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Great Awakening Report

SPECIAL REPORT: Free Will Universe /// The Grand Experiment /// The Game


Published Date: January 5th, 2024 | Updated, January 15, 2024  💢





Universal Law of Oneness, Unity & Equality

“In the dance of existence, Oneness whispers through the interconnected rhythms, Unity orchestrates the harmonious symphony, and Equality ensures every note, in its unique essence, contributes to the cosmic melody of life.


The Universal Law of Oneness, Unity, and Equality encapsulates a profound understanding that permeates various spiritual and philosophical traditions. At its core, this universal principle asserts that all existence is interconnected and shares a fundamental unity, transcending the apparent diversity in the world. It emphasizes the intrinsic oneness that binds every living being, element, and energy, acknowledging a shared essence or source. Unity underscores the harmonious cooperation of diverse elements in the grand tapestry of existence, highlighting the inherent interdependence and balance within the cosmos. Equality, as an integral aspect, recognizes the inherent worth and value of all beings, irrespective of their form or manifestation. This universal law encourages a perspective of compassion, empathy, and respect for the interconnected web of life, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of the entire creation. Embracing these principles promotes a profound shift in consciousness toward unity, harmony, and a recognition of the divine interconnectedness that underlies the rich diversity of the universe.

Topic Titles

  • The Free Will Universe
  • Prime Source Creator God
  • The Creator Desires Infinite Experiences
  • The Universe of Co-Creators
  • The Universal Laws
  • Divine Right of Choice
  • Secrets of The Universe
  • Duality & Polarity
  • “The Grand Experiment”
  • 3D Space Time vs Infinite Time Space
  • The Universal Battle Between Good vs Evil
  • Cosmic Balance In The Force 
  • Cosmic Cycles | Patterns Defining the Games
  • Universal Consciousness
  • Unconditional Love
  • Souls Choice | 3D Incarnation
  • “The Game” Lifetimes of Incarnations
  • Movie Matrix Programming
  • Wheel of Karma
  • The Spiritual Observer
  • Souls Awakening Journey
  • “The Work” | The Hero’s Journey
  • The Practice | Heart of a Volunteer
  • Unrealistic vs Realistic Expectations
  • The Path | Exit the Game | Ego Monkey Mind
  • End of Times Madness | Converging End of Cycles
  • The Event, Compression Breakthrough
  • The Harvest | Law of One | Biblical Text 
  • Ascension | The Journey Home
  • Ending the Grand Experiment | Full Disclosure


“In the vast tapestry of the free will universe, every choice is a brushstroke, painting the canvas of destiny. Embrace the power to shape your narrative, for in the realm of possibilities, your decisions unfurl the masterpiece of your journey.”

The Free Will Universe

Infinite Intelligence & Design / Creation / The Plan / The Purpose / The Journey / Spiritual Evolution

The Term “Free Will Universe” is often used in philosophical and metaphysical discussions, particularly within the context of spirituality and existential philosophy. The concept implies a perspective that the universe operates in a way that allows sentient beings, such as humans, to exercise free will—the ability to make choices independent of predetermined fate or external coercion.

In a Free Will Universe, individuals are considered to have the autonomy to shape their destinies through their choices and actions. This contrasts with deterministic views that propose every event and outcome is predetermined by antecedent conditions. Advocates of a Free Will Universe believe that personal decisions and moral choices play a significant role in shaping the course of one’s life.

The idea of a Free Will Universe often intertwines with discussions about consciousness, moral responsibility, and the nature of reality. It suggests that within the vast cosmos, beings endowed with consciousness possess the freedom to navigate their own paths, make decisions, and influence the unfolding of their individual and collective destinies. However, the concept is highly philosophical and has been debated among scholars, theologians, and scientists, each offering different perspectives on the interplay between free will and the larger cosmic order.

The Concept of Creators Infinite Intelligence and the Design of the Universe is rooted in the idea that a supreme, all-encompassing intelligence exists and is responsible for the intricate design and functioning of the cosmos. This notion transcends various spiritual, philosophical, and metaphysical beliefs, suggesting that an ultimate creative force, often referred to as the Creator or Infinite Intelligence, is responsible for the order and balance observed in the universe. Proponents of this concept argue that the complexity and precision of natural laws, constants, and the interwoven connections between all things indicate a deliberate and intelligent design. This perspective often invites contemplation on the purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness of life within the grand tapestry of the universe, fostering a sense of awe and reverence for the mysteries beyond our immediate comprehension.


