WEEKLY REPORT: Positive Edition; Surfing Uncertainty /// Divine Precipice /// 5D Transition

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Published Date: October 9th, 2023





Power of Thought, Conquering Your Mind, Morning Habits, Thrive I & II, Vibration Knowledge, The Power of Miracles, The Red Dress, Solar Eclipse, Four Agreements, Mysteries of Laughter, Trans Women in Sports, NY Vax Mandate, Stop Climate Cult, Survival Kit, American Values, Chinese Owned Brands, Falun Gong Protesters, China’s Food Security, 50 Organizations, call to Action, Misinformation Million, Federal Govt Weaponization, Supervolcano-Italy, Earthquake News, Frigid Winter?, COVID Reinfections, Vaxx Cards End, Early COVID Treatment, Jumping Genes, Fall-Letting Go, Bedtime Habits, Methylene Blue, New Atlantis Discoveries, Star Children, Solar Events, Evolution, Spiritual Practice, Respect, Tolerance, Resilience, Perseverance


Learning to Surf the Uncertainty of Life

By Leo Babauta

When things are changing rapidly, and an overwhelming number of things are coming at you, it can be tough to navigate.

Anyone who is up to anything big will have a lot going on. Lots of emails and messages, lots of tasks, lots of meetings and calls, lots of things changing every day. Lots of uncertainty.

How do we navigate the uncertainty of all of this?

The visual metaphor that works for me is surfing. I’m going to talk about how to surf uncertainty, and how to learn to surf uncertainty.

Surf Uncertainty

What we really want is a simple, straightforward path. No uncertainty, no tough decisions, nothing overwhelming. Simple, clear, easy path.

So I like to imagine life as an ocean, full of unpredictable waves. If I were a surfer (I’m not), I wouldn’t curse the overwhelming number of waves; I’d be psyched that there are waves! That’s what I’m here for.

And I wouldn’t moan about how unpredictable the waves are – that’s what makes it fun!

So the way I might approach the uncertainty of waves is:

  • Relish a new wave coming my way
  • Jump on the surf board as the wave approaches, reading the wave as best I can
  • Have a direction I’d like to go
  • Also navigate the wave as it breaks, learning to go with what I’m given
  • Try again if I’m knocked off

This applies to my life, of course. Each day is a new wave, and the opportunity is to get excited by it, jump on and ride it, set a direction but also flow with what comes up.

The attitude is one of ease and acceptance of uncertainty and change, with determination toward a direction that I’ve chosen. There’s trust in myself to be able to navigate change.

What would that be like for you, if you approached every day with this relaxed but determined attitude toward the uncertainty of your life?

How to Learn to Surf Uncertainty

This kind of uncertainty surfing takes practice. It’s not as simple as saying, OK, just surf and be relaxed and flow! That might have some immediate impact, but long-term impact will mean practice.

The most important place to practice is at our edge — where things aren’t so easy, but also not so challenging that it feels too impossible. Where is your edge right now? Maybe it’s chaotic mornings, maybe it’s taking on a challenging project, maybe it’s around difficult conversations.

Then when you find this edge, notice that you’re feeling uncertainty. How are you relating to that uncertainty, and the resistance and fear that come up in uncertainty? Do you hate it, wish you didn’t feel it? What do you try to do from that uncertainty? How does it feel? Bringing curiosity like this gives you awareness and the opportunity to work with it.

Now when you notice the uncertainty, see if you can take a surf with ease and flow” approach. How can you make this easy? How can you flow in the direction you’d like? How can it be fun, with determination?

Play with it! See what you can create. Bring some lightness to it, without harshness.

Then as you practice, notice that changes aren’t necessarily anything to stress about, but simply something to flow with.

How can you still go in the direction you want as you flow?

How can this be the most amazing moment, this moment of change and flow?


