GREAT AWAKENING REPORT • December 2021 • Volume IV • Chapter XII
The Grand Finale, Beginnings Fauci Documentary, Earth From Space, Dems Turn On Biden, Ghislaine Maxwell Trial, Top CEOs & CFOs Resigning, CNN Firing Host, New Dark Economic Reality, Active Solar Weather, Covid Conspiracy Facts, Omicron Scam, 8 Vaccine Side Effects, Ancient Greece, Tesla Technologies, Oxygen Enhanced Immunity, Divine Intervention, Attitude of Gratitude,
“Blessed is the Season Which Engages the Whole World in a Conspiracy of Love” – Hamilton Wright Mable
This Holiday season give to your enemy – forgiveness,
to an opponent – tolerance, to a friend – your heart, to a customer – service,
to all – charity, to a child – a good example, to yourself – respect
Omicron Variant ?

Navigating Connections & Attachments
GAR Team, Brandon
It is the end of 2021 and the holiday season approaches. Isolation, travel restrictions, and distance are heavily entrenched, while mass confusion, distraction, and awakening are rising.
Many of us find that we are unable to be with the people we love. It is painful. It is also a time of learning and reflection. Unlike in previous times, we have Facetime, Signal, and Zoom that allow us an opportunity to bridge those distances. While technology can connect us, the connection lies with us as sovereign individuals and not with the communication platforms.
Things can feel disconnected, even in moments when we are on the phone with each other, which can point to some truths in relationships and areas to heal. We can ask ourselves: how have we connected to this person, this object, or belief? Are we served at this moment? Have attachments and judgments crept in unknowingly?
If you look at the connections we have made in the past and you think about these as cords going from your body to theirs, we tend to solder these connections in an attempt to make them permanent and lasting. The issue is, when something happens, we either have to de-solder this connection (which takes energy, time, and the possibility of permanent damage), or we have to cut the cord, leaving a part of ourselves there. Leaving unhealed remnants of ourselves with others or theirs on us makes maintaining and rebuilding our wholeness more difficult, time-consuming, and energy-taking.
Leaving that connection there also makes it more difficult for the other person to reconnect with another. They still have part of you with them, and the weight and pain of the previous connection – it’s still attached. And so, they also have to take time and energy to remove that, risking permanent damage, or leaving it there, creating an energetic burden.
If we switch from these soldered connections to plugs, we could join up with someone to create an excellent link; just as powerful, fluid, and transparent. Yet, when that connection stops serving the good of both parties, we can easily disconnect, not leaving a piece, especially a damaged piece, with each other. We’ll still retain the memories and the information shared and gathered, but we won’t have part of our bodies or our connection dangling there, hanging on for dear life. Once disconnected, there is there’s no pain. No energy has to be spent to remove the other person or the other thing you know. This works for objects, and beliefs too, everything in your life – use a plug.
Don’t solder yourself to things.
Don’t solder yourself to people.
Don’t solder yourself to beliefs.
The tricky part of this is that we will use plugs with people who will attempt to make soldered connections with us; it’s all they know.
In this metaphor, if we pull away or if they pull away, they may end up taking our connector with them; this will still leave our cord whole and complete, and it may just allow them to use our plug in a new space. They may be able to take this with them and use it for their own good to try this new type of connection with someone or something else in a healthier manner. This seems the appropriate way to end issues with attachment, relationships, and belief structures in a way that can still create full, vivid, and excellent flowing connections.
It is truly the best of both worlds and the highest possible outcome.
There’s no need to be in mental isolation. There needs to be a lack of attachment or a quick-disconnect capability within us and of these “cords” of connection that we put out to our things, people, animals, and ideas. Let them quickly disconnect, and if we need to reconnect, it is a straightforward process. For beliefs, this is especially important; for things you think you know – use these connectors.
Don’t solder yourself to any thought, idea, or belief. Let yourself break free.
You can always reconnect, but you won’t damage yourself if you pull away and try another idea, another person, another thing.
People Long-Drowning In A Sea Of Propaganda Are Slowly Awakening
According to this entry over at Wikipedia on ‘cognitive dissonance’, in the field of psychology, ‘cognitive dissonance’ is the perception of contradictory information… two (or more) actions or ideas that are not consistent with each other… triggering discomfort within the individual… who then tries to find a way to resolve the contradictory information which is a battle between their original beliefs and new information learned that contradicts those beliefs.
Often causing great strife and psychological discomfort within the individual who is experiencing ‘cognitive dissonance’, a perfect example of that happening right now across America is seen in two different stories being heavily pushed by the mainstream media, starting with this story over at the Baltimore Sun titled “Maryland, nation keep watch for omicron, but the message is the same: Get vaccinated and boosted”.
Coming out the same day as this story over at the Financial Times titled “Moderna chief predicts existing vaccines will struggle with Omicron – Stéphane Bancel foresees ‘material drop’ in current jabs’ effectiveness, sending stocks and oil prices lower” and this story over at the Washington Post titled “Existing vaccines might not be effective against omicron variant right away,” Moderna CEO says, what are Americans supposed to think when they’re being heavily pushed to ‘get vaxxed’ and ‘get boosted’ in one story when in another viral story, they’re being told these vaxxes likely won’t work against Omicron?