Prime Source Creator God

“In the cosmic ballet, Prime orchestrates the dance, Source breathes life into the rhythm, and the Creator crafts the poetry of existence. Together, they compose the eternal symphony, each note a testament to the divine artistry that shapes the universe.

“Prime Source Creator God” Defined

The expanded terminology of Prime Source Creator God encompasses a expansive layered understanding of the divine, incorporating several key aspects:

  1. Prime: denote the fundamental, essential, or primary aspect that underlies or initiates the existence of everything. It suggests a foundational and central force from which all other elements, principles, or entities emerge. In this context, “Prime” can be synonymous with the concept of a primal source or origin that is fundamental to the creation and sustenance of the universe. It conveys the idea of a primary, unifying principle that serves as the root or starting point for the diverse manifestations within the cosmos. The use of Prime” in this sense often implies a recognition of an underlying unity or commonality that ties together the fabric of all existence.
  2. Source: Often refers to a transcendent, ultimate, or divine essence believed to be the origin of all creation and existence. It is considered the foundational, unifying force from which everything emanates. The concept of Source implies an infinite, boundless, and universal energy or consciousness that underlies and connects all forms of life and matter. Various belief systems and philosophical traditions use different terms, such as “the Divine,” “the Absolute,” or “the One,” to articulate the idea of this ultimate Source. It represents the fundamental and unifying principle that gives rise to the diversity and interconnectedness of the cosmos. The understanding of Source is subjective and varies across different spiritual, religious, and philosophical perspectives.
  3. Creator: The term “Creator” underscores the active role of this divine force in bringing forth existence. The universe typically refers to a supreme, divine, or ultimate being believed to have fashioned and brought the entire cosmos into existence. This concept is often rooted in religious, spiritual, or metaphysical beliefs. The notion of a creator implies a conscious and intentional act of design, suggesting that the universe was deliberately crafted by an entity possessing immense intelligence, power, and creative force. Different religious traditions attribute various names and characteristics to the creator, such as God, the Divine, or the Supreme Being. The idea of a creator is central to many cosmogonies and creation myths, offering explanations for the origin, purpose, and order of the universe. It’s important to note that beliefs about the creator and the act of creation vary widely among different cultures and belief systems.
  4. Infinite Intelligence / Intelligence Infinite; implies intention, design, and purpose, suggesting that the cosmos is not a random occurrence but a deliberate creation. The notions of Infinite Intelligence” and “Intelligence Infinity” encapsulate the profound idea that intelligence extends beyond conventional human understanding and transcends finite boundaries. “Infinite Intelligence” refers to an all-encompassing, limitless intelligence believed to be intrinsic to the fabric of the universe. It implies a universal source of wisdom and consciousness that connects all aspects of existence. On the other hand, “Intelligence Infinity” suggests that intelligence itself possesses an infinite nature, challenging traditional limitations and emphasizing the boundless potential inherent in the diverse expressions of intelligence throughout the cosmos. Both concepts invite contemplation on the interconnected and expansive nature of intelligence, whether viewed through spiritual, metaphysical, or philosophical lenses, encouraging a broader and more profound understanding of the mysteries inherent in the universe.
  5. God: The use of “God” aligns with the monotheistic traditions and denotes a supreme, transcendent being possessing omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. It’s a term that carries a rich history and is often associated with notions of divine authority and benevolence. Caution; there is a lot of confusion around the biblical old testament Yahweh/Elohim now identified as our genetic alien gods? 

By combining these terms into Prime Source Creator God, the intention is to convey a comprehensive understanding of the ultimate divine reality. This expanded terminology suggests a source that is not only foundational but actively engaged in the ongoing process of creation, with attributes traditionally associated with the divine in monotheistic belief systems. It reflects a nuanced and multifaceted concept of the divine that encompasses the origin, purpose, and active involvement of the supreme creative force in the cosmos.

Note; with future disclosures and new biblical translations revealed, we will transition ‘god’ out of our language. We believe the best descriptive language to be; “Prime Source, Creator, Infinite Intelligence”.

