GREAT AWAKENING REPORT • June 2019 • Volume II • Chapter VI
Layoffs Escalating, Assange’s Health Concerns, Trade Wars, Science Confirms Conscious Universe, Increase in UFO Sightings, Virginia Beach Shooting, Man on Fire in DC, Sun Micronova Cycles, Power of Forgiveness, New Healing & Lifestyle Practice
The mainstream media has been using the term “uncharted territory” to describe the unusual tornado outbreaks that have been happening in the middle of the country, but we don’t think that truly captures the historic nature of what we are witnessing. Over the last 30 days, there have been more than 500 tornadoes in the United States. That is not normal. In fact, Tuesday was the 12th day in a row when at least eight tornadoes were spawned, and that is a new all-time record. Community after community in the Midwest now looks like a “war zone”, and billions upon billions of dollars of damage has already been done. But this crisis is far from over because forecasters are telling us that more powerful storms will roar through the middle of the country on Wednesday.
Since 1998, there has been an average of 279 tornadoes during the month of May. So the fact that we have had more than 500 over the last 30 days means that we are running way, way above normal…
In the last week alone, the authorities have linked tornadoes to at least seven deaths and scores of injuries. Federal government weather forecasters logged preliminary reports of more than 500 tornadoes in a 30-day period — a rare figure, if the reports are ultimately verified — after the start of the year proved mercifully quiet.
The barrage continued Tuesday night, as towns and cities across the Midwest took shelter from powerful storms. Tornadoes carved a line of devastation from eastern Kansas through Missouri, ripping trees and power lines in Lawrence, Kan., southwest of Kansas City, and pulverizing houses in nearby Linwood. According to the National Weather Service, there were more than 50 tornadoes over Memorial Day weekend alone, and at this point, there have been at least 8 tornadoes in the U.S. for 12 consecutive days.
The storms have drawn their fuel from two sources: a high-pressure area that pulled the Gulf of Mexico’s warm, moist air into the central United States, where it combined with the effects of a trough trapped over the Rockies, which included strong winds.
• More than a dozen injured as unusual Tornado strikes in Chile.
• How to stay safe during a tornado.
Here in the United States, there were dozens of detectable earthquakes in the state of California on Sunday, and a lot of people are concerned about what all of these small earthquakes could mean. More than 80 percent of the world’s earthquakes happen within the Ring of Fire, and many scientists believe that shaking along one section of the Ring of Fire can put stress on other portions. Of course, we have been told over and over again that California is way overdue for a “Big One”, and we know that it is coming someday.
Any major earthquake along the Ring of Fire is a reason for concern, and the one that hit Peru on Sunday was definitely very unusual. The magnitude 8.0 earthquake was deep enough that it did not cause much damage.
A powerful magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck a remote part of the Amazon jungle in Peru early Sunday, collapsing buildings and knocking out power to some areas but causing only one reported death. The quake struck at 2:41 a.m. and was centered in a vast nature preserve 57 miles east of the small town of Yurimaguas.
Helping limit damage was the earthquake’s depth, at 70 miles below the surface, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Earthquakes that are close to the surface generally cause more destruction.
Is it just a coincidence that California was hit by dozens of earthquakes in the aftermath?
The USGS website is reporting that there have been more than 80 earthquakes in California within the last 24 hours. By the time that you look at the same map, the numbers will inevitably have changed, but hopefully, you will still be able to see that most of the recent shaking has been in southern California. And whenever we see a lot of shaking in southern California, that should definitely raise a red flag.
As shared in previous articles, one scientific study came to the conclusion that one day an absolutely enormous earthquake “could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly”… The Big One may be overdue to hit California, but scientists near LA have found a new risk for the area during a major earthquake. They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly.
There were 55 confirmed eruptions at some point during 2019 from 54 different volcanoes; 10 of those were new eruptions that started during the year. A stop date with “(continuing)” indicates that the eruption was considered to be ongoing as of the date indicated. Data is reported through the last data update. Information about more recent eruptions can be found in the Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report.
Mt. Etna in Italy is currently erupting, here’s a video of the eruption.
It looks like global food production could be well below expectations in 2019, and that could spell big trouble in the months ahead. In recent weeks, I have written extensively about the problems that we have been experiencing here in the United States. As many as a million calves were lost to the flooding that hit the state of Nebraska in March, farmers have planted less than half of the corn that is normally in the ground by this time of the year, and a lot of the crops that have been planted in the middle of the country are really struggling due to extremely wet soil. But it isn’t just the United States that is facing a very troubling year. Earlier today, one of my readers sent me an article entitled “Global food crisis ahead as extreme weather events devastate crops and fields around the world” which I would encourage everyone to read. In that article, we are told that after the worst drought in 116 years Australia has actually been forced to import wheat. And according to the Guardian, this is the first time in 12 years that this has happened…
Attorney General Bill Barr has said that he “personally” felt that Special Counsel Robert Mueller could have reached a decision about whether or not President Trump obstructed justice during the Russia investigation. During an exclusive interview with CBS News, Barr was asked whether he agreed with Mueller’s “interpretation” that he could not reach a decision on the president’s alleged obstruction of justice.
Mueller says charging trump with a crime was ‘not an option’ in russia probe. “I personally felt he could’ve reached a decision,” Barr said. When asked again, he said: “Right, he could’ve reached a conclusion. The opinion says you cannot indict a president while he is in office,” Barr said, referring to the Justice Department policy laid out by its Office of Legal Counsel. “But he could’ve reached a decision whether it was criminal activity, but he had his reasons for not doing it, which he explained.”
Barr added: “I am not going to argue about those reasons but when he didn’t make a decision, the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I felt it was necessary for us as heads of the Department to reach that decision.”
Mueller submitted his full report to Barr in late March. Days later, Barr released a four-page summary of the findings, noting Mueller’s team found no evidence that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians during the 2016 presidential election. Barr and Rosenstein, who resigned earlier this month from the Justice Department, stated in the summary that the evidence was not sufficient to charge the president with obstruction of justice offense.
