GREAT AWAKENING REPORT • November 2021 • Volume IV • Chapter XI
The Storm is Here, Inflation Set to Explode, Simulation Theory, Port Fees Escalating, Collapsing American Military, Anatomy of Conspiracy, The Great Narrative, Engineered Global Collapse, LaPalma Eruption Eminent, Covid Falsified Pandemic, Montezuma, Aztec Empire, Countdown to Disclosure, Solar Disruptions, Quantum Potential, Third Eye Activation, Prepping for Shortages
November Monthly Update
Thinking of Giving Up
If you’ve made it this far and you are thinking of giving up, remember this…
They are squeezing you because they know you’re weak. They know if they squeeze, you’ll cave.
When you don’t hand yourself over, they freak out and squeeze harder.
The longer you hold out, the crazier they get.
The crazier they get, the crazier they look.
The crazier they look, the more people notice.
The more people that notice, the more people wake up.
The more people wake up, the more fearful they become.
The more fearful they become, the crazier they get.
The crazier they get, the more people wake up.
And on and on until they essentially destroy themselves.
Chinese Financial Collapse | Trigger Event
by, Judy Byington/Operation Disclosure
This is huge news and people need to understand the ramifications of a Chinese financial collapse. Wars have started for less. The communists are desperate and are motivated to take over Taiwan. Let that sink in for a minute.
I have brought up this subject before, but this short video finally drives home the point that the Chinese economy and financial system is close to being in total free fall. The massive investment corporation Evergrande is going bankrupt and will affect hundreds of other banks and financial houses that will in turn also go bankrupt. China was on a spending binge and overbuilt homes to the point they have 90 million more homes and apartments than they have buyers. This film shows an entire large multi-building apartment complex that was destroyed by explosives.
It was this information along with the knowledge of the Chinese freedom movement in China that caused me to conclude that a war with China was more possible now than ever before.
The collapse of the global economy means that any recovery for China is no longer possible. The Chinese communist leadership has weighed all the options and were maintaining pressure on Hong Kong so they could squeeze out as much financial help as possible. At the same time, they looked at Taiwan as the next source of critical income to shore up their failing system.
The nation of Taiwan produces 90% of the global microchip production. This means if China could invade Taiwan and grab those companies they could set any price they liked on microchips and control that industry for decades to come.
This is the reality that the US and its Allies face when they have the largest fleet of warships close to China since World War 2. China has nothing to lose and everything to gain by invading Taiwan. They think that once they start a blitzkrieg war that the US will remain on the sidelines to avoid a war going nuclear. However, China has miscalculated the resolve of the Allies and the globalists that back them up.
China was a historical experiment in embracing a communist nation and financing factories – in the hopes of giving them a taste of free enterprise. The globalist bankers were hoping this would create an internal political change, evolving into a free democracy. But that didn’t happen. Instead, it emboldened them and allowed them to advance their military might and start bragging about taking over the world as the one remaining superpower – after America is conquered, by any means necessary.
As it stands now, China along with their communist ally North Korea is a loose cannon on the deck of the globalists system. They have gone rogue and could proliferate weapons of mass destruction(WMDs) – meaning nukes, chemical, and biological warfare weapons to other rogue states and terrorists. It is highly possible this transfer of WMDs has already taken place to a few select buyers.
This is why the US, UK, NATO countries, Australia, Canada have all converged on the South China sea. They aren’t telling the public the real dangers of a world war breaking out. But they are spending $ billions to stage up for a war that could break out at any moment.
This news report gives an insight into what is really going on behind the scenes in China right now. George Eaton.
Major Disclosures:
Covid vaccinations were found to contain living organisms and graphene particles, causing blood clots leading to death and major health problems. In some nations more deaths have resulted from the vaccine than from Covid-19.
The meat of major hamburger brands including McDonald’s was found to contain human DNA.
Multi thousands of illegal immigrants funded by the Mexican Drug Cartel were breaching the southern border.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the Cabal (with Bush Sr. helping to carry out the CIA role in the murder) because he had made a deal with the Chinese Elders to back a new US Note with gold and get rid of US Inc. Cabal’s privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS, among several other reasons.
China’s economy is on the brink of collapse and could bring down the US and World with it. Thus, an immediate need for a Global Currency Reset.
International Child Sacrifice and Sex Trafficking Crisis:
Jamaican human sacrifice cult leader KILLED in a police escort crash. The cult head was killed when his police escort was crashed into heading to court (to face murder charges) in Kingston. Pastor Kevin Smith and three officers were rushed to hospital after the incident before he and one officer succumbed to their injuries. On 17 October, cops had stormed the church where Smith was overseeing the ritual of “stabbing and slashing” several congregants who had reportedly been told they were being sent on a “heavenly journey.” Police claimed to have rescued 14 children and taken 31 women and 11 men into custody after the raid.
Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers
From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did We Get Here?
Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of “Orphan” to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking
Are Constitutional Sheriffs America’s Hope to Ending Child Protective Services’ Tyranny?
Does the State Ever Have a “Right” to Remove Children from a Home?
Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?
Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?
Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business
World-Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts
War at the Border Crisis:
What’s happening at the border and COMING could be a great catastrophic EVENT. There is no telling what could happen with desperate humans, hungry, tired, cornered, and some with WEAPONS. Texas has deployed the National Guard and preparing. The deepest fear to happen amongst the INTEL /LAW ENFORCEMENT/MILITARY is the [DS] and CARTELS have armed some the migrants with deadlier WEAPONS +BIDEN & [DS] HAVE PLANS TO HAVE MAJOR BLOODBATH AND MAKE WORLD NEWS AND CREATE NEW AGENDA AND LAWS if the Deep State planned migration event (war at the border) takes PLACE. Pray for all the humans involved in this EVENT. May a peaceful outcome be reached.
Global Financial Collapse Crisis:
China’s Economy May Collapse, and Bring Down US and World With It: If China’s economy keeps stumbling, it won’t just take down Beijing — the whole world will collapse with it. Crushed by decades of debt, China is undergoing a radical transition under President Xi Jinping.
Is Evergrande about to kill Bitcoin? Tether + the next few weeks will be very telling.
Think Logically. Tether goes down. D.C Defaults BTC Data Center. Internet Switched off was the only to kill BTC they said. What is gonna happen to get New Internet on? The other must go off, right? Remember they disconnected and shut down BTC Mining because of Electricity Usage. We are going to Free Energy. Environmentally Better.
Global financial crisis warning: More Chinese companies on the brink after Evergrande. CHINA might be on the verge of a financial crisis as several property developers are inundated with debts.
Another Chinese property developer defaults, shares drop – Metro US:
Tall Task for the Taliban: Afghanistan Teetering on the Brink of Economic Collapse:
We Are On The Verge Of Seeing Widespread Institutional Breakdowns Throughout Our Society On A Massive Scale
As a country, we have never been through anything like this before. In the months ahead, millions upon millions of highly qualified people are going to be forced out of their jobs because of federal, state, and local mandates that will soon be implemented. If you think that this is a good idea, you are crazy. How will you feel if there is a fire in your neighborhood and your home burns down because there weren’t enough firefighters? Or how about if you have a heart attack but you have to wait three hours for an ambulance because there aren’t enough first responders? Those are just two examples of the nightmares that communities all over America will soon be facing as we witness widespread institutional breakdowns on a massive scale. Many had been hoping that politicians would start backing down once they realized the implications of what they were doing, but that hasn’t happened. So in the middle of the most epic worker shortage in U.S. history, we are about to see millions upon millions of dedicated American workers be ruthlessly terminated. What our politicians are doing is morally wrong, and it is going to be absolutely disastrous.
Just consider what this is going to mean for air travel. Approximately 40 percent of all TSA workers have not been vaccinated, and some genius decided that it would be perfect to put the deadline on the Monday before Thanksgiving…
The Transportation Security Administration says 4-in-10 members of its workforce, including screeners, remain unvaccinated against Covid-19 as its deadline looms.
The deadline for civilian federal government workers to be fully vaccinated is November 22 — the Monday before Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel times of the year.
Can you imagine the lines that we are going to see at TSA checkpoints around the country?
If you have stood in those lines, then you know how mind-numbing they can be.
Of course, one thing that could keep the size of those lines down is the fact that there will soon be a lot fewer flights because there will soon be a lot fewer pilots.
We all saw what happened when a huge number of Southwest Airlines pilots decided to call in sick for a couple of days. It was madness, and it made headlines all over the country.
Well, imagine what would happen if such conditions lasted for months.
The co-founder of U.S. Freedom Flyers is using the term “catastrophic” to describe what our system of air travel is potentially facing…
On Monday night, an American Airlines pilot who recently co-founded a group of employees in the transportation industry affected by the mandate called U.S. Freedom Flyers told Fox News host Tucker Carlson the mandate’s impact on the airline industry will be far-reaching.
“If there’s a disruption in one part of the system, it has a catastrophic effect on the rest of the system,” Joshua Yoder said. “It’s going to affect commerce, it’s going to affect trade, and, ultimately, it’s going to affect the economy.”
Our healthcare system will be deeply affected by these mandates as well.
Needless to say, hospitals around the country will not be able to serve as many patients as various mandates are implemented, and considering the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic that is very troubling news.
For example, hundreds of hospital beds in Massachusetts are already sitting completely empty simply because of a lack of staff…
Hospitals across the US are having to limit the number of patients they admit because there aren’t enough staff to treat them.
At the TaraVista Behavioral Health Center in central Massachusetts, nearly a quarter of its 116 beds are empty, CEO Michael Krupa told Bloomberg.
He said that across the state, there were hundreds of empty beds, and “the reason is exclusively staff.”
In the months ahead, hospitals won’t be able to pull people off the streets and hire them to be doctors and nurses.
It takes years of intense training to become a doctor or a nurse, and so those that are being fired will not be easily replaced.
Police departments all across America are dealing with similar issues.
The situation in Chicago is particularly ugly, and it made headlines all over the nation this week. According to a top police union official, the city “will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up” as a new vaccine mandate goes into effect…
“If we suspect the numbers are true and we get a large number of our members who stand firm on their beliefs that this is an overreach, and they’re not going to supply the information in the portal or submit to testing, then it’s safe to say the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up,” Catanzara said. “That is not because of the FOP, that is 100% because of the mayor’s unwillingness to budge from her hard line so whatever happens because of the manpower issue, that falls at the mayor’s doorstep.”
Catanzara said the FOP would be seeking a temporary restraining order against the city that would stop them from enforcing the mandate, and said the union planned to file an unfair labor practice charge against the city over their failure to bargain with the union over this issue.
We all know that the violence in Chicago is already wildly out of control.
So what is going to happen when the number of police officers is suddenly cut in half?
What Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is doing is utter insanity, but she refuses to back down.
The U.S. military is headed for a day of reckoning as well. At this point, “hundreds of thousands” of U.S. troops are not fully vaccinated…
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. service members remain unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated against the coronavirus as the Pentagon’s first compliance deadlines near, with lopsided rates across the individual services and a spike in deaths among military reservists illustrating how political division over the shots has seeped into a nonpartisan force with unambiguous orders.
Overall, the military’s vaccination rate has climbed since August, when Defense Department leaders, acting on a directive from President Biden, informed the nation’s 2.1 million troops that immunization would become mandatory, exemptions would be rare and those who refuse would be punished. Yet troops’ response has been scattershot, according to data assessed by The Washington Post.
If hundreds of thousands of highly qualified individuals are suddenly kicked out of the military, what is that going to do to the military’s ability to defend us?
We better hope that no new military conflicts erupt any time soon.
I could go through countless more examples, but I think that you get the point by now.
There are going to be mind-boggling breakdowns throughout our society as we witness a mass exodus of workers from major institutions.
Do the politicians that are behind these mandates actually believe that this is a good idea?
The months ahead are going to be such a dark time for our nation, and the path that we are currently on doesn’t lead anywhere good.
Personally, my heart breaks for the millions of Americans that are being forced to choose between feeding their families or taking the injections.
Many are being forced to give up careers that they have spent their entire adult lives developing.
The politicians that are responsible for these mandates are beyond evil, and history will not treat them kindly.
The Cresting Dawn of a New Paradigm
A message for all humanity in this auspicious time of global, species-wide awakening.
The message for those who are already upon the path. It’s for those who are already deep within the journey of their awakening. For you who have already gone deep within and done much of the work of facing your own shadow, awakening into your own light, and bringing that light forth into your outer world in whatever way it presents itself ~ this message is for all of you, dear ones.
In this great time of transition, the messages that would go to those that are still asleep within the matrix of illusion are very different, and very differently received than the messages that would go to you, dear ones, who are already awakening into the light.
And so, we come to speak of the ever-quickening deconstruction of the dark matrix that you have been within: the matrix of illusion that keeps the rest of your dear brothers and sisters asleep and unawakened. As you feel the dismantling of these shadows, of the matrix crumbling around you, many things come into question. Even as you begin this journey of waking up within the dream, the rules and concepts of spirit and metaphysics are much different than they used to be. Those rules were all the mechanics used to navigate the awakening within the dream.
Once one starts to awaken and steps more fully into their light, a whole new spiritual paradigm begins to unfold. This is what many of you are navigating now.
So it’s not even about looking at the old matrix of illusion and deconstructing it, for you are long past that. Now it’s about deconstructing the old spiritual paradigm, the old rules and regulations, if you will, that you once thought were the underpinnings of metaphysics and the nature of spirit.
This is another whole job and journey within itself, for even those paradigms and old spiritual understandings were, in and of themselves, part of the illusion. They were needed to help you wake up within the illusion so you could emerge from it and into the light itself.
And so, many of you are finding new pathways to your own inner light, new concepts, new paradigms, and new understandings. For many, this can be an even more daunting and confusing part of the journey. The foundation of spirit and metaphysics that helped you awaken out of the illusion has begun to crumble beneath your feet as you step into the higher realms of light and evolve out of 3rd density consciousness.
This can also be a very exciting time, for, in a very real sense, you’re no longer re-discovering ancient knowledge once lost; you are creating pathways anew, bringing with you the wisdom of indigenous knowledge and spirituality into the new light of higher consciousness. This is an exciting time, for it gives you a platform or playground to creatively express, to creatively innovate, and journey unbounded into a new dawn of awakening within the light and within the expression of one’s own consciousness.
Many of you are beginning to have awareness of this. For those who have yet to reach this stage, we come with a message of hope. It is a very exciting time when one reaches this level of their awakening because it becomes about boundless creative joy and expression.
This will be the point from which one journeys, from which one creates, from which one experiences…centered in the ever-expansive heart that is opening into toroidal fields that cannot be contained by the old illusion.
This level can be reached much quicker by journeying into the heart and connecting there, connecting the heart to the 7th and 8th chakras and beyond, and opening to those higher levels of information that are now available to you: the cosmic light of the 9th chakra, the full awareness of Higher Self and the Akash of the 8th chakra, all being brought down through the 7th into your embodiment, fully as an awakened soul.
This is all open and available to you now, so it can be a time of great joy, adventure, and creativity. We would say unto you, do not waste any more of your time and consciousness looking back at what was. Invest that energy and that creative intention into looking forward to what you are becoming, and what is available to you now in the infinite potential of an awakening species.
This is the gift that is now present and available to you, dear ones. And so, I will end this message with an expression of the utmost excitement and love that I and my fellow brothers and sisters. We are here to assist you in your awakening, to love you in your transition, and to share with you in your seeking.
We are always here if you need us, and so I shall take my leave, expressing my unconditional love for all of humanity and for you dear one, and we wish you to know that you are loved, and so it is.
Ben Rafael Guevarra
Intelligence News Update:

As a billionaire supermarket CEO says food prices will skyrocket +10% in the NEXT 60 DAYS, the NSA/FBI/CISA are warning of Cyberattacks on food production and municipal water/wastewater systems. Our food and water are under relentless attack across all vectors: financial, cyber, supply chain, fertilizer shortages, nat gas prices are conspiring to create a perfect storm within the systems that feed most people. Those who seek to grow and raise their own food will be unaffected by the storm ahead. Get ready.

Here’s a Look Back at our Weekly Briefings From the Month:

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We offer both Personal Coaching and Consulting for executives and business owners. Providing guidance, intelligence briefings, and strategic planning to navigate the dynamic changes and shifts in the world.
– The Great Awakening Team –
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.”
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
Our Monthly Reports are extensive and full of interesting links related to the Great Awakening. Please click around and find topics you’re interested in and if you have a minute, let us know what you think.
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Awakening Humanity
FREE HIGH RES: The Great Awakening Map
“If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?”
“In Order to Heal Humanity and Change the World, We must Seek to Reveal the Truth no Matter how Corrupt & Evil the Reality of that Truth.”

Featured Documentaries
Documentary Library / 32 Unique Categories / 300 Documentaries

Arts • Universe • Travel

Headline News

Supply Line Crisis

Biden Mandates & Debacles

American Global Revolution

CCP Global Insurgency War

Global Awakening
“Is it a coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used them for energy, and controlled their minds? Sound familiar? I wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label; the deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.”

[accordion title=’Geopolitical’]Geopolitical
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
PLEASE REVIEW: Epoch Times Spygate Map
FREE HIGH RES: The Deep State Map
• Mockingbird Media | Programming
Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. Wikipedia
Operation Mockingbird never officially ended and has continued since the early 1950s. Our media has been a propaganda machine for roughly 70 years.

• Human Trafficking | Satanic Corruption
The numbers for Global Human Trafficking are estimated to be in excess of 8 million children a year. The US numbers are estimated to be somewhere between 800k and 1 million trafficked children. Child & Female Slavery is now the most profitable industry, more profitable than global illegal drug trafficking.

Excuse the technical difficulties for the first 8 minutes we are fighting demonic forces that do not want this information getting out on any level!!!
Let's expose the truth satanic ritual abuse!
• Deep State | Global Alliance News

• Global Economic | Crisis/Crash/Collapse
There are now 2 U.S. Economies in play, first is the old Federal Reserve Fiat Currency (13 Deep State Family Partnership created in 1913) in its final death spiral. The competing financial system ready to launch is the U.S. Treasury Gold-Backed Currency Economy Trump was/is building. All U.S Debt is based on corruption and can be written off against the existing Federal Reserve Banks which is currently run by 13 of the world’s wealthiest elite.

• International Monetary System
Is a new Global Earth Alliance monetary system ready for activation? We explore the news reports on the potential of NESARA/GESARA‘s replacement of the SWIFT global trading platform, new gold-backed currencies, the possibility of a global debt jubilee, and banishment of the IRS.

[accordion title=’Global Weather’]“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.”
• Solar Weather

We examine and investigate the unreported truth regarding the increase in the number and volume of solar events, new volcanoes, and earthquakes driving galactic forces behind climate changes.

