Published Date: August 16th, 2021
Afghanistan Falls To Taliban, Real Covid Agenda, Global Shipping Shutdowns, Gates Partnership CCP, Black Eye Club, 21 Illuminati Goals, Sink Holes Everywhere, 3rd Wave Variants, Food & Famine Shortages Coming, New Crop Circles, Ancient Stone Work, UFO Leaks, Planet X Seen From Antarctica, Atlantic Stream Collapsing, Intuitive Empaths, Cymatic Frequencies
The TRUTH vs The Big Lie | Cyber Symposium Reveals Shocking New Data
(Jordan Conradson) The Cyber Symposium, which is set to expose the mass voter fraud started on Tuesday and revealed some very shocking new data.
Before Tuesday on Monday, Mike Lindell announced that a mock election was set to be held, and interactive fraud displays would be available while teams broke off to analyze cyber data.
The interactive displays at the symposium reveal the recorded results versus the alleged real results for every state in “THE BIG LIE” vs. “THE TRUTH”.
“The Truth” in Pennsylvania
One can use this interactive computer to click on a category under any state’s name. There are two categories, “The Truth” and “The Big Lie”.
The Big Lie section shows the official 2020 election, The Big Lie’s results.
“The Truth” in Georgia
The Truth shows what Lindell says are the true 2020 election results.
Arizona, this one’s big, the Maricopa County audit. Wow! I wonder how many of those votes were in Maricopa County. Trump Wins Michigan. Lets see Pennsylvania, The Big Lie. The truth is Trump won Pennsylvania. The Big Lie in Georgia, Biden Wins. The Truth, Trump Wins Georgia. In Conclusion, the truth here is that Trump won the 2020 election and were only going to see more proof as the Cyber Symposium goes on.
“The Truth” in Michigan
Lindell’s truth has faced a few hiccups due to threats, investigations, raids, event infiltration, and a possible “poison pill” which was placed within the data in order to corrupt it all.
Before closing for Lunch, Mike Lindell told the crowd his plan for the rest of the day.
Lindell: Right now we’re going to break all of the cyber forensic experts into four groups but I want to tell you before you leave what we’re doing today. So we’re going to have the panel up here all day all the way until 9 o clock tonight. There’s something coming at seven o’clock everybody that the whole world will not want to miss.
Right over here on the back wall, by one o’clock there is going to be a cyber center. You’re going to be able to put in any state and it’s going to show you what the big lie was. And then it’s going to show what the truth was. And you’re going to put in counties that are set up based on the data what happened in six swing state counties. I know a lot of you are gonna go Maricopa, Fulton county… On the main stage here were going to start a map of what the big lie was. It’s the big lie and we’re going to also have throughout the day a mock election here. All of you can vote throughout the day. I’ll let you know what time that first election starts. You can come in, you vote, and once we fill up the votes… Now we’re going to have a hacker come in and flip it. There’s routers, so there’s three points of contact where they can attack.
The cyber experts are breaking off into seperate groups to scrutinize Mike Lindell’s data and compete for the $5 Million prize.
The entire three-day program is set to be aired live Tuesday thru Thursday on Frank Speech.
Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium is on despite a cyber attack that failed to silence the truth.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Mike Lindell and his panel of experts spoke about 2020 election anomalies, China’s monetary influence over our elections, fake news lies, and more from Democrats and globalist elites.
He has used this opportunity to shed light on the conspiracy theory news and hold them accountable for the damage they have created.
The Arizona audit team has yet to release their much-anticipated audit results of the 2020 Maricopa County presidential election.
See the machine in use below!

New Statement From Donald Trump | “America, You are Being Robbed In The Dark Of Night | It’s Time To Wake Up!”
By B.K. House
Elections have consequences. Fraudulent elections have deleterious consequences.
President Trump warned us that America under a Biden presidency would be destroyed. His statement released on Wednesday warns that while America slept, “Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America. This legislation is an assault on our Nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream.”
Back in July 2020, Breitbart reported on Trump’s list of over 40-different disastrous things that former Vice President Joe Biden proposed to do if elected president.
Trump said, “We want law and order; they don’t want law and order. We want strong closed borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process; they don’t want to have any borders at all.”
Trump revealed that he had his staff draw up a list of Biden’s proposals in recent weeks, noting his political turn to satisfy the hard left.
Trending: VIDEO: Biden Showed Up to Work Today and Couldn’t Follow Basic Directions from the Secret Service
“One of the things I just asked my people to do is just draw up for me, just quickly, some of the things that we’ve been hearing about over the last couple of weeks,” he said. provides Trump’s list of Biden’s proposals drawn from the transcript of a press conference that covered the subject. Keep in mind, this list was made in the summer of 2020. See how much the confused White House occupant was able to accomplish in half a year. At this rate, America will be destroyed before the 2022 mid-terms:
- Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.