The Divine Precipice

The Divine Precipice

by Jennifer Crokaert

You stand in unprecedented times. You may think you are moving through time as you pass through your days. You may think you are moving through space, as you move from one location to another. In reality, I wish you to know that you are moving through vibrations.

You came here to pass through frequencies, to move from lower to higher vibrations. You came here to assist Humanity as the collective moves from fear/anger-based thoughts and feelings to more loving, peaceful thoughts and feelings.

Now, you are on the Divine Precipice. Everything is about to change rapidly. Very rapidly. The incoming energies, along with your vibrational soul-based work, has brought Humanity to this point, and you are to be congratulated on your persistence and dedication.

This change is the change you have been waiting for; it will feel as though the rug has been pulled out from underneath the feet of Humanity. There will be enormous shock and confusion. For those of you reading this channel, you have been doing your inner work by clearing the illusions and blockages to your heart.  For you, the ‘recovery period,’ where you find you feet again, will be more rapid.

For those who have chosen to experience the everything in one moment, it will be much more confusing and disorientating. It is in alignment with the Divine Will that both experiences emerge through this process: the gradual awakening with less disorientation and the sudden awakening with greater disorientation. Both are necessary experiences within the Divine Cosmos. There is not one that is better than the other, they are simply different choices.

So, how to flow in this time? How best to navigate these profound, bracing energies? Your heart, your connection to your Higher Self, is your centre. Return to the heart.

When you come from your heart, you align with your intuition; you align with a higher level of knowingness than your mind can fathom. Your mind can create the action steps, but it is not best suited to creating the plan. This is because your mind is less creative than your Higher Self; it has access to less information than your Higher Self does, and it is more bound by the artificial programming directed to the lower ego mind.  Therefore, it is unable to step forward with courage, gentleness and insight.

You will know what to do and how to act.  You will know how to speak and what to say. This knowingness is already within your Higher Self, ready since before you incarnated. It is your pre-birth pact to be where you are and with whom at each stage, as Humanity leaves the old age and moves into the Golden Age.

The Two Paths Through the Great Awakening

The Divine Precipice can be seen as two types of movement, through physicality (time / space), and through frequency (vibration). One is the gentle awakening path for the Human heart and mind, where the focus is to awaken every one of you to your Infinite Divine Power.

Your Infinite Divine Power surpasses all that you can imagine, but it can only be harnessed and used when your heart has been opened and your mind has been cleared of the limitations created of millennia of fear-based programming. This gentler awakening pathway is underway all around you and within you, building momentum towards the sudden awakening path.

The sudden awakening path will, indeed, be sudden(!), unexpected and shocking for almost all of Humanity. It’s not something that you can second guess, although you can plan by setting some stores set aside, as many have suggested.

More important than the physical preparations are the spiritual preparations you have made as you have deepened your journey of freedom to your soul. Your spiritual skills will determine how you navigate through this time. This is where your ability to access your heart, the pathway to your intuition ~ which is your Higher Mind ~ will truly emerge. Trust your inner knowing, it has been honed by your Higher Self for this epic time.

Trust yourself. You are ready, all that you really need is within you. Remember that chaos brings about opportunity and change; it allows the obsolete to crumble and the new seeds to shoot forward.

And remember this, my Beloved, I am always with you.


The Transition from 3D to 5D World

Patience Is A Virtue

End of the Old and Beginning of the New Cycle, Restoration of Planet Earth started in 2012

Many readers are impatient and think that 500,000 years of oppression can be remedied in a few years. It’s not like that, any logical thinking individual understands why. It is disappointing that content-driven information discourse is met with unqualified negative criticism, because apparently the content is not understood.

The decision for the final breakthrough will be made ‘off world’ by Father/Mother GOD. The Deep State must first destroy itself; no war on planet Earth will be tolerated! Their destruction is fact, the moment the money system collapses, and/or the mob protests en masse against the toxic – COVID policies being pursued.

