Published Date: August 10th, 2020




Exposing ANTIFA, China’s Secret Police, Durham Indictments, No Economic “V” Recovery, Expect 50% Job Loss, Epstein Flight Logs Released, Fires Reported San Andres Fault, Locust On All Continents, Ancient Atlantis Stone, Pentagon UFO Disclosures, Solar Minimum Violent History, Benefits of Journaling


Italian Explosives Expert: The Beirut Blast’s Massive Red Cloud is Indicative of Lithium Metal Which is a Propellant in Military Missiles


Massive protests took place in Beirut, Lebanon Saturday following the mega-blast earlier in the week that tore through Lebanon’s capital with the force of an earthquake.

More than 100 people were killed and 4,000 injured after a warehouse exploded near the port in Beirut.

On Saturday tens of thousands took to the streets in Beirut denouncing Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists and their leader Hassan Nasrallah.

TRENDING: RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop

And now an Italian explosives expert is speaking out about the massive blast that he says was likely a military missile warehouse.

Italian Danilo Coppe spoke with Heshmat Alavi about the nature of the Beirut blast.

Coppe believes the red plume is a sign of lithium metal used as a propellant in military missiles.

RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop

President Trump’s recent actions indicate the time may be very close where the Deep State and the Obama gang might finally have to face the music.

On Friday we reported that President Trump spoke to workers at a Whirlpool factory in Clyde, Ohio, to tout his efforts to restore America’s manufacturing base.  During the speech Trump also spoke about his work to reform prescription drug pricing by the pharmaceutical industry.

While speaking about reducing drug prices by cutting out the middlemen, Trump dropped this line saying,  “So, I have a lot of enemies out there.  This might be the last time you’ll see me for awhile.”

This was a very unusual and purposeful statement that he made.

TRENDING: RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop

Here is a video of President Trump’s comments:

This might only be the beginning.

According to Brian Cates there is much more.

Before the President departed on his trip to Ohio, then to travel to his Bedminster, NJ, resort, this weekend —  The White House staff lined up to wish him well.  When has this ever happened?

There is even a picture of the White House staff outside wishing him well.

There are numerous reasons why the Deep State and the Obama gang should be worried:

Of course, Uranium One involved numerous crimes by Obama and Hillary.  This was when they sold American uranium to Russia.  The billions in aid gifted to other countries is also a major scandal from the Obama years.  Not much has been shared about this to date but the Ukraine was involved.  Is this why the Ukraine related impeachment was created?


Trump End Game Moves Have Rumors Swirling That “Something HUGE Is About To Drop

By: Sorcha

The end game moves being made this past week that saw President Donald Trump cryptically warning “I have a lot of very rich enemies out there…This might be the last time you’ll see me for awhile” and his then smashing the Taiwan “Red Line” to provoke war with Communist China, while during this same time, socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden had a medical team rushed into his home and hasn’t been publically seen since after one of his top campaign officials likened black people to monkeys, says most mysteriously being noticed is that when President Trump departed from the White House on Friday, and for reasons unknown, the entire staff of the White House lined up to wish him well—an event never before witnessed—and makes explainable the headline that just appeared saying” RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About To Drop”.

According to this report, as to what the “Something HUGE” thing might be that President Trump is preparing to drop, many are speculating it will be an “October Surprise” revelation coming from feared United States Attorney John Durham, who for nearly a year has been criminally investigating the coup plot against President Trump—a revelation that most certainly will come before October, and when United States Attorney General William Barr was asked this past fortnight during public testimony by socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell whether he would commit to not releasing any report by Durham before the November election, Barr said bluntly, “No”—a blunt answer General Barr followed yesterday by saying that socialist Democrats are now “Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system…They’re not interested in compromise…They’re not interested in a dialectic exchange of views…They’re interested in total victory…It’s a substitute for religion”—and then saw General Barr describing what these vile socialist Democrats did to President Trump with the scathing words: “They were trying to impeach him from day one…They have done everything they can…They’ve shredded the norms from our system to do what they can to drive him from office and to debilitate his administration…And I think its because of the desire for power”.

