Published Date: March 30th, 2019




Special Report CCP Virus, DS Master Plan, Global Debt Jubilee, Netflix Explodes Under Quarantine, Crisis Predictions, Sacred Geometry, Earthquakes Rise, Global CEO’s Resigning, Solar Flares & Pineal Gland

CCP Virus US & Global Maps, Infection & Mortality 

10 Days of Illumination / 3 Day Blackout / Mass Arrests

The fake end-times scenario now unfolding in the West will soon get more fantastical, so sit back and enjoy the show. Although it may seem scary at times, the real aim is to create a better world, “10 Days of Illumination”. So far over 30 countries and a billion people are on lockdown as part of the show.

March Corona Virus Outbreak Update: Twelve states have ordered residents to stay home except for travel to essential places like grocery stores or pharmacies, orders that cover more than a third of Americans. 770,293 cases worldwide, 156,818 in US; 36,939 deaths worldwide, 2,871 in US.

The Battle for Planet Earth is reaching a climax as opposing forces try to use the “coronavirus pandemic” to achieve their agendas.  The liberation forces are using the lockdown as an opportunity to arrest senior Khazarian Mafiosi, while the Satanists are hoping to vaccinate and microchip the general public back into submission, multiple sources agree.  It’s almost as if reality is bifurcating, with one version filled with fear and death and other in breathless anticipation of planetary liberation.

First, let’s look at what the white hats are saying.  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prince Charles of the UK and many others will be or have been “coronavirused” (arrested), according to CIA and Pentagon white hats.  One CIA source says:

“They are putting out disinformation to keep this as classified as possible.”   Merkel is going to have a third test and Macron also tests positive.  This is code for they are being removed.”

He adds, “Abe is going to collapse the country’s economy because he works directly for the cabal so he has to be removed. (Since this is the age of deep fake computer graphics, here in Japan I will keep in touch with press ID carrying colleagues to see if the real Abe vanishes).”  Pentagon sources agree and say, “regime change may also happen in Japan as Shinzo was forced to delay the Tokyo Olympics for one year.”

Maybe it’s the fear of American assassins coming for Abe that has prompted Japan to consider an entry ban on all American citizens.

In any case, a purge has clearly accelerated inside the U.S.  Pentagon sources say:

“The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy arrived at LA on March 27th and its sister USNS Comfort to NYC on March 30th but they may provide neither mercy nor comfort for arrested Zionists and pedos.  Also, truckers have been ordered to not deliver to New York as [U.S. President Donald] Trump personally went to Norfolk, Virginia to send off USNS Comfort to New York City.”

Now let us look at what the dark side is up to.  In the video at the link below, starting around the 15:20 mark, Bill Gates is calling for only people who have a vaccination certificate to be allowed to travel.

NSA sources confirm this and say the cabal is hoping to get the sheeple to show up at the local Walmart to get vaccinated and micro-chipped in exchange for receiving “digital wallets.” This is serious folks, do not let them scare you into being vaccinated because I guarantee you any vaccine they provide will be worse than whatever it is they say they are going to protect you from.  U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden was probably telling the truth when he said, “We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what.”

The key battle to watch over the coming days will not be the one against the “pandemic” though, it will be the one over control of the financial system and thus the planet.  On this front, any veteran market expert will tell you what is happening now is beyond a black swan event.  The United States military did not call up one million reservists and move its headquarters to an underground bunker because of a mostly bogus coronavirus threat.

By the way, if you still do not think this pandemic is mostly hype take note of one thing: fewer people are dying now than before the so-called pandemic started.

Anyway, to understand why the planet is now moving into historically uncharted territory take a look at this NASA…

video of activity around the sun.  I do not usually write about space stuff but this was sent to me by several trusted sources.  It appears to show the solar system undergoing some sort of fundamental shift.

Trump called for a re-opening of the economy by Easter Weekend 10 April: ‘We have to get back to work’ – which not by coincidence was just after the Tier4b (Internet) Group finished redemption and currency exchanges at the Contract rates – Tues. 31 March and the general public would begin exchanging at the new Forex Rates after 1 April.

