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Week 2 of 12



The Awakening Journey



A New Reality Awaits, Helping You Creating Your Own Journey

Description About GAR | What is the Great Awakening | Glad You Found Us, This Begins With You

Mind mapping is a dynamic and effective strategy for brainstorming, collecting data, developing ideas, visually presenting, and more. They work by gathering seemingly unconnected words, titles, ideas, or otherwise, around the central concept being conveyed. Mind maps are unique in the fact that they utilize both sides of our brain. They are beneficial in the way they aid in breaking down primary concepts into more palatable keywords. These keywords can be researched and thought about individually, which will eventually come together, leaving you with an understanding of the primary concept.

Both the Great Awakening Map and the Deep State Map give the viewer a clear representation of the scope of the topic and a curiosity-evoking experience. Both maps will leave you asking questions and forming hypotheses which is a beautiful thing. As you study, you will connect the dots and see the main concepts at play. You will be able to make a personalized route through the information, which will give you a sense of freedom and a more intuitive learning path on your journey. Let your curiosity and intuition guide you to your sources of information and next topic of study.

If you have been on the awakening path for any amount of time, you will have already heard of some of the terms listed. However, there will always be something new, a connection you didn’t put together, a puzzle piece that will finally fall into place. So give in to the wonder.

The Great Awakening Map

The Great Awakening Map

The Q-Web – Deep State Map

Dylan’s story, Deep State Map

Dylan Louis Monroe is an American artist currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He studied fashion design at Parsons School of Design in New York City, where he later collaborated with several fashion houses, including Marc Jacobs, Hugo Boss, Derek Lam, and Coach. Since 2014, Dylan has been focused on fine art and its application to his own vision of fashion.
In 2017, Dylan began the “Deep State Mapping Project” in response to the changing political climate in America. His “Q-Web” diagram spread virally across the dark web in 2018, becoming a worldwide phenomenon. The Metropolitan Museum of Art published it for the exhibit “Everything is Connected” in September 2018.

Map Articles & Videos

The Great Awakening – Levels of Humanity’s Deep Awakening

Great Awakening Map Key Points

Great Awakening Map Key Points, These maps will provide you with unimaginable topics that will aid in initiating your re-learning or “red pilling” process.

  1. The Map Will Immerse you in the depth of information available for you to research. There are an unbelievable amount of keywords and topics to discover. 
  2. Pick a Topic that that piques your interest, sounds familiar, or at random. On the Great Awakening Map, there is no correct or better place to start than another. Pick what feels right, and you will be on your way. The Deep State Map has a chronological flow to it, and it may be helpful to start at the beginning. 
  3. Once You Pick a Topic to start with, the “rabbit hole” will naturally form and lead you towards many other titles on the map. Eventually, every topic on the map will be covered. 
  4. Open Yourself up to All Possibilities. Once you start researching, things will begin to make sense, and everything will organically fall into place. You will put the puzzle pieces together, and your intuition will guide you on topics from the past, present, and future. Your ego will try and hold you back from the unlearning process as it wants to protect you from what you do not know or have not experienced. Feel and acknowledge your fear, and then move past it as your continued growth cannot progress in a state of comfort and ignorance. Once you can be open to any information you may encounter,  you are then ready to “take the red pill.”
  5. Explore All Aspects of the awakening, including health, spirituality, ancient knowledge, agendas, players of the deep state, planets, politics, the hidden power we all have within us, and so much more. The topics go from deep inside the earth into different dimensions and every place in between. If you feel a block to a particular keyword or topic, come back to it at another time when you are more open and heart-centered. 
  6. Don’t Become Overwhelmed– This is a lot of information to process and can take quite some time to research in its entirety. There are no due dates or tests. Let yourself explore and dive into the information. Give yourself time to take things in, let the new information stew and discover how you feel about what you have learned. 
  7. These Studies Will Change Your Perspective on everything in life. You will see things differently, and it will be much easier to determine what is true and see the agendas playing out. Learning these maps will break you free of the programming that plagued you; you will be able to see the matrix for what is. 
  8. A New Sense of Awareness will be present like never before. Dots will connect for you with very minimal effort, and agendas will be transparent. You will see clearly, not trapped in the muddy waters of programming that engulfs most of humanity. 
  9. Be prepared for friends, family, and co-workers not to be ready for some of this information. We know how much you’ll want to tell people you know and care about everything you just learned, but be patient. It may become frustrating that others can’t see things as you do, but try to remember where you were before this process; remember that it had to be YOUR choice to dive into this. Plant seeds, occasionally water, and watch the curiosity grow.  
  10. The Re-Learning Process is never complete. However, studying these maps will get you quite far. You will never take what is written, said, or broadcasted as fact again. You have the opportunity to know what few people are brave enough to learn. You are here for a reason, and you are destined to awaken. 

