Published Date; September 7th, 2024






“Whether you’re seeking to entertain, educate, or explore the depths of history, this collection of over 300 mind-expanding movies and documentaries is designed to inspire and challenge your perceptions. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to transformative educational content, these videos offer a wealth of knowledge and insight, making them essential viewing for anyone looking to expand their mind and explore new horizons.”

300 documentaries

GAIA’S List of 1000 Documentary Films

Discover Gaia’s thought-provoking movies and inspirational documentaries. Our filmmakers make the best movies for curious minds that question their own lives, from motivational true stories to health-conscious films.

YouTubes 300 Best Documentaries 

The Best Documentaries on YouTube featuring award-winning, highly-rated, and popular documentaries that are legally free on YouTube. Easy to find what your looking for from a number of topics and categories.

Publisher; NeonNoNinja 

300 Mind Expanding Films and Videos

by Kyle Pearce

On this list of mind expanding documentaries you will find different viewpoints, controversial opinions and even contradictory ideas. Critical thinking is recommended. I’m not a big fan of conspiracy documentaries but I do like films that challenge consensus reality and provoke us to question the everyday ideas, opinions and practices we usually take for granted.

Watching documentaries is one of my favorite methods of self-education. If I find a documentary inspiring, I usually spend more time researching the different ideas and interesting people interviewed in the film.

I hope you find these mind expanding documentaries as enlightening as I did!

This list is current as of 2021, we look to update again in Fall of 2024

[1] Life In The Biosphere

A Journey Through Earth’s Living Network

Life In The Biosphere invites you to embark on a captivating journey into the heart of our planet’s living network. This video series explores the extraordinary wonder and intricate interconnectedness of the biosphere, revealing how all life on Earth is interwoven in a delicate balance that sustains us all.

Through the magic of modern technology, Life In The Biosphere brings to life the fascinating ecosystems that make up our world—from the deepest oceans to the highest mountain peaks, and from dense rainforests to expansive deserts. Each episode delves into the complex relationships between plants, animals, microorganisms, and their environments, highlighting the delicate harmony that allows life to flourish.

With stunning visuals, cutting-edge animations, and expert commentary, this series not only educates but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Whether you’re a seasoned nature enthusiast or a curious learner, Life In The Biosphere offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and intricacies of life on Earth like never before.

Join us as we explore the marvels of the biosphere and uncover the vital connections that sustain all living beings. Discover how technology is unlocking new ways to understand and protect our planet’s fragile ecosystems, and learn what you can do to contribute to the health and well-being of the biosphere.

Explore the wonder and interconnectedness of the biosphere through the magic of technology.

1. Home
2. Great Wide Open
3. Biosphere
4. Wild City of Ants
5. Mt. Everest: How It Was Made
6. The Tallest Trees on Earth
7. The Great Bear Rainforest
8. Amazing Animals Hidden Deep in the Jungle
9. Grand Canyon: How It Was Made
10. The Intelligence of Plants

[2] Creativity and Design:

Unleashing the Power of Imagination

Creativity and Design is a captivating video series that takes you into the world of imagination, where ideas come to life and innovation knows no bounds. This series celebrates the incredible power of human creativity, showcasing the amazing things that people dream up and bring into existence through their ingenuity and design skills.

Each episode of Creativity and Design delves into the minds of visionary artists, designers, engineers, and creators from around the globe. You’ll explore how they harness their imagination to craft everything from stunning works of art to groundbreaking technologies, architectural marvels, innovative products, and beyond. The series highlights the creative process, revealing the inspirations, challenges, and triumphs that shape these remarkable creations.

With in-depth interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and immersive storytelling, Creativity and Design offers a window into the diverse fields of creative expression—from visual arts and graphic design to industrial design, fashion, architecture, and digital media. You’ll discover how creativity is not just about making things look beautiful but also about solving problems, pushing boundaries, and transforming the way we experience the world.

This series is perfect for anyone passionate about creativity, whether you’re an aspiring designer, an art enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the power of innovative thinking. Creativity and Design encourages you to tap into your own creative potential, offering insights and inspiration to fuel your imagination and drive your own creative endeavors.

Join us on this journey through the limitless possibilities of the human mind, and see how creativity and design shape our world in ways both big and small.

Learn about all the amazing things that people dream up and create with their imagination.

1. Everything Is A Remix
2. Raising Creativity
3. Teaching to See
4. Design: The New Business
5. PressPausePlay: Art and Creativity in the Digital Age
6. Infamy: A Graffiti Documentary
7. Influencers: How Trends and Creativity Become Contagious
8. RIP: A Remix Manifesto
9. Connecting: Trends in UI, Interaction, & Experience Design
10. The Genius Of Design

[3] The Education Industrial Complex:

Shaping Minds, Shaping Society

The Education Industrial Complex is a thought-provoking exploration of the modern education system, where young minds are systematically molded into standardized citizens by the state. This series delves into the underlying structures and forces that drive contemporary education, questioning the true purpose and impact of the schooling system on our society.

Through in-depth analysis and compelling narratives, The Education Industrial Complex examines how educational institutions, often guided by state agendas and corporate interests, prioritize conformity and standardization over creativity and critical thinking. The series shines a light on the ways in which the education system can suppress individuality and enforce compliance, preparing students to fit into predefined societal roles rather than empowering them to think freely and independently.

Each episode unpacks the historical roots of the education system, tracing its evolution from a tool for social control to its current role in maintaining the status quo. Experts and educators weigh in on the effects of standardized testing, rigid curricula, and the increasing corporatization of education. The series also explores alternatives to traditional schooling, highlighting innovative approaches that foster true learning, personal growth, and the development of well-rounded individuals.

The Education Industrial Complex invites viewers to critically assess the role of education in shaping not just individual futures, but the future of society as a whole. It encourages a reevaluation of what it means to educate, and challenges us to imagine a system that nurtures diverse talents, encourages questioning, and prepares young people to be active, informed participants in a dynamic and changing world.

The modern school where young minds are molded into standardized citizens by the state.

1. The College Conspiracy
2. Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk
3. The Forbidden Education
4. Schooling The World
5. College Inc.
6. Education For A Sustainable Future
7. Networked Society: The Future of Learning
8. The Ultimate History Lesson With John Taylor Gatto
9. The Education System in Communist China
10. Courageous Learning

[4] The Digital Revolution:

The Internet’s Role in Shaping Our World

The Digital Revolution is an insightful video series that explores how the internet has become the driving force behind unprecedented change and innovation across the globe. This series delves into the transformative impact of digital technologies on every aspect of our lives—from the way we communicate and conduct business to how we learn, create, and interact with the world around us.

At the heart of The Digital Revolution is the internet, a powerful tool that has redefined boundaries and opened up new possibilities for individuals, communities, and entire industries. The series traces the evolution of the internet from its humble beginnings to its current status as the backbone of the modern world, shaping economies, cultures, and societies in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.

Each episode of The Digital Revolution highlights key areas where the internet has driven innovation, including the rise of social media, the gig economy, digital marketing, online education, e-commerce, and more. It also examines the challenges that come with this rapid transformation, such as issues of privacy, cybersecurity, digital inequality, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and big data.