- Stop all deportation.
- End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
- Support the deadly sanctuary cities.
- Incentivize illegal alien child smuggling.
- Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.
- Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.
- Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.
- Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.
- Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
- Grant work permits for illegal aliens.
- Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.
- Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.
- Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.
- End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.
- End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.
- Grant mass amnesty.
- Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.
- Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.
- Abolish law enforcement as we know it.
- End cash bail.
- Abolish completely the death penalty.
- Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.
- End mandatory minimums.
- Incentivize prison closure.
- End solitary confinement.
- Free federal housing for former inmates.
- Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
- Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.
- Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.
- Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.
- Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.
- End school choice.
- End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.
- Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.
- Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.
- Abolish all charter schools.
- Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.
- Abolish educational standards.
- Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.
- They’re going to rip down the wall.
In light of this treachery, the candidate that received the most votes from legal citizens who were not deceased issued the following:
Patriot Americans are outraged and no amount of lying, deflecting, or censoring by the left-wing media will hide the fact that we are being illegitimately ruled by a party whose goal is to destroy our beautiful nation.
Ask yourself, if Democrats were honest about their objectives, and openly admitted to wanting to bring down America, what would they do different?
Consider the National Condition: Auto Makers Stop, Airlines shutdown, Railroads Park Their Engines, Businesses Offer Highest Wages But Can’t Find Workers – Why?!?
by: George Eaton
Consider the National Condition: Auto Makers Stop, Airlines shutdown, Railroads Park Their Engines, Businesses Offer Highest Wages But Can’t Find Workers – Why?!?
Every item I mentioned can be verified by research. At least two major airlines totally stopped operations because they can’t find the personnel to fulfilL the flights. Boeing shut down for two weeks. The automakers have cut back on production and at times totally shut down auto plants for lack of essential material. Union Pacific railroad has parked hundreds of train engines because there is no freight to pull. Trucking companies can’t find enough drivers to operate at full capacity.
Everywhere I look in cities there are hiring signs in the windows and in placards out front asking for workers at historically high wages. Walmart, Home Depot and the list goes on, are all begging for workers. Why? With the economy in shambles from the pandemic going on 2 years now, there should be millions of extra workers available for jobs. But recent job and business stats show over a million more positions open than there are unemployed! Something does not add up. The statistics show us that critical positions in businesses are not being filled. But with so many out of work, those positions should be quickly filled, IF the people exist.
This also means the national infrastructure, the supply lines, warehouses, airlines, train systems and trucking lines are all suffering and no longer operating at a normal capacity. But the government and the news media are not saying a word. Why? These are critical services and a major part of our national defense, and involves getting supplies and groceries to every home. And yet what is the socialist government in DC trying to push? A control system on all cars, a tax system on our mileage, and a host of controls over the people that smacks of pure communism.
Let’s look at the facts, when a government and a nation is about to collapse, neither the news media or the government itself will tell the people in advance. Why would they? Why panic the people? Why tell the truth now? Instead, they send out checks to placate the people and make them feel all is well in the country. I am skeptical of any politician bearing gifts. This is the “tax and spend” government that has a flow of money going one way in their direction. And if the flow of money reverses itself, there has to be a drastic reason why. Whatever that reason is, it is a sure bet they’re not going to tell us – we have to figure it out for ourselves.
I have a strong suspicion that something major is going to go down and it is incumbent on us to get our house in order and acquire the supplies to weather the storm. It is obvious the supply lines for food and other goods will continue to slow down. I have no idea if a war is brewing, or an economic collapse is imminent, but the signs are there that something is about to happen. One thing is certain, airlines don’t refuse passengers with money in hand unless they absolutely can’t find the pilots and other essential workers to operate the airline. It simply doesn’t happen. Boeing and automakers don’t shut down when a national economy is supposedly percolating.
All of these signs, and more too numerous to list, are showing us something is wrong. But the politicians at the top of the pyramid of power will NEVER tell the people what is really going on. And the liberal news media which take their marching orders from the wealthy elite power structure will also NEVER tell us what is really going on. They will all defend the status quo to the very end.
The question is, did more people die from the covid virus than they have revealed to the public? We have been told that around 1 million Americans died, but since the covid vaxx was rolled out and over 50% of the public obediently rolled up their sleeves in zombie like fashion, we truly don’t know how many more died. But the statistics of more than 1.4 million jobs available than there are unemployed, tells us something is drastically wrong in America.
Let’s review: Before the pandemic we had unemployment at historical low numbers. After the pandemic we have over a million more jobs available that can’t be filled. Where did the people go?!?