Any awake who wants to contribute to a faster breakthrough, spread this message widely! In a nutshell; the transition from 3D to 5D world began in 2012. The total duration of this change could be approximately four decades. Around 2050, the transition should be complete.

Many well-known internet wizards have shorter-term predictions that have been proven wrong time and again. But unfortunately, they are still the credible source for many. They talk about Gesara/Nesara that will be implemented tomorrow. This will not be the case as long as the cabal fiat money system not has collapsed!

The implementation of the honest QFS people money system will certainly be the first change to take place after the collapse. Another alternative is; once the mob revolts against the hoax of the Covid pandemic of toxic injections. – Read the preceding article on this.

Other readers correctly note that the decency of many comments is beyond all standards, not yet knowing that most have already been deleted or not allowed. More respect for awake initiators is certainly a necessity!

The End of the Old and Beginning of the New Cycle

Ascension, by definition, is the path of those who choose to consciously reach a higher level of Light. It is a personal courageous choice to step into the unknown and continue to grow fully into experience and knowledge that is new.

Ascension is actively choosing to evolve into higher consciousness.

There are two types of ascension.

  • Ascension of consciousness.
  • Ascension of matter.

Ascension per se is merging with your higher self, opening your heart and being willing to reunite with Source Christ and the Light, at all levels and layers of your authentic self. It is returning to the experience of Divine Light and experiencing the highest levels of unconditional love and Divine Attunement to Pure Source Light, directed towards every area of life.

Ascension is not something that happens to us on a specific date, or that we stumble into unknowingly or unintentionally.

On the contrary, through expanded consciousness and by integrating the higher vibrational awareness of our spiritual selves, we are able to ascend.

In summary; Ascension is a process of alignment with higher consciousness and Divine Light. It does not happen immediately or automatically, but gradually, as we increase our contemporary enlightenment step by step.

Ascension is not just spiritual, physical or mental. The ascension process impacts your whole being and the way you perceive, interact with and live in the world around you.

Ascension is a total transformation. To ascend is to realign with Divine Love with full consciousness on all levels.

In short; Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th Dimension. It will be in that moment, when your consciousness says, do! or, fail!

In that moment, you will be alone! No one will judge or reward you. But you will feel it when you have actually succeeded. It is the end of a period! and the beginning of a new era.

The 3rd Dimension is the world of competition, destructive criticism, selfishness and above all, greed. Control and power are the goal. Backstabbing, lying, deception, malice and low-frequency faith proclamations. These are actions that put great locks on the Gate of entry portal to the fifth Dimension.

In the fifth Dimension is; cooperation, help, and dedication always focused on good, genuine and pure intentions, empathy and care for others, that is the track that leads you to the 5D world.

Nothing and no one has the power to influence this important individual choice. For every individual, the freedom of free will and choice still exists. There will be no soul that can say it didn’t have a chance.

Ascension, by definition, is the path of those who choose to consciously move to a higher level of Light. It can only be found when consciousness has been truly expanded and enriched enough, and when every lesson presented during successive previous incarnations has been understood.

Our returning extraterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi below helps prepare humanity for the upcoming changes.


The consciousness of incarnated humans is not yet broad enough to truly understand what a Planetary Transition is. This is understandable because souls on Earth have never experienced such an event. In fact, the transmitted messages tell us that the Earth Transition is an event that affects the entire Galaxy, because Planet Earth is one of the most important planets in this quadrant of the Universe.

We have talked about this before, including in relation to the ascension of souls who are now completing their apprenticeship in a World of Trials and Reconciliations.

But today we are going to bring you some new facts, as this information is being passed on bit by bit, according to the human consciousness’ ability to process this info, in order to understand all the changes.

We should not focus too much on dates or deadlines, because time is not linear at the Universe level. It is counted only in a World of Duality, where the soul incarnates and dis-incarnates from time to time.

Under these circumstances, time is counted in the way we all know it, because we have experienced it in every incarnation on this planet.