Through interviews with tech pioneers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, The Digital Revolution offers a comprehensive view of how digital technologies are disrupting traditional models and paving the way for new ways of thinking, working, and living. The series also provides a glimpse into the future, exploring the potential of cutting-edge innovations that are poised to further revolutionize the digital landscape.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a business leader, or simply curious about the forces shaping our world, The Digital Revolution offers valuable insights into how the internet is driving change and innovation at an unprecedented pace. This series challenges viewers to think critically about the digital world we live in and to consider how we can harness its power for the greater good.

The Internet is now the driving force behind change and innovation in the world.

1. Download: The True Story of the Internet
2. Cybertopia: The Dreams of Silicon Valley
3. Resonance: Beings of Frequency
5. Life In A Day
6. Networked Society: On The Brink
7. Us Now: Social Media and Mass Collaboration
8. WikiRebels: The WikiLeaks Story
9. The Virtual Revolution: The Cost of Free
10. How Hackers Changed the World

[5] 21st Century Civilization:

Provocative Films That Challenge Our Present and Future

21st Century Civilization is a compelling video series that presents a collection of controversial films, each designed to raise critical questions about the direction of our modern world. In an era of rapid change and unprecedented challenges, these films explore the complex issues facing humanity today, prompting viewers to think deeply about the present state of civilization and the future we are collectively shaping.

The series features films that tackle a wide range of topics— from the impact of technological advancements and environmental crises to social justice, political dynamics, and the ethical dilemmas of scientific progress. Each film invites viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and consider alternative perspectives that challenge mainstream narratives.

21st Century Civilization doesn’t just inform; it provokes thought, debate, and action. These films push boundaries and defy conventional wisdom, encouraging audiences to question the status quo and envision new possibilities for the future. By exploring the intersections of culture, technology, politics, and the environment, the series offers a holistic view of the forces shaping our world in the 21st century.

This series is for those who are not afraid to ask tough questions and seek out the truth, even when it’s inconvenient or controversial. 21st Century Civilization serves as a catalyst for critical thinking and meaningful dialogue, empowering viewers to engage with the complex realities of our time and to play an active role in shaping the future.

Controversial films that raise important questions about our present and future.

1. THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
2. Zeitgeist III: Moving Forward
3. Paradise or Oblivion
4. 2012: Time For Change
5. The Crisis of Civilization
6. The Collective Evolution III
7. The Quickening: Awakening As One
8. Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition
9. Collapse
10. The Awakening

[6] Politics:

The Dynamics of Power and Control in Your Life

Politics is an engaging video series that delves into the intricate world of power and control, exploring how political decisions, systems, and ideologies shape every aspect of our lives. This series offers a deep dive into the mechanisms of governance, the strategies of those in power, and the impact of political forces on society, both locally and globally.

Each episode of Politics examines critical topics such as the influence of political parties, the role of media in shaping public opinion, the complexities of international relations, and the ongoing struggle for human rights and justice. The series uncovers the often hidden connections between political decisions and the day-to-day experiences of citizens, revealing how policies made in government offices affect everything from our economic opportunities to our personal freedoms.

Through interviews with political analysts, historians, activists, and policymakers, Politics provides a comprehensive understanding of the forces at play in the political arena. The series also highlights the importance of civic engagement and informed voting, empowering viewers to take an active role in shaping the political landscape.

Whether you’re a seasoned political enthusiast or someone just beginning to explore the world of politics, this series offers valuable insights into the dynamics of power and control, and how they influence the world we live in. Politics encourages viewers to stay informed, ask critical questions, and understand the profound impact that political decisions have on their lives and the broader society.

Explore the politics of power and control and how it affects your life.

1. Owned and Operated
2. UnGrip
3. The Power Principle
4. The True Story of Che Guevara
5. Earth Days
6. Capitalism Is The Crisis
7. WikiLeaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower
8. The Putin System
9. The War On Democracy
10. Rise Like Lions: Occupy Wall Street and the Seeds of Revolution

[7] Biographies of Genius:

The Lives of Modern Visionaries Who Shaped Our World

Biographies of Genius is a captivating video series that chronicles the lives of modern geniuses—extraordinary individuals whose ideas, innovations, and discoveries have pushed humanity forward. This series offers an intimate look into the minds and lives of those who have reshaped our understanding of the world and propelled society into new realms of possibility.

Each episode of Biographies of Genius delves into the personal and professional journeys of these remarkable figures, exploring the challenges they faced, the breakthroughs they achieved, and the lasting impact of their work. From scientists and inventors to artists and thinkers, the series showcases a diverse array of geniuses who have left an indelible mark on history.

Through in-depth storytelling and expert commentary, Biographies of Genius reveals the unique qualities that set these individuals apart— their relentless curiosity, their unwavering determination, and their ability to think differently. The series also highlights the often untold stories behind their most famous achievements, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and struggles that accompany true genius.

Whether you’re fascinated by the brilliance of innovators like Albert Einstein, the creativity of artists like Pablo Picasso, or the groundbreaking ideas of visionaries like Steve Jobs, Biographies of Genius offers an inspiring exploration of the people who have shaped our modern world. This series not only celebrates their contributions but also invites viewers to reflect on the power of human potential and the ways in which each of us can contribute to the progress of society.

The biographies of modern geniuses who pushed humanity forward.

1. Isaac Newton: The Last Magician
2. Nikola Tesla: The Greatest Mind of All Time
3. The Unlimited Energy of Nicola Tesla
4. The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla
5. Richard Feynman: No Ordinary Genius
6. How Albert Einstein’s Brain Worked
7. The Extraordinary Genius of Albert Einstein
8. The Biography of Albert Einstein
9. Da Vinci: Unlocking The Genius
10. Leonardo Da Vinci: The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything

[8] War:

The Oldest Racket in History

War is a provocative video series that examines the brutal reality of conflict as a tool for the powerful to seize resources and control, often at the expense of the powerless. Throughout history, war has been used as a means to redistribute wealth, territory, and influence, benefiting those in power while devastating the lives of ordinary people.

Each episode of War delves into the origins, motivations, and consequences of major conflicts, exploring how war has been manipulated by those in power to achieve their objectives. The series uncovers the often-hidden agendas behind wars, revealing how propaganda, economic interests, and political ambitions drive nations to conflict.

By examining historical and contemporary examples, War sheds light on the recurring patterns of exploitation and oppression that characterize many of the world’s most significant wars. From ancient battles to modern military interventions, the series provides a critical perspective on how war has shaped the course of history and continues to impact global relations today.

War challenges viewers to question the narratives they’ve been told about conflict and to recognize the broader implications of war on society, economics, and human lives. It’s a call to understand the true cost of war—not just in terms of lives lost, but in the destruction of communities, the erosion of civil liberties, and the perpetuation of inequality.

Whether you’re a student of history, a peace activist, or simply someone seeking a deeper understanding of the forces that drive global conflict, War offers a compelling exploration of one of humanity’s oldest and most destructive practices. This series encourages viewers to think critically about the role of war in our world and to consider alternatives that prioritize peace, justice, and the well-being of all people.

War is history’s oldest racket for stealing from the powerless and redistributing resources to the powerful.