Giving us up here on our mountaintop another reason to avoid all these ‘vaxxes’ and ‘boosters’ as if they ARE ‘the plague’, as ANP commenter ‘Chrism12743′ had mentioned in a very nice comment that was part of a series of comments on this November 29th ANP story: “People are drowning in a sea of misinformation. Keep publishing, Americans are emerging from their slumber!!!”
So cognitive dissonance is now striking Americans who haven’t been paying attention, hard, as they’re bombarded with two different streams of information that are highly conflicting, and many of those same people already having their belief system challenged with what they’re seeing as the failure of the vaxxes and the utter failure of Joe Biden, who many of them voted for, happening at the same time.
‘Dilbert’ cartoon creator Scott Adams heavily bombards those who haven’t been paying attention to the ‘vax’ and the ‘virus’ with ‘cognitive dissonance’ in the 1st video at the bottom of this story.
According to this story over at, the effects that ‘cognitive dissonance‘ might have on a person will vary, though as it’s happening in the moment, it can cause ‘discomfort, stress, and anxiety’ in the individual feeling it, with the actual ‘degree’ of that stress and discomfort depending on how much disparity there is between the conflicting beliefs, how much the beliefs mean to that person, as well as with how well the person copes with self-contradiction.
Some of the signs someone might be experiencing cognitive dissonance include ‘general discomfort that has no obvious or clear source’, confusion, feeling conflicted over a disputed subject matter, people calling you a hypocrite, or even being aware of conflicting views and/or desires but not knowing how to deal with those conflicting emotions/feelings, most of us experience ‘cognitive dissonance’ at one time or another, although not all of us to the same degree.
With another cause of ‘cognitive dissonance‘ in America being ‘President Brandon’ claiming back in July that ‘you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations’ coming soon before the bottom dropped off and many of the fully vaxxed got COVID, with some dying and many passing it on to others, other Americans are wondering what to think now when ‘Brandon’ tells them the stores will be fully stocked and the shelves full as we approach Christmas, only to then go to their local supermarkets and see empty shelves galore.
So with one of the best ways to deal with ‘cognitive dissonance’ is to keep a totally open mind, ready for your beliefs to be challenged, and remaining mentally, physically, and emotionally ‘flexible’ to deal with any such challenge that comes one’s way, doing so is by no means saying one should change one’s own beliefs every time they are challenged but taking in and adapting to new information.
Such as the people who once thought ‘the vax is the answer’ seeing now that they’re getting bombarded with numerous sources of information that are totally contradictory to each other.
So with the mainstream media in 2021, and has gone on for many years now, being the primary source of ‘disinformation‘ in America, some have compared our current MSM with the propaganda machines of totalitarian regimes of the past, ‘cognitive dissonance‘ also borders upon ‘Orwellian Doublethink‘, a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one’s own memories or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to but differs from hypocrisy.
George Orwell coined the term doublethink (as part of the fictional language of Newspeak) in his 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the novel, its origins within the citizenry are unclear; while it could be partly a product of Big Brother’s formal brainwashing programs, the novel explicitly shows people learning doublethink and Newspeak due to peer pressure and a desire to “fit in,” or gain status within the Party — to be seen as a loyal Party Member.
In the novel, for someone to even recognize—let alone mention—any contradiction within the context of the Party line is akin to blasphemy and could subject that person to disciplinary action and the instant social disapproval of fellow Party Members.
Like many aspects of the dystopian societies reflected in Orwell’s writings, Orwell considered doublethink to be a feature of Soviet-style totalitarianism.
Sound at all familiar in 2021? So that’s what the globalists now pushing ‘the shots’ as ‘the answer’ want Americans and the world to think like; accepting their claims that everyone must ‘get vaxxed’ for us to ‘get out of this pandemic’ while the news is spilled all over that according to one of the heads of the big pharma mafia, the ‘shot’ won’t get us out of this mess… but we’re still supposed to believe that the shot will get us out of this mess. Yeah. Ok. Once again, from this Wikipedia entry.
According to Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, doublethink is:
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself — that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word — doublethink — involved the use of doublethink.
Orwell explains that the Party could not protect its near-absolute power without degrading its people with constant propaganda. Yet knowledge of this brutal deception, even within the Inner Party itself, could lead to the implosion of the State. Although Nineteen Eighty-Four is most famous for the Party’s pervasive surveillance of everyday life, this control means that the population of Oceania — all of it and including the ruling elite, but in practice largely excluding the proles — could be controlled and manipulated merely through the alteration of everyday thought and language. Newspeak is the method for controlling thought through language; doublethink is the method of directly controlling thought.
Newspeak incorporates doublethink, as it contains many words that create assumed associations between contradictory meanings, especially true of fundamentally important words such as good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and justice and injustice.
The demand for doublethink was especially difficult on employees of the Records Department in the Ministry of Truth. The department’s responsibility was to falsify historic records, even recent ones, by means of rewrite and deletion, all so that the Party could maintain the illusion that everything it had ever said and done was perfect and consistent. Yet, despite their direct role in this systematic deception, these same workers were still expected to believe the most recently created version of history, or face severe penalty if they failed.