At higher levels, where the consciousness of the Galactic Brothers who support us resides, the time windows are adjusted to our calendar so that we can understand or at least track and compare the events we are currently experiencing.

It is within this time window, which corresponds to three Centuries, that the Planetary Transition will take place. Since it started around 1750, the transition could be completed around 2050. Of course, these dates are not exact, but approximate. But clearly, we are heading towards its completion.

The Planetary Transition follows certain Timelines. Since everything is frequency, they can also be changed or realigned. And it is the living conscious beings who inhabit this planetary home that determine this frequency. Remember, not only humans have living consciousnesses.

Apart from all this, there is a Divine Plan that determines the fate of every celestial body, not just our planet, but everything that exists in the infinity of the Cosmos. Nevertheless, local consciousness can influence the time and manner of a Planetary Transition, the Divine Plan is sovereign as far as the final outcome is concerned.

In keeping with the spiral movements of the Milky Way, Earth has always been determined to make its Transition at the beginning of the Aquarian Age. This zodiacal window began in 2012, so there are still about four decades to go until the end of the previously mentioned three Centuries.

In 2016, a message was passed on to us saying that we had four years to get used to the new crystalline energies that began to bathe the Earth, i.e. the period from 2012 to 2016. And that in 2017 the deconstruction of the Old Earth would begin, the energetic cleansing and removal of all the evil entities that still sought refuge in our planet’s etheric field.

This cleansing began around 2018 and was recently completed. The final part of this removal would be the incarnated entities, and this task does not fall to the Galactic Brothers. There is an organization called the Earth Alliance that does this. I have already talked about this Alliance here. Because the removal of the incarnates may be visible to the physical eye, it is done in a way so that most people do not realize it. An exchange of game pieces is going on, to be replaced in this way, while it seems like everything is going on as usual. In fact, things seem to get worse by the day, but this too is part of the revelations, as everything is on display.

We are now in the second decade of the Age of Aquarius. By the time this decade is over, all the events of the great change will be completed. Remember that the times mentioned are ‘windows’ and are estimates for better understanding.

We will then have two decades left to put things in order. It will be humanity’s most glorious period. Precisely the time when the sense of satisfaction will be, to have completed a duty. The souls ready for their ascension will finally be able to truly feel what happiness is. The feeling of gratitude will be so great that we do not yet realize how great it is. We will have to feel it to know how big it is.

In these last two decades, everything that was already known will remain only in the memory of lived experiences. Humanity on Earth will already be part of the Galactic family of worlds. But before then, much has been done, even if it is not yet fully realized.

The Gamma Light is changing the entire energetic constitution of the planet. The animals, plants and minerals have already adapted themselves. First by the Gamma Light and in recent years by the Diamond Light. Their consciousness is not as resistant as that of humans, so in the last 11 years they have already completed the transition. Besides changing their consciousness, which is still rooted in old beliefs and concepts, humans also have a reptilian hybrid mind, so competition is a constant struggle. This mind needs to be adapted to cooperation, because Old Earth no longer exists in terms of frequency.

The restoration of planet Earth is also taking place at consciousness levels of Gaia. The planetary body also has consciousness; it has life. This body has been severely damaged in the course of man’s existence here on Earth. The air, soil, waters and all ecosystems have been badly affected by pollutants emitted by human activity. These wounds are now being healed by telluric earth movements. (telluric current, also called Earth Current, natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth and generally following a direction parallel to the Earth’s surface).

This explains the extremes we see in terms of temperatures, rainfall, winds, seismic movements, etc. These are also the elementals acting in the service of Gaia. All according to the Divine Plan, to promote the recovery of the Planet.

This must also be completed in this second decade of the Aquarian Age. As you can see, the Planetary Transition is not a quick event, but a long-term continuous process that lasts for about three centuries.

We are now heading towards its end and nothing and no one can stop it. Anyone who does not agree with the new frequencies is going to leave this beautiful Blue Planet. In fact, it is a Planet that will be even bluer; brighter; more crystalline; or the true Garden of Eden.

