GREAT AWAKENING REPORT • April 2022 • Volume V • Chapter IV
Biden Crime Family Biolabs, Third Eye Spy’s, Thoughts Control DNA, Why Does Evil Exist, Stolen History, Apocalypse Fatigue, Pandemic Police State, Studio 666, Economic Hitman, If Trucking Stopped, Global Food Shortages, Nations Dumping US Dollar, Global Geophysical Crisis, Mass Vaxx Die-Off, Judy Mikovitz Protocols, New Medbed Research, Cahokia Ancient City, Earths Alien DNA, Space Arks Activated, Earths Disaster Cycle, Denial and Recovery, New Energy Healing Modalities
Waking Times | Kingsley L. Dennis,
In the Age of Materialism, it is said that people have their orientation outwards and towards the boundary that separates humanity from the lower orders – the animals and plants – rather than the inner orientation towards Source. And it is within the great depth of materialism that represents the final stage of a grand cycle where the world reaches its ‘extremity of separation’ in a period of remoteness from the sacred impulse.
Unknowing and blind to this, the materialist believes they experience no loss because progress has given humanity much more than it ever had, and that material progress shall be their salvation. At such a time, it symbolizes that humankind has reached a limit of distance (an extremity) from its essential nature – from its centre – and thus from its sacred home. And the modern person – especially the product of westernized modernism – has gone so far from their essential nature that they have ceased to think of it or question its existence, and even fabricate and invent a pseudo-truth for its material reality.
Many now see these times of deep materialism as representing the ‘eleventh hour’ for humanity; as a decisive moment before a dramatic turn of events in its trajectory. Others, like myself, have referred to these times as representing humanity’s ‘dark night of the soul.’ I wrote the following passage over a decade ago:
We have now entered the crisis window, the transition phase – that heroic journey into the underworld – where we will be forced to experience a shamanic initiatory experience, perhaps a near-death experience, before we can emerge as an adolescent species with a new, more mature mind. Until we reach that stage, however, we will have to struggle with the death throes of the old mind, as old systems cling to power and global infrastructures attempt to remain in control of a world in transition…the ‘dark passage’ that we are now venturing into. This is part of our collective rites of passage: it will shake us, reshuffle and reorientate a great deal of life on the planet; and it will also, hopefully, catalyze and prepare us for a psychophysical transformation. The reorientation required – both psychological and physical – may be far from linear…as we wrestle with the cloak of the old world system that clings onto a modus operandi, refusing to let go without a fight. Despite our glorious, gleaming, polished achievements that the world displays with pride, our current systems (social, cultural, political and economic) are remarkably anachronistic, cunningly deceptive, opaque, and in dire need of renovation. Yet in order to sweep out the brushwood we may be forced to endure a metaphorical, and literal, dark night of the soul. The next 20 years cannot be the same as the last 20 years. Change is upon us rapidly, even if we are not aware of its pace.[1]
We were not aware of the pace as I wrote those words; and many are no more aware now even though that pace has dramatically quickened. At each cyclical renewal we are faced with prophecies of the ‘End Time’ that also throw up images and imaginations of the world apocalypse. Yet such an apocalypse is not a fatality but a revelation – a revealing. It marks the disintegration of one narrated cycle and the emergence of new mythological voices as heralding a departure from the dying throes of an aeon of time. At such a moment, the aftermath of an apocalypse/revealing lies a great expanse where reality itself requires a re-stitching together and reimagining. A new operation of worlding comes into being. There is a change of guard of the architypes: the social-status figures of leaders, politicians, and bankers are replaced by the metaphysician, the mystic, and the prophet.[2]
It is said that the nearness of an end of an era brings with it a sense of otherworldliness. It is at such threshold moments where the veil thins to allow a penetration, a mergence, of energies from various sources, physical and metaphysical. Dimensions start to crossover and intervene; boundaries begin to dissolve. It is then that the illusion of ordinary, consensus reality is fast breaking down; this very same illusion that shielded many people from infra-psychic incursions. According to philosopher Rene Guenon, the extremity of materialistic beliefs and practices leads to a ‘solidification of the world,’ and it is this solidification that causes ‘fissures’ to open up through which ‘infra-psychic’ forces enter. In other words, humanity is invaded by the specters of its own psyche.
The reality of unknown psychic powers, and their influences, from beyond our world has always been part of human knowledge – only that now it comes out from its occult shell and more into visibility. The dissolution of the physical world, its fragmentation, chaos, and disarray, catalyzes the psychic manifestations that represent the phase of the dissolution of the present cycle. The dissolution of the present cycle of materialism only begets a necessary re-creation of the world. The hardening and extremity of corruption of our physical world must also lead to a degree of psychological fracturing if a new psycho-physical environment is to unfold. That is, unless there are cracks within the highly conditioned collective psychosphere of humanity, how can the light get it?
Every human soul is infused with a sense, a knowing, of the Transcendent – a filament or spark of Source – of the Alpha and Omega of all existence. Ignorance of it only exists on this physical, earthly plane, and obscured by the degraded forces of deep materialism. The inner faculty which recognizes this is often referred to as the Heart, and is the human being’s highest faculty – although it lies dormant or slumbering within most people. This is an incorruptible, inviolable element within the human – a ‘supramental organ of knowledge’ – that is beyond mind or intellect.
The sense of the transcendent implies an inner urge, longing, or pull to transcend the limitations of this plane of reality. These urges are the signs of the times – the moment of the eleventh hour. The contact with Source energy is available (gives) to those who are aware of it: ‘For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.’ (Matthew 25:29). It is at the eleventh hour, from a dissolution to a new beginning, that we understand also the phrase: ‘and the last shall be first.’
Personally I would stay out of the sun for the next few days, find a grounded metal roof to sleep under. While clearing some limbs at ECETI Hawaii and removing trash it felt as if I was getting cooked. Microwaved like some carbon based life form or dinner in a microwave oven.
We have spoken often about the effects of Solar Flares and CMEs. It not only affects radios and communications, creates beautiful Aurora Borealis at the poles, it also creates severe weather, an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity.
One of the greatest effects are with the bioelectric fields around the physical body. Some will become lethargic, others may experience emotional outbursts, there are many physical problems especially with the heart that can also arise. It is best to stay out of the sun, drink lots of water, meditate and use these energies to release the past.
These incoming energies are part of the ascension process that is well underway. Might be a good idea to turn off your TV. Especially the mind control social engineering stations, the lame stream news. I want to end by passing on a little information. Trump was doing what he thought was best for America. Putin is doing what he thinks is beat for Russia. Xi is doing what he thinks is best for China. Then there are other leaders doing what is best for the global elite.
You will know them by their draconian and tyrannical behavior. Do not be lie ve what the television is telling you. In fact if you completely reverse what they are saying you will have a better picture of what is unfolding. They want to take us into WW3. Those that want to take us there are infiltrated everywhere.
They are the deep states in every country governed by the global elite who own a large number of politicians and leaders throughout the world. Those who pushed the lockdowns, the ineffective masks, and the vaccine mandates are the ones who have been compromised. They do not serve their people or humanity. They serve another God as well at the highest levels are devout Satanic/Luciferians.
This is not a conspiracy, this is not a drill, it is real and unfolding before your very eyes. This is a spiritual war, it crosses dimensions and time, what we are seeing is just the physical counterparts of both sides. There is and always has been help yet we need to initiate it, ask for it, hold a frequency so it can work through us. These are challenging times. The good news is Creator Wins.

Spiritual Update April 2022
It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future. It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light. These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your Lightworker friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries. Because no matter how it plays out, dear hearts, you will all be taken care of!
I realize that it has been very difficult for the Lightworkers. You have had a hard time your whole lives. You have used your shields and protected yourselves as much as possible, but many arrows still pierced your hearts. Those with closed hearts and minds felt threatened by your willingness to step outside the norm, your curiosity, and your bravery. They were jealous so they taunted and ridiculed you. I say to all of you—kudos for standing your ground!! Even if this cruel treatment made you go silent. You still stood your ground and continued your pursuit of the truth, of the light and of spiritual knowledge. You were true to your Soul. So, kudos to all of you! Congratulations! Bravo!
You are a special group! Lightworkers and Starseeds, you’re doing an outstanding job! If this so-called timeline splits at this very moment, you have no concern. Those of the lower vibration will go their way and you need not worry what happens to them. They have chosen their path. You have chosen to search out the light and to gain knowledge.
Those of you who have planned to become Humanitarians, you are prepared for that positive outcome. So, if the Compression Breakthrough happens–you are prepared and ready for all levels of events. You will share your heart about what you wish to do, then let the chips fall where they may.
If the “Solar Flash” (Ascension) that you have heard about arrives first, you will be gently guided on a new path. Those of you who are ready for your next leap will be ushered on a path towards that outcome. Your Soul and Higher Self have absolute choice over what you want to do! This is not something that is done to you. I will not go into details about that, but just know that everything will be done for your highest good. So, I say this with the most love and respect to all of you: I wish you to be at peace and not to worry about what may happen.
If these so-called Med-Beds are coming or not is not important; because either you will have them when the Compression Breakthrough occurs, or you will not need them because of the Flash/Ascension. So, you are fine! And even if some of your family members or closest friends chose the “other” path, you will be at ease with that because you know that they made the choice that is best for their Soul direction.

Change is a constant feature in life as nothing ever stays the same. Endings follow beginnings and beginnings follow endings, and whilst we can struggle with the plethora of challenges and emotions this invokes, we each try to accept the inevitability of change as best as we can. In many ways life is like the ebb and flow of the tides, lapping the shoreline and carving out possibility and potential. Yet, where the tides take millennia to carve out new shapes and pathways, change certainly feels to be happening somewhat more rapidly. In fact, at the moment the pace of shift feels fast paced and full of energy which feels both invigorating and exhausting at the same time.
If we pause for a moment to look back over the journey of our lives, we begin to realise that where we are now is a result of millions and millions of individual thoughts and decisions, each one often insignificant in itself, but collectively becoming transformative on every level. Although the storms currently feel overwhelming, there is a sense that approaching each storm with calmness allows us to find grace and clarity even in the most chaotic of moments. This takes courage and strength, but we all have both when we pause for long enough to connect with them.