World Hierarchy Pyramid

Deep State / Khazarian Mafia / Illuminati

Our world is build on hierarchical systems of power, control, cults, and controllers. This food chain of power extends all the way off planet, and beyond dimensions that we can visually perceive. Many versions of such “Power Pyramids” have been created in the past by other authors, but D.S.M.P.’s “World Hierarchy Pyramid” aims to become the most comprehensive rendition of the hierarchy pyramid ever created.  Artwork created by Dylan Louis Monroe, 2023.

From the Creators-

The Great Awakening Map is the supreme red-pill navigational chart for Escaping the Matrix and Returning to Source. Each day maps continually ship around the world to awaken countless new minds in every country.

The map has been spotted across all social media, downloaded internationally, and has served a vital role in The Great Awakening and Full Disclosure Movement across the entire globe.

Over a decade of metaphysical research was collected before the map’s release in mid-2018. Its continual design is produced and updated by Art House—an award-winning, international art and 5D research project.

The Q-web is a chronological timeline of our hidden history, highlighting declassified government projects & operations, the true global power structure, elitist occultism, and generally things you won’t read about in standard history books yet be easily referenced in mainstream literature. All information should technically be considered “theory,” and you are encouraged to research each point on this web yourself and come to your own conclusion about its validity. The Q-web blends generally accepted facts and plausible theories together and challenge the viewer to use their own discernment.

Sections 1 and 2 at the top of the web are devoted to ancient and pre-20th century history. The main timeline down the center (3) is divided into two categories, “technology/spirituality” on the left and “war/violence” on the right. Each term on the web is designed as a keyword granting access to further investigative material online. The arrows indicate a unique connection of interest between the two keywords at each endpoint. Many topics are related to the closest adjacent topics within an arrow. Therefore, many connections that could be made are not drawn on the map to maintain the legibility of the text. The “Key to the Q-web,” shown here, is divided into 9 colorized sections, which correspond to the topics shown in the legend at the bottom of the diagram.

The Great Awakening is upon us. History is being rewritten not by the victors but by the individuals and the collective consciousness connected to the Source. The New World Order is crumbling before our eyes. We’re using their cyberweapons against them, and we’re winning. Find high-resolution digital files of the Q-web and other diagrams on the D.S.M.P website. These diagrams are hyper-sigils intended to accelerate the awakening process and help you spread truth and light. You are encouraged to share this information in the most effective way you deem appropriate. The survival of our Republic and, indeed, the human species may depend on it. Victory is near.

Subscribe Today to the Fastest Growing Global Research Report

What is The Great Awakening Report?

We are a community of cultural creatives and like-minded people seeking truth, awakening, and disclosure. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters, and truth seekers. We are here to share, serve, spread the word, and personally coach people within this growing community.
We are a collective of 3 emerging movements; awakening, consciousness, and disclosure. We investigate, research, and report on a wide variety of topics that are selected to ensure you can find the information you need for an organic and personal path to awakening. We are creative thinkers and visionaries – working as guides, coaches, and consultants as we transition into “The Great Awakening.”
Your subscription includes weekly briefing emails, weekly and monthly reports. Weekly and monthly headline new podcast, and the awakening journey 12 weeks program. User-friendly content management system, easy access toolbars, start here, alerts, special reports, connected series interviews, and hot topics on current events.  