We were told years ago that there would be an event that would quarantine America and possibly the planet, in order to make global mass arrests. We were encouraged to stock up on food, water, and supplies. We were also instructed to remain calm. Some versions or semblance of Marshall Law may be implemented to keep people off the street while these arrests occur. Schools would be closed, flights grounded, airports closed, etc

Why? Because people were being arrested for participating in corruption and worldwide pedophilia and human trafficking, crimes against humanity, TREASON, murder, rape, etc is massive and affects every aspect of society. This includes Hollywood entertainers, NBA and NFL athletes and staff, politicians, pastors, banking CEOs, corporate heads, school officials, coaches, and educators. Some of your doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors, school teachers, police officers and chiefs, firemen, business owners, airport workers, pilots, bankers, priests, everyday people are currently being arrested for their crimes against humanity. A lot of them are involved in nefarious behaviors and secret societies, so the masses have not been privy to their wrongdoings, ritualistic abuse, child sex trafficking, child hunting parties, ritualistic murders, drug trafficking, involvement in underground activities in the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.), etc.

This is why some of us reported on a notable resignation list for two years. Many people were on that list under the guise of resignation. We also reported on military tribunals which began in January 2019. Some of us watched military tribunals take place on c-vine dot come. The corruption is huge. POTUS asked that people not be in crowds. One reason other than catching the virus is because the deep-state NWO corrupt leaders could attempt to retaliate since they know that we have been involved in a covert operation against them. Be safe. The planet is being cleansed. The Coronavirus is a “cover.”

While it is true that the Deep State global New World Order elites created the virus and attempted to infect the masses, Trump and the global Alliance co-opted the operation and used it as a cover to arrest global elites, including the POPE and the UN-royal family, politicians and Hollywood elites. The mainstream media will announce that folks came down with the virus. Actually, they’ve been arrested. Some have been at Gitmo for a while, actually. At some point, an announcement will be made

Remain calm and be stocked up. Those people who don’t have food and supplies will have an opportunity to get it from neighbors or the military because troops will likely be on the ground to 1) make the arrest and 2) keep everyone calm. A curfew may be implemented.

We were instructed also that new monetary policies and our new gold-backed system will be implemented and trillions injected into the economy, AFTER the global mass arrests. Otherwise, these nefarious beings would have once again, stolen our wealth and re-empowered themselves. Soon the Republic, our lawful government, would be restored under Constitutional Law. Be encouraged. Things are finally getting better for humanity.

A Version of Martial Law and Mass Arrests:

This week Trump was Mobilizing National Guard for two-week Quarantine: The action would require everyone to “stay at home,” and urged all businesses except grocery stores and pharmacies, be closed. It was expected to be announced this week.

All non-essential businesses including airlines could be closed for 30 days beginning April 1.
Delta Airlines has had numerous problems with the virus being present among passengers. American Airlines was grounding the majority of its planes as of April 1. Flights globally were being shut down. The White House was contemplating shutting down in-country domestic flights. Four states were releasing non-violent prisoners in order to release the stress on the system in the Corona Virus Epidemic. The US Canadian and Mexican borders and those of many other countries were already closed.

Fulford: Satanic bloodline ruling families were being systematically hunted down by special forces. The Rothschilds and other families hiding in Switzerland and New Zealand are also negotiating a surrender. There was an extremely long list of over 157 celebrities. This massive – 158,000 arrests – operation will capture and remove the biggest evil and corrupt politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of ‘GRETA Inc.’”

Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, John Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein, who was allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony.

CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted or arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, Disney, and the Vatican Chief of Police among others. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months.

There will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sports games, sports championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola.”

There were over 160,000 sealed indictments filed in US federal courts across the nation against global and political elites, with over 1,613 acted upon & upwards of 500,000 arrests made worldwide. Arrests of political elites connected to indictments over FISA Abuse have begun and were expected to continue over the next two weeks.