Trust! Do your part! Make the changes together with Gaia!

It becomes gigantic!
You will see the magic of light. Be honored to have this opportunity


Thank you to our readers and paid subscribers for your continued support!  If you would like to further support the Great Awakening Team and our efforts, you can donate or buy something from the Great Awakening Store.

We offer both Personal Coaching and Consulting for executives and businesses owners. Providing guidance, intelligence briefings and strategic planning to navigate the dynamic changes and shifts in the world.

– The Great Awakening Team –

“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.

“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”  NAS: Mark 13:7-8

– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –

“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD


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This Week’s Intelligence News

“You’re Braver Than You Believe, Stronger Than You Seem, and Smarter Than You Think. – AA Milne

🟨  | The Zetas predicted that by 2021 Nibiru/Planet X would be visible, and recent photos of Nibiru and the Dark Twin show that these approaching planets are no secret. On June 15 a stunning zoomed image of Nibiru was posted on the ZetaTalk Followers site and the Pole Shift ning. This Siberian photo showed the contrast between land and water, a stunning revelation that matched a 2018 closeup of Nibiru captured in Italy by the Godfather of Nibiru photographers – Alberto. Alberto’s photo showed Nibiru shrouded in cream colored clouds, but the oceans can be surmised by the cloud cover above them. The 2023 Siberian photo is almost cloud free, with great clarity and shows the same land configurations as Alberto’s 2018 photo.

On September 21 a ZetaTalk Followers member from Slovenia presented another photo of Nibiru, again with great clarity.  Where the Siberian Nibiru had been placed directly below the Sun, the Slovenian photo was located at the 1 o’clock position. Neither is at the traditional 4 o’clock position to the Sun. This is due to the Earth wobble. For Slovenia a sunset occurs during the Lean to the West, pulling the view of Nibiru up 90 degrees to the 1 o’clock position. The Siberia photo was taken during the Lean to the East, so the 4 o’clock position was dropped to the 6 o’clock position.

Then there are the brilliant Second Sun sightings, which occasionally get caught on film. The establishment does not even bother to explain, choosing silence as their best answer. On September 22 this photo capture from Caracas, Venezuela at sunrise shows Nibiru at the traditional 4 o’clock position.


Positive Mental Atmosphere

Positive Mental Attitude, defined as comprising the ‘plus’ characteristics represented by words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.  – W. Clement Stone 




Arts • Universe • Science

“The People walking in Darkness have seen a Great Light; on those Living in the Land of Deep Darkness a Light has Dawned”. – Isaiah 9:2

The Journey of Awakening

The Great Awakening Map

“We are the Light, The Power, and the Coming Change. The Tide of Awakening is NOW

“If not us, then who?  If not here, then where?  If not now, then when?”

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.Aristotle

Headline Positive News

Global Hard Times Preparedness

Supply Lines | Empty Shelves | Starvation | Famine

Global Patriot Resistance

French Mandate Protest | Italy’s New Government | Brazil’s Mass Protest | Canada’s Truck Convoys

