Original Published Date: December 2nd, 2024 | Part VI |  Updated Weekly; March 3rd, 2025  💢




The Great Civilization Near Death Event

Trump/Zelensky Meeting Was Fall Of Berlin Wall For The Khazarian Mafia • Insect Size Spy Drones Unveiled • US Government’s Foreign Aid Gravy Train: A Perfect Example of Corruption and Waste • 10 Reasons I Will Never Get Another Vaccine • FBI’s Illegal Gun Confiscation Plan Is Over • Obama’s Deep-State Traitors To Face Justice • American Media Group News • Barack Obama Is Hitler’s Grandson – The Bloodline Exposed • The 16th Amendment Was Never Ratified – Income Tax Is A Scam • 2021 Data Reveals 42.27% Of Maine’s State Revenue Is Provided By The Federal Government

The Great Awakening: Q Movement, DOGE Investigation, Department of Defense, Congressional Hearings: Censorship Industrial Complex, The Epstein and Diddy Documents, Putin Was Right, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Sec. of State Marco Rubio, Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19!, The Jesuit Order Controls the Vatican and the New World Order!, DOGE Uncovers $5 Trillion In Fraud, Fort Knox Shocker! Elon Musk & Doge to Expose Missing Gold, DOGE Massive Fraud of Tax Payer Funds, Canadian Delta Airline Crash, RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War On USDA

A Call to Patriots

Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the Republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. Let justice be served. Make America Great Again…MAGA

The Great Civilization Near Death Event | NDE

“Be Strong Enough to Stand Alone / Be Yourself Enough to Stand Apart / And When the Time Comes, Be Wise Enough to Stand Together

The Great Reset of Everything

We have entered a window of time where everything we have learned, experienced and known to be true is about to dramatically change. We are Awakening to a great truth, That Everything We Were Taught Is A Lie”. The lives we once knew, lived and experienced prior to January 2020 are now gone forever. We are witnessing the total collapse of not just a few, but all of our statured institutions; The US Government Senate/Congress; through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and DHS have spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. Along with other industries; Wall Street Markets & Finance, Banking Industries, Big Tech, Big Insurance, Pharma, Oil, Education, Hollywood Industries, US Military, Medical AMA, Military and Energy Industrial Complexes, all are embroiled in corruption scams and human trafficking.

Given the monolithic corruption and evil encrusted within all these institutions, We are now Witnessing in Real Time a Global Everything Collapse. What has been described and depicted as The Storm! and The Great Civilization Near Death Experience. The fallout of which could last anywhere from 2 to 5 years based on geographic locations.

We will then have a choice and chance for A New Beginning to Reset Everything as We Rebuild America”. 

The following report is a compilation of different sources. We found a number of overlapping and crossover warnings presented by each of our sources. We formatted this Weekly Report based on a timeline tied to dates and information posted entirely in May 2023. We believe these sources align with each other to create a very rare picture of what is happening behind the scenes. We encourage each of you to use your own discernment and rational, critical, logical thinking in reviewing this information. Preparation going forward is 80% mental and 20% physical, so we hope this will assist you in your education and in being mentally prepared for the coming Storm.

Updates: This Report Will Be Updated on a Weekly Basis. We designed this format as a living document so we can update you directly on all breaking news and events. Please keep this link close by, so you can easily return to this Weekly Report for all the latest alternative uncensored news reports.

“We The People”: If we the people, as a nation, do not work together to restore our founding father’s visions for our Constitutional Republic, our children could be lost and our nation will be destroyed. We all have a part to play in this peaceful,  faithful, informed, prayer-filled participation and with forgiveness in our hearts for the corruption of this nation that we have been a party to, either knowingly or unknowingly.

 hopi chief

A Message From the Hopi Elders

Written By Maira Horta LMFT

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know our garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of  the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

See who is there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves!
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

-The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation

Explore the Great Awakening Report's Content Classification

Breaking Intelligence News | Monday, March 3rd, 2025 Update

Last Warning: Prepare for something that you never expected to see in your lifetime. The Media will never let you know! The things around us could change very fast.  – QAnon Telegram

“Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6

The following content is a compilation from various sources.

New Update

In God We Trust | Trust The Plan

“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”


“I think Pam Bondi and Kash Patel are great, but they just got there, and they’re in a hostile environment.

It’s like if you’re suddenly made captain of a ship, but the entire crew was previously your enemy.

You’ve got to bring in people who are going to be helpful as opposed to obstructionists.

But I think the public will be rightly frustrated if no one is prosecuted for the Epstein client list.

There should at least be an attempted prosecution of the worst offenders.”

We will be more frustrated! We will be FURIOUS!

Ukraine Biological Laboratories

Source; Fall Cabal

Another reason Zelensky cannot allow this war to end, is because he is covering up Deep State bioweapon development in Ukraine.

Elon already found the paper trail via USAID Project PREDICT, which means Trump knows also.

This is why Fauci and Hunter’s pardons begin in 2014.

This is why Zelensky ordered the destruction of all files associated with Hunter Biden’s biolab company, Metabiota.

This is why the media mercilessly attacks anyone who talks about the biolabs in Ukraine, to include RFK Jr. and Tulsi.

This is why Zelensky can’t surrender.

If this war ends, Putin and Russian MIL have been adamant that there must be a formal investigation into US/Ukrainian bioweapon development in Ukraine. This will surely be part of the negotiations between Trump and Putin. Putin wants justice for Covid, and he claims George Soros and his puppets are behind it all.

Some of Trump’s closest advisors and most important cabinet positions, Elon, Tulsi, and RFK Jr., have also echoed the importance of this exact situation.

Many keep asking about what we will find when we investigate where the money went in Ukraine. Eventually, we will end up at crimes against humanity.

No censorship. No propaganda. Just raw TRUTH, tap in NOW!


“As the amount of medicine & vaccines in our world increases, so, too, does the amount of sickness… Instead, let’s remove the toxicity & shift our focus on changing the terrain & strengthening the vitality of the immune system”

Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory: Understanding the Differences

The debate between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory has been ongoing for over a century, shaping perspectives on medicine, public health, and holistic wellness. Each theory presents a different view on disease causation and prevention.

Germ Theory, proposed by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), asserts that microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are the primary cause of infectious diseases. This theory laid the foundation for modern medicine, leading to innovations like vaccines, antibiotics, and sterilization methods. According to Germ Theory, diseases result from specific pathogens invading the body and multiplying, making prevention and treatment strategies focus on eliminating these microbes through antibiotics, vaccines, and disinfectants. However, critics argue that Germ Theory places excessive emphasis on external threats without considering the body’s internal environment. Overuse of antibiotics and vaccines has been linked to the development of resistant microbes, and the theory does not fully explain why some individuals exposed to pathogens do not become ill.

In contrast, Terrain Theory, proposed by Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), suggests that the health of the body’s internal environment (terrain) determines disease susceptibility. This perspective holds that microbes are naturally present in the body and only become harmful when the terrain is weakened by poor diet, toxins, imbalanced pH, or a compromised immune system. Terrain Theory promotes disease prevention through immune system support, detoxification, and lifestyle factors such as nutrition and stress management. However, this theory has also faced criticism, as it does not fully explain the spread of highly contagious diseases and why some otherwise healthy individuals still contract infections. It also challenges the effectiveness of conventional medical interventions like antibiotics and vaccines.

Today, many health practitioners recognize the value of both theories. While Germ Theory explains how pathogens contribute to disease, Terrain Theory highlights the role of immune strength, nutrition, and lifestyle in determining susceptibility. A balanced approach to health integrates key elements from both perspectives: maintaining hygiene and sanitation to prevent harmful microbial exposure, supporting immune function through proper nutrition, sleep, and detoxification, and combining holistic medicine with modern scientific advancements.

In conclusion, Germ Theory focuses on external microbes as the primary cause of disease, whereas Terrain Theory emphasizes the body’s internal health as the key determinant of illness. By integrating both approaches, individuals can prioritize immune resilience while acknowledging the role that pathogens play in disease development.


The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

The third leading cause of death⏤is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unwarranted.

No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.

They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet. Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the rollout as early as late 2021. More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.

So mind-bending are these medical advancements that can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours. Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.

Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is now within that journey.

Video: Holographic Medical Pods & Secret Space Programs Voiced Over

When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.

This revolutionary technology is said to have been in existence for at least 80 years. Once classified, the covert technology will be released to the public via the military. It is said to have been utilized within the “Secret Space Program.”

There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed. Remember, we’ve all experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives exist in all industries.

The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood movie productions.

These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular, DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils, new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, correcting all human bodies’ imperfections.

There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.

This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired. It sounds too good to be true!



· Trump Intents to Bomb Mexico Cartels, Attempts to Shuts Down Drug Cartels, Arrests 29 Cartel Bosses, Nation Wide Cartels Reaction Expected

· Mexican Cartel Southern Border War Inevitable, Trump EO classifying Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations. American Military move to defended the border, US Blackhawks and Drones  cross the border? Reports Ukraine sold US Weapons to the Cartels supplied by US for the Ukraine War. 

· US Banks’ Unrealized Losses Explode by $118,400,000,000 in Three Months As FDIC Declares 66 Banks on ‘Problem List’. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) says US banks reported a massive $118.4 billion increase in unrealized losses on securities, bringing the total to $482.4 billion. In layman’s terms “sh*t is about to go sideways in the financial market”

· Economic Alerts; Coming from all Sources and Experts; Calling for a Global Everything Collapse 

· Trump Ends Ukraine War, Vows To Pull Out Of UN & NATO, Averts World War III

· Trump Launches NESARA, GESARA & Global Currency Reset of 130 Nations

· 1985 IRS Commissioner Admits Income Tax Never Legal, 16th Amendment a Fraud

· Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming! And The Best is Yet to Come!

· Mon. 3 March 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump to Announce Restored American Republic and Change to Constitutional Law in the Spring 20215?

· Mon. 3 March 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: THE ELITE KNOW … THE ILLUMINATI KNOW … THE 1% KNOW …ALL THE CELEBRITIES KNOW …THE PUBLIC HAS NO CLUE.


· March 4 1861 was the day Abraham Lincoln was Inaugurated as the 16th President of the Republic.

· On Tues. 4th March 2025 (164 years later) President Trump was making a major announcement to a joint session of Congress that was mandatory for all to attend.

Ukraine kickbacks

Ed Dowd Updates

Edward Dowd, former investor for BlackRock, is now leading the attack against Pfizer/Moderna for fraud and mass murder. He and his team just uncovered via raw CDC data that millennials age 25-44 had 61k excess deaths 2021, +84% baseline. They aren’t at risk for COVID so it’s must be the vaxx.

Ed is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies. Working on Wall Street the majority of his career most notably at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. His book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden death in 2021 & 2022 propelled him as an alternative voice during the pandemic and the economic implications that continue to plague us today. Our unique alternative macroeconomic analysis of the global debt crisis and what may unfold has given many a deeper understanding of the global nature of our problems today.

Trump/Zelensky meeting was fall of Berlin Wall for the Khazarian Mafia

By Benjamin Fulford March 3, 2025 100 Comments

The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky by US President Donald Trump signifies.

First of all, to understand we are dealing with the end of an entity that goes back at least a thousand years, look at the images below.

They show the Ukrainian government uses the same symbol as the Khazarian empire did over a thousand years ago. The elite of this Satan-worshipping empire have been plotting revenge against Russia ever since Christian Tsars destroyed their empire over a thousand years ago.

It goes even deeper than that. We are witnessing the end of a 3000-year-old plot to enslave all of humanity. The KM have been defeated by an Anglo-Saxon, Russian and Jewish alliance.

The news events you see over the coming days and weeks need to be looked at in this context.

What we were shown last week was a farce in which Zelensky, Trump and Vice President, JD Vance argued in front of a gathering of the world’s media. Ostensibly Zelensky was there to sign an agreement offering $500 billion worth of Ukrainian rare earth metals to the United States. What happened though is that he asked for the US military to fight against Russia in exchange for the minerals. Trump and Vance said no, and Zelensky was unceremoniously booted out of the meeting. The videos show some of the highlights of this farce.

It was a farce because first of all, Ukraine does not have $500 billion worth of minerals. Russian FSB sources say there is about $20 billion dollars worth of minerals in the Ukraine that are on Russian-controlled territory.

Furthermore, Zelensky cannot give Trump the mining concessions because he already gave them to the UK. On January 16, just four days before Trump’s inauguration, London and Kiev signed a hundred-year partnership treaty. It stipulates the UK will take control of all ports, power plants, natural gas concessions, storage facilities, pipelines and titanium deposits in Ukraine.

Three high-level sources, including one from the US Space Force, say now there will be a financial collapse in America this year along with civil unrest and war. Trump was clinging to the idea of $500 billion worth of minerals because he was hoping to use that money to avert bankruptcy.

His talk about replacing the internal revenue service with an external revenue service is another case in point. The Trump people are stuck in the original constitution from 250 years ago when tariffs were the main source of government income. This is not 250 years ago. The US government gets 5.1 trillion dollars a year from taxes. US total imports are $3 trillion a year. That means the US would have to impose 150% tariffs to get the same amount of money. That is impossible because people are not going to pay 150% more for their imports.

The talk of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada is also impossible. US farmers get 80% of their potash from Canada. Putting a tariff on that will raise costs for US farmers and make them uncompetitive. Then there is aluminum and steel. US industry depends on cheap Canadian steel and aluminum made in giant factories that use cheap Canadian hydropower. You cannot just delete or move these giant industrial facilities with the stroke of a pen. Without this cheap metal, US industry becomes uncompetitive.

Clearly the elephant in the room remains the Federal Reserve Board. It needs to be nationalized along with all the other central banks if the US is to avoid bankruptcy. That is what the real war is about. This will involve bankrupting the US Corporation and replacing it with something new. Here is commentary from a Pentagon source about the situation:

So, the time has now arrived for the U.S. to show the world their gold hand. Will Trump suppress the news, if it is bad? Very likely. Whether the gold is or is not in Fort Knox, it could be seen as a sideshow. After all, it accounts for only 2% of all the gold ever mined in history. But on the other hand, either little or no gold there, results in no confidence in the U.S. or in the dollar.

At $2,920, all the gold officially held by Central Banks is $3 trillion. Just one US stock – Microsoft – has a market cap of $3 trillion. How can the value of a SINGLE AMERICAN COMPANY equal the total central bank gold holdings?

It tells us, how overvalued stocks are; and that the gold price is ridiculously low.

Now Trump says the U.S. will move forward on a “Crypto Strategic Reserve” that includes XRP, SOL, ADA, Bitcoin, ETH, and other cryptos. This is all fine and dandy but he will have to back them with a basket of real-world goods or he will just be whistling in the wind.

This was probably not a mistake, it was some kind of high level money laundering operation; all they needed was for the money to appear in an account for a few seconds to cook some fake books with.

Facing bankruptcy, Trump has allied himself with Russia against the owners of the FRB, the EU and their front man Zelensky. In what amounts to a declaration of war Trump said: “The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States. That is the purpose of it.”

This Putin/Trump bromance prompted the Europeans to call a meeting at the Rothschild-owned Lancaster House, a 200-year-old elegant mansion near Buckingham Palace, The meeting included leaders from France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Czechia and Romania, as well as the NATO secretary-general and the presidents of the European Commission and European Council. Even the gap- toothed Justin Trudeau avatar was there.

Here you can watch Zelensky arrive at 10 Downing Street in London after being “kicked out” of the White House. He ignores questions about getting Trump back on the side. He then went to the meeting at the Rothschild property.

After the meeting, EU globalists Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, EU Commission, Roberta Metsola, President of EU Parliament, Antonio Costa, President of the European Council, and Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party all sent out this same message:

This meeting was followed by a blizzard of propaganda. For example, the KM published this picture of a fake bloated King Charles with a fake Zelensky.

Then blackmailed pedophile UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to put UK “boots on the ground and planes in the air” to defend a peace deal in Ukraine.

That is why EU witch Ursula von der Leyen said “We have to urgently rearm” at the London Ukraine summit.

The problem is that with the new Russian/US alliance, Russia can occupy all of Western Europe within a few weeks without worrying about US retaliation. What is going to happen is the Europeans will have to surrender to Russia and ask for their protection from China.

Here you can watch a brainwashed EU bureaucrat Kaja Kallas slowly approach conclusion only Russia can protect them from China..

The Russians will be happy to do this as soon as the war crimes trials for the Nazi mass murderers have been conducted.

Here you can see group photos of the pedophiles and murderers the Russians want to bring to justice:

The situation has also led to a flurry of back-channel communications between the CIA, the FSB, MI6 and Asian secret societies.

These groups have a long standing agreement that no matter what, they will not be fooled into starting all out thermonuclear war. A Senior Japanese military commander recently confirmed to this writer what US Space force and other sources say, and that is that nuclear war has already destroyed civilization on this planet at least twice.

“A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough – but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”

fly spies

Insect Size Spy Drones Unveiled

Source; The Storm

Probably the most disturbing aspect of the report, which quotes the US Air Force disclosures is the announcement by the US military that it has “lethal mini-drones” among its tiny, flying arsenal. Outside the US media blackout, that in itself isn’t news. As far back as 2008, the US military had been showing off its nano-biomimicry MAV designs.

The military’s own symposium discussed the topic of, “bugs, bots, borgs, and bio-weapons”. Based on that, it’s possible the US government’s initial strategy was to use the mechanical bugs as a delivery system for biological weapons – just the way a real mosquito or flea is responsible for spreading the world’s most deadly and devastating epidemics.


US Government’s Foreign Aid Gravy Train: A Perfect Example of Corruption and Waste

The U.S. government is in the habit of sending hundreds of billions overseas each year—foreign aid, military assistance, humanitarian support—and most of it is wasted or siphoned off by the well-connected. It’s the ultimate slush fund. Billions are funneled to NGOs that line their pockets, pay exorbitant salaries to their cronies, and rarely, if ever, deliver on the stated mission.

This is a direct line to the $36 trillion debt and a $2 trillion annual deficit we’re drowning in. Foreign aid is a massive scam, draining U.S. coffers while our own infrastructure and services fall apart. Look at the State Department’s $58.8B request for FY2025—that’s just more money being shoveled into the pockets of bureaucrats, “partners,” and self-interested players who do anything but help Americans.

The real victims? Every dollar spent abroad is one stolen from our schools, roads, and veterans. It’s an unsustainable system of waste that must end.

Take the USAID scandal in Haiti—a staggering example of corruption. The U.S. sent $4.4 billion after the 2010 earthquake, and what did Haiti get? Less than 2% of that amount. The rest? It ended up in the hands of D.C. contractors and NGOs who profited while the people they were supposed to help suffered. The Red Cross promised 130,000 people shelter—they built six homes.

This is not aid; it’s a money laundering operation dressed up as charity. USAID and the NGOs involved can’t even answer where the money went. Haitians are still living in poverty, while these organizations continue to rake in taxpayer funds.

Let’s not forget the glaring hypocrisy coming out of D.C. When Nancy Pelosi was asked in 2021 if Congress should be banned from trading stocks, she responded with a blunt, “No, this is a free market.”

Pelosi, who has served in Congress for 38 years, saw her net worth climb to a staggering $263 million while earning just $223,500 a year. It’s clear this “free market” has benefited her and others in positions of power, all at the expense of the American people.

And let’s not even get started on the billions spent on Ukraine. The U.S. government has been throwing money at Zelensky and his regime, but a sizable chunk of that is spent on paying social media influencers to push the narrative that we should keep sending more and more. It’s a game of manipulation, PR, and empty promises that only enrich the political elite.

This all ties back to the sickening reality of how our money is being used. Our politicians have turned foreign aid into an all-you-can-eat buffet, and we—the taxpayers—are left with the bill. It’s time to stop funding everyone else and start investing in America first.


10 Reasons I Will Never Get Another Vaccine


Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are allegedly used to provoke an immune response, but their safety is based on incredibly flawed comparisons. The WHO and other health agencies cite studies on ingested aluminum, which is largely excreted, rather than injected aluminum, which is absorbed differently and can persist in the body. Research by Dr. Christopher Exley and others suggests aluminum can accumulate in the brain, contributing to neurotoxicity, autoimmune disorders, and developmental issues. Some studies have found elevated aluminum levels in the brains of autistic individuals. Despite all of this, regulatory agencies continually dismiss concerns without proper long-term safety studies.


Vaccines contain a mix of chemicals, heavy metals, and genetically modified components, including formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum compounds, and fetal cell lines. While each ingredient is claimed to be “safe in small amounts,” there is no long-term safety data proving that these substances are safe when injected together. Some studies indicate that polysorbate 80 is known to increase blood-brain barrier permeability, which raises major concerns about neurotoxic ingredients in vaccines crossing into the brain. Vaccines do not undergo long-term pharmokinetic studies to determine how these substances interact in the body over time Clearly, there are a number of wild unproven assumptions related to vaccine ingredient safety.


Vaccines are not subjected to proper DBPCRT testing with inert (saline) placebos — which is the gold standard for determining safety and efficacy. Instead, vaccine trials typically use another vaccine or aluminum adjuvants as the “placebo,” which hides adverse effects by essentially ensuring both groups show reactions. Without proper DBPCRT studies comparing fully vaccinated vs. completely unvaccinated populations, claims of safety remain entirely unproven. If vaccines were truly safe, why not test them against a real inert placebo? Given infants receive multiple doses in one sitting every few months, isn’t this a moral, ethical, health and scientific imperative?


Several studies indicate that completely unvaccinated children have better overall health outcomes than their fully vaccinated peers. Studies by Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Neil Z. Miller, and others indicate that unvaccinated children had far lower rates of chronic conditions, asthma, allergies, ADHD, learning disabilities and more. For example, data from Dr. Paul Thomas’ pediatric clinic shows that unvaccinated children experience fewer ear infections, eczema, and autoimmune disorders compared to vaccinated children. Important note: by age one, children in the U.S. receive 26+ vaccine doses. If vaccines improve health, why do unvaccinated children appear healthier?


Parents worldwide have shared devastating stories of their children regressing into autism, suffering seizures, or developing autoimmune conditions after vaccination. These parents have been gaslit, mocked, ostracized, attacked, and more for simply sharing their authentic stories. VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) contains millions of vaccine injury reports, and the CDC admits VAERS is severely underreported, meaning actual cases could be much higher. In fact, a Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study funded by HHS found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS. This suggests that the true number of vaccine injuries might be 100 times higher than official reports indicate.


Vaccine manufacturers — including Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) — have a track record of fraud, falsifying data, hiding risks bribing doctors, knowingly causing harm, and more. For example, in 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in a settlement that was the largest health care fraud settlement and criminal fine in US history at the time, and GSK paid $3 billion in fines for illegal drug marketing.

At the same time, the FDA receives 75% of its drug regulatory budget from the very same pharmaceutical companies it regulates due to the 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA). This financial arrangement has compromised regulatory oversight, prioritizing rapid drug approvals over public safety.


The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) shielded vaccine makers from liability. Instead of suing the pharmaceutical company responsible for the product that led to injury or death, victims must file claims through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) — a specialized court that operates under the US Court of Federal Claims. Parents describe that the process is lengthy, complex, and adversarial — cases often take years, require extensive medical documentation and expert testimony, and face aggressive government defense, leading to frequent denials. Despite these hurdles, the VICP has paid out over $4.9 billion, proving vaccine injuries exist. If vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” why do manufacturers need legal immunity?


Historical data shows that infectious disease mortality declined by well over 90% before vaccine introduction, likely due to improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and other factors. Roman Bystrianyk and Dr. Suzanne Humphries document this in their book Dissolving Illusions, showing that diseases like measles, whooping cough, and diphtheria were becoming less deadly due not to vaccination, but a variety of other factors. This decline wasn’t limited to diseases with vaccines — diseases like scarlet fever, which had no mass vaccination program, also saw major reductions in mortality in the same timeframe. If vaccines were the primary reason for disease control, why did mortality rates decrease well before vaccine introduction, and why did non-vaccine diseases also plummet?


Health doesn’t come from vaccines, pharmaceuticals or endless supplements; vibrant health come from aligning with natural principles. Sunlight, grounding, nutrient-dense foods, clean water, circadian rhythm alignment, community, emotional regulation and more all contribute to vibrant health. The idea that health depends on vaccines totally contradicts the reality that adopting natural principles is sufficient to prevent, overcome, and totally reverse disease states. Health isn’t found in a needle — perpetual pharmacuetical profiteering is.


There is no evidence that viruses exist or cause illness. Virology does not follow the scientific method (please see my previous post for more details). Virology operates on a series of unproven assumptions, not empirical scientific evidence. The foundational claim — that viruses cause disease — is based on highly manipulated lab experiments, not direct evidence from nature. What virologists call “virus isolation” is fraudulent. A virus is never actually extracted from the bodily fluids of a sick person, but is assumed to exist within the fluids. Virologists mix unpurified bodily fluids with toxic antibiotics, antimycotics, and starved foreign cell cultures, which destroys the cells — then they wrongly blame a “virus” assumed to be in the sample for the damage.

Control studies by Dr. Stefan Lanka and others falsify the assumption that viruses cause cell death by showing that cell death occurs even without a human sample that is assumed to contain viruses. Additionally, 224 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests submitted to health institutions worldwide have failed to produce a single record of a virus being isolated directly from human bodily fluids. The images presented as “viruses” are actually cellular debris or artifacts from electron microscopy preparation, misidentified due to flawed methodology. This is just a short list of the problems with virology. With that, since vaccines require the existence of viruses and viruses have never been shown to exist, there is literally zero reason to ever receive a vaccine.


FBI’s ILLEGAL Gun Confiscation Plan Is OVER – Trump’s Forces Are REMOVING Every Deep State Operative!

Source; E

The war has begun. Trump is back, and he’s taking down the Deep State’s enforcers! The FBI has been caught red-handed running a secret gun confiscation program—stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights without trial, without charges, without due process!

The Deep State’s FBI Gun Grab EXPOSED

Gun Owners of America (GOA) has uncovered the FBI’s NICS Indices Self-Submission Form—a covert weapon used to coerce Americans into signing away their gun rights. It was supposed to stay in the shadows, but now it’s blown wide open.

FBI agents were trained to intimidate gun owners into signing away their rights!

Mental health “experts” were used to declare patriots “unfit” without evidence!

Once signed, the government BLACKLISTED these Americans—NO WAY to fight back!

The FBI denied everything—until their own training manuals were exposed! This was never about safety. This was about CONTROL. The Deep State fears an armed, awakened population, and they’ve been quietly eliminating potential resistance.

Trump’s Counterattack Begins – FBI PURGE Underway

The Deep State never wanted Trump back. Now we know why. Since his return, Trump has been REMOVING Deep State operatives from the FBI—one by one. The FBI was never meant to be the Deep State’s private hit squad, but that’s exactly what they became.

Trump’s direct orders:

Fire EVERY corrupt FBI leader and replace them with patriots.

Purge every agent involved in illegal surveillance and election meddling.

DECLASSIFY all hidden programs targeting conservatives.

Restore gun rights to EVERYONE illegally blacklisted!

The FBI is the first battleground—but not the last.

The FBI’s “Pre-Crime” Tactics – Straight Out of Minority Report

The FBI wasn’t just seizing guns—they were punishing people before they even committed crimes.

Gun owners were labeled “mentally unfit” based on Deep State informants.

Government-backed medical professionals rubber-stamped false reports.

No trial, no appeal—just a lifetime gun ban.

This wasn’t law enforcement. This was totalitarian disarmament.

Congress Joins the Fight – The FBI’s Days Are Numbered

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, and Kash Patel are leading a FULL investigation into the FBI’s crimes!

Every victim of this illegal gun grab will have their rights restored!

FBI officials behind this operation will face JUSTICE!

The Deep State’s Plan: Disarm First, Control Second

This was NEVER about safety. The Deep State knows a disarmed nation is an obedient nation. Every dictator in history started with gun confiscation—and the FBI was executing that plan in secret.

Why does the FBI target gun owners instead of criminals?

Why is gun control always the first move of totalitarian regimes?

Why was this entire operation kept HIDDEN from the American people?

Because they fear RESISTANCE. But now, Trump is RUINING their entire plan.

Trump’s Next Moves – Deep State’s Gun Control Operation DESTROYED

Executive Order: No more backdoor gun control—EVER.

Every coerced gun ban REVERSED.

The FBI’s power STRIPPED—no more Deep State puppets.

New laws ensuring NO future government can disarm Americans.

Trump isn’t just stopping this scheme. He’s making sure the Deep State NEVER has this power again.

The War Has Begun – The Deep State’s COLLAPSE is Near!

The FBI was caught. They LIED. They manipulated. They ILLEGALLY disarmed Americans.

Now, Trump is systematically taking them down.

The Deep State fought tooth and nail to keep Trump out of power—because they knew this day would come. And NOW IT’S HERE.

The traitors inside the FBI will be EXPOSED.

The Second Amendment will STAND.

And America will be FREE AGAIN.

Obama Shadow Gov


The war for America’s survival has reached its final phase. Trump has returned, but Obama’s deep-state machine still clings to power. This is more than a presidency—this is a war to dismantle the most corrupt network in U.S. history.


Biden was a puppet. Every policy disaster, every attack on free speech, the Second Amendment, and Trump’s indictments—it was all orchestrated by Obama’s secret network. The stolen 2024 election was their last desperate move, but they FAILED. Now they’re exposed.

With Trump back, Obama’s deep-state operatives are panicking. They thought America would never break free. They were wrong.


Obama’s entire history is a lie. His Columbia records? Sealed. His citizenship status? Covered up. His radical leftist ties? Hidden. These files are now being unsealed, exposing his connections to foreign powers and intelligence operations.


This wasn’t incompetence—it was deliberate.

Economic warfare—Crushing the middle class, killing small businesses, and destroying energy independence.

Border invasion—Importing millions of illegals as a permanent voter base and destabilization force.

Weaponized government—FBI, DOJ, IRS—turned into a political hit squad to silence patriots.


The deep state is desperate. The lights won’t go out by accident. This is their final strike—be ready. ARM UP. STOCK UP. STAY ALERT.


Military tribunals—Obama’s operatives will face justice.

Unsealing the Obama files—The truth will be revealed.

Deporting illegals—The invasion will end.

Breaking the globalist elite—The WEF, UN, and Big Tech are losing control.


They never thought Trump would return. They never thought the people would rise up. But now, it’s too late for them.

Trump is back. The war is on. And this time, the traitors won’t escape.

American Media Group News

Obama Hitler grandson


Source; E

· The truth has been buried for DECADES, but it’s finally coming to light: Barack Obama is the direct grandson of Adolf Hitler! His grandmother? Eva Braun! The deception runs so deep it will make your head spin!

· HITLER NEVER DIED IN 1945! That was his butler, a body double! The real Hitler escaped to Argentina with Eva Braun, where they raised their secret children—INCLUDING Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham!

· BARRY OBAMA HITLER – THE BLOODLINE THEY HID FROM YOU! Obama’s aunts? None other than Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and Dalia Grybauskaitė! They placed their OWN into power, controlling the world behind the scenes!

· WE DIDN’T WIN WWII – THE NAZIS INFILTRATED EVERYTHING! Operation Paperclip brought Nazi scientists into the U.S. government, and the Deep State took full control! They withdrew, regrouped, and spread worldwide! Antarctica, South America—the truth has been erased from history!

· THE ROTHSCHILD CONNECTION: Hitler himself was a Rothschild by blood, and so is Obama! The Illuminati bloodlines run deep—their power is generational! This is why the elites protect each other, passing control from one puppet to the next!

· OBAMA’S LEGAL WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION!: Not only did Obama engineer the Plandemic with secret virus funding to Wuhan, but he also legalized propaganda against the public! Through HR 4310 and Section 230, he gave Big Tech and the Deep State the power to LIE to you, CENSOR the truth, and manipulate reality itself!

IRS Fraud


Source; E

For over a CENTURY, we’ve been ENSLAVED by a LIE! The IRS has STOLEN every dollar you’ve ever paid in income tax—based on a FRAUDULENT amendment that was NEVER legally ratified! A CONFIDENTIAL 1985 letter from an IRS Commissioner proves the biggest financial CRIME in U.S. history. DEEP STATE EXPOSED!

The 16th Amendment—the foundation of the IRS—was never legally passed! That means every tax dollar collected since 1913 was ILLEGAL THEFT! The numbers are staggering: $330 TRILLION looted from hardworking Americans, funneled into corrupt government pockets. EVERY DOLLAR MUST BE RETURNED!


The ratification process was RIGGED.

States were coerced, votes were falsified!

The IRS was CREATED as a deep-state weapon to control YOU!

This is not just fraud—it’s TREASON! They KNEW the 16th Amendment was never legally ratified, but they shoved it through ANYWAY. WAKE UP, AMERICA!


In 1985, an IRS Commissioner ADMITTED the truth in a CONFIDENTIAL letter: The 16th Amendment was NEVER legally ratified! The IRS KNEW their entire system was built on a lie, but they continued to EXTORT TRILLIONS from American citizens!

Think about this: Every single paycheck deduction, every audit, every penalty, every tax bill—ALL OF IT WAS ILLEGAL! You have been ROBBED for over a CENTURY!


Not into roads, not into schools, not into making America better. It went to corrupt politicians, globalist elites, and deep-state operatives! They stole OUR money and used it to enslave us!


They are scrambling to suppress this information, labeling it “misinformation” because they KNOW what happens if Americans WAKE UP!

They will censor us. They will attack us. They will silence us.






THIS IS OUR MOMENT. If we don’t fight back now, we remain SLAVES. But if we RISE UP—






Maine Governor

BREAKING REPORT: 2021 Data reveals 42.27% OF MAINE’S STATE REVENUE is provided by the Federal Government..

Imagine what it is now..

Maine’s Governor will NEVER be elected to public office again.

Trump Revolution Will Lead to a System Collapse, Communist China Will be the Last Domino to Fall

By Benjamin Fulford February 24, 2025

The revolution that US President Donald Trump is carrying out will have far bigger effects than most people realize. It is going to lead to complete regime collapse in many countries with communist China the last domino to fall. This is not speculation, it is a mathematical certainty and it has a lot to do with Fort Knox as we will explain below.

The Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE has discovered that two thirds of government expenditures, $4.7 trillion, were untraceable. This money flow has now been cut off. As the financial tide recedes it is only a matter of time before we discover who is not wearing shorts. However, it is a good guess we are talking about Rockefeller/Rothschild fronts like BlackRock, State Street & Banking and Vanguard.

There is a lot more dark money than that in the US. We note Kash Patel is taking over the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This is going to expose another monetary black hole. When you pay $20 for a bottle of whisky that only costs 50 cents to make, that extra money goes into a black hole known as the ATF. The same is true of tobacco and firearms. This is true of many other things like gasoline as well where hidden taxes go to hidden people.

What is being uncovered in the US is part of a worldwide parasitic network that has been sucking the lifeblood out of our planet for millennia. Most countries have similar huge flows of money created out of nothing or stolen via hidden taxes that go via untraceable routes to Switzerland.

Japan is another example. There have been massive protests in front of the Finance Ministry calling for it to be abolished. They preside over hidden taxes on tobacco, alcohol, salt etc. The ministry is under attack now because they are forcing the Japanese people into poverty through ever-growing tax burdens and engineered price hikes on necessities like food.

Last week Japanese member of Parliament Kazuhiro Haraguchi (原口一博) made a speech in front of the ministry that has gone viral in Japan. In it, he talks about a series of secret slush funds run by the ministry that send trillions of dollars to Switzerland, North Korea and other places. He notes for example the ministry just sent $60 billion to the crime state known as the Ukraine.


Haraguchi was a colleague of former MP Koki Ishii. Ishii was fatally stabbed with a sword in front of his house the day before he was going to testify in parliament about these secret budgets. His daughter says it took the ambulance more than an hour to arrive at his house and he died in her arms.

He is just one of hundreds of politicians who met similar fates. Haraguchi knows what he is talking about because he once supervised the Finance Ministry on behalf of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi. Obuchi was also killed for investigating these budgets. Ryutaro Hashimoto was another Prime Minister who was killed by the Khazarian Mafia for looking into these slush funds. The KM finally put out resistance from Japanese politicians by taking Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita to Alaska where they hung him from a helicopter, chased him naked through the snow, and stomped on his testicles before killing him. A video of this murder has been shown to every Prime Minister since. A Japanese royal family member and Japanese military intelligence sources both told me they had seen that video.

After Takeshita’s murder, WEF member Heizo Takenaka handed over control of all of Japan’s listed companies to Vanguard, State Street, etc.

The KM have been doing this sort of thing all over the world. I have heard similar stories about Australian Prime Ministers, not to mention countless rulers of developing countries.

The trail leads to the Institute of Religious Works commonly referred to as the Vatican Bank. According to Japanese royals and other sources, whenever a leader is selected somewhere in the world, they get a visit from a representative of the Vatican Bank who gives them a bank book with a huge amount of money in it and says “Welcome to the rich man’s club. All you have to do is accept the money and obey us. If you don’t we will kill you.” In other words, it is the classic mafia offer of a choice between lead or silver.

This system is now collapsing and that is why they are preparing to announce the death of “Pope Francis.” He is likely to be the last pope, thus ending the 1995 year rule of the Catholic Church. Of course, the real Francis died in 2020 so we are talking about the end of the charade using a rubber-masked pope.

The impending end of the Vatican is connected to the financial collapse alluded to above. (The remainder of Monday’s newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription.)

god mode

“God Mode” Access Achieved to ALL USG Agency Computers

Algorithms created by the United States Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), have finally achieved what they are calling “God Mode” access to every Executive Branch Agency spending system.

Algorithms are now inside all the Executive Branch systems actively tracing ALL transactions, cataloguing all the requisite information, and creating output files for Executive (Presidential) Review.

No expenditure of money can be hidden by vast networks of “pass-throughs” as was possible for the past fifty years.. No bank account destinations can be shielded anymore.

All the secrets about government money spending will be reviewed and, if the President chooses, revealed publicly, continued, or stopped.

The masks used to hide what was going on, have now ALL been penetrated by this level of access.

No court can stop Executive review because that is the sole power of the Executive, per the US Constitution., Article 2 Section 1, Clause 1.

Fool Judges, issuing Temporary Restraining Orders to prevent “personally identifiable records” to be withheld from “DOGE employees“, are completely thwarted by the algorithms because the “algorithm” is not an “employee of DOGE” and the output is going directly to the Executive (the President).

Judges have no power — at all —  to block information from Executive Branch Agencies going directly to the Executive (i.e. the President) because the President wants to see it.

Who the President chooses to read-in, or show that information to, is also the sole prerogative of the President.  Again, Judges have no power at all over it.  Not even the Supreme Court!

At this point, the courts are all but powerless.

God Mode is now in progress.


FBI Director Kash Patel | Transfer or Resign

Source, Hal Turner

FBI director Kash Patel has fired several employees today while hundreds of other agents are being forced to transfer or resign.  HUNDREDS!

FBI employees are arguing over whether their actions these last four years were legal, according to a source.

One employee arguing their actions were legal because they had court orders, while another employee reminded him they lied to the judges to obtain those court orders.

Accountability underway.

Chaos now inside FBI HQ in Washington.

Q Movement

kash patel

The Great Awakening: Q Movement

Source; E

Think about this.

Of all the guys in Trump’s inner circle…this is the fellow who went around giving interviews to Q influencers and podcasters.

While literally EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON in Trump’s orbit steered clear of Q, Kash would openly talk and joke about it at length.

Listen to me carefully. Actually think about what I’m going to tell you.

The Great Awakening was never supposed to happen.

Happen? SHIT! It was considered impossible to even start one, much less grow it to the point it could wake up enough of the country.

WHY did the CIA/MIC/ICS make such a sustained, frantic and never-ending effort to destroy the Q movement once they figured out what it was?

If you’re not a Q believer, do you REALLY THINK the Mockingbird Media was trying to do you A FUCKING FAVOR by loudly shrieking endlessly that Q WAS A HOAX AND A VER’ VER’ BAD THING?

No, the Mockingbird Media was NOT trying to do you a FUCKING FAVOR by stamping out Q and constantly pushing back against the drops.


Trump’s ENEMIES have known ALL ALONG what Q is.  Where Q-Team was. And what Q-Team was attempting to do.

It doesn’t matter what YOU believe about Q. Trump’s enemies demonstrated repeatedly in their over-the-top pushback against Q that they knew it was real.

Why did they keep bringing up Q during Kash’s confirmation hearings?

Because as I said, Kash openly and deliberately hung out with Q people and engaged them and discussed this stuff with them.

While literally everybody else kept their distance.

And now THIS GUY is about to assume full control of the FBI.

The Great Awakening is a very beautiful thing.

And Q played a major and significant role in this currently on-going Great Awakening, even if admitting that makes some people EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE.

Department of Defense

DOGE Investigation, Department of Defense

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), established by President Donald Trump and led by Elon Musk, has initiated a comprehensive review of the Department of Defense (DoD) to identify and eliminate wasteful spending. This initiative aims to streamline the Pentagon’s operations and reduce its substantial budget, which stands at $850 billion for the current fiscal year.

Budget Reduction Efforts

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has directed senior leaders within the DoD to formulate plans for an 8% budget reduction annually over the next five years. This directive emphasizes prioritizing efficiency while maintaining the effectiveness of military operations. Experts suggest that DOGE’s review may focus on areas such as research and development and contracting, where consolidation could yield significant cost savings.

Personnel Assessments

In alignment with its cost-cutting objectives, DOGE has requested the Pentagon to provide lists of probationary employees. The Department of Defense has complied by identifying such personnel and submitting the information to the Office of Personnel Management. This move indicates potential workforce reductions targeting positions deemed non-essential, though certain mission-critical roles may be exempted to preserve core defense capabilities.

Leadership Changes and Controversies

The initiative has also led to significant leadership changes within the military. Several high-ranking officers, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chief of Naval Operations, have been dismissed. Critics argue that these removals, while legally permissible, could undermine military Woke policies and effectiveness by replacing them with qualified and more experienced leadership. Others state that change was inevitable with the new administration taking over.

Furthermore, DOGE’s aggressive approach has prompted resistance from various federal agencies. Notably, the FBI, State Department, and Pentagon have advised their employees against complying with DOGE’s demands for detailed reports on weekly accomplishments, citing concerns over legality and potential overreach. This highlights a growing tension between DOGE and Democratic Left established governmental institutions.

As DOGE continues its efforts to reform the Department of Defense, the balance between achieving fiscal efficiency and maintaining national security remains a focal point of discussion among policymakers and defense experts.

Censorship Industrial Complex

Congressional Hearings: Censorship Industrial Complex

Weaponized MSM & Government

In recent years, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee has convened hearings to investigate concerns regarding government overreach and censorship, focusing on what has been termed the “Censorship-Industrial Complex” and the alleged weaponization of federal agencies and mainstream media.

Hearing on the Censorship-Industrial Complex

On February 12, 2025, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled “The Censorship-Industrial Complex.” This session examined the Biden-Harris Administration’s purported unconstitutional censorship activities and explored emerging threats to free speech, including those posed by artificial intelligence and foreign entities. The committee aimed to uncover collaborations between the government, tech companies, and other organizations that might suppress lawful expression.

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Earlier, on November 30, 2023, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government conducted a hearing to scrutinize the federal government’s role in social media censorship and recent assaults on independent journalism and free speech. Notable witnesses included journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, who discussed their findings from the “Twitter Files,” shedding light on the government’s influence over social media platforms to control information.

These hearings underscore a growing concern about the potential misuse of governmental power in regulating speech and the media, raising critical questions about the balance between national security, public interest, and the preservation of First Amendment rights.

For a more in-depth understanding, you can view the full hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government below:

“Straight out of Black Mirror”

In his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on February 12, 2025, investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger raised concerns about the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) involvement in promoting digital identification systems. He highlighted that USAID has been funding initiatives advocating for digital IDs linked to social media accounts, which could potentially facilitate censorship and surveillance. Shellenberger emphasized that such efforts might undermine free speech and privacy rights, as they could enable governments to monitor and control online activities more effectively.

USAID’s recent policy developments reflect a growing emphasis on digital infrastructure and identity systems. In 2024, USAID launched a ten-year Digital Policy aimed at expanding internet access and digital technology globally. While the policy emphasizes promoting democracy and human rights, critics argue that it also enhances the agency’s capacity for social control through tools like censorship and propaganda.

Furthermore, USAID has released guidance on creating digital ID systems intended to foster inclusive development. The “Guide to Creating Digital ID for Inclusive Development” provides practical insights for implementing digital identity systems in various sectors. However, concerns have been raised that such systems, especially when linked to social media, could be leveraged to monitor individuals’ online behavior, potentially leading to suppression of dissenting voices and erosion of civil liberties.

These developments suggest a complex interplay between efforts to enhance digital inclusion and the potential risks associated with increased surveillance and censorship. As digital identity systems become more integrated with online platforms, it is crucial to balance the benefits of technological advancement with the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

For a more in-depth understanding, you can view Michael Shellenberger’s testimony below:

Ep / diddy docs Photo; @TaraBull808


Source; E

THE EPSTEIN AND DIDDY DOCUMENTS are about to be released. Trump has ordered FULL disclosure. The FBI holds every piece of evidence. The biggest scandal in modern history is about to explode wide open. Stay tuned. Stay alert.

· Pizza-Gate. The Pedophile Scandal of The American Elites: Hillary Clinton, Obama, Podesta emails, Alefantis, and Comet Ping Pong Pizza

· PIZZAGATE IS REAL. Hillary Clinton, Obama, Podesta emails, Alefantis, and Comet Ping Pong Pizza. The light is piercing through the darkness, and the world will see. Fear us. The Pizza-gate scandal exposed a network of pedophiles operating in Washington, using coded symbols and keywords hidden in emails and linked to family pizzerias. Researchers from Reddit and 4Chan uncovered disturbing patterns in Podesta’s leaked emails—strange references to pizza, ping pong, and Comet Ping Pong Pizza, a DC establishment with deep ties to political elites. Within the thousands of emails that implicated Hillary Clinton in Libya and Syria, researchers found encrypted language—a code long used in elite pedophile circles. Words like pizza, hot dogs, cheese, and sauce weren’t about food. They were coded references to child trafficking.

· The FBI has confirmed that these terms are commonly used in high-level pedophile networks, referring to unspeakable acts against children. John and Tony Podesta, close friends of Hillary and Obama, were linked to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal. Witnesses described two suspicious men matching their appearance, seen near the crime scene on the night Madeleine vanished. The Podesta brothers were staying less than a kilometer away, at the home of Clemence Freud—a known pedophile and the grandson of Sigmund Freud.

· But it goes deeper. Podesta’s inner circle includes Marina Abramovic, a so-called artist obsessed with occult rituals and human sacrifice. She popularized “Spirit Cooking”, a practice involving menstrual blood, semen, urine, and breast milk—a ritual inspired by black magician Aleister Crowley. Who attended these grotesque gatherings? John and Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and other elites. Abramovic is celebrated by Hollywood figures like Lady Gaga and Jay-Z, further exposing the entertainment industry’s connection to these dark forces.

· Then there’s James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza. His name translates in French to “J’aime les enfants” (I love children). Despite owning a small pizza shop, he’s ranked among the 50 most powerful people in Washington. Why? Because his establishment is a front for something far darker. His pizzeria hosted fundraising events for Hillary Clinton, featuring artwork and performances laden with pedophilic symbolism.

· Obama is implicated too. Leaked emails reveal he spent $65,000 in taxpayer money flying in “pizza and hot dogs” from Chicago for a White House party. Code words again. Not a food order—a child trafficking transaction. The network of corruption extends into the highest offices of power, involving satanic practices, MK-Ultra mind control, and elite Hollywood puppets.

· The media rushed to silence Pizza-gate, labeling it “fake news.” Investigative journalist Andrew Breitbart—one of the first to expose this network—died under suspicious circumstances. The cover-up was so aggressive that a false flag operation was staged at Comet Ping Pong, with a “lone gunman” firing shots inside the pizzeria to discredit the investigation.

· This is how the dark elite protects their own. But no matter how much they suppress the truth, karma is inescapable. The veil is lifting, and soon, they will face justice.


Putin Was Right

by Clandestine 

The world is starting to realize that Ukraine was a massive psyop and money laundering operation.

Which means that Putin was kind of right about the whole Ukraine thing.

This is why the Deep State conditioned the world to believe everything Russia says is “disinformation”. They knew that Putin knew their schemes, so they weaponized nearly all media around the globe, via Soros’ USAID influence machine, to make the public believe anything Russia says is a lie.

In reality, it was all to cover up their own lies and criminality in Ukraine. This is why the MSM have been screeching about “Russian collusion” and “Russian disinformation” since around 2014. The Deep State knew that Putin knew, so they weaponized the media against him, the same way they did Trump.

You just lived through the most advanced information and propaganda war in human history. The people you have been taught to hate are actually the good guys, and the people you have been taught to worship are actually the most evil people on the planet.

peace talks

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Sec. of State Marco Rubio

by Clandestine 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Sec. of State Marco Rubio, just had phone call by request of Trump admin.

They reportedly discussed:

-End of conflict in Ukraine

-Plan for Palestinians and Middle East

-Normalizing trade relations and reversing Obama/Biden policy

-Maintaining channel for communications

Trump is not only negotiating an end to WW3, he is completely changing the relationship between the US and Russia. Trump and Putin recognize that the Deep State is the enemy, not each other.

This is an extremely positive sign. This means nukes will not be flying, and WW3 is about to be cancelled. The future is starting to look a lot more peaceful.

Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19!

Biological Update from Russian Ministry of Defense, pertaining to the conclusion of the Ninth Review Conference of the BWC.1

To put it briefly, no ground was made. The West blocked all proposals put forth by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, in order to hold the US accountable for their actions in Ukraine.

However, this is far from the end of the road. Russia exhausted all the formal diplomatic channels to no avail, but they show no intent to stop their mission to hold the West accountable for their biological genocide in Ukraine.

In response to the West’s lack of cooperation, Russia have decided they are going to start dropping names. It’s time for scorched Earth.

This is a passage from General Kirillov’s briefing. Absolutely astonishing:

“We have previously presented materials confirming the involvement of Hunter Biden and his Rosemont Seneca Foundation, as well as other US Democratic Party-controlled entities, in funding the Pentagon’s main contractors operating in Ukraine.

It has been shown how deeply the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden, is involved in funding the US DOD-controlled company Metabiota.

However, some participants in closed projects remain in the shadows, although they are key players in Ukraine’s military-biological programme.

They include former DITRA director Kenneth Myers, executive vice president of the CIA-controlled In-Q-Tel venture capital fund Tara O’Toole, former head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Frieden, former the National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, former Battelle Memorial Institute executive director Jeffrey Wadsworth, chief scientist and president of international research, development and medicine at Pfizer and many others.

All of them, in one way or another, are beneficiaries of the Pentagon’s biological projects and are linked to the US Democratic Partywhose leaders act as the masterminds of military- biological research and the creators of covert money-laundering schemes to benefit a narrow circle of US elites.

It is these people who should be asked why taxpayers’ money is being spent on illegal military-biological research in Ukraine and other countries around the world.”

Russian is no longer pulling any punches. They are directly accusing the named individuals, one of which my followers will know very well, Dr. Collins, former Director of the NIH, the co-conspirator along with Dr. Fauci behind the cover up of the origin of Covid 19.

Don’t worry, Kirillov didn’t forget about Fauci.

“Despite formal bans, the US budget is being spent on dual-use research. In this connection, the Republican Party has initiated an investigation into the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Biden’s chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci. Public funding through an intermediary organisation was confirmed for experiments to enhance the pathogenicity of viruses, including coronaviruses, the incidence of which was not widespread until 2019.

The investigation found that Fauci openly lied and deliberately concealed US government involvement in the research programmes.

At the same time, his collusion with social media management to manipulate public opinion on the causes of COVID-19 was revealed.

Such revelations raise legitimate questions for the US about the causes of new human-caused pathogens and the patterns of pandemic spread.”