Creation is the Absolute Absolutum – the Energy of the Universal Consciousness – the Life Force – the Knowledge, Truth, Love and Wisdom. Creation has no equals to god or gods. We are the gods. And yes we have the power of the Consciousness if we know how to use it. ” Rising the Consciousness is the Fuel. This is the Alchemical Fire of the gods”.
The Energy coming from desire – always vibrates more. Energy is everything, and everything is energy. If you can change your energy, you can change your life.” – Gurutej



“In the grand tapestry of existence, the Divine’s desire unfolds as a yearning for diverse experiences. Each moment, a brushstroke on the canvas of eternity, paints a unique masterpiece of lessons, growth, and the eternal dance between the soul and the universe.

The Creator Desires Infinite Experiences

Unlimited Choices / Experiencing Separation & Reunification / Filling The Void 

The idea that a creator God’s desire to experience is the purpose for creating a Free Will Universe is rooted in certain philosophical and spiritual perspectives. This concept suggests that an all-powerful and all-knowing creator intentionally designed a universe with free will, allowing sentient beings to make choices independently. The purpose behind this creation is assumed to be the desire of the creator to undergo various experiences through the choices and actions of the created beings.

In this perspective, the creator seeks not only to observe the unfolding of the universe, but also to participate in the diverse and unpredictable aspects of existence. By granting free will to sentient beings, the creator introduces an element of unpredictability, novelty, and genuine individual agency. The experiences, emotions, and moral choices of these beings become a canvas through which the creator can vicariously explore the richness of existence.

This concept aligns with the idea that the purpose of creation goes beyond mere observation or connection and extends into a dynamic and interactive relationship between the creator and the created. It also introduces the notion that the diversity of experiences, including both joy and suffering, contributes to the overall richness of the cosmic narrative and provides a profound context for the creator’s desire to understand, empathize, and engage with the created universe.

The notion that a creator God’s desire to experience is the purpose for creating a Free Will Universe, sometimes described as Filling the Void, suggests that the act of creation is driven by a divine longing for self-discovery and experiential depth. In this perspective, the idea is that the creator, in their infinite and perfect nature, sought a form of expansion or enrichment that could only be achieved through the creation of a universe characterized by free will.

The concept implies that the creator, possessing ultimate knowledge and power, intentionally introduced free will into the cosmic design to allow for authentic, unscripted experiences within the created universe. The void that the creator seeks to fill is metaphorically the potential for diverse, unique, and unpredictable narratives to unfold through the choices and actions of sentient beings. It is an exploration of the infinite possibilities that emerge when individuals have the freedom to make decisions independently.

By creating a Free Will Universe, the creator, in a sense, steps into the unknown, inviting the unexpected and embracing the myriad experiences that arise. The act of filling the void is a spiritual and existential journey for the creator, involving a profound engagement with the dynamic and evolving nature of the universe they set in motion. It adds a layer of purpose to creation beyond the traditional notions of obedience or worship, emphasizing a relational and participatory aspect between the divine and the created.



“In the vast cosmos, we are not mere spectators but active participants in a grand narrative. Embrace your role in the Universe of Co-Creators, where each intention, thought, and action contributes to the ever-unfolding story of cosmic evolution.

The Universe of Co-Creators 

The idea that the universe was designed for humans to be co-creators with the Prime Source Creator God reflects a perspective found in certain spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. According to this concept, the creator God intentionally structured the universe in a way that invites human beings to actively participate in the ongoing creation and evolution of the cosmos.

In this framework, humans are seen not merely as passive observers or recipients of divine creation but as “Co-Creators endowed with the ability to shape their reality. The belief is that humans, made in the image of the creator, share in the creative power of the divine. This includes the capacity to manifest positive change, contribute to the betterment of the world, and participate in the unfolding of the grand cosmic plan.

The term “Co-Creators implies a collaborative relationship between humans and the divine, where individuals are seen as partners in the ongoing process of creation. This perspective often emphasizes the importance of free will, conscious choices, and ethical actions in aligning with the divine purpose.

In practical terms, being co-creators might involve acts of kindness, creativity, innovation, and responsible stewardship of the environment. The idea is that through their thoughts, intentions, and actions, humans play an active role in realizing their potential in the design of the universe, contributing to the continuous unfolding of creation alongside the Prime Source Creator God.



