Publish Date: April 15th, 2024
We The People, Mass Censorship, Baltimore Bridge Truth, Spraying Of Skies, Whitney Webb, Propagandists’ Shuffle, Feeling Hopeful And Inspired, Hijacking Consciousness, Weapon To End All Wars, The Frequency, Pandemic Agreement, No Farmers, No Food, Inspire Inclusion, Goddess Particle, Hopi Apocalypse Prophecy, Raising Our Consciousness, No Climate Emergency, Doctors Benefitted From Big Pharma, Paris Summer Olympics, JP Morgan Prediction, Delinquency Rates, Cannot Afford To Live, Fast Food Prices, Grocery Shortages, Pump Prices Surge, Target Is Dying, Biden Corruption, Israel Vows To Strike Iran, Israel Threatens Imminent Response, Invasion Alert, Israel Is America’s Most Dangerous Enemy, Start Of Armageddon, Bill Barr, Biden’s Inability To Complete Term, China’s Housing Prices, China Planning To Annex Space, China Will Overtake American Economy, Mass Formation Psychosis, Government Uses Fear-Mongering, Predictive Programming, “Black Epstein” Exposed, Red String Club, Empire Of Shadows, Deep State Is Real, Unexplained “Anomaly”, Vesuvius Earthquake Swarm, Iceland Fourth Volcanic Eruption, Taiwanese Earthquake, NY/NJ Earthquake, Hurricane Season, Spring Forecast, Incoming Solar Storms, Pandemic Agreement, Transhumanism, Next Psy-Op-Disease-X, Bird Flu, Message From Japan, Massive Tsunami of mRNA- Deaths, Ivermectin Faster Recovery, Cancer Vaxxine Remedies, Fasting-Style Diet, Ultra-Processed Food, Herbal Detox, Type 2 Diabetes, Seed Oils Exposed, Europa, The Unveiling, Mayan Empire, Alien Abduction, Antarctica's Another World, Polar Vortex, Planet 9 Is Tilting Our Solar System, Intense Solar Storms, Danard Osar Events, The Sun's Magnetic Field, Pineal Gland | Opening Third Eye, Meditative Tools & Spaces
Inspired by Dutch Artist Redmer Hoekstra
The Elephant in the Room
“If each of us held a candle, and if we went in together, we could see it.”

Let’s Talk About Stories And The Brain
Dr. Michael Nehls is a physician and molecular geneticist specializing in immunology.
As a researcher, he deciphered the genetic causes of dozens of hereditary diseases at German and international research institutions. Two of his discoveries were published in collaboration with two Nobel Prize winners. For his pioneering findings on Alzheimer’s disease development, prevention, and therapy, he was awarded the Hanse Prize for Molecular Psychiatry by the Rostock University Hospital.

He made profound connections between the brain, our ability to tell new stories, and our survival as a people through this time in history.
Big claims, I know. Very exciting.
The simple version of the connection between the brain, new stories, and our survival as a people:

1-We have a Mental Immune System
This Mental Immune System is, in a sense, what makes us human. It gives us the ability to think, to be curious, and to make informed decisions. It allows us to explore our world and develop personal and collective ‘culture’.
2-Our Mental Immune Systems Health is Critically Important
The core of humankind, the gold in the inner world inside of us, is captured in part by our Mental Immune System. If we lose this, we lose our ability to be free, to live out our unique personality, to have new experiences, or to even think.
3-Low Immunity = No Curiosity, No Resilience, No New Stories
When the Mental Immune System comes under attack, something strange happens. The fear receptors are specifically targeted with a pro-inflammatory response. This results in a cascade of reactions, ending in the shutting down of new nerve cell production in the hippocampus.
This shuts down our curiosity, our psychological resilience, and our ability to think. These nerve cells are also responsible for learning, retrieving, and memorizing new memories. So if this production is shut down three big things happen:
First, the fear narrative that’s triggered becomes the dominant narrative; it remains in the hippocampus in an internal loop of fear and stuckness around the current subconscious narrative.
Second, the hippocampus memorizes the fear narrative and it permanently overrides previous narratives. It erodes previous memories and data, like Alzheimers.
And because the new nerve cell production is shut down, it cannot entertain and write new narratives.