The Report – At a Glance
Our featured Documentaries look at the Indigenous Native American prophecy – a six part series, the story of a plastic bag found at the bottom of the Marianna trench, and Vanishing: the extinction crisis is worse than you think.
In our Inspirational section we reference Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds Parts 1 and 2, National Geographic’s Photo od the Day Series, and the 10 most wonderful places on the planet.
Our Headline News we cover Mueller’s statement, Tom Fitton’s claim that Mueller needs to be investigated, the collision course of 2019, floods and drought devastating crops globally, crop catastrophe in the midwest, Feinstein caught in treasonous lie about secret Iran meeting, Obama Intel chiefs are panicking as Trump threatens to declassify russiagate docs, whistleblower tells all claiming Clinton, Schumer, Gillibrand and other dems are involved in human trafficking, EU chilled by US and China trade war, 7 ways we’ve been in a constitutional crisis for a long time, Monsanto kept dossiers on influential people, 38,000 layoffs across auto industry, 5 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true, chemicals in California tap water predicted to cause over 15,000 cases of cancer, 3 LAPD officers infected by antibiotic resistant bacteria in new outbreak, the Virginia Beach shooting, man sets himself on fire near White House.
In Geopolitical, we have look at the Obama Administration’s influence on Ukraine, the militarization of America’s police, Assange face 170 years in prison, US stocks have fallen for five weeks in a row, how strong the economy is, manufacturing slumps to 9 year low, a look at who controls our money, the Fed is not independent, Fed encourages runaway debt.
In Global Weather we have an eye on the crazy number of tornadoes, where the o-zone destroying chemicals are coming from, HAARP and weather control, quakes in California and Chile, evidence of the geothermal plant in Hawaii using fracking, the aftermath of a potential Yellowstone eruption, what will happen when poles flip, Antarctic ice core samples resolve pole shift argument, SOTT earth changes summary, a video of what happened on earth in March and April, Solar Storms and their effects on earth, climate change.
In Health Watch we explore Big Parma’s influence over the FDA, the dangers of GMO’s, scientists prove that negativity makes cancer grow inside your body, interest in personal DNA testing rising amid concerns over privacy and security, edible landscaping ideas for small spaces, the best organic produce is at the farmer’s market, bread could be making you dumb, 52 herbs were tested and three can fight cancer, the healing benefits of turmeric, celery’s active compound kills 86% of lung cancer cells.
In True History, we learn how Graham Hancock thinks the house of history’s foundation was built on sand, a new Ellora Caves documentary, newly found “Jars of the Dead” could help solve old mystery, Bosnian mountains could actually be ancient pyramids, rediscovering lost ancient knowledge, Atlantis the great, evidence at Giza keeps stacking up, 10 uncomfortable truths about the American revolution, 10 lies you’re told about American slavery.
In Hidden Truths, the Pentagon admits it investigates UFOs through a secret program, the true story of Nikola Tesla, Quantum Gravity and the holographic mass, spacetime as information – an ordering principle for living systems, the connected universe with Nassim Haramein, China says its new bullet train will hit 373 mph, constructing a 3D printed neighborhood in 24 hours, how 5G will change your smart phone and your life in 2019, the USAF secret space program and shifting extraterrestrial alliances, contact with nordic alien in USAF uniform, the hidden reality of DUMB bases.
For The Event, we look further into the Earth Catastrophe Cycle series, the Solar System entering dangerous interstellar energy cloud, Energy update from May 25th, A stars screensaver, ancient’s rock art of micronova, diehard foundation introduction, impending micronova and how it can speed up pole shifts, May 2019 ascension energy update, 5 ways to awaken your pineal gland and open up your third eye, David Wilcock on ascension.
In Spirituality, we learn how to clear mental clutter with Sacred Geometry, the final frontier of consciousness, the next big bang, Joe Dispense proves manifestation, how to clear abundance blocks, getting the universe to work the way you want it to, replacing resentments with forgiveness, the divine purpose of the universe, and Greg Braden on forgiveness.
In Path of Awakening we find Jared Rand’s meditations, a guided meditation with Eckhart Tolle, why to meditate before sleeping, ancient secrets of a master healer, breaking addiction to negative thinking, 5 ways to heal your inner void, 9 daily habits that will help you lead an extraordinary life, basic lifestyle practices that have a huge impact on your health, 7 reasons to drink green juice every day.
Here’s a look back at our Weekly Briefings from May:
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WEEKLY BRIEFING: Vaccine War /// Global Tension /// Financial Reset
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WEEKLY BRIEFING: Jared Rand Meditations /// Isaac Kappy /// Russia Probe Aftermath
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WEEKLY BRIEFING: Euro Politics /// Declass /// Remembering the Fallen
Thank you to our readers and subscribers (especially paid subscribers) for your continued support! If you would like to further support the Great Awakening Team and our efforts, you can donate, sign up for a paid subscription, or buy something from the GAR shop.
– The GAR Team
Awakening Humanity
“If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?
Our Monthly Reports are extensive and full of interesting links related to the Great Awakening. Please click around and find topics you’re interested in and if you have a minute, let us know what you think.
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Welcome to our June Great Awakening Report! We believe those who have already awakened will synchronistically find us. “We don’t seek to awaken anyone if it’s not their time”. Hence, our mission to be in humble “Service to Others” helping those working through the process of awakening and disclosure of the truth. Our purpose is to coach people through the coming tsunami of new information, global earth changes, and a galactic solar shift.
We track stories and build content based on two primary topic headings, Global Awakening, and Cosmic Disclosure. Within these two primary topic headings, we have 4 secondary topic headings. Under Global Awakening, we have Geopolitical, Global Weather, Health Watch, and True History. Within Cosmic Disclosure, you’ll find Hidden Truths, The Event, Spirituality, and The Path of Awakening. We then go further and break down our secondary topics into tertiary headings. Every month we identify new articles, videos, and documentaries that fit within these categories.