There were now 37,000 more US troops in Europe on top of the 320,000 troops already there who were suspected of engaging in arrests of Deep State assets in Switzerland, Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, and London. Since Fri. 6 March there have been 2,200 or more arrests of global elites and in the Cartels worldwide, over 600 of whom were Drug, Gun and Human Traffickers arrested in Mexico.

The United Arab Emirates has completed Mass Arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates.

The Deep State has been operating a $150 billion year Child Sex Trafficking Network centered at the Vatican, where over 80 including 66 priests were arrested by Interpol last week for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse. Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 the Vatican and financial officials have been served criminal indictments for financial crimes, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sexual abuse. Kevin Annett’s been hard at work the dark sins of the Vatican:

GITMO was upgraded years ago for high profile arrests, while prison barges awaited in the harbor. A Military Tribunal on the crimes of 9/11 began there in Jan. 2019. The US Military was building a massive concentration camp able to hold up to 10,000 people in international waters off the coast of Alaska just below the North Pole named Ice Camp Seadragon.

K. Judy Note on Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: Treat the below as my guess. Official instructions would be available upon RV liquidity release through an instruction video.

An hour or so prior to liquidity release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Ba

Non Profits Dedicated to Help Exploited/Abused Children and Adult Abuse Survivors:

Tim Ballard: The Underground Railroad rescued exploited children:

Kevin Annett: International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) rescued exploited children and exposed their rape, torture and murder kidnapping rings run by the Vatican.

Felicity Lee: Ivory Garden promoted healing techniques for DID survivors (Dissociate Identity Disorder caused by severe abuse during childhood):

Neil Brick: SMART published information on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and gave healing seminars for Ritual Abuse Survivors and therapists:

Enough Is Enough: Enough Is Enough® is a national bi-partisan non-profit organization that has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE’s efforts were focused on combating Internet pornography, child pornography, sexual predation, sex trafficking, and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America and the legal community.

SNAP: Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests:

M. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington: From infancy to age six Jenny was repeatedly raped and tortured by members of a Satanic Coven – the trauma forcing her developing brain to split into multiple thinking patterns. Her sophisticated Nazi-inspired Mind Control programming was overseen by a CIA agent called Dr. Green who was said directed by the international monetary system’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult. The Ninth Circle was believed composed of members of US Inc, European Royals including Queen Elizabeth, the Vatican including Pope Francis, private bankers such as the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers, plus Central Bankers – the very Cabal that the World Court, Interpol, BRICS Alliance, Trump and White Hats were attempting to take down with the Global Currency Reset.

The Coronavirus Is Killing Globalization as We Know It

The outbreak has been a gift to nativist nationalists and protectionists, and it is likely to have a long-term impact on the free movement of people and goods.

A medical worker measures body temperatures of motorists at the Slovenian-Italian border crossing near Nova Gorica, Slovenia on March 11, after Slovenia's government announced it would close its border with Italy, hard hit by the outbreak of COVID-19.

A medical worker measures body temperatures of motorists at the Slovenian-Italian border crossing near Nova Gorica, Slovenia on March 11, after Slovenia’s government announced it would close its border with Italy, hard hit by the outbreak of COVID-19. JURE MAKOVEC/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Until recently, most policymakers and investors remained complacent about the potential economic impact of the coronavirus crisis. As late as the end of February, most wrongly assumed that it would have only a brief, limited, China-specific impact. Now they realize that it is generating a global shock, which may be sharp—but which most still expect to be short. But what if the economic disruption has an enduring impact? Could the coronavirus pandemic even be the nail in the coffin for the current era of globalization?

The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the downsides of extensive international integration while fanning fears of foreigners and providing legitimacy for national restrictions on global trade and flows of people.

All sorts of businesses have suddenly realized the risks of relying on complex global supply chains that are specific not just to China—but to particular places such as Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic. Chinese people—and now Italians, Iranians, Koreans, and others—have become widely seen as vectors of disease; senior Republican politicians in the United States have even labeled the disease the “Chinese coronavirus.”

