinning the global economy is far more vulnerable than many imagined.
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2023 Trends & Forecast
Twelve Questions for the End of the Year | 2023 ?
💢| It has been a year of history-making events that could easily distract the casual observer from focusing on truth, facts and reality. To best ground oneself at the end of the year, it is always wise to ask ourselves questions that may lead us to better
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Here Are Some Long-Term Trends That Are Slowly Killing America...
💢| Just about everyone realizes that this country is way off track at this point. Our society is very rapidly deteriorating all around us, economic conditions just keep getting worse, and our politicians in Washington appear to be more corrupt than ever. But even though so much is going wrong, there…
Review of all the leading financial funds and analysis on Wall Street.
TOP TRENDS of 2023 | Glimpse
Top Trending Topics of 2023 – Stay ahead of the trends. We track every topic across the internet to identify fast-growing and under-the-radar trends – Glimpse
Get a head start on what’s to come in 2023. Join VC+ to gain access to our 2023 Global Forecast Series and other exclusive insights!
Business Trends
The 5 BIGGEST BUSINESS TRENDS In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now
What are the most significant business trends emerging in 2023, and why are they so important? Check out this list to get my predictions for the top five tech trends of the year.
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Ten BUSINESS TRENDS for 2023, and FORECASTS for 15 Industries
A global round-up from The Economist Intelligence Unit.
This industry guide provides businesses with foresight of the global trends and threats that will affect your sector over the coming year.
Awesome visualizations on the Ukraine War, Inflation, and more!
TECH PREDICTIONS for 2023 and Beyond
As access to advanced technology becomes even more ubiquitous—as every facet of life becomes data that we can analyze—we will start to see a torrent of innovation, and this will proliferate in 2023.
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Five trends are emerging that have the potential to have an impact on global consumer markets in 2023, over the next five years and beyond, according to Mintel, the international market research firm.
Getting Ready for 2023: TRENDS for BRANDS to CONSIDER
Today's crises—the Ukraine war, supply chain disruptions—likely will continue, while consumers will still seek the industry's support for their good health.
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The 5 BIGGEST BUSINESS TRENDS In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now
What are the most significant business trends emerging in 2023, and why are they so important? Check out this list to get my predictions for the top five tech trends of the year.
Forecast 2023: AD SPENDING WILL SLOW Down Next Year But Will Continue To Grow
Magna, GroupM, Zenith, Forrester and BIA all recently released their latest ad spending forecasts. Despite economic headwinds they predict continued ad spending growth in 2023.
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10 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE TRENDS for 2023 (and beyond) | CustomerThink
These are difficult times for consumers, companies and their employees. The post-pandemic and politically unstable world of recession has an impact on many. It is no wonder that we see quite a few companies making hard decisions and looking into cost cutting.
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Consumer, Arts & Fashion
OSCARS PREDICTIONS: Best Picture | Critics Choice and Globes Give Boosts to ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ and ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’
Variety Awards Circuit section is the home for all awards news and related content throughout the year, featuring the following: the official predictions for the upcoming Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tonys.
7 FASHION TRENDS That Will Be Everywhere Come Spring 2023
With Fashion Month near, ESSENCE predicts the biggest fashion trends of Spring 2023, and they include updates to your favorites.
These Trends WILL BE MASSIVE In 2023! Trust Me!
In this video, I will be discussing which trends (or styles) will be popular in 2023. I've been looking into my crystal ball to see what’s gonna be trending next year.
Creative Trends
💢| Find out what’s new in our Creative Trends series. From graphic design and illustration trends to web design and video trends, we have our finger on the puls...
ELEVEN DESIGN EXPERTS Share Their 2023 Trend Forecasts
A new year means new design trends. We spoke with eleven design professionals to get the scoop on what they expect to see in homes in 2023. Gideon Mendelson, Founder and Creative Director of Mendelson Group Nostalgic Design Design with nostalgia in mind will continue.
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Our Predicted TOP 10 TREND FORECAST is Here for 2023
The year 2022 is almost over and we are eagerly anticipating what’s to come in the following months. These are our predicted top 10 design trends to be on the lookout for in 2023.

Food, Wellness & Lifestyle Trends
2023 FOOD TRENDS | Free Report by Datassential
This free report uncovers the top flavor, ingredient, food and beverage trends for 2023, including a foodservice forecast for the coming year and more.
10 of the BIGGEST FOOD TRENDS of 2023, According to Whole Foods
We examine the grocery giant’s predictions and see which foods actually have the potential to become the next big thing.
NOW TRENDING 2023 | BEVERAGES in the New Normal
Learn how the alcohol industry is changing to adapt to the changing preferences of Millennials and Gen Z. As the alcohol industry looks forward, a key priority will be getting the attention of Millennial and Gen Z demographics. By keeping up with these demographics’ changing interests and lifestyles, the alcohol industry will remain relevant in the years to come.
Wellness Trends 2023: The Top 4 BEAUTY TRENDS To Watch Next Year
From a rise in beauty biotech to the skin microbiome 2.0.
Explore the TOP WELLNESS TRENDS for 2023 | Well+Good
We’re calling it: These are the innovations and movements that will shape the wellness conversation in 2023.
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The AARP Special, Wanderlove & 4 More WELLNESS TRENDS THAT WILL BE EVERYWHERE in 2023
From wanderlove to low-impact workout, here are six wellness trends we’re willing to bet will be everywhere come 2023.
Three PILLARS of HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY Predictions in 2023
Wolters Kluwer experts predict the three technology trends poised to make the most impact in 2023: extending the clinical setting, focusing on the patient, and the evolution of healthcare knowledge.

Global 2023 Forecast
These 10 U.S. CITIES Offer Homebuyers the MOST BANG FOR THEIR BUCK
Freed from the office, many house hunters are exploring smaller cities that offer affordable homes and robust job growth.
If you’re wondering where the hottest neighborhoods are, the best places to bike, or the most walkable cities – we have the answers.
TRENDING COLLECTIBLES in 2022 - Masterworks
Top investible collectibles in 2022 include handbags, contemporary art, comic books, sports memorabilia, NFTs, and classic cars.
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TREND HUNTER is the world’s largest trend website with than 3,000,000,000 views from 150,000,000 people, fueled by a global network of Trend Hunters, a team of futurists, researchers and innovation keynote speakers.
Trend Hunter’s MEGATRENDS Report | 2020-2025
These reports are grounded in Trend Hunter’s proprietary research frameworks: The 6 Patterns of Opportunity and 18 Megatrends. The 6 Patterns of Opportunity are repeatable shortcuts that can be used to find innovative ideas, while our Megatrend Matrix acts as a guide to understand consumer behaviors that are unchanging but applied in different ways over time.
Predictions for 2023 | FUTURE TIMELINE | Quantumrun
Read 422 predictions for 2023, a year that will see the world transform in big and small ways; this includes disruptions throughout our culture, technology, science, health and business sectors. It’s your future, discover what you’re in for.
The Biggest TRENDS in GRAPHIC DESIGN for 2023, as Predicted by the Creative Industry
What will be big in design next year? We ask the industry for their trend predictions for 2023.