Every Great Awakening Report has the following; Featured Documentaries, Documentary Library, and an Inspirational Library of music, movies, art, and photography. Pay special attention to our “Hero Highlights”, featuring a series of articles or videos by one author, expert or YouTube channel. Most of our topic headings will have current date stamps but a handful may be from years prior. We reference real science and factual evidence to verify the information selected. Our research, investigations, and content all align and assist our subscribers in connecting the dots as you act as your own guide on your own, unique journey. Each topic heading helps focus our subscribers’ attention to the articles supporting the Awakening and Disclosure process. We take great care in creating individual pathways for the discernment of truth, expansion of consciousness, and to unify our growing collective awareness, tribe identifiers, and community support. We end our Briefings and Reports with the Path of Awakening, this topic is key to effecting real change and manifesting our new reality, healing the entire planet and ourselves.
“In Order to Heal Humanity and Change the World, We must Seek to Reveal the Truth no Matter how Corrupt & Evil the Reality of that Truth.”
Featured Documentaries
Indigenous Native American Prophecy (6 Part Series)
Another Plastic Bag Found at the Bottom of World’s Deepest Ocean Trench
The remote Marianna Trench offers up yet another plastic bag during a recent deep submersible dive.
Vanishing: The Extinction Crisis is Worse Than You Think
We’re entering the Earth’s sixth era of extinction -- and it’s the first time humans are to blame. CNN introduces you to the key species and people who are trying to prevent them from vanishing.
Music • Movies • Arts • Photography • Travel
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral
The Awaken the World Initiative was created for the purpose of humbly serving the awakening of humanity by bringing the perennial wisdom back into the world for free in every language.
National Geographic / Photo of the Day Series
Wave Rock in Hyden, Australia, is a natural rock formation that draws tens of thousands of visitors a year.
10 Most Wonderful Places on Planet Earth
4 Ever Green
Published on Dec 14, 2018
Headline News
MUELLER STATEMENT: Robert Mueller Speaks On Russia Investigation
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in his first public appearance since being appointed to lead the Russia investigation, broke his silence Wednesday in saying ...
Tom Fitton: Robert Mueller needs to Be Investigated
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reacts to Robert Mueller’s comments on the Russia probe. FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel deliverin...
COLLISION COURSE 2019: It’s gonna get ugly REAL UGLY!
State of the Nation, At this critical stage of the American Experiment, there’s simply no stopping the Trump ship of state from hitting the Deep State iceberg. It’s not if but when… and the deafening collision will take place very soon.
Truly, it’s getting very ugly out there with no signs of either side reversing course. Just as Trump is determined as ever to expose the RUSSIAgate hoax, Deep State is resolved to keep it covered up.
Floods And Drought Devastate Crops All Over The Planet - Could A Global Food Crisis Be Coming?
It looks like global food production could be well below expectations in 2019, and that could spell big trouble in the months ahead. In recent weeks, I have written extensively about the problems that we have been experiencing here in the United States. As many as a million calves were lost to the
Crop Catastrophe In The Midwest – Latest USDA Crop Progress Report Indicates That A Nightmare Scenario Is Upon Us - DC Dirty Laundry
The last 12 months have been the wettest in all of U.S. history, and this has created absolutely horrific conditions for U.S. farmers. Thanks to endless rain and historic flooding that has stretched on for months, many farmers have not been able to plant crops at all, and a lot of the crops that ha…
BUSTED: Feinstein Caught In Treasonous Lie About Secret Iran Meeting - It Was NOT Sanctioned - DC Dirty Laundry
According to Politico’s Jake Sherman, who broke the story, Sen. Feinstein’s office told him that the dinner was “arranged in consultation with the State Department.” WRONG!!!
No Wonder Obama Intel Chiefs Panicking – Trump To Declassify “Bucket 5” Russiagate Docs
The Best in uncensored news, information, and analysis
Whistleblower Tells All, Claiming Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Other Prominent Democrats are Involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery, and Satanism
A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for the group – and perhaps more importantly, to reveal the identities of some of the corrupt politicians who were also involved. During an e
EU Chilled by US-China Trade War as Auto Tariffs Remain a Threat
The ongoing trade war between the world’s two largest economies has started to hurt Europe as well. And if the tension were to escalate to include auto tariffs, the impact on the European countries, particularly Germany and Italy would worsen, according to Goldman Sachs.
Constitutional Crisis: 7 Ways We’ve Been in One for a Long Time
Michael Boldin from the 10th Amendment Center: Here are 7 real-life examples of a constitutional crisis, showing we’ve been in one for a long, long time.
Monsanto Kept Dossiers On Influential People In France and Across Europe, Previously Paid Sir Richard Doll To Alter Scientific Research
Bayer/Monsanto will continue to face multiple pronged attacks against its dangerous products, finally being exposed for their cancer-causing elements
“Everything Is Under Scrutiny”: 38,000 Layoffs Across Auto Industry May Only Be The Beginning
Automakers can’t help but acknowledge the global recession in their industry after a decade of growth. As a result, they are slashing payroll across the board, according to Bloomberg. Countries like China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and the United States have all seen at least 38,000 job cuts over the last six months in the automotive sector. And this could just be the beginning of larger cuts to come.
Episode 356 – Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed
Chemicals in California Tap Water Predicted to Cause Over 15,000 Cases of Cancer, New Study Shows
Uranium. Radium. Arsenic. These chemicals are known to cause cancer. Now, thanks to a shocking study from the Environmental Working Group (E...
3 LAPD Officers Infected by Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in New Outbreak
Three officers at a Los Angeles police station have come down with antibiotic-resistant staph infections, also called MRSAs, KCBS reported.
The outbreak began a few days ago, and while no cause has been determined, police think it could be the result of contact with homeless people, KNX1070 radio reported. The ailing officers all work at the West Valley station in Reseda, which has been disinfected to try to stop the infection from spreading, KTLA reported.
Everything We Know About the Virginia Beach Shooting
It’s still not clear what motivated the gunman to indiscriminately murder his co-workers.
Man Sets Himself on Fire Near White House
A man lit himself on fire near the White House Wednesday afternoon, according to the Secret Service — a dramatic scene that was caught on video.
Global Awakening
“Is it a coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used them for energy, and controlled their minds? Sound familiar? I wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label; the deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.”
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Q - We Are The Plan
Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom. RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all.
