Published Date: April 15th, 2019




Redacted Mueller Report Release, Q Returns for 2 Drops, Black Hole Photographed, Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan

The images were stunning as we saw Julian Assange led away from his sanctuary of nearly seven years, looking haggard and disoriented with a bushy, overgrown beard and holding a book.  Moments after British police took him from the Ecuadorean embassy, the media debate erupted.  Is this a fugitive from justice, a man who damaged America (which he detests) by releasing classified files about our troops?  Or is this a man functioning as a digital-age journalist, as his lawyers contend, who was blowing the whistle under the banner of freedom of the press?

We don’t know how the legal case will shake out, or even whether U.K. authorities will extradite Assange to the U.S., but we do know this: conservatives and liberals, at different times, have embraced Assange depending on his targets.

Was it this photo that got Assange kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy or are the stories about his unhealthy living conditions and smearing feces on the embassy walls to blame?  Assange’s lawyer says the poop smearing allegations are false.  Here’s Collective Evolution’s take on the Assange story which is worth reading.  No matter how it plays out, this will be an intriguing story for GAR to follow.

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes stated last week that he is preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice concerning alleged misconduct from “Watergate wannabes” during the Trump-Russia investigation, including the leaks of “highly classified material” and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.  We can figure usual suspects Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe and Strzok will be in Nunes’ referrals.  Here’s more on this story.

Strong storms, including at least one tornado, swept through parts of the Midwest and the Mid-Atlantic region, damaging homes and businesses and causing injuries after storms in the South killed at least eight people.  Storms that hit Ohio on Sunday and moved into New Jersey overnight into Monday brought heavy rains, lightning, strong winds and, in Ohio, at least one tornado.

Attorney General William P. Barr will release a redacted version of the special counsel’s report on Thursday morning, a Justice Department spokeswoman said Monday, the first step in what promises to be a protracted fight with Democratic lawmakers over how much of the document they are allowed to see.

After almost a two week hiatus, Q is back with 2 posts, one on the 10th, and the other on the 11th.

Black Holes have finally been dragged out of the shadows.  For the first time ever, humanity has photographed one of these elusive cosmic beasts, shining light on an exotic space-time realm that had long been beyond our ken.  “We have seen what we thought was unseeable,” Sheperd Doeleman, of Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said during a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

We’re hearing talk about the release of the Trump Administration’s Mideast Peace Plan, led by senior advisor Jared Kushner, which has been in the works for some time.  A United States proposal for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, dubbed “the deal of the century“, will likely not include a fully sovereign Palestinian state, the Washington Post reported.  According to sources familiar with the main elements of the deal, the agreement pledged practical improvements in the lives of Palestinians but stops short of securing a Palestinian state.

This Week’s Briefing At a Glance

Our Featured Documentaries are Dark Hollywood with Winona Ryder, 5G Showdown: Huawei Joins Darkside Against the Alliance, Art is Good For Your Health, A Banned Antarctica Video Will Leave you Speechless

Our “Hot Topics” cover a day of reckoning for the Deep State, AG Barr says we’re expecting the Mueller Report within a week, it’s time for Deep State criminal indictments, Lori Laughlin and husband could get 2 years in prison, Trump labels Iran’s revolutionary guards a terror group, Kim Foxx gets blasted for handling of Jussie Smollett case, another bomb cyclone will bring more flooding to the midwest, Allison Mack pleads guilty to sex cult crimes, Jordan Sather weighs in on Q and other stories, an Edge of Wonder Live video, dolphins wash up in France, Brexit hangs in the balance, Vaud, Switzerland joins in Adopting 5G Moratorium, a map of who owns big media, human sweat ducts are antennas for 5G radiation, Amazon is on a digital book burning spree, black hole photographed for the first time.  

In Geopolitical, X22 reports on the Deep State preparing for arrests, FBI documents show evidence of cover up, Ukrainian prosecutor says Justice Department refused evidence on democrats, numbers on the economic slowdown, 7 charts exposing the nation’s pension nightmare, forecasting of a market crash on May 1st.   

In Global Weather, we’re keeping an eye on a Yellowstone earthquake, spring storms to effect 200 million people, a bomb cyclone to hit midwest after they were hit with “1,000 year flood” last month.   

In Health Watch we explore a drug resistant super fungus, Americans borrowed $88 billion to cover their medical bills last year, Amazon and Whole Foods are cutting prices again, Burger King is testing out an impossible Whopper, 11 foods that speed up your body’s aging process, and how dogs can sniff out cancer with 97% accuracy.

In True History, Jimmy from Bright Insight is back from a long break with a new video on Secret Files Released on Lost Human Civilizations, more discoveries about our past that will change everything, three things discovered at the Sphinx that you didn’t know of, information on the Nephilim and fallen angels, historical lies that will make you rethink your education. 

In Hidden Truths, we look at a video on AATIP, NASA finds a huge planet, AI is the next trillion dollar tech trend, a new UFO documentary the elite hoped would never be aired, anti gravity and levitation, the genius who patented the UFO, and discovery of a new phase of matter is solid and liquid at the same time.  

For The Event, we look further into what the event is, core shift in GAIA and organic timeline restoration, ascension update 5D. 

In Spirituality, we dive deeper into awakening your subconscious, how to recognize if you’re an indigo child, life after death has been confirmed by experts, and how to connect to your higher self and spirit teams.

In Path of Awakening we find Jared Rand’s meditations, how to release subconscious fear and trapped negative energy, what happens when you drink only water, and 8 healthy habits to set before you’re 30.  

Thank you to our readers and subscribers for your continued support.  If you would like to further help the Great Awakening Team and our efforts, you can donate, sign up for a paid subscription, or buy something from the GAR shop.

– The Great Awakening Team

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