Original Published Date: December 2nd, 2024 | Part VI | Updated Weekly; March 3rd, 2025 💢
The Great Civilization Near Death Event
Trump/Zelensky Meeting Was Fall Of Berlin Wall For The Khazarian Mafia • Insect Size Spy Drones Unveiled • US Government’s Foreign Aid Gravy Train: A Perfect Example of Corruption and Waste • 10 Reasons I Will Never Get Another Vaccine • FBI’s Illegal Gun Confiscation Plan Is Over • Obama’s Deep-State Traitors To Face Justice • American Media Group News • Barack Obama Is Hitler’s Grandson – The Bloodline Exposed • The 16th Amendment Was Never Ratified – Income Tax Is A Scam • 2021 Data Reveals 42.27% Of Maine’s State Revenue Is Provided By The Federal Government
The Great Awakening: Q Movement, DOGE Investigation, Department of Defense, Congressional Hearings: Censorship Industrial Complex, The Epstein and Diddy Documents, Putin Was Right, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Sec. of State Marco Rubio, Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19!, The Jesuit Order Controls the Vatican and the New World Order!, DOGE Uncovers $5 Trillion In Fraud, Fort Knox Shocker! Elon Musk & Doge to Expose Missing Gold, DOGE Massive Fraud of Tax Payer Funds, Canadian Delta Airline Crash, RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War On USDA
A Call to Patriots
Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the Republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. Let justice be served. Make America Great Again…MAGA

The Great Civilization Near Death Event | NDE
“Be Strong Enough to Stand Alone / Be Yourself Enough to Stand Apart / And When the Time Comes, Be Wise Enough to Stand Together”
The Great Reset of Everything
We have entered a window of time where everything we have learned, experienced and known to be true is about to dramatically change. We are Awakening to a great truth, “That Everything We Were Taught Is A Lie”. The lives we once knew, lived and experienced prior to January 2020 are now gone forever. We are witnessing the total collapse of not just a few, but all of our statured institutions; The US Government Senate/Congress; through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and DHS have spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. Along with other industries; Wall Street Markets & Finance, Banking Industries, Big Tech, Big Insurance, Pharma, Oil, Education, Hollywood Industries, US Military, Medical AMA, Military and Energy Industrial Complexes, all are embroiled in corruption scams and human trafficking.
Given the monolithic corruption and evil encrusted within all these institutions, We are now Witnessing in Real Time a Global Everything Collapse. What has been described and depicted as The Storm! and “The Great Civilization Near Death Experience”. The fallout of which could last anywhere from 2 to 5 years based on geographic locations.
We will then have a choice and chance for “A New Beginning to Reset Everything as We Rebuild America”.
The following report is a compilation of different sources. We found a number of overlapping and crossover warnings presented by each of our sources. We formatted this Weekly Report based on a timeline tied to dates and information posted entirely in May 2023. We believe these sources align with each other to create a very rare picture of what is happening behind the scenes. We encourage each of you to use your own discernment and rational, critical, logical thinking in reviewing this information. Preparation going forward is 80% mental and 20% physical, so we hope this will assist you in your education and in being mentally prepared for the coming Storm.
Updates: This Report Will Be Updated on a Weekly Basis. We designed this format as a living document so we can update you directly on all breaking news and events. Please keep this link close by, so you can easily return to this Weekly Report for all the latest alternative uncensored news reports.
“We The People”: If we the people, as a nation, do not work together to restore our founding father’s visions for our Constitutional Republic, our children could be lost and our nation will be destroyed. We all have a part to play in this peaceful, faithful, informed, prayer-filled participation and with forgiveness in our hearts for the corruption of this nation that we have been a party to, either knowingly or unknowingly.
A Message From the Hopi Elders
Written By Maira Horta LMFT
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know our garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
See who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves!
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lonely wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
-The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation

Breaking Intelligence News | Monday, March 3rd, 2025 Update
Last Warning: Prepare for something that you never expected to see in your lifetime. The Media will never let you know! The things around us could change very fast. – QAnon Telegram
“Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6
The following content is a compilation from various sources.
New Update
In God We Trust | Trust The Plan
“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”
“I think Pam Bondi and Kash Patel are great, but they just got there, and they’re in a hostile environment.
It’s like if you’re suddenly made captain of a ship, but the entire crew was previously your enemy.
You’ve got to bring in people who are going to be helpful as opposed to obstructionists.
But I think the public will be rightly frustrated if no one is prosecuted for the Epstein client list.
There should at least be an attempted prosecution of the worst offenders.”
We will be more frustrated! We will be FURIOUS!
Ukraine Biological Laboratories
Source; Fall Cabal
Another reason Zelensky cannot allow this war to end, is because he is covering up Deep State bioweapon development in Ukraine.
Elon already found the paper trail via USAID Project PREDICT, which means Trump knows also.
This is why Fauci and Hunter’s pardons begin in 2014.
This is why Zelensky ordered the destruction of all files associated with Hunter Biden’s biolab company, Metabiota.
This is why the media mercilessly attacks anyone who talks about the biolabs in Ukraine, to include RFK Jr. and Tulsi.
This is why Zelensky can’t surrender.
If this war ends, Putin and Russian MIL have been adamant that there must be a formal investigation into US/Ukrainian bioweapon development in Ukraine. This will surely be part of the negotiations between Trump and Putin. Putin wants justice for Covid, and he claims George Soros and his puppets are behind it all.
Some of Trump’s closest advisors and most important cabinet positions, Elon, Tulsi, and RFK Jr., have also echoed the importance of this exact situation.
Many keep asking about what we will find when we investigate where the money went in Ukraine. Eventually, we will end up at crimes against humanity.
No censorship. No propaganda. Just raw TRUTH, tap in NOW!
“As the amount of medicine & vaccines in our world increases, so, too, does the amount of sickness… Instead, let’s remove the toxicity & shift our focus on changing the terrain & strengthening the vitality of the immune system”
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory: Understanding the Differences
The debate between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory has been ongoing for over a century, shaping perspectives on medicine, public health, and holistic wellness. Each theory presents a different view on disease causation and prevention.
Germ Theory, proposed by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), asserts that microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are the primary cause of infectious diseases. This theory laid the foundation for modern medicine, leading to innovations like vaccines, antibiotics, and sterilization methods. According to Germ Theory, diseases result from specific pathogens invading the body and multiplying, making prevention and treatment strategies focus on eliminating these microbes through antibiotics, vaccines, and disinfectants. However, critics argue that Germ Theory places excessive emphasis on external threats without considering the body’s internal environment. Overuse of antibiotics and vaccines has been linked to the development of resistant microbes, and the theory does not fully explain why some individuals exposed to pathogens do not become ill.
In contrast, Terrain Theory, proposed by Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), suggests that the health of the body’s internal environment (terrain) determines disease susceptibility. This perspective holds that microbes are naturally present in the body and only become harmful when the terrain is weakened by poor diet, toxins, imbalanced pH, or a compromised immune system. Terrain Theory promotes disease prevention through immune system support, detoxification, and lifestyle factors such as nutrition and stress management. However, this theory has also faced criticism, as it does not fully explain the spread of highly contagious diseases and why some otherwise healthy individuals still contract infections. It also challenges the effectiveness of conventional medical interventions like antibiotics and vaccines.
Today, many health practitioners recognize the value of both theories. While Germ Theory explains how pathogens contribute to disease, Terrain Theory highlights the role of immune strength, nutrition, and lifestyle in determining susceptibility. A balanced approach to health integrates key elements from both perspectives: maintaining hygiene and sanitation to prevent harmful microbial exposure, supporting immune function through proper nutrition, sleep, and detoxification, and combining holistic medicine with modern scientific advancements.
In conclusion, Germ Theory focuses on external microbes as the primary cause of disease, whereas Terrain Theory emphasizes the body’s internal health as the key determinant of illness. By integrating both approaches, individuals can prioritize immune resilience while acknowledging the role that pathogens play in disease development.
The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.
Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.
The third leading cause of death⏤is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unwarranted.
No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.
They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet. Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the rollout as early as late 2021. More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.
So mind-bending are these medical advancements that can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours. Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.
Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is now within that journey.
Video: Holographic Medical Pods & Secret Space Programs Voiced Over
When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.
This revolutionary technology is said to have been in existence for at least 80 years. Once classified, the covert technology will be released to the public via the military. It is said to have been utilized within the “Secret Space Program.”
There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed. Remember, we’ve all experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives exist in all industries.
The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood movie productions.
These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular, DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils, new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, correcting all human bodies’ imperfections.
There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.
This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true!
· Trump Intents to Bomb Mexico Cartels, Attempts to Shuts Down Drug Cartels, Arrests 29 Cartel Bosses, Nation Wide Cartels Reaction Expected
· Mexican Cartel Southern Border War Inevitable, Trump EO classifying Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations. American Military move to defended the border, US Blackhawks and Drones cross the border? Reports Ukraine sold US Weapons to the Cartels supplied by US for the Ukraine War.
· US Banks’ Unrealized Losses Explode by $118,400,000,000 in Three Months As FDIC Declares 66 Banks on ‘Problem List’. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) says US banks reported a massive $118.4 billion increase in unrealized losses on securities, bringing the total to $482.4 billion. In layman’s terms “sh*t is about to go sideways in the financial market”
· Economic Alerts; Coming from all Sources and Experts; Calling for a Global Everything Collapse
· Trump Ends Ukraine War, Vows To Pull Out Of UN & NATO, Averts World War III
· Trump Launches NESARA, GESARA & Global Currency Reset of 130 Nations
· 1985 IRS Commissioner Admits Income Tax Never Legal, 16th Amendment a Fraud
· Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming! And The Best is Yet to Come!
· Mon. 3 March 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump to Announce Restored American Republic and Change to Constitutional Law in the Spring 20215?
· Mon. 3 March 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: THE ELITE KNOW … THE ILLUMINATI KNOW … THE 1% KNOW …ALL THE CELEBRITIES KNOW …THE PUBLIC HAS NO CLUE.
· March 4 1861 was the day Abraham Lincoln was Inaugurated as the 16th President of the Republic.
· On Tues. 4th March 2025 (164 years later) President Trump was making a major announcement to a joint session of Congress that was mandatory for all to attend.
Ed Dowd Updates
Edward Dowd, former investor for BlackRock, is now leading the attack against Pfizer/Moderna for fraud and mass murder. He and his team just uncovered via raw CDC data that millennials age 25-44 had 61k excess deaths 2021, +84% baseline. They aren’t at risk for COVID so it’s must be the vaxx.
Ed is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies. Working on Wall Street the majority of his career most notably at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. His book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden death in 2021 & 2022 propelled him as an alternative voice during the pandemic and the economic implications that continue to plague us today. Our unique alternative macroeconomic analysis of the global debt crisis and what may unfold has given many a deeper understanding of the global nature of our problems today.