In many ways, the more we find peace with the ebb and flow of the storms of life, the more we can acknowledge the role we each play in our own evolution as it’s our response to change that ultimately shapes and defines the paths we walk. Of course, none of us can control the shape or definition of our lives as we cannot control the currents, but we can choose how to respond as this perspective flavours all of our life experiences.
It feels quite liberating to acknowledge the notion that it’s only when we let go and stop trying to control the uncontrollable where we can start to feel a deeper sense of peace. This isn’t a new concept, it’s just one we all so often forget when life gets busy. This isn’t the same as giving up, it’s about a willingness to trust the currents more and to be ready to ride with them wholeheartedly. It’s also acknowledging the fact that every single one of the choices we make, or choose not to make, has consequences. There is an inevitable knock-on effect in life, nothing exists in isolation, so every choice, movement or decision impacts something else. This isn’t surprising given the interconnectedness of life, but it’s only when we accept the enormity of this when we can realise the importance of making the most of each and every moment to live well and to see life as an opportunity to grow, flourish and thrive.
It’s all too easy to find reasons ‘not to’ on all levels of life and it’s our innate caution that often holds us back from reaching towards our dreams or stepping towards pastures new. It can be hard to embrace the unknown when the familiar feels safe and comfortable, yet, the more we hold back, the more we stem the flow of possibility and potential. This isn’t to say we need to charge ahead without treasuring where we are and what we have, quite the opposite in fact. This is a time to honour where we’ve been, where we’re going and where we are. It’s also time to trust in the flow a little more and to feel the magic of the currents carrying us forwards towards new terrain.
Although there are times when life feels heavy and chaotic, confusing and overwhelming, it’s important to acknowledge that our souls are always free. The light burns brightly at the core of our being, and even when we are lost in the darkness, it continues to flicker and glow. That light may fade with life’s challenges, but it never leaves us. Even during dark days when we may feel lost or alone, the light still burns; we just have to look within to find it.
It’s time to open up our eyes, ears and hearts to the light within each of us to gently encourage it to glow brighter as we each choose to let this inner glow illuminate the path for those that are lost or alone. This is a time to unify and walk together, to find the commonalities between us, not the differences.
As we feel the glow warming us up from within, we start to feel a stronger sense of connection to ourselves, each other and to the world. It’s love that is the true power: when we have love, the world transforms on every level.
For now, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.
With love,
Intelligence News Update
The 2020-2024 Globalist War Against America is being fought on Four Fronts.
by, Peter Novak
1. Scare America
2. Weaken America
3. Confuse America
4. Demoralize America
Horrifying 6G Death Rain Inducing COVID Symptoms Worldwide (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
by N.Morgan There have been many questions about whether 6G modifies COVID-19 symptoms and causes death as a result. The video below presents evidence to reveal what is really happening and what we could see in the near future. This is a video everyone needs to see! ...
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COULD a “Carrington Class Event” Effect the Power Grid? - Here’s How Fast IT WAS!!
✅ | Please see links below. You are greatly appreciated. Thank you! SUBSCRIBE HERE
Jeffrey Prather: Ukraine is the Biolab for Fifth-Generation Warfare and Global Inflection Point for Great Reset
🟨 | Ukraine is the biolab for fifth generation warfare and the global inflection point for everything that is happening now, according to “The Prather Point” host Jeffrey Prather. “Ukraine itself is the biolab. It’s the biolab for fifth-generation warfare against third-generation
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THIRD EYE SPIES | ✅ | For more than 20 years the CIA studied psychic abilities for use in their top-secret spy program. With previously classified details about ESP now finally coming to light, there can be no more secrets.
Third Eye Spies (FULL MOVIE)
For more than 20 years the CIA studied psychic abilities for use in their top-secret spy program. With previously classified details about ESP now finally co...
Situation Update, March 31, 2022 | REGIME CHANGE Now Under Way in America
🟨 | Several days ago, fake president Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, practically begging Russia’s military generals to remove Putin from power. But that hasn’t happened. What’s happening instead is that America’s intelligence community “generals” are now moving against Joe Biden. Read mor…
Reptile Controlled World: The Disclosure of the Greatest Evil
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The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI | New World Order | Before It’s News
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Here’s a Look Back at our Weekly Briefings from the Month:
WEEKLY REPORT: Global Fertilizer Nightmare, Shocking New Evidence Wuhan Hospital, Duality & Divinity - The Great Awakening Report
Chemical False Flag Imminent, Human 2.0 Documentary, SCJ Clarence Thomas Poisoned, Globalist Collapsing Economy, Hunter Biden Funded Biolabs
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WEEKLY REPORT: US Funded Bioweapon Labs /// Globalist Agenda /// Timeline Disruptions - The Great Awakening Report
We need your help to bypass censorship! Please share with your family, friends, and followers.Published Date: March 21st, 2021 WEEKLY REPORT TRUTH///AWAKENING///DISCLOSURE US-FUNDED BIOWEAPONS LABS, GLOBALIST UKRAINE AGENDA, POTENTIAL TIMELINE DISRUPTIONS 336 Bioweapons Labs / 30 Countries, Devoluti…
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WEEKLY REPORT: War On Food /// End Game Events /// The Soul Awakening - The Great Awakening Report
Global Cyber Warfare, Ukraine On Fire Part 2, End of Cash, Looming Riots, Effect of Freedom Convoy, Western Mass Psychosis, Hidden Tyranny HW
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WEEKLY REPORT: Khazaria Map /// Russia Invades Ukarine /// Power True Love - The Great Awakening Report
We need your help to bypass censorship! Please share with your family, friends, and followers.Published Date: February 28th, 2021 WEEKLY REPORT TRUTH///AWAKENING///DISCLOSURE KHAZARIA TERRITORY MAP, RUSSIAN INVADES UKRAINE, POWER OF TRUE LOVE Keep the Republic, Mass Murder Agenda, Decentralization &…
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– The Great Awakening Team –
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.”
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
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Welcome to the Great Awakening Report! We believe those who have already awakened will synchronistically find us. “We don’t seek to awaken anyone if it’s not their time”. Hence, our mission to be in humble “Service to Others” helping those working through the process of awakening and disclosure of the truth. Our purpose is to coach people through the coming tsunami of new information, global earth changes, and a galactic solar shift.
We track stories and build content based on two primary topic headings, Global Awakening, and Cosmic Disclosure. Within these two primary topic headings, we have 4 secondary topic headings. Under Global Awakening, we have Geopolitical, Global Weather, Health Watch, and True History. Within Cosmic Disclosure, you’ll find Hidden Truths, The Event, Spirituality, and The Path of Awakening. We then go further and break down our secondary topics into tertiary headings. Every month we identify new articles, videos, and documentaries that fit within these categories.
Every Great Awakening Report has the following; Featured Documentaries, a Documentary Library, and an Inspirational Library of science, movies, art, and photography. Pay special attention to our “Hero Highlights”, featuring a series of articles or videos by one author, expert, or YouTube channel. Most of our topic headings will have current date stamps but a handful may be from years prior. We reference real science and factual evidence to verify the information selected. Our research, investigations, and content all align and assist our subscribers in connecting the dots as you act as your own guide, on your own unique journey. Each topic heading helps focus our subscribers’ attention to the articles supporting the Awakening and Disclosure process. We take great care in creating individual pathways for the discernment of truth, expansion of consciousness, and to unify our growing collective awareness, tribe identifiers, and community support. We end our Briefings and Reports with the Path of Awakening, this topic is key to effecting real change and manifesting our new reality. Hence healing the entire planet and ourselves.
Content Classification
Every day at The Awakening Report, we strive to bring information, articles, videos, and photographs to our subscribers that are informative, interesting, truthful, and consciousness expanding. Although we do our best to screen false and disinformation, there are times when we want to share stories that are not 100% verifiable in their truthfulness and accuracy.
COUNTRY FLAG 🇪🇺 CODES / NEWS & EVENTS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES IDENTIFIED BY A NATIONAL OR CONTINENT FLAG 🇦🇺 / 🇨🇳 / 🇮🇱 / 🇬🇧 / 🇹🇷 / 🏴 / 🇮🇨 / 🇨🇦 / 🇨🇺 / 🇪🇭 / 🇳🇴 / 🇽🇰 / 🇮🇳 / 🇭🇹 / 🇫🇷
Positive Mental Atmosphere
Positive Mental Attitude, defined as comprising the ‘plus’ characteristics represented by words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.
W. Clement Stone
Your Thoughts Control Your DNA | Biologist
✅ | DNA does not determine your health (think genetic diseases) or other attributes, says Bruce Lipton, PhD., your perceptions do. It really is a matter of optimism versus pessimism, he says.
The Future Is Here: Dystopian Movies Fit for a Dystopian World
John W. Whitehead - We have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick.
Zeitgeist | The Movie | Sociological Documentary | Peter Joseph | Finance
Full Documentary on YouTube: Zeitgeist - The Movie - Mythology and belief in society today, presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues.Zeitge...
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✅ | Our college campuses have become breeding grounds for woke cults, former Portland State University professor Peter Boghossian argues, and the rest of society has suffered because of it. But what can we do about it? Peter, who escaped the cult of academia, joins Glenn to discuss his latest solution: He’s helping to start the University of Austin, where students will be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think. But the dangerous ideologies that started in our schools have now spread nationwide as people abandon reality for “anti-civics,” and global elites work to transform our lives without inviting us to the table. Glenn and Peter discuss what we must start valuing again to turn things around.
We Paid for a College Cult INVASION of Society | Peter Boghossian | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 140
🚨 | Our college campuses have become breeding grounds for woke cults, former Portland State University professor Peter Boghossian argues, and the rest of society...
The Mandela Effect
A man becomes obsessed with a phenomenon where facts and events have been collectively misremembered by thousands of people. Believing it to be the symptom o...
The SHOCKING TRUTH You Must Hear... | Dolores Cannon
The SHOCKING TRUTH You Must Hear... | Dolores CannonDolores Cannon talks about fear and karma, and reveals how you can take control of your life once and for...
Awakening Humanity
FREE HIGH RES: The Great Awakening Map
“If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?”