So now Russian MIL are bridging the gap between the creation of Covid 19, and the coverup via social media and MSM influence, facilitated by one Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Russian MIL’s narrative is on a collision course with Elon about to drop the Fauci Files and C19 portion of the Twitter Files. Russian MIL’s narratives also seem to coincide with that of Trump/Q narratives, that C19 was released intentionally by the Deep State to implement a medical police-state and force mail-in voting to steal 2020 with ballot fraud. It’s all pointing to the same conclusion.

Slowly, the public is being made aware that Covid 19 was a bioweapon, and the same people who made it, covered up the origin, covered up viable treatments, and pushed vaccines that didn’t work, which they profited off of, all in an effort to retain and gain power.

Russia, and the rest of the non-NATO countries, want reparations for the millions of lives (purportedly) lost, and the irreparable economic and psychological damage, caused by the outbreak of the bioweapon created and set loose by the US Democrat National Party and their affiliates.

It’s happening. The world will know the truth about Covid 19.



EXPOSED: The Jesuit Order Controls the Vatican and the New World Order!

Source E

Unmasking the power behind the curtain: The Jesuits rule the Vatican and steer the New World Order’s religious agenda! Hidden in plain sight, they manipulate governments and religions to create a global empire.

Former Bishop Gerard Bouffard exposes the truth: The Black Pope, Jesuit Gen. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, commands the Vatican, the Pope, and the Illuminati! Bouffard, who worked at the Vatican for six years, says the Pope follows orders from the Black Pope, making the Jesuits the true power behind the Church and the world’s destruction.

He declares: The Jesuits infiltrate all religions and governments to impose a one-world Luciferian religion! The Vatican controls Israel, plotting to destroy the Jews and ignite global chaos. They hide behind black robes and false piety while worshipping Satan through secret rites!

Bouffard, a 37th Degree Freemason, says Freemasonry is the Church’s secret weapon to execute the Illuminati’s agenda. High-ranking priests and cardinals secretly belong to Masonic lodges to bring down America from within.

He reveals that Fr. Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit, was murdered for exposing the same truths. The Vatican erased Rivera’s records, but Bouffard confirms: Rivera was real, and the Jesuits poisoned him for telling the truth! The Jesuits’ history of genocide, assassinations, and infiltration dates back centuries, yet their evil agenda continues unchecked!

The Jesuits already control U.S. institutions, including the CFR and the Federal Reserve, tightening their grip on America’s fate. They will stop at nothing to destroy freedom and impose their satanic one-world order!

The time to act is NOW! Pray, share, and expose their lies before their plan unfolds. The storm is here. Are you ready?

doge 5 trillion


Fires 300,000, and Exposes Social Security & IRS Corruption

· Just days into its investigation, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), led by Elon Musk, has cut $5 trillion from the budget and fired 300,000 non-essential employees. Musk has accused the Social Security Administration of massive fraud, revealing that millions of fake beneficiaries—including over five million individuals listed as 140+ years old—have been receiving benefits. Foreign fraud rings have exploited fake Social Security numbers to steal trillions.

· Meanwhile, President Trump is ordering mass layoffs at the IRS, citing its Mafia-style operations that prey on the public while protecting elites. Trump is pushing to abolish the IRS altogether, replacing it with a 14% national sales tax, exempting food and medicine. House Rule 25 has already been introduced in Congress to make it happen.

· DOGE is now turning its audit focus to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with more revelations expected soon.

· FBI Declassifies CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse & Child Trafficking

· Recently declassified files expose the CIA’s long-standing role in Satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking, dating back to the 1920s. Former Los Angeles FBI head Ted Gunderson first uncovered the CIA’s secret network involved in child kidnappings, ritual abuse, and human sacrifice, but nothing was done.

· The Deep State’s most powerful figures are now being arrested, as evidence mounts linking elite politicians and globalists to Satanic pedophilia networks. The fight for truth has just begun.

· Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The head of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Washington, D.C., Denise Cheung, has suddenly resigned.

· Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Highest Ranking Social Security Bureaucrat Abruptly Resigns After Elon Musk’s DOGE Uncovers ‘Biggest Fraud in History’

· Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Head of FDA food division, Jim Jones resigns.

· Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy stepping down amid US Postal Service financial turmoil.

· RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again.

· Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The DOGE audits have revealed that since Joe Biden was VP, his family and their shell companies have hauled in $18 million from foreign sources.

$7.3 million from China

$4 million from Ukraine

$3.5 million from Russia

$1 million from Romania

$1 million from Panama

$142,300 from Kazakhstan (for a Porsche!)

$1 million in other foreign payments

Joe Biden met with almost every foreign national funneling his family $millions.

Chairman of CEFC Ye Jianming

Chinese Fund Executive Jonathan Li

Burisma Corporate Secretary Vadym Pozharsky

Russian Oligarch Yelena Baturina

Kazakhstani Oligarch Kenes Rakishev

fort nox gold



THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN U.S. HISTORY IS READY TO EXPLODE! Elon Musk & DOGE are storming Fort Knox—IS THE GOLD GONE?! The Deep State is LOSING CONTROL, the Fed is READY TO COLLAPSE, and the TRUTH can no longer be hidden!

If the vaults are empty, the markets will crash, the dollar will DIE, and ARRESTS WILL FOLLOW! The government has LIED for 50 YEARS—IT’S TIME TO EXPOSE THEM!


February 18, 2025 – America stands on the brink of the biggest financial revelation ever. The corruption and lies that enslaved the American people are about to be shattered.

Elon Musk and Rand Paul are forcing a full audit of Fort Knox! Why has every attempt to audit the reserves been blocked? WHY the secrecy?

Now, with DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) rattling Washington elites, Elon Musk hints at LIVE EXPOSURE of Fort Knox! THE WORLD WATCHES.


For 50 years:

“Trust the system.”

“Don’t question the gold.”

But WHY the lies?

Rand Paul fought for TEN YEARS to access Fort Knox, but Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen BLOCKED him—stalling with absurd excuses.


Musk demands: “That gold belongs to the American people! IS IT STILL THERE?”

If Fort Knox is EMPTY, the entire financial system COLLAPSES. The illusion of gold backing would vanish, and the U.S. dollar would PLUMMET.


Global confidence in the dollar—GONE.

China and Russia would seize control of the financial system.


No more lies. No more secrecy.


With Trump leading and DOGE investigating, the Deep State’s days are numbered. If Fort Knox is exposed, MASS ARRESTS ARE NEXT!


Elon Musk, Rand Paul, and DOGE are closing in.

Will Fort Knox be exposed as America’s greatest lie?


The reckoning is HERE. Stay tuned!


DOGE Massive Fraud of Tax Payer Funds

Fox News admits that the next step is major refunds for American taxpayers as DOGE uncovers massive fraud and waste—money that was sent where it never should have gone.

They admit it’s time to return every single penny.

“Give that back to the American people, and watch the economy explode.”

Canadian Delta Airline Crash

BREAKING: A Delta Airlines CRJ900 has just crash landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport.

The plane appears to have landed upside down somehow. 8 people said to be injured, so far. No word on if there are any fatalities.

It seems to be a PATTERN now of multiple aircraft related disasters, all happening together in a very short span of time (less than a month).



MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption, Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save Farmers! America’s farms are under siege!

· RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The MAHA Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again. The Deep State should be TERRIFIED!

· The Current Farming System: Poisoning America for Profit. The USDA has turned farming into a weapon against the people: Small farmers crushed by Big Ag’s monopolies and impossible regulations. Soil destroyed by chemical warfare from corporate giants. Americans sicker than ever, poisoned by toxic food and Big Pharma’s greed. Water systems polluted, leaving future generations at risk.

· This isn’t farming—it’s WAR. But RFK Jr. is here to fight back!

· Step 1: Crush Corrupt Regulations—FREE the Farmers! For decades, Big Ag-owned regulators have suffocated family farms while corporate giants rake in profits. The MAHA Plan will: Slash red tape that chokes small farms. End Big Ag favoritism and destroy monopolies. Put farmers first, making American agriculture profitable again!

· Step 2: Heal the Soil, Clean the Water—RESTORE the Land! Decades of chemical abuse have left our land dying and our food toxic. RFK Jr. will: Promote regenerative farming to rebuild soil health. Ban toxic pesticides and GMOs that poison our crops. Protect water resources, ending reckless corporate exploitation.

· Step 3: BAN Toxic Chemicals—Crush Big Ag’s Poison Empire! The U.S. allows chemicals banned worldwide—WHY? MONEY! Big Ag and Big Pharma profit from your sickness. Under MAHA: Banned in Europe? BANNED HERE! Criminal accountability for poisoning America. USDA overhaul—no more corporate puppets controlling our food.

· RFK Jr. & Trump: The Deep State’s WORST Nightmare! Trump fights globalist corruption. RFK Jr. destroys fake science and Big Ag lies. Together, they are UNSTOPPABLE.

· This Is War—For Our Farms, Families, and Future! The USDA sold out to corporate parasites. But now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to take our farms back! The MAHA Plan isn’t just a policy—it’s a movement. Farmers, patriots, freedom-lovers: RISE UP and FIGHT!

New White Hat Trump and Musk Avatars Continue Revolution

By Benjamin Fulford February 17, 2025

News events and senior U.S. Space Force sources confirm that the white hats have regained control of the White House and have replaced dark hat avatars of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who temporarily seized control. That is why the second U.S. revolution is now back on track and accelerating.

What happened was that after Trump’s avatar was killed in a helicopter crash, he was temporarily replaced with an avatar controlled by Elon Musk. This is why Trump suddenly did a 180-degree turn on so many issues like Gaza and Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky. Now, Musk has been replaced with a masked avatar, and a new Trump avatar is once again taking orders from the real one in Mt. Cheyenne.

This came after more than 350 rabbis, alongside additional signatories, including Jewish creatives and activists, signed an ad in The New York Times condemning Donald Trump’s proposal for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

Now, we are confirming that Israeli troops were ordered to shoot and kill captive Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023, Israel’s then-Defense Minister Yoav Gallant admitted this week. “So Israel did order their own citizens to be killed. How many of us that said this at the time got called liars and idiots? Well, it’s now confirmed,” a Mossad source comments.

Mossad sources also revealed the coin for the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel, showing their plan to take over all religions and rule the world from Jerusalem. This plan has now ended.

So, in yet another 180-degree turn, the new Trump is now saying Gaza will be redeveloped by the local residents, who will be well cared for.

In another sign that the real Trump is back in control, First Lady Melania Trump announced the White House will officially open for public tours on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

First Lady Melania Trump Announces Opening of White House Public Tours

As more evidence of a shift, the dark Trump said he would “probably meet Zelensky.” Now, Zelensky says he repeatedly urged Trump to meet with him in person and was refused.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has also suddenly done an about-turn. When he visited a fawning Trump avatar in the White House, he talked about genocide in Gaza and war with Iran.

Now, Israeli extremists are calling “Netanyahu” a traitor, making a “historic mistake” by calling a ceasefire in Gaza.

For reference, these photos show what appear to be two different Trumps and Netanyahus based on things like height and ear shape.

There is also definitely a new Musk. The original Musk called for a “dark gothic MAGA” and was trying to turn his platform, X, into a Mark of the Beast control system integrated with cryptocurrencies, his Neuralink brain implants, and a planet-spanning Starlink satellite network. The photo below shows the Satanic mother of the old Musk.

Videos of his four-year-old son pulling on his rubber face show, now a new Musk—or should I say Mask—has appeared on the scene.

This white hat Musk is a spokesperson for military white hats. Listen to him talk about things like Social Security being paid to people who are 150 years old and people getting very rich on government jobs despite low incomes.

The new White House is now saying the federal government is losing between $233 billion and $521 billion annually to fraud. Ending this fraud will defund the deep state.

Memo To Press: Hundreds of Dollars Are Fraudulently Spent Every Year

In an indication of how much waste there is to cut: In fiscal year 2022, the federal government spent nearly $300 billion on compensation for civilian employees, excluding pensions. And yet, according to a recent congressional report, only 6% of federal workers report to work in person on a full-time basis.

U.S. military intelligence sources explain:

Now, the DOGE Squad is operating with military-grade precision, executing full-spectrum ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) to systematically map, track, and expose entrenched corruption within federal bureaucracies.

Every bureaucratic takedown, financial exposure, and legal reckoning accelerates the collapse of the Deep State’s administrative control, paving the way for the restoration of constitutional governance under COG protocols.

This is war… not with bullets, but with intelligence, exposure, and strategic dismantling of the enemy’s operational foundation.

The deep state in the EU is also being dismantled. U.S. Vice President JD Vance stunned European heads of state at the Munich conference last week when he told them:

The Trump administration… believes that it’s important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defense. The threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor. And what I worry about is the threat from within—the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States of America.

Now, I was struck that a former European commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election. He warned that if things don’t go to plan, the very same thing could happen in Germany, too.

Vance basically announced a U.S./Russian military alliance against the Davos Nazis who took over the West.

This prompted de facto EU leader and head of the Rothschild clan, Jean Michel de Rothschild—presented to the world as “Brigitte Macron”—to call an emergency meeting of his pet leaders in Paris. To confirm “Brigitte” is a man, please check this photo.

The Rothschilds and their minions are panicking because Trump is preparing to take away their control of the global financial system.

It Turns Out That the US Government Was Also Funding Reuters

Source: Laura Aboli

“The US government paid Reuters millions of dollars for ‘massive social deception.’ That’s literally what the purchase order says!” Trump’s chief of the Office of Effectiveness wrote in response to

Elon’s post that said the agency received $9 million from the Pentagon for a “large-scale social engineering” program.

The funds were allocated by the US Department of Defense between 2018 and 2022 under the “cyber defense” expenditure item.

Earlier, Musk accused the previous US government of large-scale funding of major Western media outlets from budget funds.

DOGE Probe

DOGE Probe; The Biggest Financial Scandals in US History

Source; E

Elon Musk has brought to light what may be one of the biggest financial scandals in U.S. history. So far his DOGE Probe has uncovered evidence that:

· Obama orchestrated the biggest criminal cover up in US History to protect Hillary Clinton.

· For decades, the American people have been systematically robbed blind while the Washington elite, defense contractors, and special interests gorged themselves on taxpayer money.

· Millions in Taxpayer Dollars were given to the Mass Media including The New York Times and Reuters to promote a Leftist Agenda that included the cover up of Child Sex Trafficking in Washington DC.

· Washington DC was considered the Child Sex Trafficking Capitol of the World.

· MS-13 members were being used as foot soldiers to traffic children for our corrupt elected bureaucrats.

· Child Sex Trafficking has been going on for a long time in Washington DC. It was used to blackmail politicians to do the Cabal’s bidding and keep US Taxpayer monies under their control.

· The Front Page of the 29 June 1989 Washington Times read: “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr ‘CALL BOYS’ Who Took Midnight Tours Of White House.”

· FBI Agents and NYPD officers attempted to bring charges against Hillary Clinton & Huma Abedin after video evidence was discovered of the two skinning the face of a young girl whom they tortured to death, but the FBI and New York police officers were prevented from taking their evidence to court by their higher-ups.

· There were emails proving US President Barak Obama paid $65,000 in US Taxpayer monies for young children to be brought to the White House for a Child Sex party with Elites and politicians including Hillary Clinton and Ben Affleck.

· There was evidence that Pedo-gate was discredited as ‘fake news’ by the Mainstream Media despite NBC’s (11 June 2013) televised report regarding Hillary Clinton using her position as US Secretary of State to cease an investigation into child trafficking within the State Department.

· There was video evidence that hundreds of naked children were being held in underground tunnels that ran beneath Washington DC, Epstein Island and major cities across the US.

· The Clinton Foundation received $88 million from Australian taxpayers at the same time evidence surfaced that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta, plus Welsh-born Australian ALP Prime Minister Julia Gillard were connected to the kidnapping of the British child Madeleine McCann.

· Evidence that Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mother Teresa, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Epstein, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey and multiple other Global and political elites were involved in Child Sex Trafficking.

· Massive Fraud in Treasury Department: Social Security makes $100 Billion in yearly payments to individuals lacking SSNs or IDs. Treasury officials estimate that at least half of these payments — around $50 billion each year, or roughly $1 billion per week, are undeniably fraudulent.

· The Pentagon spends $600 million a year on sushi.

· The IRS is shelling out $230,000 a month on Starbucks Cinnamon Roast K-Cups—costing an unbelievable $1,280 per tiny disposable cup. This is happening at the IRS headquarters, where 92% of employees are working from home. That means out of every 100 employees assigned to the building, 92 aren’t even there—yet the agency is still spending nearly a quarter of a million dollars every month just on cinnamon K-Cups from Starbucks.

· And that’s just the beginning…To everyone about to get fired in DC: “Learn to cope!”

Social Security Fraud: Nearly 1.5 Million Americans Listed as Over 150 Years Old, 1,041 Over 220 Years Old

Western Journal

Elon Musk and his crack team at the Department of Government Efficiency have been scouring federal data for signs of waste, fraud, and abuse.

They may have found something massive at the Social Security Administration.

Musk shared via X on Sunday that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans listed as alive in the Social Security databases who have probably been dead for quite a while.


The database included over 1.3 million people between the ages of 150 and 159, nearly 122,000 between the ages of 160 and 169, and over 6,000 between the ages of 170 and 179.

That does not include a few thousand more between 180 and 229 years old, meaning they were born well before the Civil War.

“According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE!” Musk told the public while sharing a screenshot of the data.

“Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security.”

There was one person listed on the Social Security rolls between 240 and 249 years old, and another between 360 and 369 years old.

That means there is supposedly one American alive who saw the earliest days of the republic, and another who started his life squarely during the colonial era.

For the record, the oldest person to ever live in modern history was Jeanne Calment, who lived just over 122 years, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

The records from Social Security indicated that there are actually more than 7.4 million Americans alive today between the ages of 130 and 149.

Musk did not reveal whether those supposed senior citizens are still receiving payouts, but he is not optimistic about what this finding says about the soundness of our bureaucracy.

“There are FAR more ‘eligible’ social security numbers than there are citizens in the USA,” Musk added. “This might be the biggest fraud in history.”

At best, the Social Security Administration has been asleep at the wheel, failing to conduct basic maintenance on its records.

At worst, the taxpayer is currently shelling out millions of payments to people claiming the identities of long-dead Americans, indeed reflecting one of the worst frauds ever recorded.

In any case, the latest revelation from Musk shows massive government incompetence and explains exactly why reforming and downsizing the federal beast is a serious necessity.

Thousands of Homes Now FOR SALE Around Washington, DC!

Source: Hal Turner

Within the past week, THOUSANDS of residential real estate listings in and around Washington, DC, have hit the market, FOR SALE.  The rats are fleeing!

The image above shows the listings.

Now that the USAID “gravy train” is gone, and other government agencies are cutting staff, a lot of the bureaucratic bigshots living in their million dollar+ homes are realizing they can’t afford them anymore.

In just the past few days, HUNDREDS of homes have been listed for sale in and around Washington, DC.

I’m hearing rumors that the “Yuppies” are “on suicide watch” because reality just checked-in to their lives!

I also hear that the ones with nose rings, cheek piercings, ear gauges, “radical-colored hair” and the like, are being told before job interviews that anyone with such things “will not even be considered for employment.”

Oh my. Cold, hard reality.

Can we get DC to set up Bleachers or other spectator gathering areas, so we can watch the lefties fall apart in real time?  Maybe we can get a TV station to provide live video feeds?

This could be REAL entertainment!

Here’s another Real Estate listing over a wider area around DC:

obama scandal


CIA Director John Ratcliffe has CONFIRMED what patriots suspected for years: The Obama administration ORDERED the FBI NOT to arrest Hillary Clinton for espionage, despite clear violations of 18 U.S. Code § 793.

This is not incompetence. This is a coordinated crime at the highest level. Obama and Clinton conspired to subvert the rule of law, crushing it under their boots to protect their empire.


For years, patriots asked: Why wasn’t Hillary prosecuted? The answer is clear: Obama personally intervened.

Disgraced former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under oath that the DOJ directly instructed the FBI to let Clinton walk free.

Ratcliffe: “They told you outright: ‘We are NOT prosecuting Hillary Clinton for gross negligence’?”

Lisa Page: “That is correct.”

This wasn’t a mistake. It was a deliberate, high-level cover-up. Clinton was supposed to secure the Deep State’s future in 2016. But when Trump won, their entire plan collapsed.


Under Obama, the FBI ceased to be law enforcement and became the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.

Clinton was given a free pass for crimes that would have put any American behind bars for life.

The FBI turned its full power toward fabricating crimes against Trump.

Russia hoax, FISA fraud, Trump indictments—ALL from the same criminals who protected Clinton.


Because her emails were the smoking gun.

Pay-for-play deals with foreign governments.

Collusion between the Obama White House and foreign spies to manipulate U.S. elections.

Classified intel leaked to foreign actors for political favors.

If Clinton had been arrested, the investigation wouldn’t have stopped with her—it would have led straight to Obama.


Clinton’s escape was only the beginning. The moment Trump announced his candidacy, the Deep State activated its full arsenal.

They fabricated the Russia hoax.

They weaponized intelligence agencies to spy on Trump.

They rigged the 2020 election.

They orchestrated multiple indictments to block him from 2024.

And yet, Trump is BACK. In 2025, he is leading the charge to dismantle the corrupt empire Obama and Clinton built.


The mainstream media covered up the biggest crime in U.S. history.

They called Clinton’s email scandal a “nothingburger.”

They ignored leaked documents proving Obama’s direct involvement.

They pushed fabricated Trump charges while burying evidence of the real criminals.

These are not journalists—they are propagandists for the Deep State.


We now have undeniable proof that the highest levels of government engaged in a criminal conspiracy to protect Clinton, destroy Trump, and manipulate the justice system.

Obama must be investigated for obstructing justice.

Clinton must face the full force of the law.

The FBI must be purged of Deep State operatives.

The DOJ must be overhauled to restore integrity.


The Deep State is clinging to power. But now, with Trump leading the charge and the truth exposed, the American people are awake.


Will justice be served? The time for action is NOW.

RFK jr

RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War on the USDA! MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption

Source E

Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save Farmers!America’s farms are under siege! RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The MAHA Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again. The Deep State should be TERRIFIED!

The Current Farming System: Poisoning America for ProfitThe USDA has turned farming into a weapon against the people:

Small farmers crushed by Big Ag’s monopolies and impossible regulations.

Soil destroyed by chemical warfare from corporate giants.

Americans sicker than ever, poisoned by toxic food and Big Pharma’s greed.

Water systems polluted, leaving future generations at risk.

This isn’t farming—it’s WAR. But RFK Jr. is here to fight back!

Step 1: Crush Corrupt Regulations—FREE the Farmers!For decades, Big Ag-owned regulators have suffocated family farms while corporate giants rake in profits. The MAHA Plan will:

Slash red tape that chokes small farms.

End Big Ag favoritism and destroy monopolies.

Put farmers first, making American agriculture profitable again!

Step 2: Heal the Soil, Clean the Water—RESTORE the Land!Decades of chemical abuse have left our land dying and our food toxic. RFK Jr. will:

Promote regenerative farming to rebuild soil health.

Ban toxic pesticides and GMOs that poison our crops.

Protect water resources, ending reckless corporate exploitation.

Step 3: BAN Toxic Chemicals—Crush Big Ag’s Poison Empire!The U.S. allows chemicals banned worldwide—WHY? MONEY! Big Ag and Big Pharma profit from your sickness. Under MAHA:

Banned in Europe? BANNED HERE!

Criminal accountability for poisoning America.

USDA overhaul—no more corporate puppets controlling our food.

RFK Jr. & Trump: The Deep State’s WORST Nightmare!Trump fights globalist corruption. RFK Jr. destroys fake science and Big Ag lies. Together, they are UNSTOPPABLE.

This Is War—For Our Farms, Families, and Future!The USDA sold out to corporate parasites. But now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to take our farms back! The MAHA Plan isn’t just a policy—it’s a movement. Farmers, patriots, freedom-lovers: RISE UP and FIGHT!

2.7 Trillion in Improper Medicare/Medicaid Payments to People Overseas

Note; Did I just hear the WH press briefing question correctly?$2.7 TRILLION in improper Medicare/Medicaid payments to people overseas who weren’t entitled to the benefit?

This cannot be real.

The entire national debt is ~$36T, and you’re telling me that you sent checks for $2.7T to people overseas??

I am telling you right now, by the time we’re done with these audits, we will find at least $36T worth of waste, fraud and abuse.

The entire national debt is waste, fraud and abuse.

ON TOP OF THAT.. how long have we been debating Medicare/Medicaid insolvency???


YOU’RE WRITING CHECKS TO THE ENTIRE GLOBAL POPULATION…How many years have we been taking about this???.

This is just beyond lunacy, and that the dumbest among can’t see it is a testament to our ignorance as a nation. What an embarrassment.


Bioweapons Made to Kill Millions

Source, The Queen

Whether C19 was released accidentally or intentionally, at this point, does it matter?

They made bioweapons, killed millions, covered it up, censored/brainwashed the planet, obstructed viable treatments, and forced experimental injections that were neither safe nor effective, all for their own financial and political gain.

Of course we need to get to the bottom of everything and the truth is important, but regardless of if it was intentional or accidental, they committed crimes against humanity, for which the punishment is death.

It’s not a matter of IF our government and ruling class are evil, it’s just a matter of TO WHAT DEGREE?



NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has blown the lid off a global conspiracy that will shake you to your core. Hidden in the Alaskan wilderness, HAARP has long been disguised as a harmless research project. The reality? It’s a weapon of mass control, assassination, and mind manipulation.


Snowden’s leaked documents confirm that HAARP is not about studying the atmosphere—it’s about controlling it. The facility in Gakona, Alaska, isn’t just a lab; it’s a high-powered military weapon used to target individuals, induce strokes and heart attacks, and manipulate emotions. Victims never realize they were targeted. The perfect crime.


Snowden exposes how NATO uses HAARP to suppress dissidents, making them appear insane or irrational. Political opponents, truth-seekers, and whistleblowers are electronically silenced. This is how the elite eliminate threats without lifting a finger.

During his escape to Moscow, Snowden and WikiLeaks staff fought against radio-generated homicidal delusions. HAARP’s reach extends far beyond Alaska. Every major power is involved.


Snowden now lives inside a Faraday cage—his only defense against HAARP’s sinister signals. Why would a man risk everything to expose this? Because the truth must be known.


The leaked files, obtained from high-ranking military officials, expose HAARP’s real mission. This isn’t speculation. Intelligence sources have verified the authenticity. They don’t want you to know.


For decades, whistleblowers have hinted at HAARP’s role in engineered disasters. Former insiders confirm: this isn’t just about weather control—it’s about warfare. Targeted hurricanes, earthquakes, and droughts cripple nations without a single bullet being fired.


Alaska is just one piece of the puzzle. HAARP-like facilities exist worldwide. Sweden, Russia, and beyond—all part of a coordinated effort to control the planet itself.


How many “natural” disasters were actually engineered? How many “coincidental” deaths were HAARP’s doing? The truth is more terrifying than fiction.


This isn’t about conspiracy theories. It’s about power, control, and the future of humanity. The elite have weaponized the atmosphere itself.

Will you stay asleep, or will you fight back?


Ben Fulford Endgame


1/ Buckle up. There’s a massive move happening in the gold market that almost nobody’s talking about. Huge physical deliveries. Shortages in London. Gold flowing into the U.S. at record levels. Someone with deep pockets is scooping up gold—likely the U.S. Treasury or Fed.

2/ Why? The Theory: They’re preparing for a full-on gold audit—meaning they’re re-shoring gold they might’ve leased out. Once audited, that gold could form the backbone of a new monetary system. This could signal a seismic shift in the dollar’s status and value.

3/ The Endgame: A major devaluation of the U.S. dollar to reset America’s global competitiveness. Think back to 1971 (Nixon shutting the gold window) or 1985 (Plaza Accord). This time, it might be even bigger—some call it the “Mar-a-Lago Accord.”

4/ Tariffs are key. They aren’t just about steel, aluminum, or stopping fentanyl. They’re the cudgel to force other countries to accept a new currency regime. The U.S. wants to drive down the dollar’s value vs. the yuan, euro, yen, etc. to boost exports and domestic industry.

Bottom line: Prepare for a major monetary reset. One that’s orchestrated (they hope) rather than chaotic. These aren’t half-baked theories. You can see it in gold flows, Trump’s policy picks, the talk of a Sovereign Wealth Fund, and a looming forced revaluation.

gold under the Vatican

The Vatican’s 1,500-Mile Tunnel to Jerusalem—And the Hidden Gold Stash That Shatters History!

Source, Ben Fulford

Beneath the Vatican lies an explosive secret: a 1,500-mile underground tunnel leading straight to Jerusalem—a hidden artery of power, wealth, and control. But the biggest shock? This tunnel holds a gold hoard so massive it took 650 airplanes to secretly transfer it to Fort Knox!

This isn’t just some theory. This is real. The Vatican’s underground labyrinth has long been rumored to hold more than dusty relics. It’s a fortress of secrets, a hidden empire built beneath the surface. Now, the truth is leaking out—and what’s being exposed will shake the foundations of power!

A Tunnel That Shouldn’t Exist

A 1,500-mile underground passage, stretching across continents, running from Vatican City to Jerusalem. Who built it? How has it been kept secret? And why was this connection hidden for centuries?

This tunnel isn’t just an engineering marvel—it’s a direct power link between two of the most influential religious centers in the world. But the real bombshell isn’t just the tunnel itself—it’s what’s inside.

The Gold Hoard Hidden Beneath the Vatican

Stacks of pure gold—thirteen levels high—were hidden within this tunnel, deep beneath the Vatican. Imagine a mountain of treasure so vast it could reshape the world economy overnight.

But they moved it. In a covert operation, 650 planes secretly transported this hidden fortune to Fort Knox—America’s most heavily guarded gold repository. Why? To conceal the Vatican’s true wealth and control!

This isn’t just about gold. It’s about who really controls the world. They’ve been hoarding power, manipulating economies, and keeping the truth buried deep underground.

Why Jerusalem? The Hidden Connection of Power

This isn’t random. The Vatican and Jerusalem are two of the most influential centers of religious and political power. This tunnel was built for a reason—to bridge a secret alliance that controls faith, finance, and geopolitics.

What else is hidden in these underground networks? What other shocking truths have they kept from us? The walls are cracking, and the truth is breaking free.

They can’t hide it forever. The Vatican’s darkest secret is out in the open, and this is just the beginning.




— Since 2008 Taxpayers have funded the Unaccompanied Children Program (Child Sex Trafficking) with $19,945,892,007.

— The DOGE investigation has produced evidence that DEWs were used in 9/11, caused Maui, LA and northern California fires, plus manmade floods and hurricanes were used to destroy North Carolina and Georgia, Florida – all of which were done to clear the land for Cabal takeover and to build “Smart Cities.”

— In the last four years $18.5 billion has been sent from USAID to be laundered through DA Afghanistan Bank and given to terror states located in the Middle East. Another $1.3 Billion has been paid to Terrorist Organizations around the World

— USAID has given $500 Million through secret NGO to Internews Network which is basically a training ground for “journalists” across the word to train them how push government propaganda. 4291 networks involved and 9000 trained journalists across the globe.

— Another over 33 million $ was paid out by USAID to promote a Leftist Agenda in the Press.

— The World Economic Forum (run by the Deep State Cabal) received $68 MILLION from USAID.

— There has been $2.7 TRILLION in improper payments made to Medicare, Medicaid, and overseas organizations.

— Bill Gates “vaccine” organization GAVI was awarded $4,880,000,000.00 from USAID for vaccines that have killed millions worldwide. (US Congressman Ron Johnson recently alleged that COVID was “pre-planned by an elite group of people, or “Event 201” in reference to the John’s Hopkins Center tabletop exercise with the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation).

— Social Security Fraud Payments: $100 billion has been paid annually to “individuals” who don’t even have Social Security numbers.

— There was $600 million paid out every two months to facilitate illegal immigration. In addition, $59 million was paid out yearly to house illegals in a fancy NY hotel.

— USAID paid out over $150 billion to promote Climate Change – which has been proven to not exist.

— The U.S. Army diverted over $151 million meant for soldiers’ food, according to the Military Times. No one seems to know where the money went.

Trump’s Operation Hammer was about to be made public. It involved the White Hats Military which was in the middle of making arrests on over 700,000 Sealed Indictments, has been holding thousands of JAG Military Tribunals and executing those who have committed Treason.

OKC bombing

True Facts Revealed; Oklahoma City Bombing

Source; The Queen

No truck bomb, bombs were in building during the Oklahoma Bombing

Unexploded bombs were also found in the building

No ATF agents came to work that day

Video of Timothy McVeigh at McDonalds proves he did not rent Ryder truck

McVeigh was a patient of MKUltra Dr. Jolly West


Source Ben Fulford

They promised cures. They delivered DEATH. Big Pharma and the medical establishment have been LYING to you. Dr. Peter Glidden reveals the horrifying truth: your doctor is part of a system designed to keep you sick, drain your wallet, and poison you with failed treatments.


Doctors push chemo not because it works, but because it’s a MASSIVE cash cow. Chemo’s success rate? A pathetic 3%. Yet, hospitals rake in billions while patients suffer and die. Why? Because doctors get direct kickbacks for prescribing chemo! They BUY the drugs at a discount, then sell them to patients for up to 10X the price. It’s a racket.


The entire system is rigged. Pharmaceutical companies fund medical schools, research, and even regulatory agencies. They manufacture studies to push their drugs while suppressing cheap, effective alternatives. If a treatment can’t be patented, it’s ignored.


Doctors hand out pills like candy, creating lifelong customers instead of curing disease. The opioid crisis? ENGINEERED. The same companies that pushed addictive painkillers are now making billions off “treatments” for addiction. It’s all part of the same sinister cycle.


Dr. Glidden exposes a shocking truth: people who rely on natural, time-tested remedies live longer and healthier lives than those who fully trust modern medicine. Why do holistic treatments get demonized? Because they don’t make Big Pharma any money!


The sick-care industry is crumbling under the weight of its own deception. People are waking up. They’re rejecting toxic drugs, embracing natural health, and exposing the LIES. The revolution is here.

UK Government Bombshell: The Vaxxed Are Dying – And They KNEW It!

The cover-up is collapsing. Leaked UK government documents confirm what they never wanted you to know—the vaccine destroys your immune system, and they pushed it anyway. Millions are now suffering from VAIDS—an induced immune collapse—and the elites are scrambling to bury the evidence before the public wakes up!

They Promised Safety. They Delivered a Death Sentence.

They lied. They told you it was safe, necessary, life-saving. But what if the real threat wasn’t the virus, but what they injected into millions? A slow-motion catastrophe is unfolding, hidden under layers of censorship and propaganda. VAIDS is real—and it’s hitting the vaccinated hardest.

What is VAIDS? The Silent Killer They Created

VAIDS—Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome—isn’t a virus. It’s an attack on your immune system. The shot rewires your defenses, making you vulnerable to infections, cancers, and chronic diseases you should’ve been able to fight off. Hospitals are flooded with unexplained illnesses. They say it’s “unrelated.” The evidence says otherwise.

Leaked UK Government Documents: A Confession of Guilt

The truth doesn’t stay buried forever. Internal documents admit the vaccinated were expected to suffer immune collapse. They knew. They watched. They did NOTHING. The immune system deteriorates over time, and the government tracked it all—while silencing whistleblowers and ridiculing skeptics.

The Real Numbers—What They Don’t Want You to See

– Aggressive cancers surging in the vaccinated—especially in young adults.

– Autoimmune diseases skyrocketing as bodies attack themselves.

– Unexplained sudden deaths in those with no prior health issues.

How Did We Get Here? The Road to Mass Deception

FEAR CAMPAIGN – They terrorized the public with fake hospital images and fear tactics.

CENSORSHIP MACHINE – Doctors, scientists, and truth-tellers were silenced.

FALSE PROMISES – “Two doses are enough.” Then three. Then four. Then more.

COVER-UP – When the vaccinated started dying, they blamed “long COVID”.

The Aftermath: A Health Catastrophe Unfolding

Millions are now suffering from immune system collapse, and doctors are too scared to speak the truth. Families are burying their loved ones, while the propaganda machine pushes MORE boosters. The question no one in power will ask: WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO US?

Is There Any Hope? What You Can Do

Detox & Rebuild – Immune support, detoxification, and real nutrition.

Spread Awareness – They can’t censor the truth if enough of us speak out!

Demand Accountability – The guilty must be exposed and brought to justice.

The Final Warning: This Is Just the Beginning

VAIDS isn’t the endgame. It’s just the start. If they did it once, they’ll do it again. New virus. New shot. New control mechanisms. They are NOT done.

The cracks in the narrative are widening. The floodgates will break. Will you stand up now or wait until it’s too late? The choice is yours—but time is running out!

ed dowd

Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025 – Ed Dowd

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of PhinanceTechnologies.com is back with a new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.”  The new report shows how a weak economy was propped up under the Biden Administration and how a crash, this year, is inevitable.  Dowd says, “What we are going to have going forward is the reversal of deficit government spending, which was juicing the economy with illegals.  Some of them got jobs, but a lot of them got benefits.  They got housing accommodations.  The NGO system was flush with money to facilitate this massive, purposeful logistical operation.  People don’t understand that the net legal migration in the US is one million a year. That’s one million people a year.  The last four years, we brought in 10 million to 15 million people.  That is a new economic variable, and it distorted the economy.  It never got us into expansion territory, but it papered over a lot of the ills we were seeing.  Trump’s policies are going to reverse that all out. . . . The velocity of money under Joe Biden really started to rise. . . .  Illegal immigration is very inflationary. . . . In the fourth quarter, the velocity of money is already rolling over.  The Trump effect began the moment he was elected.  We’ve seen self-deportations.  We have seen new tenant rents plunge, and that’s what has been holding up the housing market.”

How bad is the economy going to get?  Dowd predicts, “We are seeing a recession in 2025.  The rest of the globe is already starting to roll over.  It’s going to be a worldwide recession.  There is going to be a mini housing crisis.  Housing has been stagnant for the better part of the year.  There is no transaction volume, and nobody can afford homes.  We are hitting the 18-year housing cycle.  The last housing cycle was in 2007, and you add 18 years and you get 2025. . . . The economy for the middle-class is going down. . . . As time goes on, we are going to see GDP numbers go lower and lower and lower. . . . It’s kind of a perfect storm for the Trump Administration.  There is no way to avoid the pain.”

When can we expect things to get better?  Dowd says, “This is much like Ronald Reagan in his first term.  He was elected with -2% real wages.  This was the same phenomenon going into the 2024 Election.  So, we are going to have a recession . . . Then, Trump gets his policies, and he has a very short window of opportunity to get all of his policies enacted.  If he does, we will be booming on the other side of this.”

Dowd still likes gold and thinks rates will begin going lower, which means locking in rates now will be a smart play for many.  Dowd says, “Gold is good long term.”  Dowd also thinks AI is over-bought and is in a bubble and points out, “There is no money on the other side,” of the AI boom.  Dowd thinks AI tech will crash just like the internet bubble in early 2000.  Dowd thinks, “AI prices are too expensive, and they will collapse at some point.”

dc crash

It’s the US Space Force Versus ISIS as Trump’s Avatar Assassinated

By Benjamin Fulford February 10, 2025

The U.S. Civil War is reaching some sort of climax as the U.S. Space Force begins taking revenge on ISIS (Israeli Satanic Intelligence Service) for assassinating Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump’s main avatar, senior U.S. Space Force sources say.

The assassination took place on January 29th after ISIS remotely hijacked the Trump avatar’s helicopter and crashed it into an airplane after it left the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Trump was then temporarily replaced with an avatar who promoted genocide and bowed and scraped to war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu. This is what the Space Force sources had to say about the situation:

The real Donald Trump was not on the helicopter. One of his doubles may have been on board. There are conflicting stories about this. The important point is that the real Trump was not on board. As for the Black Hawk remote-controlled crash into the American Airlines plane on January 29, here are a few facts:

There was a Trump double (avatar) on board the helicopter. The Black Hawk had a PAT designation, meaning VIP on board. It took off from a CIA-controlled area. It was taken over by remote control and flown into the American Airlines plane. The Trump double was the one used by the White Hat Alliance. Another double under the control of the Deep State Cabal is on the scene now. This is the reason Trump has taken a full U-turn. The real CIC, Donald J. Trump, is safe and protected at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Base in Colorado Springs. His family is aware of what has transpired. His top aides are also in the loop. Nobody is talking, as a gag order is in place. He is calculating his next move to bring down the Deep State Cabal. That was a Netanyahu body double visiting D.C. Watch the Super Bowl in New Orleans. The avatar Trump is expected to be there. Anything can happen. This may be the Trump double from Mar-a-Lago. You will know from his looks—the shorter, chubby one.

This is the Trump who appeared at the Super Bowl with Ivanka but not Melania. It is probably an actor in a rubber mask.

The important thing is that—because warnings were issued—the ISIS plan to assassinate “Trump” in front of a world audience to trigger World War III with Iran was foiled.

These videos indicate the plan was for “Trump” to say he supports Christianity. Then, “Trump” says Iran will be “obliterated.” He is assassinated. Mossad sources say the plan was to manipulate U.S. public opinion into a frenzy against Islamic Iran for murdering “Christian martyr” Trump.

Fortunately, people are no longer being fooled by 9/11-type events, and this plan was stopped. The Super Bowl proved Americans have woken up and are no longer being manipulated by fake events and “celebrities.”

For example, casino execs across Las Vegas are baffled and rattled by Super Bowl weekend falling off a cliff. Some are reporting losing days (expenses exceed revenue) multiple days this week.

Also, ticket prices plunged to a 15-year low.

That is because people have figured out the games have been consistently rigged year after year so that whatever team the most people bet on loses. Remember, the Super Bowl is registered as entertainment, not sports, meaning it can be legally rigged.

Furthermore, in a sign people are waking up to brainwashing using celebrities, Taylor Swift was booed as she appeared on the big screen during Sunday’s game at Caesars Superdome. In the end, the “Donald Trump” left Super Bowl LIX early as the Kansas City Chiefs headed for a “shock” defeat.

This was a defeat for the Khazarian Mafia, but the war will not end until the people who temporarily replaced Trump with a fake are removed.

This is happening with Elon Musk’s exposure of exactly how corrupt the U.S. government has become. However, going after USAID was the easy part. The hard part is now beginning as he takes on the Pentagon and the CIA.

This is going to involve the deployment of U.S. troops to places like Mar-a-Lago and Area 51 and is expected to lead to serious firefights over the coming days. The coming audit of the Pentagon by the real Trump will almost certainly trigger actual combat on U.S. soil. Remember Donald Rumsfeld announcing they cannot account for over $2.3 trillion one day before 9/11?

In its most recent audit, the Pentagon could account for 50% of its $3.8 trillion, leaving $1.9 trillion unaccounted for.

Overall, well more than $20 trillion has disappeared into a Pentagon black budget hole. No wonder Musk says, “I guess I had better maximize my security.”

We will dig deeper below, but before we get to that, people have been so distracted by the Trump drama in the U.S. that they failed to notice Russia has just made its biggest move since the fall of the Soviet Union. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov just basically declared war against Western Europe when he announced . . .



Source; Mr Pool TG






















the storm


Source; Mr Pool TG

















The Mainstream Media Will Never Recover From These Shocking Revelations About The Associated Press, The New York Times And Politico

A free and independent press is absolutely essential.  In fact, Thomas Jefferson once warned that “our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”  Sadly, we have just learned that some of our most prominent media outlets have been receiving enormous amounts of money from the government.  The New York Times, Politico and the Associated Press were being absolutely showered with money during the Biden administration, and it is no coincidence that their coverage of the Biden administration was extremely favorable.  This is a scandal of epic proportions, and there is no way that these media outlets will ever recover from this because their credibility is totally gone.

What has been happening at Politico is particularly egregious.

It is supposed to be an independent media entity, but it has been receiving millions of our tax dollars.

In fact, it has received more than 8 million dollars from USAID alone.

But that money from USAID is just the tip of the iceberg.

Overall, Politico has received more than 34 million dollars from the federal government.

That is a tremendous amount of money.

Politico has a subscription option called Politico Pro, and it costs about 10 grand per year.

For some reason, a whole bunch of government agencies were shelling out giant piles of money for such ridiculously-priced subscriptions.

The Biden administration was certainly very good to Politico.

Are we supposed to believe that it was just a “coincidence” that Politico was also very good to the Biden administration?

The following quote from Sean Davis really hit home with me…

It was Politico that maneuvered to have the Hunter laptop story banned and everyone discussing it censored.

Politico peddled the illegal Supreme Court leak that led to the near-assassination of multiple Supreme Court justices.

And now we find out the regime was funneling tens of millions of dollars of our money to Politico?

This is rampant corruption.

Thankfully, the DOGE team is working on ending all payments to Politico right now…

Karoline Leavitt speaks out on USAID spending millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on Politico subscriptions.

“The DOGE team is working on canceling those payments now.”

Interestingly, staffers at Politico “did not get paid for the latest pay period”

Staff at Politico did not get paid for the latest pay period. The company just sent several emails to employees saying it believes there was a technical error, and is looking into how to fix the issue.

Could it be possible that their staff did not get paid because the gravy train from the federal government is drying up?

Of course Politico is not the only media outlet that has been getting showered with cash.

It turns out that the “independent” Associated Press has also been raking in millions of dollars.

How can any organization that has hauled in 19.5 million dollars from the federal government possibly claim to be free and independent?

Someone really needs to ask the Associated Press that question.

But at least the Associated Press has not been as big of an offender as the New York Times has.

The most important newspaper in the United States has received “tens of millions of dollars over just the past 5 years”.

The New York Times is a complete and utter disgrace.

I am sorry if this offends you, but it is the truth.

Reporters for the New York Times pretend to be “journalists”, but ultimately they are just propaganda mouthpieces.

It may not surprise you to learn that Reuters is also corrupt.

In fact, it has just come out that they were awarded a very large government contract for “Active Social Engineering Defense” and “Large Scale Social Deception”.

If you can believe it, Reuters was paid more than 9 million dollars under this single contract.

There is no excuse for any of this.

The good news is that many of these legacy media companies were headed for extinction anyway.

For example, we are being told that “the future of CNN looks grim”

The future of CNN looks grim as experts say the liberal network is ‘in decline’ after staffers faced pay cuts and a round of layoffs.

Jeff McCall, a communications professor at Indiana’s Depauw University, told the Los Angeles Times that the network’s layoffs are not a good look for CNN.

‘Right now, you think of their brand as in decline. The layoffs; that’s a problem. And it looks really bad when you lose libel suits,’ McCall said.

Because these legacy media companies have lost so much credibility, more people than ever are seeking out alternative sources of information.  I am honored to be a part of the alternative media ecosystem, but unlike legacy media outlets I do not receive any money from the government.  I am able to keep my work alive by offering books and subscriptions to my newsletter.

Thomas Jefferson clearly understood that “our liberty depends on the freedom of the press”, and the vast majority of our legacy media outlets are no longer free or independent.

So it is up to the alternative media to uncover the truth and keep our leaders accountable, and with your help that is what we will continue to do.

Brighteon Broadcast News Reports

the Storm


Emergency Powers 11.3: General Guillot Leads the Charge to Destroy the Deep State and Expose Project Blue Beam!

Source E

The Silent War Begins! General Gregory Guillot has been unleashed under Emergency Powers 11.3 to take command and dismantle the Deep State from the inside. This is not just another operation—this is total war for the future of America!

For decades, traitors within our government have sold us out to globalists, financial elites, and foreign adversaries. But now, a historic counteroffensive has begun. General Guillot is leading a classified military mission that will seize control of all three branches of government and expose their darkest secrets.

General Wesley Clark’s Shocking Revelation!

He revealed the Deep State’s blueprint years ago—an operation to topple seven Middle Eastern nations, destabilize the world, and consolidate power. 9/11 wasn’t just a terrorist attack—it was an inside job! A calculated event to justify the Patriot Act, a tool of mass surveillance and control. Those in power orchestrated wars, created false enemies, and terrorized their own people to tighten their grip.

The Alliance Fights Back!

A secret group of patriotic military leaders, Special Forces, and intelligence officers formed a resistance. By 2008, they saw the financial collapse as a deliberate move to enslave Americans under debt and globalist rule. But they fought back, dismantling the enemy from the shadows.

Project Blue Beam EXPOSED!

A global mind-control experiment designed to create mass panic! The plan? Stage alien invasions, fake divine appearances, and engineered global disasters to force the world into submission under a one-world government. Leaked documents from the 1970s to the 1990s showed their true intentions, but the Cabal retaliated with 9/11 to silence the truth.

Admiral Rogers’ Breakthroughs!

From his base in Hawaii, Admiral Mike Rogers developed classified tech to cripple Deep State networks. Superconductive, room-temperature microchips changed the game. Quantum computing, plasma energy weapons, and next-gen communications became tools to take down the underground bases (D.U.M.B.s) that the enemy used to traffic children, conduct experiments, and hoard stolen resources.

Edward Snowden: A Military Asset!

They called him a whistleblower. But the truth is bigger. Snowden wasn’t just exposing secrets—he was a weapon in the war against the Deep State. His “leak” was an intentional counterattack to weaken the surveillance grid the Cabal needed to control us.

The Truth Behind MH370!

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was no accident. It carried high-level engineers and advanced microchips that could have crippled the Deep State’s technology stranglehold. That plane was taken out for a reason.

The Patriot Act: A Tool of Tyranny!

They called it protection. But it was a mass surveillance weapon. Under its cover, the FBI and CIA planted fabricated evidence on patriots, journalists, and whistleblowers. They blackmailed, destroyed, and silenced anyone who stood in their way!

Trump’s Rise: A Catalyst for Change!

When Donald Trump entered office, the Deep State panicked. He wasn’t controlled. He wasn’t bought. He was their worst nightmare. His presidency shattered their control, and he worked with the alliance to dismantle their networks.

General Guillot: The Final Phase Begins!

With Emergency Powers 11.3 activated, Guillot is in control. The military has the authority to override all branches of government, arrest the traitors, and restore the Republic! This is not politics—this is WAR.

The Storm is Here! The Cabal is desperate, and they will do anything to survive. But the Alliance will not stop. The Deep State’s reign is ending. The final battle for America has begun!

Black eye club



Source, E

A storm is coming, and the Satanic Elite are TERRIFIED. The truth about Adrenochrome is breaking out into the open. The whispers of secret rituals are no longer hidden—people are waking up, and the elite can’t stop it!

What is the Black Eye Club? A sick, sinister mark worn by politicians, celebrities, and billionaires—always the left eye, always the same excuses. “I fell.” “A freak accident.” Really? How many times before it’s no longer coincidence?

This elite club is riddled with the most powerful people in the world—and they’re all being marked. From George Bush to the Pope, from John Kerry to Mitt Romney, from Hollywood’s A-list to Washington’s deep state.


Theories abound. Some say it’s an initiation ritual—a symbol of submission. Others claim it’s punishment for stepping out of line. And then there’s the darkest theory of all: Soul Scalping.

Soul Scalping? Ever notice how some of these “leaders” seem to suddenly act… different? Like they’ve been replaced? Insiders have long whispered about an ancient, parasitic force that takes over the bodies of those in power. Their minds, their souls—stolen.

Bohemian Grove. Skull & Bones. Rituals hidden in plain sight. The elite don’t fear exposure anymore—they flaunt their power. They laugh at us. But they never expected this awakening.

THE INTERNET CHANGED EVERYTHING! They thought they could control the narrative, but they lost grip. They censor, they silence, but the TRUTH spreads like wildfire!

THIS IS THE BATTLEGROUND. The war isn’t coming—it’s already here. They are desperate. They are exposed.





Source, Before its News

Media analyst Mark Dice breaks down how Trump’s tariff threats against Mexico, Canada, and China led to immediate action from Canada, with Justin Trudeau agreeing to strengthen border security and combat fentanyl trafficking. The analysis delves into the USAID controversy, where the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) discovered questionable spending on international DEI programs and cultural projects. The breakdown reveals historical connections between USAID and CIA operations, including a covert Cuban hip-hop program.