Trump/Zelensky meeting was fall of Berlin Wall for the Khazarian Mafia
By Benjamin Fulford March 3, 2025 100 Comments
The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky by US President Donald Trump signifies.
First of all, to understand we are dealing with the end of an entity that goes back at least a thousand years, look at the images below.
They show the Ukrainian government uses the same symbol as the Khazarian empire did over a thousand years ago. The elite of this Satan-worshipping empire have been plotting revenge against Russia ever since Christian Tsars destroyed their empire over a thousand years ago.
It goes even deeper than that. We are witnessing the end of a 3000-year-old plot to enslave all of humanity. The KM have been defeated by an Anglo-Saxon, Russian and Jewish alliance.
The news events you see over the coming days and weeks need to be looked at in this context.
What we were shown last week was a farce in which Zelensky, Trump and Vice President, JD Vance argued in front of a gathering of the world’s media. Ostensibly Zelensky was there to sign an agreement offering $500 billion worth of Ukrainian rare earth metals to the United States. What happened though is that he asked for the US military to fight against Russia in exchange for the minerals. Trump and Vance said no, and Zelensky was unceremoniously booted out of the meeting. The videos show some of the highlights of this farce.
It was a farce because first of all, Ukraine does not have $500 billion worth of minerals. Russian FSB sources say there is about $20 billion dollars worth of minerals in the Ukraine that are on Russian-controlled territory.
Furthermore, Zelensky cannot give Trump the mining concessions because he already gave them to the UK. On January 16, just four days before Trump’s inauguration, London and Kiev signed a hundred-year partnership treaty. It stipulates the UK will take control of all ports, power plants, natural gas concessions, storage facilities, pipelines and titanium deposits in Ukraine.
Three high-level sources, including one from the US Space Force, say now there will be a financial collapse in America this year along with civil unrest and war. Trump was clinging to the idea of $500 billion worth of minerals because he was hoping to use that money to avert bankruptcy.
His talk about replacing the internal revenue service with an external revenue service is another case in point. The Trump people are stuck in the original constitution from 250 years ago when tariffs were the main source of government income. This is not 250 years ago. The US government gets 5.1 trillion dollars a year from taxes. US total imports are $3 trillion a year. That means the US would have to impose 150% tariffs to get the same amount of money. That is impossible because people are not going to pay 150% more for their imports.
The talk of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada is also impossible. US farmers get 80% of their potash from Canada. Putting a tariff on that will raise costs for US farmers and make them uncompetitive. Then there is aluminum and steel. US industry depends on cheap Canadian steel and aluminum made in giant factories that use cheap Canadian hydropower. You cannot just delete or move these giant industrial facilities with the stroke of a pen. Without this cheap metal, US industry becomes uncompetitive.
Clearly the elephant in the room remains the Federal Reserve Board. It needs to be nationalized along with all the other central banks if the US is to avoid bankruptcy. That is what the real war is about. This will involve bankrupting the US Corporation and replacing it with something new. Here is commentary from a Pentagon source about the situation:
So, the time has now arrived for the U.S. to show the world their gold hand. Will Trump suppress the news, if it is bad? Very likely. Whether the gold is or is not in Fort Knox, it could be seen as a sideshow. After all, it accounts for only 2% of all the gold ever mined in history. But on the other hand, either little or no gold there, results in no confidence in the U.S. or in the dollar.
At $2,920, all the gold officially held by Central Banks is $3 trillion. Just one US stock – Microsoft – has a market cap of $3 trillion. How can the value of a SINGLE AMERICAN COMPANY equal the total central bank gold holdings?
It tells us, how overvalued stocks are; and that the gold price is ridiculously low.

Now Trump says the U.S. will move forward on a “Crypto Strategic Reserve” that includes XRP, SOL, ADA, Bitcoin, ETH, and other cryptos. This is all fine and dandy but he will have to back them with a basket of real-world goods or he will just be whistling in the wind.

This was probably not a mistake, it was some kind of high level money laundering operation; all they needed was for the money to appear in an account for a few seconds to cook some fake books with.
Facing bankruptcy, Trump has allied himself with Russia against the owners of the FRB, the EU and their front man Zelensky. In what amounts to a declaration of war Trump said: “The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States. That is the purpose of it.”

This Putin/Trump bromance prompted the Europeans to call a meeting at the Rothschild-owned Lancaster House, a 200-year-old elegant mansion near Buckingham Palace, The meeting included leaders from France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Czechia and Romania, as well as the NATO secretary-general and the presidents of the European Commission and European Council. Even the gap- toothed Justin Trudeau avatar was there.

Here you can watch Zelensky arrive at 10 Downing Street in London after being “kicked out” of the White House. He ignores questions about getting Trump back on the side. He then went to the meeting at the Rothschild property.
After the meeting, EU globalists Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, EU Commission, Roberta Metsola, President of EU Parliament, Antonio Costa, President of the European Council, and Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party all sent out this same message:

This meeting was followed by a blizzard of propaganda. For example, the KM published this picture of a fake bloated King Charles with a fake Zelensky.
Then blackmailed pedophile UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to put UK “boots on the ground and planes in the air” to defend a peace deal in Ukraine.

That is why EU witch Ursula von der Leyen said “We have to urgently rearm” at the London Ukraine summit.

