Original Published Date: October 15th, 2023 | Part V | 11th Update, November 25th, 2024  💢




The Great Civilization Near Death Event


The Financial Meltdown, Who Are We Up Against, Partial Disclosure Vs Full Disclosure, McDonald’s Chain Closing, Trumps Administration Picks Under Question, Possible Timing of Coming Events, Sinister Plan to Engineer Global Famine, Antarctica Hidden Secrets, The Cannibal Club, Committee Of 300, Black Swan Event, Stolen Elections, Trump’s Vision, Top 10 Stories MSM Buried This Week, America’s Shining Light Returns, Veterans Day, Social Unrest Has Already Started to Erupt Democratic Leftist Meltdown, Democratic Leftist Meltdown, Election Aftermath, Trump’s Victory Triggers Elite Panic, The Pain Is Coming, Thousands of Children Rescued From Dumbs, Trump’s Promise: A New Era Of Accountability, Trump “Wins”

A Call to Patriots

Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the Republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain. Fight the good fight. Let justice be served. Make America Great Again…MAGA

The Great Civilization Near Death Event | NDE

“Be Strong Enough to Stand Alone / Be Yourself Enough to Stand Apart / And When the Time Comes, Be Wise Enough to Stand Together

The Great Reset of Everything

We have entered a window of time where everything we have learned, experienced and known to be true is about to dramatically change. We are Awakening to a great truth, That Everything We Were Taught Is A Lie”. The lives we once knew, lived and experienced prior to January 2020 are now gone forever. We are witnessing the total collapse of not just a few, but all of our statured institutions; The US Government Senate/Congress; through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and DHS have spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years. Along with other industries; Wall Street Markets & Finance, Banking Industries, Big Tech, Big Insurance, Pharma, Oil, Education, Hollywood Industries, US Military, Medical AMA, Military and Energy Industrial Complexes, all are embroiled in corruption scams and human trafficking.

Given the monolithic corruption and evil encrusted within all these institutions, We are now Witnessing in Real Time a Global Everything Collapse. What has been described and depicted as The Storm! and The Great Civilization Near Death Experience. The fallout of which could last anywhere from 2 to 5 years based on geographic locations.

We will then have a choice and chance for A New Beginning to Reset Everything as We Rebuild America”. 

The following report is a compilation of different sources. We found a number of overlapping and crossover warnings presented by each of our sources. We formatted this Special Report based on a timeline tied to dates and information posted entirely in May 2023. We believe these sources align with each other to create a very rare picture of what is happening behind the scenes. We encourage each of you to use your own discernment and rational, critical, logical thinking in reviewing this information. Preparation going forward is 80% mental and 20% physical, so we hope this will assist you in your education and in being mentally prepared for the coming Storm.

Updates: This Report Will Be Updated on a Weekly Basis. We designed this format as a living document so we can update you directly on all breaking news and events. Please keep this link close by, so you can easily return to this Special Report for all the latest alternative uncensored news reports.

“We The People”: If we the people, as a nation, do not work together to restore our founding father’s visions for our Constitutional Republic, our children could be lost and our nation will be destroyed. We all have a part to play in this peaceful,  faithful, informed, prayer-filled participation and with forgiveness in our hearts for the corruption of this nation that we have been a party to, either knowingly or unknowingly.

Explore the Great Awakening Report's Content Classification

Breaking Intelligence News | Monday, November 25th, 2024 Update

Last Warning: Prepare for something that you never expected to see in your lifetime. The Media will never let you know! The things around us could change very fast.  – QAnon Telegram

“Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6

The following content is a compilation from various sources.

New Updates

Quarantine On Planet Earth About to be Lifted

Benjamin Fulford November 25, 2024

The quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be lifted, according to Secret Space Program and Asian Secret Society sources. Humans will be allowed to explore and colonize other planets and the universe as soon as the final Satanic presence is removed from this world, the sources say. This came up at a meeting on Sunday between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Asian secret societies. Of course, as always is the case with such talk, believe it when you see it.

However, there can be no doubt this planet is under quarantine. As a child, I remember being highly inspired by the Apollo moon landings. We were told we would be visiting Mars by the mid-1970s. Then everything suddenly stopped. Even now, every time Elon Musk tries to send a rocket to Mars, it gets blown up before it can leave the planet.

It turns out NASA is just a movie production company pretending to explore space so that it can swindle money from US taxpayers. NASA themselves admitted they are phony when they had a press conference to say they might have discovered a way to get through the ionosphere; the electric barrier surrounding the earth. Since you would have to get through the ionosphere to go to the moon, they basically admitted the moon landings were fake.

What came up at the East/West meeting and from other sources is that the planet is under quarantine because entities that survive by harvesting the life force from human and animal sacrifices have been cornered on this planet and are now being eliminated. Once they are fully eliminated, the quarantine will be lifted, or so they say.

Anyway, back to the here now news, the Khazarian mafia is still busy fighting for survival using a fake Donald Trump holding court at Mar a Largo. The head of MI6 and other sources say this is an operation being run by Elon Musk and Leo Zagami.

In their latest ruse, they put out an announcement that “Trump” had selected Scott Bessent to lead the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Supposedly a homosexual who made all his money from George Soros who “lives in Charleston with his husband and two children,” and who is a member of a Satanic Yale secret society is now in charge of the US dollar.

Never mind that Bennet hosted a fundraiser for Al Gore and has also donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Then there was the announcement Trump appointed “COVID contrarian” Dr. Martin Makary to lead the Food & Drug Administration. Never mind that Makary was telling pregnant women to take the toxic mRNA shots as late as 2023.

The photo below of Anthony Fauci with his wife shows you exactly what sort of swamp creatures we are dealing with.

If you believe the real Donald Trump nominated these people, then I have some real estate on the moon I would like to sell to you.

In addition to trying to fool us with a fake Trump cabinet, the Satanists have been once again busy trying to start World War III and kill most of us. As has been widely reported, they started shooting long-range missiles into Russia for this very purpose.

Then they activated their network in Russia to try to fan the flames of all-out thermo-nuclear war. Thus Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said: “If the escalation scenario continues to unfold, it won’t be possible to exclude anything because NATO countries have in fact joined the conflict.”

There used to be a photograph of Medvedev making a Satanic hand sign when meeting Putin but it seems to have been removed from the internet. Nonetheless, he is a known Satanic agent.

The real Russian government, however, is fully aware of the Khazarian Mafia plot to start WWIII and kill 90% of humanity so they were not fooled into attacking a NATO country. Instead, they demonstrated a very devastating non-nuclear weapon inside Ukraine.

MI6 confirms that, after the Russian missile counter-attack, there was a hysterical attempt inside NATO to use this as an excuse for retaliation with nuclear weapons. Again though, cooler heads prevailed.

Secret Space force sources affiliated with the real Donald Trump at Cheyenne Mountain promise to take action soon against the frauds at Mar a Largo and NATO.


Evidence that Donald Trump May in Fact be the Commander In Chief of Our Republic

by E

Evidence that Donald Trump may in fact be the Commander In Chief of our Republic and has been since elected to office in 2016 – per federal laws & orders.


the declaration activates specific statutes that grant the executive branch additional powers or flexibility to address the emergency.

during a national emergency, numerous laws provide the President with special authorities, including economic, trade and military. emergencies enable the reallocation of funds or resources to address the crisis.

SINCE SEPTEMBER 12, 2018, the following Federal Statutes provided Donald Trump special authorities:

• National Emergencies Act (NEA): Framework for declaring, conducting, and terminating national emergencies.

• International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA): Allows the President to regulate commerce after declaring a national emergency with respect to any unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. interests.

• Stafford Act: Authorizes the President to provide federal assistance for state and local governments in the event of disasters.

• Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA): Gives authority over foreign assets and financial transactions during emergencies.

• Defense Production Act: Empowers the President to prioritize and control the allocation of strategic resources, including production and distribution for national defense.

• Public Health Service Act: Grants authority for public health emergencies, including managing and responding to outbreaks.

• War Powers Resolution: during a national emergency where the security of the homeland is threatened – the President’s military-related authorities are significantly expanded to include:

1.) Deployment of Forces:

     • National Guard: Use the National Guard under federal control (Title 10 status) for domestic operations if authorized by Congress or under certain emergency statutes.

     • Active Duty Military: Deploy active duty forces within the U.S. for national defense purposes, though this is highly regulated due to the Posse Comitatus Act, which restricts the military’s role in domestic law enforcement.

2.) Mobilization:

     • Reservists: Call up reserve components of the military for active duty.

     • Civilian Personnel: Activate civilians with military experience or skills through various emergency powers.

3.) Command and Control:

     • Unified Command: Establish unified command structures for responding to the emergency, potentially integrating various branches of military, federal, state, and local agencies.

4.) Defense Production:

     • Invoke the Defense Production Act to prioritize production and allocation of resources necessary for defense and emergency response, including directing private sector companies.

5.) Infrastructure Protection:

     • Deploy military engineers and units to protect or repair critical infrastructure.

6.) Airspace and Maritime Control:

     • Control airspace, potentially including establishing no-fly zones.

     • Maritime interdiction or control of ports and waterways if necessary.

7.) Cyber and Space Operations:

     • Engage in defensive and offensive cyber operations if the threat involves cyber attacks.

     • Utilize space assets for surveillance, communication, and other strategic purposes.

8.) Border Security:

     • Enhance border security measures, including military support, if the threat involves border integrity.

9.) Continuity of Government (COG):

     • Implement COG plans to ensure the continuity of essential functions of government during a crisis.

10.) Emergency Legislation:

     • Request and potentially receive special legislative authority from Congress to act more decisively or with broader powers.


and you thought he’d just walk away..

dollar devaluation

Rothschild-Controlled Central Banks

by GAR Team

For over a century, Rothschild-controlled central banks have played a pivotal role in shaping the global financial landscape, gradually diminishing the purchasing power of currencies worldwide. By implementing policies that lead to inflation and debt cycles, these central banks have systematically eroded the value of national currencies. This practice ensures that wealth and resources flow toward a centralized elite, consolidating their power and influence over economies and governments.

The mechanism is straightforward yet insidious. By controlling the issuance and supply of money, central banks create inflationary environments where the cost of living rises while the real value of earnings and savings declines. Simultaneously, governments and citizens are pushed into cycles of borrowing, with interest payments benefiting these financial institutions. Over time, this system weakens the financial independence of nations and individuals, increasing dependency on centralized banking systems.

This approach has far-reaching consequences. For ordinary people, diminished purchasing power means struggling to keep up with rising costs for basic necessities like food, housing, and healthcare. For nations, it translates into growing debt burdens, often resulting in reduced sovereignty as they rely on international loans and financial institutions controlled by this small, powerful group.

The result is a financial system that favors the elite at the expense of the majority. The concentration of economic power allows this “little club” to exert tremendous influence over policy decisions, markets, and even geopolitical dynamics, ensuring their interests are prioritized above all else.

Exposing and addressing these practices is essential for breaking free from this cycle. By advocating for decentralized financial systems, alternative currencies, and economic policies that prioritize the well-being of the many over the few, individuals and nations can reclaim their financial sovereignty and work toward a more equitable global economy.

Hollywood Pedo

BOMBSHELL! Hollywood, Deep State, and Epstein’s “Island” Exposed!

by Mel Gibson TG

A global network of corruption, pedophilia, and trafficking ties the Hollywood elite, major corporations, politicians, and even the Vatican to dark forces within the Deep State. Epstein’s infamous “Pedophile Island” wasn’t just a secret retreat; it was the hub of an international trafficking ring.

Child Trafficking: A Deep State Operation

For decades, Hollywood, the CIA, and global elites have been implicated in horrifying networks of child trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. The names connected to these crimes are staggering: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Clinton, Podesta, and countless others who operate above the law.

Fiona Barrett’s Shocking Testimony

In a courageous 2015 press conference, Fiona Barrett—a survivor of satanic abuse—named high-profile perpetrators, including former Australian Prime Ministers, U.S. Presidents, and Hollywood stars. She described heinous rituals involving the murder of women and children, blood sacrifices, and dark satanic communions.

The Sickening Ties to Power

Hollywood moguls: Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey, and more.

Corporations: Disney, Nike, and global brands allegedly fund trafficking networks.

Political figures: Clinton, Obama, and global leaders linked to Epstein’s guest lists.

Why No One Talks About This

The system is rigged. From MK Ultra mind control to media blackouts, the Deep State ensures these crimes stay hidden. With billions at stake, whistleblowers are silenced, and survivors are ignored.

The Fight for Justice

This isn’t just about exposing crimes—it’s about rescuing the children and dismantling the Deep State. The names, the connections, the evidence—it’s all surfacing. Arrests are rumored, and truth-seekers are forcing the elite into a corner.

Ask Yourself:

Why hasn’t anyone sued over these accusations?

Why do the same names keep surfacing?

The storm is here. The truth cannot be hidden. We fight for the innocent, no matter the cost.

JFK assassination

BREAKING: The Explosive Truth Behind JFK’s Assassination! 61 Years Ago Today on November 22, 1963

Lies, Conspiracies, and the Shocking Secret They Don’t Want You to Know!

by Private Q Evidence

The official story of JFK’s assassination is a joke. Lone gunman? Magic bullets? Spare us. The 35th President of the United States was taken out in broad daylight 61 years ago today—but by who? And more importantly, why?

The Deep State Pulled the Trigger JFK openly challenged the shadow government. In his infamous speech, he called out “a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” and declared war on secret societies. He was dismantling their power: exposing the CIA, pulling us out of Vietnam, and standing against the military-industrial complex. The result? He became their number-one target.

They didn’t just kill him—they laughed in our faces by putting Allen Dulles, the CIA chief JFK fired, on the Warren Commission to “investigate” the assassination. That’s like asking the murderer to write the autopsy report.

Zionist Forces: The Nuclear Showdown JFK was a threat to Israel’s nuclear ambitions. He demanded inspections of Dimona, angering Zionist leaders who saw him as an obstacle. His death cleared the way for Lyndon B. Johnson, who took a much softer stance. Coincidence? Think again.

The CIA’s Revenge JFK vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces.” They weren’t having it. The agency, skilled in toppling governments and orchestrating assassinations, had everything to gain from his death. Vietnam was a goldmine for them—JFK wanted out. Dead presidents don’t stop wars.

BOOM: Did JFK Fake His Death? Some believe JFK staged his death, entering a secret program to fight his enemies from the shadows. Reports of “sightings” and cryptic documents keep this wild theory alive. Sounds crazy, but ask yourself: Would the same forces that silenced him let us know the truth?

The Warren Commission: A Mockery of Justice The “magic bullet theory” is the biggest insult of all. A single bullet piercing JFK, twisting, and striking multiple times? Pure fiction. They expect us to swallow this lie because exposing the truth would unravel their entire web.

Why It Still Matters This isn’t just history; it’s a warning. The forces that silenced JFK still manipulate the world today. If they could kill a president, what else can they do?

Demand the Truth The time for silence is over. The lies surrounding JFK’s death have poisoned America’s trust in its leaders. Who killed him? The deep state? Zionists? The CIA? Or something even darker? One thing’s for sure—the official story is a cover-up.

The truth is buried, but the cracks are showing. It’s time to expose the culprits and reclaim our freedom. JFK’s assassination wasn’t just murder—it was a coup. Will you stand by, or will you demand justice? The choice is yours. The time for truth is NOW.


DUMBs Raided in Unprecedented Global Military Operations

Millions of Children Rescued, Dark Secrets of the Elite Exposed!

by Private Q Evidence

The storm is here, and the veil of secrecy is ripping apart. Military Alliances worldwide have launched coordinated strikes on Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), uncovering the most horrific operations imaginable: child trafficking, grotesque human experiments, and genetic abominations.

Global DUMB Network Exposed: This isn’t just about isolated locations. A labyrinth of underground facilities has been uncovered beneath major cities like Paris, Beijing, Berlin, and Dubai. These hubs operated as command centers for trafficking, organ harvesting, and experimental programs run by the global elite.

Zurich’s Hidden Tunnels: Beneath Switzerland’s financial heart, elite institutions like the IMF and World Bank are implicated in a network used for trafficking humans, black-market organs, and adrenochrome. Advanced transport systems were found, linking this operation to a global web of corruption.

Nevada’s Cloning Nightmare: Raids in the Nevada desert revealed a fortified DUMB filled with cloning vats and biogenetic labs. Hybrid organisms—part human, part animal—were discovered, intended as bioengineered slaves. Whistleblowers suggest these abominations were overseen by Deep State bioengineers aiming to create “enhanced” operatives for elite use.

Mexico Border Tunnels: Late October raids unearthed a sprawling network connecting Central America to the U.S. Over 700 trafficked women and children were freed. Evidence linked Hollywood elites and high-ranking political figures to this cartel-run operation.

Central Park Ritual Chambers: Beneath New York’s Central Park, ritual chambers adorned with satanic symbols were uncovered. Investigators found ceremonial daggers, pentagrams, and evidence of ritual sacrifice. These chambers are connected to DUMBs beneath Manhattan, reaching as far as the U.N.

Dark Experiments on Humans: Leaked whistleblower testimonies expose these DUMBs as centers for nightmarish experiments:

Mind-Control Programs: Advanced techniques are being tested on children to create ultra-obedient operatives.

Organ Harvesting and Genetic Alterations: Trafficked victims are used for forced organ harvesting and DNA modifications.

One survivor from Los Angeles described being a test subject for drugs designed to induce telepathy. While she survived, thousands did not.

The Tide Has Turned. Military forces from the U.S., Russia, and BRICS nations are dismantling this hidden empire. The elite’s web of secrecy is collapsing, and their crimes are being exposed.

The world will never be the same. Stay vigilant. Stay united. The storm is upon us.


“People Will Forget What You Said and Did, but They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.”

On Fri. 22 Nov. 2024 Cabal banks were closing all over the World as a final countdown began. Trump’s arrival back in office would return Power to the People and set in motion a Worldwide Blackout to cover Mass Arrests of those who have committed Treason and harmed our precious children.

Trust The Plan: It’s not The End. It’s The Beginning.

In the morning of January 2016 when Trump first took office, the US President Elect paid a visit to CIA headquarters and declared a war on Child Sex Trafficking. Since then he has used the Global Military Alliance to head a massive rescue of millions of children from underground DUMB Tunnels across the Globe.

Now he was following that up by pledging to use Military on Land and Sea to dismantle the drug and Child Sex Trafficking networks throughout the US.

His Primary Goal was to Save The Children, especially those vulnerable to placement in a Child Sex Trafficking Ring such as Kaitlynn Hunter and her fellow Ohio Foster Care inmates and others caught in the US human trafficking ring, plus those kidnapped by the Cabal’s FEMA from disasters they created in Maui and North Carolina.



by Ben Fulford

Thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families, headquartered in Venice, Italy, once ruled the world through their control of the global monetary system, all while practicing dark rituals and Satanic worship. This cabal, now often referred to as the Deep State, orchestrated a global network of child sacrifice, sex orgies, and mind control experiments on kidnapped and produced victims.

These families, who claim descent from Cain, include infamous names like Poseur, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Onassis, Carnage, Bush, and Rothschild. By 1832, they had seized control of the Vatican Bank and established dominance over major central banks worldwide, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC, and Chase.

In 1871, they enacted the Act that created the Corporation of the US of America, effectively erasing the original Constitution. By 1914, they had signed a 99-year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold, using the Federal Reserve, IRS, and other financial institutions to launder US taxpayer money, while their operations extended through the Vatican Bank, notorious for its role in child trafficking, drug, and gun running.

The turning point came in 1903 when Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf began unraveling the Deep State’s secrets. By 1993, their lease on the Chinese gold expired, and by the early 2000s, the Alliance was formed to dismantle the Cabal. This Alliance, as of 2020, included President Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Narendra Modi, influential figures of Q, QAnon (headed by JFK Jr?), Pentagon Generals, NSA, and Interpol.

By 2008, the Cabal’s reliance on a fiat US dollar led to a manufactured mortgage crisis, which further drained US taxpayers. This prompted the formation of the BRICS Alliance, aiming to restore a gold/asset-backed financial system. On March 21, 2013, the Gold Treaty was signed by 209 nations.

In 2018, President Trump enacted the National Quantum Initiative Act, establishing a new Quantum Financial System and a transparent voting system. On October 16, 2019, US Marines and Special Forces rescued over 2,100 children from beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California, uncovering a network of deep underground bases funded by the Cabal.

The Vatican was raided in October 2019, revealing the global elite’s money laundering operations. Over 650 plane loads of gold and cash were seized and repatriated to the US Treasury. By March 2020, the Alliance had eliminated the heads of the thirteen Illuminati families in Venice, initiating arrests and military tribunals for US political elites.

Expect further developments, with significant disclosures and arrests anticipated in the coming months. By late 2024, global changes will unfold as the remnants of the Cabal are dismantled and justice is served.


Trump Confirms Military Emergency After Biden’s Reckless Escalation

By E

President Donald Trump has announced plans to declare a national emergency and mobilize the military for mass deportations of illegal aliens. This comes amid explosive revelations that the Biden administration authorized Ukraine to fire long-range U.S. weapons into Russian territory, a move seen as a blatant provocation.

Biden’s decision reportedly came three days ago, enabling Ukraine to strike Russian targets in the Kursk region. Unelected Ukrainian leader Zelensky ominously declared, “Missiles will speak for themselves.” Meanwhile, European leaders are sounding the alarm. EU Parliament Member Florian Philippot warned, “The deep state and its puppet Biden are desperate to trigger World War III before Trump returns to power.”

Russia’s response has been swift and severe. Top Kremlin officials stated such strikes would mean NATO is at war with Russia. Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov declared, “This is a massive step toward World War III.” Psychic Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova predicted, “The world is on the brink of catastrophic events.”

Donald Trump Jr. blasted the military-industrial complex for its warmongering, accusing Biden of risking global annihilation to lock in trillions in profits. At the same time, NATO countries like Sweden are distributing wartime preparedness pamphlets, and Finland is launching national readiness campaigns.

Despite escalating tensions, some NATO leaders are backtracking. Germany’s defense minister announced no approval for long-range missiles to Ukraine. French media has similarly clarified that France and the UK have not authorized strikes deep into Russian territory. Yet, Biden’s reckless moves seem aimed at sabotaging Trump’s anticipated efforts to broker peace.

The stakes are clear. Putin understands Biden’s gambit is designed to complicate the diplomatic landscape for a potential Trump presidency. But Trump’s peace-through-strength doctrine remains the only viable path to end the madness.

The Biden administration’s recklessness highlights their desperation as Trump’s return to power grows imminent. The deep state knows their time is up, and they’re willing to gamble with global destruction to cling to control.

Stay vigilant. The storm is intensifying, and those in power will stop at nothing. Hold the line—truth and justice are coming.


FLASH • Putin TV Address: Entitled to Strike Nations Giving Weapons to Ukraine

“Russia considers itself entitled to use (hypersonic) weapons against facilities of those countries that allow their weapons to be used against Russian facilities.”

Those are the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin in televised remarks today from the Kremlin in Moscow.  Here is a brief video showing him making the announcement:


Russia’s ICBM launch at Ukraine this morning triggered early warning systems – – – and such launches are, by default, assumed to be nuclear. So for a short time, the US and Europe thought Russia was nuking Ukraine.

They only knew that it was not nuclear by checking to see if the city of Dnipro was still physically there after the impacts.

Essentially, If Russia decides to nuke Ukraine … the west will watch because they can do nothing other than that.

Second important thing to note: Russia has proven that it can deliver a conventional or nuclear payload to any place without a problem.

Which brings us back to President Putin’s address to his nation just hours ago . . . . NATO member countries have already supplied weapons being used to strike Russia.  Among those weapons have been: Tanks, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Rockets, Missiles, Speed-Boat-Bombs, and Drones.

The United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and other nations have long ago provided such weapons that have been – and still are – used to attack interior Russia.

That Russia has now announced they are “entitled” to strike seems the clearest indication yet that utterly massive escalation is coming in very short order.  Not necessarily in Ukraine, but on the territories of the countries who have been supplying weapons.

Hal Turner Analysis

Today’s use by Russia of an ICBM against Ukraine, albeit with only conventional explosives, should make clear to any RATIONAL person that the next step would be to use those same missiles with nuclear warheads.

There is no other RATIONAL interpretation possible!

Will the collective West see reality for what it is, or are they so immersed in their own echo chamber, that reality can no longer penetrate?

It seems to me that if the collective West does not stop what it’s doing with Ukraine, Russia is going to strike.  VERY soon.   Maybe before Thanksgiving.

For the almost three years that this Russia-Ukraine Conflict has gone on, I have implored readers of this website, and listeners to my radio show to get prepared: Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a way to cook without electricity or utility-supplied gas, a way to heat your home without utilities (Fireplace, wood-burning stove, etc.).  I have urged folks to get a generator and have spare fuel stored outside, to run that generator, to keep your refrigerators running and maybe a light on in the house.  I have recommended a flashlight in every room of your home, or at least one for each family member, with plenty of spare batteries for those flashlights.  I have recommended a portable AM/FM/SW radio for local news and info and spare batteries for those portable radios.  I have urged people to get COMMUNICATIONS Gear, a CB, HAM, or GMRS radio, so they can communicate locally if everything goes down.  I have advised folks to get a FIRST-AID KIT for minor cuts and bruises, or, God Forbid, major war wounds.

Now that an ICBM has actually been fired in Combat for the first time in Human History, a threshold has been crossed.  Things go downhill VERY FAST from here.

If you don’t have the prepping items I mentioned above, you are totally screwed.

Please, I IMPLORE YOU, get “prepped” right now.  Today.  As best you can.  There seems to be very little time remaining before you will need those preps.


The Plot Thickens | Bowser’s The Satanists Show Their Hand With Fake Trump Cabinet

By Benjamin Fulford | November 18, 2024

The Satanic Khazarian mafia have revealed their hand. They have set up a fake Donald Trump at Mar a Largo and unveiled a fake cabinet filled with Zionist warmongers. Their plan is to try to use this fake government to seize power before January 20th and prevent the real Donald Trump from assuming the presidency. They are also trying desperately to start World War III yet again, this time by offering Ukraine long-range missiles to attack Russia with.

They are not even hiding it anymore. Deep State financier Alex Soros is openly celebrating the potential of US long-range weapons being fired into Russia. They are openly pushing for WW3. Trump is a threat to their business model.

Don’t worry though, the Russians know what they are dealing with and FSB sources promise they will not be fooled into starting a nuclear war. They are also aware of the fake Trump.

Now let us look at the evidence the Trump show now appearing in our media is fake. First of all, this photograph of Elon Musk together with the so-called Trump family shows a Donald Trump who is shorter than Trump Jr. The real Trump is 6’3” while Jr. is 6’1”. Also, in another dead giveaway, Melania is absent from the picture. The next thing we note is the first world leader to visit the Mar a Largo Trump is the child-sacrificing Satanist Xavier Milei of Argentina.

We contacted the US Space Force -commanded by the real Trump- about the show at Mar a Largo and got the following answer: “The Opera [sic] Isn’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings. Impostors Do Not Count. A Big Surprise is Coming Very Soon.”

MI6 for their part, say what we are witnessing is an attempted power grab by Elon Musk. Here for reference, is a picture of Musk wearing a Satanic suit of armour. As we have repeatedly warned, these people have been in power for thousands of years and do not plan to go quietly into the night. We must not under- estimate them.

At this point, some background explanation is needed so we can understand exactly who and what we are dealing with. The Secret Space Force admits their most powerful enemy is the 322 Skull and Bones faction. We have direct experience with this. When the Asian Secret Societies were given a list of the members of Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bohemian Grove (we now know this list overlaps with Epstein’s list of blackmailed pedophiles) and told this was the group trying to kill 90% of humanity they threatened to take action against them.

This prompted the 322 group to send Leo Zagami to Japan to negotiate on their behalf. Zagami threatened to use occult ceremonies to invoke demons and devils to do things like create storms and earthquakes. The NSA has records of him making these threats.

Later, when I visited him in Rome he showed me the original skull and bones in the basement of an ancient church used by the Satanists. He also tried to have me framed, imprisoned and killed.

He also fooled the Asians into continuing to finance the US Corporation by offering a black communist as President. He once bragged to me Obama was his man. The Asians now know Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama is a Satanist who is being blackmailed with videos of him torturing children to death. Obama and his husband Mike, by the way, have fled to Dubai which does not have an extradition treaty with the US, according to Pentagon sources.

The 322 group also intimidated the Japanese slave government back into submission with their March 11, 2011 (311) nuclear and tsunami attack on Japan. Zagami at the time bragged about being involved in this. The Italian white nobility P3 reacted to this crime by filing criminal charges against Zagami. He was forced to flee to the US to avoid arrest. Zagami is now at Mar a Largo running the fake Trump show, the P3 say. We contacted Zagami for comment but did not get a reply.

As an example of why he needs to be dealt with, look at Zagami’s would-be Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth. Zagami writes Hegseth is a member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem that is devoted to a holy war against Islam.
https://leozagami.com/2024/11/16/vatican-expert-explains-why-pete-hegseth- trumps-pick-for-defense-secretary-is-not-a-nazi-but-an-alleged-member-of- the-order-of-the-holy-sepulchre/ (https://leozagami.com/2024/11/16/vatican-expert-explains-why-pete-hegseth-%20trumps-pick-for-defense-secretary-is-not-a-nazi-but-an-alleged-member-of-%20the-order-of-the-holy-sepulchre/)

Hegseth and the other rabid Zionists in the fake Trump cabinet have prompted a lot of dismay. As geopolitical analyst Joachim Hagopian writes:

Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration

The list of Trump’s Zionist Israeli Firsters racing to Armageddon in the Middle East keeps growing all week to fulfill the Masonic plot/prophecy of the Zionist vs. Islam World War III nightmare we are all now facing with Trump as the next US president.

https://thegovernmentrag.com/articles/synagogue-of-satan-owns-trump-and- his-administration/ (https://thegovernmentrag.com/articles/synagogue-of-satan-owns-trump-and-%20his-administration/)

The other worrying sign is the selection of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. Until now, his dealings with the Justice Department have been as a suspect under investigation for sex crimes. Here you can watch Gaetz say only ugly and overweight women attend abortion rallies.

The aim here is clear, use Gaetz to vent popular anger by cracking down on illegal immigrants and crime while protecting the pedophile mass murderers. When I did a Google search of “Gaetz promises to arrest pedophiles,” I got the reply “It looks like there aren’t any great matches for your search.”

Anyway, rest assured Mr. Hagopian and others, this group of imposters will never be allowed to take charge of the US military or law enforcement. Instead, it is more likely special forces will soon raid Mar a Largo to clean out this nest of scorpions.

Already, as this report was about to go live, French intelligence informed us Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu “experienced an extreme medical emergency while traveling in Kirya in the North of Israel and is now in a hospital in Tel Aviv.” A Mossad source comments “What this tells me is that the Zionists may use this as the ‘official narrative’ that Netanyahu has passed away…. We both know that the real Satanyahu is already dead.”

Also, not all the news about Trump is coming from the impostors at Mar a Largo. The real Trump just put out this ad showing him with Melania and promising “the best is yet to come.”

As an example, Robert F Kennedy Jr. really has been appointed as head of the Health and Human Services Agency. RFK Jr. says there will be COVID trials once he is appointed as Secretary of HHS. He says the Trump administration will use RICO filings to break up big pharmaceutical cartels and punish corruption with severe legal penalties.

A federal judge on Nov. 13 ordered Kraft Heinz to face a proposed nationwide class action lawsuit over allegedly defrauding consumers by falsely labeling its macaroni and cheese as a product with “no artificial preservatives.”

No wonder Bill Gates has fled the country and is now hiding at his underground bunker in Karuizawa, Japan. Japanese military intelligence say police have surrounded the complex. He will be arrested for mass murder in due time along with the rest of the pharmacidical mafia.

This real-life James Bond villain was hoping to use the engineered pandemic to leverage his privately owned WHO into an instrument of global dictatorship. Now the WHO decided not to vote on the Pandemic Agreement until 2025 after trying to rush it through in December 2024.

Full Article Link


BREAKING: Get Your Popcorn! The Financial Meltdown You’ve Been Waiting For! The Elites Are Falling!

Buckle up and grab your popcorn! If you’ve been waiting for something big to happen, the time has finally come. This isn’t just a warning, it’s reality. The global financial collapse is happening right before our eyes. The ones you thought were untouchable-the banking elites, the Rothschilds, celebrities, and even BlackRock-are all going down. This isn’t some slow unraveling; it’s a full-blown inferno, and there’s no stopping it.

Let’s be clear: the so-called “elites” are scrambling to save themselves. Their prized assets are flooding the market as if it’s a fire sale, with multimillion-dollar homes being offloaded at a rapid pace, and BlackRock filing for bankruptcy? Yes, you read that correctly! The top dogs are getting crushed. They’re losing trillions with no way out. This isn’t a market correction; it’s financial armageddon for the corrupt elite.

Still skeptical? Let’s dive into why Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 are dismantling their empires. For years, these elites have been playing God-manipulating markets, violating human rights, and fueling political unrest. But now, the tables have turned. Sanctions are coming down hard, acting as the wrecking ball to their once impenetrable empires.


Bank Crashes: The Inevitable Consequence of Greed

Banks don’t just collapse out of nowhere. If you think the recent bank failures are due to mere mismanagement or bad luck, it’s time to wake up. This is a calculated takedown. The banking sector is in free fall. We’re talking about giants like Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and First Republic-once symbols of financial security-now gone, reduced to mere footnotes in history.

But that’s only scratching the surface. This isn’t about a handful of banks struggling under pressure; it’s the entire global financial system, built on corruption and greed, imploding. The ongoing bank collapses are not random; they’re justice catching up to those who thought they were invincible. They’ve been running on borrowed time, hemorrhaging money while pretending everything was fine. Well, it’s not fine anymore. Their fragile system is crumbling, and there’s no bailout big enough to save them this time.

And here’s the kicker-they’re being sanctioned into oblivion. The executive orders we’re about to dissect aren’t just targeting a few bad actors; they’re dismantling the entire corrupt framework.


Who Are We Up Against?

by Laura Aboli

There are many ways to answer this question but it is most accurately answered with one word: EVIL. We’re up against evil.

It doesn’t really matter what shape or form it takes, or what useful puppet is being used for its purpose, the essence of evil, the spirit of evil is always the same; to destroy everything that is sacred, everything that is organic, everything that is human, everything that is God.

Fighting evil is a higly complex endevour, for the simple reason that by definition, evil will never engage fairly or with integrity. This is not a war between two honourable adversaries, this is a war between empathy and psychopathy, between virtue and immorality, between ethics and corruption, between truth and deceipt, between righteousness and depravity.

It’s a war fought on different planes, on different fields and different levels of awareness.

Understanding the nature of the battle is crucial if we want victory. We cannot win by engaging the enemy in its terrain, or by using the same tactics, for in the process we would have joined its ranks.

In a universe marked by its binary nature, we must become the polar opposite of that, which we are trying to defeat.

This is a battle won by taking the higher ground, by elevating oneself, by standing above, by not engaging, by not accepting and by not acknowledging.

In the matrix we lose, with their weapons we lose, with their tactics we lose, but in God’s universe and with his example we win.

In our organic reality we win, standing in honour and integrity we win, choosing righteousness we win, having faith we win, walking together we win, connecting within and without we win, with truth we win, by understanding our power we win, by breaking the illusion we win…

It’s a battle of power vs force.

We have the real power; the divine, eternal power with which the universe was created. The other side doesn’t have it, it needs to use force, trickery, gimmicks, mind control, drugs, AI, technology, coercion, deceipt and an incessant, illusionary fear campaign in order to disempower us.

‘Turning the other cheek’ is not about surrendering or acquiescing, it’s about not engaging on their terms. It’s about elevating oneself to a different plane, it’s about demonstrating that the power is within and can therefore, not be usurped. It’s about not falling for the lies, the provocations and the trickery. It’s about showing that you are above them, unspoiled, unadulterated, grounded in your essence, powered by the divine, true to your nature, free from the mind control and out of the matrix.

We now know who we are up against and so we win by revealing ourselves how we were created to be; ‘in his image’, remember?

And don’t worry, there is such a thing as universal justice, and it’s finally coming…

Alien Disclosure

There’s a War Going On Between Partial Disclosure vs Full Disclosure

Sci-Fi Things That Became Sci-Fact | Congressional UFO/UAP Hearings  

You got flying cars.