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Q - Killing The Mockingbird
Currently, the gravest threat to the world is the corrupt mainstream media who has been taken over by a powerful cabal. They have been lying to us for decades, twisted our minds and led us down a path of darkness. The evidence is all around you.
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Q - The Plan To Save The World
The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.
[accordion title=’Geopolitical’]
The escalation of events continues to expose the hidden hand of the Global Deep State / Shadow Government. The MSM (main stream media) continues to propagandize their reporting by normalizing the socialist radical left. We see continued resignation from global CEOs & board members of the top Fortune 500 companies. Hollywood is no stranger to bad behavior as we learn of their elites’ sexual abuse of women, sex trafficking, and pedophilia which are now reported on a weekly basis. The increase this month of over 96,340 sealed indictments, the continued early retirement or resignation of Congressmen, Senators, CEO’s, high up board members and Hollywood “A” list actors all reveal the scope and magnitude of a global network of corruption.
QAnnon continues to post and inform the world from behind the scenes as of a US military intelligence operation for The Alliance. Yet, the battle is not over and the fight continues to intensify at all levels. Our posted articles, videos, and documentaries will provide a deeper historical and current understanding of the crimes and atrocities committed against humanity.
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
• Deep State/Global Alliance News
What Did Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence?
Newly released evidence suggests Ukraine played a key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at the behest of Obama officials. As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.
The Militarization of America’s Police: A Brief History
As the police have militarized, the focus has shifted from one who keeps the peace to one who enforces the law—an important difference.
Assange Faces 170 Years in Prison as US Files 17 New Charges Under Espionage Act
If the conviction of Assange is successful, it would have a chilling effect on the American press, and indeed the international press ...
• Global Economic
There are now 2 U.S. Economies in play, first is the old Federal Reserve (13 Deep State Family Partnership) Fiat Currency in its final death spiral, the second is the new, ready to launch U.S. Treasury Gold Backed Currency Economy Trump is building. All U.S Debt is based on corruption and can be written off against the Federal Reserve Banks which is currently run by 13 of the world’s wealthiest elite families.
U.S. Stocks Have Fallen For 5 Weeks In A Row – That Is The Worst Stock Market Streak In Almost 8 Years
In so many areas, we are seeing numbers that we have not seen since the last recession, and many believe that the worst is yet to come.
How Strong Is The US Economy?
Not as strong as many, including President Trump believes...More important, is the U.S. economy so strong it can withstand an escalation in the trade war with China?
We seriously doubt it and fully expect Trump will be forced to cave on some of his completely unrealistic demands. We have been consistent from day one: China will never give up its sovereignty by changing the structure of its economy.
U.S Manufacturing SLUMPS To 9-Year Low In May
Faced with decreasing demand from customers and a flareup in U.S.-China trade war and tariff tensions, American businesses grew in May at the slowest...
• International Monetary System
Is a new monetary system ready for activation? We explore the RV reports, the potential of NESARA/GESARA‘s replacement of the SWIFT global trading platform, new global gold-backed currencies and the possibility of a global debt jubilee.
Who Controls All Of Our Money?
The Fed Is Not Independent, It Is a Gang, A Club We Are Not A Part Of!
Gerald Celente: The lack of independence of the Federal Reserve should be clear to everyone by now.
Fed Encourages Runaway Debt as “Minsky Moment” Approaches
The U.S. government is once again running trillion-dollar annual deficits. That’s enough to terrify anyone who believes in balanced budgets and limited govt
[accordion title=’Global Weather’]
The daily evidence for Global Geophysical, Earth, & Climate Change, plus the weaponization of global weather has never been more evident than it has recently. NASA satellite evidence has shown that our Solar System has entered into a cosmic solar cloud that has affected the weather on all planets within our solar system. This plasma energy cloud is activating our sun which burns white today as opposed to yellow 30 years ago, and is heating up the core of our planet and expanding earth’s crust. This has caused the increased activations of volcanic activity and earthquakes by 100 times and 500 times normal, respectively. In one 24 hour period
Dutchsinse reported more than 200 earthquakes registering 5.0 or higher on the Richter scale. Our weather patterns include extreme hurricanes with high wind speeds along with an increase in storm surges, tsunamis, hot and cold temperature extremes, droughts, flooding, and forest fires. We look to track the evidence of both historical and present-day occurrences of these events. Our tertiary topics Geophysical, Earth Changes and Climate Changes track together and support the evidence for dramatic changes within our Solar System Sun (Star).
What’s missing is the knowledge of the Deep State/Cabal’s use of scalar weather modification weapons (lasers/HAARP) to accelerate their agenda. This is all part of a bigger plan connecting the dots leading us towards The Event.
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.”
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This Is Not “Normal”: There Have Been More Than 500 Tornadoes In The U.S. During The Last 30 Days
The mainstream media has been using the term “uncharted territory” to describe the unusual tornado outbreaks that have been happening in the middle of the country, but I don’t think that truly captures the historic nature of what we are witnessing.
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We Finally Know Where The Scandalous Ozone-Destroying Chemicals Are Really Coming From
The Best in uncensored news, information, and analysis.
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HAARP: Weather Control – A Terrifying Look at The Control of...
Doc about weather modification technology in use today. HAARP, Chemtrails, atmospheric warming. Weapons used to create weather.
• Geophysical
We examine and investigate the unreported truth regarding the increase in the number and volume of new volcanoes and earthquakes driving galactic forces behind climate changes.
California Is Shaken By More Than 80 Earthquakes As Chile Is Hit By The Largest Quake In 12 Years
Very early on Sunday morning, a massive 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck a sparsely populated area of Peru. As you will see below, it was the largest earthquake to hit Peru in 12 years.
Evidence That The Geothermal Plant In Hawaii Secretly Uses Fracking Techniques To Induce Earthquakes; And What About The Hilina Slump?