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The 10 Most Inspiring GRAPHIC DESIGN TRENDS for 2023 - InDesignSkills
Discover the most inspiring graphic design trends and branding trends of 2023, including metaverse styling, sci-fi logos, minimal vintage and liquid gradients.
How will your organization change in 2023? PTC looks at the latest data to predict how business will evolve in the coming months and why 2023 looks to be the year of SaaS.
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💢| It amazes me that so many people still cannot understand what is happening. 2022 was supposedly going to be a year when America entered a new golden age of prosperity, but that didn’t happen. Instead,
Forecast 2023 | Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand | Kunstler
💢| “The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.” —Miranda Devine “It’s all just snake oil. We want to save the planet, and the life upon it, but we’re not willing to pay the price and bear the consequences. So we make up a narrative that feels good and run with it.” mor…
‘I SEE the FUTURE and IT'S HELL on EARTH,’ Warns Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente
The crisis that we are facing now is unprecedented and he believes, " we are in a "new world disorder." he tells our Daniela Cambone. Gerald warns, "When all else fails they take you to war, and this economy has failed." He says, "Gold prices should have been skyrocketing the last three years," but financial institutions are stifling the price. "Gold prices should be $2,500 an ounce, they're rigging the precious metals market," he concludes.
Forecast for 2023 by Teal Swan
💢| Want to know what is going to happen in 2023? Here are the much anticipated Teal Swan predictions for 2023 Get Teal’s FREE Greatest Strengths & Weaknesses o...
2023 Forecast | It’s A New Era
💢| This nonlinear instability is being accelerated by doing more of what worked in the previous era, in the mistaken belief that the 2020s are simply an extension of the eras that began 40 and 30 years ago.
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What are DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES? Use the Table of Disruptive Technologies!
What are disruptive technologies? Most people know a few like self-driving cars and 3D printing, but there are obviously more...
WEF Announces Themes for Davos 2023 | Theme #4: “PREPARING for the NEXT PANDEMIC”
Davos 2022 held last May was the first in-person Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum since January 2020. Davos 2023, running from 16-20 January, marks a return to the January event.
Future-gazing analysis, predictions and speculation.
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2023 SILVER FORECAST | David Morgan
Our interview live broadcasted with David Morgan, 9pm Eastern, Dec 16, 2022.
Happy New Year 2023 | ASTROMONY Calendar 2023 | SECRETS OF SPACE
Astronomy Calendar 2023. In the coming year, planetary alignments, perfectly timed meteor showers, and a pair of solar eclipses will delight stargazers around the world.

2023 Forecast Future Events
Happy New Year! The covid narrative is gloriously collapsing, and right on schedule, as predicted. The alternative media is disclosing all the following:
1. Cloth Masks and Social Distancing fake science (Leanna Wen, CNN)
2. The Vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, no clinical trial proof or evidence
3. The Adult Sudden Death Syndrome is on the rise and can no longer be hidden
4. Many people are entering hospitals with all kinds of issues. Cancers have risen 3000%
5. Hospitals, knows as Kill Zones, with whistleblowers coming forward to tell their stories of routine patient deaths
6. Global Supply Chain is grinding to a stop. This will cripple the economy for years.
7. Global War has it flash points set to trigger at any moment. January – March 2023 is the window
8. Global Economy is on the verge of collapsing
9. US Children majority are now homeschooled
10. New Series of Virus Plandemics or a series of Hemorrhagic Viruses to cause panic, forcing new killer vaccines
11. New Disclosures; Twitter unlawful censorship practices, Kennedy CIA Assassination document release, Kari Lake lawsuit AZ Governors fraudulent election, etc.
by GAR Team
The FUTURE is Filled with LOOTING, RIOTING and CIVIL UNREST, Warns Michael Snyder
In case you have not noticed, civilization (if you can even call it that anymore) is crumbling before our very eyes. Murder rates are soaring, mass shootings are becoming commonplace, and “extreme degeneracy,” as Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog puts it, is rampant and widespread. Some of these events are staged false flags, of course, but some of them are also real.
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Global Crop failures, droughts, Notice that the Satanist Jorge Bergoglio and his Satanist bishops (all of them except Carlo Maria Viganò) support the plandemic (through silence or overt support), the Carbon Hoax, and the rest of the WEF agenda.
The problem with "Lab Grown Meat", aside from the "Gross Factor", is that once you scale up production to the point it can actually provide "Meat" at a reasonable volume, it won't be a "Lab" anymore, it will be a "Factory" and "Factories" just can't maintain those kinds of clean, sterile, professional, lab standards. Labs need professional lab workers with degrees and expensive procedures and equipment. That just isn't cost effective when scaled up and the workers just aren't available.
An assessment of losses vs gains for global grain production in a world where the supply and logistics systems have come to a near standstill. Farm inputs are needed but stuck in the same barely functional supply chains that have limited grain exports from ports and rivers.
THREAT PREDICTIONS for 2023: New Attack Surfaces and Threats Emerge as Cybercrime Expands | FortiGuard Labs
As cybercrime converges with advanced persistent threat methods, cybercriminals are finding ways to weaponize new technologies at scale to enable more disruption and destruction.
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THE GREAT REALIGNMENT: 2023 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | Activist Post
💢 | Many trends will continue to permeate into the new year, but there could be a few surprises and U-turns along the way...
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Scoring: 2022 Predictions; New Prognostications for 2023
💢 | Source: Operation Disclosure | By John P. Smith, Independent Journalist Submitted on December 26, 2022 Scoring: 2022 Predictions; New Prognostications for 2023 For the last five years, I’ve a…
Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Will Be Validated In 2023
💢 | ‘Hey bro, you were right about everything. I’m sorry...’
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NIGHTMARE FALL of United States | Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
JANUARY 2023 US MAJOR TURNING POINT | By Greg Hunter’s Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said just before the 2022 midterm elections that voter fraud and cheating will set up a very troubling 2023.
Who Will Start The First Major War Of 2023?
💢 | Rational leaders would be looking for a peaceful way out of this mess. Sadly, rational behavior among our leaders is in very short supply at this point...
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A nuclear attack on US soil would send the country into code red. But how is the US government planning to deal with a nuclear catastrophe?
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2023 Global Climate Forecast
What does The Old Farmer’s Almanac say about Winter 2022-2023? Will it be a bad winter? When will it snow? The 2023 Almanac predicts the long-range weather for winter and the coming year, How accurate is the Farmer’s Almanac? How does the Farmer’s Almanac make predictions?
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The 2022-2023 WINTER OUTLOOK
Last winter got off to a slow start in the Central and Eastern United States, as milder temperatures and little snow made it feel more like an "extended fall" more than anything else. The pattern did become much more wintry in January, however, as persistent cold allowed a few notable winter storms to occur. These include a 6 -12" snowstorm from Virginia to southern New Jersey and a late month blizzard that brought crippling snowfall to parts of New England. Although winter did ease its grip somewhat in February and March across the Central and Eastern United States, it made one last stand in April with late season snow for many.
Official WINTER FORECAST For 2022-23
In today’s video, we are going over our Official Winter Forecast For 2022-23!
