Published Date: February 10th, 2020




Democratic Primaries, John Bolton Congressional Testimony, Iowa DNC Lost Public Trust, Ukraine The Final Piece,  Exit The Matrix, The Dream / Danzel Washington, New Mini Ice Age,  Meditation / Were Not Our Thoughts

New Q Post / February 8th & 9th, 2020

Q Anon Updates — February 8th to 9th 2020

Related Q Anon: “Who are the Real Racists”

Source –

The bottom half was instructed (99% good).
The first will send a shock wave.
An informed public threatens those in power.

“For every item that carries the darkness of humanity there’s one that holds the light. And that light is worth believing in. Not just in others, but in yourself as well.” ― C.M. Rayne
Trust and believe in yourself.
The Silent War Continues….

“Tip Of The Iceberg” – WHO Director Warns 

More Widespread Transmission As Virus Death Toll Tops 900, Beijing Under Partial Lock Down


  • Virus death toll hits 902, vastly surpassing all of  SARS (813) in only three weeks
  • The number of global confirmed cases hits 40,553 in China (40,171) and offshore (382)
  • WHO Director-General warns “we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg”
  • Exiled Chinese billionaire says true death toll closer to 50k, 1.5 million infected
  • New cases confirmed in the UK, Spain, Singapore
  • Passengers aboard ‘Diamond Princess’ warn authorities aren’t doing enough to protect them – and others
  • Officials in Shenzen say they won’t block Foxxconn factory reopening
  • Cruise ship quarantined in Hong Kong allowed leaving after 4 days

* * *

Update (2240ET): And so the epidemic reaches China’s capital Beijing. As gnews reports, as the coronavirus spreads from Wuhan, China has been implementing “closed management” by putting 80 cities under lockdown, and on Monday, Beijing authorities also issued a “Strict Closed Management of Residential Communities” in an epidemic prevention and control announcement (link here). It is an official declaration that Beijing, the country’s capital city of China, is now under lockdown

Finally, partially locked down, all communities under “closedown model “ management. Original Chinese language announcement here 北京发布疫情防控通告,严格居住小区(村)封闭式管理 

According to the notice, Beijing will further enforce “community closed management” in a strict manner. Outside vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter the city. People arriving in Beijing must also report their health status and complete the registration of personal information.

Those, who have left the epidemic area or have physical contact with persons in the epidemic area within 14 days of their arrival at Beijing, shall be inspected or quarantined at home in accordance with the regulations. They should take the initiative to report their health conditions, and cooperate with relevant management services. They shall not go out. Anyone who refuses to accept epidemic prevention measures such as medical observation and home quarantine constitutes a violation of public security management and shall be severely punished by the public security bureau according to the law.

In addition, all public places in the Beijing community that are not essential for people’s living are closed. All agencies and enterprises must strictly strengthen body temperature monitoring. Housing agencies and landlords in Beijing must provide local government with information on rental houses and tenants. This is a measure for epidemic prevention.

* * *

Update (1900ET): The latest official “numbers” from China’s National Health Commission are out and they confirm that after a modest slowdown in the past few days, the number of new cases has once again rebounded.

Here’s what we know: the total number of mainland cases has risen from 37,198 to 40,171, with 97 new deaths overnight, the most yet in one day, bringing the total death tally in China to 908.

And, as has been the case for the past weeks, the number of cases remains within spitting distance of 3,000, rising from yesterday’s 2,652 to 2,973, however this number is largely irrelevant: as Dr. Scott Gottlieb   the increase in the number of confirmed cases is likely a function of China’s “testing reporting capacity”, which is roughly 3,000 per day . This means that every suspected case eventually becomes a confirmed cases, and only logistics limit how many new cases are actually being added any given day. As such, any change in the number of new cases is not only irrelevant but misleading for all those who actually trade on this as an indicator of whether the Coronavirus has peaked.

As for the now utterly meaningless death rate, one only wonders what goalseek model China is using ot keep the death rate within +/- 0.1% of 2.1% for the past two weeks.

And here we get into the part where China openly fabricates numbers. First, as discussed several days ago, the number of people receiving medial attention unexpectedly peaked at just under 190,000 after increasing by about 15,000-20,000 daily until then, in a truly mysterious “kink” on the chart below.

And finally, in the latest entrant to the “goal seeker” race, we have the number of suspects coronavirus cases, which after rising consistently by about 1,000-2,000 for the past two weeks, suddenly collapsed by over 5,000 overnight, resulting in a sharp drop in the total number of suspects cases from 28,942 to 23,589. On the surface this would be great, the only problem is that this violates virtually every aspect of viral epidemiology, and if anything only confirms how aggressively China is now fudging the data.

* * *

Update (1725ET): China’s Hubei Province reports 2,618 additional Coronavirus cases overnight with a stunning 91 new Coronavirus deaths – the biggest daily jump yet.