As revealed in Goldstein’s Book, the Ministry’s name is itself an example of doublethink: the Ministry of Truth is really concerned with lies. The other ministries of Airstrip One are similarly named: the Ministry of Peace is concerned with war, the Ministry of Love is concerned with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty is concerned with starvation. The three slogans of the Party — War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength — are also examples.
So with never a better time than now to keep on seeking and pushing out ‘the truth’ as ‘the masses’ are slowly awakening with ‘cognitive dissonance’ about COVID and ‘the vaxxes’ throwing many into a tailspin in 2021, we ourselves will keep ‘taking the red pill’ to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Each of the videos below takes a look at America’s still unfolding nightmare with the 1st video featuring Episode 1575 of ‘Real Coffee with Scott Adams’ in a video titled “Today I Will Trigger Some of You Into Cognitive Dissonance. Sorry.”
Bringing up much of the unfolding madness surrounding ‘Omicron‘ and how much of what we’re being told is totally contradictory to things we’ve already learned, we again come back to ‘1984‘ and George Orwell explains that the Party could not protect its near-absolute power without degrading its people with constant propaganda. Yet knowledge of this brutal deception, even within the Inner Party itself, could lead to the implosion of the State. Might we soon witness such a scenario in America?
And as the Health Ranger Reports warns in the 2nd/final video below titled “Covid ‘Nu’ (Omicron) variant a COVER STORY for accelerating wave of vaccine deaths,” the omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction:
It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation/genocide programs. ‘1984‘ in 2022? All eyes should be open and all hands on deck and Americans prepared for anything and everything for the next several months and into the Spring and Summer of 2022.
From Fear to Love; December 2021
Happy December! Wow, things are moving more quickly than ever! We have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
I’d like to begin our time together in a special way:
Let’s close our eyes for a moment, and focus on the rhythm of our sacred breath.
As we move into a state of relaxed breathing, gently place your awareness on the area between and slightly above your eyebrows, known as the third eye area.Feel into this space between your eyebrows for just a few seconds. Express gratitude to this area of your body. Then, gently navigate your awareness south, until you settle into your heart-space.
Once there, ask your beautiful heart the following question: “In this present moment, what wisdom and guidance can you share that will allow me to be more open to receiving the infinite blessings the Universe/My Spirit has for me?” After asking this question, focus on what it would feel like if your heart was smiling, and immerse yourself in the stillness of the present moment. You may instantly receive guidance from your heart, or it may take a bit of time. Once you receive the message you are meant to receive, express gratitude to your heart for sharing its wisdom with you.
If you were unable to receive any guidance, that is absolutely OK. Take comfort in knowing that just the fact that you were able to connect with your heart-space for a few moments has already opened you up to receiving Divine wisdom whenever you are ready to receive it.
Gently bring your awareness back to your breath. When you feel ready, open your eyes and be fully present in your five senses. What are the textures, colors, shapes, sounds, fragrances, tastes, and feelings occupying your physical space? Lovingly acknowledge them by again expressing your gratitude for these blessings in your life.
You, my friend, have just mindfully reconnected to your core essence, the sacred I AM, the Universal/Spirit Self. This simple process is here to serve you any time you desire extra support in realigning with the sacred I AM/Universal/Spirit Self within you.
Over time (or perhaps instantly), the results of this process will anchor a greater sense of balance and peace for you. Life looks and feels different when we navigate it and make decisions from a space of peace.Helping the mind to accept and embrace the experience and vibration of peace can sometimes feel challenging. When the mind is not used to something, it can often go into a state of resistance.
And yet, we can work with it to create a more peaceful reality for ourselves, and for the world.
The key to helping the mind be on board with being at peace, is to let it know that it’s not going to lose anything by living in a state of peacefulness, but rather will gain so much more as a result of that. The mind loves to use the patterns of doubt, worry, and fear as forms of self-protection.
Being kind and gentle with the mind, by thanking it for trying to protect us the best way it knows how, is a wonderful way to start gaining the trust of our mind. The mind just wants to know that we have its back, and that it will always have a seat at the table. Once it feels reassured this way, it becomes less reactive towards us, especially as we move through times of change.
Being kind and gentle with our mind helps us create a loving friendship with it. The mind then feels safe enough to get on board with new ideas, insights, and beliefs it may have been uncomfortable with before now. Life is much more enjoyable when our mind feels seen, heard, loved, and honored. This also helps the mind not look outside of ourselves for validation and approval, because we are already giving it to ourselves.
Advancing from Fear to Love
This December is a big month for transitions. During times of great transition, the collective mind often goes into resistance mode, because the ways of being it had grown so accustomed to can no longer function in its present reality. The collective mind then tries to hold on for dear life, thinking that its safety and identity will be lost if it does not fight back and resist the changes.