“In Order to Heal Humanity and Change the World, We must Seek to Reveal the Truth no Matter how Corrupt & Evil the Reality of that Truth.”
Planetary Transition the Greatest Event Ever | The Final Wakeup Call
The Fourth Turning - How this crisis was predicted 30 years ago
Who predicted this crisis, what did they predict, and what comes next? We’re in just Stage 1 of 5 in this crisis. Watch the video to see what we can expect i...
“Something MAJOR Is About To TAKE PLACE!” Jordan Peterson (2022)
🚨 | “Something You Should Really PAY ATTENTION TO!” Special Thanks to Jordan Peterson:
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Renegade: The Life Story of David Icke (FULL MOVIE)
The first authorized documentary exploring the life of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke, the ‘mad man’ who has been proved right again and again.#conspir...
Why Does Evil Exist? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman
Where does evil come from? Morgan sets out to understand the root of evil and how our ideas of it have evolved over the millennia. Is the devil real? From th...
The Danger of Living In Two Realities Blog
Subscribe to Living 4D with Paul Chek podcast: learn more about this topic, read Paul’s blog: https://www.paulcheksblog.c...
Featured Documentaries
The Top Ten Secrets of the Ancient World | Full HD Documentary (Ancient World Exposed)
Subscribe to Janson for more great documentaries: may believe that we know all there is to know about ancient secrets. Th...
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Edge of Wonder: Tartaria, The Secret Civilization of Ukraine? | Alternative | Before It’s News
Edge of Wonder: Tartaria, The Secret Civilization of Ukraine? Tartaria: a lost ancient civilization or a deliberately covered up empire? Based on old maps and declassified CIA documents, the story is stranger than most people imagine.
Stolen History, Lifting the Veil of Deception; ✅ | The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let’s free ourselves from the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. This part covers the World’s Fairs and the time in which they took place.
In order to understand the spiritual background typical of every non-modern civilization, it is necessary to retain the idea that the opposition between historical times and ‘prehistoric’ or ‘mythological’ times is (…) the qualitative and substantial opposition between times that are not of the same kind. (…) If modern man until recently had conceived and extolled the meaning of history as evolution, as higher development, the truth known by traditional man was exactly the opposite. In all the ancient testimonies of traditional mankind one can find again and again in one way or another the thought of a regression, of a fall: from originally higher stages we have descended to stages more and more conditioned by the human, mortal and accidental element. To assert, as one must traditionally assert, that in the beginning there existed not an animal-like caveman, but a “more-than-man,” and that even ancient prehistory knows not only culture, but even an “era of gods,” means purest “mythology” to many who believe in the gospel of Darwinism. – Julius Evola
MUST WATCH !!! | ✅
Stolen History | Lifting the Veil of Deception (Part 1 - Introduction)
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let’s free ourselves from the artificial matrix that h...
Stolen History Part 2 | The Destruction of the Old World
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let’s free ourselves from the artificial matrix that h...
Stolen History Part 3 | The Mystery of the World’s Fairs
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let’s free ourselves from the artificial matrix that h...
Arts • Universe • Travel
Where to Go in the French Alps
The French Alps are a mountainous region in southeastern France. The villages of Chamonix, Annecy, and Grenoble are ...
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The Next Phase of Human Existence - Terence McKenna
Terence McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American ethnobotanist, mystic, psychonaut, lecturer, author, and an advocate for the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including visionary experiences, plant-based entheogens, shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, philosophy, culture, technology, environmentalism, and the theoretical origins of human consciousness.
Dumbphone Sales Are Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones
By Tyler Durden In a time when various “developed world” intelligence agencies are filling up petabytes of hard disk space with domestic phone recordings a
6 Hours Mozart for Studying, Concentration, Relaxation
Listen to our playlist on Spotify: Watch Hollywood Award-Winning Film “Interlude in Prague”, Mozart in love: https://bit....
The Invisible Reality: The Wonderful Weirdness of the Quantum World
Proposed a century ago to better explain the mind-bending behavior of the smallest constituents of the universe, quantum theory has implications far beyond t...
Headline News
Suffering from Apocalypse Fatigue? Here’s How to Fight It | Dan Sanchez
For the past two years the news has been dominated by one world-threatening catastrophe after another.
It’s like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are in a relay race.
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BlackRock Co-Founder’s Chilling Comments About Looming Economic Collapse, Put On Your Seat Belts...
🚨 | Welcome to Biden’s America...
‘Inflation Tax’ Will Cost Families This Many Thousands This Year, Bloomberg Analysis Warns | Brad Polumbo
This year, inflation will cost the typical US household an additional $5,200 just to afford the same goods as last year. That’s $433 a month taken out of the average family’s budget.
Here’s why this is happening.
Ukraine & WW3 | How Possible Is It? Henry Kissinger Explains Circa 1958
121. | We talk about Roger Stone and Trump briefly. Kissinger made sense once - in 1958. He laid out the exact foreign policy that the United States needs right now...
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Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming! | LewRockwell
Our models have confirmed that Biden’s sanctions against all Russians have undeniably destroyed the global economy unfortunately precisely on time from its birth in 1950. Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Biden’s sanctions.…
Rule of Law in America Is On Its Death Bed |
Rule of Law in America Is On Its Death Bed Paul Craig Roberts Kimberly Gardner, a black American Democrat circuit attorney in St Louis hired a black
The Rise of Global Fascism and the End of the World as We Know It
John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead - To anyone who’s been paying attention to the goings-on in the world, it is increasingly obvious that we’re already under a new world order.
A Chinese Container Ship Trapped in the Chesapeake Bay?
A Chinese container ship has been sitting in the Chesapeake Bay, 37 miles from DC for the past two weeks. And the Coast Guard doesn’t know why.
Shanghai Covid Lockdown to Exacerbate Supply Chain Crisis, Making Shipping Containers Nearly Impossible to Source
The recently announced two-phase lockdown in Shanghai could have a worse impact than the initial Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns in 2020, especially on the supply chain. The Chinese government implemented the latest COVID measures when the initial two weeks of targeted, temporary lockdowns fa
Producer of Power Grid Film says U.S. is “Incredibly Vulnerable” to Massive Society-Ending Cyberattack
The maker of a film focusing on weaknesses inherent in the U.S. power grid says that with war raging in eastern Europe, Iran on the move, North Korea testing new ICBMs, and China eyeing Taiwan, America’s electric nerve center is at major risk of being destroyed by a cyberattack. In an interv
Biden Corruption & Debacles
EXPLAINED: The New Hunter & Joe Biden FAMILY CRIME details
Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop may be back in the news (well, back in SOME news…) but this is NOT a Hunter Biden story. This is a Biden FAMILY CRIME st...
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🚨 | The people see the [CB] and the Biden Administration making the economic situation worse, instead of helping alleviate the problem they are adding to it. The globalist are trapped by what Putin has done. The Fed is now accelerating their plan to raise rates.
The [CB] Is Forced To Accelerate Their Plan, Checkmate
Ep. 2737a - The people see the [CB] and the Biden administration making the economic situation worse, instead of helping alleviate the problem they are adding to it. The globalist are trapped by what Putin has done. The Fed is now accelerating their plan to raise rates.
Biden Lies About U.S. Biological and Chemical Weapons Stockpile
By TruthTalkNews Interview with journalist and author Janet Phelan exposing Biden’s lies about the U.S. government’s clandestine biological and chemical
Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again
A CIA officer has confessed that the ‘Deep State’ rigged the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor, and has boldly admitted that the agency would do it again. For
Global Revolution
A History of Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Russia Crisis
Taught by Professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, an award-winning professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, these 24 insightful lectures offer a swe...
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The Origins of Russian Revolutions | Summary on a Map
Let’s retrace on maps the first origins of Russia, from the creation of Novgorod during the IXth century, until the end of the Time of Troubles and the begin...
Victor Davis Hanson | War in Ukraine
Regular contributor Victor Davis Hanson joins John to take stock of the many political, social and economic flashpoints currently occurring around the globe....
🇬🇧 | Protesters Call for Prince Andrew’s Arrest outside Buckingham Palace
Protesters at the Worldwide Freedom Rally in London (March 19th) walk past Buckingham Palace, and proclaim that Prince Andrew should be arrested. Protesters give their comments on what they think of t...
🇬🇧 | Pandemic Police State [Documentary] | The Rise of Authoritarianism in the UK
The coronavirus pandemic led to the most draconian emergency powers in the UK’s history. We’ve been fighting extraordinary new police powers, Big Tech censor...
We've Gone From 'America vs Totalitarianism' To 'America = Totalitarianism' In A Few Short Decades! Alarming Evidence We're Making The Final Descent Into Full-Scale Tyranny
Look at how much America has changed in just a few short decades, Alarming Evidence We Are Making The Final Descent
CCP Insurgency War
Prepare for Armageddon: China’s Warning to the World | 60 Minutes Australia
Subscribe here: Full Episodes: | Poking the Panda (2021)The message coming out of China is getti...
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Australia Worried after Leaked Docs Reveal Chinese Making Military Agreements with Islands Around Australia
Leaked documents have revealed that China has been making military agreements with islands just north of Australia: DAILY MAIL – Australia’s north could so
China’s Military is Growing | Fast
With major advances in missile technology, naval forces and intelligence, China is well on its way to becoming what President Xi Jinping calls a “world-class...
Chinese Spies Have Infiltrated American Universities. Here are just a few.
American professors have been caught spying for China–sending secret government data and research overseas in exchange for piles of cash.
Global Awakening
“Is it a coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used them for energy, and controlled their minds? Sound familiar? I wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label; the deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.”
Q - We Are The Plan
Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up, the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom. RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all.
Q - Killing The Mockingbird
The people of the world are sick and tired of being set against each other by powerful criminals who want us divided so they can continue to rape, steal from, and exploit us. Currently, the gravest threat to the world is the corrupt mainstream med…
Q The Plan To Save The World
The PLAN is to reclaim the world from the cabal and return it to the people. And here's how it will work...
