Original Published Date: October 30th, 2023 | 9th Part II Update, December 25th, 2023 💢
The Great Civilization Near Death Event
The “Rules Based World Order” Has Lost, Pending, Emergency Broadcast System Alert, Blackouts, Global Currency Reset, Breaking: Peter Novak, Message To All Conspiracy Theorists And Curators, U.S. Forming Combat Naval Task Force, Yemen Attacks Another Ship In Red Sea, Us Is Headed For Gunfight, Global Economic Meltdown, Tucker Carlson’s / Alex Jones, Covid Vaccine Death Reports, 3 Commercial Ships Hit By Missiles, A Two Front War, Mega Black Swan Event, Restored Republic, Arab Countries Deny Palestinians Refuge, Prophecy Of Chaos, Jamie Dimon, U.S. In Serious Danger, Warnings Grow More Stark, Red Flag Warning, Third World War, Hezbollah, Iran And Turkey, Turkish Navy, NATO Warships, Operation Scariant, Biden Declares World War III, Israel Last, Gaza: “Open Slaughterhouse”, “War Powers” Notification, Deep State Unmasked, Khazarian Mafia Collision Collusion Course Unveiled, Restore Republic Timeline, Uncovering the Truth, Shedding the Light on FISA, Unveiling the Tug of War, Epstein’s Elite Clients List Disclosed, Durham Report Deeper Background Story, Top Secret NATO War Plans Revealed, Global Economic Collapse / Freeze, DeSantis Exposes WEF Connection, Russia’s Audacious Plan to End The War, US Military at DEFCON 2 Alert, Khazarian Mafia Playbook CBDC
A Call to Patriots
Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the Republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. Let justice be served. Make America Great Again…MAGA
The Great Civilization Near Death Event | NDE
“Be Strong Enough to Stand Alone / Be Yourself Enough to Stand Apart / And When the Time Comes, Be Wise Enough to Stand Together”
The Great Reset of Everything
We have entered a window of time where everything we have learned, experienced and known to be true is about to dramatically change. We are Awakening to a great truth, “That Everything We Were Taught Is A Lie”. The lives we once knew, lived and experienced prior to January 2020 are now gone forever. We are witnessing the total collapse of not just a few, but all of our statured institutions; The US Government Senate/Congress; through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and DHS have spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. Along with other industries; Wall Street Markets & Finance, Banking Industries, Big Tech, Big Insurance, Pharma, Oil, Education, Hollywood Industries, US Military, Medical AMA, Military and Energy Industrial Complexes, all are embroiled in corruption scams and human trafficking.
Given the monolithic corruption and evil encrusted within all these institutions, we are now witnessing in real time a global everything collapse. What has been described and depicted as The Storm! and “The Great Civilization Near Death Experience”. The fallout of which could last anywhere from 2 to 5 years based on geographic locations.
We will then have a choice and chance for “A New Beginning to Reset Everything as We Rebuild America”.
The following report is a compilation of 7 different sources. We found a number of overlapping and crossover warnings presented by each of our sources. We formatted this Special Report based on a timeline tied to dates and information posted entirely in May 2023. We believe these sources align with each other to create a very rare picture of what is happening behind the scenes. We encourage each of you to use your own discernment and rational, critical, logical thinking in reviewing this information. Preparation going forward is 80% mental and 20% physical, so we hope this will assist you in your education and in being mentally prepared for the coming Storm.
Updates: 💢 We Will be Updating this Report on a Bi-Weekly Basis. We designed this format as a living document so we can update you directly on all breaking news and events. Please keep this link close by, so you can easily return to this Special Report for all the latest alternative uncensored news reports.
“We The People”: If we the people, as a nation, do not work together to restore our founding father’s visions for our Constitutional Republic, our children could be lost and our nation will be destroyed. We all have a part to play in this peaceful, faithful, informed, prayer-filled participation and with forgiveness in our hearts for the corruption of this nation that we have been a party to, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Breaking Intelligence News | Monday, January 1st, 2023 Update
Last Warning: Prepare for something that you never expected to see in your lifetime. The Media will never let you know! The things around us could change very fast. – QAnon Telegram
“Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6
The following content is a compilation from 7 different sources.
New Updates
Breaking: Russia declares US and UK attacked Russian City, Killed Civilians

This proves everything I’ve been just saying in other posts here. They’re getting our country ready for a complete takeover from China and or Russia. if you were for our country you would never allow this. They’re filling up our country with these men not families from other countries to help the military invasion in our country and if you remember, they changed everybody in the military. They got rid of anyone who voted Republican and for Trump. They got rid of all the leaders in the military that were for our country! Nobody sees this, but they’re seeing it now a little bit maybe. So again I’m asking is there any way to stop a take over legally ? it doesn’t seem like there is. Those leaders in Texas are trying to stop the border crisis and it is fought by the leadership we have in the White House. The only thing the military is protecting in our country is the leader ship in the White House. The saying many years ago, but I forget who it was, said “get them from within”…the enemies  certainly did it. And it started with Obama.
World | Russia’s Alexander Dugin: “Apocolypsis is now”
The man often referred-to as “Putin’s Brain” in Russia, Alexander Dugin, published an ominous message on Social Media hours ago: “The apocolypsis is now.”
Referring to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, and the involvement of Iran throughout the Middle East, Dugin made clear how he sees developments taking place that will bring “the big war.”
Here is a screen shot of his posting:
There genuinely are forces behind the scenes very determined to “make scripture happen” . . . and we’re not talking the fun parts…
The destruction, if they’re allowed to have their way, will be immense.
For the past year, a lot of us have had a nagging feeling in our gut that something wicked this way comes.
Developments over the past year made clear there is a sinister, and very influential power at work in this world, and this power is taking the planet to the worst imaginable situation.
Now, one of Russia’s sharpest and most influential minds, is saying it openly.
This is not good.
So What Have the “Conspiracy Theorists” Gotten Right So Far….
1) No Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie
3) No Russian Collusion
4) Covid was complete bullshit
5) The Vaccine didn’t work
6) Everyone is connected to Jeffery Epstein
7) JFK was an inside job
8) J6 was a intelligence operation
9) BLM was a Marxist front
10) Cancel Cultural was Corporate driven
11) Smollet was a fraud
12) Obama spied on Trump
13) Assad didn’t gas his own people
So we were right about all of this but we are completely wrong about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen! Gotcha!
Delve into a reservoir of undisclosed intel and evidence, as we unravel the threads of deception and fraud. Be a part of the quest for truth, backed by insider insights that the world needs to see.
Why did Julian Assange say the greatest foreign threat to America comes from Israel/the Israel lobby?
Why did the Shah of Iran in the 1960s, state that the Jewish lobby in America does not “advance the interests of either the people of the US, or Israel itself”?
Who is ultimately responsible for Ayatollah Khomeini’s rise to power?
Where was Osama bin-Laden educated?
How much foreign aid is sent to the nation of Israel each year by Washington DC?
What are “Israeli Loyalty Oath/Pledge of Allegiance laws” in US states?
Why is every newly elected US congressperson asked to sign a statement of fealty to Israel?
What happens to them if they don’t?
Why is the American Israeli Public Action Commission the largest bipartisan political lobby in the United States?
Who do they fund?
Who started Goldman Sachs?
Who was Bernie Madoff?
Who is Larry Fink?
Who is Antony Blinken?
Who is Klaus Schwab?
Who is Deborah Birx?
Who are these people REALLY?
Source; Ben Fulford
Military in Training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System EBS| DW
This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.
Source; DW
[accordion title=’Updates December 2023′]
Preparations Begin for a New Bretton Woods and New Age: Merry Christmas
Now that the defeat of the Khazarian Mafia is inevitable, preparations for a new Bretton Woods conference to map a new future for humanity have begun. This means we are now in a sort of interlude between the end of the old system and the start of the new. The implications will be life-changing for all of us.
To understand what this will mean for the West, it might be a good time to look at the fall of the Soviet Union. When I visited Russia after the fall of the USSR one thing I noticed was huge and derelict industrial plants and complexes lying abandoned in the countryside. A system that had been running for 75 years suddenly stopped and the results were far-reaching. Entire industrial echo systems suddenly had the plug pulled on them. What followed was looting and poverty as KM gangsters jumped into the vacuum that followed the collapse. Then, when Christian Russian patriots rallied behind the symbol of Vladimir Putin, living standards doubled within a year. Now a renewed Russia is stronger and more prosperous than at any time under the USSR.
The West is now facing a similar situation. Huge industrial and social processes that have been continuing for decades are being or will be, stopped in their tracks. If the process is not handled properly, the result will be widespread poverty and social decay. This is already underway as Western, especially US living standards plummet. Things will get far worse until the victors of the war against the KM plot a new direction for the West.
The situation facing the West is even more problematic than the Soviet Union because two viciously fighting factions are both facing defeat. The hard-liners, who wanted to start World War III and kill 90% of humanity, are on their last legs fighting a final genocidal war in Gaza. The moderates, or carbon-causes-global warming faction, are facing a collapse of vast industrial plans based on lies.
Both factions have run out of money. The genocidal forces are not getting any funds for their wars in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere.
The carbon people are watching market reality crush their central planning for electric cars, wind farms, etc.
Electric cars cost more to repair than they cost to build and nobody wants them. The cost of replacing the battery in a 2022 Hyundai IONIQ 5 is over $60,000; more than the $55,000 cost of the new car.
Windmills are wearing out and money earned from selling wind power cannot pay for depreciation or repairs. By the twelfth year of operation, higher-than-anticipated turbine failure rates mean costs of deep-water wind turbines exceed their government-guaranteed prices. This makes it impossible to repay their financing costs.
That is probably why Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed with their power supply.
Boondoggles of this sort are why the carbon people failed to get funding for various “climate change” multi-trillion dollar scams at their recent COP28 mega party.
The Chinese too, are in trouble because their own massive, multi-decade industrial plans are running into fundamental roadblocks.
The Chinese real estate sector in particular is an elephant that cannot be ignored. Some reports say they may have built 3 billion apartments for 1.4 billion people and yet housing remains unaffordable. It also turns out that moving people into cramped apartments discourages them from having children so China faces a demographic collapse. Their huge bets on electric cars are also going to be upended when hydrogen technology renders it obsolete.
In other words, both China and the West (the rest of the world not so much) need to completely change their long, short and medium turn economic plans.
That is why high-level meetings are being prepared for March to come up with an alternative future direction for Western and Chinese economics.
The victors in the war against the KM are now presenting plans that are astonishing in their scale and ambition. To understand how fundamental the changes will be, consider the basic agreement between Asian and Western secret societies: from now on our purpose as a species will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.
Once the plans on how to accomplish this are worked out, the result will make the Cambrian explosion look like a champagne bubble by comparison.
In particular, the ability to manipulate genes will allow us to become immortal and create a virtually infinite variety of new plant and animal species. For example, it is now possible for people to enhance their own genomes with cat genes and become cat/human hybrids. At the same time, the old elite was caught in the act of trying to use gene-altering vaccines to make us genetically subservient sheeple forever. The question we must now answer is just how should we proceed with this newfound power over the shape of life itself.
Christmas Day Message 2023, Tom Fairbanks: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=234062 https://beforeitsnews.com/crime-all-stars/2023/12/christmas-day-message-2023-2495336.html
As we approach Christmas day with a realization that our anticipated expectations have still been left unfulfilled, let us take a moment to consider the good things that have come to us over this last year. I personally thank God that I am still standing, free, breathing-in-and-out, much to the consternation of those who seek to silence me. His (God’s) protection has been miraculously present with me on a daily basis. While others, like Ken Cromar, Ammon Bundy, the January 6ers, President Donald J. Trump, and countless others, have sacrificed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, in this great cause of liberty and justice for all.
Sacrifice is defined as “the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else more important or worthy.” Sacrifice can come in many forms and most often it is less than convenient. I have often been reminded that our covenant with the Lord to sacrifice and surrender our will to His, along with the dedication of our lives to the building up His kingdom, and serving His children can only result in a sacrifice that brings forth the blessings of heaven. – Thus, a life of sacrifice is worth living.
Jill Jackson-Miller, who had been suicidal after the failure of her marriage to screenwriter Felix Jackson, in 1955 Jill with her husband, Sy Miller, wrote “Let There Be Peace On Earth” after discovering what Jill called the “life-saving joy of God’s peace and unconditional love.”
Their song is performed worldwide throughout the year, and particularly during the Christmas season, which has led to it being considered a Christmas song. It is included in the hymnals of a variety of Christian denominations, and is used in worship services all across the world. – I leave this message with you as a reminder of our obligation to one another in this holiday message.
Restored Republic:
A Storm Is Coming: Military Insiders Prepare to Unleash “Sky Blue” Ops Against The Shadow Government
A secret battle between good and evil is raging behind the scenes for the soul of American democracy. Rogue intelligence elements and military contractors have exploited National Security operations to illegally siphon unfathomable sums into undisclosed black budget programs for decades, subverting Constitutional checks and balances. But the days of this secretive “Deep State Cabal” may finally be numbered.
Ever since President Kennedy’s assassination – potentially tied to his realization the CIA had spun dangerously out of control – a cryptic alliance has fought tirelessly to uphold JFK’s unfinished legacy from the shadows. This quiet defense has intensified behind a new vanguard under President Trump, himself long aware of the existence of UFO and advanced technologies sequestered from public view.
But Trump’s Executive Order to declassify the JFK files appears to have drawn the Cabal dangerously out of hiding. Mere weeks later, beloved champion of truth John F. Kennedy Jr. tragically died in an all-too-mysterious plane crash eerily reminiscent of dark Deep State tactics.
Yet now, Military sources confirm Trump has activated the enigmatic “Sky Blue” contingency plan aimed squarely at the black heart of this corrupt leviathan once and for all. By formally declaring this organized crime syndicate as felony racketeers under hard-hitting RICO laws meant for the Mafia, all roads lead inexorably towards military arrests and trials at GITMO when these ruthless traitors are finally flushed from the shadows.
With the stage set, Trump’s Secret Service code name “Mogul” affirms his solemn vow to see this secret criminal enterprise dismantled under his watch, while Melania’s iconic “Tiffany Blue” inauguration ensemble secretly honored the fallen JFK’s own righteous crusade. From the SPY op Q group formed after JFK Jr’s untimely demise to the continuity of Trump’s stormy Presidency, could the aggregate “Sky Blue” military operations now closing in on Satanic Cabal leaders explain the rash of Generals surrounding an ostensible political outsider?
Global Financial Collapse:
Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić exposes the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, in the EU parliament: “There is no greater danger to the rule of law, democracy and the free market than this sect… It is the largest networked organisation of the world’s conspirators, creating all the agendas we have witnessed in recent decades: wars, pandemics and policies of the so-called ‘green transition’, which result in the impoverishment and suffering of billions of people.”
Mike Cristo8 on Telegram: Why were China-Russia-Iran using gold? To collapse the U.S. Dollar as a global trade settlement (payments). It’s the transition away from the King dollar as the basis for the NEW monetary system and trade payment. This is a Global transition away from the King Dollar toward Gold for Forex Reserves, meaning central bank savings accounts and trade settlement payment (balance of payments). The U.S. Treasury manipulates exchange rates of poor countries to create this artificial demand more dollars (credit). You collapse the demand for Dollars in global balance of payments, You collapse the Globalists power.
The Real News for Sun. 24 Dec. 2023:
Berlin Germany: Farmers are positioning themselves tonight Dec. 24 Dec. in Berlin in protest of the anti-farming policies pushed by their WEF globalist communist government.
Fri. 22 Dec. Tesla is recalling 2 million cars.
Fri. 22 Dec. X22 Report: Deep State in State of Desperation: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/12/x22-report-patriot-moves-are-forcing-the-deep-state-into-a-state-of-desperation-exposed-trapped-must-video-3681346.html
Sun. 24 Dec. Alert: “Major Crisis Is Coming!” Backout! A Secret War Is Being Fought! WEF Is Preparing For 2024 Cyberwar! https://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2023/12/alert-major-crisis-is-coming-backout-a-secret-war-is-being-fought-wef-is-preparing-for-2024-cyberwar-canadian-prepper-2792339.html
Sun. 24 Dec. Democrats have Failed in Six States to Keep Trump off the 2024 Ballot | Operation Disclosure Official
Sun. 24 Dec. Dark Winter, Charlie Ward, David Mahoney: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/12/new-charlie-ward-and-david-mahoneys-bunker-for-december-dark-winter-2023-2547989.html
Sun. 24 Dec. War With The Deep State, Fulford: https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/12/new-benjamin-fulford-december-update-on-war-with-the-deep-state-insider-2548001.html
Sun. 24 Dec. 3 Min Ago: Gutfeld Just Made HUGE Announcement About Sex Scandal | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
Sat. 23 Dec. Supreme Court Just Handed Trump Everything: https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2023/12/shocking-reversal-supreme-court-just-handed-trump-everything-biden-doj-never-saw-this-coming-3305451.html
White Hat Intel Sat. 23 Dec. 2023: Destruction of the UN, Globalist Elite Woke Agenda
Military OPS through Devotional PLAN is controlling certain protocols and operations that WILL connect Trump to create laws against Hollywood propaganda and MSM controlled CIA operations (MOCKINGBIRD CIA OPS).
CURRENTLY several divisions in the DOJ and AG and coming (installed by Kash Patel + mili) future leaders in Trump cabinet and government sectors are devising a legal plan to create laws against UN Agenda Rockefeller/ Rothschilds CIA TRANSGENDER PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS AND WOKE AGENDA.
These new laws will shock Hollywood and the coming new laws will dismantle the Hollywood propaganda machine and mind control over the public (this WILL come on the behest of the FULL EPSTEIN EXPOSURE of 2024 Trump cards exposure of CIA
Military COUP and stolen elections that coincided with MSM, HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTIONS, CIA OPS, JP MORGAN BANKING plus much more.
WOKEism will die.
The laws to come WILL effect the world
Plans were underway by the Alliance, plus Trump and White Hats to counter the DAVOS, World Economic Forum, UN, CIA Pedo Elites World Gender War Operations and their control over Hollywood and MSM propaganda machine.
The Military World Alliance want a strong female Vice President such as Kari Lake to become VP and have a strong relationship with the woman of the U.S. and world.
This strong woman Vice President WILL also have strong ties that will unite The COMING Revolution of China in 2025_26.
Currently General _Q_ Brown is in talks with the Chinese military chief of staff and getting ready for the down fall of CCP and China is projected to separate into different countries as Hong Kong wants is own country and laws and Tibet WILL be freed, these new Chinese countries will stay in power together under A New Chinese federation……i have been telling you all for a long time XI is going to imploded his own power and destroy the CCP under his own guidance and rule , he WILL sacrifice his power and give true freedom to China.
MUSK, USSF, SPACE X IS HEAVILY INVOLVED with the Chinese government to bring in a digital century. Trump’s Vice President WILL have a major role in uniting China and U.S. relationship that will lead to BRICS + TRUMP global currency trade.
Plans were underway to bring the Black Communities of the U S. into the Trump movement and Great Awakening movement and these operations WILL swing up 80% of the Black votes for Trump in 2024.
This will be insured as the Democratic Party tries to change voting laws in the U.S. for 2024 and see the full corruption of the DNC.
This will all connect with the EXPOSURE of CIA propaganda in the black communities and music industry corruption and exposure of MAINSTREAM STREAM MEDIA CORRUPTION AND PROPAGANDA OPERATIONS CONNECTED TO DNC, CIA. The Military are positioning a powerful strong Black woman that will lead them to Trump and a powerful Black Great Awaking Movement
Military operation with USSF and White Hats in the intelligence will show clear corruption of AI Systems corrupting the digital voting systems (in the coming future tribunals COMING IMMINENTLY).
Microsoft the #1 corporation in the world will collapse and MUSK IS EXPECTED TO BUY OUT THE COMPANY. Microsoft WILL admit their part in a military coup and corruption in compliance with CIA, Darpa.
NATO is referred to as DEAD MAN WALKING. The Military intelligence and WIRES, CLEARLY know Western current powers are in a full COLLAPSE, ELITES POWER COLLAPSE
From the infiltration of Four Star General Rogers into the Obama administration and his importance of uniting military Commanders behind the scenes in the silent COVERT war against the CIA. ROCKERFELLERS / ROTHSCHILDS /BUSHS ETC EVT ETC.”
General Rogers bears MASSIVE responsibility for the CAPTURED cyber operations that Obama. CIA etc had installed against the American people. Today General Rogers COVERT operations continue with Operations connected to the_ DEVOLUTION PLAN. GAME THEORY OPERATIONS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT OPERATIONS, SKYBLUE CLASSIFIED OPS.
In the later part of 2014 General Rogers with top commanders. Admirals, Colonials, (Such as Col. Douglas Macgregor ) activated operations to counter OBAMA’s KILL SWITCH to control the Internet and INTERNET BLACKOUTS.
Including WORLD WIDE EBS OPERATIONS, this means there are full safety measures to restore power and important Internet links connected to the grid.
BEHIND THE SCENES; The White hats military have long been aware of Deep State Bilderberger Group (WEF, DAVOS ) Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, CIA etc ECT ECT etc controlling the [DS] military operations.
And Commands under General Rogers were well aware of the GLOBAL CYBER ATTACK that were going to be initiated to bring in a world Collapse.
Table top exercise CYBER-ATTACK by FBI. CIA. DHS with CYBEREASON and their connection to Israeli intelligence and mossad. Inside these cyber attack simulation events the CIA FBI and the Deep state (DAVOS) planned how to attack the infrastructure during an election and bring in Chaos that would lead to marshal law.
Several Cyber hackers networks funded by the deep state operations run concurrently with the CIA, FBI, Rockefeller Rothschild operations, but USSF. SPACE X. RUSSIAN intelligence sats. with Italian intelligence sats and over >30 different super advanced SATELLITES are powerful enough to bring down the world CYBER HACKERS .
CURRENTLY USSF SPACE X FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS HAVE LOCATED ALL THE WORLD CYBER HACKERS NETWORK AND BASES That are funded by the [ ds] ELITES and military contractors. Earlier in the year I gave you DROPS that the ALLIANCE with USSF. SPACE X COMPS. have super advanced A.I. and some had already been released to counter the deep state A.I. systems
Now panic is hitting NATO as NATO is inside a massive collapse and wires are hitting NATO DEAD MAN WALKING
Germany inside an intensional collapse by the [ ds] but also by the White hats ALLIANCE as Germany takes military power to try to invade Ukraine and give massive funding to Ukraine. NATO. EU military industrial complex system…..a huge Colpse will ollow as the German people will see a massive corruption unfold in their country and white hats DROP INTEL> to the public sector in 2024 these DROPS WILL ENSURE THE EU CITIZENS WILL RISE AGAINST THE EUROPEAN UNION DEEP STATE MACHINE.
The plan to save the world
Nothing is coincidence
NCSWIC / Source DW
The “Rules Based World Order” Has Lost
It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States.
The clearest sign of their defeat was a UN vote on December 13th calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Only 8 countries supported the USrael’s opposition to the ceasefire. These were Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. Another way to look at this is to see these as the last countries controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.