• Geophysical Earth Changes
Is Earth’s crust expanding? Are the poles shifting? Is there a planetary end of times cycle approaching? We’re witnessing the destruction of our planetary ecosystems and atmosphere. We report on scientific evidence confirming Earth is now undergoing dramatic changes, directing us towards cataclysmic conclusions.
Currently Erupting Volcanoes

OCTOBER MONTHLY Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 10 quakes 6.0+, 110 quakes 5.0+, 1056 quakes 4.0+, 6193 quakes 3.0+, 9502 quakes 2.0+ (16872 total) Read all

• Weather & Climate Change
Global wildfires, heavy rains, and extreme drought continue. Record-setting winds, scorching heat, and beyond freezing cold storms are now the new normal. The climate is undoubtedly changing and we’re learning more about these changes daily.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
Benjamin Rush
“Covid” PCR Direct from UK Lawyer Anna De Buiscuit
Breaking news. share on all platforms: FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.
A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus.
In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material was used as the testing marker in the PCR test kits because the authorities knew that many people would test “positive” for it, thus allowing them to use these results to create the “Covid” narrative.
It is somewhat of a lengthy read, but have a look for yourself and see the deception in plain sight. There is no legitimate test out there that accurately identifies the presence of SARS-CoV-2.
From the document:
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”Another revelation in the document is the admission by the FDA that test results are “pooled” together to produce numbers that are inaccurate.
The FDA is quite literally manufacturing data to support a false narrative.
We are now at a crossroads worldwide. The time is upon us to decide if we are going to allow this type of medical fascism to persist, and impact upon the futures of our children. Or if we are finally going to say no to tyrannical government policy.
CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic PanelNegative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.
Is Covid a Falsified “Pandemic” That was Launched as a Bioweapons Exercise?Just a few months before the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” was officially declared, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and several other federal bureaucracies held a “National Exercise Program” (NEP) that simulated the country’s preparedness response to a di
Investigative Reporter Says Government’s Aggressive COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign is a PSYOPExperts are wondering if the American government’s response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a psychological operation (PSYOP). David Marks, an investigative reporter writing for the Children’s Health Defense, was one of the first to notice the similarities between the wa
• COVID Vaccine Mandates
It would seem that a vaccine passport is imminent, but is it? Would it just be easier to use that as a tactic? What is the real reason for them to want to vaccinate the planet? It’s quite undeniable there is a larger agenda at play, with no claims about helping reduce transmission or uptake of the virus and so much misinformation. Generally, when something is free, you are the product.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

• Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

• Vaccinations Remedies & Antidotes

• FDA & Big Pharma
Should the government be in control of our health? What is the gross annual revenue for Big Pharma? Are vaccines safe? Are cures suppressed? When you follow the money it is clear to see the motives behind big pharma. It is exponentially more financially beneficial for the industry to keep us ill and ill-informed of our healing potential and the risks of our foods, supplements, and medications to consume. With less than one-quarter of all Americans trusting in our healthcare system, it is time for a massive overhaul. We’re looking for answers.

• Food Industry
With news like Bill Gates becoming the largest private farmland owner in the U.S it’s more important than ever to figure out how to take control of your health and well-being. The growing percentage of people buying organic foods proves awareness of the horrific “foods” that are available to us and the massive amount of misinformation and censorship behind natural health practices. We cast our vote for what we want to see in stores every time we check out.

• Alternative Health
Why are alternative and holistic health practitioners dying? Can we heal ourselves? What foods, remedies, and practices can benefit us? We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.
Since the Flexner Report in 1910, we have been sold a model of healthcare that has one primary goal; profit. There have been so many fantastic practitioners that have seen past their “education” and helped to get people away from illness and disease and on the right path to a healthy life. Unfortunately, a lot of these practitioners are being silenced and having their licenses revoked for telling the truth, and practicing natural methods. There is an immeasurable amount of information out there to weed through on how to be healthy. We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.

• Holographic Plasma MedBeds

[accordion title=’True History’]
The true history of our planet and the solar system is now being revealed. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. They’re mapping artifacts and hieroglyphics of ancient ruins from all over the world. That paints an entirely different picture of our history. We see continued evidence in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being one of their most-viewed programs. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos.
“People Without the True Knowledge of their Ancient History, Origins, and Culture is Like a Tree Without Roots.” – Marcus Garvey
“History Merely Repeats Itself. It Has All Been Done Before. Nothing Under The Sun Is Truly New.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9
Is the House of History is Built on Sand!
• Archaeology | Montezuma

We’re looking at the ancient world and how civilizations were living thousands of years ago. The truth about our ancestors is hidden in forbidden archeology. We look to reveal evidence of ancient aliens visiting and inhabiting our planet for eons.