Joining General Barr in attacking these power crazed coup plotting socialist Democrats, this report notes, was powerful Republican Party leader United States Senator Lindsey Graham—who yesterday erupted in righteous anger after being given documents proving the FBI lied to the US Congress about the role they played in the coup plot against President Trump, that caused Graham to declare: “Somebody Needs To Go To Jail”—a “somebody” that most certainly includes the shadowy Deep State operative Steven P. Schrage, PhD—who yesterday released his beyond shocking confession document titled “The Spies Who Hijacked America” he says is the first of many more to follow, and he claims were confessions given to US Attorney Durham—wherein in both testimony and stunning audio recordings he exposes the “Cambridge Four” architects who masterminded the Russiagate hoax to bring down both President Trump and General Michael Flynn—and after releasing the first of his confession documents, then saw Dr. Schrage suddenly appearing out of nowhere to be publically interviewed by esteemed financial journalist Maria Bartiromo on her Sunday Morning Futures programme—an interview most critical note about saw it being observed: “Schrage notes he was interviewed by John Durham…Horsepucky…Durham doesn’t interview anyone; someone else does, someone very specific; and the fact that Schrage has no clue who that person is implies an aspect to the side-show he now presents as total nonsense…In short, this is a distraction story…. Look over there…. Shiny things”—which led to it being asked about Dr. Schrage: “Is He a True Patriot or Deep State Slime?”.

The least being noticed or talked about “Something HUGE” thing that President Trump might be preparing to drop, this report details, is centered around the four executive orders he signed on Friday to give relief to the COVID-19 virus stricken American people—that now leaves furious socialist Democrats facing the daunting question: “Will They Dare To Challenge Trump’s Stimulus Orders?”—and to understand what is really going on, sees it being explained in the article “Court Decisions Upholding DACA Set Stage For Pres. Trump To Use Executive Orders For Brilliant End Run of Pelosi and Schumer” that points out:

A federal program that was created by Executive Order, in conflict with established federal immigration law, and which was not itself enacted in conformance with the procedural requirements of the APA, could not be canceled by the next Presidential Administration due to a failure to precisely follow the APA.

A program that had no lawful basis for its legitimacy would be protected from termination on the basis that such an action was “arbitrary and capricious”.

In understanding these Supreme Court rulings declaring that even though executive orders may not be based on any law they’re nearly impossible to get rid of, this report concludes, the really “Something HUGE” that’s being prepared for by President Trump was noticed last week when it was revealed that his aides are working on an executive order to curb mail in voting—an executive order that would be based on the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—both of which combined give President Trump the full power to federalize the 2020 Presidential Election and take it over from the States if he declares it might disenfranchise voters—and if doing, would see President Trump being supported by United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who, in 2013, struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because it was outmoded and “based on 40-year-old facts having no logical relationship to the present day”—a ruling that itself was based on the 12 December 2000 landmark decision in the case Bush v. Gore that decided the 2000 Presidential Election—wherein the Supreme Court “ruled that the use of different standards of counting in different counties violated the Equal Protection Clause, and ruled that no alternative method could be established within the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States Code”—a ruling most critical to note about saw the Supreme Court ordering that presidential elections must be decided by the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States code—and going unnoticed by the American people, was a time limit changed by the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019—a law that changed Title 3—Chapter 1—Section 1 to read: “The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President”—which means President Trump is constitutionally and legally bound to make sure that after the 3 November presidential election, each State has appointed their electors by the following Tuesday on 10 November—even if he has to sign an executive order to make it so—will see the Supreme Court backing this executive order—and predictably would see socialist Democrat Party heads exploding all across America.

World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work!

Authored by John Miltimore via The Foundation for Economic Education,

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.

This prompted Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, to complain that Danes had positioned themselves “to the right of Trump.”

“The whole world is wearing face masks, even Donald Trump,” Berlingske pointed out.

This apparently did not sit well with Danish health officials.

From left to right: Professor Henning Bundgaard, Tamara van Ark, Anders Tegnell | Composite image by FEE (Rigshospitalet, Wikimedia Commons)

They responded by noting there is little conclusive evidence that face masks are an effective way to limit the spread of respiratory viruses.

All these countries recommending face masks haven’t made their decisions based on new studies,” said Henning Bundgaard, chief physician at Denmark’s Rigshospitale, according to Bloomberg News.

Denmark is not alone.

Despite a global stampede of mask-wearing, data show that 80-90 percent of people in Finland and Holland say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out.

Dutch public health officials recently explained why they’re not recommending masks.

“From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation,” said Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark.

Others, echoing statements similar to the US Surgeon General from early March, said masks could make individuals sicker and exacerbate the spread of the virus.

“Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

“There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”

In Sweden, where COVID-19 deaths have slowed to a crawl, public health officials say they see “no point” in requiring individuals to wear masks.

“With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” said Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert.


This Week’s Global News At a Glance

  • The fatal crash landing of an Air India jet in India’s southern state of Kerala took the lives of 20 people, including the two pilots, on Friday (7 August) evening. The Air India Express Boeing 737 flew in from Dubai. After a fatal air crash at Mangalore airport in Karnataka State in 2010, a member of India’s Civil Aviation Safety Advisory Council (CASAC) had red-flagged the safety of Karipur airport in Kerala (also called Calicut airport). Karipur, like Mangalore, is a table-top airport, where there was no room for error while landing. Captain Ranganathan, a member of CASAC – had warned that the “Calicut (Karipur) runway does not have a minimum RESA (Runway End Safety Areas) on one end and NO RESA on the other.” “The Air India Express accident in Mangalore should have alerted the AAI (Airport Authority of India) to make the runway conditions safe,” said Captain Ranganathan. The pilot had warned of a dangerous situation in Karipur, “especially in wet conditions”.


  • Malaysia’s police chief insisted Wednesday investigations into an Al Jazeera documentary are being conducted “professionally” and rejected concerns about worsening media freedom, a day after the broadcaster’s office was searched. Authorities are investigating the news network’s program “Locked up in Malaysia’s Lockdown”, after the government was angered by its critical look at the treatment of migrant workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Officials searched the Qatar-based broadcaster’s Kuala Lumpur office and seized two computers, sparking fresh anger from Al Jazeera and rights groups and adding to concerns about media independence in Malaysia. But the country’s Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador said the search by police was carried out “very professionally”. He added that Al Jazeera staff were “informed earlier of our intent to be there. They were even asked which devices were used. They cooperated.” The search came after seven Al Jazeera journalists were questioned by police last month in connection with the documentary.


  • The Baía Viva Movement presented to the ALERJ (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro) a Bill to establish environmental safeguard measures and which aims to ban the dangerous and high-risk environmental disaster operation of oil transshipment between vessels known as Ship to Ship. In Venezuela, a large oil spill caused by this operation occurred. A vessel appears to be the source of an oil spill washing up on the shores of Venezuela’s Moroccoy National Park, according to satellite imagery and AIS analysis conducted by Video footage of a spill along the shores of the Golfo de Triste – about 60 miles west of Caracas – appeared on social media beginning August 2. A member of Venezuela’s political opposition, the National Assembly, confirmed to Reuters that the spill occurred and expressed concern that it would cause harm to the park’s sensitive marine environment. A PDVSA source also confirmed the spill. “Three bays within the state of Rio de Janeiro are legally protected in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Rio de Janeiro, as a result of thousands of signatures collected in person during the Constituent. Three Bays Within State of Rio Are at Risk of Environmental Disaster from Oil Spill. On Thursday, August 6th, an online session of the non-governmental brasilian Coastal Working Group was held, which is collectively building the “Pacto do Mar” (Sea Pact).


  • A United States regulator has fined the credit card provider Capital One Financial Corp with $80 million over last year’s data breach that exposed the personal information of more than 100 million credit card applicants of Americans. Capital One failed to establish appropriate risk management before migrating its IT operations to a public cloud-based service, which included appropriate design and implementation of certain network security controls, adequate data loss prevention controls, and effective dispositioning of alerts. The OCC also said that the credit card provider also left numerous weaknesses in its cloud-based data storage in an internal audit in 2015 as well as failed to patch security vulnerabilities, violating the “Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security Standards,” that all US banks must comply with. These unsafe and poor security practices resulted in a massive data breach last year when a single hacker was able to steal credit card information of over 106 million Capital One customers.


  • Huawei Consumer Business Group CEO Richard Yu had some good news and bad news: The good news is that its next flagship series, the Mate 40, will be coming in the fall. The bad news? It could be the last to use Huawei’s own high-end chipset – for now, at least. Yu revealed this during a speech at China Information Technology Summit 2020, citing US President Donald Trump’s order for a sweeping ban that prevents American companies from dealing with their Chinese counterparts. Yu pointed out that after September 15 – the day when the ban takes effect – Huawei would no longer have the means to source components they need to build their Kirin chipsets. “Huawei spent over a decade exploring chipsets, going from ‘severely behind’ to ‘very behind’ to ‘slightly behind’ to ‘finally caught up’ to ‘leading’ to now being banned,” said Yu. “We made huge R&D investments and went through a difficult journey.” It is unclear how Huawei will move forward in sourcing, or building, chips. Leaks indicate that the Mate 40 has a powerful camera system. It will, however, not come with Google apps and services.