1. Psywar: The Real Battlefield Is Your Mind
2. The History of World War II
3. The Secret History of 9/11
4. Robot Armies in the Future
5. The Never Ending War in Afghanistan
6. Shadow Company: Mercenaries In The Modern World
7. World War II From Space
8. Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars
9. The Fog Of War
10. The Oil Factor: Behind The War On Terror

[9] Economics:

Unraveling the Mechanics of the Global Financial System

Economics is a revealing video series that delves into the intricacies of the global financial system, exposing how people and societies are often ensnared by the invisible chains of debt. This series provides a critical examination of the economic structures that govern our world, offering insights into how wealth is created, distributed, and controlled.

Each episode of Economics explores key concepts such as the creation of money, the role of central banks, the impact of interest rates, and the mechanisms of debt that keep individuals and nations locked in cycles of financial dependency. The series sheds light on the often opaque operations of global financial institutions and how their policies influence everything from the cost of living to the stability of entire economies.

Economics also tackles the broader implications of the debt-based financial system, revealing how it perpetuates inequality, stifles innovation, and concentrates power in the hands of a few. The series uncovers the ways in which economic policies are designed to benefit the wealthy and powerful, often at the expense of the majority.

By providing a clear and accessible explanation of complex economic principles, Economics empowers viewers to better understand the forces that shape their financial realities. The series encourages critical thinking about the current economic system and explores alternatives that prioritize fairness, sustainability, and the well-being of all people.

Whether you’re new to economics or looking to deepen your understanding of global finance, Economics offers a comprehensive guide to the workings of the financial system and its profound impact on our lives. This series is an essential resource for anyone seeking to uncover the truth behind the numbers and to challenge the status quo of economic power and control.

Learn about the global financial system and how people and societies are enslaved through debt.

1. The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
2. Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
3. The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World
4. The One Percent
5. Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street
6. The Great Euro Crisis
7. The Four Horsemen
8. The Secret of Oz
9. The German Economic Model
10. Money and Life

[10] Digital Entrepreneurship:

Visionaries Who Harnessed Technology to Transform the World

Digital Entrepreneurship is an inspiring video series that profiles the entrepreneurs who leveraged technology to revolutionize industries and reshape the world. This series shines a spotlight on the visionary individuals who saw opportunities in the digital landscape and turned innovative ideas into transformative businesses that have changed the way we live, work, and connect.

Each episode of Digital Entrepreneurship delves into the stories of these trailblazers, exploring their journeys from startup dreams to global impact. The series highlights the challenges they faced, the breakthroughs they achieved, and the innovative thinking that set them apart in the competitive world of digital business.

From the pioneers of e-commerce and social media to the innovators behind fintech, artificial intelligence, and beyond, Digital Entrepreneurship covers a wide range of industries and technologies. Viewers will gain insights into the strategies that propelled these entrepreneurs to success, as well as the lessons they learned along the way.

Digital Entrepreneurship also explores the broader implications of digital innovation, examining how these entrepreneurs have not only created new markets but also disrupted traditional industries and sparked cultural shifts. The series underscores the importance of adaptability, creativity, and resilience in the fast-paced world of digital business.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the forces driving the digital economy, Digital Entrepreneurship offers a compelling look at the people and ideas that are shaping our future. This series serves as both an educational resource and a source of inspiration for anyone looking to make their mark in the digital age.

Profiles of the entrepreneurs who used technology to change the world.

1. The Life Of A Young Entrepreneur
2. Profile: Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin
3. Profile: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg
4. Starting-Up in America
5. The Biography of Bill Gates
6. Inside Google: The Billion Dollar Machine
7. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing
8 . Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine
9. Elon Musk: Risk Takers
10. The Story of Twitter

[11] Sports:

Inspiring Stories of Extraordinary Athletes

Sports is an uplifting video series that celebrates the incredible journeys of athletes who have pushed the limits of human potential. This series showcases the inspiring stories of individuals who have overcome obstacles, broken records, and achieved greatness in their respective sports, offering viewers a glimpse into the dedication, perseverance, and passion that drive these extraordinary competitors.

Each episode of Sports highlights the personal and professional lives of these athletes, exploring the challenges they faced, the victories they earned, and the impact they’ve had on their sports and beyond. From iconic moments in sports history to lesser-known tales of triumph, the series covers a wide range of sports and athletic disciplines, providing something for every sports enthusiast.

Sports not only focuses on the achievements of these athletes but also delves into the motivations and mindsets that propelled them to success. Viewers will gain insights into the mental and physical preparation required to excel at the highest levels, as well as the personal sacrifices and struggles that come with the pursuit of excellence.

Whether it’s the story of a world champion, an Olympic medalist, or an underdog who defied the odds, Sports offers powerful narratives that inspire and uplift. This series is perfect for anyone who loves sports, admires athleticism, or seeks motivation from the stories of those who have reached the pinnacle of their fields.

Join us in celebrating the spirit of competition and the human drive to achieve greatness in Sports—where the stories of amazing athletes come to life.

Watch the inspiring stories of amazing athletes.

1. Fearless: The Jeb Corliss Story
2. Carts of Darkness
3. Stephen Curry: NBA MVP
4. Usain Bolt: The World’s Fastest Man
5. Wayne Gretzky: The Life and Times
6. Bigger, Faster, Stronger
7. Mike Tyson: Beyond the Glory
8. Muhammed Ali: The Complete Life Story
9. The Legacy Of Michael Jordan
10. We Ride: The Story of Snowboarding

[12] Technology:

Exploring Exponential Growth and the Coming Singularity

Technology is a forward-thinking video series that delves into the profound impact of exponential technological growth and the rapidly approaching Singularity—a future point where artificial intelligence and other technologies advance beyond human control and comprehension. This series offers a deep dive into the cutting-edge developments that are transforming our world at an unprecedented pace, reshaping industries, societies, and the very fabric of human existence.

Each episode of Technology explores the remarkable advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, and quantum computing, highlighting how these innovations are accelerating faster than ever before. The series examines the potential benefits and challenges of this exponential growth, from revolutionary medical breakthroughs to the ethical dilemmas posed by increasingly autonomous machines.

Technology also introduces viewers to the concept of the Singularity—a theoretical point in the near future when AI will surpass human intelligence, leading to unpredictable and potentially transformative changes in every aspect of life. The series discusses the implications of this momentous shift, considering both the utopian possibilities and the existential risks that come with it.

Through expert interviews, case studies, and thought-provoking analysis, Technology provides a comprehensive understanding of the forces driving the digital age and the future scenarios that may arise as technology continues to evolve at an exponential rate. The series encourages viewers to consider the role of technology in their lives and to engage with the ongoing debates about how best to navigate the rapid changes on the horizon.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a futurist, or simply curious about the future of humanity, Technology offers a compelling exploration of the trends that are shaping our world and the possibilities that lie ahead as we approach the Singularity.

Find out more about the impact of exponential growth and the approaching Singularity.