[accordion title=’Geopolitical’]
The escalation of events continues to expose the hidden hand of the Global Deep State / Shadow Government. The MSM (mainstream media) continues to propagandize their reporting by normalizing the socialist-communist radical left. We see continued resignation from global CEOs & board members of the top Fortune 500 companies. Hollywood is no stranger to bad behavior as we learn of their elites’ sexual abuse of women, sex trafficking, and pedophilia which are now reported on a weekly basis. The increase this month of over 220,540 sealed indictments, the continued early retirement or resignation of Congressmen, Senators, CEO’s, high up board members, and Hollywood “A” list actors all reveal the scope and magnitude of a global network of corruption.
Q posts inform the world from behind the scenes as a US military counterintelligence operation for The Earth Alliance. Yet, the battle is not over and the fight continues to intensify at all levels. Our posted articles, videos, and documentaries will provide a deeper historical and current understanding of the crimes and atrocities committed against humanity.
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
FREE HIGH RES: The Deep State Map
• Mockingbird Media | Programming
SPECIAL REPORT: Programming - The Great Awakening Report
The global denial of programming at all levels of the human experience is now being exposed. Our collective programming begins at birth, with
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Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. Wikipedia
Operation Mockingbird never officially ended and has continued since the early 1950s. Our media has been a propaganda machine for roughly 70 years.
Their Mind Control and Your Great Reset
Dylan Charles - Why not see if it is possible to undo some of the programming that makes you a hackable animal first and and a human being last?
Humilitainment: How to Control the Citizenry Through Reality TV Distractions
By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead “Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours…. When a population becomes distracted by t
Google is Targeting You - Dr. Mercola on CHD.TV
Did you unknowingly sign up for 24-hour surveillance in your home? “. . . you don’t want to give Google your data and information and surrender your privacy to them.” Dr. Joseph Mercola and the Tea Ti
Leaked Disney Meeting Exposes Insane Gender Plan for Parks & Films | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Christopher Rufo’s leaking of a Walt Disney Company executive meeting. You will be shocked by what you hear and ...
• Human Trafficking | Satanic Corruption
The numbers for Global Human Trafficking are estimated to be in excess of 8 million children a year. The US numbers are estimated to be somewhere between 800k and 1 million trafficked children. Child & Female Slavery is now the most profitable industry, more profitable than global illegal drug trafficking.
If U Think Epstein Was Bad Then Watch This if You Have the Stomach for “It” - Pervywood 5: The Pedo Punisher, July 2020 - Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness | Awakening? Start Here | Before It’s News
If U Think Epstein Was Bad Then Watch This if You Have the Stomach for “It” - Pervywood 5: The Pedo Punisher, July 2020 - Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness
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UPDATE: MCCARTHY NOT HAPPY | “And then you realize they’re inviting you to an orgy” | Madison Cawthorn describes disturbing perversion he’s seen in DC
A clip from an interview with Madison Cawthorn is making the rounds where he describes the perversion he’s seen in the nation’s capital since he’s been th
Taylor Hawkins’ Death and Its Disturbing Links With His Band’s Movie “Studio 666”
The Foo Fighters’ movie “Studio 666” is about blood sacrifices to the devil who rules the music industry. One month after the movie’s release, Taylor Hawkins dies in strange circumstances.
Anti-NWO Rapper Explains Satanic Agenda In Music Industry
Severe joins Owen to discuss what really makes the music industry tick and how the satanic new world order uses music to push it’s agenda.
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• Deep State NWO | Global Alliance News
What Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
By Brandon Smith I first heard the phrase “Great Reset” way back in 2014. Christine Lagarde, who was head of...

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
I believe the world is changing in big ways that haven’t happened before in our lifetimes but have many times in history, so I knew I needed to study past ch...
What are Secret Societies? | Decoded
Spilling secrets.Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates the origins and influence of secret societies and their desire to hold sway from the shadows. Subscr...
Part 1 of 2: Black Nobility......Orsini...Ruspoli & Del Drago... Lanza Di Scalea & Massimo- Lancellotti...Theodoli...Medici...Sforza & Visconti...Galli- Zugaro...Lucchesi...
Black Nobility By Izreal Zeus ORSINI Prince Lelio Orsini is an owner of the Cleveland crime family and an owner of factions of the Israeli M...
• Global Economic
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
✅ | Economics 101 | “How the Economic Machine Works.“Created by Ray Dalio this simple but not simplistic and easy to follow 30 minute, animated video answers th...
What is an ‘Economic Hitman’? | Decoded
✅ | Do economic hitmen exist?Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates whether powerful nations and wealthy companies are strong-arming poor countries of their reso...
There are now 2 U.S. Economies in play, first is the old Federal Reserve Fiat Currency (13 Deep State Family Partnership created in 1913) in its final death spiral. The competing financial system ready to launch is the U.S. Treasury Gold-Backed Currency Economy Trump was/is building. All U.S Debt is based on corruption and can be written off against the existing Federal Reserve Banks which is currently run by 13 of the world’s wealthiest elite.

Supply Lines | Empty Shelves | Starvation | Famine | 🚨 ALERT
Famine Numbers: Wheat Price Two Years Ago: $506 | One Year Ago: $638 | Now: $1106
Barrel of Oil; $15 two years ago, to yesterdays $130 for a barrel of oil.
US Producer Price Inflation skyrockets to 10% in February, the highest annual increase on record.
Starving nations do not just quietly lay down and die. Starving nations go to war.
Starving people will fight over the remaining available resources, inevitably destroying much of the resources that they are fighting over.
Americas Rapid Descent Into The Abyss Is All But Complete
The handwriting is on the wall as our engineered collapse into oblivion nears completion
Top Biden Economist Says Farmers To Increase Crop Production On “Price Signals” To Avert Food Shortage
By Tyler Durden The White House’s chief economist told reporters at a daily press briefing on Monday that American farmers will respond to “price signals”
Intentional Food Shortages: Government Drains Water Reservoirs, Sells Farm Land To China
The Stew Peters Show
Why Global Supply Chains May Never Be the Same | A WSJ Documentary
✅ | Every day, millions of sailors, truck drivers, longshoremen, warehouse workers and delivery drivers keep mountains of goods moving into stores and homes to m...
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Americans are Seeing the Biggest Increase in Food Prices since 1981.









Fish and seafood

Severe Shortages Of Chicken, Eggs And Other Dairy Products Expected To Become Critical Over The Next Months
The Politics Behind Starving A Nation
The Exodus From US Cities Is Gaining Speed, New Census Data Show
By Jon Miltimore America’s largest metro areas saw massive declines in population, new US Census Bureau data show. Three of the top five metros that saw
Soaring Cotton Prices Could Mean Clothing Is About To Get More Expensive
By Tyler Durden Cotton futures jumped as high as 4% Monday, reaching a new decade high, as data supplied by weather forecasters say drought conditions in Tex
🇹🇯 | President of Tajikistan Urged the Population to Stock Up on Food for Two Years
The current global situation has a serious impact on all countries of the world, including Tajikistan, President Emomali Rahmon said
• International Monetary System
The Most Dangerous Book
We can no longer rely on the internet due to censorship and propaganda. Korsgaard Publishing has compiled transcriptions of key videos, essays and articles t...
Is a new Global Earth Alliance monetary system ready for activation? We explore the news reports on the potential of NESARA/GESARA‘s replacement of the SWIFT global trading platform, new gold-backed currencies, the possibility of a global debt jubilee, and banishment of the IRS.
More Countries Set to Dump Dollar Holdings Following U.S. “Theft” of Russian Reserves after Ukraine Invasion
The Biden regime’s foreign policy team is filled with amateurs and half-wits whose heads are filled with Ivy League nonsense about how the world is supposed to work, as evidenced by the administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As part of the regime’s economic
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Central Banks Have Broken the True Savings-Lending Relationship
By Frank Shostak Most people believe lending is associated with money. But there is more to lending. A lender lends savings to a borrower as opposed to “ju
Currency Wars Center on Russia’s Gold
By Stefan Gleason In response to Russia’s war on Ukraine, the U.S. and G-7 countries have launched a currency war against the Kremlin. Sanctions imposed on
[accordion title=’Global Weather’]
The growing daily evidence for Global Geophysical, Earth, & Climate Change, plus the weaponization of global weather has never been more evident than in recent months. NASA satellite photos have revealed that our Solar System has entered into a cosmic solar cloud that has affected the weather on all planets within our solar system. This plasma energy cloud is activating our sun which burns bright white today as opposed to yellow 30 years ago. These energies from the cloud and sun are heating up the core of our planet and expanding Earth’s crust. This has caused the increased activations of volcanic activity and earthquakes by 100 to 500 times normal, respectively. In one 24 hour period
Dutchsinse reported more than 200 earthquakes registering 5.0 or higher on the Richter scale. Our weather patterns include extreme hurricanes with high wind speeds along with an increase in storm surges, tsunamis, hot and cold temperature extremes, droughts, flooding, forest fires, and 10,000 to 30,000 lightning strikes in one 24 hour period. We look to track the evidence of both historical and present-day occurrences of these events. Our tertiary topics Geophysical, Earth Changes and Climate Changes track together and support the evidence for dramatic changes within our Solar System Sun (Star). What’s missing is the knowledge of the Deep State/Cabal’s use of scalar weather modification weapons (lasers/HAARP) to accelerate the cyclical events and their agendas. This is all part of a bigger plan connecting the dots leading us towards The Event.
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.”
• Solar Weather
We examine and investigate the unreported truth regarding the increase in the number and volume of solar events, new volcanoes, and earthquakes driving galactic forces behind climate changes.
Storm Alert, Solar-Climate-Forcing, Snow | S0 News Mar.22.2022
A spectacular display of the "Northern Lights" was visible as far south as Bradenton FL, El Paso, TX and Fresno, CA. At Detroit MI, the display was described "so brilliant as to blot out all-stars below the first magnitude. American Telephone and Telegraph service disrupted. Atlantic cable traffic reduced from 30 massages per day to one.
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Major X1.3 Solar Flare Erupts from Active Region 2975
A major solar flare measuring X1.3 erupted from Active Region 2975 at 17:37 UTC on March 30, 2022. The event started at 17:21 UTC and ended at 17:46. The region is located in an area that favors Earth…
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 2, 2022, #347
✅ | Dane  Wigington Climate engineering continues to rage in skies all over the world, polymer nanofibers are a component of these operations. The science community has now confirmed that microplastics have been found in human blood and farm animals. These puzzle pieces are not h…
• Geophysical Earth Changes
Is Earth’s crust expanding? Are the poles shifting? Is there a planetary end of times cycle approaching? We’re witnessing the destruction of our planetary ecosystems and atmosphere. We report on scientific evidence confirming Earth is now undergoing dramatic changes, directing us towards cataclysmic conclusions.