This is down from 60 countries that attended a Knights of Malta meeting calling for a continuation of the Ukraine war last summer. Significantly, none of the other G7 countries now support USrael.
The loss of Japan was probably the biggest blow to the Nazis. Last week a dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan. These included Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, Chairman of the Policy Research Council Koichi Hagiuda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasutoshi Nishimura, Agriculture Minister Ichiro Miyashita and Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Junji Suzuki.
They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM bribery that turned the Parliament into a giant acting troupe.
The next move in the clean-up will be to remove all the second and third-generation politicians who were turning the country into a feudal dictatorship. When the purge is finished, Japan will once again be controlled by meritocratically selected public servants and democratically elected politicians.
The arrest of the Moonie politicians means the Nazis have lost control of Taiwan, Japan and North Korea. These countries are now planning to deepen ties with ASEAN in order to create an East Asian counter-balance to communist China, Asian royal family sources say.
Former Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Richard Haas hinted at these fundamental changes when he told the Wall Street Journal last week about “a dramatic shift in U.S. ability or willingness to come to Taiwan’s aid.”
Now that their “good friend” uber-Nazi Heinz Kissinger is gone, China, for its part, will be deepening its integration with India to form the economic center of gravity for the post-Western world, the Asian royals say.
By the way, the recent UN votes suggest the remaining Nazi submarine bases are located in Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler (see attached FBI report on Hitler) that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales.
They made their big move on September 11, 2001, and managed to turn the USrael into a Nazi state along with Japan. That is why Japan and the West began a massive bio-weapons research and dispersal project after 911.
Now that Japan has been liberated, the battle is on to remove the Nazi strongholds in Austria, Czechia, Israel and the US.
The battle to liberate the US took a dramatic turn on December 15th. The “Q” people set up a countdown clock that said a power outage would occur. A power station in New York was blown up at midnight on December 15th, -exactly when they predicted- causing widespread power shortages in New York.

It is a good guess that power was cut off in the big KM stronghold of New York in order to turn off alarm systems and let special operations troops grab high-profile individuals. Time will tell if this was the case.
The Q people are now saying “Y2K3: The world as you know it…is over with. Ten days of total chaos…Merry Christmas.”
The Q movement, of course, is closely related to US President Donald Trump. We have now heard from the Trump people and found out thatthere are two different Donald Trumps. The fake one working for the KM is based at Mar a Largo while the real one splits his time between military bases in Mt. Cheyenne and Greenland, Pentagon sources say. These are photos of the two different Trumps.
Real Trump
Fake Trump

Pending, Emergency Broadcast System Alert, Blackouts, Global Currency Reset
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.
Judy Note: On Sat. 16 Dec. the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial began and was bound to connect the Hunter Biden Laptop “Intel from Hell” to names on the Epstein Plane Log that exposed blackmailed Global and Political Elites.
To counter charges against the Elite, unelected Globalists at the World Health Organization will soon be rolling out their “Global Digital Health Certification Network”—in effect, a global vaccine passport network soon to be connected to digital ID, CBDC and social credit scores that will be used to control your bank account and even what, if any, food you were allowed to buy so the Cabal could rule over your life.
The Globalist’s US Inc.’s fiat petrodollar has been abandoned as a basis for international trade, while 130 countries no longer accept US Treasury Bonds. A broke US Inc.’s Federal Reserve plans to release trillions in worthless asset-backed digital currencies and do the “Great Reset” to digital non asset-backed currency.
Stellar Network recently announced that its final Testnet Reset will occur on Mon. 18 Dec. It was not known if this referred to the Cabal’s non-asset backed Digital Great Reset, or the BRICS Nations gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset. Or, both.
The BRICS nation’s Global Currency Reset to gold/hard, digital asset-backed currency was imminent! This will include the restoration of the US Constitutional Republic and creation of new sovereign nations throughout the Globe.
EBS ready to activate! Prepare for a Blackout. The end is here!
What we think we know as of Mon. 18 Dec. 2023:
Sat. 16 Dec. Edward Snowden on Telegram: “We will take down Biden in 24 hours. We are ready.”
Beneath the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor was found an underground tunnel that was used for trafficking children.
ERIC, a non-partisan group tasked with ensuring vote integrity has been discovered to not maintain clean voter rolls & helped Liberals use state funds to register Democrat voters.
The Federal Reserve is a privately owned Banking Cartel which has not been allowed to print their fiat US Dollar since going Bankrupt in 2017.
Deep State Cabal Klaus Schwab-Rothschild has announced that there was a 2026 timetable for micro-chipping everyone as part of a New World Order control & Depopulation Plan. “The change is not just happening, the change can be shaped by us. I see the need for a Great Reset. The Covid-19 crisis would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison to a major Cyber Attack.”
Edward Griffin explained that the Federal Reserve System is actually “A Cartel. It’s not a government agency, although it has the appearance of being a government agency.”
EBS Alert, Blackout Warning
The Real News for Sun. 17 Dec. 2023:
Sun. 17 Dec. On the first day of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial the CEO of Twitter resigned, the CFO, Brett Biggs of Walmart resigned and Portland Trail Blazers CEO Chris McGowan resigned on Fri. 15 Dec. Must Watch!!! The CFO, Brett Biggs of Walmart resigned/ G. Maxwell Court Case- Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, and others at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
Sat. 16 Dec. Biden Exposed: https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/12/3-min-ago-jim-jordan-just-exposed-what-is-beyond-your-imagination-3804505.html
Sun. 17 Dec. Black Hat Devastation, SGAnon: https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2023/12/sg-anons-moab-assault-exposes-critical-black-hat-devastation-humanity-will-forever-change-well-live-too-see-it-all-an-epic-white-hat-intel-mega-report-video-3305073.html
Sun. 17 Dec. Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore, on Net Zero/the Green New Deal: “It’s a recipe for mass suicide. Why would anyone vote for something that was going to result in the death of nearly all humans on Earth? It would basically begin a process of cannibalisation amongst the human species, because the food could not be delivered to the stores in the middle of the cities anymore.”
Sun. 17 Dec. Tucker Carlson, “I’m Exposing the Whole Damn Thing” – Tucker Carlson Latest Warning (2023-2024) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
Sun. 17 Dec. World Leaders Freaking Out Over Released Documents: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/12/newly-released-documents-cοnfirm-everything-world-leaders-are-freaking-out-a-must-video-3680726.html
Sat. 16 Dec. More shipping halted: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67738792
Sat. 16 Dec. Earlier it was Planes & trains halted: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-67736854
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has explained how Democrats stole the election in 2020 when they stopped counting votes on election night.
Sun. 17 Dec. Obama Birth Certificate Faked: Experts CONFIRMED that Barack Obama Birth Certificate is a FAKE. Obama’s Presidency Was A Fraud & Has “9 Points Of Forgery” Everything Obama Did Should Be Undone. After five years of intense investigation, which included consultation with one of America’s most respected forensic document examiners, and a team of European media forensic experts, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has reached a conclusion utilizing forensic techniques both old and new. It is the opinion of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office that the birth certificate on your right, belonging to Johanna Ani, was in fact used as a source document in the digital creation of Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Nine points of forgery in which words, letters, and hand-placed date stamps have been digitally copied from the Adneid long-form birth certificate and pasted onto Obama’s long-form birth certificate” They COULD NOT clear the document.
Sun. 17 Dec. 12 Big Restaurants Are Being Wiped Out Completely! – Atlantis Report | Economy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
Sat. 16 Dec. Voter Fraud Proven: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/12/greg-hunter-vote-fraud-proven-trump-at-supreme-court-big-inflation-must-video-3680652.html
Sat. 16 Dec. JAG Convicts Katie Hobbs of Treason, Conspiracy to Commit Murder: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=233698
Sun. 17 Dec. The Washington Examiner reviewed a report detailing the Electronic Registration Information Center’s (ERIC, a supposedly non-partisan group tasked with ensuring clean voter rolls for 25 states) performance by the Foundation for Government Accountability, which found that ERIC was both not maintaining clean voter rolls and has helped liberal organizations use state funds to register likely Democratic voters.
Vatican City holds 50 miles of ancient documents hidden from the public. The world is not what you think it is.
Biden Crime Family:
Nine (9) Biden family members rec’d wire transfers from Chinese foreign accounts:
1) Hunter Biden, 2) James “Jimmy” Biden, 3) Sara Biden, 4) Hallie Biden, 5) Kathleen Buhle Biden, 6) Melissa Cohen Biden
7) grandchild, 8) grandchild, 9) grandchild
The Fake News Main Stream Media:
For the Next time you tell someone the News is run by the CIA and they call you a conspiracy theorist: Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961,”We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I’d carry on with them.”
Unelected Globalists at the UN and WEF are attempting to dictate how social media platforms must tackle “disinformation, propaganda and hate speech.” In other words, any information or opinions that undermine the plan for Global control by unelected Globalists at the UN and WEF. “60% of people get their news from social media. What happens when it’s fake?”
The US’s Two Tier Legal System:
In 2007, Joe Biden said he was arrested and immediately released for illegally entering the US Capitol’s Senate Chamber when he was 21 years old. In 2021, Jacob Chansley was sentenced to four years in prison after spending ten months in solitary confinement for illegally entering the US Capitol’s Senate Chamber. Would this be considered a two-tiered justice system that prosecutes individuals based on their politics?
Thurs. 14 Dec. Injustice Breeds Injustice – Our Two Tier System of Justice, Fairbanks: Injustice Breeds Injustice – Our Two-Tier System of Justice – Cromar, Bundy & SCOTUS | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News Patriots Ken Cromar of Barbie & Ken v. Goilath IRS, and Ammon Bundy in his battle with the Idaho State Court and St. Luke’s Hospital each gained national notoriety for standing up against the Corrupt DOJ. The Cromar and Ammon Bundy Cases represent a national emergency because the DOJ and the IRS (along with the other Alphabet Agencies) have been weaponized and have declared war against We the People. Those elites, who through their Oaths of Office swore to Protect and Defend the Constitution, have established a two-tier system of justice, in their attempts to deny We the People of Our God-Given Rights. There is no better evidence of this conspiracy than the abuses sustained by both Ammon Bundy and the Cromars, which is comparable evidence of the lawful violations of Constitutional Rights being denied in the other current cases being heard by SCOTUS – an epidemic crisis of national proportions.
Sun. 17 Dec. White Hat Intel:
Did you know that without the Federal Reserve, without political corruption, without the Military Industrial Complex that every American family would be beyond wealthy living in a mansion and little to no debt? How does that make you feel?
BREAKING: Peter Novak
We’ve Never Seen Dying at This Rate’: Critical Care Expert Sounds Alarm on ‘Staggering’ Excess Deaths in U.S. – Infowars’

Message to All Conspiracy Theorists and Curators – Ben Fulford, December 15th
To all of you who have spent years being ridiculed on social media and being called “crazy” and still standing up for what you believe in and trying to spread the truth to the public.
You lose friends and family, and despite being ridiculed, you speak the truth.
To all the lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers, and alternative therapists who have always felt left out and different but never stopped being people who tried to offer another perspective on things.
I learned about energy healing, crystals, Mother Gaia, and healing therapies while everyone around me laughed.
You were different, you were eccentric, and you never adapted or adapted to this situation without regret.
For sensitive people who are heartbroken after learning about human trafficking, pedophile rings, and harm to children.
The woke people who realized what was going on in the world and had to break their hearts into a million pieces while thinking everyone in their lives was losing their minds. You had to face all this alone and it broke your heart, but you made it through and faced the dark night of the soul!!
To the old souls who feel alone and different, who strive every day to help humanity who have lost many friends and family in the process of awakening.
The people who don’t go out anymore, the people who research till the end of the day, the people who dare to stand up and say things that no one else would say.
You have dedicated your life to this ascension process.
I respect each and every one of you.
This process is the hardest thing anyone has ever had to do, but you did it first.
Every day more and more people are waking up.
I know it’s hard and I know you can be exhausted and exhausted by the negative reactions you’re getting, but this fight will be over soon and soon the world will realize what we did. , and stay strong because you will find out why you did it.
Where one goes, all go too.
This time will be mentioned in history, and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will not only affect our existence on Earth, but everything throughout the universe.
This is a galactic event and you chose this task before incarnating into this timeline.
You chose to be here now.
You are a divine being, remember who you are.
Endless blessings.
The best is yet to come.
God is in command.
U.S. Forming “Combat Naval Task Force 153” to Fight Yemen for Israel
The United States is preparing a Combat Naval Task Force to fight Yemen on behalf of Israel.
Designated as Task Force 153, it will include forces from the Bahrain, Brazil, Denmark, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, the Britain lead by the US Navy!
The Naval Task Force will fight Yemen attacks on the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf!
Pro- Iranian Yemeni forces have been launching drones and missiles at Israeli territory as well as targeting Israeli owned cargo ships and US naval vessels.
UPDATED 11:29 AM EDT — Yemen Attacks Another Ship in Red Sea
Forces inside the country of Yemen have reportedly attacked another vessel.
According to United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), the vessel hit by the Houthis is now on fire.
There is some CONFUSION regarding this report. One report says a COMMERCIAL SHIP was hit, while another report claims an Israeli MILITARY ship was hit.
It is as yet unknown if there are TWO separate incidents, although reports this morning seem to indicate exactly that.
It __seems__ the vessel shown above, burning, may be the ISRAELI MILITARY SHIP. because a series of other reports coming in this morning indicate the Norwegian Merchant Vessel named MV STRINDA is in flames in the Red Sea after being attacked by at least one missile fired from Houthis-controlled territory in Yemen. Below is a FILE PHOTO of that Norwegian ship:
The information I have is that a commercial ship was attacked by the Houthis off the coast of Yemen. The ship caught fire and the crew is safe.
Naval forces in the region responded to the ship’s call for help. At the same time, Houthi militias in Yemen were targeted by unidentified aircraft.
A new statement from Ansar Allah (Houthis) in the aftermath of a Norwegian-owned ship being hit by an anti-ship cruise missile launched from a part of Yemen controlled by Ansar Allah.
Ansar Allah states that they only struck the ship after it ignored repeated warnings.
They assert that they will continue to target, without hesitation, ships that attempt to deliver goods to Israel, in solidarity with the suffering and death Palestinians are facing in Gaza.
The US is Headed for Gunfight at the OK Corral
The undeclared civil war in the US is headed for a showdown that will involve lots of nighttime shootouts. On one side the Satanists have used Google etc. to compile a list of Americans who they want to kill in order to stay in power. On the other side are patriots with a list of over 1 million sealed indictments they want to act on in order to liberate the US from Satanic rule.
First, let us talk about the Satanists’ plan. German intelligence warned us last week of a planned genocide of 15 million Americans.
American Patriot Goldberg was killed after putting out this information in February of 2020. It was based on White House documents he claims he was given. His predictions for 2021 to 2023 turned out to be accurate. He claimed the Zionists (Satanists) were disturbed that too many Americans were aware of the Satanic nature of Zionism and they needed to be culled. Their plan called for agents to disseminate the truth about Zionism (Satanism) on corporate media outlets like YouTube in order to get a list of names of people who watched the information. They were then going to be targeted with a virus.
This is exactly what happened. The vaccines pushed on the people of the world were only toxic for people who had been identified as threats to Satanism.
The next phase of the plan, called Project Zyphir is scheduled for 2024 and 2025. It is the extermination. Goldberg says they are going to tag people for anti-semitic speech, charge them with crimes and eliminate them completely…What they are talking about now is power outages followed by a purge. They are going to come to you in a military vehicle and place you in a camp. It is a very, very big operation that they are planning. They will do it under the cover of night during one of these brown blackouts. They have a three-day blackout, they have a nationwide blackout that lasts two days and a lot of localized blackouts. They are going to blame it on Iran. They are planning this next year and the year after. They are not done tracking and identifying everyone.
Senior CIA sources confirm this saying: “It is mostly accurate [but] there is much more to this. Be careful how you use it as it raises red flags by those who control almost everything and are always watching.”
The recent removal and slaughter of the homeless people of San Francisco confirms this is real. Dr. Pierre Corey meanwhile says a Nazi-style purge of “undesirables” is already underway: “African American, Latino and the elderly are dying at higher rates than anyone else. It’s the most severe discrepancy I have seen in my medical career.”
Also, the House passed a resolution that says “anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” creating a “legal” justification for arresting anti-satanists.
Since American troops are unlikely to obey orders to kill their own citizens, this would explain all the undocumented military-aged foreign males getting paid salaries by the World Economic Forum.
According to Goldberg “Operation Warp Speed” Donald Trump “loved it” because they promised to declare him King of Israel. Trump’s speech writer Seven Miller has a big role in all of this, he says. We have also confirmed from the P3 freemasons that self declared top Satanist Leo Zagami is staying at Mar a Largo.
The white hats, for their part, have their own plan. According to them, Donald Trump the real one- is staying at the US military base in Mt. Cheyenne and that he is leading a white hat plan to arrest the Satanists. Here is what a US Secret Space Force officer had to say about the white hat plan.
High Alert
A Global Economic Meltdown
Bank of Japan Has Collapsed
Federal Reserve Has Collapsed
SoftBank Has Collapsed
World Bank Set To Collapse On Fri. 15 Dec.
Global Currency Reset in Motion
💢 Judy Note: On Fri. 15 Dec. 2023 because of the decline of the fiat US Dollar on which international trade rates were determined, the World Bank was set to close – bringing down the entire Global Financial World.
Twelve of the US’s largest banks have already sent notice to their credit card companies that they will no longer need their services as of Thurs. 14 Dec. Midnight.
On Thurs. 7 Dec. the Bank of Japan collapsed.
Banks were closing their branches all over the World.
Bank runs were rampant in Europe, although the Mainstream Media has yet to let Americans know about the Global Financial Crisis that surrounds them.
All personal bank accounts have been transferred to the BRICS Alliance gold/asset-backed Global Financial System on the new Star Link Satellite System, though it was not yet known when those accounts could be accessed.
It would be wise to have cash on hand during the transition period.
Trump was inaugurated US President in 2016 and has essentially never left office. Through a Military count of watermarked ballots in the 2020 Election it was found that Trump won in every state with an over 80% vote. While still in office President Trump had instigated the Insurrection Act [1807] and turned over control of the country to the US Military. An Interim Military US Government has been running our country ever since with Trump acting as Commander in Chief.
This was part of a Continuity of Government for the US known as the Devolution Plan – essential in order to investigate, charge, convict and execute those Political and Global Elite who have committed Treason against We The People.
Basic to use of the Devolution Plan was the takedown of the Chinese Communist Party, which had a long term plan to take over the US. Political Elites had been in collusion with the CPC in the fraudulent 2020 Election.
US Senator Dick Durbin said the reason for the invasion of Chinese military aged males illegally crossing our borders is to join the US Military for eventual US citizenship. They are receiving $5,000 Visa Gift Cards, a plane ticket to wherever they want to go and a cell phone funded by the Chinese Communist Party. This is a displacement invasion, to replace Americans in the US Military. Imagine the damage such people can do from within the US Military to the U.S.
According to the White Hat Intel, all wars have been started by a False Flag. Pearl Harbor in WW2, Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, 9/11 in Iraq, etc.
JFK warned US all. President John F. Kennedy spoke out against corruption in intelligence agencies, secret societies, and the military industrial complex. He refused to sign “Operation Northwoods”, the CIA false flag plan to start military conflict with Cuba (look it up). President Kennedy stood up against the machine, and paid the ultimate price for it. We need more leaders willing to fight corruption
On 9/11, Building 7 fell without anything hitting it. 9/11 happened and Building WTC 7 was destroyed to prevent NESARA GESARA.
What’s happening in Israel is to STOP GESARA.
The ‘Revaluation’ of all currencies is HERE. The fleeing Khazarians have lost control of the world financial system. ALL the major ‘Oil-Producing’ countries have joined BRICS+ & they are primarily Arab countries.
Thurs. 7 Dec. Mike Crist: Why the US Dollar has no value: https://x.com/mikecristo8/status/1732904491970961749?s=46&t=U6_XzJ0VbEFpOZku2j6yMg
The collapse is next week. The 12 biggest U.S. banks sent notice to their credit/debit card companies they no longer would use their services December 14th at midnight.
CBC says it’s broke again and laying off staff. This after they paid $99 million in bonuses to incompetent executives & Liberal talking heads. I’ll bet none of Trudeau’s favorite mouthpieces will be let go—they’ll get more bonuses.
The BRICS Alliance is composed of 150 nations that have gold/asset-backed currencies and has announced that 20 new countries have applied to join the Alliance in 2024.
Saudi Prince Meets With Putin To Discuss US Dollar: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-saudi-crown-prince-meets-with-putin-to-discuss-us-dollar#google_vignette
US Tsnami Warning for Vanuatu, New Caledonia Islands: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1843070/us-tsnami-warning-vanuatu-new-caledonia
White Hat Intel Thurs. 7 Dec.
Trump gave full power to the military and signed top secret CLASSIFIED military operations that FULLY ACTIVATED BLUESKY OPS. That’s why Cheyenne Mountain was closed off.
Trump will testify in Military Tribunals that the deep dark projects were hidden from him and he didn’t know of the man made Alien projects and the real UFOs/UAPs by the Pentagon or CIA. Trump will testify he didn’t know anything about Edglin Air Force base which houses underground UAPs or any of the other 16 major U.S. dark deep operational sites that host super advanced world changing technology.
These highly important operations of the EXPOSURE of cia/[ ds] military and military contractors as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Company, General Dynamics Corp etc ECT ECT etc etc. Is connected to super advanced technology and hidden technology that is directly connected to Infinite energy. Zero-point energy. Which is all connected to free energy, LEVITATION, and the complete restructuring of societies across the world.
This is reason the DEVOLUTION PLAN was activated by military and installed Trump.

💢 Tucker Carlson’s Opening Monologue About Alex Jones | Peter Novak

2:46 Alex Jones predictions, 15:07 Deplatforming, 21:59 Dividing us on race, 25:37 The border, 28:09 Austin, 32:12 New World Order, 42:09 Brian Stelter demon video, 50:57 Depopulation, 1:07:51 Food, 1:13:51 Whiskey, 1:16:22 Presidential election
BREAKING REPORT: Award winning senior journalist Greta Van Susteren warns American citizens, “DO NOT COME TO WASHINGTON DC until Mayor Bowser calls out the National Guard. It is dangerous.”