The problem is that with the new Russian/US alliance, Russia can occupy all of Western Europe within a few weeks without worrying about US retaliation. What is going to happen is the Europeans will have to surrender to Russia and ask for their protection from China.
Here you can watch a brainwashed EU bureaucrat Kaja Kallas slowly approach conclusion only Russia can protect them from China..
The Russians will be happy to do this as soon as the war crimes trials for the Nazi mass murderers have been conducted.
Here you can see group photos of the pedophiles and murderers the Russians want to bring to justice:
The situation has also led to a flurry of back-channel communications between the CIA, the FSB, MI6 and Asian secret societies.
These groups have a long standing agreement that no matter what, they will not be fooled into starting all out thermonuclear war. A Senior Japanese military commander recently confirmed to this writer what US Space force and other sources say, and that is that nuclear war has already destroyed civilization on this planet at least twice.
“A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”
Insect Size Spy Drones Unveiled
Source; The Storm
Probably the most disturbing aspect of the report, which quotes the US Air Force disclosures is the announcement by the US military that it has “lethal mini-drones” among its tiny, flying arsenal. Outside the US media blackout, that in itself isn’t news. As far back as 2008, the US military had been showing off its nano-biomimicry MAV designs.
The military’s own symposium discussed the topic of, “bugs, bots, borgs, and bio-weapons”. Based on that, it’s possible the US government’s initial strategy was to use the mechanical bugs as a delivery system for biological weapons – just the way a real mosquito or flea is responsible for spreading the world’s most deadly and devastating epidemics.
US Government’s Foreign Aid Gravy Train: A Perfect Example of Corruption and Waste
The U.S. government is in the habit of sending hundreds of billions overseas each year—foreign aid, military assistance, humanitarian support—and most of it is wasted or siphoned off by the well-connected. It’s the ultimate slush fund. Billions are funneled to NGOs that line their pockets, pay exorbitant salaries to their cronies, and rarely, if ever, deliver on the stated mission.
This is a direct line to the $36 trillion debt and a $2 trillion annual deficit we’re drowning in. Foreign aid is a massive scam, draining U.S. coffers while our own infrastructure and services fall apart. Look at the State Department’s $58.8B request for FY2025—that’s just more money being shoveled into the pockets of bureaucrats, “partners,” and self-interested players who do anything but help Americans.
The real victims? Every dollar spent abroad is one stolen from our schools, roads, and veterans. It’s an unsustainable system of waste that must end.
Take the USAID scandal in Haiti—a staggering example of corruption. The U.S. sent $4.4 billion after the 2010 earthquake, and what did Haiti get? Less than 2% of that amount. The rest? It ended up in the hands of D.C. contractors and NGOs who profited while the people they were supposed to help suffered. The Red Cross promised 130,000 people shelter—they built six homes.
This is not aid; it’s a money laundering operation dressed up as charity. USAID and the NGOs involved can’t even answer where the money went. Haitians are still living in poverty, while these organizations continue to rake in taxpayer funds.
Let’s not forget the glaring hypocrisy coming out of D.C. When Nancy Pelosi was asked in 2021 if Congress should be banned from trading stocks, she responded with a blunt, “No, this is a free market.”
Pelosi, who has served in Congress for 38 years, saw her net worth climb to a staggering $263 million while earning just $223,500 a year. It’s clear this “free market” has benefited her and others in positions of power, all at the expense of the American people.
And let’s not even get started on the billions spent on Ukraine. The U.S. government has been throwing money at Zelensky and his regime, but a sizable chunk of that is spent on paying social media influencers to push the narrative that we should keep sending more and more. It’s a game of manipulation, PR, and empty promises that only enrich the political elite.
This all ties back to the sickening reality of how our money is being used. Our politicians have turned foreign aid into an all-you-can-eat buffet, and we—the taxpayers—are left with the bill. It’s time to stop funding everyone else and start investing in America first.
10 Reasons I Will Never Get Another Vaccine
Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are allegedly used to provoke an immune response, but their safety is based on incredibly flawed comparisons. The WHO and other health agencies cite studies on ingested aluminum, which is largely excreted, rather than injected aluminum, which is absorbed differently and can persist in the body. Research by Dr. Christopher Exley and others suggests aluminum can accumulate in the brain, contributing to neurotoxicity, autoimmune disorders, and developmental issues. Some studies have found elevated aluminum levels in the brains of autistic individuals. Despite all of this, regulatory agencies continually dismiss concerns without proper long-term safety studies.
- Interview with Dr Christopher Exley – Lies are Unbekoming
- Interview with Guillemette Crépeaux – Lies are Unbekoming
- Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom – Lies are Unbekoming
- Aluminium “Safety” – Lies are Unbekoming
Vaccines contain a mix of chemicals, heavy metals, and genetically modified components, including formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum compounds, and fetal cell lines. While each ingredient is claimed to be “safe in small amounts,” there is no long-term safety data proving that these substances are safe when injected together. Some studies indicate that polysorbate 80 is known to increase blood-brain barrier permeability, which raises major concerns about neurotoxic ingredients in vaccines crossing into the brain. Vaccines do not undergo long-term pharmokinetic studies to determine how these substances interact in the body over time Clearly, there are a number of wild unproven assumptions related to vaccine ingredient safety.
- Real Autism Science – Lies are Unbekoming
- Grey Wolves – Lies are Unbekoming
- The “Well Baby” Visit – Lies are Unbekoming
- Thimerosal (2015) – Lies are Unbekoming
Vaccines are not subjected to proper DBPCRT testing with inert (saline) placebos — which is the gold standard for determining safety and efficacy. Instead, vaccine trials typically use another vaccine or aluminum adjuvants as the “placebo,” which hides adverse effects by essentially ensuring both groups show reactions. Without proper DBPCRT studies comparing fully vaccinated vs. completely unvaccinated populations, claims of safety remain entirely unproven. If vaccines were truly safe, why not test them against a real inert placebo? Given infants receive multiple doses in one sitting every few months, isn’t this a moral, ethical, health and scientific imperative?
Several studies indicate that completely unvaccinated children have better overall health outcomes than their fully vaccinated peers. Studies by Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Neil Z. Miller, and others indicate that unvaccinated children had far lower rates of chronic conditions, asthma, allergies, ADHD, learning disabilities and more. For example, data from Dr. Paul Thomas’ pediatric clinic shows that unvaccinated children experience fewer ear infections, eczema, and autoimmune disorders compared to vaccinated children. Important note: by age one, children in the U.S. receive 26+ vaccine doses. If vaccines improve health, why do unvaccinated children appear healthier?
- Measles – Lies are Unbekoming
- Less is More – Lies are Unbekoming
- Infanrix Hexa – Lies are Unbekoming
Parents worldwide have shared devastating stories of their children regressing into autism, suffering seizures, or developing autoimmune conditions after vaccination. These parents have been gaslit, mocked, ostracized, attacked, and more for simply sharing their authentic stories. VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) contains millions of vaccine injury reports, and the CDC admits VAERS is severely underreported, meaning actual cases could be much higher. In fact, a Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study funded by HHS found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS. This suggests that the true number of vaccine injuries might be 100 times higher than official reports indicate.
- SIDS – Lies are Unbekoming
- Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden – Lies are Unbekoming
- Killing Babies – Lies are Unbekoming
- Poisoning Babies – Lies are Unbekoming
Vaccine manufacturers — including Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) — have a track record of fraud, falsifying data, hiding risks bribing doctors, knowingly causing harm, and more. For example, in 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in a settlement that was the largest health care fraud settlement and criminal fine in US history at the time, and GSK paid $3 billion in fines for illegal drug marketing.
At the same time, the FDA receives 75% of its drug regulatory budget from the very same pharmaceutical companies it regulates due to the 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA). This financial arrangement has compromised regulatory oversight, prioritizing rapid drug approvals over public safety.
- HPV “Vaccine”: Help Pay for Vioxx – Lies are Unbekoming
- HPV Vaccine – Lies are Unbekoming
- Uninformed Consent – Lies are Unbekoming
- Infanrix Hexa – Lies are Unbekoming
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) shielded vaccine makers from liability. Instead of suing the pharmaceutical company responsible for the product that led to injury or death, victims must file claims through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) — a specialized court that operates under the US Court of Federal Claims. Parents describe that the process is lengthy, complex, and adversarial — cases often take years, require extensive medical documentation and expert testimony, and face aggressive government defense, leading to frequent denials. Despite these hurdles, the VICP has paid out over $4.9 billion, proving vaccine injuries exist. If vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” why do manufacturers need legal immunity?
Historical data shows that infectious disease mortality declined by well over 90% before vaccine introduction, likely due to improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and other factors. Roman Bystrianyk and Dr. Suzanne Humphries document this in their book Dissolving Illusions, showing that diseases like measles, whooping cough, and diphtheria were becoming less deadly due not to vaccination, but a variety of other factors. This decline wasn’t limited to diseases with vaccines — diseases like scarlet fever, which had no mass vaccination program, also saw major reductions in mortality in the same timeframe. If vaccines were the primary reason for disease control, why did mortality rates decrease well before vaccine introduction, and why did non-vaccine diseases also plummet?
Health doesn’t come from vaccines, pharmaceuticals or endless supplements; vibrant health come from aligning with natural principles. Sunlight, grounding, nutrient-dense foods, clean water, circadian rhythm alignment, community, emotional regulation and more all contribute to vibrant health. The idea that health depends on vaccines totally contradicts the reality that adopting natural principles is sufficient to prevent, overcome, and totally reverse disease states. Health isn’t found in a needle — perpetual pharmacuetical profiteering is.
There is no evidence that viruses exist or cause illness. Virology does not follow the scientific method (please see my previous post for more details). Virology operates on a series of unproven assumptions, not empirical scientific evidence. The foundational claim — that viruses cause disease — is based on highly manipulated lab experiments, not direct evidence from nature. What virologists call “virus isolation” is fraudulent. A virus is never actually extracted from the bodily fluids of a sick person, but is assumed to exist within the fluids. Virologists mix unpurified bodily fluids with toxic antibiotics, antimycotics, and starved foreign cell cultures, which destroys the cells — then they wrongly blame a “virus” assumed to be in the sample for the damage.
Control studies by Dr. Stefan Lanka and others falsify the assumption that viruses cause cell death by showing that cell death occurs even without a human sample that is assumed to contain viruses. Additionally, 224 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests submitted to health institutions worldwide have failed to produce a single record of a virus being isolated directly from human bodily fluids. The images presented as “viruses” are actually cellular debris or artifacts from electron microscopy preparation, misidentified due to flawed methodology. This is just a short list of the problems with virology. With that, since vaccines require the existence of viruses and viruses have never been shown to exist, there is literally zero reason to ever receive a vaccine.
- The Virus™ Paradigm: Assumptions, Lies, and the Foundation of Modern Medicine
- Settling the Virus Debate – Lies are Unbekoming
- An End to Upside Down Medicine – Lies are Unbekoming
- Measles “Virus” – Lies are Unbekoming
FBI’s ILLEGAL Gun Confiscation Plan Is OVER – Trump’s Forces Are REMOVING Every Deep State Operative!
Source; E
The war has begun. Trump is back, and he’s taking down the Deep State’s enforcers! The FBI has been caught red-handed running a secret gun confiscation program—stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights without trial, without charges, without due process!
The Deep State’s FBI Gun Grab EXPOSED
Gun Owners of America (GOA) has uncovered the FBI’s NICS Indices Self-Submission Form—a covert weapon used to coerce Americans into signing away their gun rights. It was supposed to stay in the shadows, but now it’s blown wide open.
FBI agents were trained to intimidate gun owners into signing away their rights!
Mental health “experts” were used to declare patriots “unfit” without evidence!
Once signed, the government BLACKLISTED these Americans—NO WAY to fight back!
The FBI denied everything—until their own training manuals were exposed! This was never about safety. This was about CONTROL. The Deep State fears an armed, awakened population, and they’ve been quietly eliminating potential resistance.
Trump’s Counterattack Begins – FBI PURGE Underway
The Deep State never wanted Trump back. Now we know why. Since his return, Trump has been REMOVING Deep State operatives from the FBI—one by one. The FBI was never meant to be the Deep State’s private hit squad, but that’s exactly what they became.
Trump’s direct orders:
Fire EVERY corrupt FBI leader and replace them with patriots.
Purge every agent involved in illegal surveillance and election meddling.
DECLASSIFY all hidden programs targeting conservatives.
Restore gun rights to EVERYONE illegally blacklisted!
The FBI is the first battleground—but not the last.
The FBI’s “Pre-Crime” Tactics – Straight Out of Minority Report
The FBI wasn’t just seizing guns—they were punishing people before they even committed crimes.
Gun owners were labeled “mentally unfit” based on Deep State informants.
Government-backed medical professionals rubber-stamped false reports.
No trial, no appeal—just a lifetime gun ban.
This wasn’t law enforcement. This was totalitarian disarmament.
Congress Joins the Fight – The FBI’s Days Are Numbered
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, and Kash Patel are leading a FULL investigation into the FBI’s crimes!
Every victim of this illegal gun grab will have their rights restored!
FBI officials behind this operation will face JUSTICE!
The Deep State’s Plan: Disarm First, Control Second
This was NEVER about safety. The Deep State knows a disarmed nation is an obedient nation. Every dictator in history started with gun confiscation—and the FBI was executing that plan in secret.
Why does the FBI target gun owners instead of criminals?
Why is gun control always the first move of totalitarian regimes?
Why was this entire operation kept HIDDEN from the American people?
Because they fear RESISTANCE. But now, Trump is RUINING their entire plan.
Trump’s Next Moves – Deep State’s Gun Control Operation DESTROYED
Executive Order: No more backdoor gun control—EVER.
Every coerced gun ban REVERSED.
The FBI’s power STRIPPED—no more Deep State puppets.
New laws ensuring NO future government can disarm Americans.
Trump isn’t just stopping this scheme. He’s making sure the Deep State NEVER has this power again.
The War Has Begun – The Deep State’s COLLAPSE is Near!
The FBI was caught. They LIED. They manipulated. They ILLEGALLY disarmed Americans.
Now, Trump is systematically taking them down.
The Deep State fought tooth and nail to keep Trump out of power—because they knew this day would come. And NOW IT’S HERE.
The traitors inside the FBI will be EXPOSED.
The Second Amendment will STAND.
And America will be FREE AGAIN.
The war for America’s survival has reached its final phase. Trump has returned, but Obama’s deep-state machine still clings to power. This is more than a presidency—this is a war to dismantle the most corrupt network in U.S. history.
Biden was a puppet. Every policy disaster, every attack on free speech, the Second Amendment, and Trump’s indictments—it was all orchestrated by Obama’s secret network. The stolen 2024 election was their last desperate move, but they FAILED. Now they’re exposed.
With Trump back, Obama’s deep-state operatives are panicking. They thought America would never break free. They were wrong.
Obama’s entire history is a lie. His Columbia records? Sealed. His citizenship status? Covered up. His radical leftist ties? Hidden. These files are now being unsealed, exposing his connections to foreign powers and intelligence operations.
This wasn’t incompetence—it was deliberate.
Economic warfare—Crushing the middle class, killing small businesses, and destroying energy independence.
Border invasion—Importing millions of illegals as a permanent voter base and destabilization force.
Weaponized government—FBI, DOJ, IRS—turned into a political hit squad to silence patriots.
The deep state is desperate. The lights won’t go out by accident. This is their final strike—be ready. ARM UP. STOCK UP. STAY ALERT.
Military tribunals—Obama’s operatives will face justice.
Unsealing the Obama files—The truth will be revealed.
Deporting illegals—The invasion will end.
Breaking the globalist elite—The WEF, UN, and Big Tech are losing control.
They never thought Trump would return. They never thought the people would rise up. But now, it’s too late for them.
Trump is back. The war is on. And this time, the traitors won’t escape.
American Media Group News