WINTER FORECAST 2022 - 2023 | #2 - Direct Weather Channel
The conclusion that we are going through not climate change but climate shift. It seem that weather patterns have shifted over 600 miles to the east if not more which is why many of the tropical storms are developing further to the west than normal. This also explains why normally dry regions are getting flooded.
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5 Volcanoes Which Could Erupt in 2023
💢 | Around the planet, there are a number of volcanoes which could produce new eruptions in 2023. One of these volcanoes is a submarine volcano off the western coast of Oregon (albeit a few hundred miles to the west of Oregon’s west coast shoreline). Another volcano is the Semisopochnoi volcano in Alaska. This video covers 5 volcanoes which could theoretically produce new eruptions in 2023.
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Energy Traders Watch the POLAR VORTEX and LA NINA as Winter Nears
💢 | With the energy crunch worsening, scientists hunt for insights into how low the Northern Hemisphere’s temps will go.
One of the most eagerly anticipated astronomical events is the supernova of Betelgeuse. In the well-known "shoulder" of Orion, Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star that is nearing the end of its life.
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Researchers challenge their own assumptions to improve sea-level rise predictions.
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Fast-Wasting ANTARCTIC GLACIER LOST ICE Even FASTER in PAST, Raising Concerns for Future
Some time in the past 200 years, Antarctica’s giant Thwaites Glacier saw a period of retreat much faster than even that observed in recent years. It could be a warning of rapid sea-level rise in the near future.
Improving Estimates of POPULATION EXPOSED TO SEA LEVEL RISE: Not as Straightforward as It May Seem
Data choices are critical in assessing the risk of sea level rise faced by people living in low elevation coastal zones.
Horrifying Pestilences Are Starting To Run Wild All Over The Globe
💢 | How many millions have to die before people start to realize what is happening? For years, I have been persistently warning that we would soon enter an era of great pestilences, and now it is
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Unprecedented Christmas Weather Origin? HAARP to Bounce Signal Off Asteroid on December 27, 2022 in new NASA Experiment to Prepare the Globally Anticipated 2029 encounter with asteroid Apophis - Strange Sounds
💢 | Here’s the reason why the U.S. weather is very nasty right now… They are heating up the HAARP machines for a space experiment! The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program technology is about to be used (on Dec. 27) by NASA to decipher the interior of an asteroid…
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2023 Predictions
There are those who are skeptics. There are those who are doubters. And there are those who prefer to don rose-colored glasses. To these, I have no words; for they have made their choice, though the signs have been many. There are those who know, and within their tender hearts, have seen, felt, and recognized what is coming. In the coming critical times, listen to and heed the directive of your spirits that retain the high wisdom you are now perceiving.
Internationally renowned Psychic Betsey Lewis peers into 2022 and Beyond to provide a brighter future for humanity…that’s if humanity awakens in time from their deep slumber. But first, a spiritual war must be fought against the Family of Dark. It’s a war that was first fought in Atlantis 10,000 years ago before its final destruction, and we are repeating those times again. 2022 is also known as YEAR ZERO, a term used by the New World Order on their most audacious move on humanity yet.
Will COVID eventually disappear or will humanity be forced with never-ending vaccines, was our DNA alters with the vaccines, will Republicans reclaim the Senate in 2022, will Russian invade Ukraine and will this start World War III, will China move on Taiwan, who will become the next President of the United States in 2024, will Prince Charles become King of England in the next few years, will the Earth changes get worse with stronger earthquakes, increased volcanic activity, extreme weather and will crime escalate with the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants flooding our borders from many countries? Will inflation get worse? Has Planet X returned to our Solar System to create larger Earth changes and a possible shift of the Earth’s axis?
Timelines can be changed if we become the Butterflies creating the Hurricane instead of being tossed about by the turbulent winds. The choice is ours! A bright new world awaits us!
“Prophecy Now” new release; As symbiotic beings we are deeply connected to Mother Earth, but due to our own imbalance, our planet is also out of balance. Until we learn that we have a mystical relationship to all life and learn to respect all life, our planet will continue to become more erratic with volcanic eruptions, huge earthquakes, extreme weather–heat and floods, and wildfires. We are divided as humans, and we have allowed this disparity to happen by those who care less about us. We have lost our compassion as humans and we have lost our spirituality.
In PROPHECY NOW, Lewis points out that we are the Atlanteans returned who continue to repeat the past. Thousands of years ago, the Atlanteans reached the pinnacle of science and technology, but there too were great divisions among the people. There were those who were spiritually balanced and those who were consumed in greed to control the world through their advanced sciences. Sadly, we still haven’t learned the lessons of balance, love, kindness, and compassion.
Read more about Betsey’s incredible predictions on world leaders, satanism, Earth changes, economy, inflation, World War III, the Mid-term elections in the U.S. on November 8, Trump in 2024, Biden’s future, Governor DeSantis in 2024, Governor Newsom’s future, COVID vaccines, the weather, new inventions, AI technology, UFOs, aliens, and more…
By Betsy Lewis | 2022 – 2024 Predictions New Book Link
2023 Year Ahead Forecasts | INVIGORATING SIGN-BY-SIGN Interpretations for a Definitive Year Ahead!
Dive into the subtle dynamics at play for YOUR zodiac sign in the 2023 YEAR AHEAD Forecasts by Sky | Invigorating interpretations for an unprecedented year ahead!
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2023 Predictions | Why Next Year, the World will Change Forever
💢| In this video, I'm sharing my predictions for next year, which I believe will change the world forever. The Next year will see significant changes in geopolitics, economics and the global order in general. Next year is going to be a crazy year, full of global crises and unexpected changes. I'm sharing my predictions for the year ahead, including predictions for the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and more.
2023 Predictions | Compilation of Events
💢| 2023 Predictions compiled from these sources: Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, Craig Hamilton-Parker, Elizabeth April, Linda G
Does Gerald Celente Contradict What Bo Polny Just Told Us?
💢| GEARLD CELENTE PREDICTIONS | I always know something is big when I get the same link sent to me by multiple readers. And with 6 million people reading WeLoveTrump on a regular basis, that can add up quickly! Today the link was an interview with Gerald Celente. You may recognize that name, he’s been around for a long time....
12 Events to Watch for in 2023
💢| 2023 is poised to present some equally challenging circumstances. Here are 12 trends, events, or surprises that may come to shape and define the year ahead.
💢| SITUATION UPDATE, JAN 1, 2023 - THE YEAR OF CONTRACTION: TRENDS, PREDICTIONS AND WARNINGS FOR ... - TRUMP NEWS 🔔 Thank you for your comments that have helped us have a wonderful result !!! All show wi
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Predictions Report: 2022-2023... | Next 270 Days
💢| The writings have been on the walls. I thank him SO MUCH for his in depth research about the resets. I KNEW for over 7 years there was a reset that happened in the 1800's but it was more of a spiritual feeling rather than traditional book "knowledge".
MASSIVE CHANGES ARE COMING.... Most SHOCKING 2023 World Psychic World Predictions
The future is coming faster than you might realize. And we're not just talking about quarterly earnings or the new iPhone. The world is moving at an accelerating pace, and the consequences of this rapid change will soon be impossible to ignore.