  • Heavy blasts have been heard in central Belarus’ capital Minsk, with a cloud of smoke seen in the sky. Earlier, protesters started using dumpsters to erect barricades in the area. It was reported that police used tear gas and smoke grenades to disperse protesters in central Minsk. They also used two water cannon vehicles, from time to time, to disperse the crowd. The riot police have managed to drive thousands of demonstrators out of Victors Avenue, where a protest emerged soon after the voting in the presidential election ended on Sunday evening. Clashes have been reported between protesters and the riot police working at the site. The authorities have not yet confirmed any injuries, but ambulances were earlier sent to the scene of the protest. Incumbent President Lukashenko is set to a sixth term after early results of Sunday’s election showed him lead the polls with a comfortable majority. According to the election watchdog chief, Lukashenko is winning in all regions that have reported voting data.

News Burst 10 August 2020

Crop Circle – Woolstone Wells, Nr Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire – Reported 9th August 2020

Oil spill in Golfo de Triste near Morrocoy – about 60 miles west of Caracas – 2 August

A vessel appears to be the source of an oil spill washing up on the shores of Venezuela’s Moroccoy National Park, according to satellite imagery and AIS analysis conducted by A member of Venezuela’s political opposition, the National Assembly, confirmed to Reuters that the spill occurred and expressed concern that it would cause harm to the park’s sensitive marine environment.
A PDVSA source reportedly says the company is planning to help clean up the oil spill after it leaked from a ships fuel tank off the Venezuelan coast. identified the source vessel as the freighter Nauma. As of Tuesday morning, the Nauma was under way off Curacao, bound northwest and broadcasting her destination as Georgetown, Guyana – a port located several hundred miles to the east. The 2006-built Nauma is a 7,800-dwt tweendecker managed by a well-known German company. She is flagged in Portugal.

News Burst 10 August 2020 – Solar Activity

News Burst 4 July 2020 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Solar wind is calming. Active regions are becoming numerous on the north but are still expectedly small in this early phase of cycle 25, and are not flaring.

Active Weather – Tropical Storm Elida

Located a couple of hundred miles south of the southwest of the Pacific coast of Mexico. 40% chances of becoming an hurricane, according to the forecasters. Wind 45-55 kts – Pressure 1003 hPa – Moving W-NW at 13 kts – Intensifying


August 9 2020

Europe – M4.2 Greece

Africa – M5.3 Prince Edward Islands Region

North America – M5.1 North Carolina

Central America – M4.6 Off the Coast of Central America

South America – M5.2 Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Asia – M4.9 Iran

Pacific – M4.7 Macquarie Island

Deepest EQ – M4.4 298 km Northern Mariana Islands

News Burst 4 July 2020 - Borneo Deep EQ 6 July 2020

In this image we see the sequence of movements starting from the M5.3 in China on August 8, it seems to see how the boundary of the plates between Africa and Europe is strongly under pressure, the seismic waves that continue to flow distribute the earthquakes symmetrically going to fill the areas of silence, one of which seems to be now in the Hindu Kush area, in this area for a symmetrical distribution of force we could see a shock that could even reach the M5, or be a lesser one but deep. Another zone of silence is found in central-southern Italy, the fulcrum somewhere between the EQ in Austria and those in the Ionian Islands, here a movement could also occur and could reach the M4.

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“American Insurgency”

South China Sea / CCP Virus / Hong Kong

Trump Breaks “Taiwan Tripwire” with China. 