Meanwhile, governments of all stripes have rushed to impose travel bans, additional visa requirements, and export restrictions. The travel ban on most arrivals from Europe that U.S. President Donald Trump announced on March 11 is particularly broad, but far from unique. All of this is making economies more national and politics more nationalistic.

[Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak: Get daily updates on the pandemic and learn how it’s affecting countries around the world.]

Much of this disruption may be temporary. But the coronavirus crisis is likely to have a lasting impact, especially when it reinforces other trends that are already undermining globalization. It may deal a blow to fragmented international supply chains, reduce the hypermobility of global business travelers, and provide political fodder for nationalists who favor greater protectionism and immigration controls.

The complex China-centered global supply chains on which so many Western companies have come to rely are, particularly at risk.

The complex China-centered global supply chains on which so many Western companies have come to rely are particularly at risk.

The cost advantage of producing in China has eroded in recent years as the country has become richer and wages have soared. The risks of doing so were highlighted by President Trump’s imposition of punitive tariffs on imports from China in 2018 and 2019, leading businesses to scramble for alternatives.While the January deal marked a fragile truce in the U.S.-China trade war, the perils of producing in China remain; both Democrats and Republicans increasingly view China as a long-term strategic rival that needs to be contained. And no sooner had the trade war abated than the coronavirus intervened. The extended shutdown of many Chinese factories has pushed exports down 17 percent in the first two months of the year compared with a year earlier, and it has disrupted the production of European cars, iPhones, and other consumer goods.

Inertia is a powerful thing. And there are still many advantages to producing in China, such as scale and efficient logistics. But the coronavirus crisis could mark a tipping point that prompts many businesses to remodel their supply chains and invest in more resilient and often more local patterns of production.

One option is to shift and diversify operations across other Asian economies, such as Vietnam or Indonesia. Another is to shorten supply chains, with U.S. companies moving production to Mexico and European ones to Eastern Europe or Turkey. A third is to invest in robots and 3D printing within advanced economies, producing locally closer to consumers.

A second enduring consequence of the coronavirus crisis may be reduced business travel. Technology gurus have long argued that videoconferencing and chat apps would eliminate the need for most business travel and allow many people to work from home more. Yet until the coronavirus crisis, business travel had continued growing, seemingly inexorably.

Now, whether because of government bans, business decisions, or individual caution, all but the most essential international travel has been canceled, and those who can work from home are increasingly staying put.

Thanks to this forced grounding, businesses may discover that while face-to-face meetings are sometimes necessary, technological alternatives are often just fine—and also much less costly.

Thanks to this forced grounding, businesses may discover that while face-to-face meetings are sometimes necessary, technological alternatives are often just fine—and also much less costly

, time-consuming, and detrimental to family life. And at a time of increasing concern about the impact of airplane emissions on the climate, and with many businesses keen to highlight their commitment to environmental awareness and sustainability, there is both an environmental reason and an economic one why business travel may decline. Perhaps most significantly, the coronavirus crisis plays into the hands of nationalists who favor greater immigration controls and protectionism.

The speed and scope of the virus’s spread across the globe have spotlighted people’s vulnerability to seemingly distant foreign threats. The coronavirus has not just spread to global hubs such as London and New York. It has also leaped directly to provincial cities such as Daegu, South Korea’s fourth-largest city; nursing homes in the suburbs of Seattle; and even small towns such as Castiglione d’Adda (population: 4,600)—one of the 10 towns in Lombardy first quarantined by the Italian government in February.

While internationally-minded leaders have mouthed fine words about the need for cross-border cooperation in the face of an unprecedented common threat, their actions have often belied this. Many ostensibly liberal governments have slapped restrictions on travel and trade more draconian than even Trump dared impose at the height of his conflict with China last year.

Many ostensibly liberal governments have slapped restrictions on travel and trade more draconian than even Trump dared impose at the height of his conflict with China last year.

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s leftist prime minister, was quick to bar travelers from China who are not New Zealand citizens from entering the country. While such blanket bans may or may not be warranted on public health grounds, they provide greater legitimacy for those who view closing the border as the solution to every ill.