The reality is, with a pandemic shutting down a lot of businesses permanently, we should have more than enough workers to fill the positions now available. But that is clearly not the case. Something is wrong.
We have been lied to constantly since this contrived pandemic was forced upon us. And they are still lying to us now, and are maintaining a grand deception of historic proportions. But, I’ll have to hand it to the controllers, they are definitely consistent.
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– The Great Awakening Team –
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake?” That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry.”
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
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This Week’s Intelligence News At a Glance
We are now entering the crucial part of the year. Between August 15th and October 18th, Eris and Pluto will be in an almost exact square. This is the most powerful astrological aspect of the year and it signifies a battle between two timelines, the positive Ascension timeline and the negative Coronavirus reset timeline:
This period might appear to be very frightening, as the dark forces will do whatever is within their power to continue with their long term plan to impose vaccine passports and maybe even forced vaccinations.
Martin Armstrong, a well known economist, has developed a computer program named Socrates that makes predictions based on different cycles. Interesting enough, his predictions often match my intel. He is calling the period between August and October a dark period.
Interesting enough, Martin Armstrong is expecting a turning point on September 23/24th in France. by Peter Novak
We are going to have a dark winter, ladies and gentlemen. This is unfortunate, but it is what it is. You see, part of why we are where we are is because our glamorous narcissistic society will continue deliriously serving own needs till they are directly affected by what is coming. No darkness, no
awakening, unfortunately. Up until that point “It’s all Gucci”, business as usual, back to normal. Dandy life, sparkly personages on the screens wrapped in trendy drips, iced out, glammed up, filtered out, stacked and sexy. You know what is even more astounding? “Team glamorous” will
continue the grand spectacle of amnesiac personages till their last breath or till they are suffocating to the point of either leaving the bodies or having a genuine spiritual awakening, it’s that threshold that is waiting to happen.
We know that during the harvest polarities intensify and pressure intensifies, only under immense pressure will one actually make a choice of direction on this planet or leave their body. We are just in the beginning of the end of times. The evident layer of colorful events that most are looking at is just a tip of the iceberg for something way deeper. I would suggest popcorn but to be honest with you it’s just not going to be good advice, my current recommendation is to get whatever you need to support your nervous system/mental, physical and emotional health so that you can remain sane and strong through all of it. by Zarina


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“The People walking in Darkness have seen a Great Light; on those Living in the Land of Deep Darkness a Light has Dawned”, Isaiah 9:2

“We are the Light, The Power, and the Coming Change. The Tide of Awakening is NOW”

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Here’s what they don’t want you to know. You as a healthcare employee have way more power at this current moment, then you will ever realize. There is a massive labor shortage in the healthcare industry, and leaders over different departments are freaking out. I see it every single day. I constantly hear, if this person leaves, it will shut down our entire department. We are currently being forced to take drastic measures to try to retain our employees.
The moral of the story is that they cannot afford to lose a massive amount of people. It will literally shut them down. STAND YOUR GROUND WITH THE VACCINE!! You have more power than you realize and they cannot afford to lose you. Under no circumstances will I take the vaccine. I will lose my job if necessary. Stand by your convictions and do what you know is right.


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- 2nd American Revolution, the fraudulent presidency of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, US Military’s Plan to restore the Republic of the United States, where Trump is reinstated as the 19th President of the Republic of the United State will be extended into 2022. The Great Reset plan to Reset the Global FIAT Currency vs. the Gold Reset backed Currency.
- COVID Third Wave Variant Virus will surface in those who have been Vaccinated, used as a cover story for the Great Reset. Key to launching the Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- US Military Strategic Plan; the underground war is drawing to a close with most of the underground negative military bases destroyed. The major concern is the freeing the remaining 5 million children held hostage in underground tunnels primarily in the Western US. The removal of the Biden Adminstration and mass arrest of global political, institutional and celebrities will begin once the American public awareness of election fraud reaches 80%. Reports of escalations as to a surface war breaking out in all blue states and cities in the fall of 2021 continue.
- Event Waves of 2021; New potential 3rd Wave of Vaccine-related injuries, rising pandemic death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. This is targeted for the fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized and die from complications stemming from the vaccines. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Crisis/Crash/Collapse, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from WWIII, new global Plandemics, a 3rd Covid 20/21 Wave, massive death rates from vaccine complications, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency manipulations used for human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
- 2021 World Predictions / Ralph Smart; More Covid 19 Rules and Restrictions with Personal Choices, Social Restrictions, Global Restrictions and Restrictions in Personal Movements, biometric testing, airports are going to be testing centers (negative certificate). Mandatory FaceMask the new normal, Social Distancing Extremes. US State Border Restrictions (certificates, drivers licenses in state of entry). Civil War between Blue States vs Red States, Blues States will look to Secede from the US after the 2020 Elections.