You got robots.

You got self driving cars.

You got 3d printers.

You got 3d printed homes.

You got virtual reality worlds.

You got AI assistants in your pocket.

You got video calls with anyone around the globe.

You got genetic editing.

You got rockets that land themselves.

You got drones delivering packages.

You got smart homes that know your habits.

You got wearable tech tracking your health.

You got digital currencies and blockchain.

You got augmented reality blending the digital and physical.

You got lab-grown meat. 🚫

You got brain-computer interfaces.

You got artificial organs and bioprinting.

You got solar panels powering entire cities.

You got space tourism.

All things that once seemed like distant dreams, now here shaping our reality.


People I ask you one simple question. Do you think this will slow down?

How long will people continue to say that something is impossible?

How long will they continue to doubt human ingenuity?

How long will they persist on saying we don’t have the capability?

What do you think will be added to this list that is deemed to out there to be achieved?

Time Travel?

Floating Cities?

Food Replicators?

Super Humans?


Holographic Medicare?

Dimensional Travel?

Gravitational Manipulation?

Telepathic Communication Devices?

Language Neural Implants?

Interstellar Colonies?

Believe it or not these remaining question marks are being worked on as we speak. You are only playing games with yourself at this point if you continue to say things in stark objection to its inevitability. You will be left behind. Embracing your new paradigm is a shift in consciousness that requires a change in your 3d behavior to fully utilize the tools neccessary to bring you up to speed on your evolution into 5d.

Do not be left behind. There will be no more walking the fence. Stop listening to people who comes up with every excuse why something is not real or can not be achieved. Because just a few years ago they were saying the same things about the material that is available to you now that was science fiction a decade ago. These people are by nature parasitic.

Many of you are surrounded by these types of people. These are the ones who have no plan or desire to make to the steps in this ascension cycle. The lower energies have captured them and they refuse to remove themselves from this low frequency void. And they want you down there with them. You only have one choice remaining that will decide the fate of your existence.

You already made one. And that was electing a man who will release the tools you need to progress further into the new age of existence that seems like a distant dream for some at this very moment due to their personal circumstances and challenges. As you can see from the reaction of this last election many have already made the choice to remain in the old paradigm. Leave them be.

Your true potential has not been met yet. And you will soon realize how far you have come in order to gracefully accept how at one point you were not even interested in welcoming this new way of living and doing things. And then you will know how far behind others are who refused to awaken to their higher form due to vendettas against political issues.

Embrace this moment as a turning point, a chance to step forward into an age where limitations are dismantled and boundaries are redefined. The future is no longer a distant horizon it’s unfolding right now, built by those willing to expand their minds and let go of outdated beliefs. Don’t let fear or attachment to the familiar hold you back. This is paramount to your ability to move forward.

Understand that evolution isn’t just a physical journey; it’s a transformation of thought, a release of the mental chains that kept humanity tethered to old paradigms. This is your invitation to ascend, to join a movement that values progress, innovation, and the courage to dream bigger than ever before.

McDonalds closing

McDONALD’S CHAIN CLOSING GLOBALLY? Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?

by Ben Fulford

· Since 2015, children’s teeth have been found in McDonald’s sausages, potatoes, and pancakes in various Japanese cities. By 2020, a Rabbi exposed that McDonald’s was using human parts in their “beef.” This raises questions: were McDonald’s closures in Walmart stores really about Covid, or was there a darker reason at play?

· McDonald’s is owned by the Khazarian Mafia, a group known to be heavily involved in the Illuminati, confirmed by survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse. These insiders have revealed that human sacrifice is a regular practice for these elites, with innocent children being the primary victims, sacrificed in rituals to their god, Satan.

· The press conferences held by McDonald’s Japan failed to address why human remains, specifically children’s teeth, ended up in their food. Instead, they claimed the meat came from the U.S. headquarters and tried to shift the blame onto customers. But the truth is becoming impossible to hide. Survivors have verified that McDonald’s is the top buyer of human meat, sold through fast-food outlets worldwide.

· In the wake of these revelations, many McDonald’s locations are being shut down globally. From New York City to Australia, stores are closing their doors. The media will tell you it’s about the pandemic and changing shopping habits, but we know better. The truth is too dark for them to admit—McDonald’s has been feeding us human remains for years.

· The storm is coming, and the Khazarian Mafia can’t keep their secrets hidden much longer. The entire McDonald’s network is rumored to be closing soon, but this isn’t about a virus or a business decision—it’s about covering up crimes against humanity. Stay alert, patriots. We are on the verge of the greatest exposure the world has ever seen.

Trumps cabinet picks

Trumps Administration Picks Under Question?

We would not be doing justice to our own truth-seeking journey, if we failed to address the massive concerns that some of Trump’s administration picks have stirred.

It all revolves around the Zionist agenda and whether it will indeed be, America first, as promised, or Israel first, as per usual. This has always been a main worry and given Trump’s choices, it’s something we can’t ignore.

At face value, it seems evident that many of the appointees are clearly Israeli assets, well funded by AIPAC, so ladies and gentlemen, seemingly, we’re screwed! New faces, same puppet masters!

Without totally discarding the ‘we’re screwed’ scenario, there is however, a possibility, let’s call it a ‘glass-half-full’ perspective, a sliver of hope, that maybe, just maybe, there is a strategic reason why Trump has chosen so many AIPAC puppets.

Perhaps Trump is the brilliant 4D Chess player some people claim him to be? Let’s hope so… 🙏🏻

Let’s look at hard core Zionist Marcos Rubio for instance; nobody is happy with him heading the US State Department, (unless you are a Zionist of course), so why did Trump choose him?

Two options: 1. Trump thinks Rubio is great and they are both rabid Zionists or 2. Trump thinks Rubio is awful and this is the easiest (and only) way to get him to resign from his Senate position!

Getting senators expelled is extremely difficult. Only 15 senators have been expelled in the nation’s history, and the last one was in 1862.

So could this be an example of Trump playing 4D chess? Or am I high on hopium? I don’t know. Might there be other strategic reasons for some of the other AIPAC-controlled hires? Is he keeping his friends close and his enemies closer? Who knows!

Anyone that has gone down the Kennedy assassination rabbit hole, knows who was really behind it, you think RFK Jr doesn’t know?

I think I’ll start reading Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’, I should find answers to this conundrum in there…

ln the meantime, we’re just going to have to wait and see… But for now, let’s celebrate RFK Jr’s appointment as head of HHS. I have a feeling he will not only make America Healthy Again, but through example, he could end up making the rest of the world, healthy again too and that’s definitely something to celebrate!

time clock

Possible Timing of Coming Events

by E

· On Mon. 4 Nov. 2024 Military forces took down the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Swizerland and seized over $23 trillion.

· On Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 the Global Military Alliance conducted a raid on a Deep State underground base in Antarctica where they discovered advanced anti-gravity spacecraft capable of intercontinental travel within minutes, Cryogenic chambers housing genetically enhanced humans and a secret server farm containing the Deep State’s most sensitive data.

· On Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Military Forces raided the Vatican Bank, seizing $10 trillion in laundered funds and seized intel on the Pope and other high ranking official’s participation in Child Sacrifice.

· Sat. 9 Nov. 2024: A Seller of Dinar was told he could not sell any more as of this week.

· Late night Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Military Ops. Bye bye Satan Worshipping, Pedophilia and Child Sacrificing Hollywood: Major arrests happening NOW in California, vetted & confirmed. Planes have been lining up at LAX preparing to take the Hollywood crowd out of the country on Sat. night 9 Nov. 2024.

· Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Veterans Day: Said to be the start of Golden Days and EBS implementation. Cryptocurrency Starts its Run

· On November 20-23, 2024 Trump has summoned 74 world leaders to meet in a Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland to finalize plans for the eradication of the Globalist Cabal and implementing NESARA and GESARA worldwide.

· On Tues. 26 Nov. 2024 the QFS will implement full biometric lockdown, rendering the old banking system obsolete.

· Sun. 1 Dec. 2024: Med Beds will be placed in more than 50 hospitals across the country. These “upgrades” will be publicly billed as general equipment improvements, but behind closed doors, they’ll be securing hospital floors and training operators in Med Bed technology. By the end of December, these Med Beds will be fully operational in each of these locations, disguised as routine additions to medical facilities.

· Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 As Trump takes office, he will sign executive orders specifically legalizing the use of Med Beds in every hospital across the country. Hospitals, clinics, and even certain government facilities will immediately begin opening their Med Bed units to the public.

· On Christmas Day Wed. 25 Dec. the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was expected to activate and Military Tribunals on Vatican officials will begin.

· Sat. 1 Feb. The first independent Med Bed centers are expected to be up and running. These centers will operate outside the mainstream medical system, providing unrestricted access to Med Beds for all citizens. Located in both urban and rural areas, these centers will be guarded by Trump’s loyalists to protect against any sabotage attempts from deep-state operatives. These centers will become the focal points of the Med Bed revolution, offering free or affordable treatments for any and all ailments.

· By March 2025 the European Central Bank, Bank of England and Bank of Japan will close. Trump has already dismantled the Federal Reserve.

·Sat. 15 March 2025 Trump to initiate the “Med Bed Recovery Initiative,” which will facilitate free Med Bed access for veterans, the elderly, and anyone who has suffered from chronic illness. Clinics and hospitals across the country will be required to have at least one Med Bed operational by this date, ensuring accessibility to all citizens, regardless of background or financial status.

· April 2025 Launchof “Truth in Medicine” public awareness campaign that will reveal to the public how Med Beds work and expose decades of Big Pharma lies, showing the world that cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s have been withheld.


EXPOSED | Leaked UN Footage Unveils Sinister Plan to Engineer Global Famine by 2025!

by E

Leaked UN footage has exposed a terrifying, decades-old plot with one goal: to manufacture a famine by 2025, leaving billions hungry, desperate, and ready to be controlled. This plan reveals toxic clouds, chemical warfare in our skies, and engineered environmental destruction—a horrifying future the elites have orchestrated while we looked the other way.

This isn’t a conspiracy theoryit’s the UN itself, caught on camera, unveiling their chilling endgame to cripple humanity by 2025 through invisible tactics designed to leave us weak and vulnerable. The footage reveals top officials detailing a strategy to dismantle human resilience and control populations on a scale never seen before.

The Deception of Chemtrails

Those white streaks in the sky? They’re not harmless vapor. According to the footage, they’re bioweapons—invisible assaults on our health and freedom, engineered to weaken, confuse, and slowly poison us. These chemicals infiltrate our bodies without us knowing, impairing our minds, health, and even disrupting entire communities. Every streak in the sky is a silent attack on our strength, a weapon in a war we never knew was being waged.

Environmental Apocalypse

The footage exposes deliberate contamination of our ecosystems—weather manipulation, soil degradation, and toxic infiltration of water sources. This isn’t accidental; it’s a calculated destruction meant to suffocate life on Earth. Crops fail, water is tainted, and biodiversity crumbles under a chemical assault crafted to destroy us. This is an engineered apocalypse, a strategy to control resources and lives.

Man-Made Clouds of Death

The leaked footage reveals these “clouds” aren’t natural; they’re engineered agents of death, designed to starve us. The UN plans to use these artificial clouds to disrupt global weather systems, causing droughts and destroying crops. This isn’t a natural disaster—it’s a calculated attack to collapse the food supply and leave populations desperate. The goal is to turn our air into a noose around humanity’s neck as we approach 2025.

Famine as a Weapon

Starvation is the oldest weapon, and the footage reveals the UN’s plan to use it on a global scale, breaking humanity’s spirit to force compliance. Hungry people are desperate people, willing to sacrifice freedoms for survival. This famine isn’t just about food; it’s a strategy to dismantle human autonomy and control who eats and who starves.

How We Fight Back

This footage has given us the enemy’s playbook. Awareness is our weapon, but it’s not enough. Start with local food systems and community-supported agriculture to take food security into our own hands, breaking the chains of dependency they hope to forge. Build community strength, work toward food sovereignty, and detoxify your environment. Strengthen local networks and demand transparency.

Conclusion: The Line in the Sand—Will We Resist or Submit?

The UN’s plan to manufacture global famine is real, cold, and calculated. But we’re not helpless. This is a line in the sand. We have a choice: resist or allow this nightmare to become reality. Our survival depends on our next actions. Stand with your community, protect your loved ones, and reject this agenda. We will not bow, we will not break, and we will not be silent in the face of tyranny.


Antarctica Hidden Secrets Beneath the Ice!

by E

White Hats INTEL: Putin’s Cryptic Drops and the Deep State’s Antarctic Agenda 

Dive into White Hats INTEL’s latest analysis on Putin’s cryptic remarks and the chilling mysteries surrounding Antarctica. Explore the rumors of deep underground bases, secrets buried in Cheyenne Mountain, and a hidden war raging in the frozen south!

Putin’s words in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson peeled back the curtain on secrets beyond imagination—a conflict of power, technology, and hidden truths that have been buried from the public eye.

What’s really lying beneath Antarctica’s icy depths? Could it hold the key to altering our entire understanding of reality? Imagine cutting-edge technology, ancient mysteries, and world-shaking power struggles colliding in one place. This isn’t science fiction; this is the fight for the future.

The Agenda Exposed: Putin didn’t need to spell it out to reveal the horrifying scale of the deep state’s control. In just a few choice words, he exposed the true shadow forces lurking within the highest ranks of government worldwide. But why does he hold back names? Because these aren’t just politicians—they’re powerful military elites, globalists who play in the dark, pulling strings from hidden fortresses.

Antarctica isn’t what they’ve told us. Below the ice lies technology—massive, unidentified aerial phenomena harnessing zero-point energy, something that defies everything we’ve been told. These tools could alter reality itself, and they’re not here for the benefit of humankind.

This isn’t about power alone. What lies beneath the ice is supernatural. The technology there can transcend dimensions, bridging communication to realms beyond. Biblical and other ancient mysteries are tied to this force, guarded fiercely by those who have understood its power for centuries.

The deep state cabal is hiding a lot more than a few military bases. Their intent? Domination, a thirst for control that dates back generations. Underground installations, a war for supremacy—they’ll stop at nothing to exploit these powers.

While presidents and world elites tour Antarctica, searching for hidden knowledge, the white hats in the military are gearing up for an ultimate showdown. The elite cabal won’t go down easily, holding resources and powers that stretch beyond this world. But the white hats are closing in, armed with truth and resolve.

The battle unfolding now is more than just a conflict—it’s a fight for humanity’s very essence. The revelations coming soon will change everything. We’re standing on the edge of a new era where everything we thought we knew is about to be turned upside down.

The shadows are dark, but the light is rising. In Antarctica’s frozen silence, a power waits—not to be feared, but to be understood and liberated.

This is a journey through hidden truths, a call for accountability. The forces of light and darkness are preparing for a final showdown. When the dust settles, the truth will emerge, and the world will never be the same.

cannibal club


by E Tuesday November 12th. 2024

· The guests at this underground lair weren’t just addicted to human flesh. They were also addicted to drugs—alcohol, prescription meds, cocaine, heroin. But the most coveted of all? Adrenochrome.

· Who extracted it? Dr. Mehmet Oz, of course. He wasn’t just your TV doctor; he was the lair’s surgeon, extracting A-chrome during Slaughter Week. His addiction wasn’t flesh—it was money. He made millions for every extraction. Dr. Oz might’ve been the medical pro, but he was in deep. The elites needed him, just like they needed Anthony Bourdain, the chef who’d been involved for years, cooking up human delicacies for the rich and powerful.

· Bourdain, though? He was getting tired. He noticed that the cannibals had gotten better at preparing meals without him. Did they really need him as much as they used to? Or was he stuck in this twisted web forever?

· And then there was Hillary Clinton—watching, plotting, with that sinister look on her face. She wanted Bourdain to dispose of some new guests from the NXIVM cult. She didn’t want any ties to them. Bourdain didn’t need to fatten them up; they weren’t there for long. But Clinton offered him a sick “favor”—to have his fun with them before he killed them, though Bourdain wasn’t like that. That was more Jeffrey Dahmer’s style.

· For Hillary? This was just another day in her twisted world. Bill Clinton had brought in sex slaves, women on collars—enslaved, drugged, and blank-eyed, moving like robots as they were forced to eat, not even aware of the horror around them. Tom Cruise and Will Smith were among the guests, eyeing the women as if they were nothing but meat.

· The whole room was filled with power and depravity. Murder and Slaughter Week couldn’t be mentioned with the prey in the room, but the slaves? They were already dead inside. Hillary and Bill Clinton had plans for them, no doubt.

· But Bourdain knew they wouldn’t last long. The slaves would be killed before the others, for a little extra thrill.

· This is what the elites do—behind closed doors, in their secret circles. They feast, they conspire, and they play God. The storm is here, and it’s up to us to wake up and take action before we all become their prey. They don’t want you to know this. Will you sit back and watch, or will you fight for the truth? Time’s running out.


GLOBAL LOCKDOWNS  | What Will Lock Us Down Events

by E


























committee 300

The Committee of 300’s Underground Operations Exposed

by E

Mass Depopulation, Bioweapons, Forced Food Shortages to STARVE Billions, and Collapsed Economies!

The Illuminati Committee of 300 is in overdrive, pushing their dark agenda at lightning speed. This is more than secret meetings of elites—this is the blueprint for dismantling freedom, obliterating individuality, and enslaving humanity under a single, oppressive regime.

2024: The Year of Their Reckoning The Committee of 300’s vision of a New World Order is no longer a secret—they’re brazenly executing their plans. From population control to economic collapse, their actions reveal the true depth of their evil.

Depopulation at Full Throttle Leaked documents confirm that bioweapons disguised as vaccines are being used to target specific genetic markers, designed to eliminate billions of “unnecessary” people. Figures like Bill Gates and George Soros are funding these atrocities, while food systems are being systematically dismantled.

Farmers are being crushed under bogus environmental laws, forcing reliance on synthetic lab-grown foods laced with fertility-suppressing chemicals. This isn’t about health or climate—it’s about control and extermination.

Economic Enslavement: The Digital Dollar National economies are being sabotaged to usher in programmable digital currencies. These currencies allow authorities to control every transaction, freeze assets, or delete savings at will. Social credit systems, disguised as “smart banking,” are quietly rolling out in the West, ensuring total economic submission.

Cultural Decay: Entertainment as a Weapon Hollywood and streaming giants like Netflix and Disney+ are infiltrated. Their content isn’t just entertainment—it’s psychological warfare, designed to erode morality, dismantle family values, and glorify chaos. The goal? A population stripped of identity and purpose, ripe for domination.

Faith Under Attack The war on religion has escalated. Christianity, a pillar of resistance, is being infiltrated and dismantled. Vatican insiders are complicit in reshaping doctrine to align with globalist agendas, while pseudo-religious cults sow division. Faith is being replaced with state-worshipping ideologies to weaken spiritual resistance.

The UN: The Cabal’s Trojan Horse The United Nations is the Committee’s tool for stripping nations of sovereignty. Through Agenda 2030, they enforce carbon credit systems that dictate where you go, what you eat, and how you live. Non-compliance will result in your exclusion from society.

Martial Law Looms The U.S. military is infiltrated. “Training exercises” in urban areas are dry runs for martial law. Private contractors, armed with experimental technology, are already deployed globally to crush dissent.

2024: The Tipping Point The collapse of economies, the destruction of food systems, and the assault on morality signal one conclusion: total global domination is near.

The evidence is overwhelming, and the choice is clear. Will we rise against this tyranny or fall into submission? The storm is here. Act now, fight for freedom, or watch it slip away.

black swan event


by E | Friday 15th. 2024

· A financial apocalypse with the collapse of the stock market and Bitcoin, the shutdown of the power grid, and the revolution of quantum energy driven by the EBS.

· The world is facing an unprecedented event, a very powerful Black Swan that will shatter the very foundations of global finance.

· The stock market is on the brink of a catastrophic collapse, dragging Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and even our power grid into the abyss.

· Is the only way to prevent this disaster to flip the switch, turn off the lights, and restart the world as we know it?

· The financial system, as we know it, is collapsing under the weight of its own betrayal.

· The relentless pressure of Federal Reserve money, irresponsible government spending, and Wall Street’s unchecked profits have created a bubble so massive that its inevitable burst will make the 2008 financial crisis seem like a minor setback.

· But this time, there’s a reversal – a reversal that could cause a total collapse, not just of the financial system, but of the world as we know it.


They Tried to STEAL 2024 Like They Did in 2020 | Mail-In Fraud, Ballot Rigging, NGO Infiltration, Bureaucratic Sabotage

But Trump’s MAGA Army DESTROYED the Globalist Machine!

The truth is out, and the Deep State’s house of cards is collapsing. The same shadow network that orchestrated the 2020 coup against Donald Trump tried to repeat their success in 2024 but failed spectacularly.

Their schemes, from election manipulation to staged unrest, were exposed, and despite their vast resources, Trump emerged victorious. The American people delivered a resounding blow to the elites’ plans, but their efforts reveal a chilling truth: the lengths they’ll go to maintain control.

A Reminder of 2020’s Election Sabotage

The fraudulent election wasn’t just about mail-in ballots—it was a multi-pronged attack on democracy itself. A coalition of shadow organizations plotted everything, from voter manipulation to the January 6 Capitol breach. They weren’t just trying to defeat Trump; they aimed to frame his supporters as enemies of the state.

In 2024, the Deep State pulled out all the stops, thinking they could repeat their 2020 success. But this time, their schemes unraveled.

Their desperation was evident as they employed even more extreme tactics, including:

Mail-In Ballots and Ballot Harvesting 2.0

Swing states were flooded with mail-in ballots, but patriots were watching. Investigations uncovered ballot trafficking on an industrial scale, with operatives coordinating efforts to manipulate results in key districts.

Corruption at the Polling Places

Infiltrators were sent to polling stations in battleground states to delay counts and reject valid votes. But whistleblowers exposed their tactics, preventing a repeat of 2020’s debacle.

High-Tech Censorship and Surveillance

Big Tech amplified disinformation, silencing Trump supporters and tracking them to neutralize their influence.

Foreign Influence and NGO Operations

Foreign governments and international financiers fueled anti-Trump operations, trying to sabotage his campaign through NGOs and globalist propaganda.

A New January 6 Trap

The Deep State tried to engineer another January 6-style event by embedding agitators at Trump rallies, but the MAGA movement, now wise to their tactics, exposed them before they could act.

Why Their Plan Failed

Despite their resources, the Deep State underestimated the resolve of the American people. Whistleblowers revealed the same fraud and manipulation tactics used in 2020, providing irrefutable evidence. Poll watchers, citizen journalists, and grassroots organizations worked tirelessly to ensure transparency.

Trump’s legal team countered their tactics with surgical precision, ensuring their attempts to manipulate the vote were quickly neutralized.

The Fallout

The Deep State’s failure in 2024 has exposed their network. Investigations are underway to uncover the full extent of their operations, and key players within federal agencies, NGOs, and activist groups are being held accountable.

What’s Next?

The Deep State may have failed to steal 2024, but they aren’t finished. Their infrastructure remains intact, and they’ll regroup to sabotage Trump’s administration. Leftist groups are already mobilizing for civil unrest, while the media and Big Tech work to delegitimize Trump’s presidency.

The fight isn’t over—it’s just beginning. Patriots must stay vigilant to ensure the Deep State never succeeds again.

The Deep State tried to steal the 2024 election, but this time, they failed. The republic depends on us.


Top 10 Shocking Stories the Media Buried This Week

by, Vigilant News Network

10 – Doctors drop post-election COVID bombshell.

#9 – Australian local government calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines

#8 – Joe Rogan raises SERIOUS questions about Joe Biden’s “81 million votes” in 2020.

#7 – Bill Maher delivers a brutal wake-up call to Democrats after the election.

#6 – Jack Smith tucks tails and halts Trump case as House GOP demands he “preserve records.”

#5 – Heartless FEMA official ordered relief works NOT to help houses with Trump signs.

#4 – MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow calls on the military, media, and millions of Americans to resist Trump.

#3 – Trump outlines his plan to destroy the Deep State.

#2 – Top 5 Big Pharma CEOS reportedly hold emergency meeting after Trump’s landslide victory.

#1 – General Flynn delivers a bone-chilling post-election warning.

BONUS #1 – FEMA Official Removed After ‘Avoid Trump Houses’ Message Leaks, DeSantis Orders Investigation

BONUS #2 – Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests

BONUS #3 – The Secret IRS Loophole You Need to Know About

BONUS #4 – SNL Rolls Out Their Impression of ‘Dark MAGA’ Elon Musk

BONUS #5 – CNN’s Van Jones Drops Unexpected Truth Bomb on Air


#1 – General Flynn delivers a bone-chilling post-election warning. First, they tried to take Trump off the ballot. Then, they tried to throw him behind bars. And when that didn’t work, they went after his life. After two terrifying assassination attempts, General Flynn warns that it could happen again. During an eye-opening conversation with Steve Bannon, Flynn told Trump’s inner circle to brace for another attempt on Trump’s life before he reaches the Oval Office in January.

Speaking with urgency, Flynn stated, “Number one, Trump needs to be very, very certain of the security around him… They have already tried it a couple of times. They’ll try it again between now and inauguration. That, to me, is job number one.” He also told viewers that the real battle lies ahead, urging Trump to prepare for an all-out war against the Deep State. “We can eliminate a lot of this nonsense by being prepared for what we know the enemy is going to do… Accountability must happen.” This conversation is a must-listen.


#2 – Top 5 Big Pharma CEOS reportedly hold emergency meeting after Trump’s landslide victory. One of Robert Kennedy Jr.’s trusted advisors, Jamel Holley, shared breaking news on X, stating: “Sources tell me top five CEOs of pharmaceutical companies are holding an emergency teleconference at 1 PM.

A lawyer has confirmed that everyone is in a state of panic!” The panic is fueled by widespread speculation that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be tasked with leading a bold reform of federal health agencies like the FDA and CDC. Kennedy has said repeatedly that America needs to prioritize the health of the American people, not the profits of pharmaceutical companies. Let’s hope he can make that vision a reality.


#3 – Trump outlines his plan to destroy the Deep State. Trump relayed the vision in a video message, promising to “clean out” those who have gone “rogue” and have been working “subversively” to damage the country.

Here are Trump’s Ten Moves to Bury the Deep State:

1. “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.”

2. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”

3. “Totally reform FISA courts which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they’re lied to in warrant applications.”

4. “Expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart.”

5. “Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately we false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy.”

6. “Make every Inspector General’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.”

7. “Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.”

8. “Continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington Swamp.”

9. “Work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.”

10. “Push a constitutional amendment to oppose term limits on members of Congress.”


#4 – MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow calls on the military, media, and millions of Americans to resist Trump. Fearmongering to MSNBC viewers following Donald Trump’s presidential election landslide win, far-left talking head Rachel Maddow urged citizens, U.S. military leaders and media personalities to resist the incoming administration so that America doesn’t become “authoritarian.” Maddow claimed protest “has to be done now” and “has to happen in sort of every aspect, every corner of our society.”

“The U.S. military needs to give the American people binding assurances that they will not deploy U.S. military force against the civilian population in this country. They can give those assurances, and now they should,” she stated.


#5 – Heartless FEMA official ordered relief works NOT to help houses with Trump signs. A whistleblower has come forward with text messages revealing FEMA ordered relief workers to purposely skip over homes in Florida displaying Trump signs in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.

According to internal messages obtained by The Daily Wire, FEMA discriminated against Trump supporters in need of help in the aftermath of the most recent hurricanes that passed through the Southeast. FEMA workers were ordered to skip over Trump homes.


#6 – Jack Smith tucks tails and halts Trump case as House GOP demands he “preserve records.” Special Counsel Jack Smith has moved to pause his case against Donald Trump and vacate all remaining deadlines his federal J6 case.

What’s more, he’s been asked to preserve records for a GOP investigation. As Jonathan Turley notes, the election reflected a certain gag sensation for a public fed a relentless diet of panic and identity politics for eight years. The 2024 election will come to be viewed as one of the biggest political and cultural shifts in our history.


#7 – Bill Maher delivers a brutal wake-up call to Democrats after the election. Reflecting on Kamala Harris’s last-ditch to captivate viewers on Saturday Night Live, Maher pointed out a major flaw with his party—a flaw so fatal that it makes it “not a good place for us to be.” “I saw Kamala was on Saturday Night Live, as the losing candidate often is…

I’m sure every single member of the Saturday Night Live cast was a Harris supporter, but what if one of them wasn’t? What if one of those cast members was for Trump? Would they have felt comfortable saying so? I really don’t think so. They would have had to keep it to themselves. That’s not a good place for us to be.” “And that happens even more on the left. I remember when Elon Musk hosted. And this is well before he was a Trumper.

This is three or four years ago. He was just the richest man in the world. And a number of the cast members on Saturday Night Live, like, they didn’t want to deal with him. “They didn’t exactly boycott, but they made it plain. And I was thinking, really, you have Elon Musk on your show for a week. You could talk to one of the most interesting, brilliant people the world has ever produced, even about this issue that bothers you so much—that he’s so rich and lots of people aren’t.

But no, you don’t want to even deal with him. “That’s what I hate about the left. You’re brats. You’re brats, and you’re snobs, and people don’t like that.”


#8 – Joe Rogan raises SERIOUS questions about Joe Biden’s “81 million votes” in 2020. “Look at the difference in how many people voted for Biden in 2020. It’s unprecedented!

It’s way higher than any other time since 2012.” “Look at where the number is… In 2020, it goes way the f—k up.”

suspension of vaxx

#9 – Australian local government calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines. In a surprise move, the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland has voted to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines pending an investigation into evidence of excessive levels of synthetic DNA in the shots.

At a special meeting on Friday night, Port Hedland Councillors voted five votes to two to notify every one of Australia’s 537 local councils of the evidence of the DNA contamination in the vaccines and associated risks. “We are gravely concerned about the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption,” the letter says. Councillor Adrian Mcrae joins to discuss.

pier review

#10 – Peer-reviewed study calls for a complete SUSPENSION of the COVID-19 injections. The authors of the study found a horrifying increased risk of BRAIN CLOTS following COVID-19 injection. The results will make your jaw drop: • The study found brain clots are 112,000% more likely after COVID-19 vaccination than flu vaccination.

Moreover, when compared to all vaccines combined, COVID shots are 20,700% more likely to cause brain clots. As such, the study’s authors and other health experts demand: • “An immediate global moratorium” on the use of COVID-19 vaccines. • “Absolute contraindication” for women of reproductive age. • A full investigation into the alarming breach of safety thresholds. • Accountability from regulators and manufacturers for ignoring these risks.

trump admin

Trump’s Vision

by Clandestine

Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump’s picks, let’s isolate what we know:

-The enemy is terrified

-Elon is bullish on justice

Based on the reactions from the Left, Trump appears to have touched some nerves with his appointees. Great sign.

Elon is excited about it, and he is incontrovertibly one of the smartest living beings on Earth. He seems to be all-in on the situation and he has been in Trump’s ear the entire time. I trust his judgement and his vision. If Elon is excited, that’s a great sign. The country is in good hands.

Also, Trump and Congress just proved that us bitching about who we want on the Internet, solved absolutely NOTHING and changed zero minds. Trump still picked Rubio for SOS, and the Senate did not pick Scott for SML. We may have influence, but not raw power.

My point is, that it’s out of our hands now. We generated enough votes and hired Trump to get the job done. Now all we can do is see if he and his team can produce results. If they do, awesome. If they don’t, well then we are right back where we started, but at least there will be less LGBTQ flags flying around, cheaper gas, and it’s infinitely better than Kamala.

Ultimately my message is … relax. Let it unfold. Focus on what we can control, which is replacing the failed corporate media, and waking up normies. The rest is in Trump’s hands now.

christian elected Trump

Christians Elected Donald Trump So He Can Finish What Jesus Started

By Benjamin Fulford | November 11, 2024

Donald Trump needs to thank Jesus Christ for his election. In case you missed it 62% of Protestants and 56% of Catholics voted for Trump while 79% of Jews and 72% of atheists voted against him. This means Trump’s mandate is to finish what Jesus Christ started.

election by religion

Here is what Jesus started:

Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He kicked over the tables of the loan sharks and the stalls of the dove merchants saying; My house was designated a house of prayer; You have made it a hangout for thieves. Now there was room for the blind and the crippled to get in. Matthew 21:12-14

Jesus was later tortured to death and his body was hung out for public display by the very money lenders he opposed. They are still in power to this day.

To understand just how powerful they are look at the lists of Rothschild-controlled central banks around the world.


central banks

central banks

central banks

central banks

The list of countries they do not control is much shorter. Bhutan, Myanmar and North Korea are the only ones I was able to identify as not being under their control.

The fact Q posted the list of Rothschild central banks and Elon Musk X’d it shows the US space force is aware of the nature of what they are dealing with.

These central banks create money out of nothing, and this is literally sucking the life force out of this planet. For example, they are pushing “decarbonization” based on lies about carbon causing global warming. We are carbon-based life and releasing carbon into the atmosphere creates more plant life which in turn creates more animal life. The current ruling class plan: to remove carbon by burying it in the ground etc. is profoundly anti-life.

The ultimate controllers of this system are the Vatican (named after Vatican, the goddess of the underworld) and the Black Sun organization. When we went to visit them, they said their god was a black hole in the center of the galaxy. This stained glass from their cathedral in Milan shows a black hole with light around it.

black hole

My personal experience when I visited this place was that it was a huge vortex of anti-life. What the light around the black hole represents is a group of very powerful people who are bribed to go against the life force. These people control 90% of transnational corporations. Here is an illustration of their control grid.


They also control the UN, the BIS, the WHO, the IMF, the World Bank etc.

Their names are known. They are the usual suspects, so to speak, of the globalist and Zionist universe composed of institutions such as the Bilderberg, the Aspen, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bohemian Grove, AIPAC, Chabad Lubavitch and the Trilateral Commission, in which there is always the financing of the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg families and of the “big” banks of Jewish finance such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

In a sign Trump is going to take action against these people, there are reports he is considering Congressman Mike Rogers as Secretary of Defense. Rep Rogers is the sponsor of this bill:

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019

This bill directs the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.) and all affiliated bodies. It also ends U.S. participation in all U.N. conventions and agreements.

Funds may be appropriated to facilitate U.S. withdrawal from the U.N. No funds may be made available for contribution to or paid to any U.N. body. No member of theU.S. Armed Forces may serve under U.N. command, and no funds may be used to support Armed Forces participation in U.N. military operations.

The bill also repeals diplomatic immunity for officers and employees of the U.N. and for officers and employees of foreign government missions to the U.N. The bill repeals various acts related to the U.N., including the United NationsParticipation Act, the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act, the United Nations Environment Program Participation Act, and joint resolutions establishing U.S. membership in the World Health Organization and the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.


This bill has yet to be passed and much of the rest of the world is still barreling along with the UN Agenda 2030 to herd the world’s population into concentration camps like 15-minute cities. They are also still pushing for the mark of the beast type control of the financial system that will only allow people to get food and other resources if they have a high obedience score (social credit).

That is why there is another bill that also needs to be passed. It is Representative Thomas Massies’ H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.

fed reserve system

So far Donald Trump has not promised to pass either of these bills.

What he seems to be promising is to pacify people with the following reforms of the existing system:

  1. On Day One, re-issue the 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats.
  2. Overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.
  3. Fundamentally reform the FISA courts, ensuring that corruption is rooted out.
  4. Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish All documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and abuses of power.
  5. Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the media to create false narratives, pressing criminal charges when appropriate.
  6. Make every Inspector General’s Office independent from the departments they oversee, so that they do not become protectors of the deep state.
  7. Establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure that they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people.
  8. Continue the Trump administration’s effort to move parts of the federal bureaucracy outside of the Washington Swamp, just like President Trump moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado. Up to 100,000 government positions could be moved out of Washington.
  9. Ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and regulate, such as Big Pharma.
  10. Push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.

Trump also promises everyone involved in censorship will be jailed using already existing laws. This includes employees and owners of online platforms who were involved in censorship and government officials in the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD and more as well as fraudulent media outlets. YouTube censored this, but it already has 43 million Twitter views. Trump on X-YES!

By contrast, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller warns: “We lose total control” if social media stops censoring content.

End Wokeness-X

This is a good start, but a Trump presidency could be far more mind-blowing than we realize. Last week we were contacted by Majestic 12 (MJ12), a group set up by President Dwight Eisenhower to deal with extra-terrestrial life.

