Published Date: June 26th, 2023
The Reality of Truth, Resilience Documentary, The Nature of Ayahuasca, Don’t Give Up, The Power of Storytelling, Awakening Mind, Awakening Knowledge Gnostic Illuminations, Awaken Kundalini Shakti, Holographic Universe, Quantum World Collapses Into Reality, 3 Days of Darkness, 4th Density Ascension, Triggers Invitations to Look Inside, Retrain Your Brain, Journeying to Personal Mastery, Transformational Breathing, Forgiveness Meditation, Give Yourself An Apology, Life Altering Realizations, Tapping Solution, Raising Your Vibrational Frequency, Genes Listen to Your Beliefs, The Volunteers, Exit The Matrix, Meaning of Signs, Heart Brain Union, Pure Schumann Resonance, Tibetan Monks Paranormal Abilities, A Gathering of the Tribe
The following podcast is provided as an example to assist you in reviewing our Spiritual Practice Reports. GAR strategically designs and combines key articles, videos, music and vocal vibrational frequencies within all our reports. Allow yourself to be synchronistically guided through each of our Spiritual Practice Reports. Our intention is to provide you with proven practice tools and information to increase and sustain your spiritual vibrational frequency.

The Ascension Process Is In Full Swing
by Vallerie Donner
What I want to convey to you goes beyond the limitations of words. I want you to truly grasp the energy and frequency behind this message. The urgency of the hour calls for us to step up our efforts. The work we have ahead of us is abundant and expanding beyond measure.
The activation of higher frequency codes necessary for Ascension is taking place. Everything is falling into place to elevate you beyond the lower frequencies of the third-dimensional Earth. This may be why you feel a sense of strangeness, as if you exist in multiple worlds simultaneously, because in a way, you do.
Come with me to the realm of the higher conscious mind. Tap into the boundless creativity and light that are now abundantly available. We’ve spoken before about the magic and miracles in this realm in which we reside. It is through this realm that you will create and exist in higher consciousness. You will no longer be burdened by the negative forces that have attempted to divert you from your path and made you forget your true identity as a part of creation.
We observe you closely. We see the struggles many of you face for various reasons. We want you to know that it is crucial to keep rising above it all. Rise above everything that is happening around you. We understand that it can be overwhelming. We acknowledge the major losses you have experienced – the loss of loved ones, family members, friends, pets, jobs, financial stability, and even your health. We witness the shifting and separation of old friendships, even among close relationships, family, and friends. These changes occur because of the shifts in frequency and the rising consciousness in some individuals while others remain stagnant. It becomes increasingly challenging to sustain these relationships in such circumstances. Therefore, we advise you not to cling to anything. We understand that this is easier said than done, but it is the only way to ascend higher. By releasing attachments, you will naturally attract like-minded individuals of similar frequencies into your life. This will enable you to soar higher on your magnificent path.
Many of these relationships will cause you pain as you let them go. Allow yourself to grieve these losses to the best of your ability. Some of these relationships have long surpassed their expiration date. For some courageous and resilient light workers, releasing them will bring freedom from the darkness that has held them back.
Always remember that life is not a test of endurance; it is meant to be enjoyed. Although the present moment may be challenging, you may need to make difficult decisions. Your happiness, joy, harmony, and freedom are worth it.
I share these insights with you because your ascension process is in full swing. Trust that I speak from experience, as we have assisted other planets in their ascension journeys. We are elated to witness your progress and proud of the remarkable work you have done. Look out for one another and be kind to yourselves and to others. Stay grounded as much as you can. Understand that ascension is a natural process, and you were divinely chosen to be here at this momentous time.
Edited Version; Valerie Donner
Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path
When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.
At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.
Set the energy you want in your world by awakening your consciousness to all the good available to you. It’s a matter of choice. Attune yourself to only that which you would have in your life. Release the need to be right. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that threaten your happiness.
Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of Pure Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.
Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.
Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:
Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.
Thank you to our readers and paid subscribers for your continued support! If you would like to further support the Great Awakening Team and our efforts, you can donate or buy something from the Great Awakening Store.
We offer both Personal Coaching and Consulting for executives and business owners. Providing guidance, intelligence briefings, and strategic planning to navigate the dynamic changes and shifts in the world.
– The Great Awakening Team –
“You’re Braver Than You Believe, Stronger Than You Seem, and Smarter Than You Think.” AA Milne
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
– Meditation & Prayer For All Humanity –
“May I be a guard for those who need protection, a guide for those on the path, a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, a resting place for the weary, a healing medicine for all who are sick, a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles. And for the boundless multitudes of living beings, may I bring sustenance and awakening, enduring like the earth and sky until all beings are freed from sorrow and all are awakened.” Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity 700 AD
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Spiritual Documentaries

Spiritual Inspirations
Arts • Universe • Science
“The People walking in Darkness have seen a Great Light; on those Living in the Land of Deep Darkness a Light has Dawned”, Isaiah 9:2

“We are the Light, The Power, and the Coming Change. The Tide of Awakening is NOW”

“If not us, then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when?”