Following a very challenging couple of years in 2020 and 2021, many people around the world feel 2022 has been a little better. However, uncertainty about both short- and longer-term futures prevails. Global citizens are struggling to be optimistic about 2023 as most express concern about the state of the economy, the environment and world security.
"HOPI | Messages from the Ancients-"
The Hopi people have inherited the wisdom of the Earth since ancient times. Hopi means "people of peace". From the words of Hopi elder Vernon Masayesva, we will consider the current crisis of the Earth and the future of the Earth.
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The FOURTH TURNING | How This Crisis Was Predicted 30 Years Ago
Who predicted this crisis, what did they predict, and what comes next? We’re in just Stage 1 of 5 in this crisis.
💢| Via State of the Nation …or perhaps this is the year when every person on Earth will know in their bones that the End Times have officially begun—IN EARNEST! Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Researc…
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In his novel That Hideous Strength, C.S. Lewis depicted an eerily prophetic vision of our current society, particularly applicable to our authoritarian ruling class.
2023 Predictions: The Countdown is ON! Get Ready For The Biggest ShakeUp of 2023
💢| I am sharing my predictions for the biggest shakeup of 2023. I believe this to be the year that massive change will take place across all aspects of our lives. As we enter into the new year, I wanted to share with you my predictions for the year ahead. I believe that in 2023, we will see massive changes in the global economy, society, and culture. Whether you're a businessperson, student, or citizen, I believe that you'll need to be prepared for these changes. So be sure to join me as I countdown the year of the biggest shakeup in history!
ABRAHAM’S VISION Of 2023 & Beyond! (A Premonition) | Abraham Hicks
Are Your Seeing “333” or “555″?
What To Remember AS WE ENTER 2023
ACTIVATE 2023 | 2 Hour Online Event | Dec.20th | It’s so true and once you realise it and live like that, life becomes a lot easier. Not free from frustrations and problems but oh so much easier than before. Also by letting go of thinking that we can control the future I can breath so much easier.
Revolutionary 2023 Predictions
💢| Review of the years most critical events
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HUMANITY's VIBRATION Will Be Going UP Fast! 2023 Vibrational Reading - Month By Month!
🟨 | 2023 World Predictions Astrology. I'm truly grateful for your trinity of energies, just watching & listening raises frequencies & vibration. Loving affection to us all on/in this incredible divine journey.
2023 Predictions- Investigations, India, China, Unemployment & Other
💢| Year of INVESTIGATIONS, Republicans control the house... Made in China vs Made in India
A (New) Look At JOHN TITOR’S PREDICTIONS | Stranger Dimensions
A lot has changed since John Titor first posted at the Time Travel Institute in 2000-2001, and even more has changed since I first wrote my ‘John Titor Predictions’ post back in 2012. This is an updated version, with a new look at some of Titor’s more intriguing predictions and quotes, involving our potential future and the alleged time traveler’s own worldline.
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The Coming POPULATION COLLAPSE! | Ralph Smart
We sometimes feel that the population is increasing and increasing but actually the opposite is happening. You have people like Elon Musk saying humanity is in grave danger because and we could see massive population decline. I'm gonna dive into why it's happening, what we can do about it and where humanity is heading.
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Why 2023 Will Be The WORST YEAR EVER
So you thought 2022 was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Check out today’s insane new video on why 2023 will be the worst year EVER!🔔
You Won’t Believe The LIFE-CHANGING PREDICTIONS For 2023 By The Simpsons...
The Simpson family and at least one episode of the show are known to almost everyone. It was inevitable that some of the events in the enduring cartoon would actually occur in real life because so many different plot lines and jokes had been written over the years. But because The Simpsons have accurately anticipated so many events, some people believe that the show's creator, Matt Groening, is either clairvoyant or has access to inside information.
UNBELIEVABLE !!!! Simpsons predictions for 2023 global Zionist Nazi communist take-over.
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Top 10 SCARY SIMPSONS Predictions We DON’T Want To Come True
Everyone knows the Simpsons, it’s the longest-running animated series in history and it has and will continue to have a massive impact on our pop culture, even going so far as to predict it. We’ve seen the show make all sorts of crazy predictions that came true, apple products, presidents, disasters, you name it, the Simpsons did it. But there are plenty of things they said would happen that never did, and even more that have yet to happen.

Ralph Smart Awakening 2023
- Humans will begin merging with AI artificial intelligence, becoming HUMAN 2.0/Humanoid
- More people will be seduced by and ultimately live in the metaverse. The awakened will reject it
- Smart cities will become more commonplace in many countries
- Global civil unrest will continue and escalate to riots, similar to what’s happening in China.
- The HIDDEN is coming to light. People will realize that “the truth is a lie” and “the lie is the truth”. Life in reverse – l-i-v-e it becomes evil e-v-i-l . . .
- The threat of a total economic collapse
- A Great War will emerge – the Russia/Ukraine war is going to escalate where other countries will get involved. Think rationing . . .
- There will be Mass Exodus to the new Earth
- The Great Divide will become apparent between 3D and 5D
- Homeschooling children will increase
- People will detach from mainstream society, causing a collapse of traditions
- Lightworkers will rise up and come forward
- Realization that UNITY is our greatest power
- Humanity will see Earth’s true, hidden origins
- Another virus/plandemic begins, originating in China then spreading globally
- Alternative websites that allow people the freedom of speech will surpass YouTube (Rumble/Bitchute for example)
- Humans marrying robots. Expect the weird, the bizarre, the crazy
- Men and women are going to start to see themselves as complementary and harmony will be restored
- More people are going to opt out of their normal, societal life and instead begin to live their best life in truth
- 2023 is the YEAR OF LIBERATION – the hidden comes to light . . .
2023 Predictions | ‘WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT?’ | 2023 Forecast with Ralph Smart
Recap of Ralphs Smarts 2023 predictions including Humanoids, the Great War, the Great Divide, Unity and Liberation.
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5 GLOBAL FLASHPOINTS Which Could Absolutely EXPLODE During The Early Stages Of 2023
Will 2023 be a year when extremely destructive conflicts erupt all over the world? We are certainly already living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and tensions are approaching the boiling point in a number of key global flashpoints right now. If several more major conflicts were to suddenly begin next year, we could potentially witness an extended period of geopolitical instability that would be unlike anything that we have ever witnessed.
Is RUSSIA PREPARING To Conduct A Massive NEW INVASION Of Ukraine From The North?
The top general in Ukraine is warning that Russia is currently putting together an enormous new army. Will Vladimir Putin try to bring about a decisive end to the war by sending this new army into Ukraine from the north?
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The COMING PARADIGM SHIFT. Ask Me Anything! | Ralph Smart
2023 PREDICTIONS | You’re going to be celebrating something major soon. Be ready and be grateful right now. You are highly blessed!
Major Astrology Predictions for the Entire World in 2023
💢 | Real talk, 2023 will not be gentle, it will not feel like a summer breeze nor taste like childhood. Neigh, the vibe here is revolution and critical change but trust that all of the upheaval will be…
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Lunar New Year 2023: The Year of the Rabbit
💢 | The Lunar New Year begins on Sunday, January 22, 2023. Why does Lunar New Year start at a different time each year? How is this important holiday celebrated?