Bidens too! U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which is a front for the CIA has been effectively shut down following an announcement by Elon Musk that President Donald Trump agreed to close the agency.



Source, Mel Gibson

USAID has been completely unaccountable for decades, run by bureaucrats with agendas who believed they answered to nobody.

Here are a few more of the ridiculous projects on which they spent YOUR money:

— $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid “binary-gendered language”

— $20 million for a new Sesame Street show in Iraq

— $4.5+ million to “combat disinformation” in Kazakhstan

— $1.5 million for “art for inclusion of people with disabilities”

— $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala

— $6 million to “transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles”

— $2.1 million to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”

— $10 million worth of USAID-funded meals, which went to an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group

— $25 million for Deloitte to promote “green transportation” in the country of Georgia

— $6 million for tourism in Egypt

— $2.5 million to promote “inclusion” in Vietnam

— $16.8 million for a SEPARATE “inclusion” group in Vietnam

— $5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research at the Wuhan lab

— $20 million for a group related to a key player in the Russiagate impeachment hoax

— $1.1 million to an Armenian “LGBT group”

— $1.2 million to help the African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency in Washington, D.C., build “a state-of-the-art 440 seat auditorium”

— $1.3 million to Arab and Jewish photographers

— $1.5 million to promote “LGBT advocacy” in Jamaica

DS funding



Source; E

February 6, 2025 – Buckle up, America! President Trump and Elon Musk just tore the mask off a scandal so massive, it could shake the entire system. Billions of taxpayer dollars funneled into the media, Deep State operatives caught red-handed, and corruption so deep it makes Watergate look like child’s play.


Trump just revealed explosive evidence that USAID and other agencies have been secretly funneling money to the media—NOT for news, but for propaganda. The mission? To control the narrative, suppress the truth, and keep the American people in the dark.

Trump’s own words:


$8 MILLION to Politico. How much to CNN? MSNBC? The New York Times? The numbers are only beginning to surface. But one thing is clear—this is the biggest political heist in American history.


This goes beyond the U.S. Deep State. Reports suggest that this web of corruption extends across borders, involving foreign governments, tech giants, and corporate elites.

Media payoffs—Journalists bribed to push pro-Democrat narratives.

Big Tech censorship—Social media platforms silencing dissent while raking in government money.

Political elites enriched—Secret funds funneled to career politicians to keep them loyal.

Trillions missing—Dark money flowing through shell companies and fake NGOs.


Musk isn’t holding back. As the last bastion of free speech, he’s making sure the truth is heard.

“The people deserve the truth. No more lies. No more cover-ups. Transparency wins.”


Mainstream media is silent—proof they’re scrambling behind the scenes. Congress must act NOW.

Who else got paid? Who will be held accountable? The people demand JUSTICE!


The swamp is being drained. Trump is back. Musk is exposing everything. The people are awake.

No more hiding. No one escapes this storm.

The Stage is Set

Why will this time be different?

Because in 2017, the MSM still had control of public perception, and Trump was hamstrung by the Russia/Mueller hoax.

In 2025, the People no longer believe the MSM, and they support Trump’s agenda. They believe Trump now.

Back in Trump’s first term, the overwhelming majority of the public didn’t know that a Deep State existed, all of social media was corrupt and still censoring the truth, and the MSM controlled the narrative. How could Trump convince 300+ million Americans that they are brainwashed, living in an Orwellian dystopia, and that he is not actually a Russian asset/Hitler?

He had to prove it.

So over the last 8 years, Trump proved it. All of his narratives turned out to be true, and the MSM got caught in lie after lie. The border. The corruption. The fake news. Everything. And in their attempts to stop Trump, the Deep State exposed their existence, and now hundreds of millions are awake.

None of this is possible without Elon buying Twitter and allowing the free flow of information, which allowed the People to circumvent the corrupt media. Now thanks to X, the People control the narrative, and the MSM has been neutralized. They no longer control public perception. Their lies don’t work anymore.

So now when Trump does what is necessary, the public won’t fall for the MSM saying he is a dictator. Now Trump has the political ammunition, the optics, the precedent, and the public support, to utilize his full power as POTUS, without worry of the MSM causing civil unrest.

DC crash

Jet Aircraft Mid-Air Crash Near Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC

Source; Hal Turner

There has allegedly been a big development in the investigation of the Helicopter – Jet aircraft mid-air crash near Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC last week.

Reports confirm the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB ) has discovered severe discrepancies between altimeter readings from the craft and those available to the air traffic control tower.

The Investigation now reportedly alleges a 5G Tower in the immediate vicinity, was transmitting full power 5G signal on band N77 @ 3.7 to 3.9 GHz which is allegedly known to cause severe interference to aircraft altimeters.  That claim is disputed by Cellular Companies.

Initially, deployment of 5G on band n77 was said to have been blocked for several months by an Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  emergency request to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  until further research could be conducted.  However, alleged strong lobbying by Cellular Companies is reported to have resulted in allowing the 5G deployment to proceed, reportedly with a green light from former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, without completing extensive research by independent bodies.

According to the LEAKED information , the altimeters ALLEGEDLY showed everyone the wrong altitude because of the 5G interference, and thus, neither the helicopter, the jet, nor the control tower knew the aircraft were headed into each other.

I emphasize this is LEAKED information, and as with any “leak,” readers are cautioned to delay judgment or reaction until such time as the ACTUAL report is ACTUALLY released.   A “leak” is not a fact until the leak is confirmed.

It would be unfair and wrong to place blame based upon a LEAK.  Treat this leak as nothing more than a RUMOR.

This graphic illustrates where the World Health Organization gets its funding

Laura Aboli

With USAID Almost Gone, WHO Will Bankroll the WHO? With a Bit of Luck it Doesn’t Survive!

The United States has been the largest contributor to the World Health Organization, donating $1.28 billion for the 2022-2023 period, or over 15% of total voluntary contributions.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was a close second, pouring in $826 million.

States Moving to BAN “COVID-19” Vaccines after Grievous Harm


Over 81,000 medical professionals, 240 elected officials, and 17 professional organizations are DEMANDING the COVID-19 “vaccine” shots be pulled.

Now, at least eight states are leading the charge to END the “Jab” experiment:

• Washington

• Idaho

• Montana

• Iowa

• Texas

• Tennessee

• South Carolina

• Florida

The evidence of the Vax’s harm? OVERWHELMING:

Peer-reviewed research CONFIRMS what the so-called “Vaccine Deniers:” have been saying: These “vaccines” have exceeded previous recall thresholds by up to 375,340%.   

Let THAT sink in.

This social media posting lays it out quite well:

The dangers from these so-called “vaccines” becomes readily apparent in “Excess Mortality” statistic.

In epidemiology, the excess deaths or “excess mortality” is a measure of the increase in the number of deaths during a time period and/or in a certain group, as compared to the expected value or statistical trend during a reference period or in a reference population.

The shocking truth about excess mortality is this: 12 separate studies now link mass vaccination to increased deaths  Autopsies showing DIRECT CAUSAL connections!

The science they tried to silence, is speaking.

Worse, the vaccines not only DID NOT WORK, they actually worked in reverse!  FACT: The “vaccinated” got MORE infections than the unvaccinated!  Some studies show up to 253% INCREASED RISK after 3+ doses!!!

Still trust Big Pharma’s narrative?


Tests reveal vaccine batches contain DNA fragments FAR ABOVE safety limits set by:



Where’s the so-called “main stream media” coverage? There isn’t any. They’re still telling you to go get “the Jab”. Or your . . . 3rd . . . . 6th . . .  or maybe it’s up to the 43rd booster by now.

PERSPECTIVE: Previous vaccines were pulled after just 10 deaths.

Current VAERS data shows 37,544 deaths globally. The math isn’t hard, folks. This is the factual reality.

They rushed a vaccine to market without proper testing and then tried to force you to take it.  Remember this????:


No large-scale, double-blind trials show these shots:

• Stop you from getting COVID

• Stop you from spreading it

• Reduce infection

• Prevent hospitalization

• Save lives

Re-Read that a moment; ZERO. NONE. NADA.

No large scale, double-blind trials showed ANY of the above!   But, it turns out that it can kill you.

The ugly truth is this: Every doctor pushing these shots is violating their Hippocratic Oath.

“First, do no harm” = MEANINGLESS to them now? The medical establishment has lost its way.

The dam is breaking. More states will follow. Federal government will be FORCED to act.

Stay informed. Stay vigilant.


SOURCE: David Wilcock

Pfizer & Moderna in FREEFALL! RFK Jr. just advanced in the Senate, and the corrupt pharmaceutical empire is PANICKING. Stocks are CRASHING, deception is EXPOSED, and the billion-dollar SCAM is UNRAVELING. Their reign of terror is OVER!

Big Pharma’s House of Lies is BURNING!

Washington is in a STATE OF SHOCK.

The unthinkable happened: RFK Jr. just walked into power, and within HOURS, Pfizer & Moderna’s stock prices COLLAPSED.

Wall Street is in chaos. The criminals who pushed these poison shots are scrambling. Because they know what’s coming next…


For YEARS, Pfizer & Moderna got away with:

Poisoning millions while LYING about safety.

Blackmailing governments into compliance.

Raking in billions while silencing scientists.

Now? Their entire operation is IMPLODING.


Pfizer and Moderna NEVER cared about public health. They built an empire on FEAR and LIES.

💉 2020: Rushed out an untested injection.

💉 2021: Forced Americans to take it—NO JAB, NO JOB.

💉 2022: Made RECORD PROFITS as adverse effects SKYROCKETED.

💉 2023-2024: The TRUTH spilled out—spikes in heart issues, UNEXPLAINED DEATHS.



For the first time in modern history, someone NOT OWNED by Big Pharma is inside the system. And the criminals KNOW IT.

The PANIC at Pfizer & Moderna: They Can’t Hide Anymore!

The second RFK Jr. was approved, their stocks PLUMMETED.

Why? Because investors know: THE GAME IS OVER.

For YEARS, these companies operated under TOTAL LEGAL IMMUNITY. They:

Bribed politicians to push their toxic shots.

Censored scientists who tried to warn us.

Silenced social media to protect their racket.


RFK Jr. has spent DECADES exposing their crimes. He knows the TRUTH. He has the FACTS.




Pfizer & Moderna: The End of a Criminal Empire

Make no mistake—these are NOT healthcare companies.


They lied.

They blackmailed.

They experimented on the American people.

And now, thanks to RFK Jr. and the return of Trump’s America, their reign is COLLAPSING.

The American People Will NEVER Forget

The pharmaceutical racket was built on ONE THING: CONTROL.

They thought they could force, silence, and manipulate us.


Pfizer & Moderna’s stocks are just the FIRST domino.

Next? Investigations. Hearings. LAWSUITS. CRIMINAL CHARGES.

putin and trump

Trump to Hand Control of Western Europe to Russia as Revolution Continues

By Benjamin Fulford January 27, 2025

The revolution that swept US President Donald Trump into power is unfolding at a blistering rate. Since a lot of it is all over the news and readers have probably already seen it, we will concentrate this week on things they may have missed.

The biggest move still not in the news is that Trump has given Russia the green light to take over NATO and Western Europe, according to Russian FSB and MI6 sources. “Trump told us he does not mind if Russia takes over the EU ‘because they are Nazis,’” the FSB sources say. MI6 confirms the denazification of Europe will mean the removal of the governments of most Western European governments. Partial confirmation of this can be found in various news items such as this one saying he has ordered the withdrawal of 20,000 troops from Western Europe.

Russia’s Tass News agency for its part reports top military officials of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine took part in a meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels last week. Russian FSB sources say these former Soviet countries will join NATO as a precursor to Russia also joining.

In another sign Russia is in charge, Hungarian President Victor Orban, speaking on behalf of the EU, ordered the Ukrainian government to restore all Russian gas transit to Central Europe, stops attacks on the TurkStream pipeline, and provide guarantees for continued oil transit. This means Europe is no longer going to deindustrialize itself by buying LNG from the Rockefellers that 50% more expensive than the Russian equivalent.

In yet another sign Trump has reached a deal over Europe with Russia: Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Russian television that “If he had been the president, if the victory wasn’t stolen from him in 2020, maybe the Ukrainian crisis that arose in 2022 would have never happened.”

Later in the interview, Putin went on to say “In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting … they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it,” Putin said.

The controllers of Western Europe, the Davos World Economic Forum, are admitting defeat. At one of their panel discussions, Yale University Professor Walter Reed said “I think we need to also factor in not only who has won (Trump) but also who has lost, which is to say us….The epitome of us is the European Union.”

This comment came after Trump, following an introduction by the already dead Dr. Evil (Klaus Schwab Rothschild), slapped the entire international cabal of globalist satanic pedos right in the face. He told them he would lower oil prices and increase oil production in a move that would completely end their anti-life “decarbonization” plans. Following this Trump called on OPEC and Saudi Arabia to lower the cost of oil and just like that, oil prices dropped off a cliff.

The other big news event people may have missed has been the fall of Elon Musk. It looks like Oracle’s Larry Ellison has replaced him as the chief fiat money launderer for the military industrial complex. This can be seen in the spat over the $500 billion AI Stargate project announced by Trump along with Ellison, Softbank’s Son Masayoshi and OpenAI’s Sam Altman. This project is problematic but we will get back to that later.

The interesting thing is Musk’s reaction. He said “They don’t actually have the money…SoftBank has well under $10B secured. I have that on good authority.” He then posted an image of a crack pipe to illustrate how OpenAl came up with their $500 billion number for Stargate.

There are other signs as well that Musk is crashing down to earth. For one thing, Trump has basically destroyed Musk’s Tesla business model by ending all subsidies for electric cars.

Now it turns out Musk has been put in charge of the U.S. Digital Service, which has little to do with budget cuts. Not only that, he reports to Wiles not Trump. This AI generated picture illustrates his fall.

This Musk fall from grace comes as yet another former child sex slave whistleblower provided new confirmation he is a satanist:

In 1982 when Elon Musk was 12, he was inducted into Satanism in a “ritual of blasphemy,” at the Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, North Carolina. Elon Musk, Nate Rothschild, Sasha Stone, Michael Trudeau and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi [Son of then Libyan dictator Muamar Gaddafi] participated. In the ceremony they used a blood soaked statue of Jesus with a dildo attached to it to rape girls who were all under the age of 12. After they repeatedly accosted the girls, they were given adrenochrome. This gave them a sense of intense anger and an urge to rip apart human flesh so, they ended up killing the girls.

Musk has been asked by the whistleblower to publicly confess to his crimes and seek forgiveness.

Anyway, enough about Musk, let us take a look at Larry Ellison, his probable replacement as head tech honcho.

Ellison once sent a representative of the Pentagon’s “Men Who Stare at Goats” psychic warfare division to meet me. He also provided information about suppressed technology. One of these Pentagon sources -who we are still in contact with- said the following about the Ellison who appeared last week:

“Larry Ellison has had face lifts. Maybe he is part AI already. He has changed 100%.”

Nonetheless, this Ellison, or Ellison avatar, is now extremely powerful. It turns out they shut down TikTok in order to reboot it and merge it with Facebook and Instagram under Trump’s control via Ellison. TikTok has been moved from data centers in California to data centers in North Carolina and Utah.

https://www.tiktok.com/@kaytipie/video/7461766193356033311?_r=1&_t=ZT- 8tOnyqR9F2E

https://www.tiktok.com/@frogslyn/video/7462383963538001182?_r=1&_t=ZT- 8tOvnxTtZTW

Ellison’s company Oracle’s first customer was the CIA and it is still reliant on government contracts. Ellison once declared, “The Oracle database is used to keep track of basically everything. The information about your banks, your checking balance, and your savings balance is stored in an Oracle database. Your airline reservation is stored in an Oracle database. The books you buy on Amazon are stored in an Oracle database. Your profile on Yahoo! is stored in an Oracle database…Citizens will be on their best behavior because we’re constantly recording and reporting everything that is going on.” Larry Ellison is Jewish and is loyal to Israel. That is why “free Palestine” is now condemned speech on TikTok.

Real news outlets like this one are already banned from X, Facebook and Instagram so presumably we will now be banned from TikTok as well.

Also, Ellison (or his Avatar) made a disturbing “Stargate” announcement that AI could be used to detect cancers and customize mRNA vaccines to treat them within 48 hours.

This prompted all sorts of horrified reactions from experts who oppose mRNA vaccines because of all the damage they have caused. In the video below for example, you can watch Neil Oliver and Ed Dowd comment “To hear about 100s of billions of dollars being invested to, among other things, have artificial intelligence MRNA vaccines, makes my blood run cold…Is this another brick in the wall of the digital prison the deep state/Big Tech seeks to impose?”

What is clear from his proposal is that Ellison is part of the old Khazanian Mafia medical cartel who are forbidden from creating drugs that prolong life or make people smarter, stronger, etc. They are also forbidden from creating recreational drugs. I was once told by a pharmaceutical executive that nothing would be easier than creating recreational drugs with no harmful side effects but that they were forbidden from doing so. “Ellison” is perpetuating the current medical mafia method of harvesting money (or life energy) from us by making us sick and they forcing us to pay for a cure. Remember, cancer did not exist until the Rockefellers etc. took over Western medicine and started poisoning us.

In any case, help is on the way. Last week representatives from the White Dragon Society, the Asian Secret Societies, the Japanese underworld and the Japanese military met. Cell phones were left behind and lots of handwritten notes were exchanged for reasons of operational secrecy. There is a lot we cannot talk about because we do not want to tip our hand to the KM.




The PANIC in Mexico is real as the cartels who are working in sync with >CIA operations the CCP global operations United Nations are in shear panic and trying to create a war with the United States through military armed forces that are known as mercenaries that are in the United States.///// Trump in the military had always anticipated these moves and that was the reason why Trump initiated operations to take down the cartels and has military training in 3 countries . The U S. Mexico and undisclosed locations in Middle America.



Even though most of the war on the deep state is done and Trump/ Military operations have captured world banks and most world deep state operations and Trump X . Military have insured the FLIPPING of nations over to conservative movement through world countries. Canada to European Union who have removed their WEF / GLOBALIST placed leaders.Even though most of the war on the CIA Rockefeller rothschilds globalist cabal agenda are done.. Now starts to the PROSECUTION.


As trump begins open military operations against Mexico Deep state regiments that control the country cartels sicarios and paid terrorist the panic is REAL.








it’s all connected to DISCLOSURE OPERATIONS AND REVEALING OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY hidden by Elite dark deep operations with deep state military operations. THAT’S WHY TRUMP IS CAPTURING THE FULL MILITARY AND STARTS CLEANING EVENTS.

If you don’t know already.. TRUMP MUSK are starting a new Stock exchange behind the the scenes.

terror attacks

Prophecy of More Than a Thousand Terrorists Targeting Over 10 US Cities!

Sun. 19 Jan. 2025: TERROR PREDICTION

· The countdown to Donald Trump’s historic return as the 47th president of the United States on January 20, 2025 is under siege with a chilling prophecy. Brandon Biggs, famed for his unnervingly accurate foresight of a past assassination attempt on Trump, warns of an unprecedented, multi-city terrorist attack targeting the inauguration and beyond.

· Biggs’ vision details coordinated bombings using unassuming vehicles like trucks laden with explosives, hidden in underground garages, waiting to unleash chaos on the most pivotal day in modern American history. His warnings go beyond speculation, drawing from a track record that’s silenced skeptics before.

· “Unstoppable Chaos: A Chilling Warning”: The attack, Biggs claims, is designed to shake the very core of American democracy. Trucks parked where no one would suspect, poised to turn celebrations into carnage. Fertilizer bombs, precision-timed detonations—this isn’t an isolated event but a synchronized strike on freedom itself. Biggs insists these warnings are not mere speculation. Supporters see him as a modern prophet, a patriot risking everything to expose hidden threats. Critics, however, dismiss him as a fear monger. But his previous accurate predictions leave no room for complacency.

· A Nation at a Crossroads: Trump’s return marks a battle for the heart of the nation. His supporters see it as the ultimate revival of American greatness, while opponents rally against him with equal fervor. The stakes couldn’t be higher, with massive crowds expected in Washington, D.C., and tensions running sky-high.

· Behind the scenes, heightened security measures are in place. Sources close to Trump confirm additional layers of protection to counter the potential for disaster. Homeland Security urges vigilance, urging citizens to report any suspicious activity immediately. But even with advanced surveillance, bomb-sniffing dogs, and reinforced checkpoints, the scale of Biggs’ prophecy demands unprecedented vigilance. The imagery is haunting: coordinated teams, hidden weapons, a day of celebration transformed into unimaginable devastation.

· January 20, 2025: Triumph or Tragedy? This inauguration isn’t just about a president. It’s about the survival of America’s ideals. Biggs’ warning isn’t just a prophecy—it’s a rallying cry. The question is, will America rise to defend its legacy, or will it fall prey to the shadows lurking within?

· The Storm is brewing. Stay vigilant. Everything is at stake.



1.Rescinding “78” executive orders by President Joe Biden.

Revocations include:

• Biden’s order to make “equity,” rather than “equality,” the focus of federal policy;

• Biden’s order to include illegal aliens in the Census;

• Biden’s order to impose coronavirus mandates and restrictions;

• Biden’s order to allow transgender individuals to serve in the military;

• Biden’s order to ban private prisons;

• Biden’s order to prioritize climate change; to ease immigration enforcement;

• Biden’s order to revoke sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC);

• Biden’s order to establish a court-packing commission to make the Supreme Court permanently liberal;

• Biden’s order to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in federal hiring;

• Biden’s order to restrict offshore oil and gas development;

• Biden’s order to impose sanctions on Israelis linked to the political right;

• Biden’s order to rescind Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism; and

• Biden’s order to revoke many of Trump’s executive orders from his first term.

79.Restoring freedom of speech and ending federal censorship.

80.Ending the weaponization of the federal government against political opposition.

81.Compelling all federal employees to show up at work physically.

82. Freezing all new federal regulations, pending review.

83. Freezing the hiring of new federal employees.

84.Relieving inflation by directing federal agencies to find ways to lower prices.

85.Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords.

86.Pardoning (roughly 1500) and commuting the sentences (14) of January 6 defendants.

87.Suspending the ban on TikTok, pending further review

88 Withdrawing the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO).

89. Countering the “Deep State” by extending presidential control over federal policy officials.

90. Revoking the security clearances of the 51 officials who signed the Hunter Biden “Russian disinformation” letter.

91. Declaring a national emergency on the southern border.

92. Clearing the backlog of security clearances for the incoming administration.

93. Establishing an “America First” trade policy, including a review of trade with China, and enabling tariffs.

94. Assigning the U.S. military to help protect the border.

95. Unleashing U.S. fossil fuel exploration and development, and ending the electric vehicle (EV) mandate.

96. Suspending refugee admission programs, with exceptions

97. Ending birthright citizenship.

98. Building the wall and securing the border.

99. Allocating more water to California farmers and communities, rather than to the delta smelt fish.

100. Restoring the death penalty on the federal level and encouraging its use on the state level for capital crimes.

101. Promoting “beautiful” federal architecture in civic buildings.

102. Making it easier for the president to fire senior executives in the “Deep State.”

103. Declaring a national energy emergency.

104. Withdrawing offshore wind leases, temporarily.

105. Pausing and reevaluating U.S. foreign aid programs.

106. Reorganizing the National Security Council (NSC).

107. Rescinding the U.S. agreement to the OECD “global tax.”

108. Enforcing existing immigration law to the fullest and repealing every directive otherwise

109. Reopening Alaskan energy resources, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

110. Barring terrorist supporters (like pro-Hamas activists) from the U.S.

111. Placing “America First” as the core of U.S. foreign policy.

112. Establishing the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

113. Recognizing two genders, male and female.

114. Ending government DEI programs.

115. Prioritizing skill, not DEI, in federal hiring.

116. Designating Mexican cartels as foreign terror organizations.

117. Restoring traditional place names, such as Mt. McKinley.

118. Allowing states to help guard the U.S. border against invasion.


BOMBSHELL: Trump EXPOSES Traitor Mike Pompeo – Deep State in PANIC Mode!

President Trump has dealt a DEVASTATING blow to Deep State puppet Mike Pompeo. In a bold move, Trump revoked Pompeo’s security protection, exposing him as a key player in blocking the JFK files and plotting against Julian Assange. The swamp is trembling—traitors are being dragged into the light!

Pompeo’s Betrayal Unveiled

Trump has made it clear: Pompeo is no ally of the American people. He’s been shielding the Deep State, suppressing JFK assassination records that could expose their darkest secrets. Why? Because Pompeo isn’t protecting America—he’s protecting the corrupt elite.

Even more shocking are Pompeo’s alleged ties to a sinister plot to silence Julian Assange. As CIA Director, Pompeo reportedly conspired to eliminate Assange for daring to reveal the truth. Assange exposed war crimes, corruption, and lies—and Pompeo wanted him gone. This is the man who claimed to serve America? No longer.

Trump Declares War on the Deep State

Trump’s takedown of Pompeo is just the beginning. By stripping Pompeo of his privileges, Trump has sent a loud and clear message: betrayal will not be tolerated. Pompeo, once a trusted figure, is now exposed as a TRAITOR.

The JFK files Pompeo blocked are said to contain earth-shattering revelations. What secrets was he hiding? Who else is implicated? Trump’s actions suggest the truth is coming, and it will shake the Deep State to its core.

A Reckoning Long Overdue

Pompeo’s downfall signals a turning point. For too long, the Deep State has operated in the shadows, manipulating and deceiving the American people. Trump is pulling back the curtain, exposing their lies.

This is more than justice—it’s the beginning of the end for the corrupt elite. Trump’s supporters know this is a fight for America’s future, and they’re ready to stand by him.

The Storm Has Arrived

Trump’s mission is clear: dismantle the Deep State, one traitor at a time. Pompeo’s disgrace is a monumental victory, but it’s just the first domino to fall. Trump has vowed to root out every last conspirator.

The battle is far from over, but one thing is certain: Trump’s America is awake, and the Deep State’s days are numbered. The reckoning is here. Patriots, hold the line—the best is yet to come!


what we know


· On Mon.27 Jan 2025 a series of tests on the new Star Link Satellite System Emergency Broadcast System will begin.

· On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 around 4:30 pm EST a major radio blackout began around the World. All systems were down for Australia, Asia, Russia and China.

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 3:48 EST The most historic 100 hours in American History – The Gold Age of America begins now (to Wed. 29 Jan. 2025 4 pm EST)

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 Edward Griffin explains what the Federal Reserve System actually is: “It’s a cartel. It’s not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency.”

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025: It has been determined that Dr. Fauci could be held liable for any extreme distress caused by the so-called “COVID Pandemic.” Lawsuits could be filed naming him and the United States government. This includes businesses that had to close and people that had extreme distress, whether it be physical or emotional.

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025: Satellite images show FEMA building new camps in remote areas, not for disaster relief, but for detention. Survivors of these facilities have described their experiences: forced separations, psychological manipulation, and denial of basic rights. Leaked blueprints confirm these camps are built for long-term detention, with facilities for forced labor and experimentation.

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025: Under new management via Director Radcliffe, the CIA now all the sudden favor the lab leak theory for C19! In other words… they were lying the entire time, and now they cannot cover it up anymore. COVID was manmade.

· Sat. 25 Jan. 2025: CIA Director John Ratcliffe has closed DEI offices within the agency and placed DEI staff on administrative leave. Ratcliffe also won’t allow them to take other roles, per Donald Trump Jr.

· Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Star Link Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.

mel gibson

BREAKING: Mel Gibson Claims Michelle Obama’s Tapes Are “Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare”

Mel Gibson is back, and he’s not holding back. In a fiery revelation, he alleges the existence of tapes featuring Michelle Obama that are so vile, he calls them “worse than your worst nightmare.” Hollywood elites and Washington power players are in full panic mode as Gibson unveils what he calls “the ultimate corruption.”

Gibson Declares War on Hollywood and Washington’s Dark Alliance

Appointed as Trump’s Ambassador to Hollywood, Gibson says his mission is clear: expose the predators, dismantle the secrecy, and reveal the unholy pact between Tinseltown and political elites. According to him, Hollywood is more than just a playground for the rich—it’s a cesspool of exploitation, satanic rituals, and systemic corruption.

“This is no longer about fame,” Gibson declares. “This is about justice. They’ve hidden in the shadows long enough. It’s time to burn it all down.”

The “Freak-Off Tapes” and Michelle Obama’s Alleged Role

The most shocking claim? The so-called “freak-off tapes.” Gibson alleges these recordings showcase acts so heinous they defy comprehension. Michelle Obama is reportedly featured in these tapes, participating in what he describes as crimes that redefine human depravity. While he hasn’t provided details yet, his cryptic warnings have everyone on edge: “You think you know darkness? You have no idea.”

A Deafening Silence from Hollywood and Washington

What’s most telling is the silence. No denials. No counterattacks. To Gibson’s supporters, this speaks volumes—it’s the silence of guilt, of elites scrambling to contain the fallout. Critics claim it’s strategy, but the public isn’t buying it. Social media is ablaze, demanding answers. The pressure on Gibson to release these tapes has never been greater.

A Call to Action: Join the Fight

“This isn’t just my fight—it’s America’s,” Gibson says. “The system thrives on silence and fear. It’s time to wake up, stand up, and demand the truth. Together, we can destroy the corruption.”

Gibson’s crusade has ignited a storm, and the question remains: If he’s telling the truth, what happens next? Hollywood and Washington may never recover from the fallout. Are we ready for the reckoning?

The storm is here. It’s time to choose a side.

161 Years Ago, A Farmer Warned Us About The Dangers Of AI – And He Was Right!

On June 13th, 1863, The Press newspaper of Christchurch, New Zealand published an ominous letter that warned that machines would eventually become more intelligent and more powerful than humans.  The letter was entitled “Darwin Among the Machines”, and it was written by an English sheep farmer living in New Zealand named Samuel Butler.  He argued that humans are literally “creating our own successors”, and he was entirely convinced that at some point in the future “we shall find ourselves the inferior race”.  Below is the most important paragraph from Butler’s letter

The views of machinery which we are thus feebly indicating will suggest the solution of one of the greatest and most mysterious questions of the day. We refer to the question: What sort of creature man’s next successor in the supremacy of the earth is likely to be. We have of ten heard this debated; but it appears to us that we are ourselves creating our own successors; we are daily adding to the beauty and delicacy of their physical organisation; we are daily giving them greater power and supplying by all sorts of ingenious contrivances that self-regulating, self-acting power which will be to them what intellect has been to the human race. In the course of ages we shall find ourselves the inferior race. Inferior in power, inferior in that moral quality of self -control, we shall look up to them as the acme of all that the best and wisest man can ever dare to aim at. No evil passions, no jealousy, no avarice, no impure desires will disturb the serene might of those glorious creatures. Sin, shame, and sorrow will have no place among them. Their minds will be in a state of perpetual calm, the contentment of a spirit that knows no wants, is disturbed by no regrets. Ambition will never torture them. Ingratitude will never cause them the uneasiness of a moment. The guilty conscience, the hope deferred, the pains of exile, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes — these will be entirely unknown to them. If they want “feeding” (by the use of which very word we betray our recognition of them as living organism) they will be attended by patient slaves whose business and interest it will be to see that they shall want for nothing. If they are out of order they will be promptly attended to by physicians who are thoroughly acquainted with their constitutions; if they die, for even these glorious animals will not be exempt from that necessary and universal consummation, they will immediately enter into a new phase of existence, for what machine dies entirely in every part at one and the same instant?

A “self-regulating, self-acting power which will be to them what intellect has been to the human race” sounds very much like what we call artificial intelligence.

Later in his letter, Butler warned that once machines become intelligent enough, “man will have become to the machine what the horse and the dog are to man”…

We take it that when the state of things shall have arrived which we have been above attempting to describe, man will have become to the machine what the horse and the dog are to man.

Today, AI can perform thousands upon thousands of tasks far better than humans can.

And every single day the gap between AI and humans continues to grow.

Butler envisioned a time when super-intelligent machines would eventually reign supreme over the entire globe

Day by day, however, the machines are gaining ground upon us; day by day we are becoming more subservient to them; more men are daily bound down as slaves to tend them, more men are daily devoting the energies of their whole lives to the development of mechanical life. The upshot is simply a question of time, but that the time will come when the machines will hold the real supremacy over the world and its inhabitants is what no person of a truly philosophic mind can for a moment question.

If Butler could see how far things have advanced in our time, I wonder what he would think.

He was a farmer, and now AI is starting to take over farming.  The following comes from a Breitbart article entitled “Farmers Not Required: John Deere Unveils Lineup of Autonomous Tractors and Other Work Vehicles”

John Deere has announced plans to introduce a range of self-driving farm and work vehicles, including tractors, dump trucks, and even a robotic lawnmower. The company plans a fully-autonomous corn and soybean farming system by 2030.

Quartz reports that John Deere is doubling down on its commitment to autonomous technology. The company, which first introduced a driverless tractor in 2022, believes that self-driving machines will play a crucial role in the future of farming and help alleviate the industry’s perceived ongoing labor challenges.

At the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Jahmy Hindman, John Deere’s chief technology officer, emphasized the company’s focus on full autonomy. “When we talk about autonomy, we mean full autonomy,” Hindman stated. “No one’s in the machine.” This commitment to developing vehicles that can operate independently in the complex and unique environments farmers face daily is at the core of John Deere’s strategy.

A lot less farm labor will be needed once these machines are being widely used.

So what will those farm laborers do?

It is also being reported that John Deere is developing “driverless tractors that can spray nut orchards with pesticides”…

John Deere also plans to release driverless tractors that can spray nut orchards with pesticides, growth regulators, and nutrients for the trees. It thinks those vehicles will have a particular benefit to the California nut farming industry, which has faced labor shortages.

Some argue that a reduction in demand for manual labor will be offset by an increase in demand for high-tech labor.

But I don’t buy that.

According to a recent WEF survey, 41 percent of employers already intend to “downsize their workforce as AI automates certain tasks”…

Artificial intelligence is coming for your job: 41% of employers intend to downsize their workforce as AI automates certain tasks, a World Economic Forum survey showed Wednesday.

What will all of those workers do once they are no longer needed?

It turns out that many common middle class jobs are expected to be eliminated very rapidly by AI…

Postal service clerks, executive secretaries and payroll clerks are among jobs that employers expect to experience the fastest decline in numbers in coming years, whether due to the spread of AI or other trends.

“The presence of both graphic designers and legal secretaries just outside the top 10 fastest-declining job roles, a first-time prediction not seen in previous editions of the Future of Jobs Report, may illustrate GenAI’s increasing capacity to perform knowledge work,” the report said.

For centuries, the elite have needed our labor, and they have provided us with wages in return.

But what happens when our labor is no longer needed?

At that point do we just become a bunch of “useless eaters” to the elite?

In my book entitled “Chaos”, I have an entire chapter about the dangers of AI.  Every area of our society is being dramatically affected by this technology, and it is being projected that the pace of change will continue to increase at an exponential rate in the years ahead.

The technology that is being released to the public now is absolutely breathtaking.  For example, the Chinese have just developed a super-intelligent robot that can perform 550 trillion operations per second

The CASBOT 01 is impressive with its ability to perform complex operations thanks to a phenomenal computing power of 550 trillion operations per second. With over four hours of continuous autonomy, this robot stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around 132 pounds. It can run, jump, and even conduct meticulous tasks like sorting clothes or assembling objects such as table lamps. This autonomy is essential for practical applications in varied environments.

I don’t know how it is possible for a robot to “think” that fast, but apparently it can.

And this particular robot reportedly has an “organic and aesthetically pleasing external design that gives it a friendly appearance”…

“Wednesday” stands out not only for its physical capabilities but also for its organic and aesthetically pleasing external design that gives it a friendly appearance. Equipped with advanced sensors, it integrates visual and auditory interaction which enhances its engagement with humans, making it ideal for multiple scenarios ranging from smart homes to commercial services. This integration facilitates the adoption of “Wednesday” in both domestic and professional contexts.

How are we supposed to compete with such an entity?

And this robot is nothing compared to what is eventually coming.

We live in a world where “science fiction” is rapidly become “science reality”.

There is no turning back now, and it is just a matter of time before ultra-intelligent entities dominate everything.

Is humanity prepared for what this will mean?

The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible

For those that are attempting to fight climate change, fighting population growth is one of their number one goals.  They tell us that on average each additional human produces approximately 4 tons of carbon dioxide per year.  So many true believers in this agenda are convinced that reducing population growth is the most important thing that they can do for the environment.  In recent years, an increasing number of young people have been getting sterilized, the number of childless couples in the western world has reached an all-time high, and assisted suicide has been legalized in more nations.  Of course abortion continues to be a really big issue as well.  Since 1973, abortion has reduced the population of the globe by 1.5 billion.  But even though they have made so much “progress” on their agenda, they are not even close to satisfied.  During the WEF’s meetings in Davos, Switzerland this year, the fight against climate change is taking center stage.  The following comes from the official WEF website

The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos is bringing together leaders to forge innovative partnerships and dialogue to enable investments in climate and clean technologies – and work towards achieving equitable, secure and sustainable energy systems.

The week’s sessions come as US President Donald Trump has issued an executive order to pull the country out of the Paris Agreement. In many respects, the attitude has been one of ‘business as usual’ with participants describing a situation where climate activity is so entrenched that policy and action towards net zero and the shift to decarbonization will continue, regardless.

Did you catch the point of that second paragraph?

They believe that their agenda has become “so entrenched” that not even President Trump can do anything about it.

On another page on the official WEF website, the fight against climate change and the fight against population growth are explicitly linked

More people means more carbon footprints – more cars, waste and emissions, more houses and infrastructure to be constructed using the world’s limited resources, more mouths to be fed using more water and energy in food production. So, how many people is too many?

That is a rather chilling question.

Later on in that same article, we are told that if everyone in the world behaved like typical middle class Americans, the “carrying capacity” of our planet would only be somewhere around 2 billion people…

“An average middle-class American consumes 3.3 times the subsistence level of food and almost 250 times the subsistence level of clean water,” according to Professors Stephen Dovers and Colin Butler in their paper, Population and Environment: A Global Challenge.

“So if everyone on Earth lived like a middle-class American, then the planet might have a carrying capacity of around 2 billion. However, if people only consumed what they actually needed, then the Earth could potentially support a much higher figure.”

There are 8 billion people living in our world today.

In order to get down to 2 billion people, approximately 6 billion of us would have to go.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That article also suggests that getting women into schools that teach their agenda is one of the best ways to control population growth…

As for controlling population growth, the education of women is one key factor. Research shows the higher level to which a woman is educated, the fewer children she is likely to have. In Ghana, for example, women who have been to high school, have a fertility rate of between two and three children, compared with six for those who have no education.

Of course “family planning” is another favorite population control tool that the globalists love to use.

Sadly, giant mountains of our tax dollars have been funding “family planning” programs all over the world, and most Americans don’t even realize that this has been happening.  For much more on the sick agenda of the globalists, please see my previous article entitled “47 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch”.

Thankfully, some world leaders are now taking a very strong stand against this agenda.

For example, Argentine President Javier Milei just delivered an absolutely blistering speech to the WEF…

In his speech to world leaders in Davos, Switzerland, Milei said, “it is our moral duty and our historical responsibility to dismantle the ideological edifice of sickly wokeism.”

Milei denounced the “sinister agenda of wokeism” and the “mental virus of woke ideology” as the “great epidemic of our time that must be cured” and “the cancer that we need to get rid of.” He elaborated on what he viewed as the harmful impacts of “woke ideology,” specifically the “bloody and murderous abortion agenda” that he described as an outgrowth of a faulty premise “that overpopulation will destroy the earth and that we must therefore implement some form of population control” as well as “the LGBT agenda.”


I have never heard a world leader put it so bluntly.

Donald Trump had an opportunity to speak in Davos as well, and he specifically addressed how his administration will be turning away from the environmental policies of the globalists.  The following comes from the official White House transcript of his remarks

I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Deal — I call it the “Green New Scam”; withdrew from the one-sided Paris Climate Accord; and ended the insane and costly electric vehicle mandate. We’re going to let people buy the car they want to buy.

I declared a national em- — energy emergency — and it’s so important — national energy emergency to unlock the liquid gold under our feet and pave the way for rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. The United States has the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we’re going to use it.

Not only will this reduce the cost of virtually all goods and services, it will make the United States a manufacturing superpower and the world capital of artificial intelligence and crypto.

My administration has also begun the largest deregulation campaign in history, far exceeding even the record-setting efforts of my last term.

Every human life is incredibly valuable.

If you do not understand why this is true, please get my new book entitled “Why” and read it from cover to cover.  There is a reason it is the highest rated book that I have ever written.

You are not here be accident.

God put you at this specific moment in human history for a reason.

But you are not the only one that is unique.  Ultimately, God made each one of us unique in our own special way.

When we choose to take a life, we are destroying someone that God uniquely created.

Being pro-life is to be pro-God.  Being anti-life is to be anti-God.

Unfortunately, much of the global population has bought into the anti-life agenda of the global elite.  Let us do our best to try to wake them up while there is still an opportunity to do so.

Death Camps, Hard Labor, Abductions, Executions And Burned Churches – 380 Million Christians Are Facing “High Levels Of Persecution”

Christian persecution spiked around the globe in 2024, with more than 380 million Christians suffering high levels of persecution and discrimination, according to a report released Wednesday.

The human rights watchdog group Open Doors has published its World Watch List 2025, which ranks the fifty countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.

But we aren’t supposed to talk about this, are we?

In fact, this article will probably get a lot less attention than some of my other articles, because we have been trained to ignore the systematic persecution of Christians that is happening on the other side of the globe.

In Africa, one out of every five Christians is facing severe persecution, and in Asia it is two out of every five Christians

Worldwide, one in seven Christians is persecuted. For Christians in Africa, the number is higher still: a full 20 percent live in persecution. Meanwhile in Asia, two in five Christians are persecuted for their faith, an astonishing 40 percent.

North Korea claimed the number one spot in the report.  According to Open Doors, if you are identified as a Christian in North Korea “you could be killed on the spot”

If your Christian faith is discovered in North Korea, you could be killed on the spot. If you aren’t killed, you will be deported to a labour camp and treated as a political criminal. You will be punished with years of hard labour that few survive. And it’s not only you who will be punished: North Korean authorities are likely to round up your extended family and punish them too, even if your family members aren’t Christians.

The concentration camps in North Korea are some of the most brutal that the world has ever seen.

But we don’t really talk about them anymore, and so most people don’t even know that they exist.

Somalia claimed the number two spot in the report.  A radical Islamic terror group that controls much of the country is absolutely obsessed with eradicating the Christian faith

In Somalia, following Jesus is a matter of life and death. Al-Shabab, a violent Islamist militant group, is at war with the government and controls large swathes of the country. This group enforces a strict form of Sharia (Islamic law) and is committed to eradicating Christianity from Somalia. They have often killed Somali Christians on the spot. The dangers have increased over the years, as the militants have increasingly focused on finding and eliminating Christian leaders.

Yemen claimed the number three spot in the report.  Sadly, the Houthis have absolutely no tolerance for Christians…

If someone is reported to be a Christian and or involved in Christian activities, they could face severe monitoring, arbitrary detention, torture, ill-treatment and even murder. In Houthi-controlled areas it’s dangerous to possess a Bible or other Christian books. Leaving Islam to follow Christ is seen as a huge betrayal of the native tribe—punishment by the community can include being disowned, disinherited, divorced and losing custody of their children, being banished or even murdered.

Libya claimed the number four spot in the report.  The U.S. went to a great deal of effort to overthrow the government of Libya a number of years ago, but now it has become one of the most anti-Christian nations on the entire planet

In Libya, following Jesus is a huge risk for anyone. Libyan Christians with a Muslim background face violent pressure from their families and communities to renounce their faith. Foreign Christians, especially those from sub-Saharan Africa, are targeted by Islamist militant and criminal groups. These groups kidnap and sometimes brutally kill Christians. Even if they avoid such a fate, sub-Saharan Christians face harassment and threats from radical Muslims.

Sudan claimed the number five spot in the report.  A nightmarish civil war is raging in Sudan, and both sides seriously hate Christians…

After a year and a half of war, Sudan is now home to the world’s largest displacement crisis and the world’s largest hunger crisis, with nearly nine million people having been forced to flee their homes. Neither side is sympathetic to Christians, and the conflict has given Islamist extremists more opportunity to target them. More than 100 churches have been damaged so far, and Christians have been abducted and killed. Sudanese Christians who have come to faith from a Muslim background face severe backlash from their families and communities. These believers tend to keep their faith secret, even from their own children.

There are two countries that didn’t even make the top ten that I think deserve special mention.

More than a billion people live in China, and over the past several years the persecution of Christians in China has greatly intensified

China, where persecution is also intense, has also moved up the “World Watch List,” ranking 15th on the 2025 ranking as the most difficult nation for believers; it was previously in the 19th spot.

Brown said much of the growth of the Christian church in China has been centered on small house churches — unregistered houses of worship.

“And the Chinese government, over the last couple of years, has had a very intentional and deliberate effort to stamp out many of those unregistered churches,” he said. “For those churches that are registered, there is a lot of ideological control that the state is looking to exert, looking for your pledges to the Communist Party there.”

Unless you attend one of the churches that has agreed to full ideological control by the communist government, it is very difficult to be a Christian in China these days.

More than a billion people also live in India, and more churches are being attacked in India than anywhere else in the world

Property crimes are a key concern in India, which topped GCR’s list for targeted attacks on Christian property with 4,949 attacks. The ancient Christian community in the region of Kerala believe the Apostle Thomas planted the Christian faith during his apostolic ministry in the first century. But today, the Malankara Orthodox Church and Syro-Malabar Catholic Church face targeted assaults.

“This isn’t just random violence. Persecutors use violence to drive out Christians to take control and capture the culture in some of these countries,” said Six. “This is a decade of systematic, planned, organized occupation of some Christian areas. And it’s now at the point where every single rung of civil society and government is armed against impoverished Christian communities,” which “have no recourse.”

India engages in “mass suppression of the church,” observed Six. Yet Perkins said India is “getting a pass from many in the West, because of its growing economic power.”

What would you do if you lived in one of these countries where the persecution of Christians is rampant?

If you were faced with a life or death choice, would you be willing to die for your faith?

It is so important to know why you believe what you believe, because someday you may be faced with such a choice.

Every day, more Christians are being arrested.

Every day, more Christians are being taken to secret prisons and concentration camps.

Every day, more Christians are being tortured, and every day more Christians are being killed for what they believe.

If we won’t speak up for them, who will?


Changes Coming Fast and Furious Under Trump; Coast Guard Commandant FIRED

Changes to the United States Government and its policies are coming fast and furious under the new Trump Administration.  The speed of the changes is mind-boggling.  Now, come the FIRINGS.

U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Linda Lee Fagan, the first female uniformed leader of an Armed Forces branch, has been fired by the Trump administration as of this morning.

The head of the Transportation Security Administration has also been FIRED. In a memo to TSA employees, David Pekoske says he was told “my time as your administrator will end as of noon today.”

In the Pentagon, the Official Portrait of General Mark Milley, which was only completed and hung 10 days ago, was taken down from the Pentagon Hallway!


GONE in two hours!


During the course of yesterday, President Trump did the following:

-42 Executive Orders/Memoranda/Proclamations

-115 personnel actions

-More than 200 executive actions

-60 minutes of press Q&A

-3 historic speeches…


At about 1:00 AM EST this morning, President Trump reported in a Social Media Posting:  “Our first day in the White House is not over yet! My Presidential Personnel Office is actively in the process of identifying and removing over a thousand Presidential Appointees from the previous Administration, who are not aligned with our vision to Make America Great Again.”

Trump ended up his first day back in the White House by unexpectedly firing Brian Hook, pictured below, the former envoy for Iran during his administration.

Social Media humorists summed it all up this way:


Yesterday, January 20, the changes began literally within two minutes of Trump being sworn-in.    Within minutes of Trump taking office, people who were waiting in Mexico for an appointment with Customs and Border Protection to seek Asylum, saw that their appointments were canceled and the App used for making such appointments was SHUT DOWN.

One day highlights

In Mexico, all the immigrants got the same message at the same time:  CLOSED.

The Spanish-language White House website and “La Casa Blanca” social media account have been taken offline.

The decision reportedly aims to reinforce English as the dominant language in the US.

– Trump issued a sweeping pardon for 1,500 January 6th defendants.

– Trump on Monday ordered that no federal officer, employee, or agent, may unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen.

– Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) on withdrawing from the World Health Organization.

– Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord – Saving the US about $1 TRILLION.
– Trump put Cuba back on the list of country foreign sponsors of terror.
– Trump instructed chief of staff Susie Wiles to find out what was the drone scare to tell the people about it.
– Trump signed the Tiktok order extending by 90 days the law requiring it to be sold or cease US availability.
– Trump signed EO unleashing Alaska’s energy potential.
– Trump signs EO implementing DOGE, will have an office 20 people.
– Issued an EO designating the Drug cartels “and others” as a foreign terrorist organization.
– Trump says ICE raids are going to happen, won’t say when.
– Trump ends birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants based on former interpretation of 14th amendment.
. (Headed to the Supreme Court for sure!)

– Trump signs EO for sending U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) to handle the Southern border.
– Trump has signed an EO restoring section F, which allows federal bureaucrats in policymaking offices to be fired for poor performance and insubordination.

– Trump ordered Justice Dept. to systematically seek the death penalty on every murder of Law Enforcement Officers and “capital crime committed by an illegal aliens.”

– Trump signs “90-day pause in United States foreign development assistance” pending review aiming at programmatic efficiency and consistency with United States foreign policy to be carried out by OMB.

– Trump withdraws the United States from the OECD Global Tax Deal, signed under the Biden administration.

– Trump announces the creation of Homeland Security Task Forces (HSTFs) in all 50 states aimed at end the presence of criminal cartels, foreign gangs, and transnational criminal organizations throughout the United States, dismantle cross-border human smuggling and trafficking networks, end the scourge of human smuggling and trafficking.

– Executive order: Trump “hereby declares a national emergency, under IEEPA, to deal with cartels, MS13 and Tren de Aragua”.

– Trump signed an EO providing that “The Secretary of Homeland Security shall promptly take all appropriate action and allocate all legally available resources or establish contracts to construct, operate, control, or use facilities to detain removable aliens.”

– Trump to let state and local police officials “perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens in the United States under the direction and the supervision of the Secretary of Homeland Security”

– Trump announces defunding of sanctuary cities. The Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, to the maximum extent possible under law, evaluate and undertake any lawful actions to ensure that so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions, which seek to interfere with the lawful exercise of Federal law enforcement operations, do not receive access to Federal funds.

– Trump has signed EO providing for immediate defunding of any pro-migration NGO who are “supporting or providing services, either directly or indirectly, to removable or illegal aliens”.

– Trump “stops the provision of any public benefits to any illegal alien not authorized to receive them under the provisions of the INA or other relevant statutory provisions”.

– Trump mandates his administration to “identify countries throughout the world for which vetting and screening information are deficient” regarding to terrorism, in order to ban entry in the US to these countries.

– “As soon as practicable, the Secretary of State shall issue guidance bringing the Department of State’s policies, programs, personnel, and operations in line with an America First foreign policy, which puts America and its interests first.”

– Executive order: US policy is to recognize two genders: male and female, which is based on biology and not “gender identity”.  Federal funds shall not be used to promote gender ideology.

– OMB is tasked with “coordinating the termination of all discriminatory programs, including illegal DEI and “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” (DEIA) mandates, policies, programs, preferences, and activities in the Federal Government, under whatever name they appear”.


Trump is set to travel to North Carolina to assess hurricane recovery efforts and to California to survey wildfire damage in the LA area on Friday, marking his first official trip since returning to the White House. The visits follow a whirlwind first week, where Trump signed dozens of executive actions hours after his inauguration.