Full Newsletter Link


AMERICAS SHINNING LIGHT RETURNS | Possible Timing & Timelines | 2024 – 2025

Source; EtheFriendQ

  • On Mon. 4 Nov. 2024 Military forces took down the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland and seized over $23 trillion in gold, cash and digital assets. They uncovered classified vaults containing elite blackmail material, including videos, documents and genetic records tied to cloning experiments and human trafficking.
  • The BIS was the operational nerve center of the Deep State. It controlled trillions in off-ledger accounts used to fund wars, regime changes, and globalist agendas. With the BIS under alliance control, the deep state’s financial backbone has been severed.
  • On November 6, 2024, a massive raid conducted by elite military forces uncovered a sprawling underground fortress known as The Black Fortress – a Deep State underground base in Antarctica where they discovered advanced anti-gravity spacecraft capable of intercontinental travel within minutes, Cryogenic chambers housing what insiders describe as “genetically enhanced humans” intended to replace deep-state operatives and a secret server farm containing the Deep State’s most sensitive data, including evidence of collusion with extraterrestrial entities. The release of the information could revolutionize transportation, energy, and medicine.
  • On November 7, 2024 Military forces raided the Vatican Bank, seizing $10 trillion in laundered funds, connections to global trafficking rings, illegal arms deals and evidence of ritualistic human sacrifice tied to high-ranking church officials.
  • The Pope, under military house arrest, is reportedly cooperating to save his life. However, Trump’s alliance has made it clear: no deals will be made. Military tribunals for Vatican officials are set to begin in December 2024, and the public will soon see the depth of their depravity.
  • Sat. 9 Nov. 2024: A Seller of Dinar was told he could not sell any more as of next week.
  • Late night Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Mil Ops. Bye bye Satan Worshipping, Pedophilia and Child Sacrificing Hollywood: Major arrests happening NOW in California, vetted & confirmed. Planes have been lining up at LAX preparing to take the Hollywood crowd out of the country on Sat. night 9 Nov. 2024.
  • Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Veterans Day: Said to be the start of Golden Days and EBS activated with Barron Trump.
  • On November 20-23, 2024 Trump has summoned 74 world leaders to meet in a Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland to finalize plans for the eradication of the Globalist Cabal and implementing NESARA and GESARA worldwide.
  • On November 26, the QFS will implement full biometric lockdown, rendering the old banking system obsolete. Every transaction will require Retina scans, DNA verification and Neural recognition technology.
  • On December 25, 2024 the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is expected to activate, after which Military tribunals will begin for child trafficking networks operated by elites like Soros, Gates and Clinton; the pharmaceutical industry’s collusion with globalists to suppress cures for cancer and other diseases and the use of advanced mind-control technologies to manipulate public opinion and elections.
  • By March 2025 the European Central Bank, Bank of England and Bank of Japan will close. Trump has already dismantled the Federal Reserve.
  • Trump, now the undisputed leader of the Global Alliance, has summoned 74 world leaders to Reykjavik, Iceland, for a covert summit scheduled for November 20-23, 2024. This meeting will finalize plans for the eradication of the Globalist Cabal and implementing NESARA and GESARA worldwide.
  • The redistribution of $600 Trillion in stolen wealth using the QFS funds hoarded by the elites are being funneled into humanitarian projects, infrastructure, and debt forgiveness programs.
  • The Elimination of Central Banks: Trump has already dismantled the Federal Reserve, and by March 2025, the European Central Bank, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan will follow. This will mark the complete collapse of the fiat money system.
  • Global Arrest Warrants: The alliance has prepared warrants for over 5,000 high-ranking globalists, including politicians, bankers, and CEOs. These individuals will face immediate tribunal trials. Over 5,000 arrests have already been made.
  • On November 5, 2024, Musk’s Starlink Satellites detected a massive movement of stolen gold being transported via submarine to a hidden bunker in Fiji. A coordinated military operation seized the gold and captured several high-ranking globalists attempting to escape justice. Starlink has also intercepted encrypted communications from Deep-State operatives attempting to flee to New Zealand, Antarctica, and remote Pacific islands.
  • By January 2025, every human on Earth will be integrated into this system, leaving no room for corruption.


Social Unrest Has Already Started To Erupt, And This Is Just The Beginning…

If you think that the Left is just going to sit back and accept Donald Trump’s victory, you must not have been paying attention for the past eight years.  Trump is the most hated politician in modern American history, and prominent voices in the media continue to fuel that hate by making extremely inflammatory statements.  For the moment, many on the left are still in a state of complete shock because they were entirely convinced that they were going to win this election.  But once the shock wears off, we will see an explosion of anger, frustration and fury that is unlike anything we have ever seen before.

Unfortunately, we are already seeing signs of what is to come.  For example, a man in Michigan has been arrested by authorities for planning an attack “against conservative Christians” because they supported Trump so strongly this election…

A 25-year-old Michigan man is facing federal charges after he allegedly threatened violence against conservative Christians over former President Donald Trump winning the presidential election.

Isaac Sissel of Ann Arbor was arrested Tuesday morning and charged in a federal criminal complaint with making a threatening communication, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Michigan.

Prosecutors said the FBI National Threat Operations Center in West Virginia received an anonymous online threat on Nov. 2, which included details about a planned attack.

Apparently this particular individual was planning to use a stolen AR-15 semiautomatic rifle to hit a high profile target.

During the months ahead, churches all over America are going to need to pay extra attention to security, because there are a lot of extremely unbalanced people out there.

Meanwhile, large protests against Trump have already begun.

For example, last night there was a very loud protest outside of Trump’s hotel in Chicago…

Not even 24 hours after President-elect Donald Trump won more votes in Illinois this general election than in the previous two, and after winning the US election in a massive red wave sweep, far-left protesters gathered outside the Trump Hotel in Obama’s Chicago.

The protests appear to have been highly organized and well-planned before the election, given the coordination among activists, the hundreds—if not thousands—of protesters—many holding signs—and the likely pre-approved protest routes from City Hall.

Organizers shouted into megaphones, “Trump is a fascist” and “racist,” echoing hate speech spewed by the defunct Harris-Walz campaign in the months leading up to November 5.

And there were also sizable protests in New York and Philadelphia…

NYU students have gathered near Cadman Plaza Park in New York to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s victory, chanting slogans like “NYU, your hands are red, over a hundred thousand dead!” and “Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go.” Although the crowd is currently small, similar protests are unfolding in Chicago and Philadelphia.

The synchronized timing of these demonstrations has raised speculation that organized funding may be behind the protests.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Just like in 2016, I expect that things will really start to get crazy once we get to Trump’s inauguration.

Some on the left are anticipating open conflict once Trump gets in.  The Washington Post has published a feature story about a former officer in the Capitol Police named Michael Fanone that seems to have gone nuts.  He has run off to a compound in the woods, and he is fearing the worst from a Trump presidency…

Michael Fanone leaped off the couch and lumbered toward his fridge, retrieving his fifth (or sixth?) beer. He glanced at the TV, took a sip of Sapporo and offered his first thought on a second Donald Trump presidency.

“Better ******* arm yourselves.”

Apparently Fanone is planning to die in his compound if there is any type of showdown with federal authorities…

His tone was somehow both furious and serene. He saw this coming, and on Tuesday night some in America were starting to arrive at the place he’d already been living for the past 46 months. “I didn’t vote for that ************,” he said, “and I fought tooth and nail to prevent this day from ******* coming.”

He’d learned about more than 300 “deep state” enemies that Trump’s self-described “secretary of retribution” had compiled in a target list, as Raw Story first reported; Fanone says he saw his name on it. If Trump wants him imprisoned, he’d rather be killed in a shootout. “I’ll die right here on my ******* house,” he said. “I’m not going to be in some ‘Apprentice’ ******* military tribunal.” Fanone insists that he’s not some “prepper weirdo,” that he’s just someone who understands how law enforcement can be weaponized against people — “and I fully expect that to happen.”

Needless to say, Fanone is far from alone.

There are millions of others just like him.

Sadly, prominent voices just continue to ramp up the level of fear.  If you doubt this, just consider something that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just said

“We are about to enter a political period of fascism and authoritarianism. It is not uncommon to jail political dissidents or legislative opponents.”

That is a completely and utterly insane statement.

But there are lots and lots of people out there that eat this stuff up.

On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow warned that Americans have chosen a “strongman, authoritarian system”

Rachel Maddow is being mocked for her anti-Donald Trump monologue in which she warned the US was headed for an autocratic government after his resounding election victory.

The MSNBC star claimed that the voter turnout for the Republican president-elect was evidence Americans had ‘let democracy go’ and opted for, a ‘strongman, authoritarian system’.

This sort of inflammatory rhetoric is extremely dangerous.

But after eight years of saying such things, she certainly isn’t going to back down now.

Maddow is also urging her followers to become “******** pirates” once Trump takes office…

She likened the outcome to those seen in countries such as North Korea, Russia and China as she urged Democrats not to become, ‘despondent’.

‘Now we can work on being ******** pirates. We can work on being a thorn in the side to anyone who tries to turn this country into some tin-pot tyranny.

I understand that a lot of people may not want to hear this right now, but this story is not going to end well.

Nearly half of this country hates Trump and absolutely detests the idea of being governed by him.

All of the protest movements that we have seen in recent years will be dwarfed by what we will witness once Trump enters the White House.

So enjoy the relative tranquility that we are experiencing at this moment, because it won’t last for long.

dem madness

Democratic Leftist Meltdown

It’s so fascinating to witness the leftist meltdown over Trump’s victory, especially from liberal women, even in “spiritual” communities.

Everything they cry about and are scared of – without exception – is literally illusions, nonsense, and based on propaganda and lies, which they repeat without a single coherent thought of their own.

It’s not rooted in reality at all. They have created a hell for themselves that is like the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic.

From a psycho-spiritual perspective, they have been taken over by Wetiko while all their unconscious father issues and shadows are projected on “orange man bad.” Many of the projections are also trauma responses projected externally as they split psychologically.

It’s like a colossal egregore formed from their emotionally charged projections. It feeds on them like a group hive mind entity and feeds them with illusory thoughts and ideas that they take as their own to rationalize their hatred and fear.

[An Egregor is an esoteric concept in Occultism. They are non-physical entities or thought forms that arise from the collective thoughts and emotions of groups of individuals.]

It’s a closed loop.

Moreover, what they project on Trump and Trump supporters is often precisely what their side has been doing. They call Trump a fascist, while Kamala and Walz repeatedly said that we need more censorship and that the First Amendment [Free Speech] is “dangerous.” Only a fascist would state that.

Women’s rights are also not being taken away, nor will there be a national abortion ban. All the women whining about “but my abortion!” in their narcissistic bubble can still get one. Do as many as you please! It’s also your Karma to carry since it’s “your body.”

Many of them believe that Trump is literally Hitler and his supporters are all Nazis due to the insane media brainwashing campaign.

There are many more examples, some of them so pathologically out of touch with reality it’s insanity. For example, some liberals are afraid that vaccines will become illegal (because of RFK JR.), so they are getting as many jabs as possible right now. [not kidding]

People say we must show compassion, heal the division, and not let politics ruin relationships.

I agree. However, be careful of falling into blind compassion and a people-pleaser program based on wishful thinking. Some people on the liberal left are so far gone and wetiko-possessed that they have become a danger that can literally justify atrocities, violence, doxxing, and murder.

It’s a very low level of consciousness masquerading as “virtue” – a dangerous combination.

I’m not suggesting a counter-attack on them when you are a target of their projections, so Trump supporters need to check their own projections and reactive behavior (most of them seem to be more emotionally stable than Liberals, though)

But what I do suggest is making boundaries very clear.

Don’t forget, we are still in a spiritual war with occult forces outside your five-sensory perceptions acting through humans, and some people will fight for their self-imposed prison and illusions to their graves.

I’m not stating this to induce fear, but awareness, for this battle is far from over.


Election Aftermath & Issues Involved in Taking Office

trump transition

Trump’s Victory Triggers Elite Panic

Clinton Foundation’s CEO and Moderna’s Top Executive Resign—Hollywood’s Biggest Names Running Scared!

Trump’s recent election win has sent shockwaves through elite circles that thought they were untouchable. With Trump back in power, the walls of secrecy protecting these powerful figures are collapsing.

This isn’t just a network of celebrities; it’s a web of power brokers tied to dark interests. High-profile figures like Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and many Hollywood A-listers have hidden behind public personas while being part of an entrenched system of corruption.

These elites, once thought untouchable, have had disturbing connections to the Epstein/Diddy network, which many believe was used to traffic and exploit the vulnerable for the powerful. Under a mask of charity and celebrity, they maintained ties with those accused of unspeakable crimes.

Kamala Harris’s backers aren’t just entertainers; they include tech moguls, media icons, and billionaires who’ve gained wealth and power through these connections. Oprah Winfrey, known as the “Queen of Media,” is now questioned over her longstanding relationships with figures in Epstein’s circle. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ties to Epstein’s operations, including visits to his island and the Clinton Foundation’s shadowy dealings, have fueled suspicions for years.

Hollywood and Big Tech aren’t innocent either.Figures like Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, and Bill Gates are deeply embedded in this elite machinery. Their recurring presence on client lists isn’t accidental; it’s part of a dark alliance that spans entertainment, tech, and politics, all working to control, distract, and manipulate the public.

From music icons like Eminem and Taylor Swift to movie stars like Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep, these aren’t just celebrities—they’re symbols used to push hidden agendas. Lady Gaga openly plays with symbolism that hints at elite secrets, while tech giants like Bill Gates use global health as a front for population control and tracking. Mark Cuban and other billionaires have aligned with policies that support these agendas, reinforcing a power structure that serves only the elite.

Now, with Clinton Foundation’s Thurm and Moderna’s Stephane Bancel resigning, the panic is real. These resignations aren’t just career changes; they’re desperate moves to escape the impending revelations that Trump’s administration promises to unveil. The ties between the Clintons, Gates, and the Hollywood elite are cracking under the weight of truth.

Trump’s return signals a seismic shift. For years, these elites used their wealth and influence to shield themselves, but Trump’s victory is breaking that shield. The American people are awakening to the reality that these so-called icons—once glorified and trusted—have been part of a dark network benefiting from secrecy and manipulation.

The days of hidden power and secret alliances are ending. The unraveling has begun, and each resignation, each exposure, brings us closer to the truth. This is the end of an era for the elites, as a new dawn of accountability finally arrives.

Source; Ethefriend Q


THE PAIN IS COMING for No. 47’s Enemies!

Bombshell Report: President Trump’s Full REVENGE List Unleashed 

President Trump returns to the White House with a mission of retribution. From Joe Biden to the January 6th Committee, discover Trump’s full revenge list and his plans for justice in 2024–2025. This explosive list promises a dramatic turn in American politics.

Trump’s Victory Sparks Anticipation: The Revenge List Begins

Donald Trump is back in the Oval Office with one clear goal: Retribution. No longer restrained by re-election, President No. 47 is ready to unleash his long-promised strategy against those he blames for past political and legal setbacks. His base sees it as the righteous action of a leader determined to restore justice.

President Joe Biden: Trump has vowed to investigate Biden, accusing him of treason and corruption, especially regarding Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings. Trump’s supporters see this as a decisive act of justice for perceived betrayals.

Kamala Harris: Trump targets her for border security failures, calling for accountability for what he describes as her “negligence” at the border. His base demands stricter immigration reforms.

Barack Obama: Accused of treason and surveillance, Trump wants Obama held accountable for actions during the 2016 election. His base views Obama as symbolic of a corrupt deep state.

Hillary Clinton: The infamous “Lock her up!” chant resurfaces. Trump’s promise to bring consequences for Clinton’s past actions resonates deeply with his followers, who view her as part of the “corrupt system.”

Nancy Pelosi: Trump alleges Pelosi’s involvement in stock misdeeds and her actions on January 6th as failures. His base is calling for justice against political elite corruption.

Letitia James: New York Attorney General James, who led fraud investigations against Trump, now faces his wrath. His supporters see her as part of a biased legal system.

Liz Cheney: Called a traitor, Cheney is emblematic of betrayal within the GOP. Trump’s base views her as an adversary who must face consequences.

Special Counsel Jack Smith: Dubbed “The Jackal,” Smith, the prosecutor in multiple cases against Trump, is under fire. Trump’s base sees Smith as the face of a biased justice system.

Alvin Bragg: The Manhattan District Attorney who pursued Trump over hush money payments, now viewed by Trump as a political enemy.

General Mark Milley: Trump accuses Milley of treason over foreign communications. His base sees Milley as a symbol of the “deep state.”

Mark Zuckerberg: Trump vows to keep an eye on Zuckerberg, claiming he interfered in elections. His base’s distrust of Big Tech aligns with this stance.

James Comey: Trump’s renewed calls for accountability echo his base’s concerns about the corrupt justice system.

January 6th Committee: Trump views committee members as “fraudulent” and calls for retribution, resonating with his base who see their work as a smear campaign.

Adam Schiff: A long-time target, Trump continues to label Schiff a traitor. His base sees Schiff as part of the deep-rooted opposition.

Conclusion: A Mandate of Retribution

Trump’s return isn’t just a comeback; it’s a crusade for accountability. For his supporters, this second term is seen as the reckoning they’ve long awaited. Trump’s list sets the stage for a historic confrontation between his administration and those he deems responsible for years of wrongs.

Source; EtheFriendQ



This Could be a GAME CHANGER with the Elections, or Challenges to Certifications!

Loy Brunson BREAKING NEWS! The Brunson Brothers’ Supreme Court case could be a GAME-CHANGER for U.S. elections. Could this historic ruling turn the tide and rewrite 2020? What happens if the Supreme Court validates Trump’s claims? Discover the explosive details and what’s at stake for America!

Imagine a scenario where the Supreme Court overturns the 2020 election results, with the military stepping forward to present evidence in a historic reveal. Could Donald Trump have won by a landslide? The Brunson case, launched by Loy Brunson and his brothers, questions the integrity of the 2020 presidential election, alleging widespread fraud that could have altered the outcome. This is an all-out challenge to the legitimacy of the Biden administration, representing a possibility of justice for millions.

If the Supreme Court validates the Brunson case, the repercussions will reach every corner of American society. This isn’t just a routine ruling; it could be precedent-setting with implications for decades. If successful, the case wouldn’t only vindicate Trump but also call into question every decision made under Biden’s administration.

What if Trump actually won the 2020 election? The Brunson case hinges on allegations that systemic fraud robbed Trump of his rightful victory. A ruling validating this claim would cast a shadow of illegitimacy over Biden’s actions. Trump supporters would feel vindicated, while others would confront an uncomfortable reality.

The alleged role of the U.S. military, particularly Space Force, in securing election data adds another layer to this explosive case. Speculation suggests Space Force has advanced technology capable of detecting election fraud. If true, this evidence could transform the election narrative, showcasing the military as a guardian of election integrity.

The consequences of a Supreme Court ruling favoring Trump would shake the Biden administration to its core. This ruling would prompt scrutiny of every policy and executive order since 2021.

Expect an explosive reaction from both sides of the aisle. Trump supporters would see this as validation of their concerns, rallying behind him with renewed enthusiasm. The opposition would not take such a ruling quietly, igniting heated debates across social media and public forums.

The Brunson case represents a pivotal moment in American history, forcing a confrontation of beliefs about government, elections, and accountability. As this case unfolds, the entire country watches, anticipating what could be the most consequential ruling in modern history. The world will be watching—this is just the beginning!

Source; EtheFriendQ

Bush Trafficking Ring

Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar

by Ben Fulford

EXPOSED: George H.W. Bush’s Pedophile Sex Ring and Congressional Blackmail Operations – “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”

EXPOSED: Dark, disturbing truths lie behind the polished smiles and patriotic speeches. Allegations point to George H.W. Bush’s direct involvement in a child sex ring and blackmail operation known as “Operation Brownstone” and “Operation Brownstar.” Reports claim these operations were designed to ensnare and control powerful political figures through unimaginable exploitation and secrecy.

In the late 1980s, while serving as Vice President, Bush is accused of orchestrating a network that abused vulnerable children to blackmail U.S. congressmen, senators, and other influential officials. Key to these allegations are claims that young, innocent lives were exploited in Senator Barney Frank’s notorious “Brownstone” condo, where children were drugged, abused, and used as leverage against intoxicated politicians who became unwitting pawns in this horrific game of power.

The Voodoo Drug was reportedly central to this scheme, slipped into drinks to disorient both children and political leaders, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation. Allegedly, officials were unknowingly filmed in compromising situations, their darkest moments captured as ammunition for blackmail, ensuring their compliance on critical government decisions. This web of manipulation reportedly gave Bush and his associates unchecked power, crafting a shadow government behind the scenes of democracy.

Ted Gunderson’s Role: Once an FBI official, Gunderson was supposedly no hero, but a fixer—accused of covering up the crimes, protecting figures like Bush and Cheney from exposure. Some allege he even tracked and silenced any surviving children who might have come forward.

Children from orphanages were reportedly used as victims in this operation. Prominent figures like Bush and Cheney allegedly greeted these vulnerable children during “educational tours” to Washington before they were lured to private gatherings, stripped of innocence, and forever scarred. Such horrors didn’t go unremarked—some survivors reportedly pointed at powerful figures on TV years later, identifying them as their abusers. Yet their voices were met with threats and silence.

Despite major media spending millions investigating these claims, political pressure crushed any real exposé. The Franklin Cover-Up and Finders Scandal share chilling similarities to these allegations, with child trafficking cases mysteriously derailed, federal authorities refusing transparency, and perpetrators shielded by untouchable power. Whether it’s Bush, Cheney, or others, the pattern is disturbingly clear: a dark nexus of child abuse, manipulation, and cover-up extending into the highest offices of power.

The victims, now grown, deserve justice, while the American people demand answers. Justice delayed is justice denied.


DISTURBING!! Thousands of Children Rescued from DUMBs!

New Evidence Exposes Tunnels for Torture and Human Experimentation—Hollywood and Government’s Disturbing Child Trafficking Connection!

The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) network has long been suspected of harboring some of the most horrific operations imaginable. Now, as of November 1, 2024, the horrifying truth about these facilities is no longer just whispered in underground circles—it’s exposed on a global scale.

New updates reveal a chilling picture of unthinkable atrocities happening beneath our feet, all shielded by layers of secrecy and deep state protection. The elites responsible for these crimes are scrambling as the light of truth shines down on them.

The latest revelations confirm the DUMBs network is more than just military infrastructure. It’s a central hub for human trafficking, child exploitation, and grotesque human experimentation—on a scale that defies belief.

Survivors and whistleblowers are now coming forward with testimonies that are as horrifying as they are credible. Beneath cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Denver, these bases have been used for purposes darker than anyone could have imagined.

New Trafficking Rings Exposed

Several DUMBs have been directly tied to new human trafficking rings. The global elite, using these underground facilities, have facilitated the abduction and trafficking of thousands through intricate tunnel systems spanning the globe.

A recent raid uncovered a complex beneath the southern U.S. border where over 500 trafficked children were held in inhumane conditions, showing the advanced, calculated nature of these operations, complete with sophisticated containment systems to prevent escapes.

Medical and Genetic Experimentation on Humans

New whistleblower reports confirm horrific experiments within many DUMBs. DNA manipulation and mind-control experiments are conducted on trafficked children and abducted adults, far from any legal oversight.

A former security contractor described tunnels beneath Los Angeles where trafficked children’s organs were harvested for the black market—a full-scale operation extending globally.

New Discoveries in New York, LA, and Washington D.C.

In Washington D.C., evidence of a sprawling complex connected to government buildings via old tunnels now used for sinister purposes was found. In New York, over 50 children were recently rescued from a bunker beneath Central Park, further linking these networks to high-profile landmarks and international elites.

BRICS and the Fight Against the Deep State

The BRICS alliance is now cutting off financial access to deep state operatives, disrupting the globalist financial empire that has supported these underground operations.

Global Military Alliance Takes Action

This year, coordinated raids by the Global Military Alliance have liberated over 10,000 trafficked children from DUMB complexes across North America and Europe, meeting fierce resistance from deep state forces.

Emergency Broadcast System and Starlink

An upcoming broadcast through the Emergency Broadcast System will expose the atrocities committed within the DUMB network. Over 35,000 Starlink satellites will disrupt traditional media, broadcasting in 55 languages and 600 dialects worldwide.

The DUMBs, once hidden in darkness, are now centers of human trafficking and genetic manipulation. The world is waking up, and justice is imminent. There is no turning back—the reckoning is upon us.

Source; JulianAssangeNow

ron paul


BOOM! Trump Vows To Lock Up Pedophile Elite and Media Manipulators

Trump’s Promise: A New Era of Accountability

President Trump has made a bold declaration that’s shaking up the entire political landscape. He has vowed to expose and bring to justice a hidden network of elite predators—powerful figures accused of horrendous crimes against children. And it doesn’t end there; Trump is taking direct aim at media entities and fact-checkers he says “falsely debunked” these allegations, preventing the truth from reaching the American people.

This vow has sent shockwaves through the elite circles, unsettling high-profile figures and their supporters. For Trump’s followers, this marks a long-awaited reckoning—a real chance to hold untouchable elites accountable, and many believe it’s about time.

The Shadowy Network of the “Pedophile Elite”

For years, whispers of a shadowy network of powerful individuals exploiting children have circulated, only to be dismissed by mainstream media as “conspiracy theories.” But these claims have persisted, stirring anger and mistrust toward those who seem determined to bury them. With Trump’s latest vow, these allegations resurface with new intensity, reigniting the fight to expose these powerful individuals who have long evaded justice.

The Media’s Role: Truth or Manipulation?

One of the most heated aspects of this issue is the media’s involvement in “debunking” these claims. For many, the aggressive dismissal of Pizzagate and similar theories by major outlets raised suspicions. Why such strong pushback? Trump’s stance suggests he’s ready to uncover the truth that some in power might prefer stayed hidden, challenging the media and its fact-checkers head-on.

Supporters argue that mainstream media often shields the powerful instead of seeking real accountability. Trump’s direct confrontation of fact-checkers fuels this narrative, casting him as the champion of those who feel misled by a media machine they see as protecting the elite, not the public.

Celebrity and Political Elite: Who’s Protecting Whom?

With this promise, high-profile supporters of Kamala Harris and other prominent figures now face intense scrutiny. Hollywood stars who backed her campaign are suddenly in the spotlight, their ties to the establishment called into question. For Trump’s followers, this isn’t just about politics anymore—it’s about loyalty to justice or allegiance to a corrupt system that shields the guilty.

Trump’s supporters are asking: Are these celebrities defenders of justice or enablers of a broken system? As Trump takes aim, the lines between politics, media, and celebrity are blurred, leaving many to question whether these alliances are more sinister than they seem.

A Storm Is Coming

Trump’s vow has unleashed a wave of anticipation and determination among his supporters. They see this as a moment of truth, a historic stand against forces that have operated in the shadows for far too long.



💢 Trump “Wins”, 47th President of United States of America





election fraud

second moon

Second Moon Manifestation

by Clif High

I was not bullshitting about Nov 7, release of emotional energies, and the pending need for the Woo People to step up and get to work. The global mood will be on the ebullient side today through Friday (ish). In the midst of that, there will be a manifestation of some concern that will arise within a small group of deep dot mil guys working in a hole in the ground somewhere out in Western USA.

Their concern will be focused on a ‘manifestation’ out in near earth space, perhaps associated with the ‘second moon’. Their concern will be with the ‘apparently intelligently directed/controlled’ part of this manifestation. The ‘situation’, and their paranoia about it, will be tightly held by these deep dot mil guys for a while. It may take days/weeks before it starts to leak out into our commonly shared reality. When it does, we can expect histrionics arising from big swaths of the population.

The woo people will be needed to help the normies construct a mental framework, a new paradigm for reality, in which to place these manifestations of concern. It will be real work. There will be serious consequences for failure affecting all involved. There will be woo people who will be ‘snatched’ up by officialdom. There will be woo people who are really seriously pissed that they did NOT get snatched up by officialdom.

There will be lots of physicists/mathematicians in NormieLand who will also be blowing mental gaskets over this development. Officialdom will snatch certain woo people b/c they are NOT like everyone else on earth at this time. These people can think logically, practically, and constructively within an ontologic paradigm blinded neither by ‘science’, nor religion. The Trump & Rogan conversation was the TM of this century so far. It marked Humanity taking a BIG STEP up onto the threshold of SciFi world. Now we walk through the door.


Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November This is No Ordinary Election, We Are Literally Fighting For Our Lives

By Windlander November 4, 2024

The election taking place tomorrow, November 5th, 2024 is no ordinary event as most of us are aware. It is interesting to note November 5th is the date of the gunpowder plot to blow up the entire English government. The mask of the man arrested for that plot; Guy Fawkes, is now a symbol of the resistance against the Khazarian mafia.

This is literally a fight to the death against Satanists who want to kill you, your family, and your friends. They plan to do this in order to reduce any survivors to the most abject slavery possible.

You need to be able to tell your children and grandchildren that you fought on their behalf on this day. You can do this by physically going to the polling booth and voting to remove the Satanic Kamala Harris. If they steal the election, then you will also have to grab your guns and prepare to defend your loved ones.
This is not an exaggeration. This writer was raised as an atheist and discovered through real-world reporting and forensic fact-checking that the West is ruled by a Satanic cult bent on killing most of us.

Our Mossad sources and people like Candace Owens confirm Kamala Harris is a “Syrian Jew.” This means she is Assyrian. The Assyrians worshipped the god Ashur, also known as Baal and to the Jews and Christians as Satan.

Her husband Doug Emhoff recently said, “When Kamala walks through the [White House] door at the end of the day, that door has a Mezuzah on it.”
Emhoff is a Chabad Lubavitch member, according to Mossad sources. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the founder of Chabad, is shown here holding the crown meant for their Messiah.

Notice it is built to cover horns. This is because they literally believe a horned Satan is coming to rule this world. They also believe Moses emerged with horns after getting the Ten Commandments.

Remember these people want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. This is what we are fighting against.

Also remember Kamala is just a front. The entire Obiden cabinet was staffed by members of the Council on Foreign Relations controlled by the Rockefeller family. They are also Assyrian Satan worshippers. They rule from Switzerland with their Octagon group politburo. These are the ancient Pharaonic and Babylonian bloodlines that have treated other humans as slaves for thousands of years.

They own the UN, the WHO, the Federal Reserve Board, the transnational corporations and most of the other “globalist” power centers. Since they stole the election in 2020 they tried very hard to kill us with bioweapons and vaccines. Their aim was to force the governments of the world to submit to their privately owned WHO’s pandemic treaty. This would have allowed them to turn the world into a Satanic theocracy where all dissidents would be sent to concentration camps and killed.

They are extremely powerful and they are now literally fighting for their lives. Our sources say there are about a million members of this cult in the US. They are desperate because they know if they fail to steal this election and enslave Americans, they will face long overdue justice.

The scenario they are planning is obvious. They have put out statistically impossible polls showing a dead heat between Kamala and Trump. This is to try to fool people into thinking Donald Trump lost in a close and fair election.

It has been forensically shown that Khazarian Mafia honcho Alex Soros has been financing widespread fraud to get illegal immigrants’ voter IDs. See the link below for details.

Soros is married to Huma Abedin and we have posted a video of her torturing a young girl to death together with Killary Clinton. Soros has also visited the Obiden White House at least 30 times.The KM are using AI, rigged election machines and sophisticated psychological warfare against the American people in this election.

These people can be defeated because, although they control much of the internet and the corporate media, they do not control reality.
Here is an example from Ireland. An AI-generated image of a Halloween parade in Dublin, Ireland, made thousands of people rush to see it only to find out it was not real.

The same thing is true in this election. They can use their fake corporate media and censored internet to create the appearance of a Kamala victory but, they cannot change the reality that she is widely despised in the real world.
Why else would she kick out genuine people from her controlled “public appearances” using paid actors pretending to be her supporters.
We understand that Donald Trump is far from perfect but, he is the only alternative we now have for the American people.

Full Article Link Here

Election 2024 Special Edition

Brace For The Storm

Like President Trump and other true Patriots, I’m proud to be a collector of the Cabal’s garbage. They are so afraid of it’s reveal that they put us down and try to ruin reputations so they can have control over the news.

But Patriots just keep on throwing out their garbage, exposing it to the World. That means we’re telling Truths, which they are afraid of. It means the Cabal no longer has control – that we are making a difference.

It means we stand for Justice and Liberty, concepts they don’t understand, nor even want for themselves and certainly not for others.

It means we’re doing what Heavenly Father would have us do, and when we do that their God Satan has no power, no control over us.

It means we have that power, the power to overcome and are truly free of the evil all around for the good of not only ourselves, but for our posterity.

Join, while it’s not too late:









Brace for the Storm & EBS Signal What Follows Will Reshape History.

patriot attacks



We all have been waiting for! And knew this EVENT was here.

I have long warned you that the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT WAS COMING we are now here in this vital moment and this important EVENT has been growing to MASSIVE world tipping point especially in the U.S

MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS (letting the enemy attack with their plans. Using the enemies attack method against them, exposing the enemies operations through their own operations. Bringing down the enemy through baiting, ambush, confine, catch , arrest, TRAP)

INTELLIGENCE working together to bring down [DS] intelligence that feed and protect the cabal banks, full corrupt systems institutionalized/ captured operations that serve at the powers of the ELITES who run countries wars, human trafficking, and blackmail operations.




These EVENTS that the DEEP STATE has planned has been WAR GAMED to the highest orders of 17 intelligence agencies. (The most corrupt intelligence is CIA with over 50% corruption and 20% white hats and 30% non compliant. Next most corrupt agency is FBI- but still more white hats in the FBI than the CIA.

Most other agencies as DHS. USSF . Naval INTEL. MILITARY INTEL. NSA. National Air. Intelligence>ETC ect. Have majority White Hats holding positions and the corrupt black hats is at a minimal less than 10% (I’m given this discreet direct info from Florida military insider (s) CONTACT.

This near death civilization event initiated by Rockefellers/UN. NASA (Vatican operations controlled by the Kazerian J_wish world Mafia with 19 families globally) is a profound stage of trying to take over ALL FULL control of the U.S. intelligence.

Full WORLD media control/ future easily ready pandemic to social control. Digital travel and much much more. Leading to the arrest of world citizens and pushing the second and third Stages of OPERATION BLUE BEAM (The real context and agenda for operation blue beam is full mind control and erasing history and depopulation sacrificial dark event/from using 5g to advanced technology they want to control the frequencies of sound and mind together – today you already have frequencies that move invisible through the air in music. Voice. Sounds that change the vibration of the human frequency.

The Internet daily moves over a decillion different messages, sounds. Data, information, music movies, collective energy around you in frequency waves effecting the world and human consciousness daily.These invisible frequencies to the human eye manipulate human consciousness.

The Military & Deep State military intelligence, private orgs, already have advanced technology that can use radio waves. Frequency waves. Electric magnetic waves to connect to brain waves. ELECTRONICALLY AUGMENTED TWO -WAY COMMUNICATION (LF ELF VLF WAVES move the brain frequencies to initiate spiritual revelations. Vibrating the CNS which release endorphins , serotonin DMT from the penal gland – the fluid that makes you dream and connects the body most spiritual experience’s. With Electronic Augmented two-way communication fused with the internal thought process a to create mind control operation stemming from 1970s into 90s and perfected into DEFUSE ARTIFICIAL THOUGHTS operations).

Jesuit CIA


The Jesuits were the first intelligence agency who created mind control through MK-ULTRA operations dating back to Vietnam war and CIA operations to control the Vietnam Opium trade. The Jesuits used Opium to create some of the first MK-Ultra experiments.( the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. -SMOM control the CIA operations and helped the OSS create the U.S. agency and today several CIA heads sit inside the council – discreetly. The CIA+SMOM+Jesuits continued MK-ULTRA projects in New York. Florida. Virginia and California+ Universitys). The corrupt power of using MK-ULTRA sleepers  (controlled soldiers who could be activated by sound. Pictures. Frequencies. This soldiers would never know they were under a powerful spell, brainwash, MK ULTRA OPERATIONS)


(Including the origins of USSF) USSF. + STARLINK (origins, before it was known publicly) + SPACE × X × + Hawaii. Arizona. Cheyenne + more+++  + Air force+ Insiders inside NASA HAVE ALL BEEN STOPPING PROJECT BLUE BEAM OPERATIONS THAT ALREADY BEGAN AND CONTINUES.