“The Universal Laws are the silent architects of the cosmos, shaping reality with the precision of cosmic forces. Embrace their wisdom, for in understanding these laws, we unlock the keys to a life in harmony with the universe.

The Universal Laws 

The Universal Laws, also known as the 12 Spiritual Laws of the Universe, are timeless principles that govern the energetic flow of the cosmos. Understanding and aligning with these laws can bring about profound benefits in your daily life. One key principle is the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like, encouraging a positive mindset to attract positive outcomes. The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) highlights the interconnectedness of our actions and their consequences, emphasizing the importance of mindful choices. By incorporating these laws into your life, you can cultivate a sense of harmony, abundance, and purpose. Consistently integrating these principles into your daily routine empowers you to navigate challenges with grace, manifest your desires, and create a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Oneness / Unity / Equality

What are the 12 Universal Laws, and Where Do They Come From?

By Sarah Regan

The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known.

The laws are often associated with Ho’oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. Some of the laws, however, are also attributed to hermetic philosophy going back to ancient Egypt.

The list of ancient laws has withstood the test of time as both Kaiser, Kumar, and plenty of others around the world still work with it today. “All of the laws are about mastering your life with love and joy,” Kaiser explains.

Here’s an introduction to the themes and underpinnings of each, and how to apply them to your life today:

1. Law of Divine Oneness

The first and most foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.

How to apply it: Kaiser notes this one can come off a bit heady, but applying it in real life entails being compassionate with others, and recognizing that we are all one. She recommends working this law by asking questions like, “How can I show more compassion and acceptance toward those I don’t understand? or “What would love do?”

2. Law of Vibration

At a microscopic level, everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter but also one’s personal frequency as well. This law says that our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience.

For example, “You may be able to receive money but perhaps you can’t hold on to it,” Kumar notes, “because vibrationally, you could be operating on a lower level.

How to apply it: If you feel the need to elevate your frequency, there are lots of great practices to do so, including yogasound bathing, and chakra work.

3. Law of Correspondence

This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what’s happening inside us at that moment. Think “As above, so below. As within, so without.”

How to apply it: Kaiser’s mantra for this law? It’s happening for you, not to you. “If our life is chaotic and fearful,” she says, “it’s because there is chaos and fear within. If our life seems calm and grounded, it is because we feel peace within.”

In any troubling situation, she suggests asking what the situation can show you about yourself, and what requires healing within.

4. Law of Attraction

Undoubtedly the most talked about universal law, the law of attraction is often used for manifestation. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. Not only that, but you have to believe what you’re seeking is possible to obtain.

It is similar to the law of vibration in this way; it’s important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you’re seeking.

How to apply it: If you want love but do not give love, for example, you’re sending the universe a message about your priorities. If you repeat an affirmation but don’t believe what you’re saying, it’s useless. “When we focus on what we want versus what we don’t want, it will show up in our life,” says Kaiser.

5. Law of Inspired Action

Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. Often the inspiration comes from within. “Inspired action is that gentle, internal nudge,” Kumar says. “It’s not always a plan of action.”

How to apply it: Practicing this law is all about slowing down, getting quiet, and creating space for internal guidance. When we let go of our need to arrange and control how things will work out and are instead open to all possibilities, it makes room for new ways of achieving the goals that we might not have considered otherwise.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that on an energetic level, everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is preceded by a thought, with thoughts themselves having the power to eventually manifest in our physical reality.

Ever been around a negative person and felt your own positivity depleting? That’s one example—but it can also work the other way around: Higher frequencies transmute lower ones when applied with intention.

How to apply it: Knowing this, we can actively seek to uplift negative energy around us by maintaining positive thoughts and actions.

The concept of a Free Will Universe and Universal Laws often coexists in spiritual and metaphysical discussions, offering insights into the nature of existence, consciousness, and the governing principles of the cosmos.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

Relatively straightforward, this law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. What’s important to note here, according to Kumar, is we often can’t see the effects right away, but they will come back around.

How to apply it: Trust that every action will have a reaction—good or bad. “What you put out there may not come back to you at that moment, but that vibration, that energy you put out there, has a ripple effect,” says Kumar. “If you’re coming from a place of anger or resentment, if you put that energy out there, you’ll eventually be affected as a result.”