1. The Modern Wonders of the World
2. How Robots Will Change the World
3. Offline: The New Luxury
4. Technology of the Future
5. Trance-Formation: The Future of Humanity
6. The Venus Project: Future By Design
7. Bionics, Transhumanism And The End Of Evolution
8. The Singularity Is Near
9. Car Technology Of The Future
10. Powering The Future: The Energy Revolution

[13] Origins of Religion:

The Dawn of Spirituality in Early Civilization

Origins of Religion is a fascinating video series that takes you on a journey back to the very beginnings of human spirituality, exploring the original religious experiences that shaped the beliefs and rituals of early civilizations. This series delves into the origins of religious thought, tracing the development of spiritual practices from ancient times and uncovering how these early experiences laid the foundation for the world’s major religions.

Each episode of Origins of Religion examines the role of religion in the lives of our ancestors, exploring how early humans sought to understand the mysteries of existence, nature, and the cosmos. The series investigates the rituals, symbols, and sacred sites that emerged at the dawn of civilization, offering insights into the ways in which these early spiritual practices influenced the development of complex societies.

Origins of Religion also explores the common themes and motifs that appear across different cultures and religious traditions, highlighting the universal aspects of the human quest for meaning and connection with the divine. By examining the earliest expressions of faith and spirituality, the series provides a deeper understanding of how religion has evolved over millennia and continues to shape our world today.

Through expert commentary, archaeological discoveries, and historical analysis, Origins of Religion offers a comprehensive look at the beginnings of religious experience and its enduring impact on humanity. Whether you are a student of history, a seeker of spiritual knowledge, or simply curious about the roots of religion, this series provides a thought-provoking exploration of how the spiritual journey of mankind began.

Explore the original religious experience of mankind at the dawn of civilization.

1. Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within
2. Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman
3. Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind’s Origins
4. The Hidden Knowledge of the Supernatural
5. Re-Awaken: Open Your Heart, Expand Your Mind
6. Shamans of the Amazon
7. The Root of All Evil: The God Delusion
8. Ancient Knowledge
9. The Naked Truth
10. Lost Gods: A Pagan History

[14] Western Religion:

The Rich History of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Western Religion is a captivating video series that explores the deep and intertwined histories of the three major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This series delves into the origins, beliefs, and cultural impact of these faiths, which have shaped the spiritual, social, and political landscapes of the Western world for millennia.

Each episode of Western Religion examines the development of these religions, starting with the ancient roots of Judaism, the emergence of Christianity, and the rise of Islam. The series traces the evolution of religious thought, sacred texts, and practices within each tradition, offering a comprehensive understanding of how these faiths have influenced each other and the broader world.

Western Religion also explores the key figures, events, and movements that have defined the history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. From the prophets and saints to the councils and schisms, the series highlights the pivotal moments that have shaped the doctrines and traditions of these religions. Additionally, it addresses the complex relationships between the three faiths, including periods of cooperation, conflict, and coexistence.

Through expert interviews, historical analysis, and rich visual storytelling, Western Religion provides viewers with a nuanced understanding of the Abrahamic religions’ contributions to philosophy, ethics, law, and art. The series also examines the ongoing influence of these religions in contemporary society and their role in the lives of billions of people around the world.

Whether you’re a scholar, a believer, or simply interested in the history of religion, Western Religion offers an insightful exploration of the shared heritage and unique journeys of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The fascinating history of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

1. Secret Quest: The Path of the Christian Gnostics
2. The Secret Gate of Eden
3. Forbidden Knowledge: Lost Secrets of the Bible
4. Banned From The Bible: Secrets Of The Apostles
5. The Life of Prophet Muhammad
6. The Road To Armageddon
7. The Most Hated Family In America
8. Muhammad: The Legacy of a Prophet
9. A Complete History of God
10. Gnosis: The Untold History of the Bible

[15] Eastern Religion:

Exploring the Spiritual Wisdom of the East

Eastern Religion is an enlightening video series that invites you to expand your understanding of spirituality by delving into the rich and diverse religious worldviews of the East. This series offers an in-depth exploration of the major Eastern religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and others, revealing how these ancient traditions offer entirely different perspectives on life, the universe, and the nature of existence.

Each episode of Eastern Religion takes you on a journey through the core beliefs, practices, and philosophies of these Eastern traditions. The series examines the profound teachings of the Vedas, the insights of the Buddha, the wisdom of Laozi, and the ethical principles of Confucius, among others. It also explores the rituals, meditation practices, and spiritual disciplines that are central to these religions, offering a glimpse into the daily lives and spiritual practices of their followers.

Eastern Religion emphasizes the contrast between Eastern and Western spiritual perspectives, highlighting the unique ways in which Eastern traditions approach concepts such as the self, the divine, karma, enlightenment, and the cycle of life and death. The series encourages viewers to consider how these alternative worldviews can enrich their own understanding of spirituality and offer new ways of thinking about the human experience.

Through beautiful visuals, expert commentary, and thoughtful analysis, Eastern Religion provides a comprehensive introduction to the spiritual wisdom of the East. Whether you are new to these traditions or looking to deepen your knowledge, this series offers a valuable opportunity to broaden your spiritual horizons and gain insights into the diverse ways that humanity seeks meaning and connection.

Join us as we explore the profound teachings and practices that have shaped the spiritual lives of millions across Asia and continue to influence the world today.

Expand your mind by also studying the entirely different religious worldviews of the East.

1. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
2. The Life Of The Buddha
3. The Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World
4. Mysteries of the Cosmic OM: Ancient Vedic Science
5. Where Science and Buddhism Meet
6. The Yogis of Tibet
7. Taj Mahal: Secrets To Blow Your Mind
8. Light at the Edge of the World: Tibetan Science of the Mind
9. Myths of Mankind: The Mahabharata
10. Ayurveda: The Art of Being

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[16] Consciousness:

Exploring the Unity of Existence and the Miracle of Awareness

Consciousness is a thought-provoking video series that delves into the profound mysteries of awareness, exploring the fundamental unity of existence and the miracle of consciousness. This series invites viewers to journey into the depths of the mind and beyond, uncovering the connections between consciousness, reality, and the very fabric of the universe.

Each episode of Consciousness examines key concepts and questions about the nature of consciousness: What is consciousness? How does it arise? And what does it reveal about the interconnectedness of all life? The series draws on insights from a range of disciplines, including neuroscience, philosophy, spirituality, and quantum physics, to offer a comprehensive exploration of consciousness as both a scientific and spiritual phenomenon.

Consciousness also delves into the concept of the basic unity of existence—the idea that all beings and elements of the universe are interconnected in a web of life and consciousness. The series explores how different cultures and traditions have understood this unity, from ancient mystical teachings to modern scientific theories, revealing how consciousness serves as a bridge between the individual and the cosmos.

Through expert interviews, meditative reflections, and cutting-edge research, Consciousness provides viewers with a deeper understanding of their own awareness and its connection to the larger world. The series encourages a shift in perspective, inviting viewers to see consciousness not just as a product of the brain, but as a fundamental aspect of existence itself.

Whether you’re curious about the science of the mind, the spiritual aspects of consciousness, or the philosophical implications of our awareness, Consciousness offers a rich and illuminating exploration of one of the greatest mysteries of life. This series is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the miracle of consciousness and its role in shaping our reality.

Learn about the basic unity of existence and the miracle of consciousness.