• Ancient Text | Aztec Empire

Things keep getting older by tens of thousands of years. Luckily the ancients documented the past, and these truths are finding their way into the public domain. Our understanding of the power of these writings keeps growing daily. There are many fascinating secrets, codes, and mathematics integrated into much more than we ever thought. These ancient texts were meant to be read once we reached an age when we could comprehend these texts. Once we entered the age of information, truth, and oneness, the Age Of Aquarius.

• Real US History
Were the history books where we learned from as accurate as we could’ve hoped for? Likely not. Stunning new evidence and research are revealing a new understanding of our almost 250 year US History.

Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’Hidden Truths’]We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden science and technologies. There is a planetary cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence, making this the most challenging, critical, and difficult topic to understand and comprehend.
Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft disclosure since July 2015, with the whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets valued in the trillions. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from the earth’s populations are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military-industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This is where the saying; “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie” comes into play. They’ve had to cover up the truth for a long time.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal, and the time for full disclosure of our planet’s Secret Space Program and hidden technologies is Now.”
AAWSAP & AATIP: Why Confusion Continues To Reign and Questions Continue To Linger🟨 | Since December of 2017, we have all been told a story... a story about a $22 million “Secret Pentagon UFO Study” and the man who ran
Top 50 Space Discoveries So Peculiar the Universe Cosmology Had to be Rewitten by Top Scientists🟨 | Thanks to Blue Oak Graphics and DTTV Studios for putting this together.Music Compilation.Simon Schusterman.DTTV STUDIOS CHANNELS Military Bases
• New Sciences | New Physics

We’re examining new physics, plasma biology, quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, universal theory, antigravity, zero-point energy, human frequency, and other scientific truths and theories.

• Advanced Technologies
The revelation of hidden technologies, 6,000 plus patents suppressed by the Department of Defense, and inventors from all over the world withholding new technologies that would greatly advance the human race. We’re witnessing a true realization and awakening of the coming Golden Age.

• Secret Space Program

How long has the Secret Space Program existed and how many programs are there? Are they meant to do good or are there bad intentions? Which UFOs are earth-based and which are from other worlds? We look into David Wilcock’s analysis along with whistleblower testimonies from Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, and Pete Peterson.

[accordion title=’The Event’]“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.”
“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Mathew 27:24
Suspicious Observer 25 Video Series / The Earths Catastrophic Cycle

• Galactic Energy Cloud | Solar Disturbances
Galactic energy cloud, solar waves, and cosmic rays from outside of this solar system, super-novas (ancient exploding stars), comets (whose tails filled with chemicals will plunge to Earth/Gaia before the comet melts as it moves directly into the Sun), CME’s and many other heavenly events we seek to post in our reports.

• Galactic Flash | MicroNova
This is a universal 26,000-year recurring galactic event that is tied to the ascension of the human souls to higher dimensions of consciousness. The Galactic Flash originates from the galactic central sun in our universe and transverses through our sun, a flash or MicroNova 1000 times brighter than the brightest X Class CME on record.

• Ascension | 2nd Wave

The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a soul’s journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension reality of Free Will. The key to Ascension is based on each individual’s frequency and vibration.
Ascension Papers
An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into the right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into the right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you’ll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable… a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet, and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature. Author; Arn Allingham
Free PDF Link Here!
[accordion title=’Spirituality ‘]In Oneness, Unity, & Equality
“Spirituality is a Brave Search for the Truth about Existence, Fearlessly Peering into the Mysterious Nature of Life.”
– Elizabeth Lesser
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
– Peter Kemmsies
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
• Consciousness | Quantum Potential
The last frontier of discovery & exploration. Prime/Source/Creator/God’s connection to the Universe and our Collective Consciousness.

• Manifestation | Formulas

Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, and the power of thought sustained and visualized with the emotions of the heart. These are the keys to manifestation in the 3rd/4th-dimensional realities.

• Forgiveness | Releasing Fear
The creative powers of the human spirit have been suppressed for thousands of years. With the increase in global consciousness and revelations through ancient texts were just beginning to understand the full extent of human potential. All human spiritual advancement begins with a daily Forgiveness practice.
Forgiveness is an integral aspect of the awakening process. It is a crucial step in releasing past trauma and a necessary component of the healing process. Forgiving others is not to condone or accept unforgivable actions but rather to let yourself be free of the burden these feelings have on you. You don’t need to forgive others so that they feel okay about their actions. You must do it for yourself to move forward towards healing and connecting with your spirit. Forgiving yourself is just as if not more important than forgiving others. In order to forgive yourself, it is necessary to learn and appreciate each so-called mistake you are holding over yourself. Gain gratitude for every trauma, every mistake, and every wrongdoing that was afflicted to or by you. Forgiveness and gratitude are keys to the doors of healing and awakening.

