Publish Date; December 27th, 2021 | Updated Daily 💢
Tug of War | Compression Break Through | The Event
2020 Great Lockdowns | 2021 Great Shutdowns | 2022 Great Isolations
Living the Future Past Documentary, 8 Biggest Consumer & Customer Experiences, Regional Trends, Megatrends, Quantumrun, Forth Turning, Ralph Smart Predictions, Blue State & City Chaos, Global Markets Crisis, Crash, & Collapse, New Currency Predictions, Geophysical Changes, Mini Ice Age, Divine Intervention Scenarios, 4 Spiritual Keys, Future Miracles & Positive Manifestations, Golden Age Prophecy
Compression Break Through | Divine Intervention | The Event
“The End of Times, Trials, Testing & Purge”
In the meditation on December 21st (and going forward) we asked Source to directly intervene in the situation on Earth, to trigger an intense healing transformation of humanity, and for Light to transmute all remaining darkness on Earth. What would Divine Intervention look like? I mean, in essence, are we asking the Source Creator God to trigger the Event, or at least the start of the Event?
In a way, yes, we are asking the Source to directly intervene in the situation on the planet in a way that is most beneficial at this particular moment. And of course, the final consequence will be the Event, but we are asking for an intervention to happen now as much as possible in the best possible way for the current situation.
There are two one-sided perspectives on this planet. One is that we need to do everything on our own. And the other one, we are helpless, and we are powerless and need external help. Actually, what is necessary here is partnership. Partnership between the surface population and the Galactic races. And this is the way it is done all over the galaxy, and this is the way it has to be done here to be successful. We have one necessary essential element to the liberation, and they have the other one, and only together we can make this possible. So this is why this partnership is necessary to empower each other and to make this liberation possible. We are creating a bridge between the surface of the planet and the heaven, and this bridge will trigger the Event. It will assist in that process, and it will defeat the darkness.
People sometimes have expectations that are not based in reality. People are expecting a few minutes of one strong meditation can transmute all darkness on planet Earth which was accumulating here for thousands and thousands of years. That of course is not possible. Real physical change that will be visible, evident, and what people are expecting, will only happen the last few weeks before the Event. Nothing will be really visible months before the Event. The only time when people will really begin to notice changes is a few weeks before the Event. So no matter how many meditations we do before that particular moment, there’ll be no really strongly visible external changes. What does change with every meditation is we empower the positive timeline, and we prevent many negative things from happening. Without our meditations, we would not be having this conversation right now, maybe this surface of the planet would already have been destroyed.
So we have averted so many negative scenarios. We have averted so many wars. They have attempted to create a war in Syria, in Iraq, in Iran, in Israel, in Ukraine, you name it. So many times over and never succeeded. The only time they succeeded was with this pandemic, and the only reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, I would say the main reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, was that the key Lightworkers on the planet have made crucial, stupid, and egoistic mistakes in 2018 and in 2019. That could all be prevented; it was not necessary, this pandemic. It’s completely unnecessary, this whole drama could be avoided. But I would say that many other things have been avoided with our meditations and it helped a lot.
Many things could have been much worse than they are now. It’s a complete miracle that we are not living in a completely totalitarian New World Order regime right now. There are elements of it, yes, but we are not there, we are not living in concentration camps. So it’s a complete miracle that we are not there. If we compare what the dark forces are doing, how much energy they put into this and the state of humanity of the surface of the planet, we have been extremely successful if we see how these things could have turned out.
There are two factors involved here. The first one is there is simply more darkness than anybody expected, I expected, the Resistance Movement expected, or the Light Forces expected. And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected. So those two factors combined have resulted in this process being less pleasant and more challenging than I initially expected. So it is hard to determine how this will play out, but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.
Of course, the dark forces will try to challenge that, this is their nature, this is a war, and of course they want to win when they’re in the war, and they will do whatever they can to win. They will not win, but they will do whatever they can to disturb this process. But if we manifest more unity, that will be a very powerful protection against that. So it’s a matter of two forces interacting. On the positive side, we have those Lightworkers who are cooperating and who are manifesting common sense. And on the other side, we have the dark forces that are already cooperating and that are using their strategy in a way that is much more efficient than I have seen among most of the Lightworkers. And then we have the Light Forces clearing the exotic technologies, and they cannot intervene directly before the threat of exotic technologies is removed. So this is the situation now. We have much power in our hands to make the rest of this journey easier.
Yet most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I’m not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave. But there’ll be a point when enough of the negative, exotic technologies will be removed and the Light Forces will make the breakthrough, and then of course, this war will be over, it will not matter anymore, this will be a total game changer.