Evidence that the Geothermal Plant in Hawaii secretly uses fracking techniques to induce earthquakes. And what about the Hilina Slump, that no one talks about? The fracking techniques they use is to inject high-pressure cold water into the wells to induce seismic activity. Scientific data shows how…
Geologist Claim: Yellowstone Eruption Would Cause 5 BILLION People to Starve to Death - DC Dirty Laundry
A Polish geologist says that an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would destroy virtually all of the United States and cause 5 billion people globally to starve to death. In comments published by Polish outlet Tech WP, Dr. Jerzy Zaba said that an explosion would cause a drastic temperature dr…
• Earth Changes
Is earth’s crust expanding? Are the poles shifting? Is there a planetary end of times cycle approaching? We’re witnessing the destruction of our planetary ecosystems and the atmosphere. We report on evidence confirming Earth is now undergoing dramatic changes, and we’re keeping an eye on them.
What Will Happen When Earth’s North And South Pole Flip?
Earth’s magnetic field is what protects our planet from harmful space radiation. However, our protective shield might soon go into a transformation that could threaten the lives on Earth. This video shows what will happen when Earth’s magnetic poles flip. Special thanks to Alanna Mitchell:…
Antarctic Ice Core Records Resolve Competing Pole Shift Theories
A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift (aka crustal displacement) and catastrophic events that may sweep…
SOTT Earth Changes Summary - April 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs --
While the World Meteorological Organization keeps pushing the global warming swindle, claiming that 2018 was the warmest year on record, and the MET office claiming that April 22 was the hottest Easter Monday ever, reality hits hard with record...
• Planetary Climate Change
Global wildfires, heavy rains, and extreme drought continue. Record-setting scorching heat and beyond freezing cold storms are now normal. The climate is undoubtedly changing and we’re learning more about these changes daily.
BREAKING: CME’s Cause Solar Storms Expected to Effect Technology, Health, and Produce Auroras in the US
(Justin Deschamps) According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, solar storms are expected on May 15th and 16th. This will likely cause disruptions to technology, health effects, and psychological stressors, along with auroral displays reaching d…
Climate Change: A Stalking Horse for World Government
”In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All of these are caused by human intervention…The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” – Aurelio Peccei, founder of the Club of…
[accordion title=’Health Watch’]
We continue to research and find definitive evidence of pharmaceutical toxins creating side effects, extending diseases, and causing new secondary health-related issues. The battle for truth has never more evident than it has recently with the FDA, Big Pharma and the Corporate Food Industry versus the Alternative Health, Vitamins & Supplements and Organic Farming industries. The key is the link between the heads of government agencies making policies and laws favoring Big Pharma and the Corporate Food Industry. We seek to post articles, videos, and documentaries making the case for the purposeful toxification, pollution, and poisoning of the pharmaceutical drug industry and food system.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
Benjamin Rush
• FDA & Big Pharma
Should the government be in control of our health? How much money is in Big Pharma? Are vaccines safe? Do cures exist? We’re looking for answers.
Truth In Media: Big Pharma’s Influence Over The FDA
The Truth In Media Project has released the first segment of its latest Truth In Media episode: Big Pharma, The FDA & Health Propaganda. The first segment of this episode, Big Pharma’s Influence Over The FDA, examines how the pharmaceutical industry exerts heavy influence over the FDA as well as the…
After Reading This Article About The Danger Of GMOs, You Will Probably Never Want To Eat Genetically-Modified Food Again
The Best in uncensored news, information, and analysis
Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body
Everybody feels negative emotions once in a while, but these emotions have a stronger effect on your health than you may realize. Every time you think about regrets, experience resentment or replay bad memories in your head, your body suffers just as much as your mind. That’s why harboring negative …
Interest in Personal DNA Testing Rising Amid Equal Concerns Over Health Privacy and Security
By Kevin Samson The ease of gaining access to results about one’s own DNA, coupled with the ease of DNA being databased for potential access...
• Food Industry
What food can you trust? Are we being intentionally poisoned? Are any diets worth pursuing? Why are GMOs so common? You are what you eat.
Edible Landscaping Ideas For Small Spaces
Food fresh from the garden is a delight that even those of us with small yards can enjoy. Even the tiniest of yards can produce a considerable bounty of fruits and vegetables to enjoy all summer long. With proper planning, you too can have your small edible garden oasis! My yard is a great example …
Want the Best Organic Produce? Its at the Farmer’s Market
Over 2,000 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” All who strive to eat for health know what this means: Among other things, consume more vegetables, especially green leafies and cruciferous ones like broccoli. But how do we make up for …
Does Bread Make You Dumb? Gluten found to restrict blood flow to the brain, according to new research
There’s nothing quite like fresh pasta or bread and butter, but if you want to keep your brain at its best, it may be time to say
• Alternative Health
Why are big numbers of alternative and holistic health practitioners dying? Can we heal ourselves? What foods, remedies and practices can benefit us? We’re asking the questions and looking for answers.
52 Herbs Were Tested and 3 Were Found to Effectively Fight Cancer
The search for a cure for cancer wages on, and many people remain convinced that our planet’s many natural resources could hold the key to f...
Healing Benefits of Turmeric
I love turmeric. It is a holistic, herbal, healing rockstar and always helps me feel better when I have painful inflammation in my body. I sprinkle a dash of it in all my delicious healing meals every day and I sprinkle a dash of it in the golden milk I drink every night. The golden milk …
Celery’s Active Compound Kills 86% of Lung Cancer Cells
Cancer, despite many advances in early detection and treatment in recent decades, continues to be in the top ten leading causes of death among Americans – and lung cancer is the number one cause of these cancer-related fatalities. Smoking, secondhand smoke, exposure to asbestos and many other factor…
[accordion title=’True History’]
The true history of our planet and solar system are now being revealed. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. They’re mapping artifacts and hieroglyphics from ancient ruins from all over the world to paint an entirely different picture of our history. We see continued evidence in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being one of their most viewed programs. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos and 500,000 paid subscribers.
“People Without the True Knowledge of their Ancient History, Origins, and Culture is Like a Tree Without Roots.” – Marcus Garvey
House of History is Built on Sand!
• Archaeology
We’re looking at the ancient world and how civilizations were living thousands of years ago. The truth about our ancestors is hidden in forbidden archeology. We look to reveal evidence of ancient aliens visiting and inhabiting our planet for eons.