You are highly unaware how many countless times these white hat operations have stopped Projects Blue Beam stages of operations. from 5 g initiating world mind control through frequencies to stopping MASSIVE earthquake to bringing down Major satellites that control grids, to deep dark deep state military trying desperately to initiate hologram invasion in compliance with UAPs, the countless times white hats have stopped deep state military operations from fully deploying more advanced steps in project Blue Beam is connected to earlier operations of capturing MH370 and baiting the enemy in STING OPERATIONS CONNECTED TO MH370 .

SNOWDEN EVENT happened just months before MH370. Snowden was connected to Hawaii military Operations and his involvement is highly CLASSIFIED that is connected to world leaders His identical memory/super intelligent memory carried important codes and keys he was intensionally traded to Russia. (Do you really think all the intelligence agencies across the world run by CIA. NSA. Five eye agencies could not catch Snowden? How could Snowden have ended up in HONG KUNG, which is the CIA hot bed of China. Hong Kong is the most corrupt region and their banks funnel world Monday laundering operations for world heroin export in Asia that funds UK banks. Mi6. + CIA + Vatican intelligence among others. Hong kung fund’s the CCP operations with Rothschild influence.

The Vietnam war was actually the opium wars and the fight for the control of opium which would control world drug trade and the beginning of MASSIVE pharmaceutical industrial complex system and the money was funnelled through Hong Kung.. That’s why Hong kung has a different currency than main land China and different financial institution than China.

So why then did Snowden end up in Hong Kung?

HE WAS TRADED TO RUSSIA ON THE BEHEST OF RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE/ PUTIN. They all knew who Snowden was INSIDE the real doors of intelligence. Snowden was advising and meeting Prime Minister and presidents and moving information, but he was much more than that and was running intelligence operations with BATTALIONS through Hawaii. Arizona. Cheyenne. Virginia into Malaysia ( hint ;mh370 )

The REAL underground deep military based operations that run fake UAPs . REAL UAPs and SUPER ADVANCED MILITARY TECHNOLOGY. Q Compute systems and operations connected to Room Temperature Super Microchip conductors (Russia. China knew Snowden was a real master mind with identic memory and part of U.S. military advanced technology, weapons operations).



In 2012 STRONG BACK CHANNELS between NSA to Russia were initiated and COMMunications around this time Admiral Rogers commands reached out to Putin + China, India, Saudi Arabia in INITIATING operations to bring down the CIA world operations and Project Blue Beam (which would began with pandemic, world censorship, digital i.d. social construct and over throwing governments to bring in the world countries into United Nations full operation control).

Russia intelligence was FULLY aware of United States advanced technology including uaps and room temperature microchips that can control world operations and future movements.

RUSSIA would not agree to an ALLIANCE.. But only if EDWARD SNOWDEN was traded/GIVEN to Russia. And 2 microchips and some of the top Underground Scientist and engineers.

(Russia knew the U.S. could control the world with the microchips and a deal was made between Russian white hats and U S. Military White-hats. The deal was made and was the only way to move forward to clean all the global CIA mi6 Mossad deep Networks that controlled countries on the behalf of Rockefeller. Rothschild, Vatican Jesuits controlling universities.Malta controlling intelligence, the CABAL OPERATIONS of never ending wars. Drug trade. The human trafficking world Network.)

The important deal had to be made. It balances on complete trust of M.A.D.

(Mutually Assured Destruction)

That way the 2 most powerful countries on earth would have insurance that one or the other country would not take control of each other’s country and men.

After the deal was made, Snowden was traded in 2013 and MH370 ( top scientist were onboard with their full families intact + Engineers ) event happened in 2014.

Admiral Rogers took control of NSA between 2013 -2014

In 2014 Trump met with Admiral Rogers. Flynn. General Q before he was promoted to general) and other important commands.

In 2016 U S. Elections. The white Hats Stole the U.S. elections in the final 45 minutes of the elections and flipped the outcome using Super Advanced Q/computers technology that over powered the CIA. super computers.

That’s why Hilary Clinton was shocked/ The Carnegie Endowment Society operations (CIA) went into full panic and Mossad.mi6 CIA. Five eyes went into a meltdown and for 54 hours the international intelligence wires running at full Channels. Nobody expected this to happen.

PROJECT BLUE BEAM had already been the plan of Vatican. Jesuits. Rothschild who fund the Vatican ( under the Vatican holds the real intelligence of the Bible complete text that never been released due to controlling the masses.. That lead back early Roman empire where only 1%-5% of the world could read and everyone was illiterate. And the news cycles of HEAVILY HEAVILY REDACTED BIBLE was only given in a sermon, speech and no mass production of the Bible existed till after 12th century) and had hidden technology stored under the Vatican stolen from the middle East during Christian wars (connected to King Solomon Temple and what was then and discovered under the temple that dates back to Angels. Ancient civilization technology. Atlantis. Mesopotamia.. deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians.)

The Vatican itself is built on top of old ancient temples that house deep underground ancient technology that can’t be operated by humans… But the vibrational flow and frequencies it moves, channels help create the Vatican empire. These MASSIVE tunnels under the Vatican of connected to 55 miles of libraries that have been documented and undocumented deeper levels only CLASSIFIED personal are allowed to visit from the Vatican under ground tunnels that houses advanced resources technology to Dulce new Mexico under ground base to Denver airport under ground massive city advanced technology to Antarctica underground Kingdom and technology.


That’s why NASA nazi scientists under the Rotchchilds Rockefellers Jp Morgan Vatican have already been initiating the Project Blue Beam ops.

ROCKEFELLERS LOCK-STEP OPERATIONS and capturing world government officials and media, taking control of military intelligence to a degree strong enough to blackmail military personals. Governments. Official’s Elites into complying with ( hidden] lock-step operations.

Creating a pandemic.

Trying to break the fabric of human spiritual religion that is important to those who believe in their religion .

Breaking apart border’s and trying to create race wars and blame Nationalist ( people who believe in they national heritage) for not supporting illegal immigrants. The pandemic was created to shut down countries especially in southern American Middle American to bring the immigrants to the U.S. and use them inside race was. Use them inside deep state military operations and political division and trying to bring in the (UN) Globalist to facilitate U.S. policies and governing. Including overthrowing an interference in United States elections.

This very important moment that we are in right now is not about another election but it’s about stopping and exposing the globalist organizations deep state intelligent agency operations , dark money , money laundering operations , human trafficking operations and never ending war operations that is being created by the Deep state cabal that run world operations.

STAY CALM dear Patriots and be prepared for the powerful moment. EVENT.  EVENTS, we are in where the deep state cabal is trying to create CIVIL WAR.

MILITARY OPERATIONS ARE IN PLACE TO FACILITATE A POWERFUL OUTCOME USING GAME THEORY OPERATIONS THAT IS LEADING TO LAWS OF WAR 11.3 MILITARY PROTOCOLS, (I have been warning you of this important event. And now you can see the events staging as the Democrats are initiating a military open coup to take control of U.S. military and start arrest wars on displace Trump and bring in[ DS] military marshal law

This open military COUP is important to game theory operations and Military beginning open martial Court operations and indictments of MILITARY COUP. pertaining to 2024 elections and interference . Everything will connect back to 2020 stolen elections you are watching the FULL STAGING GROUND OF THE MILITARY OVERT OPERATIONS OF THE DEEP STATE MILITARY AND WHITE HATS MILITARY.

INSURED GUARANTEED SAFETY MEASURES ARE IN PLACE FOR A FULL RE-CONTROLL of the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT(s) to happen/happening now. These insured safety measures included TRUMP returning to President and ending the world wars and exposing the pandemic. World crises including the EXPOSURE of the human trafficking trade connected to world blackmail operations running countries.


TRUMP+ MUSK GOLDEN ERA bringing in a golden new era .. Ending taxes. Creating a private banking systems for all Americans and bringing an End to Wars.

PROJECT BLUE BEAM IS NOW CAPTURED OPERATIONS but the event of blue beam will continue into a monumental EVENT

That will bring in the exposure of Hidden Advanced technology. These technologies are beyond human FATHOMABLE thoughts.

Project Blue Beam is being diverted into the DISCLOSURE PROJECTS

(what ever happens coming of the full alien invasion. Just know they are important GAMED GAMED GAMED game theory operations connecting to EXPOSURE and also bringing down the DEEP DARK MILITARY OPERATIONS THAT RUN UNCONSTITUTIONAL ILLEGAL/ TREASONOUS OPERATIONS that the deep state were using to bring in a controlled Blue beam ops.

We are headed into a powerful moment my friends. Where anything is possible. The Power of the super room temperature conductive microchips is connected to time travel.

dreams into reality


What Jesus knew (the Spirit can channel energy to move into different dimensions using plasma and vortex of the heart and using the purity of the mind to open infinite energy. Zero point energy.. restructure the molecular structure of atoms> what the greatest Masters knew of the mind). The power and technology of hidden tech. Certain powerful microchips can mimic the spiritual revelations and conductivity of moving through the fabrics of time and space

THE GREAT AWAKENING is connected to infinite energy. DREAMS TO REALITY. The door. Heaven of Earth. Traveling between doors of creation.

The choice will always be yours.

Why is Trump’s uncle so important?

How is Tesla involved?

Who was JFK going to meet the day of  his assassination?

For now BRACE YOURSELF FOR AN ATTACK(S) ON THE U.S. PATRIOTS /MAGA/ANONS  as the deep state cabal and dark military try to create the biggest FALSE FLAG OPERATION OF THE 21 CENTURY to keep control of the Globalist power. We are inside the BLACK SWAN EVENTS. CHAOS. Blackouts. Days of darkness. Confusion and near death civilization events incoming.

Remember I told you long ago these EVENTS would happen. But back then people thought i was fear mongering. Now you understand why these events have to happen. It’s not for you.. It’s for them the Sleeping Sheep. Society as going to be shaken awake and the ripple effect will hit all major countries. But remember Trump (the military alliance) WILL restore the true order of Peace.

It had to be this way_Q

Military is the only way_Q

You have more than you know_Q

The plan to save the world _Q

election 2024

Breaking News Alert: DHS Insider Admits ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack on Nov 5 Will Rig Election for Harris!

Source; “E” TG

Breaking: A DHS insider just exposed a massive November 5 cyber plot aimed at destroying American democracy and rigging the upcoming election! This dark scheme is designed to thrust the nation into chaos, securing a rigged win for elite-controlled candidates. Act now—read on to uncover how this sinister plan could change everything.

What is a ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack?

A “false flag” cyber attack disguises the real attackers, making it look like another group carried out the assault. Originating in naval warfare, this tactic involved ships flying enemy flags to launch attacks under false pretenses. In cybersecurity, false flags mislead governments and citizens alike, triggering reactions against wrongly accused parties while concealing the true perpetrators.

Such attacks manipulate public perception, planting false evidence, using known malware from specific groups, and sometimes falsely claiming responsibility. These operations are highly sophisticated, demanding in-depth knowledge of the impersonated parties and the systems under attack.

Alert: DHS Insider Blows the Whistle on November 5 Cyber Attack Plot to Hijack the Election!

Wake Up, America! A DHS insider’s bombshell revelation has exposed a November 5 cyber attack set to cripple the presidential election. This “false flag” operation is planned to plunge the nation into darkness, ensuring the elite’s puppet candidates seize control.

The Ominous Significance of November 5

Remember, remember, the fifth of November—not just for treason but for a new betrayal. As election day nears, insiders warn this date may mark a catastrophic blow to our freedoms. The stakes? Nothing less than the survival of our democracy.

Inside the War Room: The Cyber Attack Blueprint

Leaked details reveal a terrifying scenario: a nationwide internet blackout to paralyze communication, spread lies, and rig results. This tech-fueled plot, backed by billionaire moguls and corrupt officials, is poised to steal the presidency with a single keystroke.

Unmasking the Totalitarian Agenda

This is more than election meddling—it’s a blueprint for totalitarianism. The global elite, drunk on power, are plotting to turn the Land of the Free into a land of surveillance and control. Insiders report these plans as fully underway, hiding in plain sight through “routine” government drills and escalated security measures.

The Dire Consequences for Every Citizen

Imagine waking up November 6 in a nation where your vote didn’t count. This blackout isn’t just about cutting power; it’s about severing the trust between the people and democracy. If we remain silent, the results may already be scripted in some dark backroom.

Rallying the Resistance

The alarm is ringing. Election integrity groups are mobilizing to protect the polls and unveil the conspiracy. They are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” by the complicit, yet they stand as the last defense for our democracy.

Trump: The Champion Against the Coup

Amid this national peril, President Trump emerges as the defender against encroaching tyranny. His relentless fight isn’t just political; it’s a crusade to save the American soul from the elites who would sell it for power.

As November 5 looms, the call to action has never been more urgent. The revelations from this DHS insider aren’t merely a warning—they’re a rallying cry for all patriots. Stand vigilant, defend our rights, and protect the very heart of our nation. The battle for America’s future is here, and it’s for the soul of our country.

fair and free elections

Little Hope For Fair and Free Elections 2024

Source D Wilcock TG

Any hope for a fair and free 2024 Election? Don’t think so. The highly organized Democratic Fraud Machine has been active for years and was already creating chaos around early 2024 voting issues.

Deep State Biometric Scanners, Satellites and AI Algorithms have wiped out Trump votes in early voting districts. Although the White Hats destroyed Dominion voting machines in Ohio that were turning Trump votes to Harris, plus Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost indicted six non-citizens for illegally casting ballots in past elections. Antifa was believed behind fires set to at least three ballot boxes in Washington and Oregon, destroying thousands of ballots that could never be recovered.

In Texas Election fraudsters were being arrested, while in Utah voter fraud wasn’t even investigated. In Utah mail in ballots were sent to deceased individuals before the regular mail in ballots were officially sent out, yet repeated requests as to why made to the Utah Election offices went without investigation, let alone an explanation.

marshall law


BREAKING: The Deep State is preparing for martial law if Trump triumphs in 2024. The ballots will be burned, and media censorship will escalate. America is on the brink!

The Deep State’s Sinister Martial Law Plot if Trump Wins

In a nation already on edge, shocking revelations indicate the Deep State is crafting a plan to impose martial law to prevent Trump from regaining the presidency. This is an assault on American freedom, with government powers ready to do anything to maintain control. Buckle up—democracy itself is on the chopping block.

Martial Law Looms: America’s Dreadful Future

Think martial law is far-fetched? Think again. Whistleblowers reveal that the CIA and other dark factions are devising a scheme to block Trump’s return to power. If he wins, martial law will plunge America into a military state, crushing civil liberties underfoot.

This isn’t a hypothetical. Martial law means military control, suppression of opposition, and censorship of speech. If these plans unfold, the American people will lose their rights. It’s no longer a political rivalry; it’s a battle for our very existence.

Voter Suppression and Shocking Interference

Reports are surfacing of ballot boxes set ablaze in districts where Trump leads. This is a coordinated effort to erase votes and silence his supporters before Election Day. Every burned ballot represents a stolen voice, a tyrannical move by a fearful elite.

This blatant voter suppression is a criminal assault on democracy! Trust in the system is crumbling, and every American should be furious.

Secret Wars: Covert Operations Without Consent

American soldiers are reportedly fighting in Ukraine without Congressional approval. This covert war puts lives at risk while taxpayers remain in the dark. Former CIA agent Michael Scheuer’s allegations underscore a massive betrayal of public trust.

Media Misinformation: Manipulating Minds on a Grand Scale

As election fraud and government overreach rise, mainstream media shouts, “Nothing to see here!” This is a narrative crafted to keep the public complacent, while voter fraud cases are swept under the rug. The media is aiding a system that benefits the powerful while silencing the rest of us.

The Economy is Crashing:

The U.S. national debt is soaring, and inflation is destroying American wallets. Experts predict gold will hit $3,000 an ounce, making it a safe haven. This isn’t just financial advice; it’s a desperate response to a government on a crash course.

Stand Up for Freedom!

If martial law, voter suppression, and economic collapse don’t alarm you, it’s time to wake up. We’re at a crossroads. The 2024 election is more than a political choice—it’s about saving our liberties. Stand firm, America! Demand transparency and fight for your rights before it’s too late.

harris campaign

Kamala DC Rally Attendee: There are No Normal People Here – 31,000 of crowd Shipped in . . .

Kamala Harris held a political campaign rally on the Ellipse in Washington, DC yesterday; the same place the Ku Klux Klan Rallied 100 years ago.  Democrats are boasting about 75,000 attendees; but 31,000 cellular phones there, have an interesting track record: 91% of them attended 3 or more other Kamala rallies!

Why would Kamala Harris give the “closing speech” of her campaign, a week before election day, at the same place the Ku Klux Klan rallied in 1925?  Here’s a photo of that Klan Rally:



According to Tony Seruga, whose companies handle deep data, GPS proves there were 31,834 mobile devices at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. for the Kamala Harris rally.

91% of those have attended 3 or more Harris rallies.

Interestingly, just over 11,000 were from Atlanta, Georgia, followed by 6,500 from California.

Using his Antifa/BLM/Pro-Palestinian overlays, Seruga was also able to prove 6,122 of the phones at Kamala’s rally yesterday were linked to 3 or more Antifa/BLM/Pro-Palestinian protests/riots.

How is such a thing possible? Buses! In the brief video below, you’ll see a tremendous number of Kamala Rally attendees . . . . were bussed-in!   It’s all fake! ! !


One Journalist attending the rally reported “I am in Kamala Harris’s Ellipse rally crowd in D.C., and her whole crowd is angry pro-Hamas voters chanting “Intifada Revolution.” Her whole crowd is “Free Palestine” Jew-Haters.  There’s no normal people here!” A Kamala victory means all these “lovely” people standing behind me will be coming to “protest” in your town. President Trump is the only one with the policy that will keep your family safe.” Here’s video:

A more interesting fact is that this rally is being heralded as Kamala’s “Closing rally.” Election day is not for another week; why is she halting her campaigning a week early?

Cascade 6.3

Strong Magnitude 6.0 Quake Hits Cascadia Subduction Zone off US West Coast

A strong Magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the Pacific Ocean, just off the west coast of Oregon, in the dangerous Cascadia Subduction Zone.  The quake took place at a very shallow depth of only 10km.

This is the most dangerous earthquake zone on earth.   It is in this zone where “The Big One” is expected to strike, causing unparalleled damage to the US West Coast.

The quake took place at 4:15 PM eastern US time, so no details yet as to damage.

Check back for updates.

Tsunami Information Statement Number 1
NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK
119 PM PDT Wed Oct 30 2024


EVALUATION * An earthquake has occurred; a tsunami is not expected.


* The following parameters are based on a rapid preliminary assessment of the earthquake and changes may occur.

* Magnitude 6.1
* Origin Time 1215 AKDT Oct 30 2024
1315 PDT Oct 30 2024
2015 UTC Oct 30 2024
* Coordinates 43.7 North 127.4 West
* Depth 9 miles
* Location off the coast of Oregon

uninstalling DS


by EtheFriend Q

LOADING 77%. The Final Battle for America’s Future: Rise, Patriots, and Take Back What’s Rightfully Ours!

UNINSTALLING DEEP STATE: LOADING 77%—America’s final stand is here. The deep state’s grip on our nation is tighter than ever, but patriots, this is our moment to reclaim freedom and power in the face of corruption. With President Trump leading us into 2024, together, we’re restoring freedom and driving out the elites who think they can control us. Hold the line—victory is in sight.

This is it. America is at the breaking point, and true patriots are rising with fire in their hearts. Our country has been dragged down by a corrupt machine that’s dug in deep, but we’re done standing by. We’re here to take back what’s ours. America is on the brink of a new era, one where patriots’ voices drown out corruption and freedom reigns again. Stand strong, trust in God, trust in Trump. This is the moment. This is our America to reclaim.

Enough is Enough: It’s Time to Take Down the Deep State

Patriots, our patience is over. The Deep State—a network of elites and power-hungry bureaucrats—has had its day. Lies, stolen power, and stripped freedoms, all piling up through quiet betrayals. But no more. This election is a WAR, and we’re not just voting; we’re rallying behind a cause—a mission to finally rid our country of these elites.

They want us tired, beaten down, but patriots don’t quit. Every vote is a bullet fired against their corrupt system. With Trump at the lead, we’re not just fighting; we’re WINNING. This is our declaration: America will be restored.

The Deep State Exposed: We See the Enemy Now

No more hiding in the shadows—the Deep State is right there, a cabal of unelected elites pulling strings, controlling media, dictating the narrative, daring to manipulate us. But America is waking up. They’re scared because we’re coming for them—one election, one voice at a time. Their empire will collapse like the rotten house of cards it is. America is taking back the power that’s ours.

Freedom is Coming, Whether They Like it or Not

The deep state clings to power, hoping we’ll get tired and give up. They’re dead wrong. We are relentless. We know the price of freedom, and we’re willing to pay it, again and again, until America is free. Trust Trump’s leadership—his strength, his resilience, his commitment to pulling this country out of their grip. Freedom is our birthright, and we will reclaim it.

The Message is Clear: America First, Deep State Last

The deep state has tried to push a globalist agenda, stripping America of strength, sovereignty, identity. But we know their game. In 2024, we’re fighting for an America where we come FIRST. We will not let our country be bled dry by elites who sneer at our values. America first. Deep State last. This isn’t just a slogan—it’s the heartbeat of our movement.

Patriots, this is our moment. The dawn of a new America is here, and we’re not going back. With faith in God, trust in Trump, and a will to see this through, America will be restored to its people. This is more than an election; it’s a revolution. Stand strong, stay vigilant, and never doubt—America’s freedom lies in our hands. Patriots, it’s time to WIN.



Extremely severe and extraordinarily dangerous developments are taking place today in both the Israel-Iran situation AND the Ukraine – Russia situation.

With Israel having attacked Iran over this past weekend, many believed the issue could be settled; especially if Iran took-it-on-the-chin and did not respond.

That belief went right out the window this morning when Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister, reminded everyone Israel is highly likely to strike new targets in Iran in the coming days.”

The Defense Minister and the war cabinet have emphasized over the past month that the operation against Iran cannot be considered over in a single night.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Esmaeil Baghaei said this morning that Tehran will “use all available tools” to respond to Israel’s weekend attack on military targets in Iran.

The Speaker of Iran’s Parliament said today “Iran’s response to Israel’s attack is inevitable.”


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared this morning: “If Ukraine joins NATO either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does.”

BULLETIN: Israeli Cabinet Agrees: Another Strike Upon Iran!

The Israeli cabinet has decided to conduct another “response” (Military attack) against Iran,  soon, due to the earlier drone attack on Netanyahu’s residence.

A drone struck the bedroom window of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence, as shown in the image above.

That drone was launched by Hezballah in Lebanon.  So why is the Israeli Cabinet agreeing to an attack upon IRAN?

HT REMARK: Looks to me as though Israel is literally on a suicide mission; and apparently they won’t stop until they trigger a massive war.

FLASH: No New Restrictions on U.S.-Supplied Weapons to Ukraine if North Korea Joins the War

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s Pentagon has announced there will be “No New Restrictions on Ukraine’s Use of American Weapons If North Korea Joins War.”

People who have read this statement multiple time, are focusing on the word “new” for the Restrictions.   Does that mean the present restrictions against using U.S. Supplied weapons DEEP into Russia would still be forbidden, or does it mean there will be no restrictions on the new weapons supplied?

Ambiguity . . . .

If West-supplied missiles, which require Western Military Satellites to guide them to target, are used to strike deep into Russian territory, the Russians have made clear the use of those satellites makes the West a participant in the conflict, against which Russia will respond.

The West is now saying “No new restrictions on new weapons if . . . . . . .”

Is this a new collision course for the West and Russia?


The Revolution Is Happening and It Is Being Televised

By Benjamin Fulford | October 28, 2024

We are all witnessing a revolution unfolding in real time on our various screens and in real life. This is no ordinary revolution; it is the fall of ancient Babylon. The human race is being freed after coming within a hair’s breadth of becoming permanently enslaved in a giant animal farm run by a Satan-worshipping Babylonian cult. Their Talmud shows clearly how they see other human beings. It says they can murder, rape, cheat and enslave people who are not members of their tribe because the Goyim are sub-human animals.


What needs to be made very clear though is that these people are not Jewish. Most Jews grew up never even knowing the Talmud existed. Now, thanks to the internet, they do. What Jews are still only now just figuring out though, is they have been Babylonian slaves for millennia. If you read the real Babylonian history, for example, you will find that circumcision was ritual castration used to identify slave races. The ritually castrated real Jews -who follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you- were used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate societies. Once the helpful Jews ingratiated themselves, then the Babylonians would slowly take over society by taking over their elites. Over the millennia this has led to an immune reaction by the infiltrated societies. That is why the Babylonians have been booted out over a hundred times from various societies over the years. Because of their Babylonian enslavement, the Jews also repeatedly faced collective punishment. As a result, a sort of Stockholm Syndrome emerged over the years where they clung to their enslavers for protection.

Many Christian groups have been infiltrated in a similar manner. That is why you see Christian Zionists supporting genocide in Gaza.
What is happening now is a mass rejection of Babylonian rule by the United States of America, the most powerful country the Babylonians ever conquered.

A great example of this came last week when 30,000 people came to a Kamala Harris rally in Houston that was billed as a Beyoncé concert. Everyone, including the media, believed the singer would perform after the announcement was made earlier in the week, but all she did was walk out and make a barely audible speech for a few minutes.

Of course, Beyoncé is one of the celebrities whose name keeps popping up in the P. Diddy trial. That is why many speculate she is supporting Kamala because she knows that if the Demonrats do not stay in power she will face justice for crimes against children.

In any case, when they did the bait and switch to Kamala, the crowd began heckling the Babylonian puppet candidate to the extent the rally descended into chaos. The Secret Service was barely able to prevent her from being lynched on the spot. The videos below show paid Kamala supporters being overwhelmed by the crowd as they desperately chant her name in unison.

People were heckling Kamala like crazy all night…the secret service was stressed out This was not an isolated event. Wherever she goes she is heckled. What we are witnessing is the failure of Babylonian techniques of using blackmailed and bribed celebrities and influencers to manipulate society. At this point, a majority of Americans are aware of the real and criminal nature of their government as seen in the illustration below.


This is why a revolution is underway.

There are also many visible signs the military and intelligence agency white hats are siding with the people by taking down the Babylonian Khazarian Mafia. The death of Fethullah Gulen last week was one such sign.

Gulen was, according to Mossad sources, the heir to Sabbatai Zevi. Zevi founded the Sabbatean Frankist heresy. According to this heresy, it is up to the Jews to carry out the end-times prophecies of the bible. To do this, his cult infiltrated governments around the world. Members of this cult pretended to be Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc., but they really worshipped Satan.

Their goal was to divide humanity into two great groups -Gog and Magog- and get them to kill each other. Their aim was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to the Chabad heirs to this cult, after the mass murder, each Babylonian would have 2800 slaves.

In a sign of how influential this group was, one of their members, the Nazi Rudolf Hess (who was born in the Ottoman Empire) dictated Mein Kampf to Adolf Hitler, according to the former head of MI6 and other sources. Hitler’s job was to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel in order to carry out their planned Gog/Magog war by pitting the Christians against the Muslims.

Now that the KM is facing mass arrests and war crimes tribunals, they are still desperately trying to start World War III.
The “Israeli” attack against Iran last week was a sign of this. They hoped to set off a chain reaction by provoking Iran into retaliating by destroying Israel with nuclear weapons. However, the Israelis and MI6 conducted frantic back-channel negotiations with the Iranians following this attack The Rothschild family promised the Iranians.


Up to $2 trillion in compensation if they refrained from retaliating against Israel for the attack. MI6 told the Iranians the attack was a false flag. The attack was carried out by paid KM mercenaries working in Iraq and not from Israel, they said.

As evidence Israel is under new management, they had a masked avatar of Satanyahu stand silently as demonstrators interrupted his speech at the event in Jerusalem to honor the victims of the self-inflicted October 7, 2023 attack. The Iranians got the message. The KM are not going to be allowed to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card. Instead, the KM leadership is being systematically rounded up. For example, last week a Dutch court ordered Bill Gates, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and many others to face charges of deliberately misleading people about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”


Since conservative estimates say the vaccines killed more than 15 million people, these are bigger crimes than the holocaust. The fact that it is a Dutch court making these rulings is important because Holland is part of the West and home to the International Court of Justice. It means they have serious backing and Bill Gates etc, will have nowhere to escape.

The KM are freaking out big time because they know a Donald Trump presidency will mean their doom. In the video below the latest actor pretending to be President Joe Biden, to paraphrase, says “If we don’t lock up Trump he is going to kill us.” Echoing this, a Kamala Harris actor with an obvious silicon mask tells the Vanderbilt kid Anderson Cooper that Trump is a “fascist.” At another venue, she said, “Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the death of six million Jews.”

Here you can watch MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski go absolutely unhinged in one of the most insane rants you’ll ever see. She hits damn near every buzzword/talking point:
– Fascism
– Dictator -Hitler
– Veterans hoax
– Use Military on political opponents
– “He is killing us” (women)
– Abortion
– You “idiots” are not allowed to question the MSM and their Hitler allegations

“These are the deranged ramblings of a terrified propagandist, who knows her side is about to lose, and her complicity in treason will eventually come forth. This is insane rhetoric, based exclusively on lies. She is the daughter of KM Zionist Zbigniew Brzezinski. Do we need to say anything more?”, a Pentagon source comments.

“They are talking about themselves. They will be hunted down for sure and face military tribunals,” the source promises.

Of course, the KM are hoping in vain they will be able to use the military to hunt down their opponents instead. As Robert F Kennedy Jr. points out, it was the Biden regime that -for the first time in US history- authorized the American military to shoot and kill American citizens on US soil.

The problem is the US military under Commander in Chief Donald Trump are instead going to turn their guns on the KM network inside the US, Pentagon sources say.

Of course, Donald Trump is by no means perfect. The comments on Zero Hedge below a link to a three-hour talk he had with Joe Rogan show that many people are aware of this.

The majority of the comments noted neither the vaccine mass murder nor the genocide in Gaza came up during that talk. One commentator said it was a “word Caesar salad,” meaning it was a better-dressed version of Kamala’s incoherent blabbing.

Nonetheless, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains in an open letter why people must vote for Trump: Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions, has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens…In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State…Look at your country!

Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dens of indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards. In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients. Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences. They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters. And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs. Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet. Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo-humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

See Full Report Link







JUDY NOTE: Crimes of the shadow government were beginning to come into light as Patriots join the White Hat Global Military Alliance to fight for our liberties.



(Loy Brunson Reports SCOTUS Has Received Over 7,000 letters So Far. Keep Em Coming!)

Rule 11 SCOTUS Petition Letter – Loy Brunson

Loy Brunson Rule 11 Emergency SCOTUS

The Pfizer CEO was facing life in prison for lying to billions about the Covid Vaccine. Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp was holding Military Tribunals and executing thousands of new ex-elite prisoners.

Wells Fargo was closing down it’s Oregon Branches, but no one seemed to know what that was all about since the Chinese Elders in charge of the Global Currency Reset owned Wells Fargo.

All the while the Cabal was continuing it’s quest for Global domination.

In Canada the manmade Covid crisis has led to the Cabal Canadian Government to begin euthanizing millions of Covid vaxx injured in line with the New World Order depopulation Agenda.

As part of the globalist agenda to roll out CBDCs, Australian banks are refusing to allow customers to make cash withdrawals.

Since it’s creation in 1979 FEMA, operating under the Department of Homeland Security, has actually been acting as the real Globalist Shadow Government, while federal officials were merely the puppets. The idea that FEMA existed to help during disasters was a façade.

FEMA was set up as a terrorist organization involved in massive land seizures. The pathetic $750 payment that citizens affected by Hurricane Helene were supposed to receive involved signing a loan agreement that if it wasn’t paid back within a year, the federal government would seize all of that individual’s property. The same method to grab land was used in the Maui, California, Wyoming and Texas man made fires and hurricane disasters.

Right now there were tens of thousands of people in the mountains of North Carolina who desperately needed assistance and were being left for dead. FEMA wanted their land for a lithium mine development.

Countless others have sadly already lost their lives due to the intentional malfeasance, incompetence and inaction of the Biden-Harris administration. Their FEMA was actively blocking Americans from helping their neighbors who have been severely affected by Hurricane Helene. They were stopping people who have tried to offer aid, seizing funds and supplies intended for victims.

Even worse, they were purposely reallocating those resources to bring illegal immigrants into the U.S. to replace us – just as FEMA did in Maui, with the fires in California, in Hurricane Katrina and in other so-called “natural disasters” created by their Cabal.

Trump and the Global Military Alliance have been preparing to do something about FEMA and other centuries-old problems caused by the Global Elite Cabal.

As of Sat. 26 October Trump, Musk and the Alliance were ready for EBS activation with 1,700 satellites to take over all devices, including traditional media and social platforms that will go silent.

For ten days while making mass arrests of the Elite including FEMA, they will stream eight hour long documentaries of military tribunals, whistleblower confessions, documents and videos that reveal elite crimes—corruption, child trafficking, money laundering and hidden truths of the Elites’ centuries-long manipulation of governments and economies.

The Alliance will use this period to secure key infrastructure, preventing any elite retaliation.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS), powered by Star Link, will replace corrupt banks, ending debt slavery.

Through Star Link, the Quantum Voting System (QVS) will assure free and transparent elections so there would no longer be room for elite manipulation.

Trump and his Global Military Alliance have also deployed key assets to strategic places and retrofitted Military bases around the world to act as command centers in preparation for the mass arrests of elites involved in financial crimes, child trafficking rings and Satanic Ritual Abuse.

In his recent meeting with Zelensky, Trump demanded return of the billions of dollars supposedly given to Ukraine for aid that went instead to finance child trafficking and purchase of Adrenochrome made from traumatized children’s blood.

rigged election

CIA Bombshell: Presidents Are SELECTED, Not Elected! CIA Insider Warns 2024 Election WILL Be Rigged!

Bombshell news! A CIA insider confirms the 2024 election is rigged, with U.S. presidents selected by global elites, not by the people. Kamala Harris’ life story is nothing more than a CIA fabrication, while Barack Obama’s true past is unraveling. America’s future is hanging by a thread, but Trump is our only hope to take down the deep state and restore freedom.

The Great Deception

For years, we’ve been led to believe that our votes decide who sits in the Oval Office. But what if that’s all a lie? A CIA insider has dropped a bombshell: U.S. Presidents are selected, not elected, rigged to ensure global elites maintain control. The shocking truth is finally surfacing, and it’s waking people up across the nation!

Obama, Biden, Harris—all pawns! These figures weren’t propelled to power by the people, but by shadowy forces intent on controlling every aspect of American life. Now, as we inch closer to 2024, the stakes have never been higher. The elites are pulling out all the stops to ensure Biden remains in power while Harris waits in the wings.

Kamala Harris: A Manufactured Candidate

Recent revelations show that Kamala Harris is nothing more than a CIA creation. Her rise to power was carefully orchestrated to serve the elite’s globalist agenda. Her entire life story is a fraud, a narrative crafted to fit their need for a compliant puppet. The American people are being deceived, but they’re waking up to the truth.

Barack Obama: A Puppet of the Elites

Obama’s rise to power wasn’t the grassroots movement the media portrayed. His meteoric rise and his presidency were engineered to continue the deep state’s agenda, and he is now being exposed. His past, riddled with inconsistencies, was hidden by the same global elite working today to dismantle America’s sovereignty. The cracks in the Obama myth are showing, and soon, the full truth will come to light.

2024: The Most Rigged Election Yet?

The CIA insider confirms what we’ve all feared: the 2024 election will be even more rigged than 2020. The same tricks are being used again—media manipulation, rigged ballots, and misinformation to push the global elite’s handpicked candidate. But this time, the American people are watching.

The elites fear one thing: Trump!

Donald J. Trump remains the biggest threat to their agenda. His presidency exposed the deep state’s corruption, and they’ve been trying to bring him down ever since. The global elites fear him because he isn’t one of them. Trump stands for patriotism, freedom, and American independence—the values they want to destroy.

They rigged 2020 to stop Trump, but he’s not done fighting. The elites know he’s coming back stronger than ever, and they’re terrified. That’s why 2024 will be the most dangerous election yet. The deep state is prepared to go to extreme lengths to hold onto their power, but Trump’s base is stronger than ever.

The Awakening Is Happening!