Even within the European Union’s ostensibly barrier-free single market, France and Germany have banned the export of face masks; so much for the liberal internationalism and commitment to the EU of President Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor Angela Merkel. More shocking still is that none of the 26 other EU governments has responded to Italy’s urgent appeal for medical assistance—though China has.

Granted, the coronavirus crisis has also exposed the hollowness of nativists’ assertions that their anti-immigration and protectionist policies make people safer. Even though the nationalist coalition that runs Lombardy’s provincial government is led by Matteo Salvini’s far-right League party, it has not been successful in protecting the region from the coronavirus. Nor, for all his desire to decouple from China, has Trump been able to prevent the coronavirus from reaching the United States.

Trump himself may yet pay a price in November’s presidential election for his insouciance and inept mismanagement of a public health crisis. But in general, the coronavirus crisis is a political gift for nativist nationalists and protectionists.

Japan Hopes for a Post-Coronavirus Olympics

The cancellation is another blow to a battered economy as virus numbers creep up.

Even within the European Union’s ostensibly barrier-free single market, France and Germany have banned the export of face masks; so much for liberal internationalism.

It has heightened perceptions that foreigners are a threat. It underscores that countries in crisis can’t always count on their neighbors and close allies for help. And with India limiting exports of life-saving drugs from its vast pharmaceutical sector, it provides ammunition to those who wish to localize production of all sorts of products on national security grounds. More broadly, it may strengthen those who believe in a strong government, prioritizing societal needs over individual freedom, and national action over international cooperation.

As a result, the coronavirus crisis threatens to usher in a less globalized world. Once the pandemic and panic abate, those who believe that openness to people and products from around the world is generally a good thing will need to make the case for it in fresh and persuasive ways.

Energy Upgrades Are Pouring In, The Shift Is Accelerating

Wow…it’s happening, at long last, for those of us in the awaken/conscious/spiritual community waiting, waiting for our world to change..and also for our own personal growth to be sparked. It’s all based on watching our consciousness shift away from living as a matter of response to 3D distractions, and instead of following our hearts into actions focused on BEing Love.

Of course, the result of making heart-felt decisions will allow you to unending happiness as you discover holding and BEing in…

It a time of deep contemplation and reconnecting with what gives higher meaning and purpose to life and living.

We are shifting from mindless living to conscious living once more, where one is consciously creating one’s life in the highest alignment with the purpose and calling of one’s soul.

I stand in awe at the caliber of souls who have to incarnate and are incarnating. Some are highly evolved and advanced souls – yet so often they forget who they are and allow life and systems to shut them down.
It takes a huge wake up call to awaken these souls, and this is exactly what is happening now to a much higher and extended degree!

In the deepest sense, your soul was created by the Divine, with specific gifts and talents, purpose, which you need to reflect back to the Divine.

We are only truly fulfilled at the deepest levels when we LIVE in highest alignment with our soul and what it has been created to reflect back to the Divine, by serving from the heart and soul.

When you serve from the heart and soul, you will be out there serving, for you cannot do nor be other than this! It is what gives meaning and purpose to your life. It is there in your daily living, your daily prayers, your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Every morning when I do my early morning meditations, I ask that I be used as an instrument by the Divine and that I will be used in the highest and best way, for the highest good of all. When I surrender my whole life and being, I find that crystal clear guidance comes and that often I will be shown the greater picture, and given information regarding the cosmic upgrades and what is happening on planet earth.

It is only when one totally surrenders, that one is able to be led in profound ways.
Instead of resenting the current lockdowns, let us remember, that in truth is it serving humanity in immensely powerful ways. It is waking up so many slumbering souls, and more than this, it is forcing us into introspection! It is reminding of our own mortality and that we need to make most of the life given to us!

It is teaching us vital lessons in the highest mastery: to live in this world but not be of it!
When suddenly the veils lift and we can see clearly, tears of awe and gratitude come. We start becoming grateful for all and everything – for those we loved and those we still love and those who are there waiting for us to meet them so that we can experience ever greater levels of love and being loved.

The energies pouring in are cleansing and clearing in the highest degrees. There is this immense push for change on all levels now as the old disintegrates.

