We are on the brink of the best of times and the worst of times. There is a stirring in humanity, a recognition of self, purpose, and power in a few while others, the majority, capitulate and are unconsciously culpable for their demise. Souls are being wrenched from the darkness of their ignorance, awakening to …

The Spiritual Tools Of A Truth Seeker

Each moment during this Great Awakening another soul’s eyes are opened as The Truth about our reality is revealed. This initial revelation sparks the desire for deeper knowledge and so the endless journey begins. Researching, learning and unlearning is a mind-blowing rollercoaster ride, as exhilarating as it is frustrating. The thrill of solving a mystery, …

Healing Our Shadows

The world is awakening at an exponential rate. Greater numbers of people are discovering the hidden truth about life on Earth. Most of what we have taken as reality is a lie. We have been so deeply deceived. Crimes too heinous for us to comprehend have been perpetrated against us individually and as a collective. …

Overcoming Fear

Fear is your imagination in negative overdrive. It is a thought, a projection, an illusion. Your willingness to indulge in this possibility animates it so it appears real.  But it is not happening. If you are going to use your potent energy to take yourself out of the present moment, why not imagine something that makes you …

What's so great about meditation?

There is a saying that prayer is talking to God/Universe/Source and meditation is listening. Believe it or not, being in a meditative state is not complicated and you probably already do this every day. Consider these scenarios. Can you remember being absorbed by music? Do you feel tuned into nature as you walk? Do you …

So You Just Woke Up. Now What?

People on Earth are waking up at an exponential rate and it is beautiful. Finally, we are seeing The Truth. Darkness and deception are coming to an end. However, before we collectively envision a new world, we must process our individual responses to this shifting reality. The first thing you will probably want to do …