New Ellora Caves Documentary 2019 The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India
Everyone is trying to understand how the Ellora caves were built, cut out of the rocks, without the use of ‘modern’ technology it is a construction that we would be hard-pressed to replicate today. This new, never before seen documentary will look closely at this intricate temple and suggest—as hav…
Newly Found ‘Jars of the Dead’ Could Help Solve the Plain of Jars Mystery
Laos’ Jars of the Dead recently found could help solve the mystery of the Plain of Jars in Laos -- or the find could deepen it.
Are These Mountains In Bosnia Really Huge Ancient Pyramids That Predate All Others In The World?
In October 2005, Bosnian-American Semir Osmanagic claimed to have discovered the oldest pyramids on Earth in the former Yugoslavia built by an advanced ancient civilization. Osmanagic believes the group of hills near Sarajevo in central Bosnia and Herzegovina will transform what we know about civilization as he claims they predate those built by the Mayans or Egyptians. The largest pyramid in the town of Visoko named the Pyramid of the Sun stands taller than the Pyramid of Giza at 722 feet.
• Ancient Text
Things keep getting older by tens of thousands of years; luckily the ancients documented the past, and these truths are finding their way into the public domain.
Rediscovering Lost Ancient Knowledge: Major Discoveries in Modern Times
Rediscovering Lost History in Modern Times! What else have we missed? Narrated by BuzWeaver
Atlantis the Great / New Information From Ancient Text
We are deeply humbled that Bobby was inspired by our channel to write this poem, we are of course fans of the poet and we would encourage you to check out his stuff, links above!
Evidence at Giza just keeps stacking up! More NEW Evidence!!
Who ever built the Pyramid’s
Whatever the truth may be!!
The Dynastic Egyptians are NOT responsible for the massive elaborate constructions we see at Giza today, the evidence is stacking up and the more people who are presented with this evidence the more belief gathers momentum over the misdirectio…
• Real US History
Were the history books we learned from as accurate as we could’ve hoped for? Likely not. Stunning new evidence and research are revealing a new understanding of our almost 250 year US History.
1932, A True History of the United States
A documentary on the true history of the United States.
10 Lies You’re Told About American Slavery
Slavery remains one of the most uncomfortable subjects in the history of the United States of America. Indeed, it can hardly be relegated to being only American “history” as we’ll soon see in greater depth. There are large groups of historical revisionists that have a vested interest in trying to do…
Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’Hidden Truths’]
We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden science and technologies. There is a planetary cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence, making this the most challenging, critical, and difficult topic to understand and comprehend.
Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft-disclosure since July 2015, with the whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940’s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from the earth populations are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This is where the saying; “Everything we’ve been taught is a lie” comes into play. They’ve had to cover up the truth for a long time.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal, and the time for full disclosure of our planet’s Secret Space Program and hidden technologies is Now.”
• New Sciences
We’re examining new physics, biology, quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, universal theory, antigravity, zero point energy, human frequency, and other scientific truths and theories.
Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass - Resonance Science Foundation
Haramein, N. (2012). Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass, Physical Review & Research International, ISSN: 2231-1815, Page 270-292 We find an exact quantized expression of the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations utilizing spherical Planck units in a generalized holographic appro…
Spacetime as Information – An Ordering Principle for Living Systems? - Resonance Science Foundation
The predominant scientific paradigm does not regard the Universe as a Living System. This stems from a perspective that the Universe is unconnected and mechanical. What is the difference between a mechanistic concept of the universe (acting like gears and cogs in a machine) versus a dynamical self-…
The Connected Universe | Nassim Haramein | TEDxUCSD
Through nearly 30 years of research in physics and writing multiple papers, Haramein has come to a deep understanding of the underlying mechanics of our universe, using his equations and theory to calculate the most accurate prediction of the charge radius of the proton to date. Bringing in evidence…
• Advanced Technologies
The revelation of hidden technologies, 6,000 plus patents suppressed by the Department of Defense, and inventors from all over the world withholding new technologies that would greatly advance the human race. We’re witnessing a true realization of the coming Golden Age.
China Says Its New Bullet Train Will Hit 373 mph
That would be a really fast train.
An Entire 3D-Printed Neighborhood Will Be Constructed in 24 Hours
The secret project is happening in a mysterious location in Latin America.
How 5G Will Change Your Smartphone And Your Life In 2019
Imagine playing a co-op shooter like Fortnite Battle Royale or PUB-G on a VR headset… in real-time, with zero lag… all through your phone, while traveling in a fleet of self-driving cars going 200 miles an hour. Sit tight, because the future of gaming, and everything else, is about to change forever.
• Secret Space Program
How long has the Secret Space Program existed and how many programs are there? Are they meant to do good or are there bad intentions? Which UFOs are earth based and which are from other worlds? We look into David Wilcock’s analysis along with whistleblower testimonies from Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, and Pete Peterson.
Webinar – USAF Secret Space Program & Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances
The origin of a US Air Force secret space program dates back to the 1942 Los Angeles UFO Air Raid incident when captured extraterrestrial technologies were studied by the US Army Air Corps. In the …
Contact With Nordic Alien in USAF Uniform Whose Spacecraft was Photographed
In the final installment of this four-part interview series, we discuss photos JP took of spacecraft belonging to human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials over MacDill AFB, Tampa, and al…
Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases
Secrecy runs rampant in our world, and multiple investigations have uncovered that trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are going towards programs that we have no idea even exist. It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each paycheque, and how much money multiple small and big businesse…
[accordion title=’The Event’]
The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle “Event” based on our solar system being part of a binary, or two-star system. Current evidence, research, and information on The Event is limited to ancient texts, SSP scientist and military disclosure, whistle-blower testimony, NASA satellite data reports, and scientific observatory papers documenting specific galactic events within our solar system. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidence and information on The Event. This topic is key to understanding the
Big Picture for our planet, race, and ascension.
“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.”
Suspicious Observer 25 Video Series / The Earths Catastrophic Cycle
• Galactic Energy Cloud
How are energy waves affecting the earth? We look for analysis through NASA reports, articles, space and science journals.