Across the country, patriots are waking up to the truth. They’re seeing through the lies and standing up against the elite’s manipulation. This isn’t just about electing Trump—it’s about taking back our country, our freedom, and our future. The global elite can’t stop the awakening that’s sweeping through America.

2024 is more than an election—it’s a battle for the soul of the nation. The global elite is desperate, and they’ll stop at nothing to hold onto power. But the American people are ready. They want a leader who fights for them, not for the elites. That leader is Donald Trump, the only candidate who stands for freedom and America first.

Get ready! The fight for America is about to begin. Victory is within reach, but only if we stay vigilant. This is our moment!

the event

The Event Uncovered

Secret Military Tribunals & Gesara Law! Exclusive Insights into Global Powerhouses: Revealing ‘Rods of God’ and Mysterious Code Q2337!

by EtheFriend Q

The Event: An exposé uncovering the hidden depths of military tribunals and Gesara law. Dive into secrets veiled within powerful institutions like the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, and Big Pharma. Decode the ‘Rods of God’ and the cryptic Q2337 in a revelation that rips open what’s been hidden in plain sight.

World on the Edge of Monumental Change: “The Event” reveals the cracks in our global structures, threatening the elites’ power. The Vatican isn’t just spiritual—it’s a hub for dark networks reaching beyond the visible. Buckingham Palace, the image of royalty, is exposed as a player in world games, influencing entire nations from the shadows. And don’t forget the White House, both in America and Germany, linked by this shadow network to maintain control across borders. This isn’t just another story; it’s the spark to a global reckoning.

The Hidden Hand: The Vatican, Buckingham Palace, and Big Pharma are exposed for orchestrating clandestine operations. The Vatican, home to arcane secrets, weaves an invisible web of power. Similarly, Buckingham Palace, traditionally seen as ceremonial, is a grand chessboard where national interests are manipulated, not by public mandate but secretive deals. With the White House also involved, this alliance knows no bounds.

Dark Alliance: Big Pharma’s sinister operations in Wuhan, connected to shadowy groups in Israel and the Khazarians, reveal the control they exert over the Chinese Communist Party and major media. This twisted alliance is more than corruption; it’s an iron grip on truth itself. Imagine: 34 key structures tied to this cabal—marked for destruction. The method? “Rods of God”—kinetic weapons ready to strike from space with unmatchable force. This is an impending clash like no other.

Financial Armageddon: Cryptocurrencies crash, Bitcoin servers down, signaling the end of the Rothschild-controlled central bank system. A new economy, the Quantum Financial System, emerges. Rainbow Treasury Notes, backed by precious metals, replace central bank paper money. This isn’t just a market shift; it’s the destruction of a tainted system, a cleansing for a new, just financial age.

The Iron Fist of Martial Law: Prepare for the rise of global martial law and a simulated World War III—a strategic move to enact Gesara Military Law. Military tribunals will demand confessions from the cabal’s old guard. Project Odin, a quantum system safeguarding information, combined with Starlink’s satellite shield, ensures an incorruptible platform for news and data—a fortress for truth.

Decoding Q2337: Mossad’s media empire faces a blackout as Project Odin initiates a global media purge. January’s TURKSAT rocket launch from the U.S. marked the beginning. This is more than technology; it’s a liberation from control, replacing deceitful media with transparency and integrity. The information age is reborn.

The Final Act: The old order faces obliteration as 34 crucial structures—Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House—prepare to meet the Rods of God. The fall of the stock market and end of the current financial system are viewed not as disasters but sacrifices to cleanse the world.

A Call to Arms: Stand ready. Will you embrace the storm or be washed away? As the world teeters on the brink, find strength in faith and remember—this is the dawn of a new era. Hold fast to Trump, Gesara, and trust in the higher power guiding us. This storm isn’t coming; it’s here. Prepare.

Q Pain

Q PAIN | PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL MILITARY INTEL: Decoding the Cryptic Messages of 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6

by EtheFriend Q

BQQQM!!! Hidden codes, dates, and a web of secrecy unravel before our eyes. 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6 — not just numbers, but warnings from the military about cyber Armageddon, the coming storm, and the final blow to the cabal. We are witnessing the rise of Quantum Systems, and Trump is at the center, leading us into a new age.

The journey began on 11.3, a covert signal from the military to patriots worldwide, warning of an impending transition — not a mere power shift, but a total overhaul of global control. The hidden puppet masters are no longer untouchable; 11.3 was the call to arms. For those in-the-know, it marked the beginning of a covert war against the unseen elites, where every move counts.

On 11.4, the world plunged into cyber darkness. This wasn’t just an outage; it was Cyber Armageddon, a battle waged on invisible fields as the world was gripped by the pandemic cover-up. Operation Covid was exposed for what it was—a cover for global control. APACHE and LOG4J vulnerabilities revealed, Article 5 of NATO Cyber invoked—this was no accident. Justice loomed as the world’s networks crumbled.

Then came 11.5 — the reckoning. Emergency Broadcast System activated. Explosive messages fired across the globe, warning of the end of tyranny. The Law of War Manual resounded as justice swept down like a tempest. The time for accountability had arrived.

Finally, 11.6 unleashed the Trump card — a revelation that shook the world. Trump’s role, once hidden, was finally exposed as the masterstroke in the grand strategy. Quantum Systems emerged, ready to replace the old financial power structures. The stock market trembled, signaling the fall of the cabal’s control, while ISO20022 Regulations prepared us for the financial reset. Quantum systems weren’t just technology; they were weapons against the old guard.

Eyes to the Sky! The Black Swan Event shook the very foundations, a cosmic signal. The Sun’s corona, our beacon of truth, guided us. Sunlight exposed corruption, and solar flares burned away the lies. This isn’t the end — it’s the beginning.

We are at the precipice. This is our time to stand up. Are you ready for the storm?

DS Meme

The Power Struggle: How the Elite Protect Themselves from Accountability

At first glance, the complexities of global politics and the growing disillusionment with leadership can seem overwhelming. With daily headlines filled with scandals, corruption, and societal unrest, it’s easy to feel lost in a web of misinformation and conflicting narratives. But in reality, the situation is straightforward: a powerful group of establishment politicians, oligarchs, and bureaucrats have engaged in actions that many view as treasonous and as crimes against humanity. Now, these elites are doing everything in their power to avoid accountability and prosecution for their actions. That’s the core issue, stripped of its layers.

Treason and Crimes Against Humanity

The charges of treason and crimes against humanity are not made lightly. Treason, in its traditional sense, refers to the betrayal of one’s country by collaborating with foreign powers or acting against the interests of the nation. In this case, many establishment figures have been accused of prioritizing globalist agendas, corporate profits, and personal power over the well-being of their citizens. Policies that erode national sovereignty, undermine the rule of law, and disenfranchise the public are seen by many as a betrayal of the foundational principles of democracy.

Crimes against humanity involve gross violations of human rights, often including acts such as genocide, human trafficking, pedophilia, systemic oppression, war crimes, and other inhumane acts that intentionally harm civilians. Whether through the devastation of endless wars, suppression of free speech, economic manipulation, or health crises exacerbated by poor leadership, these powerful figures are believed to have committed egregious acts that have had disastrous consequences for millions around the globe.

The alleged treason and crimes against humanity span many areas, from the mishandling of public resources and disastrous foreign policy decisions to corrupt financial practices that leave entire populations impoverished while enriching a select few. Ongoing social, political, and economic crises around the world are viewed by many as the direct result of policies and decisions made by these elites. At the heart of it is a struggle for control and an effort by the few to maintain their positions of power at the expense of the many.

The Shield of Immunity

Now that these crimes are increasingly being exposed, those responsible are doing everything in their power to shield themselves from accountability. This is the driving force behind much of today’s political and social chaos. By manipulating laws, media narratives, and even the legal system itself, establishment figures continue to protect themselves from being held accountable.

One key strategy is controlling the narrative. Through their influence over mainstream media, social media platforms, and cultural institutions, these elites often seek to discredit whistleblowers and truth-seekers. They craft a narrative that shifts attention away from their own actions, focusing instead on dividing the public along ideological, racial, or political lines. This division serves as a powerful tool to distract people from the core issues of corruption and injustice, while simultaneously disempowering potential movements that could hold them accountable.

Another tactic is legislative protection. In many countries, political elites have insulated themselves from prosecution by manipulating laws or using legal loopholes to avoid consequences. This includes creating immunity laws, altering legal frameworks, and appointing judges or law enforcement officials who are sympathetic to their cause. In some cases, they have even weaponized the legal system to prosecute their political opponents, thus ensuring their continued dominance by silencing dissent.

Economic control is another critical element. By maintaining tight control over the global economy, these elites can use financial pressure to suppress resistance. Wealth inequality is one of the most visible symptoms of this power structure. As a small group of individuals and corporations grow wealthier, the majority of people find themselves struggling with stagnant wages, rising costs of living, and increasing debt. This imbalance serves to keep the general population dependent on the very systems that perpetuate the control of the few.

International alliances also play a role in perpetuating this dynamic. Many establishment figures collaborate across borders, forming powerful globalist networks that make it even harder for individual nations or citizens to challenge their influence. International organizations, multinational corporations, and non-governmental entities are often used as tools to advance the agenda of the elites, making it difficult to challenge their dominance at a local or national level.

The People’s Awakening

Despite the efforts to obscure the truth and suppress opposition, an increasing number of people are waking up to the reality of this power struggle. As the establishment’s crimes become harder to hide, movements around the world are emerging to call for justice and accountability. From grassroots protests to independent media platforms, the voices of those demanding transparency and fairness are growing louder.

However, the elites are not backing down without a fight. With their control over resources, media, and legal structures, they continue to push back against the rising tide of opposition. This clash between those seeking truth and justice and those trying to protect their power is at the core of the current global unrest.

The Simplicity of the Struggle

At its heart, the situation is simple: a powerful few are trying to escape the consequences of their actions, while the majority seeks justice, transparency, and a return to democratic principles. The establishment’s crimes, from corruption and treason to more grievous violations of human rights, have left a trail of devastation in their wake. Now that these crimes are being exposed, they are using every tool at their disposal to maintain their hold on power and avoid prosecution.

But this simplicity is often masked by layers of complexity designed to confuse and mislead the public. By keeping people distracted with sensational headlines, partisan bickering, and societal divisions, the true nature of the power struggle remains hidden in plain sight.

The ongoing global turmoil may seem complex, but at its core, it is a simple battle for accountability. Establishment politicians, oligarchs, and bureaucrats, accused of treason and crimes against humanity, are fighting to protect themselves from prosecution and maintain their power. As more people awaken to this reality, the clash between the elites and those seeking justice will continue to define the political and social landscape. The future of this struggle will depend on the ability of ordinary people to see through the distractions, unify around common goals, and demand true accountability for those who have betrayed public trust.

economic collapse

BREAKING! The American Economy Is About to Crash Harder Than We’ve Ever Seen And It’s All by Design

by queen TG

The American economy is on the verge of a catastrophic crash, and it’s not by accident—it’s all part of the elites’ plan to tighten their grip on your life, your money, and your freedom. The crash that’s coming will make the past recessions seem like child’s play. This is not a natural market correction, it’s a deliberate financial bloodbath orchestrated by those in power, and YOU are the target.

They’re not just after your money—they want complete control over every aspect of your life. And the worst part? Most people are asleep, unaware that their entire existence is about to be turned upside down.

This collapse isn’t incompetence; it’s a calculated attack. The elites are burning down the current system to rebuild one where they own everything—and they want total control. Every dollar, every transaction, your freedom, your future—all under their watchful eye.

Look around—inflation is skyrocketing, the housing market is becoming impossible, and debt is exploding. This is no accident. The economy is being primed for a collapse, and when it happens, the 2008 crisis will look like a joke in comparison.

What’s their real agenda? It’s simple: control. When the economy collapses, the elites will roll out their “solution”, and that solution will be your worst nightmare. Total control over every aspect of your life—that’s what they want, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking your gold and silver will save you. The elites have already set traps for that too. When this crash hits, precious metals won’t mean a thing in their new system. They’ve already planned the next era of control with digital currencies and total surveillance.

There is no power vacuum coming, only new chains being forged. The collapse will only pave the way for a new, even more oppressive system. They’ve been planning this for decades, and when the dust settles, the elites will hold all the power.

Every major crisis—from 9/11 to the 2008 crash to COVID-19—has been used to tighten their control. The American economy is just the next domino to fall, and the solution they offer will rob you of your freedom.

Wake up to the reality. This crash is coming fast, and it’s by design. Resist their narrative. Prepare yourself, build local networks, and start thinking about how to survive without their system. They want you blind, but you have a choice—fight back or be crushed.

The Great Reset is happening right before your eyes. Are you going to be a pawn in their game, or will you wake up and fight for your freedom? The time is now!


BRICS Summit Results — The Vector Has Been Set, But There Will Be No Easy Path

Vladimir Putin’s press conference following the BRICS summit turned out to be the perfect finale to the event. Because it listed the main points of the past event — as well as the difficult points that need to be addressed.

First and foremost: in BRICS, as the president emphasized, it is possible to work and achieve results with mutual respect and mandatory consideration of each other’s interests. This is an absolute plus: 35 states and six international organizations took part in the summit. But such equality places increased demands on the quality of dialogue and mutual trust.

All the predictions about who would be accepted into BRICS this time were not confirmed — because no one was accepted. Instead, a category of “partner countries” emerged, which included Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda and Uzbekistan. There were difficulties with Venezuela (Brazil opposed) and Pakistan (India opposed).

Putin openly commented on this situation, recalling that the issue of admission to BRICS, like all others, will be decided by consensus. The non-expansion of BRICS in itself is not a problem. The risks of uncontrolled expansion, when each member has a de facto veto right, have been written about earlier. But the Kazan BRICS summit showed that the expansion of the bloc will not happen automatically.

An alternative financial reality also did not appear at the click of a button – and this is again nothing unexpected. Because the Western “frog” of dollar hegemony needs to be simmered over low heat, without any sudden movements. The more imperceptibly the preparatory phase of global reforms, the most risky in this case, goes, the better. Strategic considerations for BRICS’ own reinsurance and the “BRICS Clear”cross-border settlement and depository infrastructure were voiced, and the rest of the practical work will be carried out between the finance ministries and central banks of the participating countries. And it will be quiet.

The course towards gently squeezing the West out of existing global mechanisms (IMF, WTO) was confirmed — instead of trying to cut the issue “off the cuff.” Naturally, because right now there are no resources for such an attempt, and the depth of consensus between the BRICS countries is insufficient.

The issue of Ukraine was of secondary importance at best. BRICS participants politely acknowledged the importance of striving for peace — and nothing more. The long-awaited attempts by China, India or Brazil to “force Russia to peace” were not announced.

In general, what BRICS is trying to do, no one in the history of mankind has probably done. Reassembling the world into a fairer format is an extremely difficult task in itself, especially in the context of cruel and even existential resistance from a decrepit but still strong hegemon.

At the same time, the summit in Kazan showed the most important thing: there is a huge demand for a new world order in the world. This idea is shared by a wide variety of countries: from the economic leader China to Cuba and Ethiopia. But the formalized, concretized contours of this world order are still absent.

This is exactly what should become Russia’s main task in the near future – to create and offer the world a clear, logical, consistent image of the future, in which everyone will be better off.

We cannot tempt the whole world with resources and money. Russia is a rich country, but it cannot provide for everyone. We cannot direct the world to a bright future with an iron hand – even if such a desire arose. But we are able to offer humanity an idea that it will be carried away by.

In the 20th century, we already had a very successful attempt of this kind. The BRICS summit is a material embodiment of a new attempt, taking into account the changed realities. We have started not a sprint, but a marathon. In order to succeed, patience and calculation of strength are needed.

This article written by:  Elena Panina

Jamie-Dimon WW3

CEO Of JP Morgan/CHASE Says World War 3 Has Already Begun

The economic outlook “is teeny compared to the geopolitical situation we face,” JPMorgan Chase & Co. chief executive said Thursday that nuclear proliferation is “the biggest risk mankind faces,” even ahead of climate change.

‘We run scenarios that would shock you,’ the banker warned.

He lamented the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the growing cooperation between U.S. adversaries.
“They are clearly talking about dismantling the system” set in place by the U.S. and its allies after World War II, which Dimon credits as spawning an era of unprecedented global economic growth.

“The risk is extraordinary,” he said. “World War III has already begun. You already have battles on the ground being coordinated in multiple countries.

He said that risk-management teams at his bank have “run scenarios that will shock you,” in terms of the possible economic implications of a global conflict that spirals out of control.

That’s one reason why the JPMorgan Chase & Co. chief executive said Thursday that nuclear proliferation is “the biggest risk mankind faces,” even ahead of climate change.

The leader of the world’s largest bank is a registered Democrat, but has long had fans in both parties — ones who respect his business-friendly politics and reputation for competence.

Dimon has been floated as a potential candidate for treasury secretary for both parties, as speculation has grown that the Wall Street veteran will soon be ready for his next challenge after running JPMorgan Chase for nearly two decades.

Despite his Democratic ties, next year’s likely Republican Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Rounds of South Dakota told Politico earlier this week that Dimon would “be a good choice” to run the Treasury under a Trump administration.



At 6:57 PM EDT, reports began coming in of several explosions in the Iran capital city of Tehran.

Initial, unconfirmed information says that at least one building belonging to the Iran Ministry of Defense, has exploded.

More as I get it. . .

7:07 PM EDT

Israeli war planes are now crossing the Syria-Jordan Border heading in the direction of Iraq.  Video below from the Border area:

7:11 PM EDT —

Residents in Northwestern Iran report hearing Aircraft in the Sky over the Iran-Iraq Border.

— Imam Khomenei International Airport Hit by explosions

— Iran CLOSES all air space.

— Military correspondent for Israel’s channel 13: “Report of explosions west of Tehran. We are going on air on channel 13”

— 6 explosions in Karaj and 4-5 explosions in Tehran so far. Still unconfirmed.

Images are coming-in CLAIMING they are from tonight, near Tehran.  I have NOT yet verified __any__ of these images:


7:20 PM EDT — Air Control Towers throughout the Middle East are broadcasting EMERGENCY MESSAGES TO CLEAR AIR SPACE immediately:


7:25 PM EDT —Reports are now confirming there have already been NINETEEN (19) Explosions in Tehran.

7:31 PM EDT — Air Raid Sirens sounding throughout Iran:

7:34 PM EDT — Civilian power plant in Karaj, Iran, reportedly “destroyed.”

7:57 PM EDT — Both U.S. and Israeli Officials are now openly stating they expect that the Strikes will warrant a Military Response from Iran.

— Initial reports that the IDF launched a number of airstrikes in Syria against radar installations prior to striking Iran.

**********  F L A S H **********

Unconfirmed reports CLAIM United States B-2 Stealth Bombers have been seen crossing into Iranian Air Space.   If this is correct, and it is as yet UNCONFIRMED, then the U.S. appears to be going after the Iran Nuclear Program.

UPDATE 8:05 PM EDT — The Israeli Defense Force has issued an official statement CONFIRMING Israel is attacking Iran.

***** BULLETIN *****

8:06 PM EDT –– Just literally moments ago, live from inside the West Bank “very large number of Fighter Jets and refueling planes in the skies of Palestine, on their way to Iran. The strikes heard in Iran seem to be initial, it seems that the IDF was testing Iran’s Air-Defenses before launching its main attack,

8:27 PM EDT — Skies over Tehran are now quiet.  No further explosions in past 15 minutes.  LIVE UPDATES ARE CONTINUING . . . . New developments as I get them, will appear below.  I am going LIVE on the Radio at the top of this hour (9:00 PM eastern Time) and will be covering this LIVE on the air.


Israel has Begun Massive Air Strikes Against Lebanon, Including Hitting BANKS, Airports, Shipping Ports

by Hal Turner

6:02 PM EDT; Israel has begun massive air strikes against Lebanon, including hitting BANKS, Airports, Shipping Ports.  All under the Israeli claim that “economic activity supports Hezballah.”

By that logic, all of Lebanon could be bombed, including farms because maybe they feed Hezballah.

Airport bombings

6:05 PM EDT; Beirut Airport

The Israelis are out of control.  They need to be directly confronted and stopped.

6:42 PM EDT; Israeli drones and fighter jets launched more than 11 consecutive airstrikes on the Lebanese capital of Beirut’s Southern Suburb and its surrounding areas.

The Israeli strikes targeted residential buildings in the neighborhoods of Haret Hreik, Burj al-Barajneh, and Choueifat, leveling them to the ground.

Since October 8, 2023, Israeli forces have killed 2,448 people in Lebanon and injured 11,471 others.

3 American THAAD systems are now ready in Israel.

24 locations covering most of Dahyeh and other areas around Lebanon now under attack by Israel.

Attacks are now ongoing in Beirut, South, and Beqaa.

7:13 PM EDT; Panic is reported to be spreading across the Lebanese Capital of Beirut tonight, as Residents near several Banks believed to have links to Hezbollah, including the 14 Branches of Al-Qard Al-Hassan, are said to be fleeing their Homes fearing Israeli Airstrikes.

Many of the branches of the Hezbollah financial institution being struck by Israel are situated on the ground floors of residential buildings.

Beirut is now partially blacked-out from Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure

A second U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense system has arrived in Israel from the USA.

7:21 PM EDT; Another Bank office building in Beirut

Getting Dybbuked Can Ruin Your Day

And you thought your morning was rough…

Processing of our most recent data capture has provided data has a relatively large set that probably has supporting cross links which i will discover by end of the week if so, but the point is that it is all about jewish demons & jewish erasing of common world history.

These two are connected. The idea is that a ‘dybbuk’, this dead jew spirit demon that can take you over will be blamed for just that, possessing a person, and it will be captured on video, ‘take over’ of someone prominent, or someone who is prominent in public vision (they may be a bystander to some event on-going).

This appears to occur before the election.

And then later in time, this personality (the taken over guy, or perhaps someone very close to them) will also be associated with a ‘revealing’ of our hidden history that is indicated to send anon type guys scrabbling over old records for ‘new (old/hidden) information’ about our history.

The data set adjectives within the ‘visible’ category (so some public visibility at some level) are split into two groups of 20% or so, and one of 60% m/l. The 60% set is describing jews, mostly in the USA/ english speaking areas, and Israel who will be ‘wailing’, and ‘beating themselves’ in public for weeks over this ‘exposure’. The data has indications that the headlines in jew land will be about the ‘destruction of judaism (the last temple of secrecy)’ and the ‘repudiation (of all jew lies)’….the data has the ‘end’ of this organized effort that has, apparently, been on-going since the 800s with printed books.

Anyway, more histrionics in this set than in the Trump assassination attempt of 7/13. The rising tension escalates very rapidly, just as with Trump, but it rises far higher, and then persists for perhaps months. Albeit isolated to mostly jews & jew-wanna-bes. People who are actually OT bible thumpers are also included in this set in a large way. Maybe 30 % of the bible thumpers will be part of this while the other 70% flee any association with jewdom in all ways.

Processing of our most recent data capture has provided data has a relatively large set that probably has supporting cross links which i will discover by end of the week if so, but the point is that it is all about jewish demons & jewish erasing of common world history.

These two are connected. The idea is that a ‘dybbuk’, this dead jew spirit demon that can take you over will be blamed for just that, possessing a person, and it will be captured on video, ‘take over’ of someone prominent, or someone who is prominent in public vision (they may be a bystander to some event on-going).

This appears to occur before the election.

And then later in time, this personality (the taken over guy, or perhaps someone very close to them) will also be associated with a ‘revealing’ of our hidden history that is indicated to send anon type guys scrabbling over old records for ‘new (old/hidden) information’ about our history.

The data set adjectives within the ‘visible’ category (so some public visibility at some level) are split into two groups of 20% or so, and one of 60% m/l. The 60% set is describing jews, mostly in the USA/ english speaking areas, and Israel who will be ‘wailing’, and ‘beating themselves’ in public for weeks over this ‘exposure’. The data has indications that the headlines in jew land will be about the ‘destruction of judaism (the last temple of secrecy)’ and the ‘repudiation (of all jew lies)’….the data has the ‘end’ of this organized effort that has, apparently, been on-going since the 800s with printed books.

Anyway, more histrionics in this set than in the Trump assassination attempt of 7/13. The rising tension escalates very rapidly, just as with Trump, but it rises far higher, and then persists for perhaps months. Albeit isolated to mostly jews & jew-wanna-bes. People who are actually OT bible thumpers are also included in this set in a large way. Maybe 30 % of the bible thumpers will be part of this while the other 70% flee any association with jewdom in all ways.

This set has data that participates in the ‘fighting’ within the mega churches. Note that while there are indications of ‘shootings’ within these mega churches, the data would suggest that an upcoming incident of that nature is yet another [DS] orchestrated event.

An alternative interpretation could be that a jew is involved in shooting up a mega church, and he then claims to be ‘dybbuk-ified’ and thus ‘not culpable’ for his actions.

These sets are part of a larger set structure going to the subject of ‘jew hiding/control of history’. The idea in these sets is a that a ‘large/giant cache’ of supposedly destroyed books is located. The story will come out that these books were ‘saved and stored’ by a ‘family’ of ‘book dealers’ who had been ‘ordered (over centuries?)’ to purchase, then destroy, certain books. The patriarch of the family way back in history had reasoned that ‘if all (jew book dealers) were being paid to destroy these volumes, then any that may survive would be worth extraordinary amounts of money’. So, perhaps we will discover that the data is correct, and a family of book dealers, acting in their own greedy interested, will be the undoing of over ‘500 years’ of stealth control of history.

Gonna be really interesting. Part of this seems to occur in the next weeks.




Weekly Reports

The World is Headed for Some Sort of Climactic, Historical Event

By Benjamin Fulford | October 21, 2024

The world is headed for some sort of climactic event that will echo down through history and maybe even eternity. This is not hyperbole.
The BRICS summit in Russia this week and the US Presidential selection on November 5th are not ordinary political events. They will determine the future of humanity for thousands of years.

Recent happenings make it clear some sort of showdown is coming at these events. China, Russia, North Korea, Turkey, Iran and many other countries have mobilized their military forces for all-out war. This comes as 159 nations sign on to an international clearance system that threatens the current controllers of the world’s financial system.

In the US meanwhile, citizens’ militias have begun fighting FEMA agents. This comes as the US presidential election degenerates into a hybrid civil war.

To understand what is at stake, we need to step back and look at the big picture. The financial system is the process by which humanity decides what it does in the future. We have found out it has been fraudulently hijacked by criminals who want to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. The human race has figured this out and the criminals are being removed from power. This will mean humanity will be free to decide its own future.
But, the rabbit hole runs a lot deeper than that.
World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes was poisoned with arsenic and, when she recovered, she was physically assaulted in an attempt to silence her. However, she was able to record the video below before she was finally killed. She confirms what the gnostic Illuminati and others have been saying for a long time: that we are being controlled by a malevolent force that is preventing our civilization from reaching some sort of breakthrough event. This control has been through a combination of blackmail, bribery, murder and lies. Hudes says the black nobility are the people behind this. They control the banking cartel and the transnational corporations. She says these people have been in charge for at least 9000 years.

In a recent manifestation, the Black Pope Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos created the World Bank in the post-war years as an instrument of planetary control. This is only the most recent iteration of the Black Nobility or Khazarian Mafia’s rule.
These people have been hiding the real history of the planet for a very long time. “What you have to understand is what you have been taught about in history is all inside out and backwards…what we thought happened in 1000 BC was actually happening in the Middle Ages,” she says. The Russians figured out the fake history by studying lunar eclipses to look at who was active in the real history. They found out the same groups were active and history was just repeated time and time again.
Here is an example: Washington DC is built on seven hills on land that was known as Rome, Maryland. The man who owned the land the capital building was built on was named Francis Pope. He was known as the “Pope of Rome on the Tiber,” because his property was next to a stream called the Tiber, the same name as the river that runs through Rome, Italy. So, is it just a coincidence we now have a Pope Francis in Rome?

This sort of coincidence may be why the Vatican Library is one of the most guarded sites in the world: its protection is more serious than that of any existing nuclear power plant.
The secret archives of the Vatican became known in 1611 and only two people per year are allowed very limited access to it.

The timing dovetails neatly with the fact the so-called 5785-year calendar of the Jews curated by the Satanic Chabad cult only goes back to 1601.
It also ties into what Pentagon sources tell us of how civilization has risen only to be destroyed many times in the past. The drowned cities under the oceans are evidence of the false history. “Enough of us know we have all been duped and we are not going to continue these lies,” Hudes concludes.
The gnostic Illuminati said they started fighting the black nobility bloodlines (Khazarian mafia) thousands of years ago after they destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization (Atlantis) with a tsunami.

This is not just ancient history. The Fukushima attack on Japan, the artificial hurricane that hit North Carolina and the massive flooding of the Saudi Arabian desert show this is continuing to this day

The March 11, 2011 tsunami attack on Japan was done to prevent Japan from using its’ 7 trillion-dollar stash to help the planet. The hurricane and flooding in North Carolina were engineered to steal lithium. And now, it looks like the flooding of the Saudi desert was aimed at preventing that country from using its oil reserves to support the new BRICS currency.

So, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia this week and the US presidential election are both attempts by humanity to end the thousands of years of black nobility (KM) rule.



by Ben Fulford TG

The truth is that FEMA is actually the real government, while the federal officials we see are merely puppets.

The idea that FEMA exists to help during disasters is a facade.

You know that pathetic $750 payment that citizens affected by Hurricane Helene are supposed to receive?

Well, first, they have to sign an agreement, and buried in the fine print, it says that if that $750 loan— yes, loan — isn’t paid back within a year, the federal government can seize all of that individual’s property.

FEMA is actively blocking Americans from helping their neighbors who have been severely affected by Hurricane Helene.

They are also stopping people who have tried to offer aid, seizing funds and supplies intended for victims, and even worse, purposely reallocating those resources to bring illegal immigrants into the U.S. to replace us.

There are tens of thousands of people in the mountains of North Carolina who desperately need assistance and are being left for dead.

Countless others have sadly already lost their lives due to the intentional malfeasance, incompetence, and inaction of the Biden-Harris administration.

FEMA should be designated a terrorist organization for its handling of these situations.

Look up REX 84, a classified exercise where the government could detain large numbers of American citizens deemed a “national security threat.”

This is why FEMA operates under the Department of Homeland Security, which was created by George W. Bush after 9/11, alongside the Patriot Act and the massive Fourth Amendment violations by the TSA.

Since its creation in 1979, FEMA has been operating in the shadows, involved in massive land seizures.

OG truth-seekers will remember the “FEMA camps” rumored to have been built during the Obama administration. Many of these facilities are said to be repurposed Walmarts.

FEMA’s purpose is to set up a nationwide prison-state control grid to imprison and detain dissidents as we approach the New World Order takeover of the United States.

All of the above is designed to illegally surveil, censor, and subjugate American citizens.

Notice that FEMA hasn’t done anything to actually help Americans in times of great need, like in Maui, Texas, and now, with Hurricane Helene.

It’s part of the largest human trafficking operation through the wide-open border.









weather weapons


MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS are guiding a MASSIVE MOVEMENT INSIDE GENERATION WARFARE (this means YOU ARE THE STORM). The GREAT AWAKENING. The WHITE HATS to help bring the EXPOSURE and tipping point of Weather Weapons. The REAL BEHIND THE SCENES; is Military operations are using the public domain to bring in exposure on a MASSIVE level and this leads to OPEN REVALUATIONS BY GOVERNMENT SECTORS AND FORCES / INVESTIGATIONS




How do you EXPOSE simplex & Advanced technology that controls the weather and how the technology can be used for Warfare?

How do you EXPOSE the [climate change] agenda connected [WEATHER WEAPONS]?

How do you EXPOSE a deep state military and Major Universities and corporations controlling MASS MANUFACTURED WEATHER STORMS?

For the first time in world history hundredths of millions of people across the world from South American. to middle American to the United States to Canada, to UK and Europe including Australia began looking into WEATHER WEAPONS.


GEO ENGINEERED STORMS / CIA Director John Brennan admitting they can control the weather / cloud seeding/ HAARP technology/ CIA& DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CREATING HURRICANE /Pentagon with Stanford Research Institute certify they can create Hurricanes since the 1960s/ PROJECT CIRRUS government secret hurricane program/manmade manufactured storms /ETC/ETC’ (by the hundreds of millions of people across the world started researching Weather Weapon subjects within a 5 day window)

THE MASS AWAKENING WEATHER WEAPONS SUBJECT OPENED THE EYES OF MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! And millions more went down the rabbit hole of climate change agenda and weather control and WEF , DAVOS, UN AGENDA of climate change control (hundreds of millions of newbies came into the Great Awakening and forced Google YouTube, MSM to scrub interviews, scrub the internet and do a mass A.I. FIREWALL against the EXPOSURE of weather weapons and subjects. But this did not detour the millions from trending weather weapons subject for days!)


From a U.S. leader Marjorie Taylor Green House representative from Georgia wrote: “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.” (she has access to direct high level military personal and certain classified information). She diligently gave information the Storm was man made caused by the military and implicated the CIA director Brennan.

The video of CIA director Of John Brennan giving a speech that the weather can be controlled trended.

PBD Podcast gave details of Project Cirrus and the documents and the information was reshared globally.

Alex Jones Monday podcast of the weather weapons creating hurricanes was rebroadcast globally.

Musk X MOVED 200 million rebroadcast of Jones Monday show and PBD broadcast and John Brennan video.

REDACTED breaks a powerful story on NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service (NWS), an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the United States Department of Commerce, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) within the Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Air Force within the Department of Defense. Its technical name is WSR-88D (Weather Surveillance Radar, 1988, Doppler).

NEXRAD creates frequency transmissions that effects large air masses that have been seed with electrically charged machine l nano particles as Hurricanes and can guild and push the storms into placed positions or/and directions. NEXRAD network systems S-band Doppler weather radars were all activated and the frequency transmission were captured by satellites, weather planes and Doppler systems that show Hurricane Helene being guilded in specific path/directions by NEXRAD operations.

The Father of Weather Weapons Ben Livingston is a former Navy physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960s during the Vietnam War era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather. Hundreds of thousands of small channels across the globe posted their own findings and videos and podcasted over X and YouTube channels and private channels.. Beating out algorithms by the millions repeated uploads and shares to hundreds of different search engines across the world.


You are here now. Inside a very important EVENT where the deep state are playing their finals cards ,chess ♟️ moves and using their last resources to cause U S. & world Chaos events.

Military ALLIANCE Operations guiding you through IMPORTANT GAME THEORY OPERATIONS to EXPOSE their deep state system and ops BEHIND THE SCENES.

SUPER A. I. operations are pushing the Algorithms and at war with deep state A.I. but Military intelligence battalions connected to Super advanced systems are insuring are strong POSITIVE OUTCOME connected to 2025 EVENTS. TRUMPS NEW GOVERNMENT AND OPEN OPERATIONS WITH MILITARY taking out global cabal.


I have told you to prepare you for these events and why they are being recorded into the United States Archives and world Archives in over 80 countries, … The U.S. military is recording these EVENTS for END OF OCCUPATION EVENT 11.3. this why the deep state is in PANIC of the ARREST WARS. THE STORM OPERATIONS AND TRUMPS RETURN

(The second hurricane was intenionally brought down by Military invention that hit the eye of the storm directly)

The MASSIVE World movement that Is helping expose the Weather Weapons. Creation of hurricanes operations and much more connected to geo- engineering of the weather is a very important operation. This WILL connect to important EVENTS of bringing down the CLIMATE CHANGE [ DS] AGENDA


Difficult truths.

Q | Military is the only way | YOU ARE THE STORM. YOU ARE THE PLAN.


The HAARP-NEXRAD Connection: New Developments in 2024

The truth they’ve been hiding is far darker and more insidious than anything we’ve seen before. As of October 14, 2024, the latest revelations about secret military technology, weather manipulation, and the deep state’s totalitarian control plans have sent shockwaves through those who have dared to open their eyes.

This isn’t just about hurricanes anymore. The deep state has escalated its operations, utilizing cutting-edge technology not only to manipulate the weather but also to directly assault human physiology and alter our reality.

In recent weeks, whistleblowers from within the U.S. military and private defense contractors have come forward, exposing a massive network of NEXRAD-HAARP hybrid systems. This isn’t merely about controlling the weather; it’s about mind control. As of 2024, we now know that HAARP installations in Alaska have been upgraded with high computing capabilities, enabling more precise manipulation of the ionosphere.