The First Step is to Understand Who We Are

Next Step; Review Our Weekly, Monthly, and Special Reports

Subscribe Today to the Fastest Growing Global Research Report

The Awakening Journey

Your 12 Week Awakening Journey 

Defining Your Synchronistic Experience

GAR Experience – Intuitive website design allows freedom to follow what sparks your curiosity based on our 8 Primary Topic Headings in our Weekly Reports and 32 Topic Headings in our Monthly Reports. Photography is key to your experience and the first step in understanding our numerous topic titles based on extensive research. User-friendly website architecture starts with our home-page toolbar both the left-side, footer, and header toolbars offer essential free Awakening Journey information. 

Start Here. The imagery we select across our site is key to our experience. We are the storytellers of our time, offering information and ideas that are integral to our advancement. There are three stages during the process. The first level is understanding the Great Awakening and the scope and magnitude of discoveries, then mind mapping your journey. The second is exploring new topics, researching incredible theories, processing new types of information, and expanding consciousness. Lastly, you will be discovering your mission, exploring your purpose, elevating your vibrational frequency, and finding your unique path within this journey. 

Sources, Topics, & Content – Discover, learn, and get to know our vetted and trusted sources, contributors, experts, and thought leaders. GAR Contributors and editors post from over 500 sources, with new material every week. Our editors filter and focus our weekly and monthly content based on proven topic headings and lead stories of the day.

Connecting the Dots – Our goal is to help our Subscribers create their own experience, develop a clear understanding of the Great Awakening Journey, and discover their Mission and Path of Awakening. Our database management system is designed to organically expand under 36 topic and subtopic headings as future disclosures release massive amounts of evidence, documentaries, educational videos, and related articles. 

12 Week Guide Series/Course – We will be sending you one section each week for you to review, study, evaluate, and share. Each section contains text, pictures, links to articles & documentaries, and all are narrated so you can absorb the information whichever way you learn best. Once signed up for the series you will have immediate access to all twelve sections so you can flow with the content as you see fit, allowing you to process as little or as much as you want. This series is a truly personal experience, and we can’t wait for you to get started! Further information and updates are contained within our weekly and monthly reports; sign up to continue your exploration into each of these categories.

Week 1 of 12 | Topic: Red Pill vs. Blue Pill 

Understanding Our Programming Is Your First Step

The programming of our beliefs and thought patterns is so embedded and has functioned so well that we don’t even realize it has happened. This deeply rooted programming leads to the first challenge in the awakening process. Most people will argue the perfection of their beliefs against the imperfections of others. With such strong beliefs, it can be difficult for someone to accept different ideas or belief structures that don’t match their current knowledge or understanding of how the world works. Most will cling onto their current structures for some stability during this ever-changing landscape of information we call The Great Awakening. You must be willing to let go of everything you thought was real and cemented in reality. Re-learn this universe as a child would, but this time leave the programming behind. This will be the first challenge you must face on the road to The Great Awakening.

Start Week 1 of 12

Week 2 0f 12 | Topic: Great Awakening & Deep State Maps

A New Reality Awaits, Helping You Create Your Own Journey

Great Awakening Maps, Free Downloads, and Map Creator Interviews

Both the Great Awakening Map and the Deep State Map give the viewer a clear representation of the scope of the topic and a curiosity-evoking experience. Both maps will leave you asking questions and forming hypotheses which is a beautiful thing. As you study, you will connect the dots and see the main concepts at play. You will be able to make a personalized route through the information, which will give you a sense of freedom and a more intuitive learning path on your journey. Let your curiosity and intuition guide you to your sources of information and next topic of study.

Start Week 2 of 12

Week 3 of 12 | Topic: “Q”  Anons | Connecting the Dots 

Aha Moments to Discover & Experience Your Truth

This practice of connecting the dots is something you have always done, whether for yourself or others. You certainly have had a conversation with someone where they thought you jumped topics randomly, and you had to explain how you got there–the connection you made that brought you to your point or next subject. This movement from topic to topic is the natural flow of open conversation and learning. Randomness is simply a perception based on not seeing how things are connected. There is only the appearance of randomness; it isn’t truly possible. With that being the case, you can connect the dots of everything; you can see how everything in the universe fits together, one subject at a time.