Taal Volcano Eruption Update; New Explosive Eruption, Evacuations Ordered
🚨 | On March 26th, 2022 the Taal volcano unexpectedly produced a powerful explosive eruption. Unlike prior events over the last 18 months, this eruption was long...
Currently Erupting Volcanoes
Volcano Photos: Etna, Stromboli, Kilauea, Bromo, Krakatau and other volcanoes in the world / VolcanoDiscovery
Volcano Photos: Etna, Stromboli, Kilauea, Bromo, Krakatau and other volcanoes in the world / VolcanoDiscovery
Videos of Volcanoes, Eruptions and Volcanic Phenomena
Videos of volcanoes, eruptions and volcanic phenomena

Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 5 during March 2022, Jump to daily reports for March
🚨 | Summary: 2 quakes 7.0+, 14 quakes 6.0+, 181 quakes 5.0+, 1471 quakes 4.0+, 4054 quakes 3.0+, 9343 quakes 2.0+ (15065 total)
Strong M7.0 Earthquake Hits Southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia
A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia at 05:44 UTC on March 31, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.
Monthly Earthquake Reports: Largest Quakes and Statistics
Monthly earthquake reports: largest quakes and statistics
Seismic Unrest develops across Pacific | New Deep 6.0+ means keep watch | BE PREPARED
3/10/2022 -- A new deep M6.0+ earthquake points us towards a bigger event coming fairly soon , and a noteworthy spread of activity across the planet yet again. The new 5...
• Weather & Climate Change
Global wildfires, heavy rains, and extreme drought continue. Record-setting winds, scorching heat, and beyond freezing cold storms are now the new normal. The climate is undoubtedly changing and we’re learning more about these changes daily.
Be Prepared for these Serious Storms! Multi Day Severe Weather Event, Arctic Blast, and more!
Join this channel to get access to perks: Media:Discord Server -
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LIVE | MAJOR Tornado Outbreak Coverage | Very Large Tornadoes Possible | Live Weather Channel
Join this channel to get access to perks: Media:Discord Server -
Wild Weather Around the World | March 16th, 2022
(03/16/2022) – From Mozambique to Finland, this week was a wild week of weather. Meteorologist Kara James breaks down the headlines you might have missed thi...
[accordion title=’Health Watch’]
We continue to research and find definitive evidence of pharmaceutical toxins creating side effects, extending diseases, and causing new secondary health-related issues. The battle for truth regarding our health has never more evident than it has with recent disclosures regarding the FDA, Big Pharma, and the Corporate Food Industry versus the Alternative Health, Vitamins & Supplements, and Organic Farming industries. The key is the link between the heads of government agencies making policies and laws favoring Big Pharma and the Corporate Food Industry. We seek to post articles, videos, and documentaries making the case for purposeful toxification, pollution, and poisoning of the pharmaceutical drug industry and our food system.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
Benjamin Rush
• COVID News & Updates
It would seem that a vaccine passport is imminent, but is it? Would it just be easier to use that as a tactic? What is the real reason for them to want to vaccinate the planet? It’s quite undeniable there is a larger agenda at play, with no claims about helping reduce transmission or uptake of the virus and so much misinformation. Generally, when something is free, you are the product.
SPECIAL REPORT: Injection Symptoms, Reactions, Injuries, & Antidotes | Series Part 1 - The Great Awakening Report
The Great Awakening Report investigates and reveals new evidence in our latest SPECIAL REPORT: INJECTION SYMPTOMS & ANTIDOTES.
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SPECIAL REPORT: Injection Symptoms, Reactions, Injuries, & Antidotes | Series II - The Great Awakening Report
We need your help to bypass censorship! Please share with your family, friends, and followers. The Great Awakening Report investigates and reveals new evidence in our latest SPECIAL REPORT: INJECTION SYMPTOMS & ANTIDOTES. Special Updates; RFK Jr. Childrens Health Defense, 5 Doctors Monthly Report,…
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SPECIAL REPORT: Dr. Sherry Tenpenny Warns About What Is To Come & How to Prepare - News You Can Use | The Hagmann Report | 4/1/2022
For show notes, links and complete description, visit The Hagmann Report is brought to you by EMP Shield - Use Promo Code HAGMANN for $50 OFF! IMPORTANT
BA.2 Subvariant of Omicron Becomes Dominant COVID-19 Strain the U.S.
The subvariant accounts for around 55% of sequenced COVID-19 cases, says the CDC.
Are You Ready for “the Vaccination Credential Initiative?” Big Health and Big Tech Join Forces to Keep You Safe
Big Health and Big Tech coming together as one to ensure our safety and well-being? That’s hardly terrifying at all. It’s called, “The Vaccination Credent
Greatest Fraud in Modern History: Multiple Studies Show COVID-19 Vaccines do not Stop Infections, Transmissions, Hospitalizations and Deaths
Studies on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines found that they do not effectively stop the transmission of the disease, bringing into question the necessity of mandating them. Epidemiologist Paul Alexander recently published a round-up of some of the newest evidence that calls into question
EXCLUSIVE: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence Of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide - Maria Zeee
People must be aware of what has been injected into their bodies.
Big Pharma And Their Drug of Death that Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Americans | RFK Jr. [VIDEOS]
Big Media is complicit, colluded with Big Pharma for ad revenue... connect the dots...
• COVID Vaxx Injuries
Buried Bombshell: Tennis World Rocked as FIFTEEN “Fully Vaccinated” Players Unable to Finish Miami Open | The Liberty Daily
Tennis fans are upset and the sporting world is reeling after an unprecedented number of players either withdrew or retired from the Miami Open this week. A total of 15 players were unable to finish, including the male and female favorites to win. According to Free West Media: The tennis world react…
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WOW: Doctors And Mainstream Media Low-Key Admit That Vaccines Might Be Causing HIV — Recommend Everyone Take HIV Medication
Scientists and the mainstream media are now urging those who have been fully vaccinated to start taking HIV medications to reduce their risk of getting COVID.
Director Of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Warns Of Possible Nanotech Discovered in Vaccinated Blood Samples
According to a study by Steve Hirsch, doctors identified strange “land masses” in the blood samples of COVID vaccine recipients. Recent blood tests have indica
Military Doctor’s Testimony: Ordered by High-Level Command to Keep Quiet on Vaccine Issues
Brave doctor refuses to be quiet about COVID shots. “I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it.”
• COVID Vaxx Deaths

With the establishment still in huge cover-up mode regarding the shocking spike in ‘deaths by vax‘ that America and the world have witnessed since the ‘clot shot‘ was unveiled, an alarming report out of the UK is adding mega fuel to the fire by reporting that every 9 out of 10 recent COVID deaths have also happened in ‘fully vaxxed’ people. So we’ve got to look in this story at one recent well publicized death that’s looking more and more like a ‘death by vax‘, the fact that the CDC and other government agencies long knew the vax was unsafe and didn’t work as advertised and said nothing about it as well as more proof there is an ‘alternative health solution‘ to fighting against COVID that works, as I myself am living proof.
There Is An Alternative That Works, I Am Living Proof
Globalists Attempting To Criminalize The Truth
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CDC Removes Tens of Thousands of Deaths ‘Accidentally’ Attributed To Covid
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 14 removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to COVID-19, including nearly a quarter of deaths it had attributed to children, blaming an algori
Embalmers, Funeral Directors Reveal that COVID-Vaccinated Bodies Show “Unusual Blood Clots”
All around the world, embalmers and funeral directors are coming forward to tell all about how the state of human remains has changed for the worst ever since Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” emerged. Debra Heine of the Minnesota Sun reported that strange, rubbery, worm-like clot
• COVID Vaxx Recovery Protocols
Dr Judy Mikovitz: How to Naturally Stop mRNA Spike Proteins Damaging You After COVID Injections
***** MUST WATCH *****
Clearly this is for family and friends who for what ever reason have taken the poison. It provides some hope but my concerns will be with how the price of Quercetin, Ivermectin and HCQ etc will be impacted when it is figured …
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Dr Judy Mikovitz VX Antidote “Suramin” | Supporting Studies + Images + More | Save your loved ones!
Quick video! Protect your cells against spike protein damage and protect your brain cells from Prion damage. Must see, take these easy steps to protect yourself Get Suramin and see studies here: Its Valid…
Natural Immunity More Protective Over Time Than COVID-19 Vaccination Study
the naturally immune had a 10.5 per 100,000 infection rate four to six months following their recovery, versus a 69.2 per 100,000 rate among the vaccinated.
El Salvador’s Government Issue Emergency COVID-19 Health Recovery Kit
These are provided Free of charge to all El Salvador‘s People who have any signs of a cough cold or Flu aka Coronavirus (aka Common Cold look it up… Travel between Australia and other countries could resume this year, with experts predicting coron…
• FDA & Big Pharma
Should the government be in control of our health? What is the gross annual revenue for Big Pharma? Are vaccines safe? Are cures suppressed? When you follow the money it is clear to see the motives behind big pharma. It is exponentially more financially beneficial for the industry to keep us ill and ill-informed of our healing potential and the risks of our foods, supplements, and medications to consume. With less than one-quarter of all Americans trusting in our healthcare system, it is time for a massive overhaul. We’re looking for answers.
Nearly All Committee Members Who Advise on U.S. Dietary Guidelines have Ties to Big Pharma
A new study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition has found that the people crafting the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which forms “the foundation for all national nutrition programs,” are almost all pharmaceutical industry goons. Researchers say it is “part
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Pfizer Sponsored The Oscars And Has New Alopecia Drug In Development - The True Defender !
So, a new “conspiracy theory” has emerged after the notorious Will Smith slapped hard comedian Chris Rock. But, it was not a case of coincidence, as it appears. Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: Right now there’s a race between several pharma companies to be t…
Vaccine Passports Just One Way BlackRock, Vanguard Are Profiting From Pandemic, Reporter Tells RFK, Jr.