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?
– Rumi
Only by synchronicity and divine timing would anyone find themselves reading this Spiritual Practice of Awakening report, meaning it’s Your Time and Soul’s Choice to Spiritually Awaken. Then moving on from your 3D movie-like matrix of incarnate lessons and experiences. Your transition into higher dimensions, densities, and vibrational frequencies is the beginning of your journey home and your reunification with Source. There are no shortcuts to discovering and maintaining your spiritual path or journey. One must choose to continuously engage and clear the subconscious mind of negative thoughts, emotional & verbal reactions, and physical impressions of fear and past traumas through the art and practice of digging into them, getting comfortable with their roots, and gaining gratitude for what they gave you. To simplify the often-overwhelming work required, we have created a three-phase process; acquiring spiritual knowledge from established and reliable sources, obtaining inner wisdom and understanding, adopting a daily routine of practice and habits, and then discovering a new reality of 5D experiences. The Spiritual Practice Report is based on three phases, with seven steps or seven topics per phase. The Great Awakening Report will research and update articles and video content for each new Spiritual Practice of Awakening Report.
PHASE I: Spiritual Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding
Ancient Text / Spiritual Teachings / Free Will Universe / Law of One / Ascension
“Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul.”
In Phase 1, we seek to explore ancient spiritual texts, spiritual teachings, and concepts of thought leaders. By engaging these historical documents, we are connecting the dots on your path of spiritual awakening. First is to understand the Free Will Universe, otherwise known as The Grand Experiment, and how it applies to your soul’s journey into the 3D holographic movie-like matrix of lessons and experiences. Next, we examine your journey of incarnations into what is described as The Game or Games within the Grand Experiment. All Games have an ending or completion of cycles, defined as The Event, End of Times, or The Ascension. The most accurate and thorough spiritual text we have come across thus far is The Law of One, which we use as a foundation for our research and a basis of reference for spiritual writings and documents. Knowing what resonates within you and your inner intuitive awareness is the key to applying any spiritual truth. Each individual’s journey is unique, giving these texts a true living quality. The lessons, how you interpret, what resonates, and what you carry keep changing as you gain more life and spiritual lessons and entanglement of the two; your perspective shifts, and a whole new layer appears. This is an ongoing process and will require continued study, personal evaluation, and enlightened thought. Most of all, enjoy this inward journey through the heart; it will be the most challenging and rewarding of your life’s endeavors.
Ancient Spiritual Text
Ancient records and text provide the basic framework and architectural foundations for our human understanding of Spirituality. This is where you find the basis for all spiritual teachings and will become your foundation of learning.

Spiritual Teachings & Thought Leaders
We explore the writing and teachings of some of the worlds leading spiritual teachers and thought leaders. Inspired, intuitive and channeled writings all contribute to our collective knowledge of the nature of spirituality.

Free Will Universe
Understanding the dynamics of our Free Will Universe is a key to unlocking all spiritual challenges and mysteries. Simplifying our knowledge of Polarity and Duality, Good vs. Evil, and Lessons / Experiences creates a compelling perspective for spiritual growth. The first distortion is free will, or finity, or the limit of the viewpoint. The created universe we experience is the Creator’s exploration of Itself through the first distortion, which Ra also calls the Law of Confusion. Ra defines free will as the recognition “that the Creator will know Itself” The Logos (The Second Distortion) The second distortion is Love, or the Logos, or the Creative Principle. It is “the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way.”. A Logos can create a single star system or it can create a galaxy with billions of star systems. Each galaxy has its own system of natural laws and, I believe, its own “cosmic mind”. Ra says that some of its members have wandered to the creations of other Logoi, and that the “experience has been one which staggers the intellectual and intuitive capacities.” In the case of galactic systems, the first physical manifestation of a Logos is a cluster of central systems.

HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE; The holographic universe theory reveals that the universe is a hologram, meaning that the three-dimensional reality we experience is actually a projection of information stored on a two-dimensional surface. This theory is based on the idea that the universe is like a giant hologram, where every part of the universe contains information about the whole. The holographic principle is supported by various scientific theories, including string theory and black hole physics.

The Grand Experiment | The Game
Infinite Creators desire for companionship and experience. The Laws of the Universe, Creation, and Human DNA. The Game or A Series of Incarnations within the Games inside the Grand Experiment. Descending and Ascending through dimensions and densities of vibrational frequencies. Illusion; since all is one, all manifestation, or appearance of many-ness, is an illusion. According to Ra, it is an illusion carefully engineered in order to give the Creator the opportunity to know Itself. The Veil; our Logos wanted to give the Creator the highest quality experience of Itself possible. It and other Logoi therefore carefully veiled the subconscious and deep minds from the conscious mind in third density. This precipitated a movement towards seeking and away from the condition of Edenic contentment that existed in the creations of earlier Logoi. The result of this experiment has been a more vivid, varied, and intense experience of the Creator by the Creator.

The Event
We analyze the end times destabilization of geopolitical, geophysical and human psychic evidence for competing timelines in order to map or guide us into the Event. Compression Breakthrough of cascading event; global economic, mass shortages, etc… Humanity requires the threat of total annihilation or precipice of destruction to change or spiritually evolve.
Densities last for pre-determined lengths of time. At the end of the allotted time, there is a “harvest,” in which those who have learned the lessons of the density graduate to the following density. Those who have not learned the lessons repeat the density. The requirement for graduation from third density is having chosen a path of service (to self or to others).
The 75,000-year time period for Earth’s third density is at an end. According to Ra, the year 2011 was “an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest.” However, Ra has difficulty calculating time and is not confident making predictions. Nonetheless, the “cycles move as precisely as a clock strikes your hour. Thus, the gateway from intelligent energy to intelligent infinity opens regardless of circumstance on the striking of the hour.” The “possibility/probability vortices” indicate that the transition to fourth density will take from 100 to 700 years. However, this “cannot be accurate due to the volatility of your peoples at this space/time.”

Ascension Cycles, Timelines & Evidence
Ascension is the ending of cycles that brings about planetary movement through a higher density and expansion of consciousness. We analyze the geophysical evidence and competing timelines that map or guide us into The Event that influences the Ascension Timeline. This evidence is readily available if you know what to look for and are willing to look in order to be informed.
Just as a magnet has two poles, the positive and the negative, so does consciousness. In consciousness, the poles are the paths of service to others and service to self. The goal of third density is to choose a path of service. In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of our thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, we must be at least 95% self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference.”. Most people are far along their path before they realize that they have made a choice.
Law of One
The One Infinite Creator; the Law of One states that there is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator, which Ra also calls “Infinite Intelligence” and “Intelligent Infinity.” It is impossible to describe the “one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole” but It can be activated or potentiated. Each portion of the creation contains, paradoxically, the whole. Law of One Link

As you go through this Practice Report, take your time to study and review each month’s new articles and videos. To begin this process, one must have a foundation or historical perspective to comprehend how all the pieces of the ascension process fit together. This journey requires you to review a considerable amount of information so you are able to comprehend and discern the information. This allows you to more fully understand your personal path of Spiritual Practice and Awakening. Recap/Summary of Action Steps / Daily Journaling / Meditation / 5D Awareness & Vibrational Frequency
Spiritual Awakening; Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, and Hearts to Know
PHASE II: The Practice
The Challenge / The Trials / The Testing / The Purge
Positive Mental Attitude, defined as comprising the ‘plus’ characteristics represented by words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.
W. Clement Stone
Daily Practice Guidelines
The Observer / Forgiveness / Releasing / Breathing Meditation / Heart Conscious
The Art of Forgiveness has been reduced to little more than a passing acknowledgment. We have little understanding of the sub-unconscious mind and its ego-resistant programming. A high vibrational frequency is key to stepping out of the matrix, manifesting a positive timeline, and achieving ascension. A daily practice of being the observer, utilizing releasing tools, and incorporating forgiveness will help you achieve and maintain this frequency. We recognize the human experience is an arduous, challenging journey and not for the faint of heart. Finding and staying on one’s path is an elusive proposition at best. Then compiling layers of karma (accumulation of poor choices) requires ongoing observation of one’s negative thoughts and repeated efforts/work to depolarize one’s negative mental atmosphere. The mastery of any practice is in the daily use and development of reliable tools that create lasting and effective results. We describe Phase II practice as a full Emotional Reset.
The Observer
Step 1: is becoming aware of your mental thought atmosphere by tracking your emotions, most notably your negative thoughts attached to said negative emotions. Once you’ve identified the negative emotions tied to a negative thought then you can backtrack that thought to its origin. This could include a past traumatic event, or dramatic experience tied to fear. Most all negative experiences include another human being or a primary family member. The more you practice being the observer of your thoughts the more you can set your intention to release these negative experiences.
The 7 Observer Senses: 1. Touch, 2. Smell, 3. Sight, 4. Hearing, 5. Taste, 6. Intuition, 7. Feelings

SELF LOVE PRACTICE; The primary lesson we’re here to learn is how to “Love Ourselves”. This begins with moving our awareness down to our heart space, then consciously resting that awareness on our chest. Be the Observer and see yourself holding that space for a few minutes at a time. This space allows acceptance of ourselves just the way we are, without judgment. See what arises out of being in your heart space, especially in regard to your inner voice. Talking or having a conversation with the universe starts with our listening first.

SELF-TALK OBSERVATION & PRACTICE; The primary purpose and lesson of our journey is to learn how to communicate authentically with ourselves. Are we Responding instead of Reacting to events and emotions in our everyday lives. Do we treat ourselves with kindness and respect? Are our observations coming from our heart space and not our ego? Do we trust in ourselves completely? These are a few questions that allows you to put into “Practice” Self-Talk Observation.

Ego-Conscious Monkey Mind vs. Heart-Conscious Mind
Step 2: moving out of your Ego $ Conscious Monkey Mind and into your Heart Conscious Mind. Simply practice placing your consciousness over your heart. Using active thought, move your awareness from your mind space down into your heart space. Acknowledge this feeling and become in tune with what heart consciousness feels like when you are in this space. There is no tougher task than taming the wild uncontrollable beast, the ego $ conscious monkey mind.

Transformational Breathing Meditation
Step 3: once you’ve identified the source of any negative emotions, event, and relationship, and successfully moved the the thought into your heart space, begin your Transformational Breathing breath work now. This is one of the primary core tools or disciplines to set the mind/body/spirit complex up for internal spiritual work.

Begin with the following Transformational Breathing practice. Carol focuses on the Spiritual Journey.

Forgiveness Practice Tools

Step 4: forgiveness involves changing your perception of what happened. We suggest using the Sedona Method technique; Use the statements of “Could I FORGIVE ________ / Would I FORGIVE ______ / WHEN!”. We recommend using this tool three times on each negative emotion, event, or person. We can also recommend using the tapping method for releasing. One must differentiate between forgiveness of Others and forgiveness of Self, with both being necessary.

Releasing Practice Tools
Step 5: we suggest using the Sedona Method technique; Use the statements of “Could I RELEASE ________ / Would I RELEASE ______ / WHEN!”. We recommend using this tool three times on each negative emotion, event, or person. We can also recommend using the tapping method for releasing. Combine all three practice tools; Transformational Breathing, Focus on inhale, then use the Forgiveness & Releasing tools on the exhale.

The QIGONG PRACTICE: We suggest the practice habit of Qigong, taken from the 3,000 yr Taoist Energy Teachings. This clears all energy blocks and helps focus your intentions.. A Key practice habit to elevating your vibrational frequency

Qigong dates back to the age of the Yellow Emperor in China, who was believed to have written a treatise on health and disease called the Classic of Medicine dated back to 2600 BC.

Can TAPPING REALLY bring peace, mindfulness, and healing? Or is it just woo-woo? It may sound like it, but there’s actually a lot of science to back it up. Tapping is a remarkable blend of modern psychology, Chinese medicine, and neuroscience. In this video, the world-renowned tapping expert Jennifer Partridge explains exactly how tapping works and how it affects your energy and your mind, especially since your emotions are there to tell you something, even the negative ones.
A few minutes a day of tapping is all it takes to bring more calm and serenity into your life. Sounds amazing? You’ll discover how to release your traumas, soothe your emotional wounds, and make peace with your past through tapping. In her video, you’ll get an Emotional Mastery Self-Assessment and an incredible healing exercise. Check it out to start tapping your way out of your traumas and towards freedom one day at a time.

Elevating Vibrational Frequency
Step 6: after going through the tools above, sit quietly for a few minutes, allowing your energy to return. You will begin to feel a lightness, soft sense of wellbeing, 5D vibrational awareness of space, and an overall complete state of calmness returns. Notice creativity and inspiration returning. Focus returns to the NOW…

Positive Mental Atmosphere
Step 7: now step back into your daily routine and activities. You will naturally hold a state of kindness & respect for yourself and others. A renewed faith in your guided path and positive choices manifesting your intentions. Look for synchronicities, healings, spiritual gift activations, expansion of intuition, telepathy, telekinesis, new conscious downloads and uploads of new information.

VOLUNTEERING; There is no better Positive Mental Atmosphere Practice than giving back through volunteering. In fact, research has consistently shown that volunteering can have a multitude of benefits for mental health and overall well-being. Not only does volunteering provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but it also allows individuals to connect with others and develop meaningful relationships. The act of helping others can also give people a sense of control and positively impact feelings of self-worth. In addition to the personal benefits, volunteering can also have a ripple effect on society as a whole. By giving back to the community and supporting important causes, volunteers can help to create a stronger, more connected community and promote positive change. When it comes to volunteering, there are countless opportunities available. Whether it’s helping out at a local food bank, volunteering at a shelter, or even just lending a helping hand to a neighbor in need, every act of kindness and generosity can make a real difference. So if you’re looking to boost your mood, improve your mental health, and make a positive impact on your community, consider volunteering your time and skills. Not only will you be making a difference in the lives of others, but you’ll also be reaping the many personal benefits that come with giving back.

Positive Mental Attitude, defined as comprising the ‘plus’ characteristics represented by words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.
W. Clement Stone
These 7 Steps to your daily practice are key to attaining and maintaining your ascension vibrational frequency. Our template is designed as a guideline for you to follow and will act to RESET you back to your higher frequency. Once practiced, you will come to rely on these 7 Steps to remove all negative reflexes, emotions, and reactions. The work will open pathways to new beginnings and, if needed, restoration of family and career relationships. The healing process is now complete with positive thoughts, words, or deeds returning you to your higher vibrational frequency.
Action Steps / Daily Journaling / Meditation / 5D Awareness / Vibrational Frequency
7 Steps for an Emotional Reset
During the course of your day, when you experience emotional triggers, a resurfacing traumatic memory or recall of negative experiences, use the following 7 steps to reset of your emotions. This process should not take more than 5-minutes on issue, trauma and experience; Add both the forgiveness & releasing practice to the exhale portion of your Transformational Breathing practice, then repeat until emotional release is confirmed. Returning you to your calm state of higher vibrational frequency.
- Be the Observer of All Negative Thoughts
- Work from Your Heart Space Awareness
- Begin with Transformational Breathing
- Add Forgiveness Practice Tools
- Finish with Releasing Practice Tools
- Confirm Higher Vibrational Frequency
- Maintain Your Positive Mental Atmosphere
Spiritual Awakening; Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, and Hearts to Know
PHASE III: The Experience
Journey Home / 5D Awareness / Spiritual Gifts / The Event / Ascension
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” ― Bill Keane
Our 3D experiences are the primary tools used in aiding us as we move through our incarnations in 3rd Density lessons. The souls choice and decision to ascend is based on that soul’s completion of its 100s of 1000s of lessons and experiences. The Games represent unique lifetimes tailored to each set of experiences lived in The Grand Experiment. At the end of each 26,000-year cycle of incarnations, it is the soul’s opportunity to advance into a higher range in frequencies and vibrations. Once the collective awareness of one’s soul, spirit, and higher self has exhausted, self-examined and mastered a satisfactory number of lessons, then and only then, does the soul choose to move on. Following is a series of 7 unique experience that verify and emphasize the soul’s choice to ascend.
Exiting 3D Movie Matrix
Your awakening experience will expose the 3D movie-matrix lies and false constructs. Once the hologram is exposed and the true reality is discovered, there is no turning back. Known as “crossing the truth bridge of no return”.

Random connections or crossing paths with like-minded individuals. Creating in-the-moment learning experiences that change the course or direction of your life. Being “Present” is communicating with the Universe. There is no such thing as coincidence, everything is connected. Take note of signs / numbers. 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44
Consecutive Numbers / Crossing Paths / Conversations / Articles & Videos / Intuitive Knowing

Living from Your Heart | Heart Expansion & Awareness;
Living and experiencing from the heart is a challenge or better yet a mystery. We are taught from childhood that everything inside relates to our brain, mind, or on the outside. The heart space is connected to the universe, the infinite creator, and all consciousness life. Live from your heart instead of your mind/ego. (conversations with the universe)
How to be of Service to Others. “The best way of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self. This involves self knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without hesitation. This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.”
Conversations With the Universe; The key to engaging the Universe is the “Art of Observing” and synchronistic listening. One method is to ask three questions before falling asleep, then holding those as an intention over the next few days while looking for responses from the Universe. This is where synchronicities and “Being the Observer” come into play. Responses from the Universe could be in the form of a conversation, article, video, email and/or downloads as your heart space and awareness expands.

Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts;
When you are able to attain and retain the higher Ascension Frequency, a whole new world of Spiritual Gifts begin to activate and flower with the intention of the soul.
Spiritual Gifts / Telepathy / Telekinesis / Healing / Intuitive Empath / Miracles / Downloads

Ascension Resonating Frequency
Once the mind/body/Soul complex masters its basic practices and becomes the conscious observer, the soul complex begins to resonate or vibrate at the Ascension frequency. (Source Frequency from the Center of the Universe)
Attitude of Gratitude / 52% more Positive than Negative Mental Atmosphere / Unconditional Love

Mapping Your Personal Timeline
Finding Your PATH…. Purpose, Mission, Contracts, etc… Pole Shift, Solar Activity, Sun’s CMEs & EMPs, Thinning of the earth’s magnetic field, Compression Breakthrough, 2 Ascension Waves, Galactic Solar Flash, MiniNova

Finding Your Tribe
The last step in the Awakening Practice is finding your way to your true home or your tribe. Any 3D tribe represents a gathering of Souls transitioning to the new earth. This requires relocation and moving to safe zones, especially during coming times of isolation and challenging times for humanity.

Experiencing Levels of Realization
Realizing who we are and what our essence is can help us live the lives we were created to enjoy and participate in. Creator consciousness constantly expands and enhances all beings. We have forgotten this to the extent that we have eliminated our innate creator consciousness from our awareness. We must live in ego-consciousness in the awareness of duality and degradation through entropy.
We can learn to read the energy of everything in any situation. We can learn to transform negative energy to its positive counterpart or resolve it into another dimension. Our situation can consist of grateful and joyous experiences in interaction with all that comes into our awareness. We can direct these feelings to our awareness, establishing a high-vibration state of being. In any situation we can intentionally interact in alignment with our heart-consciousness, knowing that we have infinite creative power.
Threats to our well-being or so-called accidents do not exist in the heart-consciousness dimension. We can be completely and intentionally creative in all aspects of life. We can learn to direct our attention entirely to the kinds of situations that we love. As we pay attention to how we want to imagine everything that we are aware of, we can intentionally modulate the energetic patterns around us into alignment with our intuitive knowing. We can be affected only by energies that we accept into our awareness and pay attention to. We are energy modulators and experience creators. This is what we do all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. We are constantly creating the qualities of our experiences by how we choose to be in every moment.
Where we are and what we are doing matters on an energetic level, but not necessarily on a physical level. It is our vibratory level that determines how smoothly our life goes. It is not important if we have a job or a business or any socially-acceptable style of life. What matters is the vibratory spectrum of our energetic signature. Our sustenance comes to us naturally at the level of our vibrations. This level is completely subject to our personal direction and choice. How we choose to feel in any moment is important for our creative direction.
When we are Self-Realized, we are infinitely powerful creators with our intentional visionary and emotional abilities. We can realize that the experiences that we love the most are the ones in alignment with our heart-consciousness. With all of our needs fulfilled, we are free to create a world of experiences that express the energy of our heart. Since these vibrations are unknown to ego-consciousness, we must open our awareness to heart-felt feelings and thoughts about everything and everyone. Heart-felt energy is life-enhancing in every way. It is true creative energy that we can be aware of within our greater consciousness.
By Kenneth Schmitt
- Testimonials
- 1st Testimonial
My awakening was abrupt, as if a light turned on. Granted, I needed a slight nudge but the peace I have in reconnecting to my soul is indescribable. I’ve been on this journey since spring of 2022 and I can definitely say my life my life has changed in such a positive way. There have been great days and many challenging days as well, but through it all, there is an inner peace and knowing that this is the correct path in my soul’s journey. Having a strong framework of tools with the Great Awakening Report has truly been invaluable. I began with the 12-part series, The Awakening Journey, which allowed me the structure to decide where I wanted to go – based on what resonated with me. Honestly, the areas that didn’t resonate with me initially are now areas of focus. “Connecting the Dots” is an ongoing process and doing the “Work” (being the observer, heart-consciousness, forgiveness, releasing, meditation) is now a part of my daily life. I’m grateful to be on this journey and I hope to be a positive force through the Work. The “Bridge” (to truth and awareness) was crossed and there’s no turning back. – Lorie
- 2nd Testimonial
I cannot pinpoint what exactly sparked my awakening, but the seed was planted when I was young.
My creativity confirmed the existence of another ‘aspect’ of myself that was guiding me. I trusted that voice.
I saw the world differently from the people around me. I was surprised that they had no questions about life. I always wanted to know Why?
Living in the energy of that question kept me curious for richer experiences and set me on my quest for truth, which over my lifetime has exposed me to a wealth of modalities.
A personal awakening journey is as fascinating as it is frustrating. It’s often 2 steps forward and ten steps back, yet my resolve will never die.
For so long I could not understand why I always felt like an outsider however at this point in time I see every event in my life was necessary and perfectly timed.Awakening is more than being red-pilled to the machinations of the control grid in this world. That is the first base.
Once you start to see what the world is and is not, you will realise that the change you desire in the world can only be created from a change within yourself.And then the endless work begins.
Spiritual Awakening; Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, and Hearts to Know
The 3 C’s of Life: “Choices, Chances, and Changes”,
You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. – Zig Ziglar
- The Global 2023 Everything Collapse; with the engineered bubbling and Deep State manipulation of all markets, and the coming planned market crisis, crash, and collapse will destroy nations, societies and communities. The world is now experiencing Hyper-inflation soon to flip into Hyper-deflation. Where Values and Pricing will see a 60% to 75% over all collapse. The vaccinated will be known and identified as the incubators, shedders and spreaders of all new outbreaks, identified as a series of more lethal hemorrhagic viruses. A Zombie Apocalypse reality. This collapse will go down in history as Beyond The Greatest Depression ever recorded.
- The Planetary Engineered Starvation & Famine; the global Deep State engineered supply chain shutdowns and port closing is now showing up in the stores. Add-in global flooding, droughts, and crop destruction, and Bill Gates buying up US farmland planting no new crops most stores will be out of food and supplies by August of 2022.
- COVID Vaccination Narrative is Falling Apart, designed as the cover story for the Great Reset | Narrative. Key to launching the New Global Financial System, Deep State’s New World Order and Plan 2030 depopulation agenda.
- The Great Vaxx Die-Off 2022 – 2025; this is a critical time period for the global depopulation agenda of the Deep State. The world is now awaking to the reality of poisonous death jab. The US 2022 estimates for Vaxx related deaths ranges from 60 to 90 million. The global death rates will be in the 100s of millions by the end of 2023.
- Event Waves of 2023; New disclosures of Vaccine-related Plandemic deaths, death rates, and vaccine-triggered medical conditions will expand exponentially. The Great Die Off of 2022 & 2023. This is targeted to begin in fall of 2021 with a now reported estimate of 60% to 70% of all vaccinated with be hospitalized, die from complications stemming from the vaccines, or be unable to work or carry a job. WWIII global hot spots, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Middle East, and North Korea. Threaten Financial Markets on the edge of Collapse/Crisis/Crash, and the US defending its borders against insurgents from foreign states. The next series of stacking events or event compression could be anyone’s guess; ranging from False Flag WWIII/IV, new global Plandemics, a SEERS Hemorrhagic Series of Virus Waves, massive death rates from vaccine complications, creating global supply chain shutdowns, destroying global markets, debt bubbles bursting, and AI Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin manipulations used for global human trafficking being wiped out in a few moments. Then in the background the escalating global geophysical crisis of droughts, flooding, creating global famines, food shortages, 70 – 100 million unemployed, massive loan defaults, record foreclosures, geophysical events increasing, volcanos, earthquakes, category 5 hurricanes, record numbers of violent storms, tornadoes along with mainstream media stoking suppression of these events raising fear to new heights.
Ralph Smart Awakening 2023
- Humans will begin merging with AI artificial intelligence, becoming HUMAN 2.0/Humanoid
- More people will be seduced by and ultimately live in the Metaverse. The awakened will reject it
- Smart cities will become more commonplace in many countries
- Global civil unrest will continue and escalate to riots, similar to what’s happening in China.
- The HIDDEN is coming to light. People will realize that “the truth is a lie” and “the lie is the truth”. Life in reverse – l-i-v-e it becomes evil e-v-i-l . . .
- The threat of a total economic collapse
- A Great War will emerge – the Russia/Ukraine war is going to escalate where other countries will get involved. Think rationing . . .
- There will be Mass Exodus to the new Earth
- The Great Divide will become apparent between 3D and 5D
- Homeschooling children will increase
- People will detach from mainstream society, causing a collapse of traditions
- Lightworkers will rise up and come forward
- Realization that UNITY is our greatest power
- Humanity will see Earth’s true, hidden origins
- Another virus/plandemic begins, originating in China then spreading globally
- Alternative websites that allow people the freedom of speech will surpass YouTube (Rumble/Bitchute for example)
- Humans marrying robots. Expect the weird, the bizarre, the crazy
- Men and women are going to start to see themselves as complementary and harmony will be restored
- More people are going to opt out of their normal, societal life and instead begin to live their best life in truth
- 2023 is the YEAR OF LIBERATION – the hidden comes to light . .
- Internet and Social Media Alternative News Censorship & Lockdowns continues across all platforms with the exception of Twitter. Elon Musk as the new owner of Twitter has been releasing critical documents exposing the FBI’s involvement in censoring (90 + FBI Agents on the payroll) He will continue to releasing documents revealing new disclosures.
- New Earthquake swarms on the West Coast increase predictions for the Cascadia Subduction Zone and New Madrid Fault Line. New Government Reports on the increase in midwest earthquakes and oil fracking effects. A Russian scientist has issued a new prediction for the US to experience a 9.0 earthquake in 2019.
- UFO | UAP Disclosure of June 2021, will be followed up with the exposure of alien live currently living on this planet. (among us for 1000s of years) Continued increase of daily sightings, new reports released by US Navy and Airforce pilots. There is insider talk of a Fake Alien Invasion Project Blue Beam still on the agenda. Timing is tied to change or loss of control of the MSM narrative and negative breaking events.
- Antarctica story continues to grow and reveal more anomalies and evidence of advanced civilizations currently living in underground cities. Disclosure of Pre-adamites going back 55,000 to 65,000 years ago. New testimony suggests well-preserved cities and advanced technologies.
- Update; DOJ John Durham’s surfaces with new indictments and arrest warrants will be delayed until 2023. This will begin the process of disclosing SpyGate, ClintonGate, ObamaGate, BidenGate, etc., and all of it’s conspirators.
- Mass Arrests total 600,248 + Sealed Indictments, 35 US Judicial Districts. Has been increasing and accumulating at a rate of 25,000 per month since 2017.
- Continued Mass Global Resignations 35,734; Government Senators & Congressmen, Fortune 500 CEOs, numerous Board of Directors, and Banking Execs.
- Unsealed CIA Kennedy Assassination Documents, disclosing CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy Assassination, along with 911 Saudi Arabia collusion docs & Pearl Harbor papers from WWII, with new information released in 2023.
- Increasing Global Geophysical Volcanic & Earthquake Activity, there are now over 54 active volcano’s around the globe. With 100s on the ocean floors. Earthquakes are averaging 500 to 1000 a day within a range of 2.0 to 8.0 on the ricterscale. Happening in Hawaii, Pacific Rim, Latin, and South American, Antarctica (Galactic Energy Waves increasing Sun’s activity)
- MiniNova & Global Geomagnetic Storms increase in larger magnitude CME’s from Sun (Now described as a MiniNova 1000x Galactic Flash in the nearest star system Alpha Centauri was recorded by NASA)
- Global Weather: 2023 escalating Droughts, Hurricanes, Sahara Sand Storm, Heat Waves, Rising Oceans Levels, Flooding, Solar System Planetary Climate Change, Chemtrails / Terraforming, HAARP Weather Wars.
- Healing, Health & Wellness: Truth About Cancer, The Plant Paradox, Plandemic documentary, Covid-19 Vaccines, Truth About Vaccines, Big Pharma Industrial Complex. Release of new technologies and truth about suppressed remedies for all disease.
- Earth’s True History: 3,000 Global Pyramids, the cover-up of Ancient Giant skeletons by the Smithsonian Institute ranging to 35′ in height, Ancient Civilizations Ruins discovered between 1,000 to 6,000 feet below Sea Level.
- Tartaria the lost civilization that is now coming to light. 1000 years of an advanced civilization expunged from the historical record books.
- Disclosure: Secret Space Programs, 10 Programs, DOD $6.5 – $21 trillion missing. Partial vs Full Disclosure, Alliance agreement as to Solar Warden partial disclosure.
- Science/Technology: Department of Defense suppression of 6,000 patents, reversed technology, antigravity, warp drive, zero-point energy, cures for all diseases, age regression, replicators (all foods/clothing/metals, etc.)
- NASA Releases Proof: Plasma Energy Cloud, Energy Waves, Galactic Flash, 26,000 Year Grand Cycle
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