This pushes the officially-reported “confirmed cases” to 29,631 as China’s official death toll rises to at least 902.

While that is bad enough, the WHO Director-General warned ominously…

There’ve been some concerning instances of onward spread from people with no travel history too. The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Which is all the more shocking given his – until now – stunning lack of fear or demands for containment of the deadly virus!

* * *

Update (1300ET): A lot of epidemiologists and ‘citizen journalists’ have been throwing out numbers that they believe to be the true accurate counts of the number of people infected with the Wuhan coronavirus in China, as well as the true death toll.

But exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui said Sunday, citing leaked information out of Wuhan, that the death toll could be as high as 50,000, as Chinese officials burn bodies to cover up the true extent of the crisis.

Nurse Treating Coronavirus Sufferers In China Claims 90,000 People Have Already Been Infected

A nurse wearing a protective suit and face mask treating the sick in Wuhan has claimed that 90,000 people have already been infected by the coronavirus in China – far more than the figure of just 1,975 issued by government officials.

Her warning from the heart of the outbreak emerged as the Chinese government faced accusations of censoring criticism of its handling of the disease in order to play down the crisis.

The outbreak of the new virus originated in China, where it has infected more than 1,970 people and killed 56, and has spread worldwide.

Nurse Treating Coronavirus Sufferers In China Claims 90,000 People Have Already Been Infected

Speaking in video footage seen online, the unnamed woman says:

‘I’m in the area where the coronavirus started. I’m here to tell the truth. At this moment, Hubei province, including Wuhan area, even China, 90,000 people have been infected by coronavirus.’

Chinese President Xi Jinping, saying the country is facing a grave situation, held a politburo meeting on measures to fight the outbreak, state television reported on Saturday.

The country is facing a ‘grave situation’ where the coronavirus is “accelerating its spread,” Xi told the meeting, which took place on the Lunar New Year public holiday.

Despite China being initially praised for its transparency in managing the situation, critics have now claimed that officials are scrubbing the internet of videos that reveal the true situation.

However, the nurse’s report has been viewed almost two million times on YouTube. In the footage, she warns people not to go outside and to refrain from celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Virologist Who Visited Wuhan Says Coronavirus Is “Out Of Control”

She said:

‘I would like to say that everyone who is currently watching this video should not go outside. Don’t party. Do not eat out. Once a year, we celebrate Chinese New Year. If you are safe now, you will be able to meet your family again healthy next year.’

Making a desperate plea for supplies, she said:

‘We don’t care what the government says. I will tell you through social media. Everyone, please donate masks, glasses, and clothes to Wuhan.

‘Please help us. Please donate disposable goggles, disposable masks, and disposable clothing. Currently, our resources are not enough.’

Horrifying clips have been posted online by shocked citizens only to be deleted shortly after. In one, the sick are seen sitting between drips and oxygen tanks next to three dead bodies covered in white sheets. The footage was deleted from social media channel Weibo.

Last week, in rare public dissent, a senior journalist at a Hubei provincial newspaper run by the ruling Communist Party called for an ‘immediate’ change of leadership in Wuhan on Weibo. The post was later removed.

The People’s Daily, a state-owned newspaper, posted a video of an apparently cured patient flashing the peace sign alongside four medics.

But the Global Times revealed that vital resources, including masks and goggles, were urgently needed.

Critics have also claimed that many health experts who would have been able to warn the government at an early stage of the dangers of coronavirus have been detained or had their research stopped because they were not working within the Chinese state.

The accusations of a cover-up echo the furore surrounding the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic in 2002 when the government concealed the existence of the illness not just from the outside world but from its own people.

UK Researcher Predicts Over 250,000 Chinese Will Have Coronavirus In 10 Days

This Map Shows All The Areas Where Coronavirus Has Been Identified So Far, Including Canada

Newspapers were forbidden from reporting the disease other than occasional statements from government officials reassuring the public there was nothing to worry about.

The state put such effort into suppressing negative headlines that when an ill traveler from Guangdong arrived in Beijing, doctors had no idea what he was suffering from.

Cities across the US are on high alert as two coronavirus cases are confirmed in Chicago and Washington, 63 people are tested in 22 states and 1,000 American citizens are told to evacuate Ground Zero in Wuhan

Cities across America are on high alert amid the escalating coronavirus crisis as 63 people in 22 states are suspected to have contracted the deadly strain.

Two cases have been confirmed in the US but officials have said they expect that number to grow as dozens of more people are being tested for the virus that’s sickened more than 1,400 and killed 42 in at least 12 countries.

5 Big Archaeology Discoveries to Watch for in 2020

Valley of the Kings tomb.

New discoveries in the Valley of the Kings, looted art from Venezuela and evidence that humans were in Central America more than 20,000 years ago are just some of the stories Live Science will be watching out for in 2020.