In an appearance on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., a reporter for The Defender, explained how the two global asset giants pushing for vaccine passports also stand to profit greatly from orchestrating them.
• Food Industry
True Garden Solutions
What foods can you trust? Are we being intentionally poisoned? Can we trust the labels on processed foods? Are any diets worth pursuing? Why are GMOs so common? You are what you eat!
With news like Bill Gates becoming the largest private farmland owner in the U.S it’s more important than ever to figure out how to take control of your health and well-being. The growing percentage of people buying organic foods proves awareness of the horrific “foods” that are available to us and the massive amount of misinformation and censorship behind natural health practices. We cast our vote for what we want to see in stores every time we check out.
Specific Articles to Support Your Nutritional Health
The Deficiency Millions Are Suddenly Frightened Of
Fear about potential nuclear fallout has resulted in Europeans stocking up on iodine. As reported by Agence France-Presse ...
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Preserve Your Muscle Mass by Consuming This Vitamin
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is so essential for protecting and enhancing immune function that it ...
Herbal Tea for Optimum Body Detox
Herbal tea is the perfect choice for cleansing your body from unwanted toxins that cause disease. Caffeine-free and ...
• Alternative Health
Why are alternative and holistic health practitioners dying? Can we heal ourselves? What foods, remedies, and practices can benefit us? We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.
Since the Flexner Report in 1910, we have been sold a model of healthcare that has one primary goal; profit. There have been so many fantastic practitioners that have seen past their “education” and helped to get people away from illness and disease and on the right path to a healthy life. Unfortunately, a lot of these practitioners are being silenced and having their licenses revoked for telling the truth, and practicing natural methods. There is an immeasurable amount of information out there to weed through on how to be healthy. We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.
SPECIAL REPORT: Redefining Health, Alternative Remedies, & Immune Support - The Great Awakening Report
Health defines all aspects of your being, and being healthy does not just mean eating healthy. Redefine what health means to you.
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Goodbye Food Shortage - Hello Food Independence | INSPIRED Jim Gale Interview
Use coupon code INSPIRED & start your food forest journey today!👉🏽 Gale is the founder & CEO of F...
Loading up on These Vegetables Increases Muscle Strength, Even Without Exercise
Who would have thought that the zany cartoons we grew up with could contain accurate nutritional information? Viewers ...
SPECIAL REPORT: Holographic Plasma Med Beds - The Great Awakening Report
We need your help to bypass censorship! Please share with your family, friends, and followers.March 22nd, 2021 SPECIAL REPORT TRUTH///AWAKENING///DISCLOSURE HOLOGRAPHIC PLASMA MED BEDS Holographic Medical Pods from whistle-blower personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Disclo…
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MED BEDS! Off-World Races, The Reset, and The New Earth | Dowsing with JC Kay
#233 HAVE YOU JOINED JC KAY’S MAILING LIST? Please sign up HERE, even if you have already sent me an email:******DOWSING INFO:Dow...
MEDBEDS REVEALED – Med Beds are a quantum leap into a new healing tech that will eradicate big pharma & transform the old medical system with plasmatic energy & healing frequencies — freeing humanity from the suffering of man-made diseases. This tech has been said to be produced by the military industrial complex’s secret space program based on Tesla Technologies & Jarad Rand.
These quantum healing devices create maximum human repair by Light & energy through Tachyonic particles & plasma. Like Nicola Tesla, Dr Royal Rife also created earlier versions of this technology but was also stopped by the deep state. We live in a vibrational universe & humans are vibrational beings, the healing occurs through a homeopathic frequency realignment approach with little to no side effects. Med Beds are part of NESARA / GESARA along with the public release of over 6,000 patents & cures. New Earth Energy & its physical manifestations are here — hold your vibration as high as possible!
[accordion title=’True History’]
The true history of our planet and the solar system is now being revealed. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. They’re mapping artifacts and hieroglyphics of ancient ruins from all over the world. That paints an entirely different picture of our history. We see continued evidence in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being one of their most-viewed programs. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos.
“People Without the True Knowledge of their Ancient History, Origins, and Culture is Like a Tree Without Roots.” – Marcus Garvey
“History Merely Repeats Itself. It Has All Been Done Before. Nothing Under The Sun Is Truly New.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9
The Secret Dark Age Of Ancient Egypt | Immortal Egypt | Timeline
The professor explores one of Saqqara’s last pyramid complexes to illustrate how Ancient Egypt’s `Pyramid Age’ came to an end. A worsening climate combined w...
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• Archaeology
We’re looking at the ancient world and how civilizations were living thousands of years ago. The truth about our ancestors is hidden in forbidden archeology. We look to reveal evidence of ancient aliens visiting and inhabiting our planet for eons.
The Secret of Secrets The Bucegi Mountain Secrets
The Secret of Secrets The Bucegi Mountain Secrets By Simon Day. Written in 2013 Introduction At the beginning of 2012 I was reading though...
Pompeii’s Explosive Secrets Revealed | Digging for Truth (S1, E3) | Full Episode
In 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius exploded in one of history’s deadliest eruptions, burying the city of Pompeii and other Roman towns along the Bay of Naples be...
Enter the Ruins Beneath Mount Vesuvius | Cities of the Underworld (S1) | Full Episode | History
Naples, Italy narrowly escaped meeting the same fate as its neighboring city, Pompeii in 79 AD when Mount Vesuvius wiped out everything around it. The wind s...
• Ancient Text
Things keep getting older by tens of thousands of years. Luckily the ancients documented the past, and these truths are finding their way into the public domain. Our understanding of the power of these writings keeps growing daily. There are many fascinating secrets, codes, and mathematics integrated into much more than we ever thought. These ancient texts were meant to be read once we reached an age when we could comprehend these texts. Once we entered the age of information, truth, and oneness, the Age Of Aquarius.
Lost Science of the Bible | Ancient Discoveries (S5, E7) | Full Episode | History
Might the stories of the Bible have their basis in ancient scientific fact? How big was the giant Goliath, and what was the tech of the sling that brought hi...
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The Old 2,000 Year Old Bible That The Catholic Church Tried To Hide Reveals This Secret About Jesus
The old 2,000 year old Bible that the Catholic church tried to hide reveals this secret about Jesus. Today, we take a look at this 2,000 year old Bible that ...
The Texts That Rocked the Foundations of Christianity
In search of biblical relics, British aristocrat Robert Curzon traveled to a destitute Egyptian monastery in 1834. What he found would ignite widespread spec...
• Real US History
Inside the Secret Mounds Of Pre-Historic America | Ancient Mysteries (S3) | Full Episode | History
Join Lawrence Fishburne as he uncovers the truth behind the strangest mysteries of all time in History’s Greatest Mysteries: Solved - ...
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Were the history books where we learned from as accurate as we could’ve hoped for? Likely not. Stunning new evidence and research are revealing a new understanding of our almost 250 year US History.
Cahokia: Mississippian Metropolis
Cahokia was the largest city ever built in the pre-columbian United States. Now a UNESCO World Heritage site, this city of great mounds and plazas continues...
Cahocia, City of the Sun
The Mississippian culture that built Monks Mound Pyramid near St. Louis a thousand years ago.
Ancient Civilizations of the Americas by Anna Guengerich
Watch video of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s winter term on February 12th, “Ancient Civilizations of the Americas” by Anna Guengerich, Ph.D., Anthropol...
Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’Hidden Truths’]
We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden science and technologies. There is a planetary cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence, making this the most challenging, critical, and difficult topic to understand and comprehend.
Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft disclosure since July 2015, with the whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets valued in the trillions. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from the earth’s populations are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military-industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This is where the saying; “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie” comes into play. They’ve had to cover up the truth for a long time.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal, and the time for full disclosure of our planet’s Secret Space Program and hidden technologies is Now.”
SPECIAL REPORT: UFO | UAP Intelligence Assessment Report
As part of the Full Disclosure Movement, this report will be updated monthly or as breaking news dictates to bring the truth of UFO’s
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Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret (FULL MOVIE) (Client Req Removal)
Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new, top-secret evidence supporting Extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO foota...
Enter the Secret Pagan Underground | Cities of the Underworld (S1, E12) | Full Episode | History
Join us as we explain the wildest, weirdest, most shocking moments of all time in History Countdown - is where East meet...
Did Human-Like Aliens ‘Seed & Establish’ Earth’s Ancient Civilizations? (My Personal Encounter)
March 27, 2022Editor’s Note: Although this is not my own experience, the idea is intriguing. And so I bring this to you for contemplation,…
• New Sciences
We’re examining new physics, plasma biology, quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, universal theory, antigravity, zero-point energy, human frequency, and other scientific truths and theories.
Top 13 Scientific Breakthroughs Of 2022.Biggest Discoveries Science Ever Had lNew Innovation of 2022
All scientific discoveries are amazing, and some are truly life changing. Let’s have a look on some amazing innovations science ever had. In recent years the...
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The World’s Smartest Kid Genius Said CERN Physicists At The Large Hadron Collider Opened A Portal
The world’s smartest kid genius said CERN physicists at the large hadron collider opened a portal. Today, we take a look at what the smartest kid in the worl...
15 Emerging Technologies that Will Change the World
Technology is progressing faster than ever, with ground-breaking new ideas being explored every day. From floating farms to edge computing, here are the 15 m...
• Advanced Technologies
The revelation of hidden technologies, 6,000 plus patents suppressed by the Department of Defense, and inventors from all over the world withholding new technologies that would greatly advance the human race. We’re witnessing a true realization and awakening of the coming Golden Age.
Jetson One: A Personal Flying Vehicle just for Having Fun
Startup Jetson is now accepting preorders for its recreational EVTOL, the Jetson One. The vehicle starts at $92,000 and deliveries are expected to begin in 2...
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How Airships Could Overcome a Century of Failure
A new breed of airships seeks to take flight and provide a greener solution for both luxury travel and heavy industry. But is the business case for bringing ...