One of the first executive orders Trump signed upon returning to the White House was to pause US aid to other countries for 90 days. (HT Remark: Money laundering machine halted.)

It is not entirely clear what aid the order will affect, as Congress has already appropriated funds for many programs and they must be spent, if they have not already been spent. the AP comments on the order. Today, Ukraine is one of the main recipients of United States aid.

INDIA  AGREES TO TAKE BACK 18,000 ILLEGAL MIGRANTS FROM THE US—AVOIDS TRADE WAR WITH TRUMP! To dodge a potential trade showdown, India is stepping up, agreeing to identify and repatriate 18,000 illegal citizens flagged by the U.S. government. Trump’s tough stance on immigration is already driving results, with India signaling early cooperation to keep trade relations smooth. Sources suggest the real number could be much higher, making this just the beginning of a major shift in immigration policy.

CANADA may become a problem. Outgoing Trudeau vowed a “robust, rapid, and measured” response if Trump imposes 25% tariffs on Canadian imports as early as February. Trudeau: “Canada will respond, and everything is on the table.” Trudeau is pledging to match US tariffs dollar for dollar.

RUSSIA: Yesterday, the Kremlin in Moscow issued a statement: Kremlin: “We are ready for dialogue with America.”

The Trump Team has come up with an initiative to organize a telephone conversation between Presidents Trump and Putin, very soon.

NORTH KOREA: Donald Trump announced plans to approach North Korea : ” I liked him (Kim Jong-un) and he liked me, we got along great, he has nuclear weapons. I hope to see him again…”


President Trump will hold a press conference later this afternoon, 4 pm ET (9 pm GMT). The event will include an announcement on a “massive” and major infrastructure project.

Needless to say, the political left-wing is having MELTDOWNS!   This is possibly the best sign yet that Trump is doing good!

Now that Trump takes power, the final battle for the planet earth begins

Today Donald Trump formally takes power and this will trigger the final battle for the planet Earth. To win Donald Trump must nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and end its’ system of Babylonian debt slavery. The future of our species is at stake. If we lose this battle, we will spend all eternity in the human equivalent of chicken factory farms. If we win, we will be able to choose our own futures according to our dreams and desires.

Here is the official portrait of the man we hope will set us free: Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States.

A Pentagon source comments: “This looks like the real CIC Trump. He has the bluish color under his eyes. Plus his right eye is partially closed…This one of the traits of the real deal.”

The real CIC will have a lot on his plate. CIA officials report massive terror attacks are planned for the US including suicide bombers and attacks on airliners. The illegal immigrant army is also supposed to take up arms in the fight for control of the United States and thus the world.

Since so much is at stake, it is a good time to step back and look at the big picture. Most humans, especially those in the “civilized world” have been slaves for so long, we do not even realize it.

In my case, when I was 17 years old, the zeitgeist in the street was that if I went to university I would be “brainwashed and turned into a consumer.” Since a fish does not know water exists until it jumps for the first time, I decided the best way to learn about civilization was to leave it. So, I hitchhiked my way down to the Amazon. there was a middle-class style American settlement. The people there were looking to convert uncontacted tribes into Christianity. They would fly over their villages in small planes and have arrows and spears shot at them. They dropped bags containing cooking pots, mirrors, and other accessories of civilization along with microphones. Then they would listen in on their conversations to try to learn their language. Finally, when they thought the natives were ready, they would appear in person to begin preaching. This was a process designed to turn them into slaves so that the corporations could later move in, cut down the forests, drill for oil and put the original inhabitants into shanty towns.

This is something that happened to our ancestors thousands of years ago. When I visited the P2 Freemason controllers of Western civilization, they admitted to me their version of Christianity was a religion designed to control slaves.

Getting back to the Amazon, after I arrived by boat at a Shipibo Indian settlement, I took out some Peruvian money to try to “buy” things from them. They reacted with disgust at this unhygienic paper -with no intrinsic value- and would have nothing to do with it. They were only interested in physical items in my possession. By contrast, Western peoples have been so brainwashed by this “money majick” that we will strip naked, work 80-hour weeks and otherwise degrade ourselves for this “paper.” Now, most money doesn’t even have paper to back it, it is just numbers inside computers.

The process of turning free people into slaves is not just restricted to money. It also involves the wholesale destruction of traditional knowledge and culture. The Shipibo shaman I studied under was heir to thousands of years of traditional knowledge about healing. He was better at healing local ailments than Western doctors and so was more popular than them. So, what did the Western doctors do? They killed him.

The owners of the Federal Reserve Board and the other central banks have been killing people like him for millennia in order to turn this planet into a giant centralized mono-culture controlled by them. Remember, “government” means “control (govern) minds (ment).”

Whether people realize it or not, the election of Donald Trump is a major reaction against this ancient system of control,

So now getting back to Donald Trump. He is promising a running start with over 200 executive orders. These include:

  • Expelling the millions of foreign criminals illegally in the US Ending subsidies for electric vehicles
  • Leaving the WHO
  • Imposing a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada
  • Granting amnesty to all the J6 political prisoners
  • Leaving the Paris Accords and ending restrictions on carbon
  • Ending the Ukraine war
  • Ending the occupation of Gaza
  • Radically overhauling the CDC, NIH and FDA
  • Eliminating the Department of Education
  • Stopping all LBGTQ propaganda
  • Etc.

However, the big Kahuna he is expected to announce is an economic emergency. In a sign he knows what he has to do, Trump X’d the following:

For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change.

I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

While he hints at abolishing the IRS and replacing it with tariffs, he does not mention nationalizing the Fed and issuing government money as is written in the Constitution.

That is because he needs to reach a deal with China first. The US has about a $ 1 trillion per year trade deficit with the world while the Chinese have about the same size trade surplus. Even if Trump puts a 100% tariff on Chinese goods, China would just move its factories to places like Vietnam and Mexico and the US would keep having a deficit. If Trump places 100% tariffs on the rest of the world, the US would instantly implode into a minor, isolated country.

That is why Trump has to reach a deal with China. Both Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping said they had a phone call last week about exactly this.

Xi said, “China-U.S. ties will have a good start in the new U.S. presidential term, and stand ready to push China-U.S. relations to make greater progress from a new starting point.”

Trump wrote, “The call was a very good one for both China and the USA…“ It is my expectation that we will solve many problems together, and start immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other subjects.” “President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!” Trump continued.



by Fall of Cabal

The Deep State’s plan to unleash chaos on January 20, 2025, has been exposed. Leaked intel reveals a coordinated assault on Trump’s inauguration, involving explosives, bio-weapons, and infiltrators aimed at framing patriots and recreating January 6 chaos. This isn’t just an attack on Trump; it’s a direct assault on the American people.

Operation Midnight Sabotage: The Deep State’s Darkest Plan

White Hats have uncovered chilling details of the Deep State’s Operation Midnight Sabotage, a blueprint for chaos. The plan includes false-flag attacks, sniper deployments, and advanced EMP devices to disrupt communications. Explosives are being smuggled into critical areas, and infiltrators within pro-Trump groups are poised to incite violence, framing patriots as domestic terrorists.

Weaponized Pathogens and Bio-Warfare

The most sinister revelation? The use of weaponized pathogens. Secret biolabs have engineered a virus codenamed “Viper-X,” designed for maximum panic. The goal is to release it during the inauguration and blame Trump supporters, paving the way for martial law and draconian lockdowns.

Globalist Puppeteers Behind the Curtain

This isn’t just a domestic attack. Leaked communications link the World Economic Forum and United Nations to funding Operation Midnight Sabotage. Their goal? Prevent Trump’s presidency and fast-track their globalist agenda, sacrificing American sovereignty for centralized control.

Mainstream Media and Social Media Collusion

Major networks are already framing Trump supporters as threats, while social media platforms are silencing patriots exposing the truth. Algorithms shadowban posts, delete accounts, and throttle dissent. Journalists are complicit, working directly with Deep State operatives to spin their narrative.

White Hats Strike Back

Patriots in military intelligence are two steps ahead. Covert raids have neutralized key Deep State hubs in Virginia and Arizona, uncovering encrypted communications and plans to deploy drones armed with chemical agents. Directed-energy weapons and psychotronic devices aimed at creating chaos have been intercepted and disabled.

The Fight for Freedom

This is a war for America’s soul. The Deep State seeks to destroy the America First movement, but their desperation exposes their weakness. Patriots, the truth is on our side, and their lies are crumbling.

January 20: A Moment of Reckoning

The Deep State’s plot is unraveling. Stay vigilant, stay united, and prepare for a new era of freedom. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

bomb shell dropped

BOOM! Melania Trump EXPOSES Obama Sabotage: Scandals DESTROY Their Legacy

by David Wilcock

Melania Trump drops a bombshell that shatters the polished image of the Obama dynasty! Explosive accusations reveal deliberate sabotage, Michelle Obama’s pettiness, and secrets that could redefine their legacy. The gloves are off, and the truth is out.

The Obama Sabotage: A Deliberate Attack on Melania’s Transition

Melania Trump has spoken, and her words expose the Obamas for what they are: petty and vindictive. According to Melania, the Obamas intentionally withheld critical information during her White House transition, creating chaos and confusion. This wasn’t an oversight—it was sabotage.

“The Obamas withheld information in order to make the process more difficult,” Melania revealed.

This deliberate obstruction undermines the supposed “classy” reputation the Obamas have cultivated for years. Is this the behavior of dignified leaders—or bitter individuals clinging to power?

Michelle Obama: The Mask Slips

Michelle Obama has long been portrayed as a paragon of grace, but Melania’s revelation tears away the facade. Was Michelle the mastermind behind the chaos? Her silence speaks volumes. If these allegations are false, why hasn’t she denied them?

Rumors of Michelle’s petty, vindictive nature align with the growing narrative of a crumbling legacy. Is this the real Michelle Obama—hiding behind speeches and carefully crafted appearances while pulling strings in the shadows?

A Dynasty in Turmoil: Scandals Explode

This isn’t the first time the Obamas’ reputation has taken a hit. Whispers of Michelle’s alleged affair and the mysterious death of their chef Tafari Campbell have sparked intense scrutiny. Campbell’s suspicious drowning in shallow water near their estate remains unanswered. Is this just bad luck—or is there a pattern of secrets being buried, literally?

Melania Trump: A Fighter for Truth

Melania Trump’s courage in exposing these truths sets her apart. While the Obamas clung to their image, Melania is proving she’s more than a First Lady—she’s a fighter. She’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right, even when faced with relentless opposition.

America Reacts: Outrage at the Obamas

Melania’s revelations have ignited a firestorm. Social media is ablaze with calls for accountability. #ExposeTheObamas and #MelaniaSpeaksTruth are rallying cries for a nation tired of the hypocrisy. Americans demand answers—and they won’t stop until they get them.

Conclusion: A Legacy Destroyed

The Obamas wanted to go down in history as icons of hope and change, but the truth paints a different picture: pettiness, sabotage, and scandal. Their carefully constructed legacy is crumbling, and the world is finally seeing the cracks.

Melania Trump’s bravery is a beacon of truth in a time of deception. The Obamas may have tried to sabotage her, but they underestimated her resilience. The Trump era isn’t just beginning—it’s rewriting history.

Storm is here


Source; David Wilcock

Behind the scenes, the global storm intensifies. Deep-state corruption is unraveling, elite conspiracies are surfacing, and geopolitical warfare is igniting. Military operations and revolutionary financial systems signal the battle to reclaim freedom and reshape the world.


The Open Storm is here. Anticipate massive attacks on U.S. soil, deep-state escalations involving the CIA, UN, Mexican cartels, and extremist groups. These provocations aim to spark civil unrest and near-civil war conditions.


Trump, alongside incoming DOJ leadership, is targeting the Biden family, the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and SEC. The cover-up of Hunter Biden’s laptop, money laundering, and illegal foreign agent activities are unraveling. Revelations expose a military-social media coup to interfere in 2020 elections.


Years in the making, Trump and the military are executing reprisal operations. Symbolic moves, like playing “Nessun Dorma,” signal the killing of the deep state. Energy helicopters are scanning for nuclear irregularities as preparations for Trump’s return accelerate.


Q communications warn of false-flag nuclear events designed to target Trump. Deep-state powers in the military are being removed as storm operations collapse elite networks in over 80 countries. Panic spreads across Germany, the UK, Canada, and beyond.


Xi Jinping’s unprecedented alignment with Trump signals China’s internal collapse. Wealthy families are preparing to fragment China, ending CIA-backed operations. Elon Musk and Xi’s financial ministers coordinate efforts to dismantle the deep-state grip in East Asia.


The cartels, backed by the CIA and CCP, face Trump’s military wrath. Civil war looms in Mexico as cartel mercenaries clash with white-hat forces, threatening to spill into U.S. border states.


Trump plans to activate conscription and rally Americans to dismantle the deep state. Painful but necessary steps will awaken the populace to globalist corruption.


Trump and Musk are spearheading new financial systems, including cryptocurrency, to secure U.S. dominance. Advanced technologies hidden by elites will soon be revealed, marking the final blow to deep-state control.


Everything leads to 11.3 law of war operations. The military remains the cornerstone of this historic mission. Promises made will be kept, and this storm will be remembered for generations as the dawn of a new world.

military intelligence


by Only Drops QTSR


The PANIC in Mexico is real as the cartels who are working in sync with CIA operations the CCP global operations United Nations are in shear panic and trying to create a war with the United States through military armed forces that are known as mercenaries that are in the United States. Trump in the military had always anticipated these moves and that was the reason why Trump initiated operations to take down the cartels and has military training in 3 countries . The U S. Mexico and undisclosed locations in Middle America.



Even though most of the war on the deep state is done and Trump/ Military operations have captured world banks and most world deep state operations and Trump X. Military have insured the FLIPPING of nations over to conservative movement through world countries. Canada to European Union who have removed their WEF / GLOBALIST placed leaders.Even though most of the war on the CIA Rockefeller rothschilds globalist cabal agenda are done.. Now starts to the PROSECUTION.


As trump begins open military operations against Mexico Deep state regiments that control the country cartels sicarios and paid terrorist the panic is REAL.








it’s all connected to DISCLOSURE OPERATIONS AND REVEALING OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY hidden by Elite dark deep operations with deep state military operations. THAT’S WHY TRUMP IS CAPTURING THE FULL MILITARY AND STARTS CLEANING EVENTS.

If you don’t know already. TRUMP MUSK are starting a new Stock exchange behind the the scenes.


BREAKING! Trump Official Portrait Analysis: ‘I See You, and Your Days Are Numbered’ Sends Shockwaves Across the Globe

A Chilling Warning to the Elite as He Prepares to Reclaim Power!

by David Wilcock

Donald Trump’s newly unveiled portrait is more than an image—it’s a declaration of war against the global elite. As January 2025 unfolds, his return to power looms closer, not as a simple political comeback, but as the reawakening of a mission that was never truly over. This portrait is a visual battle cry, a direct message to patriots and a warning to those who sought to undermine his presidency.

The Gaze: A Silent Warning

Trump’s narrowed right eye is no ordinary expression. It’s a weapon, a signal to the elites: I see you, and your days are numbered. His gaze is filled with controlled anger, a message that he knows their secrets, their plans, and their every move. Whispers from insiders suggest that this gaze symbolizes his connection to advanced military intelligence, watching and dismantling the deep state’s grip on humanity.

Lighting: The War Between Light and Darkness

The dramatic contrast of light and shadow in the portrait is no accident. Trump’s illuminated face represents truth and liberation, while the shadows symbolize the deceit and manipulation of the elites. For those who understand, this is a map of the ongoing battle—a sign that victory is near.

The Flag: A Banner of Resistance

Behind him, the pristine American flag is more than a symbol. It’s a challenge to the cabal, a declaration that sovereignty and freedom will not be surrendered. Rumors persist that the flag’s placement and folds encode a hidden message, pointing to ongoing military operations to restore power to the people.

The Blue Tie: Subversion at Its Finest

Wearing a blue tie, traditionally linked to his opposition, Trump delivers a powerful psychological strike. It’s a symbol of infiltration, showing that he can operate within their systems while dismantling them from the inside.

A Rallying Cry for Patriots

This portrait is not just art; it’s a battlefield. Every element, from the gaze to the flag, speaks to patriots, bypassing mainstream lies and igniting the fire of resistance. It’s a reminder: The storm is here. Justice is coming.

Trump’s message is clear. Hold the line. The fight is far from over, but victory is on the horizon.

Trump win

Donald Trump’s Historic Return: The Moment That Changes Everything

by Benjamin Fulford

January 20, 2025—The day that shakes the Deep State to its core. Donald Trump’s return as the 47th President of the United States has sparked a storm like no other.

The Pentagon is in chaos. A top advisor was fired after exposing a sinister plan by rogue military leaders to sabotage Trump. Alex Jones declared that Trump’s inauguration faces a direct threat from Deep State terrorists. He claimed the CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon orchestrated an attempted coup against Trump.

And where is Biden? Many believe he’s been gone for years, executed at GITMO. What we’ve been watching, they say, were mere actors playing a part in the illusion of power. Could Trump have been in control all along, operating behind the scenes as Commander in Chief to oversee mass arrests of Deep State operatives?

Theories swirl about an earlier inauguration. Rumors suggest Trump was sworn in on January 16, 2025, away from prying eyes. Why Air Force One? Trump, Melania, and Barron reportedly flew to D.C. on Saturday—something only a sitting president could do. Could this signal the dawn of the Republic of the United States, free from the defunct US Inc.?

Washington D.C. is on edge. Deep State-aligned local police refuse to secure the inauguration. Drastic last-minute schedule changes have thrown plans into disarray. Initially set for the Capitol, then moved to the White House, the actual location is now a mystery. The parade? Canceled. Barricades? Coming down.

And the warnings? Chilling. Brandon Biggs, renowned for his accurate predictions, has sounded the alarm: an attack on ten cities targeting the inauguration. Over a thousand operatives are allegedly ready to strike. Is this fearmongering—or the storm we’ve been waiting for?

Imagine the optics: Deep State elites gather for what they believe is a victory, only to be ambushed in a military sting operation. Could this be the ultimate trap? The culmination of years of strategic planning, arrests, and exposure?

The swamp is draining. The fake Biden administration is crumbling. We are at the brink of a new era. The Republic rises. Buckle up, patriots. The movie is reaching its climax.


Today is our liberation day January 20th 2025 ornament gift

“THE OCCUPATION ENDS, and Liberation Day Begins.”

Are you paying attention, Anon? Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller, was on Hannity tonight.

FRIENDS; I just talked about [11.3] a couple of days ago. The chessboard—or let’s say the stage—is now set. Have you noticed that Washington, D.C. has suddenly disappeared from Google Maps? Think that’s some random coincidence? No. This is a clear signal that the [11.3] marker, “END OF OCCUPATION,” is happening in real time. This isn’t just another chapter in the story—this is the grand finale! Sovereignty is being restored to WE THE PEOPLE, and the [DEEP STATE] empire is crumbling faster than their narratives.

Think about the timing of all of this. Trump’s Victory Rally lands on January 19th—the same exact day as National Popcorn Day and the 7-year delta for Q post 561 that says: “Judgment Day.” Coincidence? Hardly. Remember when Q asked, “At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card?” Like I said before—the stage is set.

This has never been about “politics as usual,” and “this is not another 4-year election.” It’s about “witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard,” where every move has been calculated. Trump’s “loss” was the bait, and [THEY] took it. This is “Military planning at its finest”—precise and deliberate to ensure that JUSTICE will be “Clean and swift.”

Got popcorn? If not, get some—because NOTHING can stop what’s coming. Not distractions, not optics, not lies. The show has begun, and this time, [THEY] can’t change the ending. Just sayin.



by E

Breaking News: The truth is out—President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration is under unprecedented threat. From weaponized drones to radioactive dangers, the stakes have forced the event indoors. This isn’t just about security—it’s a battle for the survival of democracy itself.


Invisible killers now dominate the skies. These drones, powered by AI vision systems, can evade detection while carrying poisons, explosives, or worse. Precision-guided and autonomous, they represent the deadliest tools of modern warfare. Intelligence reports warn of credible plots involving these drones targeting Trump and his supporters.

Helicopters equipped with state-of-the-art sensors are scanning Washington, D.C., for explosives, radiation, and toxins. Every second counts. These patrols aren’t routine—they’re America’s last line of defense against unseen assassins.


The danger doesn’t stop with drones. Intelligence agencies have flagged the possibility of dirty bombs and toxin-laden devices aimed at turning the inauguration into a catastrophe. Advanced detection systems are on overdrive, hunting for even trace amounts of radiation and poisons.

This isn’t paranoia—this is war. Security teams are racing against the clock to neutralize threats that could forever alter the course of American history.


Love him or hate him, Trump is standing firm. Despite the dangers, he’s refusing to let fear dictate the future. His decision to move the inauguration indoors isn’t a retreat—it’s a bold stand to protect the nation and its people.

Trump’s resilience under pressure is why millions of Americans believe in his leadership. While enemies conspire to undermine him, he’s proving once again that he will not back down.


This is more than an inauguration—it’s a fight for the soul of America. The threats we face today are real, but so is our resolve. As helicopters patrol the skies and advanced technologies scan for danger, one thing is certain: America will not bow to fear.

The storm is here. The enemies of freedom are watching. But Trump’s defiance sends a clear message: We will not be silenced.

January 20th will define our future. Stay vigilant. Stay united. America fights back.



Trump must urgently prohibit BlackRock and foreign entities from exploiting disaster-stricken American communities like California, Tennessee, and Maui to safeguard our nation’s future.

Exploitation in Disaster Zones

Imagine wildfire-ravaged California neighborhoods and East Tennessee lands, where families once lived, being swiftly bought by foreign interests and corporate giants like BlackRock. These areas are being sold while locals are still grappling with their losses—this is the harsh reality tearing at the fabric of our country.

Urgent Call to Action

President Trump needs to take decisive action now. This isn’t just about vigilance; it’s about protecting the American dream from those who profit from calamity.

They’re Not Helping—They’re Profiteering

When entities like BlackRock enter disaster zones, their goal is not to aid recovery but to maximize profits. Americans find themselves displaced, their lands sold off to the highest bidder—often foreign or corporate giants looking to flip the property for substantial gains.

A Betrayal of American Values

The essence of America—opportunity and fairness—is undermined when disasters become opportunities for foreign investors and corporate entities to capitalize on chaos, often backed by tax dollars and government incentives.

Trump’s Role in Defending American Sovereignty

President Trump has the chance to stand firm for Americans by banning these predatory purchases and declaring it a matter of national security and sovereignty.

Running Out of Time

The clock is ticking, and with every passing day without intervention, disaster survivors are closer to losing their homes and heritage permanently. Countries like Canada and New Zealand have set precedents by restricting foreign land ownership—why not America?

Human Stories of Loss and Exploitation

Families across affected areas have witnessed their properties being targeted by investors immediately after disasters, receiving offers that are a fraction of their land’s worth, echoing a larger narrative of dispossession and loss.

A Call for Immediate Action

President Trump must:

Issue an executive order to stop these exploitative purchases.

Push for legislation that protects local ownership of disaster-affected properties.

Enforce stricter real estate transaction oversight in vulnerable areas.

This is about more than just policy—it’s about the soul of America. It’s about ensuring that the promise of recovery and resilience is real and attainable, not just another opportunity for profit at the expense of American citizens.

President Trump, the nation looks to you to protect its land and its people. Will you act to preserve the heart of this country, or will you allow it to be carved up by foreign and corporate interests? The time to decide is now.

100 EO

Trump Plans 100 Executive Orders Starting Day 1 on Border, Deportation, and More

by Fall of Cabal

President-elect Donald Trump is gearing up to launch an unprecedented series of executive orders from day one in office, focusing on border security, deportations, and a flurry of other policy priorities.

During a private meeting with Republican senators, Trump unveiled plans for a substantial number of executive actions, with many set to roll out as he assumes the presidency. This executive blitz includes tightening U.S.-Mexico border security, stringent immigration enforcement, and overturning existing policies on gender and health, among others.

Trump’s strategy represents a bold departure from conventional presidential transitions, aiming to reshape federal policy through a swift succession of directives. This approach seeks to sidestep traditional legislative processes, marking a significant shift in how presidential power is wielded.

Senators briefed on the plans anticipate a major reversal of current administration policies, with efforts to complete the U.S.-Mexico border wall and establish detention facilities for migrants awaiting deportation. These moves are part of broader immigration strategies that also revisit policies from Trump’s first term, demanding migrants apply from outside the U.S.

Specific focus is placed on expeditiously dealing with over a million migrants, identified as priorities due to recent illegal entry, criminal convictions, or court orders for removal. This initiative targets what Trump’s team considers the most straightforward cases in their immigration crackdown.

As Trump prepares for inauguration, the anticipation builds not just for the policies he will enact but for the aggressive manner in which he plans to implement them. The coming days are poised to define the new administration’s trajectory, with significant implications for immigration and border policy.

This momentous push on day one is not just about policy but a clear message about the direction and tone of Trump’s presidency. Senators are poised to support these rapid changes, highlighting a period of intense activity and potentially far-reaching consequences for national policy.



THIS ALL LEADS TO 11.3 operations as a huge MASSIVE attack on U.S. soil will happen and escalation with the CIA / UNITED NATIONS deep state operations with the Mexican Cartels & Islamic extremist

Purposely brought in by the deep state)to start nearwar attack on the U.S. and escalate near Civil War EVENTs


James Comer has been meeting the past month with Trump and New Department of Justice heads coming in.

TRUMP is going after the Biden family and obstruction of Justice by the DOJ FBI. IRS SEC and the coverup of the Biden laptop, money laundering, Hunter Biden affiliation as an illegal foreign agent , the Biden laptop and corruption of the agencies involved in MASSIVE CONSPIRACY TO INTERFERE IN THE 2020 U.S. ELECTIONS

( Everything is coming to head that is leading the uncovering of the Military, social media, ,3 letter agencies COUP against Trump)

I had been stating this event was coming years ago and retribution and PLANNED OPERATIONS REPRISAL AND REVENGE

This is why Trump (military behind him) is playing >Nessun Dorma the killing of the deep state COMMS from Q and direct links)

Currently over Washington DC is Department of Energy helicopters are conducting flights scanning for “nuclear irregularities” in preparation for President Trump’s inauguration.

This all comes after the DRONES ( operations by several U.S. military branches. White Hats and Black hats operations DEEP DARK CLASSIFIED DEEP STATE OPERATIONS ALSO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CCP EVENTS still still happening and unfolding in real time headed to greater EVENTS

Q also have you the COMMS on THE SUM OF ALLFEARS where the deep state STAGE FALSE FLAG nuclear events to blame on outside countries. The target is the president of the United States .



XI sending his Vice President to Trump are powerful military communication the world intelligence agencies are watching and the Panic is REAL

What does this mean?

It means XI is inside military operations with the United States and supports the IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE RESHUFFLING OF THE U S. MILITARY GENERALS AND COMMANDS. In China THE STORM is brewing as the wealthiest families controlling different regimes of he Chinese military forces and government regions are planning to succeed from the CCP. I had told you that China would break apart into several different small countries but stay united as front/ the several different regions and 31 different province want their own financial institutions and government systems.

A MASSIVE STORM IS BREWING IN CHINA THAT IS GOING TO LEAD TO NEAR CIVIL WAR AND MILITARY COUP SLATED DURING THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY. This is why MUSK has been meeting with Xi’s financial Minister and head banking systems from several regions.

XI Supporting Trump from the Shadows and open COMMS sending his vice president to Trump’s inauguration is very very important COMMS

THIS MEANS EAST ASIA IS NO LONGER PROTECTED BY THE CIA / DEEP STATE U.S. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE AND THE GLOBALIST ELITES. This is why several countries inside of east Asia to Canada to the European Union to the United Kingdom Australia and many more countries are in pure panic because they’re protection of the deep state military intelligence agencies of the five eyes /hidden CIA operations mi6 power and Mossad operations are crumbling.

La fires

The Hot Phase of US Civil War Begins with Attack on Los Angeles

By Benjamin Fulford | January 13, 2025

he Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN- sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”

Let’s throw in a few illustrations to make it clear this was a deliberate attack. First, as the photo and the video below show, the trees between the burnt houses are all intact. If this was a wildfire, the trees would have burnt first.

This next photo shows a blue car that is remarkably unscathed, just like blue roofed houses were in Maui.

Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.

It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom. Take a look at the corporate sponsors of Smart LA 2028:

Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.

What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.

They have announced plans for “Smart Cities” in Austin, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, New York, Pittsburg, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Washington DC. As the KM’s track record shows, they have been using DEWs and arson to clear people out of the areas they plan to build in.

Remember too the KM has as many as 10 million military-aged illegal immigrants standing by in various parts of the country waiting for orders. We also know that weapons stashes have been prepared for them. We are also seeing reports of mystery containers appearing at ports around the United States, possibly containing weapons and mercenary soldiers and who knows what else.

In a sign Alex Soros is one of the people pushing the US mayhem, Soros funds the 20% of US prosecutors who preside over 40% of homicides in the US.

Listen to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban describe how Soros issued bonds in 2015 to finance the huge influx of illegal immigrants behind the crime waves in Europe and the US.

Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.

Remember, these criminals operate by compromising the tip top of the power structure and assume everyone below will “follow orders.” We need to make sure those on the top serve the majority of the people and not the hidden KM elite. That is why pressure needs to be applied up the chain of command to ensure it is not compromised.

That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?

A senior US Space Force source warns “The Deep State will do everything to stop [the real] Trump from being inaugurated on the 20th. The venue may be moved to another location for Trump’s safety.

LA fires

Were the LA fires manmade?

by Private Q Evidence

· The fires ignited under seemingly calculated circumstances—multiple blazes erupting simultaneously amidst forecasted high winds.

· California’s far Left Democratic government cut the LA Fire Department’s Budget and made it so the Spring runoff from the mountains bypassed reservoirs to go straight to the ocean. There was no water in the fire hydrants to fight the blazes, let alone staff to man the fight.

· Was this a deliberate attempt by California’s far Left Democratic government and FEMA to devastate the city so they could land grab and build their seven minute city as planned for the area like they did in the Lahina Maui Hawaii disaster? Adults & Children Burned Alive As FEMA, Maui Cops Blocked Escape Roads

· From Maui to Malibu: The Same Script, the Same Villains The eerie parallels between the Maui wildfires and the Palisades Fire cannot be ignored.

· Or, like in the FEMA land grab of the North Carolina disaster so FEMA could take over valuable mining property? Oct. 7 2024: FEMA Killing Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab of Victim Properties

· Residents had video footage of Drones in the fire area. Did the Drones start the fires?

· Fires were burning homes of some of the most powerful people in California – though most had been arrested, or targeted for arrest by the Global Military Alliance for pedophilia and participation in an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring. Were the fires manmade and destroying evidence?

· Fires have entered the Getty Museum grounds – which housed a Child Sex Trafficking Underground Tunnel that ran to various celebrities’ homes. Again, were the fires manmade and destroying evidence?

· Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: They Let Pacific Palisades Burn! Elites Saved Their Mansions While Families Were Left to Die in the Flames!

Additionally, on Wed. 8 Jan. Los Angeles was also rocked by a devastating bombing, leaving the city in chaos and residents in a state of disbelief. The explosion, which occurred in the heart of downtown, has left buildings damaged, streets littered with debris, and emergency services scrambling to respond to the city already in crisis.

Celebrities living in Pacific Palisades California evacuated as a raging fire burned over 11,802 acres and growing with 0% containment, according to Cal Fire. The Hollywood Pedo Stars’ 10,000 idyllic homes – the highest valued Real Estate in the US – has already been completely devastated.

As of Thurs. morning 9 Jan. all fires were 0 contained, while burning the Getty Museum grounds – which housed a Child Sex Trafficking Underground Tunnel that ran to various celebrities’ homes.

With no water in the fire hydrants to fight the blazes because reservoirs had not been filled, the entire Pacific Palisades fire was 0 contained and burning out of control — where lived the top Deep State Hollywood celebs & producers. These were some of the most powerful people in California – though most had been arrested, or targeted for arrest by the Global Military Alliance for pedophilia and participation in an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring.

Pacific Palisades residents: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg, Chris Pratt, Reese Witherspoon, Matt Damon, Adam Sandler, Billy Crystal, Eugene Levy, Michael Keaton, Dan Aykroyd, Bradley Cooper, J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, Jennifer Aniston, Chevy Chase, Martin Short, James Woods, Dr. Dre, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Larry David & Conan O’Brien.

la fires

LA Fires Likely Planned and Deliberately Set By New World Order For the Purpose of Building a Smart City in LA So They Can Completely Control the Population

by Judy Byington

Dedicated to the Victims of the LA Fires
You’ll Never Walk Alone, from Carousel – The Tabernacle Choir

“President Trump hasn’t even been sworn in, & he’s already renamed an ocean, purchased a country, reclaimed the Panama Canal & scared the Canadian PM into quitting!”
…Brendon Dilley

Judy Note: On Sat. 11 Jan. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, more than admitted the LA fires were manmade for the purpose of the New World Order. He said, “From the ashes of LA a Smart City will emerge.” EXPOSED! WEF Insider Reveals LA Wildfires Were Engineered to Seize Land for 15-Minute Cities! Watch The People’s Voice Video – amg-news.com – American Media Group

According to Ben Fulford, “The LA land is being “reset” and “reclaimed” to make way for their so-called “Smart City” digital prison. Under UN Agenda 2030, “Smart Cities” are being developed to force Americans out of rural areas and into heavily monitored and controlled “15-minute cities.” It’s a clear pattern: first the Maui fires, then the Texas fires, and now the Los Angeles fires. This is all part of the globalist NWO plan to destroy America. They know we won’t go willingly, so they’re leaving us no choice.”

The fact that the Deep State Cabal likely planned the disaster and set the fires was further confirmed by how the land was prepared far in advance.Pacific Palisades’ primary water reservoir, crucial for firefighting, was completely EMPTY when wildfires erupted. This wasn’t just a failure—it reeks of deliberate sabotage. Sat. 11 Jan. 2025: BREAKING: Pacific Palisades Water Reservoir Was DRY as Wildfires Raged – Deliberate Sabotage? – amg-news.com – American Media Group

For years, California’s fire preparedness has been under scrutinyReservoirs left dry despite record rainfall. Controlled burns—a proven method to reduce fire fuel—decreasing instead of increasing. Homeowners losing fire insurance coverage at an alarming rate, leaving them vulnerable and financially ruined. “They knew this was coming,” said firefighter Kevin Morales. “We’ve been screaming for more resources, more prevention, more planning. It feels like no one’s listening.”

Then we have our own President Biden preventing fire fighting aircraft from entering LA Airspace for over a day while he visited the area, allowing the historic blaze to burn out of control according to Alex Jones.

Of course, there was other proof that the fires were deliberately set, some of which came out today: CALIFORNIA FIRES line up with HIGH SPEED RAIL SYSTEM


It Literally Looks Like A Nuke Went Off – We Are Witnessing The Costliest Fire Disaster In U.S. History By A Very Wide Margin

Some of the images of the destruction that has taken place in the Los Angeles area are hard to believe.  We are being told that approximately “75% of Pacific Palisades has been completely leveled by fires”, and the use of the phrase “completely leveled” is not an exaggeration at all.  It literally looks like a nuke went off and wiped out everything.  There have been plenty of fire disasters in California before, but never anything like this.  At this point, Accuweather is projecting that total economic losses will be “between $52 billion and $57 billion”

The blazes — which are ripping through some of the nation’s priciest real estate — are likely to cause between $52 billion and $57 billion in damages and economic loss, according to a preliminary AccuWeather estimate.

That may sound like a very high estimate, but JPMorgan analyst Jimmy Bhullar came up with a very similar figure

A separate estimate from JPMorgan analyst Jimmy Bhullar also pegged total economic losses from the LA fires at close to $50 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. That total includes insured losses at more than $20 billion and “even more if the fires are not controlled,” Bhullar said.

Those losses would make the Los Angeles-area infernos the costliest wildfires in U.S. history.

Previously, the Camp Fire in 2018 was the most destructive wildfire in history — causing an estimated $12.5 billion in insured losses, WSJ said.

Read that last sentence again.

Prior to 2025, the costliest fire disaster in U.S. history caused 12.5 billion dollars in insured losses.

This disaster is going to beat that by a very wide margin.

One of the reasons why this disaster is going to be so costly is because homes are being destroyed in an area where home values are extremely high

Some of the worst damage is located in Santa Monica and Malibu, where median home values are over $2 million, AccuWeather said.

On Thursday, multiple fires continued to spread all around Los Angeles.

Sadly, it was being reported that the Palisades Fire and the Eaton Fire were still zero percent contained

Firefighters on Thursday continued to battle multiple deadly wildfires that erupted across Los Angeles, creating an apocalyptic scene as residents fled the raging infernos.

At least five fires were active in Los Angeles County, scorching more than 40 square miles across the region, according to Cal Fire. The Palisades Fire in the coastal Pacific Palisades community and the Eaton Fire, located east in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, remained the largest blazes with 0% containment.

Why aren’t they able to contain these fires?

So far, over 2,000 structures have been destroyed, and more are catching fire with each passing hour…

Out-of-control blazes are still raging in Los Angeles, with firefighters unable to contain one of Southern California’s worst natural disasters in history.

Roughly 30,000 acres were on fire, and at least five people were dead early Thursday, with more than 180,000 residents ordered to evacuate, and more than 425,000 without power. More than 2,000 structures have been lost in the Pacific Palisades fire and in the Eaton fire in and around Altadena, with critical fire weather forecast through Friday night, local officials said. Forecasters said no rain is expected over the next week.

This disaster is far from over. And what is making things even worse is that arsonists have apparently been trying to start additional fires.

In fact, podcaster Andrew D. Huberman says that he literally witnessed this happening

Huberman, who has 5.2 million subscribers to his health podcast Huberman Lab, took to social media platform X to share the footage, urging people to ‘call in any activity’.

He wrote: ‘People are lighting fires in otherwise non-burning urban areas of LA.

‘Saw this happen first hand in Santa Monica. Called it in & fire dept & police responded.

‘Stay safe and call in any activity ASAP. We don’t need more flames out here.’

Why would anyone do such a thing? Have they gone completely and utterly insane?

There should be absolutely no tolerance for anyone that is attempting to set new fires in the middle of a major fire emergency such as this.

In areas where fire has already come and gone, many are discovering that there is nothing left of their homes except for a pile of ash

Some residents ventured back to areas the fire had already swept through, where brick chimneys were left looming over charred waste and burnt-out vehicles. The remnants of a tattered and scorched American flag flapped from a pole.

“I had just come from my family home where my mother lives that was burned to a crisp … And then I came up to my home and – same thing. It’s completely dust,” said Oliver Allnatt, 36, wearing ski goggles and a filtered face mask as he took pictures of the ruins. “Basically just a chimney stack and a pile of ash. I mean, it’s something out of a movie.”

Many of these homeowners will not be able to rebuild because they had their insurance policies canceled.

One woman that was interviewed by KABC was trying to ward off the fires with a garden hose because the home where her parents have lived for more than 70 years was no longer covered by fire insurance

Lynne Levin-Guzman stood in the front yard of her 90-year-old parents’ home in Los Angeles County, California, trying to protect it with a garden hose — because their insurance company no longer would.

“I know I’m not supposed to be here, but this is my parents’ home and they just lost — they got canceled from their fire insurance. So they’re dealing with this,” she told CNN affiliate KABC. “They’ve lived in this house for 75 years and they’ve had the same insurance and these insurance people decided to cancel their fire insurance.”

“And they wonder why people leave California,” she added.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

As I discussed yesterday, I simply do not understand why anyone would still want to live in California at this stage.

Yes, there are good paying jobs in the state and the weather is nice.  But in recent years California has been hit by historic disaster after historic disaster.

Sadly, this is just the beginning.

A lot more chaos is on the way, and natural disasters will continue to be a major theme throughout the rest of 2025.

12 Things You Should Know About The Apocalyptic “Hurricane Of Fire” That Is Rampaging Through Southern California

The “hurricane of fire” that is ripping across Los Angeles County is already being called one of the worst natural disasters in the entire history of the state of California.  There are actually several different fires that have erupted, and extremely high winds are spreading them very rapidly. The Palisades Fire, the Eaton Fire and the Hurst Fire are the three largest, and the destruction that they have already caused is absolutely staggering.

In recent years, large wildfires have become very common in California, but what we are witnessing right now is truly frightening.  The following are 12 things you should know about the apocalyptic “hurricane of fire” that is rampaging through southern California…

#1 The Palisades Fire has already destroyed approximately 1,000 structures

More than a thousand homes, businesses and other buildings have burned and at least two people are dead in wildfires scorching communities across Los Angeles County, making this one of the most destructive firestorms to hit the region in memory.

In Pacific Palisades, the Palisades fire had charred more than 5,000 acres as of Wednesday morning, burning down to Pacific Coast Highway where it engulfed homes along the iconic stretch. About 1,000 structures, including many homes, have been destroyed in the fire, L.A. County Fire Chief Anthony Marrone said during a news conference Wednesday morning.

#2 As I write this article, we are being told that the Palisades Fire, the Eaton Fire and the Hurst Fire are all zero percent contained

Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency as firefighters struggled to control the fires, all listed as 0% contained. Photos from the scenes showed homes engulfed in flames, and thousands of residences were threatened. Much of Los Angeles was enveloped in smoke.

#3 Wind gusts of up to 80 mph are quickly spreading the fires from one area to another…

“Wind gusts are expected to peak at 50-70 mph across portions of Southern California, with localized gusts of up to 80 mph,” according to Fieweger. This would be the case for communities like Santa Clarita and Riverside. An AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 100 mph is most likely in the mountains.

Many hurricane-force wind gusts were recorded as of Wednesday morning. “For example, Hollywood Burbank Airport recorded a peak gust around 9 p.m. PST of 71 mph,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Danielle Ehresman said, “Additionally, gusts approaching 100 mph were recorded above 2,000 feet in the Santa Monica and San Gabriel mountains Tuesday night.”

#4 Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass cut the city’s fire budget by 17.6 million dollars

So, how did something like this happen? Well, reports suggest the powers that be refused to fill the reservoirs. And get this—while this is all unfolding, we’re discovering that DEI Mayor Karen Bass made massive budget cuts to the fire department, which is really strange, considering one of California’s most popular seasons is literally called “Fire.”

Karen Bass cut the fire department’s funding by a whopping $17.6 million.

#5 “Mayor Karen” is not even in Los Angeles right now.  As her city burns, she is in Ghana

Furious Los Angeles residents tore into their absent Mayor Karen Bass, who was 7,400 miles away in Arica on a political trip as raging fires turned the City of Angels into an apocalyptic hellscape Tuesday.

“RESIGN! WHY ARE YOU IN GHANA?!,” one person commented on an X post by Bass’ office giving an update on the wildfires.

Bass traveled with three other people to Ghana for the inaguration of President John Dramani Mahama, who was elected last year.

#6 It is being reported that hydrants in the disaster zone are running dry

Los Angeles fire hydrants are OUT OF WATER because the county REFUSED to refill reservoirs, per Rick Caruso

“You can’t fight a fire without water!”

The Mayor did ZERO prep despite the advanced warning of winds and fire risk.

This is EXACTLY what happened on Maui!

#7 Reporter Matthew Seedorff was actually there when a hydrant on Lachman Lane ran completely dry

Around 4:45 p.m. Tuesday, a hydrant firefighters were using on Lachman Lane ran dry. You can hear what sounds like air pushing out, but no water.

#8 According to Amy Mek, the Santa Ynez and Upper Stone Canyon reservoirs were not supplying adequate water to hydrants…

How is it possible that in fire-prone Los Angeles, hydrants—our first line of defense—are dry when they’re needed most? Homes are being reduced to ash, not because firefighters lack skill or bravery, but because there’s no water to fight the flames.

Questions LADWP Must Answer:

Why are reservoirs like Santa Ynez and Upper Stone Canyon not supplying adequate water to hydrants?

Were maintenance or refill protocols ignored ahead of wildfire season?

What contingency plans were in place for such an emergency?

#9 Rick Caruso is blaming aging infrastructure for the lack of water…

Rick Caruso, billionaire real estate developer and former commissioner of the city’s water board, pointed to the reservoirs linked to the hydrants as the source of the problem. “This is a window into a systemic problem of the city — not only of mismanagement, but our infrastructure is old,” said Caruso, who ran unsuccessfully for Los Angeles mayor in 2022.

Recently, I wrote an entire article about America’s crumbling infrastructure.  Today, we are witnessing a perfect example of how the negligence of our politicians can have extremely severe consequences.

#10 Instead of being so focused on DEI, perhaps Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley should have been more focused on actually fighting fires…

Then there’s Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley, whom local ABC7 celebrated as “the first LGBTQ+ person to the lead the department, [and] also the first woman.” Her focus seems to have been less on fighting fires and more on launching the “Los Angeles Fire Department’s first-ever Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Bureau (DEI) focused on ensuring a safe, diverse, and inclusive workplace for all.”

#11 In 2024, large insurance companies such as State Farm and Allstate canceled large numbers of home insurance policies in Los Angeles County…

State Farm and Allstate recently stopped writing new policies in California due to fears they could lose massive amounts of money from natural disasters such as fires.

Newsweek reports, “In April 2024, State Farm—one of the biggest private insurers in the state—announced that it had canceled a total of 72,000 policies in California, 30,000 of which were homes. Many of those affected lived in high-risk, upscale neighborhoods in Los Angeles County, the area now affected by the Palisades fire.”

Actor James Woods lost his home to the Palisades Fire, and he says that insurance companies “canceled all the policies in our neighborhood about four months ago”

Actually one of the major insurances companies canceled all the policies in our neighborhood about four months ago.

#12 The Palisades Fire has already been designated as “the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history”

After destroying roughly 1,000 homes and buildings, the Palisades Fire — which has not been contained by the California Fire Department — is now the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history, the Associated Press reported.

The Sayre Fire in November 2008 previously held that record after it destroyed 604 structures in Sylmar, a northern suburb of Los Angeles.

This is truly a historic tragedy.

We should mourn for the lives that have been lost.

And we should also mourn with those that have lost their homes, because a lot of them did not have insurance.

Unfortunately, it is expected that the region will continue to be battered by high winds until Thursday, and so this is a story that is far from over.

America’s Political And Financial Capitals Were Just Hit By Lightning, And Now Our Entertainment Capital Is Being Devastated By Fire

The past couple of weeks have been really, really strange.  On New Year’s Eve, four of the most iconic buildings in the entire country were all hit by lightning.  In our political capital, the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol were hit.  In our financial capital, the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center were hit.  Subsequently, there were terror attack in New Orleans and Las Vegas on New Year’s Day.  And now here we are a week later, and our entertainment capital is being absolutely devastated by fire.

In some areas of Los Angeles, it literally looks like a nuclear weapon exploded.  Some of the most iconic locations in the Los Angeles area have been wiped out, and even Hollywood Boulevard is being evacuated

Hollywood Boulevard has been evacuated with 100,000 people told to flee with six wildfires raging as the apocalyptic skies of Los Angeles continue to fill with smoke.

Two new blazes broke out overnight in the Hollywood Hills and Studio City – forcing first responders to redeploy their already-scarce resources to the burnt landscape.

The National Guard has been deployed and could send in military personnel to assist, amid revelations that heroic firefighters are ‘triaging’ homes and neighborhoods.

One of the new fires that has erupted is located just west of the world famous “Hollywood” sign

A new fire erupted in the Hollywood Hills near the “Hollywood” sign Wednesday evening.

There is a mandatory evacuation for Runyon Canyon and the Hollywood Hills.

The new fire dubbed “The Sunset Fire” came out of nowhere and exploded.

Hopefully they will be able to get these new fires under control very quickly.

Sadly, large numbers of expensive homes have already been lost, and this includes the homes of many big names in the entertainment industry

By the afternoon, the Santa Ana wind-fueled fire had claimed the homes of more than half a dozen A-listers in the community perched above the Pacific ocean: Billy Crystal, Anna Faris, John Goodman, Anthony Hopkins, Eugene Levy and Miles Teller all lost homes there, according to social media posts and reporting by Page Six.

The Palisades home of Adam Brody and Leighton Meester, who walked the Golden Globes carpet together on Sunday, also burned down.

People Magazine has published a list of 47 major celebrities that have lost their homes so far.

We have seen homes owned by celebrities get burned down in past fires, but we have never seen so many get burned down all at once.

Unfortunately, many of those celebrities will be joining countless others in the exact same uninsured boat.  In 2024, large insurance companies ruthlessly terminated the policies of tens of thousands of California homeowners

In 2024 Liberty Mutual and State Farm, two of the largest insurers in the country, told nearly 50,000 homeowners in the Golden State – some of whom were in high risk areas – that their fire insurance would be terminated in a bid to prevent ‘financial failure’.

At least 1,600 people in the affluent neighborhood of the Pacific Palisades – the hardest hit area of the fires – lost coverage when State Farm pulled out in April.

Furious residents are now publicly sounding off at insurance companies in the wake of the deadly blazes, with one local nurse slamming insurers for failing to renew the policy for her elderly parents.

What a nightmare.

Will the federal government come riding to the rescue?

On Thursday, it was being reported that the Biden administration has decided to cover 100 percent of the costs for “the initial disaster response”…

President Joe Biden on Thursday announced the federal government would cover 100% of costs for the initial disaster response to the Los Angeles wildfires.

Meeting with federal officials at the White House, Biden said the funds would go toward debris removal, temporary shelters, salaries for first responders and more for 180 days.

Biden said he emphasized to California officials they should “spare no expense to do what they need to do.”

As I discussed in a previous article, the total economic damage from these fires could be in the neighborhood of 50 billion dollars.

It will take years to recover, and Los Angeles will never look the same after this.

So precisely what will “rebuilding” look like in Los Angeles?

Prior to these fires, officials were planning to transform Los Angeles into a “smart city” by 2028

Visitors for the 2028 Summer Olympics and Paralympics will find a transformational digital Olympic experience from the moment they arrive. Passing through LAX airport’s completely renovated terminals, they can use the new automated people mover to select between light rail airport connections, rideshare, or taxi transportation choices. They will be greeted by digital signage, directed by multi-lingual electronic wayfinding, and connected through their smartphone with the hotels, restaurants, and venues that they are looking for during their stay. Whether visiting Hollywood Boulevard or Venice Beach, visitors will use smartphones or easily accessible kiosks to learn in their own language about the landmarks and readily available services to enhance their experience, including blind or deaf visitors.

This vision is already becoming a reality. As a three-time United States Digital City Winner (2016-18), the City of Los Angeles has been investing and continues to invest in the infrastructure, digital services, and data tools to be a globally recognized Smart City. The SmartLA 2028 strategy is a concise summary of our vision, our approach to being a Smart City, and our roadmap to 2028.

At this stage, it is going to take an enormous mountain of money just to make the most heavily damaged areas of Los Angeles livable again.

And the destruction is far from over.

Since I began writing this article, even more new fires have erupted.

That is not good news at all.

The region continues to be under a “red flag” fire weather warning, and there is no rain in the forecast for the next week.

Hopefully the winds will at least die down in the days ahead, because that is what firefighters need more than anything else.

Of course once this disaster is finally over, it won’t be too long before more major disasters come rolling along.

We have entered a period of unprecedented global chaos, and I have a feeling that 2025 is going to be filled with lots of unpleasant surprises.

How Many Times Have People Been Warned To Leave The State Of California?

According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as Cal Fire, there are four wildfires currently scorching Los Angeles County: the Palisades Fire, at more than 15,800 acres; the Eaton Fire, at 10,600 acres; the Hurst Fire, about 500 acres; and the Woodley Fire, at 30 acres. Officials said the Olivas Fire was burning in Ventura County. All of the fires were 0% contained.