This technology has evolved beyond weather control. It now manipulates the electromagnetic fields surrounding the human brain, creating what insiders are calling “cognitive frequency warfare.”

What does that mean for you? It means the same systems steering hurricanes are also altering human behavior on a mass scale, pushing the population toward compliance, fear, and passivity. In conjunction with weather weapons, the deep state is employing electromagnetic pulses to induce anxiety, confusion, and even violence in targeted areas.

Think it’s a coincidence that riots broke out during Hurricane Milton? Think again. These weather events are not just chaotic distractions—they are psychological operations, amplified by HAARP’s new systems to facilitate easier control of the population.

The Secret 2024 Military Tech: Earthquake Weapons & Geophysical Warfare

While everyone has been focused on hurricanes and weather manipulation, the deep state’s military has quietly developed a far more devastating weapon: seismic weaponry. Yes, you read that correctly.

In recent months, there has been an explosion of classified leaks regarding earthquake creation technologies. Using directed energy weapons (DEWs) and geomagnetic pulses, the military has perfected the ability to trigger earthquakes along fault lines, unleashing destruction at will.

The deep state has long intended to deploy these seismic weapons in key geopolitical regions to destabilize economies and create conditions for martial law. In fact, the recent earthquakes in Turkey, Japan, and the western United States were no accidents. Insiders now confirm that these quakes were artificially triggered as part of a global destabilization campaign to disrupt energy supplies, cause food shortages, and plunge the world into chaos.

The earthquakes of 2024 represent the first phase of a much larger operation aimed at creating a new world order, where climate lockdowns, forced migration, and complete societal collapse will justify draconian global control mechanisms.

But the rabbit hole goes even deeper.

underground bases

Hidden Bunkers Raided, 47 Children Rescued by Elite Dogs, Operation Eclipse Exposed, and FEMA’s Camps for Political Dissidents and Trafficked Children Revealed!

The deep state’s grip is slipping, and the truth is breaking through. Secrets once hidden are being dragged into the light, and the powerful are scrambling to maintain control. But the brave actions of a few are tearing down the walls of deception that have kept the American people in the dark.

On February 18, 2024, a hidden bunker beneath Georgetown, Washington, DC, was raided by Unit X, a group of military personnel armed with elite Belgian Malinois. The media? Silent. 47 children were rescued, and high-profile arrests, including a sitting congressman, followed. Ask yourself: why would the media ignore such a monumental event? The answer is clear—they are complicit.

Then, on March 15, 2024, documents from a private intelligence firm in Langley, Virginia, were leaked, exposing Operation Eclipse, a plan by the deep state to fracture America from within through media manipulation and engineered unrest. Their goal? Martial law and control. But patriots were one step ahead. Trump’s 2020 executive orders laid the groundwork to dismantle this sinister plan.

More horrifying revelations surfaced on June 22, 2024, when a whistleblower within the Department of Homeland Security exposed the truth about FEMA camps. These camps, supposedly for disaster relief, were being used to hold political dissidents and trafficked children. Satellite images and intercepted communications confirmed these claims. Hidden in Nevada and Montana, these camps are evidence of how far the deep state will go to maintain power.

The stakes were raised again on August 8, 2024, when a tech billionaire was found dead in his Silicon Valley mansion. The media spun it as a suicide, but the truth is darker. He had been funneling money into secret operations aimed at stopping Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp. Unit X was watching him closely, and when they struck, it wasn’t a suicide—it was justice.

The deep state is in retreat, but the battle isn’t over. August 2024 marks the beginning of their end, but the fight for the soul of our nation is entering its most critical phase. The mainstream media is still complicit, burying the real stories and pushing narratives designed to keep us divided.

But we are awake. The deep state’s reach is long, but their time is running out. The storm is here, and with it, the dawn of a new America. The final blow is coming, and when it lands, the entire corrupt system will fall.

Stay vigilant, patriots. The truth is our greatest weapon, and together we will reclaim our nation from those who seek to destroy it. The deep state’s days are numbered.



Starlink is about to transform emergency communications globally. It’s not just another tech launch—this is the beginning of a revolution, one that could reach every cell phone in the world. Imagine that. No one out of reach. Starlink is waiting for the go-ahead to send Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) signals directly to billions of devices.

We are in the calm before the storm. A technological and political shift is on the verge of happening. Starlink, Musk’s brainchild, could be the key player in a global plan much larger than any of us thought possible. Some say it’s tied to Q’s sting operation. Others point to the looming DEFCON One alert, the highest level of military readiness.

What’s coming? A system that can reach everyone, instantly. Starlink was supposed to bring internet to remote areas. Now, it’s something much bigger: every cell phone becomes a lifeline, capable of delivering life-saving alerts in real time. No one is left in the dark. This is total global communication, like nothing we’ve ever seen.

The implications? Massive. In moments of crisis—natural disasters, terrorist attacks, anything—the EBS signal can give instant updates, even in the most isolated areas. This is about control, power, and safety. The world is waiting for the green light.

DEFCON One Alert: we’ve never been closer to the edge. What if this alert is linked to Starlink’s signal? Think about it—coincidence? Hardly. Something huge is brewing.

Followers of Q are already buzzing. The grand sting operation to expose corruption on a massive scale may be tied to this. Could the EBS signal be the final piece in Q’s plan? Once activated, it could drop the truth to billions at once.

We’re about to witness a new era of global communication. The potential is staggering: every phone on the planet receiving emergency alerts, anytime, anywhere. The world is on the brink of something monumental. Stay sharp. When this goes live, it could change everything.

code red

CODE RED! Emergency Alert System Engaged

Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Strike Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled!

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is at the center of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State. It’s gearing up for the most significant exposure of hidden truths the world has ever seen.

If you’ve noticed, EAS tests have intensified. This is not a coincidence. The Earth Alliance is fine-tuning the system for the moment when it will strike like a lightning bolt across every screen and device worldwide.

But the EAS is just one piece of a bigger plan. The GESARA agenda is set to trigger the largest wealth transfer in human history. Trillions hoarded by the global elite will be seized and returned to the people. This financial shift isn’t just about money—it’s about breaking the chains of debt slavery and dissolving the central banks that have enslaved humanity for generations. Nothing can stop the flood of prosperity that’s about to be unleashed.

Recently, on August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test wasn’t just a routine check. It included coded transmissions sent through high-frequency channels and satellite systems, reaching not just the public but key operatives within the Earth Alliance. Insiders at Fort Hood, Texas reported live drills involving full EAS deployment, with encrypted messages coordinating military movements across undisclosed locations like Cheyenne Mountain Complex.

In early September 2024, EAS tests ramped up again in major cities like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles, but these tests weren’t normal. Residents received garbled transmissions and flashes of symbols, believed to be coded messages for those in the know. These areas are key Deep State strongholds, and the EAS is preparing to disrupt their influence.

Just last month, on August 28, 2024, another EAS test included classified military clips broadcasted in specific locations, publicly dismissed as a “technical error.” This was no mistake—this was a preview of the disclosures set to be released during the 10 days of darkness.

The Deep State is panicking. Their attempts to disrupt these tests have failed, and the Earth Alliance’s control over the EAS is absolute. On August 5, 2024, a cyber attack aimed at the EAS was thwarted by U.S. Cyber Command, proving that the Earth Alliance is prepared to defend its information war superiority.

The real threat lies within. FEMA, the agency that should safeguard the EAS, has been compromised. Insider leaks confirm FEMA is collaborating with Deep State operatives, plotting to disrupt the EAS broadcasts that threaten to expose their secrets. FEMA is actively working against the public, positioning itself as the Deep State’s shield.

These EAS tests are more than just drills—they are maneuvers in a larger strategy to dismantle the Deep State’s grip. Expect more so-called “errors” as the system prepares for the massive disclosures coming during the 10 days of darkness. This won’t just be about alert tones—it will be an onslaught of truth, hammering the evidence against the Deep State’s crimes.

The countdown has begun. The 10 days of darkness are not just a disruption; they are a total reset. The EAS will be the sole voice, broadcasting relentless truth. The Deep State can’t hide. The Earth Alliance is ready to reveal everything.

This is not a drill. This is the real thing. The reckoning is here, and FEMA’s betrayal will not stop the EAS from leading the charge.



Ending world wide sex syndicate pedophilia operations you are witnessing the EXPOSURE and down fall of the CABAL SYSTEM.


[DIDDY] Hillary/Epstein/CIA [DS] ops, Sean Carter/Reid Hoffman, Clive Davis, Kamala Harris, OBAMA, DNC BILLIONAIRES ETC.

THORN CIA software for facial recognition of children with McCain institute (Cindy McCain says they all knew what EPSTEIN was doing. But still they did nothing. Why?) ERNIE ALLEN (child protection advisor for THORN) ran missing children’s program under the Clinton foundation.

Important history of ERNIE ALLEN & CLINTONS connection Marc Dutroux the serial killer rapists in the Belgium was a massive cover-up of pedophilia, killing sex films live recordings, human trafficking all connected to the Belgium Royal/ House hold and networks into government offices.

(The following departments currently make up the King’s Household: the Department for Economic, Social and Cultural Affair ,the King’s Cabinet the King’s Military Household the King’s Civil List the Department for Foreign Relations, the Department of the Protocol of the Court the Department of Petitions).

Dutroux’s accomplices included his wife, Michelle Martin; Michel Lelièvre; Michel Nihoul Bernard Weinstein. Michel Nihoul, “a Brussels businessman, pub-owner and familiar face at sex parties was connected to politicians and Elites of Belgium and was initially tried as an accomplice to the kidnappings but was acquitted for insufficient evidence; he was instead convicted of involvement in a gang that participated in human trafficking and drug trafficking, and was sentenced to five years in prison.  Weinstein was never tried as he was murdered by Dutroux before being identified as an accomplice.

X-Files Belgium cover-up refers to the horrific witness accounts of a  pedophile network including top Belgium Elites. Military intelligence, policing agencies all connected to the Kingdom of the Belgium Royal family /household.

The five women and the male transvestite who testified anonymously in Belgium under the code-name “X” described an underworld of snuff movies ( movies made from real live killings of sex torture or satanic ritual) and sadomasochist torture.

Operation X files was to have concluded several servers, documentation and videos that confirmed the allegations that corrected the pedophilia networks and sex trafficking, sex killings to  politicians , highly placed members of society and the Royal House, Family and Kingdom.

The outcome of X files report and exposure evolved into a full cover-up by the Kingdom of Belgium. Even prosecuting journalist who exposed the story.

A Belgium prominent Judge Poncelet’s son, a police officer, was involved in the case in which Mr. Dutroux was implicated in a murder. The judges son was murdered soon after and unsolved. And during and soon after the investigation into Marc Dutroux a chain of extraordinary crimes and murder of the Socialist leader Andre Cools, and an several unsolved series of random murders happened, Judge Poncelet stated.

Judge Guy Poncelet, called the X FILES  “brilliant.

 He said that “certain political and judicial authorities,” with the help of the state radio and television and much of the press, had deliberately played down disturbing evidence uncovered in the Dutroux investigation.

Dutroux confessed he had not acted alone. He claimed that he was part of a bigger child molestation ring that included businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and even policemen. This claim was backed up by one of his previous abuse victims, who claimed that she’d been taken to parties to have sex with wealthy men, and that Dutroux had been there, and investigation was opened but however, the investigation didn’t get very far. Witnesses that had said they’d testify there was a sex ring began turning up dead, and officers on the investigation were suddenly taken off the case. A judge was even taken off the case, and a cover-up ran rampant.)


WIKILEAKS IS INSIDE OF MILITARY ALLIANCE OPERATIONS AND HAVE USED MILITARY ADVANCED SUPER COMPUTERS NETWORKS WIKILEAKS HAVE [KILL SWITCH] OPERATIONS in case anything happens to them and the top CLASSIFIED INFORMATION WILL HIT ALL MAJOR WORLD NETWORKS  (the deep state don’t want this). Assange played a very very important role inside world EVENTS (his role WILL continue inside Military operations EXPOSURE operations aimed at the CLINTONS. OBAMA’. MCCAIN INSTITUTE. AND MORE OVER EPSTEIN CIA OPERATIONS. What ever happens to Assange he has already given full briefings and given all servers data to the ALLIANCE ( TRUMP’), the military already has the information but formalities and military court/ procedures everything is documented).

We know that EPSTEIN is going to speak.

Megyn Kelly reveals to Tucker Carlson on live show (she has seen the videos that intelligence has and is waiting to DROP).

We know that Assange KILL SWITCH keys is in the hands of Cheyenne and white hats operations of Admiral Rogers.

We know that ASHTON KUTCHER is the month piece of the CIA and Kutcher did not help create THORN in anyway. But his celebrity stature was used to promote the THORN child face recognition system to kidnap children world wide for Elite syndicate operations connected to CIA Clintons and world elite pedophilia operations.

We know that Ashton Kutcher was being blackmailed/extorted for pedophilia and underaged sex with girls on his TV show and private parties (the CIA pulled a double operation on Kutcher. [They] played the bad guys who extorted him through fake cartel/mafia orgs. and then came to rescue him as good guys of the CIA). These double operations are connected to February 21, 2001 death and killing of Ashley Ellerin at her home behind the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Sunset Strip.

The actor had been dating Ashley Ellerin just a few weeks. … And Ashton Kutcher was blackmailed into killing Ellerin and everything was filmed. After this dark event the CIA stepped in as heros (but they were actually the bad actors who forced Kutcher) and began covert operations to control Ashton Kutcher and bring him into classified ops . They soon connected P DIDDY with KUTCHER and they hosted several parties together and moved sex ring operations from New York to California in Elite underground sex parties. And child human trafficking rings.  P DIDDY was one of the the first celebrities to use THORN software to find children for wealthy rich Elite pedophiles willing to pay hundreds of thousands for on demand kids catalogs the THORN system produced.

We know P DIDDY killed hundreds of victims/witnesses including his own girlfriend Kim Porter by using baby oil to cause immediate pneumonia through IV injections. Some people received IV with nutrients and others who were targeted received baby oil in their IV and eventually died in few hours) ….. Ashton Kutcher also had Brittany Murphy (the second girlfriend of Kutcher to die) killed after she began talking inside her elite circles about Diddy party snuff movies happening and pedophilia sex ring, Murphy died of pneumonia which was initially changed from heart attack. Months later her husband died also of pneumonia.

Kim Porter. Brittany Murphy and her husband all had the same coroner report done by Ed Winter friend of DIDDY.

As white hats Military operations move forward and use 5th generation warfare to bring EXPOSURE to the world wide CABAL deep state syndicate Child sex ring operations and human trafficking global networks.

DONALD J. TRUMP is already poised to sign new EXECUTIVE ORDERS that will use open military operations to bring down world sex trade operations and child pedophilia operations. TRUMP has already given COMMS that he WILL have pedophiles face death penalty and child human traffickers will be executed.



National Economic Stabilization & Reformation Act vs National Economic Security & Recovery Act | 1st being the positive act / Financial Reset and the 2nd being the negative or counter act put in place by the DS (Negative Reset)

· BOOM #1: Debt Forgiveness – A Total Financial Reset! All your debts? WIPED OUT! Mortgages, loans, credit card debt—gone! This isn’t a favor; this is justice for decades of financial cri


· BOOM #2: Tax Liberation – The IRS is about to be SMASHED! Say goodbye to the income tax nightmare! NESARA brings in a 14% flat tax on non-essential goods, cutting off the government’s greedy hands from your paycheck!

· BOOM #3: The Federal Reserve—GAME OVER! The Fed is about to be dismantled. A new, Treasury-backed “Rainbow Currency” will replace the worthless paper dollars, backed by gold, silver, and platinum!

· BOOM #4: Constitutional Law Restored – NESARA restores America to its true foundation, Constitutional Law! Those with foreign ties? Stripped of their citizenship, barred from stepping foot on U.S. soil again. This is more than a reset, it’s a PURGE!

· BOOM #5: New Elections – 120 days to wipe out corrupt politicians with secure, un-hackable elections under Constitutional Law! No more rigged systems. The New QFS Voting System ensures fraud is impossible!

· BOOM #6: Financial Privacy Restored – NESARA ends the constant surveillance on your finances. No more government control over your money—it’s yours, and yours alone!

· BOOM #7: Suppressed Technology Released – Over 6,000 secret patents are about to be released! From free energy to miracle medical cures, these technologies will obliterate the power structures that have kept the world in chains!

· BOOM #8: Humanitarian Projects – NESARA is launching global humanitarian efforts, with funding that will transform lives worldwide. This is about more than survival, it’s about abundance for all!

· BOOM #9: Restitution and Redemption – The elites’ stolen wealth will be returned to the people. NESARA will right the wrongs of the past, with restitution for unconstitutional acts and unjust debt.

· BOOM #10: The QFS Voting System – Say goodbye to rigged elections. With the Quantum Financial System, every vote is validated and secure. True democracy is finally here!

· NESARA GESARA isn’t just a policy—it’s a global reset that will destroy the old world order and give power back to the people. The 30+1 provisions are the blueprint for a global revolution. Are you ready for the explosion?

The 30+1 Primary Provisions of NESARA GESARA: The Ultimate Blueprint for Global Transformation

1. Debt Forgiveness: All bank-related debts, including credit cards, mortgages, and loans caused by illegal banking practices, will be eliminated. This financial “jubilee” will free people from oppressive financial institutions.

2. Termination of the IRS: The IRS will be permanently shut down, and its employees will be reassigned to the new Treasury-based tax collection system.

3. Abolishment of Income Tax: Income taxes, including taxes on investments and retirement accounts, will be completely removed, as they were unconstitutionally imposed.

4. Flat-Rate Sales Tax: A 14% flat-rate sales tax will be introduced on new, non-essential goods (excluding food, medicine, and used items) to fund government operations, ensuring a fairer and more transparent tax system.

5. Restoration of Financial Privacy: New systems will be implemented to protect financial privacy, ending widespread data theft and hacking.

6.. Re-indexing of Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and other precious metals will be re-indexed within 30 days of NESARA’s completion, stabilizing the economy.

7. Federal Reserve Phase-Out: The Federal Reserve will be dissolved over the course of a year, transitioning all monetary control to the U.S. Treasury.

8. Banking Reform: Banks will face new limits on rates and fees, while citizens gain stronger custody rights over their funds. Banks will be phased out over 3-5 years post-NESARA.

9. Boost to Senior Citizens’ Benefits: NESARA will increase benefits for senior citizens, ensuring financial support during their later years.

10. Global Peace Initiatives: The U.S. will cease all aggressive military actions, focusing on peaceful diplomatic relations worldwide.

11. QFS (Quantum Financial System): Most NESARA-related exchanges of foreign currency and bonds will be securely stored in blockchain accounts via the Quantum Financial System.

12. Humanitarian Project Funding: Large-scale funding will be provided for domestic and global humanitarian projects, allowing for widespread societal improvements.

13. Redemption of Currencies and Bonds: Individuals will have the opportunity to redeem or exchange their foreign currencies and ZIM bonds at specific rates for personal use and humanitarian projects.

14. Reclamation of Stolen Assets: Assets stolen by corrupt institutions, including the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, will be reclaimed and restored to rightful owners.

15. Return to Constitutional Law: NESARA will restore Constitutional Law within the U.S. legal system, eliminating unconstitutional practices.

16. Reinstatement of the Title of Nobility Amendment: Americans under foreign influence or control will lose their citizenship and be deported to prevent foreign interference in domestic affairs.

17. New Elections: Immediate Presidential and Congressional elections will be held within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement, wiping the slate clean of previous corrupt regimes.

18. New QFS Voting System: A revolutionary voting system based on the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the current election system. Only those who have participated in NESARA benefits will be eligible voters.

19. Release of Suppressed Technologies: Over 6,000 hidden patents for advanced technologies, including free energy and medical cures, will be made public.

20. Privatization of the U.S. Postal Service: The USPS will be privatized to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

Source; D Wilcock


“Main Core” – A CIA Database of 8 Million Americans Ready for Detention Under Martial Law!

“Main Core” is a top-secret U.S. government database tracking American citizens deemed threats to national security. This database, developed since the Reagan administration, is part of a Continuity of Government (COG) program aimed at controlling the population during a national crisis. REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot, crafted in the 1980s, lay the groundwork for mass detentions and martial law under extreme conditions.

This isn’t a fantasy—this is about real American citizens who may find themselves detained in FEMA camps. The database collects detailed personal and financial information from the NSA, FBI, CIA, all without warrants or court orders. It’s believed the U.S. government already has a list of millions of citizens who can be tracked, questioned, and detained when a major emergency occurs.

These secretive plans involve the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes controversial provisions allowing indefinite detention of Americans during times of crisis. Think about this: 8 million Americans already flagged. Could you be on the list?

Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance only scratch the surface. Main Core may already have your data, fed by programs like NSA wiretapping, credit card transactions, and Internet searches. This is real. America has been building a police state behind the scenes for decades. The time for subtlety is over. Your freedoms are hanging by a thread.

When the emergency hits, when martial law is declared, Main Core will come into play. You could be one of the millions rounded up, all under the pretense of national security. This is not about safety—it’s about control.

Wake up! Are you on their list?

nazi soros

List of 200 U.S. Organizations that Have Financial Ties to Nazi War Criminal George Soros, Which Actively Seek to Overthrow America’s Democratic Republic

by Fulford TG

Soros and his Open Society Foundations provide funding directly or indirectly to over 200 U.S. organizations. These groups aren’t just liberal think tanks or social justice organizations—they’re part of a calculated, well-oiled machine designed to dismantle American values and bring the country to its knees.

Here’s the complete list of the 200 U.S. organizations that have financial ties to Nazi war criminal George Soros. Both George Soros and his Open Society Foundations provide funding directly or indirectly to all these groups, many of which actively seek to overthrow America’s democratic Republic.

Advancement Project: Organizes “communities of color” into politically cohesive units, spreading its leftist worldviews.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): Opposes almost all post-9/11 national security measures, advocates for open borders, and defends suspected terrorists.

Media Matters for America: A “progressive” watchdog that targets conservative media, heavily funded by Soros.

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: A Washington, DC-based think tank recruiting young left-wing law students to influence American jurisprudence.

Center for American Progress: A leftist think tank closely connected to Hillary Clinton and former Clinton administration staffers, advocating for a “progressive America.”

MoveOn.org: A Web-based organization that funds Democratic political candidates, backed by Soros to shift America to the extreme left.

This is only a fraction of the list. The goal is clear: control the narrative, suppress dissent, and reshape America in the image of globalist elites. Soros’ influence stretches far beyond political campaigns, controlling the flow of information through major media outlets and funding organizations that push open borders, voter fraud, and radical social policies.

The time to act is NOW. The storm is here—spread the word, expose the truth, and fight back. America is on the brink.


Israel Announces New Targets in Lebanon: BANKS & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS

by Hal Turner

The Spokesman for the Israel Defense Force, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has announced that the Air Force will begin Widespread Strikes tonight against Banks and other Financial Institutions “linked to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Evacuation Orders for Lebanese Residents near these Institutions are expected to be announced soon.

Hal Turner Opinion

If Israel can target banks throughout a country because those banks are “linked to Hezballah, then the questions which must be asked are:

1) What makes a bank “linked” to something? How does Israel define “linked in this situation?

2) If it is OK for Israel to blow-up banks in Lebanon,  Is it then OK for people around the world to target Banks in their own countries that are somehow “linked” to Israel because of the genocide Israel is perpetrating?

3) Should “Israel-linked” banks be attacked worldwide? 

After all, if merely being “linked” to Hezballah is good enough for Israel to drop bombs on them from fighter jets, then why should banks “linked” to Israel be exempt from similar actions worldwide?


Bombshell Alert: Hollywood on Fire! FBI’s ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Expose Prince Harry and A-List Elites in Explosive Scandal!

The FBI’s explosive seizure of “Freak Off” tapes featuring Prince Harry and Hollywood elites exposes shocking illegal acts, shaking the entertainment industry to its core. This scandal is set to bring down some of the world’s most powerful figures.

The FBI has seized explosive tapes featuring Prince Harry himself, engaged in outrageous acts alongside music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs. This isn’t just a scandal—it’s a nuclear-level catastrophe that threatens to blow apart the fabric of celebrity culture, exposing the sleazy underworld of Hollywood’s elites. And guess what? This is just the beginning.

Hollywood’s biggest stars are terrified. They’ve seen scandals before, but nothing like this. This is about to burn the entire industry to the ground.

Hollywood’s Darkest Secrets: Diddy’s Empire of Debauchery Sean “Diddy” Combs has built an empire on secrecy, manipulation, and depravity. Allegedly hosting orgies for the rich and famous, he’s now caught in the FBI’s web. The tapes are out, and the walls are closing in on Diddy’s twisted empire.

These “Freak Off” tapes expose a horrifying underbelly of Hollywood—a place where celebrities, royalty, and politicians engaged in acts that would shock even the most jaded cynics. Sources say there are more tapes, more evidence, more names. The FBI is preparing to drop the hammer on an entire generation of stars who thought they were untouchable.

Prince Harry: The Fall of a Royal Icon Prince Harry is now embroiled in a scandal that could end his public life. Once a rebellious, beloved figure, he is now plastered across headlines for the worst possible reasons. The royal family is trying to distance themselves, but how far can they really go? This scandal threatens to be the final straw that breaks the monarchy.

Hollywood in Full Meltdown: A-List Stars Running Scared Hollywood is in panic mode. A-list celebrities are frantically scrubbing their digital footprints and hiring crisis PR teams. These stars know the clock is ticking. The FBI’s investigation is just getting started. Nobody is safe.

The entertainment industry is no longer about fame and fortune—it’s about cover-ups, blackmail, and a power structure built on secrets that are finally unraveling. For too long, the public has been fed a sanitized version of these stars, but behind the scenes, it’s pure rot. Now, with these tapes coming to light, the truth is going to be impossible to ignore.

The FBI’s Reckoning: The System Is Crumbling This investigation is shaping up to be the biggest scandal in entertainment history—far more devastating than anything we’ve seen before. Forget Weinstein, forget Epstein—this is bigger. These tapes reveal a sprawling network of power players who believed they were immune to justice. They thought they were gods.

Hollywood’s power players can’t stop it.

autumn sweep

BREAKING: Operation Autumn Sweep!

Over 150 Criminals, Including Disney Employee, Snatched in Major Human Trafficking Crackdown…

Over 150 criminals, including a Disney employee, were arrested in a major human trafficking bust during “Operation Autumn Sweep.” This massive sting rescued four victims and exposed online predators targeting minors. Law enforcement’s relentless pursuit proves no one is safe from justice, not even those hiding in plain sight.

In a sweeping assault, law enforcement agencies executed one of the largest human trafficking busts in recent memory. Operation Autumn Sweep tore through a sprawling web of human traffickers and online predators, dragging more than 150 people into the light where they can no longer hide. And the most shocking part? A Disney employee, proof that evil can wear the most unsuspecting mask.

The Filth Exposed: 150 Arrests, 4 Victims Rescued This wasn’t a simple sting—it was a ruthless takedown of criminals trading in flesh and misery. 157 predators, including traffickers and creeps preying on children, were rounded up. Their sick schemes were shattered in an instant. But justice didn’t stop there—four victims were rescued from the jaws of this disgusting trade. Four lives, nearly lost to the shadows, now freed.

Disney Employee Caught: The Hidden Monster One of the most shocking revelations? A Disney employee—someone working at the happiest place on earth—was secretly involved in this vile industry. This isn’t some far-off criminal—it’s someone who was trusted in a family-friendly place! A gut-wrenching reality check for anyone who still believes these predators only exist in dark corners.

The Internet is No Safe Haven This operation didn’t just target the streets—it hunted down online predators, catching those sick monsters who thought they could hide behind their screens, targeting children. They thought the internet offered anonymity, but they were wrong. Now they’re behind bars where they belong.

Illegal Immigrants and Trafficking: The Ugly Truth Many of those arrested were illegal immigrants, involved in this twisted network, using their status to hide even darker crimes. This isn’t just about illegal immigration—it’s about the exploitation of human lives. Operation Autumn Sweep proved that law enforcement won’t let them slip through the cracks.

This is War—and It’s Far from Over Make no mistake—this is a war. Operation Autumn Sweep dealt a crushing blow, but it’s just the beginning. There are more predators out there, waiting to exploit their next victim. But the message is clear: we’re coming for you. Law enforcement won’t rest until every single one of these monsters is brought to justice.

The Global Connection: Disney, Maxwell, and the Dark Web of Corruption Operation Autumn Sweep is just the tip of the iceberg. The deeper this investigation goes, the more dark connections emerge. Whispers of a link between Disney and the Maxwell family are sending shockwaves. Could this be just the beginning of an explosive revelation that topples some of the world’s most powerful entities?

33 Years After Robert Maxwell’s Death 33 years ago, Robert Maxwell mysteriously died, leaving behind a shadowy legacy. The timing of these revelations feels like no coincidence. Maxwell’s connection to international espionage, combined with Disney’s growing scandals, is all starting to come to light. Could this be the moment of reckoning we’ve been waiting for?

The Takedown of the Century The storm has arrived. Operation Autumn Sweep is more than just a law enforcement bust—it’s the beginning of the end for some of the most powerful forces hiding in the shadows. Disney, Maxwell, and Epstein—names that will soon be synonymous with corruption, trafficking, and global control.

Prepare yourself. This is no ordinary scandal. The world is about to see the truth—and it’s more terrifying than anyone could have imagined.


What They Discovered in the VATICAN Shocks the Whole World!

by Fulford TG

The Vatican has long been at the center of mystery and intrigue. Hidden deep within its walls are secrets that have terrified and awed for centuries. From cursed relics to prophetic visions, the Vatican Archives house bizarre artifacts and world-changing revelations that the Church has fought to keep hidden.

The Devil’s Bible: Codex Gigas

One of the most infamous relics in the Vatican is the Codex Gigas, or The Devil’s Bible. This gigantic manuscript is said to have been created in a single night with the help of dark forces, containing a full-page depiction of the devil. Its origins remain a mystery, but it is said to carry a curse that chills anyone who dares to gaze upon it.

The Cursed Portrait of the Anti-Pope

Hidden from public view is a portrait of an anti-pope, a figure who defied the rightful leader of the Church during times of chaos. The portrait is said to bring disaster and misfortune to those who lay eyes on it, and it has been kept away to prevent further disruption within the Vatican’s inner circle.

Prophecies of St. Malachy

Deep in the Vatican’s tombs lies the Sarcophagus of St. Malachy, an Irish saint whose prophecies foretell the end of the world. His writings predicted every pope, leading to the ominous prophecy of Peter the Roman, whose reign will coincide with the destruction of Rome and the final apocalypse.

The Lost Gospel of Peter

There are whispers of a manuscript hidden within the Vatican that could shake the very foundation of Christianity. The Lost Gospel of Peter presents an alternative account of Jesus’ life, challenging the canonical gospels and suggesting that the Church has manipulated its version of history.

Haunted Apostolic Palace

The Apostolic Palace, home to the Pope, is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Pope Alexander VI, known for his corruption. His spectral whispers have been reported by those who work within the palace, adding to the belief that the Vatican is haunted by the past sins of its leaders.

The Curse of the Judas Coins

In the Vatican’s vaults lie the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas for betraying Jesus. These coins are said to be cursed, bringing eternal torment to those who come into contact with them. Some say they even whisper Judas’ eternal regrets, serving as a reminder of his betrayal.

Extraterrestrial Technology Hidden in the Vatican

Some claim that the Vatican holds extraterrestrial artifacts—technology from another world that has been kept from the public eye. Rumors abound that these relics could rewrite history and prove the existence of life beyond Earth, but the Church has suppressed this knowledge to maintain control.

Exorcisms and Cursed Relics

Beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, it is said that the Vatican has a room specifically designed for exorcisms, hidden from public view. Cursed relics and demonic possessions are dealt with behind closed doors, far from the eyes of the faithful, adding to the air of dark secrets within the Vatican walls.

The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi

One of the Vatican’s greatest mysteries is the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, a young girl who vanished in 1983. Decades later, despite numerous investigations, her fate remains unknown, and the Vatican’s refusal to fully cooperate has only fueled suspicions of a deeper conspiracy.

The Vatican’s Shadow World

The secrets hidden within the Vatican’s archives paint a picture of an institution that is not just a place of worship but a center for dark mysteries. From cursed relics to suppressed prophecies, the truth within its walls could shatter everything we thought we knew. The time has come to question the stories the Church tells and demand transparency from an institution that has kept the world in the dark for far too long. Are you ready for the truth?

religion vs spirituality

Once a Wise Man was Asked to Explain the Difference Between Religion and Spirituality.

His response was profound:

▪️ Religion is not just one, there are many.

▪️ Spirituality is one.

▪️ Religion is for those who sleep.

▪️ Spirituality is for those who are awake.

▪️ Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and who want guidance.

▪️ Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their inner voice.

▪️ Religion has dogmatic rules.

▪️ Spirituality calls us to discuss everything, question everything.

▪️ Religion threatens and scares.

▪️ Spirituality gives inner peace.

▪️ Religion talks about sin and guilt.

▪️ Spirituality says “learn from your mistake”.

▪️ Religious programming, guilt, shame, & fear

▪️ Spirituality deprograms using the practice of forgiveness

▪️ Religion suppresses everything that is wrong.

▪️ Spirituality overcomes everything, it brings you closer to the truth!

▪️ Religion is about God; It is not God.

▪️ Spirituality is everything and therefore it is in God.

▪️ Religion is inventing.

▪️Spirituality is finding.

▪️ Religion doesn’t tolerate any questions.

▪️Spirituality will question everything.

▪️ Religion is humanity.

This is an organization whose rules are made by men.

▪️ Spirituality is divine, without human rules.

▪️ Religion is the cause of division.

▪️Spirituality unites.

▪️ Religion seeks you to believe.

▪️ The spirituality you have to seek it to believe.

▪️ Religion follows the concepts of the holy book.

▪️ Spirituality looks for a holiday in all books.

▪️ Religion feeds fear.

▪️ Spirituality feeds trust and faith.

▪️ Religion lives in thoughts.

▪️ Spirituality lives in inner consciousness.

▪️ Religion is dealing with the performance of rituals.

▪️ Spirituality is related to the inner self.

▪️ Religion feeds the ego.

▪️ Spirituality forces you to go beyond.

▪️ Religion makes us disconnect from the world to follow God.

▪️ Spirituality makes us live in God, without giving up our existing life.

▪️ Religion is a cult.

▪️ Spirituality is an inner meditation.

▪️ Religion fills us with dreams of glory in paradise.

▪️ Spirituality makes us live in earthly glory and paradise.

▪️ Religion lives in the past and in the future.

▪️ Spirituality is living in the present.

▪️ Religion creates monasteries in our memory.

▪️ Spirituality frees our consciousness.

▪️ Religion makes us believe in eternal life.

▪️ Spirituality makes us aware of eternal life.

▪️ Religion promises life after death.

▪️ Spirituality means finding God inside us in our present life before we die

– We are not human beings who are going through a mental experience.

-We are spiritual beings going through the human experience.


Popcorn and Movie Time: What The Q Is Going On In Our World?

Why Is The Cabal Afraid of Q? Enjoy the Show!

In 2020, a different kind of war ignited. It wasn’t fought with guns, but through total censorship. Social media giants, news platforms, and the elites behind them declared war on one thing: Q. They couldn’t delete us fast enough—millions of followers gone in an instant, patriots silenced, and the media exploded with attacks on Q. Why? What are they so afraid of?

The Cabal—that shadowy network of billionaires—controls everything: media, tech, politics. And they needed Q silenced, because Q exposed their darkest secrets. Q wasn’t just some random internet group; Q was the ultimate threat to their agenda. It was the truth that began shaking the very foundations of the world’s corrupt systems. The elites couldn’t handle it.

Why did they fear Q so much? Because Q pulled the curtain back on child sacrifice, ritual abuse, and the satanic practices hidden in the highest levels of power. The elites don’t just want power—they thrive on evil, and Q shone a blinding light on it.

Think it’s just ancient history? No—this is happening right now. These practices were once public, but after the rise of Christianity, they were forced into the shadows. Yet they persisted. From Hollywood to the highest levels of global banking, rituals of child sacrifice and satanic abuse continue today. Brave whistleblowers have spoken out, exposing these crimes, but they’re met with a wall of silence from those in power.

