Postponed Congressional Hearings, FISA Release Stalled, CA Fires Under Investigation, Caravan/Border War, and Financial Crisis Looms
Greetings and Happy Holiday Season to all of our readers and subscribers, and thank you for supporting The Great Awakening Report. Our reporting over the past few weeks has leaned towards reporting the negative side of things and we haven’t been shedding enough light on the positive aspects of the Great Awakening. Please rest assured The Great Awakening Team is making a conscientious effort to do just that. In this seemingly dark world we live in we have to find the light and remain positive not only in our thinking but how we act and treat one another. There are a number of stories that give hope to the Awakening and a new transition for the planet and the human race.
The European riots have reached their third straight weekend. The uproar over tax increases, salary disputes and other bad decisions on behalf of their elected officials have led to chaos in the streets with a group wearing yellow jackets known as ‘Gilets Jaunes’, at the forefront of the movement. This is an exceedingly interesting story which as expected is going underreporting by the MSM. And they absolutely won’t report on the police showing solidarity with the protesters as they removed their helmets. These riots are hard proof that the general population is fed up with the way the world (Global Deep State) currently operates and they’re looking for a change. They’ve been noticed, the question is will Macron stand down to the ‘gilets jaunes‘?
After the G20 meeting in Argentina’s capital, it’s clear the world’s 3 largest powers in the US, China and Russia are on track to reduce spending on the arms race while looking to greatly reduce the thirst for war and violence on the planet. They are united in neutralizing tariffs as their first steps in taking down the Deep State’s corrupt system of global Federal Reserve Banking. These countries are setting an example the rest of the world will soon follow.
Q had forewarned of a big day on December 5th but the hopes of more disclosure were quashed by the funeral plans of former president George HW Bush. We’ll see how long the delays last as supporters of Q grow more and more impatient. There was, in fact, another Q confirmation with Trump’s tweet mentioning “Scott Free” in reference to Michael Cohen getting off without serving a full sentence. This is directly related to the 1996 movie White Squall which warns “a storm is coming” and repeats the mantra “where we go one, we go all” which the Q team has adopted as their own call to arms. It was directed by Ridley Scott and produced by his production company Scott Free Productions.
Owner and CEO of Virgin, Richard Branson has offered up The Global Cooling Prize, $3 Million towards whatever company or entrepreneur can revolutionize the common air conditioner. The goal is to make a product that is both more affordable and better for the planet, leaving a smaller carbon footprint. In another sign towards a mass awakening is Oregon’s future 2020 legalization of psilocybin, the active hallucinogenic ingredient in magic mushrooms. Studies have shown these suppressed and rarely studied drugs are proven to help people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, and fear of death.
Check out this briefing for information on the caravan and this briefing for more information on the use of DEW weapons to start CA wildfires.
Our Monthly Reports are extensive and full of interesting links related to the Great Awakening. Please click around and find topics you’re interested in and if you have a minute, let us know what you think.
[accordion title=’Learn How To Read Our Reports’]Welcome to our December Report, things are beginning to escalate exponentially within all of our topic headings. We continue to see and fully expect to experience difficulties, trials, and bazaar behaviors on the road ahead, yet we remain optimistic and positive about our collective future for our planet. We believe those who have already awakened will synchronistically find us. “We don’t seek to awaken anyone if it’s not their time”. Hence, our mission to be in humble in our “Service to Others” working through the process of awakening and disclosure of the truth. Our purpose is to help those already awakened transition through the coming tsunami of new information on the global and galactic shift. We start with two primary topic headings, Global Awakening, and Cosmic Disclosure. Within these two primary topic headings, we have 4 secondary topic headings. Under Global Awakening, we have Geopolitical, Global Weather, Health Watch, and Real History. Within Cosmic Disclosure, you’ll find Hidden Truths, The Event, Spirituality, and The Path of Awakening. We then go further and break down our secondary topics into tertiary headings. Every month we identify articles, videos, and documentaries that fit within these categories. We added a few new features; a Featured Documentary, The Documentary Library, and an Inspirational Library of music, movies, art, and photography. Pay special attention to our “Hero Highlights” featuring a series of articles or videos by one author or expert each month. Many of our topic headings will have past and current date stamps with real science and factual evidence to verify the information selected. Our research, investigations, and content posted all align and assist our subscribers in connecting the dots as you act as your own guide on your own unique journey. Each topic heading helps focus our subscribers’ attention to the articles supporting the Awakening and Disclosure process underway. We take great care to create individual pathways for the discernment of truth, expansion of consciousness, and to unify with our growing collective awareness, tribe identifiers, and community support. The Path of Awakening is key to effecting real change and manifesting our new reality, healing the entire planet and ourselves. We’re always staying positive and harnessing great energy so we’ve included topic specific meditations from Jared Rand at the beginning of each section.
“In Order to Heal Humanity and Change the World, We must Seek to Reveal the Truth no Matter how Corrupt & Evil the Reality of that Truth.”
Featured Documentary
Music / Movies / Arts / Photography
Here are some holiday season music recommendations to get you in the spirit.
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The Best Christmas Albums to Download in 2018
To get in the Christmas spirit you need decorations, family, and, of course, music.
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Best Christmas Songs of All Time
2018 Christmas songs by Celine Dion
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Michael Bublé - It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
One of our team members is a big fan of Michael Bublé and he's recommending his latest Christmas album.
The World's Most Magical Christmas Towns
While the concept of fall may seem foreign to residents in the eastern United States, where it has been abnormally warm, crisp autumn weather has spilled into the Mountain West, and the foliage is starting to explode. Utah’s Justin McFarland recorded this impressive drone footage of his home state, capturing an array of fall colors …
December Meditation
Christmas / Forgiving That Which Cannot Be Forgiven
The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time. The number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#, the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
Global Awakening
How to Truly Wake Up in 8 Simple Steps
If you follow these eight steps all the way through, you’ll wake up.
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Q - We Are The Plan
Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom. RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all.
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Q - Killing The Mockingbird
Currently the gravest threat to the world is the corrupt mainstream media who has been taken over by a powerful cabal. They have been lying to us for decades, twisted our minds and led us down a path of darkness. The evidence is all around you.
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Q - The Plan To Save The World
The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.
