Understanding Global Programming and Mind Control Technologies


Programming Update, 2nd Edition

Programming & Indoctrination | Mind Control Technologies | Deprogramming

The global denial of programming at all levels of the human experience is now being exposed.  Our collective programming begins at birth, with parent fear based conditioning, technology, and religion.  Then we have our educational phase of programming with government educational conditioning and indoctrination from grades K – 12.  Throughout these years we are additionally programmed by tv series/movies, (subliminal suggestion), advertising, family traditions, and friends.

Following high school comes the early adult indoctrination/adoption base on political bias, military service training, college/university professors, and corporate training programs.  The last stage of programming happens during the transition to adulthood (age 25 to 65) defining one’s place in society, job market restrictions, technology, and social economic status.  All of these programming strategies are based on controlling the population via guilt, shame, and fear of rejection/bankruptcy/failure and self & group – policing cultures.  The key to deprogramming is to first discover the truth regarding all aspects of deliberate programming and then the acceptance of forgiveness of others and yourself.  We need to be aware of and create a protective shield against new threats.  The following articles and videos will help you understand the reality of programming and the tools to help us all through the process of self-deprogramming.

Programming: The Problem

Background / Documentaries / Articles & Videos

Children & Educational System 

Deprogramming / Solution

Free from Denial / Everything We’ve Been Taught is a Lie / Prison of the Mind / Breaking Free from Mind Control

Cognitive Dissonance

Human Cycle of Life

NEW BORNS/BABIES (newborns – 5 yrs old)
• Vaccines / Doctors / Testing
• Parenting / Nursing / Loving Environment
• Primary Personality Development

• Generational Curse / Cycle of Abuse / Fear Based Language
• Religion / Guilt, Shame, & Fear / Religions Self / Group Policing Culture
• Education / Testing Protocols / Socialist Teachers & Professors
• Subliminal: Movies / Technology / Television / Computers / Games / Tablets / Apps

YOUNG ADULTS (18 – 24 yrs of age)
• Political Influence & Indoctrination
• Higher Education; Tech Schools / College Undergraduate / Graduate Degrees / Professional Credentials
• Employment: Military / MIC / Federal Government / Corporate

ADULT (25 – 65 yrs of age)
• Corporate / Marriage / Family / Friends / Clubs / Associations
• Social Normals / Socio Economic / Status Rules / Institution Identifications

RETIREMENT (65 – Death )
• Mind Freeze Conditioning
• Cultural Obsolescence
• Age Resistance
• Declining Health / Big Pharma Matrix / Memory Loss