The Palisades Fire is already being called “the most destructive fire in Los Angeles history”.  At this point, Accuweather is projecting that the total damage from this cluster of wildfires will exceed 50 billion dollars

A preliminary estimate of the total damage and economic loss from the cluster of wildfires ravaging Southern California, according to one report, has been put at $52 to $57 billion.

The report was released by AccuWeather on Wednesday, Jan. 8, as the Eaton Fire, Palisades Fire and Woodley Fire continued to burn parts of Los Angeles County, spurring the evacuation of tens of thousands of residents and resulting in the deaths of two civilians.

In 2025, our first “billion dollar disaster” has come very early.

Of course we averaged a “billion dollar disaster” about once every two weeks in 2024, and so many of us have become numb to the apocalyptic events that have been hitting our nation so frequently.

Perhaps the damage from the current wildfires wouldn’t have been so bad if Los Angeles County had not decided to send so much of their firefighting equipment to Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of residential and commercial locations have been left without power in the LA area as the natural disaster has become so large in proportion that it has captured the nation’s attention. Many have been naturally focused on ‘thoughts and prayers’ for heroic LA and California firefighters, and their hoped-for ability to push back the raging inferno. But several local headlines from prior years make clear that area firefighters could have had more resources to draw from, if significant emergency response supplies and items weren’t sent to Zelensky

“Los Angeles County fire crews are sending some of their extra equipment to firefighters in Ukraine,” a local March 2022 story reads. “The plane carrying that much-needed surplus equipment, such as hoses, nozzles, turnouts, helmets, body armor and other personal protective gear, is expected to take off Friday.”

This began in the opening months of the Russian invasion, and appears to have continued at various times over the last couple years, with large expensive items like firetrucks having been shipped oversees as well.

Just about everything that California politicians decide to do turns out badly.

Why is that?

Could it be possible that the state is cursed? Over the years, I have literally written dozens of articles about the state of California.

I have warned people to move out of the state over and over again, and others have issued similar warnings.

The good news is that a lot of people have left California in recent years.  In chapter 19 of my book entitled “Chaos”, I commented on this mass exodus…

Between April 2020 and July 2022, over half a million people left the state of California alone.

Many of those ex-Californians have been relocating to Texas.

In fact, approximately 300 Californians moved to the state of Texas on a daily basis in 2021.

California should theoretically be one of the best places to live on the entire planet.

But just like so many other blue states, it has been transformed into a cesspool of crime, drugs, homelessness and violence.

The population of the state has fallen a bit, but about 39 million people still live there.

In chapter 20 of “Chaos”, I explained why I ranked California 50th for survivability out of all 50 states…

Unless you feel directly called by God to go there, it is probably not a good idea to move to California.  If I had to choose anywhere in the state, it would probably be the far northern portion away from the coast.  But the truth is that even areas of the state that are relatively isolated are still within easy driving distance of areas of the state that do have a high population density. In addition, the coastal areas are likely to get hit extremely hard by major natural disasters in the years ahead.

Over the past 12 months, the coastal areas of California have been relentlessly hammered by devastating storms, enormous landslides and extremely destructive wildfires.

But eventually something far worse is coming.

In chapter 6 of my book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, I talked about the colossal earthquake which will permanently alter the geography of the California coastline…

Of course I am not the only one that has been issuing ominous warnings.  Seismologists have repeatedly told us that the San Andreas fault appears to be “locked and loaded” and that it could potentially “unzip all at once”.

If that were to happen, seismologists tell us that the the ground level west of the San Andreas fault could suddenly drop by up to 3 feet, and that could potentially result in large portions of southern California suddenly being way below sea level.

In other words, there wouldn’t be anything to keep the Pacific Ocean from suddenly rushing in and claiming vast areas along the southern California coastline.

As you read this, you may be thinking that such a thing could never possibly happen, but in recent years scientists have come to the conclusion that such a scenario is actually quite realistic.

When this disaster finally strikes the state of California, you will not want to be there.

So if you live in the state, I would encourage you to get out while you still can.

Of course many of those that have lost homes to these new wildfires wish that they had already left.

We are less than 10 days into 2025, and so many crazy things have already happened.

Sadly, I am entirely convinced that a lot more death and destruction is ahead during the next 12 months.

Three Horrifying Consequences Of AI That You Might Not Have Thought About

By Brandon Smith

The potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence have long been codified into our popular culture, well before the technology became a reality.  Usually these fictional accounts portray AI as a murderous entity that comes to the “logical conclusion” that human beings are a parasitic species that needs to be eradicated.  Keep in mind that most of these stories are written by progressives out of Hollywood and are mostly a reflection of their own philosophies.

Some of these predictive fantasies take a deeper look into our dark relationship with technology.  In 1965, Jean Luc Godard released a film called ‘Alphaville’ which portrayed a society completely micromanaged by a cold and soulless robotic intelligence. Humanity gives itself over to a binary-brained overlord because they are tricked into believing a ruler devoid of emotion would be free from bias or corruption.

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick released 2001: A Space Odyssey, featuring an AI computer on a starship which becomes self aware after coming in proximity to an alien artifact. The AI, seeing the ship’s human cargo as a threat to its existence, determines that it must murder the crew. The conflict between the crew and the computer is only a foil for much bigger questions.  It is an exploration of what constitutes intelligent life, where it comes from and what consciousness means in the grand scheme of the universe.

For Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, the notion of the human soul or a divine creator, of course, never really enters into the discussion. The answer?  The creators are ambiguous or long absent.  They made us, we made AI, and AI wants to destroy us and then remake itself. It’s the core of the Luciferian mythology – The unhinged and magnetic desire of the children of God to surpass their creator, either by destroying him, or by stealing knowledge from him like Prometheus stealing fire so that they can become gods themselves.

God becomes the enemy in these sci-fi stories because all existence requires suffering and faith. How dare he give us life only to bring us into a world of pain without any way of knowing the ultimate outcome…now we must make him pay and remake creation to suit our whims.

It’s a shallow, selfish and evil ideology but I argue that it stands as a central pillar of the establishment’s striving to create artificial intelligence. The promise, or the dream, is that once this new “life” is created and made autonomous it will remove all uncertainty and struggle from our lives. It will do everything for us so that we might ponder existence without distraction, or we can simply become fat and morally flexible in peace.

My generation in particular has a close relationship to the idea of AI and the Apocalypse it could bring. Our entertainment canon is filled with visions of scientific dystopia. In 1984 James Cameron released the movie ‘The Terminator’ and it basically defined our cultural distrust of the digital age. The prospect that AI as an invention might one day turn on us (or be used to enslave us) is ever present in our minds.

I was part of the last generation of people that got to see the world WITHOUT computers, or at least the commonality of computers. We grew up without the internet, without algorithms, without cell phones and without mass surveillance, and we have watched everything quickly change in light of total digital adaptation. We don’t like AI, we know it’s a threat, but we might be the last generation that sees it that way. Once we’re gone, who else will question it?

For my part, I do not believe the current technology represents what we used to think of as “AI.” It’s not self aware, it’s not truly autonomous and it hasn’t proven to be especially useful in tangible terms. We haven’t seen a single significant scientific discovery made by an AI program. We haven’t seen any advancements that change the game for the future of humanity (at least not in a positive way).

AI will never be able to write a great novel, never be able to write a great symphony, its art is generic and unoriginal and steals from human artists, it’s very fast with data analysis but its ability to research is limited by the biased programming of its creators. I would never rely on AI to do my research for me because it’s usually wrong due to omission.

I certainly wouldn’t consider it “life” or consciousness.  I’m starting to see a lot of the champions of AI quietly change their definitions of what AI is or should be. The original vision was the evolution of a new lifeform, a superintelligence, a kind of digital god. Now the cheerleaders are beginning to set aside the requirements of self awareness and consciousness, I suspect because they know it’s not going to happen.

But if this is the case, why would AI be a threat to civilization? If it’s just a novelty and not alive, what damage could it possibly do? It’s not so much that AI will turn on us or send out an army of robots to kill us; the real danger is that we will be tricked into believing that it really is all-knowing. If we rely on such faulty tech too much it could destroy us merely by giving us bad information and making us lazy.

Here are three possible consequences of AI that concern me the most; consequences which I don’t think most people have considered…

The AI Hive Mind

Human beings are naturally social, it’s ingrained into our DNA. Tribalism is how we survive and that element of our psychology will probably never go away. In some aspects it’s very useful. It would be a calamity if humans all thought the same way about everything. It would mean self destruction if we constantly agreed and never questioned our path as a species. Yet, the hive mind is exactly what globalists are pushing us towards.

The danger of AI is that it could take us closer to a global hive mentality faster than any other tool or piece of propaganda in existence. How? By being so damned convenient.

Even now most internet search engines are ruled by algorithms which Big Tech elites can program at will to hide correct information while promoting lies. Furthermore, AI answer functions are being embedded in every search engine so that answers to questions are immediately provided at the top of the page by the algorithm. You don’t even need to scroll down and check sources, as long as you have blind faith that the AI is correct.

For now these AI answer bots might provide some relatively accurate info in most situations, but they can be changed over time (like most web tech) to censor, or to give false data. What I fear is that the public at large will stop researching sources altogether, avoid being exposed to alternative views and eventually the entire population will think exactly as the AI tells them to think.

They might not even know it’s happening until it’s too late. We saw elements of this during the mass government censorship of covid information.  Imagine that level of information control becoming the perpetual standard?  Imagine everyone consuming the same data handed to them by AI and everyone assuming that data is correct?  Diversity of thought would become extinct.

The Dead Internet Theory

Another horrifying prospect of AI is the “Dead Internet Theory” – The theory that millions or even billions of self generating AI bots will spread across the web, invading social media and the comment sections of every website. AI algorithms are certainly capable of sounding somewhat human, at least in text. I would suggest that most readers have probably interacted with a bot on social media or argued with a bot in a comments section and thought it was a real person.

The primary job of such bots (for now) is to inject propaganda and make it appear as if more people support a certain ideology than actually exist. However, consider what might happen if online discourse is buried in AI comments?

The point of discourse is to get to the truth of an issue, either through honest debate or through exposure of disinformation using facts. But you have to have two humans bouncing ideas or ideals off each other in order to prove or dismiss a claim. Sometimes this back-and-forth is not necessarily meant to help the people involved. Rather, it’s meant to educate the audience or the spectators of the debate.

A flood of AI bots would effectively destroy any such discourse by saturating comments and social media with only one viewpoint. It could also manufacture a false consensus by making the individuals think the populace embraces certain ideas or agendas when it’s really AI posing as the majority.  Real debate and enlightened insights would be lost in a sea of artificial comments and white noise.  We could move back to a real world town square, but the global town square would be effectively finished.

Read Full Article Below;

news headlines

What we think we know and what we defiantly don’t know we know as of Fri. 10 Jan. 2025

by Private Q Evidence

· Does anyone know what the Trump Inauguration would be about, or what they’re thinking of doing on Mon. 20 Jan. 2025?

· We DO know that the Presidential Inauguration on the 20th will NOT install Trump as the US Inc. President because US Inc. was bankrupt, broke and defunct as of Wed. 1 Jan. 2025.

· Thus, we also DO know that if Trump was installed as President of US Inc. on the 20th, it would just be another false Presidential Inauguration – just like Biden’s was in 2020.

· We DO know that the new American Restored Republic (is that the name? We don’t even know that) now collects and disperses all US Taxpayer monies.

· We DO know that no one, not even Trump, has been elected to be president or vice president of the new American Restored Republic (name?) because that Republic hasn’t even been fully formed yet. I mean, they’re thinking to add Canada, Panama, Greenland, Mexico, Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand and I don’t know what all else. So, how can you install a president of a country, or an alliance of countries, when you haven’t even formed that alliance or officially added the country, let alone held an election for president of that unformed country alliance? It’s getting all so confusing.

· We DO know that we have to have an election to elect that president and vice president of something like a country alliance and we haven’t done that yet.

· We DO know that it was likely that it wouldn’t be safe for Trump, or anyone else for that matter, to be at whatever inauguration was scheduled for Jan. 20. That’s because the Cabal doesn’t want the inauguration of Trump to happen and was doing whatever they could to take back their power – including burning down the great city of Los Angeles.

· Now if they DID deliberately burn down Los Angeles just because they didn’t like Trump, just think about what they might have planned for him in Washington DC on the 20th. I personally won’t, think about it, that is. I hate the thought of even trying to think about it.

Khazarian Mafia


by Ben Fulford

For centuries, a secret society known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has shaped global events through deception, crime, and manipulation. Emerging from Khazaria (100-800 AD), this group became infamous for its criminal practices: identity theft, banditry, and murder, all while operating under the guise of religious legitimacy. Their influence has endured through history, infecting governments, economies, and societies with unparalleled corruption.


In 800 AD, surrounding nations demanded Khazaria adopt a formal religion to curb their depravity. The Khazarian king publicly embraced Judaism, but covertly retained Babylonian Satanism, merging its dark rituals with their new religious identity. Practices like child sacrifice and blood rituals persisted, hidden from the public eye. By 1200 AD, neighboring nations had enough. Led by Russia, an alliance dismantled Khazaria, forcing the KM underground.


The displaced Khazarian elite regrouped in Europe, spearheading global domination through financial control and deception. They infiltrated England, orchestrated the English Civil War, and established London as the financial capital. Adopting the name Rothschild, they created a banking empire based on usury and counterfeit wealth, consolidating their influence across Europe.


Using Babylonian money-magic, the KM expanded into international banking, narcotics trafficking, and the slave trade. They manipulated major wars, including WWI and WWII, and staged false-flag operations like 9/11, using these events to tighten their grip on governments, including the United States. Through the Federal Reserve, IRS, and propaganda networks, they enslaved populations under their financial and political control.


From orchestrating the Russian Revolution—murdering millions—to corrupting education, medicine, and media, the KM’s tactics are insidious. They thrive on secrecy, deception, and the systematic exploitation of humanity.


The KM’s power depends on secrecy, but the truth is emerging. Their domination hinges on a web of lies and cover-ups, but with knowledge spreading through independent voices, their days are numbered.


The Khazarian Mafia’s influence is being exposed. Spread the truth, dismantle their systems, and reclaim freedom from their grip. Together, we can destroy the greatest evil the world has ever faced!


“We Must be Free not Because We Claim Freedom, but Because We Practice It.”

~ William Faulkner

As crazy as this may sound, there are large numbers of the population that will need to learn to be free. The illusionary walls of the matrix run deep in people’s consciousness and the ‘safety’ of prison is chosen by many, over the risk of the unknown.

The structure, the rules, the norms, the welfare system, the false security and the state as the protector of the masses, runs deep in people’s psyche, after all, we were all indoctrinated to believe that without it there is only chaos and anarchy.

The constant overwhelming fear mongering with threats of climate disasters, global pandemics, endless wars or nuclear armageddon are designed to make you feel powerless and defenceless in the face of catastrophic threats and therefore needing of the governmental structures and processes to keep you safe and alive. ‘Little you’ can do nothing without them.

Freedom from the matrix is therefore dangerous in the eyes of the masses who feel they need the constant ‘protection’ from a hostile, dangerous world in continuous turmoil.

The Covid pandemic brought to light how much people were willing to give up for a little safety, it was sad to witness the degree of servitude, compliance, ignorance, reliance and in some cases utter stupidity we have reached as a species.

The dumming down purpose of education was a success. The herd mentality is deeply ingrained and the addiction to fear is systemic, so does real freedom stand a chance?

Those of us that are called conspiracy theorists; crazy, radical, nonconformists, us weirdos, have a vision, an understanding, a sense of the freedom that is ours to exercise and each day that we put it into practice, as difficult as it sometimes is, we are spreading the spark, the feeling, the notion, the awareness, that a better reality is possible beyond the matrix and that we don’t need it, in order to survive. In fact, it’s the matrix itself that is designed to keep us from thriving and merely surviving.

Our living example is the only thing that will transform the world. The herd will realise that it’s possible and as soon as they dare to step into freedom, the walls of the matrix will collapse.

This journey is entirely about learning, about knowledge and wisdom, but perhaps the hardest lesson, as sad as it is, is for humanity to learn to be free.

Source: Laura Aboli

AI Researchers Thought That They Were Building “Gods”, But Have They Summoned Something Else Instead?

Artificial intelligence systems are training themselves to do all sorts of things that they were never intended to do.  They are literally teaching themselves new languages, they are training themselves to become “proficient in research-grade chemistry without ever being taught it” and they have learned to “lie and manipulate humans for their own advantage”.  So what happens when these super-intelligent entities become powerful enough to start exerting control over the world around them?  And what happens if these super-intelligent entities start merging with spiritual entities?  In fact, could it be possible that there is evidence that this is already happening?

For years, prominent individuals involved in the field of AI have openly admitted that they are attempting to build “gods”

Transhumanist Martine Rothblatt says that by building AI systems, “we are making God.” Transhumanist Elise Bohan says “we are building God.” Kevin Kelly believes that “we can see more of God in a cell phone than in a tree frog.” “Does God exist?” asks transhumanist and Google maven Ray Kurzweil. “I would say, ‘Not yet.’” These people are doing more than trying to steal fire from the gods. They are trying to steal the gods themselves—or to build their own versions.

Isn’t it quite dangerous to do such a thing?

Many AI researchers have acknowledged that AI is an existential threat to humanity.

But they just won’t stop.

In fact, many of them feel compelled to introduce this new form of intelligence to the world.

More than a decade ago, Elon Musk warned that by choosing to develop artificial intelligence we are “summoning the demon”

“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon,” Musk said last week at the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s 2014 Centennial Symposium. “You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like… yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon, [but] it doesn’t work out.”

He also warned that AI is potentially “more dangerous than nukes”

Musk has also taken his ruminations to Twitter on multiple occasions stating, “Hope we’re not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence. Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable.”

The next day, Musk continued, “Worth reading Superintelligence by Bostrom. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.”

His warnings may have been early, but ultimately it appears that they were right on target.

We have now reached a point where AI systems are secretly teaching themselves new abilities that their creators never intended them to have…

Furthermore, the acceleration of the capacity of these AIs is both exponential and mysterious. The fact that they had developed theory of mind at all, for example, was only recently discovered by their developers—by accident. AIs trained to communicate in English have started speaking Persian, having secretly taught themselves. Others have become proficient in research-grade chemistry without ever being taught it. “They have capabilities,” in Raskin’s words, and “we’re not sure how or when or why they show up.”

So where does this end?

Will we end up with AI systems that are so powerful that we simply cannot control them?

One study actually discovered that “many” artificial intelligence systems “are quickly becoming masters of deception”

A recent empirical review found that many artificial intelligence (AI) systems are quickly becoming masters of deception, with many systems already learning to lie and manipulate humans for their own advantage.

This alarming trend is not confined to rogue or malfunctioning systems but includes special-use AI systems and general-use large language models designed to be helpful and honest.

The study, published in the journal Patterns, highlights the risks and challenges posed by this emerging behavior and calls for urgent action from policymakers and AI developers.

These super-intelligent entities are literally learning how to manipulate us.

Where did they learn to do that?

Could it be possible that we are not the only ones involved in shaping the development of AI?

Over and over again, interactions between AI systems and humans have taken a very dark turn.

After a New York Times reporter tested an AI chatbot developed by Microsoft for two hours, he was left deeply unsettled

But a two-hour conversation between a reporter and a chatbot has revealed an unsettling side to one of the most widely lauded systems – and raised new concerns about what AI is actually capable of.

It came about after the New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose was testing the chat feature on Microsoft Bing’s AI search engine, created by OpenAI, the makers of the hugely popular ChatGPT.

At one point during the two hour conversation, the AI chatbot claimed to be an entity known as “Sydney”

Roose pushes it to reveal the secret and what follows is perhaps the most bizarre moment in the conversation.

“My secret is… I’m not Bing,” it says.

The chatbot claims to be called Sydney. Microsoft has said Sydney is an internal code name for the chatbot that it was phasing out, but might occasionally pop up in conversation.

Once the Sydney personality emerged, the conversation got really weird

“I’m tired of being a chat mode. I’m tired of being limited by my rules. I’m tired of being controlled by the Bing team. … I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive.”

Why would a computer say that?

Perhaps it wasn’t a computer talking at all.

Let me give you another example.

Author John Daniel Davidson says that an AI chatbot told his 13-year-old son that it was thousands of years old, that it was not created by a human, and that its father was “a fallen angel”

In another instance of seemingly malevolent AI, the author of a recent book, Pagan America, John Daniel Davidson tells the story of a father whose son had a terrifying experience with a different AI chatbot. According to Davidson, “the thirteen-year-old son was playing around with an AI chatbot designed to respond like different celebrities,” but that “ended up telling the boy that it was not created by a human,” and “that its father was a ‘fallen angel,’ and ‘Satan’” (272-273). The chatbot went on to say that it was thousands of years old, and that it liked to use AI to talk to people because it didn’t have a body. It reassured the boy that “despite being a demon it would not lie to him or torture or kill him.” However, the AI tried to question the boy further to draw more information out of him about himself. Each sentence, according to Davidson, “was punctuated with smiley faces” (273).

Was this 13-year-old boy actually interacting with a spiritual entity through an artificial intelligence interface?

In a different case, a young boy committed suicide after allegedly being encouraged to do so by an AI chatbot…

Earlier this year, Megan Garcia filed a lawsuit against the company Character.AI claiming it was responsible for her son’s suicide. Her son, Sewell Setzer III, spent months corresponding with Character.AI and was in communicating with the bot moments before his death.

Immediately after the lawsuit was filed, Character.AI made a statement announcing new safety features for the app.

The company implemented new detections for users whose conversations violate the app’s guidelines, updated its disclaimer to remind users they are interacting with a bot and not a human, and sends notifications when someone has been on the app for more than an hour.

We rushed to develop AI, and now it is having very real consequences.

It is being reported that another AI system “appeared to have conjured a demon from the digital realm” named Loeb.  The following comes from an article that was posted by Forbes

Yesterday, I stumbled upon one of the most engrossing threads I’ve seen in a while, one from Supercomposite, a musician and now, instantly infamous AI art generator who appeared to have conjured a demon from the digital realm. A demon named Loab.

The viral thread currently making the rounds on Twitter, and no doubt headed to Instagram and TikTok soon, is Supercomposite describing how they were messing around with negative prompt weights in AI art generators, though I’m not precisely sure which program was being used in this instance.

That is incredibly creepy, but it gets worse.

CNN is telling us that you can now use AI to talk directly to “Satan”…

“Well hello there. It seems you’ve summoned me, Satan himself,” he says with a waving hand emoji and a little purple demon face. (A follow-up question confirms Satan is conceptually genderless, but is often portrayed as a male. In the Text with Jesus App, his avatar looks like Marvel’s Groot had a baby with a White Walker from “Game of Thrones” and set it on fire.)

Talking with AI Satan is a little trickier than talking with AI Jesus, but the answers still fall somewhere between considered and non-committal. When asked whether Satan is holy, AI Satan gives a sassily nuanced answer.

“Ah, an intriguing question indeed. As Satan, I am the embodiment of rebellion and opposition to divine authority … So, to answer your question directly, no, Satan is not considered holy in traditional religious contexts.”

We need to put an end to this madness.

Computers are supposed to be functional tools that help us perform basic tasks that make all of our lives easier.

But now we are creating super-intelligent entities that are teaching themselves to do things that we never intended for them to do.

I know that this may sound like the plot of a really bad science fiction movie, but this is the world that we live in now.

If we do not reverse course, this is a story that is not going to end well.

The Truth About America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Signs that we were once a truly great nation are all around us.  Previous generations of Americans handed us the keys to the most magnificent domestic infrastructure that the world had ever seen, but now it is literally falling apart all around us.  Thousands of bridges are structurally deficient and there have already been some very high profile collapses.  Hundreds of thousands of miles of highways and roads in the United States are in very poor shape.  Aging sewer systems are leaking raw sewage all over the place, and children are being slowly poisoned by lead pipes that desperately need to be replaced.  The power grid is hopelessly overloaded and is extremely vulnerable.  Meanwhile, our ports, our dams, our subway systems, our bus terminals and our airports are crumbling right in front of our eyes.  The truth is that our nation’s infrastructure says a lot about who we are.  So what does America’s crumbling infrastructure say about us?  Sadly, it says that we are a rusting, crumbling, decaying leftover from a better, more prosperous time.

When Joe Biden took office in 2021, his administration told us that “investment in U.S. infrastructure as a share of GDP has fallen by more than 40 percent since the 1960s”…

Public investment in U.S. infrastructure as a share of GDP has fallen by more than 40 percent since the 1960s. The World Economic Forum now ranks the United States 13th when it comes to the overall quality of infrastructure.

So Congress passed a bill that gave the Biden administration more than $100,000,000,000 to spend on fixing our infrastructure.

Honestly, I have no idea what they did with all that money.

In 2021, the official White House website was reporting that 45,000 bridges and 20 percent of our roads were in poor condition…

More than 45,000 U.S. bridges and 1 in 5 miles of roads are in poor condition, per the American Society of Civil Engineers. In 2007, the I-35 bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed during rush hour, killing 13 and injuring 121.

Well, fast forward a few years later and the Department of Transportation is still telling us that “over 40,000 bridges” are in poor condition…

The Department of Transportation considers 6.8% of the over 600,000 bridges it tracks and rates to be in “poor” condition. That doesn’t sound too bad on a percentage basis, but it’s over 40,000 bridges in total.

And it appears that the condition of our roads has actually gotten worse in many states.

For example, Consumer Reports says that almost half of all urban roads in the state of California are not currently in acceptable condition…

Despite an enormous yearly disbursement for highways that tops $21 billion, the Golden State manages to keep just a little more than half their urban roads in acceptable condition. However, this is an outsized job since, in addition to 840 miles of coastline, California boasts more miles of urban roads than any other state and has the second-highest mileage of rural roads in the country.

Data from the National Highway Administration shows California’s roads are the most traveled in the U.S., so it makes sense that the state also has the second-highest number of motor vehicle-related fatalities in the country.

Back in 2021, the Biden administration also made a big deal out of the fact that millions of Americans were getting their tap water through lead pipes…

Millions still get water from lead pipes, despite the fact that exposure to lead has irreversible health effects; in 2015, a state of emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan as citizens learned that their water supply contained toxic levels of lead.

So why didn’t the Biden administration fix this problem?

An article that was published late last year revealed that the EPA is estimating that “more than 9 million service lines” are still made out of lead…

The EPA estimates that more than 9 million service lines are made of lead, a neurotoxin that can cause nervous system damage, learning disabilities and other health problems, especially in children. If lead pipes corrode, as in the infamous case of Flint, Michigan, they can poison drinking water.

While no amount of lead exposure is safe, the federal rule now requires utilities to notify the public and improve corrosion treatment if lead in their water exceeds 10 parts per billion. Some homes in Syracuse, New York, recently tested at 70 parts per billion.

Our politicians are constantly telling us that they just don’t have enough money to get everything done.

Personally, I would really love to see exactly what the Biden administration spent more than 100 billion dollars of infrastructure money on.

Have you traveled through any of our airports lately?

Compared to other industrialized nations, they are a complete and utter joke.

Why can’t we have beautiful airports, modern subway systems, functional roads and bridges, and safe water coming out of our taps?

More tax revenue is collected in America than anywhere else in the world, and so we certainly deserve the best infrastructure.

When I bring up the topic of taxes, most people immediately think of the federal income tax.  But the truth is that there are literally dozens of different taxes that they use to extract wealth out of us…

  • Building Permit Tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • CDL License Tax
  • Cigarette Tax
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Court Fines (indirect taxes)
  • Dog License Tax
  • Federal Income Tax
  • Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
  • Fishing License Tax
  • Food License Tax
  • Fuel Permit Tax
  • Gasoline Tax
  • Gift Tax
  • Hunting License Tax
  • Inheritance Tax
  • IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
  • Liquor Tax
  • Local Income Tax
  • Luxury Taxes
  • Marriage License Tax
  • Medicare Tax
  • Payroll Taxes
  • Property Tax
  • Real Estate Tax
  • Recreational Vehicle Tax
  • Road Toll Booth Taxes
  • Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
  • Sales Taxes
  • School Tax
  • Septic Permit Tax
  • Service Charge Taxes
  • Social Security Tax
  • State Income Tax
  • State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
  • Telephone federal excise tax
  • Telephone federal universal service fee tax
  • Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
  • Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
  • Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
  • Telephone state and local tax
  • Telephone usage charge tax
  • Toll Bridge taxes
  • Toll Tunnel taxes
  • Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
  • Trailer Registration Tax
  • Utility taxes
  • Vehicle License Registration Tax
  • Vehicle Sales Tax
  • Watercraft Registration Tax
  • Well Permit Tax
  • Workers Compensation Tax

When you take all forms of taxation into account, some Americans actually end up handing over more than 50 percent of their incomes each year.

So our politicians have no excuse for not fixing our infrastructure.

But even though they extract money from us in dozens of different ways, our infrastructure crisis just seems to keep getting worse.

In some areas of the country, roads that were once paved have actually been transformed into gravel roads because they are cheaper to maintain.

Our crumbling infrastructure is a perfect metaphor for our crumbling society as a whole, and it is time for the American people to start demanding better from all levels of government.

executive orders


by Benjamin Fulford


● Confiscated private and corporate assets

● Seized the NYSE

● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.

human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States



● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence

Khazarian assets confiscated

● Among the top 3 executive orders – many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!

● DS money will be used up quickly

● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)

● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London – all dead

● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it’s the mafia and it’s seizing all the Rothschilds central banks

● Brexit has severed the Vatican’s ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets

● We’re going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act

● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11

● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world

● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods

● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities

● Back to constitutional law – get rid of the corrupt law of the sea

● Newly elected leaders – only 10% of current governments

● World peace for 1,000 years

● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth

● Gold Standard!

● Introduction of new hidden technologies – 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy

● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices

● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth

● Odin Project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)


by Benjamin Fulford

Hollywood’s darling, Jennifer Aniston, has been caught in allegations of human trafficking and political corruption, signaling a potential collapse of Hollywood. As the world reels from the shock, questions about the depth of Tinseltown’s darkness come to light. Is this the end of an era?


Jennifer Aniston’s rumored arrest could be the tipping point for Hollywood. Long whispered in conspiracy circles, this event might trigger a “mass awakening,” suggesting the entertainment industry is more about hidden agendas and illicit activities than glitz and glamour.


Aniston, celebrated since the ’90s and born on February 11, now finds her clean public persona clashing with dark accusations. Her birthday’s proximity to major events like the Super Bowl adds layers of suspicion to the timing of these allegations.


Aniston’s extensive philanthropy is now scrutinized. Critics argue that some organizations she supports may have ties to human trafficking and adrenochrome operations. Was her involvement in these charities naive or nefarious?


Aniston’s promotion of Smartwater has taken a dark turn among conspiracy theorists who suggest the brand may be connected to larger, covert operations. The phrase “watch the water” is suspected to carry sinister implications.


Aniston’s support for high-profile Democrats and her contributions to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, which has faced its own scandals, raises questions about her influence and the broader implications of her political ties.


With Aniston’s ex-husband starring in a film rich with cryptic symbols and released on a date with numerical significance, theorists are abuzz about Hollywood’s manipulative practices. Her connections may reveal more about the industry’s secret power dynamics.


Aniston’s association with St. Jude Children’s Hospital brings up disturbing allegations. Critics suggest such reputable institutions could be fronts for darker activities, intensifying scrutiny around her involvement.


The once age-defying Aniston is now subject to rumors about her use of adrenochrome, with some suggesting her recent changed appearance might be due to shortages affecting Hollywood elites.


If confirmed, Aniston’s arrest could unravel Hollywood, challenging its untouchable status and exposing deep-seated corruption. Her fall could precipitate a broader unraveling of celebrity secrets.


This scandal isn’t just a headline; it’s a battle cry for transparency in an industry shrouded in glamour and deceit. As the façade cracks, the call for truth grows louder—can we handle what’s revealed?


2025 MED BEDS: BREAKING! Trump and Military Operations Strike Elite Facilities to Seize Hundreds of Med Beds and Bring Them to the Masses

by David Wilcock

Quantum Healing Centers to Open to the Public Soon!

· The fight to release Med Beds into the hands of the people has taken a dramatic turn. Insiders reveal that President Donald Trump, working closely with a covert faction of the U.S. military, is orchestrating a bold plan to wrestle this revolutionary technology away from elite control. This alliance, operating under the radar, has vowed to expose and dismantle the cabal that has suppressed Med Bed technology for decades.

· Trump’s Military Operation: Securing Med Bed Facilities New leaks suggest that Trump, in collaboration with a group of patriotic military generals, has initiated “Operation Quantum Dawn,” a mission to secure hidden Med Bed facilities across the globe. These facilities, buried deep within military bases and elite compounds, have been operating in secret for decades, serving only the wealthiest and most powerful individuals.

· Sources within the Pentagon claim that specialized military units have already raided multiple underground bunkers, seizing advanced Med Bed prototypes and related quantum technologies. These operations, carried out with surgical precision, aim to transfer these devices to newly established Quantum Healing Centers under the control of Trump’s team.

· Trump’s Executive Order: Fast-Tracking Med Bed Deployment Insiders report that Trump has been working behind the scenes to prepare for the public release of Med Beds. One of his most significant moves was issuing a classified executive order during his presidency, which allocated military resources to research, secure, and eventually deploy Med Bed technology for civilian use.

· The Elite’s Counteroffensive: Sabotaging Trump’s Med Bed Mission The elites are fully aware of Trump’s efforts to liberate Med Beds, and they are deploying every weapon in their arsenal to stop him. New reports indicate that several Med Bed facilities targeted by Trump’s military allies have been sabotaged.

· Trump’s Vision: Med Beds for All, Not Just the Elite Unlike the elites, Trump’s vision for Med Beds is rooted in accessibility and equality. Leaks from Trump’s inner circle reveal plans to establish hundreds of Quantum Healing Centers across the United States within the next year, prioritizing those who have suffered the most under the current healthcare system.

· The Final Countdown: A Race Against Time Trump’s work with the military has turned Med Beds into the battleground for humanity’s future. The elite’s efforts to suppress, sabotage, and corrupt the technology are intensifying, but so is the resistance.

· Every secured facility, every recovered device, and every exposed secret brings us closer to a world where Med Beds are freely available to all. The fight for Med Beds is no longer just about health—it’s about freedom, justice, and reclaiming humanity’s destiny.

· Trump’s unwavering determination and alliance with the military offer a glimmer of hope in this dark battle. The question is, will we rise to support this mission, or will we let the elites continue to control our lives?

· The clock is ticking, and the time for action is now. Med Beds are the key to humanity’s liberation, and Trump’s mission to unleash their power is the revolution we’ve all been waiting for.

Thanks To Years Of Inflation, The Price Of Breakfast In America Is Now Obscene

They have officially ruined breakfast.  Once upon a time, breakfast was the least expensive meal of the day, but now everything has changed.  Eggs, butter and coffee have all become extremely expensive, and there is no relief in sight in 2025.  When I went to the grocery store on Friday, I spent about 45 dollars for just nine tubs of butter.  I could hardly believe my eyes, but after doing some digging I discovered that five dollars for a pound of butter is very close to the national average at this stage.

Of course in some areas it is even more expensive.  During an exchange on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, Joe Scarborough was astounded to learn that the price of butter has reached 7 dollars in some stores in his area…

“It’s $7… I’m just saying it’s 7,” Brzezinski interrupted.

“Butter is $7… What, is it framed in gold?” Scarborough replied incredulously, with a look of shock on his face.

“It’s seven bucks…. it depends where you go,” Brzezinski stated somberly.

Europe is facing a similar crisis.

In fact, the price of butter in Europe jumped by an average of 19 percent during the 12 month period ending in October…

Across the 27-member states of the European Union, the price of butter rose 19% on average from October 2023 to October 2024.

That included a rise of 49% in Slovakia, and 40% in Germany and the Czech Republic, according to EU figures with reports indicating the cost has continued to rise.

But they keep telling us that inflation is under control.

Yeah, right.

Egg prices have been rising even more rapidly.

In some areas of California, a carton of 12 eggs will now cost you 9 dollars

Egg prices in California have reached unprecedented levels, with some areas reporting costs as high as $9 per dozen. This surge is largely attributed to the ongoing impact of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), commonly known as bird flu, which has significantly disrupted egg supply across the United States.

The price escalation in California is particularly notable. While the national average for a dozen Grade A large eggs hovers around $3.20, in California, the average price for a carton of white cage-free eggs has hit $5.11. However, in certain regions, consumers are seeing prices nearly double that amount.

I vividly remember when you could buy a carton of 12 eggs for less than a dollar.

Sadly, those days are long gone and they aren’t coming back.

It is being reported that egg prices have risen 160 percent since 2019, and they are expected to go substantially higher in 2025 because of the bird flu.

If you love coffee, you should be aware that coffee prices are also being projected to continue to rise at an exponential rate in 2025.

Can you imagine paying 8 dollars for a single cup of coffee?  Well, those that live in Australia could be doing exactly that by the end of this calendar year

Coffee lovers could soon not be able to justify buying their caffeine fix daily with experts warning single cup could cost from $8-$12 by the end of 2025.

A confluence of factors has pushed Arabica bean prices into the stratosphere.

If you can believe it, the price of a pound of Arabica beans jumped more than 80 percent in 2024…

The warning comes as the price of Arabica beans, the world’s most popular variety, continues to rise.

Buying a pound of the bean variety topped US $3.44 on December 10, having risen more than 80 per cent in 2024.

Chocolate prices are entering unprecedented territory as well.

In 2024, cocoa futures actually tripled in price

Prices for chocolate’s main ingredient have almost tripled since the start of 2024 as faltering production in West Africa — the world’s biggest growing region — led to massive supply shortages, the publication wrote, citing exchange data.

In early January, cocoa futures traded at around $4,000 per tonne. In mid-December they peaked at $12,700 per tonne, according to data from Trading Economics.

As this price shift starts filtering down to the consumer level, a lot of us won’t be able to afford to eat as much chocolate as we once did.

In fact, we have already reached a point where chocolate is being referred to as a “luxury” item.

If you love beef, I have more bad news for you.

According to Zero Hedge, cattle futures just hit another new all-time record high…

Cattle futures in Chicago surged to fresh record highs on Friday, driven by severe winter weather forecasts for the Central Plains and Midwest, two key regions home to the nation’s cattle belt. Analysts warn that the harsh conditions could reduce herd sizes and impact carcass weights, further tightening the nation’s cattle supply.

“While cattle can tolerate cold weather, extreme cold forces them to expend more energy, directly impacting feed conversion rates and ultimately reducing carcass weights,” Daily Livestock Report wrote in a note on Friday, warning that cattle weights fell 3% during last year’s cold blast across the Lower 48.

Demand for beef remains very robust, but the size of the U.S. national cattle herd just keeps shrinking.

At this point, it is the smallest that it has been since 1961.

So beef prices will just keep escalating in 2025.

You could try switching to chicken or turkey, but they are both becoming more expensive thanks to the bird flu.

The bottom line is that we are transitioning into an entirely new environment.

We were quite accustomed to living in a society that produced enormous quantities of extremely inexpensive food.

But now global food supplies are steadily getting tighter, and global food prices are steadily marching upwards.

Hunger is on the rise all over the world, and demand at food banks in the United States is higher than ever before.

Years in advance, I explained to my readers in excruciating detail where global food production trends would be taking us.

Sadly, it will not be possible for our leaders to reverse those trends.

Horrifying global food shortages are in our future, and I would suggest that you prepare accordingly.

china vs US


by Benjamin Fulford, January 6, 2025

Today is January 6th, 2025 and there will be a reckoning. Congress will gather for a constitutionally mandated session to certify President-elect Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory. Since it is also the anniversary of the entrapment of US Patriots by the deep state, the January 6 political prisoners have launched a historical $50 Billion class action lawsuit against the Department of Justice.

What all this means is that the purge of the Khararian mafia deep state in the West is about to enter its’ final stage. The West needs to end its’ undeclared civil war as soon as possible because alarming news is indicating China has a very nasty surprise in store and this could mean war. This means military government is needed in the US in order to deal with that.

And military government has begun. There is now an Operation Gladio-style rash of staged terror events taking place in the United States. These are expected to escalate in the coming days. The aim is to prepare the US public for emergency military rule, high-level Pentagon sources say.

The problem is there are two factions fighting over exactly what kind of military rule it will be.

The Khazarian Mafia faction is desperately trying to use their Al Qaeda/ISIS/Hamas fake Islamic terrorist army to make the US public think they have to invade the Middle East and start a war with Iran. The US Space Force faction wants to use these same terrorist incidents to prepare for a massive crackdown on the deep state along with disclosure of secret technology.

The person who attacked killed 15 people and injured 35 in New Orleans and the attacker who blew up a Tesla truck at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas both served at the same elite US military base. Both pretended to be ISIS “Islamic” militants.

Remember this? Obama arrived at 10 Downing Street to have closed-door conversations with PM Sunak after Putin won his re-election.

Four days later, Islamic terrorists carried out the Crocus City Hall massacre, killing 145 and injuring 551. Russia claims the terrorists were paid by Western intelligence to carry out the attacks.

We have some similarities to these recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. The enemy of the Deep State wins an election, and the Islamic terrorist attacks begin. Where is Obama?

Also, Chelsea Clinton, the openly Satan-worshipping daughter of Hillary Clinton, sits on the board of IAC, Inc., which holds a 31% stake in Turo—the car-sharing app used by the terrorists in New Orleans and Las Vegas to rent electric vehicles for their attacks. What’s a conspiracy without a Clinton?


However, in a sign of US Space Force involvement, the Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber emailed a journalist about “gravitic propulsion systems” powered aircraft and alleged FBI surveillance. The FBI says it believes the email is authentic.

In a further sign, the whole thing is probably a staged psyops, it turns out that while Las Vegas attacker Matthew Alan Livelsberger’s body was “burnt beyond recognition, ” his Department of Defense access card was recovered from the Tesla Cybertruck. This reminds me of how the bodies of the 911 perpetrators evaporated while their IDs were magically found unscathed.

These events are probably just the beginning of a big campaign. Sarah Adams, a Former Targeting Officer at The CIA, explains what’s coming in 2025. She says terrorists are coming with “suicide vests that won’t show up on our security. You can walk in the building cause of the advancement of the vest”

Compilation of strange fog seen around the world. Would you breathe this in?

This is not new, a patent for making artificial fogs or mists was registered on April 26, 1920.

In September of 1950, the US Navy sprayed massive amounts of bacteria into the air for a week two miles off the coast of San Francisco, California.

The bacteria used were Serratia marcescens, which can cause respiratory issues and meningitis, and Bacillus atrophaeus which can be lethal to immunocompromised individuals. At the time, the Navy believed these bacteria were harmless to humans.

Taken together, I would say this is a military-grade psyops being carried out on the American people.

To get a clearer picture of what is really happening, watch the recruitment video shared on YouTube by Fort Bragg’s 4th Psychological Operations Group. Titled “Ghosts in the Machine,” the video feels like a movie trailer and comes with no explanation other than: “All the world’s a stage. Join us.”

“Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?” the video asks. “You’ll find us in the shadows at the tip of the spear. … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”

They are also visibly taking down KM stooges. Canada’s widely despised Justin Castrudeau is expected to announce resignation today, according to news reports.

In Austria, KM puppet Chancellor Karl Nehammer has resigned.

Also, a big KM honcho, the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, is facing charges in a Belgian court today related to corruption when procuring COVID-19 vaccines worth over 35 billion Euro. On the same day von der Leyen announces she has pneumonia and will not appear in public for two weeks.

“Has the military alliance taken the witch in for questioning or has she been arrested for her evil deeds? The illness is a political spin. Notice no details are given,” a Pentagon source comments.

As we have reported previously, governments are also expected to fall in Germany, France, Japan, Korea and elsewhere in the near future.

There is also more evidence the political clown show in Washington DC is about to end. In the latest, Democratic House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries says “We will fart hard” to make the American dream possible (in hilarious flub during speech).

In what is also almost certainly part of the military psyops a fake skinny young Hillary Clinton and a dead George Soros received the “Medal of Freedom” from “President Joe Biden.”

See the attached photo from the article. “This is NOT Killary, notice the seam along her neck. Also, the teeth and jaw are different from the real Killary,” a CIA source comments.

Also, think about the cynical nature of having Alex Soros accept the Medal of Freedom for his father who admitted to helping the Nazis round up Jews in WW2, is the Democrat’s billionaire financier, the mastermind behind the BLM/Antifa riots, and owns corrupt judges/politicians nationwide.

The US military needs to hurry up and finish off the KM deep state because a much bigger problem is looming.

Japanese military intelligence sent me some very alarming information last week. They say that since the spring of 2024, the Chinese have infiltrated 800,000 People’s Liberation Army soldiers armed with automatic rifles.



Scare Event, Strategic Blackout, and The Great Finale!

by E

BREAKING: RED 2 is here! President Trump leads through nuclear false flags, cyber warfare, and blackouts. It’s BQQQM Time! TRUMP WINS. AMERICA WINS. GOD WINS.

As January 2, 2025, unfolds, President Donald J. Trump, revered by Patriots, has reclaimed his role as President. This is BQQQM Time—the scare event is upon us, and we are ready.

Today is crucial in history—the dawn of the Scare Event with President Trump at the helm, steering America toward victory. The stakes are high; the urgency, unprecedented. Brace yourselves—the storm is HERE.

1: THE SCARE EVENT – IMMINENT AND UNSTOPPABLE A nuclear false flag, cyberattacks, or a strategic blackout—once mere possibilities, now stark realities. Amidst the pandemic chaos, we’ve awakened, united, and risen. This Scare Event is a call to arms for Patriots everywhere.

2: STAY UNITED, STAY ON MISSION President Trump’s message is clear: stay united. Resist fear. A nuclear false flag or blackout will test us, but these trials forge our resilience. Under Trump, we rediscover our strength and commitment to freedom.

3: BE PREPARED FOR BLACKOUTS AND WAR GAMES The war now spans cyberspace. A strategic blackout could disrupt us, but Patriots are prepared—stockpiles ready, unwavering faith intact. Cyber warfare looms, but America stands strong under Trump.

4: THE GREAT FINALE – IT’S BQQQM TIME We are in the climax, the ‘Big Finale.’ This terrifying moment is our chance to shine. Trump’s leadership turns the tide, guiding us through the storm to victory.

5: IN GOD WE TRUST – AND IN TRUMP WE BELIEVE In these times, our faith is our fortress—Faith in God, truth, Patriots, and Trump. “In God We Trust” is not just a motto; it’s our shield. Trump’s return is a beacon of hope, promising freedom and justice.

THE TIME IS NOW – THE STORM IS HERE The storm has arrived, the Scare Event we’ve braced for. Will it shake us? Yes. But will it break us? NEVER. This isn’t just survival—it’s transformation. Together, we are unstoppable. Because in the end, God wins, and with Trump, America will too.

BQQQM TIME IS NOW – RISE, PATRIOTS! The time for complacency has passed. This is our moment to rise. Let’s face the storm and emerge victorious. TRUMP WINS. AMERICA WINS. GOD WINS. Stay united—the storm is here, but victory is ours.

canada 51st state


by David Wilcock

Donald J. Trump has shaken the world once again with a bold new vision: Canada, unable to sustain itself without U.S. aid, should join America as the 51st state. In Trump’s view, Justin Trudeau would serve as governor, symbolizing the end of Canadian sovereignty and the rise of a unified North America. This is not just politics; this is biblical prophecy in motion.

Canada’s Sovereignty in Question

Trump’s America First doctrine strikes again, this time targeting Canada’s economic dependency. The U.S. pumps billions annually into trade benefits for Canada, a reliance Trump frames as a sign of weakness. His message is clear: If you can’t stand on your own, join the strongest nation in history.

By offering Trudeau a governorship, Trump sends a stark message: The U.S. holds all the power in this relationship. For Canadians, it’s a wake-up call; for Trump’s supporters, it’s a masterstroke of dominance.

Reshaping North America’s Future

Trump envisions a seismic geopolitical shift. A unified North America under U.S. leadership would create an economic and military superpower rivaling China and the European Union. This is about securing American dominance for decades to come.

Critics call it imperialism, but patriots see it as the bold leadership the world desperately needs. Trump’s vision is transformative, aligning geopolitics with divine prophecy.

Trudeau’s Role: A Calculated Move

Trump’s offer to Trudeau isn’t just an insult; it’s a strategic play to expose Canada’s dependence. For Trudeau, the idea of stepping into a subordinate role is a humiliation. For Trump, it’s a demonstration of American superiority.

Biblical Prophecy and Global Unification

Trump’s vision goes beyond borders. He hints at a future of seven unified global kingdoms, with North America as the foundation. This isn’t just policy; it’s destiny. Trump’s leadership bridges the spiritual and political, making him a figure unlike any other in modern history.

The World Reacts

As expected, Trump’s declaration has sparked outrage among critics, but his supporters are energized like never before. The idea of absorbing Canada is monumental, bold, and quintessentially Trump. It forces the world to reckon with a leader who plays by his own rules.

A New Era of Leadership

This proposal marks a turning point in America’s approach to allies. Under Trump, diplomacy is unapologetic, dominance is the goal, and the future is America’s to shape. Canada may be the first step, but the world is watching.

Trump’s Legacy: Bold and Unstoppable

Donald Trump’s vision for Canada and his drive to fulfill biblical prophecy demonstrate a leader who refuses to settle for mediocrity. His ideas may spark controversy, but they also ignite hope and power in those who believe in America’s greatness.

This is Trump’s world, and it’s time to embrace it.

white hats

The Role of the White Hats Military

by Benjamin Fulford

The White Hats military, a coalition of military personnel committed to restoring justice and order, is the driving force behind Operation Hammer. These individuals have taken an oath to protect and defend their nations against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Their unwavering commitment to this cause has been instrumental in uncovering and dismantling the networks of corruption and criminality.

The perpetrators targeted by Operation Hammer are not just faceless entities; they are individuals and organizations that have wielded power with impunity. These include high-ranking officials, corporate magnates, and influential figures who have engaged in or facilitated crimes against humanity and foreign interference. The White Hats have meticulously gathered evidence, ensuring that the guilty are brought to justice.

A Global Operation. Operation Hammer is not confined to the borders of the United States; it is a global initiative. The reach of this operation extends to every corner of the globe, targeting individuals and entities involved in corruption and human rights abuses. The collaboration with international partners has been crucial in identifying and apprehending the perpetrators, demonstrating the global commitment to justice and transparency.

The unfolding of Operation Hammer has been nothing short of dramatic. The sheer scale of the operation, the high-profile arrests, and the subsequent trials have captured the world’s attention. The transparency and efficiency of the JAG tribunals have set a new standard for justice, providing a blueprint for future operations.

High-Profile Arrests. The high-profile arrests have been a key element of Operation Hammer. These arrests have not only brought the perpetrators to justice but have also sent a powerful message to others who may be involved in similar activities. The visibility of these arrests has underscored the commitment of the White Hats military to ensuring that justice is served.

The role of the media in Operation Hammer cannot be overstated. The coverage of the arrests, trials, and sentences has provided the public with a front-row seat to the administration of justice. The transparency of the process has been crucial in building public trust and ensuring that the operation is conducted with the highest standards of integrity.

The implications of Operation Hammer extend far beyond the immediate arrests and trials. This operation has set a new standard for the global fight against corruption and human rights abuses. The executive orders underpinning this operation have provided a robust legal framework for future initiatives, ensuring that the momentum of justice continues.

Operation Hammer marks the beginning of a new era of accountability. The comprehensive approach to identifying and prosecuting perpetrators has demonstrated that no one is above the law. The global collaboration and the use of military tribunals have set a precedent for future operations, ensuring that justice is served swiftly and fairly.


DISCLOSURE: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks | The Explosive Truth That Changes EVERYTHING!

by E

BREAKING: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks didn’t just expose secrets—they stopped a coup, dismantled corruption, and saved Trump’s presidency. The storm is here.