We are NOT heading towards disaster; we are in a Tug of War. We are now in a situation where both sides are equally powerful and are opposing the other. So the good guys are opposing all this and the bad guys want to manifest this. On one hand, we have a slow collapse of the society, on the other hand, we have a big awakening happening. People who haven’t seen what’s going on even a few months ago now are opening their eyes, and they see, and there is a massive positive non-compliance happening also at the same time. So we have a dynamic equilibrium between both dark and the Light agendas here. Both sides are quite powerful, and I expect this tension to continue until the breakthrough happens. At some point, there will be more of the dark appearing to win, at some point there will be more of the Light appearing to win, and this equilibrium, these strong opposing forces in my expectations will continue like this until the breakthrough. And, of course, we are not going back into the old normal, this is not going to happen, this went too far. The old society has reached a point of no return in the summer of 2019 already, and this cannot be reversed, the only way is up, the only way is towards the Event.
If people get oppressed, they need to resist that oppression. I mean, peacefully, coherently, massively. If people say nothing, if people just comply, then it’s easier for the dark forces to implement those measures.
We can see more people coming to a realization that something is not right, something is going on, people are beginning to question things. Of course, the alternative media has been poisoned with so much disinformation and when people begin to read all those articles and look at all of those videos, they get more confused, but at least they begin to question the official narrative, they begin to think, they begin to want to make their own choices, which is a very positive occurrence. It hasn’t ever happened on such a massive scale before, this is the first time in human history we have hundreds of millions, if not billions of people for the first time questioning the official story. This has never happened before.
We are in the last phase before the breakthrough, before the maximum terminal flux, which is the Event. So we are in that last phase, and the thermal flux is accelerating, which you can actually experience. All that tension that is felt is actually more and more energies flowing, more and more, I would say in terms of physics, more and more thermal flux occurring in the system. And it’s increasing and it will keep increasing until the Event. So there will be more tension, more dynamic forces in play, until something breaks and that will be the moment of the Event.
We seem to be approaching the boiling point? And as you say, “Hold on a little longer and withstand the siege”? No. I would say the best, if you are in a situation like this, the common strategic sense would be to keep holding the Light, no matter how long it takes. Because if you let it go right now, if you surrender right now to this chaos, then it’s not going to be fine. You need to keep your focus, you need to keep your light ongoing, holding that tension, holding that consciousness, that focus, until the breakthrough happens.
There is no Plan B. This is now the Gamma timeline, which calls for direct intervention. Since a few years ago, we were on Gamma timeline and this needs to happen, so there is no Plan B. It just needs to unravel until its final resolution. We are in this Gamma timeline; we need to keep on going until the intervention happens.
People are waiting passively for the Event; this is not what I’m saying. I’m saying that you need to do whatever you can to make your life better, too manifest as good a life as possible, and in the circumstances that they are right now. But the Event is the final goal. We have been born for something greater. We have this higher purpose in mind as well. So both. This moment, live as good as possible, do your mission, and live your life in a way that is aligned with your divine plans.
There are protests taking place all over the world to counteract the mandates and lockdowns. The politicians are aware of all those demonstrations. Of course, they will ignore them. Of course, they will do nothing. They will pretend nothing is happening because they want to keep their positions, they want to keep their power. But energetically speaking, the coherence of the field is rising, the power of human consciousness against this New World Order takeover is rising, its increasing in power until the breakthrough. So this is the counter force which prevents all those negative scenarios, like concentration camps, etcetera, from actually manifesting. It keeps them at bay.
Is it likely that we’ll get to a point where there’s a global revolution on such a grand scale that it would bring some of the negative elites to their knees before the Event? It is a possibility, as I said, it’s a dynamic scenario with many rips and undercurrents and anything is possible. There was one possibility for a major revolution and an occurrence breaking through in September, which did not manifest, which is better because it was more peaceful. It could be quite violent, and we could not be having this conversation right now if it manifested. So if this revolutionary timeline manifests, it will be quite drastic, dynamic. It can have various outcomes. Some of them are pleasant, some of them are less pleasant. So we will see, it’s impossible to predict, there are too many variables in this situation right now.
Common sense is very much needed. Everybody’s so emotionally polarized and so easily swept with this current negativity in one way or the other. So common sense is very much needed. And a spirit of cooperation, which has been almost completely lost. The surface population never really understood how it is to cooperate. That is something that is completely natural in the rest of the universe. We are going to learn to cooperate. That’s very important.
We cannot, you cannot open the eyes of others. They need to do this for themselves. And you will be labelled “conspiracy theorists” if you try to open the eyes of another person who is not ready for it. So I would say you can share this, but share it only with those who are ready. You don’t force this upon anybody because many are simply not ready. People can get frustrated, it’s most important to maintain our focus keeping our own vibration high and find our own joy in whatever way works for us. People will feel that you have a different vibration, that you are somehow different. They will go to you with their questions, and then you can explain to them what’s going on.
GAR Edited Version: by Cobra
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2021 Year in Review

2022 Trends & Predictions Documentaries

2022 Trends & Forecast


💢 | Happy New Year! The covid narrative is gloriously collapsing, and right on schedule, as predicted. The media and Democrats are now rather suddenly admitting all the following:
1. Cloth masks are no good (Leanna Wen, CNN);
2. The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission;
3. The death rate is comparable to the flu (Chris Hayes);
4. Many people are entering hospitals with covid, not from covid (Fauci);
5. Natural immunity is a reason omicron hasn’t been as virulent (Fauci);
6. We must consider societal needs, not just spread prevention (CDC);
7. The asymptomatic should not be tested (NFL);
8. We should focus on hospitalizations and deaths, not case rate (Biden);
9. Children are not at risk and schools should remain open;
10. Covid is predominantly an illness affecting the immunocompromised and elderly, and we should not shut down society.
11. The Federal Government has no solution for covid (Biden).
by Peter Novak


In today's forecast we are going to be going over our Official Winter Forecast for the winter season of 2021 - 2022!

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2022 Predictions
💢 | YEAR ZERO or 2022 will be the time in History where the Family of Dark shows their true agenda. It’s a Master Number 22 year, a powerful number that gives more power to those who understand the mysticism of numbers. It will be the year of “Hell on Earth.” Many countries including the United States will see dictatorship governments. The Freedom that most have enjoyed for years will be gone.
Food supplies dwindle, gas and oil prices soar, major Earth changes with powerful earthquakes and volcanoes erupting everywhere–and a cataclysmic event at the La Palma volcano. It will be a year of huge snowfalls and extreme cold throughout the U.S. and Europe. Massive flooding in the South and other parts, spiraling inflation, more Draconian laws enforced against humans with COVID vaccines.
Parents will no longer have any say about what is taught to their children in schools as Nazi tactics take place. People who refuse the vaxx and walk-off jobs may find their bank account frozen until they do–there won’t be enough police or firefights to help people in dire need, crime will escalate in cities and towns. More COVID variants but they will not be as potent, but the world governments will push vaccine mandates and boosters. Tyrannical measures on the populations will increase. Extreme storms will rage, and an increase in disastrous tornadoes.
China will make its move. Aliens will make their move. Russia will make its move. 2022 is a year of choices.
If we say “We’ve had enough” of the Draconian agenda and push back we have a chance. We can’t be complacent now. Your world, your life, your children, and future generations will either look at us as spineless humans who did nothing to stop the tyranny or we can be the heros of this time in history. Will you be the change for Earth and humanity and become the Butterfly that creates the Hurricane of change?
UFO sightings have increased in 2021 and will become more pronounced into 2022. Something is going to happen that our government can’t deny. The Pentagon again covered up the truth about UFOs. So we are told it could be US-Made, Foreign technology, natural phenomena, and Airborne Clutter such as plastic bags going at supersonic speeds. lol! Yes, they have actually said that! But watch as a huge UFO sighting takes place over a major city. It might be Washington, D.C. and they won’t be able to claim it was birds. As reporter George Knapp, Robert Bigelow and I have said, “They have always been here.” Some of the beings are based deep underground and under our oceans.
By Betsy Lewis | 2022 Predictions New Book Link

Ralph Smart Awakening 2022
- Time is an Illusion, everything is happening “NOW” in the moment… 2023, 2024 and 2025…
- Everything is a Choice, all choices are being made now for the future
- What seems, feels and looks like the End is just the Beginning,
- With “Great Suffering Comes Great Awakening”, With Great Lockdowns Comes Remembrance of our True Freedoms,
- The Great Awakening of The Humanities Spirit is Emerging from the Ashes of Crushing Despair
- The World will begin to Experience what the Human Spirit is really made of
- The Key Theme for 2022 is Unity, Unity Consciousness, and Equality
- Humanity will get their Planet Back
- Humanity will reclaim it’s Vision
- The Global realization of the destruction of children’s physical, mental and emotional health
- The Movie will be exposed, false reality, MSM lies, and
- Influenzai celebrities rebellion and whistleblowers. New whistleblowers at ever level of society, Exposing corruption
- Introduction of new Social Credit Score credit system.
- Worldwide Rebellion against the MSM Narrative Lies
- AI will show its face in the public domain and daily lives.
- Mass Migration or Exit from the Cities, Freedom Communities,
- The Great Separation / Segregation / Tribulation / Test | Massive Split between the Vaxxed/Unvaxxed, Fear/Loved, living in separate communities.
- New Rival in Social Media will arise and succeed. Trump “Truth” Social
- Unvaxxed will be supported, redeemed, and encouraged
- Celebrities coming together to create a song in support of humanity (youtube video)
- New Video Exposing everything happening on the planet.
- Global Masses Connecting the Dots…

Earths Disaster Cycle: First, combine Chan Thomas, Charles Hapgood, Major White, August Dunning, Robert Felix, Robert Shoch, Albert Einstein, Randall Carlson and Douglas Vogt. Then, combine mythology, religion, 4 fields of astrophysics, 8 fields of geophysics, archeology and paleontology. Then add on the signs of the disaster unfolding now on earth, the other planets, the sun, nearby stars… and realize that the cycle timing is perfectly due again now. It’s coming. Are you ready?


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The 2022 Awakening & Divine Intervention
Be still and know that God will come through for you. He has not forgotten about you. In any storm He will show Himself active on your behalf and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. Trust the Lord in all times even when nothing makes sense..God is well able to take care of you.
The Event 2022
Dates & Timing Unknown
‘People will be shaken to their core by it…It feels like an earthquake, not necessarily a big one but a GLOBAL one…It happens all over the world at the same time…I do feel it’s in the 1st Quarter 2022…It’s not about fatalities but it will be something that has never happened before…It’s enough to simultaneously affect every human…I feel like the shake AWAKENS more people. It stops people focusing on Covid – enough to question what on Earth is happening, and then that will awaken more people. I think this Event is orchestrated by off-planet beings…It’s part of the plan. This is the first domino because it’s something that no one can explain, so people start to question their reality. They will stop listening to the news because it’s (the Event) inexplicable. Light workers just need to be prepared and not be afraid. It is nothing for us to be afraid of but other people will be afraid. Light workers will know. It’s the only thing that can globally stop everything being about Covid…This is a start. It’s a distraction.
Everything needs to have a shakeup before it can be resettled…There will be crashes in the financial markets. Things have to be destroyed first. It will appear terrifying to some people but we can’t go on this way. There’s nothing that can stop the (world) leaders regarding Covid unless it’s something physically outside of their control.
Before the peace and prosperity comes in, first everything has to all come down, which takes time. Questioning the reality, the narrative, the control. And people will be angry that they’ve been separated for so long from other people. We’ve felt for so long that it’s only our country but because this event affects the WHOLE globe, people will become very angry that they can’t see people in other countries…And it makes them realize how we ARE our world and not just an insular country. So people will really want to see the borders open because their loved ones were affected too…Covid was a last ditch effort (by the dark forces) to get control…The biggest thing we can do (regarding the Event) is not fear, and hold the Light for everybody else.
I feel like it (the Event) will be a snapping inside people’s brains, like a cracker going off. Like the shake literally snaps something back into place – like coming out of a fog. I feel this shake happening in a matter of days. I got it as soon as December 2021. It is such a shift in timeline that there’s no going back to before.
People will understand the truth at the level they need to learn it. Some people will have to start at the beginning, and understand the truth of the world and what’s been happening for millions of years – the control, the darkness. That’s why those people are scared because it’s like a remembrance that comes over everybody. Some people, like light workers, don’t need to remember much – but for others it’s overwhelming. And that’s why people could be yelling in the streets and other people are afraid in their homes – because suddenly the world is different and they are processing it. But it will be people like us who understand what’s going on that can calm others – they will listen to and follow us.
Everything falls away. Every part of society that has been constructed to destroy humans – their health, their spirituality, their connectedness – will be shaken up. Things like fast food – people will just leave the industry. No one will work there anymore. It will slowly all fall away, like dominos, in all aspects.
Everyone has had their chance to get to this point on their own. The people who are left are GOING to be shaken, with no choice in the matter. But everyone will get there eventually. It’s an ego death for a lot of people. And money won’t matter anymore – the rich and the people with big houses will realize that nothing matters.
People will have to let go, let it ALL go – the ego around their jobs. And they will need to learn self-love – not to rely on it from other people. That will come – with remembering who they are, they will remember what is good for them, good for their health. And they won’t be able to go back. It’s almost like it will be physically impossible to eat and drink how it was before. Things like meat will become repulsive. Over time. I’m not saying this happens in one day. But everything falls away.
Something will happen before April 1 2022. Because of the shake – or whatever happens, if it’s a metaphor, whatever event happens before Spring 2021. Suddenly it will be about PEOPLE. Because of what everyone had been through before the end of 2021, people will come together but the point of the day is that we are just grateful to have each other. People will reach out to long-lost people. It’s like a day of reconnection and celebrating being a human.
The vaccine and 5G – I think there’s something in it (the vaccine) that is activated. It gets activated but there’s an override from the Light and the activation (planned by the dark forces) goes wrong. I feel instead of whatever the activation was meant to do, it’s more of an upgrade. So the people who GOT the vaccine NEEDED it TO upgrade. They are the ones who needed to be awakened. And when they (dark forces) flip the switch, it doesn’t go the way they intended. It actually UPGRADES people’s DNA. People can ‘see’ again. So it backfires (for the dark forces). The people that took it (the jab) NEEDED it. The dark forces plan was hijacked. Because of the high vibration of other people on the planet – and them (light workers) doing the work right now – it can transmute it all. It can change it. The people who were so scared and turned on the unvaccinated, they are the ones that needed this upgrade. The ones who DIDN’T take it (jab), didn’t need it. Or they knew there’s nothing to fear.
I’m getting the sense that when the earthquake type event – or whatever it is – hits, people suddenly think about the people that matter to them. That will happen around the world. It’s like a global near-death experience – your life flashing before your eyes and you realize what’s important. The message gets through in that moment. Everything else falls away. The jobs, the money – NOTHING matters after this thing happens. It’s like the feeling of a close call for everybody on the planet.’
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light

4 Keys To Provoke Divine Intervention (2021 – 2022 Guide)
There are four keys to provoke divine intervention. Anytime you need the quick intervention of heaven over a matter, do these four things and your life will change in a way that will surprise you:
It was the prayer of the saints that brought Peter out of prison. Paul and Silas prayed and sang and the chains broke and doors opened.Prayer can open doors and breaks chains. Regardless of what the situation is, please pray especially in the Spirit.
Prayer brings strange intervention.
Praise as an instrument of warfare blessing him in advance. Praise can work wonders. Praise him with a dance. You can cry but please still praise. Praise is one of the powerful ways to disgrace the devil. He expects you to be depressed and broken but you disgrace him by praise. You don’t praise God when things are going well, you praise him to make things go well. Ignore the thoughts of disappointment that come to your mind when you praise..Praise God and create your testimony.
3. ENGAGE THE MYSTERY OF SEED FAITH: (Seeds of Faith Quotes)
Brothers and sisters, Everytime you are in a situation that only God can step in, having prayed, package a seed and speak to it.Give it an instruction and sow it. Do it with revelation and connect your faith on it as a sacrifice to provoke God’s intervention.
4. THE POWER OF PROPHECY (2Kings 7:1-8, Hosea 12:13):
Brothers and sisters, God still has anointed men he uses by the election of grace that he has put ancient possibilities in them. They may not look like it but Your own price is just to believe. When prophecies come, please just believe it. #ApostleJoshauSelman

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2022 Prophecy

2. Egyptian Prophecy of Neferti (ca. 2550 BC) 3. Cree Prophecy (date unknown): 4. Chinese Prophecy of the Tui Bei Tu (ca. 700 AD) 5. Biblical Prophecy of Paul the Apostle (ca. 65 AD)

The Global Transition | The End Is Near
We come to the end of that long road. The solstice of December 21 in short, is a framework for the entry of the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Love, Peace and Abundance for all the inhabitants of that planet.
It also marks the end of darkness on the planet. And it is time for everyone who wants to rebuild the Earth to step forward.
The Black Hats have looted, burned vegetation, destroyed the economy, poisoned the air, polluted the water …
Knowing that they were losing the war, they have destroyed everything they could. They didn’t leave without doing it. If they lost control over humanity, they weren’t going to allow the Human Being to enjoy his home either.
But all that is past. It already happened. Now we need the brave who have not only survived the war, but are also willing to rebuild that home.
Rebuild it on other basis. In another dimension. Because the Earth, in short, is completing its entry into 5D. There is no turning back.
Humanitarians, especially bonus holders, are being called to action.
They will always be guided by all of us from the Company of Heaven. And helped by the galactics, whose existence is to be disclosed just around the corner.
For humanitarians who want to develop projects Zero Point Energy, Hydroponic Farms, and MedBeds, they will be drawn to them. There will be demand for human development, manufacturing and distributions on a global basis. There is work for everyone. No one gets left behind or on the side of this road we all must travel.
The information that there will be Healing Centers that you yourself will create is correct, leaving out the old and archaic hospital system. Hospital will be closed, even boarded up, and doctors will be rejected on a mass scale because of the professional connection to the plandemic.
Little by little, slowly but surely, the 10,000 suppressed patents will come to light. Bringing replicators, free, free energy, and clean water to all corners of the planet.
The quantum Internet will soon be a reality. The new single currency, backed by gold and real wealth will already be launched.
It is the beginning of a full-fledged Galactic society on Earth. Enjoy, friends, everything that comes to you from now on, on that wonderful planet. Gaia is counting on all of you to definitively ascend to 5D.
And we pride ourselves on your impeccable service to humanity and restoration of planet earth/Gaia. You have our eternal gratitude for having brought Heaven to Earth.
Infinite gratitude dear sister María Cecilia Ngari
GAR Edited Version
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