We saw this resistance at its peak right before the sacred 11/11 gateway that took place on November 11th. Yet humanity’s resistance has softened tremendously since then, which is clear confirmation that wonderful expansion and breakthroughs are underway. Of course, those on a mindful path have already been adjusting their thinking to work harmoniously with their hearts, so that they can readily embrace change with more ease.
These are the beings who have chosen (sometimes unconsciously) to continue advancing the collective from fear to Love. These are the beings who serve as Divine Pillars of Love. They are creating the foundation for an all-inclusive global family to emerge.
During this transitional period, it can be very easy to get caught up in the fear tactics the collective mind likes to engage in. This can be true even for those who have done much inner healing and have chosen to live mindfully.
If you find yourself getting upset or emotionally charged in any way, be gentle with yourself, and know that it’s OK to be human. Give yourself permission to move through the emotions you are experiencing, and once they become calmer, and not as charged . . . surround them with love and acceptance. This will allow you to move forward with more ease, and to return to your natural loving state.
Also, take comfort in knowing that there’s much good and magic in the world, even amidst the turbulence. These good things may not currently be taking center stage in the collective dialogue, but in the near future, they will.
Powerful Surrogates
Each one of us is a powerful surrogate for the whole of humanity. Every individual situation we are seeing out in the world is directly linked to what each of us is experiencing within ourselves. So, when we see separation, war, and fighting in the world, we have the power to remedy it all, by choosing to exemplify unity, Love, and peace within ourselves.
This is what Gandhi meant when he said, “Be the change . . .”
When we worry less about aggressively trying to fix the world outside of us, and focus more on being proactive in taking care of the world within us, the outside world will naturally heal. This is not the same as ignoring all the challenges happening in the world. It’s important to acknowledge and be aware of what’s occurring. However, instead of reacting to it all from a dis-empowered point of view, we can use it as feedback to focus on all the beautiful shifts we’d like to see in the world. We can do so by being the first to embody the qualities we’d like to see more of.
Our Prayers and Intentions are Working
One of the reasons we are witnessing such a quickening of evolution taking place at this time, is all the inner work we have been committing ourselves too. One way many of us are doing the inner work that is helping to change the world for the better, is by practicing mindful meditation and empowered prayer. It is said that the greatest gift we can offer one another is the gift of our empowered prayers.
Many people, especially those who have chosen to live a more mindful path, will sometimes shy away from prayer, because they associate it with organized religion. The reason being, most prayer taught in organized religion has the energy of fear and desperation attached to it. It usually suggests that we must pray to something outside of ourselves in order to receive a desired result. That kind of dis-empowered prayer is actually counter-productive, because it continues to affirm that we are broken or lacking in some way.
Those who understand the Law of Attraction know that when we project an energy of need, we push away the very thing we desire instead of bringing it into our experience. In those moments, we are not acknowledging that it’s even a possibility for us.
Super-charged prayer, which actually has the power to move mountains, is absolutely readily accessible to us. This kind of prayer comes from a place of knowing that we are NOT separate from the Universe, but that we are in fact One with it. Every cell of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being is One with this Universe. With this powerful knowing as our starting place, we can then affirm what we’d like to experience and create more of in our lives.
Prayer is an opportunity for a powerful dialogue with the Universe within and all around us—the kind of honest or joyful energy exchange we would have with a best friend. At the end of each prayer, express gratitude, knowing that everything you have just claimed and affirmed is already done. This will magnify the potency of the prayer itself.
Finally, adding the words “show me” at the end of each prayer instantly expands our ability to pay attention to and notice how the Universe is answering our prayer.
Now, let’s put it all together.
A Prayer for Humanity
So my friend, please join me in affirming the following empowered prayer for humanity: Dear Universe/Source/Spirit/I AM/God/Om (use whichever you resonate with most, as they are all the same), How empowering it is to know that you and I are One!
That the life that flows through every cell and fiber of my being is the same life that flows through all of humanity, and through all plants, all animals, and all of Mother Earth, the planets, stars, galaxies, Universe, and beyond. From this Oneness, I am calling forth the vibration of Divine Love to fully activate itself within the hearts and minds of every being who has, is, or ever will be a part of this beautiful world we live in.
May this Divine Love quickly anchor itself and generate Divine Balance in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, so that we may witness a rapid shift from the current state of the world into one saturated with Love. I am aware that this will also result in the full blossoming of the greatest peace our global family has ever experienced—one in which celebrating Love for one another becomes a part of our daily lives! I am deeply grateful, knowing that this prayer has already started to reveal itself in the most amazing ways, starting this very second! I joyfully send this prayer out to the Universe, knowing that:
It Is Done. It Is Done. It Is Done. And so it is! Show me. And there you have it, my friend. Together, we have created something that is now impacting humanity in paradigm-shifting ways! If you felt the power of this prayer, please feel free to use it or one similar, as often as you like. This will greatly accelerate the world’s shift into higher states of consciousness.
We are powerful beyond measure!
Till next time,
Miraculously yours,
Intelligence News Update,

