Published Date: July 26th, 2021
New Big Tech Censorship, Cuban’s Protest Lockdowns, Release Durham Report, Joe Biden Blunders, Audits Reveal Corruption, CCP Releases Virus, Shadow State Evidence, Major Bank Reset, Power of Fed, Major Solar Flares, New Global Earthquakes, EU Floods, New Jab Injuries, Vatican Secrets, UAP Disclosures, Steps to Awakening, Trust God’s Timing, Journaling For Healing
by Carol, GAR Team
On Saturday July 24 2021, multiple cities within England, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, India, Japan and many more hosted their event as part of the Worldwide Freedom Rally.
In over 180 cities, tens of thousands of people congregated to make a stand for 5 important Freedoms:
– Freedom of Speech
– Freedom of Movement
– Freedom of Choice
– Freedom of Assembly
– Freedom of Health
Since the start of the ‘Pandemic’, the globalist solution to beat the virus has been to systematically diminish the ability for most adult citizens to live within the limited liberties they had been used to and create some semblance of a life.
Now 14 months later, those who are aware of the agenda and the growing numbers of newly awakened recognize that the tyranny is far from over.
There is a foreboding sense that in the coming months the situation will intensify, with coercion tactics to promote the jab becoming more sinister and those who still refuse being blamed for the inevitable rise in sickness, which will come from those who were sufficiently terrified and willingly rolled up their sleeves, and others who accepted the shot ironically to regain their freedoms.
And then there are the children…
Assembling in this way is an opportunity for the segregated awakened to stand with like minded brothers and sisters and galvanize themselves for the imminent challenges.
There is awareness that what lies ahead are grave issues on a scale we have never encountered before and it is imperative for us to prepare mentally, spiritually, physically, and fiscally.
The media may still have a hold on the mainstream narrative but those who have awakened are uniting. They are discovering an unknown inner strength and despite the relentless efforts to isolate them, strength in numbers!
David Ike speaking at London Freedom Rally.

Protesters Rage Across Europe As Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Begin
Update (19115ET): Anti-lockdown protests kicked into high gear around the globe on Saturday, including irate Irish protesters:
Bitter Brits:
Pissed-off Parisians:
And incensed Italians, where the country has restricted public access to restaurants and museums to the unvaccinated.
This is what it looked like today in Australia, Milan, London, and France.
Protests were worldwide today as many are fed up with elites whittling away their freedoms under the guise of COVID.
Thousands of anti-lockdown demonstrators took to the streets of Sydney and other Australian towns on Saturday to protest new lockdown measures amid a surge of COVID-19 cases in the country.
Dozens were arrested and charged after crowds broke through barriers and clashed with officers, hurling bottles and anything they could get their hands on.
The unmasked protesters marched from Sydney’s Victoria Park to Town Hall. estimates 15,000 people took part in the march. Many chanted anti-lockdown slogans and held signs calling for “freedom” and “the truth.”
Footage on social media shows thousands of demonstrators marching through Sydney’s downtown area.
There was a significant police presence, including mounted police and riot control officers in response to what authorities said was an “unauthorized protest.”
The demonstrators defied restrictions on non-essential travel and mass public gatherings that could be extended through October.
The Greater Sydney area has been locked down for a month as infections rise.
Protesters were also seen in Melbourne and Adelaide.
There’s discontent with Australians being forced into lockdowns again as an outbreak of the delta variant began last month.
Protests are not limited to Australia. New COVID rules have been implemented across Europe as Delta infections flare-up, which demonstrators in France and Greece recently took to the streets. The UK has even triggered widespread panic through a new app that notified tens of thousands of people they must quarantine for ten days because of possible exposure.
Multiple US cities are now requiring people to wear masks indoors amid surging cases.
Life And Death In The Age Of Fear
Authored by MN Gordon via,
The general mood presently being fortified by the chattering classes is one of perpetual fear. The basic stratagem includes continuously implanting the populace with extreme panic. For a fearful populace is a subservient populace.