“Only Few People On Earth Know About This!” | NIKOLA TESLA
They can’t hide it anymore!. Use Self hypnosis to reprogram your mind: Footage licensed through:
On March 18, news emerged of a heatwave in East Antarctica, the epicenter of which was the Vostok region that sits atop a mysterious lake two miles under the ice sheet. Scientists are baffled by the heat surge of more than 70 degrees above average temperatures and are seeking answers. A likely explanation comes from two sources who say an ancient ark is buried under the ice sheet in the Vostok region, and its activation is heating up East Antarctica.
The Washington Post was the first to reveal the heatwave in East Antarctica. In a story titled “It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted”, this is what was reported:
The average high temperature in Vostok — at the center of the eastern ice sheet — is around minus-63 (minus-53 Celsius) in March. But on Friday, the temperature leaped to zero (minus-17.7 Celsius), the warmest it’s been there during March since record keeping began 65 years ago. It broke the previous monthly record by a staggering 27 degrees (15 Celsius).
Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake Vostok heating up Antarctica?
On March 18, news emerged of a heatwave in East Antarctica, the epicenter of which was the Vostok region that sits atop a mysterious lake two miles under the ice sheet. Scientists are baffled by th…
• Secret Space Program
How long has the Secret Space Program existed and how many programs are there? Are they meant to do good or are there bad intentions? Which UFOs are earth-based and which are from other worlds? We look into David Wilcock’s analysis along with whistleblower testimonies from Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, and Pete Peterson.
Space Arks and the Arriving ET Seeders
This is a Short Film/Trailer for the upcoming April 9, 2022 Webinar: “ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal.” Covers origins of ancient space arks used in past Earth catastrophes,…
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15 Biggest Star Wars Ships | Explained
What would Star Wars be without the many cool space ships that populate its universe? From starfighters to military cruisers and worn hunks of junk that sepa...
All Star Destroyer Types and Classes
Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. All known...
[accordion title=’The Event’]
The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle “Event” based on our solar system being part of a binary, or two-star system. Current evidence, research, and information on The Event is limited to ancient texts, SSP scientists, military disclosures, whistle-blower testimony, NASA satellite data reports, and scientific observatory papers documenting specific galactic events within our solar system. Solar flares (release of photons, electrons, and carbon dioxide gases), solar winds, coronal mass ejections (further solar particles of radiation), co-interaction regions where fast and slow solar winds converge and send out vibrationally strong shock waves throughout the cosmos which will, of course, affect this planet. All of the occurrences mentioned above will cause the inner core and the outer arena (magnetic and geomagnetic fields) of Earth/Gaia to tremendously thrash, surge, and shift and vibrate faster and elevate higher, and receive enormous pulsations of SOURCE LIGHT. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. This topic is key to understanding the
Big Picture for our planet, race, and ascension of every soul on this planet.
“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.”
“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Mathew 27:24
Suspicious Observer 25 Video Series / The Earths Catastrophic Cycle
SPECIAL REPORT: 2022 Trends, Predictions, & Divine Intervention - The Great Awakening Report
This Special Report is our Annual 2021 year in review and looking forward into all aspects of the coming year. 2022 Trends, Predictions & Div
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Scientists Discovered a Bubble Around Our Solar System!
We Live In a Huge Bubble! This Is What’s Hiding Outside Our Solar System!► Subscribe: would seem that the Solar System has been studi...
Scientists Discover New Solar Waves that Move Three Times Faster than They Thought Possible
A new study published on March 24 in Nature Astronomy has found a new set of waves on the Sun’s surface that don’t fit current theories. Known as “high-frequency retrograde (HFR) waves,” the newly-detected waves travel in the opposite direction of the Sun’s rotation and e
• Galactic Energy Cloud
Galactic energy cloud, solar waves, and cosmic rays from outside of this solar system, super-novas (ancient exploding stars), comets (whose tails filled with chemicals will plunge to Earth/Gaia before the comet melts as it moves directly into the Sun), CME’s and many other heavenly events we seek to post in our reports.
High Speed Solar Storm Headed Towards Earth At 2.1 MILLION MPH
A seasoned Internet catastrophe survivor. I’ve weathered over a dozen end of the world events this week alone.
Solar Wind Impact Watch, Solar Forcing All Latitudes | S0 News
March 26, 2022 Eyes on that crop of sun spots coming around the limb. It's a beautiful spring day here in the UK. Watching the weather over in the USA and other regions with high energy weather events seems surreal as we are only a few (thousand) miles away.
Solar Proton Bombardment, Solar Forcing, James Webb | S0 News
March 21, 2022 Daily Sun, Earth and Science News! Just Click our Name for More!
• Galactic Flash / MicroNova
This is a universal 26,000-year recurring galactic event that is tied to the ascension of the human souls to higher dimensions of consciousness. The Galactic Flash originates from the galactic central sun in our universe and transverses through our sun, a flash or MicroNova 1000 times brighter than the brightest X Class CME on record.
THE Earth Disaster Documentary
First, combine Chan Thomas, Charles Hapgood, Major White, August Dunning, Robert Felix, Robert Shoch, Albert Einstein, Randall Carlson and Douglas Vogt. Then, combine mythology, religion, 4 fields of astrophysics, 8 fields of geophysics, archeology and paleontology. Then add on the signs of the disaster unfolding now on earth, the other planets, the sun, nearby stars... and realize that the cycle timing is perfectly due again now. It's coming. Are you ready?
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Can Earth Handle a Superflare? Ionosphere, Tornados, and more | S0 News
March 27 ,2022 the micronova as a gift of life, for life on planet Earth. Would the Earth's magnetic field collapse and our atmosphere blow away, if not recharged by the enormous electrical outflow of the nova? If so, the nova might be seen like a forest fire, catastrophic but necessary.
Ok, This Just Came Out of NOWHERE! Seen Attempting to HIDE Near the Sun!
These objects aren't comets or meteors or solar flares. They appear to be extraordinarily large, (planet sized) and intelligently controlled objects entering and leaving our sun. Or approaching and departing.
• Ascension Reset | Earths Third Shaking
Solar Storm CME Solar Flare | DNA ACTIVATION Ascension Symptoms | The Great Solar Flash EVENT
Solar Flare CME Solar Storm | DNA ACTIVATION Ascension Symptoms
If this message resonates with you please share and subscribe to the channel. Improve your Everyday life experience by thinking in terms of energy frequency and vibration. Guidance to and through THE EVENT
A plethora of mysterious earth shaking events are rocking every country to their core. Earthquakes far from any fault lines, explosive booms that no one can ...
The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a soul’s journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension reality of Free Will. The key to Ascension is based on each individual’s frequency and vibration.
Unbelievable Predictions | HOPI Elders Saw It All Coming
This recording is from the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council. Lee Brown sums up the Hopi prophecies and compares them to other tribes and predictions & the...
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“It’s All About To Begin: Third Shaking of Earth” Galactic Federation | Signs of Ascension (2022)
#GalacticFederation #SignsOfAscension #3rdShakingOfEarth #HeartCentre #Awakening #GalacticFederationOfLight #GalacticFederationOfWorlds #Ascension #Conscious...
All Native American PROPHECIES Are Coming True!
Russell Means, Floyd ‘Red Crow’ Westerman, Elder Dave Swallow Jr. & Chief Oren Lyons are warning us in this compilation. Please don’t ignore this message - t...
An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into the right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into the right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you’ll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable… a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet, and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature. Author; Arn Allingham
[accordion title=’Spirituality ‘]
In Oneness, Unity, & Equality
There are numerous topics and extensive research documenting a new understanding of Spirituality. Our first focus is in the area of Consciousness and the new scientific discoveries and studies ongoing within the scientific community. Next, is the historical research and the distinctions between Religion vs Spirituality. Religion has its roots in Sumerian culture taught as a controlling practice tied to monetary, governmental, and military systems and practices. The truth about religion will be one of the biggest challenges to understand and comprehend with full disclosure. The last topic is the cosmic battle between good and evil which is now being disclosed and revealed. This quite possibly carries the most resistance and negative response by programmed and conditioned global populations. It is important to note that advanced human DNA has existed in our universe for billions of years. The questions of who we are, where we come from, and how we got here will rock religion to its very core.
“Spirituality is a Brave Search for the Truth about Existence, Fearlessly Peering into the Mysterious Nature of Life.”
– Elizabeth Lesser
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
– Peter Kemmsies
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We need your help to bypass censorship! Please share with your family, friends, and followers.Published Date: August 4th, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT TRUTH///AWAKENING///DISCLOSURE SHADOW SELF / SHADOW WORK GAR Research Team: Carol & Magen K YOUR SHADOW Shadow Work is a practice that helps us to become whol…
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Neville Goddard | God And I Are One | 1972 Lecture | Own Voice | Full Transcription - Subtitles 🙏 -
Neville Goddard - God And I Are One - 1972Powerful Lecture.Cleaned and fully transcripted.The Power Of Awareness by Neville GoddardFREE Book Download 👇https...
• Consciousness
The last frontier of discovery & exploration. Prime/Source/Creator/God’s connection to the Universe and our Collective Consciousness.
Ned Block | Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism?
What would it take for consciousness to defeat materialism or physicalism? This is the worldview that only the physical is real, which is the dominant view of scientists and philosophers. Here's what it would take: our inner awareness, our experience of what things feel like, could not be explained by physical brain alone That's it
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Is Reality a Controlled Hallucination? - with Anil Seth
How does our biology give rise to the experience of consciousness?Anil’s new book “Being You” is available now: the Q&A: https://yo...
THE EVENT 2022: Expansion of Human Consciousness | THE RAPTURE
THE EVENT 2022 Expansion of Human Consciousness. As we are going through this massive shift, there are many frequencies used to throw you off your path. You will have to go within to find the truth, and always be true to yourself. If this message resonates with you please share and subscribe to the channel. Improve your Everyday life experience by thinking in terms of energy frequency and vibration. Guidance to and through THE EVENT
• Manifestation
Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, and the power of thought sustained and visualized with the emotions of the heart. These are the keys to manifestation in the 3rd/4th-dimensional realities.
Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Conscious Manifestation | 2022 Enrollment OPEN
the 2022 Conscious Manifestation Course: An 8-week online course to fulfill your highest purpose & create from the fullness of being. The course begins on February 28th. Enrollment is open for a limited time:
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3 Things You MUST Do to Speed Up Your Manifestation in 2022 | Massive ENERGY SHIFT!!