Q awakened us to this reality, revealing that the elites—from the Rothschilds to Gates to Soros—have woven an intricate web of control over our governments, media, and even the very financial systems that dominate the globe. They manipulate the world, starting wars, enslaving nations, all to feed their insatiable lust for control and power.

But Q gave us the power to fight back. They fear the digital soldiers, the citizen journalists, the midnight riders who spread the truth across the internet. They fear that their carefully constructed lies are crumbling under the weight of the truth.

This isn’t just a battle for freedom—it’s a battle for the soul of humanity. The elites are pure evil. They feast on our children, they sacrifice the innocent, and they do so with glee. But they are losing.

We are waking up. The storm is here. Their New World Order is collapsing, and Q has ignited a revolution that they cannot stop. The more they try to control us, the more obvious their lies become. The cabal is panicking, and their house of cards is falling.

Stay strong. Keep fighting. We are on the winning side. The wicked will fall by their own swords, and God’s light will cast out the darkness once and for all.

Trust the plan. The hunters become the hunted.

Source; D Wilcock TG

the final count down

The Final Countdown 

The term The Final Countdown is often used to describe the approaching end of the Deep State, the Cabal, and globalist agendas in various alternative narratives. According to these perspectives, the Deep State refers to a Hidden Hand network of powerful elites operating behind the scenes, manipulating governments, economies, and media to maintain control over the masses. The Cabal is a term often used interchangeably with the Deep State, suggesting a secretive group of influential individuals or organizations orchestrating global events for their own benefit. Globalists are seen as those who advocate for a centralized, one-world government, stripping nations of their sovereignty in pursuit of a New World Order.

In this context, the Final Countdown symbolizes the collapse of these entities, believed to be the result of growing public awareness and resistance. It represents a moment when hidden truths about corruption, manipulation, and exploitation are fully exposed, leading to the downfall of these covert powers. This process is often viewed as part of a larger spiritual awakening or collective consciousness shift, where humanity regains control of its destiny.

Supporters of this belief suggest that signs of the Final Countdown include increasing disclosure of government secrets, economic disruptions, political upheavals, and the rise of movements that challenge the established power structures. They believe that this ultimate showdown will end the control of the Deep State, Cabal, and globalists, ushering in an era of freedom, transparency, and the restoration of sovereignty for nations and individuals alike.

star Link


Every phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. This will come directly from Star Link satellites, bypassing the corrupt media channels controlled by the elites.

The Earth Alliance, Star Link, and military are ready to execute the final phase. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is beginning. For years, the Earth Alliance has been preparing, quietly building a secure network of satellites that will make this possible.

The EBS alert will be activated globally but in phases. Depending on your location, you might get it slightly earlier or later, but make no mistake—it’s coming. The phased rollout will prevent the Deep State from reacting and catch them off-guard. By the time the signal hits every device, the Earth Alliance will have moved to the next stage.

The signal will be followed by a broadcast from Trump and military leaders, bypassing the corrupt media. They will deliver real-time updates on the takedown of the Deep State, mass arrests, and the collapse of the corrupt financial system. You’ll learn how FEMA, the FBI, and other agencies have been weaponized against the people, staging false flags and disasters to maintain control.

The EBS broadcast could last up to 10 days, depending on ground conditions. During this time, there will be no internet, no social media, no TV, no mainstream news. Stock up on food, water, and supplies—you won’t be able to access stores or services during this period.

As the alert rolls out, the military will mobilize globally. The Earth Alliance has been coordinating this for years. Patriot groups and militias in the U.S. are ready to confront any Deep State operatives trying to stop the plan.

The military will maintain order, but expect resistance from the elites. They will attempt to create chaos with false flags, but they will fail. The globalists know their time is up, and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.

During this time, expect martial law. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS. You will witness the fall of corrupt politicians, bankers, and elites. You’ll see arrests, confessions, and the dismantling of globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long.

The Deep State’s financial institutions will collapse. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the corrupt system, marking the greatest wealth transfer in history. Banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair system that serves the people.

Part of the EBS plan includes neutralizing underground military bases used by the elites. These underground cities, built to protect them from the chaos they’ve unleashed, are being identified and destroyed. The Earth Alliance has located bunkers, including one under Denver International Airport and another in the Swiss Alps.

Special Forces Teams are already in position. Once the EBS is triggered, they will eliminate these elite hideouts. This is a war like we’ve never seen before, and it’s happening now. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere to hide.

by EthefriendQ

operation sandman


by EthefriendQ

Now Activated: 100 Nations Launch Devastating Strike to Obliterate the US Dollar and Cripple America’s Economy!

The truth is here, and it’s darker than you ever imagined. Operation Sandman has been unleashed, and over 100 nations have aligned in a covert, coordinated financial attack against the US dollar. The goal? To bring the United States to its knees and end its global dominance. What you’re about to witness will send shockwaves through the world.

Operation Sandman: A Silent War to Destroy the US Dollar

For decades, the US dollar has reigned supreme. But now, over 100 nations have had enough of America’s control. This is not just an economic maneuver—it’s financial warfare. Operation Sandman is designed to obliterate the US dollar, leaving America in ruins. The US will no longer control the world’s economy.

A Financial Catastrophe Waiting to Happen

Picture this: the US dollar, once the strongest currency in the world, suddenly worth next to nothing. Banks collapsing, markets crashing, and a future more uncertain than ever. This is no fantasy—this is what’s happening now. Countries are ready to dump their US Treasury bonds, sending the US dollar into a tailspin.

The effects? Hyperinflation, skyrocketing prices, and a financial meltdown on a global scale. The US will crumble, and there’s nothing to stop it.

Why the World Wants the Dollar Dead—And Why Now

This is a strike for revenge. For years, the US has abused its position, manipulating the global economy, exporting inflation, and crippling nations through sanctions. But the world is no longer willing to be a puppet. These nations are ready to watch the US burn and seize the chance to create a new financial order where they make the rules.

The Cataclysm: What Happens When the Dollar Collapses

When the US dollar collapses, it’s not just America that will suffer—the entire world will feel the impact. Hyperinflation in the US will destroy the value of the dollar. Prices for everyday goods will soar beyond imagination. But the pain won’t stop there. A global recession will ensue, and the world economy will be plunged into chaos.

The US will no longer dominate the global stage. This is the end of US hegemony, and a new power will rise from the ashes. Whether it’s China, Russia, or another force, one thing is certain—the world will never be the same again.

Massive Social Unrest in the US

As the economy collapses, so will society. Unemployment will skyrocket. People will lose their savings. Chaos will erupt in the streets. Expect riots, protests, and complete social breakdown. The US will be powerless as its people rise against the system that brought them to the brink of destruction.

Can the US Escape the Inevitable?

It’s too late. Decades of reckless spending and a ballooning national debt have ensured there’s no escape. The US has dug its own grave. Even if Washington tries to reverse course, the damage is done.

Some say the US could return to the gold standard or launch a new digital currency, but these solutions will take years. And time has run out.

The Beneficiaries: Who Stands to Gain?

As America burns, others will rise. China has long been preparing for this moment, and the collapse of the US dollar will catapult the yuan into the spotlight. Russia, free from US sanctions, will seize new opportunities, and BRICS nations will finally break free from the shackles of the dollar.

The financial nuke is set to explode, and the US will face the full force of Operation Sandman.

The Final Countdown: What Happens Next?

The clock is ticking, and soon, over 100 nations will dump their US Treasury holdings. The dollar will collapse, and the US will face an apocalypse of its own making. What comes after? A new world order, where the US no longer holds the power.

Prepare yourselves, because when Operation Sandman goes live, the world as you know it will never be the same again.

matrix collapse

The Matrix Is Collapsing As Pedophile Blackmail And Weather Warfare Become Mainstream

By Benjamin Fulford October 14, 2024

Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax.

The biggest sign of this in the past week has been the awakening of the majority of the Western population to elite pedophile blackmail and weather warfare. The people in the truth movement have known about this for a long time. However, we have been in a bubble and preaching to the choir for most of this time. The vast majority of the people remained clueless. What is different now is people who don’t pay attention to the news and only read gossip columns are becoming aware en masse. More importantly, the military and intelligence community are now finally taking action as a result.

Let us start with the elite pedophile blackmail network. The Puff Diddy or Sean Combs trial is what is waking people up to this reality. The actor portraying General Michael Flynn, for example, is telling the world “The Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians and media…These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic.”The Khazarian Mafia’s use of “celebrities” and celebrity culture to control the masses is now blowing up their faces. The musician Justin Bieber came out in 2017 to say he has “woken up” to the “evils of the music industry” that is “controlled by the absolute worst kind of people – pedophiles.”

Describing a party on tour – attended by the upper echelon of the music business, including executive VPs of development, producers, power agents and international financiers – Bieber said he was encouraged to sexually abuse a young child who had been brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite.

“I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,” Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the “business side of the industry” if he “joined the club” by passing the initiation rites. “I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me like it did for Jay-Z.”

“It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.” But Bieber told the congregation that he couldn’t do it.
“To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough for them. I’d also have to kill this little child.”
“I got told they secretly film these parties. Once they’ve got you on video doing something like that, they own you.”

“They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.”
The original link I had for this story was replaced with a report from the Australian Parliament on “foreign election interference.” The next five links were also debunking this. Yet, after that hundreds and probably thousands and possibly millions of links had the original story.

Here it is:
https://mainerepublicemailalert.wordpress.com/2017/08/04/justin-bieber- pedophiles-run-the-evil-music-industry/? utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

The story was buried when it originally came to light but now everybody is hearing about it. This means the BlackRock and Vanguard controllers of Google are losing the ability to shape the narrative.

In another example, Oprah’s spiritual adviser John of God kept young women captive in remote farms where he impregnated them and murdered them after 10 years of giving birth. These babies were then sold to elite VIPs around the world. John of God is closely tied to Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Marina Abramovich, among others. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact. He was found guilty of this by a Brazilian court.

These stories are important because they reveal the network of pedophile blackmail control used on most Western politicians. The trail leads to the Satanic state of Israel. Why else do you think politicians like Canadian “opposition leader” Pierre Poilievre would come out publicly and say an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a “gift to humanity.”

Why is he calling for what amounts to triggering nuclear Armageddon?
Now take a tour of the US Congress and Senate and ask yourselves why they represent Israel and not their own constituents. I guarantee you they are all bribed and blackmailed.

People like Elon Musk are also now coming out and talking about this. He said, “I think part of why Kamala Harris is getting so much support is that if [Donald] Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public and some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome.” Musk names Reid Hoffman and Bill Gates are being implicated.

In an attempt to exonerate himself, Gates appeared on Australian TV and admitted to “having dinner with Epstein.” He visited Epstein’s island 37 times! That’s not just having a few dinners

Musk says “Between Diddy and Epstein there’s probably several thousand hours of footage here.”
FBI investigators on the Diddy case have seized snuff tapes recorded by Jay-Z and Beyoncé, exposing their role in a series of ritual killings and sacrifices of A- list stars and their family members, including children, an industry insider reveals.
https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/fbi-seize-diddy-snuff-tape-showing-jay-z- and-beyonce-sacrificing-children/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Our own sources say Diddy is making a plea bargain with the Justice Department and has provided them with tapes of Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama raping and murdering a child.

This is important because Kamala Harris is just a human-robot remotely controlled by Obama as the video below demonstrates.

Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is “still running the country.” However, it appears even Obama is being blackmailed by someone else.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/malik-obama-says-half-brother- barack-is-still-running-the-country-and-warns-he-would-have-a-big-role-to- play-in-harris-presidency/ar-AA1ruzin

So the question now is who are the ultimate controllers? This was the subject of a high-level meeting last weekend between representatives of the US military and Asian Secret Societies held in Japan.

US Aircraft Carrier

ALERT! U.S. Aircraft Carriers Line Up in Global Battle Formation

The Entire U.S. Fleet Is Ready for Combat

BREAKING: U.S. aircraft carriers are now in an unprecedented global formation from the Pacific to the Mediterranean. This isn’t a drill—the world is on the brink. The U.S. Navy’s deployment sends a crystal-clear message. Are we staring down the barrel of World War III?

In an extraordinary move, the U.S. Navy has formed a battle line stretching from the U.S. West Coast all the way to the Pacific. This is not a routine maneuver—this is a battle-ready formation, a harbinger of something far more dangerous. The global stage is set for a showdown.

The Entire U.S. Fleet Is Ready for Combat Imagine this: all U.S. aircraft carriers – those massive juggernauts of war—lined up across the world’s most critical regions. This isn’t for show. This isn’t a precaution. This is a move designed for combat. Each of these carriers is armed with devastating firepower, fighter jets, and advanced weaponry—ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

When America sends its entire fleet into the world’s most volatile hotspots, it’s not a signal to stand down—it’s a sign that conflict is imminent. From the Pacific to the Middle East and Mediterranean, these carriers are stationed at key flashpoints, locked and loaded.

Battle Formation: The World on the Edge of Conflict You don’t line up your entire fleet unless you’re preparing for something BIG. In the Mediterranean, with NATO tightening its grip and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, U.S. carriers mean one thing: they’re preparing for the worst. In the Middle East, with tensions at a boiling point, it’s clear the U.S. is gearing up for an all-out clash. And in the Pacific, with China’s eyes on Taiwan, the U.S. is ready to strike hard.

This Is Not a DrillThis Is a Warning to the World This isn’t just a move of strategy—it’s an open threat. If anyone challenges the United States now, retaliation will be swift and merciless. Aircraft carriers are the tip of the spear, and they’re positioned to unleash unimaginable firepower. Tick, tock—the clock is running out. This isn’t some political game. This is war.

WW3 INFO: Is the Countdown to World War III Beginning? The entire world is asking: Is this the beginning of World War III? With U.S. carriers in place, the world is closer to the brink than it has ever been. Taiwan, the Middle East, Eastern Europe—any of these flashpoints could ignite the entire globe. The U.S. is ready. The consequences will be devastating.

Military analysts are scrambling, and the panic is real. This kind of alignment hasn’t been seen since the Cold War. The fact that it’s happening now, in the midst of the most intense global tensions of our lifetime, should send chills down your spine.

The Stakes Have Never Been Higher With U.S. carriers now covering the world’s most dangerous zones, nations everywhere are holding their breath. The potential for total war is staring us in the face. The destruction, the suffering, the collapse of the world as we know it—it’s all on the table.

This Is It – Time Is Running Out The world is watching, and the U.S. fleet is ready. With aircraft carriers positioned across the globe, the balance of power could shift at any moment. This could be the spark that ignites the most devastating conflict in modern history.

Are we witnessing the start of World War III? Time will tell, but one thing is certain—the world has never been closer to the brink of chaos. Prepare. Stay alert. The storm is here.



by EthefriendQ

The Elites Are Actively Depopulating the Planet—Klaus Schwab, Chemtrails, and Bioweapons: The WEF’s Plan to Wipe Out Billions Exposed!

The WEF Depopulation Agenda is no longer hidden. It’s unfolding right now, and YOU are the target. Every global event? A calculated move by the elites to wipe out humanity. This is full-scale war, and most can’t even see it.

Weapons have been unleashed—chemicals, bioweapons, mind control—all designed to reduce the population. Klaus Schwab and his cronies have plotted a diabolical plan, and they’re executing it right before your eyes. Weather modification? It’s not some “experiment.” Hurricanes, wildfires—they’re engineered disasters to starve nations and crush societies. Look at Florida—next in line for their destruction.

The invasion by illegal immigrants isn’t about “refugees.” It’s a deliberate takedown of the economy, breaking the system under the weight of chaos. The goal? Collapse. Europe is already falling, and America is next.

And it doesn’t stop there. The water you drink is laced with fluoride to make you sterile and dumbed down. Generations are being transformed into compliant sheep. The GMOs? They’re designed to make you sick and infertile. They want fewer people, and they’re getting it done quietly, one bite at a time.

DEI? It’s not equality. It’s a weapon to destroy families, values, and population growth. A psychological war on family and unity. The elite know that a divided population won’t fight back. They want to keep you weak.

The chemtrails you see every day? Poison. They’re not just pollution, they’re weaponized aerosols to weaken your immune system and shorten your lifespan. Breathe in their toxins, and you inch closer to death every single day.

The climate change hoax? It’s not about saving the planet—it’s about controlling the people. By restricting access to energy and food, they make you dependent on their system. You’re nothing more than slaves under their banner of “environmentalism.”

Bioweapons are the final strike. Covid was just the beginning. The next virus will be targeted to wipe out entire groups of people, while the elites sit safely in their bunkers. Every time a “new virus” pops up, know that it’s part of their master plan.

Hollywood? The media? They’re pushing mental illness, degeneracy, and the breakdown of society to ensure fewer and fewer people are strong enough to fight back. Everything you see is part of a deliberate campaign to make us weak.

The elites have gone further than anyone can imagine. They’re spreading toxins through industry and pollution, making entire communities sterile. Look at the rise in sterility in polluted areas—this is no accident. This is by design.

And the birth control push? It’s not about women’s rights. It’s about keeping populations in check. Fewer children, fewer people to resist their control.

Vaccines? Bioweapons in disguise. They’re injecting infertility agents directly into your bloodstream. This has been in the works for decades. It’s The Global 2000 Population Reduction Plan, and Klaus Schwab is just the latest face of this evil.

Every piece is falling into place. This is happening now. If you don’t wake up, you’re already caught in their trap. The storm is here, and it’s coming for all of us.

FEMA wars



by Mr. Pool

The federal government has gone too far—the people are fighting back! FEMA’s invasion in North Carolina has sparked a rebellion! The government’s use of weather warfare and HAARP has turned against its own citizens. The White Hats and Red Hats are leading the charge against FEMA and the FBI’s oppressive tactics. This is a war we must win!

North Carolina is under occupation—not from foreign enemies, but from our own government! This is a full-scale war waged by the people against FEMA and the FBI, two agencies that have betrayed American citizens. The battle for freedom has officially begun.

What FEMA has done is an act of war. Forget relief | FEMA brought military-grade weaponry and 3,500 armed personnel. Instead of aid, they delivered body bags. This is no longer America as we know it.

FEMA is not here to help – it’s a military occupation disguised as disaster relief. This is just the beginning of a war against American citizens, and North Carolina is ground zero.

Weather Warfare: The federal government has weaponized the weather, targeting North Carolina. The storm wasn’t natural—it was a deliberate attack using weather manipulation technology. The people are done being silent. The government has turned the weather into a weapon to control the people.

By creating disasters, the government imposes martial law and strips away freedoms. This is about power and control, and FEMA’s true role is enforcing it. When martial law is declared, FEMA will lead the charge, crushing resistance.

HAARP: The Government’s Secret Weapon is real, not science fiction. HAARP is being used to manipulate nature and keep people under control. The storms that hit North Carolina were engineered to cause chaos and enforce government control. HAARP is the ultimate tool of oppression.

The People Will Not Be Silenced: The White Hats and Red Hats are leading the uprising against FEMA’s occupation and the government’s weather warfare. This is not a conspiracy—it’s the truth, and we won’t stand for it anymore.

The war has begun. Are you ready to fight back?

underground tunnels


Secret Underground Tunnels Beneath Florida! The Hidden Network Under Ybor City You Were Never Meant to Discover

by EthefriendQ

Uncover the shocking truth about Florida’s secret underground tunnels! Hidden beneath Ybor City, these passageways are linked to human trafficking, organized crime, and smuggling. These sinister tunnels stretch to the Port of Tampa, hiding chilling secrets. The truth is darker than you think—expose the horror beneath your feet!

Ybor City, known for its colorful streets and Cuban heritage, hides a gruesome secret beneath its surface. Below the brick-paved roads lies a network of secret tunnels, stretching into the shadows, unknown to most. With no official maps, how could these tunnels remain uncharted? Some say they connect to the Port of Tampa, making them a smuggling highway.

This isn’t fantasy. Investigators have confirmed these tunnels’ existence, raising unanswered questions. What if these tunnels are still being used for horrific crimes? The silence from officials only fuels the theory that something seriously wrong is happening beneath our feet.

Ally Carter, a survivor of human trafficking, exposed a nationwide tunnel network connecting cities like Tampa, used to traffic humans. According to Carter, this underground system allows traffickers to move their victims unseen and unnoticed. It’s happening while the world turns a blind eye.

If you think this is just a conspiracy, think again. Law enforcement has uncovered similar networks along the U.S.-Mexico border. This isn’t a nightmare—it’s real. And it’s happening in Tampa. How long will we ignore the red flags?

A History of Crime: From Prohibition to Trafficking During Prohibition, Ybor City’s tunnels were a haven for bootleggers and smugglers. These tunnels allowed criminal activity to thrive undetected. But what if they never stopped being used? Today, narcotics, weapons, and human trafficking could be passing through these same tunnels.

The Port of Tampa is one of the busiest in the U.S. If these tunnels connect to the port, what’s stopping traffickers from using this hidden network to move goods and people undetected? This should send shivers down your spine.

Why the Silence? Authorities Look the Other Way Why hasn’t there been a full investigation? These tunnels are impossible to track, with no official records. But criminals know how to use them. Corruption could be stopping investigations before they begin.

The lack of action is telling. When there’s this much silence, it’s because someone doesn’t want you to know the truth.

Human Trafficking: The Darkest Truth The most disturbing use of these tunnels is human trafficking. Victims are moved like cargo, hidden beneath our feet. It’s the perfect cover for the modern slave trade, thriving on secrecy and fear.

The tunnels are real, the crimes are real, and unless we demand answers, this underground hell will continue to operate.

The Unseen Threat Beneath Our Feet It’s time to shine a light on these tunnels. Law enforcement must map them out and shut down the criminal activities. The truth must be exposed, no matter how horrifying. These tunnels represent a hidden danger we can’t ignore.

The storm is coming. Are you ready?


BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report

Military Rescues Six Children Kidnapped by FEMA for Child Sex Trafficking

In the darkness of early morning Tues. 8 Oct. 2024, the Global Military Alliance White Hats saved six child victims of Hurricane Helene who had been kidnapped by FEMA Agents for their international Child Sex Trafficking Ring. The White Hat/Red Hat coalition engaged with armed FEMA Agents at the Greenville Airport in South Carolina.

Six blindfolded children, flanked by FEMA agents, were being taken from a warehouse to board a Cessna 441 Conquest. After eliminating the FEMA agents and freeing the children, Union forces firebombed the Cessna and FEMA’s ground vehicles. A radio message warned that FEMA reinforcements were on their way. The children were safely rescued, but updates on the ongoing situation are still awaited.

On that same Tues. 8 Oct. 2024, in Candler, North Carolina, the White Hats arrested the kingpin of all-time human traffickers, “High Horseman,” and 41 members of his Satanic Coven. FEMA agents tried to intervene, but the coalition had been after High Horseman for over thirty years. Candler, known for its Wiccan community, has long been tied to witchcraft and the occult. After Hurricane Helene, several babies’ bodies were seen floating in a nearby river, victims of a DUMB underground tunnel trafficking operation beneath Candler.

Of present concern: FEMA, FBI, and ATF agents have set up mobile command centers as Hurricane Milton heads for the Sarasota-Tampa area with 160 mph winds. Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected FEMA’s assistance, citing their history of child kidnappings. Navy SEALs had previously rescued kidnapped children from Miami, foiling FEMA’s operations. FEMA is believed to have created Hurricane Milton to prey on disaster victims, as they’ve done with past hurricanes and DEW-set fires in California and Maui.

The White Hats recently captured FEMA Director Deanne Criswell, following her evasion of arrest in the aftermath of the Maui DEW Fires in 2023. FEMA’s continued criminal agenda includes orchestrating disasters to harvest children for their trafficking and adrenochrome operations. The elites behind these atrocities, including pedophile parties and satanic rites, use their child trafficking rings to gain power, control, and wealth.

FEMA’s true agenda was established by Obama during his second term: to enforce the New World Agenda. However, as of February, FEMA’s power was revoked by the Supreme Court, giving local Sheriffs the ultimate authority. Yet, FEMA continues to operate unchecked, seizing control under Presidential Executive Orders, granting them the ability to dominate industries, media, and the flow of resources.

The Cabal’s use of weather weapons—directed energy attacks and man-made hurricanes—continues. As Hurricane Milton barrels toward Tampa, White Hats and Red Hats are fighting back, determined to expose the Cabal’s global control. The Global Military Alliance, under Trump’s Restored Republic, is preparing for a worldwide takedown of the elite corruption.

This isn’t just a storm—it’s a fight for humanity.

Are you ready to join the fight?


Mark Your Calendar 🗓

We are on the verge of witnessing a monumental shift, as major musical artists and other public figures may soon face exposure for their involvement in serious crimes. The charges linked to these individuals range across a spectrum of shocking illegal activities:

– Money Laundering

– S•x Trafficking

– Child S•x Abuse

– Bribery

– Coercion

– Drug Trafficking

– Racketeering

– Etc.

This moment is significant, and what’s even more critical is the looming possibility that Donald Trump might release the infamous J. Epstein list before this all unfolds. If this happens, the revelations could send shockwaves through industries and institutions, revealing connections and complicities that the public has long speculated about but never fully seen.

The countdown is on, and these events have the potential to reshape how we view some of the most prominent figures in entertainment and beyond.


Bombshell! Unmasking the Unthinkable

by EthefriendQ

FBI Seizes Shocking Diddy Snuff Tape Featuring Jay-Z and Beyoncé ‘Sacrificing Children’ in Gruesome Rituals!

FBI seizes a shocking snuff tape exposing Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s involvement in ritualistic sacrifices, including children. The truth behind Hollywood’s darkest secrets is unraveling, threatening to shake the entertainment industry to its core.

In a groundbreaking investigation, the FBI has reportedly seized a snuff tape featuring music industry icons Jay-Z and Beyoncé engaging in ritualistic sacrifices involving children. These revelations, exposed by an industry insider, have sent shockwaves through the world, forcing us to question the very moral fabric that held these figures in high esteem for decades. What was once whispered in the darkest corners of conspiracy theories is now about to explode into the public eye.

The allegations are damning: for years, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have used their wealth, influence, and the protective cloak of the media to hide their dark secrets. But the FBI is closing in, and the veil of deceit is falling, exposing the terrifying truth. This isn’t just another celebrity scandal—this is an empire built on secrecy, blood, and power.

The Beginning of the End: Diddy and the Seized Tape

When news first broke about the FBI’s Diddy investigation, nobody expected this. As agents dug deeper, they stumbled upon something far more sinister than financial misconduct: a grotesque tape showing Jay-Z and Beyoncé involved in ritualistic killings. The insider claims that this tape exposes high-profile celebrities performing unspeakable crimes, including children as victims.

Power, Influence, and a Satanic Agenda

Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s rise to global superstardom wasn’t just hard work and talent. According to insiders, it was tied to a satanic agenda requiring gruesome sacrifices. For years, rumors swirled, but now the FBI has seized damning evidence. This tape is said to capture the duo participating in Luciferian rituals, with child sacrifices at the core of their quest for power.

The Cult of Celebrity and the Media’s Role in the Cover-up

For too long, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have benefited from an adoring media, protected from scrutiny. But now, with the FBI investigation deepening, the image of perfection they built is crumbling. The media, complicit in this cover-up, has been too willing to ignore the red flags. It’s clear now that the cult of celebrity has been a carefully constructed facade.

Luciferians in Hollywood: A Hidden Culture of Blood Sacrifice?

If these revelations prove true, it forces us to confront the reality that Hollywood’s elite is involved in satanic practices. For years, the idea of Luciferians operating in Hollywood was dismissed as fringe conspiracy theories, but this seized tape provides undeniable evidence of rituals involving child sacrifices.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The entertainment industry is bracing for the fallout. Who else is involved? What other shocking secrets are waiting to be exposed? With the FBI closing in, the elite in Hollywood may soon face a reckoning like never before.

Sacrificing Children: The Ultimate Betrayal

The most horrifying part of these revelations is the involvement of children. The tapes allegedly show Jay-Z and Beyoncé performing sacrificial rituals on children, some believed to be family members of other celebrities. This ultimate betrayal challenges everything we know about the entertainment industry and even humanity itself.

The question now is: can the entertainment industry survive? Will the public finally wake up to the reality behind the celebrity culture we’ve idolized? The truth is coming, and there’s no stopping it now. Hollywood’s darkest days are upon us. The reckoning is here.

The entertainment world, and perhaps society as a whole, will never be the same again. The storm is about to hit.


Israel Ends and US Civil War Begins

By Benjamin Fulford October 7, 2024 

Truly biblical scale events continue as the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Western power structure implodes. The State of Israel has been decapitated, the Catholic Church is bankrupt and full-scale civil war has begun in the United States.
Let us start with Israel. The October 1st Iranian missile attack on Israel was far more devastating than has been reported in the Western media. A Pentagon source says:
“Many, many thousands of Israelis have been killed in the Iranian missile attack in the past 48 hours. Yoav Galant, the Minister of Defense, has been killed. Half of the runways have been obliterated along with 30 US F-35 jets, completely destroyed. All of this is being withheld by the Israelis. The Zionists are scared shitless. The State of Israel may not exist by the 15th of October.”

Mossad sources confirm “Israel is under new leadership with Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces at the helm. Yoav Galant, the minister of Defense, has been killed.”

New leader

The sources add “Meanwhile Bibi [Netanyahu] is somewhere in another dimension as well. Hopefully burning in hell. Like a pig on a spit roast.”
Further confirmation came from P3 Freemasons who pointed to “inconsistencies in a video released of just over two minutes of Netanyahu. At the beginning, Netanyahu has at his side the head of the Mossad, Barnea, and a high-ranking Israeli military man. At the end, there are two completely different characters. This is a montage of two completely different scenes and in all likelihood they are old archive images passed off as recent.”


israel president

We were also sent a video by an Israeli diplomat showing what he says was Mossad Headquarters being obliterated.
The video we posted on Saturday turns out to have been a video of an explosion in Tian Jing China from 9 years ago, however, Mossad sources did tell us the Mossad HQ had been hit and the head of Mossad is dead.
We further note Israel has not responded to the Iranian attack despite many calls to do so.
Here is the reason why, according to Iranian sources:
“If Israel attempts to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran, the Iranians will know it before the missiles are able to reach the target and will be neutralized. Iran will fire 2 hypersonic nuclear missiles, one on Tel Aviv and one on Haifa. Israel will cease to exist. These travel at Mach 25 and can reach Tel Aviv in 3 minutes. They are undetectable by any known technology. The much slower hypersonic missiles, used in this latest hit, took 10 minutes to reach Tel Aviv from Iran. They destroyed the Iron Dome and much more. There are Zionist Jews appearing as Iranians holding very high ministerial positions in Iran, working for Israel. Their names are known. They also carry US Passports.”
We are also hearing Israeli troops being sent into Lebanon are being slaughtered in mass numbers. Here you can watch a video of one column of these troops being destroyed.

Most of the above information was deleted repeatedly from my computer but, since I am used to such tricks, it was recovered using multiple backup devices.

MI6 sources report that in response to the devastation and the threat to vaporize Israel, high-level Jewish power brokers are trying to negotiate the replacement of the Satanic state of Israel with the God-affiliated new state of Judea. This will include both the native Judeansns and the immigrant Jews. This new state will be allowed to rebuild the Temple on its’ original location which is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque. So yes, that qualifies as biblical-scale news.
Now let us look at the Catholic Church. It is bankrupt and about to be dissolved. Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm they own Bank of America, which in turn owns the United States of America Corporation. To hide the fact BOA and the US Corporation are bankrupt, the bank appears to have “borrowed” funds from its’ depositors to create the appearance it was solvent on the September 30th fiscal year end of its’ US Corporation.
This was reported in the news as Bank of America experiencing nationwide outages, leaving customers with zero balances in their accounts and only their debts visible.

In another sign of trouble at the Catholic Church, an emergency meeting of Bishops, or Synod was held on October 1st that issued a a mea culpa for clerical child sex abuse saying “We feel ashamed”. A request for forgiveness pronounced on behalf of the Church by Cardinal Sean O’Malley during a penitential vigil in St. Peter’s said: “I ask for forgiveness, feeling ashamed, for all the times that we faithful have been complicit or have directly committed abuses of conscience, abuses of power, and sexual abuse…. we have used the condition of the ordained ministry and consecrated life to commit this terrible sin, feeling safe and protected while we diabolically took advantage of the little ones and the poor. Forgive us, Lord”.

Notice the silicon-masked fake pope Francis’ face is blotted out in the photograph in the article this quote is taken from.

The church is suffering a huge drop in donations from Africa and South America where the vast majority of Catholics reside. This is because true Christians have become disgusted at its recent pronouncements and all the financial, sexual etc. scandals. The Church is thus unable to pay for the lawsuits being filed by its’ many victims. Maybe it’s time to liquidate its real estate holdings to pay for all the damage.
This is what a Polish Christian intelligence agency employee had to say about the Catholic Church:
“Church bells call people to come and kneel like slaves instead of rising from their knees and collect money for it. There used to be bells on the church towers, then they changed them to crosses, this is how they block the flow of energy. All those from the Vatican who participate in killing children, producing adrenochrome and those who take it will have their bodies scattered to dust.”
Just remember, the fall of the Satanic church means liberation for its Christian slaves.

Full Article Link

Committee of 300


Former Head of the FBI Confirms the Existence of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 – List of Mysterious ‘Committee of 300’

Former Head of the FBI confirms the existence of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300. After 28 years of research, he asserts that they are at the root of all problems in America and worldwide. This secretive group believes they have the divine right to rule humanity, claiming that might is right and that superior beings should govern those deemed less intelligent.

Naval Commander William Guy Carr warned of an International Conspiracy, foreseeing that the conspirators would plunge the world into global conflict, which they are executing right now. The roots of this conspiracy can be traced back to Adam Weishaupt, who in 1776 organized the Illuminati with the goal of destroying existing governments and religions. He recruited the most intelligent minds to carry out this plan, disguising their intentions under the pretense of establishing a One World Government.

The Committee of 300 aims to create a global tyranny where only a select few will rule over the masses, ultimately reducing the world population to a manageable one billion people. They intend to eliminate the middle class, establish a single religion, and enforce total control over individuals through identification numbers and government surveillance.

With infiltrations into key societal institutions, including the FBI, CIA, and the military, the Committee of 300 is poised to further their agenda of chaos and control. They orchestrated the fraudulent 2020 Election, ensuring corrupt leaders like Biden maintain power while suppressing true leaders like Trump and Kennedy.

Their plan involves using engineered crises, including wars, pandemics, and food shortages, to keep humanity in check. 4 billion “useless eaters” are targeted for elimination by 2050 through orchestrated disasters and restrictions on resources.

The truth is out there, and it’s time for the public to wake up and take action against the Committee of 300 and their sinister agenda. They are the puppet masters behind the curtain, manipulating global events for their gain. We must expose them and fight back for the future of humanity. The Committee of 300 must be dismantled for the sake of our children and all humanity. The fight against this tyranny begins now!

by, John McAfee Channel TG

Black Swan Event

CHECKMATE!!! The Black Swan Event:

by Ben Fulford

A Financial Apocalypse with Stock Market and Bitcoin Collapse, Power Grid Blackout, and EBS-Triggered Quantum Energy Revolution The looming Black Swan event will trigger a financial apocalypse, devastating not only the stock market but also Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This catastrophic collapse will reach far beyond the financial sector, pulling even the power grid into disarray. As the world teeters on the edge of this unprecedented disaster, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will signal the turning point, ushering in the downfall of the controlling cabal and the start of a new era powered by quantum energy. Are you ready for the reset as the old world crumbles? Financial Collapse: A Black Swan Event on the Horizon A Black Swan event is often unforeseen and has far-reaching consequences, especially in finance.

This time, however, the collapse won’t be limited to stock markets. It will engulf Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and potentially disrupt global infrastructures. The fallout could be devastating, triggering a sequence of events that leads to a worldwide blackout, a signal of the need for a total reset of the financial and energy systems as we know them. The Stock Market’s Imminent Crash The financial system, with its unsustainable levels of debt, excessive Federal Reserve intervention, and unchecked greed of Wall Street, is standing on the brink of collapse. This isn’t just another correction or market downturn-it’s a complete unraveling. Cryptocurrencies, once seen as safe havens, will be hit just as hard, if not harder. Their collapse will reverberate across markets, making previous financial crises look insignificant by comparison. With the EBS heralding a new age, we may witness a shift from traditional energy sources like nuclear power to quantum energy, transforming how the world functions.

