Published Date: August 20th, 2018
Weekly Briefing
“Suppression & Censorship of the Global Alternative Media”
Summary: Ex CIA Director Brennan’s top secret clearance was revoked by Trump. The free speech debate continues between MSM and alternative media sources. There’s a global meltdown in the making as China’s economy is in serious decline and under direct opposition of the MSM. Global debt is now at critical levels and markets are in decline, trade settlements are based on each country’s economic status as alliance countries move away from trading with the dollar, the world’s standard currency. The Catholic church is once again under scrutiny as Pope Francis is under pressure to resign. In Argentina, pedophilia charges have been filed in the International Court of Human Rights from over 85 independent witnesses. Global priests’ and bishops’ pedophilia rings are being hidden and covered up by the Pope Francis Papacy. Global weather conditions and geophysical evidence continues to impact our planet. The combined effects from our sun and Deep State advanced technologies have caused and fueled wildfires raging out of control in the northern hemisphere. We are reaching critical impact levels.
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[accordion title=’HOT TOPICS’]Quick look at each week’s events and highlighted issues from around the globe. We look for the 7 to 10 topics attracting the most media attention on any topic. [/accordion]
Global Awakening
[accordion title=’GEOPOLITICAL’]The Global Deep State agents extends in to every country around the globe. Using proxies, paid agents/lobbyist, and Blackmail to achieve their goals and objectives. There is a Global Alliance lead by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) along with 165# 3rd world countries now aligned against the Deep State. We are witnessing a Civil War between these 2 factions and the crumbling from within of our institutions like FBI, DOJ, CIA, Democratic Party, hence Trump’s campaign promise to draining the swamp.[/accordion]
[accordion title=’GLOBAL WEATHER’]There are many factors effecting Climate Change; first is our solar system has entered an energy cloud effecting the weather on all planets, next is our sun is getting larger and brighter (1980’s yellow Sun / today white Sun) The Shadow Government is using advanced technologies to control the weather causing major disruption of our seasons, causing droughts, flooding, earthquakes, and now expanding volcanic activity.[/accordion]
[accordion title=’HEALTH WATCH’]The Federal Reserve Families control Big Pharma/CDC/AMA, there is no secret that cures for most diseases are being withheld or suppressed. There is a silent war between alternative health doctors, vitamin and supplement companies and wellness clinics. With 100’s of doctors and alternative practitioners being suicided or dying an early and untimely death by accident. [/accordion]
[accordion title=’TRUE HISTORY’]The suppression of ancient history has been part of human history for hundreds of years. Archeologist are paid off and threatened to remain silent. With the proliferation of the internet allowing researcher and Archeologist to communicate direct and share information, a whole new picture of human history on this planet is emerging. There is evidence revealing human earth history may go back as far as 500,000 years, and our Solar System has a human history of over 2.2 billion years. [/accordion]
Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’HIDDEN TRUTHS’]There are highly classified secrets that have been purposely hidden, and suppressed from humanity. Soft disclosure has been in progress since July 2015, as of September 2017 there’s been an ongoing Civil War in Washington D.C. over Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure. This will be one of our hottest and most rapidly expanding topics.[/accordion]
[accordion title=’THE EVENT’]Our Solar System is part of a Binary Star System (2 star system) that orbits around a dark sun every 25,290 earth years. There is evidence based on core samples from Antarctica that our Sun Flashes (known as a CME) 1000 time brighter known as a Galactic Flash at the end of every Grand Cycle around our Dark Sun. New sources are documenting and describing this as a planetary changing Event. [/accordion]
[accordion title=’SPIRITUALITY’]The entire human race living on this planet are now face to face with an evil faction of elites controlling our planet. The battle is not just for power, monies and our freedoms, but for our very survival and way of life. The challenges ahead will require all of humanity to come together and unite. Understanding our connection with a higher Source/Creator base on consciousness, unity, and equality is fundamental to our saving the planet. This is the Journey we’ve all come here to experience. [/accordion]
[accordion title=’PATH OF AWAKENING’]There are now hundreds of millions Awakening across this planet. The truth movement is our understanding of where we come from, who we really are, and taking our rightful place in this galaxy. One’s personal vibration and frequency are key to expanding this awareness and knowledge of harmony in thriving as a successful civilizations.[/accordion]
[accordion title=’WATCH LIST’]There are a number of topics and issues that we will continue to observe, track, and take a special interest in with regards to our Planetary Awakening. The key to any Awakening process of connecting the dots, and grasping the Big Picture. [/accordion]
We’re keeping our finger on the pulse with these topics that can be found in our monthly Great Awakening Report
- DOJ & FBI, Senior Management Firings and Releases, Senate Hearing and Testimony of Robert Orr, and FISA Report 300 supplemental pages of redactions released to the public.
- Mass Arrest 50,000 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month)
- Mass Resignations/Early Retirement; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEO’s, and Banking Exec.
- Global Peace; North Korea, Ukraine, and Iran. Syria is the last crisis state. (Israel/SA/Middle East)
- Exposure & Defeat of The Deep State/Shadow Government/Cabal/Illuminati/Syndicate
- Global Deflationary Markets Crisis / Global Currency Reset / return to the Gold Backed Standard Currency / RV / Replacement of GESARA for SWIFT Trading System / Global Debt Jubilee / Refund of 21 to 71 trillion in confiscated Deep State/Cabal funds
- Global Trade Agreements Naturalized tariffs with EU, Stalled Talks with China, Russian, Canada, and Mexico Sanctions in place.
- New Release; 30,000 Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers, Sealed 911 docs & Pear Harbor papers WWII
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME, Meteorite Showers, EMP
- Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Antarctica (Suns activity)
- Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather; Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, Haarp Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness; Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex
- Earth History; Antarctica Pre-Adamites, 3,000 Global Pyramids, Ancient Giants, Ancient Civilizations Ruins1,000′ to 6,000′ below Sea Level.
- Disclosure; Secret Space Programs, 10# Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing.
- Science/Technology; Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patients, Reversed Technology, Antigravity, Warp Drive, Zero Point Energy, Cures for all Diseases, Age Regression, Replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA; Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Grand Year Cycle,
- Path to Awakening; Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 200,000
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