1. Athene’s Theory of Everything
2. Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons & The Illusion of Reality
3. The God Within: Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness
4. 5 Gateways: The Five Key Expansions of Consciousness
5. Return to the Source: Philosophy and The Matrix
6. The Holographic Universe
7. DMT: The Spirit Molecule
8. What Is Consciousness?
9. Kymatica
10. Neuroplasticity: The Brain That Changes Itself

[17] Mysteries:

Indiana Jones-Style Adventures into the Unsolved Secrets of the Past

Mysteries is an exhilarating video series that takes you on thrilling, Indiana Jones-style adventures into the world’s most intriguing and unsolved mysteries. This series delves into the enigmatic puzzles of history, exploring ancient civilizations, lost treasures, unexplained phenomena, and the enduring secrets that have captivated the human imagination for centuries.

Each episode of Mysteries follows daring explorers, historians, and archaeologists as they journey to remote and exotic locations in search of answers to the world’s greatest historical riddles. From the hidden chambers of ancient pyramids to the sunken ships of lost empires, the series uncovers the fascinating stories behind these mysteries, blending historical research with modern-day exploration.

Mysteries doesn’t just present the facts—it brings you right into the action, with high-stakes expeditions, cutting-edge technology, and dramatic re-enactments that capture the excitement and danger of uncovering the unknown. Along the way, the series raises thought-provoking questions about the past, challenging accepted narratives and encouraging viewers to consider the possibilities that lie beyond conventional history.

Whether it’s the search for legendary lost cities, the decoding of ancient artifacts, or the investigation of unexplained phenomena, Mysteries offers a captivating look at the puzzles that have eluded explanation for generations. This series is perfect for anyone with a passion for adventure, history, and the thrill of uncovering the unknown.

Join us on this journey into the world’s greatest unsolved mysteries, where every discovery leads to new questions and the truth is often stranger than fiction.

Indiana Jones-style explorations into the unsolved mysteries of the past.

1. Alchemy: Sacred Secrets Revealed
2. The Day Before Disclosure
3. The Pyramid Code
4. The Secret Design of the Egyptian Pyramids
5. Decoding the Past: Secrets of the Dollar Bill
6. The Lost Gods of Easter Island
7. Origins of the Da Vinci Code
8. Forbidden Knowledge: Ancient Medical Secrets
9. Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The New Atlantis
10. Secrets in Plain Sight

[18] Mass Culture:

Understanding the Influence on Our Thoughts and Opinions

Mass Culture is an insightful video series that explores how our thoughts, beliefs, and opinions are shaped by the pervasive forces of mass culture. This series delves into the mechanisms through which media, advertising, entertainment, and popular trends influence individual and collective mindsets, often in ways that are subtle yet profound.

Each episode of Mass Culture examines the key components of mass culture, including television, film, social media, and consumerism, and how these elements work together to create a shared cultural experience. The series explores the power of imagery, messaging, and narratives in shaping public perception, influencing everything from our personal values to our political views.

Mass Culture also investigates the role of mass culture in reinforcing stereotypes, perpetuating social norms, and driving consumer behavior. It sheds light on the ways in which corporations, governments, and other entities use mass culture as a tool for persuasion and control, subtly guiding our decisions and shaping our worldview.

Through expert interviews, case studies, and critical analysis, Mass Culture provides viewers with the tools to recognize and critically assess the influence of mass culture on their own lives. The series encourages a deeper understanding of the media’s role in society and the importance of developing media literacy to navigate the complex landscape of information and entertainment.

Whether you’re interested in media studies, psychology, or simply curious about the forces that shape public opinion, Mass Culture offers a compelling exploration of how mass culture impacts our daily lives and the ways in which we can reclaim our autonomy in the face of pervasive cultural influences.

Learn about how our thoughts and opinions are influenced by mass culture.

1. The Century of the Self
2. All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
3. Hypernormalisation
4. The Power Of Nightmares
5. Starsuckers: A Culture Obsessed By Celebrity
6. Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century
7. Obey: The Death of the Liberal Class
8. Brazil: In the Shadow of the Stadiums
9. Bob Marley: Freedom Road
10. Radiant City

[19] Corporate Media:

Uncovering How Mass Media and Advertisers Shape Our Impulses

Corporate Media is a revealing video series that delves into the powerful influence of mass media and advertising on our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions. This series uncovers the sophisticated strategies used by corporate media and advertisers to channel our irrational impulses, shaping not only our purchasing habits but also our perceptions of the world.

Each episode of Corporate Media explores the techniques employed by media conglomerates and advertising agencies to capture attention, evoke emotions, and drive consumer behavior. The series examines how carefully crafted messages, images, and narratives are designed to tap into our subconscious desires, fears, and aspirations, often leading us to make decisions that may not align with our best interests.

Corporate Media also sheds light on the relationship between mass media and the corporate world, revealing how news, entertainment, and advertising are often intertwined to serve the interests of powerful entities. The series explores the impact of media ownership concentration, where a few large corporations control the majority of what we see, hear, and read, and how this influences the diversity of perspectives and information available to the public.

Through expert commentary, real-world examples, and critical analysis, Corporate Media provides viewers with a deeper understanding of the forces at play in the media landscape. The series encourages viewers to become more conscious consumers of media, developing the ability to recognize manipulation and make more informed choices in a media-saturated world.

Whether you’re interested in media studies, marketing, or simply want to understand how corporate media shapes your perceptions, Corporate Media offers a compelling exploration of the ways in which our irrational impulses are influenced by the media we consume.

Discover how the mass media and advertisers channel our irrational impulses.

1. Weapons of Mass Deceptions
2. Secrets of the Superbrands
3. What Makes You Click
4. The Esoteric Agenda
5. The Medium Is The Message
6. The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News
7. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
8. Symbolism in Logos: Subliminal Messages or Ancient Archetypes
9. Edward Snowden: A Truth Unveiled
10. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism

[20] Art and Literature:

The Lives of Famous Artists and the Power of Creativity

Art and Literature is a captivating video series that invites you to explore the lives of renowned artists and writers who have shaped culture and society through their creative genius. This series delves into the stories behind some of the most influential figures in art and literature, revealing how their works have opened minds, challenged conventions, and inspired generations.

Each episode of Art and Literature provides an intimate look at the personal and professional journeys of these creative visionaries. From the struggles and triumphs of legendary painters and sculptors to the profound insights of celebrated authors and poets, the series uncovers the human experiences that fueled their masterpieces. Through these stories, viewers gain a deeper appreciation for the transformative power of art and literature.

Art and Literature also explores the impact of these creative works on society, examining how art and literature have the ability to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and spark change. The series highlights the ways in which creative expression serves as a powerful tool for social commentary, cultural reflection, and personal introspection, offering new perspectives on the world around us.

Whether it’s the bold strokes of a painting that challenges the status quo or the carefully crafted words of a novel that captures the essence of the human condition, Art and Literature demonstrates how creativity has the power to expand our minds and deepen our understanding of life.

Join us on a journey through the rich and inspiring world of Art and Literature, where the lives and works of famous artists and writers continue to resonate with meaning and relevance in today’s world.

Explore the lives of famous artists and how art opens people’s minds.