“When We Stand Together We are Free. United We Are Stronger Than Can Be Imagine

Once American Brands Now Owned by China and Influenced by the CCP

1. Popsicle, 2. Ben & Jerry’s, 3. Burger King, 4. Trader Joe’s, 5. American Apparel, 6. 7-Eleven, 7. Sunglass Hut, 8. Holiday In, 9. Smithfield (meats), 10. Ironman, 11. Forbes, 12. Dirt Devil, 13. Good Humor, 14. Purina, 15. Firestone Tires, 16. Gerber, 17. Hellman’s, 18. Virgo, 19. General Electric, 20. Motorola, 21. IBM, 22. Legendary Entertainment Group, 23. Hoover, 24. Frigidaire, 25. Strategic Hotels and Resorts, 26. Alka-Seltzer, 27. General Motors, 28. Spotify, 29. The Waldorf Hotel Chain, 30. Tesla, 31. Snapchat, 32. Ingram Micro, 33. Fidelity & Guaranty Life, 34. Universal Music Group, 35. We Work, 36. Segway, 37. John Hancock Life Insurance, 38. Sotheby’s, 39. Brookstone, 40. Cleveland Cavalier’s, 41. Riot Games, 42. Uber, 43. Uber Eats, 44. Uber Freight, 45. Omnivision Technologies, 46. Baby Trends, 47.  Hilton Hotels, 48. Starplex Cinemas, 49. California Grapes International, 50. Fischer Price, 51. Hush Puppies, 52. Gillette, 53. Barbie, 54. Huffy, 55. Oakley Sunglasses, 56. Converse, 57. Nike, 58. Levi Strauss, 59. American Girl, 60. Chevrolet, 61. Radio Flyer, 62. Craftsman, 63. Samsonite, 64. Dell, 65. Black & Decker, 66. Ford, 67. G. I. Joe, 68. Monopoly, 69. American Eagle Outfitters, 70. American Tourister, 71. Campbell’s Soup

Please join the solidarity effort in banning these brands from your lives.  If you believe in America and want it to flourish we as consumers must show China they will not make money from buying up all of our once great American companies.  By buying these brands you aid China in their fight against us.

Please pass this message to as many people you think will join us.


CCP Underground Resistance

Hong Kong Censorship | Wuhan Christians | Falun Gong | CCP Lockdowns

Global Awakening

Discernment and Deprogramming Allows the Awakened to know Truth from the Lies.

PLEASE REVIEW: Epoch Times Spygate Map


  • Mockingbird Media Deprogramming

  • Geopolitical Whistleblower Truth Movement


  • Global Geophysical Earth Changes

World Earthquake Report for Friday, 6 October 2023

Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 3 during the past 24 hours on 6 Oct 2023
Summary: 2 quakes 6.0+, 7 quakes 5.0+, 31 quakes 4.0+, 119 quakes 3.0+, 245 quakes 2.0+ (404 total)
  • Global Weather 

  • Health News Updates

“All Healing is Essentially the Release from Fears 2.IV.1.7

There are many lessons that can be taken from COVID-19 pandemic, but perhaps the first and foremost is the lesson of love. Love is the greatest and most powerful emotion; difficult to understand, much less describe. Perhaps it can be explained as divine energy radiating in all things. It is said, love conquers all and some believe it is better to have lost in love than to never have loved at all. We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. We can see how easy it is to control the masses through media and how we are taking part, and involved in a psychological warfare of fear.


  • Health Watch

     FREE HIGH RES: The Healing Web

“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. – Hubert H. Humphrey

Life Regression | Extension: Medbeds


  • True History | New Atlantis Discoveries

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.”  – Thomas Jefferson

“History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.”  – John Dalberg-Acton

Cosmic Disclosure


  • Hidden Truths | Star Children 

“The disclosure of a new fact, the leap forward, the conquest over yesterday’s ignorance, is an act not of reason but of imagination, of intuition.”  – Charles Nicolle

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.  – Nikola Tesla

  • UAP Congressional Hearings | Alien Technology Disclosures


  • The Event | Solar Events

“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.

“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”  –Mathew 27:24

The Ascension Prophecy of Peter Deunov


  • Spirituality | Evolution

What Is “Sacred Geometry”

“The Magnetic Field that Emanates from the ‘HEART’ is 5,000 Times Stronger than that which Emanates from the Brain”. – Gregg Braden

Our Spiritual Evolution

Each of us speaks, listens, and thinks in our own special language; we have been shaped by our culture, experiences, profession, personality, morals and attitudes, but one thing we do have in common;  we are here to evolve spiritually in our own way.