The current hobgoblin is the delta variant of the coronavirus. The bug, at this very moment, is dispersing through the population…as viruses do. And, per latest reports from the front lines, the lambda variant’s now on the loose too.
Nonetheless, there’s something on the loose that’s far more deadly to society than a mutated coronavirus. That is, the virus of fear. It originates with the control freak central planners. Then it’s showered on the populace in rapid succession.
Last Sunday, for example, at the conclusion of a meeting of Group of 20 finance ministers, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she was, “…concerned that coronavirus variants could derail the global economic recovery and called for an urgent push to deploy vaccines more rapidly around the world.”
And to avoid catching the delta variant, Dr. Anthony Fauci – a complete doof – stated that, “…if you want to go the extra mile of safety even though you’re vaccinated when you are indoors, particularly in crowded places, you might want to consider wearing a mask.”
Certainly, the opportunities to spread the virus of fear are countless. New coronavirus variants. Cyberattacks. Climate change. Terrorism. The Russian menace. The China problem. UFOs.
You name it…the sky’s the limit…
Situation Perpetual Fear
The most advantageous kind of fear in the eyes of the political class is fear that can be tied to some sort of imminent economic calamity. Such fears are not entirely fabricated. Rather, they stem from a real threat, which is then whooped up and overblown to the max.
This presents the central planners with carte balance opportunities to go big…and save the people from a supposed otherwise disaster. When the fear’s orchestrated just right, the people actually demand it. They plead for the government to save them.
Perpetual fear, you see, is a prerequisite for perpetual government intervention. Fear means big spending programs. Fear means big centrally planned solutions. Fear means great big deficits. Fear means excessive levels of excessive nonsense.
Conversely, without fear spending programs are politically untenable. Without fear stimulus bills financed with credit created from thin air die on the Senate floor. Without fear stimmy checks go away. Without fear zombie corporations are left for dead.
Indeed, fear is an essential lubricant for all collective governments. What’s more, fear delivers the lard for inflationism…where the money supply is continually inflated to support expanding government obligations and promises.
Inflationism is what makes a national debt of $28.5 trillion possible. Inflationism is what makes $3 trillion budget deficits possible. Inflationism is what makes unfunded liabilities of $153.5 trillion possible. Inflationism is what makes the exponential growth of government, and all its agencies and bureaucracies, possible.
Inflationism is what stimulates an ever expanding class of dependents…
No doubt, centralized control and power has been consolidating in Washington for well over 100 years. Since at least the reign of Teddy Roosevelt. These days many electorates advocate for it. They trip over themselves in their rush to vote for big government solutions.
These same voters, however, like to flatter themselves with an American narrative of freedom and liberty. Some may reject communism or socialism as a valid system of government. Just last week, for example, President Biden called communism a “universally failed system.”
Yet politics demands tell a different narrative…
Life and Death in the Age of Fear
The central planners, and the public adherents, are zealous supporters of bankrupt transfer payment programs. The mathematical flaws of social security and Medicare are conveniently ignored. Instead, they want more. They want bigger programs, and government contracts…so long as they get their cut.
At the same time, the general American populace isn’t ready to give up their pretenses and go whole hog in support of socialism. But feed them a steady diet of fear and they’ll line up and beat their chests in unison for the government to do something – anything – to save them.
Currently, the post-pandemic boom is turning out to be a great big dud. The 10-Year Treasury yield is slumping towards 1.28 percent. Consumer prices are “officially” increasing at 5.4 percent. By all honest accounts, they’re rising at double that rate.
Here’s the point…
The federal government, and some state governments, have turned a large segment of the population into dependents. This ensures votes come election time…so long as the political class can deliver the goods.
And to deliver the goods they need to keep the free money flowing.
But to keep the free money flowing, in the form of massive spending programs and goodies, the public needs to be implanted with more fear… which brings us to the latest schemes making their way through the Senate…
The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. And the $3.5 trillion budget resolution bill to address climate change, child care, and expanded Medicare coverage for hearing, vision and dental care.
Perhaps the Republicans and Democrats will come to agreement on how to distribute the pork. This seems likely for the infrastructure proposal.