After Israel Obliterates Beirut Port Following Pakistan Nuke Threat

The former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who in acting in his position as President of the Asia Society Policy Institute released a final warning letter to the world titled “Beware The Guns Of August—In Asia”, fearfully stated “In the current political environment, the Trump administration could choose to escalate—by, say, allowing a U.S. naval visit to a Taiwanese port…The incendiary effect of such an action would be politically impossible for the Chinese leadership to ignore”, President Trump chose this exact incendiary path to escalation with Communist China by ordering the first high-level delegation of top American officials in over 40-years to go to Taiwan—a deliberate breaking of the “Taiwan Tripwire” by President Trump that leaves Communist China no choice but respond with military force—and to be noted, was a tripwire to war broken by President Trump just hours after Israel obliterated an ammunition warehouse belonging to Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut-Lebanon said to have been holding Iranian missiles with a massive blast so catastrophic, it killed hundreds, wounded thousands and has left over 300,000 people homeless—an attack President Trump only said about was caused by “A bomb of some kind”—though most critical to note about, was an attack that followed powerful Pakistan leader Abdul Rehman Malik releasing his war document titled “Setting The Stage; Kashmir, Ladakh and World War III”, wherein he chillingly warned: “The world must not forget that Israel is watching as a third party and it may jump in it once all these countries are made weak like in World War I…Let us not forget that India has already accommodated Israel to use all of its defence and hardware and the US is India’s preferred defence partner…If war begins, then expect Israel to play its last role to convert it into a victory for the US…In the given situation, Pakistan as a nuclear state cannot remain isolated if this war erupts and will have no choice except to be on the side of China”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, with Taiwan being warned it is “in a delicate situation with Communist China as military drills intensify”, it is no surprise to see Taiwanese marine forces today reinforcing their positions in the Pratas Islands in anticipation of a Communist Chinese invasion—that is coming at the same time Communist Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai is warning that ties between America and Communist China “are under unprecedented strain”, while he also accused the US of fueling tensions in the South China Sea by sending ships to the region and stated: ”This is really raising the risk of a conflict”—a conflict being rapidly accelerated with the two just begun Red Flag war exercises underway by the US Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base-Nevada and Eielson Air Force Base-Alaska—that most critical to note about will be completed on 14 August, as the following day, on 15 August, will see the last high-level meeting held between the United States and Communist Chinese before war is expected—the full dimensions of top Pakistan leader Abdul Rehman Malik outlined in his war document “Setting The Stage; Kashmir, Ladakh and World War III” by his stating:

The United States has formulated its ill-advised war strategy and its top priority to have oil and other supplies blocked to China via the South China Sea, whereas it has already succeeded in bringing countries around the South China Sea on one page to follow the US.

These countries include Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Australia against China.

The most recent defence agreement between India and Australia for using each other’s islands is another indication of a joint operation against China if needed in the Indian Ocean.

India has been asked now by the US to close the Strait of Malacca for Chinese ships using the Indian navy, as most of China’s trade is through the Straits of Malacca, and 80 percent of oil imported by China sails through this route.

Let us see the Indian decision in this very crucial matter which can ignite WW-III.

India under PM Modi is not going to digest the humiliation of its soldiers by Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley of East Ladakh.

According to reports India has already started its proxy war with China and has reenergized the old Tibet card. India has strategised now to promote and support the Dalai Lama all over the world which will likely be supported in the West and the UN.

On the other hand, China has played a smart game by taking Iran into its camp and as a result, Iran has cancelled the Chabahar port project with India.

Most recently, China has offered Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries the option to trade oil in their own currencies instead of in dollars, but the Gulf may not agree to this proposal because of strong US influence on the ruling elite of this region.

This will allow China to start buying oil from Iran and Russia instead of Saudi Arabia.

China buys billions of dollars’ worth of oil from Saudi Arabia whereas Iran has already picked the opportunity and has offered to supply oil to China at half the price.

The world must not forget that Israel is watching as a third party and it may jump in it once all these countries are made weak like in World War I.

Let us not forget that India has already accommodated Israel to use all of its defence and hardware and the US is India’s preferred defence partner.

If war begins, then expect Israel to play its last role to convert it into a victory for the US.

In the given situation, Pakistan as a nuclear state cannot remain isolated if this war erupts and will have no choice except to be on the side of China.

With relations between the United States and Communist China being on what is called “a multifaceted downward spiral” as war looms ever closer, this report concludes, global economic experts are now asserting that should President Trump win a second term “he could do to Communist China what President Reagan did to the former Soviet Union”—and in doing would see Communist China confiscating $120-billion worth of America investments in their country, as opposed to the around $6-billion investments in America that would be confiscated from them—but to be noted, are billions-of-dollars not cared about by a President Trump who “spends like a drunken sailor” on anything he believes will make America great again—though in this most dangerous of games, it remains unknown how many human lives President Trump is prepared to spend—the same of which can also be said about Communist China as they measure themselves against a President Trump who famously outlined the strategy he uses against his enemies with the words: “Go for the jugular so that people watching will not want to mess with you”.