Source; E
· The truth has been buried for DECADES, but it’s finally coming to light: Barack Obama is the direct grandson of Adolf Hitler! His grandmother? Eva Braun! The deception runs so deep it will make your head spin!
· HITLER NEVER DIED IN 1945! That was his butler, a body double! The real Hitler escaped to Argentina with Eva Braun, where they raised their secret children—INCLUDING Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham!
· BARRY OBAMA HITLER – THE BLOODLINE THEY HID FROM YOU! Obama’s aunts? None other than Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė! They placed their OWN into power, controlling the world behind the scenes!
· WE DIDN’T WIN WWII – THE NAZIS INFILTRATED EVERYTHING! Operation Paperclip brought Nazi scientists into the U.S. government, and the Deep State took full control! They withdrew, regrouped, and spread worldwide! Antarctica, South America—the truth has been erased from history!
· THE ROTHSCHILD CONNECTION: Hitler himself was a Rothschild by blood, and so is Obama! The Illuminati bloodlines run deep—their power is generational! This is why the elites protect each other, passing control from one puppet to the next!
· OBAMA’S LEGAL WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION!: Not only did Obama engineer the Plandemic with secret virus funding to Wuhan, but he also legalized propaganda against the public! Through HR 4310 and Section 230, he gave Big Tech and the Deep State the power to LIE to you, CENSOR the truth, and manipulate reality itself!
Source; E
For over a CENTURY, we’ve been ENSLAVED by a LIE! The IRS has STOLEN every dollar you’ve ever paid in income tax—based on a FRAUDULENT amendment that was NEVER legally ratified! A CONFIDENTIAL 1985 letter from an IRS Commissioner proves the biggest financial CRIME in U.S. history. DEEP STATE EXPOSED!
The 16th Amendment—the foundation of the IRS—was never legally passed! That means every tax dollar collected since 1913 was ILLEGAL THEFT! The numbers are staggering: $330 TRILLION looted from hardworking Americans, funneled into corrupt government pockets. EVERY DOLLAR MUST BE RETURNED!
The ratification process was RIGGED.
States were coerced, votes were falsified!
The IRS was CREATED as a deep-state weapon to control YOU!
This is not just fraud—it’s TREASON! They KNEW the 16th Amendment was never legally ratified, but they shoved it through ANYWAY. WAKE UP, AMERICA!
In 1985, an IRS Commissioner ADMITTED the truth in a CONFIDENTIAL letter: The 16th Amendment was NEVER legally ratified! The IRS KNEW their entire system was built on a lie, but they continued to EXTORT TRILLIONS from American citizens!
Think about this: Every single paycheck deduction, every audit, every penalty, every tax bill—ALL OF IT WAS ILLEGAL! You have been ROBBED for over a CENTURY!
Not into roads, not into schools, not into making America better. It went to corrupt politicians, globalist elites, and deep-state operatives! They stole OUR money and used it to enslave us!
They are scrambling to suppress this information, labeling it “misinformation” because they KNOW what happens if Americans WAKE UP!
They will censor us. They will attack us. They will silence us.
THIS IS OUR MOMENT. If we don’t fight back now, we remain SLAVES. But if we RISE UP—
BREAKING REPORT: 2021 Data reveals 42.27% OF MAINE’S STATE REVENUE is provided by the Federal Government..
Imagine what it is now..
Maine’s Governor will NEVER be elected to public office again.
Background Research
Deep State Unmasked – Unprecedented Military Coup Exposed!
“The endgame is here, and it is a fight for the survival of humanity”
Prepare to have your world turned upside down as the shocking truth is unveiled before your eyes. The sinister machinations of the elite powers have been exposed in a mind-boggling military coup that defies belief.
Discover how ex-presidents Clinton and Obama, in cahoots with the CIA, masterminded a audacious plan to overthrow a sitting president, manipulating military intelligence to achieve their sinister objectives. This astonishing revelation will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.
Hold onto your seats as we delve into the darkest secrets of the deep state. Adam Schiff, backed by the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and DOD, played a pivotal role in this nefarious scheme, fostering division and chaos that tore at the very fabric of our nation. Uncover the chilling connections to a sprawling pedophilia ring, intertwined with the notorious Epstein scandal—where money laundering, human trafficking, and blackmail ran rampant.
But the deception runs deeper still. Gain a glimpse into the sinister agenda behind this coup—deadly vaccines, societal collapse, digital surveillance, and widespread censorship. These revelations will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.
Prepare to have your reality shattered once more as we expose the hidden agenda of the global elites. Unravel the shocking plan orchestrated by the Rockefellers, involving a staged alien invasion to manipulate and control the masses. This audacious scheme, foretold by NASA’s own Wernher von Braun, will shake the very foundations of our understanding.
Be warned: the first alien invasion will be nothing but smoke and mirrors. Look beyond the illusion and discover the true depths of their deception. Brace yourself for the imminent disclosure—a revelation that will rewrite history and challenge everything we hold dear.
Stay vigilant, fellow patriots, as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented awakening. The battle between light and darkness rages on, but remember, truth and justice will prevail. Get ready to witness the greatest unraveling of our time!
Source: David Wilcock
“War Does Not Determine Who Is Right, Only Who is Left.” – Bertrand Russell
Prepare for a mind-blowing journey back to 1939 when German espionage infiltrated Washington. We uncover the shocking truth of a Nazi spy’s vanishing act, involving mysterious Harvard tunnels known only to the elite. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Behind closed doors, the secret military tribunals are unraveling the web of Epstein’s connections to Harvard’s sinister submarine human trafficking rings. As the Epstein list teeters on the edge of exposure, the CIA is in a panic, and their plan to install Gavin Newsom as the next U.S. President crumbles.
But wait, there’s more! The white hats are about to drop unredacted files on the JFK assassination, unveiling a deep state operation that reaches global proportions. Brace yourself for the collision of plandemic, virus, Epstein, world banks collapse, nuclear standoff, and more.
Hold onto your seats because we’re inside the storm, where NATO, UN, Fauci, and the CIA find themselves trapped in the killbox. It’s the season of whistleblowers worldwide, and the questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s mysterious tattoo and Flynn’s shocking article on child sex trafficking around the Five Finger Lakes are just the beginning.
Get ready for the truth bombshell that will leave you speechless. Brace for impact!
The destruction of the CIA brings down the DEEP STATE HOUSE and WILL EXPOSE EVERYTHING from war crimes to corruption. To military coups and the control of the Federal reserve and the corrupt world banks
This connects to bringing down the first FAKE U S. CBDC ( I have told many times the first U.S. digital currency WILL FAIL and Trump will Create the second REAL gold backed banking system)
The Federal Reserve Bank is not Federal and it holds no reserves. It is a private bank owned by its member banks. And overall, owned by the same big banks deemed too big to fail. Like JPMorgan Chase. So when the CBDCs come to supposedly save the day, remember that these banks are run by child rapists and human traffickers.
Who was Seth Rich? What did he know? Why is he important?
Source: David Wilcock
Restored Republic Timeline
“The American Republic Will Endure Until the Day Congress Discovers It Can Bribe the Public With the Public’s Money.” – Alexis de Tocqueville
Since President Trump’s inauguration in 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators had filed over 500,000 indictments against Global and Political Elites in federal courts across the nation. Charges included Treason, Human/ Child Trafficking, Murder, Assassinations, Drug and Arms Smuggling and RICO Money Laundering.
After arrests, interrogations and State Grand Jury trials, verified facts in the over 500,000 cases were given to John Durham – who included them in his report – the full extent of which was about to be released.
Since Feb. 2020 a US Interim Military Government has been executing arrests of those prominent elites. “For nearly two years I’ve watched at least five large, unmarked cruise ships, parked two miles off the coast of Long Beach California, in the Pacific Ocean! All the while seeing literally 60 to 70 helicopter flights a day, fanning out in three different directions… unmarked helicopters… obviously some military and some civilian. This has happened every day, including Sundays, nonstop for nearly two years!” …Anonymous
On Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked provisions of the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to Foreign Intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020.
Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military Special Forces have been holding nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using that evidence – evidence that was handed over to Durham and included in a report.
Soon the full Durham Report would be released, followed by another round of around 3,000 arrests of those found guilty of crimes including Treason during the years of investigation since Trump took office.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Uncovering the Truth: Shedding Light on FISA
“Nothing Is Hidden That Will Not Be Made Known, Nothing is Secret That Will Not Come To Light.” – Dan Brown
Recent revelations surrounding the FBI’s warrantless “backdoor searches” on American citizens, as disclosed by the DOJ Inspector General, have brought forth a concerning issue. While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was initially designed for targeted surveillance of foreigners, it appears that the FBI has been exploiting it to conduct covert surveillance on Americans.
The 2022 transparency report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals an alarming number of 3.4 million backdoor searches conducted in 2021 alone. This revelation has led to questions raised by Gaetz regarding the legitimacy of these searches.
These findings give rise to several important questions: Who authorized the FISA warrants against Flynn? Were there FISA warrants issued against Trump, his campaign, and his aides? Who approved the FISA warrants for surveillance on millions of U.S. citizens? Moreover, why were FISA warrants utilized for spying on foreign governments and influencing events like the “color revolutions” in Egypt, Libya, or attempts to undermine Bin Salman? Understanding the true nature of FISA is of utmost importance.
The significance of Q’s repeated warnings about FISA cannot be ignored. How did Q possess this knowledge in advance?
Consider the implications if these truths were not uncovered. Although the path ahead may be challenging, we must ensure that every step we take adheres to legal protocols. It is crucial for ordinary individuals to comprehend and accept events based on factual information.
The FISA revelations are part of a larger narrative, the opening act of a carefully orchestrated production. This narrative involves exposing bad actors, installing trustworthy individuals, and unmasking sleeper agents. We are prepared for what lies ahead.
[FISA] unveils a planned military coup against the 45th President, revealing deep-rooted corruption within U.S. intelligence agencies, involving elites and even presidents engaged in treasonous acts.
Kash Patel urged trust in Durham, whose saga is yet to unfold, along with the Epstein and Hunter sagas. President Trump himself boldly stated, “It’s treason.”
Behind the scenes, divisions among U.S. military generals persist, while the white hats prepare to release damning evidence and expose the deep state. The involvement of the U.S. military is significant.
It is also important to acknowledge that [FISA] works both ways, and the military white hats possess comprehensive knowledge.
This is not just another ordinary election cycle. Patriots, stand strong as the white hats awaken the masses and initiate Congressional hearings and Senate debriefings to legally substantiate the evidence and establish a solid record. It all leads to the implementation of the Law of War and the imminent arrest of those involved. November 3rd is fast approaching.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