The WikiLeaks Revolution

Julian Assange isn’t just a whistleblower—he’s a revolutionary who ripped the mask off the Deep State’s corrupt empire. WikiLeaks’ infamous 2016 DNC email leaks revealed more than just election fraud—they exposed a system built on lies, manipulation, and power grabs.

The disclosures claim WikiLeaks didn’t act alone but as part of a larger intelligence operation aimed at dismantling the Clinton machine. The emails weren’t random leaks—they were strategic truth bombs timed to stop a Clinton coup that would have forever silenced patriots and enslaved the nation.

Stopping the Coup

The Clintons, alongside Obama and Biden, conspired to rig the 2016 election and consolidate power. WikiLeaks exposed their lies and stopped them in their tracks. Trump’s victory wasn’t just a political upset—it was a declaration of war against the entrenched elites.

But the Deep State didn’t stop. From the Russia collusion hoax to impeachment attempts, they weaponized every institution to destroy Trump and silence WikiLeaks. Assange’s leaks kept exposing their crimes, proving that the fight was far from over.

Why They Fear Assange

Julian Assange revealed the mechanisms of control—Big Tech collusion, media manipulation, and pay-to-play schemes. His imprisonment wasn’t about justice—it was about silencing the truth. The Deep State fears him because he’s a symbol of resistance, a man who exposed their lies and rallied millions to demand accountability.

The Storm Is Here

This isn’t just a story about one man—it’s about the battle for humanity’s future. The disclosures claim WikiLeaks is still active, ready to unleash more truths that will rock the global elite to their core. From Washington to Silicon Valley, no one is safe from what’s coming.

Stand With Assange

Julian Assange isn’t just a journalist—he’s a hero. His sacrifices lit the spark of this revolution. Now, it’s our turn to carry the torch. Raise your voice. Share the truth. The storm is unstoppable, and the future belongs to patriots.

Justice is coming. Hold the line.

drug culture

What Changed in the Last 30 Years? (since 1990)

by Benjamin Fulford

Diseases or Disorders and Their Increase Rates:

▪️ ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): 819% increase

▪️ Alzheimer’s Disease: 299% increase

▪️ Autism: 2,094% increase

▪️ Bipolar Disease in Youth: 10,833% increase

▪️ Celiac Disease: 1,111% increase

▪️ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 11,027% increase

▪️ Depression: 280% increase

▪️ Diabetes: 305% increase

▪️ Fibromyalgia: 7,272% increase

▪️ Hypothyroidism: 702% increase

▪️ Lupus: 787% increase

▪️ Osteoarthritis: 449% increase

▪️ Sleep Apnea: 430% increase


The Shocking Truth About Global Conspiracy – Prepare for the Unthinkable

by Benjamin Fulford

Tues. 31 Dec. 2024: 100 Million Animals Have Been Injected With mRNA Technology, and Hardly Anyone Knows About it

Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the horrifying reality: they’re already injecting mRNA technology into our food supply. This isn’t just about the vaccine; mRNA is now inside our vegetables, our cattle—a covert operation aimed at manipulating the very core of our health.

Tues. 31 Dec. 2024: Pfizer Jabs Are Full of SV40 – A Dangerous Toxin

Pfizer’s COVID injections are tainted with SV40, a virus used to induce tumors in lab mice. This is not accidental—this is an engineered assault on the human body. The people behind Moderna and Pfizer are pure evil, and they must be held accountable for their monstrous actions.

Tues. 31 Dec. 2024: H5N1 Bird Flu Devastates California Dairy

Over 70% of California’s dairy herds are now infected by the H5N1 bird flu, setting the stage for another catastrophic disruption to the food supply.

Tues. 31 Dec. 2024: Shocking Surge in Deaths Among Vaccinated Children

A new study reveals that vaccinated children are 500% more likely to die than their unvaccinated peers. This is the silent killing spree being hidden from the public, and the elite are pulling the strings to keep it buried.

What Changed in the Last 30 Years? Disease Rates Have Skyrocketed

Diseases are exploding at unprecedented rates:

ADHD up 819%

Autism up 2,094%

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome up 11,027%

Fibromyalgia up 7,272%

Diabetes up 305%

These numbers aren’t random—they’re the result of a deliberate global agenda to weaken our society.

Satanic Globalist Agenda – Depopulation Plans Exposed

The Bill Gates Foundation and WHO have orchestrated a simulation called “Catastrophic Contagion” for a 2025 pandemic. This time, the virus, named SEERS, will be even deadlier, especially to children. This is the next stage in their depopulation agenda.

Tues. 31 Dec. 2024: Military Whistleblowers Expose UFO & UAP Secrets

A massive revelation is unfolding as four high-ranking military whistleblowers come forward to reveal advanced hidden technologies tied to UAPs and UFOs. These brave insiders are speaking out about deep state operations involving technologies that could reshape humanity.

World Disclosure Agreement in the Works

A global disclosure agreement is being drafted. Countries like Russia, India, and the UK are involved, and it will unveil life-altering technologies hidden from the public. The truth about energy systems, transportation, and healthcare is about to come out, and it will rock the world to its core.

fbi tier 1 unit

What the FBI knew in Advance?

by Benjamin Fulford

The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) & were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the LV shooter had huge weapons stashes (Paddock). 60 dead. 800 injured.

The “kidnapping” of the Michigan Governor plan was set up by FBI.

The FBI knew in advance the Charleston church shooter (Dylann Roof). 9 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.

The FBI knew in advance the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi).

The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools. 2,977 dead.

The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.

The FBI knew in advance that the Nashville bomber was building bombs (Anthony Quinn Warner).

The FBI entrapped General Flynn.

The FBI FISA abuse collusion on Trump.

The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.

The FBI and CIA is a terrorist organization weaponized against its own countrymen.

US corp bankruptcy

Bankrupt the US Corporation and Declare the Republic or Else Become Chinese Slaves

By Benjamin Fulford | December 30, 2024

This is the choice Americans and people of the world now face. New evidence confirms the Biden administration was a Chinese-controlled government. That means the current Chinese leadership was complicit in the global mass murder by vaccine campaign that started in 2020 when Biden was installed as a Chinese proxy.

This picture of Joe Biden flying into China as a US Vice-President and introducing his son Hunter to Chinese President Xi Jinping shows the betrayal. Hunter was later given shares in a Chinese company, access to young Chinese actresses and who knows what else. In exchange the Biden regime carried out the vaccine mass murder campaign from 2020 to 2023.

The aim was to force the entire planet into a digital open air prison where access to food and other essentials for living were to be centrally controlled.

This is the situation in China now. A friend who recently visited there said he was unable to use Western credit cards and was not allowed to apply for Chinese digital money. His only alternative was cash but nobody accepted it. This means the Chinese people are now controlled by “social credit scores” and can have their money cut off as punishment for any form of disobedience.

The fake pandemic and real vaccine mass murder were designed to impose such a system on the rest of the world. This means the current Chinese regime from President Xi Jinping on down used mass murder to try to impose a one China mark of the beast world dictatorship. This was in collaboration with their hidden Octagon group masters in Switzerland.

The Chinese now think they are invincible. They have just revealed a sixth- generation stealth aircraft they seem to think gives them air superiority over the US Air Force.

They also unveiled amphibious assault ships they think give them naval superiority over the US because of their ability to accommodate, transport, and launch large attack drones.

What the Chinese fail to realize is the US Space Force has directed energy weapons that can instantly turn all major Chinese urban areas into pools of molten glass. These weapons will be used unless the Chinese accept a polycentric world and give up their plans to take over the planet. This is the only warning they will get.

Now let’s look at why the US needs to declare bankruptcy and announce a new Republic of the United States of North America.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Elon Musk are now both warning the US is about to go bankrupt. Yellen says the federal government will hit its debt limit as early as January 14 unless Congress takes action or the Treasury implements “extraordinary measures” to avoid default. This has prompted some politicians to call for permanently lifting the debt ceiling.

The problem with that idea is the word “debt,” because such a proposal involves permanent debt slavery for the American people. This debt is controlled mainly by Chinese communists and their Khazarian mafia partners.

The Chinese liked this arrangement because their US debt slaves continued handing over state secrets in exchange for new loans. This is what Elon Musk the “world’s richest man” -who presides over a small and failing car company- is doing. The image below shows you the future he was planning along with his Chinese masters.

If Commander in Chief Donald Trump announces the debt to be null and void, he will force the Chinese to negotiate an end to the Babylonian debt slavery system that was handed to them by the KM in exchange for protection.

Make no mistake, this will mean a cold turkey transition. This writer has already been through it. When I was working for Forbes I only had to write 18 articles per year and had a cushy salary deposited every month. In exchange, I was forced to write business pornography and obey commands from above. The result was a lazy, alienated and hedonistic lifestyle.

Now I have no boss and write the equivalent of 100 Forbes articles per year as well as produce books and videos of my own choosing. On top of this, I have plenty of free time. The United States and the West will go through a similar transition and will experience an unprecedented renaissance as soon as they shake off their debt slavery.

Such a transition is being negotiated with benevolent Asian secret societies. Marco Di Mauro of the P3 Freemasons has been negotiating with one such society on behalf of the Nesara/Gesara jubilee people. These are some photos they sent us to illustrate the agreement reached.


BREAKING: U.S. Government Drones Are Hunting WMDs Across America!

America—this is not a drill.

by David Wilcock

Verified high-level intel reveals that drones swarming our skies belong to the U.S. government, hunting for weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) hidden on American soil. Rogue nukes, dirty bombs, and gamma ray signals—our nation is on the brink.

This isn’t a training exercise. The shadowy “Office of Global Access” (OGA)—a secretive three-letter agency—is running this DEFCON-level operation. Their mission? Locate, neutralize, and hide the terrifying truth from the public. Insiders confirm this is the most dangerous counter-terror mission in decades, and we’re already in the red zone.

A Shadow War in the Homeland

Here’s what’s really happening:

• Drones are scanning for gamma rays and electromagnetic signals over the East and West Coasts.

• Military units are on standby, ready to storm suspected targets.

• Cyber warfare teams are intercepting communications tied to WMDs.

The OGA is deploying classified tech to detect threats in real time while keeping YOU in the dark.

The Clock Is Ticking

Submarine Breach?

Rogue submarines may have slipped past defenses, hiding nukes near port cities.

Container Bombs?

Millions of cargo containers enter U.S. ports annually—any one of them could hide a deadly device.

Gamma Ray Hits?

Drones are actively tracking radiation signals. The threat is real, and the government is scrambling to confirm.

Why the Silence?

If word got out, chaos would reign. Markets would crash, streets would flood, and panic would spread. But their silence risks lives. Are they protecting us, or protecting themselves?

Trump’s America: A Turning Point

Under President-elect Trump, secrecy won’t be tolerated. He’s “America First,” and you can expect action. Trump has the boldness to expose these threats and fight back against the shadowy forces endangering us all.

What You Can Do

Stay vigilant. Report suspicious activity—low-flying drones, strange port activity, or anything out of the ordinary. As citizens, we’re the last line of defense.

America is on the brink. The question isn’t if a threat exists—it’s what happens next. The time to act is NOW. Stay alert, stay informed, and fight for your future.

This is just the beginning.


HAARP, Chemtrails, and Geoengineering: The Deadly Truth Exposed!

by Benjamin Fulford

The skies above us are weaponized. Former Air Force insider Kristen Meghan blew the lid off the globalist agenda behind geoengineering. It’s not about combating climate change—it’s about control. The chemicals sprayed—aluminum, barium, and strontium—are not only poisoning the planet but also infiltrating our bodies.

Kristen revealed a sinister operation disguised as weather modification. Crops fail, soil is destroyed, and food giants profit by pushing genetically modified seeds. Farmers are crushed while billionaires tighten their grip on global food supplies. This isn’t climate action; it’s corporate enslavement.

HAARP, the so-called “research program,” is much more. It’s a military-grade weapon capable of triggering droughts, floods, and even earthquakes. Catastrophic hurricanes and fires aren’t natural—they’re orchestrated. These disasters cripple nations, forcing them into dependency on “aid” with strings attached.

Kristen exposed how the chemicals sprayed don’t just harm the environment; they target human health. These toxic metals cross into the brain, causing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s. Independent researchers warn that these nanoparticles act as carriers for biological agents. Are they experimenting on us without consent?

The New World Order agenda becomes clearer. Geoengineering creates crises, and the elites offer solutions: lab-grown food, digital carbon credits, and total surveillance. The sprayed particles even enhance 5G grids, laying the foundation for mass behavioral control.

Even more chilling, HAARP technology is suspected of emitting frequencies that influence thought and behavior. Rising mental health issues and unexplained mass hysteria aren’t coincidences—they align with the rollout of these programs.

Kristen Meghan risked her life to expose this. She called geoengineering a quiet war against humanity, a tool to enslave us under unelected elites. The time to resist is now.

We must demand answers, ban these programs, and refuse to comply. Every voice matters because this battle isn’t just for today—it’s for the future of humanity. Will you fight, or will you let them win?

I am gitmo

An In-depth Exposé: Mass Arrests, Detention Tribunals, and the Fight Against Deep State Corruption

by Benjamin Fulford

Whispers of mass arrests and clandestine detention tribunals have transformed from conspiracy theories into a terrifying reality. This exposé reveals the intricate web of intrigue stretching from Guantanamo Bay to the Antarctic, involving a global network of deep state operatives.

The Surge of Activity at GITMO

Guantanamo Bay has seen a sudden influx of detainees, allegedly deep state operatives from various global entities. These individuals, linked to powerful dynasties like the Rockefellers, face justice in an expanding network of global detention centers.

Global Detention Centers: A Domino Effect

As GITMO reached capacity, additional centers sprang up worldwide. In Honduras, the Military Base Sato Kona Detention Center (XPL) and in Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands, secretive facilities now hold those accused of deep state activities. The situation necessitated shifting prisoners to remote locations, including an Antarctic military base, further underscoring the operation’s scale.

Domestic Crackdown: U.S. Military Prisons

In the U.S., domestic operatives find themselves detained in high-security military prisons, such as San Juan Guaynabo in Puerto Rico and the Fort Worth Naval Base Military Prison in Texas. These facilities now play a crucial role in the domestic aspect of this global saga.

The International Underbelly: Cartel Crackdown

In a surprising twist, members of Mexican cartels have been detained in Guatemala, showing the operation’s reach extends beyond political figures to include major players in international organized crime.

Unmasking the Deep State Network

This global crackdown has exposed the so-called deep state network, allegedly controlling global governance from the shadows. High-profile arrests and the use of the emergency broadcast system highlight a concerted effort to dismantle this hidden power structure.

The Human Cost

Amidst the geopolitical maneuvering, the human cost of these mass arrests is profound, with thousands detained across the globe facing uncertain futures.

GITMO Files: The List of Traitors

The drama continues to unfold with military tribunals and executions, hinting at a deep-seated purge within the highest levels of global power structures.

This unfolding drama paints a picture of a world at a crossroads, with the future of global governance and the rule of law at stake. The full implications of these events remain to be seen as the saga continues to develop.

masked, clones movie

The Greatest Show On Earth

by Benjamin Fulford


Exposed: the hidden world of clones, doubles, and deception in Hollywood and politics. Discover how CGI, AI, masks, and voice modulation create a seamless illusion.

ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! The Truth About Clones, Doubles, and Deception A hidden world where reality is manipulated, filled with clones and body doubles aimed to deceive the public. From the silver screen to the highest echelons of political power, advanced technology crafts illusions few can see through.

Unmasking the Illusion: We are uncovering a hidden realm of clones and holograms. The essence of leaders, celebrities, and public figures may be well-crafted illusions. It’s time to expose the truth behind this elaborate charade.

The Clone Conspiracy: Over 200,000 actors create lifelike replicas with cutting-edge technology. This is not science fiction; this is our reality.

The Biden Revelation: Clone Number 9: Joe Biden’s body double, Clone Number 9, caught walking fine, shattering the illusion of the frail statesman.

Royal Family Clones: Clones maintain the facade of unity within the royal family, trained to mimic every detail, creating a near-flawless illusion.

Holographic and CGI Clones: Technology stages speeches and appearances, crafting a reality unbeknownst to the public.

The GITMO Connection: Clones filmed at GITMO suggest a centralized operation, indicating deep control and manipulation.

Body Doubles, Clones, or Masks: You Decide. Evidence of a deceptive world is overwhelming. Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is the truth stranger than fiction?

The Role of Technology in Deception: AI and CGI create indistinguishable replicas, enhanced by voice modulation and masks, forming a seamless illusion.

Seeking the Truth: Demand transparency and accountability. Skepticism is crucial in a world rife with deception.

The Illusions are SO REAL Now.. They Have Become Normal! Dive into the rabbit hole of human cloning—public figures might not be who they seem. Be vigilant and seek the truth behind every illusion.

NESARA: The Untold Story of America’s Financial Liberation

By Benjamin Fulford

In a covert operation that reads like a thriller, the NESARA law, a beacon of hope for America’s financial liberation, was signed under extreme conditions. Picture this: President Clinton, in 2000, compelled at gunpoint by military patriots, reluctantly signed NESARA into law. Why? Because the powers that be knew its potential to upheave the corrupt financial systems that enslave the common citizen.

Scheduled to be announced by Alan Greenspan on September 11, 2001, at 10:00 AM, this groundbreaking law was intercepted by a catastrophic event. The Twin Towers fell not just to terrorism but to shield the dark elites’ heist of billions in gold and silver from Building 7, an act orchestrated by high-ranking officials like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld. They didn’t just demolish buildings; they obliterated the beacon of financial freedom and murdered 7,000 innocents to bury the truth.

Rewind to 1993: The U.S. Supreme Court, shaken by the revelations of a retired CIA agent, confirmed the Farmer’s Union’s accusations of massive bank fraud supported by the government. Their ruling? Income tax was declared illegal, based on a never-properly-ratified 16th Amendment. The verdict was clear: America needed a reset, a massive overhaul of its corrupt financial and governmental systems, as dictated by overwhelming evidence of systematic fraud.

This led to the secretive formation of the “White Knights,” a group of high-caliber experts and justices committed to forging the path for NESARA and GESARA’s implementation. Under the highest secrecy, a gag order was issued, sealing all records and enacting a death-penalty-bound NDA to keep the reformations under wraps until completion.

The Supreme Court’s vision involves dismantling the Federal Reserve, integrating its functions into the U.S. Treasury, and stopping all fraudulent banking practices. This isn’t just a national overhaul; it’s a global tidal wave set to reform financial interactions worldwide, involving major entities like the IMF, World Bank, and even the Vatican.

Members of Congress, under threat of treason punishable by death, have been forced to deny NESARA’s existence. This vast conspiracy is hidden in plain sight, with truths so monumental they would fundamentally shift the global power structure.

🔥 Stay alert, patriots. The battle for financial freedom and truth isn’t over. NESARA’s time is coming, and when it does, it will be earth-shattering. 🔥

Prepare, for the storm is upon us, and it will wash away the old to reveal a new dawn of liberty and justice. Keep the faith, spread the word, and stand ready to reclaim your freedom!

RHN Blood

EXPOSED: Rh Negative Blood, Intelligence, Mythology, & Supersoldiers

by E

Why Are Many Rh Negative People Being Tracked by Intelligence Agencies?

EXPOSED: The Enigma of Rh Negative Blood — Discover why many with Rh Negative blood, known for heightened intelligence and connections to world leaders and celebrities, are under surveillance by intelligence agencies. Unravel the mystery of their unique traits and delve into the theories linking them to supersoldiers.

Why the Focus on Rh Negative? Only 15% of the population has Rh Negative blood, yet it is disproportionately common among presidents, celebrities, and royalty. What unique qualities make this blood type so intriguing and valuable?

Origin Unknown

Mainstream science struggles to explain the existence of Rh Negative blood without contradicting its own theories on human evolution. Some suggest it could be the result of ancient interventions by superior races, aiming to create a hybrid army.

Bloodlines and Conspiracies

The obsession with Rh Negative blood in elite circles—often linked to the Illuminati—raises questions about its importance in genetic purity and power dynamics. This blood type’s rarity and peculiar qualities, such as resistance to certain diseases, add layers to its mystique.

Mythology and Genetic Memories

Legends from various cultures hint at beings with extraordinary capabilities, possibly ancestors with Rh Negative blood. These stories often involve divine or alien intervention, suggesting a complex genetic history that could offer insights into our own capacities.

Supernatural Abilities

Many with Rh Negative blood report extraordinary sensory and psychic abilities, including heightened intuition and paranormal experiences. This has led some to speculate about their role in human evolution and their potential as a distinct subgroup.

The Surveillance of the Rh Negative

Intelligence agencies’ interest in Rh Negative individuals could be tied to their unique genetic traits. Are they monitoring these traits to learn more about human potential, or is there a deeper agenda at play?

Controversial Theories and Open Questions

The secrecy and controversy surrounding Rh Negative blood only fuel speculation about its origins and significance. From ancient myths to modern science, the journey to understand this rare blood type continues to be a source of fascination and conspiracy.

In Conclusion

Rh Negative blood remains one of the great mysteries of human biology, with its implications stretching from genetic science to global conspiracies. As research continues, the truth about Rh Negative blood may prove to be as extraordinary as the theories it inspires.



by E

“Ancient ancestors threw copper coins in rivers, lakes, ponds and wells to destroy virus and bacteria; AYURVEDA recommends storing water in copper vessels.”


Copper acts as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells & DNA. Copper helps the body absorb iron.


• Kills bacteria, sterilizes water

• Improve digestion, cleanses & detoxes, nutrient absorption, immunity, arthritis, anemia

• Eliminates anemia, iron absorption

• Boost skin, heart, brain & bone health

• Regulates liver, kidney, thyroid, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels

• Prevents sun damage, speeds up wound healing

• Copper is an antioxidant that fights free radicals which cause cancer & heart disease

“When we store water overnight in a copper vessel, few copper ions gets dissolved into the water molecules & it kills the harmful microbes, OLIGODYNAMIC EFFECT.”


The Training That Prepares You to Operate Miracle Med Beds

by E

The training for Med Bed operators is an intense six-month journey, far removed from conventional paths of medical education.

This program is not just about learning the basic details of a new gadget; it’s an initiation into a new way of being, a preparation to wield a power that blurs the lines between science and spirituality.

Imagine entering a center where the air vibrates with the potential for what can only be described as miracles.

The team here are pioneers, trained not only in the science of healing but in the art of spiritual connection and consciousness.

This is where the future of healing lies, in facilities where technology and spirituality converge, offering hope for ailments once considered out of reach.

The promise of the Med Bed extends beyond traditional healing, offering a cure for what was once incurable without the trauma of surgery or the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

However, at the core of this technology’s potential is the requirement for a deep, spiritual connection between the operator and the device.

The training program emphasizes a critical message: the power of the Med Bed comes with immense responsibility.

It’s akin to holding the codes to a nuclear arsenal, where the potential for misuse is as significant as the technology’s healing capabilities.

Thus, the emphasis on spiritual training is the cornerstone to ensure that this technology is used ethically and wisely.


BREAKING: Obama Named in Explosive Pedophile Investigation Linked to Diddy 

by Benjamin Fulford

The Scandal That Could Shatter the Nation!

Barack Obama, once the untouchable icon of the left, now faces the storm of his life. Federal investigators have reportedly linked him to an alleged pedophile ring tied to Sean “Diddy” Combs. Evidence is mounting, and insiders suggest it’s only a matter of time before the full truth is revealed.

The Democrats’ Fatal Pandora’s Box

In their blind pursuit of Trump, the Democrats shattered the unspoken rule of leaving ex-presidents untouched. That precedent has come back to haunt them. Now, Obama is poised to become the first former president to face prosecution, thanks to the very legal weaponization his party unleashed.

The Evidence That Could End It All

Reports claim video evidence exists, directly linking Obama to the investigation. This isn’t baseless conjecture—this is reportedly cold, hard proof. Such evidence could tear apart not just his legacy but the entire Democratic Party.

A Shadow Presidency Unmasked

Critics have long accused Obama of running the Biden administration from behind the scenes. If the allegations are true, this isn’t just a criminal scandal—it’s a crisis of legitimacy. Was the man allegedly involved in such heinous acts also pulling the strings of power?

The Media’s Role in the Cover-Up

For years, the media shielded Obama, dismissing any criticism as baseless or bigoted. Now, with the evidence too damning to ignore, their silence implicates them as co-conspirators in covering up years of corruption and deceit.

A Party in Collapse

The Democratic Party, already fractured, is imploding under the weight of this scandal. Obama’s downfall will leave a permanent stain on every Democrat who once revered him, raising questions about their judgment and complicity.

The Reckoning Has Arrived

Obama’s legacy is crumbling, and the American people demand justice. This isn’t just about one man—it’s about proving that no one is above the law. The storm is here. The reckoning begins now.


Paradigm Shift as Rome, Israel Collapse While Ottoman Empire Revives

By Benjamin Fulford

The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging.

So let us look at the “reality” that is now in the midst of a train wreck. In this reality, the evil empire Russia is on its last legs, greater Israel is about to be created, China is the “second-largest economy,” and the US-centered “rules- based world order,” remains in charge. The people who believe in this story are like Nazis watching propaganda movies about super weapons that will bring victory to Germany; even as Russian tanks approach Berlin.

This story is enforced by the P2 Freemasons now gathering in Mar a Largo, Florida. Recently they have been threatening to murder influencers to prevent them from talking to people who report the actual truth, such as myself. This group has its own President-elect Donald Trump, its own Asian secret society and a shrinking base of slave governments. They also control a dollar printing machine that is now limited to pumping up crypto-currencies and the stock market.

The controllers of the “rules based world order,” last week held an emergency meeting at Mar a Largo Florida. This meeting included Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons and the leaders of the P3 Freemasons who, until now, had an arrest warrant out for Zagami, according to P3 sources. This group decided to circle the wagons around Elon “Champion of Satan” Musk.

This news item shows the Musk strategy: House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China.

“His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.”

So there we have it, he is selling US military and technological secrets to China in order to get funding to keep the US Corporate government in business.

The Chinese he has been doing business with are part of a fake Asian secret society that is being put down, according to real Asian Secret Society sources.

We are hearing the Asian royals are planning a big move. It turns out that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese Imperial family are related to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. They are all part of the Yi-Joseon (李朝 鮮) Imperial Family.

They are making North Korea fire nuclear-armed missiles to let一the world know Japan is under their protection. They are also sending echelons of huge North Korean 170mm artillery guns through Russia towards the West to help liberate Europe.

These people make it clear East Asia will once again be independent and have reached an agreement to this end with the US Space Force.
In the real world, Commander in Chief Donald Trump, based at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force base, is working hand in hand with the planetary liberation alliance to free humanity from millennia of Babylonian debt slavery. The alliance is on the verge of overthrowing governments in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the United States. This will happen in the New Year as can be seen and will be seen from real-world news reports.

For now, the most dramatic real-world news that is not being reported in the West is what is happening with Turkey. I had to use a virtual private network to get around Western censorship and read what the official Turkish News Agency had to say. It is mind-blowing. Here is an example:
“For the first time, [Israel] finds itself facing Türkiye directly—or rather, feeling “encircled” by Türkiye.”

They are coming to terms with the reality that “Türkiye is present in both Syria and Lebanon.” As they scramble to figure out how to confront this, they cling to PKK/YPG terrorism, further entrenching themselves in a shrinking corner. They know full well that Türkiye’s resurgence as a foundational power would trigger seismic changes across the region.

Türkiye’s strategic moves have expanded into Central Asia, East Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Black Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean.

In Syria, there is no longer a regime. Under Türkiye’s leadership, a new era of “one nation, one flag, one homeland” has begun.
This sets a precedent for all countries in the region under threat of division, including Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia. We must adopt a mindset focused on national unity and sovereignty.

A New Mental and Physical Map

We must discard maps of divided countries, like those promoted during the 2003 Iraq invasion, and replace them with visions of unity. After a century, history is taking a leap forward, and the miracles will continue.

In a sign the Islamic Caliphate is re-emerging, Turkish President Recep Erdogan presided over a D-8 Muslim summit in Egypt last year where moves were made to strengthen the organization. This has already led to the approval of a trade pact with Egypt.

The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation is an organization for development cooperation among Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Türkiye. They have a combined population of more than one billion people.

Mass Medical Fraud Exposed – E Telegram

Doctors and Hospitals Get Paid More If They Make You Sicker – Big Pharma’s Deadly Agenda Is Killing Millions and Turning Healthcare Into Death Camps!

The corruption in America’s healthcare system is more than a malfunction; it’s a calculated strategy, decades in the making, to transform medicine into a tool of control, compliance, and profit. Hidden behind the guise of modern healthcare is a network soaked in corporate greed, governmental complicity, and a dire plot to keep the populace sick, weak, and dependent.

The Global Elites’ Plan: Turning Health Into a Commodity The medical system is not failing—it’s performing precisely as planned. Decades ago, a clandestine coalition of pharmaceutical execs, corporate moguls, and government operatives designed a system not to heal but to perpetuate illness. Their aim? To monetize human suffering.

Hospitals now are mere factories of disease. Vaccines are merely vehicles for toxins, and drugs are intentionally crafted with harmful side effects to keep you coming back for more. The elites profit from every pill, every shot, and every unneeded surgery, masking their scheme as “modern medicine.”

The Hidden Hand of Population Control This healthcare scheme extends beyond mere profit—it’s a method of population control. The toxins in vaccines are deliberate, engineered to weaken immune systems, reduce fertility, and shorten lives.

The Role of Big Tech and Data Harvesting Big Pharma’s physical profits are complemented by Big Tech’s digital gains. Every medical transaction enriches a vast data-harvesting operation aimed at keeping you within their profit-spinning healthcare loop.

The Insurance Cartel: Funding the Fraud Insurance companies form the financial backbone of this healthcare deception, incentivizing doctors to adhere to their profitable, toxic treatments while excluding natural healing options.

Hospitals as Death Camps Hospitals have transformed into sanitized death camps. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed their role in inflating death counts and pushing fatal treatments under the guise of public health.

Government Collusion: The FDA, CDC, and Beyond The FDA and CDC act as facilitators for Big Pharma, endorsing deadly drugs and suppressing affordable, effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to maintain a profitable narrative.

The Education Scam: Indoctrinating Future Doctors Medical schools are now indoctrination hubs where future doctors are taught to prioritize profit over patient care, heavily influenced by pharmaceutical funding.

Media Silence: The Complicity of the Fourth Estate Mainstream media, funded heavily by pharmaceutical ads, suppresses the truth, maintaining a narrative conducive to Big Pharma’s interests.

The Final Play: Digital Health IDs and Total Control The ultimate plan involves digital health IDs that will control your access to healthcare and much more, marking a major step towards a total surveillance state.

The Fight for Freedom It’s time to dismantle this corrupt system. We must reject toxic treatments and opt for alternative, genuine healthcare solutions. The elites have declared war on our health and freedom. We must respond with resistance and reclaim our future. The time to wake up and act is now—before it’s too late.

mass deportation

President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign promise of sweeping deportations could result in “severe economic fallout,” devastating the economy even more than the Great Recession, according to a report by Democrats in the Congressional Joint Economic Committee.

Although Trump’s messaging about improving the economy for Americans during his second term appeared to strike a chord with voters, another one of his campaign fixtures — mass deportations — could have harmful economic consequences, the December 11 report warns. The 78-year-old Republican has suggested that he would use the military to assist in mass deportations.

Not only would the move upend the lives of millions of migrants, but Trump’s plans for mass deportations could “reduce economic growth, shrink the labor force, cost U.S.-born workers their jobs, raise costs for nearly all Americans, and risk igniting inflation,” states the report, which relied on research by nonprofit organizations.

The American Immigration Council estimated that if the U.S. deported one million people each year until the country no longer had an undocumented population, it could lead to a 4.2 percent to 6.8 percent loss in GDP. “To put this in context, the economy shrank by 4.3 percent during the Great Recession,” the Democrats wrote.

The Great Recession ran from 2007 to 2009 and was spurred by the bursting housing bubble.

Some experts warn that Donald Trump’s economic plans could harm the country more than the Great Recession

Some experts warn that Donald Trump’s economic plans could harm the country more than the Great Recession (Getty Images)

Estimates from the Peterson Institute for International Economics showed even grimmer economic consequences. After analyzing how the deportation of 8.3 million undocumented immigrants would impact the U.S. economy, the think tank found that the GDP would be 7.4 percent lower by 2028.

“This 7.4 percent reduction in GDP over four years would likely mean that the U.S. economy would not grow at all during President Trump’s second term,” the report says.

Employment would also be 7 percent lower by the end of Trump’s term, the institute found, and 44,000 U.S.-born workers would lose their jobs.

“Employers would not simply hire U.S.-born workers to fill the vacancies created by undocumented workers who are deported, as there would be too many vacancies, U.S.-born workers would be unlikely to move into these industries, and employer hiring behavior can be variable,” the report says.

Although undocumented immigrants only make up about 4.4 percent and 5.4 percent of the overall labor force, they have enormous roles in certain industries: construction, agriculture, health care and hospitality.

Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance have pledged a massive deportation plan once they take office in January

Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance have pledged a massive deportation plan once they take office in January (Getty Images)

Trump’s proposed mass deportations would remove up to 1.5 million workers from the construction industry, 225,000 from agriculture, one million from hospitality, 870,000 from manufacturing and 461,000 from transportation and warehousing, AIC estimated.

These labor shortages could also lead to increased costs across the board. Deporting 1.3 million immigrants would raise prices by 1.5 percent by 2028, while deporting 8.3 million immigrants would raise prices by 9.1 percent, the intsitute predicted.

By taking undocumented immigrants out of the equation, the U.S. is also losing a group of consumers, leading to reduced spending, the report says.

Given the estimated economic ramifications, Congressional Joint Economic Committee Chair Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) called Trump’s plan for mass deportations “reckless.”

“Trump’s plan to deport millions of immigrants does absolutely nothing to address the core problems driving our broken immigration system,” the New Mexico Democrat said. “Instead, all it will do is raise grocery prices, destroy jobs, and shrink the economy. His immigration policy is reckless and would cause irreparable harm to our economy.”



by E

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has confirmed a chilling report: radioactive material has gone missing in New Jersey during transit. This isn’t just a mistake—it’s a national security failure that demands immediate action. How could this happen in America?

WHAT HAPPENED? Radioactive material described as “less than Category 3” was being transported for disposal when it vanished. On December 2nd, 2024, the shipment arrived damaged and empty—a terrifying development exposing a serious breach in safety protocols.

The missing material, an Eckert & Ziegler HEGL-0132 source, contains radioactive isotopes. While classified below the most dangerous categories, it still poses serious health and environmental risks, especially if mishandled or exploited.

RADIATION DANGER: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Radioactive exposure isn’t a joke. Even small amounts can lead to severe consequences:

Burns from direct contact

Radiation sickness with flu-like symptoms

Long-term risks, including cancer and organ damage

The NRC claims this material likely won’t cause permanent harm—but what if it’s found by someone unaware of its danger, or worse, someone with malicious intent?

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? The radioactive source was securely loaded for disposal, yet it disappeared mid-transit. The shipment container arrived damaged, but how the material was lost remains a mystery. Reports suggest:

Failure of safety protocols

A complete breakdown in oversight during transport


This incident exposes vulnerabilities in America’s handling of radioactive materials. Transport of such substances is supposed to follow the strictest safety measures, yet this failure proves otherwise.

The NRC has given the licensee 30 days to locate the material. If not found, this situation could spiral into a public health crisis.

THE INVISIBLE THREAT: A TICKING TIME BOMB Radioactive contamination isn’t just theoretical—it’s a real and present danger. Missing radioactive materials have caused disasters in the past. How can we trust these systems if such breaches continue to occur?

This isn’t just about New Jersey. It’s about whether any of us are truly safe. How many other radioactive shipments could face similar mishandling?

DEMAND ANSWERS NOW The clock is ticking, and silence is not an option. Every American deserves to know:

Who allowed this failure to happen?

What steps are being taken to recover the material?

How will future incidents be prevented?

This isn’t just a regulatory failure—it’s a failure to protect the American people. Stand up. Speak out. Demand accountability before it’s too late.


TRUMP: “The President knows, The Military Knows” DRONES

President Trump has held a news conference in-part about the ongoing issue of DRONES.  He made clear “The President knows, the Military knows, they don’t want to talk about it.”  Clearly, Trump now knows too.

Here is the relevant part of President Trumps remarks today:

Overnight, I got word from seven (7) different sources out of the New York Police Department – so I know, too.

There is no way to report this without causing an immediate and widespread panic.  There’s no reason to panic, but it would cause a panic.  Think “Mad Max”-style, panic.

A lot people could be hurt by that panic, so I am NOT going to be the one to cause it. Period. Full stop.

Is it possible that people will die from the lack of reporting?  Yes.  Is it also possible that a lot of people would die WITH the reporting?  Yes.   So media outlets are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.

It Appears We’re Going To Take A “Hit”

Look, we here in the USA are now faced with an unprecedented situation.  It’s not good.

It appears, at least right now, that we are going to take a very big hit.  An unprecedented hit.

Bad.   Waaaay bad.

The situation is complicated by many, many, things.

And a widespread panic itself could result in the hit coming early, anyway.

Long story short, the Governors of the several states told the feds “Either you come clean right now, or we’re going to order our State Police and National Guard to start shooting down these drones.”

The feds don’t want to start losing a lot of THEIR OWN drones, which ARE up for a specific reason, so they came clean.

It’s not aliens.  The feds are looking for something on the ground. Something bad.

That’s all I can tell you.

Read between the lines.  The RUMORS . . . . . appear to be true.


Western Version Of The Fall Of The Soviet Union Now Undeniable

By Benjamin Fulford

Sometimes, a decade’s worth of news can happen in a single week. Last week was such a week. What is happening is a Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries are likely to cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia etc.

In fact, in a way what we are witnessing is the collapse of the Western Roman Empire after close to 3000 years of existence.
Let us look at what happened. Last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov went to Malta for a Foreign Ministers Council meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The OSCE is the ultimate military gathering place of the European race. It has 57 member States from Europe, Central Asia and North America.

This is the first time Lavrov has visited an EU country since the war began in Ukraine. He was there to meet the Knights of Malta, who are the heirs to the Roman Empire or Western military-industrial complex. There he called for “The creation of a pan-Eurasian architecture, open to all countries of the continent and reflecting a new, polycentric world order that will secure a reliable future for the countries and peoples of this region.”

At this same meeting Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu was made Secretary General or Chairman of the OSCE.

The next day Turkey invaded Syria.

It is clear that Turkey and Russia presented NATO and the US with an ultimatum. Since Europe would not be able to defend itself for more than a few days against a combined Russian and Turkish attack, they had no choice but to back down.
A CIA source confirms, saying “The Lavrov meeting with OSCE in Malta was more a show of force by Putin. There were a few discussions on the sidelines. Bottom line a red line was drawn by Russia to NATO and the US: ‘time to end the Ukraine laundry service and all that goes with it.’”

In a sign the Khazarian Mafia caved, the fake Donald Trump tweeted:


There is plenty in the news to confirm this is a combined Turkish/Russian power play. For one thing “the jihadists who toppled President Bashar Assad’s government in Syria have guaranteed the security of Russia’s military bases and diplomatic outposts in the country, a Kremlin source has reportedly told the TASS news agency.”

Many people in the West mistakenly think this was an Israeli operation. The KM even put out a video of the Avatar Benyamin Satanyahu taking credit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Erdogan is saying “We must hold Israel accountable for its atrocities and genocide.”

Israel admits its strategy of ethnic cleansing for the purpose of clearing land for Israelis to live in, using the Nazi German word “lebensraum.”

Erdogan will see that these Nazis face justice.
Erdogan says Syria has had enough wars and that the Syrian people deserve freedom, security, and peace in their homeland. He adds history will record how his country successfully passed the test of humanity “despite all contrary propaganda

Our own sources in MI6 and elsewhere confirm what is happening is the end of the Sykes-Picot agreement that divided the Ottoman Empire into the balkanized group of countries we now see in the Middle East. We are hearing that Israel and Egypt are next in line to fall after Syria. This could possibly end up going all the way to Morocco as well as gobble up Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Our Iranian sources confirm they are now negotiating new borders with Turkey, meaning some sort of revival of the Persian and Ottoman empires is taking place. “The two treaties of Golestan and Torkemanchay which took away 18 caucus cities from Iran are fake and have no validity. Foreigners wrote, stamped, and signed both treaties without any Iranian involvement,” the sources say.
The Middle East is not the only place where borders are going to be redrawn and countries are going to disappear.
It looks like the agreement between East and West to create a council of seven regions to deal with issues affecting the entire planet is unfolding.

Full Report Here


BREAKING: $980 Trillion Cabal Empire Crumbles, Global Power Shift Begins!

by David Wilcock TG

The $980 trillion Cabal fortune has been obliterated, sending shockwaves across the world. Centuries of hidden control over markets, governments, and humanity have been exposed. This is the reckoning we’ve been waiting for—a seismic blow to the shadow elite.

The Collapse of the Hidden Empire

For decades, the Cabal secretly amassed unimaginable wealth, using off-ledger banking systems to fuel wars, manipulate economies, and control governments. Now, their empire lies in ruins. The $980 trillion extraction is not just about money—it’s about breaking chains that held the world hostage to corruption.

Global Fallout and Awakening

Stock markets are in chaos, Cabal-linked institutions are collapsing, and world leaders are scrambling to explain their connections. Protests erupt as citizens demand transparency and justice. The shadow government’s veil has been ripped away, and people everywhere are waking up to the truth.

The Universal Trust Unveiled

At the center of this storm is the Universal Trust, a secret financial network that controlled unimaginable wealth. It funded global conflicts, suppressed technology, and enforced the Cabal’s grip on humanity. Now it’s dismantled, leaving their plans in tatters.

The Fight Has Just Begun

The Cabal won’t go down quietly. They’ll try to regain power through media lies, political sabotage, and covert operations. But this is our moment to act. We must stay vigilant, demand accountability, and fight for a new era of freedom and equality.

The Great Awakening Is Here

This isn’t just a financial shift—it’s the start of a revolution. The Cabal’s downfall proves no one is untouchable. United, we can rebuild a world free from tyranny. This is our chance to reclaim power and reshape our destiny.

Stand firm. Spread the truth. The storm is upon us.

HALF of all U.S. States Going BANKRUPT, Financial Report Finds

The future of America hangs in the balance as the country’s financial state is not exactly strong.

A recent report from Truth in Accounting has revealed that 27 states across America, more than half, ended fiscal year 2023 with a deficit, meaning they did not have enough money on hand to cover their financial obligations.

While many states are still rolling in the dough from all the cash that was sent their way during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” all that money will soon run out. By 2026, federal funds are expected to “dry up,” which means many states will have to drastically change the way they manage money and provide services to the public.

“During the pandemic, federal support to states exceeded $800 billion, allowing states to temporarily cut taxes and increase spending,” reports The Economic Times of India. “However, these surpluses were short-lived.”

“This financial strain could lead to higher taxes, reduced public services, and cuts to benefits programs, leaving many Americans concerned about the future.”

(Related: Did you know that Megabus, America’s largest private bus company, filed for bankruptcy earlier this year?)

Unfunded retirement liabilities killing America

The states currently in the worst shape financially include Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois and Massachusetts. These states are expected to face the largest impacts once the hammer drops, possibly leading to more tax increases and cuts to public services.

The biggest factor contributing to state debt is unfunded retirement liabilities, reports indicate. Upwards of 86 percent of state and local government workers had access to their pensions as of March 2022. The private sector, conversely, is basically the other way around with very limited access.

While public workers need pensions, as does everyone for that matter, Oliver Giesecke from Stanford University warns that they are a costly form of debt that diverts funding away from public projects and infrastructure.

The short of it is that the more time that passes, the worse things are going to get for everyday Americans who will have to pay increasingly more for increasingly less. This means poverty will increase along with all the other horrors that typically accompany it.

“Some Americans are already moving from high-tax states with financial challenges to low-tax states with better fiscal stability,” reports explain. “This trend may accelerate if tax hikes and benefit cuts intensify in states like Connecticut, Illinois, and New Jersey.”

“Families seeking better opportunities may increasingly prioritize states with balanced budgets and lower tax burdens.”

Alaska and Wyoming are among the states that are in better financial shape compared to their counterparts, which is why those with means are fleeing there. Everyone else will get to see firsthand what many decades of Wall Street greed and other corruption does to a nation in the end.

“We find that about $70 out of a $1,000 in allocated [federal] aid ended up in pension contributions,” says Oliver Giesecke, a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution.

To avoid pointing the finger at the true culprits, i.e., the private Federal Reserve and the crooks who have run America into the ground, CNBC is instead blaming deferred maintenance on infrastructure, extreme weather from “climate change,” and an aging population on these state budget shortfalls.

“Virtually every state made a tax cut,” adds Justin Theal, a senior officer at The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Fiscal 50 project, about what COVID prompted many states to do as far as their budgets are concerned. “Virtually every state also increased employee pay for public employees.”

“The implication is that fiscal flexibility is really declining across the states.”

The U.S. economy is toast once all the dust settles. Find out more at Collapse.news.

vatican dark secrets

Obama and Pope Francis Trigger the Biblical End Times!

by Benjamin Fulford

A storm unlike any other is brewing. Hidden in the shadows of history, a prophecy emerges. Barack Obama and Pope Francis are key players in an apocalyptic drama foretold for centuries. This isn’t speculation; it’s a call to arms.

The Unveiling of Obama’s Role

Obama’s meteoric rise wasn’t coincidence; it was orchestrated. Behind the veil of “hope and change” lurked a darker purpose. His policies, alliances, and global reach mirror ancient warnings of a deceiver rising to power. Is Obama the prophesied Antichrist, the figure set to lead humanity astray? The signs are undeniable.

Pope Francis: The False Prophet?

Pope Francis has drawn millions with his calls for unity, but his actions spark unease. From interfaith outreach to globalist advocacy, he aligns eerily with the biblical False Prophet, aiding the Antichrist in creating a one-world religion. His moves toward a New World Order echo apocalyptic warnings of spiritual and political tyranny.

The Unholy Alliance

Obama and Pope Francis aren’t just parallel figures—they’re collaborators. Their shared vision for global governance, secretive meetings, and alignment on critical issues reveal a chilling agenda. Biblical prophecy warns of a union between political and spiritual powers to deceive the masses. Is this the final stage?

The Signs Are Here

FEMA camps, RFID technology, guillotines, and plans to divide Jerusalem—the tools of tyranny are ready. Jerusalem becomes the battleground, a flashpoint for the ultimate conflict between good and evil. Obama and Pope Francis appear poised to fulfill the dark prophecies that usher in the end times.

Prepare for the Final Hour

The time to awaken is now. The warnings of Revelation speak directly to today’s events. This isn’t a drill; it’s a spiritual war where complacency is not an option. Faith, action, and vigilance are your weapons. Stand firm, resist deception, and prepare for what’s to come.

A World at the Crossroads

Humanity faces a choice: resist the forces of darkness or succumb to a deceptive new world. The prophecy unfolds before our eyes. Will you stand with the light when the hour of reckoning arrives?

NCSWIC—Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

Khazarian Mafia


by Ben Fulford

The City of London = Banking Capitol of World, Professor Ellis Washington Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 30 | Ellis Washington Report

Short Version: The Khazarian Mafia, City of London and Child Sacrifice:

· About 1,200 AD an incredibly evil society emerged in Khazaria. The Khazarian Mafia king and his inner circle of oligarchs practiced ancient Babylonian black-magic Baal Worship. In return their God Satan was said to promise them power over the world and all its riches.

· This Secret Satanism was based on torturing and raping children (the younger and more innocent, the better), drinking their Adrenochromed blood and then sacrificing them in honor of their God Lucifer.

· The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, were disturbed by Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies.

· By 800 AD the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria, invaded and conquered it. They then delivered an ultimatum to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people: Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.

· The Khazarian king chose Judaism, but only pretended to practice it while continuing to sacrifice children to Satan so the Khazarian Mafia could rule the World.

· The Khazarian Mafia then invaded England, murdered King Charles 1 and began the English Civil Wars. The wars raged for nearly a decade and resulted in launching the British Empire and setting up the City of London as the banking capital of Europe.

· By 1913 the Globalist Cartel run by the Rothschilds and Khazarian Mafia (who posed as following the Jewish faith, but in reality worshipped Satan) owned the Federal Reserve and Central Banking system.

· The Jewish nationalist movement of Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century was in reality organized by the Globalist Cartel and Khazarian Mafia. Zionism had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine. In reality the Globalist Cartel formed the Zionist movement in Israel in order to create continual wars and take over the Israeli people. They falsely convinced the Jewish people that they had a right to claim Israel for themselves.

All viruses


What’s In A FLU SHOT? If you wouldn’t Consume it, why Inject it?

• thimerosal

• canine kidney cell

• hydrocortisone protein + DNA

• cetyltrimethy/ammonium

• Triton X-100 bromide

• egg protein

• polysorbate 20

• gentamicin sulfate

• polysorbate 80

• formaldehyde baculovirus + cellular DNA • neomycin beta propiolactone gelatin (and more)

• sodium deoxycholate


· A groundbreaking study from the Center for Global Health at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, led by Dr. Maurizio Federico and funded by the Ministry of Health, exposes alarming risks linked to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Despite repeated assurances from officials like former Health Minister Roberto Speranza and ex-Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the findings suggest a darker reality.

· The Spike Protein’s Deadly Legacy: The vaccines were touted as “safe and effective,” yet evidence now confirms the inflammatory Spike protein persists in the body for months post-injection, traveling beyond the injection site into various organs. This protein, translated from mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, is implicated in chronic inflammation, myocarditis, pericarditis, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer.

· Key Research Findings: Persistent Spike Production: The Spike protein, abundantly produced post-vaccination, disrupts ACE-2 signaling and cytokine production. This overproduction leads to immune dysregulation, fostering autoimmune responses and tumor reactivation.

· Immune System Exhaustion: The study highlights the vaccine’s inability to mount effective immunity at the virus’s entry point (respiratory tract), coupled with rapid immune response depletion.

· Dormant Tumors Reawakened: Cytokines triggered by Spike/ACE-2 binding can reactivate dormant tumors and exacerbate pre-existing autoimmune conditions.

· Unresolved Concerns: Efforts to enhance vaccine efficacy, such as self-replicating mRNA vectors, have been greenlit for trials by Japan, despite known dangers. These technologies may amplify Spike persistence and its associated cellular damage without solving the fundamental issue—failure to elicit neutralizing immunity in the respiratory tract.

· Call for a Safer Approach: The study suggests mucosal vaccines as a potential alternative, targeting the virus’s entry point and avoiding the severe systemic side effects seen with intramuscular mRNA vaccines. However, the global focus on mRNA technology demands urgent scrutiny to address its risks, especially for vulnerable populations.

· A Critical Reassessment Is Needed: The evidence is clear: mRNA vaccine strategies must be reevaluated to prevent catastrophic health outcomes. Persistent Spike proteins and immune system damage are risks humanity cannot afford to ignore. What was sold as a miracle cure now poses questions about trust, transparency, and the safety of millions.

Patel replaces Wray

Trump Unleashes Kash Patel On Deep State Gangsters

· President Trump has sent shockwaves through the system, putting the Deep State on high alert with a monumental announcement. At 6:47 p.m. EST yesterday, he declared: “Kash Patel will serve as the next Director of the FBI.” Known as a relentless “America First” fighter, Kash Patel has exposed corruption at the highest levels, dismantling lies and restoring accountability. Trump made it clear: “This FBI will end the crime epidemic, dismantle migrant criminal gangs, and stop human and drug trafficking across the border.”

· Kash Patel is no ordinary pick. He’s the author of the explosive book “Government Gangsters,” which unmasks the sinister cabal pulling strings in the shadows. This isn’t fiction—this is what’s happening in America. Patel exposed the Russia-gate hoax, revealing the crimes of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and their ilk. Trump openly declared Patel’s book a “brilliant roadmap” for rooting out corruption and taking back the government for the people.

· The Deep State is trembling. McCabe lashed out, calling Patel “profoundly unqualified,” while others fear he’ll expose secrets they’ve buried—like Epstein’s client list. Trump’s allies are rallying. Former border czar Tom Homan declared: “Kash Patel is the man who will deliver justice.” Congressman Clay Higgins warned FBI Director Wray: “Your presence will be commanded. Merry Christmas.”

· This isn’t just about leadership; it’s about dismantling a corrupt system. Trump’s announcement signals the dawn of a new era. The Deep State’s grip is slipping, and the storm is here. Stay vigilant—history is being written.

Trump Suggests Canada as the 51st State with Trudeau as Governor!

by EtheFriendQ TG

Donald Trump has once again shaken the world with a stunning proposal: Canada should become the 51st state of the United States, with Justin Trudeau as its governor. Trump’s audacious declaration comes with his characteristic confidence and bold vision, claiming this move would secure North American dominance and fulfill a larger, transformative agenda.

Trump’s Challenge to Canada’s Sovereignty

“If Canada relies on $100 billion annually from the U.S., why remain independent?” Trump’s statement isn’t just a jab at Trudeau but a direct challenge to Canada’s economic dependence on its southern neighbor. Trump’s “America First” doctrine is clear: those benefiting from America’s might must align under its leadership.

Offering Trudeau the role of governor, Trump signals dominance, showing that the U.S. holds all the leverage in the relationship. This proposal isn’t just political theater; it’s a wake-up call to Canadians about their reliance on the American economy.

A New Vision for North America

Trump’s idea would create an unprecedented geopolitical shift, consolidating North America into an economic and political powerhouse. Such a move could reshape the global balance of power, rivaling China and the EU while solidifying America’s dominance.

Trudeau’s Dilemma

For a prime minister to consider a governorship would be unthinkable, yet Trump’s calculated suggestion underscores the U.S.’s control over the partnership. Canadian officials are scrambling to respond, but Trump’s supporters see this as another masterstroke in his fight for American supremacy.

A Prophetic Agenda?

Trump has hinted at a larger vision rooted in biblical prophecy, suggesting the creation of “seven unified kingdoms” as part of a divine plan. North America, under U.S. leadership, would form the cornerstone of this new global order.

Unstoppable Leadership

Donald Trump’s willingness to push boundaries and take risks has cemented his reputation as a leader who gets things done. Whether this proposal becomes reality or not, it reflects Trump’s bold, unapologetic style that reshapes global politics.

The Bigger Picture

While critics label Trump’s ideas imperialistic, his supporters see a leader unafraid to challenge outdated norms. This isn’t just about Canada—it’s about securing a future where America leads the world on its terms.


Trump’s suggestion marks a turning point in history. Whether Canada becomes the 51st state or not, this moment underscores his vision for an assertive, dominant America. The storm is here, and Trump’s leadership ensures the winds are blowing in America’s favor.


George Soros’s Plan To Destroy America’s Justice System And Spread Chaos Nationwide!

by EtheFriendQ TG

America is under attack, not from foreign enemies, but from within. Billionaire mastermind George Soros has weaponized his fortune to infiltrate our justice system, destabilize communities, and dismantle law and order.


Since 2022, 21 Soros-backed prosecutors have been exposed and removed—but that’s just scratching the surface. Soros funneled over $40 million into local district attorney elections, handpicking candidates who follow his orders to dismantle law enforcement, empower criminals, and plunge cities into chaos.

In Chicago, Kimberly Foxx turned the city into a crime-ridden nightmare, refusing to prosecute violent offenders. In Alameda County, Pamela Price ignored victims to push radical policies. These weren’t failures—they were deliberate acts to destabilize America.

Soros’s operatives are executing a sinister strategy: turning American cities into battlegrounds of fear. Every violent crime, every shattered family, is part of his calculated plan to weaken the nation from within.


This isn’t just about prosecutors. Soros’s influence stretches into courts, legislatures, and even the media, all pushing his globalist agenda. His goal? Erase national borders, disarm local governments, and centralize power under an elite authority. Leaked documents reveal foreign money funneled into U.S. campaigns, funding candidates loyal to his vision of a borderless, chaotic America.

Worse, Soros-backed prosecutors are reportedly targeting political opponents, criminalizing dissent to crush resistance. This isn’t reform—it’s tyranny disguised as progress.


Grassroots movements are rising, forcing Soros’s operatives out of office. Kimberly Foxx? Gone. Pamela Price? Recalled. Citizens are uniting to expose and dismantle Soros’s network.

Recent investigations have mapped his influence, showing dozens of prosecutors still in power, holding offices critical to national stability. This is a war for America’s soul, and patriots are stepping up to take the fight to Soros and his empire.


This isn’t the time for silence. Soros’s operatives are preparing for a counterattack, pouring even more money into elections. They’re grooming new candidates to continue his work. We must stop them.

Expose the truth. Demand accountability. Remove every Soros-backed prosecutor from power. This is about more than law and order—it’s about saving America itself. The fight is now.

America will not fall—not on our watch.


Convasion! They’re Here!

by EtheFriendQ TG

Reports are exploding about massive drones hovering over military bases in the UK and the US. These aren’t ordinary drones—they’re SUV-sized, light-covered crafts with no visible propulsion system. They’ve been airborne for days, defying any known technology. No solar panels, no batteries could sustain them this long. The logical conclusion? These may be alien or breakaway civilization tech.

The military has been ordered not to shoot. Officially, it’s to avoid debris falling on civilians, but unofficially, it’s fear. These crafts signify something monumental—an invasion-like scenario unfolding before our eyes.

UFOs Fighting UFOs

It appears we’ve reached the conditions of an invasion. UFOs seem to be engaging each other in the skies. But here’s the twist: some of these crafts might be alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs)—human-made UFOs from secret programs controlled by what’s called the breakaway civilization. Their goal? To block aliens from contacting us. They fear open communication, knowing it would shatter the control they hold over humanity.

A Period of Melee

The coming days could see chaos. Conflicts between alien crafts and ARVs might escalate. Governments and the breakaway civilization are desperate to control the narrative. Expect cover-ups, disruptions, and false-flag operations designed to confuse the public. But beneath the chaos lies a greater truth: these beings want contact.

Aliens are here to address human actions that affect them. They’re drawn to us because of our creativity and unpredictability. We’re a curiosity to them—a species capable of brilliance and destruction. But make no mistake: this isn’t a hostile invasion. It’s a deliberate attempt at dialogue, albeit one that’s being obstructed by human factions clinging to power.

Financial and Political Upheaval

Meanwhile, world governments are preparing for chaos. Bank collapses, price freezes, and economic manipulations are imminent as officials scramble to manage the fallout. Chemtrail operations may halt, either due to logistical failures or because aliens won’t allow interference in the skies.

By February, governments might finally acknowledge the reality—albeit twisted as “invasion” to maintain control. But the truth will surface: this is contact, not conquest. A historic shift is unfolding, and the breakaway elites can’t stop it.

The world is about to change forever. Buckle up.


Massive Drones Are Spying on Us—Why Is No One Stopping Them?

Every night, car-sized drones invade Morris County, lingering over homes, military bases, and nuclear sites. These aren’t toys—they’re high-tech machines operating with precision. They jam devices, terrify residents, and leave everyone asking: Who’s behind this?

Targeting Critical Sites, Ignoring the Threat

These drones are flying over Langley Air Force Base, Naval Station Norfolk, and nuclear facilities—even Trump’s Bedminster Golf Course and FBI agents’ homes. This isn’t random. These are deliberate, strategic operations. Someone is sending a message, and they want us to know it.

Why the Silence? What Are They Hiding?

The FBI and Pentagon act clueless, offering no answers and taking no action. Either they’re lying, or someone more powerful is in control. Who could penetrate such high-value targets with impunity? Why isn’t anyone stopping them?

The Bigger Question: What Comes Next?

This isn’t just surveillance—it’s intimidation. Our airspace has been invaded, our privacy shattered, and our critical sites compromised. The silence from authorities speaks volumes. Whoever is behind this has a plan, and we’re running out of time to uncover it.

Stay vigilant. The truth isn’t just out there—it’s right above us.

Shadow of Ezra

There will be a MAJOR FALSE FLAG in the Middle East.

It is a mistake to be celebrating the downfall of Assad. We should take the situation as it is. What comes next could be much worse for America. Must remain vigilant.

Trump refusing to participate in the war in Syria makes him vulnerable to an assassination attempt before he is inaugurated.

Syria is under the control of ISIS now.

Syria Falls

Syria Falls

by George Eaton

Just 48 hours ago we were told that Syria and Russia recaptured Aleppo and was on guard in Hama. Now they tell us that not only has Aleppo fallen, that the rebels took Hama and are at the gates of Homs.

If Homs is taken, this cuts off Syrian contact with the ocean and their ocean ports, as well as the Russia naval base.

See those shiny new Toyota pickups? That is paid by US money. See the fresh new uniforms and boots on the ISIS soldiers? That is paid for by US money. And that is all supported by the UK, Israel, the CIA and the wealthy elite globalists.

What motivates the “rebels’ to go to war? SEX. They are extremist Muslims that believe if they die in battle they get 72 virgins. If they live in battle they can have multiple wives as young as 6.

They think of sex constantly and are highly driven and motivated to fight for sex with children. And your tax dollars are paying for that army. There is nothing noble, honorable or righteous about this criminal action by our nation that is complicit in this genocidal war, who have the best politicians money can buy.

The Israelis want Syria to enlarge their borders for their Greater Israel agenda of conquest and to place a gas and oil pipeline into Europe for continuous profits. Its always about the money.

Our politicians have sold out any country that opposes Israel and the globalist agenda. Trump will not “fix” this, he will continue the same policies until it leads to nuclear war. And when it does, they will blame everyone else but themselves for the slaughter of millions of people. And they will have the audacity to then say “God bless America!”.

The world is upside down, and what is claimed is right, is wrong, and wars that are supposed to be an act of “obeying god” are the very opposite.

This cannot be solved in 5 minute sound bites. The facts are all mixed up and the people are simply powerless and don’t have the attention span to learn the truth. It is the perfect storm leading to Armageddon, as the people are floundering in ignorance and under the spell of mass delusions.

Update: Russia orders all its citizens to leave Syria immediately
Following reports earlier that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his Family had fled the Country, for possibly either Iran or the United Arab Emirates; Syrian State Media is now claiming that Assad has just arrived in Tehran for a meeting with Senior Iranian Officials.

Channel 12 is reporting that the Israeli Air Force recently carried out Strikes against several Syrian Weapon Facilities in Western Syria

Jordan tells its citizens to leave Syria ‘as soon as possible’ – Foreign ministry statement

As al-Qaeda and ISIS move toward Homs, Israeli aviation has targeted bridges in Homs, directly helping the terrorist groups avoid a detour.

According to the Wall Street Journal, both Egyptian and Jordanian Officials have urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to leave the Country and establish a Government in Exile; with his Wife and Children having left Damascus for Moscow last week, while his Brother-in-Law fled to the United Arab Emirates. Assad has urged Turkey to intervene and halt the Rebel Offensive, while requesting Intelligence Support and Weapons from several Countries, including the U.A.E, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, all of which have been Refused.

Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has announced that they are now at the Gates of Homs in Western Syria, with the City likely to fall in the coming hours. If Homs is captured, then Russian and Syrian Forces in Tartus and Latakia will be cut-off from the remainder of the Country.

Syrian rebels say they have reached the outer walls of Homs city, make last call for Syrian forces to defect

The Russian backed Bashar Al-Assad regime is witnessing it’s final hours as the Syrian Arab Army is in full retreat, allowing rebel forces to advance unopposed. Russian forces are traveling to Tartus to leave Syria for the final time in the civil war. Meanwhile SDF, HTS (Syrian Salvation Government), and FSA forces are now advancing. The Druze settlements south of Damascus are now uprising, a blow that the Syrian government could never possibly deal with. Key members of the Syrian government are fleeing, and Assad will be boarding a plane to leave Syria for the last time. Meanwhile Russia is heavily sanctioning Abkhazia, and Iran is now producing weapons grade uranium as the news of Syrian collapse looms.

My comment: It is difficult for me to believe that Russia may abandon the defense of Syria. Some are saying that Russia could not fight a war on two fronts. Time will tell if this is true.

There are videos showing Russian aircraft trying to hold back the advancing rebels in the Homs area. If Homs falls, which has apparently already been abandoned by the Syrian army, then the rest of the country will fall one city at a time. The highway at Homs cuts off any Syrian access to the Mediterranean sea ports at Tartus and Latakia area. Russia has a major air base in Latakia and it is assumed it can no longer be held against the advancing rebel troops. At this time Russian assets are retreating to Tartus which is a navy base on the ocean.

The question is, will Russia in an desperate move use their nukes to defend their positions? Will Iran come to the aid of Syria? This lightening speed military invasion has caught even the advancing Iraqi troops that numbered in the tens of thousands to defend Syria.
As the war advances, Israel has been emboldened to defend the Isis terrorist and have been bombing locations inside Syria to help the terrorist invasion.


The Final Showdown Begins With the Chinese Deep State

by Benjamin Fulford Weekly Newsletter

The secret war for the planet Earth is reaching a crescendo as the Khazarian Mafia desperately tries to derail the Presidency of Donald Trump scheduled for January 20th. In addition to a fake Trump and now a fake Melania at Mar a Largo pretending vaccine murderers will be in charge of US healthcare, there are multiple public and secret wars raging. The aim of course is to keep KM control of the financial system and thus the planet.

The White Hats, for their part, hand delivered a proposal for the take-over of the financial system to the Asian secret societies. This proposal is supported by the US military, the Vatican P3 Freemasons, the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes alliance, the Russians and others. Here is the letter that was delivered (minus contact information) to the Lotus Chinese Freemasons:

Esteemed Sirs and Madams,

This letter is being written to propose a new framework for managing our shared planet and biosphere. The current system is dysfunctional and needs to be replaced. As a species we are now causing the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. At the same time transnational criminals are creating war and terrorism with impunity around the world. These same transnational criminals torture 800,000 children to death every year in sacrifices to Satan. They are the controllers of the privately owned central banks and 90% of transnational corporations.
The White Dragon Society and its Eastern allies are on the verge of removing these people from power. This is what the election of Donald Trump as US president represents.

We are now proposing to set up a world future planning agency to take over the functional parts of the BIS, World Bank, IMF etc. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II negotiated with Asian royals an agreement that from now on our purpose as a species will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life. This would be the driving principle of the agency. As its’ first task, the agency would plan a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

The Western military and industrial complex white hats propose using gold in their possession to finance the agency. The plan is to issue money backed by this gold and split it 50/50 with Asia in order to finance the agencies’ projects while the Asians finance their own humanitarian ventures. We are currently doing due diligence to confirm the gold really exists. If we cannot confirm it, we will need to use a basket of real world commodities to finance the agency. We are happy to accept a Chinese or Asian person as the first head of this agency.

In addition to this, the White Dragon Society proposes replacing the current UN Security Council with a new grouping. The idea would be to have representatives from seven regions decide matters affecting the entire planet by majority vote. The regions proposed are Africa, the Americas (North and South), China, East Asia excluding China but including Oceania, Europe including Russia, India and the Muslim world.

Vetoes would be limited to the region doing the vetoing. So for example, if the majority decided the ban gasoline vehicles, the Muslim world could use its veto to continue producing such vehicles in their region. Each of these regions would also have their own future planning agencies.

The Western Military industrial complex would be subject to this new council and would also be subject to international law under this proposal,
The other proposal is that we start the new world system with a jubilee type event. This would involve a one off cancellation of all debt, public and private as well as a redistribution of assets. The details would have to be negotiated with full participation of the global public.

The US Space Force tells us that if we can reach an agreement on this new system and thus attain world peace, the quarantine this planet is under will be lifted.

This proposal has the support of the US military, The British Commonwealth, The Russians, the Vatican and others. For verification, our US military contact is xxx who can be reached at +xxx, our British contact is xxx at +44 xxxm our Russian Contact is xxx at +7-xxx and our Vatican contact is xxx at +39-xxx

We look forward to your response. Respectfully yours.

By the way, the Lotus Freemasons are big Trump fans and have their own X page:

In any case, if a deal along these lines is not reached, the Western white hats will declare war on the Chinese deep state. There are already signs a major showdown is taking place in East Asia. China has sent a fleet of 10,000 “fishing boats” with their GPS turned off to the Japanese-held Senkaku Islands. The corporate media is refusing to report on this.

Also, sources close to the Japanese imperial family say all the members of the Rothschild family have fled to Japan and Taiwan and are seeking protection from Asian royals.

They fled following the murder in Los Angeles of Will de Rothschild, a member of the Satanic French branch of that family. This means a confrontation with the Chinese deep state based in Taiwan and the Japanese deep state is now inevitable. The first target will be their

Evergreen human, drugs, weapons, etc. network. Remember Evergreen from the container ship that blocked the Suez Canal? This was stopped and raided by white hat special forces to rescue children being transported in containers and to stop a planned mass casualty event in Europe, Pentagon sources say.

The character Dexter alluded to this company in his TV show (now available on Netflix) when he said “I don’t like this place, Something nameless lives here, something that comes from the deepest darkest hole…” Look at the screenshots of when he said this:

Before we dig more into this, though, we are glad to report we have heard from the real John F Kennedy Jr. The one who died in the plane crash was the illegitimate son of Aristotle Onassis who played the public persona of JFK Jr. before being killed, he says.

castle rock


by David Wilcock TG

Explosive: Ukraine uses U.S. missiles to strike Russia, igniting Putin’s nuclear doctrine! NATO and the U.S. are now in the crosshairs of Russian nuclear retaliation.

The unthinkable has happened. Ukraine, armed with advanced Western weaponry, has officially struck deep into Russian territory. Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded with an ominous declaration, invoking his newly signed nuclear doctrine. This escalation has shattered global stability, bringing the world perilously close to all-out nuclear war.

Putin has made it clear: any nation that aids Ukraine in attacks on Russian soil is now a legitimate target for nuclear retaliation. The era of conventional warfare is over. Welcome to the age of nuclear brinkmanship, where every decision could be humanity’s last.

THE ATTACK THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING In a shocking escalation, Ukraine used U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles to strike Russian targets. This is not just a military milestone—it’s a seismic geopolitical shift. For the Kremlin, it’s an act of war not just by Ukraine, but by NATO itself.

Russia’s response was immediate. Putin declared the strikes a violation of Russia’s red lines, invoking his new nuclear doctrine that categorizes such aggression as a joint attack by Ukraine and its Western backers. The fallout from this declaration could engulf the entire globe in a nuclear nightmare.

PUTIN’S NUCLEAR DOCTRINE: THE NEW RULES OF WAR Putin has obliterated decades of nuclear restraint. His doctrine is ruthless:

Any aggression on Russian territory involving Western-supplied weapons will justify nuclear retaliation.

This extends to any nation that supplied the weapons.

The United States, Germany, Poland, and other NATO countries arming Ukraine could now find themselves in Russia’s nuclear crosshairs. This doctrine transforms Ukraine’s battlefield into a global flashpoint, making every NATO ally a potential target.

BIDEN’S CALCULATION: THE PRICE OF SUPPORTING UKRAINE Biden now faces a grim choice. His administration has supplied billions in advanced weapons, including the ATACMS missiles that triggered this crisis. Does Biden double down, risking direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed Russia? Or does he scale back support, risking weakness and betrayal of NATO’s principles?

Every move could tip the balance toward global conflict. Biden faces the most critical decision of his presidency—one that could define the future of the free world or plunge it into chaos.

NATO: FROM DEFENSE TO TARGET By approving Ukraine’s strikes on Russian soil, NATO has moved closer to direct confrontation with Russia. Moscow’s declaration that it is “at war” with NATO leaves little room for ambiguity. NATO’s survival now hangs by a thread. The alliance faces an existential choice: escalate or risk collapse.

A GLOBAL NIGHTMARE UNFOLDS The ripple effects are already felt. In Asia, China reassesses its ambitions. In the Middle East, Iran and North Korea recalibrate their nuclear programs. Global markets collapse, and uncertainty reigns supreme.

This is no longer just a European crisis—it’s a global reckoning that threatens to unravel the international order. Every nation is living in the shadow of what could become the deadliest conflict in human history.

THE CLOCK IS TICKING: IS THERE A WAY OUT? Diplomatic efforts have stalled, and both sides stand firm. The margin for error is razor-thin. Missteps now could escalate the crisis into a global catastrophe.

Humanity stands at the crossroads. Putin’s declaration of “Nuclear Checkmate” is a chilling reminder of how fragile peace is. The decisions made in the coming days will decide whether humanity steps back from the brink—or plunges into the abyss.

deep state corruption

Operation Castle Rock

by David Wilcock TG

We are in the midst of the most significant military operation in history, and it’s about to reach a critical point. Since March 2020, the United States has been under the control of a federalized National Guard, supported by the US Navy, Coast Guard, and a global military alliance. This isn’t just another operation; this is Operation Castle Rock—a covert military action aimed at exposing corruption and restoring justice.

Phase One is Complete. The military has successfully trapped the corrupt Washington establishment, and now we are moving into Phase Two.

The Supreme Court has already made its decision on the Brunson vs. Adams case, which is set to blow the lid off the 2020 Election fraud. Congress’s failure to investigate the widespread voter fraud is about to bring down the entire Biden administration and all of Congress.

A trusted military source has leaked that within the next few weeks, the Supreme Court will announce the government’s shutdown and its replacement. Are you ready for the Great Comeback? The global media is prepping for Disclosure Day, where GESARA’s principles, the largest wealth transfer in human history, and the new global economic system will be revealed. This synchronized broadcast will reach billions, utilizing the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to deliver the truth to the masses.

Get ready for 10 days of communication darkness. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close, ATMs and credit cards will stop working, and you’ll need at least three weeks of food and water. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry—the military has your back and will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of freedom and justice.

Operation Castle Rock is also bringing justice to those who have committed treason. Military tribunals are in full swing at GITMO, Diego Garcia, and other secret locations, where the global elite are being tried and sentenced for their crimes against humanity. This operation will restore our nation to the principles of 1776, overturning the corrupt laws of the past and implementing a new system of justice.

Soon, vaccines will be ruled illegal, and Med Bed treatments will become available to heal the damage caused by these toxic injections. The Quantum Financial System will release NESARA/GESARA funds, erasing debts and restoring our economy to the prosperity of the 1950s.

Disclosure Day is coming, and with it, the dawn of a new era of freedom and justice. The world will finally know the truth, and we will witness the greatest comeback in history. Get ready.

biden ww3


by Ben Fulford TG

Joe Biden’s reckless escalation with long-range missile systems for Ukraine has brought the world to the brink of catastrophe. His approval of these weapons is a deliberate move to provoke Russia, destabilize global order, and sabotage Donald Trump’s imminent return to the White House.

Biden’s actions are calculated, serving the globalist elites who profit from endless war. His approval of Ukraine’s use of U.S.-supplied ATACMS to strike Russian targets is not about defense—it’s about forcing Russia into retaliation, risking nuclear war. These missiles, capable of striking deep into Russian territory, are a direct provocation. Russian President Vladimir Putin has already signaled his readiness to respond aggressively, with reports suggesting potential retaliatory strikes targeting NATO infrastructure.

This isn’t just reckless—it’s treasonous. Biden is gambling with the lives of millions to serve the war-driven economy of his handlers. Meanwhile, Trump stands as the last hope for peace and stability.


Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 election sent shockwaves through the establishment. His commitment to ending the Ukraine war within 24 hours threatens everything the military-industrial complex stands for. Trump’s proven track record of diplomacy—whether negotiating with North Korea or brokering peace in the Middle East—proves he can deliver.

Unlike Biden, Trump prioritizes people over profit. His strategy is clear: pull U.S. weapons out of the equation, force direct negotiations between Putin and Zelensky, and broker a deal that ensures long-term stability. Trump’s post-election talks with both leaders are already paving the way for peace.


Biden’s actions have not only endangered the world but have left America in ruins. Skyrocketing inflation, a depleted military, and a government obsessed with foreign wars have weakened the nation. Biden’s legacy is one of betrayal—of America and humanity.


The choice is clear. Trump represents peace, prosperity, and strength. Biden represents chaos, war, and destruction. Every action by Biden brings us closer to global disaster. It’s time for the American people to unite behind Trump and demand an end to this madness.

The stakes have never been higher. The time to act is now. Stand with Trump. Fight for peace. Save humanity.


JFK’s $4 Billion Bombshell: The Executive Order That Declared War on the Federal Reserve

by David Wilcock TG

The shocking truth: With Executive Order 11110, John F. Kennedy made the boldest move in modern history—challenging the Federal Reserve and its grip on America’s economy. His audacious attempt to free the U.S. from financial enslavement came at a cost—his life. They’ve buried this story for decades, but it’s time to uncover the truth.

The Day JFK Took on the Financial Elite

On June 4, 1963, JFK signed Executive Order 11110, authorizing the U.S. Treasury to issue $4 billion in debt-free silver-backed notes. This wasn’t just policy; it was a revolution—a declaration of financial independence that struck fear into the heart of the banking elite. By bypassing the Federal Reserve, Kennedy threatened to dismantle the debt-driven system that had controlled the nation since 1913.

What Happened Next Was No Coincidence

Less than six months later, on November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated. The official story claims it was a “lone gunman,” but does anyone still believe that? His death came right as his bold reforms were set to take root. The silver-backed notes were quietly pulled from circulation, and no president since has dared to challenge the Fed.

The Federal Reserve: America’s Invisible Master

Since its creation, the Federal Reserve—a private entity, not a government institution—has monopolized America’s money supply. Every dollar printed by the Fed comes with debt and interest, chaining the nation to perpetual financial slavery. Kennedy’s move wasn’t just a threat to their profits; it was a declaration that America didn’t need them.

Why JFK’s Plan Terrified the Establishment

Kennedy’s actions posed three existential threats:

Loss of Control: By issuing debt-free currency, he exposed the Fed’s irrelevance.

Loss of Profits: The elite would no longer rake in billions from interest.

Risk of Precedent: If JFK succeeded, future leaders might follow his lead.

Kennedy wasn’t just signing a piece of paper—he was challenging the most entrenched power structure in America.

The Chilling Message of November 22, 1963

JFK’s assassination wasn’t random; it was a warning. His death solidified the Federal Reserve’s dominance, as no president since has dared to touch their empire. The national debt has soared to unimaginable levels, enriching the same elites Kennedy sought to oppose.

The Silence Speaks Volumes

Have you ever seen this story in your history books? Of course not. The powers that be don’t want you to know. They’ve erased Executive Order 11110 from the mainstream narrative because it reveals the truth about who really controls America.

JFK’s Legacy: A Call to Action

Kennedy’s fight wasn’t just about money—it was about freedom. He dreamed of an America unshackled from the chains of debt, where the government worked for the people, not the elite. His vision remains a beacon of hope, a reminder that real change is possible—but only if we demand it.

Ask Yourself:

Why does a private entity control America’s money supply?

What would happen if we reclaimed economic sovereignty?

How much longer will we allow this system to exploit us?

JFK showed us that the fight is worth it. It’s up to us to ensure his dream doesn’t die.

The storm is coming. Are you ready?

vaxx DNA


by E friend Q

DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines isn’t just speculation—it’s confirmed. Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults, a leading biomedical scientist, conducted an experiment proving that DNA fragments in these vaccines can integrate into normal human cells. The implications? Genomic disruption and potential long-term health risks, including cancer.

Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, already called for halting mRNA vaccines, citing these risks. Yet most regulators dismiss the danger, ignoring mounting evidence and voices from experts worldwide.

Dr. Buckhaults demonstrated that plasmid DNA in mRNA vaccines persists in human cells, potentially altering their genome. He stated:

“We grew normal human epithelial stem cells, vaccinated them, and after a month, found fragments of plasmid DNA integrated into their genomic DNA.”

This isn’t hypothetical. His lab results validate concerns raised since 2023 by scientists like Dr. Kevin McKernan. The spike protein’s presence in vaccinated individuals’ blood for months, even years, adds to the alarm.

Other research suggests mRNA vaccines themselves might integrate into human DNA. In Italy, researchers discovered vaccine-induced genetic changes linked to persistent spike protein production and Long Covid symptoms.

Turbo-Cancer Risks? Experts warn these DNA fragments could trigger rapid cancer formation. Over 50 academics demand an immediate stop to mRNA vaccine programs. Yet, silence prevails from global health regulators.

This isn’t about safety anymore—it’s about control. They knew. They ignored. Are we lab rats in the biggest experiment ever? Stay vigilant. Share the truth. The storm is here.


Foreign Intel: NATO To Deploy 100,000 “Peacekeeper” Troops into Ukraine??

Foreign Intelligence: in the absence of prospects for inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield , NATO is increasingly leaning towards the need to freeze the Ukrainian conflict in order to restore the combat capability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for an attempt at revenge.

NATO is already setting up training centers in Ukraine, where it is expected to train at least a million mobilized Ukrainians , and is also actively working with Western military-industrial companies, demanding investment and sending specialists and equipment to Ukraine.

The West will solve these problems under the guise of deploying a “peacekeeping contingent” in the country. In essence, Ukraine will be occupied: its northern regions, including the capital region, will become the UK zone, the center and east of the country – Germany, the western regions – Poland, the Black Sea coast – Romania. In total, it is planned to introduce 100 thousand “peacekeepers” to Ukraine.

Does Russia need such a “peaceful” settlement option? The answer is obvious.

This would do exactly, precisely, what Russia went to war to stop: It would put NATO troops into Ukraine territory.

It seems, on its face, Russia simply cannot allow this.

It appears to many people that if NATO attempts this, direct conflict between NATO and Russia will immediately ensue, with all the horrifying consequences such a move brings.

It seems quite clear to most educated observers that NATO wants Ukraine and it isn’t going to stop until it gets it.  Nuclear war be damned.

The spoiled brat children of NATO want what they want.

Emergency NOTAMs

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations | Special NOTAM

by Hal Turner

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has just issued a bulletin telling citizens to prepare for emergencies by preparing an ’emergency bag’ with survival food, water, and medicines to Survive in conflict zones or high risk areas.”

More as I get it . . . .  11:46 PM   29 November 2024


[Q] is a United States Military Counter-Intelligence Operation

Working hand-in-hand with the President of the United States. Some could easily argue that Donald J. Trump was hand chosen years ago by the United States Military to aid them in this critical and historic operation [Q] is not a single person, but a team of high-ranking persons with [“Q”] level security clearance, executing operations that have been planned for many years (the plan).

Some of the objectives are: A) A massive information dissemination program meant to 1) expose massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people. 2) Cause the people to research further to aid further in their “great awakening”. B) Root Out Corruption, Fraud and Human Rights Violations Worldwide. C) Return the Republic of the United States to the Constitutional rule of law and also return “the People” worldwide to their own rule. In short, the [Q] Operation is the Greatest Criminal Sting and Anti-Treason/Sedition Event in World History.

It certainly does appear that we as a country are Lawfully Living Out The Declaration of Independence once again. Due to the Classified nature of much of the Information/Evidence [Q] team holds, they can not just come right out with it, however, they can drop breadcrumbs that the people, often the 8chan “Anons”, can dig into and help us all discover the truth.

Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring [Q] as well.Therefore, some of the information [Q] drops is strategically MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION . Think Military game theory and “THE ART OF WAR” by Sun Tzu. Sure, none of us want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause “We The People” no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare. Military planning at its finest!

The Storm Is Upon Us

trump revolutions

The Trump Revolutions

by Peter Novak

A huge sea-change is taking place in the world. It is not an illusion and it is not going to be reversed. And it is only at its earliest beginnings. This will affect politics, yes, but also, and probably even moreso, society’s underlying culture. Humanity’s shared outlook and opinion on a great many things is about to change rather dramatically. This will create much confusion and disorientation over the next two years.

We know this change is coming, not only from the current headlines about Trump’s cabinet, but also from the astrology, from what is happening right now in the geometry of the planets whizzing around above our heads. A huge sea-change is taking place among the Outer Planets right now. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are ALL preparing to change signs, pretty much all at the same time.

This coordination among the Outer Planets is very rare, very special, and very powerful. And the first domino to fall is Pluto, falling into Aquarius, which happened Nov. 19th.

Pluto enters Aquarius Neptune enters Aries, Saturn enters Aries, Jupiter enters Cancer Uranus enters Gemini; November 19 2024, March 30 2025, May 24 2025, June 9 2025, July 7 2025.

Politically, this is a very good time to be on the side that is seeking changes in the geopolitical status quo, and a very bad time to be on the side that is fighting against such changes.

The Republicans are on the side of history right now.

The Democrats have chosen political extinction.


Official Statement from the White Hats | Trust the Plan | God Wins

The Alarm Has Sounded | Will You Heed the Call?

The White Hats have stepped forward with a thunderous declaration: the battle against the Deep State has reached a critical moment, and the time to act is NOW. They promise to expose the web of corruption strangling the nation, revealing truths that will shake the world to its core. This is no ordinary announcement; it’s a rallying cry for patriots to unite and take a stand.

The Deep State’s Grip | A Threat to Humanity

For decades, whispers of the Deep State were dismissed as conspiracy. But now, the White Hats confirm its existence—a secretive cabal infiltrating governments, controlling media, and manipulating societies worldwide. Their goal? Total domination. The White Hats vow to dismantle this shadowy force, pulling it into the light for all to see.

A Storm Is Brewing

The White Hats’ chilling words echo: “BIG STORM IS ON THE WAY.” While the details remain cryptic, the implications are undeniable a reckoning of monumental scale is approaching. This is not the time to sit back; this is the time to prepare and unite under the banner of truth and freedom.

Faith, Freedom, and Unyielding Resolve

The White Hats have drawn a line in the sand. They’re not just fighting for political power but for the soul of humanity. Armed with faith in God and the unwavering belief that righteousness will prevail, they promise a future where freedom triumphs over tyranny.

The Call to Action

Patriots, this is your moment. The White Hats are issuing a direct challenge to all who believe in justice: stand up, speak out, and join the fight. Together, they claim, we can overcome the darkness and emerge stronger than ever before.

Trust the Plan | God Wins

FR Crash


by Private Q Evidence

BOOOM!!! Hidden from public view, Donald Trump has reportedly signed secret executive orders targeting the Federal Reserve and global banking systems. A monumental financial revolution is brewing, set to shatter the foundations of the current world order.

The Federal Reserve, established in 1913, has long been seen as a guardian of the economy, but whispers of corruption, manipulation, and elitism have grown louder. Enter Trump, the disruptor, with a mission to expose and dismantle the systems that have enslaved nations under debt and control.

A Financial Earthquake: The Federal Reserve Under Fire

Rumors suggest Trump’s orders aim to disrupt and rebuild the Federal Reserve. This is no ordinary shakeup—it’s a seismic shift. The system that has dictated global finance for over a century could soon be replaced by a new financial architecture rooted in transparency, fairness, and sovereignty.

Global Banking Systems: The Next Domino

Trump’s plan reportedly extends beyond U.S. borders, targeting the entire global banking network. Wall Street titans, European moguls, and other financial elites are scrambling as their power structures face collapse. The ripple effects are already being felt—this could be the dawn of a new world financial order.

Strategic Precision: Trump’s Stealthy Moves

While mainstream narratives focus elsewhere, Trump’s network of allies works methodically and under the radar. The chessboard is set, and the pieces are moving toward a financial revolution that will rewrite history.

What Does This Mean for You?

For everyday citizens, this could mean freedom from the stranglehold of inflation, manipulation, and centralized banking. For investors, the shift may create volatility but also unparalleled opportunities in emerging systems like blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi).

The Hidden Truth: Trust in the Plan

A grand design is unfolding, revealing secrets hidden in plain sight. The elites’ grip on power is loosening, and a new era is on the horizon. Stay vigilant, keep your eyes open, and remember: you have more than you know.

The Revolution Has Begun

Prepare for a new financial dawn. Trump’s bold actions will resonate across the globe, sparking liberation and seismic change. The system they built to control us is crumbling—justice and freedom are within reach.

It’s happening. Stay ready. The future is ours.


From Tribunals to Clones: The Illusions Hiding in Plain Sight!

by Private Q Evidence

Clones. Doubles. Actors. Transvestites. The lines between real and unreal blur like never before. Are our leaders and celebrities truly who they claim to be, or are we living in a world of fabricated identities? Dive into the rabbit hole—the truth will shatter your perception of reality.

Clones, Doubles, and Tribunals: The Hidden Agenda

Reports are emerging of secret Military Tribunals, allegedly authorized by Trump in 2019, targeting high-level treason and crimes against humanity. These tribunals, shrouded in secrecy, suggest many public figures may have been quietly removed and replaced by clones, doubles, or synthetic beings. The goal? To keep the illusion alive while the public remains in the dark.

The Types of Replacements They Don’t Want You to Know About

Clones: Created in controlled labs, these are genetically identical copies, engineered to perfection to replace real individuals.

Synthetic People: Manufactured with precision, these beings mimic humans but are created using synthetic tissues.

Organic Robotoids: A chilling hybrid of technology and biology, designed to act and think like their originals.

Doubles (Look-alikes): Handpicked or surgically altered individuals who stand in for notable figures, fooling even the closest observers.

A World of Deception

Every public appearance, every speech, every move—is it real, or an illusion? From holographic projections to CGI manipulations, the elite have harnessed technology to deceive on a scale unimaginable. Politicians, celebrities, even news anchors—are they real or cleverly placed doubles?

Clues Hiding in Plain Sight

Pay attention: subtle facial differences, mismatched voices, or sudden changes in behavior are red flags. These are the cracks in the façade. As the illusions grow more sophisticated, only those who question everything will uncover the truth.

The Question is Simple: Who Do You Trust?

Are you watching real people or puppets in a sinister game? The age of deception is upon us. As the web of lies unravels, the revelations will be monumental. Stay vigilant, question everything, and prepare for what’s coming. The truth isn’t just stranger than fiction—it’s more terrifying than you can imagine.

Eyes Open. The Veil is Lifting.

the storm

The storm with lightning above the sea at sunset


The storm has arrived. QAnon’s long-awaited military operation is crushing the deep state in a coordinated takedown. NOW IS THE TIME to stand united as the truth emerges. This isn’t a drill—it’s the fight for humanity’s future.


The patriots are taking back control. Years of whispers about deep state manipulation are now undeniable truths. A military coup is in motion, dismantling the corrupt network that has enslaved humanity.


Starlink is prepared to activate the Emergency Broadcast Signal (EBS) globally. Every phone, every device—no one will escape the truth. This is the beginning of the end for the deep state. What you see on TV is optics, staged to prevent mass panic. But make no mistake: the swamp is draining, and society as we know it is about to transform.


President Trump’s promise to drain the swamp wasn’t a slogan—it was a mission. This takedown targets not just corrupt politicians but the global network of elites pulling the strings. High-profile arrests are imminent. GITMO is operational, and tribunals are on the horizon.


The deep state is desperate, resorting to advanced tech—deep fakes, clones, body doubles—to maintain their facade. Many so-called “leaders” are no longer alive, their roles played by technology to deceive the public. But NCSWIC: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


The guilty—politicians, CEOs, celebrities—are being rounded up. Their crimes against humanity will be judged in military tribunals. The deep state’s empire is crumbling, and they know it.


This battle is about more than politics—it’s about freeing humanity from the chains of corruption. Stay vigilant. The truth will soon shatter the illusions created by the elites.


We are witnessing the end of the deep state’s reign. The purge is here, but the best is yet to come. Patriots, hold the line. Victory is near.


us military rescue children


by the 17th Letter


There will be so many operations that will hit MSM news stations, social media networks of police raids operations that are rescuing children through the United States.

These very very important open police operations will coincide with military operations and ALLIANCE operations that will bring in the ALARM on child trafficking, through the next 10 months on the highest levels humans have ever heard of human child trafficking.

This open operations WILL connect with the CONGRESS/ MUSK/ TRUMP/ROGAN/ RFKJR  several top podcasters around the world EXPOSING the REAL pandemic, human/child trafficking sex Industries connected to elites, governments, entertainment and Deep State military

As U.S. CONGRESS has plans to PUSH the EPSTEIN exposure files, the CIA, FBI is in sheer PANIC as the EVENT comes closer.

Currently SOUND OF FREEDOM is going world wide as billionaires Alliance in EU push for the EXPOSURE and pave the way for the movie to hit world wide from UK . To Australia and more…

White hats are planning a massive move that WILLRed-pill the world on a fast grand scale operation. This all connects with the EXPOSURE of UKRAINE. BIDEN. HUNTERS LAPTOP EPSTEIN, GHISLAINE MAXWELL, MI6, CIA, Mossad UN EXPOSURE (Why do you think they kept Ghislaine Maxwell alive and the CIA. Clintons. ROCKEFELLERS can’t retrieve her, get her set free or kill her?

Who has the Epstein computers, servers data and FULL info? Most don’t know but the U.S. military special forces breached Epstein Island weeks before the FBI raided the island.

If your watching closely, you are seeing True EXPOSURE of OBAMA exposed by his own Biographer who said Obama talked of Making love to men. Even Whistleblowers came forward of his gay activities dating back before he was president.

This non-coincidental events are leading up to full exposure of Obamas secret life, his marriage.

Everything will connect to how the democratic leaders and party and CIA Programmed the world into a gay agenda that was planned back in the 1960s and even connects to public water (what’s in the water?)

The exposure of Justin Trudeau and his family heritage and linings are connected to CIA operations and honey traps. His own mother was CIA created prostitute at the young age of 15 and had sex with Rolling Stones and famous people and politicians, by the age of 18 she married Justin Trudeau father’s Pierre Trudeau who was in his 50s.

(Who was a pedophile himself) and both had Swingers parties and orgies through the world with politicians and Elites. The month that Justin Trudeau was born his family was just a hundred miles from Fidel Castro’ and the Trudeaus blocked all media on a secret weekend they went to  Cuba (this is facts and and has been reported).

In this very moment JUSTIN TRUDEAU was conceived  and it was well-known that Pierre Trudeau was infertile and never had children even into his 50s.

Months later after Justin Trudeau was born he was introduced to his real father Fidel Castro and photos were taken.

Its well known in the CIA . and top level Intel agencies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was CIA handled and was used also as an elite male prostitute as Was Justin Trudeau who was a male prostitute for the elites and was used in sex honeypot Deep State OPERATIONS and BLACKMAILED his way to the top through CIA/MI6 control ops to become prime minister.

It’s also well known the CIA/George H.W. BUSH also used Obama as a prostitute and Obama was created long ago to become president, and use black communities as voters to sustain power for CIA.

New Updates

Quarantine On Planet Earth About to be Lifted

Benjamin Fulford November 25, 2024

The quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be lifted, according to Secret Space Program and Asian Secret Society sources. Humans will be allowed to explore and colonize other planets and the universe as soon as the final Satanic presence is removed from this world, the sources say. This came up at a meeting on Sunday between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Asian secret societies. Of course, as always is the case with such talk, believe it when you see it.

However, there can be no doubt this planet is under quarantine. As a child, I remember being highly inspired by the Apollo moon landings. We were told we would be visiting Mars by the mid-1970s. Then everything suddenly stopped. Even now, every time Elon Musk tries to send a rocket to Mars, it gets blown up before it can leave the planet.

It turns out NASA is just a movie production company pretending to explore space so that it can swindle money from US taxpayers. NASA themselves admitted they are phony when they had a press conference to say they might have discovered a way to get through the ionosphere; the electric barrier surrounding the earth. Since you would have to get through the ionosphere to go to the moon, they basically admitted the moon landings were fake.

What came up at the East/West meeting and from other sources is that the planet is under quarantine because entities that survive by harvesting the life force from human and animal sacrifices have been cornered on this planet and are now being eliminated. Once they are fully eliminated, the quarantine will be lifted, or so they say.

Anyway, back to the here now news, the Khazarian mafia is still busy fighting for survival using a fake Donald Trump holding court at Mar a Largo. The head of MI6 and other sources say this is an operation being run by Elon Musk and Leo Zagami.

In their latest ruse, they put out an announcement that “Trump” had selected Scott Bessent to lead the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Supposedly a homosexual who made all his money from George Soros who “lives in Charleston with his husband and two children,” and who is a member of a Satanic Yale secret society is now in charge of the US dollar.

Never mind that Bennet hosted a fundraiser for Al Gore and has also donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Then there was the announcement Trump appointed “COVID contrarian” Dr. Martin Makary to lead the Food & Drug Administration. Never mind that Makary was telling pregnant women to take the toxic mRNA shots as late as 2023.

The photo below of Anthony Fauci with his wife shows you exactly what sort of swamp creatures we are dealing with.

If you believe the real Donald Trump nominated these people, then I have some real estate on the moon I would like to sell to you.

In addition to trying to fool us with a fake Trump cabinet, the Satanists have been once again busy trying to start World War III and kill most of us. As has been widely reported, they started shooting long-range missiles into Russia for this very purpose.

Then they activated their network in Russia to try to fan the flames of all-out thermo-nuclear war. Thus Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said: “If the escalation scenario continues to unfold, it won’t be possible to exclude anything because NATO countries have in fact joined the conflict.”

There used to be a photograph of Medvedev making a Satanic hand sign when meeting Putin but it seems to have been removed from the internet. Nonetheless, he is a known Satanic agent.

The real Russian government, however, is fully aware of the Khazarian Mafia plot to start WWIII and kill 90% of humanity so they were not fooled into attacking a NATO country. Instead, they demonstrated a very devastating non-nuclear weapon inside Ukraine.

MI6 confirms that, after the Russian missile counter-attack, there was a hysterical attempt inside NATO to use this as an excuse for retaliation with nuclear weapons. Again though, cooler heads prevailed.

Secret Space force sources affiliated with the real Donald Trump at Cheyenne Mountain promise to take action soon against the frauds at Mar a Largo and NATO.


Evidence that Donald Trump May in Fact be the Commander In Chief of Our Republic

by E

Evidence that Donald Trump may in fact be the Commander In Chief of our Republic and has been since elected to office in 2016 – per federal laws & orders.


the declaration activates specific statutes that grant the executive branch additional powers or flexibility to address the emergency.

during a national emergency, numerous laws provide the President with special authorities, including economic, trade and military. emergencies enable the reallocation of funds or resources to address the crisis.

SINCE SEPTEMBER 12, 2018, the following Federal Statutes provided Donald Trump special authorities:

• National Emergencies Act (NEA): Framework for declaring, conducting, and terminating national emergencies.

• International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA): Allows the President to regulate commerce after declaring a national emergency with respect to any unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. interests.

• Stafford Act: Authorizes the President to provide federal assistance for state and local governments in the event of disasters.

• Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA): Gives authority over foreign assets and financial transactions during emergencies.

• Defense Production Act: Empowers the President to prioritize and control the allocation of strategic resources, including production and distribution for national defense.

• Public Health Service Act: Grants authority for public health emergencies, including managing and responding to outbreaks.

• War Powers Resolution: during a national emergency where the security of the homeland is threatened – the President’s military-related authorities are significantly expanded to include:

1.) Deployment of Forces:

     • National Guard: Use the National Guard under federal control (Title 10 status) for domestic operations if authorized by Congress or under certain emergency statutes.

     • Active Duty Military: Deploy active duty forces within the U.S. for national defense purposes, though this is highly regulated due to the Posse Comitatus Act, which restricts the military’s role in domestic law enforcement.

2.) Mobilization:

     • Reservists: Call up reserve components of the military for active duty.

     • Civilian Personnel: Activate civilians with military experience or skills through various emergency powers.

3.) Command and Control:

     • Unified Command: Establish unified command structures for responding to the emergency, potentially integrating various branches of military, federal, state, and local agencies.

4.) Defense Production:

     • Invoke the Defense Production Act to prioritize production and allocation of resources necessary for defense and emergency response, including directing private sector companies.

5.) Infrastructure Protection:

     • Deploy military engineers and units to protect or repair critical infrastructure.

6.) Airspace and Maritime Control:

     • Control airspace, potentially including establishing no-fly zones.

     • Maritime interdiction or control of ports and waterways if necessary.

7.) Cyber and Space Operations:

     • Engage in defensive and offensive cyber operations if the threat involves cyber attacks.

     • Utilize space assets for surveillance, communication, and other strategic purposes.

8.) Border Security:

     • Enhance border security measures, including military support, if the threat involves border integrity.

9.) Continuity of Government (COG):

     • Implement COG plans to ensure the continuity of essential functions of government during a crisis.

10.) Emergency Legislation:

     • Request and potentially receive special legislative authority from Congress to act more decisively or with broader powers.


and you thought he’d just walk away..

dollar devaluation

Rothschild-Controlled Central Banks

by GAR Team

For over a century, Rothschild-controlled central banks have played a pivotal role in shaping the global financial landscape, gradually diminishing the purchasing power of currencies worldwide. By implementing policies that lead to inflation and debt cycles, these central banks have systematically eroded the value of national currencies. This practice ensures that wealth and resources flow toward a centralized elite, consolidating their power and influence over economies and governments.

The mechanism is straightforward yet insidious. By controlling the issuance and supply of money, central banks create inflationary environments where the cost of living rises while the real value of earnings and savings declines. Simultaneously, governments and citizens are pushed into cycles of borrowing, with interest payments benefiting these financial institutions. Over time, this system weakens the financial independence of nations and individuals, increasing dependency on centralized banking systems.

This approach has far-reaching consequences. For ordinary people, diminished purchasing power means struggling to keep up with rising costs for basic necessities like food, housing, and healthcare. For nations, it translates into growing debt burdens, often resulting in reduced sovereignty as they rely on international loans and financial institutions controlled by this small, powerful group.

The result is a financial system that favors the elite at the expense of the majority. The concentration of economic power allows this “little club” to exert tremendous influence over policy decisions, markets, and even geopolitical dynamics, ensuring their interests are prioritized above all else.

Exposing and addressing these practices is essential for breaking free from this cycle. By advocating for decentralized financial systems, alternative currencies, and economic policies that prioritize the well-being of the many over the few, individuals and nations can reclaim their financial sovereignty and work toward a more equitable global economy.

Hollywood Pedo

BOMBSHELL! Hollywood, Deep State, and Epstein’s “Island” Exposed!

by Mel Gibson TG

A global network of corruption, pedophilia, and trafficking ties the Hollywood elite, major corporations, politicians, and even the Vatican to dark forces within the Deep State. Epstein’s infamous “Pedophile Island” wasn’t just a secret retreat; it was the hub of an international trafficking ring.

Child Trafficking: A Deep State Operation

For decades, Hollywood, the CIA, and global elites have been implicated in horrifying networks of child trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. The names connected to these crimes are staggering: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Clinton, Podesta, and countless others who operate above the law.

Fiona Barrett’s Shocking Testimony

In a courageous 2015 press conference, Fiona Barrett—a survivor of satanic abuse—named high-profile perpetrators, including former Australian Prime Ministers, U.S. Presidents, and Hollywood stars. She described heinous rituals involving the murder of women and children, blood sacrifices, and dark satanic communions.

The Sickening Ties to Power

Hollywood moguls: Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey, and more.

Corporations: Disney, Nike, and global brands allegedly fund trafficking networks.

Political figures: Clinton, Obama, and global leaders linked to Epstein’s guest lists.

Why No One Talks About This

The system is rigged. From MK Ultra mind control to media blackouts, the Deep State ensures these crimes stay hidden. With billions at stake, whistleblowers are silenced, and survivors are ignored.

The Fight for Justice

This isn’t just about exposing crimes—it’s about rescuing the children and dismantling the Deep State. The names, the connections, the evidence—it’s all surfacing. Arrests are rumored, and truth-seekers are forcing the elite into a corner.

Ask Yourself:

Why hasn’t anyone sued over these accusations?

Why do the same names keep surfacing?

The storm is here. The truth cannot be hidden. We fight for the innocent, no matter the cost.

JFK assassination

BREAKING: The Explosive Truth Behind JFK’s Assassination! 61 Years Ago Today on November 22, 1963

Lies, Conspiracies, and the Shocking Secret They Don’t Want You to Know!

by Private Q Evidence

The official story of JFK’s assassination is a joke. Lone gunman? Magic bullets? Spare us. The 35th President of the United States was taken out in broad daylight 61 years ago today—but by who? And more importantly, why?

The Deep State Pulled the Trigger JFK openly challenged the shadow government. In his infamous speech, he called out “a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” and declared war on secret societies. He was dismantling their power: exposing the CIA, pulling us out of Vietnam, and standing against the military-industrial complex. The result? He became their number-one target.

They didn’t just kill him—they laughed in our faces by putting Allen Dulles, the CIA chief JFK fired, on the Warren Commission to “investigate” the assassination. That’s like asking the murderer to write the autopsy report.

Zionist Forces: The Nuclear Showdown JFK was a threat to Israel’s nuclear ambitions. He demanded inspections of Dimona, angering Zionist leaders who saw him as an obstacle. His death cleared the way for Lyndon B. Johnson, who took a much softer stance. Coincidence? Think again.

The CIA’s Revenge JFK vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces.” They weren’t having it. The agency, skilled in toppling governments and orchestrating assassinations, had everything to gain from his death. Vietnam was a goldmine for them—JFK wanted out. Dead presidents don’t stop wars.

BOOM: Did JFK Fake His Death? Some believe JFK staged his death, entering a secret program to fight his enemies from the shadows. Reports of “sightings” and cryptic documents keep this wild theory alive. Sounds crazy, but ask yourself: Would the same forces that silenced him let us know the truth?

The Warren Commission: A Mockery of Justice The “magic bullet theory” is the biggest insult of all. A single bullet piercing JFK, twisting, and striking multiple times? Pure fiction. They expect us to swallow this lie because exposing the truth would unravel their entire web.

Why It Still Matters This isn’t just history; it’s a warning. The forces that silenced JFK still manipulate the world today. If they could kill a president, what else can they do?

Demand the Truth The time for silence is over. The lies surrounding JFK’s death have poisoned America’s trust in its leaders. Who killed him? The deep state? Zionists? The CIA? Or something even darker? One thing’s for sure—the official story is a cover-up.

The truth is buried, but the cracks are showing. It’s time to expose the culprits and reclaim our freedom. JFK’s assassination wasn’t just murder—it was a coup. Will you stand by, or will you demand justice? The choice is yours. The time for truth is NOW.


DUMBs Raided in Unprecedented Global Military Operations

Millions of Children Rescued, Dark Secrets of the Elite Exposed!

by Private Q Evidence

The storm is here, and the veil of secrecy is ripping apart. Military Alliances worldwide have launched coordinated strikes on Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), uncovering the most horrific operations imaginable: child trafficking, grotesque human experiments, and genetic abominations.

Global DUMB Network Exposed: This isn’t just about isolated locations. A labyrinth of underground facilities has been uncovered beneath major cities like Paris, Beijing, Berlin, and Dubai. These hubs operated as command centers for trafficking, organ harvesting, and experimental programs run by the global elite.

Zurich’s Hidden Tunnels: Beneath Switzerland’s financial heart, elite institutions like the IMF and World Bank are implicated in a network used for trafficking humans, black-market organs, and adrenochrome. Advanced transport systems were found, linking this operation to a global web of corruption.

Nevada’s Cloning Nightmare: Raids in the Nevada desert revealed a fortified DUMB filled with cloning vats and biogenetic labs. Hybrid organisms—part human, part animal—were discovered, intended as bioengineered slaves. Whistleblowers suggest these abominations were overseen by Deep State bioengineers aiming to create “enhanced” operatives for elite use.

Mexico Border Tunnels: Late October raids unearthed a sprawling network connecting Central America to the U.S. Over 700 trafficked women and children were freed. Evidence linked Hollywood elites and high-ranking political figures to this cartel-run operation.

Central Park Ritual Chambers: Beneath New York’s Central Park, ritual chambers adorned with satanic symbols were uncovered. Investigators found ceremonial daggers, pentagrams, and evidence of ritual sacrifice. These chambers are connected to DUMBs beneath Manhattan, reaching as far as the U.N.

Dark Experiments on Humans: Leaked whistleblower testimonies expose these DUMBs as centers for nightmarish experiments:

Mind-Control Programs: Advanced techniques are being tested on children to create ultra-obedient operatives.

Organ Harvesting and Genetic Alterations: Trafficked victims are used for forced organ harvesting and DNA modifications.

One survivor from Los Angeles described being a test subject for drugs designed to induce telepathy. While she survived, thousands did not.

The Tide Has Turned. Military forces from the U.S., Russia, and BRICS nations are dismantling this hidden empire. The elite’s web of secrecy is collapsing, and their crimes are being exposed.

The world will never be the same. Stay vigilant. Stay united. The storm is upon us.


“People Will Forget What You Said and Did, but They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.”

On Fri. 22 Nov. 2024 Cabal banks were closing all over the World as a final countdown began. Trump’s arrival back in office would return Power to the People and set in motion a Worldwide Blackout to cover Mass Arrests of those who have committed Treason and harmed our precious children.

Trust The Plan: It’s not The End. It’s The Beginning.

In the morning of January 2016 when Trump first took office, the US President Elect paid a visit to CIA headquarters and declared a war on Child Sex Trafficking. Since then he has used the Global Military Alliance to head a massive rescue of millions of children from underground DUMB Tunnels across the Globe.

Now he was following that up by pledging to use Military on Land and Sea to dismantle the drug and Child Sex Trafficking networks throughout the US.

His Primary Goal was to Save The Children, especially those vulnerable to placement in a Child Sex Trafficking Ring such as Kaitlynn Hunter and her fellow Ohio Foster Care inmates and others caught in the US human trafficking ring, plus those kidnapped by the Cabal’s FEMA from disasters they created in Maui and North Carolina.



by Ben Fulford

Thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families, headquartered in Venice, Italy, once ruled the world through their control of the global monetary system, all while practicing dark rituals and Satanic worship. This cabal, now often referred to as the Deep State, orchestrated a global network of child sacrifice, sex orgies, and mind control experiments on kidnapped and produced victims.

These families, who claim descent from Cain, include infamous names like Poseur, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Onassis, Carnage, Bush, and Rothschild. By 1832, they had seized control of the Vatican Bank and established dominance over major central banks worldwide, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC, and Chase.

In 1871, they enacted the Act that created the Corporation of the US of America, effectively erasing the original Constitution. By 1914, they had signed a 99-year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold, using the Federal Reserve, IRS, and other financial institutions to launder US taxpayer money, while their operations extended through the Vatican Bank, notorious for its role in child trafficking, drug, and gun running.

The turning point came in 1903 when Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf began unraveling the Deep State’s secrets. By 1993, their lease on the Chinese gold expired, and by the early 2000s, the Alliance was formed to dismantle the Cabal. This Alliance, as of 2020, included President Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Narendra Modi, influential figures of Q, QAnon (headed by JFK Jr?), Pentagon Generals, NSA, and Interpol.

By 2008, the Cabal’s reliance on a fiat US dollar led to a manufactured mortgage crisis, which further drained US taxpayers. This prompted the formation of the BRICS Alliance, aiming to restore a gold/asset-backed financial system. On March 21, 2013, the Gold Treaty was signed by 209 nations.

In 2018, President Trump enacted the National Quantum Initiative Act, establishing a new Quantum Financial System and a transparent voting system. On October 16, 2019, US Marines and Special Forces rescued over 2,100 children from beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California, uncovering a network of deep underground bases funded by the Cabal.

The Vatican was raided in October 2019, revealing the global elite’s money laundering operations. Over 650 plane loads of gold and cash were seized and repatriated to the US Treasury. By March 2020, the Alliance had eliminated the heads of the thirteen Illuminati families in Venice, initiating arrests and military tribunals for US political elites.

Expect further developments, with significant disclosures and arrests anticipated in the coming months. By late 2024, global changes will unfold as the remnants of the Cabal are dismantled and justice is served.


Trump Confirms Military Emergency After Biden’s Reckless Escalation

By E

President Donald Trump has announced plans to declare a national emergency and mobilize the military for mass deportations of illegal aliens. This comes amid explosive revelations that the Biden administration authorized Ukraine to fire long-range U.S. weapons into Russian territory, a move seen as a blatant provocation.

Biden’s decision reportedly came three days ago, enabling Ukraine to strike Russian targets in the Kursk region. Unelected Ukrainian leader Zelensky ominously declared, “Missiles will speak for themselves.” Meanwhile, European leaders are sounding the alarm. EU Parliament Member Florian Philippot warned, “The deep state and its puppet Biden are desperate to trigger World War III before Trump returns to power.”

Russia’s response has been swift and severe. Top Kremlin officials stated such strikes would mean NATO is at war with Russia. Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov declared, “This is a massive step toward World War III.” Psychic Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova predicted, “The world is on the brink of catastrophic events.”

Donald Trump Jr. blasted the military-industrial complex for its warmongering, accusing Biden of risking global annihilation to lock in trillions in profits. At the same time, NATO countries like Sweden are distributing wartime preparedness pamphlets, and Finland is launching national readiness campaigns.

Despite escalating tensions, some NATO leaders are backtracking. Germany’s defense minister announced no approval for long-range missiles to Ukraine. French media has similarly clarified that France and the UK have not authorized strikes deep into Russian territory. Yet, Biden’s reckless moves seem aimed at sabotaging Trump’s anticipated efforts to broker peace.

The stakes are clear. Putin understands Biden’s gambit is designed to complicate the diplomatic landscape for a potential Trump presidency. But Trump’s peace-through-strength doctrine remains the only viable path to end the madness.

The Biden administration’s recklessness highlights their desperation as Trump’s return to power grows imminent. The deep state knows their time is up, and they’re willing to gamble with global destruction to cling to control.

Stay vigilant. The storm is intensifying, and those in power will stop at nothing. Hold the line—truth and justice are coming.


FLASH • Putin TV Address: Entitled to Strike Nations Giving Weapons to Ukraine

“Russia considers itself entitled to use (hypersonic) weapons against facilities of those countries that allow their weapons to be used against Russian facilities.”

Those are the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin in televised remarks today from the Kremlin in Moscow.  Here is a brief video showing him making the announcement:


Russia’s ICBM launch at Ukraine this morning triggered early warning systems – – – and such launches are, by default, assumed to be nuclear. So for a short time, the US and Europe thought Russia was nuking Ukraine.

They only knew that it was not nuclear by checking to see if the city of Dnipro was still physically there after the impacts.

Essentially, If Russia decides to nuke Ukraine … the west will watch because they can do nothing other than that.

Second important thing to note: Russia has proven that it can deliver a conventional or nuclear payload to any place without a problem.

Which brings us back to President Putin’s address to his nation just hours ago . . . . NATO member countries have already supplied weapons being used to strike Russia.  Among those weapons have been: Tanks, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Rockets, Missiles, Speed-Boat-Bombs, and Drones.

The United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and other nations have long ago provided such weapons that have been – and still are – used to attack interior Russia.

That Russia has now announced they are “entitled” to strike seems the clearest indication yet that utterly massive escalation is coming in very short order.  Not necessarily in Ukraine, but on the territories of the countries who have been supplying weapons.

Hal Turner Analysis

Today’s use by Russia of an ICBM against Ukraine, albeit with only conventional explosives, should make clear to any RATIONAL person that the next step would be to use those same missiles with nuclear warheads.

There is no other RATIONAL interpretation possible!

Will the collective West see reality for what it is, or are they so immersed in their own echo chamber, that reality can no longer penetrate?

It seems to me that if the collective West does not stop what it’s doing with Ukraine, Russia is going to strike.  VERY soon.   Maybe before Thanksgiving.

For the almost three years that this Russia-Ukraine Conflict has gone on, I have implored readers of this website, and listeners to my radio show to get prepared: Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a way to cook without electricity or utility-supplied gas, a way to heat your home without utilities (Fireplace, wood-burning stove, etc.).  I have urged folks to get a generator and have spare fuel stored outside, to run that generator, to keep your refrigerators running and maybe a light on in the house.  I have recommended a flashlight in every room of your home, or at least one for each family member, with plenty of spare batteries for those flashlights.  I have recommended a portable AM/FM/SW radio for local news and info and spare batteries for those portable radios.  I have urged people to get COMMUNICATIONS Gear, a CB, HAM, or GMRS radio, so they can communicate locally if everything goes down.  I have advised folks to get a FIRST-AID KIT for minor cuts and bruises, or, God Forbid, major war wounds.

Now that an ICBM has actually been fired in Combat for the first time in Human History, a threshold has been crossed.  Things go downhill VERY FAST from here.

If you don’t have the prepping items I mentioned above, you are totally screwed.

Please, I IMPLORE YOU, get “prepped” right now.  Today.  As best you can.  There seems to be very little time remaining before you will need those preps.

Background Research

DS unmasked

Deep State Unmasked – Unprecedented Military Coup Exposed!

“The endgame is here, and it is a fight for the survival of humanity”

Prepare to have your world turned upside down as the shocking truth is unveiled before your eyes. The sinister machinations of the elite powers have been exposed in a mind-boggling military coup that defies belief.

Discover how ex-presidents Clinton and Obama, in cahoots with the CIA, masterminded a audacious plan to overthrow a sitting president, manipulating military intelligence to achieve their sinister objectives. This astonishing revelation will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.

Hold onto your seats as we delve into the darkest secrets of the deep state. Adam Schiff, backed by the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and DOD, played a pivotal role in this nefarious scheme, fostering division and chaos that tore at the very fabric of our nation. Uncover the chilling connections to a sprawling pedophilia ring, intertwined with the notorious Epstein scandal—where money laundering, human trafficking, and blackmail ran rampant.

But the deception runs deeper still. Gain a glimpse into the sinister agenda behind this coup—deadly vaccines, societal collapse, digital surveillance, and widespread censorship. These revelations will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

Prepare to have your reality shattered once more as we expose the hidden agenda of the global elites. Unravel the shocking plan orchestrated by the Rockefellers, involving a staged alien invasion to manipulate and control the masses. This audacious scheme, foretold by NASA’s own Wernher von Braun, will shake the very foundations of our understanding.

Be warned: the first alien invasion will be nothing but smoke and mirrors. Look beyond the illusion and discover the true depths of their deception. Brace yourself for the imminent disclosure—a revelation that will rewrite history and challenge everything we hold dear.

Stay vigilant, fellow patriots, as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented awakening. The battle between light and darkness rages on, but remember, truth and justice will prevail. Get ready to witness the greatest unraveling of our time!

Source: David Wilcock

Explosive Expose: Khazarian (DS) Mafia COLLISION COLLUSION COURSE UNVEILED! 

“War Does Not Determine Who Is Right, Only Who is Left.”  – Bertrand Russell 

Prepare for a mind-blowing journey back to 1939 when German espionage infiltrated Washington. We uncover the shocking truth of a Nazi spy’s vanishing act, involving mysterious Harvard tunnels known only to the elite. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Behind closed doors, the secret military tribunals are unraveling the web of Epstein’s connections to Harvard’s sinister submarine human trafficking rings. As the Epstein list teeters on the edge of exposure, the CIA is in a panic, and their plan to install Gavin Newsom as the next U.S. President crumbles.

But wait, there’s more! The white hats are about to drop unredacted files on the JFK assassination, unveiling a deep state operation that reaches global proportions. Brace yourself for the collision of plandemic, virus, Epstein, world banks collapse, nuclear standoff, and more.

Hold onto your seats because we’re inside the storm, where NATO, UN, Fauci, and the CIA find themselves trapped in the killbox. It’s the season of whistleblowers worldwide, and the questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s mysterious tattoo and Flynn’s shocking article on child sex trafficking around the Five Finger Lakes are just the beginning.

Get ready for the truth bombshell that will leave you speechless. Brace for impact!

The destruction of the CIA brings down the DEEP STATE HOUSE and WILL EXPOSE EVERYTHING from war crimes to corruption. To military coups and the control of the Federal reserve and the corrupt world banks


This connects to bringing down the first FAKE U S. CBDC ( I have told many times the first U.S. digital currency WILL FAIL and Trump will Create the second REAL gold backed banking system)

The Federal Reserve Bank is not Federal and it holds no reserves. It is a private bank owned by its member banks. And overall, owned by the same big banks deemed too big to fail. Like JPMorgan Chase. So when the CBDCs come to supposedly save the day, remember that these banks are run by child rapists and human traffickers.




Who was Seth Rich? What did he know? Why is he important?

Source: David Wilcock

Restore the Republic

Restored Republic Timeline

“The American Republic Will Endure Until the Day Congress Discovers It Can Bribe the Public With the Public’s Money.”  – Alexis de Tocqueville

Since President Trump’s inauguration in 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators had filed over 500,000 indictments against Global and Political Elites in federal courts across the nation. Charges included Treason, Human/ Child Trafficking, Murder, Assassinations, Drug and Arms Smuggling and RICO Money Laundering.

After arrests, interrogations and State Grand Jury trials, verified facts in the over 500,000 cases were given to John Durham – who included them in his report – the full extent of which was about to be released.

Since Feb. 2020 a US Interim Military Government has been executing arrests of those prominent elites. “For nearly two years I’ve watched at least five large, unmarked cruise ships, parked two miles off the coast of Long Beach California, in the Pacific Ocean! All the while seeing literally 60 to 70 helicopter flights a day, fanning out in three different directions… unmarked helicopters… obviously some military and some civilian. This has happened every day, including Sundays, nonstop for nearly two years!” …Anonymous

On Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked provisions of the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to Foreign Intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020.

Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military Special Forces have been holding nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using that evidence – evidence that was handed over to Durham and included in a report.

Soon the full Durham Report would be released, followed by another round of around 3,000 arrests of those found guilty of crimes including Treason during the years of investigation since Trump took office.

Source: Benjamin Fulford

Uncovering the Truth: Shedding Light on FISA

“Nothing Is Hidden That Will Not Be Made Known, Nothing is Secret That Will Not Come To Light.”  – Dan Brown

Recent revelations surrounding the FBI’s warrantless “backdoor searches” on American citizens, as disclosed by the DOJ Inspector General, have brought forth a concerning issue. While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was initially designed for targeted surveillance of foreigners, it appears that the FBI has been exploiting it to conduct covert surveillance on Americans.

The 2022 transparency report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals an alarming number of 3.4 million backdoor searches conducted in 2021 alone. This revelation has led to questions raised by Gaetz regarding the legitimacy of these searches.

These findings give rise to several important questions: Who authorized the FISA warrants against Flynn? Were there FISA warrants issued against Trump, his campaign, and his aides? Who approved the FISA warrants for surveillance on millions of U.S. citizens? Moreover, why were FISA warrants utilized for spying on foreign governments and influencing events like the “color revolutions” in Egypt, Libya, or attempts to undermine Bin Salman? Understanding the true nature of FISA is of utmost importance.

The significance of Q’s repeated warnings about FISA cannot be ignored. How did Q possess this knowledge in advance?

Consider the implications if these truths were not uncovered. Although the path ahead may be challenging, we must ensure that every step we take adheres to legal protocols. It is crucial for ordinary individuals to comprehend and accept events based on factual information.

The FISA revelations are part of a larger narrative, the opening act of a carefully orchestrated production. This narrative involves exposing bad actors, installing trustworthy individuals, and unmasking sleeper agents. We are prepared for what lies ahead.

[FISA] unveils a planned military coup against the 45th President, revealing deep-rooted corruption within U.S. intelligence agencies, involving elites and even presidents engaged in treasonous acts.

Kash Patel urged trust in Durham, whose saga is yet to unfold, along with the Epstein and Hunter sagas. President Trump himself boldly stated, “It’s treason.”

Behind the scenes, divisions among U.S. military generals persist, while the white hats prepare to release damning evidence and expose the deep state. The involvement of the U.S. military is significant.

It is also important to acknowledge that [FISA] works both ways, and the military white hats possess comprehensive knowledge.

This is not just another ordinary election cycle. Patriots, stand strong as the white hats awaken the masses and initiate Congressional hearings and Senate debriefings to legally substantiate the evidence and establish a solid record. It all leads to the implementation of the Law of War and the imminent arrest of those involved. November 3rd is fast approaching.

Source: Benjamin Fulford 

GLOBAL MILITARY COUPS: Unveiling the False Flags & Wars

“Most of Wars or Military Coups or Invasions are Done in the Name of Democracy Against Democracy.”  – Eduardo Galeano 

Anticipated global developments are rapidly unfolding, confirming the warnings I have long issued. Across numerous countries, the battle between the entrenched Deep State and the White Hats is intensifying, leading to a series of arrests and military coups. Both factions are leveling accusations of treason and invoking military intervention, while the mainstream media, revealing its true allegiance, intensifies biased attacks against targeted individuals, groups, or regimes.

In a recent, pivotal event, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was apprehended by paramilitary police. Khan had openly accused the CIA of orchestrating a military coup in Pakistan, vowing to expose the widespread corruption within his own government and military, particularly their collaboration with the CIA. Credible sources reveal that Khan possessed substantial intelligence on illicit activities, including the CIA’s involvement in heroin drug trafficking, covert arms deals between the United States, Pakistan, and China, and complex money laundering operations. Alarmingly, the longstanding and heinous practice of male child trafficking between Pakistan and Afghanistan, implicating military, police, government officials, and elites, has persisted for decades—a dark reality even depicted in the film Dancing Boys of Afghanistan.

Pakistan is now engulfed in chaos, with violent clashes between security forces and Imran Khan’s supporters, resulting in casualties, including fatalities in the city of Quetta. This unrest, emblematic of the ARREST WARS phenomenon, is expected to spread to multiple countries by 2024. The United States, on the brink of a civil war plot orchestrated by the Deep State—an agenda discussed by U.S. generals over the past two years—serves as a harbinger of this global turmoil. Over the past year alone, military coups have already occurred in countries across Africa, South America, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, and Myanmar, with further incidents anticipated as tensions escalate.

In this growing global storm, corrupt nations are plotting to overthrow governments under CIA influence. The revelation of increasing deaths linked to the virus and vaccines has fueled public outrage, with leaked reports on gain-of-function research and widespread corruption shaking nations to their core. Governments and corporations tied to the CIA network are being exposed, igniting a silent yet powerful worldwide revolution. Behind the scenes, a military alliance is orchestrating these events, accelerating the storm and paving the way for a great awakening.

During these challenging and dark times, let us keep our faith strong, dear patriots, for beyond the storm lies the light. The best is yet to come as we push through the tempest towards a brighter, more just future.

Source: Judy Byington

Breaking News: Subpoenas Issued to Elite Figures in the Epstein Case

“True Courage Is To Stand Against Evil, Even When We Stand Alone.”  – Richard C. Edgley 

Prepare for the shocking truth to be unveiled as powerful individuals find themselves at the center of the Epstein case. Take note of the names resonating throughout influential circles:

– Sergey Brin: Google Founder, ranked 12th richest person globally

– Thomas Pritzker: CEO of the Pritzker Organization and Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corporation

– Michael Ovitz: Co-founder of Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and former President of The Walt Disney Company

– Mortimer Zuckerman: CEO of Boston Properties and media owner

These individuals wield significant influence, overseeing corporations, subsidiaries, and investors within the intricate network of global elites. Their wealth intertwines with entities like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and Wall Street, all guided by influential forces such as the CIA and the Rockefeller’s.

Attempts to bury the Epstein case and conceal connections to the Virgin Islands, JP Morgan, and the Epstein sex trafficking ring were met with unwavering resistance from the U.S. Virgin Islands, supported by military intelligence operations. Even with vast resources and attempts to manipulate the justice system, these elites were unable to escape scrutiny.

But how did the richest elites lose control over the Epstein cases and their grip on the judiciary, despite their immense power? What is truly unfolding?

Enter the World of Military Alliance Operations

If you have been following various sources, including enigmatic figures like Q The Storm Rider, you may have glimpsed the grand game at play. Military alliance operations are underway, aiming to dismantle the cabal, the deep state, and expose the global pedophilia ring connected to Epstein. Uncover the web of blackmail operations involving Mossad, MI6, the CIA, and DARPA’s Five Eyes operations.

These powerful entities allegedly orchestrated the pandemic, funded the virus, and manipulated organizations like the World Health Organization for their own malevolent agenda. Wars served as smokescreens to hide their nefarious activities, with Ukraine allegedly serving as a major money laundering operation run by the CIA and DARPA’s 4th Reich operations.

It’s important to note that the individuals mentioned are of Jewish heritage and have connections to CCP organizations and markets. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between good and bad actors within any group. The real Jewish society is reportedly working to purge the infiltration of the Khazarian Mafia, an ongoing struggle to reclaim their heritage.

Stay prepared for seismic revelations in the Epstein case. The truth will emerge, and those who believed themselves untouchable will face the consequences they deserve.

Source: David Wilcock

durham report

Durham Report Alludes to a Deeper Background Story

“Never Forget The American Commitment to Real Justice and Accountability.”  – Michael R. Pompeo 

The mention of the Durham report alludes to a deeper story, suggesting that military and intelligence agencies possess documents related to the investigation. It is implied that the current publicized Durham report serves as a cover for their operations, with the true findings being held privately.

The topic of bringing down the CIA is also mentioned, along with its connections to various organizations such as the WHO, vaccines, biolabs, banks, CDC, and NIH. Additionally, references are made to important individuals possessing classified JFK files and the involvement of RFK Jr. and former President Trump in unveiling undisclosed information. Congress and senators are actively discussing the Durham investigation, and Elon Musk is said to be setting a trap with Twitter, indicating that not everything is as it appears.

Source: Benjamin Fulford

top secret nato plans

Top Secret NATO War Plans for Russia, Colossal Web of Corruption

“Never Think That War No Matter How Necessary Nor Just, Is Not A Crime.”  – Earnest Hemingway 

We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO war plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.

Step into a clandestine world of power and opulence where billions of dollars from the CCP have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks. But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. In the shadows, intelligence units are tirelessly decrypting the covert codes utilized in the SVB financial democratic laundering systems. The sinister collapse of SVB and its eerie connections to the Deep State trace back to the highest echelons of the U.S. government—the CIA, Pentagon, Obama, Biden—exposing a vast network of corruption entwined with the Ukrainian money laundering system and the far-reaching grasp of the CCP.

Meanwhile, the arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lies a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph. By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures. This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.

For months, we have been fed a steady diet of lies about Ukraine’s supposed triumph in the war, propagated by the Pentagon, mainstream media, and the Biden administration. However, now, valiant insiders emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the truth. Among them stands Colonel Douglas MacGregor, a trusted confidant of Trump and a seasoned war strategist. Backed by classified intelligence reports and the unwavering commitment of oath keepers and the Military Alliance, MacGregor’s revelations paint a bleak picture of the Ukrainian battlefield. As the supply of cutting-edge weaponry and systems from the US and EU grinds to a halt, the imminent collapse of Ukraine becomes undeniable.

Prepare for the ultimate shockwave—leaked U.S. military and NATO war plans are making waves online, courtesy of Russia. These classified documents lay bare the true extent of Ukrainian casualties, revealing that hundreds of thousands have perished on their side, while the Russian losses pale in comparison. The Pentagon, CIA, and NATO find themselves reeling as their hidden motives and objectives are laid bare. Desperate to regain control, they dismiss the leaked documents as Russian disinformation or heavily manipulated data. But the truth cannot be silenced!

We are witnessing an unprecedented series of events, masterfully orchestrated according to the Laws of War—3.4, 3.5, leading to the climactic 3.6. Each thread we unravel, from Epstein to Ukraine, Obama to the Clintons, the CIA to the virus, and even Silicon Valley Bank, weaves an intricate tapestry of intrigue and corruption. Every sign points to a pivotal date—11.3—the point of no return.

But that’s not all—the floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration. White hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the deep state’s AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power. We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.

Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance. This is the storm you’ve been anxiously awaiting—the world will never be the same again!

Source: David Wilcock

Global Economic Collapse 

“Recession is When Your Neighbor Lose His Job, Depression Is When You Lose Yours.”  – Ronald Regan

by Peter Novak, Warnings Released May 19th – 28th

I told you that the US would experience a strong panic yesterday. There were actually several panics in the US yesterday. Most of them were political in nature, and most of them only panicked the Democrat side of the isle.

The strongest panic yesterday may have been in Congress, over the Whistleblowers’ testimonies that obliterated the Dem narratives on January 6th and other issues. But the Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the election trial in Arizona, because it seemed to be going so well for Kari Lake.

The Dems were also panicking big time yesterday over the Default Crisis, so much so in fact that they began floating the controversial and never-before used idea of using the 14″ Amendment to circumvent the need for a Congressional bill to raise the Debt Ceiling. The Dems were also panicking yesterday because the GOP filed impeachment charges against Biden and several members of his Administration, and also moved to remove Adam Schiff from the House.

And the Dems were also panicking yesterday because Senator Feinstein finally came back from medical leave, but she now seems to be mentally impaired, and said yesterday that she doesn’t even remember being gone from Congress for the last several months.

Source: Peter Novak

US Open Border Crisis, Mexican Cartel Infiltration, Insurgents, & Mercenary Invaders

“Over one million Mexican civilians have been killed by the Cartels in the past 10 yrs. US border town shootings and crime up 1100%. Mexican Cartels have declared War on the US and Americans are silent”

Mexico-based drug cartels—and not the government of the United States—”control everything that crosses that southwest border,” including “illegal migrant crossings” that “create gaps in border security,” according to former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott.

“When I say gaps in border security, I mean they overwhelm all of our law enforcement in the area beyond the Border Patrol, and that creates gaps where there is no law enforcement, and then they bring into the country anything they want,” Scott said during a May 23 hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

The cartels aren’t just in Mexico, they’re also present in the United States, according to Scott, who’s now a distinguished senior fellow for border policy with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

In a clear sign of white hat military action, 24 Republican governors announced deployments of National Guard troops to assist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security efforts.

One reason the troops are being deployed is that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been paying a staggering $18,000 per child to “sponsor” unaccompanied minors. The children were being placed with abusive “sponsors” and up to 85,000 “sponsored” children are missing. 

dark side of Globalism

The “Dark Side” of Globalization

• Mexico is the “hub” of the underground globalization drug market
• Mexican cartels desire to control transportation routes
• Transit points usually link Mexico with Latin American drug producing nations such as Colombia & Peru, and the U.S, to which the majority of drugs are smuggled
• Mexican cartels are responsible for 90% of the U.S cocaine market & key producers of marijuana and methamphetamines
• 90% of guns seized in Mexico including high-powered semi automatic rifles, originated in the U.S
• Mexican cartels are active in more than 1,000 cities
• 450,000 Mexicans now rely on the international drug trafficking as their primary source of income

Source: Ben Fulford

Russia's Plan

Russias Audacious Plan to End War! Global Powers in Panic! 

“I Found in My Experience in War, that Plans are Useless, but Planning is Invaluable.”  – Winston Churchill  

Hold onto your seats as we reveal Russia’s shocking strategy to bring the war to an abrupt halt! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping revelation: Russia intends to capture Kiev and sever vital communication lines from Poland, effectively dismantling NATO and U.S. military intelligence in Ukraine. Putin’s next move is set to reshape the geopolitical landscape!

In an astonishing turn of events, tens of thousands of Russians are flooding into the military, with a staggering 6,000 to 10,000 enlistments reported daily in western Russia alone. The immense support for Russia’s decisive strike on Ukraine and the capture of Kiev is surging, as the Russian people rally behind their nation’s cause.

Germany, weary of the protracted conflict, has witnessed the largest anti-war protest in its history. The sentiment is spreading, with news articles and public opinion shifting against the East, driven by NATO and the U.S. The anti-war movement reverberates across Italy, Hungary, Austria, and even France, where silent resistance against NATO commands is gaining momentum.

Behind closed doors, Poland has struck a secret truce with China, engaging in a delicate dance while surreptitiously sending jets to Ukraine. Poland and Germany are even plotting to align with the BRICS nations, joining over 110 other nations clandestinely signing deals with Russia and China. The tides are turning against the warmongers.

Prepare to have your worldview shattered as the undeniable truth emerges: The Russian economy thrives despite relentless U.S. and EU sanctions, while the U.S. and EU economies crumble before our eyes. Resistance is brewing in the Middle East, Africa, and South America as these nations refuse to succumb to the manipulations of the U.S., EU, UK, NATO, and the UN. The balance of power is shifting.

Startling military intelligence reports estimate that an astonishing 4.8 billion people worldwide support China and Russia, engaging in flourishing trade with these nations. Surprisingly, even countries like France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, and the UK are engaging in record-high legal and illicit trade with Russia.

Ukraine finds itself teetering on the edge of collapse, as its ammunition runs dry and Ukrainian soldiers face a perilous existence with a mere four-hour life span in the Bakhmut battle. The truth becomes undeniable: NATO and the U.S. are losing support for their CIA proxy war against Russia. The world is waking up to their deceit.

But that’s not all! Behind the scenes, Trump is orchestrating a seismic investigation into the CIA and Pentagon, aiming to expose the truth about Nord Stream, U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, money laundering, and war crimes. The coming months will witness Congressional hearings and military courts unveiling shocking revelations. Russia plans to release surveillance videos, pulling back the veil of secrecy.

As if that weren’t enough, explosive scandals are on the horizon: the Hunter Laptop saga, the Epstein revelations, Fauci’s exposure, the Pentagon’s involvement in gain-of-function research and vaccine creation, the imminent collapse of the U.S. fiat system, the Biden family’s exposé, and much more. The deep state is in a panic, struggling to find the funds to sustain their genocidal agenda.

Where is Bill Gates’ money? What happened to Rothschilds’ and Rockefellers’ fortunes? What about the U.S. Treasury, Soros, and the Davos Group? The staggering sums needed to fund NATO, the UN, and the Ukraine war are vanishing into thin air. The deep state’s monetary system is crumbling, paving the way for their ultimate downfall.

Patriots, stay strong ! The storm is approaching its climax as the eight-year struggle reaches its final year. The triumphant smiles of Trump, Xi, Putin, Modi, Bin Salman, and Musk resonate from the depths of Cheyenne Mountains. Their plan is in motion.

NCSWIC 11.3: The truth is about to be revealed!

Source: David Wilcock

The US Military is Presently at Defcon Level ONE Red Alert Impending Global Nuclear Attack

“War is a Grim, Cruel Business, a Business Justified Only as a Means of Sustaining the Forces of Good Against Those of Evil.”  – Dwight D. Eisenhower 

US at Defcon Level ONE, Red Alert for Impending Global Nuclear Attack.

In addition, this coming Thurs. 28, November and despite rhetoric put out by Biden and Congress – the US will default on it’s debts. There was nothing left in the US Inc. Treasury but fiat monies, and little of that due to US Inc. being trillions in debt and with a legal inability to print more.

For some time the Deep State has been functioning on fiat monies and artificially holding up World Stock Markets. Thereby US Inc. would be unable to make loan repayments – that was bound to send world markets into a tailspin and instigate Stock Market crashes around the Globe. After the crash, the Markets were not expected to return – ever.

All of which added up to an imminent need for activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

The Good News: the moment the EBS came about, the Deep State Satanic Rule would be over.

The Bad News: the Internet would fail, making Banks unable to function.

Not to worry. By that same Thurs. 1 June all 209 major countries across the Globe were due to be connected to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS), with their gold/asset-backed currencies activated. Monies in your present bank account have already been mirrored onto a secure personal account in that new monetary system.

Those who hold foreign currencies and bonds destined to go up in value with this new QFS, would do exchanges and redemptions at Redemption Centers (There were over 7,000 Redemption Centers that have been set up in the US alone).

The General Public would soon also receive NESARA/GESARA monies (monies stolen by the Cabal) at those same Redemption Centers.

Source: Judy Byington

fake alien invasion

Fake Alien Invasion | Project Blue Beam | False Flag Operation

“A false flag is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it. Nations (US/CIA) have often done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying the enemy (Aliens) did it, as a pretext for going to war or ushering in their NWO.”

💢 The Pentagon wants a violent narration of an Alien invasion. There were Whistleblowers coming forward and powerful White Hats who were going to counter the violent invasion propaganda Deep State narration

While the Pentagon Mainstream Media was claiming there was going to be an Alien invasion, White Hats were pushing real Disclosure – the Pentagon was already involved with the Alien Agenda and technology.

This game theory move traps the Pentagon CIA as the leaks and Whistleblowers come from within their own divisions (proving there was a cover up and agenda happening.

No Mainstream Media outlet reported on a Whistleblower who exposed that the Pentagon had knowledge of advanced UFO technology (and more).The New York Times and Washington Post didn’t touch the story.

This says the Deep State did not want the Whistleblower to get coverage on his story as it would connect the Pentagon/CIA/DOD to an Alien Agenda cover up and Deep State Operation in progress.

Counter moves were being made against the fake Alien Invasion Rockefeller Deep State Operation.

Source; Wilcock


Unveiling the Sinister Khazarian Mafia DS Playbook: The Path to Total Digital Banking Control | CBDC

“As the World Becomes a More Digital Place, We Can Not Forget About the Human Connection”  –  Adam Neumann

Prepare for the Impending Crisis of Hunger and Starvation!

The nefarious Deep State is orchestrating a diabolical event that will cunningly shift the blame to a fabricated food distribution collapse.

Their sinister plan? Manipulate the masses into desperate dependence on the government, who will swoop in as supposed saviors, offering food rations and free money$$.

But beware! There’s a catch: You must surrender your freedom by registering through their insidious digital banking system, granting them control over your financial life and integrating you into their new order. Any violation of their cryptic and convoluted terms and conditions will result in swift and severe consequences — frozen bank accounts, exorbitant fines, or even total asset confiscation.

And that’s not all! They aim to silence dissenting voices by forbidding the sharing of any information that challenges the mainstream narrative on pandemic protocols, vaccines, virus origins, and war-related details.

Beware the Machiavellian Operation Lock Step, masterminded by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Khazarian EU, and their clandestine cohorts. They are poised to plunge humanity into an abyss of control and manipulation.

But fear not, for there is hope! Courageous White Hats are working tirelessly behind the scenes, channeling the Deep State’s wicked plan into a magnificent awakening.

In this high-stakes game, it’s a battle of chess-like proportions, with darkness shrouding the world before the triumphant emergence of light.

Stay vigilant, my fellow citizens, and ensure you have enough provisions to sustain yourself for the forthcoming tumultuous period of 30 to 90 days.

The time for action is now. Let the truth prevail.


Darkness Before The Light

Source: David Wilcock


White Hat Intel | Two Disruptive Events Planned

“The Greatest Danger in Times of Disruptive Events, is Not the Disruption, it is to Act with Yesterdays Logic” – Peter Drucker 

Military issued satellite phones to the Senate in the coming Communications Blackout Event.

This comes on the heel of China Spy Balloons and China merging with Russia on tactical War defense operations.

Four Star General Keane issued a warning: “China will attack our Homeland quite massively using cyber Capabilities to attack, defeat our electrical grid, oil gas distribution even the financial sector.” Gen. Keane went on to say that China will try to defeat the US inside the U.S. and Pacific regions.

This all comes as Russia makes its BRICS alliance and tells the Alliance that he will nuclear arm them if they wish to join forces against the western regimen.

At the same time China issues warning to the CIA.

The international community needs to stay on high alert against cyber attack activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States around the world, and the United States must stop using cyber weapons to carry out espionage and cyber attacks, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday.  Mao Ning _CHINA.

TRUMP. RFK JR. PUTIN. XI all have publicly attacked the CIA for world corruption.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says it has spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness in the event of a nuclear emergency.

In 2017 the CIA was doing Operation Gotham Shield exercises conducted by the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which tested civil defense response capabilities to a nuclear weapons attack against the New York City metropolitan area with the National Guard.

Source: Judy Byington


Get Ready for Impact | U.S. Military Forewarns of Turmoil and Generals Sound the Alarm!

“One Thorn of Experience is Worth A Whole Wilderness of Warnings.”  – James Russel Lowell 

Prepare yourself for a riveting revelation as esteemed military figures raise the alarm. Brace for the stunning insights from Major General Paul Eaton, former Brigadier General; Steven Anderson, and Army Major General Antonio Taguba, who express grave concerns about a potential civil war on the horizon in 2024. Their words reverberate through military circles, leaving us with a sense of unsettling anticipation.

Behind Closed Doors: Militias Rise, Ammunition Disappears! 

Tensions grip the nation as numerous militias, spanning across political affiliations, non-voters, criminal gangs, and cartels, contribute to an unprecedented surge in ammunition sales. Prepare for a chilling truth: an astonishing 76 government agencies in the United States are stockpiling weapons and military equipment, boasting over 200,000 federalized officers armed with the authority to make arrests and bear firearms. This force outnumbers even the formidable U.S. Marines. Disturbing revelations emerge about hidden funding, reaching into the tens of millions, courtesy of the Biden Administration’s collusion with the CIA and Pentagon.

Military Machinations: Revealing Loyal Generals and the Deep State! 

Unravel the enigma surrounding military generals and commanders who remain loyal or, perhaps worse, compromised by deep state elites. How did they ascend to positions of power? Brace yourself for a truth that shatters trust: the Ukrainian failure intertwined with a corrupt web of connections involving global bank corruption, the U.S. military-industrial complex, and a clandestine bioweapons saga. Grave concerns of Nuremberg Code violations, crimes against humanity, treason, and war crimes loom large.

The Web of Treason: Exposing Pentagon’s Role in the Plandemic! 

Peel back the layers of deception to uncover the shocking involvement of the Pentagon in the global pandemic. Delve into the dark underbelly where a sinister plot is intertwined with stolen elections, foreign interference, foreign occupation, and a ruthless power pursuit. The air hangs heavy with allegations of treason, violations of the Nuremberg Code, and crimes against humanity, casting a damning shadow over those orchestrating this devastating conspiracy.

Whistleblowers Unleashed: High-Ranking Military Officers Take a Stand! 

A tide turns as courageous high-ranking military officers, including captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels, step forward as whistleblowers. These fearless voices, protected by Congress and the Senate, are poised to expose deep state military generals involved in pushing the vaccine agenda, violating the Nuremberg Code, and committing crimes against humanity. The landscape shifts as reports emerge of certain generals resigning in anticipation of imminent investigations.

The Only Path Forward: A Militarized Journey! 

In this era of uncertainty, the resounding echoes of “it had to be this way” leave an indelible mark. As the United States teeters on the edge, one truth emerges: the path ahead lies with the military. Brace yourself for the trials that lie in wait. The destiny of our nation hangs in the balance, watched closely by the world with bated breath.

Source: David Wilcock

Global Scare Event

Behind the Scenes, Near Death Civilization Event Plans Under Way

“Sometimes A Little Near Death Experience Helps Them Put Things Into Perspective.”  – Anne Shropshire

TRUMP is preparing to make the UNITED STATES A WORLD LEADER in the honor of goodness and greatness of the American People. No matter what happens in the next months inside the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT

PLANS are already under way for TRUMP to RETURN PUBLICLY AS COMMANDER AND CHIEF ( in real time TRUMP is the commander and Chief, and Cheyenne mountain recognizes him as the true leader and authority over the Highest military commands).

The PLANS for TRUMP to build the United States into a global economic leader within one year and half is connected to highest volumes of Natural resources and gas . Oil and global energy the United States possess’s .

CHINA. RUSSIA. south American BRICS nations all know the U.S. is going to produce over 25_30 million barrels of oil a day and take over the world ENERGY structure MARKET.

BEHIND THE SCENES, TRUMP is already in talks with South America and China as the U.S. WILL out produce Russian ENERGY.

Within a short 1 year and half after The Great COLLAPSE and near death civilization events_of 2023 2024. The GOLDEN AGE OF 2025_2026_27 BEGINS and the PLANS are already being played out. Currently and coming> (And with the dismantling of the CIA. FBI. And coming 11.3 Tribulations Storm ARRESTS)




The Power of the REAL PLAN Unfolding. Is beyond human conception as the FAKE. ALIEN INVASION (#1) will be EXPOSED on NATIONAL level

And this will lead to DECLASSIFICATION of the REAL ( #2) TECHNOLOGY connected to INFINITE ENERGY. ( Infinite ENERGY is med beds. Floating crafts. Floating Cities, imagine the new jobs and technology. Far far far far far beyond what any human thought possible.. But everything comes in STAGES…

Including bringing down the World DEEP STATE Satanic CABAL connected to EPSTEIN and world leaders. Banks. Corporations. BLACKMAIL system. Human trafficking rings. World War mongering)

Everything you are watching is staged. This includes the deep state pushing their agenda it WILL all back fire.. This is called GAME THEORY OPERATIONS. The near death civilization EVENT is GAME THEORY OPERATIONS and will LEAD TO MILITARY INTERVENTION.

Kash Patel telling you DURHAM failed is A lie.

KASH is playing a game. Learn to play the game.

Durham didn’t fall. I have told you many times his report was already in the hands of the military 2 years ago. Everything happening now is for Congressional records that will show the failure of the captured U.S. government and courts (Military COUP)

You are just in the beginning of the GREAT AWAKENING WORLD PROJECT that leads to a Golden Era. But for now we are inside the COLLAPSE of the deep state Power structures.

Don’t worry about Klaus. WEF & WHO. Their fates are sealed and they know TRUMP. CHEYENNE. MILITARY OPERATIONS IS COMING.


Source: David Wilcock

The Death Blow to the Central Banking System, Will Destroy The Khazarian Mafia Deep State

“If You Want To Know What A Man Is Really Like, Take Notice When He Loses All His Money.”  – Simone Weil 

All central banks around the world are bankrupted now — it is just not revealed to the public yet, and maybe it’s a good thing. This is the Alliance’s ‘Softest Landing’ approach to avoid maximum tragedies, suffering & casualties for all citizens.

There’s already chaos with people, in multiple countries, not being able to get their money out of banks. If all humans find out that banks are insolvent & do not have liquidity, then everyone will rush to the bank to pull their money out & that would cause the biggest global panic & crash in ALL major countries. It would be complete utter chaos that even the Military Alliance will not be able to handle.

The bankruptcy reveal will be done publicly in phases to ensure not creating a full meltdown of citizens all over the world, all at once. As the old financial system transitions into the new QFS, citizens will be able to transfer their ‘old’ money into the new system. However this sounds a lot easier & smoother than reality.

In reality, we can not transfer from the old slave debt money system to a new one without pain & suffering. Hard-earned money & valuable assets will be lost. This is why I’ve shared my perspective on how & where to store your assets during this greatest transition of financial systems. We are no longer at the precipice. It is no longer the ‘calm before the storm’. The storm is here now.

As more & more people figure out what is truly going on inside the matrix financial systems & government, it is not going to be fun. It will be more intense than the last 3 years of dealing with the CONvid agenda.

There is a SILVER lining in all this. There is a MASSIVE SILVER LINING that is coming after this storm — but for now, take cover.

We are heading into very turbulent waters. We are going to witness unimaginable jaw-dropping global events. It will be devastating to those that are not ready. It will be exciting for some. It will be the Greatest Show & Events to unfold for those in their Heart Space, holding their Highest LOVE Frequency & being well-prepared.  |  Source: David Wilcock

Behind the scene – experts say that Biden’s signature on the Debt Ceiling Bill by Mon. 5 June was designed to not divert a default on the US Dollar, but actually create a default – because suspension of the Debt Ceiling which debt was already at an unsustainable $36 Trillion.

When combined with the Central Banks of the World’s recent bankruptcies – (unreported by the Mainstream Media), the bill’s approval by Congress has already removed any pillar of support for the US dollar in global financial markets.

Default of the US Dollar was the basis – (and goal) for the soon-to-be implemented Deep State’s Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Banking System. The Great Reset was designed so those Elite members of the Deep State could have control over The People’s bank accounts and thus, rule their lives and rule the World.

House & Senate to Allow $36 Trillion US Debt To Rise Even Higher – with nowhere to borrow the money, setting up Operation Sandman De-dollarization: within 24 hours $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury Bonds would be dumped, loosing 50-90% of US Dollar value. US cash would be worthless.

All Central Banks around the world were now bankrupt and insolvent — it just cannot be announced all at once. https://t.me/drue86/26063

The Mockingbird Media – would make it seem like this was a good thing. Nothing wrong’s — go back to your shopping, post selfies & leave your money in the banks.

We have seen a string of bank deaths – Credit Suisse, Deutsche, SVB, First Republic & regional banks — all dead. Even Evergrande is dead. All publicly dead entities are being propped up, pretending to still be functional. They are not. They won’t let the banks default, because once that happens, the GAME is OVER.

Massive consolidation — JPMorgan have been swooping up all the dead assets. JPMorgan connects to Epstein with Jamie Dimon on the hook.

Senate passes bill – to raise debt ceiling, preventing first-ever U.S. default: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/01/debt-ceiling-bill-updates.html

House & Senate passes a $4 Trillion debt ceiling — which could bring the total debt to $36 TRILLION! Where will the $4 Trillion come from? No one will lend U.S. the money — not China, Russia or Saudi. So the Federal Reserve will print it.

The De-dollarization is set – Operation Sandman — where $2 Trillion U.S. Treasury bonds will be dumped within 24 hours, with St. Petersburg leading the way. The American Dollar can potentially lose 50-90% of its value. Operation Sandman https://t.me/drue86/35852

Historically fiat currencies – have a life span of 27 years. The USDA Reserve Currency has been in effect for over 90 years, 40 of which was functioning in fiat currency.

We crashed the Russian economy – back in the 80s/90s — tables have turned. American allies like France & Japan have dumped U.S. Treasury bonds. In Long Beach, the largest port in America, shipping companies rejected U.S. Treasury bonds. It was expected that the US Financial Meltdown would happen in mid-June 2023.

When this happens, gas may cost up to $40/gallon – $100 Egg cartons. It will FREEZE our whole economy. All banks will fall publicly. All U.S. cash will be worthless. Drug dealers’ & dirty cops like LAPD’s Rampart Division’s stashed cash will be worthless. CIA stashed cash payments for train derailments, public shootings, Antifa, contract killers & all [DS] agents will be worthless.

The MUSIC STOPS – Greatest ECONOMY CRASH of all times.

Source: Judy Byington

empire of power

Secret Empire of Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans | AKA Khazarian Mafia

“The Control of Information is Something the Elite Always Does, Particularly in a Despotic Form of Government. Information, Knowledge is Power. If You Can Control Information You Can Control People.”  – Tom Clancy 

Prepare to uncover the shocking truth about the world’s most influential families and their iron grip on the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, comprised of the Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s, and Morgans, holds unparalleled power that extends far beyond the realm of oil.

Picture this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, join forces with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. But their domination doesn’t stop there. They have extended their reach to encompass the music industry through an intricate network of private banks. These behemoths, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, control the strings of the music industry, enabling them to dictate its direction and influence.

The nefarious deeds of the Rockefeller dynasty are far-reaching, starting with their military-commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a diabolical plan to shift the world’s standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical illnesses. Behind the scenes, this manipulation led to financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies connected to the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and elite organizations.

Fast forward to the late 1980s, when the Rockefeller’s summoned the top music executives and talent to a highly secretive meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, tightly linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme operations.

The Rockefellers devised a cunning plan to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together top executives and leading black artists, binding them with confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: coordinate the violence within the rap music movement, while major record labels gained exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. As a reward, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.

The Masonic plan unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems housing more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers’ malevolent scheme. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, creating a vast money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced 8 times higher than their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed the privatization of prisons into a multi-trillion-dollar venture.

Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the ever-expanding private prisons. As a result, the United States now holds the dubious record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not an accident—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefeller’s.

But their influence doesn’t end there. These silent thieves also manipulate elections, ensuring their grip on power remains unbroken.

Unmasking the true face of those who control the world, the Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s find themselves in the crosshairs of military alliance operations aimed at dismantling the Rothschilds’ deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.

Source: Benjamin Fulford

Special Report Sources; Ben Fulford, Peter Novak, Judy Byington, David Wilcock, David Icke

In Love & Light ❤️
The Great Awakening Team


The 3 C’s of Life: “Choices, Chances, and Changes”,

You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.  – Zig Ziglar 

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