Here’s a Look Back at Our Weekly Briefings from the Month:

Thank you to our readers and paid subscribers for your continued support! If you would like to further support the Great Awakening Team and our efforts, you can donate or buy something from the Great Awakening Store.
We offer both Personal Coaching and Consulting for executives and business owners, providing guidance, intelligence briefings, and strategic planning to navigate the dynamic changes and shifts in the world.
– The Great Awakening Team –
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.”
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
Our Monthly Reports are extensive and full of interesting links related to the Great Awakening. Please click around and find topics you’re interested in, and if you have a minute, let us know what you think.
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Awakening Humanity
FREE HIGH RES: The Great Awakening Map
“If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?”
“In Order to Heal Humanity and Change the World, We must Seek to Reveal the Truth no Matter how Corrupt & Evil the Reality of that Truth.”

~ Max Igan

Featured Documentaries
Documentary Library / 32 Unique Categories / 300 Documentaries

This is part 1 of a 4 part series. You can find part 2, 3 and 4 on

Arts • Universe • Travel
“The People walking in Darkness have seen a Great Light; on those Living in the Land of Deep Darkness a Light has Dawned”, Isaiah 9:2

Headline News

Biden Mandates & Debacles

Global American Revolution

Mirror -

CCP Global Insurgency War

Global Awakening
“Is it a coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used them for energy, and controlled their minds? Sound familiar? I wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label; the deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.”

[accordion title=’Geopolitical’]Geopolitical
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
PLEASE REVIEW: Epoch Times Spygate Map
FREE HIGH RES: The Deep State Map
• Mockingbird Media | Programming
Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. Wikipedia
Operation Mockingbird never officially ended and has continued since the early 1950s. Our media has been a propaganda machine for roughly 70 years.

• Human Trafficking | Satanic Corruption
The numbers for Global Human Trafficking are estimated to be in excess of 8 million children a year. The US numbers are estimated to be somewhere between 800k and 1 million trafficked children. Child & Female Slavery is now the most profitable industry, more profitable than global illegal drug trafficking.

The CEO of Walmart resigned
The CEO of CNBC resigned

• Deep State | Global Alliance News

• Global Economic
Global Financial Crisis:
Chinese govt summons embattled Evergrande founder. The construction giant has warned there is “no guarantee” it can meet financial obligations in a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
▪️China’s Evergrande says it received a $260 million guarantee Friday – which it might not be able to pay
▪️Repayment date on its $300 billion debt may be pulled forward if it’s unable to meet obligations
▪️The company, formerly China’s top developer, failed to pay coupons totaling $82.5 million due on Nov 6
▪️It’s highly likely Evergrande will default on its obligations, even taking into account the 30-day grace period which is about to end.
F. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Child Sex Trafficking of the Elite:
G. Food, Goods and Fuel Shortages:
On Wednesday, Biden made remarks about the crisis he created in the supply chain, joked about the problems created by his administration: “I can’t promise that everyone will receive their gift on time. Only Santa Claus can keep this promise.” In addition, Biden has promised many times to stop the virus in a variety of ways and in the very near future. But when asked by a reporter who reminded him of this, he chose not to answer and just left.
Truckers Warn Vax Mandate Will Further Disrupt Supply Chain:
There are now 2 U.S. Economies in play, first is the old Federal Reserve Fiat Currency (13 Deep State Family Partnership created in 1913) in its final death spiral. The competing financial system ready to launch is the U.S. Treasury Gold-Backed Currency Economy Trump was/is building. All U.S Debt is based on corruption and can be written off against the existing Federal Reserve Banks which is currently run by 13 of the world’s wealthiest elite.

• International Monetary System
Is a new Global Earth Alliance monetary system ready for activation? We explore the news reports on the potential of NESARA/GESARA‘s replacement of the SWIFT global trading platform, new gold-backed currencies, the possibility of a global debt jubilee, and banishment of the IRS.

[accordion title=’Global Weather’]“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.”
• Solar Weather
We examine and investigate the unreported truth regarding the increase in the number and volume of solar events, new volcanoes, and earthquakes driving galactic forces behind climate changes.

• Geophysical Earth Changes
Is Earth’s crust expanding? Are the poles shifting? Is there a planetary end of times cycle approaching? We’re witnessing the destruction of our planetary ecosystems and atmosphere. We report on scientific evidence confirming Earth is now undergoing dramatic changes, directing us towards cataclysmic conclusions.