GLOBAL MILITARY COUPS: Unveiling the False Flags & Wars
“Most of Wars or Military Coups or Invasions are Done in the Name of Democracy Against Democracy.” – Eduardo Galeano
Anticipated global developments are rapidly unfolding, confirming the warnings I have long issued. Across numerous countries, the battle between the entrenched Deep State and the White Hats is intensifying, leading to a series of arrests and military coups. Both factions are leveling accusations of treason and invoking military intervention, while the mainstream media, revealing its true allegiance, intensifies biased attacks against targeted individuals, groups, or regimes.
In a recent, pivotal event, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was apprehended by paramilitary police. Khan had openly accused the CIA of orchestrating a military coup in Pakistan, vowing to expose the widespread corruption within his own government and military, particularly their collaboration with the CIA. Credible sources reveal that Khan possessed substantial intelligence on illicit activities, including the CIA’s involvement in heroin drug trafficking, covert arms deals between the United States, Pakistan, and China, and complex money laundering operations. Alarmingly, the longstanding and heinous practice of male child trafficking between Pakistan and Afghanistan, implicating military, police, government officials, and elites, has persisted for decades—a dark reality even depicted in the film Dancing Boys of Afghanistan.
Pakistan is now engulfed in chaos, with violent clashes between security forces and Imran Khan’s supporters, resulting in casualties, including fatalities in the city of Quetta. This unrest, emblematic of the ARREST WARS phenomenon, is expected to spread to multiple countries by 2024. The United States, on the brink of a civil war plot orchestrated by the Deep State—an agenda discussed by U.S. generals over the past two years—serves as a harbinger of this global turmoil. Over the past year alone, military coups have already occurred in countries across Africa, South America, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, and Myanmar, with further incidents anticipated as tensions escalate.
In this growing global storm, corrupt nations are plotting to overthrow governments under CIA influence. The revelation of increasing deaths linked to the virus and vaccines has fueled public outrage, with leaked reports on gain-of-function research and widespread corruption shaking nations to their core. Governments and corporations tied to the CIA network are being exposed, igniting a silent yet powerful worldwide revolution. Behind the scenes, a military alliance is orchestrating these events, accelerating the storm and paving the way for a great awakening.
During these challenging and dark times, let us keep our faith strong, dear patriots, for beyond the storm lies the light. The best is yet to come as we push through the tempest towards a brighter, more just future.
Source: Judy Byington
Breaking News: Subpoenas Issued to Elite Figures in the Epstein Case
“True Courage Is To Stand Against Evil, Even When We Stand Alone.” – Richard C. Edgley
Prepare for the shocking truth to be unveiled as powerful individuals find themselves at the center of the Epstein case. Take note of the names resonating throughout influential circles:
– Sergey Brin: Google Founder, ranked 12th richest person globally
– Thomas Pritzker: CEO of the Pritzker Organization and Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corporation
– Michael Ovitz: Co-founder of Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and former President of The Walt Disney Company
– Mortimer Zuckerman: CEO of Boston Properties and media owner
These individuals wield significant influence, overseeing corporations, subsidiaries, and investors within the intricate network of global elites. Their wealth intertwines with entities like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and Wall Street, all guided by influential forces such as the CIA and the Rockefeller’s.
Attempts to bury the Epstein case and conceal connections to the Virgin Islands, JP Morgan, and the Epstein sex trafficking ring were met with unwavering resistance from the U.S. Virgin Islands, supported by military intelligence operations. Even with vast resources and attempts to manipulate the justice system, these elites were unable to escape scrutiny.
But how did the richest elites lose control over the Epstein cases and their grip on the judiciary, despite their immense power? What is truly unfolding?
Enter the World of Military Alliance Operations
If you have been following various sources, including enigmatic figures like Q The Storm Rider, you may have glimpsed the grand game at play. Military alliance operations are underway, aiming to dismantle the cabal, the deep state, and expose the global pedophilia ring connected to Epstein. Uncover the web of blackmail operations involving Mossad, MI6, the CIA, and DARPA’s Five Eyes operations.
These powerful entities allegedly orchestrated the pandemic, funded the virus, and manipulated organizations like the World Health Organization for their own malevolent agenda. Wars served as smokescreens to hide their nefarious activities, with Ukraine allegedly serving as a major money laundering operation run by the CIA and DARPA’s 4th Reich operations.
It’s important to note that the individuals mentioned are of Jewish heritage and have connections to CCP organizations and markets. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between good and bad actors within any group. The real Jewish society is reportedly working to purge the infiltration of the Khazarian Mafia, an ongoing struggle to reclaim their heritage.
Stay prepared for seismic revelations in the Epstein case. The truth will emerge, and those who believed themselves untouchable will face the consequences they deserve.
Source: David Wilcock
Durham Report Alludes to a Deeper Background Story
“Never Forget The American Commitment to Real Justice and Accountability.” – Michael R. Pompeo
The mention of the Durham report alludes to a deeper story, suggesting that military and intelligence agencies possess documents related to the investigation. It is implied that the current publicized Durham report serves as a cover for their operations, with the true findings being held privately.
The topic of bringing down the CIA is also mentioned, along with its connections to various organizations such as the WHO, vaccines, biolabs, banks, CDC, and NIH. Additionally, references are made to important individuals possessing classified JFK files and the involvement of RFK Jr. and former President Trump in unveiling undisclosed information. Congress and senators are actively discussing the Durham investigation, and Elon Musk is said to be setting a trap with Twitter, indicating that not everything is as it appears.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Top Secret NATO War Plans for Russia, Colossal Web of Corruption
“Never Think That War No Matter How Necessary Nor Just, Is Not A Crime.” – Earnest Hemingway
We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO war plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.
Step into a clandestine world of power and opulence where billions of dollars from the CCP have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks. But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. In the shadows, intelligence units are tirelessly decrypting the covert codes utilized in the SVB financial democratic laundering systems. The sinister collapse of SVB and its eerie connections to the Deep State trace back to the highest echelons of the U.S. government—the CIA, Pentagon, Obama, Biden—exposing a vast network of corruption entwined with the Ukrainian money laundering system and the far-reaching grasp of the CCP.
Meanwhile, the arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lies a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph. By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures. This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.
For months, we have been fed a steady diet of lies about Ukraine’s supposed triumph in the war, propagated by the Pentagon, mainstream media, and the Biden administration. However, now, valiant insiders emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the truth. Among them stands Colonel Douglas MacGregor, a trusted confidant of Trump and a seasoned war strategist. Backed by classified intelligence reports and the unwavering commitment of oath keepers and the Military Alliance, MacGregor’s revelations paint a bleak picture of the Ukrainian battlefield. As the supply of cutting-edge weaponry and systems from the US and EU grinds to a halt, the imminent collapse of Ukraine becomes undeniable.
Prepare for the ultimate shockwave—leaked U.S. military and NATO war plans are making waves online, courtesy of Russia. These classified documents lay bare the true extent of Ukrainian casualties, revealing that hundreds of thousands have perished on their side, while the Russian losses pale in comparison. The Pentagon, CIA, and NATO find themselves reeling as their hidden motives and objectives are laid bare. Desperate to regain control, they dismiss the leaked documents as Russian disinformation or heavily manipulated data. But the truth cannot be silenced!
We are witnessing an unprecedented series of events, masterfully orchestrated according to the Laws of War—3.4, 3.5, leading to the climactic 3.6. Each thread we unravel, from Epstein to Ukraine, Obama to the Clintons, the CIA to the virus, and even Silicon Valley Bank, weaves an intricate tapestry of intrigue and corruption. Every sign points to a pivotal date—11.3—the point of no return.
But that’s not all—the floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration. White hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the deep state’s AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power. We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.
Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance. This is the storm you’ve been anxiously awaiting—the world will never be the same again!
Source: David Wilcock
Global Economic Collapse
“Recession is When Your Neighbor Lose His Job, Depression Is When You Lose Yours.” – Ronald Regan
by Peter Novak, Warnings Released May 19th – 28th
I told you that the US would experience a strong panic yesterday. There were actually several panics in the US yesterday. Most of them were political in nature, and most of them only panicked the Democrat side of the isle.
The strongest panic yesterday may have been in Congress, over the Whistleblowers’ testimonies that obliterated the Dem narratives on January 6th and other issues. But the Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the election trial in Arizona, because it seemed to be going so well for Kari Lake.
The Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the Default Crisis, so much so in fact that they began floating the controversial and never-before used idea of using the 14″ Amendment to circumvent the need for a Congressional bill to raise the Debt Ceiling. The Dems were also panicking yesterday because the GOP filed impeachment charges against Biden and several members of his Administration, and also moved to remove Adam Schiff from the House.
And the Dems were also panicking yesterday because Senator Feinstein finally came back from medical leave, but she now seems to be mentally impaired, and said yesterday that she doesn’t even remember being gone from Congress for the last several months.
Source: Peter Novak
US Open Border Crisis, Mexican Cartel Infiltration, Insurgents, & Mercenary Invaders
“Over one million Mexican civilians have been killed by the Cartels in the past 10 yrs. US border town shootings and crime up 1100%. Mexican Cartels have declared War on the US and Americans are silent”
Mexico-based drug cartels—and not the government of the United States—”control everything that crosses that southwest border,” including “illegal migrant crossings” that “create gaps in border security,” according to former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott.
“When I say gaps in border security, I mean they overwhelm all of our law enforcement in the area beyond the Border Patrol, and that creates gaps where there is no law enforcement, and then they bring into the country anything they want,” Scott said during a May 23 hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.
The cartels aren’t just in Mexico, they’re also present in the United States, according to Scott, who’s now a distinguished senior fellow for border policy with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