Solar System Entering Dangerous Interstellar Energy Cloud
Our solar system is moving into a potentially dangerous and destabilizing interstellar energy cloud. The solar system is traveling through much stormier skies than we thought, and might even be about to pop out of the huge gas cloud we have been gliding through for at least 45,000 years. That’s the implication of a multi-decade survey of the interstellar wind buffeting the solar system, which has revealed an unexpected change in the wind’s direction.
ENERGY UPDATE & Next Wave 5/25
It's important we consciously engage our shadow instead of pushing it down or facing these aspects of our selves unconsciously or from a reactive place.. it is important during shadow work that you are intentionally and consciously protecting your wellbeing, protecting the wellbeing of others, and maintaining communication with your higher self/soul during the process.
Stars in the Universe | 4K Relaxing Screensaver
Hubble Telescope Photos
• Galactic Flash / MicroNova
This is a universal 26,000-year reoccurring galactic event that is tied to the ascension of the human souls to higher dimensions of consciousness. The Galactic Flash originates from the galactic central sun in our universe and transverses through our sun, flashing a 1000 times brighter than it.
Did the ancients witness a MicroNova of our sun 12,000+ years ago? Many scientific discoveries in recent years are opening eyes wide. Why is all this information coming clearer every day? Join us as we uncover the truth of our existence one day at a time.
Diehold Foundation Introduction 3/14/2018
The Diehold Foundation web site is and it has pictures of all the expeditions done to date. This introduction video briefly covers the research books sponsored by the Diehold Foundation over the past 21 years. The main focus is the Theory of Mu…
Impending Micronova, Solar Flash Event Rapidly Speeding Up Pole Shift Interplanetary Collisions
Impending Micronova/Solar Flash Event*Rapidly Speeding Up Pole Shift*Interplanetary Collisions*
• Ascension
The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a soul’s journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension. The key to Ascension is based on each individual’s vibration and frequency.
May 2019 Ascension Energy Update / Balance and Stabilize / Sacred Breath
Glacia Rain Intuitive Life Coach & Ascension Guide
Published on May 2, 2019
Awaken Your Pineal Gland: 5 Ways to Open Up Your Third Eye
Find out how you can awaken your pineal gland with 5 strategies from Subtle Energy Sciences! Opening up your third eye helps you channel in your soul’s wisdom.
David Wilcock: What is Ascension? (LIVE 2/9, 4PM PT!)
Join David in his first-ever LIVE video broadcast to discuss the mystery of Ascension. Are we in fact going through a planet-wide spiritual transformation that is also affecting each of us personally? REGISTER NOW for the entire 3-Part Ascension Mysteries Docu-Series here: http://divinecosmos.pages.ontraport.n...…
[accordion title=’Spirituality ‘]
In Oneness, Unity, & Equality
There are numerous topics and loads of research documenting a new understanding of Spirituality. Our first focus is in the area of Consciousness and the new scientific papers and studies ongoing within the scientific community. Next, is the historical research and the understanding of Religion vs Spirituality. Religion has its roots in Sumerian culture taught as a controlling practice tied to any monetary, governmental, and military systems. The truth about religion will be one of the biggest challenges to understand and comprehend with full disclosure. The last topic is the cosmic battle between good and evil which is now being disclosed and revealed. This quite possibly carries the most resistance and negative response by the programmed and conditioned global population. It is important to note that advanced human DNA has existed in our universe for billions of years. The questions of who we are and how we got here will rock religion to its very core.
“Spirituality is a Brave Search for the Truth about Existence, Fearlessly Peering into the Mysterious Nature of Life.”
– Elizabeth Lesser
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
– Peter Kemmsies
• Consciousness
The last frontier of discovery & exploration. Prime/Source/Creator/God’s connection to the Universe and the Collective Consciousness.
Consciousness / Clear Mental Clutter With Sacred Geometry | Jeffrey Allen
Mental clutter has plagued humans since the birth of thought. Spiritual teacher, Jeffrey Allen, shares a solution to this problem adapted from a Native American ritual that leverages the power of sacred geometry.
Consciousness / The Final Frontier | Dada Gunamuktananda | TEDx Noosa
Dada Gunamuktananda: Yogi and Meditation Teacher
Bio: Dada Gunamuktananda has trained in meditation, yoga and natural health sciences in Australia, the Philippines and India. He has been a meditation teacher of Ananda Marga since 1995 and has taught and lectured on meditation in New Zealand, Austra…
The Next Big Bang - Human Consciousness and the Universe’s Ultimate Secret
Is science finally starting to reveal that the universe is conscious after all?
• Manifestation
Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, and the power of thought sustained with the emotions of the heart. These are the keys to manifestation in the 3rd dimension reality.
Joe Dispenza - Conscious Mind and MANIFESTATIONS | PROVEN
Dr Joe Dispenza discusses some relevant scientific discoveries about consciousness and conscious mind and its abilities for manifestations. This ability of a conscious mind to manifest is now proven. Most often, we tend to live with our subconscious mind in charge, but dr Joe Dispenza will show us t…
How To Clear Abundance Blocks: A-FEST Q&A | Christie Marie Sheldon
Your abundance blocks… Gone! Christie Sheldon and Vishen Lakhiani explore exactly what abundance blocks are, how they’re preventing you from achieving your life’s purpose, and 5 simple steps to rid yourself of them today. Join Christie’s masterclass: 👉 Whet…
Getting The Universe To Work The Way You Want It To | Dr. Srikumar Rao
If you choose to do anything today, go on this journey and experience this powerful talk by legendary MBA teacher, Dr. Srikumar Rao. You have the power to tap into a universe of limitless possibilities.
• Forgiveness
The creative powers of the human spirit have been suppressed for thousands of years. With the increase in global consciousness and revelations through ancient texts we’re just beginning to understand the full extent of human potential.
Forgiveness - Dr. Joseph Dispenza
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. Speaker: Dr. Joseph Dispenza Visit his YouTube Channel
The Divine Purpose Of The Universe
You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Interested in diving deeper into…
Gregg Braden Pt 8/9 - The Power of Forgiveness - “Conversations with Robyn”
Gregg talks about the connection between compassion and forgiveness....9/11, Divine Matrix, Quantum Physics and Global Leaders.
