Published Date: October 7th, 2024 | Updated xxx,xx 2024  💢




The Plan / First Wave / Compression Breakthrough / Galactic Solar Flash / Pole Shift  


Timeline Changes & New Sequencing of Events

There have been several collapsed timelines since 2016, resulting in significant changes and re-sequencing of events. Currently, we find ourselves on the Delta Timeline, which is characterized by numerous transformative occurrences. According to the best estimates, these events are expected to converge in the second quarter of 2025, culminating in what is referred to as 'The Event.'

The convergence of events includes the Compression Breakthrough (when Light from above and Light from below meet right on the surface of the planet, this is the moment of compression breakthrough. That occurrence is called the Event), a phenomenon where the fabric of reality undergoes a profound shift. Additionally, a Galactic SuperWave is anticipated, which is a powerful surge of energy originating from the galactic center. This SuperWave is expected to have far-reaching effects on various aspects of our existence, a quantum leap is consciousness.

Furthermore, there is speculation about a Sun MiniNova, a significant solar event that could have substantial implications for our planet. Alongside this, a Global Pole Shift is predicted, which would result in a dramatic reconfiguration of Earth's magnetic field.

The End of 7 Cosmic Cycles is also anticipated, marking the completion of a significant cosmic cycle and potentially heralding a new era. Additionally, there are mentions of 3 Days of Darkness, a period where light is said to be temporarily absent, and End Times Madness, which refers to a period of intense societal upheaval.

Moreover, there are concerns about a Global Financial Collapse, which could have severe economic consequences worldwide. This collapse is seen as a catalyst for a Civilization Reset, where existing systems and structures undergo a fundamental transformation.

The possibility of WW3, or a global conflict on a massive scale, is also mentioned. However, it is important to note that these predictions are speculative and subject to change based on various factors.

First Contact, the long-awaited encounter with extraterrestrial beings, is also part of this new sequencing of events. It is believed that this contact will bring about significant shifts in our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

Additionally, there are references to Islands of Light, which are envisioned as safe havens or sanctuaries during these tumultuous times. Global evacuations are expected to take place, ensuring the safety of individuals in designated areas.

A Planetary Tsunami is also mentioned, suggesting a massive wave that could impact coastal regions. This event, if it were to occur, would have devastating consequences.

Lastly, a Cosmic Ascension is included in this new sequencing of events. It refers to a spiritual transformation or elevation of consciousness that individuals undergo during this end of a cycle period.

Overall, the new sequencing of events suggests that all these significant occurrences will happen within a relatively short timeframe, potentially within several months of each other.

Sequencing of Events

2023 Timeline Immediate Events, Crisis Stacking & Global Industry Crashes; US Dollar World Standard Currency Failures ☑️ BRICS Gold Backed Currency Replacement, Hyper-Inflation ☑️ Ukraine War with Russia will Expand ☑️ Russia will side with Iran against Israel ☑️  New Plandemic Bird Flu / Disease X ☑️ Escalating Vaxx Injuries & Millions of Mass Sudden Deaths ☑️  Increasing Bank Defaults ☑️ Real Estate Industry Collapse ☑️  Slow Motion Collapse, Credit Crisis Real Estate Loans 7.5% Interest Rates ☑️ Commercial Lending Rates 9.5% +, Corporate Layoffs ☑️ Retail Chain Store Closing ☑️ Brand Restaurant Closings ☑️ Small Business Bankruptcies ☑️  Increase Cancer & AIDS Epidemic ☑️  New Plandemic Scares ☑️ CBDCs Bank Conversions ☑️ Early 2024, Global Weather; Flooding, Droughts, Wildfires, Violent Storms & Hurricanes, Global 54 Active Volcanoes & Global Earthquakes 450 Daily Avg. (ranging from 3.0 to 8.0 Richter scale), Massive Crop Failures Globally ☑️.

2024 Timeline Intermediate Events Global Everything Collapse & YEAR OF COSMIC CIVILIZATIONS DISCLOSURES; ALIENS HAVE ALWAYS LIVED AMONG US, ALIENS IDENTIFIED AS OUR ANCESTORS, Hyper Slow Motion Everything Collapse. False Flags; Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan, China, North Korea, New Plandemic Threats, Global Famine, Everything Shortages, Supply Line Failures, Global Bank Crash, Government Freezes; Bank Accounts, Financial Markets, Energy/Power/Electricity, Food Supplies, Shipping, Drugs & Water Supplies, 95 Destroyed Food Production and Distribution Centers, Empty Grocery Shelves, Biblical Elohim Exposed False god, Old Testament Revealed nothing more than an Ancient History Book (not spiritual inspired text), Emergence Islands of Light, Escalations in Panic & Fear Events, Loss of Family & Souls Leaving the Planet. Collective Free Will will decide the outcome of the Planet. Confirmation of Planet X, Lurker Disentanglement Process, September 27th that will trigger the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet, September 23rd, until the end of October, we are in a proceeds of deep spiritual transformation and purification, and through November 22nd is the time of final triangulation of duality, which will bring many things to completion. In November, many extremely important energetic events will happen. After the geopolitical crisis in the first half of November, Pluto will make its final ingress into Aquarius on November 19th, a huge symbolic step into the Age of Aquarius. Then on November 22nd, the doorway of the 11:11 will reach its final completion, Then on November 24th, a very important operation of the Light forces will be completed. Then on November 29th, a strong cycle will be completed, leading the way into breakthroughs of December and January. During all that time, the dark forces may try to escalate things, but we need to remain connected with our higher selves and hold the Light:

2025 Timeline; The Event Horizon 2 Quarter 2025; Prior Events; Project Blue Beam, Fake Alien Invasion, Complete Global Financial Collapse and War to see who gets to Reset the New Financial System, Cosmic Marker of 7 Cycles Converging, CMEs, First Wave Event / Ascension within a 2 Week Window, Compression Breakthrough, Mass Arrest, Positive Financial Reset, Massive Intelligence Release & Disclosure, Expansion/Manifestation of the Islands of Light, the Only Peaceful Zones on the Planet, Free Energy, Food Replicators, and Med Beds Released to the Surface Population, FIRST CONTACT Initiated | See Ascension 3rd Wave 2047, Galactic Super Wave, Sun MicroNova, 2nd Wave Ascension, 3 Days of Darkness, The Event, Pole Shift, Mile High Tsunami, Cataclysmic Earthquakes & Massive Volcanoes, Starship Evacuations. In 2025, a seven year process of decomposing of old reality will begin ☑️. 

Positive Timeline Confirmation; 💢 The Earth's positive timeline is rooted in spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, envisioning a trajectory of conscious evolution and positive transformation for the planet. Proponents of this concept suggest that humanity is experiencing a collective shift in awareness, marked by a spiritual awakening and a heightened sense of interconnectedness. This positive timeline is often associated with energetic shifts, unity among diverse cultures, and a commitment to environmental harmony. Advocates emphasize the role of conscious co-creation, where individuals actively contribute to shaping a positive future through their thoughts and actions. Technological advancements, sustainable practices, and the idea of ascension to higher states of consciousness are also woven into this narrative. It's essential to recognize that perceptions of Earth's positive timeline are subjective, varying across spiritual traditions and cultural perspectives, and invite both inspiration and skepticism as individuals contemplate the potential trajectory of our shared existence.