In a clear sign of white hat military action, 24 Republican governors announced deployments of National Guard troops to assist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security efforts.

One reason the troops are being deployed is that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been paying a staggering $18,000 per child to “sponsor” unaccompanied minors. The children were being placed with abusive “sponsors” and up to 85,000 “sponsored” children are missing.

The “Dark Side” of Globalization
• Mexico is the “hub” of the underground globalization drug market
• Mexican cartels desire to control transportation routes
• Transit points usually link Mexico with Latin American drug producing nations such as Colombia & Peru, and the U.S, to which the majority of drugs are smuggled
• Mexican cartels are responsible for 90% of the U.S cocaine market & key producers of marijuana and methamphetamines
• 90% of guns seized in Mexico including high-powered semi automatic rifles, originated in the U.S
• Mexican cartels are active in more than 1,000 cities
• 450,000 Mexicans now rely on the international drug trafficking as their primary source of income
Source: Ben Fulford
Russia’s Audacious Plan to End War! Global Powers in Panic!
“I Found in My Experience in War, that Plans are Useless, but Planning is Invaluable.” – Winston Churchill
Hold onto your seats as we reveal Russia’s shocking strategy to bring the war to an abrupt halt! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping revelation: Russia intends to capture Kiev and sever vital communication lines from Poland, effectively dismantling NATO and U.S. military intelligence in Ukraine. Putin’s next move is set to reshape the geopolitical landscape!
In an astonishing turn of events, tens of thousands of Russians are flooding into the military, with a staggering 6,000 to 10,000 enlistments reported daily in western Russia alone. The immense support for Russia’s decisive strike on Ukraine and the capture of Kiev is surging, as the Russian people rally behind their nation’s cause.
Germany, weary of the protracted conflict, has witnessed the largest anti-war protest in its history. The sentiment is spreading, with news articles and public opinion shifting against the East, driven by NATO and the U.S. The anti-war movement reverberates across Italy, Hungary, Austria, and even France, where silent resistance against NATO commands is gaining momentum.
Behind closed doors, Poland has struck a secret truce with China, engaging in a delicate dance while surreptitiously sending jets to Ukraine. Poland and Germany are even plotting to align with the BRICS nations, joining over 110 other nations clandestinely signing deals with Russia and China. The tides are turning against the warmongers.
Prepare to have your worldview shattered as the undeniable truth emerges: The Russian economy thrives despite relentless U.S. and EU sanctions, while the U.S. and EU economies crumble before our eyes. Resistance is brewing in the Middle East, Africa, and South America as these nations refuse to succumb to the manipulations of the U.S., EU, UK, NATO, and the UN. The balance of power is shifting.
Startling military intelligence reports estimate that an astonishing 4.8 billion people worldwide support China and Russia, engaging in flourishing trade with these nations. Surprisingly, even countries like France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, and the UK are engaging in record-high legal and illicit trade with Russia.
Ukraine finds itself teetering on the edge of collapse, as its ammunition runs dry and Ukrainian soldiers face a perilous existence with a mere four-hour life span in the Bakhmut battle. The truth becomes undeniable: NATO and the U.S. are losing support for their CIA proxy war against Russia. The world is waking up to their deceit.
But that’s not all! Behind the scenes, Trump is orchestrating a seismic investigation into the CIA and Pentagon, aiming to expose the truth about Nord Stream, U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, money laundering, and war crimes. The coming months will witness Congressional hearings and military courts unveiling shocking revelations. Russia plans to release surveillance videos, pulling back the veil of secrecy.
As if that weren’t enough, explosive scandals are on the horizon: the Hunter Laptop saga, the Epstein revelations, Fauci’s exposure, the Pentagon’s involvement in gain-of-function research and vaccine creation, the imminent collapse of the U.S. fiat system, the Biden family’s exposé, and much more. The deep state is in a panic, struggling to find the funds to sustain their genocidal agenda.
Where is Bill Gates’ money? What happened to Rothschilds’ and Rockefellers’ fortunes? What about the U.S. Treasury, Soros, and the Davos Group? The staggering sums needed to fund NATO, the UN, and the Ukraine war are vanishing into thin air. The deep state’s monetary system is crumbling, paving the way for their ultimate downfall.
Patriots, stay strong ! The storm is approaching its climax as the eight-year struggle reaches its final year. The triumphant smiles of Trump, Xi, Putin, Modi, Bin Salman, and Musk resonate from the depths of Cheyenne Mountains. Their plan is in motion.
NCSWIC 11.3: The truth is about to be revealed!
Source: David Wilcock
The US Military is Presently at Defcon Level ONE Red Alert Impending Global Nuclear Attack
“War is a Grim, Cruel Business, a Business Justified Only as a Means of Sustaining the Forces of Good Against Those of Evil.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
US at Defcon Level ONE, Red Alert for Impending Global Nuclear Attack.
In addition, this coming Thurs. 28, November and despite rhetoric put out by Biden and Congress – the US will default on it’s debts. There was nothing left in the US Inc. Treasury but fiat monies, and little of that due to US Inc. being trillions in debt and with a legal inability to print more.
For some time the Deep State has been functioning on fiat monies and artificially holding up World Stock Markets. Thereby US Inc. would be unable to make loan repayments – that was bound to send world markets into a tailspin and instigate Stock Market crashes around the Globe. After the crash, the Markets were not expected to return – ever.
All of which added up to an imminent need for activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.
The Good News: the moment the EBS came about, the Deep State Satanic Rule would be over.
The Bad News: the Internet would fail, making Banks unable to function.
Not to worry. By that same Thurs. 1 June all 209 major countries across the Globe were due to be connected to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS), with their gold/asset-backed currencies activated. Monies in your present bank account have already been mirrored onto a secure personal account in that new monetary system.
Those who hold foreign currencies and bonds destined to go up in value with this new QFS, would do exchanges and redemptions at Redemption Centers (There were over 7,000 Redemption Centers that have been set up in the US alone).
The General Public would soon also receive NESARA/GESARA monies (monies stolen by the Cabal) at those same Redemption Centers.
Source: Judy Byington
Fake Alien Invasion | Project Blue Beam | False Flag Operation
“A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. Nations (US/CIA) have often done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying the enemy (Aliens) did it, as a pretext for going to war or ushering in their NWO.”
💢 The Pentagon wants a violent narration of an Alien invasion. There were Whistleblowers coming forward and powerful White Hats who were going to counter the violent invasion propaganda Deep State narration
While the Pentagon Mainstream Media was claiming there was going to be an Alien invasion, White Hats were pushing real Disclosure – the Pentagon was already involved with the Alien Agenda and technology.
This game theory move traps the Pentagon CIA as the leaks and Whistleblowers come from within their own divisions (proving there was a cover up and agenda happening.
No Mainstream Media outlet reported on a Whistleblower who exposed that the Pentagon had knowledge of advanced UFO technology (and more).The New York Times and Washington Post didn’t touch the story.
This says the Deep State did not want the Whistleblower to get coverage on his story as it would connect the Pentagon/CIA/DOD to an Alien Agenda cover up and Deep State Operation in progress.
Counter moves were being made against the fake Alien Invasion Rockefeller Deep State Operation.
Source; Wilcock