[accordion title=’Path of Awakening’]
There are three essential Awakening components to continued elevation and maintaining our higher vibration and frequency: The daily practice of meditation, healing, and living a healthy lifestyle. These are vital to learning and knowing your individual truth. The path to higher consciousness and making better choices are part of the awakening to our hidden destiny and an understanding of who we really are. The balance and the daily practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit is essential.
“Your Life, All of Your Life, is Your Path of Awakening. By Resisting or Not Dealing with its Challenges, You Stay Asleep to Reality. Pay Attention to What Life is Trying to Reveal to You. Say Yes to Its Fierce, Ruthless, and Loving Grace.”
• Meditation Practice
Jared Rand’s meditations continue to track all the global destruction and planetary disasters while mainly focusing on positive aspects of existence and how you can better yourself and the world around you. We need to remember the importance of global meditation and transformational breathing techniques.
Jared Rand’s “Global Guided Meditation Call” May 8, 2019 # 451
The Guided Global Meditation will start on Every day @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time. The number to call in is 605-313-5141 Code is 303471#, the playback number is 605-313-5153 (same code)
Embodying Stillness: A Guided Meditation With Eckhart Tolle
A sample of a guided meditation interspersed with silence and Eckhart Tolle’s insights into the essence of meditation practice: embodying stillness.
Meditate Before You Sleep: Here’s What You Need To Know
Meditation is known for a long time as an effective method of relieving stress and calming your mental state. Its effects vary from mental, emotional, and physical attributions. From reducing stress levels to improving focus, meditation is a popular health and wellness practice that enhances the qua…
• Healing Practice
We’re focusing on thoughts, heart-based visualization, energy blockage clearing, forgiveness, and releasing.
Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer: Deeper Healing Solutions | Dr Clint Rogers | TEDxWilmington
What if someone you love is struggling with a major problem and you don't know how to help them? In this inspiring and fascinating talk, Dr. Clint Rogers begins by asking "What is Wisdom?" To help answer that question, Clint shares 3 remarkable experiences he had with Dr. Pankaj Naram, a master healer from an ancient Himalayan tradition, reveals limitless benefits and possibilities from 6 instruments outlined in the ancient science of Siddha-Veda, and ends with 3 questions which could change your life forever.
Breaking Addiction to Negative Thinking
Becoming aware of negative thinking is the first step in breaking one’s addiction to it, teaches Eckhart.
Feeling Empty: 5 Ways to Heal Your Inner Void
Aletheia Luna shares ideas and suggestions for healing emptiness.
• Healthy Lifestyle
Dr. Gundry’s diet program, daily notices, supplement regiments, exercise protocols, and motivational programs.
9 Daily Habits That Will Help You Lead An Extraordinary Life
True transformation starts with the habits you keep, doesn’t it? With the new year right around the corner, you will gain a lot by assessing where you stand, and where you want to be. These are the 9 daily habits to help you lead an extraordinary life. Learn How To Design Your Ultimate Life Wit…
Basic Lifestyle Practices That Have a Huge Impact on Your Health - Carrot Blog
These five tips are simple but vastly underappreciated.
7 Reasons Why You Should Drink a Green Juice Every Day | The Good Inside at Touchstone Essentials
Green juices are the rock stars of the health world. They condense several servings of fruit, vegetables, and other superfoods into a single, easy-to-consume drink. Because so much is packed into one…
- IG Report on James Comey will be posted during the 1st Week of May, Comey will be indicted for multiple criminal violations. This will begin the process of disclosing Spygate and all its conspirators.
- New Earthquake predictions are increasing for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- Adam Schiff, a stone-cold traitor guilty of spearheading a highly organized conspiracy to commit treason and overthrow the POTUS, Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations. The Mueller Report exposes Adam Schiff who “Knowingly” reported false information to the press.
- Mueller Briefing, new Mueller Report revelations coming via declassification, will expose what the report purposely left out or disregard for factual connections to the Obama Administration; FISA docs, use of the Steele Dozier, political conflicts of interest, Obama Admin. collusion/pay-to-play with Iran, China, and Ukraine.
- The Structure Change / Alliance Exposure Mass Corruption Now Ready to be Revealed to the General Public, starting with economy crisis looming, closing the Federal Reserve/Central Banking System, voter fraud in key Congressional & Senate seats, FBI & DOJ false Russian collusion, and the release of 300 pages of the Carter Page FISA redactions will lead to the much greater exposure of the Obama Administration’s corruption, treason, and evil practices from the Deep State/Shadow Government.
- New hearing dates set for New Explosive Testimony from John Huber/IG/Horowitz report on the Clinton Foundation, FISA, and the Obama Administration Collusion.
- FISA Report Presidential Order to release 300 supplemental pages of redactions said to be released in June.
- Mass Arrests total 90,647 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month)
- Continued Mass Resignations/Early Retirement; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEO’s, and Banking Execs.
- Global Peace Initiatives: North Korea, Venezuela, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, and Israel/Saudia Arabia signs of the total collapse of ruling governments.
- Exposure & Defeat of The Deep State/Shadow Government/Cabal/Illuminati/Syndicate
- Global Deflationary Markets Crisis / Global Currency Reset/return to the Gold Backed Standard Currency / RV / Replacement of NESARA/GESARA for SWIFT Trading System / Global Debt Jubilee / Refund of 21 to 71 trillion in confiscated Deep State/Cabal funds
- Global Trade Agreements Naturalized tariffs with EU, Stalled Talks with China, Russian, Canada, and Mexico agree to neutralize all trade in a new agreement.
- Trade War with China exposing more than just Trade, Technology Theft, Political Tampering with US Elections and US Congressmen and Senator’s payoffs.
- Congress Approves Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pear Harbor papers from WWII
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME’s, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Antarctica (Sun’s activity)
- Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Antarctica continues to reveal anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents,reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
- The Path of Awakening: Global Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 500,000 worldwide.

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader. Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR. Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate. Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party. You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research. Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.