The world is divided in many different ways. We’re divided by invisible national boundaries, which carve up the land into different countries. We’re separated by seas and continents, which force us to live apart. Aside from that, we’re also separated by religion, and culture, and language. Because of all this, it’s sometimes hard to remember that we’re all one human race, and we all need to work together to deal with some of the issues that could change the face of the whole planet.
Earths Disaster Cycle: First, combine Chan Thomas, Charles Hapgood, Major White, August Dunning, Robert Felix, Robert Shoch, Albert Einstein, Randall Carlson and Douglas Vogt. Then, combine mythology, religion, 4 fields of astrophysics, 8 fields of geophysics, archeology and paleontology. Then add on the signs of the disaster unfolding now on earth, the other planets, the sun, nearby stars… and realize that the cycle timing is perfectly due again now. It’s coming. Are you ready?
💢 | Combine mythology, religion, 4 fields of astrophysics, 8 fields of geophysics, archeology and paleontology. Then add on the signs of the disaster unfolding now on earth, the other planets, the sun, nearby stars... and realize that the cycle timing is perfectly due again now. It's coming. Are you ready?
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Nostradamus’ Major Prophecies For 2023
- Great War Caused by America
- Destruction of the Large Empire
- European Countries May Have to Deal With Depopulation
- Vladimir Putin Will Be Assassinated, and Biden Will Suffer From a Mysterious Disease
- Huge Financial Crisis!
- In 2023, England Will Have a New King
- A New Pope in the Catholic Church
- Unprecedented Migration
- Light on Mars Falling
- New World Order or Celestial Fire
10 PREDICTIONS of NOSTRADAMUS for 2023 Year of the Rabbit
Nostradamus’ Major Prophecies For 2023.
Why Nostradamus Followers FEAR THIS HORRIFYING 2023 PREDICTION
Nostradamus predicted a global war that could arrive in the next few years. Does that mean World War III is imminent? Nostradamus’ Major Prophecies For 2023.
Nostradamus Predictions for 2023 Includes a GIANT FIRE, MARS LANDING and CIVIL UNREST
It's been almost 500 years since Michel de Nostradame, better known as Nostradamus, published his book Les Prophéties. The publication set out over 900 predictions for what the future would be like - many of which have been "eerily accurate". By reading the book, it's possible to find out what 2023 may bring, due to how spot-on some of his predictions have been in the past.
2022 Nostradamus PREDICTIONS for Until 2023
🟧 | A series of predictions that will frighten the world, Until 2023. WORLD Wide predictions.
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Nostradamus Predictions for 2023: An Antichrist Arrives, World War III and the Monarchy Dies
💢 | Nostradamus writes that 2K23 will find the world embroiled in, “Seven months great war, people dead through evil.”
Baba Vanga’s Five Predictions for 2023:
- A big country will carry out research and testing activities of biological weapons on people
- In 2023, a solar storm, a ‘solar tsunami,’ will occur as the world has never seen before!
- Planet Earth will pass into the fifth dimension – the aliens will attack the earth
- Nuclear power plant explosion
- Human reproduction will become an artificial process, performed only in labs with the aid of an artificial uterus
5 BABA VANGA Prediction for 2023 and a List From 2023 to the End of the World.
What can we expect from the Baba Vanga predictions for 2023? Some psychics are accurate, while others are not; however, it is important to note that the future forecast is made to help humans gain a clear perspective on the disaster, war, or terrorist threat that may occur. Here are Baba Vanga’s five predictions for 2023.
Psychic Baba Vanga’s Scary Predictions For 2023
💢 | The blind, self-proclaimed psychic Baba Vanga may have died almost 30 years ago, but she had plenty of predictions about 2023. And in a word, they’re terrify...
5 CONCERNING PREDICTIONS Revealed by Baba Vanga for 2023
5 concerning predictions revealed by Baba Vanga for 2023
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Scientists Revive 48,500-Year-Old ‘ZOMBIE VIRUS’ from Siberian Permafrost
A group of international scientists that revived 13 “zombie viruses” is warning that the thawing of ancient permafrost could lead to a new public health threat.
FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine | Karen Kingston
💢 | There is much more in the 1-hour and 26 minute in-depth interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives an update on the bioweapon
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Psychic John Edward on Whats In Store for 2023
💢 | Curious what’s in store for 2023? Renowned Psychic Medium, John Edward is on the show breaking down his predictions and what he believes is to come this new ...
2023 PREDICTIONS | Michelle Karén
NUMEROLOGICALLY, a 7 year (2+0+2+3). Connected to the planet Neptune. The higher octave of Venus, Neptune is the planet of unconditional love, the mystical, music, magic, and what lies on the other side of the veil.
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NASA Enlists Priests to Assess HOW the WORLD WOULD REACT to ALIEN LIFE | Fake Alien Invasion
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is recruiting priests and theologians to assess how the world’s major religions would react to the news of discovering extraterrestrial life and advise the agency on how to quell civil unrest upon the revelation.
Dmitry Medvedev 2023 Predictions | 💢
Many come up with futuristic hypotheses, as if competing to single out the wildest, and even the most absurd ones.
Here’s our humble contribution. What can happen in 2023:
1. Oil price will rise to $150 a barrel, and gas price will top $5.000 per 1.000 cubic meters
2. The UK will rejoin the EU
3. The EU will collapse after the UK’s return; Euro will drop out of use as the former EU currency
4. Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine
5. The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts
6. War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process
7. Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland
8. Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP
9. All the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the US and Europe and move to Asia
10. The Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. Euro and Dollar will stop circulating as the global reserve currencies. Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead
Medvedev: “World teetering on brink of World War III . . . Nuclear Catastrophe”
💢| Russia’s former president and current deputy chair of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote a lengthy article for Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper,...

Global Markets & Financial Predictions
Have you noticed that a lot of big companies have been conducting mass layoffs recently? At this point, it has become exceedingly clear that a major economic slowdown has begun, and payrolls are being feverishly slashed at a rate that we haven’t seen in a long time.
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11 Ominous Predictions For 2023
💢| There is a growing consensus that 2023 is going to be a miserable year for the U.S. economy and for the global economy as a whole. In fact, in all the years that I have
The Only Way to Survive 2023 | BEST SUMMARY
💢| The common link between all of the past downturns? We adapted. We made the changes we had to make. And we’ll survive this one too.
The Mother of All Crashes Is Coming in April 2023
💢| Using history as a guide, Brandon Smith of anticipates an economic calamity coming sooner than you may think…
15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now
💢| Economic conditions just keep getting worse. As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down. And just like we
2023: You Wanted Endless Stimulus, You Got Stagflation
💢| ...when governments all over the world decided to “spend now and deal with the consequences later” in 2020 they also created the seeds of a 2008-style problem.
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Economic Disasters in 2023 - Robert Kiyosaki and James Richard
💢| The weight of high inflation rates and quick monetary tightening have worsened the US economy's prognosis in 2023. Robert Kiyosaki invited his good friend, and financial expert to discuss what he sees for 2023. Today’s guest says his “list” is different than other experts out there as his list combines geopolitics and economics to provide a complete picture of the outlook in 2023.