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      • Event Waves of 2020; we are now experiencing the 3 Wave (US Race Riots) of a possible 7 Waves of Crisis planed for 2020. The first 3 Waves were Covid 19 Pandemic, Financial Market Crisis, and US Race Riots. The next series of events could be anyone of the following; new global virus or 2nd Covid 19 Wave, all markets crash, global famine, food shortages, 30 – 40 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, mandatory vaccine threats, geophysical, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of tornadoes. Global Economic Crisis, Global Debt Bubble Crash,  US Dollar Currency Gold Standard Reset, Partial Disclosure Fake Alien Invasion / Introduction of AI Cryptocurrency controls, and main stream media stoking fear to new levels.
      • 2021 World Predictions / Ralph Smart; More Covid 19 Rules and Restrictions with Personal Choices, Social Restrictions, Global Restrictions and Restrictions in Personal Movements, biometric testing, airports are going to be testing centers (negative certificate). Mandatory FaceMask the new normal, Social Distancing Extremes. US State Border Restrictions (certificates, drivers licenses in state of entry). Civil War between Blue States vs Red States, Blues States will look to Secede from the US after the 2020 Elections.
      • There will be No Vaccine Offered that are 100% effective or completely cure for the Covid 19 Virus (the plan is not to provide a vaccine cure). Boost your immune system naturally with Vitamin C and supplements.
      • Many Global Governments Around the World will Collapse. Mass Protests and Riots (people will take back their autonomy). Global Deep State Exposure, Destruction, and Demise from the World Stage.
      • Fear will take on a new meaning of extremes and stress levels. FEAR definition – False Evidence Appearing Real! Covid 19 Police Officers will be instituted into society. We must detach from the Matrix. Lifting & Removal of the Veil of Deception across the Earth in 2021.
      • Resistance Movement will grow stronger and en masse. Children will be removed from school. Social Distance will negatively impact children. Awakening will expand across the globe.
      • Great Separation or Split from 3D to 5D. Awakened leaving the cities and their communities for rural environments, a new level of awakening around the world. We will seek and reflect Love Frequency. 
      • Fake Food Crisis – they are now setting up the world for a fake food shortage. Stock up on food and water. Garden Tower Farming all vegetables will be required to survive.
      • Fake Alien Invasion – as the new life forms make their presence known, the cabal will stage a False / Fake / Staged Invasion. Current soft disclosure of UFOs is happening now in the MSM news report. NYT’s article reports the soft disclosure of UFOs is leading us to a Fake Alien Invasion.
      • New Strains of Covid 19 or SARS H1N1 will be released onto the whole world and will be staged. These Strains are bioengineered weapons that will be more lethal and cause other medical conditions.
      • Covid 19 Mental Issues from virus infections. We must prepare to manage all aspects of the effects for 2020. Meditation/Calmness.
      • People Leave Social Media Platforms em Masse / Conscious App is on the way.
      • Frequent Internet Blackouts or Multiple Blackouts Every Month. Cell phones will be blacked out, too. Must save your contact information to make local calls.
      • New 5D Earth for the Chosen Ones (World without Gov, Military, Big Pharma, no media, tv, cell phones, no fears, and a higher vibrational frequency). A New Prison for those who remain unawakened.
      • The Future is in What We Are Creating In the NOW or PRESENT.
      • Let LOVE Guide You, NOT Fear.
      • New Senate Hearings & Witness Testimony; Senate Judiciary panel votes along party lines Thursday to authorize subpoenas targeting more than 50 mostly Obama Adminstration people involved in the decision to begin investigating President Trump’s 2016 campaign over potential links to Russia. The subpoenas are part of a larger GOP effort to question the investigations into Trump, which culminated in the appointment of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and consumed the early years of his presidency.

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About the Author: Great Awakening Team

Great Awakening Team
We are a community. We are cultural creatives and like minded people seeking the truth and focusing on disclosure, awakening and consciousness. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters and truth seekers. We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. We are a collective, a movement, free from all programing, not closed minded and not discriminatory. We are not political. We are not religious but we are spiritual. We study, research, and report on a wide range of subjects and topics, from the current geopolitical climate to health and wellness, from earth’s history to spiritual practices. We are forward thinkers and visionaries, we are guides for the transition as we usher in The Great Awakening. DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR. Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject. THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE: The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.