[accordion title=’Geopolitical’]
The escalation of events continues to expose the hidden hand of the Global Deep State/Shadow Government. The MSM (mainstream media) continued to propagandize their reporting by normalizing the radical left. We saw continued resignation from global CEOs & board members of the top Fortune 500 companies. Hollywood is no stranger to bad behavior as we learn of their elites’ sexual abuse of women, sex trafficking, and pedophilia which are now reported on a weekly basis. The increase this month of over 60,000 sealed indictments, the continued early retirement or resignation of Congressmen, Senators, CEO’s, high up board members and Hollywood “A” list actors all reveal the scope and magnitude of a global network of corruption. We’re interested in the accuracy of Q Anon posts of over 2400 crumbs in the past year. With an increase to over 500 million followers and 75 million eyes on the website every day Q is working to expose the Deep State as they near defeat. Yet the battle is not over and the fight continues to intensify at all levels. The articles, videos, and documentaries will provide a deeper historical and current understanding of the crimes and atrocities committed against humanity.
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
Jared Rand’s "Global Guided Meditation Call” Oct.22, 2018
With the increase in political chaos, global financial crisis looming, and continued destruction of our planet at all levels. We look to unite the human race in meditation to clean up our on mess.
Deep State/Global Alliance News
INTELLIGENCE ALERT – “Adjustment” – November 8, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.) The US midterm elections was a significant geopolitical event to predetermine which approach to take to initiate the transition. According to sources, the midterm elections is a public cover for the on-going US military operation behind the scenes to restore the republic.
One of the most sensitive phases of the Alliance takedown of the cabal is said to have begun within the last few days to a week. If this latest intel is accurate, we expect the fist to tighten around operational information, even more, leaving many who have been fighting in the dark along with us until the objective is completed.
I was told that only a few select sources will be leaking specific Alliance intelligence items in a way that will prep the public and disseminate intel to higher level Alliance Cells. I was also told that the Alliance hopes to do most of this work completely covertly. They have cover stories prepared along with the needed theatre if any of these operations spill over into the public.
The results of the midterm elections is also being used to expose the fraudulent and corrupted rigged voting system to the sleeping public. This will eventually lead to the fiat financial system being exposed as a “rigged” system to keep the world population in debt and poverty. Once the fiat financial system is exposed, the stock market will collapse and the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the fiat financial system.
The activation of the QFS will reset all currencies (GCR) to create a “level-playing field” and provide a fair system for the people. The transition to the QFS may take 1-2 weeks for the world to adjust. The private currency redemption event (RV) is set to begin during this time — turning a massive amount of currency holders into humanitarians. GESARA will also be announced at the start of this 1-2 week-long adjustment phase. Citizens worldwide will be provided with income via prosperity funds to prevent worldwide public chaos and panic therefore minimizing possible collateral damage.
The Trump-Putin meeting scheduled for the 11th is another significant geopolitical event where a decision will be made to initiate the final take-down of the Cabal. Sources expect the transition to begin shortly after the 11th.
Source: Operation Disclosure
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George Soros Letter Reveals Globalist Plan to Destroy the First World with Global Migrant Invasions
As the Left continues to lose the battle for America’s soul, its greatest champions are going full-out in an attempt to turn the tide.
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Soros Looking to Make Obscene Profits From Funding European ‘Forced Migration’
George Soros recently published a letter in the Wall Street Journal entitled, ‘Why I’m Investing 500 million USD in Migrants’.
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UN, EU and Soros Provide Migrants with Prepaid Debit Cards to Fund Their Trip to Europe
How illegal migrants cope financially during their long journeys to and through Europe.
Declassified is a new channel from The Epoch Times focused on unseen wars, unconventional weapons, political analysis, and related topics. Newly declassified documents reveal the CIA—which is supposed to be strictly limited in the types of surveillance and other secret operations it conducts on U.S. soil—routinely monitors U.S. government computer systems. Join hosts Joshua ...
‘It’s a Crisis of Civilization in Mexico.’ 250,000 Dead. 37,400 Missing.
‘It’s a Crisis of Civilization in Mexico.’ 250,000 Dead. 37,400 Missing.
DOJ IG Report documents Robert Mueller’s bribery and extortion scheme
DOJ IG Report documents Robert Mueller’s bribery and extortion scheme RE: Dept Justice IG report – Robert Mueller bribery, extortion. One key take-away from the 28-page report, is that Mueller had received funds from a foreign criminal group seeking to damage the presidency, in a scheme involving defrauding millions from a Hillary friend and donor via Mueller’s law firm, from which Mueller richly profited, whilst two federal judges were bribed.
George Soros Letter Reveals Globalist Plan to Destroy the First World with Global Migrant Invasions
As the Left continues to lose the battle for America’s soul, its greatest champions are going full-out in an attempt to turn the tide any wa...
20,000 Armed Migrants Attack Croatia’s Border to Move into the EU
The Bosnian-Croatian border is under continuous attacks by an armed mob of more than 20,000 migrants, an official tells Austria’s Kronen Ze...
The Secret Society That Rules The World
Since the dawn of civilisation, kings, emperors and other men and women of wealth have wanted to rule the world, but none has succeeded. Every empire...
An In-Depth Look Into Who the Cabal (Deep State) Really Is
If you’re familiar with our content, you may have noticed that we frequently refer to the shadow government , the deep state, the cabal, the...
Leaked: Google Got Involved in the Control of Human Evolution (The Selfish Ledger)
Google has now made it clear what it plans to do with your data: behavior modification, social engineering and directed human evolutio n via...
Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on the Weaponisation of the Word ‘Conspiracy’
In his book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Gore Vidal suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word ’con...
[11.5] Pentagon Audit Soon! (Missing Trillions) & Navy’s Role in Space Force (Secret Space Programs)
Pentagon Girds for Audit Backlash That May Echo $435 Hammer Era, U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds. The US Air Force still can’t explain why it spent $1,280 on a coffee cup, Navy Expects Major Role in New Space Force.
The Horrors of Public Education (And What Needs to Change)
Many students agree that school is awful; they frequently voice their disgust concerning this abomination we call public education . They sp...
Why is the DOJ indicting Julian Assange but not Hillary Clinton?
Lock her up. And pardon Julian Assange in exchange for him sharing everything he has on the Clintons and the DNC.
Be Warned: National Red Flag Gun Laws Are Coming
The Democrats are promising to make gun control a top priority as they are set to assume the majority in the House of Representatives. Some Democrats are even showing their true colors by foolishly…
The 3 Trigger Terms Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking » The Event Chronicle
By Sigmund Fraud It’s a strange world of newspeak we live in. What was once a society devoted to logic and progress is now being herded in echo chambers of thought control and anti-critical thinking. Without the ability to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope of maintaining liberty and freedom, asRead More
Global Economic
What are the economies and currencies of the world doing and how are we affected? Is another real estate bubble burst imminent? How long will the US economy continue to grow?