Currently Erupting Volcanoes

NOVEMBER SUMMARY: 1 quake 7.0+, 12 quakes 6.0+, 135 quakes 5.0+, 1251 quakes 4.0+, 4177 quakes 3.0+, 8957 quakes 2.0+ (14533 total)

• Weather & Climate Change
Global wildfires, heavy rains, and extreme drought continue. Record-setting winds, scorching heat, and beyond freezing cold storms are now the new normal. The climate is undoubtedly changing and we’re learning more about these changes daily.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
Benjamin Rush
COVID/Vax Hoax:
More Evidence that the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact - PaulCraigRoberts.orgMore Evidence that the Covid Conspiracy Theory Is a Fact Paul Craig Roberts The coercive practices of restricting movement of people and compulsory CovidWHO Says No Evidence Booster Vaccines Offer Protection to Healthy:
Judge Orders Pfizer/FDA Docs Release: Shows Vaxx Killed Thousands In 1st Month!! – Alex Jones Must Video | Health | Before It’s News (
Graphene Oxide Wireless Network:
Medicare and Medicaid Services Suspend Vaccine Mandate Enforcement:
Nevada Impose Surcharge on Unvaccinated Workers:
Oklahoma Sued for Vaccine Mandate:
Germany Enforces Lockdown for Unvaccinated:
Ireland: Parents striking with their children in Dublin today against mask mandates for kids in schools.
India: World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India. The Indian Bar Association filed murder charges in India’s High Court against two billionaires responsible for murder via the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection.
Canada: Calgary Police officer of 24 years tells other officers not to bow to vaccine mandates.
Australia: A massive protest against lock downs and forced vaccinations at the Parliament building in Perth, Australia.People who lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates folded their uniforms on the steps. Firefighters, police officers, nurses and teachers are involved. Australian peoples have suffered greatly under the Cabal’s control. We found out why. In April of last year Melbourne went into its first major lock down. Those same white tents were put up that they had in New York City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there (medical ships docked in the harbors of New York and Los Angeles believed to care for children being rescued from underground DUMB tunnels). In Australia there were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/booms they were hearing (tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God). They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an Entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.
• COVID Variants
It would seem that a vaccine passport is imminent, but is it? Would it just be easier to use that as a tactic? What is the real reason for them to want to vaccinate the planet? It’s quite undeniable there is a larger agenda at play, with no claims about helping reduce transmission or uptake of the virus and so much misinformation. Generally, when something is free, you are the product.

• COVID Vaccinations

@RavArora1 (Twitter) Sign Up For Exclusive E…
• Vaccine Mandates
Kissinger Quote from a Speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009: ‘Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ
donation – ‘for the greater good.’ We can genetically modify children and sterilize them — ‘for the greater good.’ Control sheep minds, and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd, and the herd pays us for
extermination services….”

Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.
• Vaccine Injuries & Side Effects

• Vaccine Deaths

• Vaccination Remedies & Recovery Protocols,

Maria Zee joins us to discuss.

• FDA & Big Pharma
Should the government be in control of our health? What is the gross annual revenue for Big Pharma? Are vaccines safe? Are cures suppressed? When you follow the money, it is clear to see the motives behind big pharma. It is exponentially more financially beneficial for the industry to keep us ill and ill-informed of our healing potential and the risks of our foods, supplements, and medications to consume. With less than one-quarter of all Americans trusting our healthcare system, it is time for a massive overhaul. We’re looking for answers.

• Food Industry
With news like Bill Gates becoming the most prominent private farmland owner in the US it’s more important than ever to figure out how to take control of your health and well-being. The growing percentage of people buying organic foods proves awareness of the horrific “foods” that are available to us and the massive amount of misinformation and censorship behind natural health practices. We cast our vote for what we want to see in stores every time we check out.

• Alternative Health
Why are alternative and holistic health practitioners dying? Can we heal ourselves? What foods, remedies, and practices can benefit us? We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.
Since the Flexner Report in 1910, we have been sold a model of healthcare that has one primary goal; profit. There have been so many fantastic practitioners that have seen past their “education” and helped to get people away from illness and disease and on the right path to a healthy life. Unfortunately, many of these practitioners are being silenced and having their licenses revoked for telling the truth and practicing natural methods. There is an immeasurable amount of information out there to weed through on how to be healthy. We’re asking the tough questions and looking for real answers.

• Holographic Plasma Medbeds

[accordion title=’True History’]
The true history of our planet and the solar system is now being revealed. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. They’re mapping artifacts and hieroglyphics of ancient ruins from all over the world. That paints an entirely different picture of our history. We see continued evidence in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being one of their most-viewed programs. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos.
“People Without the True Knowledge of their Ancient History, Origins, and Culture is Like a Tree Without Roots.” – Marcus Garvey
“History Merely Repeats Itself. It Has All Been Done Before. Nothing Under The Sun Is Truly New.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9
Is the House of History is Built on Sand!
• Archaeology | Ancient Greece
We’re looking at the ancient world and how civilizations were living thousands of years ago. The truth about our ancestors is hidden in forbidden archeology. We look to reveal evidence of ancient aliens visiting and inhabiting our planet for eons.

• Ancient Text | Greek Legends

Things keep getting older by tens of thousands of years. Luckily the ancients documented the past, and these truths are finding their way into the public domain. Our understanding of the power of these writings keeps growing daily. There are many fascinating secrets, codes, and mathematics integrated into much more than we ever thought. These ancient texts were meant to be read once we reached an age when we could comprehend these texts. Once we entered the age of information, truth, and oneness, the Age Of Aquarius.