There is the time before the virus – mindlessness and there will be the time after the virus: – mindfulness and huge heart openings, where we will be able to see truly and where we will be reborn into a much higher conscious awareness and from this a new impetus will rise, for accelerated ascension, with great love.

Indeed we will find love at the deepest and most sacred levels – levels we did not have access before!

We are now being pushed through disintegration so that we can be put together again in much higher and greater and more profound ways than ever before!

Judith Kusel

This Week’s News At a Glance

Questions are swirling after a $98 million private jet owned by a Saudi billionaire landed in locked-down Christchurch “after dark” last night. As travel bans see virtually all global air traffic grounded, a high-end private jet owned by a Saudi billionaire last night landed in Christchurch. The plane, a $98 million Gulfstream owned by Saudi-based Rashid Engineering, took off from Georgia in the United States, stopping over at Honolulu, before landing last night at Christchurch Airport at 8.11 pm local time. The plane’s apparent owner – Nasser Al Rashid – is reported to be a billionaire with close ties to the ruling royal family in Saudi Arabia, the New Zealand Herald reported. Christchurch airport communications manager Yvonne Densem said she was aware of the flight and said it was managed appropriately.

Turkish authorities on Friday morning evacuated several hundreds of migrants and refugees who had been camping for a month at the border with Greece after the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced it would not be stopping anymore those who wanted to travel to the EU. According to Anadolu, the migrants agreed to be taken to a hosting facility in the border province of Edirne, where they will be quarantined to prevent the risk of contagion from coronavirus. After the period of isolation, the migrants will be invited to move to the Turkish provinces that are willing to host them. Over the past few days, several dozens of people had autonomously left the border area after a possible new agreement between Turkey and the EU had stalled, traveling to Istanbul and other cities on their own, without assistance nor preventive measures.

A former Venezuelan general has surrendered to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) just a day after being indicted by US federal prosecutors and having a $10 million reward posted for his capture. On Friday, Clíver Antonio Alcalá Cordones, a former major general of the Venezuelan Army, surrendered to Colombia’s National Intelligence Directorate in Bogota and is now in the custody of the US DEA. Alcalá left his position in Venezuela’s armed forces in 2013. US federal prosecutors alleged he had been “a leader and manager of the Cartel of the Suns,” a supposed drug smuggling ring inside the Venezuelan government the US government has claimed makes leading Venezuelan officials “narco-terrorists.” Alongside 13 other Venezuelans, Alcalá was indicted in the Southern District Court of New York on Thursday on narco-terrorism charges and the State Department placed a $10 million bounty on his head.

From 18 to 27 October 2019, Wuhan held the 7th edition of the Military World Games with 10,000 athletes from 140 countries. Italy: A form of “strange pneumonia” appeared in Italy “between mid-October and the first half of November 2019.”

Netflix app downloads have exploded across Europe over the last several weeks as “Netflix and quarantine” has been all the rage during countrywide lockdowns in Italy, France, Spain, and the UK. Netflix had to reduce traffic to its European networks by 25% for 30 days to preserve internet functionality as streaming traffic surged among tens of millions of people in quarantine. “If we end up in a situation where worldwide, 850m children start to receive lessons virtually for an extended period of time, then networks might want to start prioritizing video traffic over gaming traffic,” said Matthew Howett, principal analyst at Assembly.

On Wednesday, the Peruvian government issued a statement warning residents to stop killing bats after authorities were forced to intervene when roughly half a thousand of the flying mammals came under attack by gangs of peasants hoping to exterminate what they believed were carriers of the disease. Roughly 300 of the creatures were killed in the arson attacks that took place in a small village after mobs attacked the caves where the bat communities dwelled.

Executive Order by President Trump: The selected reserve and certain members of the individual ready reserve of the armed forces to active duty. To help with the Covid-19 coronavirus emergency, US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order authorizing the call-up of up to a million reserve military personnel in the army, navy, air force and coast guard.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has waved off the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, insisting that life goes on. He suggested the death toll in his own country has been overstated for political purposes. “I’m sorry, some people will die, they will die, that’s life,” Bolsonaro said in a televised interview on Friday. “You can’t stop a car factory because of traffic deaths.”