We think of a spiritual person on the positive path, as one whose highest priority is to love others as they love themselves; cares and helps people, animals and the planet; knows that we are all One, consciously attempts to honor this Oneness; and meditates, contemplates and prays to stay connected, and goes deeper in understanding the self. Most of  humanity is on the positive path. A person on the negative path is someone who loves and cares only about the self; controlling others by any means possible.

Consider, we have choices everyday, positive or negative, also known as  good and evil. Our thoughts, emotions and actions are part of these choices. Positive thinking generates positive emotions resulting in positive actions.  Negative thinking works the same way. We all have these thoughts, we are human.

According to the Law of One,  each one of us are here to evolve spiritually, to choose a path of either positive or negative polarity, to help build our lives according to a Divine plan that is beyond our understanding. The personal realization of truth is the science behind all sciences.  But for most people, religion has devolved to a matter of of belief only.  Some believe in Catholicism, others Protestant, others assert the Jewish or Hindu or Muslim or Buddhist is the true way.  The science of religion identifies the universal truth common to all,  the basis for religion.

Infinite Intelligence or Creator, known as God and other names in different religions, is pure energy and is simply beyond our understanding. As we evolve spiritually and seek the truth, there will be a realization the world is not as it seems.  We all have been chosen to be here to learn and understand the ways of love and wisdom. We have been given special gifts to discover and apply them in our world today.  Our job is to positively raise the planet vibration by applying these seven steps in our daily lives.

  1. Love Infinite Intelligence.
  2. Love yourself.
  3. Love others as you love yourself.
  4. Love earth and nature.
  5. Be of Service to others in your own way.
  6. Meditation/Contemplation and pray to further your understanding and connection to Infinite Intelligence.
  7. Realize we are co-creators,  and we create our lives with our thoughts, emotions and actions.


“Life is a Gift, and should be Cherished, Lived and Experienced. Though Experience often Reveals itself as Pain in this World, it is still Purposeful, it still has its Place in the Evolution of our Spirit.”  – Michael Poeltl

“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”  – Peter Kemmsies

“If Soul does not Evolve it is Dead … even if its Body still Breathes.”  – T.F. Hodge

“The Way is not in the Sky; the Way is in the Heart.” — Buddha

  • Path of Awakening

“Only Love Can Be Divided Endlessly & Still Not Diminish”. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

FREE HIGH RES: The Green Pill / Freedom Protocol

“Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.”  – Deepak Chopra

The 3 C’s of Life: “Choices, Chances, and Changes

You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.  – Zig Ziglar 


The Global 2023 – 2025 Everything Collapse; with the engineered bubbling and Deep State manipulation of all markets, and the coming planned market crisis, crash, and collapse  will destroy nations, societies and communities. The world is now experiencing Hyper-inflation soon to flip into Hyper-deflation. Where Values and Pricing will see a 60% to 75% over all collapse. The vaccinated will be known and identified as the incubators, shedders and spreaders of all new outbreaks, identified as a series of more lethal hemorrhagic viruses. A Zombie Apocalypse reality. This collapse will go down in history as Beyond The Greatest Depression ever recorded.

      • The Planetary Engineered Starvation & Famine; the global Deep State engineered supply chain shutdowns and port closing is now showing up in the stores. Add-in global flooding, droughts, and crop destruction, and Bill Gates buying up US farmland planting no new crops most stores will be out of food and supplies by August of 2022.
      • COVID Vaccination Narrative is Falling Apart, designed as the cover story for the Great Reset | Narrative. Key to launching the New Global Financial System, Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
      • The Great Vaxx Die-Off 2022 – 2025; this is a critical time period for the global depopulation agenda of the Deep State. The world is now awaking to the reality of poisonous death jab. The US 2022 estimates for Vaxx related deaths ranges from 60 to 90 million. The global death rates will be in the 100s of millions by the end of 2023.
      • Event Waves of 2023; New disclosures of Vaccine-related Plandemic deaths, death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. The Great Die Off of 2023 & 2024. This is targeted to begin in fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized, die from complications stemming from the vaccines, or be unable to work or carry a job. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Crisis/Crash/Collapse, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking events or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from False Flag WWIII/IV, new global Plandemics, a SEERS Hemorrhagic Series of Virus Waves, massive  death rates from vaccine complications, creating global supply chain shutdowns, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin manipulations used for global human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global geophysical crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.