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The Coming Economic Collapse – Part 1
The article highlights that a group of top business economists believes the major tax cuts President Donald Trump pushed through Congress will give a significant boost to economic growth this year and next year. But they worry that by 2020, the country could be entering a new recession.
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The Coming Economic Collapse – Part 2
The article highlights that the recent turbulence in the U.S. stock markets is spooking some older workers and retirees, a reminder that this group was hit particularly hard during the most recent financial crisis.
Households And Homeless In The United States, As The World Struggles
10 years after recession Americans wake up to rising prices
Middle-Class Erosion: 33 Million Americans Will Not Travel During The Holidays Because They Can’t Afford It
Those of us in our prime working years can try to work even harder to make ends meet, but when you are elderly and on a fixed income...
Housing Bubble Ends 2018 - R.I.P. Real Estate Bust
The housing bubble ends 2018 with home values falling and real estate prices sinking. Interviews with economists, real estate experts and more.
70% Stock Market Crash to Strike in 2019, Washington, D.C. Insider Warns - Banyan Hill Publishing
A 70% stock market wipeout – that’s the prediction of former U.S. Congressman Robert E. Bauman. Mr. Bauman’s a distinguished attorney, best-selling author and his work has been featured in The New York Times, National Review and The Wall Street Journal. He’s met and worked closely with Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Dwight D. …
American Elections Farce As Politicians Ignore Looming $100 Trillion Debt Crisis
Inevitable U.S. $100 trillion plus debt crisis and the coming global $250 trillion debt crisis.
70% Stock Market Crash to Strike in 2019, Washington, D.C. Insider Warns - Banyan Hill Publishing
A 70% stock market wipeout – that’s the prediction of former U.S. Congressman Robert E. Bauman. Mr. Bauman’s a distinguished attorney, best-selling author and his work has been featured in The New York Times, National Review and The Wall Street Journal. He’s met and worked closely with Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Dwight D. …
Worst Job Growth In A Year – Way Below Expectations
A handful of marginal changes is not going to alter our long-term outlook one bit. Our economic system requires extensive emergency surgery.
International Monetary System
Is a new monetary system ready for activation? We explore the RV reports, the potential of NESARA/GESARA‘s replacement of the SWIFT global trading platform, new global gold-backed currencies and the possibility of a global debt jubilee.
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What is GESARA?
It’s an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act.
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Understanding N.E.S.A.R.A.
National Economic Security And Reformation Act
Here Are All The Ways Inflation Is Happening Today
Companies are passing along price increases to you, the consumer. And that makes it harder for you to “tread water” financially...
The Fed Will Continue Tightening Until Everything Breaks
First and foremost, let’s be clear, the Federal Reserve is an autonomous entity that does not answer to government oversight. It never has and...
JPMorgan Chase Trader Pleads Guilty to Gold Manipulation, Turns State’s Evidence
While this is by no means the first time a banker has been caught cheating, some aspects of this case are certainly worth noting...
[accordion title=’Global Weather’]
The daily evidence for Global Climate Change and weaponized weather has never been more evident than it has recently. Nasa satellite evidence has shown that our Solar System has entered into a cosmic solar cloud that has affected the weather on all planets within our solar system. This plasma energy cloud is activating our sun which burns white today as opposed to yellow 30 years ago, and is heating up the core of our planet and expanding earth’s crust. This has caused the increased activations of volcanic activity and earthquakes by 100 times and 500 times normal, respectively. In one 24 hour period Dutchsinse reported more than 200 earthquakes registering 5.0 or higher on the Richter scale. Our weather patterns include extreme hurricanes with high wind speeds along with an increase in storm surges, tsunamis, hot and cold temperature extremes, droughts vs flooding, and forest fires. We look to track the evidence of both historical and present-day occurrences of these events. All 3 topics; Geophysical, Earth Changes and Climate Changes track together and support the evidence for dramatic changes within our Solar System. What’s missing is the knowledge of the Deep State/Cabal’s use of scalar weather modification weapons (lasers/HAARP) to accelerate their agenda. This is all part of a bigger plan connecting the dots for The Event.
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change.”
Jared Rand’s "Global Guided Meditation Call” Oct.9, 2018
Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call” #240 ~ Redirect Hurricane Michael
We examine and investigate the unreported truth regarding volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and the driving galactic forces behind climate changes.
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Big Sandstorm, Electroquake, Floods | S0 News Nov.28.2018
Published on Nov 28, 2018
Daily Sun, Earth and Science News
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Solar System Shift: FACTS | Part 5
Published on Nov 24, 2018
The Solar System is Changing
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Weather Alerts, Cosmic Oxygen, Quake Alert | S0 News Nov.27.2018
Global and Solar System wide weather alerts.
California wildfires death toll reaches 87, almost 500 still unaccounted for
Hundreds of people remain missing in the wake of a pair of deadly wildfires that have been burning across both ends of California.
California Fires and the Fallout of the Purposeful Destruction of a State [videos]
The independent media community is doing their darndest to share the truth about this overt attack on Humanity and are doing a fine job. Following are more chapters in this virtual tome of evidence…
California Hit By 39 Earthquakes Within 24 Hours As Scientists Warn Of “Movement Along The San Andreas Fault”
When you live in an area that sits along a major earthquake fault, it can be easy to forget the potential danger if nothing happens for an extended period
Latest earthquakes in Oregon, USA - list & interactive map: past 7 days
Latest earthquakes in Oregon, USA - list & interactive map
Earth Changes
Is earth’s crust expanding? Is there a planetary system approaching? Earth is always undergoing changes, we’re keeping an eye on them.
World of Signs, This happened on our Earth!!! November 2018
World of Signs
Published on Nov 10, 2018
Compulation of Global Events
SOTT Earth Changes Summary - October 2018: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
At the risk of sounding repetitive, October this year was, yet again, a month of major and destructive amounts of precipitation across the globe. At this point, the intensity and frequency of rainfall (often including hail) in so many places is getting a little worrying. From Asia to the Americas to Africa, Europe and the Middle East, towns, cities and villages in all these areas experienced massive downpours in just a few hours that destroyed property and took lives.
Scientists Warn: Insect Population Collapse Worldwide — If Bees Go, We Go With Them!
Scientists are now warning that the insect population is collapsing worldwide. This is a red flag warning sign for humanity because if the...
Crop Circles Are 2D Versions Of 3D Cymatic/Geometric Information - Thrive
Magnetics, frequency and sound . These are what the ancients were trying to tell us . Designs found in India and ancient Buddhism show similar patterns where they can be recreated via sound like the lotus .
Climate Changes
Global wildfires, heavy rains, and extreme drought continue. Record-setting scorching heat and beyond freezing cold storms are now normal. The climate is undoubtedly changing and we’re learning more about it daily.