💢 BEHIND the SCENES: Storm Rider
I have been telling you this for a long time. Its happening. I also told you TRUMP placed MUSK as a military commander inside of UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS.
NOW YOU HAVE ALEX who confirmed Q The Storm Riders DROP that Elon Musk was placed by Trump and MUSK is Chief commander of USSF WITH TUCKER CARLSON RED PILLING THE NATION, as I have been giving you details that Melania Trump is communicating military COMMS with her dress colors as the BLUE- SKY / SKY-BLUE Operations in place and the connection to JFK and alliance operations. NOW Melania Trump is DROPping info intensionally for the world to follow TUCKER CARLSON. As she voiced her choice for Carlson to become the Vice president although Carlson WILL not be the vice president. It’s all military COMMS and ops to have the world take a look over to Tucker Carlson as he trended on the internet after Melanias comment.
THIS WAS ALL INTENSIONAL ⚠️… THE IDEA WAS TO GET FULL ATTENTION TO TUCKER CARLSON. Within a few hours of the Attention going to CARLSON he immediately interviewed ALEX JONES – Jones was the first person to EXPOSE the Bohemian Grove satanic Elite world gatherings return presidents, prime ministers AND the world’s most powerful in satanic rituals of child sacrifice to moloch God.
Why did MUSK publicly distance himself from Trump?
Why did Kash Patel and Trump, Ezra finance MUSK?
Why does MUSK publicly distance himself from Jones?
But why does MUSK allow the Tucker Carlson interview?
MUSK is powerful friends with ROGAN, ROGAN is powerful allies with JONES. And they are powerful friends of Tucker Carlson and all of them want to EXPOSE THE EPSTEIN SAGA. LIST. THE FULL HUMAN TRAFFICKING. MONEY LAUNDERING. CHILD SEX OPERATIONS. CIA. HOLLYWOOD. MOSSAD MI6. OPERATIONS
Why did Melania Trump guide everyone to Tucker Carlson hours before the Alex Jones interview?
What’s going on?
I told in 2021 that White hats+ TRUMP+ USSF was making a TRUTH MOVEMENT. A COMMUNITY, A NETWORK
I had told you long before MSM or Patriots knew that MUSK was going to acquire Twitter ( now X is one of the most powerful platforms in the world giving TRUTH on vaccine deaths and the PLANDEMIC. World corruption. The inside news of Congressional hearings that is storing the information into U.S. Congressional records and Archives. Court Doc
US President, Pope, King of England and Emperor of Japan all about to Fall
The world is undergoing the biggest changes in centuries if not millennia. When the dust settles, the US President, the Pope, the King of England and the Emperor of Japan are all likely to be removed. Also, the last of the Satanists will be hunted down and brought to justice and their remaining Swiss, Israeli and US fortresses will suffer a Masada-like fall. This is what senior Asian secret society sources predict.
The signs of this are everywhere. Last week for example saw leaders from nearly 200 countries and around 100,000 delegates gather in Dubai for COP 28 with begging cups in their hands. EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen tweeted “In climate finance, we have to move from billions to trillions.” King Charles demanded that taxpayers around the globe cough up $5 trillion every year in order to advance the globalist “Net Zero” agenda.
Their attempts to grab “green” money from Western countries has already led Canada’s Alberta Province to openly revolt against the Castrudeau KM proxy government.
All the “green” money they managed to get was about $500 million, or 1/200th of the $100 billion pledged during China’s October Belt and Road party.
This too was far from the trillions of dollars expected by many.
This is because before she was killed, Queen Elizabeth reached an agreement with Asian secret societies that instead of the fraudulent “carbon causes global warming,” humanity’s goal would be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Ballistic missiles fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck three commercial ships Sunday in the Red Sea, while a U.S. warship shot down three drones in self-defense during the hourslong assault, the U.S. military said. The Iranian-backed Houthis claimed two of the attacks.
The strikes marked an escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war, as multiple vessels found themselves in the crosshairs of a single Houthi assault for the first time in the conflict. The U.S. vowed to “consider all appropriate responses” in the wake of the attack, specifically calling out Iran, after tensions have been high for years now over Tehran’s rapidly advancing nuclear program.
“These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security,” the U.S. military’s Central Command said in a statement. “They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world.”
It added: “We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran.”
Recent developments:
- The attack potentially marks a major escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war
- The British military also reported an explosion off the coast of Yemen in the key Bab el-Mandeb Strait
- Last week, the U.S. military said a U.S. Navy warship sailing near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait shot down a drone launched from Yemen
- Before that, a container ship owned by an Israeli billionaire came under attack by a suspected Iranian drone in the Indian Ocean
Israel-Hamas war today:
- In Gaza, Israel has ordered more evacuations in and around Gaza’s second-largest city of Khan Younis. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip said they were running out of places to go in the sealed-off territory that borders Israel and Egypt
The attack began around 9:15 a.m. local time (0615 GMT) in Houthi-controlled Sanaa, Yemen’s capital, Central Command said.
The USS Carney, a Navy destroyer, detected a ballistic missile fired from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen at the Bahamas-flagged bulk carrier Unity Explorer. The missile hit near the ship, the U.S. said. Shortly afterward, the Carney shot down a drone headed its way, although it’s not clear if the destroyer was the target, Central Command said.
About 30 minutes later, the Unity Explorer was hit by a missile. While responding to its distress call, the Carney shot down another incoming drone. Central Command said the Unity Explorer sustained minor damage from the missile.
Two other commercial ships, the Panamanian-flagged bulk carriers Number 9 and Sophie II, were both struck by missiles. The Number 9 reported some damage but no casualties, and the Sophie II reported no significant damage, Central Command said.
While sailing to assist the Sophie II around 4:30 p.m. local time (1330 GMT), the Carney shot down another drone heading in its direction. The drones did no damage.
The Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, has shot down multiple rockets the Houthis have fired toward Israel during that nation’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. It hasn’t been damaged in any of the incidents and no injuries have been reported on board. The Defense Department initially described the assault as simply an attack on the Carney before providing more details.
Houthi military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree claimed two of Sunday’s attacks, saying the first vessel was hit by a missile and the second by a drone while in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which links the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. Saree did not mention any U.S. warship being involved.
“The Yemeni armed forces continue to prevent Israeli ships from navigating the Red Sea (and Gulf of Aden) until the Israeli aggression against our steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip stops,” Saree said. “The Yemeni armed forces renew their warning to all Israeli ships or those associated with Israelis that they will become a legitimate target if they violate what is stated in this statement.”
Saree also identified the first vessel as the Unity Explorer, which is owned by a British firm that includes Dan David Ungar, who lives in Israel, as one of its officers. The Number 9 is linked to Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement.
The Sophie II’s owner, Kyowa Kisen of Imabari, Japan, told The Associated Press that the ship’s crew were safe and the vessel did not sustain serious damage. Managers for the two other ships could not be immediately reached for comment.
Israeli media identified Ungar as being the son of Israeli shipping billionaire Abraham “Rami” Ungar.
Peter Novak News & Updates
As predicted. I told you the US would be at war by Dec 19, and that the trigger would arrive Dec 2-3.
Commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, US warship downs 3 drones
Pope Francis celebrates his birthday in two weeks. It will be his last one.
Disney has been losing money left and right ever since Covid and since their vowed to DIE (diversity inclusion and equity). This was Disney’s Hail Mary pass. EPIC FAIL.
JUST IN – Republican Senators ask Biden admin to “immediately restrict travel” between the U.S. and China over “mysterious illness.”
U.S. Ports Traffic Cleared-out; NO Ships waiting – NO Freight Moving – NO Goods Coming in
I received the following from a Reader/Subscriber to this website, who has contacts in the Ocean Freight Business. He says, “If you need anything, you’d better get it now” – It seems NO FREIGHT is coming into the country!
At Covid peak there were up to 80 container ships at anchor off of Long Beach and Los Angeles ports now there are none. I spoke with a gentleman that use to own a freight forwarding company and is still involved in freight forwarding. He stated that in his 30 years plus that he has never seen anything like this and if you need anything you better buy it now.

The Whites Hats are publicly putting Obama on the center stage for 2024 and and his life corruption and AGENDAS connected to ALL DEEP STATE OPERATIONS
TUCKER Carlson coming after Obama as being gay is a very important operation that WILL discredit the OBAMA’S for their next presidential big run
but the EXPOSURE of Obama as a gay President WILL lead to DC Elites and EXPOSURE of the intensional WOKE movement involving the United States military and the chain of commands and operations targeting children,/ intentionally weakling the military on[ ds] military operations connected to CCP infiltration
The Obama hidden gay agenda WILL be uncovered as the world watches and a clear
Gay militarized operations took place to control the media and place prominent positions through Hollywood, media, courts
Banking sectors, the u.s. education systems to indoctrinate the children into being sexualized at a very young age ( placing planned agendas on children’s sexuality and orientation/sexual genders is pedophilia)
The Obama EXPOSURE WILL COINCIDE with the EXPOSURE of the Biden laptop which Congress will push into light and connect world banks to Biden family. These same banks will connect JP Morgan and other world banks to pedophilia and their association with EPSTEIN PEDOPHILIA RING AND BLACKMAIL WORLD NETWORKS RINGS. HUMAN TRAFFICKING RINGS
THE EXPOSURE OF OBAMA IS VITAL and connects deep state MILITARY OPERATIONS protecting pedophilia rings
Deep State mil intel. Agencies protect ELITE PEDOPHILIA RINGS due to their own involvement in the human trafficking/ child/ sex trafficking trade EPSTEIN WAS CREATED BY MOSSAD/ FINANCED BY MI6/cia/Rothschild , Rockefellers etc ect AND KEPT HIS MONEY IN CIA OPERATIONAL BANKS AS JP MORGAN AND OTHER WORLD BANKS AS DEUTSCHBANK in Germany and much much much much more.
The Exposure of Obama as gay and pushing a military WOKE movement and government aid and financing into Gay Agenda movements through several U.S corporations that were intentionally pushed on children/military and created a 4rth generations warfare between civilians is all connected to TREASON/ PEDOPHILIA/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/ UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE ORDERS pertaining to Foreign interference in ELECTIONS ( tens of Thousands of Government officials . Military personal and people of influence were blackmailed through Gay agenda operations that targeted their computers , phones, Email etc.”‘ X”” > ( the PATRIOT ACT in the 2000’s gave the cia and [ ds] the power to install fake pedophilia blackmail operations programs on millions of U.S. (EU.> world) citizens computers and phones. And they were blackmailed into complying with the oppositional deep state forces……. this was
A large part of 911 inside CIA job to create the Patriot act and take control of deep state U.S. interest
ADRENOCHROME crime syndicate operations and how social media Giants. MSM. Elites / politicians / tv personalities as jimmy Kimmel all covered up for the CRIMES OF CENTURY. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL WORKED IN UNISON IN A CIA. GUILDED MILITARY COUP AGAINST DONALD J. TRUMP AND SEVERAL COUNTRIES AND NATIONS ACROSS THE WORLD
PATRIOTS; the world is testing EBS through countries and all is Preparing for EVENTS ( they will tell you the EBS is for other reasons or blame Putin or Patriots or something other for coming blackouts…
But remember GAME THEORY OPERATIONS ARE IN PLACE, it’s very important the coming EVENTS that are going to happen.
Including massive protest. Riots against the new pandemic/ vaccines/ lockdowns.
[/accordion] [accordion title=’Updates November 16th – 30th, 2023′]The Khazarian Mafia Wants To Surrender, Asks For Amnesty
The alliance has responded with the following demands:
- A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
- The wealth of the world -stolen by creating money out of nothing and charging “interest” on it- must be returned to the people.
- The post-war Western-led institutions like the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, etc. must be replaced by something that actually serves the people of the planet.
- All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
- A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
- Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
- The true hidden history of the planet must be disclosed to the people on all the major media.
As far as the amnesty is concerned, the alliance itself will not take any aggressive actions against the KM. However, the various legal actions against them for massive crimes against humanity, such as mass murder by vaccine, will proceed in accordance with the law.
The next step will be meetings in person between representatives of the alliance and those of the Illuminati council. This will take time as travel arrangements etc. need to be made.
The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,
Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.
The KM is also trying to cut a deal because there is a group apparently planning to shut down the entire digital banking system. They claim to represent the US Treasury Department but say they are not connected to supposed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the fake “President” Joe Biden.
This group is currently buying up, or trying to buy up all the physical dollars being held in mostly Asian warehouses.
As background whenever the US runs a trade deficit, the equivalent amount of dollars is physically delivered to or printed in that country.
Since the US has run a total trade deficit of 12.143 trillion dollars since 2000, that means a lot of cash dollars are sitting shrink-wrapped in warehouses. This is what a trillion dollars looks like.
💢 There is also Financial Warfare Taking Place Against the US Corporation
The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack.
A ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted some trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.
Canadian intelligence agency says what really happened was:
“The Fed put out a $24 TRILLION bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- NO ONE BOUGHT EVEN A PENNY. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 TRILLION BUT NOT IN US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs; THEY ARE FINISHED”
These battles are taking place in the run-up to the summit meeting between “President” Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on November 15th. Our sources tell us “Biden” (the Rockefellers) will try to appease Xi by offering the State of California to China.
However, the Chinese have made it clear the US has to “let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.”
The Chinese foreign ministry notes “the United States has fought or been militarily involved with almost all the 190-odd countries recognized by the United Nations .
One of the worst war criminals in history. Organized child trafficking in Ukraine “spans the entire spectrum from getting a new family somewhere in Western Europe, without the consent or even knowledge of the biological parents, to sex-trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia and how these children are murdered and, among other things, their hearts, kidneys and livers, are sold on an international black market for organ trafficking,” Polish intelligence reports.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirms noting “representatives of a health ministry in a NATO country struck a deal with some ‘private businessmen’ who were assisted by Ukraine’s Health Ministry and Presidential Office to deliver a refrigerated train car full of human organs and body parts.”
No wonder the so-called King Charles III of England has been deposed, according to MI6 ( white hats)after making a speech claiming among other things:
This will be shut down soon. General Valerii Zaluzhny, commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, launched a military coup in Ukraine. “Understand, there were fifty million of us, now there are less than twenty of us left. If we don’t stop Zelensky, then he will send all Ukrainians to slaughter…I order all military personnel to immediately leave the combat zone and take power in the cities under the control of the military.”
No wonder the KM-controlled Biden show is distancing itself from this. The Washington Post has published a report accusing Ukraine of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline. “It looks like Zelensky and his officials are being tossed under the bus. Interesting that this comes out now,” a Mossad official comments.
Germany, meanwhile, is making moves to take over not just Ukraine but Poland and Latvia as well. Germany’s former ambassador to Warsaw, Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, suggested in a German newspaper that German troops should be stationed in Poland permanently.
The European Union is seeking to introduce a “German plan” that would result in “the annihilation of the Polish state”, Jarosław Kaczyński, the chairman of Poland’s ruling party, warns.
“A ‘Defense Union’ is also to be established, which will be able to use Polish armed forces without the consent of the government in Warsaw,” warns Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture. “The European treaties do not contain a definition of the rule of law,” he adds.
For the coming days ahead; Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.
Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.
Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?
Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech?
When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech?
What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash?
At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?
What about voting machines?
Who owns the voting machines?
What about voter ID laws?
Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.
Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?
What does ‘red line’ mean?
Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?
What strings were immediately cut?
Follow the money.
When does a bird sing?
Source DW
1) They lied to u about Russia Collusion
2) They lied to u about the Ukraine War
3) They lied to u about the Ukraine Biolabs
4) They lied to u about Cov-i-d 19 Plandemic
5) They lied to u about Lockdowns
6) They lied to u about Useless Facemasks
7) They lied to u about Vaxxeens
8- They lied to u about Ivermectin
9) They lied to u about Hydroxychloroquine
10) They lied to u about Twitter Censorship
11) They lied to u about the Fake Steele Dossier
12) They lied to u about the 2020 Ele-ct-io-n
13) They lied to u about the 2022 Midterms
14) They lied to u about Hunter’s Laptop
15) They lied to u about Hillary’s Emails
16) They lied to u about the FBI/CIA spying on your social media
17) They lied to u about Fast & Furious
18) They lied to u about Election Interference
19) They lied to u about 9/11
20) They lied to u about Saddam & Iraq having WMDs
21) They lied to u about PizzaGate
22) They lied to u about Child S-e-x Trafficking
23) They lied to u about Epstein S-e-x Island
24) They lied to u about The Patriot Act
25) They lied to u about The Global War on Terror
26) They lied to u about The Southern Border
27) They lied to u about Jan. 6th
28) They lied to u about Vietnam
29) They lied to u about Watergate
30) They lied to u about JFK
31) They lied to u about RFK
32) They lied to u about MLK, Jr.
33) They lied to u about Benghazi
34) They lied to u about Afghanistan
35) They lied to u about The War on Drugs
36) They lied to u about HIV/AIDS
37) They lied to u about Cancer
38) They lied to u about Climate Change
39) They lied to u about The Green New Deal
40) They lied to u about Food, Water, Cleaning Products
41) They lied to u about The Federal Reserve
42) They lied to u about The Washington Act of 1871 where Congress cut a deal w/foreign powers and intl. bankers and took the $ making 10 sq. miles of DC sovereign and changed us from the Republic FOR The United States of America to the United States Corporation where we’re all “citizens” w/privileges instead of rights given by God!
43) They lied to u about Mass Shootings
44) They lied to u about The Great Reset
45) They lied to u about Agenda 21
46) They lied to u about Agenda 2030
47) They lied to u about the Anthony Weiner Laptop
48) They lied to u about Wikileaks and Julian Assange
49) They lied to u about Waco
50) They lied to u about Ruby Ridge
51) They lied to u about Nashville
52) They lied to u about Las Vegas
53) They lied to u about Hollywood
54) They lied to u about the OKC Bombing
55) They lied to u about Andrew Breitbart’s Death
56) They lied to u about Gold
57) They lied to u about Michael Obama
58) They lied to u about Obama’s kids
59) They lied to u about Margaret Sanger
60) They lied to u about Joan Rivers’ Death
61) They lied to u about Haiti
62) They lied to u about Hunter’s Cocaine
63) They lied to u about Investing on Wall St.
64) They lied to u about Chinese Spy Balloons
65) They lied to u about 15min. Cities
66) They lied to u about Feminism
67) They lied to u about Antarctica
68) They lied to u about Freemasons
69) They lied to u about Operation Mockingbird
70) They lied to u about MK Ultra
71) They lied to u about Chemtrails
72) They lied to u about the Earth, Roswell, NASA, Outer Space, Moon Landing??
Source; DW
💢 Peter Novak Post; Week of November 20 – 27th, 2023