Get ready for big changes, acceleration of time and manifestations. Here is your energy update and energy activation for the end of 2021! We are shifting quickly as we clear out old cycles and prepare for our harmonious new beginning in 2022. Prepare Yourself right NOW!!
Do This to RAPIDLY Manifest In 2022! | Just Appreciate And Manifest It
It can be easy for you to tap into the reality that you want + fully manifest it right here and now. I simplify the process so you can get to the result faster. Whatever your dream life looks like to you, you can absolutely attain it. And you SHOULD be living it! It's time to align with what you've asked for.
• Forgiveness | Releasing
The creative powers of the human spirit have been suppressed for thousands of years. With the increase in global consciousness and revelations through ancient texts were just beginning to understand the full extent of human potential. All human spiritual advancement begins with a daily Forgiveness practice.
Forgiveness is an integral aspect of the awakening process. It is a crucial step in releasing past trauma and a necessary component of the healing process. Forgiving others is not to condone or accept unforgivable actions but rather to let yourself be free of the burden these feelings have on you. You don’t need to forgive others so that they feel okay about their actions. You must do it for yourself to move forward towards healing and connecting with your spirit. Forgiving yourself is just as if not more important than forgiving others. In order to forgive yourself, it is necessary to learn and appreciate each so-called mistake you are holding over yourself. Gain gratitude for every trauma, every mistake, and every wrongdoing that was afflicted to or by you. Forgiveness and gratitude are keys to the doors of healing and awakening.
Understanding FORGIVENESS (Meaning & Definition Explained) What is Forgiveness?
What is FORGIVENESS? Understanding FORGIVENESS (meaning and definition) is of prime Importance for all Spiritual Seekers in this modern age. The Power, Benefits and Meaning of Forgiveness are taught and explained in all Religions and Spiritual traditions.
A New Approach To Forgiveness. Denial, Exclusion, Severe Childhood Abuse. | Abraham Hicks
The 8-Day Positive Declarations (Affirmations) Workbook For Allowing The Wellbeing (Raising Above The Coronavirus By Activating The Flow Of The Source Energy)
Denial and Recovery
I hear this statement all the time from betrayed spouses: “It’s like they’re living in denial!” Have you ever wondered why the unfaithful appears to consciously stay in denial? What makes them refuse to admit a reality that’s staring them in the face? Today I’m going to explain why unfaithful spouses employ denial in their attempt to cope with what they’ve done.
[accordion title=’Path of Awakening’]
There are three essential Awakening components to continued elevation and maintaining our higher vibration and frequency: The daily practice of meditation, healing, and living a healthy lifestyle. These are vital to learning and knowing your individual truth. The path to higher consciousness and making better choices are part of the awakening to our hidden destiny and an understanding of who we really are. The balance and the daily practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit are essential.
“Your Life, All of Your Life, is Your Path of Awakening. By Resisting or Not Dealing with its Challenges, You Stay Asleep to Reality. Pay Attention to What Life is Trying to Reveal to You. Say Yes to Its Fierce, Ruthless, and Loving Grace.”
SPECIAL REPORT: Healing Generational Trauma | Great Awakening Report
The Healing of Generational Curses Mental, Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual Challenges Our Blocks, Patterns, Reactions & Ways To Heal
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• Meditation Practice
Jared Rand’s meditations continue to track all the global situations and planetary timelines while focusing on positive aspects of our collective journey and how you can better yourself and the world around you. We need to remember the importance of global individual and mass meditations and transformational breathing techniques.
Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call ~ March 30, 2022 #1658
~ IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU ~ 667-770-1452 Code 9135830# Or ...
2022 Year of the Heart | Guided Meditation
According to the system of numerology - the year 2022 holds the vibrational frequency of the number 6. The number 6 is aligned with the heart’s wisdom – it h...
Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call ~ March 21, 2022 #1649
~ Akashic Records ~ 3:00 PM EASTERN ...
• Healing Practice
We’re focusing on thoughts, heart-based visualization, vibrational frequencies, energy blockage clearing, forgiveness, and releasing. Combing through your past traumas and living in alignment with what you know is right, healthy, and true is difficult, but they are necessary steps in your healing practice. Once you can be grateful for all past traumas by seeing how they shaped you and what you were able to learn, you will open yourself up to a whole new way of being. You can start to analyze and bring forth gratitude in real-time for every emotion, action, and desire going forward. These practices will give you a window into the psychology of others around you. They will help you understand the behaviors, desires, and actions of everyone you observe. You will feel a lightness in your being like you’ve never felt before.
Healing Connection 2022: Qigong Healer Training with Qigong Master Chunyi Lin
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Understanding Is The New Healing
Audio book trailer
Top 5 Energy Healing Modalities | Energy Healing 101
Are you ever confused or mystified by so many energy healing modalities? Or even where to start learning about which one to try first? Have you ever wanted t...
Abraham Hicks 2022 | The Healing Method that Will Shock Your Doctors
How can I sustain a good feeling, every time I feel good something in my mind brings me back down , how can a person manifest like that
• Healthy Lifestyle
Dr. Gundry’s has the only silver bullet 100% guaranteed diet program. We see a disciplined daily regiment of supplement regimens, exercise protocols, and thought-based motivational programs.
Positive Lifestyle Changes For 2022
Read our blog for positive changes you can put in place for yourself this year. See our 2022 Happy life Checklist.
Lifestyle Changes for Everyone on the Planet 2022-2023
Get Your Gold IRA FREE Investor Guide Today! Click
How To Keep Your Heart Open In Hell | Ram Dass
Ram Dass first went to India in 1967. He was still Dr. Richard Alpert, a prominent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic pioneer with Dr. Timothy Leary. He co...
- The Global Everything Collapse; with the engineered bubbling and Deep State manipulation of all markets, and the coming planned market crisis, crash, and collapse will destroy nations, societies and communities. The world is now experiencing Hyper-inflation soon to flip into Hyper-deflation. Where Values and Pricing will see a 60% to 75% over all collapse. This collapse will go down in history as the Greatest Depression ever recorded.
- The Planetary Starvation & Famine; the global Deep State engineered supply chain shutdowns and port closing is now showing up in the stores. Add-in global flooding, droughts, and crop destruction, and Bill Gates buying up US farmland planting no new crops most stores will be out of food and supplies by August of 2022.
- COVID Vaccination Narrative is Falling Apart, designed as the cover story for the Great Reset | Narrative. Key to launching the New Global Financial System, Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- 2022 Year of Isolation; reverse fears of vaccinated spreading and shedding new viruses. Vaccinated are now known and identified to be the incubators, shedders and spreaders of new outbreaks of more lethal viruses. A Zombie Apocalypse reality.
- The Great Vaxx Die-Off 2022 – 2025; this is a critical time period for the global depopulation agenda of the Deep State. The world is now awaking to the reality of poisonous death jab. The US 2022 estimates for Vaxx related deaths ranges from 60 to 90 million. The global death rates will be in the 100s of millions by the end of 2023.
- Event Waves of 2022; New disclosures of Vaccine-related Pandemic deaths, death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. The Great Die Off of 2022 & 2023. This is targeted to begin in fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized, die from complications stemming from the vaccines, or be unable to work or carry a job. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Collapse/Crisis/Crash, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking events or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from WWIII/IV, new global Plandemics, a 4th/5th Covid 20/21 Wave, massive death rates from vaccine complications, creating global supply chain shutdowns, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin manipulations used for global human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global geophysical crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
Ralph Smart Awakening 2022
- Time is an Illusion, everything is happening “NOW” in the moment… 2023, 2024 and 2025…
- Everything is a Choice, all choices are being made now for the future
- What seems, feels and looks like the End is just the Beginning,
- With “Great Suffering Comes Great Awakening”, With Great Lockdowns Comes Remembrance of our True Freedoms,
- The Great Awakening of The Humanities Spirit is Emerging from the Ashes of Crushing Despair
- The World will begin to Experience what the Human Spirit is really made of
- The Key Theme for 2022 is Unity, Unity Consciousness, and Equality
- Humanity will get their Planet Back
- Humanity will reclaim it’s Vision
- The Global realization of the destruction of children’s physical, mental and emotional health
- The Movie will be exposed, false reality, MSM lies, and Influenzai celebrities rebellion and whistleblowers. New whistleblowers at ever level of society, Exposing corruption
- Introduction of new Social Credit Score credit system.
- Worldwide Rebellion against the MSM Narrative Lies
- AI will show its face in the public domain and daily lives.
- Mass Migration or Exit from the Cities, Freedom Communities,
- The Great Separation / Segregation / Tribulation / Test | Massive Split between the Vaxxed/Unvaxxed, Fear/Loved, living in separate communities.
- New Rival in Social Media will arise and succeed. Trump “Truth” Social
- Unvaxxed will be supported, redeemed, and encouraged
- Celebrities coming together to create a song in support of humanity (youtube video)
- New Video Exposing everything happening on the planet.
- Global Masses Connecting the Dots…
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues to reach new levels across all platforms. Google, FB, and Twitter. Look for President Trump, the DOJ, and 30 plus US State AG’s to file class-action and anti-trust lawsuits in Federal Courts.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- UFO | UAP Disclosure of June 2021, will be followed up with the exposure of alien live currently living on this planet. (among us for 1000s of years) Continued increase of daily sightings, new reports released by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion Project Blue Beam still on the agenda. Timing is tied to change or loss of control of the MSM narrative and negative breaking events.
- Antarctica story continues to grow and reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations currently living in underground cities. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. New testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Update / DOJ John Durham’s surfaces with new indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2022. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of it’s conspirators.
- Mass Arrests total 600,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts. Has been increasing and accumulating at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 25,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, now scheduled to be released in 2022.
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, there are now over 48 active volcano’s around the globe. With 100s on the ocean floors. Earthquakes are averaging 500 to 1000 a day within a range of 2.0 to 8.0 on the ricterscale. Happening in Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- MiniNova & Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (Now described as a MiniNova 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: 2022 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Healing, Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth’s True History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Tartaria the lost civilization that is now coming to light. 1000 years of an advanced civilization expunged from the historical record books.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle

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