Column: 2023 MARKET PREDICTION | When the Outrageous and Plausible Blur
As some banks publish their semi-serious market predictions for the year ahead, the utterly wild ride that blindsided everyone in 2022 suggests that, this time around, they should perhaps indeed be taken semi-seriously.
What Does 2023 HOLD For MARKET | Some Best Guesses! | Blain’s Morning Porridge
I’ve no idea what might happen in 2023, but I don’t think its going to be as bad as some expect, but neither will it be as rewarding as others predict. Its likely to be another year of trading on what the mood is, what the numbers mean, and hoping to call it right.
“The US Will Experience the WORST RECESSION of its Lifetime” - Jim Rogers 2023 Prediction
Jim Roggers interview 2022 - "The US will experience the worst recession of its lifetime". Jim rogers in his last interview warns about the collapse of America's economy.
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2023 ECONOMIC FORECAST: Markets Are Mixed for Year Ahead
Inflation, rising interest rates and a possible global recession continue to top the list of forecasters’ concerns for the coming year.
Is your job secure? Over the past couple of years, American workers generally didn’t need to be concerned about job security. Even if someone got fired unexpectedly, it was just so easy to find new employment because there simply was not enough able-bodied workers out there. But now everything is changing. Some of the largest corporations in the entire country are starting to conduct mass layoffs as the U.S. economy steadily slows down. Unfortunately, it appears that a lot more pain is ahead.
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“UNCHARTED TERRITORY”: Housing Market Predictions For 2023
Let’s start with something we can all agree on: housing is in the midst of a major slowdown. Existing home sales are falling faster than they did during the great financial crisis of the mid to late aughts, and mortgage interest rates have just about doubled since the start of the year and are now flirting with 7%. The market is hemorrhaging buyers, and sellers are holding tight to the record low rates they locked these past couple of years and are hunkering down for the ensuing… for the ensuing what? Correction? Crash? Meltdown?
Matthew Gardner’s TOP 10 PREDICTIONS for 2023
Is there a housing bubble? Will mortgage rates drop? Will housing affordability issues improve for hopeful buyers?
INVESTORS PANIC Following A Massive Housing Market SHOCK
💢| Home prices throughout the United States are falling after two years of extreme growth. Something is not adding up, and sellers are capitulating in record numbers. Specifically, there has been a mysterious mass exodus from real estate investors who over the past decade have become a large portion of the overall market. This sudden change in market perception by the so-called experts is drawing a lot of attention from analysts worried about what's going to happen next.
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Housing Market Predictions 2023: A Post-Pandemic SALES SLUMP Will PUSH HOME PRICES DOWN For the First Time in a Decade
We expect home sales to sink to their lowest level in more than a decade in 2023 as high mortgage rates keep housing costs up and prevent people from moving.
2023 HOUSING MARKET PREDICTIONS and FORECAST |’s forecast and housing market predictions on key trends that will shape the year ahead. Home prices, market trends and more as we look toward 2023.
HOME PRICES Will NEVER Be the SAME (Sellers In Panic Mode)
There is a hidden housing crash happening right now as you watch this video. While many seem to be ignoring the obvious, the real estate market has entered into crisis mode and what awaits us in 2023, is a disaster that could be worse than what we saw in 2008. While many remain skeptical due to some conflicting reports, fresh new data is pointing to a troubling future.
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The Bizarre 2023 Real Estate Crash Explained In Detail
💢| With each passing day, the housing market crash becomes more and more obvious. Following a record-breaking 11 year rally that came to an end in the summer, the market is finally showing signs of complete collapse, but this data has not yet made it to the mainstream charts. Specifically, the commonly referenced case Shiller index only shows a downfall of 2.7%, and most other outlets report prices remaining relatively stable. This is causing many to become rather blind to what is happening on the ground right now, ignoring strong evidence pointing to a serious downfall. A downfall that stems from the investment side of this market sector with stats so bad many experts are predicting that this next crash will be worse than 2008. To understand this surprise real estate crash which is catching everyone off guard we first need to take a step back and understand some history that explains the underreported relationship between real estate investing and home prices.
20 Facts About The Great U.S. Retail Apocalypse That Will Blow Your Mind
💢| The U.S. retail apocalypse is a slow-motion disaster that never seems to end. While several brands spent decades building their businesses, attracting their ...
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Americans Will Freak Out When Gas Stations Run Out Of Fuel This Winter
💢| If you thought we had seen the worst of fuel prices and shortages, we’re sorry to break it to you but official agencies are warning that the energy crisis is...
Buy Ton Of Food Now Because Grocery Costs Will Go Up Tremendously As We Enter 2023
💢| Food industry executives have just issued a dire warning to all Americans: buy food now because grocery costs will go up tremendously and things will only ge...
Whole Foods Reports Major Shortages As Grocery Products Become Impossible To Find
💢| Does your Whole Foods market have empty shelves? In a flood of social media posts, shoppers have been reporting that stores of the Amazon-owned grocery giant...
Housing Crash Begins As US Housing Market Enters 2023 In A Massive Bubble
💢| From December 2021 to December 2022, housing affordability has plunged by almost a third. That explains why single-family home sales fell for the 11th straight month. Even Warren Buffett’s favorite metric suggests that a major reversal is underway. The Berkshire Hathaway Inc CEO once explained that one of the key metrics he watches for a downturn in the housing market is a reduction of housing starts.
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The 2023 Awakening & Divine Intervention
Be still and know that God will come through for you. He has not forgotten about you. In any storm He will show Himself active on your behalf and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. Trust the Lord in all times even when nothing makes sense. God is well able to take care of you.
The Event 2023
Dates & Timing Unknown
‘People will be shaken to their core by it…It feels like an earthquake, not necessarily a big one but a GLOBAL one…It happens all over the world at the same time…I do feel it’s in the 1st Quarter 2022…It’s not about fatalities but it will be something that has never happened before…It’s enough to simultaneously affect every human…I feel like the shake AWAKENS more people. It stops people focusing on Covid – enough to question what on Earth is happening, and then that will awaken more people. I think this Event is orchestrated by off-planet beings…It’s part of the plan. This is the first domino because it’s something that no one can explain, so people start to question their reality. They will stop listening to the news because it’s (the Event) inexplicable. Light workers just need to be prepared and not be afraid. It is nothing for us to be afraid of but other people will be afraid. Light workers will know. It’s the only thing that can globally stop everything being about Covid…This is a start. It’s a distraction.
Everything needs to have a shakeup before it can be resettled…There will be crashes in the financial markets. Things have to be destroyed first. It will appear terrifying to some people but we can’t go on this way. There’s nothing that can stop the (world) leaders regarding Covid unless it’s something physically outside of their control.
Before the peace and prosperity comes in, first everything has to all come down, which takes time. Questioning the reality, the narrative, the control. And people will be angry that they’ve been separated for so long from other people. We’ve felt for so long that it’s only our country but because this event affects the WHOLE globe, people will become very angry that they can’t see people in other countries…And it makes them realize how we ARE our world and not just an insular country. So people will really want to see the borders open because their loved ones were affected too…Covid was a last ditch effort (by the dark forces) to get control…The biggest thing we can do (regarding the Event) is not fear, and hold the Light for everybody else.