The budget resolution bill, however, will likely need an additional nudge. Specifically, it will need heavy doses of manufactured fear…
The delta variant. Lambda. Forest fires. Summer heat waves. Southern floods.
If these bills aren’t advanced before the Senate leaves for the August recess on August 6, the fear machine will spend the rest of August whooping things up to a matter of life and death.
Alas, a new round of lockdowns may be in order to get the job done.
New Life Sprouting Forth
We are in a dramatic surge of energy now, which is truly lifting us beyond anything known before. We need to now step totally out of the known Into the unknown! The Unchartered waters of the New Earth.
I genuinely love this – for indeed in the last few weeks and months, I have been systematically brought to see what I never could see before, and access what I could not have accessed before, as more and more jigsaw puzzle pieces start slotting into place, and I am being shown what is happening and why.
During this immense time of transfiguration and indeed rebirth into a totally new life and new beginnings (for those who are ready and have left the Old Earth totally behind them), we will indeed start to experience the eternal, the infinite, and indeed with it, all will be energetically on a much higher vibrational frequency band, dimensional frequency band, that of the 5th and 7th now.
Yes, the 7th is making itself felt and start becoming aware of how the number 7 is making itself manifested into form and being on all levels now. It is the number which repeats itself more than any other in the Bible. And note that much of what was considered sacred and indeed magical contains the number 7.
The Great Pyramid indeed holds the number 7. 360/7 = 51.42 (the Slope of the Great Pyramid). Indeed it is not only there, as I have been shown, but indeed hidden everywhere in sacred ways.
7 invokes the Qualities of: The All-Creative Forces (Divine). The Divine Source and Soul. The Unknowable. The Search and attainment of Enlightenment and Illumination.
Now, this is not by accident but by grand design. When I was indeed seeking the hidden meaning I stumbled across more and more knowledge, as it was revealed to me.
The number 7 also holds ceremony and magic – but not in the sense that we tend to understand it, ala Harry Potter, but in the sense that the 7 holds a Key to the Christ Consciousness in ways we are yet to unravel and indeed the New Earth. Yes, the 3, and 9 etc. in Tesla’s equations, play an equal role, and I am not a numerologist – I am merely now trying to get the concept across, that these numbers have been integrated into the sacred sites, as well as Crystalline energy grids, which I work with and in what I am being shown and what is revealed to me.
The 7th Dimension has always been known as: “The 7th Heaven!” It was the original state of Paradise on Earth! It was the state of Unity and Oneness and thus AS ONE with the Divine Source.
We are thus now busy being lifted from the 5th into the 7th.
Again, to me this is of immense importance – for indeed the Gateways of Heavens are opening up. This has not ever happened before – since humanity always managed to fall from the 7th Heaven into the lower dimensional states! For the first time ever, we can now RISE into the higher Dimensional State once more!
Now this will not just happen instantaneously, but over the next years, as we need to adjust to the New Higher Dimensional frequency bands, as all which is within us, which is still of the Old disintegrates and is left behind forever.
Indeed, some already have left this behind and have stepped into the New Earth and will do so more fully in the next months and years.
As we step into the New Earth, we indeed are now the Pioneers – the ones who will be co-creating the New Golden Age, in the Age of Aquarius!
We will indeed be able to energetically be so filled with the Divine Source energy, as ONE, that we will be able to shape-shift easily, to teleport, to communicate telepathically, and to energetically link from the heart-soul center directly to those of others. There will be no miscommunication anymore, and no need for computers and such-like technology, as we remaster how to work with energy and energy fields, and indeed with the highest ways of using light and sound frequencies.
We are entering inter-stellar space. We are resuming our true cosmic heritage.
I am inspired.
It is time to step beyond time into the eternal Oneness and with eternal possibilities to co-create a totally new humanity in a totally new Planet Earth!
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We offer both Personal Coaching and Consulting for executives and businesses owners. Providing guidance, intelligence briefings and strategic planning to navigate the dynamic changes and shifts in the world.
– The Great Awakening Team –
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.”