Facts Are Facts on the Fed. Citizens allow the bank to print $500 billion in currency (cash). The bank pays for printing costs, ink, and paper. The Citizens do not charge the bank any interest for use of the $500 billion in printed currency. The bank uses the $500 billion cash to buy a $500 billion government bond which pays the bankers interest. The bank keeps some of the bonds and sells, for a fee (10%), some of the bonds to the public. The bank can buy back the bonds from the public simply by printing more money. The bankers can create inflation and depressions by manipulating the amount of currency in circulation. The FED operates exactly like this today. It also prints money (through the U.S. Treasury) and uses this printed money to buy loans from other banks. This money has created inflation. We give the bank cash interest-free, then they charge us interest on our own currency.

In the 1930s, a back door was installed in the Fed, so the elites could easily and secretly steal money from it. What is the back door? It is the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), which is attached to the New York branch of the Fed. On paper, the ESF was to maintain the value of the dollar, and to that end, was authorized to requisition money in virtually any amount from the Fed, and not have to account for where the money went. And guess what – the ESF is under the direct control of the Secretary of the Treasury (currently Mnuchin). In the past, this has been used to funnel untold billions to the world banking elites. But now, the Treasury is taking the money. No previous president dared to do this, because they were all members of The Club, or at least under The Club’s thumb. But Trump is not a part of The Club, which has been vigorously opposing him since he announced his candidacy. And now Trump has taken their cash cow and is letting the Treasury milk it. And there is little the Fed can do about it.

Sun Activity

Sunspot number: 0
Spotless Days
Current Stretch: 17 days
2020 total: 67 days (77%)
2019 total: 281 days (77%)

Strongest EQ in Europe M3.4 Iceland
Strongest EQ in North America M3.7 Texas
Strongest EQ on the Planet M5.6 Indonesia
Deepest EQ M5.2 590 km Argentina


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Current Crisis Predictions

The future is still forming, but already events are happening that will impact the world economy and our way of life due to masses of people laid off, business closures, airlines hurt, hotels empty and their restaurants…on and on.  The road ahead is going to get really rough for all, but if we stay calm and don’t panic and think outside the box, we’ll make it. Some places here in Las Vegas, like Walmart, are hiring thousands of people to get food back on the shelves. Breweries are making sanitizer instead of liquor. Unfortunately, many people will pass during this time. I wish that I could give you better news, but at this moment in our timeline, I don’t foresee life returning to normal for some time. Think about what happened after 9-11. Many people lost their businesses and lost their homes and then we had the 2008 mortgage debacle. Between 2009 and 2014 nine million people lost their homes and there were those who had to file for bankruptcy.  It’s a big bump in the road but we will manage. Many young Americans have never experienced anything really difficult in their lives and when something like this happens, it will make them appreciate the little things in life that they took for granted. Time to human-up! One positive thing is that the family unit is coming together again, forced to isolate together. There has been such a huge disconnect with all of us for the past 20 years or more. Try to keep your mind off of the doom and gloom news—remember the news media always wants to embellish the news for ratings! Think positive, keep your vibrational rate high–healing music, meditation, prayer and spending time next to Mother Earth, if you can.

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Cosmic Disclosure

  • Hidden Truths

  • The Event 

  • Spirituality

  • Path of Awakening


DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.  Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.  Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.  Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.  You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.  Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.



About the Author: Great Awakening Team

Great Awakening Team
We are a community. We are cultural creatives and like minded people seeking the truth and focusing on disclosure, awakening and consciousness. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters and truth seekers. We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. We are a collective, a movement, free from all programing, not closed minded and not discriminatory. We are not political. We are not religious but we are spiritual. We study, research, and report on a wide range of subjects and topics, from the current geopolitical climate to health and wellness, from earth’s history to spiritual practices. We are forward thinkers and visionaries, we are guides for the transition as we usher in The Great Awakening. DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR. Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject. THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE: The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.