Download High Res Version: DEEP STATE MAP
Map created by Dylan Louis Monroe
A chronological cartography of humanity’s hidden history from the present day to Atlantis. This edition of the Q-WEB is printed on a faded, distressed blue background, giving the appearance of an old declassified document pulled from a dusty file cabinet at the CIA in Langley.
The Q-Web focuses on exposing the factual, declassified history of the CIA in the 20th Century, as well as the Military Industrial Complex. It encompasses the topics of ETs, Fascism, MK-Ultra, Depopulation Agendas, False Flags, Weather Warfare, and more. It also explores the historical roots of the power structure in place today, shedding light on the Freemasons, Jesuits, the Vatican, the Roman Empire, and the Pharaohs of Egypt.
Dylan Louis Monroe is a US-based intuitive artist and truth advocate. He is the creator of the Deep State Mapping Project, a grassroots information dissemination program working to accelerate the Great Awakening in concert with Qanon and the Galactic Federation. His “Q-Web” diagram has spread virally since 2018, becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Dylan is the administrator of, the Instagram page @dsmp.official, and co-founder of the “New Templars” YouTube channel.