The reset will not only mark the end of the financial order but also the start of a new system that promises to revolutionize the global power structure. Prepare for the end of one world and the beginning of another.

EBS = Worldwide Martial Law White Hats

Mobilize 25,000 Troops National Guard Activated in All 50 States. Troops Asked to Be Prepared to Shelter in Place.

FEMA Has Ceased All Hurricane Relief Operations Still Seizing Supplies, Donations, Land Accused of Murdering Disaster Victims in Florida, Puerto Rico, Maui, N Carolina

judy byington

BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report:

FEMA Refusing to Save Victims, Accept Critical Supplies & Confiscating Donations for Hurricane Helene Victims

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, something very strange, and actually scary, was happening in North Carolina. FEMA agents didn’t arrive for a week after the hurricane hit. When they finally did, they not only neglected to save stranded victims, but also confiscated donations, refused critical supplies, and threatened arrests for those trying to help. Government authorities grounded military helicopters and wouldn’t give them the green light to fly.

The Mainstream Media isn’t covering any of this, while thousands have gone without food and water for over a week. Bodies are everywhere: floating in rivers, caught in trees. Entire towns wiped out. Volunteers faced threats of arrest just for trying to rescue their neighbors.

This is reminiscent of 2023 Maui and 2018 Paradise fires, when FEMA seemed more interested in covering up evidence than helping victims. In Paradise, 50,000 people died, not the 100 reported by the MSM. In Maui, 97 were confirmed dead, with thousands still unaccounted. Now, North Carolina faces a similar fate—with FEMA showing up late or not at all, and seemingly working to block aid.

One North Carolina resident said, “Marines arrived here a week late, and bodies are still everywhere.” First responders are still waiting for orders, and volunteers trying to help are being threatened. The only way into the area was blocked by FEMA, and volunteer truckers hauling in supplies got their tires slashed.

Reports suggest that Pete Buttigeg shut down aid flights into Western North Carolina. The FAA was being uncooperative with pilots trying to bring in supplies. Asheville police were threatening victims for trying to save their own belongings—belongings likely being stolen by FEMA personnel, as has happened before in Maui and Paradise.

A resident of Asheville claims that Helene was manmade—an attempt to grab valuable lithium and quartz for computer chips. Just like in Maui, where they planned a Smart City after destroying traditional land. The Cabal’s Blackrock recently signed a $90 million contract for lithium mined from the very area now devastated by Helene—an area that FEMA quickly made inaccessible.

FEMA Director Deanne Criswell was arrested by US Marines last year for crimes in Maui, but the pattern repeats. It’s clear that FEMA and the government simply don’t care if people live or die. Instead of using funds for those surviving emergencies, they’re being diverted to NGOs for migrants.

Rumors are swirling about a militia being formed to confront FEMA in North Carolina. Patriots are tired of waiting for help that’s not coming. When will the Global Military Alliance step in and declare Worldwide Martial Law so we can help each other without government interference?

The Deep State Cabal isn’t just predicting food shortages—they’re planning them. What’s next?

Calling all Patriots: Victims are banding together to help each other, but they need our support. Don’t donate to FEMA or the Red Cross—they’re known to misuse funds. Direct impact is key: donate to local churches or individuals, make sure help gets where it’s needed.

hollywood satanic ocult

Celebrities Admit: Hollywood’s Dark Rituals and Sacrifices

Occult Offerings, Adrenochrome Addiction, and the Chilling Pursuit of Eternal Youth and Power!

Behind the glossy veneer of Hollywood lies a terrifying reality: fame is bought with the soul, fueled by unimaginable rituals and dark desires. The entertainment industry’s elite are players in a sinister network thriving on depraved practices.

Selling Souls for Stardom

Bob Dylan confessed the price of his fame—a deal with the “chief commander” of a realm unseen. Kanye West spoke of the “sacrifices” haunting the powerful, naming Michael Jordan and others who paid for success with profound losses. In Hollywood, blood is the currency of fame. It’s not just about making sacrifices—it’s about being the sacrifice.

The Adrenochrome Epidemic: Feeding on Fear

The truth about Adrenochrome—harvested from terrified victims, often children—is the dark elixir keeping the powerful running. Hollywood elite and political powers addicted to this substance stay young and vibrant, but at a horrifying cost. Their pristine appearances come not from genetics but from ritualistic consumption of Adrenochrome.

Megan Fox’s declarations of witchcraft and threats of satanic rituals aren’t just attention-seeking—they’re coded admissions of her involvement in underground practices. Fox herself admitted to invoking demonic forces for fortune, suggesting these entities demand not just prayer, but sacrifice and fear.

Sacrifices, Rituals, and Control

A$AP Rocky and DaBaby have both experienced tragic deaths coinciding with their success—ritualistic offerings for power. Even Tom Brady, with his wife’s mention of being a “good witch”, reveals the occult connections of success. These rituals demand a toll—souls of the innocent, purity of the vulnerable.

A Web of Darkness: From Hollywood to Political Power

Hollywood and political powers form a vast network of control. Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Robin Williams admitted to possession and invoking forces for performance. Williams’ tragic end serves as a warning: playing too long in the shadows takes a spiritual toll.

Adrenochrome addiction is rampant, with victims trafficked for harvesting this potent substance. Elite gatherings indulge in draining lives to feed vanity and perceived invincibility. When a child’s fear peaks, the adrenalized blood produces the highest quality Adrenochrome, the substance the elite crave.

The Real Cost of Fame

Fame, power, and wealth are bought at the highest price. Brad Pitt’s confession of an unending void despite having everything reveals the spiritual emptiness from trading one’s soul. When the manicured lives of celebrities start to crack, it’s because of the deals with darkness, blood sacrifices, and the unbearable weight of those decisions.

The allure of fame and power is never clean—it’s about control, sacrifice, and submission to malevolent forces. The glitz and glamour are the bait; the real game is in the shadows, where the price of admission is one’s soul and humanity itself.



Hurricane Helene Weather Wars Technology

Reason for the targeted hit on NC / Tennessee Mts. – Lithium Mines
If Helene threatens to affect the election,
it might not be coincidence.
But if the govt response ALSO threatens to affect the election,
it MUST be by design.
America is in a Civil War already.
Just as I had predicted for the 2020-2024 Crisis.
Our enemies are killing us by the thousands,
in our own homes.

red vs blue counties

US Red vs Blue Counties

In the United States, there are significant differences between blue and red counties, particularly in terms of geographic distribution, control over key resources, and political priorities. Red counties, typically located in more rural areas, are home to the majority of the nation’s agricultural and natural resources. These areas control much of the water resources, food production, and energy infrastructure, including oil, gas, and renewable energy sources. Red states, with their vast farmlands and resource-rich regions, are critical to sustaining the nation’s supply chains for food, energy, and raw materials.

In contrast, blue counties, generally concentrated in urban and metropolitan areas, are economic hubs that dominate industries like technology, finance, media, and education. While blue counties are often centers of innovation and political influence, red counties provide the essential resources that fuel the country’s survival and prosperity. This divide illustrates the interdependence between these regions, highlighting the importance of collaboration across political lines to ensure national stability and growth.

As political polarization in the United States deepens, discussions around the potential for civil conflict between blue and red states/counties have intensified. The stark divisions between these regions are not only political but also geographic and economic, with red states and counties controlling vast swathes of the nation’s essential resources—such as critical water, food production, and energy—while blue states and counties, predominantly urban, dominate in sectors like technology, finance, media, and education. These sectors will most certainly experience the effects of the coming economic collapse. This growing divide has led to increasing tensions, with cultural, economic, and policy differences fueling distrust and hostility.

Evidence is mounting that if these differences continue to escalate unchecked, it could lead to serious unrest, with red counties and states leveraging their control over vital resources, and blue counties using their economic and political influence. While a full-scale civil war remains in question, the risk of localized conflicts or political breakdowns cannot be ignored in an environment where cooperation between the two sides seems increasingly elusive. Now add immigration and infiltration estimates of 20 million illegally crossing our borders over the past 10 years. Then we have Blue State Governors releasing 10s of 1000s of violent prisoners from their state penal prison system. It seem Civil War / Revolution could be impossible to avoid especially in the 14 largest blue cities across America. 

bankers exposed

The Bankers, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, and Monopoly Corporations Purchase Servants Like:

▪️ Politicians

▪️ Judges

▪️ Mayors

▪️ Governors

▪️ Doctors

▪️ Scientists

▪️ Police

▪️ Mainstream Media Outlets

Their goal? — to manipulate public perception and influence world affairs. They implement their agendas with the intent of making us dependent on their solutions while they are slowly killing us off.

WEEKLY REPORTS | Thursday October 4th 


US Headed for Civil War as Red October Begins

By Benjamin Fulford September 30, 2024

The United States is headed for civil war as red October begins, multiple intelligence agency sources say. This war will also affect Israel, Ukraine, the UK, Japan and other countries still controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

Here is what CIA white hats had to say about the situation:

When Ukraine falls, it will be the end of the Deep State. That is why Trump met with Zelensky. To inform Zelensky that end game is coming very soon. Don’t be surprised if Zelensky disappears within the next few weeks. The State of Israel will be taken care of at last and cease to exist. I was also told that the WH military alliance coup was going to not look like a coup. CIC Trump has already been placing the National Guard in key cities across the US. In preparation for what is coming during Red October. The military is not expecting the Presidential election on November 5. There will be another assassination attempt against one of the doubles. This is when the real CIC Trump will appear. The National Guard and the military alliance will take over and a type of martial law will be enacted. EBS will be used to communicate for several days. There will most likely be civil war. The Deep State will not know what to do other than fight back. The borders will be shut down. Airspace will be closed to stop the Deep State actors still remaining from escaping. The military Alliance knows exactly where all the satanic Deep State operatives are. They can run but cannot hide. There will be deviations as nothing is set in stone. The timeline is changing daily now.

We have confirmed the airspace over Washington DC has already been shut down to prevent bad actors from escaping.

In a sign the Khazarian mafia is anticipating a white hat offensive, what appeared to be the real Hillary Clinton warned on X “The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses…I anticipate that something will happen in October as it always does.” She also makes a Freudian slip about the need to combat “false disinformation,” in other words –according to logical analysis- truth. She then referenced the “crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation…”


This writer has posted videos of her torturing a 10-year-old girl to death. Of the 12 New York City policemen who saw the video, 9 were killed in an attempt to suppress this video.

Even more interesting is how she says “Something will happen in October as it always does.” High-level sources in various intelligence agencies agree we have been stuck in some sort of repetitive time loop. White hats stage an offensive in the Autumn, the dark hats strike back in the winter, there is a stalemate until summer and then a new Autumn offensive is seen.

However, there is evidence the loop has been broken this time and a breakthrough is coming.

As an example, Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu went to the annual UN gathering of heads of state to deliver his usual diatribe against Iran. However this time, he delivered it to an empty chamber. Also, Mossad sources said this year it was a “fat body double,” and not Netanyahu himself who appeared.

israel president

Not only that, Italian P3 Freemason and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to the Souraski hospital in Tel Aviv after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources then confirmed he was declared clinically dead.


Further evidence came when Netanyahu failed to appear at a press conference to brag about the bombing that took out much of the Hezbollah leadership. “He released a pre-recorded video. Are we facing an intervention of artificial intelligence?” a P3 source asked.

Mossad sources said “Firstly the real Netanyahu was taken out as we know. The clone/avatar in NY at the UN General Assembly was a fake. Just as the fat guy giving orders from his hotel room…. A photo op…Yes, Netanyahu, the avatar was injured by a Houthi ballistic missile on his return from NY, at the Tel Aviv airport. This may be how they will begin the release of his demise, in stages. The whole thing is a stage. We are watching a movie.”

Full Article Link 

Shadow of Ezra: NATO is Preparing for Future Conflict with Russia

Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra

NATO is crafting extensive evacuation and rescue strategies in preparation for a potential future conflict with Russia.

The alliance is focused on building the operational strength needed to pull large numbers of wounded soldiers from the front lines.

In the event of full-scale war, NATO anticipates significant casualties across a vast battlefield.


alternative media

Alternative News Headliner 

Things not in the news anymore….

(Version 6)

-Maui wildfires.

-East Palestine, Ohio

-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.

-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.

-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.

-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)

-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.

-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.

-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.

-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.

-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.

-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.

-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.

-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.


-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.

-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.

-George Bush’s false WMDs.

-3 service members killed in Jordan.

-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.

-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.

-85,000 missing children at the southern border.

-Epstein’s clients.

-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.

-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.

-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.

-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.

-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)

-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.

-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.

-Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”.

-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.

-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.

-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.

-Vaccine side effects.

-“Lab leak” out of China.

-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.

-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.

-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.

-Obama’s chef “passing away”.

-HRC’s chef “passing away”.

-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.

-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy?

-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine

-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.

-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).

-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.

-Biolabs found in California.

-Joe Biden’s impeachment.

-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.

-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.

-Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime.

-Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California.

-The Transifesto from the school shooting.

-Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds.

-They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.

The distractions are out of control.


40 Reasons Why The Deep State Lost

The Inspector General (IG) Report

The BRICS Alliance

Saudi Arabia Removing the USD on June 9th.

Federal Reserve being absorbed by the US Treasury.

The dissolution of the 1871 Corp Act.

The overturning of the Chevron Doctrine.

XRP no longer being considered a security.

Hillary Clinton losing 2016 election.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reform.

Elon Musk purchasing Twitter/X.

Whistleblower Protections in International Organizations.

Iraq anti Zionist/Israel Law.

The Mueller Investigation.

Executive Order 13818.

44 States making precious metals legal tender.

The 2nd Declaration of Independence in 2020.

The Law of War Manual.

The FISA documents.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Henry Kissinger death.

Executive Order 13912.

SOFR replacing LIBOR.

The Implementation of Basel 3/4.

The Chinese Royal no longer funding the Cabal.

The Jeffrey Epstein Files.

The expiration of the Balfour Declaration.

Operation Sandman.

The removal of the Georgia Guidestones.

The Death of The Queen.

Donald Trump stepping foot in North Korea.

The death of Jeffrey Epstein.

Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

The arrest of Harvey Weinstein.

Decentralization of Media.

Exposure of Global Financial Networks (Panama Papers 2016).

Brexit (2016).

Rise of Nationalism in Europe.

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

The Wikileaks.




• 911 TRUTH





























NAVY SEALs Find and Trash Sean “Diddy” Combs’ Adrenochrome Stockpile  🟨

Navy SEALs on Tuesday ransacked a Miami warehouse where Sean “Diddy” Combs hoarded a thousand Adrenochrome infusion bags stored in refrigerated chests, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

White Hats, he said, learned of the stash from one of Combs’ former acquaintances whom Gen. Smith has placed in protective custody. Although our source wouldn’t name the informant, he said the individual and Combs are intimate acquaintances, and that Combs had groomed and sexually exploited the person from adolescence. The person—we believe it’s Justin Bieber—had been used as a “sexual prop” at Combs’ star-studded “Freak offs,” where Adrenochrome flowed like tap water. Drug use, sexual molestations, physical violence, and murders occurred with alarming regularity at Combs’ jamborees, our source said.

“This person has concrete, specific details about Combs’ criminal empire, his guests, and his dark tendencies. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ and well, much of what he said, you can’t make that shit up. And he was polygraphed,” our source said.

According to the witness, Combs in 2015 had purchased a warehouse in the Port of Miami under a fictitious name and revamped the building to hold dozens of upright medical refrigerators in which he stashed substantial amounts of refined Adrenochrome. The witness told White Hats that Combs sourced Adrenochrome from both domestic and overseas sellers. Combs picked Adrenochrome with malevolent, fastidious care; he bought products only from dealers that specified adrenal fluid, the drug’s principal ingredient, had been harvested from Caucasian children between three and nine years old.

“We were told this warehouse was restocked often,” our source said.

Gen. Smith, he added, asked allies at Naval Special Warfare Command to discretely investigate the warehouse and destroy any Adrenochrome stockpiled within.

At 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, an unspecified SEAL team approached the Port of Miami from Biscayne Bay on a Combatant Craft Medium, also called a stealth boat, a multi-mission tactical craft built to infiltrate and exfiltrate Special Operation Forces and conduct special reconnaissance operations. It delivered the SEALs to the southeast tip of Dodge Island, and they crept stealthily toward the target, navigating through the labyrinth of shipping containers that dotted the island like rows of dominoes. Having reached the building undetected, the SEALs split into four-man teams and began looking for guards and anti-intrusion devices that might alert someone to their presence.

Muffled voices echoed in the distance—cruise ship personnel and dockworkers manning cranes that clamorously hoisted containers in the air and lowered them onto a berthed cargo ship. The SEALs found and disabled four security cameras, then slipped a fiberoptic camera through a tiny gap between the cement landing and the bay door. The well-illuminated building, lit by fluorescent ceiling lights, was empty save for the 15 refrigerators that hummed audibly.

The SEALs used bolt cutters to snap and break the locks and chains on the door. Inside, they found exactly what the witness had said was in the warehouse; fridges loaded with intravenous bags filled with an amber liquid. It certainly was not saline solution. They saved one bag from each fridge as evidence and sliced open the rest. In one refrigerator they also found a notebook, perhaps an enchiridion of Diddy’s dastardly deeds, that had what appeared to be people’s initials, times, and dates.

“The SEALs trashed the refrigerator and left a note saying the place was shut down; if they had to come back, they’d catch and kill the suppliers. They successfully left Dodge Island and forwarded their findings to Gen. Smith,” our source said.

taylor swift clone

Taylor Swift: A Snake’s Twisted Tale  🟧

• Tranny • Trafficking • Satanism • Murder • Bohemian Club

Taylor Swift isn’t just a pop star—she’s the clone of Zeena LaVey, daughter of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. Think about it: how do you get millions to worship Satan without them even knowing? You make her the most famous pop star on the planet.

First Indictment will trigger a mass POP awakening—Taylor Swift will be the first domino to fall.

Taylor Street in San Francisco connects directly to the Church of Satan and is tied to the Bohemian Club, a hub for the Freemasons, Satanists, and Bohemian Grove. This isn’t some random street—it’s part of the satanic grid. The Golden Gate Bridge, located nearby, has seen over 1,500 deaths in 30 years. Suicides, or sacrifices? The fake news covered it up, but the truth is bubbling to the surface.

The Bohemian Club, sitting on Taylor St, hides the darkest secrets. It’s not just a club, it’s a gathering of elites who sacrifice behind closed doors. Grace Cathedral on the same street has tunnels linking it to David Bowie, the Bush family, and more. It’s their secret satanic cathedral!

What’s more, Taylor St turns into 6th St, crossing Folsom Prison. Ever wonder why Johnny Cash sang about the Ring of Fire? He was trying to warn us! It’s all connected to Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s secret plot to control your mind through movies and music.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road—from Alcatraz through San Francisco to the Bohemian Club. Kids are trafficked underground, following the same path that Dorothy took. This isn’t fantasy; it’s the hidden reality of the elite’s trafficking ring. The Golden Gate Bridge will fall, and when it does, the bodies and tunnels beneath will be exposed. The elite won’t be able to walk freely ever again.

Nuremberg Trials 2.0 start November 20—popcorn ready?

The fall of the Golden Gate Bridge signals the rise of Bridge Currency. Taylor Swift dies, and the financial system upgrades to XRP, backed by gold. Time to wake up, Alice. Follow the rabbit hole—Charles Manson, the Zodiac killer, all lived in San Francisco. The elites’ playground is about to crumble.

Welcome to the Great Awakening!



Everything is on the Dark Web. And if people found out about political figures and celebrities and what they have available regarding the blackmail society would collapse in 24 hrs. P. Diddy sold quite a few tapes on the Dark Net. So this information coming out at this time is of no coincidence.

Because there is no better time given that we are moving into an entire new banking system next month. And you will for the 1st time actually be financially free. Whoever have these leaks will become the most dangerous person in the world. And they can become very rich if they decide to sell these to news publications or tabloids and literally destroy careers across entire industries.

So I know these congressional leaders are very nervous right now. Because a lot of illegal things they were not supposed to be doing was done at Capitol Hill itself.


Francis to Be Last Pope as Catholic Church Goes Bankrupt

By Benjamin Fulford | September 23, 2024

It really is getting biblical. The Roman Catholic Church is headed for bankruptcy, meaning the rubber-masked fake Francis will be the last Pope, Mexican government sources and news reports say.

https://www.cronista.com/mexico/actualidad-mx/el-comienzo-del-fin-de-la- iglesia-catolica-el-papa-francisco-revelo-que-el-vaticano-esta-en-deuda-y- debe-mucho-dinero/

This will open up a very deep rabbit hole.
The church is going bankrupt because Christians in Latin America and Africa now know the current Vatican leadership worships Lucifer. For this reason, they have stopped donating money to it.

At the same time, the church is being forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation for the systematic rape and abuse of children by clergy around the world. They will have no choice but to sell off their real estate holdings (churches around the world) to pay for it.

Also, now that First Nations around the world are also suing it, even this will not be enough to pay for their crimes. This means they will be dissolved after being in business for about 1700 years.

The fact the church has no money also means they have lost control of the Vatican Bank, the former controlling nexus of the world’s central banks and the UN. That is why the dollar has lost over 30% of its purchasing power against gold in the past year.

The implications of this will astound people because it will mean all the lies we have been told about our history will be uncovered. It will also mean the end of the fraudulent Gregorian and Jewish calendars.

The Iranians point out that the Chabad Jewish to Gregorian calendar converter only goes back to 1601, making a mockery of their claim this is the year 5784 in the Jewish calendar.

“During the conference in 1666, the Sabbateans decided to create a new calendar. The new calendar was designed in such a way that the 17th of Tammuz of 5426 coincides with the [Satanic date of] 20th of July of 1666. Therefore, they had to create two new calendars – the Israeli and Gregorian calendars.” Iranian sources say. To understand our calendar is fake, think about this: September, October, November and December mean the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months.

A visible example of how the European Jews have been brainwashed and fooled by the Satanists is the fact they put on a skull cap of submission and pray to the wall of a fortress built by the Roman destroyers of the nation of Judea. This is to fool them into thinking they have to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque and trigger a holy war with Muslims in order to rebuild their temple.

The fact is the original site of the temple is nowhere near the Mosque so, the Jews could rebuild their temple tomorrow without picking a fight with the Muslims if they wished.

These lies are all being used to try to manipulate us into fighting and destroying each other instead of looking at our secret controllers.

MI6 for its’ part sent us what amounts to the deathbed confession of Karen Hudes, the former chief lawyer for the World Bank. Hudes worked directly with the Pharaonic Octagon group leaders who used fraudulent bonds from the 1930’s to claim control over the global financial system. According to her, they told her our history is fake and that Jesus, Aristotle, Plato, etc. all lived in the Middle Ages. She died shortly after posting this video.

We cannot confirm the stuff about Jesus and Aristotle but, we do have our own evidence the history we are taught is full of lies. A friend of my mothers’ –who was a cousin of the writer Aldous Huxley- was an archaeologist who uncovered evidence of Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Newfoundland that predated Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America by centuries. You would think this would have made headlines around the world but, instead, her work was suppressed by the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. This is the tip of the iceberg of fake history.

As WEF puppet Yuval Noah Harari says:

“Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions because this is very cheap and easy to produce.”

Remember, Satan is the father of all lies. I can also confirm that the black pope Peter Hans Kolvenbach took credit for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan and claimed at the time he worked for Satan. The lie put out was that this was a “natural disaster.”

This is all about to come out because, according to MI6:

There is a crackdown on the global compromise and control (blackmail) network run by The Jesuits but essentially Swiss Octagon – they go by various names but essentially the same bunch of pharaonic bloodlines who seem to deem themselves as rulers of the world. This is very widely known inside the military intelligence community as you know.

In one example of this move against the bloodlines, Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II last week “fell down” and suffered “damage around the neck vertebrae as well as a fracture of the left hand,” causing her to cancel her public engagements.

This blackmail network is now being revealed to the Western public through the arrest of the rapper Diddy. As one example of the panic this arrest is causing, the actress Megan Fox tried to delete online posts she made such as saying “I was a teenaged demon possessed cannibalistic cheerleader. Who can’t relate to that?”

Many of these “celebrities” have already been arrested and have had their property seized. This is the executive order for this:

As more evidence, here is a list of celebrities who had property seized and auctioned off:

Multiple sources say this is part of a takedown of this blackmail network that will lead directly to Barack Obama, the former controller of the fake Joe Biden.

Full Report Link



by Ben Fulford TG

Buckle up and grab your popcorn! If you’ve been waiting for something big to happen, the time has finally come. This isn’t just a warning, it’s reality. The global financial collapse is happening right before our eyes. The ones you thought were untouchable-the banking elites, the Rothschilds, celebrities, and even BlackRock-are all going down. This isn’t some slow unraveling; it’s a full-blown inferno, and there’s no stopping it.

Let’s be clear: the so-called “elites” are scrambling to save themselves. Their prized assets are flooding the market as if it’s a fire sale, with multimillion-dollar homes being offloaded at a rapid pace, and BlackRock filing for bankruptcy? Yes, you read that correctly! The top dogs are getting crushed. They’re losing trillions with no way out. This isn’t a market correction; it’s financial armageddon for the corrupt elite.

Still skeptical? Let’s dive into why Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 are dismantling their empires. For years, these elites have been playing God-manipulating markets, violating human rights, and fueling political unrest. But now, the tables have turned. Sanctions are coming down hard, acting as the wrecking ball to their once impenetrable empires.


Bank Crashes: The Inevitable Consequence of Greed

Banks don’t just collapse out of nowhere. If you think the recent bank failures are due to mere mismanagement or bad luck, it’s time to wake up. This is a calculated takedown. The banking sector is in free fall. We’re talking about giants like Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and First Republic-once symbols of financial security-now gone, reduced to mere footnotes in history.

But that’s only scratching the surface. This isn’t about a handful of banks struggling under pressure; it’s the entire global financial system, built on corruption and greed, imploding. The ongoing bank collapses are not random; they’re justice catching up to those who thought they were invincible. They’ve been running on borrowed time, hemorrhaging money while pretending everything was fine. Well, it’s not fine anymore. Their fragile system is crumbling, and there’s no bailout big enough to save them this time.

And here’s the kicker-they’re being sanctioned into oblivion. The executive orders we’re about to dissect aren’t just targeting a few bad actors; they’re dismantling the entire corrupt framework.

EU collapse

The Great Awakening Is Upon Us | American, European Banks Collapse | QFS Becomes Fully Operational
Prepare, Patriots / Trust The Plan  🟨 

Judy Note: Evidently the USA has been functioning under Martial Law since before the 2020 Election with Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief over the US Military and “President Joe Biden” played by masked actors.

For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that in collusion with the Democratic Party, CIA and Vatican, threw millions of Trump votes to Biden.(Congressional Speaker of the House Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s husband, along with other Democrats were Dominion Stock Holders).

Additionally, the CCP paid for and the CIA developed Smartmatic Software, along with acquiring Dominion Voting Machines while conspiring with the Vatican, Italian Government and other communist parties to throw Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.

An official Military count of the water marked 2020 Election Ballots confirmed that Trump won in every state but one with an over 80% vote count.

It was all done to keep in power, the Democrats, US Inc. Corporation and their privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS. In other words, so the Deep State Cabal could keep control of the Global Financial System and use our monies for their own sadistic pleasures.

President Donald Trump had long been working with the Global Military Alliance and BRICS Nations to bring in a Global Currency Reset and give Taxpayer monies back to The People – which in spite of the stolen 2020 Election was set to happen on Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.

“On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 US Inc. Corp. Dissolves – Ends Fiat Monetary System Experiment. Gold/Asset-Backed Quantum Financial System Locked, Loaded & Taking Over.” …Q on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

“The first week in October over the Emergency Broadcast System, the military will reveal all. Also, in the first week of October, we expect to see various countries adopting and rolling out a valid Quantum Financial System.” …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

The Global Elites have tried to stop this RV for years because when it happens, the Deep State Cabal’s entire global economy will collapse. Their Central Banks which funnel taxpayer monies to them will be no more. This is what they fear most—the return of trillions in stolen wealth back to The People

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024: Bombshell Report! In Deep: The FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, Deep State Arrests and The Military Industrial Complex! – amg-news.com – American Media Group

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024: EXPLOSIVE UPDATE! The Return of Trump Ignites Global Chaos: European Banks Collapse, Black Swan Event Strikes, GESARA Billions Paid Out, Secret Military Tribunals in Action, and QFS Fully Operational! – Gazetteller

Famous Hollywood Icon P Diddy has been arrested by the Global Military Alliance. His arrest triggered a DOJ, FBI and Homeland Security internal war. As a double agent he was running a honeypot/blackmail operation, just like Epstein, feeding intelligence to the CIA and Democrat Party. Diddy was an intelligence asset, and his mission was to obtain blackmail for the Deep State, in exchange for fame and riches. Literally sold his soul to the devil. Don’t let the Democrats disassociate from Diddy. He is one of theirs. They have been using him to try and influence Hollywood and the music industry since at least the early 2000’s. He is a Democrat operative. https://x.com/Prolotario1/status/1837551925044355493  https://x.com/Prolotario1/status/1837570783528235337

We Have Been Watching A Movie. For The History of How It All Began See #    Mon. 13 May 2024: US Under Martial Law; Trump Commander-in-Chief; Biden Executed | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Fri. 20 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN Situation Update: Trump Assassination Teams, War with Russia, Purge Attack In USA | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 US Inc. Corp. Dissolves, Ends Fiat Monetary System Experiment. Gold/Asset-Backed QFS Locked, Loaded & Taking Over.~Q. Special Intel Report 9/22/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 22, 2024 – The US Military News

Sat. 21 Sept. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT-UP 9/21/25 “MPOX AGENDA, TRUMP FORCE1 WARNING, OBAMA/DIDDY, ISRAEL & UKRAINE “ (rumble.com)

If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of operationdisclosureofficial.com, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group (amg-news.com) Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS (rumble.com) and https://theusmilitarynews.com/.

Possible Timing  🟨

“The first week in October over the Emergency Broadcast System, the military will reveal all. Also, in the first week of October, we expect to see various countries adopting and rolling out a valid QFS. Military reserves and armies are expected to be activated in the US, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South America, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024 The Storm Is Upon Us 

On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 US Inc. Corp. Dissolves – Ends Fiat Monetary System Experiment. Gold/Asset-Backed Quantum Financial System Locked, Loaded & Taking Over.

The first week of October is going to change everything. The Emergency Broadcast System will break the silence and reveal all the hidden truths. Countries worldwide are preparing to activate the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Military forces across the globe are mobilizing – US, Canada, UK, EU, and beyond. Over 80 nations are in on this. This is not a drill.

The QFS activation is the key. Governments as we know them will shrink by 90-95%. If new elections aren’t held within 60 days, the Global Alliance Military will take control. Forget the November elections. They’re not happening, not on this timeline.

President Trump and the Global Military Alliance are executing the largest Sting Operation in history. They’ve already arrested and tried over half a million global elites – crimes against humanity. These criminals, the ones who prey on the world’s children, are facing justice, and it’s not going to be pretty.

The BRICS nations are making their move, too, with the greatest wealth transfer in history. 134 nations are ditching the fiat US dollar and moving to gold-backed currencies. Each of these currencies will trade at a 1:1 ratio, leveling the playing field like never before.

On Oct. 1st, 2024, the US Inc. Corporation collapses. Its fiscal year ends, and it’s been bankrupt since 2008. No Congressional budget approvals, just running on fumes with a fiat dollar. Now, the Federal Reserve and IRS will shut down alongside it.

And don’t forget Blackrock – the Deep State’s financial arm, controlling more wealth than entire nations. They’ve already declared bankruptcy. If a bank isn’t Basel III compliant (doesn’t have gold backing), it will close on Oct. 1st. The old system is crumbling.

The new Republic begins. On Oct. 1st, America will start its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset.

There’s no turning back. The time for change has come, and it’s going to sweep through every corner of the globe. Prepare yourselves for the chaos to come. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for.

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024 BQQQM!!! QTSR Behind the Scenes! Civil Conflict Brewing on U.S. Soil: Military Operations Intensify Amid Looming Chaos – P Diddy’s Arrest Triggers FBI, DOJ, and DHS War …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

Urgent Warning: Military operations on U.S. soil intensify as foreign forces infiltrate, and the Deep State accelerates plans for chaos. Prepare now for civil conflict as the globalist agenda is exposed. Patriots, stand ready—America’s future is at stake!

Explosive revelations: P Diddy’s secret arrest exposes a massive Deep State blackmail operation involving Kamala Harris, Hollywood elites, and CIA corruption. The fight for America intensifies as military intelligence and White Hats prepare to expose the truth. Prepare for chaos!

Civil Conflict Brewing on U.S. Soil: Military Operations Intensify Amid Looming Chaos. For weeks, we’ve been warning about the rising military activity along the East Coast. Now, it’s happening. Military forces are positioning themselves for combat on American soil—this is no rumor, no speculation. This is the real deal. The U.S. military is preparing for a fight that could erupt into the most significant conflict in modern U.S. history. This isn’t just about politics or protests—this is a battle for the soul of America.

Military Operations Are Intensifying Along the East Coast: From Maine to Florida, the East Coast is alive with military movement, troops gearing up for what’s coming. These exercises are part of a larger plan to protect America from both foreign invaders and internal threats. Civil unrest is just the start, and foreign-backed militias could strike at any moment. We must be ready.

The West Coast Faces Foreign Forces, Aided by Cartel Militias: While the East Coast braces for internal conflict, the West Coast is dealing with a far more dangerous threat—foreign forces, backed by Iranian militias and South American cartels, are arming themselves with military-grade weapons. This is no fantasy—this is happening right now. They are positioning to wreak havoc on U.S. cities.

The Deep State’s Role in Orchestrating Chaos: The Deep State is the hidden hand behind this unrest, using every tool at its disposal to divide and conquer America. They want a civil war to destabilize our nation, make it easier to control. The truth is coming out, and the Deep State is desperate. They will stop at nothing to distract the public from their crimes, hoping to keep their secrets buried.

The Warning from Military Intelligence: Prepare for Civil Conflict: Military intelligence has issued urgent warnings—foreign-backed militias are getting ready to strike key locations across the U.S. This isn’t just chatter; this is happening. The time to prepare is now. This conflict will be like nothing we’ve seen before, involving guerrilla tactics and modern warfare on our soil.

Foreign Armed Forces Within U.S. Borders: Foreign soldiers have infiltrated our borders, particularly along the West Coast. These operatives are here to cause chaos, and the military is working to contain them. This is no Hollywood movie plot; this is our reality. The Deep State wants chaos to keep their agenda alive—we cannot let that happen.

Trump and the Military: Exposing the Cabal’s Dark Secrets: President Trump and the military have been working tirelessly to expose the Deep State’s dark secrets. From child t*********g to blackmail operations, the truth is coming out. And the Deep State is terrified. They are pushing for chaos, hoping it will distract from the storm of truth about to hit.

Prepare, Patriots. The Great Awakening is Upon Us. Trust the plan.

Med Beds

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024: UPDATE! Trump’s Military Secretly Replacing Hospital Equipment with Med Beds Nationwide! – Gazetteller

The Real News for Sun. 22 Sept. 2024:

Sat. 21 Sept. 2024: Breaking Bombshell! New J6 Transcript Just Released! They Did What!? This Hands Trump the Election!! | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sat. 21 Sept. 2024: Whistleblower alleged shooter was at Golf Course for 12 hours prior to Trump shooting event and was not detected, or investigated. BREAKING: Donald Trump NEW Secret Service Whistleblower comes forward in second shooting attempt (youtube.com)

Sat. 21 Sept. 2024 President Donald Trump at a MAGA rally in Wilmington, North Carolina on Saturday highlighted a bombshell report explaining how Iran hacked into his campaign and turned over information to the Kamala Harris campaign, which unlike the debunked “Russia collusion” hoax, is actual election interference by a foreign nation. When will the FBI launch its probe into the Harris campaign for “Iranian collusion”? Watch: Trump Highlights Bombshell Report Exposing Iran Collusion With Kamala Harris Campaign (infowars.com)

Sat. 21 Sept. 2024 Arizona Supreme Court Rules 98,000 people without citizenship can vote: https://www.infowars.com/posts/arizona-supreme-court-rules-98000-people-without-confirmed-citizenship-documents-can-vote

Sat. 21 Sept. 2024 Khazarian Mafia Trying To Start Nuclear World War III, Ben Fulford: