Special Report: Living in Harmony With Technology

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Publish Date: December 10th, 2023





Organic Technology / Curvature Architecture / Self-Contained Villages / Hi-Vibrational Structures

“In the symphony of progress, living in harmony with technology is the melody of the modern age, where human potential and innovation dance together in a seamless partnership.”


Type 1 Civilization, Technology Adoption & Behavior, Indoctrination, Data & Decentralization, Tech & Time, Tech & Ownership, The Digital Age, Consciousness and AI, 5D and Beyond Tech, Looking Inward, Technology & Attachment, Tech and Nature, Organic Architecture



Type 1 Civilization 

A Type 1 civilization is a concept proposed by physicist and futurist Michio Kaku as part of the Kardashev scale, which categorizes civilizations based on their ability to harness and control energy. A Type 1 civilization, also known as a planetary civilization, has the capability to harness and control all the energy resources available on its home planet. This includes energy from sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power.

Key characteristics of a Type 1 civilization include:

  1. Energy Mastery: A Type 1 civilization has mastered the utilization of all available energy sources on its planet. This level of energy control enables the civilization to meet its energy needs sustainably and efficiently.
  2. Global Unity: Achieving a Type 1 status often implies a high degree of global cooperation and unity among the civilization’s inhabitants. The effective management of planetary resources and the resolution of global challenges require a collaborative and unified effort.
  3. Technological Advancements: A Type 1 civilization is expected to exhibit advanced technological capabilities in various fields, including energy, transportation, communication, and possibly space exploration. Technological innovation is crucial for achieving a sustainable and efficient use of resources.
  4. Environmental Stewardship: With the ability to harness renewable energy sources, a Type 1 civilization is more likely to prioritize environmental sustainability. This includes responsible resource management, reduced ecological impact, and a commitment to preserving the planet’s ecosystems.
  5. Global Awareness: The civilization demonstrates a global perspective, recognizing the interdependence of nations and the need for international cooperation. Issues such as climate change, poverty, and global health are addressed collectively.

It’s important to note that as of now, Earth is not considered a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. Humanity is currently transitioning from a Type 0 (subglobal) to a Type 1 status, with advancements in technology, energy infrastructure, and global connectivity. The concept of Type 1 civilizations provides a framework for envisioning the potential trajectory of advanced and technologically mature societies.

We often think of technology as a device like a phone or an internet modem. Wikipedia defines it as the “science of craft,” as the word’s Greek origins tell us that the word is rooted in art, skill (or technique, if you will), process, and its continuing study and exploration.

Often, the best technologies are the ones we don’t even think about; they are seamless, ubiquitous, and a simple moving part of our every day – like electrical sockets, the internet, or even our bodies. When we consider these as technologies, we understand this word beyond things and devices. The meaning expands to complex systems and processes in the electrical, mechanical, and virtual realms, standard universal protocols, and a transmutation of energy from one form into another. One word for this could be alchemy, and another is interoperability.  No piece of technology has ever stood alone – there would be no purpose to your phone if no one else had one, no point in an airplane without a navigation or landing system, and certainly, the internet would be useless if no one had any ability to access it.

The themes that emerge here are Value, Community, Interoperability, Access, and Standard Protocols.

Most of us identify with being addicted to technology – we tune into our messaging apps more often than we tune into our bodies – so two other themes we may feel but don’t often see clearly are our behaviour or motivation and control.

Technology Adoption & Behavior

“Embrace technology as a tool for empowerment, and you’ll find the harmonious balance between human creativity and the boundless capabilities of the digital age.”

For early humans, making fire, axes, and knives was possibly cutting-edge tech (pun intended). A need likely arose, which inspired someone to act on traversing that need. Creation happened, likely in many stages and cycles, which was met likely with a combination of awe and fear in the larger community.

It is not unlike what we go through today, which reveals our relationship to technology – both in the personal and the collective.

The Technology Adoption Lifecycle explains the adoption curve quite simply, which brings us to the question, what makes you or I an early versus a mass adopter of new tech. What are the values you and I hold as individuals? What are our fears, needs, and life’s circumstances that make us risk-takers or followers when something new and potentially scary comes along?

On Indoctrination

Most of us are schooled in systems that indoctrinate rather than harness every child’s unique intelligence and learning passion. The average ten-year-old in North America has access to a smartphone, and to not have one would be to disconnect from the social network of peers – a painfully difficult thing for many.

This pain, and our desires to fit in or exceed societal expectations, are easily exploited by anyone who can monetize from it. When we understand the economics behind our desires and motivations, we begin to understand why our world is the way it is – and that includes our government systems and related institutions, our food and health industries, and our big tech and relationships with technology.

Data & Decentralization

All sorts of data are collected by our individual tech pieces these days –  our personal and private information, our food choices, where and how much we walk in a day, our shopping preferences and credit card numbers – these sit in data pools all over the world. We speak of interoperability and artificial intelligence (AI) in our current paradigm to connect these data pools, advance learning, and build predictive modelling. This doesn’t sound like a reasonable expansion of the interface of tech and data.

The part we often miss is who owns the data, what they are doing with it, and if we are genuinely free, honoured, and sovereign in this process.

We have all experienced the use of behavioural psychology and economics in moments when we are sold something we didn’t need, but it temporarily eased insecurity or fear. Once we return to neutrality, we experience buyer’s remorse. This begs the question, is your personal, your family’s, and nation’s data used for humanity’s highest and best interest? If not, how would you even know?

The hearts and minds behind open-source technology asked themselves the same question, which is why the decentralization of technology has risen over the last few decades.

In the decentralized model, power and choice return to the people. Future projects include community networks around building trust and transparency, anchoring those protocols into our everyday interactions. Decentralization doesn’t exclude the possibility of AI; instead, it can allow clarity, truth, insight, and possibly consciousness into the intelligence we are building into our virtual lives.

Decentralization of technology, finance, and one day even governments has tremendous power and potential behind it. It isn’t just data that is being decentralized; it’s protocols, standards, and how things connect (or don’t connect) to each other. This decentralization allows the everyday user to choose their own experience rather than stand before the illusion of choice provided by some unseen capitalist puppeteer.  As such, in a decentralized paradigm, value is generated by community members who participate and engage. By no means is this the only and perfect pathway that solves all our problems. But, if we let it, learn about it, and engage consciously with ideas like this, they can serve as a stepping stone to pull back our choices, our sovereignty, and power in a time where most are interested in taking it away.


Tech & Time

“Let us harmonize with the rhythm of technology, crafting a future where the seamless integration of human values and digital progress becomes the anthem of a enlightened society.”

Many great sages and monks speak of experiencing timelessness in their enlightened states. Most of us have only experienced that when we realize that several hours have gone by while scrolling TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or the like.

Over the last century, aside from power, we have also been chasing speed, efficiency, and the idea of ‘having more time.’ This desire has led to many advancements in technology, and it also shows us where and how we live each day against time.

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day”  – Peter 3:8

So imagine you awoke tomorrow in timelessness – in complete bliss. Would your phone be the first thing you reached for?

When something is infinite, the quantity of “cost” or “time” ceases to matter. Think of the most monetarily wealthy people on the planet – it simply doesn’t matter to them if the cost of dinner is twenty dollars or ten thousand; it is a drop in the bucket regardless. Our lives would be much different if we stepped out of lack and into the infinite. If we weren’t bound by the fear of death, loss, time, etc., we would be able to fully experience every NOW moment with a richness and clarity that would translate into the end of disharmony. Our technologies should reflect our highest possible experience, not aid in removing us from it.

Ugh, A Mercury Retrograde!

In Astrology, the planet Mercury represents our thoughts, perceptions, and the rational mind. It is often related to travel and technology. When the planet goes into a retrograde motion (appears to move backward from the Earth’s point-of-view), these areas often seem to fall apart.

It is prevalent on astrology blogs or horoscopes, warning of hearing things like miscommunication and misunderstandings, tech issues, delays, clutter, lost/broken/dropped phones, missed travel, impatience, annoyance, and daily drama.

Most of us recognize how addicted we can be to our tech, and many of us can’t imagine what we would do with ourselves if Wifi or Netflix went down for an evening.

Since so much of who we think we are is wrapped up in our digital avatars, taking some time away can be an incredible act of self-intimacy and understanding.

Many of us love the cool tech imagined in Sci-fi movies across the ages, yet, we somehow allow it to stay within the confines of the film, outside of ourselves, never truly allowing ourselves to contemplate the complex and brilliant mechanism the human body is. As such, we stay limited within ourselves and our dreams, waiting for someone to build a device or program that allows us to feel that wonder we did while sitting in the movie theatre.

This no longer needs to be the case. As we reclaim our relationship with ourselves, we also reclaim our relationship with technology, and can start to discern what is in service to humanity and what isn’t.

The next you hear of a Mercury retrograde (they happen 3-4 times a year), or you are simply are hanging between webpages, take a breath and take some time to ask yourself – are you serving the program/ the app/ the device or is it, serving you?

A programmer sits at a computer and works. Computer Technology, Profession Programmer

Tech & Ownership

Do you own all your health data? It is yours, but can you make active choices about who sees it, who doesn’t, and how it’s used?

We ask of ourselves the same questions about our financial data, our buying choices, all our passwords that we rarely commit to memory, and birthdays and phone numbers.

There’s little argument that most of us are throughly reliant on all these pieces of technology and how they connect to various clouds and servers, and that truth, begs the question – Who is really in control of individual and population data?

Is it in the hands that you trust?

What is being done with it?

Is there transparency?

Decentralization, in its multifaceted essence, offers a plethora of benefits across various domains. One of its primary advantages lies in fostering resilience and mitigating systemic risks. By distributing authority and decision-making, decentralization minimizes the impact of failures in isolated components, preventing the collapse of an entire system. Moreover, decentralization enhances efficiency and innovation by promoting localized decision-making, where individuals closest to a situation can respond nimbly and adapt to changing circumstances. This autonomy not only quickens response times but also cultivates a culture of responsibility and accountability. Additionally, decentralization contributes to inclusivity, empowering diverse voices and perspectives. In political contexts, it can lead to more representative governance, ensuring that decisions resonate with the varied needs of a population. Economically, decentralization can stimulate local development and reduce economic disparities. In the realm of technology, decentralized systems offer enhanced security, as there is no single point of failure vulnerable to cyber threats. Embracing decentralization, therefore, emerges as a dynamic paradigm that not only fortifies systems against shocks but also fosters innovation, inclusivity, and adaptability in an ever-evolving world.

If you Google transhumanism, you may find something like the plan that outlines how private independent big tech firms creating the AI, would link up to the neuro-interface of the Human brain. Obvious disturbing questions arise around who controls the programming, privacy and potential software violations of hacking. There is also the less talked about question around liability – which is knowing where the responsibility of consequences lie – and sovereignty – the rights and freedoms to choose.

The Digital Age… Is Going to Keep on Coming.

 – understanding resistance
 – transhumanism
– If tech is an extension of self, then would good become better? would bad become worse?
 – In an exponential age, changes are also exponential, think of the difference between linear and logarithmic growth.
Consciousness and AI
The next time you’re on your phone or laptop, any device, take a minute. Place your hand on your heart, and check-in with how you feel. Do you feel connected or separate?
Perhaps you are texting with someone you love, in which case, you may feel connected.
Perhaps you are engaged in a somewhat dreary conversation at work, in which case you may feel not much at all.
Perhaps you are so interested in a reply or in what you are going to say next, that you aren’t receiving.
Tech is a big part of our lives because we are sold the idea that it connects us and we want to feel connected. But whether we actually feel that, is not a question for Big Tech, it is a question for ourselves. An important one at that.

GMO strawberries
Why do my eyes hurt? Because you’ve never used them before.

No article on technology would be complete without a Matrix reference. The above is Morpheus’ answer to Neo’s question.If you’ve seen the most recent movie of the series, Matrix Resurrections, perhaps you noticed the quiet scene of strawberries (spoiler alert ahead). Some machines in Machine City were moved in a way by the rise of Humans, so they left and joined humanity in their cause. The strawberry scene is mid-way through the movie where a botanist worked with an AI-system to garden and grow fresh fruit and other produce. This is in stark contrast to the ‘war against the machines’ which was a prevalent theme in the previous movies.

Technology – hardware, software or artificial intelligence that exists in service to humanity, works then, with us (rather than against). It is less about what the piece of tech can do, rather, it is about how to piece of tech serves.

5D and Beyond Tech

Cutting edge technologies for a long time used to give us: speed, access, the wow-factor, or simply more followers.
Cutting edge technology in 5D will give us: connection, integration and health for all sentient life on the planet.
 – Integrating tech in a loving society.
 – Star Trek, Infinity stones, Wakandan tech (from plants, supports the land and waters)
 – Relationship with technology – love and service?



Looking Inward:

“Living in harmony with technology requires the wisdom to wield its power responsibly, like a conductor guiding an orchestra to create a masterpiece of progress.”

From an agricultural water pump to the VR simulator, humans have created all sorts of technology in our years on Earth. We live in a time of windmills and warheads, and it is easy to judge certain invention as good and others as bad.
But, before we pass judgement on our creations, we look inward at ourselves, the Creators.
What is Being Human?

What does it mean to you, to me, to our loved ones, to people in the world we don’t even know.

In her teachings, Robin Wall Kimmerer, draws distinction between Indigenous (Potawatomi First Nations) views of nature and the scientific one, most of us have been stepped in for generations. The scientific view is objective – one that dissects divides and allocates value based on what serves humans most. The study of Creation is dissected and divided into variables and we attempt an understanding of these variables independently, as we quest into the building blocks of life. In this form, relatedness is often depicted in hierarchy where humans rule above all other life.

The Indigenous view looks at every plant, animal and human as an interrelated, interconnected subjective part of Creation. One cannot truly be known without the Others and all things relate, give, receive and co-exist in reciprocity under the specific instructions of Creation. This is often depicted by the circular relationship with humans being part of the web of life.

These are very different approaches. I was raised, educated and have lived the scientific one, but when I started on my awakening journey, I rejected it in favour of the Indigenous view. But these, are not times to continue our polarity mindsets. These are times of inclusion and integration and as such living and learning both from what is, and what may feel contrary.

Most of us in North America are very familiar with Thanksgiving, which is a holiday celebrated in Autumn aligning with harvest season. What is not always appreciated as that the act of gratitude is deeply central to all Indigenous Nations and while it is heightened in a way during harvests, it is part of traditional language and life, an identity as a human every day of the year.

In the indigenous view, the work of humans is to express gratitude for all the gifts of Creation. Within healthcare tech these days (late 2021),  a common subject of is AI and robotics that serve the purpose of making the human, better. Better in this case is advertised as live longer and replace your sick organs with bionic ones.  The goal seems to be to “beat nature” and conquer immortality. It isn’t explicitly stated, but I do wonder if this view hides the belief that humans are weak, sickly and undesirable, as such we have to better ourselves with our technology.

Naturally, I asked myself: What if I woke up tomorrow in a bionic body with strength a thousand times greater than I ever dreamed, will I be able to love more deeply and stand stronger in my truths and beliefs while also being compassionate and allowing of others? Will my strength come to the aid of others in their times of need? Will my ego state get the best of me, assuming that I still have full control over my mind and my actions?

These are uncomfortable self-questions, often with even more uncomfortable answers, but they do serve a purpose. They remind us to orient my Being to gauge how much we live from our mind and ideologies rather than from (w)holeness –  heart, connection to God/Source, spirit,  mind, body, thoughts and emotions.

The good thing with technology is that we always know where we stand with it. We may be tempted to blame TikTok when hours have passed as we scroll through a multiverse of videos; but even in those moments, we know that we are shown a part of ourselves, even thought we would rather not see it.

For me, one of my biggest learnings came with the the IFTTT app. For those who are unfamiliar, it connects your phone to a range of apps and devices so you can control everything from lights to GPS notifications through your phone.

I didn’t think much of the app when it came out, but when I researched it, I realized how old it was. As a concept, it has existed since early algorithms were created in the late-1800s and it stands for If-This-Then-That, which is a conditional statement. For example, if I press this button, then turn off. If already off, then turn on. It is what flow-charts are made of.

But sometimes, flowcharts make us. When I meditated on this, I saw my past self in times of emotional struggle running on mental algorithms.When I was faced with a trigger, a pain or betrayal or even if I anticipated it (and it hadn’t happened yet), I would, find the quickest way to safety. I created a series of IFTTT conditions, that would lead to me perceived safety.

For example:
If mother says
(this) a judgemental thing,
then revert to childhood hurt and betrayal protocols,
that (the action) pull back and shut down, here is safe.

We all do this, because our bodies and minds are driven to survive. It may not seem like it in this example, but we are brilliant!

Our minds, our nerves, our bodies are capable of complex situational analysis and computation. But we are also exponentially more than this – this is a part of our awakening.

We awaken now to reclaiming our wholeness, so that whatever technology or art we create, it reflects our full beingness, not just a fragmented part of our mental processing algorithm. We take our through processes – our lists of pros and cons, our decisions trees and our IFTTT statements and we expand to include our feelings, our desires, what we value and our connection to Source. We untether from our past burdens, we realize ourselves and come to standing neutral in the present moment.

From this place, we begin to understand the tapestry of Creation, and the link between we who create and what we create. This becomes essential, because so much of our life force goes into our creations – whether it is a feat of technology, engineering, architecture or art.

Perhaps it is Creation from this space where the technology we create can integrate seamlessly, lovingly in a way that restores wholeness and healing to anyone near it.

Imagine then: that the act of being on your phone, stimulates the restoration of your optic nerves; that telecommunication towers give off waves that support migratory bird flight patterns and the resonance of pollinators; that if you wish to heal your family and ancestry patterns, you can walk into a VR simulator and safely engage and release what you need to.

Thankfully today, a lot of ancient and Indigenous wisdom from every land on the planet is being unearthed. This isn’t by accident. I believe we are being grounded in the essential truths and sovereignty of Self, so that as we built, create and expand, all our technology serves and celebrates sentient life on the planet, and the Earth herself.


covid technology

Technology & Attachment

“Technology is the canvas on which we paint the portrait of our attachments, weaving a tapestry of convenience and connection. Yet, in our quest for progress, let us not forget the delicate threads of human presence that bind us, for in the seamless integration of technology, we must preserve the artistry of genuine connection.”

At the time of writing this report, it is the end of 2021 and the holiday season approaches. Isolation, travel restrictions, and distance are heavily entrenched, while mass confusion, distraction, and awakening are rising.

Many of us find that we are unable to be with the people we love. It is painful. It is also a time of learning and reflection. Unlike our grandparents, we have Facetime, Signal, and Zoom that allow us to bridge those distances. While technology can connect us, the connection lies with us as sovereign individuals and not with the communication platforms.

Things can feel disconnected, even in moments when we are on the phone with each other. That can point to some truths in the relationships and areas to heal. We can ask ourselves: how have we connected to this person we love? Are both of us served at this moment? Have attachments and judgments crept in unknowingly?

If you look at the connections we have made in the past, and the most people still tend to make, and you think about these connections as cords going from your body to theirs, and we tend to solder these connections in the way of attempting to make them permanent and lasting. The issue is when something happens, we either have to de-solder this connection (which takes energy time and the possibility of permanent damage), or we have to cut the cord leaving a part of ourselves there, which leads to maintaining and rebuilding our wholeness more difficult, time-consuming, and energy taking.

Leaving that connection there also makes it more difficult for the other person to reconnect with another. They still have part of you with them, and the weight and pain of the previous connection – it’s still attached. And so, they also have to take time and energy to remove that, risking permanent damage, or leaving it there, creating an energetic burden.

If we switch from these soldered connections to plugs, we could join up with someone to create an excellent link; just as powerful, fluid, and transparent. Yet, when that connection stops serving the good of both parties, we can easily disconnect, not leaving a piece, especially a damaged piece, with each other. We’ll still retain the memories and the information shared and gathered, but we won’t have part of our bodies or our connection dangling there, hanging on for dear life. Once disconnected, there is there’s no pain. No energy has to be spent to remove the other person or the other thing you know this works for objects, and beliefs too, everything in your life – use a plug.

Don’t solder yourself to things.

Don’t solder yourself to people.

Don’t solder yourself to beliefs.

The tricky part of this is that we will use plugs with people who will attempt to make soldered connections with us; it’s all they know.

In this metaphor, if we pull away or if they pull away, they may end up taking our connector with them; this will still leave our cord whole and complete, and it may just allow them to use our plug in a new space and be able to take this with them and use it for their own good to try this new type of connection with someone or something else in a healthier manner. And this seems like the appropriate way to end issues with attachment, relationships, and belief structures in a way that can still create full, vivid, and excellent flowing connections.

It is truly the best of both worlds and the highest possible outcome.

There’s no need to be in mental isolation. There needs to be a lack of attachment or a quick-disconnect capability within us and all these cords that we put out all the time to our things, people, animals, and ideas. Let them quickly disconnect, and if we need to reconnect, it is a straightforward process. For beliefs, this is especially important; things you think you know – use these. Use these connectors.

Don’t solder yourself to any thought, idea, or belief. Let yourself break free.

You can always reconnect, but you won’t damage yourself if you pull away and try another idea, another person, another thing.

This is our way forward.


tech & nature

Tech and Nature

“Amid the circuits and pixels of our technological marvels, let us not forget that nature remains the original masterpiece. In every line of code, let there be a reverence for the elegance of the natural world, weaving the digital and the organic into a harmonious symphony of innovation and preservation.”

How to implement and use technology in a way that is in harmony and benefits us and nature
Undisruptive technology
Lights that work with our systems (circadian, animal, ability to see the stars)
Using recourses that would otherwise be thrown out
Using old technology/structures and part of our new ones.
Undisruptive frequencies and emissions
Lifestyle integration
natural decor
water/energy collection
architecture firms

Organic Architecture
“Organic architecture is not just about building structures; it’s about crafting living, breathing entities that dance in harmony with the environment. Each curve and line is a dialogue with nature, a testament to the seamless integration of the built and the organic—a poetry of design where buildings whisper the language of the earth.”
Using the Earth and its natural state as part of structures
Using her spare resources in a way that blends our needs with the needs of nature itself
Creating spaces that flow with our natural energies and create inspiration
Using recourses that would otherwise be thrown out
Using old technology/structures and part of our new ones.
Building materials that are sustainable and take into account the surroundings
Living living areas
Azulik Hotels
Architects like Javier Senosiain bring together natural and organic form into the structure of a home to create something so much more than the perfect square, uninspiring dwellings we are used to.
Roth Architecture

Sedona Vortex Architecture; being inside this church in Sedona Arizona is a feeling like no other. The connection to nature, spirit, and the divine.
“In the sacred geometry of spiritual architecture, every arch and pillar becomes a prayer, and every space, a sanctuary for the soul. It transcends the mere arrangement of bricks and mortar, reaching into the ethereal realms where design becomes a vessel for the divine. In the quiet whispers of a sacred space, the architecture speaks the language of the spirit, inviting us to find solace in the contemplation of beauty and the profound connection between the material and the metaphysical.”
The Chapel of the Holy Cross is a gorgeous Roman Catholic church in Sedona, Arizona. What sets this unique church apart are the 2 towering red rock formations surrounding it. The chapel rises 200 feet from the ground with a 90 foot cross as the centerpiece.
This beautiful work of art was inspired by sculptor Marguerite Brunswig Staude, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. Built in 1932, this architectural wonder is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Recently, the chapel made the list of “7 man made wonders in Arizona.” Not surprisingly, this architectural masterpiece is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Sedona. For any non-hikers seeking great views via minimal effort, The Chapel should please.
Asides from magnificent panoramas of Sedona’s breathtaking red rock formations (some of which are over 250 million years old), The Chapel is one of several vortex sites. Numerous hikes around Sedona possess intense vortex energy. Vortex sites are basically areas of concentrated energy rising up from the earth. Many hikers report healing and balancing properties after visiting vortex sites.
“As we navigate the digital landscape, let us cultivate a harmony with technology that enhances our lives, amplifies our potential, and preserves the essence of our humanity.”
When we think of ‘transforming technologies’, we imagine ways tech can change our lives to be easier, more connected and organized.  As we create our own realities and worlds, perhaps that perspective can evolve as well.
Maybe, new world technology amplifies our connection to the natural world, to each other and to the divine. Whether it is a device, a home, or a medical procedure, it adds new layers to how we interface with our life experience.
We must prepare ourselves for integrating technologies and human potential that will change our lives in very profound ways. This idea of a futuristic utopia is so foreign to us, yet so much the coming home we long for; a place in harmony with our natural state of being, our soul — realized. A creative, imaginative place of instant manifestation and limitless possibility is what we are destined for and what we are meant to be. This planet, its societies, control structures, and limiting beliefs have conditioned us out of who we are. Once returned, it will feel whole, natural, beautiful, expansive, and all other adjectives for greatness. We long for the opportunity to create, love, use our gifts freely, throw away the clock, and live in harmony; I know I miss it every day.
But after all that there is the ‘are you sure?’ moment.
Are you sure you don’t want to stay in this matrix, which you know so well?


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