1. Lord Of The Rings: Facts Behind The Fiction
2. Cosm: Alex Gray’s Visionary Art
3. Jean Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child
4. New Art and the Young Artists Behind It
5. Salvador Dali: A Master of the Modern Era
6. How Art Made The World: More Human Than Human
7. The Day Pictures Were Born
8. Guns, Germs and Steel
9. Off-Book: Digital Age Creativity
10. This Is Modern Art

[21] Health:

Understanding the Body, Mind, and the Power Within

Health is an enlightening video series that delves into the complexities of human health, exploring how our bodies function and the incredible power of our brains. This series offers a comprehensive look at the key issues in health today, from the science of nutrition and physical fitness to the latest research in mental health and brain function.

Each episode of Health provides insights into the mechanisms that keep our bodies running smoothly and the factors that can disrupt our well-being. The series explores a wide range of topics, including the immune system, chronic diseases, preventive care, and the role of lifestyle choices in maintaining optimal health. Viewers will gain a better understanding of how to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being.

Health also focuses on the remarkable capabilities of the human brain, exploring the latest discoveries in neuroscience and psychology. The series delves into how our brains influence everything from our thoughts and emotions to our physical health, and how we can harness the power of our minds to enhance our quality of life.

Through expert interviews, real-life stories, and cutting-edge research, Health empowers viewers with the knowledge they need to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. The series encourages a holistic approach to health, recognizing the interconnectedness of the body and mind, and the importance of nurturing both.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about how your body works, staying updated on health issues, or unlocking the potential of your brain, Health offers valuable insights that can help you achieve greater well-being.

Explore issues in health, how our bodies work and the incredible power of our brains.

1. Secrets of the Human Brain
2. The Truth About Exercise
3. How To Live To A Hundred
4. Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity In America
5. The War On Health
6. The Beautiful Truth
7. Food On The Brain
8. The Truth About Food
9. The Truth About Sugar
10. Breaking The Silence About Mental Health

[22] Drugs:

Documentaries on the Impact of Legal and Illegal Substances on the Body and Mind

Drugs is a compelling video series that examines the profound effects of both legal and illegal substances on the human body and mind. This series offers an in-depth look at how various drugs, from prescription medications to illicit narcotics, influence physical health, mental well-being, and society as a whole.

Each episode of Drugs delves into the science behind these substances, exploring how they interact with the brain and body, their potential benefits, and the risks associated with their use. The series covers a wide range of topics, including the history of drug use, the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, the opioid crisis, and the ongoing debates surrounding drug legalization and decriminalization.

Drugs also explores the personal and societal impacts of drug use, featuring real-life stories of addiction, recovery, and the complex relationship between drugs and mental health. The series sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals and communities affected by substance abuse, as well as the efforts being made to address these issues through treatment, education, and policy reform.

Through expert interviews, case studies, and powerful storytelling, Drugs provides viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the far-reaching effects of drugs on both an individual and societal level. The series encourages a balanced and informed perspective on this critical issue, highlighting the importance of awareness, prevention, and compassion in dealing with the complexities of drug use.

Whether you’re interested in the science of addiction, the impact of drug policies, or the stories of those affected by drug use, Drugs offers a thoughtful and informative exploration of the role substances play in our lives.

Documentaries on the effect of drugs — legal and illegal — on the body and mind.

1. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High
2. The Drugging Of Our Children
3. Northwest Trees
4. Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
5. Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis
6. Hofman’s Potion
7. The War on Drugs: The Prison Industrial Complex
8. Are Illegal Drugs More Dangerous Than Legal Drugs?
9. The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic
10. Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story

[23] Environment:

Documentaries on the Environmental Movement and the Threats to Our Biosphere

Environment is a thought-provoking video series that explores the pressing issues facing our planet today, focusing on the environmental movement and the growing threats to our biosphere. This series features a collection of powerful documentaries that delve into the challenges of climate change, habitat destruction, pollution, and the loss of biodiversity, offering a sobering look at the impact of human activity on the natural world.

Each episode of Environment examines different aspects of the environmental crisis, from the science of global warming and its effects on ecosystems to the efforts of activists and organizations fighting to protect the planet. The series also highlights the innovative solutions being developed to address these issues, showcasing the work of scientists, conservationists, and communities committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Environment doesn’t just inform—it inspires action. By bringing to light the urgent need for change, the series encourages viewers to consider their role in the environmental movement and the steps they can take to contribute to a healthier planet. It also explores the ethical and moral implications of environmental degradation, challenging us to rethink our relationship with the Earth and our responsibility to future generations.

Through stunning visuals, expert insights, and compelling narratives, Environment provides a comprehensive overview of the threats to our biosphere and the efforts being made to preserve it. Whether you’re passionate about nature conservation, climate action, or simply concerned about the future of our planet, this series offers a critical look at the state of the environment and the ongoing fight to protect it.

Join us in exploring the most important environmental issues of our time and discover how you can make a difference in the fight to save our biosphere.

Thought-provoking documentaries on the environmental movement and the growing threats to our biosphere.

1. The Anthropocene: The Age of Mankind
2. Blue Gold: World Water Wars
3. Regreening The Planet
4. Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis
5. All Things Are Connected
6. The Fight For Amazonia
7. Seed Battles: The Doomsday Vault
8. Here Comes the Sun
9. The Rise of Vertical Farming
10. The Story of Stuff

[24] Cosmos:

Journey Through the Vast and Beautiful Universe

Cosmos is an awe-inspiring video series that invites you to expand your mind by exploring the indescribably large and stunningly beautiful universe we inhabit. This series takes viewers on a breathtaking journey through the cosmos, revealing the wonders of space, the mysteries of the stars, and the profound questions about the origins and nature of the universe.

Each episode of Cosmos delves into different aspects of the universe, from the formation of galaxies and the life cycles of stars to the exploration of distant planets and the search for extraterrestrial life. The series combines cutting-edge science with visually stunning imagery, providing a deep understanding of the cosmos while capturing the imagination with its sheer beauty and scale.

Cosmos also explores the groundbreaking discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the universe, from the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics to the latest findings from telescopes and space missions. The series highlights the work of pioneering astronomers, physicists, and cosmologists who have helped to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, offering insights into the fundamental forces that govern everything from the smallest particles to the largest structures in the universe.

Through expert commentary, immersive storytelling, and breathtaking visuals, Cosmos provides a window into the vastness of space and the intricate workings of the universe. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a stargazer, or simply curious about the cosmos, this series offers a compelling exploration of the wonders that lie beyond our planet.

Join us on a journey through the cosmos and discover the beauty, complexity, and vastness of the universe we call home.

Expand your mind by exploring our indescribably large and beautiful Cosmos.

1. The Search for Planets Similar to Earth
2. Inside the Milky Way Galaxy
3. Cosmic Journeys : The Largest Black Holes in the Universe
4. Beyond The Big Bang
5. The Mystery of the Milky Way
6. Fractals: The Hidden Dimension
7. Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking: The Story of Everything
8. Pioneer Science: Discovering Deep Space
9. Carl Sagan’s Cosmos
10. The Strangest Things In The Universe

[25] Science:

The History of Discovery and the Power of Scientific Instruments

Science is a captivating video series that chronicles the rich history of scientific discovery and explores how scientific instruments have expanded our perception of the world and the universe. This series takes viewers on a journey through time, tracing the key breakthroughs and innovations that have shaped our understanding of the natural world, from the earliest observations to the most advanced technologies of today.