[accordion title=’Path of Awakening’]There are three essential Awakening components to continued elevation and maintaining our higher vibration and frequency: The daily practice of meditation, healing, and living a healthy lifestyle. These are vital to learning and knowing your individual truth. The path to higher consciousness and making better choices are part of the awakening to our hidden destiny and an understanding of who we really are. The balance and the daily practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit are essential.
“Your Life, All of Your Life, is Your Path of Awakening. By Resisting or Not Dealing with its Challenges, You Stay Asleep to Reality. Pay Attention to What Life is Trying to Reveal to You. Say Yes to Its Fierce, Ruthless, and Loving Grace.”
• Meditation Practice | The Journey
The Brains of Meditators Respond Much Differently To Pain – Huge Implications
In 2015, researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center discovered that the brains of meditators respond much differently to pain than those who were given a placebo to reduce pain. This could have large implications for pain management.
Pain is not only one of the most common ailments but it can also be extremely debilitating and expensive. Approximately 100 million Americans deal with pain daily, and most are currently turning to prescription painkillers. With some of these pain killers being addictive, it’s easy to see how abuse of meds could be common based on use and availability.
A lack of trust, side effects, and several other factors are why both doctors and patients are gravitating towards non-pharmacological ways to help reduce pain and the toll it can take on one’s quality of life. Let’s not forget that a popular treatment for pain is opioid-based medication which in itself has caused one of the largest drug addiction problems in history.
Back to the study. Researchers found, via brain scans, that mindfulness meditation produced different activity in people’s brains in comparison to the placebo group, and much of this activity was linked to reduced pain.
Seventy-five perfectly healthy pain-free adults were randomly assigned into one of four groups: mindfulness meditation, placebo meditation (a sort of “sham” meditation), placebo analgesic cream (petroleum jelly), or control.
A thermal probe that heated a small area of the participants’ skin was used to induce pain. The temperature reached approximately 50 degrees Centigrade, a level of heat where most people experience pain. Not only were the participant’s brains scanned to detect pain, but a rating system was used to describe the level of pain participants were experiencing.
The mindfulness meditation group reported that pain intensity was reduced by 27 percent physically and by 44 percent for the emotional aspect of pain. On the other hand, the placebo cream reduced the sensation of pain by 11 percent and the emotional aspect of pain by 13 percent.
We were completely surprised by the findings…While we thought that there would be some overlap in brain regions between meditation and placebo, the findings from this study provide novel and objective evidence that mindfulness meditation reduces pain in a unique fashion.
Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy at Wake Forest Baptist and lead investigator of the study.
The main “shocker” here was understanding the brain scans and how they produced different results depending on which intervention was used.
Mindfulness meditation reduced pain by activating brain regions (orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex) associated with how we control pain ourselves. The placebo cream worked to lower pain by reducing brain activity in pain-processing areas (secondary somatosensory cortex).
Interestingly, a part of the brain called the thalamus was deactivated during the meditation but was activated during all other conditions. Since this part of the brain determines what sensory information is reached the higher brain centers, deactivating this area may have allowed pain signals to fade away.
Complimenting the brain scans, participants stated that mindfulness meditation reduced pain intensity and unpleasantness compared to the other interventions.
“This study is the first to show that mindfulness meditation is mechanistically distinct and produced pain relief above and beyond the analgesic effects seen with either placebo cream or sham meditation.
Based on our findings, we believe that as little as four 20-minute daily sessions of mindfulness meditation could enhance pain treatment in a clinical setting.”
Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy at Wake Forest Baptist and lead investigator of the study.
There is, however, one large limitation with the study. This study only examined healthy, pain-free volunteers and used simulated pain. The study was not conducted on people who actually experience chronic pain, and this is why more research is needed on volunteers who suffer from chronic pain.
Meditation also induces the body’s own opioid system. A very small, randomized, double-blind study from 2016 used the opioid blocker naloxone, or a placebo, and studied pain reduction with meditation. The group with the placebo experienced significantly less pain than the group that had the opioid blocker.
A 2018 study of meditation, mindfulness, and the brain suggested that in the long term, meditation can change the structure of your brain. The resulting change in cortical thickness in some brain areas makes you less pain-sensitive.
There are a plethora of studies that are now available showing various physiological benefits of meditation. This is coupled with several mental health benefits as well. Various organs are implicated when it comes to meditation and health. For example, an eight-week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) determined that meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s grey matter in just eight weeks.
Meditation may not only be used for physiological benefits in many ways but it can also be used to access different states of consciousness and perhaps connect with aspects of our reality we have yet to accept as real.
There is more than enough evidence to suggest that meditation would be a great tool for humanity to start learning at a young age. How different would our world be if we were all taught to meditate from a young age and incorporate it into our daily routine?