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
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This Week’s Intelligence News At a Glance
The 2020-2024 Crisis
by Peter Novak
The 2020-2024 crisis lasts until 2024. Early 2024, actually.
America will struggle as never before with fear, hatred, fury, rage, panic, desperation, crisis upon crisis, and a trend towards authoritarianism, absolutism, obsession, tyranny, and fascism. The unrelenting pressure and stress of the Pluto/Moon conjunction is driving the nation mad. This negative forces “Deep State” is afflicting much of the nation with an almost supernatural madness that cannot be healed or reasoned with, and the nation’s very survival may seem very much in doubt at times during this stretch. I believe these will largely all be domestic crises.
I do believe a bright and hopeful spot – perhaps a month or so – will arrive in early 2022, which may make it seem like the crisis is going to end far earlier than 2024, but no. Jan-April 2022 is like the eye of the storm, and then the nation falls into an unholy reign of terror between April-October 2022. This period may be very destructive and violent, and it could see multiple terrorist attacks or similar incidents. April 2022 is a key turning point in the 2020-2024 crisis, and changes then involving the government may reveal the nation’s path forward from that point. I have been warning my readers to leave the cities, and if you are going to follow that advice, you really want to get out of town before April 2022. For everyone else, be ready to shelter in place.
The US Government is very unstable in 2022 and could see many changes and reversals then. The national thirst for revolution and rebellion will be at its strongest then.
The oppositional forces and energies occurs in 2021 and 2022, and misinformation and propaganda will be omnipresent then. Many will be deceived, and most will be confused, or worse – driven insane. The media is not a faithful servant in 2021-2022, and cannot be trusted. The nation’s oil supply may suffer severe shortages in 2021 and 2022.
Shortages and crackdowns are likely in mid-2023, and extreme national violence is likely in late 2023 and early 2024. I consider the nation’s food supply and global supply lines to be at risk during this entire time. Truckers will avoid blue cities and states where police forces are completely defunded and anarchy rules the streets.


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- 2nd American Revolution, the fraudulent presidency of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, US Military’s Plan to restore the Republic of the United States, where Trump is reinstated as the 19th President of the Republic of the United State will be extended into 2022. The Great Reset plan to Reset the Global FIAT Currency vs. the Gold Reset backed Currency.
- COVID Third Wave Variant Virus will surface in those who have been Vaccinated, used as a cover story for the Great Reset. Key to launching the Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- US Military Strategic Plan; the underground war is drawing to a close with most of the underground negative military bases destroyed. The major concern is the freeing the remaining 5 million children held hostage in underground tunnels primarily in the Western US. The removal of the Biden Adminstration and mass arrest of global political, institutional and celebrities will begin once the American public awareness of election fraud reaches 80%. Reports of escalations as to a surface war breaking out in all blue states and cities in the fall of 2021 continue.
- Event Waves of 2021; New potential 3rd Wave of Vaccine-related injuries, rising pandemic death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. This is targeted for the fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized and die from complications stemming from the vaccines. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Collapse/Crisis/Crash, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from WWIII, new global Plandemics, a 3rd Covid 20/21 Wave, massive death rates from vaccine complications, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency manipulations used for human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
- 2021 World Predictions / Ralph Smart; More Covid 19 Rules and Restrictions with Personal Choices, Social Restrictions, Global Restrictions and Restrictions in Personal Movements, biometric testing, airports are going to be testing centers (negative certificate). Mandatory FaceMask the new normal, Social Distancing Extremes. US State Border Restrictions (certificates, drivers licenses in state of entry). Civil War between Blue States vs Red States, Blues States will look to Secede from the US after the 2020 Elections.
- There will be No Vaccine Offered that are 100% effective or completely cure for the Covid 19 Virus (the plan is not to provide a vaccine cure). Boost your immune system naturally with Vitamin C and supplements.
- Many Global Governments Around the World will Collapse. Mass Protests and Riots (people will take back their autonomy). Global Deep State Exposure, Destruction, and Demise from the World Stage.