Unveiling the Sinister Khazarian Mafia DS Playbook: The Path to Total Digital Banking Control | CBDC
“As the World Becomes a More Digital Place, We Can Not Forget About the Human Connection” – Adam Neumann
Prepare for the Impending Crisis of Hunger and Starvation!
The nefarious Deep State is orchestrating a diabolical event that will cunningly shift the blame to a fabricated food distribution collapse.
Their sinister plan? Manipulate the masses into desperate dependence on the government, who will swoop in as supposed saviors, offering food rations and free money$$.
But beware! There’s a catch: You must surrender your freedom by registering through their insidious digital banking system, granting them control over your financial life and integrating you into their new order. Any violation of their cryptic and convoluted terms and conditions will result in swift and severe consequences — frozen bank accounts, exorbitant fines, or even total asset confiscation.
And that’s not all! They aim to silence dissenting voices by forbidding the sharing of any information that challenges the mainstream narrative on pandemic protocols, vaccines, virus origins, and war-related details.
Beware the Machiavellian Operation Lock Step, masterminded by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Khazarian EU, and their clandestine cohorts. They are poised to plunge humanity into an abyss of control and manipulation.
But fear not, for there is hope! Courageous White Hats are working tirelessly behind the scenes, channeling the Deep State’s wicked plan into a magnificent awakening.
In this high-stakes game, it’s a battle of chess-like proportions, with darkness shrouding the world before the triumphant emergence of light.
Stay vigilant, my fellow citizens, and ensure you have enough provisions to sustain yourself for the forthcoming tumultuous period of 30 to 90 days.
The time for action is now. Let the truth prevail.
Darkness Before The Light
Source: David Wilcock
White Hat Intel | Two Disruptive Events Planned
“The Greatest Danger in Times of Disruptive Events, is Not the Disruption, it is to Act with Yesterdays Logic” – Peter Drucker
Military issued satellite phones to the Senate in the coming Communications Blackout Event.
This comes on the heel of China Spy Balloons and China merging with Russia on tactical War defense operations.
Four Star General Keane issued a warning: “China will attack our Homeland quite massively using cyber Capabilities to attack, defeat our electrical grid, oil gas distribution even the financial sector.” Gen. Keane went on to say that China will try to defeat the US inside the U.S. and Pacific regions.
This all comes as Russia makes its BRICS alliance and tells the Alliance that he will nuclear arm them if they wish to join forces against the western regimen.
At the same time China issues warning to the CIA.
The international community needs to stay on high alert against cyber attack activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States around the world, and the United States must stop using cyber weapons to carry out espionage and cyber attacks, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday. Mao Ning _CHINA.
TRUMP. RFK JR. PUTIN. XI all have publicly attacked the CIA for world corruption.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says it has spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness in the event of a nuclear emergency.
In 2017 the CIA was doing Operation Gotham Shield exercises conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area with the National Guard.
Source: Judy Byington
Get Ready for Impact | U.S. Military Forewarns of Turmoil and Generals Sound the Alarm!
“One Thorn of Experience is Worth A Whole Wilderness of Warnings.” – James Russel Lowell
Prepare yourself for a riveting revelation as esteemed military figures raise the alarm. Brace for the stunning insights from Major General Paul Eaton, former Brigadier General; Steven Anderson, and Army Major General Antonio Taguba, who express grave concerns about a potential civil war on the horizon in 2024. Their words reverberate through military circles, leaving us with a sense of unsettling anticipation.
Behind Closed Doors: Militias Rise, Ammunition Disappears!
Tensions grip the nation as numerous militias, spanning across political affiliations, non-voters, criminal gangs, and cartels, contribute to an unprecedented surge in ammunition sales. Prepare for a chilling truth: an astonishing 76 government agencies in the United States are stockpiling weapons and military equipment, boasting over 200,000 federalized officers armed with the authority to make arrests and bear firearms. This force outnumbers even the formidable U.S. Marines. Disturbing revelations emerge about hidden funding, reaching into the tens of millions, courtesy of the Biden Administration’s collusion with the CIA and Pentagon.
Military Machinations: Revealing Loyal Generals and the Deep State!
Unravel the enigma surrounding military generals and commanders who remain loyal or, perhaps worse, compromised by deep state elites. How did they ascend to positions of power? Brace yourself for a truth that shatters trust: the Ukrainian failure intertwined with a corrupt web of connections involving global bank corruption, the U.S. military-industrial complex, and a clandestine bioweapons saga. Grave concerns of Nuremberg Code violations, crimes against humanity, treason, and war crimes loom large.
The Web of Treason: Exposing Pentagon’s Role in the Plandemic!
Peel back the layers of deception to uncover the shocking involvement of the Pentagon in the global pandemic. Delve into the dark underbelly where a sinister plot is intertwined with stolen elections, foreign interference, foreign occupation, and a ruthless power pursuit. The air hangs heavy with allegations of treason, violations of the Nuremberg Code, and crimes against humanity, casting a damning shadow over those orchestrating this devastating conspiracy.
Whistleblowers Unleashed: High-Ranking Military Officers Take a Stand!
A tide turns as courageous high-ranking military officers, including captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels, step forward as whistleblowers. These fearless voices, protected by Congress and the Senate, are poised to expose deep state military generals involved in pushing the vaccine agenda, violating the Nuremberg Code, and committing crimes against humanity. The landscape shifts as reports emerge of certain generals resigning in anticipation of imminent investigations.
The Only Path Forward: A Militarized Journey!
In this era of uncertainty, the resounding echoes of “it had to be this way” leave an indelible mark. As the United States teeters on the edge, one truth emerges: the path ahead lies with the military. Brace yourself for the trials that lie in wait. The destiny of our nation hangs in the balance, watched closely by the world with bated breath.
Source: David Wilcock
Behind the Scenes, Near Death Civilization Event Plans Under Way
“Sometimes A Little Near Death Experience Helps Them Put Things Into Perspective.” – Anne Shropshire
TRUMP is preparing to make the UNITED STATES A WORLD LEADER in the honor of goodness and greatness of the American People. No matter what happens in the next months inside the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT
PLANS are already under way for TRUMP to RETURN PUBLICLY AS COMMANDER AND CHIEF ( in real time TRUMP is the commander and Chief, and Cheyenne mountain recognizes him as the true leader and authority over the Highest military commands).
The PLANS for TRUMP to build the United States into a global economic leader within one year and half is connected to highest volumes of Natural resources and gas . Oil and global energy the United States possess’s .
CHINA. RUSSIA. south American BRICS nations all know the U.S. is going to produce over 25_30 million barrels of oil a day and take over the world ENERGY structure MARKET.
BEHIND THE SCENES, TRUMP is already in talks with South America and China as the U.S. WILL out produce Russian ENERGY.
Within a short 1 year and half after The Great COLLAPSE and near death civilization events_of 2023 2024. The GOLDEN AGE OF 2025_2026_27 BEGINS and the PLANS are already being played out. Currently and coming> (And with the dismantling of the CIA. FBI. And coming 11.3 Tribulations Storm ARRESTS)
The Power of the REAL PLAN Unfolding. Is beyond human conception as the FAKE. ALIEN INVASION (#1) will be EXPOSED on NATIONAL level
And this will lead to DECLASSIFICATION of the REAL ( #2) TECHNOLOGY connected to INFINITE ENERGY. ( Infinite ENERGY is med beds. Floating crafts. Floating Cities, imagine the new jobs and technology. Far far far far far beyond what any human thought possible.. But everything comes in STAGES…
Including bringing down the World DEEP STATE Satanic CABAL connected to EPSTEIN and world leaders. Banks. Corporations. BLACKMAIL system. Human trafficking rings. World War mongering)
Everything you are watching is staged. This includes the deep state pushing their agenda it WILL all back fire.. This is called GAME THEORY OPERATIONS. The near death civilization EVENT is GAME THEORY OPERATIONS and will LEAD TO MILITARY INTERVENTION.
Kash Patel telling you DURHAM failed is A lie.
KASH is playing a game. Learn to play the game.
Durham didn’t fall. I have told you many times his report was already in the hands of the military 2 years ago. Everything happening now is for Congressional records that will show the failure of the captured U.S. government and courts (Military COUP)
You are just in the beginning of the GREAT AWAKENING WORLD PROJECT that leads to a Golden Era. But for now we are inside the COLLAPSE of the deep state Power structures.
Don’t worry about Klaus. WEF & WHO. Their fates are sealed and they know TRUMP. CHEYENNE. MILITARY OPERATIONS IS COMING.
Source: David Wilcock
The Death Blow to the Central Banking System, Will Destroy The Khazarian Mafia Deep State
“If You Want To Know What A Man Is Really Like, Take Notice When He Loses All His Money.” – Simone Weil
All central banks around the world are bankrupted now — it is just not revealed to the public yet, and maybe it’s a good thing. This is the Alliance’s ‘Softest Landing’ approach to avoid maximum tragedies, suffering & casualties for all citizens.
There’s already chaos with people, in multiple countries, not being able to get their money out of banks. If all humans find out that banks are insolvent & do not have liquidity, then everyone will rush to the bank to pull their money out & that would cause the biggest global panic & crash in ALL major countries. It would be complete utter chaos that even the Military Alliance will not be able to handle.
The bankruptcy reveal will be done publicly in phases to ensure not creating a full meltdown of citizens all over the world, all at once. As the old financial system transitions into the new QFS, citizens will be able to transfer their ‘old’ money into the new system. However this sounds a lot easier & smoother than reality.
In reality, we can not transfer from the old slave debt money system to a new one without pain & suffering. Hard-earned money & valuable assets will be lost. This is why I’ve shared my perspective on how & where to store your assets during this greatest transition of financial systems. We are no longer at the precipice. It is no longer the ‘calm before the storm’. The storm is here now.
As more & more people figure out what is truly going on inside the matrix financial systems & government, it is not going to be fun. It will be more intense than the last 3 years of dealing with the CONvid agenda.
There is a SILVER lining in all this. There is a MASSIVE SILVER LINING that is coming after this storm — but for now, take cover.
We are heading into very turbulent waters. We are going to witness unimaginable jaw-dropping global events. It will be devastating to those that are not ready. It will be exciting for some. It will be the Greatest Show & Events to unfold for those in their Heart Space, holding their Highest LOVE Frequency & being well-prepared. | Source: David Wilcock
Behind the scene – experts say that Biden’s signature on the Debt Ceiling Bill by Mon. 5 June was designed to not divert a default on the US Dollar, but actually create a default – because suspension of the Debt Ceiling which debt was already at an unsustainable $36 Trillion.
When combined with the Central Banks of the World’s recent bankruptcies – (unreported by the Mainstream Media), the bill’s approval by Congress has already removed any pillar of support for the US dollar in global financial markets.
Default of the US Dollar was the basis – (and goal) for the soon-to-be implemented Deep State’s Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Banking System. The Great Reset was designed so those Elite members of the Deep State could have control over The People’s bank accounts and thus, rule their lives and rule the World.