I feel like it (the Event) will be a snapping inside people’s brains, like a cracker going off. Like the shake literally snaps something back into place – like coming out of a fog. I feel this shake happening in a matter of days. I got it as soon as December 2021. It is such a shift in timeline that there’s no going back to before.
People will understand the truth at the level they need to learn it. Some people will have to start at the beginning, and understand the truth of the world and what’s been happening for millions of years – the control, the darkness. That’s why those people are scared because it’s like a remembrance that comes over everybody. Some people, like light workers, don’t need to remember much – but for others it’s overwhelming. And that’s why people could be yelling in the streets and other people are afraid in their homes – because suddenly the world is different and they are processing it. But it will be people like us who understand what’s going on that can calm others – they will listen to and follow us.
Everything falls away. Every part of society that has been constructed to destroy humans – their health, their spirituality, their connectedness – will be shaken up. Things like fast food – people will just leave the industry. No one will work there anymore. It will slowly all fall away, like dominos, in all aspects.
Everyone has had their chance to get to this point on their own. The people who are left are GOING to be shaken, with no choice in the matter. But everyone will get there eventually. It’s an ego death for a lot of people. And money won’t matter anymore – the rich and the people with big houses will realize that nothing matters.
People will have to let go, let it ALL go – the ego around their jobs. And they will need to learn self-love – not to rely on it from other people. That will come – with remembering who they are, they will remember what is good for them, good for their health. And they won’t be able to go back. It’s almost like it will be physically impossible to eat and drink how it was before. Things like meat will become repulsive. Over time. I’m not saying this happens in one day. But everything falls away.
Something will happen before April 1 2022. Because of the shake – or whatever happens, if it’s a metaphor, whatever event happens before Spring 2021. Suddenly it will be about PEOPLE. Because of what everyone had been through before the end of 2021, people will come together but the point of the day is that we are just grateful to have each other. People will reach out to long-lost people. It’s like a day of reconnection and celebrating being a human.
The vaccine and 5G – I think there’s something in it (the vaccine) that is activated. It gets activated but there’s an override from the Light and the activation (planned by the dark forces) goes wrong. I feel instead of whatever the activation was meant to do, it’s more of an upgrade. So the people who GOT the vaccine NEEDED it TO upgrade. They are the ones who needed to be awakened. And when they (dark forces) flip the switch, it doesn’t go the way they intended. It actually UPGRADES people’s DNA. People can ‘see’ again. So it backfires (for the dark forces). The people that took it (the jab) NEEDED it. The dark forces plan was hijacked. Because of the high vibration of other people on the planet – and them (light workers) doing the work right now – it can transmute it all. It can change it. The people who were so scared and turned on the unvaccinated, they are the ones that needed this upgrade. The ones who DIDN’T take it (jab), didn’t need it. Or they knew there’s nothing to fear.
I’m getting the sense that when the earthquake type event – or whatever it is – hits, people suddenly think about the people that matter to them. That will happen around the world. It’s like a global near-death experience – your life flashing before your eyes and you realize what’s important. The message gets through in that moment. Everything else falls away. The jobs, the money – NOTHING matters after this thing happens. It’s like the feeling of a close call for everybody on the planet.’
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
The entire galaxy revolves around a Central Point. Your foundation, your inner heart, your recognition and understanding is evolving. Your higher self-recognition and the
transcendence of the confined you, is the evolving you that is experiencing a shift, main on your full self-actualization in the Ascension process. Your heart, your awareness activated anew with the suns bathing energies of those better frequencies along with your awareness that is what this is.
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Biblical End Times Warnings
This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio.
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Has the ANTI-CHRIST Arrived? Is END TIMES Prophecy Being Fulfilled By the Rise of NEW FALSE PROPHET?
Are we entering the tribulation? Is there a false prophet gaining attention in Israel right now? A man called Rav Shlomo Yehuda has been popping up across social media and some are calling him Elijah or the messiah. We are breaking down whether or not prominent rabbi's are following him around and if he is performing miracles.
GOD WANTS YOU To KNOW This Before 2023
This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio.
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I DIED & GOD TOLD ME HIS PLANS For 2023 | Restoration NDE | Not A Rapture Dream
NDE: He described the occurrences that took place during his close call with death, as well as his remarkable encounter with an angel of the Lord, who conveyed a profound message from the Lord regarding the future of the year 2023.
Lee Harris’s Annual Energy Update for 2023.
Here are the six key focus areas for 2023 which came through as six words. Additionally, this will be the year of higher consciousness. It’s more about finding your way of allowing this light and consciousness to come from inside your body out into the world.
- ALLOW – Allow the changes and create the future as they happen in AND around you – allow yourself to recognize your place in creating the future rather than being immobilized by events around you.
- CREATE – Be a protector of joy and love on the planet by being a creator of it.
- RELEASE – Waves of change and low vibration control will continue to rear its head – it will not be able to fully take hold on the planet and limit human consciousness and sovereignty, but it will continue to try.
- DISCERN – Know which fight is true, and which fight is reaction. This is how wisdom becomes embodied. Old reactions will feel like ‘action replays’ of old wounds or events from your life. There is a difference between embodying wisdom and embodying a wounded reaction. Wisdom wins in this new consciousness.
- LOVE – Love this incredible, moment to moment life we get to live and commit to creating love through your FOCUS.
- OPEN – We often fear becoming the next level or version of ourselves and our consciousness – now is no longer the time for that. We are ALL becoming new at a planetary level.
- What are you scared to allow in?
- What new thing, state of being, or element can come into my life and bring change to it in a really powerful, desirable way?
The ANNUAL ENERGY Update: Live Solstice Broadcast
What new thing, state of being, or element can come into my life and bring change to it in a really powerful, desirable way?
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2023 will be a about spiritual preparedness although it is most likely going to get more chaotic. We're going see more things come to the surface economically, socially and politically. Energy, attitude, well-being and balance will greatly determine how you
experience 2023. The #1 thing we’re always saying is this is such an important time for FORGIVENESS and healing.
DANIEL SCRANTON | 2023, 2024 & 2025 Forecast Interview ∞Jocelyn Mercado
Discussions on individual and collective timelines and forecast for years 2023-2025.
Start to SHIFT Your CONSCIOUSNESS Before 2023 | Eckhart Tolle
Go into the last part of 2022 with real and profound insight from Eckhart on how to shift your consciousness, achieve real alertness, and stop old repetitive thoughts.
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2023 A STRANGE YEAR! | Prophecy! Spiritual Battle Sept 24-Nov 8 | Joseph Z
I have a prophetic broadcast for you today. The lord is speaking to many of you who are watching right now and I have a strong prophetic sense not only for what's about to unfold in the United States but about what is going to begin to unfold globally over the next season.
Prepare For The 2023 EARTH SHIFT
True spiritual guidance for the journey ahead in 2023.
I am ready for new earth, I am ready for a new beginning - sending everyone leading this the infinite love of the universe!