• Real US History | The 19th Century
Were the history books where we learned from as accurate as we could’ve hoped for? Likely not. Stunning new evidence and research are revealing a new understanding of our almost 250 year US History.

Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’Hidden Truths’]We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden science and technologies. There is a planetary cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence, making this the most challenging, critical, and difficult topic to understand and comprehend.
Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft disclosure since July 2015, with the whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets valued in the trillions. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from the earth’s populations are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military-industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This is where the saying; “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie” comes into play. They’ve had to cover up the truth for a long time.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal, and the time for full disclosure of our planet’s Secret Space Program and hidden technologies is Now.”
Underground Military Bases
• New Sciences
We’re examining new physics, plasma biology, quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, universal theory, antigravity, zero-point energy, human frequency, and other scientific truths and theories.

• Advanced Technologies

The revelation of hidden technologies, 6,000 plus patents suppressed by the Department of Defense, and inventors from all over the world withholding new technologies that would greatly advance the human race. We’re witnessing a true realization and awakening of the coming Golden Age.

• Secret Space Program
How long has the Secret Space Program existed and how many programs are there? Are they meant to do good or are there bad intentions? Which UFOs are earth-based and which are from other worlds? We look into David Wilcock’s analysis along with whistleblower testimonies from Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, and Pete Peterson.

[accordion title=’The Event’]“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.”
“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Mathew 27:24
Suspicious Observer 25 Video Series / The Earths Catastrophic Cycle
• Galactic Energy Cloud
Galactic energy cloud, solar waves, and cosmic rays from outside of this solar system, super-novas (ancient exploding stars), comets (whose tails filled with chemicals will plunge to Earth/Gaia before the comet melts as it moves directly into the Sun), CME’s and many other heavenly events we seek to post in our reports.

• Galactic Flash | MicroNova
This is a universal 26,000-year recurring galactic event that is tied to the ascension of the human souls to higher dimensions of consciousness. The Galactic Flash originates from the galactic central sun in our universe and transverses through our sun, a flash or MicroNova 1000 times brighter than the brightest X Class CME on record.

• Ascension | Divine Intervention
The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a soul’s journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension reality of Free Will. The key to Ascension is based on each individual’s frequency and vibration.

Ascension Papers
An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into the right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into the right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you’ll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable… a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet, and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature. Author; Arn Allingham
Free PDF Link Here!
[accordion title=’Spirituality ‘]In Oneness, Unity, & Equality
“Spirituality is a Brave Search for the Truth about Existence, Fearlessly Peering into the Mysterious Nature of Life.”
– Elizabeth Lesser
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
– Peter Kemmsies
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
• Consciousness
The last frontier of discovery & exploration. Prime/Source/Creator/God’s connection to the Universe and our Collective Consciousness.

• Manifestation
Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, and the power of thought sustained and visualized with the emotions of the heart. These are the keys to manifestation in the 3rd/4th-dimensional realities.

• Forgiveness | Releasing
The creative powers of the human spirit have been suppressed for thousands of years. With the increase in global consciousness and revelations through ancient texts were just beginning to understand the full extent of human potential. All human spiritual advancement begins with a daily Forgiveness practice.
Forgiveness is an integral aspect of the awakening process. It is a crucial step in releasing past trauma and a necessary component of the healing process. Forgiving others is not to condone or accept unforgivable actions but rather to let yourself be free of the burden these feelings have on you. You don’t need to forgive others so that they feel okay about their actions. You must do it for yourself to move forward towards healing and connecting with your spirit. Forgiving yourself is just as if not more important as forgiving others. In order to forgive yourself, it is necessary to learn and appreciate each so-called mistake you are holding over yourself. Gain gratitude for every trauma, every mistake, and every wrongdoing that was afflicted to or by you. Forgiveness and gratitude are keys to the doors of healing and awakening.

[accordion title=’Path of Awakening’]There are three essential Awakening components to continued elevation and maintaining our higher vibration and frequency: The daily practice of meditation, healing, and living a healthy lifestyle. These are vital to learning and knowing your individual truth. The path to higher consciousness and making better choices are part of the awakening to our hidden destiny and an understanding of who we really are. The balance and the daily practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit are essential.
“Your Life, All of Your Life, is Your Path of Awakening. By Resisting or Not Dealing with its Challenges, You Stay Asleep to Reality. Pay Attention to What Life is Trying to Reveal to You. Say Yes to Its Fierce, Ruthless, and Loving Grace.”
• Meditation Practice