Satan Has Been Defeated and Now His Minions Are Being Rounded Up
Something fundamental has happened at the highest levels of world power. Satan -as in an ancient cult of human slavers- has been defeated and now a mopping-up operation is underway. The signs are everywhere. First, though, let us look at what has been defeated.
When Asian secret societies first approached me in 2006 they gave me the following hand-drawn chart of their power structure (sorry about the coffee stains).
At the top is the star of Satan (misleadingly called the Star of David) and directly underneath you find Switzerland and the Federal Reserve Board. The Babylonian god-king at the top of this structure was David Rockefeller. Under his direct control, you see Japan, Mexico, Canada, Africa, America, Iran, Greece, England, Russia and Mongolia.
On the left side, you see Queen Elizabeth and the European Commission (now the EU). Beneath her, you find the City of London and something called properties (presumably Crown land including most of Australia and Canada). On the right, you see France and hanging next to it the Fortune 500.
What you do not find under their control is Germany (then headed by Fuhrer George Bush Sr.). You also do not find the Middle Eastern Monarchies like Saudi Arabia, China, ASEAN and South America under their control.
Ok, so now let us zoom forward to 2023 and see what has happened. England under Queen Elizabeth split off, hence Brexit. Since her consort Philip was the monarch of Denmark and Greece, they also split off. Even though Elizabeth was murdered, England, Ireland and Scotland are now under the control of someone loyal to her spirit. It is not the fake King Charles III. This individual says he will make a public appearance in the New Year.
France has also split off. It is now under the control of Pierre De Gaulle, the grandson of Charles De Gaulle. At the Saint Petersburg Forum, De Gaulle raised the possibility of France joining the BRICS. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if France presented its candidacy, he would consider it.https://www.voltairenet.org/article220008.html
Russia, of course, also split off when Czarists loyal to the Orthodox Church killed 200 Satanist oligarchs and exiled many others before placing the Avatar Vladimir Putin in charge.
Africa has also split off, which is why almost nobody submitted to vaccinations on that continent. The Russians have been providing military support for newly independent African countries. The Chinese have provided economic support. The British Commonwealth African countries are also independent.
Next, let us look at Germany. After George Bush Sr. and most of his family were executed for treason, the new Fuhrer became, according to the elders of the Black Sun Organization, Elon Musk. Donald Trump (the real one, not the fake one), is allied with this group.
Japan and the Korean Peninsula are now a battleground with the Rockefeller clan fighting (and losing) a rear-guard action to stay in control.
So, that leaves David Rockefeller Jr. an inheritance that now consists of the United States Corporation under the fake President Joe Biden, Canada under Castrudeau and many of the Fortune 500 companies. His politburo is the Swiss-based Octagon group. Politburo member Klaus Schwab Rothschild may have been trying to oust Jr. with his “great reset” plan. He failed.
In other words, much of the news events of the past several years can be seen as the Rockefeller clan fighting to stay in power. This is why the first thing they did when they stole the 2020 election was cancel the Keystone pipeline to stop the US from buying non-Rockefeller oil from Canada. They also blew up the Nordstream II pipeline in order to force the Europeans to buy Rockefeller oil and gas at twice the Russian price.
Now it turns out one of the big reasons for the ongoing genocide in Gaza is to secure the huge gas reserves found there. The map above illustrates this.
Nonetheless, despite impoverishing the Americans and Europeans to stay in power, the Rockefellers are still facing bankruptcy.
Signs That Complete Economic Collapse Is Underway: Interest On U.S. Debt Tops $1 Trillion, Credit Rating Downgraded To Negative, And Banks Suddenly Closing Accounts For No Reason
By Susan Duclos – All News Pipeline
While the media continues to blow smoke up our collective behinds, telling us we are financially better off, as millions of Americans are maxxing out their credit cards just to survive the price of food along with their rent/mortgage and utilities, signs of economic collapse are all around us.
Here is an example of the media spin on behalf of the Biden regime, from Washington Post from two days ago:
There’s an economic mystery confounding the White House: Most Americans are financially better off than they were before the coronavirus pandemic, but they feel worse about their economic prospects.
Do you feel financially better off? Do you have more money in the bank now than you did before the Covid hysteria hit?
Here is key quote that would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. “That disconnect between a booming economy and how Americans feel about it appears to be widening at a critical time ahead of next year’s presidential election. It is also shaping up to be a key liability for the White House, even as its policies are bolstering job creation and business investments.”
In other words Ladies and Gentlemen, your eyes, wallets, and bank accounts are lying to you, you are doing great, so get on board you peons!
One of the most egregious, or maybe a better word would be audacious, arguments, is that inflation is lower now than last month, and last month is was lower than the month before, so everyone should be celebrating, despite the fact that prices have not gone down, and paychecks have not risen near as much as the prices have.
The puff piece, like so many others from the MSM attempting to protect Biden from his own failed policies, completely ignores that 86% of Americans admit they are worse off under Biden.
Joe Biden’s response, or to be more accurate, what his handlers tell him to say is Reelect me, “Let’s Finish This Job.”
Before moving on to the obvious signs of the American economy starting to collapse, a paragraph from the piece linked above.
It took a few years for people to admit the truth – life in America has drastically downgraded under Biden. Inflation has surged to 40-year highs under Biden. The US trade deficit has increased by 24.6%. Public debt has increased 22.5% as most Americans rely on credit for basic necessities. Home prices have increased well over 30%, gas prices have doubled, and the CPI in general spiked 17.1% in Biden’s first 32 months in office. I do not believe the inflation statistics produced by government agencies for a moment. Simply look around and you can see that we pay more for absolutely everything.
Another Biden regime term would “finish this job” of destroying America from within, and that is if the economy doesn’t fully collapse before the 2024 presidential election.
Aside from the fact that food prices are about 20% higher today than they were under President Trump, there are some very ominous patterns being seen when one takes a few steps back and looks at the larger picture.
We’ll start with something that was cited above, how Americans are using credit for basic necessities, which for the first time ever has created credit card debt that has topped $1 trillion.
For the first time, the total amount of credit card debt in the United States has topped $1 trillion. Experts say the high prices have caused many to rely on the cards to make ends meet, and the Fed’s interest hikes have pushed average rates above a record 20%.
According to another report, this number represents a 5% surge in just the third quarter of 2023. The is has caused an increasing number of credit card users to fall behind on their payments. This surge of debt and the inability of many Americans to pay their debt comes from the increased use of Americans’ saving accounts due to high prices for food and just about everything else.
Another sign that the Biden economy is not “booming” as the MSM claims it is, comes from Moody’s Investors Services, which las lowered America’s credit rating from “stable” to “negative” now, as the “deficit jumped from $1.38 trillion to $1.7 trillion in the budget year that ended Sept. 30. ” They also blame political polarization, along with ineffective “fiscal policy measures to reduce government spending or increase revenues.”
Related: Gold Rises as the US Dollar Weakens After Inflation Report
America is now paying $1 trillion in interest on U.S. debt. That makes our interest on our debt the largest item in the U.S. budget, topping even defense spending.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury manages the national debt by splitting it into two different types: debt that one government agency owes to another and debt that is held by the public.
Intragovernmental debt accounts for about $6.8 trillion of the national debt, the CRFB reported in September when the debt crossed the $33 trillion mark.
The much bigger piece of the debt is held by the public, around $26.2 trillion.
So, the Biden regime spends, spends, and then spends more on their policies, and the amount of debt held by the public, who had no say in what Biden spent and is still spending, is four times the amount of the Intragovernmental debt.
The debt is held in Treasury securities, bills and bonds, mostly owned by foreign governments, banks and private investors, state and local governments, and the Federal Reserve. The biggest holders of American’s debt are foreign governments and private investors.
We are seeing quite a bit of banking news lately. From customers not being able to access their direct deposit funds due to delays, to multiple megabanks showing issues on Down Detector, which keeps tracks of complaints about websites being down. In a SQ note on November 6, 2023, Steve Quayle warns readers to move your banking to a regional bank where your fund will be safer.
On November 5, 2023, the New York Times reported that banks are “suddenly” and without notice or cause, just closing down Americans’ bank accounts.
Bank customers get a letter in the mail saying their institution is closing all of their checking and savings accounts. Their debit and credit cards are shuttered, too. The explanation, if there is one, usually lacks any useful detail.
Or maybe the customers don’t see the letter, or never get one at all. Instead, they discover that their accounts no longer work while they’re at the grocery store, rental car counter or ATM. When they call their bank, frantic, representatives show concern at first. “Oh, no, so sorry,” they say. “We’ll do whatever we can to fix this.”
But then comes the telltale pause and shift in tone. “Per your account agreement, we can close your account for any reason at any time,” the script often goes.
The consequences for the customer are far reaching. For example, sometimes it takes weeks for the banks to send the funds from the account to the customers.
Imagine you have money in the back, to pay your bills or just withdraw some funds, and you cannot access it because the bank arbitrarily closed your account. bills cannot be paid and in some cases their bank credit cards are closed along with their accounts, which in turn harms their credit score.
When a bank closes an account of a small business, they can’t make payroll, leaving employees without a paycheck for their bills and food. Those same businesses suddenly cannot pay their vendors until their funds are released.
The banks of course have a number of different excuses, but the fact remains this is something that is happening in large numbers, which is new and a sign of banking issues that have not corrected themselves since the failure of Silicon Valley Bank.
The MSM continues to claim the economy is booming, telling America they have more in the back now than they did before Biden started occupying the White House.
Don’t believe them. Don’t believe us either when we say the economy stinks.
Believe your eyes. Look at what you spend on food and basic necessities. Look at whether you have more or less in your checking and saving accounts. Look at whether you are able to eat as well as you did before Biden.
The economy is collapsing. It is not a matter of “if” it will crash, but a matter of when, and the signs we are seeing are indicative of it happening sooner rather than later.

Clif High Updates | New Planetary Revalations

Update & Review: Peter Novak, November 18th, 2023
We’ve all seen scenes in action movies where a fighter jet will release tons of flares to distract and confuse an attacking enemy. The Deep State is doing the exact same thing to us right now.
On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson released the January 6th tapes, PROVING to one and all that there was NO INSURRECTION that day. The very next day, our news headlines were full of all sorts of amazing stories:
· Oh look, the news told us yesterday that Biden is invoking WARTIME POWERS!
· Oh look, the news told us yesterday that they have CURED CANCER!
· Oh look, the news told us yesterday that SPACE ALIENS ARE REAL!
· Oh look, the news told us yesterday that they have INVENTED LEVITATION!
· Oh look, the news told us yesterday that they are TAKING DOWN TWITTER!
The more they squirm like this, the more we know we’ve got them right where we want them.
I warned about the November 16th aspects in the US Liberty Chart: a P3 Moon/Node conjunction, a P3 Moon/Pluto conjunction, and a P3 Moon/Saturn square. I predicted that this would be a terrible day for the nation. Let’s start with What did NOT happen. There were no major terrorist attacks, no military attacks, no mass shootings, and no terrible accidents or natural disasters. What DID happen? As is often the case with major aspects, there were a number of manifestations.
· There were a number of illegal, violent, and destructive political riots in Washington DC on the 16th, injuring several law enforcement officers.
· The DOJ announced on the 16th that they are refusing to prosecute Joe Biden for the same document crimes that they are trying to throw Trump in prison for doing.
· WeWork went bankrupt, a $47 billion-dollar financial collapse that will severely afflict America’s Regional Banking System.
· Biden looked deathly sick at the San Francisco Xi meeting on the 16″, and Secretary of State Blinken looked scared half to death.
· Israel dropped bombs on Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon, greatly widening the Middle East War in a single day.
· Russia announced yesterday that the BRICS global dedollarization campaign has officially begun.
· The US Military is so desperate for new recruits for the coming war that they overturned Biden’s vaccine mandate yesterday, inviting all the soldiers they fired to come back to work.
· The US House and Senate watched a private 45-minute video compilation of Hamas recordings from October 7th.
I do not think that any of the above were the primary manifestation of this aspect cluster.
Instead, I expect that in the days to come, we will eventually learn about something else ‘breaking’ on/around Nov. 16 that will seem disastrous for America. Probably whatever this is, Blinken knew about it, and that is what we saw on his face yesterday.
This current societal push for multiculturalism and inclusionism is a function of Neptune in Pisces. It effectively disappears when Neptune enters Aries in 2025-26. Until then, with Neptune in the last degrees of Pisces, we get to see the effects and consequences of multiculturalism and inclusionism being taken too far and too extreme.
“November 16-23 is going to be one hell of a week for the US.”
UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Poland and Ukraine may cease to exist as KM defeated
The geopolitical situation is in the middle of a collapse of the USASR-type situation. This will lead to many countries disappearing from the map in their current form. Countries likely to disappear include Israel, the United States, Ukraine and Poland. This comes as Rockefeller stooge president Joe Biden is set to sign surrender documents in San Francisco this week to the greater planetary liberation alliance, Western White hat and Asian secret society sources say.
What is happening is that a centuries-old Satanic plan to use three world wars to turn the planet into a giant slave plantation has ended in failure. The Khazarian Mafia hoped to use this plan to rule the world from Israel and greater Khazaria (Ukraine+Khazakhstan etc.). Instead, as we shall see below, the KM have been decisively defeated in the Ukraine and will soon be in Israel.
“Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose on the geopolitical chessboard…our current path…means that our global order is dead on its’ feet,” admits Nathaniel Rothschild who has taken over the KM now that much of the Octagon group has been neutralized.
The defeat of this plan means many borders may return to a situation similar to what existed before the KM engineered World War I, the sources say.
In other words, Germany will return to something of its’ First Reich borders, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may re-emerge as a republic and the Turkish Ottoman Empire may once again turn Judea (misleadingly called Palestine or Israel) into a protectorate. Needless the say the rights and autonomy of the Poles, Jews and Judeans (“Palestinians”), etc. would be protected under such a scenario.
However, the changes may be more far-reaching than that because the satanic UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is set to be dismantled as a result of the victory of the American people in their second revolution. The Republic of the United States of North America is likely to emerge as a replacement for the corporation when all the dust settles.
This may all sound far-fetched but facts in the real world make this the most likely scenario.
Let us start with the situation surrounding IS (ISIS the moon goddess) RA (the Egyptian sun god) EL (the creator).
The Jews know their own government attacked them to justify war in the Gaza Strip. A leaked video from the Israeli Air Force shows that it was the Israeli Apache helicopters that bombed its citizens during the “Delirium” festival on October 7, not Hamas!
Also, now even Jewish holocaust survivors are getting arrested for antisemitism [anti-satanism].
No wonder Haaretz, a major mainstream Israeli Newspaper said:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is meant to be leading the country, is a haunted politician facing the end of his career, with the present troubles compounding the serious criminal entanglement into which he maneuvered himself with his own hands. Netanyahu does not enjoy the public’s confidence, and most of his efforts are invested in his personal survival.
Last week leaders of all the Muslim countries gathered in response to the Satanic massacre of Judeans in Gaza ordered by the Satanist Netanyahu.
At the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) in Saudi Arabia last weekend a consensus was reached to end Israeli mischief once and for all. The IOC countries agreed they would not be fooled by the KM into starting World War III. Instead, they will follow the playbook of the neighbors of the original Khazaria.
The IOC will issue an ultimatum to Israel and its’ KM overlords to stop their criminal and anti-social behavior around the world. They will threaten to attack Israel with an army of over 5 million that outnumbers them by 10 to 1 unless they arrest the war criminals in their government and subject themselves to Turkish guardianship.
This is why Tass reports Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a “global initiative” to resolve the Gaza crisis.
Also, look at how Rockefeller slave Anthony Blinken gets the cold shoulder in Turkey as he tries to forestall this move. The current US regime has no credibility in the region.
Furthermore, any nuclear blackmail attempt by the Israelis will be countered by Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.
The Chinese and Russians also support such a plan.
No matter what though, this is not going to turn into the KM’s long-planned Gog (the G7) versus Magog (The SCO) all-out nuclear war scenario to kill 90% of humanity. The US, Chinese and Russian militaries will not go along. The US military is no longer under the control of the KM, Pentagon sources explain. Even if compromised leaders try to order such a scenario, 72% of Americans say they will not support their armed forces in the event of a major war. The military rank and file is with the American people and not the KM.
Take a look at how CNN tries to suppress real US military views by cutting off this soldier.
In any case, we are getting reports the US mainland itself is now under attack, meaning no troops would be available to fight in the Middle East. The most dramatic evidence of this is coming from Los Angeles. “Every night around 2 AM US military troops are arriving by truck along the main boulevards of Long Beach California. The troops are going underground and loud explosions that are not earthquakes are being heard. When I asked a soldier at the cafeteria of the port facility who they were fighting he said they were fighting
Mexican Narcos and Chinese troops,” a logistics officer at the Long Beach port facility told highly respected Jim Willie of the Hat Trick Newsletter.
The fighting is centered around the Getty Museum cage center, Willie says.
We also got confirmation from a senior Mexican cartel official that revenge for the Directed Energy Weapon attack on Acapulco was under way. “Chinese troops have landed there,” he says adding “I envisage an attack on Las Vegas in the form of a tragedy.” The cartels vow there will be a “Reconquista” of the parts of Mexico taken from them in the Mexican-American war.
These reports are partially confirmed by massive mysterious fires breaking out in Los Angeles.
Also “a rare magnitude 5.2 earthquake” hit Mentone, Texas near the Mexican border last week. A shallow depth of 4.34 miles, according to the USGS means “this was a DUMB taken out for sure,” according to a CIA official.
Other sources implicate the KM in all this saying At least a million, possibly two million terrorists are already here from Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, etc., etc., and they are extremely well funded and get this, the Biden Administration working with the UN has given them debit cards that are reloaded every month.” The KM most likely hopes to use these fifth columnists to defend themselves from the American people.
Judy Byington Note: In order for the GCR to take place the US Dollar and banks must fail. There were numerous reports that since last Friday major banks were not allowing people to have access to their recent deposits.
In addition to banks that were failing, the Internet may shut down while we switch to the new Starlink Satellite System. Massive flooding in China may soon set off a major Event and Biden was set to go down, either by his 420 criminal indictments, 2020 Election Fraud, or simply because of the Military Alliance’s dissolution of the bankrupt US Inc. which they began seven years ago and was finally coming to a Head.
Solar superstorm may shut down internet for months, scientist warns – Insider Paper
Mon. 13 Nov. Massive Flooding in China. Should we, as Q said, Watch the Water? https://beforeitsnews.com/china/2023/11/china-submerged-dramatic-footage-of-massive-flooding-must-video-2461164.html Destroyed in seconds: Footage of destruction in China when Three Gorges Dam overflows – YouTube
Mon. 13 Nov. Med Beds: The Much-anticipated Med Beds Have Made their Debut in Germany, and Canada is Next in Line to Witness this Medical Revolution. . . – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
Mon. 13 Nov. BRICS is now composed of 11 countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Argentina, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia.
Mon. 13 Nov. Charlie Ward: “Banks are failing. Your money is not safe in a bank. If the banks don’t have money they can legally use yours. Invest in gold.”
Congress people have recently reported that their own and staff members emails were being blocked by Microsoft email servers using Artificial Intelligence. U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz/U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene notified about cover up/blocking of Sentencing Letter for Owen Shroyer January 6 (J6) criminal case. Microsoft blocking emails to U.S. Congress. Has… | Police State | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
They are preparing you to face Internet Shutdown – in order to bring up the new Star Link Satellite System secured, transparent, non censored Internet:
Solar Super Storm May Take Down Internet: https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1724112840423018599?t=ASvIlSmXI8iIIQ9WKSab7A&s=19
BRICS Nations to Ditch Internet, Create Own: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-to-ditch-us-internet-service-create-new-alternative
Central Banks were shutting down — bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve are shutting down — U.S. Corporation was bankrupt. Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/ Gesara are here.
SEN. TED CRUZ: It is “abundantly clear” that the Justice Department is doing all it can to impede the investigation into Hunter Biden, but “more significantly” into President Joe Biden.
Sat. 11 Nov. A SPECIAL REPORT: COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDON – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
“This war to dissolve US Inc. started seven years ago.” …President Trump https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/11/new-charlie-ward-derek-johnson-david-mahoney-via-the-insiders-club-november-13th-2023-2546794.html
Global Financial Crisis:
“BRICS is a huge success. They are paying for goods in their gold/asset-backed digital currency. It’s a collapse of the fiat US Dollar.” …Charlie Ward
Mon. 13 Nov. US Inc. and US Treasury Were Bankrupt: https://beforeitsnews.com/economics-and-politics/2023/11/the-u-s-treasury-is-bankrupt-the-u-s-government-is-bankrupt-america-is-bankrupt-greg-mannarino-2531493.html
Mon. 13 Nov. “Banks are failing. Your money is not safe in the bank. If the banks don’t have money they can legally use yours. They set it up that way. Invest in gold.” …Charlie Ward
Mon. 13 Nov. Big Banks At Risk of Collapse: JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has Sounded the Alarm Bells: Biggest Banks At Risk Of Collapse This Winter As Massive Failures Begun – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Federal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted. Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/Gesara is growing! QFS Nesara/Gesara is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will be more intense & get more turbulent. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks. Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public.
The Stock of Morgan Stanley is Down 14% over the last three months and nearly 11% over the last six months, more than any other big bank with a sizable Wall Street operation. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/there-is-a-new-bank-under-scrutiny-on-wall-street-morgan-stanley-100047426.html
Mon. 13 Nov. BOOM! The US Debt Clock Secret Window: Unmasking the Federal Reserve Conspiracy ( Blow someone’s mind) – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

US Authorities Seize $54 Million in Crypto From New Jersey Narcotics Ring. For instance, the lion’s share of the confiscated funds is in #Ether – with 30,000 ETH seized. These tokens were purchased at Ethereum’s original ICO. https://cryptopotato.com/us-authorities-seize-54-million-in-crypto-from-new-jersey-narcotics-ring/
Mon. 13 Nov. 15 Signs A Terrifying Housing Crash Is About To Burst: Are You Prepared? – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

The American Financial System:
1. Delinquent commercial real estate loans at US banks have hit their highest level in a decade.
2. US bank stocks have collapsed to all-time lows when measured against the S&P 500 index.
3. Jamie Dimon and his family will sell $141 million of JPMorgan stock in 2024.
4. US banks are sitting on an estimated $650 billion in unrealized losses on their bond holdings.
5. The 60+ days delinquency rate of the subprime-backed ABS that Fitch tracks rose to 6.1% in September… this represents a RECORD.
These are the facts, and sometimes the facts are served cold: https://x.com/goldtelegraph_/status/1723449486381605230?s=46
China’s slow recovery may hit European markets harder than expected | Euronews https://www.euronews.com/business/2023/11/12/chinas-slow-recovery-may-hit-european-markets-harder-than-expected
Mon. 13 Nov. Lloyds Closed Pharmacies in Wales: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/health/lloyds-closed-pharmacies-wales-27970193
Fri. 17 Nov. US Government Shutdown Would Hit Economy at Fragile Moment:
Bank of England Stress Test Failure To Affect Many, including US Treasury: https://twitter.com/Rohitku24694375/status/1724118887246238117?t=U_TV11N_6xUROlnVqmLNlw&s=19
US stocks slip after Moody’s lowers debt rating outlook: https://insiderpaper.com/us-stocks-slip-after-moodys-lowers-debt-rating-outlook/
“(The Cabal’s) Central Bank Digital Currencies should never be designed, developed, or established. It’s like building the Death Star and saying you won’t turn it on. Today I offered an amendment to stop the creation of CBDCs.” …Warren Davidson

About November 16th Date; this date coincides with Biden’s meeting with Chinese President Xi, and it also coincides with the deadline for passing the next budget bill, which is really the deadline for avoiding a Government Shutdown. With all the Mars activity, the US will likely be engaged/involved in some sort of attacks, battles, military activity, and/or mass shootings/terror attacks that day.