Tombs of pharaohs and queens in Valley of the Kings

Royal burial in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, which holds the tomb of King Tut and other Egyptian royalty, divulged several of its secrets in 2019, including a workshop complex, mummification cache, ostraca (pottery with writing on it) and newfound mummies. Excavations were carried out in both the east and west valleys of the Valley of the Kings and was funded in part by media companies that are paying for the right to film the excavations.

Excavations in the east and west valleys of the royal cemetery are ongoing; the artifacts found in 2019 are still being analyzed, and hieroglyphic writing on the ostraca is in the process of being deciphered. With all this work going on, it’s likely that more discoveries will be made in the Valley of the Kings in 2020. Zahi Hawass, the former Egyptian antiquities minister who is leading work in the valley, believes that several tombs built for the pharaohs and their queens have yet to be found.

Full Article Link Here; 

This Week’s News At a Glance

A Sydney psychiatrist who posted “bizarre” alt-right conspiracy theories he claimed were the directives of US President Donald Trump to his practice’s official website has been struck off the medical register. Many of the 300-plus posts from 2018 onwards related to the debunked QAnon conspiracy that suggests Trump is leading a crusade against “deep state” forces who protect satanic pedophile rings.

August 2019: Three women’s rights activists are held in custody for “disrespecting compulsory hijab,” or the so-called Islamic dress code, have been sentenced to a total of 55 years and six months. February 2020: A “Revolutionary Court” Appeal in Tehran on has upheld prison sentences of Monireh Arabshahi, Yasamin Ariany, and Mojgan Keshavarz who are behind bars in the notorious Qarchak prison but for 31 years combined instead of 55.

An Airbus A320 with 172 passengers on board has made an emergency landing in the Russian-controlled Kriemimi air base after Syrian air defenses nearly hit it. The Syrian air defenses were trying to repulse an Israeli attack near Damascus as four Israeli F-16 fighter jets struck eight air-to-ground missiles in the suburbs of Damascus without entering Syrian airspace. During the attack, the passenger plane with 172 passengers on board en route from Tehran to Damascus was preparing to land. No Coincidence! The Israeli Air Force’s tactic of hiding behind unarmed and civilian aircraft to try to prevent the Syrian military from staging an effective air defense has become all too common, Lieut. Gen. Valery Gorbenko, former commander of the Russian Air Force’s 4th Air and Air Defense Army, has said.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says Iranian security forces have raided journalists’ homes in recent days in an attempt to intimidate critics ahead of next month’s parliament elections.

Chinese citizen journalists Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin have effectively been “the world’s eyes and ears” inside Wuhan. Fang posted a dramatic video on Friday showing him being forcibly detained and dragged off to a ‘quarantine’. He was detained over a video showing corpses piled up in a Wuhan hospital. However, he has already been released. Chen, meanwhile, seems to have vanished without a trace and is believed to still be in government detention.

Precautionary measures have been stepped up in Singapore to help minimize the potential spread of the novel coronavirus at Victoria Junior College, after a teacher at the school was one of three newly infected patients in Singapore.

Following several cases of novel coronavirus without any links to previous cases or travel history to mainland China, Singapore on Feb 7 raised its Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level to Orange from Yellow. With immediate effect, schools will suspend inter-school and external activities until the end of the March holidays, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). These include the national school games, learning journeys and camps.

Sometime last autumn, a security contractor based in Asia took a call that he found curious. The man on the other end of the line, a long-time acquaintance and, like him, an expert in protecting VIPs and valuable cargoes in challenging environments, was looking to hire for a job in Japan. He offered few specifics. The assignment would involve escorting someone out of the country, he said. It would pay well. And he was looking for operatives with military or police experience and, ideally, fair-skinned East Asian faces – the kind that wouldn’t stand out in Tokyo. The contractor wanted to know more. Who would the operatives be protecting? What was the specific threat? Would the client be carrying cash or gold or something else of value? The caller wouldn’t say. The contractor was non-committal but said he would get in touch if anyone else came to mind. They hung up, and the contractor did not think about the job again – until he and the rest of the world saw the news about Carlos Ghosn.

“Nightmare at Sea”

42 additional cases of coronavirus, including an infected passenger who got on the ship in Japan, had been discovered on the Diamond Princess cruise ship which is anchored in Yokohama, Japan. The ship is capable of carrying 3,000, but it’s unclear how many are on board.

A Royal Caribbean cruise ship that has a dozen passengers quarantined over fears of coronavirus has docked in Bayonne, New Jersey, this morning. The passengers of the ship are all Chinese nationals – many of whom started exhibiting symptoms while aboard the ship, which was coming back from the Bahamas.