House & Senate to Allow $36 Trillion US Debt To Rise Even Higher – with nowhere to borrow the money, setting up Operation Sandman De-dollarization: within 24 hours $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury Bonds would be dumped, loosing 50-90% of US Dollar value. US cash would be worthless.
All Central Banks around the world were now bankrupt and insolvent — it just cannot be announced all at once. https://t.me/drue86/26063
The Mockingbird Media – would make it seem like this was a good thing. Nothing wrong’s — go back to your shopping, post selfies & leave your money in the banks.
We have seen a string of bank deaths – Credit Suisse, Deutsche, SVB, First Republic & regional banks — all dead. Even Evergrande is dead. All publicly dead entities are being propped up, pretending to still be functional. They are not. They won’t let the banks default, because once that happens, the GAME is OVER.
Massive consolidation — JPMorgan have been swooping up all the dead assets. JPMorgan connects to Epstein with Jamie Dimon on the hook.
Senate passes bill – to raise debt ceiling, preventing first-ever U.S. default: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/01/debt-ceiling-bill-updates.html
House & Senate passes a $4 Trillion debt ceiling — which could bring the total debt to $36 TRILLION! Where will the $4 Trillion come from? No one will lend U.S. the money — not China, Russia or Saudi. So the Federal Reserve will print it.
The De-dollarization is set – Operation Sandman — where $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury bonds will be dumped within 24 hours, with St. Petersburg leading the way. The American Dollar can potentially lose 50-90% of its value. Operation Sandman https://t.me/drue86/35852
Historically fiat currencies – have a life span of 27 years. The USDA Reserve Currency has been in effect for over 90 years, 40 of which was functioning in fiat currency.
We crashed the Russian economy – back in the 80s/90s — tables have turned. American allies like France & Japan have dumped U.S. Treasury bonds. In Long Beach, the largest port in America, shipping companies rejected U.S. Treasury bonds. It was expected that the US Financial Meltdown would happen in mid-June 2023.
When this happens, gas may cost up to $40/gallon – $100 Egg cartons. It will FREEZE our whole economy. All banks will fall publicly. All U.S. cash will be worthless. Drug dealers’ & dirty cops like LAPD’s Rampart Division’s stashed cash will be worthless. CIA stashed cash payments for train derailments, public shootings, Antifa, contract killers & all [DS] agents will be worthless.
The MUSIC STOPS – Greatest ECONOMY CRASH of all times.
Source: Judy Byington
Secret Empire of Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans | AKA Khazarian Mafia
“The Control of Information is Something the Elite Always Does, Particularly in a Despotic Form of Government. Information, Knowledge is Power. If You Can Control Information You Can Control People.” – Tom Clancy
Prepare to uncover the shocking truth about the world’s most influential families and their iron grip on the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, comprised of the Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans, holds unparalleled power that extends far beyond the realm of oil.
Picture this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, join forces with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. But their domination doesn’t stop there. They have extended their reach to encompass the music industry through an intricate network of private banks. These behemoths, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, control the strings of the music industry, enabling them to dictate its direction and influence.
The nefarious deeds of the Rockefeller dynasty are far-reaching, starting with their military-commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a diabolical plan to shift the world’s standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical illnesses. Behind the scenes, this manipulation led to financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies connected to the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and elite organizations.
Fast forward to the late 1980s, when the Rockefeller’s summoned the top music executives and talent to a highly secretive meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, tightly linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme operations.
The Rockefellers devised a cunning plan to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together top executives and leading black artists, binding them with confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: coordinate the violence within the rap music movement, while major record labels gained exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. As a reward, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.
The Masonic plan unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems housing more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers’ malevolent scheme. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, creating a vast money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced 8 times higher than their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed the privatization of prisons into a multi-trillion-dollar venture.
Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the ever-expanding private prisons. As a result, the United States now holds the dubious record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not an accident—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefeller’s.
But their influence doesn’t end there. These silent thieves also manipulate elections, ensuring their grip on power remains unbroken.
Unmasking the true face of those who control the world, the Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s find themselves in the crosshairs of military alliance operations aimed at dismantling the Rothschilds’ deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.
Source: Benjamin Fulford
Special Report Sources; Ben Fulford, Peter Novak, Judy Byington, David Wilcock, David Icke
In Love & Light ❤️
The Great Awakening Team
The 3 C’s of Life: “Choices, Chances, and Changes”,
You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. – Zig Ziglar
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