💢 This Is Now A Two Front War
Over the past few days, there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about whether or not the conflict in the Middle East will soon become a two front war. But the truth is that there shouldn’t be any speculation at all. As you will see below, the conflict in the Middle East has already become a two front war. The IDF and Hezbollah have already been exchanging fire day after day, and Hezbollah just conducted “19 simultaneous strikes on Israeli army positions on Thursday”…
A formidable military force backed by Iran, Hezbollah has been engaging Israeli forces along the border, where 50 of its fighters have been killed in the deadliest escalation since it fought a war with Israel in 2006.
The group said it had mounted 19 simultaneous strikes on Israeli army positions on Thursday using guided missiles, artillery and other weapons, coinciding with what it called strikes using two explosive drones.
Hezbollah may not have officially “declared war” on Israel yet, but nobody can argue that conducting “19 simultaneous strikes on Israeli army positions” is not an act of war.
In response, the IDF hit a wide range of Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon by air…
The Israel Defense Forces says it is carrying out wide-scale airstrikes on Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on northern Israel earlier.
The IDF says that among the targets hit so far by fighter jets, tanks, and artillery are military headquarters, rocket launching positions, weapons storage sites, military complexes, and other infrastructure belonging to the terror group.
Israel has not officially “declared war” on Hezbollah yet either, but this is what war looks like.
A two front war has already begun, and that is really bad news for all of humanity.
On Friday, the leader of Hezbollah is scheduled to deliver his very first public remarks about the war…
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will on Friday make his first public comments since the Palestinian group Hamas and Israel went to war, a speech that will be scrutinised for clues on how the group’s role in the conflict might evolve.
This speech is being hyped up like crazy.
In fact, I have never seen this much hype for a speech by Nasrallah.
Is he going to announce that Hezbollah is formally entering the war? We shall see.
But whatever he plans to say, there is sure a huge effort to get people to tune in and watch…
It would appear Hezbollah was going out of its way to ramp up expectations ahead of Nasrallah’s speech, presumably as his behest. A promotional video shows Nasrallah walking down a hallway with his back to the camera, with the Hezbollah symbol parading in the background. It announced Nasrallah will speak in a ceremony celebrating “Martyrs who died on route to Jerusalem”.
Other unaffiliated sources have since flooded social media with videos and pictures associated with Hezbollah, conveying vague messages designed to raise tensions and to get people to endlessly speculate on what he’ll say, a tactic likely designed to beef up ratings for the actual speech.
As a descendant of Mohammad, he will be wearing his customary black turban during the speech, and everyone agrees that he is “a skilled orator”…
Wearing the black turban of a sayyed, or a descendent of the Prophet Mohammad, and Shi’ite clerical robes, Nasrallah is one of the most prominent figures in the Arab world.
Recognized even by critics as a skilled orator, his speeches have long been followed closely by friend and foe alike. He is deemed a terrorist by adversaries including the United States.
If Hezbollah officially enters the war, things are going to get really crazy.
The U.S. has already warned Hezbollah that if it launches large numbers of missiles at Israel there will be a military response.
Do most Americans even realize that we are literally on the verge of war with the largest terrorist organization on the entire planet?
And the Israelis have warned that they will respond with overwhelming force if Hezbollah decides to officially join the conflict…
Israel has warned any conflict with Lebanon would be much more destructive than the 2006 Lebanon war, which killed at least 1,200 Lebanese.
“Hezbollah may decide to act, and we will have to respond,” Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer told reporters earlier this week.
“The response now will make what happened in 2006 look like child’s play.”
Recently, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly stated that there will be “unimaginable” devastation in southern Lebanon if Hezbollah starts launching large numbers of missiles at Israel.
Needless to say, it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what he is talking about.
Israel possesses nuclear weapons and Hezbollah does not.
And one member of the Knesset has already called for a “Jericho missile” to be used against Hamas…
Revital “Tally” Gotliv, an Israeli lawyer and member of the Knesset representing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party, made several posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, stating that Israel must consider nuclear warfare as an alternative to deploying large ground forces.
“Jericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. before considering the introduction of forces. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinion. May God preserve all our strength,” Gotliv wrote on X.
The Jericho-2 and the Jericho-3 are both very sophisticated, and they both have enough range to hit any of Israel’s enemies in the region…
Israel later developed the Jericho-2, a longer-range missile in the late 1980s, with a length of 15 meters and a diameter of 1.35 meters, while maintaining the same payload capacity. It had a range between 1,500 and 3,500 kilometers (about 932 to 2,175 miles).
The Jericho-3, an intermediate-range system, was introduced years later and was reportedly tested in 2008, entering service in 2011. It featured improvements over the previous models, with a longer length than Jericho-2 and a larger diameter of 1.56 meters.
If Hezbollah missiles start raining down on Israeli cities, this is an option that will be very strongly considered.
And it is important to keep in mind that the Israelis will hold Iran directly responsible for anything that Hezbollah does.
We are so close to the unthinkable, and so let us hope that Hezbollah pulls back from the brink while they still can.
US and Israel Headed for Some Sort of Mega Black Swan Event
The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega black swan event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board – the fountain of power for the Satanists – is on the verge of collapse. If it goes, then everything under it, such as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN and 90% of the world’s transnational corporations will also collapse and come under new management.
The signs of FRB collapse are manifold. As we have previously noted, the FRB interest rate of 5.25% has mathematically doomed at least half of all US Banks because it has devalued all the zero or close to zero interest stuff on their books. The FRB is now resorting to fraudulent accounting to hide the resulting bank run.
This was seen when deposits at most of the big US banks (owners of the FRB) were “delayed” by the FRBs Automated Clearing House (ACH) network.
This apparently allowed the FRB to use “seasonal adjustment” fakery to turn a $33 billion deposit outflow (bank run) into a $52 billion inflow. This trickery has magically boosted deposits by $168 billion since April. Since FRB rules allow 1,000 times leverage, these fake deposits back $168 trillion worth of “financial instruments.” In other words, the whole financial house of cards rests on a foundation of fraud.
The US banks are also now stealing people’s money outright as well. Many bank customers are getting letters saying all of their checking and savings accounts are being closed. The explanation, if there is one, is something like “Per your account agreement, we can close your account for any reason at any time.”
This is happening in Australia and other KM-controlled countries as well.
The KM are also now pushing desperately to outlaw cash and force us into a digital prison. The new FedNow inter-banking communication system is “possibly unconstitutional” and “threatens the very freedoms that all liberty-loving American citizens should hold dear,” says Bitcoin Magazine Editor Mark Goodwin in response to an FRB attempt to silence his publications’ criticism of this system.
These moves are connected to the upcoming November 15th deadline for the US government to “raise the debt limit.” We are hearing the Chinese and other creditors to the US are determined not to let the US “government” circus show continue any longer.
This financial trouble is why a political or military-type mega black swan event is probable. In the past, the FRB has responded to crises of this nature with events like 911, Fukushima and most recently the pandemic and vaccine global genocide attempt.
One possibility is some sort of holocaust or mass sacrifice to Satan is being planned for Israel. We are getting credible reports from foreign diplomats based there that large portions of the country have been evacuated to Ukraine. These coincide with reports from Russia that roadblocks have been set up in the Ukraine and only people who can prove they are Jewish are being allowed past them.
Mossad sources further claim Israel as a corporation has expired on October 31st. Also, China has removed Israel from its maps.
In response, Netanyahu has appeared showing a map of Israel minus the Gaza strip. The last thing left for Israel to do is wage a Great War.
“Israel is a global terrorist organization. That’s exactly what they are, but It is better to refer to them as the cancer of planet Earth,” a Mossad source says.
In another sign Jews still in Israel are being prepared for another Holocaust, Satanic thugs in Israel are violently attacking genuine Jews who are protesting the genocidal acts of their government.
According to MI6, the people behind this are Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and “a group of extremist Israeli nationalists who assassinated various international characters over the years including a Swedish count by all accounts so to speak and also had a go at a certain Mr. Winston Churchill back in the day. They style their vision of a modern Israel on the fascist states of Spain, Italy and Germany…The joint Israel and Gaza Strip incursions are indeed a slaughterhouse of blood sacrifice and now genocide. Left unchecked they will level the entire place to the ground and all in it.”
Netanyahu himself refers to his Jewish and Palestinian enemies as Amalek:
“The Lord ordered King Saul to destroy the enemy and all his people: ‘Now go and defeat Amalek and destroy all that he has; and give him no mercy: but put to death both Husband and wife; from youth to infant; from ox to sheep; from camel to donkey.” Book of Samuel 15:3.
Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu agrees saying “One of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the strip,”
In a sign they know something is about to happen there, the Pentagon will no longer allow its senior military leaders to travel to Israel and will discourage members of Congress from making trips. “Israel will not recover from this mistake,” a senior CIA source warns.
In other words, unless action is taken, the KM are about to stage a murder-suicide of Israel rather than accept Jewish liberation from millennia of Satanic control.
Turkey might step in by reasserting control over Israel. “It is Türkiye’s duty to stop the bloodshed in Gaza,” President Recep Erdogan said on Sunday. “We are doing and will continue to do more than what is visible,” he said implying NATO’s largest army might intervene.
There is also evidence some sort of truly horrific event is being planned for the US as well. “The fear porn is really flowing. Get ready for a massive False Flag event. They are setting the stage for it,” a CIA source agrees.

Ben Fulford Report: November 3rd, 2023
Jamie Dimon, the most powerful banker on Wall Street connected to the CIA, World Banks, JP Morgan Intelligence Communities was a central key on how the Deep State took control of the World.
The Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits in the Virgin Islands is connected to Jamie Dimon and his subpoena is important to the Epstein case.
It’s important to understand the current case in Virgin Islands against Epstein and the subpoena’s for the most powerful men in the world as Sergey brin. Jamie Dimon ECT ECT. as is all a cover story by the Mil operations who are simultaneously conducting secret hidden military courts that issued the subpoena’s to bring in these elites for the briefings and their connections to the Epstein world money laundering /human trafficking/ pedophilia blackmail network that CONTROLs over a hundred countries and their Corporations and > INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES)
Here’s what’s happening and Jamie Dimon’s connection to the CABAL.CIA. MOSSAD. EPSTEIN. WORLD DEEP STATE SYSTEM.
For people that don’t know Jamie Dimon is the CEO and he has been since the early 2000s of JP Morgan Chase one of the biggest banks on Wall Street and he’s considered one of the most powerful if not the most powerful Wall Street banker today.
The U.S. Islands attorney general Denise George was fired after her filling the law suits in the Epstein case , but still the law suit was allowed in U.S. courts.
Inside the lawsuits it’s confirmed JP Morgan allowed EPSTEIN to run sex trafficking networks through their banking system and Jamie Dimon was aware that Epstein was paying of sex victims giving large amounts of money to Jean-luc Brunel ( Brunel also supposedly committed suicide in jail like Epstein as awaiting trial)
Leslie Wexner LLC ( who owned Victoria secret and bath body works ECT ) Wexner hired Jeffrey Epstein as his financial manager beginning sometime in the 1980s and continuing until 2007. Wexner had a very close relationship with Epstein that began in the 1980s and continued until Epstein’s death. Wexner was once the “main client” of Epstein’s money-management firm, according to Bloomberg. Wexner allowed Epstein to run his business out of a house he owned and resided in whilst CEO of Victoria’s Secret….WEXNER is one of two men who placed JAMIE DIMON into power and position in JP MORGAN.
With the help of LESTER CROWN (biggest Stake holders in Rockefellers center , Hilton hotels, the Yankees the bulls> BANK ONE//Leslie Wexner and The CROWN family merged Bank One with JP Morgan and placed JAMIE DIMON into power.
Dimon was building Citigroup with Sanford Weill that started with Commercial Credit Corp. In 1985 and Data Core.
Data Core was part of a Deep State Intelligence community connected to organized crime that moved money laundering operations and creating illicit technology transfers that spied on US Military Intelligence and sold Military classified Intelligence and weapons to Russian, China and other countries including Mossad, M16 CIA Super Spy Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell’s father).
Mr. Maxwell’s lawyer Samuel Pisar was the father of Antony Blinken (the U.S. Secretary of State and OBAMAs National Security Advisor).
The American committee for Soviet relations was a think tank that included many of these people including the CROWN family, Armand Hammer and other crime families.
SEVERAL OF THESE ELITES FROM THE 70s 80s tried to build the first one world financial system and economy and sold U.S. CLASSIFIED weapons/ plans to Russia and were working with Russian oligarchs and CIA, PENTAGON DARPA OPERATIONS that tried to control banks that senators and Congress used and financial BLACKMAIL traps and ops were placed.
These companies and deep state operations including CIA, Russian oligarchs. Elites, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Commercial Credit Cops.
Data Core became CITIGROUP, which controls JP Morgan, Wall Street Stock inside of Social Media and TV stations.
The Yorkshire Lass News Round up this week: November 4th, 2023
White Hats are putting everything in place on the chessboard and I believe Assange is going to be the Trump card that will reveal a lot of truth BQQMS. BIG that Tucker interviewed Assange in Belmarsh U.K. yesterday (we know he has already been pardoned by CIC and the Constitutional Republic President Trump) behind the scenes. Assange is safe.
Trump’s New Speaker of the house in place.
Pelosi subpoenaed
Biden impeachment coming
Sam Bankman FTX found GUILTY of fraud (massive connection to the Democrat party)
11.3 marker coming (Podesta)
Mathew Perry (Chandler) from friends dying in a hot tub (was revealed he had thousands of email’s deleted on his laptop) and posted ‘BATMAN’ comms on his Instagram before his death – RACHEL CHANDLER mentioned in the drops. Client list coming!
General Flynn said that some members of the House and Senate are compromised by globalists who blackmailed them because they had sex with children. D.C. politicians along with Hollywood etc…..are on the EPSTEIN and MAXWELL client list!
Dan Scavino COMMS Latest one posted on 11/3 -11.3 on X is ‘Enter Sandman’ music on his video with the ‘BATMAN’ logo lit up in the sky.
Western Armies heading to Israel (Jerusalem) Biblical.
China continues sending ships and aircraft near Taiwan
Iraq joining BRICS and will be stopping withdrawals and transactions in dollars from the 1st January 2024 – IRAQ is the start and linchpin of the Revaluation.
The Japanese Yen continues to decline
The US Debt is growing faster than the economy
Elon Musk rolling Starlink out everywhere and redpilling the masses on X. Elon says that AI will kill people while the deluded and high on drugs ‘The West’ says AI could be a great thing.
Governments around the world being dissolved via DEVOLUTION
Shell Oil to layoff employees
Ford becomes latest automaker to postpone its $12 BILLION EV investment – after saying customers are unwilling to pay a premium for eco cars
Putin blames the WEST for the conflict in Gaza and says the US needs global chaos
The IRS building has sandbags outside it.
The US debt clock continues to truth bomb the masses with its cryptic messages telling us the FED is dead.
Inverse Jim Cramer says there won’t be WW3 – meaning there will be (Scare event)
JPMorgan stock down after CEO says will sell 1 million shares
Jack Smith withdraws 2nd subpoena in Trump case – confirming Trump is still POTUS. This is getting confirmed to us every day.
Mike Judas Pence drops out of the 2024 Presidential race
‘Police State’ movie is released by Dinesh D’Souza
You can feel it building every day. There’s no stopping it

Judy’s Notes | Restored Republic; November 6th
Armageddon False Flags Pending
Deep State Implanted Terrorist Cells Nationwide
World Falls into a Financial Crisis as Central Banks Fail
White Hat Global Military Activates National Guard in All 50 States
New US Constitutional Government Officials Fly To Cheyenne Underground Bunkers
A Dark Winter was predicted during 2024. It’s only wise to be prepared and store several months worth of cash, water, food and essential items for yourself and to help others.
What scares patriots the most is not that the Media is still lying to us, it’s the fact that so many still believes them. The Truth is still the Truth, even if no one believes it. A Lie is still a Lie, even if everyone believes it.
Being on the side of innocent people is neither left wing, nor right wing. It’s simply right.
“Becoming a Better Person”
Sun. 5 Nov. SGAnon Deep State Big Picture DUMBS
10,000 DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases & Cities) plus tunnel systems connecting all of them) on Earth. USA has 1,800 DS DUMBS / Cities.
It is not easy one to resolve. Taking back control poses a lot of challenges with complex variables.
Human Trafficking Hub/Industry; All underground facilities and support; support staff, adult slaves trade, children, off planet slave trade, human food source, adrenochrome harvesting, trafficking body parts, weapons. WMDs etc.
Bio-plants, clone fabrications, evolved super-soldiers. underground rail systems, emergency bunker housing, stop switches. Traps, etc. Extraordinarily beyond belief.
7.7 Billion People on Earth / EARTH IS A FEAR & FOOD HARVESTING FARM
0.02% Super Elite = 1.54 million. Control Structure; Octogon Group, Switzerland Lake Geneva Underground City/Military Base/Compound, Satanist Cult Convents, Practicing Luciferian’s, The Evil On Earth, Khazarian Zionist Mafia/Deep State, Illuminati, Cabal, Shadow Government, Black Nobility 13 Families, Illuminati 13 Families, Council of 300, Bilderbergs, Black Pope, Jesuit Order, and all the secret clubs; Skull & Bones, etc…
1% Elite = 77 million Elite Minions; Illuminati Families / Ashkenazi Jews, trained from childhood to be Doctors, Attorneys, Military, Religious Priest, Business Elite, Scientist, Engineers, Blackmailed / Mind Controlled, Highly Placed Assets / many clone lab replaced public & celebrity figures
10% = 770 million military / CIA on earth, 3-letter agencies, heavily programmed, mind controlled, mostly using fear, and $$$… This includes manufactured clones, human hybrids, Draco’s, and other races both living among us and underground…
In ALL countries; Corrupt DOJ, Military, Police. Intelligence agencies / 3 letter agencies. Judges, District Attorneys, Managers, Militias organizations. Underground Blackwater soldiers. Corrupt Cartels, doctors, lawyers, scientists, officials. Pharmaceutical companies, big tech companies.
In total 190 countries on earth.
Over 800 million forces and distributed military in many countries within the dark network of global elite control.
The White hats, military – they do everything they can to keep death rates as low as possible.
Global Status Report:
A U.S. military official has blown the whistle on how banks across America are about to close down and the 2024 Presidential election is going to be cancelled. According to Col. Douglas MacGregor, there is about to be a “sudden” closure of all major banks in the U.S. which will last for up to 3 weeks. During a recent appearance on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast, Col. MacGregor also revealed that the 2024 election will be cancelled due to Martial Law being imposed. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/military-official-blows-whistle-big-banks-about-to-collapse-2024-election-will-be-cancelled/
Sat. 5 Nov. VIP Jets now airborne from DC to Cheyenne Underground Bunkers. US Air Force VIP Planes going to and from Cheyenne Mountain: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/report-vip-jets-now-airborne-from-dc-to-cheyenne-wy-bunkers-gov-t-going-underground
Texas: US internet service provider Spectrum is currently experiencing widespread network outages in Texas that will severely impact El Paso. The operator reports that it is experiencing a loss of service due to a fiber optic cable break.
As part of the ‘C40 Cities’ initiative—which has ties to the World Economic Forum—mayors in almost 100 cities around the world have set themselves the “ambitious target” of zero meat or dairy consumption, and zero private vehicles by 2030, “to save the planet”.
A whistleblower informed us that the FBI pulled agents off child abuse cases to pursue January 6th investigations. Now it’s been revealed that DHS is pulling agents off similar investigations to make sandwiches for illegal aliens at the southern border.
On Nov. 2 in 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, which gave Palestine away and resulted in the creation of the Rothschild State of Israel.
On Thurs. 2 Nov. Donald Trump posted “It’s Time” and stated that the biggest event we will have in this country will happen this month of November 2023.
The Storm Thurs. 10 Nov. to Sun. 19 Nov.: The Prophecy of Chaos: Are you ready for the Ultimate Awakening? “The Storm” Is Brewing Set to Unfold From November 10th to November 19th, 2023 – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
Get Ready for EBS Activation: Q says that “After Argentina’s election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change and the World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it.” …Q Bombshell! EBS Activation on October 22nd: Biden’s Retirement, Trump’s Return, and the White Hats’ Plan Revealed! | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
Fri. 11 Nov. Martial Law: Q post 316 says Martial Law would start on the 11th. Another Q Post says, “America will be unified again 11-11-18.”
Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar would be replaced by the gold/asset-backed US Note; all such gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
💢 Out of 22 Arab Countries, Why is it that NOT ONE wants **any** Palestinians?
There are twenty-two (22) Arab countries on this planet and it appears right now that NOT ONE wants **any** “Palestinians.” Why is that?
What is it about “Palestinians” that makes all their so-called “brethren” avoid them **all** like the Plague?
I know, as a matter of fact, that I have been — and continue to be — very hard on Israel for what’s going on in Gaza. I make no apology for that. IF Israel wants to be “the good guys” then I expect them to BE that.
Frankly, in my view, the “Good guys” don’t go dropping 2,000 pound bombs from fighter jets, onto apartment complexes, hospitals, schools or refugee camps. Silly me.
Yet, I have this nagging reality about the “Palestinians” that just won’t quit. Why is it that absolutely NONE of their Arab country “brothers” want anything to do with them?
This morning, someone told me that the average IQ of Palestinians is 69. That’s literally far below “retarded.”
Someone else told me that this entire class of people is nothing but violent. The person I spoke with told me that Palestinians breed to hate; they raise their kids to hate. And, according to this same person, they hate literally everyone who doesn’t give them exactly what they want, when they want it. “Violent, spoiled brats” is what he called them.
So help me out, here, folks.
Am I being too harsh on Israel?
Are the Palestinians “retarded, violent, spoiled brats?”
I am willing to adapt my views, and change my approach, but I need facts and reality to do that.
The video below is a Jewish member of the British House of Lords. He makes a very strong case for __my_- current views. Take 5 minutes to hear these truths:

Jamie Dimon, the Most Powerful Banker on Wall Street Connected to CIA. WORLD BANKS. JP MORGAN
Source; Ben Fulford
INTELLIGENCE communities, the CASE against EPSTEIN. DIMON is a central KEY on how the DEEP STATE TOOK CONTROL OF THE WORLD
The Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits in the Virgin Islands is connected to Jamie Dimon and his subpoena is important to the Epstein case.
(It’s important to understand the current case in Virgin Islands against Epstein and the subpoena’s for the most powerful men in the world as Sergey brin. Jamie Dimon ECT. as is all a cover story by the Mil operations who are simultaneously conducting secret hidden military courts that issued the subpoena’s to bring in these elites for the briefings and their connections to the Epstein world money laundering /human trafficking/ pedophilia blackmail network that CONTROLs over a hundred countries and their Corporations and INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES)
Here’s what’s happening and Jamie Dimon’s connection to the CABAL. CIA. MOSSAD. EPSTEIN. WORLD DEEP STATE SYSTEM.
For people that don’t know Jamie Dimon is the CEO and he has been since the early 2000s of JP Morgan Chase one of the biggest banks on Wall Street and he’s considered one of the most powerful if not the most powerful Wall Street banker today.
(The U.S. Islands attorney general Denise George was fired after her filling the law suits in the Epstein case , but still the law suit was allowed in U.S. courts )
Inside the lawsuits it’s confirmed JP Morgan allowed EPSTEIN to run sex trafficking networks through their banking system and Jamie Dimon was aware that Epstein was paying of sex victims giving large amounts of money to Jean-luc Brunel (Brunel also supposedly committed suicide in jail like Epstein as awaiting trial)
Leslie Wexner LLC (who owned Victoria secret and bath body works ECT) Wexner hired Jeffrey Epstein as his financial manager beginning sometime in the 1980s and continuing until 2007. Wexner had a very close relationship with Epstein that began in the 1980s and continued until Epstein’s death. Wexner was once the “main client” of Epstein’s money-management firm, according to Bloomberg. Wexner allowed Epstein to run his business out of a house he owned and resided in whilst CEO of Victoria’s Secret. WEXNER is one of two men who placed JAMIE DIMON into power and position in JP MORGAN.
With the help of LESTER CROWN (biggest Stake holders in Rockefellers center , Hilton hotels, the Yankees the bulls> BANK ONE
Leslie Wexner and The CROWN family merged Bank One with JP Morgan and placed JAMIE DIMON into power.
Dimon was building Citigroup with Sanford Weill that started with Commercial Credit Corp. In 1985 and DataCore ( DataCore was part of a deep state Intelligence community connected to organized crime that moved money laundering operations and creating illicit technology transfers that SPIED on the U.S. MILITARY &. INTELLIGENCE and sold Military CLASSIFIED intelligence/ military weapons data to Russian, China and other countries including too MOSSAD.mi6 CIA super spy ROBERT MAXWELL (Ghislaine MAXWELL’S FATHER). Mr. Maxwell’s lawyer Samuel Pisar was the father of Antony Blinken (the U.S. Secretary of State and OBAMAs national security advisor. The American committee for Soviet relations was a think tank that included many of these people including the The CROWN family. Armand Hammer and crime families SEVERAL OF THESE ELITES FROM THE 70s 80s tried to build the first one world financial system and economy and sold U.S. CLASSIFIED weapons/ plans to Russia and were working with Russian oligarchs and CIA, PENTAGON DARPA OPERATIONS that tried to control banks that senators and Congress used and financial BLACKMAIL traps and ops were placed.
These companies and deep state operations including CIA. Russian oligarchs. Elites.. ROCKEFELLER. ROTHSCHILDs, Commercial credit corps, DataCore became CITIGROUP< who controls JP MORGAN . WALL STREET.
Behind the SCENES – Storm Rider
Deep State military intelligence in the U.S. And across the world is constantly monitoring Joe Rogan. Alex Jones, Elon Musk. (because they hold a MASSIVE audience that reachs over 3 billion people world wide with their information redirect into over 1000 languages and their information and DROPS are redistributed by millions of people through the social media universe, TV and radio networks)
Recently I gave you DROPS Elon Musk has a high military position inside of UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE and Trump had placed him.
Now its been confirmed by Alex Jones as he said publicly to his world wide range of audience. And MUSK isn’t happy about this and publicly distancing himself from Alex Jones and slandering him. But Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are really close and live the same area…. And Elon MUSK has been sharing all of Alex Jones information and wide range of Intel publicly the past year.
I had told you years ago that Rogan was going to be ACTIVATED and turn against the DNC and establishment and his distancing from Trump was all show. As you know now Rogan is constantly praising Trump and his time as President and all the things he did for the American people.. And Rogan recently met Trump a few months ago and since then he had been open to interviewing Trump ( I told you all this was going to happen)
I have given you the Truth to tell you their are several, different hundreds and and thousands of Patriot movements in the U.S. and across the world. It doesn’t matter if you only support. Rogan.or Musk or Q or Tucker Carlson or RFKJR or Benny Johnson or Trump jr. Or Alex Jones or Candice Owens or Russell brand or Thousand of other Right side movement or patriot independent movements it doesn’t matter.
Behind the SCENES WHITE HATS MILITARY INTELLIGENCE is moving the movements into one direction and unite them for a global cause. It’s already happening in the Great Awakening movement across the world_
AND GROWING IMMENSELY AND SUPER FAST, ESPECIALLY THE PAST YEAR. Even the vaccinated are joining the Great awakening by the hundreds of millions!
So even though MUSK publicly shuns ( hates) Jones. Its all a SHOW. Just the same way Musk distance’s himself from Trump beginning in 2017.
MUSK has to do the things to keep public perception that he is independent and not connected to wider military operation taking place. But the secret has been leaked and MUSK is upset with Jones for letting millions of people know MUSK is a commander inside the U.S.S.F military intelligence
MUSK white HATS have all the corruption and date from TWITTER servers ACROSS the world and the full corruption of European, Canadian. UK etc. Agencies and governments data, messages, back doors to their government servers and all INTEL
[/accordion]The Warnings Grow More Stark
IRAN WARNS ISRAEL: “If the war expands any further, we cannot say that Israel would lose, because nothing will remain of Israel to be described as loser or winner”
Jordan: Ejects Israeli Ambassador, RECALLS Jordanian Ambassador from Israel; Neither to return until War on Gaza stops.
Red Flag Warning: November 2023 – Peter Novak
This next month has huge flashing red danger signs all over it as far as the astrology for the USA is concerned. In fact, the US will be involved in national violence, deadly attacks, and warlike events over the next three months.
The Third World War is Already Underway
Fyodor Lukyanov Russia’s leading foreign policy expert, has said. A world order that has been “unpleasant” but “manageable” is being broken down and currently there seems to be no mechanism for the resolution of conflicts, including the ongoing escalation between Israel and Hamas, he believes.
Lukyanov, who is chairman of the presidium at the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP) think tank and editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, made the remarks in an interview published last week by newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Of late, the world has been seen old, frozen conflicts being re-ignited, Lukyanov said, citing the Nagorno-Karabakh hostilities, the Russia-Ukraine standoff and the new escalation in the Middle East as examples.
The ongoing array of conflicts is effectively a new World War, which appears to significantly differ from the two global conflicts of the 20th century, Lukyanov, who is also a research director of the Valdai International Discussion Club, suggested.
Now That Israel Has Entered Gaza, All Eyes Are On Hezbollah, Iran And Turkey
Now we are going to find out who was bluffing and who was not bluffing. Israeli troops have gone into Gaza, and we are being told that this is a war that could last for months. Of course it could easily last a lot longer than that. If the stated goal is to eliminate Hamas, that certainly won’t be easy. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling this a second war of independence, and he just told the world that “Never Again is now”…
Netanyahu said troops that he has met in the field are determined to make Hamas pay for its actions on October 7.
“They are determined to eradicate this evil from the world, for our existence and, I add — for all of humanity.” Netanyahu continued: “We always said, ‘Never Again’. Never Again’ is now.”
So Israel was clearly not bluffing. Now we shall see what Hezbollah does.
Hezbollah officials have warned multiple times that they will enter the war if Israel goes into Gaza.
Was Hezbollah just bluffing?
So far, a limited number of rockets have been fired back and forth along Israel’s northern border since Netanyahu made his speech…
Several rocket volleys were fired from Lebanon at northern Israel on Sunday, and the Israel Defense Forces said it hit terror cells and sites belonging to the Hezbollah terror group, as skirmishes continued on the northern frontier and the army continues its war with Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip in the south.
According to the IDF, rockets were launched from Lebanon at the upper and western Galilee several times throughout the day, setting off sirens in towns including Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Shlomi, Tuba-Zangariyye, Rosh Pina, Ayelet Hashahar, and Hatzor Haglilit.
If this is all that Hezbollah does, the Israelis will greatly celebrate.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that Hezbollah was just bluffing, and I think soon we will see some major moves from them. I also don’t think that Iran was bluffing.
On Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi publicly stated that the Israelis have “crossed the red lines” that Iran had established…
Israel has “crossed the red lines” in Gaza, which “may force everyone to take action,” Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said Sunday, while US national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned of an “elevated risk” of a spillover conflict in the Middle East.
Okay, so your “red lines” have been crossed. What are you going to do about it? So far, the answer is not much.
But the Iranians are conducting “massive war games” right now…
IRAN has staged massive war games with 200 helicopters and missile launchers as tensions rage over Israel. Tanks, aircraft and troops were deployed by the Islamic Republic for the exercise dubbed “Authority 1402”.
During these war games, the Iranians have been firing new versions of their domestically-made missiles…
Tehran’s military launched the drills – including using upgraded versions of their domestically-made missiles, Dawn and Diamond.
They also tested new bombs as well as attack helicopters.
The choppers launched missiles in the dark and destroyed the pretend enemy using night vision systems.
Of course these war games are not going to intimidate anyone.
If the Iranians intend to stop what is going on, they are going to have to take action.
For now, the Iranians are limiting themselves to conducting strikes on U.S. bases in the region through their proxies…
Attacks on US military outposts in Iraq and Syria have continued over the weekend. Al-Mayadeen news and other regional outlets have reported that there have been several attacks by Iran-backed militias on Saturday and Sunday. Russian media has also reported on the fresh attacks, calling recent Pentagon airstrikes on Syria an “unsuccessful bid to deter the militias.”
A statement by a coalition of Shia paramilitary groups said, “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted the American occupation base in Al-Tanf, Syria, with two drones, which directly hit their targets.” They carried out the attack from just across the Iraq border into Syria.
Reports say separately that the al-Shaddadi base in eastern Syria was also hit with two drones, and al-Omar base and oil field was struck. The latter was reportedly attacked a mere hours after the US airstrikes.
Al-Mayadeen had says ago cited a statement from the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades which said the group is willing to fight “a war of attrition against the enemy that will extend for years.”
The recent U.S. airstrikes were supposed to put an end to this. Obviously that did not work. So what is Joe Biden’s next move?
Meanwhile,Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is making all sorts of noise.
At a pro-Palestinian rally on Saturday, he declared that Israel is “a war criminal”…
Türkiye will introduce Israel to the world as a war criminal, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.
Speaking at “Great Palestine Meeting,” a pro-Palestine rally in Istanbul, Erdogan said: “Israel, we will also declare you as a war criminal to the world, we are preparing for it, and we will introduce Israel to the world as a war criminal.”
Erdogan stressed that the Western world mobilized its politicians, and media to legitimize the massacre of the innocent people in Gaza, adding: “Israel is committing war crimes.”
And Erdogan also threatened Israel with potential military action…
In comments that have prompted Israeli outcry, and led the country to withdraw its diplomatic presence, president Erdogan suggested assaults on Gaza constituted a “massacre”.
In the same speech, he reportedly said that Turkey can “come at any night unexpectedly” to ecstatic reception from hundreds of thousands of attendees.
The footage, which is currently circulating on X, formerly known as Twitter, purportedly showed the pro-Palestine crowd responding with the chant: “Turkish military to Gaza.”
Would Turkey actually do such a thing?
Erdogan is completely nuts, but I can’t imagine that he would want to risk a direct conflict with Israel.
If Turkey does attack Israel, would the U.S. strike Turkey?
The U.S. and Turkey are both members of NATO, and so that would create quite an awkward situation.
My friends, we have truly entered unprecedented territory.
A major war has erupted in the Middle East, and now we shall watch to see what all of the interested parties do next…
FIFTY (50) U.S. Military Transport Planes in 24 Hours to Middle East
FLASH TRAFFIC ADDED – SEE 12:27 PM EDT UPDATE BELOW; From Friday-into-Saturday, the United States sent no fewer than fifty (50) military transport planes loaded with troops to the Middle East. In addition, the list below shows “unprecedented” naval deployments. Today, Iran said they WILL NOT abide U.S. warnings to stay out of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
We begin with Naval Deployments into the Middle East showing 11 Countries in Support of Israel:
USS Mount Whitney LCC-20
Ford Carrier Strike Group
USS Gerald R. Ford CVN-78
USS Thomas Hudner DDG-116
USS Ramage DDG-61
USS Carney DDG-64
USS Roosevelt DDG-80
USS Normandy CG-60
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69
USS Gravely DDG-107
USS Mason DDG-87
ITS Virginio Fasan F-591
USS Philippine Sea CG-58
USS Bataan LHD-5
USS Mesa Verde LPD-19
USS Carter Hall LSD-50Not Assigned
USS Stethem DDG-63
USS McFaul DDG-74
USS Arleigh Burke DDG-51
USS Paul Ignatius DDG-117
USS Bulkeley DDG-84USNS ships
USNS Laramie T-AO 203
USNS Medgar Evers T-AKE 13
USNS Trenton T-EFP-5UNIFIL Maritime Task Force
HS Adrias F-459
TCG Heybeliada F-511
FGS Erfurt F-262
FGS Oldenburg F-263
BNS Sangram F-113
KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda 367

A view from the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60) of the first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS McFaul (DDG 74) as the ships steam in formation during a drill while underway as part of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group on Naval Station Norfolk March 5, 2023. Ford is on its inaugural deployment conducting training and operations alongside NATO Allies and partners to enhance integration for future operations and demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s commitment to a peaceful, stable and conflict-free Atlantic region. (U
Enroute FGS Baden-Wuerttemberg (F-125) which will replace FGS Erfurt. When this happens FGS Erfurt will go to Standing NATO Maritime Group 2
Standing NATO Maritime Group 2
HMS Duncan D-37
ITS Carlo Margottini F-592
ESPS Méndez Núñez F-104
TCG Yavuz F-240
HDMS Niels Juel F-363
HS Psara F-454
FGS Frankfurt am Main A-1412
ESPS Patiño A-14
Littoral Response Group South
RFA Argus A-135
RFA Lyme Bay L-3007
Tonnerre “ARG”
FS Tonnerre L-9014
FS Surcouf F-711
FS Alsace D-656
All of the above, along with submarines and other support ships show an utterly massive naval deployment. I am told this present deployment is larger than the ones done prior to the US war(s) against Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 1991 and again later.
In addition to all the above vessels, another Aircraft Carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth II, transited the Strait of Gibraltar yesterday morning around 11:00 AM, enroute to the eastern Mediterranean:
In addition to THAT additional aircraft carrier, the Navy of Italy is also now deploying vessels:

In the 24 hours period from Friday into Saturday, the United States flew 49+ military transport aircraft from the US to the Middle East, carrying TROOPS!
On top of those troop transport flights, a significant number of C-17A Globemaster lll and C-5M Super Galaxy Transport Aircraft from the U.S. Air Force’s Air Mobility Command have been arriving in the Middle East.
The flight info above DOES NOT cover the regular commercial airline flights the US chartered to exclusively move troops!
Saturday 28 October 2023, Germany put 1,000 soldiers on alert for deployment to the Middle East in case of emergency The German Army keeps 1,000 troops on alert for possible deployment to the Middle East in case of emergency, given the prevailing tension in the region as a result of the war between Hamas and Israel.
This flight from Fort Sill, OK has my attention at the moment. Fort Sill is home to a THAAD battery and this flight appears to be headed overseas. There are no helpful ACARS for this flight, but this is possibly a THAAD battery flight enroute to Saudi Arabia:
At about 1:47 AM eastern US Time Sunday, which was about 11:00 AM in Tehran, Iran, the President of Iran said Tehran will not follow US warnings against interfering in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. According to the Press service of the President of Iran: “Israel has crossed red lines, forcing everyone to take action.”
The President made it a point to also say “the presence of U.S warships in the region will make no difference to Tehran’s decision.”
Hal Turner Analysis
Based solely upon the movement of ships, troops, and planes, it is obvious to me the United States is going to war. A big war.
Trouble is the federal government under the Biden Regime has intentionally left the US southern border with Mexico, virtually open. Literally millions of illegal aliens have been entering the country via Mexico since Biden took office.
It is my opinion that many – but not all – of these illegal aliens are a “5th Column” sent here by adversaries to be “sleeper cells.” I believe that when war erupts in the Middle East, that WE HERE IN THE USA will also be attacked by these sleeper cells.
YOU must be ready with emergency food, water, medicine, a generator to make electric in case the grid is taken down. Have CASH MONEY in your possession in case cyber attacks take out the financial networks, making credit, debit, and SNAP/EBT useless. After all, almost no one takes checks anymore. So folks with cash will eat. Those without cash will go hungry.
The utterly massive movement of troops and weapons indicates to me that hostilities are imminent. Which could — and I emphasize “could” (not necessarily “will”) — trigger sleeper cell attacks here in America.
If you wait until trouble starts, then YOU and every other person who failed to plan, will all be rushing to stores at the same time trying to get food and supplies. In short order, store shelves will be empty and those of you who took no action, will find yourself standing in an empty store.
Don’t be like “the masses who are asses” that wait until the last minute to get supplies. Do it right now. Today.
And gas-up your cars, trucks, and spare gas cans for your generator.
Lastly, have COMMUNICATIONS GEAR – a CB or a HAM (Shortwave) radio — so if things go wild weasel, and communications like phone, fax, email, cellular/Internet all go down, at least YOU will be able to communicate locally (CB) and hear international news on shortwave (HAM).
Of course, some of you will say that this story and its advice is sort of like “Chicken Little, the sky is falling.” To those who would scoff I merely point out that, this morning, a U.S. E-6 Nuclear Command Post is now flying over the US East Coast:
The E-6B Mercury is a communications relay and strategic airborne command post aircraft. It provides survivable, reliable, and endurable airborne Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) for the president, secretary of defense and U.S. Strategic Command.
So it isn’t just ME telling you to take steps to prepare, it’s the US Military, too. Take the hint!
FLASH: UPDATE 12:27 PM EDT – The Turkish Navy is, right now, transiting ONE-HUNDRED Naval Warships through the Bosporus Strait from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.
It is BELIEVED Turkey plans to engage Israel over its ongoing military action in Gaza. War may break out between Turkey and Israel within Hours! ! ! !
BREAKING: The largest fleet of warships NATO has ever assembled is gathering in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
How OPERATION SCARIANT 2023 is Being Used to Launch Plandemic 2.0 – American Media Group
Plandemic 2.o is an integral piece of the Great Reset implementation plan and New World Order agenda to be executed in earnest this Fall of 2023.
OPERATION SCARIANT, which features the extremely ‘scary’ Omincron subvariant known as Eris, is the main show for folks who are still captivated by this ridiculous government-sponsored but extremely serious genocidal enterprise. Nevertheless, there are numerous reasons why the Khazarian genocidal bioterrorists are hellbent on rolling out Plandemic 2.0 this Fall.The following list presents only some of the most significant NWO goals, WEF objectives and WHO targets.
(1) Concealing Vaccine Genocide: To cover up the massive excess death numbers directly resulting from the ongoing Covid vaccine genocide across America (and global depopulation scheme)
(2) Vulnerable Children in Peril: To stealthily kill vaccinated children who are now much more vulnerable to the bacterial infections associated with Eris (aka Omicron [B.1.1.529] a subvariant of SARS-CoV-2
(3) The Silent Slaughter: To intensify the slow-motion slaughter of vaccinated 20 to 45 year-olds who are now much more susceptible to myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots and other fatal heart ailments
(4) A Tsunami of Ailments: To further turbo-charge the numerous medical ailments and health conditions, chronic diseases and autoimmune syndromes, psychological disorders and psychiatric illnesses across the entire population, all of which have seen HUGE upticks post-Covid vaccination
(5) Demise of the Elderly: To murder as many retirees as possible in order to reduce the Social Security & Disability, Medicare and Medicaid rolls
(6) A Sinister Culling: To massacre as many individuals, who suffer from multiple co-morbidities and/or terminal diseases, who are still living after Plandemic 1.0
(7) Generational Extermination: To eliminate as many Baby Boomers as possible as well as the Beat Generation elderly, especially the anti-establishment types
(8) A Distraction from Truth: To provide maximum distraction from the many Democrat crime sprees being investigated by the House
(9) Veiling the Culprits: To divert the attention of the electorate from the multiple crime waves perpetrated by the Biden Crime Family and especially by the POTUS Imposter and Criminal-in-Chief
(10) Chaos Breeds Revolution: To create maximum chaos, confusion and conflict throughout the last year of the 2024 election cycle so that the Democrats can steal yet another POTUS election, as well as to set the stage for a long-planned American Bolshevik revolution
(11) Weaponizing Fear: To provide a pretext to deploy yet another highly weaponized and lethal Covid ‘vaccine’ by which to rapidly intensify Plandemic 2.0.
(12) The Lethal Cocktail: To significantly supercharge the previously administered kill-shots, clot-shots and cancer-shots thereby increasing SADS and SIDS as well asexcess deaths across the board
(13) Reigniting Fear: To sufficiently scare the American people back into the same space of extreme fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 contagion so they will fully submit to the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda (and demand that everyone they know get vaxxed to the max)
As we navigate this treacherous landscape, one thing becomes abundantly clear: humanity’s survival hinges upon its ability to awaken from the slumber of deception. The great battle between light and darkness is underway, and our weapon is knowledge. To resist is to defy those who would manipulate our very existence.
OPERATION SCARIANT 2023 is not a narrative spun by fiction—it is the reality we face. Plandemic 2.0 is not a dystopian fantasy—it is the ominous agenda of the powerful elite. The fate of humanity rests upon our shoulders, as we navigate the storm of deception and manipulation. We must rise, not as pawns, but as warriors of truth, reclaiming our agency and shaping a destiny free from the sinister machinations of those who seek to control us.
In a world cloaked in shadows, let us be the beacon of light that guides us towards a future untarnished by fear and manipulation.
According to the Axios resource, an estimation of 20 thousand Israeli troops entered Gaza. As the expansion of fighting continues, the map above shows an assessment of IDF-controlled areas
Fake President Biden Declares World War III, but He Has No Army
The theater of the absurd that now passes for “government” in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is a so-called official “White House” declaration of war. It reads in part as follows:
…militia groups have conducted numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire… A United States contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to a shelter during one of these attacks. …
In response…United States forces conducted targeted strikes against facilities in eastern Syria…I directed this military action…pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.
So, someone died of a heart attack because he got scared by drones and this is an excuse to declare war.
The only problem is the fake Biden does not control the US or any military. The real military is not going to be fooled by the Satanists into destroying the planet by starting an all-out nuclear war.
This last desperate attempt to start World War III comes as white hats score major victories on multiple fronts.
The biggest is probably the announced resignation of Swiss President Alain Berset, one of the leaders of the Octagon group. according to Mossad and other sources. His removal means the World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are all about to lose the diplomatic immunity given to them by the Swiss government. This will open the way for war crimes tribunals for mass murder via vaccination.

The other thing that is going on is that white hat special forces are fighting a fierce war in the network of tunnels underneath Israel and the Gaza Strip. It is only a matter of time before they get to the person many say is the head of the snake: Benyamin Netanyahu. The photographs below show, that most of his public appearances are by an avatar, However, the real Netanyahu is still around and hiding deep underground. He is being hunted down by anti-Satanic Israeli and US special forces, Mossad and Pentagon sources claim.
The rabbit hole in Israel apparently runs very deep. “Clear records of tunneling operations extend back more than 4,000 years – Assyrian carvings show engineering units belonging to Sargon of Akkad (who reigned between 2,334 and 2,279 BCE) undermining the walls of enemy cities,” Prof. Joel Roskin, a geomorphologist and geologist at Bar-Ilan University told the Jerusalem Post.
That is very interesting because Sargon credited the Anunnaki for his success in building the world’s first Empire, centered around where the fighting is now taking place.

Professor Roskin says the area is home to “complex, multi-story underground caverns and tunnels with rooms, halls and warehouses.” MI6 reports fierce fighting now going on in these complexes. We will let readers know if we get any credible reports of the capture of “Anunnaki” controlling the Netanyahu, Biden, Putin, etc. avatars.
There are certainly many credible reports of underground bases being taken out around the world. The sign of this is earthquakes with depths of 8 and 10 km, bearing the hallmarks of having been caused by explosives. These indicate a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) has been taken out. Many such quakes have been reported in Iran, Australia and elsewhere in recent days. There was also one with an epicenter under San Francisco’s international airport on October 27th, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake struck about eight miles beneath the airport at 6:38 p.m. local time, it said.

Satanists are also being removed above ground. One who is being taken out is EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. European Council President Charles Michel is leading the attack against her because she refutes EU calls to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
The Hungarian and Slovak Presidents are also attacking her by blocking efforts to launder countless billions of Euros in bribe money via the Ukraine.
Readers can help speed the removal of this Nazi Satanist by signing the petition linked below.
In Canada meanwhile, the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot appear in public without being attacked. If you look at his bodyguards in the video below you can see by their demeanor they are most likely not Canadians.
Here is a message to the real Canadian military and intelligence community: If you do not arrest this mass murdering criminal it is only a matter of time before you will be court-martialed for treason and executed by firing squad.
Speaking about execution by firing squad, there is a major purge going on in China that is slipping under most people’s radars. Chinese intelligence sources say “very many” top leaders were killed at a hotel before, during and after the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party that ended on October 22nd.
Israel Last – DW Update: October 28th
The war between Dark and Light is the war between Satan and God.
Between the reptilian bloodline of Satan and the human bloodline of Jesus.
Israel is last because Covid exposed the corruption in our health care and political systems,
Israel will expose the root of all corruption and evil in our religion systems.
The revelation of the hijacking of scripture by Satan centuries a go.
The light on this planet was dimmed by the false light of darkness.
The snake entered the garden of Eden and went undercover in the snakepit.
The head of the snake in the Vatican, the body of the snake formed Silk road leading to Wuhan where it spread out it,s venom.
Hiding in the Snake pit in Israel; where Satanisme hijacked parts of scripture and became the fals light that fooled humanity in evil frequencies of fear, shame and guilt.
Separated from God and the Love we all are.
Separated in religions, race, politics creating dark for centuries.
Separated by a small group who benefited from the controlling of the energies and the people.
This small group the satanic Elite, the Iluminati, the Cabal.
All the ROYAL families of Europe and the Baltic and Russian countries claim their ancestor as WOTAN or ODIN.
13 ROYAL families are REPTILIAN hybrids who are shape-shifters posing as HUMANS
Serpent symbolism is all over the catholic religion. In St. Peter’s Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.
The Druze bloodline of Jesusare the descendants of “Jethro” ,The Priest of Midian in The Bible & “Torah”(Exodus 2:18).
The 16th President Of The United States of America “Abraham Lincoln” , descend from The Kahlooni family.
In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kingsof Morocco & Libya [HASSAN Family] togheter with the Rotal British family.
They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ[DRUZE]
6 Yrs later they merged with Skull n Bones:
Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.
Skull n Bones_ISIS Assassinated JFK.
1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)
1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)
1870 – 1930 BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)
1871 Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarians
1912 Titanic/Olympic Sinking
(Who was onboard, what really happened)
1913 Federal Reserve
1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution
1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.
1948 – Israel Formed(Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)
1949 – Mossad = CIA Formed
Whistleblower General Flynnexposed the Gulen Terrorist Network:
• Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of Jihadist who later waved the flag of ISIS
• These jihadist actions were taking place in Gaza.
• Obama with the help of CIA, NATO and his jihadist cronies, were seeking to top Assad in Syria.
• These treasonous administrations created funding of ISIS a.o.
• The US/Jihadist morphed into the Arab spring, destabilized the middle east and created the orchestrated migration crises.
• Hillary took part in the launching of the Arab spring as secretary of state under the Obama administration.
• Flynn blew the whistle on the involvement in the Gulen terrorist Network of the Obama administration and by default of HW Bush, G Bush, Clinton, the state department, FBI, CIA and the DOG.
Now circle back to Israel today
Those buildings fully Collapsing in Gaza strip being hit from one missile are CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS.
Deep State operators inside both Israel and Palestine camps
have been INFILTRATED long ago (Mossad/CIA)//
Israeli handlers are in fact MOSSAD, >>UK MI6>>ROTHSCHILDs>>CIA.
Dominion servers have a lot to hide.
From human trafficking to Epstein creation to VATICAN banks.
The Mossad/Kazarian mafia controlling Ukraine.
Connections from the Snake pit of corruption by Israeli Elites run deep into United States MSM [CIA] control).
💢 UPDATED Gaza: “OPEN SLAUGHTERHOUSE” – “One Gigantic Satanic Sacrifice”
After Israel commenced what it calls an “expanded ground operation” in the Gaza Strip yesterday, daylight is showing the horrifying results. Social media is ablaze with information and video. “Body parts are everywhere” from the air strikes.
We begin with 21 brief seconds of “Before and After” video showing vast, entire neighborhoods of Gaza, obliterated by Israeli air strikes:
Below, brief video of sunrise this morning in Gaza. The sounds of gunfire and heavier weapons fire, is clearly evident in the distance:
Israel claims they are “Attacking Hamas.” Yet upwards of 100,000 housing units have been destroyed. Is the world to believe there were that many “Hamas” targets? Or would it be more appropriate to call this what it actually is: “Forced displacement?”
David Icke sums it up succinctly: “One giant Satanic sacrifice.”
The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) release video of their operation, shown below. How can 2.3 million civilians in Gaza defend themselves against THIS?
According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks in Gaza climbs to 7,703, including 3,595 children; 19,734 others injured: Health Ministry. But it is very early and there are countless more people buried in rubble. These numbers are likely to skyrocket.
The air strikes are continuing this morning, Saturday, 28 October 2023.
This morning, there are already “Red Alerts” in Tel Aviv because more missiles have been launched by Hamas.
The bloodshed continues, unabated.
UPDATE 9:39 AM EDT –– Iran’s Tasin News Agency, citing a source, CLAIMS “5,000 U.S. troops participated in yesterday’s entry into Gaza.” When asked about such claims in a telephone call last night, the Pentagon Press Office replied “No comment at this time.”
MORE: The IDF is once again urging people living in northern Gaza, to “leave immediately”.
In London and many other places around the world, tens-of-thousands of citizens are taking to the streets to protest Israeli actions and to show their support of Palestinians:
In Paris, tens of thousands more people are rallying FOR the Palestinians:
In Turkiye’, President Recypt Erdogan personally attended an utterly MASSIVE rally in support of Palestinians:
Also this morning, a Statement from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of the combatants:“The Israeli forces received painful strikes last night from our fighters present at the points of advance on the outskirts of eastern Gaza.
The enemy’s display of firepower enabled their forces to advance only a limited number of meters, not exceeding 100 metres, and they erected dirt barriers to protect their soldiers from the strikes of our fighters.
The enemy forces that tried to advance at some points east of Gaza retreated back under fire and clashed with our fighters in the field.
The enemy’s exaggeration of the ground incursion into the Gaza Strip comes within the framework of its bankruptcy of achieving any image of victory in front of its internal front; it is a lie that the enemy constantly peddles.”
UPDATE 10:00 AM EDT – The map below accurately reflects yesterday’s action by the IDF as it made entry into the Gaza Strip:
— Gaza Civil Defense official says that ‘hundreds of buildings and houses were completely destroyed’ overnight.
Deep State Unmasked – Unprecedented Military Coup Exposed!
“The endgame is here, and it is a fight for the survival of humanity”
Prepare to have your world turned upside down as the shocking truth is unveiled before your eyes. The sinister machinations of the elite powers have been exposed in a mind-boggling military coup that defies belief.
Discover how ex-presidents Clinton and Obama, in cahoots with the CIA, masterminded a audacious plan to overthrow a sitting president, manipulating military intelligence to achieve their sinister objectives. This astonishing revelation will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.
Hold onto your seats as we delve into the darkest secrets of the deep state. Adam Schiff, backed by the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and DOD, played a pivotal role in this nefarious scheme, fostering division and chaos that tore at the very fabric of our nation. Uncover the chilling connections to a sprawling pedophilia ring, intertwined with the notorious Epstein scandal—where money laundering, human trafficking, and blackmail ran rampant.
But the deception runs deeper still. Gain a glimpse into the sinister agenda behind this coup—deadly vaccines, societal collapse, digital surveillance, and widespread censorship. These revelations will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.
Prepare to have your reality shattered once more as we expose the hidden agenda of the global elites. Unravel the shocking plan orchestrated by the Rockefellers, involving a staged alien invasion to manipulate and control the masses. This audacious scheme, foretold by NASA’s own Wernher von Braun, will shake the very foundations of our understanding.
Be warned: the first alien invasion will be nothing but smoke and mirrors. Look beyond the illusion and discover the true depths of their deception. Brace yourself for the imminent disclosure—a revelation that will rewrite history and challenge everything we hold dear.
Stay vigilant, fellow patriots, as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented awakening. The battle between light and darkness rages on, but remember, truth and justice will prevail. Get ready to witness the greatest unraveling of our time!
Source: David Wilcock
“War Does Not Determine Who Is Right, Only Who is Left”, Bertrand Russell
Prepare for a mind-blowing journey back to 1939 when German espionage infiltrated Washington. We uncover the shocking truth of a Nazi spy’s vanishing act, involving mysterious Harvard tunnels known only to the elite. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Behind closed doors, the secret military tribunals are unraveling the web of Epstein’s connections to Harvard’s sinister submarine human trafficking rings. As the Epstein list teeters on the edge of exposure, the CIA is in a panic, and their plan to install Gavin Newsom as the next U.S. President crumbles.
But wait, there’s more! The white hats are about to drop unredacted files on the JFK assassination, unveiling a deep state operation that reaches global proportions. Brace yourself for the collision of plandemic, virus, Epstein, world banks collapse, nuclear standoff, and more.
Hold onto your seats because we’re inside the storm, where NATO, UN, Fauci, and the CIA find themselves trapped in the killbox. It’s the season of whistleblowers worldwide, and the questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s mysterious tattoo and Flynn’s shocking article on child sex trafficking around the Five Finger Lakes are just the beginning.
Get ready for the truth bombshell that will leave you speechless. Brace for impact!
The destruction of the CIA brings down the DEEP STATE HOUSE and WILL EXPOSE EVERYTHING from war crimes to corruption. To military coups and the control of the Federal reserve and the corrupt world banks
This connects to bringing down the first FAKE U S. CBDC ( I have told many times the first U.S. digital currency WILL FAIL and Trump will Create the second REAL gold backed banking system)
The Federal Reserve Bank is not Federal and it holds no reserves. It is a private bank owned by its member banks. And overall, owned by the same big banks deemed too big to fail. Like JPMorgan Chase. So when the CBDCs come to supposedly save the day, remember that these banks are run by child rapists and human traffickers.
Who was Seth Rich? What did he know? Why is he important?
Source: David Wilcock
Restored Republic Timeline
“The American Republic Will Endure Until the Day Congress Discovers It Can Bribe the Public With the Public’s Money”, Alexis de Tocqueville
Since President Trump’s inauguration in 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators had filed over 500,000 indictments against Global and Political Elites in federal courts across the nation. Charges included Treason, Human/ Child Trafficking, Murder, Assassinations, Drug and Arms Smuggling and RICO Money Laundering.
After arrests, interrogations and State Grand Jury trials, verified facts in the over 500,000 cases were given to John Durham – who included them in his report – the full extent of which was about to be released.
Since Feb. 2020 a US Interim Military Government has been executing arrests of those prominent elites. “For nearly two years I’ve watched at least five large, unmarked cruise ships, parked two miles off the coast of Long Beach California, in the Pacific Ocean! All the while seeing literally 60 to 70 helicopter flights a day, fanning out in three different directions… unmarked helicopters… obviously some military and some civilian. This has happened every day, including Sundays, nonstop for nearly two years!” …Anonymous
On Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked provisions of the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to Foreign Intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020.
Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military Special Forces have been holding nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using that evidence – evidence that was handed over to Durham and included in a report.
Soon the full Durham Report would be released, followed by another round of around 3,000 arrests of those found guilty of crimes including Treason during the years of investigation since Trump took office.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Uncovering the Truth: Shedding Light on FISA
“Nothing Is Hidden That Will Not Be Made Known, Nothing is Secret That Will Not Come To Light” Dan Brown
Recent revelations surrounding the FBI’s warrantless “backdoor searches” on American citizens, as disclosed by the DOJ Inspector General, have brought forth a concerning issue. While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was initially designed for targeted surveillance of foreigners, it appears that the FBI has been exploiting it to conduct covert surveillance on Americans.
The 2022 transparency report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals an alarming number of 3.4 million backdoor searches conducted in 2021 alone. This revelation has led to questions raised by Gaetz regarding the legitimacy of these searches.
These findings give rise to several important questions: Who authorized the FISA warrants against Flynn? Were there FISA warrants issued against Trump, his campaign, and his aides? Who approved the FISA warrants for surveillance on millions of U.S. citizens? Moreover, why were FISA warrants utilized for spying on foreign governments and influencing events like the “color revolutions” in Egypt, Libya, or attempts to undermine Bin Salman? Understanding the true nature of FISA is of utmost importance.
The significance of Q’s repeated warnings about FISA cannot be ignored. How did Q possess this knowledge in advance?
Consider the implications if these truths were not uncovered. Although the path ahead may be challenging, we must ensure that every step we take adheres to legal protocols. It is crucial for ordinary individuals to comprehend and accept events based on factual information.
The FISA revelations are part of a larger narrative, the opening act of a carefully orchestrated production. This narrative involves exposing bad actors, installing trustworthy individuals, and unmasking sleeper agents. We are prepared for what lies ahead.
[FISA] unveils a planned military coup against the 45th President, revealing deep-rooted corruption within U.S. intelligence agencies, involving elites and even presidents engaged in treasonous acts.
Kash Patel urged trust in Durham, whose saga is yet to unfold, along with the Epstein and Hunter sagas. President Trump himself boldly stated, “It’s treason.”
Behind the scenes, divisions among U.S. military generals persist, while the white hats prepare to release damning evidence and expose the deep state. The involvement of the U.S. military is significant.
It is also important to acknowledge that [FISA] works both ways, and the military white hats possess comprehensive knowledge.
This is not just another ordinary election cycle. Patriots, stand strong as the white hats awaken the masses and initiate Congressional hearings and Senate debriefings to legally substantiate the evidence and establish a solid record. It all leads to the implementation of the Law of War and the imminent arrest of those involved. November 3rd is fast approaching.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
GLOBAL MILITARY COUPS, Unveiling the Tug of War
“Most of Wars or Military Coups or Invasions are Done in the Name of Democracy Against Democracy”, Eduardo Galeano
Anticipated developments are unfolding worldwide, as I have long warned. In numerous countries, a conflict between the entrenched Deep State and the White Hats will escalate into a series of arrests and military coups. Both factions will hurl accusations of treason and military intervention, while the mainstream media, revealing its allegiance, will engage in biased attacks against individuals, groups, or regimes.
In recent news, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was apprehended by paramilitary police. Khan had vocally alleged a CIA-backed military coup within his nation, vowing to expose corruption within his own government and military, implicating their collaboration with the CIA. Reliable sources indicate that he possessed significant intelligence on illicit activities, including the CIA’s involvement in heroin drug operations, covert arms sales from the United States to Pakistan and China, and intricate money laundering systems. Disturbingly, the heinous practice of male child trafficking in the region, particularly between Pakistan and Afghanistan, involving complicity from military, police, government officials, and elites, has persisted for decades—a matter even depicted in the film “Dancing Boys of Afghanistan.”
Consequently, Pakistan has descended into chaos, with violent clashes erupting between security forces and Imran Khan’s supporters, resulting in casualties, including one fatality in the city of Quetta. Such events, characterized by the ARREST WARS phenomenon, are anticipated to spread across several countries by 2024. The United States, facing an imminent civil war plot orchestrated by the Deep State, an agenda that has been discussed by U.S. generals for the past two years, serves as a precursor to this global unrest. Over the past year alone, countries in Africa, South America, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, and Myanmar have already experienced military coups, with further incidents expected to occur and escalate.
In this brewing storm, corrupt nations are plotting to overthrow countries under CIA influence. The disclosure of mounting deaths associated with the virus and vaccines has sparked outrage, with leaked reports on gain-of-function research and corruption permeating all nations. Governments and corporations linked to the CIA network are being exposed, triggering a silent yet resounding worldwide revolution. Behind the scenes, a military alliance is orchestrating these events, catalyzing the storm and heralding the great awakening.
During these challenging and dark moments, let us maintain faith, dear patriots, for beyond lies the light. The best is yet to come as we navigate through the tempestuous storm, forging ahead towards a brighter future.
Source: Judy Byington
Breaking News: Subpoenas Issued to Elite Figures in the Epstein Case
“True Courage Is To Stand Against Evil, Even When We Stand Alone”, Richard C. Edgley
Prepare for the shocking truth to be unveiled as powerful individuals find themselves at the center of the Epstein case. Take note of the names resonating throughout influential circles:
– Sergey Brin: Google Founder, ranked 12th richest person globally
– Thomas Pritzker: CEO of the Pritzker Organization and Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corporation
– Michael Ovitz: Co-founder of Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and former President of The Walt Disney Company
– Mortimer Zuckerman: CEO of Boston Properties and media owner
These individuals wield significant influence, overseeing corporations, subsidiaries, and investors within the intricate network of global elites. Their wealth intertwines with entities like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and Wall Street, all guided by influential forces such as the CIA and the Rockefeller’s.
Attempts to bury the Epstein case and conceal connections to the Virgin Islands, JP Morgan, and the Epstein sex trafficking ring were met with unwavering resistance from the U.S. Virgin Islands, supported by military intelligence operations. Even with vast resources and attempts to manipulate the justice system, these elites were unable to escape scrutiny.
But how did the richest elites lose control over the Epstein cases and their grip on the judiciary, despite their immense power? What is truly unfolding?
Enter the World of Military Alliance Operations
If you have been following various sources, including enigmatic figures like Q The Storm Rider, you may have glimpsed the grand game at play. Military alliance operations are underway, aiming to dismantle the cabal, the deep state, and expose the global pedophilia ring connected to Epstein. Uncover the web of blackmail operations involving Mossad, MI6, the CIA, and DARPA’s Five Eyes operations.
These powerful entities allegedly orchestrated the pandemic, funded the virus, and manipulated organizations like the World Health Organization for their own malevolent agenda. Wars served as smokescreens to hide their nefarious activities, with Ukraine allegedly serving as a major money laundering operation run by the CIA and DARPA’s 4th Reich operations.
It’s important to note that the individuals mentioned are of Jewish heritage and have connections to CCP organizations and markets. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between good and bad actors within any group. The real Jewish society is reportedly working to purge the infiltration of the Khazarian Mafia, an ongoing struggle to reclaim their heritage.
Stay prepared for seismic revelations in the Epstein case. The truth will emerge, and those who believed themselves untouchable will face the consequences they deserve.
Source: David Wilcock
Durham Report Alludes to a Deeper Background Story
“Never Forget The American Commitment to Real Justice and Accountability” Michael R. Pompeo
The mention of the Durham report alludes to a deeper story, suggesting that military and intelligence agencies possess documents related to the investigation. It is implied that the current publicized Durham report serves as a cover for their operations, with the true findings being held privately.
The topic of bringing down the CIA is also mentioned, along with its connections to various organizations such as the WHO, vaccines, biolabs, banks, CDC, and NIH. Additionally, references are made to important individuals possessing classified JFK files and the involvement of RFK Jr. and former President Trump in unveiling undisclosed information. Congress and senators are actively discussing the Durham investigation, and Elon Musk is said to be setting a trap with Twitter, indicating that not everything is as it appears.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Top Secret NATO War Plans, Colossal Web of Corruption
“Never Think That War No Matter How Necessary Nor Just, Is Not A Crime”, Earnest Hemingway
We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO war plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.
Step into a clandestine world of power and opulence where billions of dollars from the CCP have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks. But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. In the shadows, intelligence units are tirelessly decrypting the covert codes utilized in the SVB financial democratic laundering systems. The sinister collapse of SVB and its eerie connections to the Deep State trace back to the highest echelons of the U.S. government—the CIA, Pentagon, Obama, Biden—exposing a vast network of corruption entwined with the Ukrainian money laundering system and the far-reaching grasp of the CCP.
Meanwhile, the arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lies a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph. By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures. This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.
For months, we have been fed a steady diet of lies about Ukraine’s supposed triumph in the war, propagated by the Pentagon, mainstream media, and the Biden administration. However, now, valiant insiders emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the truth. Among them stands Colonel Douglas MacGregor, a trusted confidant of Trump and a seasoned war strategist. Backed by classified intelligence reports and the unwavering commitment of oath keepers and the Military Alliance, MacGregor’s revelations paint a bleak picture of the Ukrainian battlefield. As the supply of cutting-edge weaponry and systems from the US and EU grinds to a halt, the imminent collapse of Ukraine becomes undeniable.
Prepare for the ultimate shockwave—leaked U.S. military and NATO war plans are making waves online, courtesy of Russia. These classified documents lay bare the true extent of Ukrainian casualties, revealing that hundreds of thousands have perished on their side, while the Russian losses pale in comparison. The Pentagon, CIA, and NATO find themselves reeling as their hidden motives and objectives are laid bare. Desperate to regain control, they dismiss the leaked documents as Russian disinformation or heavily manipulated data. But the truth cannot be silenced!
We are witnessing an unprecedented series of events, masterfully orchestrated according to the Laws of War—3.4, 3.5, leading to the climactic 3.6. Each thread we unravel, from Epstein to Ukraine, Obama to the Clintons, the CIA to the virus, and even Silicon Valley Bank, weaves an intricate tapestry of intrigue and corruption. Every sign points to a pivotal date—11.3—the point of no return.
But that’s not all—the floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration. White hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the deep state’s AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power. We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.
Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance. This is the storm you’ve been anxiously awaiting—the world will never be the same again!
Source: David Wilcock
Global Economic Collapse
Recession is When Your Neighbor Lose His Job, Depression Is When You Lose Yours”, Ronald Regan
by Peter Novak, Warnings Released May 19th – 28th
I told you that the US would experience a strong panic yesterday. There were actually several panics in the US yesterday. Most of them were political in nature, and most of them only panicked the Democrat side of the isle.
The strongest panic yesterday may have been in Congress, over the Whistleblowers’ testimonies that obliterated the Dem narratives on January 6th and other issues. But the Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the election trial in Arizona, because it seemed to be going so well for Kari Lake.
The Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the Default Crisis, so much so in fact that they began floating the controversial and never-before used idea of using the 14″ Amendment to circumvent the need for a Congressional bill to raise the Debt Ceiling. The Dems were also panicking yesterday because the GOP filed impeachment charges against Biden and several members of his Administration, and also moved to remove Adam Schiff from the House.
And the Dems were also panicking yesterday because Senator Feinstein finally came back from medical leave, but she now seems to be mentally impaired, and said yesterday that she doesn’t even remember being gone from Congress for the last several months.
Source: Peter Novak
US Open Border Crisis, Mexican Cartel Infiltration, Insurgents, & Mercenary Invaders
“Over one million Mexican civilians have been killed by the Cartels in the past 10 yrs. US border town shootings and crime up 1100%. Mexican Cartels have declared War on the US and Americans are silent”
Mexico-based drug cartels—and not the government of the United States—”control everything that crosses that southwest border,” including “illegal migrant crossings” that “create gaps in border security,” according to former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott.
“When I say gaps in border security, I mean they overwhelm all of our law enforcement in the area beyond the Border Patrol, and that creates gaps where there is no law enforcement, and then they bring into the country anything they want,” Scott said during a May 23 hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.
The cartels aren’t just in Mexico, they’re also present in the United States, according to Scott, who’s now a distinguished senior fellow for border policy with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

In a clear sign of white hat military action, 24 Republican governors announced deployments of National Guard troops to assist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security efforts.

One reason the troops are being deployed is that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been paying a staggering $18,000 per child to “sponsor” unaccompanied minors. The children were being placed with abusive “sponsors” and up to 85,000 “sponsored” children are missing.

The “Dark Side” of Globalization
• Mexico is the “hub” of the underground globalization drug market
• Mexican cartels desire to control transportation routes
• Transit points usually link Mexico with Latin American drug producing nations such as Colombia & Peru, and the U.S, to which the majority of drugs are smuggled
• Mexican cartels are responsible for 90% of the U.S cocaine market & key producers of marijuana and methamphetamines
• 90% of guns seized in Mexico including high-powered semi automatic rifles, originated in the U.S
• Mexican cartels are active in more than 1,000 cities
• 450,000 Mexicans now rely on the international drug trafficking as their primary source of income
Source: Ben Fulford
Explosive Revelation: DeSantis Exposes Global Elite, Unveils WEF Connection
Politics is The Art of Looking For Trouble, Finding it Everywhere, Diagnosing it Incorrectly, and Applying the Wrong Remedies”, Groucho Marx
Get ready to be amazed as the truth unfolds right before your eyes. The global stage of world affairs is about to reveal its hidden secrets, with DeSantis taking center stage. However, doubts arise regarding his Yale University connection, which was allegedly funded by Epstein. Similar skepticism surrounds other prominent figures like Musk, Rogan, Jones, Tucker, and more. Pay close attention because each one plays a crucial role in this epic saga.
While military operations continue to awaken the masses, notable figures from both sides of the political spectrum, including RINOs and Democrats, have taken the vaccines despite not aligning with Trump. But behind the scenes, military intelligence masterminds have orchestrated an astonishing plot, crafting an apparent conflict between Trump and DeSantis—a well-scripted masterpiece.
Yet, the real revelation lies in DeSantis’s courageous exposure of the WEF, the global elite on an unprecedented scale. European news outlets and social media are buzzing with this groundbreaking disclosure. DeSantis leads the charge in unveiling the insidious grip of the CCP, which controls the WEF and drives the globalist agenda.
But that’s not all. This intricate web of interconnected events sets the stage for what’s about to unfold. From Trump’s influence in Congress to his silent control over the House, everything is falling into place to expose the CCP’s foreign interference and dismantle their operations, corporations, and industries within the United States.
Believe it or not, you’ve been part of an extraordinary movie all this time—a meticulously crafted production where actors play pivotal roles. Their mission? To infiltrate, change the narrative, and leak crucial information through whistleblowers. It’s a race against time to awaken the masses before the Pentagon and the CIA lead us into civil unrest.
Prepare yourself for the mind-blowing revelations that await—an investigation into Fauci’s involvement in virus funding, the resurfacing of Epstein’s case, the rise of Musk, DeSantis, and Cotton, and the opening of long-sealed Epstein files in Congress. Brace yourself as giants like Microsoft and Facebook face exposure. It’s a whirlwind of events that will reshape our world.
In this extraordinary era, where truth and fiction intertwine seamlessly, Trump and these influential figures hold the key to dismantling the deep state. Stay vigilant, for the tide is turning, and the grand finale approaches. The truth warriors march forward with unwavering determination and an unyielding commitment to justice.
The show is far from over.
Source: David Wilcock
Russia’s Audacious Plan to End War! Global Powers in Panic!
“I Found in My Experience in War, that Plans are Useless, but Planning is Invaluable”, Winston Churchill
Hold onto your seats as we reveal Russia’s shocking strategy to bring the war to an abrupt halt! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping revelation: Russia intends to capture Kiev and sever vital communication lines from Poland, effectively dismantling NATO and U.S. military intelligence in Ukraine. Putin’s next move is set to reshape the geopolitical landscape!
In an astonishing turn of events, tens of thousands of Russians are flooding into the military, with a staggering 6,000 to 10,000 enlistments reported daily in western Russia alone. The immense support for Russia’s decisive strike on Ukraine and the capture of Kiev is surging, as the Russian people rally behind their nation’s cause.
Germany, weary of the protracted conflict, has witnessed the largest anti-war protest in its history. The sentiment is spreading, with news articles and public opinion shifting against the East, driven by NATO and the U.S. The anti-war movement reverberates across Italy, Hungary, Austria, and even France, where silent resistance against NATO commands is gaining momentum.
Behind closed doors, Poland has struck a secret truce with China, engaging in a delicate dance while surreptitiously sending jets to Ukraine. Poland and Germany are even plotting to align with the BRICS nations, joining over 110 other nations clandestinely signing deals with Russia and China. The tides are turning against the warmongers.
Prepare to have your worldview shattered as the undeniable truth emerges: The Russian economy thrives despite relentless U.S. and EU sanctions, while the U.S. and EU economies crumble before our eyes. Resistance is brewing in the Middle East, Africa, and South America as these nations refuse to succumb to the manipulations of the U.S., EU, UK, NATO, and the UN. The balance of power is shifting.
Startling military intelligence reports estimate that an astonishing 4.8 billion people worldwide support China and Russia, engaging in flourishing trade with these nations. Surprisingly, even countries like France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, and the UK are engaging in record-high legal and illicit trade with Russia.
Ukraine finds itself teetering on the edge of collapse, as its ammunition runs dry and Ukrainian soldiers face a perilous existence with a mere four-hour life span in the Bakhmut battle. The truth becomes undeniable: NATO and the U.S. are losing support for their CIA proxy war against Russia. The world is waking up to their deceit.
But that’s not all! Behind the scenes, Trump is orchestrating a seismic investigation into the CIA and Pentagon, aiming to expose the truth about Nord Stream, U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, money laundering, and war crimes. The coming months will witness Congressional hearings and military courts unveiling shocking revelations. Russia plans to release surveillance videos, pulling back the veil of secrecy.
As if that weren’t enough, explosive scandals are on the horizon: the Hunter Laptop saga, the Epstein revelations, Fauci’s exposure, the Pentagon’s involvement in gain-of-function research and vaccine creation, the imminent collapse of the U.S. fiat system, the Biden family’s exposé, and much more. The deep state is in a panic, struggling to find the funds to sustain their genocidal agenda.
Where is Bill Gates’ money? What happened to Rothschilds’ and Rockefellers’ fortunes? What about the U.S. Treasury, Soros, and the Davos Group? The staggering sums needed to fund NATO, the UN, and the Ukraine war are vanishing into thin air. The deep state’s monetary system is crumbling, paving the way for their ultimate downfall.
Patriots, stay strong ! The storm is approaching its climax as the eight-year struggle reaches its final year. The triumphant smiles of Trump, Xi, Putin, Modi, Bin Salman, and Musk resonate from the depths of Cheyenne Mountains. Their plan is in motion.
NCSWIC 11.3: The truth is about to be revealed!
Source: David Wilcock
The US Military is presently at Defcon Level Two Red Alert Impending Global Nuclear Attack
“War is a Grim, Cruel Business, a Business Justified Only as a Means of Sustaining the Forces of Good Against Those of Evil”, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 29 May 2023 | US at Defcon Level Two, Red Alert for Impending Global Nuclear Attack,
In addition, this coming Thurs. 1 June and despite rhetoric put out by Biden and Congress – the US will default on it’s debts. There was nothing left in the US Inc. Treasury but fiat monies, and little of that due to US Inc. being trillions in debt and with a legal inability to print more.
For some time the Deep State has been functioning on fiat monies and artificially holding up World Stock Markets. Thereby US Inc. would be unable to make loan repayments – that was bound to send world markets into a tailspin and instigate Stock Market crashes around the Globe. After the crash, the Markets were not expected to return – ever.
All of which added up to an imminent need for activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.
The Good News: the moment the EBS came about, the Deep State Satanic Rule would be over.
The Bad News: the Internet would fail, making Banks unable to function.
Not to worry. By that same Thurs. 1 June all 209 major countries across the Globe were due to be connected to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS), with their gold/asset-backed currencies activated. Monies in your present bank account have already been mirrored onto a secure personal account in that new monetary system.
Those who hold foreign currencies and bonds destined to go up in value with this new QFS, would do exchanges and redemptions at Redemption Centers (There were over 7,000 Redemption Centers that have been set up in the US alone).
The General Public would soon also receive NESARA/GESARA monies (monies stolen by the Cabal) at those same Redemption Centers.
Source: Judy Byington
💢 Fake Alien Invasion | Project Blue Beam | False Flag Operation
“A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. Nations (US/CIA) have often done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying the enemy (Aliens) did it, as a pretext for going to war” or ushering in their NWO”.
💢 The Pentagon wants a violent narration of an Alien invasion.There were Whistleblowers coming forward and powerful White Hats who were going to counter the violent invasion propaganda Deep State narration
While the Pentagon Mainstream Media was claiming there was going to be an Alien invasion, White Hats were pushing real Disclosure – the Pentagon was already involved with the Alien Agenda and technology.
This game theory move traps the Pentagon CIA as the leaks and Whistleblowers come from within their own divisions (proving there was a cover up and agenda happening.
No Mainstream Media outlet reported on a Whistleblower who exposed that the Pentagon had knowledge of advanced UFO technology (and more).The New York Times and Washington Post didn’t touch the story.
This says the Deep State did not want the Whistleblower to get coverage on his story as it would connect the Pentagon/CIA/DOD to an Alien Agenda cover up and Deep State Operation in progress.
Counter moves were being made against the fake Alien Invasion Rockefeller Deep State Operation.
Source; Wilcock

Unveiling the Sinister Khazarian Mafia DS Playbook: The Path to Total Digital Banking Control | CBDC
As the World Becomes a More Digital Place, We Can Not Forget About the Human Connection”, Adam Neumann
Prepare for the Impending Crisis of Hunger and Starvation!
The nefarious Deep State is orchestrating a diabolical event that will cunningly shift the blame to a fabricated food distribution collapse.
Their sinister plan? Manipulate the masses into desperate dependence on the government, who will swoop in as supposed saviors, offering food rations and free money$$.
But beware! There’s a catch: You must surrender your freedom by registering through their insidious digital banking system, granting them control over your financial life and integrating you into their new order. Any violation of their cryptic and convoluted terms and conditions will result in swift and severe consequences — frozen bank accounts, exorbitant fines, or even total asset confiscation.
And that’s not all! They aim to silence dissenting voices by forbidding the sharing of any information that challenges the mainstream narrative on pandemic protocols, vaccines, virus origins, and war-related details.
Beware the Machiavellian Operation Lock Step, masterminded by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Khazarian EU, and their clandestine cohorts. They are poised to plunge humanity into an abyss of control and manipulation.
But fear not, for there is hope! Courageous White Hats are working tirelessly behind the scenes, channeling the Deep State’s wicked plan into a magnificent awakening.
In this high-stakes game, it’s a battle of chess-like proportions, with darkness shrouding the world before the triumphant emergence of light.
Stay vigilant, my fellow citizens, and ensure you have enough provisions to sustain yourself for the forthcoming tumultuous period of 30 to 90 days.
The time for action is now. Let the truth prevail.
Darkness Before The Light
Source: David Wilcock
White Hat Intel: Two Disruptive Events Planned
“The Greatest Danger in Times of Disruptive Events, is Not the Disruption, it is to Act with Yesterdays Logic”, Peter Drucker
Military issued satellite phones to the Senate in the coming Communications Blackout Event.
This comes on the heel of China Spy Balloons and China merging with Russia on tactical War defense operations.
Four Star General Keane issued a warning: “China will attack our Homeland quite massively using cyber Capabilities to attack, defeat our electrical grid, oil gas distribution even the financial sector.” Gen. Keane went on to say that China will try to defeat the US inside the U.S. and Pacific regions.
This all comes as Russia makes its BRICS alliance and tells the Alliance that he will nuclear arm them if they wish to join forces against the western regimen.
At the same time China issues warning to the CIA.
The international community needs to stay on high alert against cyber attack activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States around the world, and the United States must stop using cyber weapons to carry out espionage and cyber attacks, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday. Mao Ning _CHINA.
TRUMP. RFK JR. PUTIN. XI all have publicly attacked the CIA for world corruption.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says it has spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness in the event of a nuclear emergency.
In 2017 the CIA was doing Operation Gotham Shield exercises conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area with the National Guard.
Source: Judy Byington
Get Ready for Impact: U.S. Military Forewarns of Turmoil and Generals Sound the Alarm!
“One Thorn of Experience is Worth A Whole Wilderness of Warnings”, James Russel Lowell
Prepare yourself for a riveting revelation as esteemed military figures raise the alarm. Brace for the stunning insights from Major General Paul Eaton, former Brigadier General; Steven Anderson, and Army Major General Antonio Taguba, who express grave concerns about a potential civil war on the horizon in 2024. Their words reverberate through military circles, leaving us with a sense of unsettling anticipation.
Behind Closed Doors: Militias Rise, Ammunition Disappears!
Tensions grip the nation as numerous militias, spanning across political affiliations, non-voters, criminal gangs, and cartels, contribute to an unprecedented surge in ammunition sales. Prepare for a chilling truth: an astonishing 76 government agencies in the United States are stockpiling weapons and military equipment, boasting over 200,000 federalized officers armed with the authority to make arrests and bear firearms. This force outnumbers even the formidable U.S. Marines. Disturbing revelations emerge about hidden funding, reaching into the tens of millions, courtesy of the Biden Administration’s collusion with the CIA and Pentagon.
Military Machinations: Revealing Loyal Generals and the Deep State!
Unravel the enigma surrounding military generals and commanders who remain loyal or, perhaps worse, compromised by deep state elites. How did they ascend to positions of power? Brace yourself for a truth that shatters trust: the Ukrainian failure intertwined with a corrupt web of connections involving global bank corruption, the U.S. military-industrial complex, and a clandestine bioweapons saga. Grave concerns of Nuremberg Code violations, crimes against humanity, treason, and war crimes loom large.
The Web of Treason: Exposing Pentagon’s Role in the Plandemic!
Peel back the layers of deception to uncover the shocking involvement of the Pentagon in the global pandemic. Delve into the dark underbelly where a sinister plot is intertwined with stolen elections, foreign interference, foreign occupation, and a ruthless power pursuit. The air hangs heavy with allegations of treason, violations of the Nuremberg Code, and crimes against humanity, casting a damning shadow over those orchestrating this devastating conspiracy.
Whistleblowers Unleashed: High-Ranking Military Officers Take a Stand!
A tide turns as courageous high-ranking military officers, including captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels, step forward as whistleblowers. These fearless voices, protected by Congress and the Senate, are poised to expose deep state military generals involved in pushing the vaccine agenda, violating the Nuremberg Code, and committing crimes against humanity. The landscape shifts as reports emerge of certain generals resigning in anticipation of imminent investigations.
The Only Path Forward: A Militarized Journey!
In this era of uncertainty, the resounding echoes of “it had to be this way” leave an indelible mark. As the United States teeters on the edge, one truth emerges: the path ahead lies with the military. Brace yourself for the trials that lie in wait. The destiny of our nation hangs in the balance, watched closely by the world with bated breath.
Source: David Wilcock
Behind the Scenes, Near Death Civilization Event Plans Under Way
“Sometimes A Little Near Death Experience Helps Them Put Things Into Perspective”, Anne Shropshire
TRUMP is preparing to make the UNITED STATES A WORLD LEADER in the honor of goodness and greatness of the American People. No matter what happens in the next months inside the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT
PLANS are already under way for TRUMP to RETURN PUBLICLY AS COMMANDER AND CHIEF ( in real time TRUMP is the commander and Chief, and Cheyenne mountain recognizes him as the true leader and authority over the Highest military commands).
The PLANS for TRUMP to build the United States into a global economic leader within one year and half is connected to highest volumes of Natural resources and gas . Oil and global energy the United States possess’s .
CHINA. RUSSIA. south American BRICS nations all know the U.S. is going to produce over 25_30 million barrels of oil a day and take over the world ENERGY structure MARKET.
BEHIND THE SCENES, TRUMP is already in talks with South America and China as the U.S. WILL out produce Russian ENERGY.
Within a short 1 year and half after The Great COLLAPSE and near death civilization events_of 2023 2024. The GOLDEN AGE OF 2025_2026_27 BEGINS and the PLANS are already being played out. Currently and coming> (And with the dismantling of the CIA. FBI. And coming 11.3 Tribulations Storm ARRESTS)
The Power of the REAL PLAN Unfolding. Is beyond human conception as the FAKE. ALIEN INVASION (#1) will be EXPOSED on NATIONAL level
And this will lead to DECLASSIFICATION of the REAL ( #2) TECHNOLOGY connected to INFINITE ENERGY. ( Infinite ENERGY is med beds. Floating crafts. Floating Cities, imagine the new jobs and technology. Far far far far far beyond what any human thought possible.. But everything comes in STAGES…
Including bringing down the World DEEP STATE Satanic CABAL connected to EPSTEIN and world leaders. Banks. Corporations. BLACKMAIL system. Human trafficking rings. World War mongering)
Everything you are watching is staged. This includes the deep state pushing their agenda it WILL all back fire.. This is called GAME THEORY OPERATIONS. The near death civilization EVENT is GAME THEORY OPERATIONS and will LEAD TO MILITARY INTERVENTION.
Kash Patel telling you DURHAM failed is A lie.
KASH is playing a game. Learn to play the game.
Durham didn’t fall. I have told you many times his report was already in the hands of the military 2 years ago. Everything happening now is for Congressional records that will show the failure of the captured U.S. government and courts (Military COUP)
You are just in the beginning of the GREAT AWAKENING WORLD PROJECT that leads to a Golden Era. But for now we are inside the COLLAPSE of the deep state Power structures.
Don’t worry about Klaus. WEF & WHO. Their fates are sealed and they know TRUMP. CHEYENNE. MILITARY OPERATIONS IS COMING.
Source: David Wilcock
The Death Blow to the Central Banking System, Will Destroy The Khazarian Mafia Deep State
“If You Want To Know What A Man Is Really Like, Take Notice When He Loses All His Money”, Simone Weil
All central banks around the world are bankrupted now — it is just not revealed to the public yet, and maybe it’s a good thing. This is the Alliance’s ‘Softest Landing’ approach to avoid maximum tragedies, suffering & casualties for all citizens.
There’s already chaos with people, in multiple countries, not being able to get their money out of banks. If all humans find out that banks are insolvent & do not have liquidity, then everyone will rush to the bank to pull their money out & that would cause the biggest global panic & crash in ALL major countries. It would be complete utter chaos that even the Military Alliance will not be able to handle.
The bankruptcy reveal will be done publicly in phases to ensure not creating a full meltdown of citizens all over the world, all at once. As the old financial system transitions into the new QFS, citizens will be able to transfer their ‘old’ money into the new system. However this sounds a lot easier & smoother than reality.
In reality, we can not transfer from the old slave debt money system to a new one without pain & suffering. Hard-earned money & valuable assets will be lost. This is why I’ve shared my perspective on how & where to store your assets during this greatest transition of financial systems. We are no longer at the precipice. It is no longer the ‘calm before the storm’. The storm is here now.
As more & more people figure out what is truly going on inside the matrix financial systems & government, it is not going to be fun. It will be more intense than the last 3 years of dealing with the CONvid agenda.
There is a SILVER lining in all this. There is a MASSIVE SILVER LINING that is coming after this storm — but for now, take cover.
We are heading into very turbulent waters. We are going to witness unimaginable jaw-dropping global events. It will be devastating to those that are not ready. It will be exciting for some. It will be the Greatest Show & Events to unfold for those in their Heart Space, holding their Highest LOVE Frequency & being well-prepared. | Source: David Wilcock
Behind the scene – experts say that Biden’s signature on the Debt Ceiling Bill by Mon. 5 June was designed to not divert a default on the US Dollar, but actually create a default – because suspension of the Debt Ceiling which debt was already at an unsustainable $36 Trillion.
When combined with the Central Banks of the World’s recent bankruptcies – (unreported by the Mainstream Media), the bill’s approval by Congress has already removed any pillar of support for the US dollar in global financial markets.
Default of the US Dollar was the basis – (and goal) for the soon-to-be implemented Deep State’s Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Banking System. The Great Reset was designed so those Elite members of the Deep State could have control over The People’s bank accounts and thus, rule their lives and rule the World.

House & Senate to Allow $36 Trillion US Debt To Rise Even Higher – with nowhere to borrow the money, setting up Operation Sandman De-dollarization: within 24 hours $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury Bonds would be dumped, loosing 50-90% of US Dollar value. US cash would be worthless.
All Central Banks around the world were now bankrupt and insolvent — it just cannot be announced all at once. https://t.me/drue86/26063
The Mockingbird Media – would make it seem like this was a good thing. Nothing wrong’s — go back to your shopping, post selfies & leave your money in the banks.
We have seen a string of bank deaths – Credit Suisse, Deutsche, SVB, First Republic & regional banks — all dead. Even Evergrande is dead. All publicly dead entities are being propped up, pretending to still be functional. They are not. They won’t let the banks default, because once that happens, the GAME is OVER.
Massive consolidation — JPMorgan have been swooping up all the dead assets. JPMorgan connects to Epstein with Jamie Dimon on the hook.
Senate passes bill – to raise debt ceiling, preventing first-ever U.S. default: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/01/debt-ceiling-bill-updates.html
House & Senate passes a $4 Trillion debt ceiling — which could bring the total debt to $36 TRILLION! Where will the $4 Trillion come from? No one will lend U.S. the money — not China, Russia or Saudi. So the Federal Reserve will print it.
The De-dollarization is set – Operation Sandman — where $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury bonds will be dumped within 24 hours, with St. Petersburg leading the way. The American Dollar can potentially lose 50-90% of its value. Operation Sandman https://t.me/drue86/35852
Historically fiat currencies – have a life span of 27 years. The USDA Reserve Currency has been in effect for over 90 years, 40 of which was functioning in fiat currency.
We crashed the Russian economy – back in the 80s/90s — tables have turned. American allies like France & Japan have dumped U.S. Treasury bonds. In Long Beach, the largest port in America, shipping companies rejected U.S. Treasury bonds. It was expected that the US Financial Meltdown would happen in mid-June 2023.
When this happens, gas may cost up to $40/gallon – $100 Egg cartons. It will FREEZE our whole economy. All banks will fall publicly. All U.S. cash will be worthless. Drug dealers’ & dirty cops like LAPD’s Rampart Division’s stashed cash will be worthless. CIA stashed cash payments for train derailments, public shootings, Antifa, contract killers & all [DS] agents will be worthless.
The MUSIC STOPS – Greatest ECONOMY CRASH of all times.
Source: Judy Byington
Secret Empire of Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans | AKA Khazarian Mafia
“The Control of Information is Something the Elite Always Does, Particularly in a Despotic Form of Government. Information, Knowledge is Power. If You Can Control Information You Can Control People”, Tom Clancy
Prepare to uncover the shocking truth about the world’s most influential families and their iron grip on the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, comprised of the Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans, holds unparalleled power that extends far beyond the realm of oil.
Picture this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, join forces with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. But their domination doesn’t stop there. They have extended their reach to encompass the music industry through an intricate network of private banks. These behemoths, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, control the strings of the music industry, enabling them to dictate its direction and influence.
The nefarious deeds of the Rockefeller dynasty are far-reaching, starting with their military-commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a diabolical plan to shift the world’s standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical illnesses. Behind the scenes, this manipulation led to financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies connected to the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and elite organizations.
Fast forward to the late 1980s, when the Rockefeller’s summoned the top music executives and talent to a highly secretive meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, tightly linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme operations.
The Rockefellers devised a cunning plan to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together top executives and leading black artists, binding them with confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: coordinate the violence within the rap music movement, while major record labels gained exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. As a reward, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.
The Masonic plan unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems housing more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers’ malevolent scheme. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, creating a vast money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced 8 times higher than their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed the privatization of prisons into a multi-trillion-dollar venture.
Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the ever-expanding private prisons. As a result, the United States now holds the dubious record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not an accident—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefeller’s.
But their influence doesn’t end there. These silent thieves also manipulate elections, ensuring their grip on power remains unbroken.
Unmasking the true face of those who control the world, the Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s find themselves in the crosshairs of military alliance operations aimed at dismantling the Rothschilds’ deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Special Report Sources; Ben Fulford, Peter Novak, Judy Byington, David Wilcock, David Icke
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