Millimeter-wave imaging currently uses radio waves in the frequency range of 24-30 gigahertz (GHz). 5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter-wave bands (24–86 GHz). ***24 GHz*** What you don’t hear about is the potential to use 5G towers for 3D image surveillance. Consider body imaging scanners that use the same millimeter frequency. How do they work? They scan around the target and construct an image based on the waves being reflected. High radio frequencies 5G users aren’t able to travel as far as current 4G wavelengths. This means 5G will require an enormous expansion of the current cell tower infrastructure in order to function. Now consider the requirement for 5G towers to be in close proximity to one another. The same principals can be applied to construct a 3D image of an area between several towers. The technology itself is not inherently bad, but like surveillance cameras, there isn’t really an opt-out. Since we can only talk about this as a hypothetical application, for now, we can’t examine whether this would lead to privacy invasion issues such as providing imagine within a private business or residence. The US is in fierce competition for control of the 5G spectrum. I’m trying to keep the scope of this topic narrow, but this is just scratching the surface of how life can radically shift through the use of 5G technologies. Anonymous Conservative comments on the linked article. “He is right. They will not flood that radiation out, and then your local observation posts just decide to not exploit it for Marquis of Queensbury rules. You will see no difference in 5G. Your phone videos will look the same, and everything will be indistinguishable to you. It has another purpose. None of the new techs that is released today is being done simply to make your life better unless you are one of the very few at the top of the pyramid. Everything is about getting control over you, by watching you every moment of every day and trying to commit anything you want to be private to your permanent record so if you ever begin to really succeed it can be used against you.” [The ‘5G fry your brain’ looks like it’s the “straw man”]

Johnson & Johnson was ordered by a New Jersey jury to pay an additional $750 million in punitive damages to a group of former Baby Powder users who had already been awarded $37.2 million as compensation for cancers they blamed on asbestos in the talc-based product. After the verdict Thursday in New Brunswick, state court Judge reduced the punitive award to $186.5 million. State law limits the amount to five times the compensatory damages awarded to the plaintiffs last year.

Some of Obama’s Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients:

Bill Gates

Melinda Gates

Warren Buffet

Joe Biden

Angela Merkel

Tom Hanks

Ellen DeGeneres

Barbara Streisand

Meryl Streep

Robert De Niro

Oprah Winfrey

Bill Clinton already covered Edgar Bronfman Sr. & David Rockefeller. Just to clear up a joke/hoax going around – Obama did not give a medal of freedom to Weiner or Weinstein.

The FBI team investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election cultivated and maintained numerous sources close to Donald Trump during the election and the transition period when Trump was entering the White House. One person who was in direct contact with Trump and who was utilized by one FBI agent to, “obtain insight into the incoming Trump administration.” Another source was described as voluntarily providing the FBI team probing Trump with large volumes of documents. Yet another FBI source held a position in the Trump campaign and another was described as a Trump “supporter.” Another source was documented as attending a private gathering with Trump. These disclosures and others were made inside the Justice Department’s previously released 476-page Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane.

A Tehran Police official on Friday said indecently dressed mannequins that weaken “the culture of modesty and hijab” and “promote immorality” will be removed by the police from shop windows.

Anti-Trump impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his twin brother have been fired and escorted out of the White House by security, according to his Alexander Vindman’s attorney.

White House asks scientists to investigate whether 2019-nCoV was bio-engineered.

Weekly Asteroid

2020 BW5 2020-Feb-09 5.2 Lunar Distance 9 km/s 18 m.
Lunar Distance = 384,401 km

Sun Activity

A solar wind stream hit Earth’s magnetic field on Feb. 6th. The stream’s arrival was expected, but its power was not. Wind speeds are now near 600 km/s–the fastest of the year so far. First contact with the gaseous material produced an outburst of auroras over Rovaniemi, Finland.

Active Weather

  • Category 3 – Severe Tropical Cyclone Damien – Pilbara coast, Western Australia – 75-105 kts↑ 963 hPa↓ – Moving S 7 kts

Strongest EQ in Europe M4.7 Crete, Greece
Strongest EQ in US M3.2 Oklahoma
Strongest EQ on the Planet M5.5 Drake Passage
Deepest EQ M4.6 627 km Vanuatu
Deep EQ M4.9 575 km Northern Mariana Islands
Deep EQ M4.5 551 km Ndoi Island, Fiji

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2020 Awakening / For this the marriage now the heart and mind.  The mind will always question what the heart and soul knows. It is best to step out the mind, and into the heart, which is directly attached to the soul, and then you will see clearly. When you allow the mind to control the heart, you cannot see. You are blind. When the heart opens, and reconnects to the soul, and its infinite knowing, then the mind serves the heart and works in unison/unity with it. There needs to be a beautiful balance between the heart and the mind.

Ascension Papers

An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you’ll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable… a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature.   Author; Arn Arllingham
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