The third thing that happens is if new nerve cell production is shut down, our psychological resilience goes down as well. This causes depression. Depression is one of the most common diseases in the world in 2019.
When we’re depressed, our resiliency is down and we will not be well equipped to think critically, challenge the stories we’re told, or explore solutions.
4-Healthy Immunity= Curiosity, Resilience, New Stories
Curiosity and psychological resilience are two sides of the same coin. Curiosity means exploration, learning, entering into new states of mind, challenge, and change. Staying curious is indicative of a healthy mind.
Those who lose this curiosity show a great deal of resistance around critical thought.
This makes it difficult or even impossible for them to engage their intellect on important subjects. You’ll find they can talk with no issue about trivial matters but as soon as heavier, or more difficult subjects that require psychological resilience and curiosity arise, they shut down or they shut the conversation down.

It’s not about Health, It’s not about Money
It’s about the war over the Inner World, the human mind, the spiritual core inside each one of us.

Whether it’s modern culture, bad food choices, poor lifestyle habits, ‘inherited genes’, or an outright, full-on attack of our Mental Immunity- whatever story you believe about what’s going on, let it be clear that something is happening.
When I zoom out far enough, this is what I see:
In its most simple form, those who survive, those who thrive, and those who are (dare I say) enlightened, have something in common- they believe in an enlightened story.
When we think of a wise person, or an enlightened individual, whether real or fictitious, we know that they have some beautiful, expanded understanding of themselves, the universe, and their place in it. They have achieved an understanding of God, themselves, and the world- some kind of story that puts them in a place of peace, of power, of purity. All the greats have this; in real life and in the stories we watch on our screens.
When we think of someone who is decaying, like a loved one who is overcome by Alziehmers or disease, what do we notice about the story they live by? It’s gone. It’s limited. It’s partial, at best. It’s frozen in time and their personal identity is as fractured as the story they live by.
The story is incredibly important. It’s at the bottom of everything. It’s at the bottom of who you are, it’s at the bottom of the reality you’re living, it’s the fabric that holds society together and it’s the template of what we will live out next.
The story we live by, the story of who we are and why we’re here, the story of how we understand all that is happening around us, is as good as our mental immunity.
Our mental immunity is at the core of our inner worlds and the means by which we think, live, and express our unique personhood.
If we don’t claim these incredible inner world assets, if we don’t learn to protect them and nurture them, then we will inevitably be giving these inner world assets over to forces outside ourselves who are well aware of the power we contain.
We can keep our mental immunity alive and well by developing our inner worlds.
Stay curious, go down the rabbit holes, learn new things, deal with your pain, make art (one of the most incredible things you can do for your brains btw, including those with Alzheimer’s), and entertain ‘new' stories.
Stay sharp.
Let’s Talk About The Elephant In The Room

“The Story” is the elephant in the room. The Story, like Rumi's elephant, isn’t ‘new’ in and of itself, but it is ‘new’ to us, the townspeople who have never seen or heard it before.
The Story is always hidden at first, in the dark, and we get exposed one by one. This is how it’s been for a long time.
And now, we have a chance to grab our candles, go in together, and discover something beyond our individual grasp in the dark.

Entertaining new information about who we are, what’s going on in the world, and what our role is in this wild time in history is a great way to keep mental immunity sharp.
It’s not about agreeing on everything, it’s about staying curious and going into the light together to see the whole picture, piece by piece.
Mental Immunity Boosters
- Challenge Yourself with New Perspectives
We have a new perspective for you to check out this week on Alice in No Man's Land.
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- The Great Awakening Team -
“Who Will be Valiant for Justice Sake? That is Our Prayer and Our Battle Cry."
“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” NAS: Mark 13:7-8
- Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity -
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
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