- There will be No Vaccine Offered that are 100% effective or completely cure for the Covid 19 Virus (the plan is not to provide a vaccine cure). Boost your immune system naturally with Vitamin C and supplements.
- Many Global Governments Around the World will Collapse. Mass Protests and Riots (people will take back their autonomy). Global Deep State Exposure, Destruction, and Demise from the World Stage.
- Fear will take on a new meaning of extremes and stress levels. FEAR definition – False Evidence Appearing Real!Covid 19 Police Officers will be instituted into society. We must detach from the Matrix. Lifting & Removal of the Veil of Deception across the Earth in 2021.
- Resistance Movement will grow stronger and en masse. Children will be removed from school. Social Distance will negatively impact children. Awakening will expand across the globe.
- Great Separation or Split from 3D to 5D. Awakened leaving the cities and their communities for rural environments, a new level of awakening around the world. We will seek and reflect Love Frequency.
- Fake Food Crisis – they are now setting up the world for a fake food shortage. Stock up on food and water. Garden Tower Farming all vegetables will be required to survive.
- Fake Alien Invasion – as the new life forms make their presence known, the cabal will stage a False / Fake / Staged Invasion. Current soft disclosure of UFOs is happening now in the MSM news report. NYT’s article reports the soft disclosure of UFOs is leading us to a Fake Alien Invasion.
- New Strains of Covid 19 or SARS H1N1 will be released onto the whole world and will be staged. These Strains are bioengineered weapons that will be more lethal and cause other medical conditions.
- Covid 19 Mental Issues from virus infections. We must prepare to manage all aspects of the effects for 2020. Meditation/Calmness.
- People Leave Social Media Platforms em Masse / Conscious App is on the way.
- Frequent Internet Blackouts or Multiple Blackouts Every Month. Cell phones will be blacked out, too. Must save your contact information to make local calls.
- New 5D Earth for the Chosen Ones (World without Gov, Military, Big Pharma, no media, tv, cell phones, no fears, and a higher vibrational frequency). A New Prison for those who remain unawakened.
- The Future is in What We Are Creating In the NOW or PRESENT.
- Let LOVE Guide You, NOT Fear.
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues to reach new levels across all platforms. Google, FB, and Twitter. Look for President Trump’s lawsuit to have an impact on Big Tech Media Co’s, the DOJ and 30 plus US State AG’s to file class-action and anti-trust lawsuits in Federal Courts.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line.New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- UFO Disclosure in June was a nothing-burger, with no real evidence released. As daily sightings increase and new sightings are being reported by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion set for October – July 2022? Timing is tied to change the MSM narrative upon negative breaking events; Michael Lindell Report released, Durham Repot, AZ Audits Revealed, FISA Declassifications, Clinton Foundation Corruption, etc. Nick Pope reviews all the evidence.
- Antarctica continues to reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Facebook whistleblower blows the lid-off in a newly released Mark Zuckerberg Dossier. Sighting abuse of the child prodigy using MK-Ultra techniques, and a controlled asset of Larry Summers President of Harvard, Financial Advisor to President Clinton, connected to DARPA and CIA programs. Sheryl Sandberg assistant to Summers, COO of FB and Mark’s direct handler inside FB.
- Update / DOJ John Durham release of indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until August 2021. Comey got a pass from AG Barr on leaking classified information to the press but will be indicted and prosecuted for multiple criminal violations dealing with his signing off on 4 FISA requests. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc. and all of its conspirators.
- The Structure Change / Alliance Exposure Mass Corruption Now Ready to be Revealed to the General Public, starting with economy crisis now in progress, closing the Federal Reserve/Central Banking System, voter fraud in key Congressional & Senate seats, FBI & DOJ false Russian collusion, and the release of 300 pages of the Carter Page FISA redactions will lead to the much greater exposure of the Obama Administration’s corruption, treason, and evil practices from the Deep State/Shadow Government.
- Mass Arrests total 220,248 + Sealed Indictments, as of December 2020, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month) New reports suggest these arrest and tribunals are in progress in secret military actions.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 16,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEO’s, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- CIA, FBI, & DOJ, blocks Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job. Trump will unseal 911 documents after the 2020 elections.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, now scheduled to be released in August 2021. Biden Adminstration will likely block their release.
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME’s, Planet X Solar System, Nibiru, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Alien SpaceCraft Sighting, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: 2019 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid 19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Vatican Secret Library: know to house the records from the Library of Alexanderia that did not burn. The Vatican secret documents and artifacts go back 500,000 years.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: New Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, and CME’s bring us closer to the Galactic Flash, ending a 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
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