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4 Keys To Provoke Divine Intervention (2021 – 2022 Guide)
There are four keys to provoke divine intervention. Anytime you need the quick intervention of heaven over a matter, do these four things and your life will change in a way that will surprise you:
It was the prayer of the saints that brought Peter out of prison. Paul and Silas prayed and sang and the chains broke and doors opened.Prayer can open doors and breaks chains. Regardless of what the situation is, please pray especially in the Spirit.
Prayer brings strange intervention.
Praise as an instrument of warfare blessing him in advance. Praise can work wonders. Praise him with a dance. You can cry but please still praise. Praise is one of the powerful ways to disgrace the devil. He expects you to be depressed and broken but you disgrace him by praise. You don’t praise God when things are going well, you praise him to make things go well. Ignore the thoughts of disappointment that come to your mind when you praise..Praise God and create your testimony.
3. ENGAGE THE MYSTERY OF SEED FAITH: (Seeds of Faith Quotes)
Brothers and sisters, Every time you are in a situation that only God can step in, having prayed, package a seed and speak to it.Give it an instruction and sow it. Do it with revelation and connect your faith on it as a sacrifice to provoke God’s intervention.
4. THE POWER OF PROPHECY (2Kings 7:1-8, Hosea 12:13):
Brothers and sisters, God still has anointed men he uses by the election of grace that he has put ancient possibilities in them. They may not look like it but Your own price is just to believe. When prophecies come, please just believe it. #ApostleJoshauSelman
DREAMS & MYSTERIES | The Mystery of Divine Intervention
Join author and speaker John Paul Jackson as he reveals some of the spiritual mysteries of the Bible... including how God speaks today through dreams!
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Do you believe in Divine Intervention and Angels? A listener to Art Bell's Midnight in the Desert shares a personal angel story of a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger. This person knew details of the caller's life and gave him a warning about a future event.
MESSAGE FROM the TREES | The Path Towards Your True Divinity | JC Kay
There is no time, only this present moment, and you fill your space with stories to mark the passing of time.
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2023 Prophecy
APOCALYPSE HOPI PROPHECY is Coming True | Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman (Kangi Duta)
Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (Kangi Duta) shares the old Hopi Prophecy about the end of America, the big change that's coming and the ways to truly live on and with Mother Earth.
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Throughout history, humankind has endured many cycles of extremes and calamities. Ancient stone records not only tell of these trials, but they advance advice, to future generations, for surviving such trying times. We don’t have to take what the ancients are trying to tell us on faith. Science gives us the proof we need about the necessity of developing mutually beneficial relationships. As Gregg Braden examines Prophecy Rock from the Hopi people, we discover that their advice for mutual aid is confirmed by the science which shows us that cooperation is essential for ensuring humanity’s continuation.
SCARY PROPHECIES That Will Come True in 2023
In this video, we're exploring some scary prophecies that will come true in 2023. From Nostradamus to the Simpsons, these predictions will have you wondering what the future holds! Watch as we take a look at some of the most popular prophecies and see if they come true in 2023. From global warming to the apocalypse, these predictions will have you on the edge of your seat!
Gregg Braden | It’s NO Longer a CONSPIRACY… WHY the YEAR 2030?
Whats’Up Series - Gregg Braden joins John L. Petersen of the Arlington Institute, at the historic Star Theatre, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
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Jonathan Cahn: UNVEILING SIGNS of the END TIMES in the Old Testament (Full Episode) | Praise on TBN
Jonathan Cahn sits down with Robert Morris to discuss how looking at the history in the Old Testament can help us recognize end time signs in current events. Listen in as Jonathan Cahn walks through key passages and what they could mean for our future
Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj🌙 👑 THE GREAT PROPHECY, VERY SHOCKING Prophecy 2023
PROPHECY 2022 ONWARDS... Dangerous things are going to come...Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. How to survive during the last days? God's supernatural anointing and protection...
Bishop Alan DiDio has received a prophetic word for the coming year.
We are living in the last days, and the Spirit of God showed Bishop DiDio there is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY coming to America.
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Apostle Joel’s PROPHECY of the 3 THINGS 2023 HOLDS
Apostle Joel Ogebe is the founder, The Love Family Internation based in Nigeria.
5 prophetic instructions for 2023 which would start on a good note although most believers are bankrupt of prophetic instructions.
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January 17, 2021: In April 2023, the guillotine is chosen, for the first time in the United States, as the device for execution of criminals, terrorists, and enemies of the state. In August 2023 the machine's deadly career begins within the confines of prisons.
2023 Predictions: The Countdown is ON! Get Ready For The Biggest ShakeUp of 2023
💢| In this video, I am sharing my predictions for the biggest shakeup of 2023. I believe this to be the year that massive change will take place across all aspects of our lives. As we enter into the new year, I wanted to share with you my predictions for the year ahead. I believe that in 2023, we will see massive changes in the global economy, society, and culture. Whether you're a businessperson, student, or citizen, I believe that you'll need to be prepared for these changes. So be sure to join me as I countdown the year of the biggest shakeup in history!
I came across this today and thought it was very interesting. Perry Stone has been putting out some great material recently, things to really get you thinking. And this is yet another one. He came across several prophecies about America printed back in the 1800s post-Civil War.
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The Global Transition | The End Is Near
We come to the end of that long road. The solstice of December 21 in short, is a framework for the entry of the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Love, Peace and Abundance for all the inhabitants of that planet.
It also marks the end of darkness on the planet. And it is time for everyone who wants to rebuild the Earth to step forward.
The Black Hats have looted, burned vegetation, destroyed the economy, poisoned the air, polluted the water …
Knowing that they were losing the war, they have destroyed everything they could. They didn’t leave without doing it. If they lost control over humanity, they weren’t going to allow the Human Being to enjoy his home either.
But all that is past. It already happened. Now we need the brave who have not only survived the war, but are also willing to rebuild that home.
Rebuild it on other basis. In another dimension. Because the Earth, in short, is completing its entry into 5D. There is no turning back.
Humanitarians, especially bonus holders, are being called to action.
They will always be guided by all of us from the Company of Heaven. And helped by the galactics, whose existence is to be disclosed just around the corner.
For humanitarians who want to develop projects Zero Point Energy, Hydroponic Farms, and MedBeds, they will be drawn to them. There will be demand for human development, manufacturing and distributions on a global basis. There is work for everyone. No one gets left behind or on the side of this road we all must travel.
The information that there will be Healing Centers that you yourself will create is correct, leaving out the old and archaic hospital system. Hospital will be closed, even boarded up, and doctors will be rejected on a mass scale because of the professional connection to the plandemic.
Little by little, slowly but surely, the 10,000 suppressed patents will come to light. Bringing replicators, free, free energy, and clean water to all corners of the planet.
The quantum Internet will soon be a reality. The new single currency, backed by gold and real wealth will already be launched.
It is the beginning of a full-fledged Galactic society on Earth. Enjoy, friends, everything that comes to you from now on, on that wonderful planet. Gaia is counting on all of you to definitively ascend to 5D.
And we pride ourselves on your impeccable service to humanity and restoration of planet earth/Gaia. You have our eternal gratitude for having brought Heaven to Earth.
Infinite gratitude dear sister María Cecilia Ngari
GAR Edited Version

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