Start Week 3 of 12

Week 4 of 12 | Topic: Global Awakening | Cosmic Disclosure

We Created Your Own Intuitive Content Management System, Free to Follow Your Awareness, Intuition, Interest, Truth, and Conscious Awakening

In week four’s program course, we break down our two primary topic headings and the thinking that went on behind the design and development of our platform! We believe it all starts with those who have already awakened synchronistically finding us. “We don’t seek to awaken anyone if it’s not their time.” Hence, our mission is to be in humble service to others, helping those working through the process of awakening and disclosing the truth. Our purpose and mission are to share, mentor, and coach our subscribers through the coming tsunami of evolving consciousness, undisclosed realities, global earth changes, and the galactic solar shift.

Start Week 4 of 12


Week 5 of 12 | Topic: Geopolitical 

Deep State vs. Global Alliance News/Global Economic/International Monetary System

The Global Deep State’s agents extend into every country around the globe. Using proxies, paid agents/lobbyists, and blackmail to achieve their goals and objectives. A Global Alliance led by the Positive US Military, Russian military, and China’s positive military, along with 175 third world countries, now aligned against the Deep State, “NWO.” We witness a Global War between these two factions and the crumbling from within our institutions, including the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and the corrupt political system.

Start Week 5 of 12


Week 6 of 12 | Topic: Geophysical | Global Weather

Geophysical/Earth Changes/Planetary Climate

Many factors are affecting climate change. Our solar system has entered an energy cloud impacting the weather on all planets in our system. The Sun is getting larger and brighter. Up until the 1980s, the Sun was yellow; subsequently, it has become hotter and whiter. The Shadow Government uses advanced technologies to control the weather, causing significant disruption of our seasons, extreme temperatures, droughts, flooding, earthquakes, and expanding volcanic activity. We are now entering into a solar minimum which will bring forth more disruption in our lives, including colder weather, reduction in atmospheric CO2, new seasonal patterns causing shorts harvests and late freezes as we have seen this year. We are now using a “deep learning” AI system to predict future solar activities, including solar minimums and maximums.

Start Week 6 of 12

Week 7 of 12 | Topic: Health Watch

FDA & Big Pharma/Food Industry/Alternative Health

Since the Flexner Report in 1910, we have been sold a model of healthcare that has one primary goal; profit. Many fantastic practitioners have seen past their “education” and helped get people away from illness and disease and on the right path to a healthy life. Unfortunately, many of these practitioners are being silenced and having their licenses revoked for telling the truth and practicing natural methods. There is an immeasurable amount of information out there to weed through on how to be healthy. We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.

Start Week 7 of 12


Week 8 of 12  | Topic: True History

Archeology/Ancient Text/Real US History

The Great Awakening Report is dedicated to showing the possibilities and evidence of our history from many sources to connect the dots and show the whole picture. We value all information and remind you to use discernment and your heart to feel and analyze what is being presented. When it comes to relearning our entire history, there can be some hesitance in accepting new ideas, evidence, and interpretations. We find it highly beneficial to look at our ancient texts and spiritual teachings; these hold a vast amount of information that is quite telling and informational when viewed within the scope of all other knowledge and discoveries. The Bible and other religious texts seem to be coming alive in our time, showing off their accurate predictions, revelations, and prophecies. The Great Awakening Report is dedicated to showing the possibilities and evidence of our history from many sources to connect the dots and show the whole picture. We value all information and remind you to use discernment and your heart to feel and analyze what is being presented. When it comes to relearning our entire history, there can be some hesitance in accepting new ideas, evidence, and interpretations. We find it highly beneficial to look at our ancient texts and spiritual teachings; these hold a vast amount of information that is quite telling and informational when viewed within the scope of all other knowledge and discoveries. The Bible and other religious texts seem to be coming alive in our time, showing off their accurate predictions, revelations, and prophecies.