November Snow In Texas? Experts Warn Decreased Solar Activity Will Shatter All Global Climate Models
Our sun has been behaving very strangely, and this unusual behavior is really starting to affect our weather patterns. There have been virtually no sunspots in 2018 as solar activity has dropped t…
Climate Scientists Admit To Major Math Error After Global Warming Study Debunked
“We really muffed the error margins”
Could a Directed Energy Weapon Be Responsible For The California Wildfires?
I’ve watched year in and year out as California and the West Coast experiences a number of wildfires. All along the Ring of Fire, this happens virtually every, single year. However, as we h…
[accordion title=’Health Watch’]
We continue to research and find definitive evidence of pharmaceutical toxins creating side effects, extending diseases, and causing new secondary health-related issues. The battle for truth has never more evident than it has recently with the FDA, Big Pharma, Corporate Food Industry versus the Alternative Health, Vitamins & Supplements and Organic Farming industries. The key is the link between the heads of government agencies making policies and laws favoring Big Pharma and the Corporate Food Industry. We seek to post articles, videos, and documentaries making the case for the purposeful toxification, pollution, and poisoning of the pharmaceutical drug industry and food system.
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
Benjamin Rush
Jared Rand’s "Global Guided Meditation Call” October 16th 2018
My gratitude to Meditative Mind on Youtube for many of the selections that I use for this meditation call. The images and music do not belong to Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call”
FDA & Big Pharma
Should the government be in control of our health? How much money is in Big Pharma? Are vaccines safe? Do cures exist? We’re looking for answers.
After Getting Flu Shot, New York State Senator Gets Sick For Two Weeks, Then Dies
On the eve of Thanksgiving, New York State Senator Jose Peralta, 47, died tragically and suddenly of what is being called ‘septic shock’. This New York Post article interviewed Peralta’s wife Evelyn who offered a few details: “All they said is that he was septic,” Evelyn Peralta said Friday afternoon, after meeting officials with the city […]
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
No one would accuse Yehuda Shoenfeld of being a quack. The Israeli clinician has spent more than three decades studying the human immune system and is at the pinnacle of his profession. You might say he is more foundation than fringe in his specialty; he wrote the textbooks. The Mosaic of Autoimmunity, Autoantibodies, Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases, […]
Nation of Misery: Inside America’s Growing Suicide Epidemic
What in the world has happened to us? Despite our ridiculously high standard of living compared to the rest of the world, America is a deeply unhappy place. When I was growing up, there were no “…
Shocking Connection: 97% of all Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure...
Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?” Well, that might not be that far from the tr...
Exposing the 13 Corporations that Make Up the ‘Big Pharma’
In our society, we often correlate legality with safety. We use household products, spray pesticides, and religiously consume drugs such as...
Types of Energy Vampires That Emotionally Exhaust You ⋆ LonerWolf
An energy vampire is a person who feeds off your emotional, or psychic, energy. Often, energy vampires are people who lack empathy. Read more here!
Chemical Companies’ “Karma”: Is There A Possible Concept?
If Bayer executives feel karma may or can be at play, they just may change the historical course of Bayer’s doing business. Only time will tell...
U.S. cases of a polio-like illness rise, but there are few clues to its cause
A total of 90 cases of acute flaccid myelitis have been confirmed so far this year, out of 252 under investigation.
Food Industry
What food can you trust? Are we being intentionally poisoned? Are any diets worth pursuing? Why are GMOs so common?
U.S. Factory Farmed Chickens So Dirty They Need To Be Washed With Chlorine
The prospect of American chickens being imported into the UK has sparked outrage as a horrifying fact about U.S. poultry farming comes to l...
Ex-Monsanto Team Leader Blows The Whistle On What GMOs Do To Human Health
The Facts: Caius Rommens was a director at Simplot Plant Sciences where he led the development of the company’s genetically engineered Innate potato. He is also a former longtime Monsanto tea…
These New GMOs Are Flooding the “Natural” Market. Here’s How to Avoid Them…
A new type of genetically modified product is now being slipped into your food, cosmetics, and more! Many products containing the new genetically modified ingredients are being marketed as ‘made without GMOs’ and ‘natural’ although they are anything but! Luckily, a cutting-edge list has been compiled which shows consumers exactly which products contain these new GMO ingredients. Watch the video below to learn more about the dangers of these new products that are flooding the food, cosmetic, and various other industries!
Homemade Butter Sweet Or Cultured? — The Best You’ll Ever Eat
Of the sweet cream homemade butter I’d churned earlier in the day, my Italian visitor said, “It tasted heavenly.” Sweet cream butter is made from cream that has not been acidified by the conversion of milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid by lactobacillus bacteria. Think of it as butter straight from the cow. The butter I served my friend was unsalted; so, in the slightly confusing language of butter, it was sweet sweet cream butter (not salted and not acidified).
Alternative Health
Why are big numbers of alternative and holistic health practitioners dying? Can we heal ourselves? What foods, remedies and practices can benefit us?
Is The Power To Heal Ourselves Increasing?
Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have been saying forever which is that we have untold powers to heal ourselves! Spirit and Science Converging This coming together between the spiritual and […]
Study highlights the importance of diverse gut microbiota in gastrointestinal health
By now, you’re familiar with probiotic foods that increase the number of beneficial bacteria living in your gastrointestinal system. However, you may not be aware of the related
Neurological damage linked to Alzheimer’s may be repaired with dietary supplementation
Is it really possible to mitigate and even reverse the damaging effects of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia through simple dietary supplementation? According to new research out of Denmark, it certainly is. Professor Vilhelm Bohr and an international team of scientists hailing from the Cente
Winterize Your Body For Health & Wellness : 17 Tips For Staying Well This Winter
Wintertime coughs, colds and flu – who needs them? And who gets ‘em? Just about anybody who’s not prepped for the onslaught – but this year, you don’t have to be one of them. Start taking steps today to winterize your body, strengthen its defenses and get it ready for the season. By making smart food, supplement and lifestyle choices now you’ll boost immunity – giving your body exactly it needs to stay well straight on through till spring. Here are 16 healthy ways to do it:
The Most Powerful Cancer Killer — Jackfruit
To start with, you ought to realize that this super solid natural product is contains high measures of potassium, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and magnesium. It’s likewise got a respectable measure of calcium, vitamin An, iron, and even a tiny bit of protein. One measure of jackfruit offers 25 percent of your every day B6, and as some of you know, B complex vitamins are difficult to find in a vegetarian diet.
Herb Used To Treat Diabetes Works As Well Or Better Than Modern-day Prescription Drugs
An herb used in traditional Indian medicine to treat diabetes seems to lower blood sugar and insulin levels in a manner similar to prescription drugs, a new study reports. Researchers gave extracts of the herb Salacia oblonga to 39 healthy adults, and the results were promising. The largest dose of the herb extract – 1,000 milligrams – decreased insulin and blood glucose levels by 29 and 23 percent, respectively.
[accordion title=’True History’]
The true history of our planet and solar system are now being revealed. The internet has created an opportunity for archeologists, historians, scholars, and authors to collaborate on all topics related to our collective history. Mapping together artifacts and hieroglyphics from ancient ruins from all over the world to paint a completely different picture of our history. We see continued evidence in newly posted YouTube videos and cable programming confirming ancient, advanced technological civilizations going back hundreds of thousands of years. Top US scientists have confirmed original records dating back 500,000 years hidden away deep inside the Vatican Library. The History Channel represents the most popular cable channel for controlled history disclosure, with Ancient Aliens being the most viewed program. Gaia TV is the most popular internet channel with over 10,000 archived videos and 500,000 paid subscribers.
“People Without the True Knowledge of their Ancient History, Origins, and Culture is Like a Tree Without Roots.” – Marcus Garvey
Jared Rand Meditation - Enlightenment of Ancient Knowledge
We’re looking at the ancient world and how civilizations were living thousands of years ago. The truth about our ancestors is hidden in forbidden archeology. We look to reveal evidence of ancient aliens visiting our planet for hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of years in our past.
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Beneath Antarctica’s Ice Is a Graveyard of Dead Continents
Data from a European satellite has revealed the tectonic underworld below the frozen southernmost continent.
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Beneath Antarctica’s Ice, Intriguing Evidence of Lost Continents
A new map reveals the remnants of ancient continents that lurk beneath Antarctica’s ice.
Crop Circles - Something Very Strange is Happening! (2018-2019)
We’ve found a great resource to uncovering deep truths, hidden agendas and suppressed wisdom that you need to be aware of. It’s called Gaia. We’ve teamed up with them to amplify our message and continue to move the masses towards positive change. Gaia’s mission is to empower the evolution of consciousness and we share a similar belief… if enough of us wake up, we all wake up. This is how we win.
Graham Hancock Reveals Mind Boggling Mysteries Of The Great Pyramid & Who Really Built It
By Joe Martino I’ll say this off the top, I believe we don’t know our true history, not even close. What we’re going to explore in this article are mathematical mysteries about the Great Pyramid will challenge your perception of what we know of our past. It’s not just the incredible research about our past from people …
Amazing Finds Beneath the Sands of the Sahara
The Sahara desert is by far the largest hot desert in the world. It outshines all other hot deserts by a considerable amount and has a rich and surprising history beneath its sandy depths. And signs of past life that has, on occasion, exposed itself to the modern world. Here are five amazing finds from beneath the sands of the Sahara.
Top 5 Artifacts That PROVE Past Advanced Civilizations Existed
A modern iron hammer embedded in a 400 – million-year-old rock? A mysterious gold man-made bell encased in charcoal for hundreds of years? Hundreds of small spheres with tiny grooves dating back 2.8-billion years? Are these proof of past ancient advanced civilizations? It’s currently believed by science that modern man came into existence about 200,000 years ago. Civilizations, as we know them, are only about 6,000 years old and industrialization only started around 200 years ago.
Ancient Text
Things keep getting older by tens of thousands of years; luckily the ancients documented the past, and they’re now finding their way into the public domain.
Scientists Discover Forbidden Ancient Text That Teaches Superhuman Abilities!
This is quite remarkable.
Ancient Paintings Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence
History has proven to be a great teacher for the human race, we have seen that our ancestors were extremely intelligent, with amazing knowle...
Six Great Enigmas of the Ancient Civilisations
We stand today at an unprecedented turning point in human history. In recent years two versions of ancient history have formed. One, we shal...
Ancient Chinese 'Dropa Stones' could be Remnants of Alien Technology
The Dropa Stones are not actually available for Public Scrutiny so we are just touching on this subject at the moment, we intend to go deeper into the History of China and the whole Alien connection in that region as well as the Pyramids which align almost exactly like the ones at Giza
Real US History
Were the history books we learned from as accurate as we could’ve hoped for? Likely not. Stunning new evidence and research are revealing a new understanding of our almost 250 year US History.
SLAVERY IN AMERICA: Who really owned and operated the slave trade?
SLAVERY IN AMERICA: Who really owned and operated the slave trade? Who Brought The Slaves To America? By Walter White Jr., 1968 The story of the slaves in America begins with Christop…
Andrew Jackson's war against the Bank of the United States
Andrew Jackson ongoing war with Rothschilds banks. The bank of the United States was developing its system of credit and loans to gain control of America Government, Banking, and several Industries.
Historians Were Astounded When Workers Discovered A Secret Room In Thomas Jefferson’s Mansion
The rumors about U.S. President Thomas Jefferson’s affair with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings, started while he was in office in 1802. It was a disgruntled journalist, once an ally of Jefferson’s but later an embittered enemy, who set the ball rolling with articles in the Richmond Recorder.
Cosmic Disclosure
[accordion title=’Hidden Truths’]
We are committed to full disclosure and the release of all hidden science and technologies. There is a planetary cosmic battle currently underway but is yet to be fully understood. With everything at risk, the Deep State is in the fight for its very existence which is why this topic is one of the most challenging, critical, and difficult to understand or comprehend. Our collective future and understanding of the universe are based on full disclosure of sciences, advanced technologies, and the Secret Space Program. The underlying civil war in Washington DC is based on Full Disclosure (Global Alliance) vs Partial Disclosure (Deep State). We have been in soft-disclosure since July 2015, with the witness/whistleblower testimony by Secret Space Program (SSP) military personnel. The Deep State goes back 70 years to the early 1940’s with billions of dollars spent to protect their secrets. The massive amounts of public and private funds stolen from the earth populations are beyond comprehension. The investment in people and monies to build an off-planet military industrial complex ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) is in the tens of trillions. This is where the saying; “Everything we’ve Been Taught is a Lie” comes into play. They had to cover up the truth.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal, and the time for full disclosure of our planet’s Secret Space Program and hidden technologies is Now.”
Jared Rand Meditation - Lift the Veil and Reveal the Truth
Featured Disclosure Documentary – Above Majestic
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Q Anon Conspiracy - Above Majestic, The Implications of a Secret Space Program
Watch Above Majestic now!
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Above Majestic: Implications of a Secret Space Program - Official Trailer
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Corey Goode: Disclosure Needs Your Spiritual Awakening | Above Majestic Producer Exclusive Interview
Today on Edge on Wonder we sit down with producer and insider Corey Goode and director Roger Richards and talk about their new movie Above Majestic.
New Sciences
We’re examining new physics, biology, quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, universal theory, antigravity, zero point energy, human frequency, and other scientific truths and theories.
Bizarre Metals may help Unlock Mysteries of Earth’s Magnetic Field
Weyl metals could simulate the dynamo effect that generates the planet’s magnetism, a new study suggests.
Scientists Show That Water Has Memory. This Video Blows My Mind
This is AMAZING!
After Being a Whistleblower for Over a Decade, Insider Comes Out and Reveals He Has Autopsied Over 3000 ET Specimens
It took Emery Smith over a decade of being an anonymous insider to David Wilcock to finally decide to come out into the public realm and sh...
7 STRANGE Military Science Projects
From EMPs to the top secret project 112; these are 7 STRANGE Military Science Projects HEY YOU ! There are more awesome videos being made every week, like and subscribe to World Unearthed so you don’t miss a beat ! 6.HVRC | 5.Project 112 3.Project Iceworm 2.Operation Fishbowl 1.ATLAS I
Advanced Technologies
The revelation of hidden technologies, 6,000 plus patents suppressed by the Department of Defense, and inventors from all over the world withholding new technologies that would advance the human race at all areas of life as we know it. We’re witnessing a true realization of the prophesized Golden Age.
Tesla Technology Has Been Revived
Today, in 2018, Tesla’s dream has been revived, and a company called Visiv swirling in the military industrial complex has erected a new tower...
Suspiciously SURPRESSED Technologies
Flying saucers, hyper-drive technology, instant orgasm pills; there are many technologies which conspiracy theorists claim exist behind a shroud of government or corporate secrecy, except the last one, that's something I just want to exist.
NASA’s Found a Weird, Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctic / Demonstration of Advanced Space Platform Technology
Look at that iceberg. It’s beautiful. Perfectly rectangular. An object of near geometric perfection jutting into a polar sea of the usual squiggly, chaotic randomness of the natural world. It calls to mind the monolith from “2001: A Space Odyssey.” But, unlike the monolith from that very weird movie, this iceberg was not deposited on …
Seven Suppressed Inventions That Would Have Changed the World
The world is steeped in poverty with precious little in the way of humanitarian advancement because the ruling elite have suppressed a number of technologies that could have changed the world and…
Secret Space Programs
How long has the SSP existed and how many are there? Are they meant to do good or are there bad intentions? Which UFOs are earth based and which are from other worlds? We look into David Wilcock’s analysis along with whistleblower testimonies from Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, and Pete Peterson.
Evidence Suggests the Moon Isn’t What We Think – Someone Might Have Put It There
“It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatica...
Real Truth; Lies You Were Told About Space, 25 Facts
You won’t believe the lies you were told about space. Some are small lies that have crept in through Hollywood and other entertainment mediums. But others are Big lies that have been shared via misinformation or even changed information. Check out these 25 sneaky lies you were told about space.
UFOs Spotted Off Irish Coast Under Investigation
The Irish Aviation Authority is investigating reports of bright lights and UFOs off the south-west coast of Ireland. It began at 06:47 local time on Friday 9 November when a British Airways pilot contacted Shannon air traffic control.
Pilots see ‘Very Fast’ UFO above Ireland
Several airborne sightings of at least one “very bright” unidentified flying object were seen by airline pilots over Ireland.
Discovery; Alien Contact Movie (2014)
In 2014 a mysterious Alien Language was discovered, and this language was being transmitted through home video's all over the earth. This UFO message was detected in 2013 and deciphered in 2014, and the reality of its message will shake the entire world. Within every frame of any UFO video, an alien conversation is taking place. A brilliantly sophisticated and earth-altering dialog between alien beings and mankind is now being broadcast-ed all over our world.
MSU Professor & US Secretary of Housing Disclose Reality of the Black Budget & Extraterrestrials
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decide…
[accordion title=’The Event’]
The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle “Event” based on our solar system being part of a binary, or two-star system. Current evidence, research and information on The Event is limited to ancient texts, SSP scientist and military disclosure, whistle-blowers testimony, NASA satellite data reports, and scientific observatory papers documenting specific galactic events within our solar system. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidence and information on The Event. This topic is key to understanding the
Big Picture for our planet, race, and ascension.
“The Discovery of a 26,000 Year Cycle that Ends with a Galactic Flash Ushering in a New Era of Higher Consciousness and The Golden Age.”
Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call” Sept 27, 2018
Prophecy of Bulgarian Mystic Peter Deunov Predicts Coming Galactic Superwave 39 Years Before the Superwave Theory Was First Proposed
The Event: Reflections
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart.…
Galactic Energy Cloud
How are energy waves affecting earth? We look for analysis through NASA reports/articles, space and science journals.
Evolutionary Cosmology - In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database
Spread the love by Sean McCleary, Contributing Writer, Planet Earth and all the activity contained on Earth exemplify what happened with the introduction of the universe almost 14 billion years ago. Remnants of the big bang exist within the universe because the universe contains memory. Energy is contained within this memory and represents itself in …
Hints of Oort clouds around other stars may lurk in the universe’s first light
Sifting through the universe’s early light could reveal planetary graveyards orbiting other stars.
Energy Update & Next Wave- The Remembering 11/26
Some both of you are already feeling this next energy wave others will be feeling it within the next few days or so. Nov 30th-12/3 it depends on your location, your timeline, vibration and what you are tuning into for energy at this time.
Huge Wave Has Arrived and We All are Going to Feel It
Huge Wave Has Arrived and We All are Going to Feel It
November 25, 2018
Galactic Flash
A universal 26,000-year reoccurring galactic event that is tied to the ascension of the human souls to higher dimensions of consciousness. The Galactic Flash originates from the galactic central sun in our universe and transverses through our sun, flashing a 1000 times brighter than it.
Featured Documentary Series
The Knowledge of The Forever Time
In this invitation to the age of enlightenment, a 5,000-year-old mystery is a mystery no more. The Great Pyramid of Egypt is without a doubt the greatest enigma in the world. However, in this new age, its mystery is revealed and it is so powerful that nothing will ever be the same. In this episode, Damon T. Berry unveils the Great Pyramid of Egypt in a way that no one ever has. It is the holiest knowledge ever found in the ancient world, and it completely forces every archaeologist, scientist, and Egyptologist to completely abandon all that they have learned. This knowledge is so powerful and so divine that it will change everything in the entire world. If you have ever pondered the what and why of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, after seeing this film you will know it all.
Scientists Identify 6 Million Year Old Galactic Shockwave
After analyzing data from the XMM-Newton spacecraft, astrophysicists have found evidence of a six-million-year-old explosion of galactic proportions. While our hominin ancestors were scrabbling for survival millions of years ago, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way was catapulting a massive amount of superheated gas outwards from its center at a …
The Solar Flash (Galactic Wave of Love) 432Hz ~ Feb. 2, 2018
Want to know what this all this spirituality thing is really all about? Please watch this stirring video from and KNOW that the time is fast approaching when Love Wins, monitor where …
NOV. 27, 2018 HIGH PITCHED FREQUENCY KEY A SHARP - In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database
Spread the love by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Today’s High Pitched Frequencies B♭ Major: (Also called A Sharp or A#, the cusp of A Major and B Major) ( B Major = Crown, “I understand”, Jupiter, expansion, generosity, opening and A Major = 3rd eye, “I see”, Saturn, limitation, time, inevitable …
New Earth News - The New Earth - An In 5D Experience Of How It Will All Be Revealed - In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database
Spread the love All you have to do is the intention of having a 5D experience as you fall asleep and leave the rest to the higher dimensional aspect known as your Higher-Self. by Chrysilla Lewies, Guest Writer Contributing Writer, Like many, lucid dreaming is occurring more often as we become aware of the fact that …
The Ascension is the graduation opportunity of a soul’s journey through incarnations of experiencing polarity in the 3rd dimension. The key to Ascension is based on each individual’s vibration and frequency.
Ascension Update Fall 2018 - In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database
Spread the love by Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer, What is UP with the energy? Many people have asked this question. Suffice as to say, things have been intense these past two months. Our Sun continues to shower us with an ever-increasingly powerful energy, which contains upgrade codes for our ascension. The intensity of the solar …
The Graduation EVENT!!
This avitar is but a means to experience the 3D life many of us came into to accomplish many things, depending on your soul mission. Much past and present life experiences are required to come to the surface to be transmuted into the light for some, others came here on Gaia's surface/ subsurface, and outside her atmosphere, that have never before been on Gaia.
Cobra: Planetary Ascension Process » The Event Chronicle
By Cobra After the Event, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin. The Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology: And the energy space around the Earth will look something like this: All the spider plasma entities that now encapsulate Earth surface cities will be gone by then. It is not a coincidence thatRead More
ASCENSION ~ Science To Vibrational Frequencies !!
Spread Love, Your DNA is Awakening! Like, Subscribe to Get Daily Updates. Click The Hashtag #BeautifulSouls to Explore All of DNA Awakening Videos .
QHHT The Event Update
From sections of three QHHT sessions where my clients higher selves discuss the Event and explain in somewhat more practical terms what The Event is, how it is happening and what can be expected as far as changes to our systems, body changes, awakening and the role of karma. It is also apparent that the Energy wave will be coming through from the great central sun / Source through to our sun.
ASCENSION WAVE ! Transdimensional WAR Days To Come
All that's left is what others choose to believe rather than take control of their destiny. But I know that I am the keymaster and I know the path of the GateKeeper. And I unlock the gates to all that is for I am YINON amalgamation simultaneously multi-dimensional state of being. Amalgamation means the combining of all into one unit. Simultaneously meaning it happens all at the same time for there is no time. For we are in the now. Multi-dimensional means all dimensions. And that state of being is now.
[accordion title=’Spirituality ‘]
There are numerous topics and loads of research documenting a new understanding of Spirituality. Our first focus is in the area of Consciousness and the new scientific papers and studies ongoing within the scientific community. Next, is the historical research and the understanding of Religion vs Spirituality. Religion has its roots in Sumerian culture taught as a controlling practice tied to any monetary, governmental, and military systems. The truth about religion will be one of the biggest challenges to understand and comprehend with full disclosure. The last topic is the cosmic battle between good and evil which is now being disclosed and revealed. This quite possibly carries the most resistance and negative response by the programmed and conditioned global population. It is important to note that advanced human DNA has existed in our universe for billions of years. The questions of who we are and how we got here will rock religion to its very core.
“Spirituality is a Brave Search for the Truth about Existence, Fearlessly Peering into the Mysterious Nature of Life.”
– Elizabeth Lesser
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
– Peter Kemmsies
Spiritual Knowing / Global Meditation / Jared Rand
The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time. The number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471, playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
Bruce Lipton’s ‘Biology of Belief’
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Bruce Lipton, is an American developmental biologist best known for promoting the idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs.
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In the second part of our interview, Dr. Bruce Lipton shares how to change your reality.
The last frontier of discovery & exploration. Prime/Source/Creator/God’s connection to the Universe and the Collective Consciousness.
How To Reach The The 4th Level of Consciousness
Your consciousness is your ability to be aware of yourself and the world around you and to feel connected to it. by Katalina Aster Rais...
How Subatomic Particles Affect Consciousness - In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database
Spread the love by Sean McCleary, Contributing Writer, Subatomic particles were introduced with this universe as evolutionary building blocks within space and time. I do work in metaphysics and the focus of my work is the evolutionary development of the Cosmos, planet Earth and all life on Earth through a process known as the Paradigm …
Guide to Collect Tree Energy
Beginning practitioners of Chinese internal organ massage ( Chi Nei Tsang ) are taught how to commune with trees. Shouldn’t this be part of ...
Conspiracy Facts and Spirituality Are Intimately Connected
Is it considered ‘not spiritual’ to talk about an elite or cabal running our world ? by Joe Martino This has become a commonplace today,...
Based on the Law of Attraction, the Power of Thought and sustained with the Emotions of the Heart. These are the 3 keys to Manifestation in the 3rd Dimensional Reality.
The Nutritional Value Of Light
Light has a profound affect on our mood and our physiology, it also nourishes many of the plants that give us sustenance. Yet, how often do we consciously consider light as part of a healthy diet? Here is a mindful approach to using light to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Humans did not evolve […]
HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness (POWERFUL Info!)
The hidden teachings of the bible that explain manifestation consciousness & oneness. These are the hidden teachings which Jesus spoke and Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down (known as The Gospel of Thomas). Within these teachings from Jesus, it explains manifestation, consciousness and oneness. Religion has their own explanation for leaving these secret sayings out of the bible. However, if this knowledge had been shared early on, our entire history may have changed. The sayings themselves are not the secret of these hidden teachings; the secret lies in their interpretation. Gregg Braden offers powerful information as he discusses what was eliminated from the Bible by our western religion and how to use it to manifest what you want.
Can Sacred Geometry Help Evolve Your Consciousness?
What patterns do you see in your own life, or in the world that have symmetry and balance? Which ones are asymmetrical and out of balance? Noticing patterns helps us build on them if they are healthy, or break them if they are not healthy. The flux between asymmetry and symmetry is the process of […]
The creative powers of the human spirit have been suppressed for thousands of years. With the increase in global consciousness and revelations through ancient texts we’re just beginning to understand the full extent of human potential.
‘Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy’ – Scientists Explain The World of Quantum Physics
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck, the originator of Quantum theory. A recent article in Scientific American touched on quantum physics, and what it may reveal to us about the […]
The Barriers We Build Against Love
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi Many people are still looking for their ‘other half’, venturing out on more and more dates, casting the net wider until they find someone to complete them. And […]
The Sublime Value Of ‘Ego Deaths’
Lessons of pain known as ‘ego deaths’ are among the most difficult things to accept about life in general. At one point or another everyone has tried (unsuccessfully) to evade the deepest aspect of this experience on their journey of personal development. But in the end, those who are able to go through the mock ‘death’ of a false […]
[accordion title=’Path of Awakening’]
There are 3 essential Awakening components to continued elevation and maintaining our higher vibration and frequency: The daily practice of Individual/Mass Meditation, Forgiveness/Releasing, and Diet/Exercise. These are vital to learning and knowing your individual truth. The path to a higher consciousness and better choices is part of the awakening to our hidden destiny and an understanding of who we really are. The balance and daily practice of Mind, Body, and Spirit is essential.
“Your Life, All of Your Life, is Your Path of Awakening. By Resisting or Not Dealing with its Challenges, You Stay Asleep to Reality. Pay Attention to What Life is Trying to Reveal to You. Say Yes to Its Fierce, Ruthless, and Loving Grace.”
Jared Rand’s Meditations
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Jared Rand - Free Yourself from the Matrix
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Jared Rand - Increase the Frequencies of Humanity
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Jared Rand - Be in a State of Joy
Meditation Practice
Jared Rand’s meditations continue to track all the global destruction and planetary disasters while mainly focusing on positive aspects of existence and how you can better yourself and the world around you. We need to remember the importance of global meditation and transformational breathing techniques.
Great News: Meditation Is On The Rise Among U.S. Adults & Kids
11 years. The amount of time I have been observing the truth about what is going on in our world. 10 years. The amount of time I have been meditating while also learning about what is going on in our world. Point blank: the benefits of meditation for health, lifestyle, wellness, and being able to […]
Healing Practice
We’re focusing on thoughts, heart-based visualization, energy blockage clearing, forgiveness, and releasing.
The Beginner’s Guide to Alternative Medicine—and Exactly How It Works
This is the beginner’s guide to holistic healing practices and exactly how they work.
5 Methods to Rebalance Your Life Force Through Energy Healing
Ancient eastern practices have known for centuries about the life force that flows between all of us and how it can be used to our advantage.
Fitness Practice
Dr. Gundry’s diet program, daily notices, supplement regiments, exercise protocols, and motivational programs.
22 Tasty Proven [Detox Drinks] That Will Help You Lose Weight
Lately, the term detox has been used for almost everything. You can detox your mouth, detox your liver, foods to detox your body and so on. I’ve written on almost every detox practice there is, and today, I want to share with you some simple, delicious and tasty detox drinks for weight loss that will help you shed pounds …
(updated/we need to hotlink this list or activate for Monthly Report)
- The Alliance Exposure Mass Corruption Now Ready to be Revealed to the General Public, starting with Voter Fraud in key Senate seats, FBI & DOJ False Russian Collusion, and the release of 300 pages of the Carter Page FISA redactions will lead to the much greater exposure of past Administration’s corruption, treason, and evil practices from the Deep State/Shadow Government.
- Voter Fraud 2018 Midterm Elections, The Key States; Florida, Arizona, and California to expose Democrats’ Voter Fraud Strategies.
- 11/11/2018, The Date that Marks a New Beginning for All Humanity.
- Release DOJ & FBI, Senior Management Firings and Releases, New Explosive Closed-door Testimony from James Come, Loretta Lynch and John Huber/IG report on Clinton Foundation.
- FISA Report Presidential Order to release 300 supplemental pages of redactions released but held up by Rod Rosenstein, UK, and Australian Governments.
- Mass Arrest 63,359 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts (increases in indictments averaging 5,000 a month)
- Continued Mass Resignations/Early Retirement; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEO’s, and Banking Exec.
- Global Peace Initiatives; North Korea, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, and Israel/Saudia Arabia signs of total collapse of ruling governments. //
- Exposure & Defeat of The Deep State/Shadow Government/Cabal/Illuminati/Syndicate
- Global Deflationary Markets Crisis / Global Currency Reset/return to the Gold Backed Standard Currency / RV / Replacement of NESARA/GESARA for SWIFT Trading System / Global Debt Jubilee / Refund of 21 to 71 trillion in confiscated Deep State/Cabal funds
- Global Trade Agreements Naturalized tariffs with EU, Stalled Talks with China, Russian, Canada, and Mexico agree to neutralize all trade in a new agreement.
- Trade War with China exposing more than just Trade, Technology Theft, Political Tampering with US Elections and US Congressmen and Senator’s payoffs.
- Congress Approves Legislation to release sealed 911 documents, exposing the Deep State inside job.
- Remaining Sealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Papers to be released, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pear Harbor papers WWII
- Rouge Planetary System moving through our Solar System, bringing CME, Meteorite Showers, EMP, Closings of Planetary Observatories, questions regarding New Mexico’s Observatory?
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Antarctica (Sun’s activity)
- Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (The 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather; Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, Haarp Weather Wars.
- Health & Wellness; Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex.
- Earth History; 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000′ to 6,000′ below Sea Level.
- Antarctica continues to reveal anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations. Disclosure of Preadamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. Testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Disclosure; Secret Space Programs, 10# Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology; Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patients, Reversed Technology, Antigravity, Warp Drive, Zero Point Energy, Cures for all Diseases, Age Regression, Replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA; Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Grand Year Cycle
- The path to Awakening; Global Mass Meditation, Jared Rand participant count now over 500,000 worldwide.
An herb used in traditional Indian medicine to treat diabetes seems to lower blood sugar and insulin levels in a manner similar to prescription drugs, a new study reports. Researchers gave extracts of the herb Salacia oblonga to 39 healthy adults, and the results were promising. The largest dose of the herb extract – 1,000 milligrams – decreased insulin and blood glucose levels by 29 and 23 percent, respectively.