• Healing Practice | Third Eye Activation

• Healthy Lifestyle | Prepping for Shortages
- Event Waves for Fall of 2021; New 3rd Wave of Vaccine Variants related to vaxxcidents, vaccine spreaders, and vaccine injuries along with rising vaccine death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. Mass Die-Off; This is targeted for 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated US citizens will be hospitalized and die from complications stemming from the vaccines. WWIV global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, North Korea, Taiwan, and islands in the South China Sea. Threats to All Financial Markets on the edge of Crisis/Crash/Collapse, false shortages, global shipping crisis, supply chain disruptions, and the US borders open now to insurgents and mercenaries from foreign states. The next Series of Event Stacking or event compression could destroy global markets, inflation bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency manipulations used for human trafficking being wiped out in a day. Against this background of escalating global crisis new droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, government shutdowns creating 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events escalating numbers of volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record size and intensity of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
- 2nd American Revolution, the fraudulent presidency of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, US Military’s Plan to restore the Republic of the United States, where Trump is reinstated as the 19th President of the Republic of the United State will be extended into 2022. The Great Reset plan to Reset the Global FIAT Currency vs. the Gold Reset backed Currency.
- The Great Reset, COVID Variant Virus will surface in those who have been Vaccinated, used as a cover story for the Great Reset. Key to launching the Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- US Military Strategic Plan; the underground war is drawing to a close with most of the underground negative military bases destroyed. The major concern is the freeing of the remaining 5 million children held hostage in underground tunnels primarily in the Western US. The removal of the Biden Administration and mass arrest of global political, institutional, and celebrities will begin once the American public awareness of election fraud reaches 80%. Reports of escalations as to a surface war breaking out in all blue states and cities in the fall of 2021 continue.
- 2021 World Predictions / Ralph Smart; More Covid 19 Rules and Restrictions with Personal Choices, Social Restrictions, Global Restrictions and Restrictions in Personal Movements, biometric testing, airports are going to be testing centers (negative certificate). Mandatory FaceMask the new normal, Social Distancing Extremes. US State Border Restrictions (certificates, driver’s licenses in state of entry).
- There will be No Vaccine Offered that are 100% effective or completely cure for the Covid 19 Virus (the plan is not to provide a vaccine cure). Boost your immune system naturally with Vitamin C and supplements.
- Many Global Governments Around the World will Collapse. Mass Protests and Riots (people will take back their autonomy). Global Deep State Exposure, Destruction, and Demise from the World Stage.
- Fear will take on a new meaning of extremes and stress levels. FEAR definition – False Evidence Appearing Real! We must detach from the Matrix. Lifting & Removal of the Veil of Deception across the Earth in 2021.
- Resistance Movement will grow stronger and en masse. Children will be removed from school. Social Distance will negatively impact children. Awakening will expand across the globe.
- Great Separation or Split from 3D to 5D. Awakened leaving the cities and their communities for rural environments, a new level of awakening around the world. We will seek and reflect Love Frequency.
- Fake Food Crisis – They are now setting up the world for a fake food shortage. Stock up on food and water. Garden Tower Farming all vegetables may be required to survive in the not-so-distant future.
- New Strains of Covid 19 or SARS H1N1 will be released onto the whole world and will be staged. These Strains are bioengineered weapons that will be more lethal and cause other medical conditions.
- People Leave Social Media Platforms en Masse / Conscious App is on the way.
- Frequent Internet Blackouts or Multiple Blackouts Every Month. Cell phones will be blacked out, too. Must save your contact information to make local calls.
- New 5D Earth for the Chosen Ones (World without Gov, Military, Big Pharma, no media, tv, cell phones, no fears, and a higher vibrational frequency). A New Prison for those who remain unawakened.
- The Future is in What We Are Creating In the NOW or PRESENT.
- Let LOVE Guide You, NOT Fear.
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues to reach new levels across all platforms. Google, FB, and Twitter. Look for President Trump, the DOJ, and 30 plus US State AG’s to file class-action and anti-trust lawsuits in Federal Courts.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- Antarctica continues to reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Facebook whistleblower blows the lid-off in a newly released Mark Zuckerberg Dossier. Sighting abuse of the child prodigy using MK-Ultra techniques, and a controlled asset of Larry Summers President of Harvard, Financial Advisor to President Clinton, connected to DARPA and CIA programs. Sheryl Sandberg assistant to Summers, COO of FB, and Mark’s direct handler inside FB.
- Update / DOJ John Durham’s release of indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2021. Comey got a pass from AG Barr on leaking classified information to the press but will be indicted and prosecuted for multiple criminal violations dealing with his signing off on 4 FISA requests. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of its conspirators.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 15,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- CIA blocks Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job.
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME’s, Planet X Solar System, Nibiru, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Alien SpaceCraft Sighting, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: Escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
- The Path of Awakening: Global Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 500,000 worldwide.
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DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.