Start Week 8 of 12


Week 9 of 12 | Topic: Hidden Truths

UFOs, New Sciences/Advanced Technologies/Secret Space Program)

The Hidden Truths category is one of our hottest and most rapidly expanding topics. There are highly classified secrets that have been intentionally hidden and suppressed from humanity. New disclosures regarding all our sciences, mathematics, physics, and astronomy are being revealed. The DOD has over 6,000 advanced technological patents classified as Top Secret. Soft disclosure, including fictional works such as movies and books, subtle marketing, declassified documents, and advertising, has been in progress since July 2015. As of September 2017, Washington DC has been embroiled over Partial Disclosure vs. Full Disclosure.

Start Week 9 of 12


Week 10 of 12 | Topic: The Event

Galactic Energy Cloud/Galactic Flash/Wave, Ascension

The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle based on our solar system being part of a binary or two-star system. Current evidence, research, and information on The Event are limited to ancient texts, SSP scientists, military disclosures, whistle-blower testimony, satellite data reports, and scientific observatory papers documenting specific galactic events within our solar system. Solar flares (release of photons, electrons, and carbon dioxide gases), solar winds, coronal mass ejections (other solar particles of radiation), co-interaction regions where fast and slow solar winds converge and send out vibrationally strong shock waves throughout the cosmos which will greatly affect this planet. All of the occurrences mentioned above will cause the inner core and the outer arena (magnetic and geomagnetic fields) of Earth/Gaia to tremendously thrash, surge, shift and vibrate faster, elevate higher, and receive enormous pulsations of Source light. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. This topic is key to understanding the Big Picture for our planet, race, and the ascension of every soul on this planet.

Start Week 10 of 12


Week 11 of 12 | Topic: Spirituality


The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other. Traditionally, spirituality referred to a religious process of re-formation that “aims to recover the original shape of man,” oriented at “the image of God,” as exemplified by the founders and sacred texts of the world’s religions. The term was used within early Christianity to refer to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit and broadened during the Late Middle Ages to include mental aspects of life. In modern times, the term spread to other religious traditions and broadened to refer to a wider range of experiences, including a range of esoteric traditions and religious traditions. Modern usages tend to refer to a subjective experience of a sacred dimension and the “deepest values and meanings by which people live,” often in a context separate from organized religious institutions, such as a belief in a supernatural realm, personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, awakening experience, or an encounter with one’s own “inner dimensional” soul or spirit.

Start Week 11 of 12

Week 12 of 12 | Topic: The Path of Awakening

Meditation Practice/Healing Practice/Healthy Lifestyle

There are now hundreds of millions of people Awakening across this planet. The truth movement is our understanding of where we came from and who we really are as we take our rightful place in the galaxy. Our collective personal vibration and frequency are paramount to expanding awareness and knowledge. A successful, thriving civilization must be in harmony to advance.

Start Week 12 of 12

Continue Your Journey By Subscribing to The Great Awakening Reports

 Full Access to Our Weekly & Monthly Reports With a Paid Subscription

Now that you’ve experienced the Awakening Journey and you are connecting the dots, we encourage you to subscribe to our Weekly and Monthly Reports to keep growing, learning, and delving deeper into your personal journey.

The Great Awakening Team continually researches the world’s trending and most censored information, focused on Truth, Consciousness, and Disclosure to deliver our Subscriber’s unparalleled reports.

With 30 plus years of experience and over 500 sources, our team publishes real news and reliable content. Subscribe to the Great Awakening Report Today, and join our online community awakening to the truth!

The Great Awakening Reports are only available to paid subscribers and are released on the first Monday of every week. The Great Awakening Team compiles our reports, which include exclusive stories, article links, video content, downloads, and exclusive podcasts featuring industry experts and thought leaders and Intelligence Alerts. Topics include Awakening, Geopolitical, Global Weather, Health Watch, True History, Hidden Truths, The Event, Spirituality, and Path of Awakening.

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