- Fear will take on a new meaning of extremes and stress levels. FEAR definition – False Evidence Appearing Real!Covid 19 Police Officers will be instituted into society. We must detach from the Matrix. Lifting & Removal of the Veil of Deception across the Earth in 2021.
- Resistance Movement will grow stronger and en masse. Children will be removed from school. Social Distance will negatively impact children. Awakening will expand across the globe.
- Great Separation or Split from 3D to 5D. Awakened leaving the cities and their communities for rural environments, a new level of awakening around the world. We will seek and reflect Love Frequency.
- Fake Food Crisis – they are now setting up the world for a fake food shortage. Stock up on food and water. Garden Tower Farming all vegetables will be required to survive.
- Fake Alien Invasion – as the new life forms make their presence known, the cabal will stage a False / Fake / Staged Invasion. Current soft disclosure of UFOs is happening now in the MSM news report. NYT’s article reports the soft disclosure of UFOs is leading us to a Fake Alien Invasion.
- New Strains of Covid 19 or SARS H1N1 will be released onto the whole world and will be staged. These Strains are bioengineered weapons that will be more lethal and cause other medical conditions.
- Covid 19 Mental Issues from virus infections. We must prepare to manage all aspects of the effects for 2020. Meditation/Calmness.
- People Leave Social Media Platforms em Masse / Conscious App is on the way.
- Frequent Internet Blackouts or Multiple Blackouts Every Month. Cell phones will be blacked out, too. Must save your contact information to make local calls.
- New 5D Earth for the Chosen Ones (World without Gov, Military, Big Pharma, no media, tv, cell phones, no fears, and a higher vibrational frequency). A New Prison for those who remain unawakened.
- The Future is in What We Are Creating In the NOW or PRESENT.
- Let LOVE Guide You, NOT Fear.
- New Senate Hearings & Witness Testimony; Senate Judiciary panel votes along party lines Thursday to authorize subpoenas targeting more than 50 mostly Obama Adminstration people involved in the decision to begin investigating President Trump’s 2016 campaign over potential links to Russia. The subpoenas are part of a larger GOP effort to question the investigations into Trump, which culminated in the appointment of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and consumed the early years of his presidency.
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues to reach new levels across all platforms. Google, FB, and Twitter. Look for President Trump, the DOJ and 30 plus US State AG’s to file class-action and anti-trust lawsuits in Federal Courts.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line.New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- UFO Disclosure is heating up focus on disclosure in April, as daily sightings are being reported by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion set for October? Timing is tied to change the MSM narrative upon negative breaking events; FISA Declass, Clinton Foundation, Comey IG Report, etc. Nick Pope reviews all the evidence.
- Antarctica continues to reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Facebook whistleblower blows the lid-off in a newly released Mark Zuckerberg Dossier. Sighting abuse of the child prodigy using MK-Ultra techniques, and a controlled asset of Larry Summers President of Harvard, Financial Advisor to President Clinton, connected to DARPA and CIA programs. Sheryl Sandberg assistant to Summers, COO of FB and Mark’s direct handler inside FB.
- Update / DOJ John Durham release of indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2021. Comey got a pass from AG Barr on leaking classified information to the press but will be indicted and prosecuted for multiple criminal violations dealing with his signing off on 4 FISA requests. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc. and all of its conspirators.
- The Structure Change / Alliance Exposure Mass Corruption Now Ready to be Revealed to the General Public, starting with economy crisis now in progress, closing the Federal Reserve/Central Banking System, voter fraud in key Congressional & Senate seats, FBI & DOJ false Russian collusion, and the release of 300 pages of the Carter Page FISA redactions will lead to the much greater exposure of the Obama Administration’s corruption, treason, and evil practices from the Deep State/Shadow Government.
- Mass Arrests total 220,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month) Has been increasing at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 15,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEO’s, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- CIA blocks Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job. Trump will unseal 911 documents after the 2020 elections.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, now scheduled to be released in 2021.
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME’s, Planet X Solar System, Nibiru, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Alien SpaceCraft Sighting, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: 2019 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid 19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
- The Path of Awakening: Global Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 500,000 worldwide.
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