        Ralph Smart Awakening 2023 

        • Humans will begin merging with AI artificial intelligence, becoming TRANSHUMAN 2.0/Humanoid
        • More people will be seduced by and ultimately live in the METAVERSE. The awakened will reject it
        • 15 MINUTE SMART CITIES will become more commonplace in many countries
        • GLOBAL CIVIL UNREST will continue and escalate to riots, similar to what’s happening in France, Germany, Iran, & China.
        • The HIDDEN DECEPTIONS coming to light. People will realize that “the truth is a lie” and “the lie is the truth”. Life in reverse – l-i-v-e it becomes evil e-v-i-l . . .
        • The threat of a TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE beginning with stacking of crisis. 
        • A GREAT WORLD WAR will emerge – the Russia/Ukraine war is going to escalate where other countries will get involved. Think rationing . . .
        • There will be MASS EXODUS out of the cities into the Red States, Red Cities
        • The GREAT DIVIDE will become apparent between 3D and 5D
        • HOMESCHOOLING CHILDREN will increase
        • People will DETACH from MAINSTREAM SOCIETY, causing a collapse of traditions
        • LIGHTWORKERS will rise up and come forward
        • REALIZATION that UNITY is our greatest power
        • Humanity will see EARTH’S true, HIDDEN ORIGINS
        • Another NEW VIRUS/PLANDEMIC begins, originating in China then spreading globally
        • Alternative websites that allow people the freedom of speech will surpass YouTube (Rumble/Bitchute for example)
        • HUMANS MARRYING ANDROIDS ROBOTS. Expect the weird, the bizarre, the crazy
        • MEN AND WOMEN are going to start to see themselves as COMPLEMENTARY & HARMONY will be restored
        • More PEOPLE are going to OPTING OUT of their normal, societal life and instead begin to live their best life in truth
        • 2023 is the YEAR OF LIBERATION – the hidden comes to light . . 
      • Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues across all platforms with the exception of Twitter. Elon Musk as the new owner of Twitter has been releasing critical documents exposing the FBI’s involvement in censoring (90 + FBI Agents on the payroll) He will continue to releasing documents revealing new disclosures.
      • New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
      • UFO | UAP Disclosure of June 2021, will be followed up with the exposure of alien live currently living on this planet. (among us for 1000s of years) Continued increase of daily sightings, new reports released by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion Project Blue Beam still on the agenda. Timing is tied to change or loss of control of the MSM narrative and negative breaking events.
      • Antarctica story continues to grow and reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations currently living in underground cities. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. New testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
      • Update; DOJ John Durham’s surfaces with new indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2023.  This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of it’s conspirators.
      • Mass Arrests total 600,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts. Has been increasing and accumulating at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
      • Continued Mass Global Resignations 35,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
      • Unsealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Documents, disclosing CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy Assassination, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, with new information released in 2023.
      • Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, there are now over 54 active volcano’s around the globe. With 100s on the ocean floors. Earthquakes are averaging 500 to 1000 a day within a range of 2.0 to 8.0 on the ricterscale. Happening in Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
      • MiniNova & Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (Now described as a MiniNova 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
      • Global Weather: 2023 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
      • Healing, Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex. Release of new technologies and truth about suppressed remedies for all disease.
      • Earth’s True History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute ranging to 35′ in height, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
      • Tartaria the lost civilization that is now coming to light. 1000 years of an advanced civilization expunged from the historical record books.
      • Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
      • Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
      • NASA Releases Proof: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle


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