• Healing Practice
• Healthy Lifestyle
- 2nd American Revolution, the fraudulent presidency of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, US Military’s Plan to restore the Republic of the United States, where Trump is reinstated as the 19th President of the Republic of the United State. The Great Reset plan to Reset the Global FIAT Currency vs. the Gold Reset backed Currency.
- COVID Third Wave is the Global Vaccinations used as a cover story for the Great Reset. Key to launching the Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- Event Waves of 2021; New potential Wave of Vaccine-related Pandemic death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. This is targeted for the fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized and die from complications stemming from the vaccines. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Collapse/Crisis/Crash, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from WWIII, new global Plandemics, a 3rd Covid 20/21 Wave, massive death rates from vaccine complications, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency manipulations used for human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
- 2021 World Predictions / Ralph Smart; More Covid 19 Rules and Restrictions with Personal Choices, Social Restrictions, Global Restrictions and Restrictions in Personal Movements, biometric testing, airports are going to be testing centers (negative certificate). Mandatory FaceMask the new normal, Social Distancing Extremes. US State Border Restrictions (certificates, driver’s licenses in state of entry). Civil War between the Blue States vs the Red States, Blues States will look to secede from the US after the 2020 elections.
- There will be No Vaccine Offered that are 100% effective or completely cure for the Covid 19 Virus (the plan is not to provide a vaccine cure). Boost your immune system naturally with Vitamin C and supplements.
- Many Global Governments Around the World will Collapse. Mass Protests and Riots (people will take back their autonomy). Global Deep State Exposure, Destruction, and Demise from the World Stage.
- Fear will take on a new meaning of extremes and stress levels. FEAR definition – False Evidence Appearing Real! Covid 19 Police Officers will be instituted into society. We must detach from the Matrix. Lifting & Removal of the Veil of Deception across the Earth in 2021.
- Resistance Movement will grow stronger and en masse. Children will be removed from school. Social Distance will negatively impact children. Awakening will expand across the globe.
- Great Separation or Split from 3D to 5D. Awakened leaving the cities and their communities for rural environments, a new level of awakening around the world. We will seek and reflect Love Frequency.
- Fake Food Crisis – they are now setting up the world for a fake food shortage. Stock up on food and water. Garden Tower Farming all vegetables will be required to survive.
- Fake Alien Invasion – as the new life forms make their presence known, the cabal will stage a False / Fake / Staged Invasion. Current soft disclosure of UFOs is happening now in the MSM news report. NYT’s article reports the soft disclosure of UFOs is leading us to a Fake Alien Invasion.
- New Strains of Covid 19 or SARS H1N1 will be released onto the whole world and will be staged. These Strains are bioengineered weapons that will be more lethal and cause other medical conditions.
- Covid 19 Mental Issues from virus infections. We must prepare to manage all aspects of the effects for 2020. Meditation/Calmness.
- People Leave Social Media Platforms em Masse / Conscious App is on the way.
- Frequent Internet Blackouts or Multiple Blackouts Every Month. Cell phones will be blacked out, too. Must save your contact information to make local calls.
- New 5D Earth for the Chosen Ones (World without Gov, Military, Big Pharma, no media, tv, cell phones, no fears, and a higher vibrational frequency). A New Prison for those who remain unawakened.
- The Future is in What We Are Creating In the NOW or PRESENT.
- Let LOVE Guide You, NOT Fear.
- New Senate Hearings & Witness Testimony; Senate Judiciary panel votes along party lines Thursday to authorize subpoenas targeting more than 50 mostly Obama Administration people involved in the decision to begin investigating President Trump’s 2016 campaign over potential links to Russia. The subpoenas are part of a larger GOP effort to question the investigations into Trump, which culminated in the appointment of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and consumed the early years of his presidency.
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues to reach new levels across all platforms. Google, FB, and Twitter. Look for President Trump, the DOJ, and 30 plus US State AG’s to file class-action and anti-trust lawsuits in Federal Courts.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- UFO Disclosure is heating up focus on disclosure in April, as daily sightings are being reported by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion set for October? Timing is tied to change the MSM narrative upon negative breaking events; FISA Declass, Clinton Foundation, Comey IG Report, etc. Nick Pope reviews all the evidence.
- Antarctica continues to reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Facebook whistleblower blows the lid-off in a newly released Mark Zuckerberg Dossier. Sighting abuse of the child prodigy using MK-Ultra techniques, and a controlled asset of Larry Summers President of Harvard, Financial Advisor to President Clinton, connected to DARPA and CIA programs. Sheryl Sandberg assistant to Summers, COO of FB, and Mark’s direct handler inside FB.
- Update / DOJ John Durham’s release of indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2021. Comey got a pass from AG Barr on leaking classified information to the press but will be indicted and prosecuted for multiple criminal violations dealing with his signing off on 4 FISA requests. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of its conspirators.
- The Structure Change / Alliance Exposure Mass Corruption Now Ready to be Revealed to the General Public, starting with an economic crisis now in progress, closing the Federal Reserve/Central Banking System, voter fraud in key Congressional & Senate seats, FBI & DOJ false Russian collusion, and the release of 300 pages of the Carter Page FISA redactions will lead to the much greater exposure of the Obama Administration’s corruption, treason, and evil practices from the Deep State/Shadow Government.
- Mass Arrests total 220,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month) Has been increasing at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 15,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- CIA blocks Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job. Trump will unseal 911 documents after the 2020 elections.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, now scheduled to be released in 2021.
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME’s, Planet X Solar System, Nibiru, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Alien SpaceCraft Sighting, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: 2019 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
- The Path of Awakening: Global Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 500,000 worldwide.
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DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.
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