Each episode of Science delves into pivotal moments in the history of science, highlighting the contributions of great thinkers, experimenters, and inventors who revolutionized our knowledge of fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. The series examines how these discoveries have not only transformed our understanding of the world but also led to the development of tools and instruments that allow us to see beyond the limits of our senses.

Science also explores the role of scientific instruments in pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. From the invention of the telescope and microscope to the development of particle accelerators and space probes, the series showcases how these tools have opened up new realms of exploration, revealing the intricate details of the microscopic world and the vastness of the cosmos.

Through expert interviews, historical analysis, and fascinating demonstrations, Science provides viewers with a deep appreciation of how scientific discovery has evolved over centuries and how instruments continue to play a crucial role in expanding our perception of reality. The series also reflects on the ongoing quest for knowledge and the future of scientific exploration, offering insights into the potential discoveries that lie ahead.

Whether you’re a student of science, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about how we’ve come to understand the world around us, Science offers a comprehensive and inspiring look at the journey of scientific discovery and the tools that have made it possible.

The history of scientific discovery and how scientific instruments expand our perception.

1. A Science Odyssey: Mysteries of the Universe
2. The Quantum Revolution
3. Secret Universe: The Hidden Life of the Cell
4. Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of Time
5. Quantum Mechanics: Fabric of the Cosmos
6. The Light Fantastic
7. DNA: The Secret of Life
8. Parallel Universes, Alternative Timelines & Multiverse
9. What Is The Higgs Boson?
10. Infinity

[26] Evolution:

The Journey of Human Evolution and the Rise of Self-Awareness

Evolution is a fascinating video series that tells the story of our origins, tracing the incredible journey of life on Earth and the emergence of self-aware human beings. This series explores the intricate process of evolution, from the earliest forms of life to the development of complex organisms, culminating in the rise of Homo sapiens and the dawn of human consciousness.

Each episode of Evolution delves into key milestones in the evolutionary timeline, examining how natural selection, genetic variation, and environmental pressures shaped the diversity of life on our planet. The series highlights the major transitions in the history of life, such as the emergence of multicellular organisms, the conquest of land, and the development of complex brains and social behaviors.

Evolution also focuses on the specific path of human evolution, exploring how our ancestors adapted to changing environments, developed tools, and formed complex societies. The series examines the evolution of traits that distinguish humans, such as bipedalism, language, and the capacity for abstract thought and self-reflection.

Through stunning visuals, expert insights, and compelling narratives, Evolution provides a comprehensive understanding of the processes that have led to the diversity of life on Earth and the unique emergence of self-aware human beings. The series invites viewers to reflect on our place in the natural world and the shared ancestry that connects all living organisms.

Whether you’re fascinated by the science of evolution, interested in human origins, or simply curious about how life on Earth has developed over billions of years, Evolution offers a captivating exploration of the story of life and the emergence of consciousness.

The story of our evolution and the emergence of self-aware human beings.

1. The Origin of Life
2. Homo Sapiens: The Birth of Humanity
3. Beyond Me
4. The Global Brain
5. Metanoia: A New Vision of Nature
6. Birth Of A New Humanity
7. Samsara
8. Ape Man: Adventures in Human Evolution
9. The Incredible Human Journey
10. The Human Family Tree

[27] Psychology and The Brain:

Exploring New Research on Enhancing Brain Function

Psychology and The Brain is an enlightening video series that delves into the latest research on how we can improve and optimize our brain function. This series highlights groundbreaking discoveries in neuroscience and psychology that are shedding new light on the brain’s remarkable capacity for growth, adaptation, and healing.

Each episode of Psychology and The Brain explores innovative studies and emerging techniques that offer insights into how we can enhance cognitive abilities, boost mental health, and foster emotional well-being. The series covers a wide range of topics, including neuroplasticity, mindfulness, memory enhancement, and the impact of lifestyle choices on brain health.

Psychology and The Brain also examines the role of psychological practices in brain improvement, such as meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other mental exercises that can rewire the brain and promote mental resilience. By integrating cutting-edge research with practical applications, the series provides viewers with actionable strategies to improve brain function and overall mental performance.

Through expert interviews, real-life case studies, and easy-to-understand explanations of complex concepts, Psychology and The Brain empowers viewers with the knowledge to take control of their brain health. Whether you’re interested in boosting your cognitive abilities, enhancing your mental well-being, or simply staying informed about the latest in brain science, this series offers valuable insights that can help you unlock the full potential of your mind.

Join us as we explore the exciting frontier of brain research and discover how you can apply these insights to improve your brain and enhance your life.

New research is shining a spotlight on how we can improve our brains.

1. How Smart Can We Get?
2. The Science of Lust
3. DNA: The Secret of Life
4. What Are Dreams?
5. A Virus Called Fear
6. Beyond Thought (Awareness Itself)
7. The Psychology of Narcissism
8. Superconscious Mind: How To Double Your Brain’s Performance
9. Memory Hackers
10. Secrets of the Mind

[28] Modern History:

The Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and the Rise of the Modern World

Modern History is a comprehensive video series that explores the transformative events and ideas that shaped the modern world. This series traces the pivotal periods of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, examining how these eras sparked profound changes in society, politics, science, and industry, leading to the world we live in today.

Each episode of Modern History delves into the key figures, philosophical movements, and technological innovations that emerged during the Enlightenment, a period characterized by the pursuit of reason, individualism, and intellectual freedom. The series explores how Enlightenment thinkers challenged traditional authority, laid the groundwork for modern democracy, and inspired revolutionary changes in human thought and governance.

Following the Enlightenment, Modern History turns its focus to the Industrial Revolution, a time of unprecedented technological and economic change that reshaped societies across the globe. The series examines the invention of machinery, the rise of factories, and the shift from agrarian economies to industrial powerhouses. It also explores the social and environmental impacts of industrialization, including urbanization, labor movements, and the beginnings of modern capitalism.

Modern History not only provides a detailed account of these transformative periods but also connects them to the broader trends that have defined the modern era, such as globalization, technological advancement, and the ongoing struggle for human rights and equality.

Through expert analysis, historical reenactments, and engaging storytelling, Modern History offers viewers a rich understanding of the forces that have shaped the contemporary world. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a student, or simply curious about the origins of modern society, this series provides a compelling exploration of the events and ideas that have brought us to where we are today.

Join us as we journey through the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and beyond, uncovering the stories that have defined the modern age.

The story of the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the modern world.

1. The Entrepreneurs Who Built America
2. History of the World in Two Hours
3. The Industrial Revolution
4. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
5. The Adventure of the English Language
6. The French Revolution
7. Big Sugar
8. The Spanish Inquisition
9. The American Revolution
10. The Mexican American War

[29] Pre-Modern History:

The Americas and European History Before the Modern Era

Pre-Modern History is a captivating video series that explores the rich and diverse histories of the Americas and Europe before the dawn of the modern era. This series delves into the civilizations, cultures, and events that shaped these regions, providing a comprehensive look at the development of societies from ancient times through the Middle Ages and into the early Renaissance.

Each episode of Pre-Modern History examines key aspects of life in the pre-modern world, from the rise and fall of empires to the cultural exchanges that influenced art, religion, and governance. In the Americas, the series explores the advanced civilizations of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca, as well as the diverse indigenous cultures that flourished across the continent long before European contact. The series sheds light on their achievements in architecture, astronomy, agriculture, and social organization.

In Europe, Pre-Modern History traces the evolution of societies from the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome through the turbulent Middle Ages, marked by feudalism, the Crusades, and the Black Death. The series also examines the early Renaissance, a period of cultural rebirth and intellectual revival that laid the groundwork for the modern world. Key figures, events, and movements are brought to life, providing insights into how Europe transitioned from antiquity to the cusp of the modern era.

Pre-Modern History offers viewers a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of these regions and the ways in which their histories have shaped the global landscape. Through expert commentary, detailed reenactments, and rich visual storytelling, the series provides a vivid portrayal of life in the pre-modern world, highlighting the achievements, conflicts, and transformations that define this period.

Whether you’re fascinated by ancient civilizations, medieval Europe, or the cultural exchanges between the Old and New Worlds, Pre-Modern History offers an engaging exploration of the events and ideas that set the stage for the modern era.

Join us as we journey through the past, uncovering the stories that have shaped the Americas and Europe in the pre-modern world.

The story of the Americas and European history in the pre-modern world.

1. America Before Columbus
2. The Dark Ages
3. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato
4. The Medici: The Most Influencial Family In The World
5. Rome: The Rise And Fall Of An Empire
6. History of Britain: The Myth of the Anglo-Saxon Invasion
7. A History of Celtic Britain
8. The Crusades: Victory and Defeat
9. The Vikings: Voyage To America
10. Copernicus and the Scientific Revolution

[30] Current Events:

Stay Informed About the Events Shaping Our World

Current Events is a timely video series designed to keep you informed about the most important developments happening around the globe. This series provides in-depth coverage and analysis of the key issues, trends, and stories that are influencing the political, social, and economic landscapes of our time.

Each episode of Current Events delves into the most pressing topics, from geopolitical conflicts and policy changes to breakthroughs in science and technology, environmental challenges, and cultural shifts. The series offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective, featuring insights from experts, on-the-ground reporting, and data-driven analysis to help you understand the complexities of the world today.

Current Events also highlights the human stories behind the headlines, exploring how global developments impact individuals, communities, and nations. By connecting the dots between seemingly disparate events, the series provides a broader context for understanding the interconnectedness of our world and the forces driving change.

Whether you’re interested in international affairs, domestic politics, social movements, or the latest scientific discoveries, Current Events offers the information you need to stay informed and engaged. This series is an essential resource for anyone who wants to be an informed citizen, equipped with the knowledge to navigate and contribute to the rapidly changing world around us.

Join us as we explore the events that are shaping our present and future, and become more informed about the world we live in.

Become more informed about current events that are shaping the world.

1. Syria: The Reckoning
2. Empire: Putin’s Russia
3. The New Arms Race
4. State of Surveillance With Edward Snowden
5. Donald Trump’s Road To The White House
6. Inside Obama’s Presidency
7. The Untouchables: How Obama Protected Wall Street
8. Behind The Rhetoric: The Real Iran
9. A History of the Middle East since WWII
10. Brexit: A Very British Coup

[31] Ancient Civilizations:

Fascinating Explorations into the Cultures of Our Past

Ancient Civilizations is a captivating video series that takes you on an extraordinary journey into the distant past, exploring the rich and complex societies that laid the foundations of human history. This series delves into the mysteries, achievements, and legacies of ancient civilizations from around the world, offering a deep understanding of how these early cultures shaped the course of humanity.

Each episode of Ancient Civilizations examines the rise and fall of some of history’s most influential societies, including the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, and many others. The series explores their advancements in architecture, governance, religion, art, and science, revealing how these civilizations contributed to the development of modern culture and knowledge.

Ancient Civilizations also uncovers the secrets of these societies, from the construction of monumental structures like the pyramids and the Parthenon to the creation of written languages, legal systems, and philosophical thought. The series provides insights into the daily lives of people in these ancient cultures, offering a glimpse into their traditions, beliefs, and innovations.

Through expert interviews, archaeological discoveries, and stunning visual reconstructions, Ancient Civilizations brings to life the stories of our ancestors, highlighting the enduring influence of their achievements. Whether you’re fascinated by history, archaeology, or the origins of human society, this series offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the ancient world.

Join us as we journey back in time to uncover the wonders and wisdom of the Ancient Civilizations that shaped our world.

Fascination explorations into the ancient civilizations of our past.

1. When God Was a Girl: When Goddesses Ruled The Heavens and Earth
2. The Persian Empire : Most Mysterious Civilization in the Ancient World
3. What The Ancients Did For Us
4. What the Ancients Knew
5. Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids
6. Secrets of the Ancient Empires
7. Constellations & Ancient Civilizations
8. Graham Hancock’s Quest For The Lost Civilization
9. Atlantis: The Lost Continent
10. Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

[32] Sustainable Future

Building a Greener, More Resilient World

Sustainable Future is an inspiring video series that explores the innovative solutions and forward-thinking strategies needed to create a greener, more resilient world. This series delves into the challenges and opportunities of sustainability, examining how we can protect the environment, conserve resources, and ensure a better future for generations to come.

Each episode of Sustainable Future covers a wide range of topics, from renewable energy and sustainable agriculture to green architecture, circular economies, and climate action. The series highlights the groundbreaking work being done by scientists, entrepreneurs, activists, and communities around the globe who are committed to finding sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

Sustainable Future also explores the role of policy, technology, and individual action in driving the transition to a more sustainable world. The series showcases real-world examples of how sustainable practices are being implemented in various sectors, offering viewers practical insights and inspiration to make more eco-friendly choices in their own lives.

Through expert interviews, case studies, and thought-provoking discussions, Sustainable Future provides a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability movement and the steps we can take to build a future that is not only environmentally sound but also socially and economically just.

Whether you’re passionate about environmental issues, interested in green innovation, or simply looking for ways to reduce your ecological footprint, Sustainable Future offers a roadmap to a more sustainable and prosperous world.

Join us as we explore the path to a Sustainable Future and discover how you can be part of the solution.

1. Origins
2. Zero Waste In Business
3. The Breakthrough In Renewal Energy
4. The Search For Sustainability
5. A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
6. A Future of Abundance
7. Salmon Confidential
8. Design: e² – Sustainable Architecture
9. Dirt! The Movie
10. Back To Eden

I hope you enjoy watching some of these mind expanding documentaries! If you have a personal favorite, please share it with everyone in the comments.

Author: Kyle Pearce




About the Author: Great Awakening Team

Great Awakening Team
We are a community. We are cultural creatives and like minded people seeking the truth and focusing on disclosure, awakening and consciousness. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters and truth seekers. We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. We are a collective, a movement, free from all programing, not closed minded and not discriminatory. We are not political. We are not religious but we are spiritual. We study, research, and report on a wide range of subjects and topics, from the current geopolitical climate to health and wellness, from earth’s history to spiritual practices. We are forward thinkers and visionaries, we are guides for the transition as we usher in The Great Awakening. DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR. Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject. THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE: The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.