8. Law of Compensation

The law of compensation relates closely to the law of attraction and the law of correspondence. “You reap what you sow” is the main takeaway, with the law stating your efforts will always come back to you positively. If you are seeking something, you must contribute in some way toward your goal.

How to apply it: To work with this law in a manner that attracts (or compensates for) love and support, for example, Kaiser suggests asking yourself, “Where am I being called to serve and support others today?”

9. Law of Relativity

This law suggests that we are inclined to compare things in our world, but in reality, everything is neutral. Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective and perception.

How to apply it: Applying this law can help us understand the tougher parts of our lives with greater compassion. For example, if we’re feeling ungrateful for our living situation, it could be because we’re comparing our arrangements with someone else’s.

Instead, we’d be better off appreciating what we have without needing to compare it to something else.

10. Law of Polarity

This law says that everything in life has an opposite; good and evil, love and fear, warmth and cold. The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin.

How to apply it: Kaiser works with this law through the mantra All contrast brings more clarity. If you’re facing a difficult situation like a breakup or a health challenge, for example, tune into what the opposite looks like, which can reveal a new perspective or lesson.

11. Law of Rhythm

Cycles are a natural part of the universe. Physically, you can think about the seasons on Earth. In our own lives, we can remember that integration is just as important as growth. Kumar notes, “We expect ourselves to be one way all the time, whether we’re thinking about our health or even productivity,” but this is not sustainable.

How to apply it: Take note of your inner rhythms and try to work with them instead of fighting them. Feeling run down? Maybe it’s better to give yourself some rest instead of powering through.

12. Law of Gender

And lastly, the law of gender has to do with the masculine and feminine energy that exists in all things. Kaiser notes that much of our society has historically operated from a masculine, “hustle and do” mentality, which doesn’t allow for much room to just be.

How to apply it: Achieve your own balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine energies in order to live more authentically.

The Takeaway

Before you get too overwhelmed, integrating them into your life is more about understanding and conceptualizing them in a way that makes sense to you. Kumar notes it doesn’t have to be so analytical; “Understand the concept and keep it on the back burner in your mind,” she says, to learn how to work with them in day-to-day scenarios.

When considering the Free Will Universe and the Universal Laws together, the idea is that within a Free Will Universe, individuals operate within the framework of Universal Laws. The exercise of free will is not entirely without consequence, as the choices made by individuals interact with these fundamental laws, influencing the trajectory of their lives and experiences. The coexistence of a Free Will Universe and Universal Laws creates a dynamic interplay between personal agency and the cosmic principles believed to govern the harmonious functioning of the universe.


Divine Right of Choices

“The Divine Right of Choice is the cosmic contract between the soul and the universe, affirming our autonomy and inviting us to dance with the rhythms of our own choosing.”

Divine Right of Choice

Infinite Choices / Good Choices vs Poor Choices / Personal Sovereignty / Autonomous Freedom 

The term “Divine Right of Choice” combines the idea of divine authority or guidance with the concept of personal choice. While not a universally recognized or standardized term, it generally refers to the belief that individuals possess a sacred or spiritual right to make choices in alignment with their own inner guidance, values, and connection to the divine.

Key components of the Divine Right of Choice include:

1. Divine Authority:

Belief: The notion that individuals are guided by a higher power, divine intelligence, or spiritual essence. This belief often implies that there is a sacred source of wisdom and guidance that transcends individual understanding.

2. Choice and Autonomy:

Belief: The belief in the inherent right of individuals to make choices based on their own conscience, values, and beliefs. This includes decisions related to personal growth, life path, relationships, and ethical considerations.

3. Alignment with Higher Purpose:

Belief: The idea that exercising one’s right of choice should be in harmony with a higher purpose or spiritual calling. Choices are seen as opportunities for personal growth and contributing to the greater good.

4. Responsibility:

Belief: Acknowledging that with the divine right of choice comes a responsibility to use that autonomy wisely and ethically. Individuals may be seen as stewards of their choices, accountable for the impact on themselves and others.

While the concept is not rooted in any specific religious doctrine, it resonates with spiritual and metaphysical perspectives that emphasize the importance of personal empowerment, conscious decision-making, and a connection to a higher, guiding force. The Divine Right of Choice implies a deep trust in the individual’s capacity to navigate life with a sense of purpose and alignment with broader spiritual principles.

Good Choices vs Poor Choices; In the free-will universe, the dynamic interplay between good choices and poor choices is the essence of individual autonomy and self-determination. Good choices, often driven by empathy, wisdom, and moral values, contribute to personal growth, positive relationships, and the collective well-being of society. They align with higher principles, fostering a harmonious existence and propelling individuals towards their fullest potential. On the contrary, poor choices, influenced by impulsivity, ignorance, or negativity, can lead to challenges, setbacks, and disharmony. However, within the tapestry of free will, even poor choices hold the potential for growth and learning. They serve as poignant lessons, offering opportunities for introspection and redirection. The free-will universe, with its inherent duality, encourages individuals to navigate the complex landscape of choices, recognizing the transformative power embedded in both the wisdom of good choices and the resilience born from overcoming the consequences of poor ones.



“Nikola Tesla famously said, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.’ This profound insight reflects his understanding of the fundamental nature of the cosmos, suggesting that beneath the apparent complexity of the universe lies a simple and harmonious interplay of energy waves and vibrations. Tesla’s words echo the idea that the essence of existence can be decoded by recognizing the vibrational patterns that govern all aspects of the universe, from the smallest particles to the grandest celestial bodies.”

Secrets of The Universe | Energy Frequency & Vibration

Understanding the nature of the universe through the lens of energy, frequency, and vibration involves delving into the foundational principles that govern the cosmos at both the quantum and cosmic scales. Here’s a breakdown of these concepts:

1. Energy:

Quantum Reality: In the realm of quantum physics, everything is considered energy. Matter, at its most fundamental level, is a manifestation of energy. E=mc^2, as proposed by Einstein, illustrates the equivalence of energy (E) and mass (m). This equation reveals that matter can be transformed into energy and vice versa.

Dynamic Systems: On a cosmic scale, celestial bodies, from stars to galaxies, radiate energy in various forms such as light, heat, and electromagnetic radiation. The universe is a dynamic system where energy is constantly exchanged, transformed, and conserved.

2. Frequency: In the quantum world, tiny particles act like both particles and waves. Frequency, which means how many times a wave goes up and down in a certain time, is important to understand these behaviors. In this world, particles aren’t just solid things; they can also be seen as waves with different frequencies. When we talk about light, it’s a type of energy that comes in different colors. These colors have specific frequencies, and by understanding them, we can learn about the different kinds of energy in the universe.

Wave Nature: In the quantum realm, particles also exhibit wave-like properties. The concept of frequency is central to understanding these wave behaviors. It refers to the number of oscillations or cycles of a wave per unit of time. In the quantum world, particles can be described not just as particles but also as waves with specific frequencies.

Electromagnetic Spectrum: Light, a form of electromagnetic radiation, encompasses a spectrum of frequencies. Each color corresponds to a specific frequency. Understanding the frequency of electromagnetic waves allows us to grasp the diversity of energy manifestations in the universe.

3. Vibration: Vibration is like a tiny dance that things do when they wiggle back and forth. It’s how fast or slow something wiggles, and we can feel or see it happening. Think of a guitar string making sound when you pluck it—it’s vibrating! Everything around us, like air and even tiny particles, can wiggle, and that wiggling is what we call vibration.

Resonance: Vibration is the oscillation of an object or a medium in response to an external force. In the quantum realm, particles resonate with specific frequencies, influencing their behavior and interactions. Understanding vibrational patterns helps explain phenomena like molecular structures and chemical reactions.

Harmony in Cosmos: On a larger scale, the universe is thought to have a harmonious structure where celestial bodies, galaxies, and cosmic structures resonate with particular frequencies. The concept of cosmic harmony suggests an underlying order in the vastness of space.

In essence, the nature of the universe as described by Tesla’s words emphasizes the interconnectedness of energy, frequency, and vibration. This perspective acknowledges the unified and harmonious aspects of the cosmos, where everything, from subatomic particles to celestial bodies, is interconnected through vibrational patterns and energetic exchanges. Exploring these concepts provides a profound insight into the fundamental principles that shape the fabric of the universe.



“Duality is the journey’s companion, and polarity is the map guiding us through the diverse landscapes of experience. In the embrace of opposites, we navigate the labyrinth of existence, unveiling the profound wisdom encoded in the dance of light and shadow.”

Duality & Polarity 

Range of Choices | Negative vs Positive | Dark vs Light | Love vs Fear | Good vs Evil | 3D Density

The concept of the Universe Design of Duality and Polarity is rooted in certain philosophical and metaphysical perspectives, particularly those that explore the nature of existence and cosmic balance. Here are key aspects of this concept:


Definition: Duality refers to the existence of contrasting, complementary, or opposing forces or elements. It’s the idea that the universe is characterized by pairs of opposites, such as light and dark, hot and cold, good and bad. Duality suggests that these opposing forces are interconnected and necessary for the dynamic balance of the cosmos.


Definition: Polarity is related to the idea of duality but often emphasizes a spectrum or continuum between opposites. It suggests that there are varying degrees or shades between contrasting elements. For example, rather than a strict division between good and bad, there exists a spectrum of moral choices.

1. Balance and Harmony:

Belief: The Universe Design of Duality and Polarity often proposes that the existence of dualities and polarities contributes to a greater cosmic balance and harmony. The interplay between opposites is considered essential for the dynamic equilibrium of the universe.

2. Spiritual Growth:

Belief: Some spiritual traditions suggest that the experience of duality and polarity is crucial for spiritual growth. The challenges and contrasts present in life provide opportunities for learning, self-discovery, and the evolution of consciousness.

3. Yin and Yang:

Symbolism: The concept of duality and polarity is symbolized in various cultures, with perhaps the most well-known being the Yin and Yang symbol in Chinese philosophy. This symbol represents the dynamic interplay of opposites, illustrating how each force contains an aspect of the other.

4. Unity in Diversity:

Philosophy: Rather than seeing duality as a source of division, this perspective often emphasizes the unity that arises from diversity. The contrasting elements are viewed as interconnected parts of a unified whole.

Overall, the Universe Design of Duality and Polarity suggests that the coexistence of opposites is an inherent and purposeful aspect of the cosmos. It invites contemplation on the nature of balance, growth, and the interconnectedness of all things within the grand tapestry of existence.



“As we navigate the intricate game of extreme polarity and duality, Earth serves as a graduate school for advanced spiritual growth within ‘The Grand Experiment.’ Every choice, a lesson; every experience, an opportunity for profound transformation.”

“The Grand Experiment”

“The Grand Experiment” unfolds within the cyclical rhythm of a 26,000-year cosmic cycle, akin to a vast Hero’s Journey traversing the realms of extreme polarity and duality. Earth, a unique learning lab, becomes the stage for a graduate school of accelerated spiritual growth, where souls embark on a profound odyssey of choices and experiences. In this cosmic game, the dichotomy of good and poor choices serves as the crucible for invaluable lessons. As participants navigate the intricate dance of light and shadow, the Earth becomes a crucible for the soul’s evolution. Yet, the denouement of the Grand Experiment remains in the hands of the divine architect – God alone possesses the authority to bring this cosmic drama to its conclusion. In the ultimate cosmic showdown, ‘God Wins,’ marking the culmination of an extraordinary spiritual journey within the Earth’s classroom of profound contrasts and profound growth.

The term “The Grand Experiment” is often used in spiritual, metaphysical, or philosophical contexts to describe the ongoing and dynamic process of creation, evolution, and consciousness within the universe. While interpretations may vary, several key elements are commonly associated with this concept:

1. Dynamic Creation:

Belief: “The Grand Experiment” suggests that the universe is not a static or predetermined entity but an ever-evolving experiment. It implies that the cosmos is continuously unfolding, revealing new possibilities and potentials.

2. Exploration of Consciousness:

Philosophy: The term often conveys the idea that the universe is a canvas for the exploration and expansion of consciousness. It proposes that sentient beings, particularly humans, play an active role in this experiment by experiencing, learning, and evolving.

3. Free Will and Choice:

Belief: The concept of “The Grand Experiment” often involves the idea of free will and individual choice. It implies that sentient beings have the autonomy to make choices and contribute to the experiment through their actions, thoughts, and interactions.

4. Learning and Growth:

Philosophy: Inherent in the idea of an experiment is the notion of learning and growth. “The Grand Experiment” suggests that the experiences and challenges within the universe serve as opportunities for personal and collective development.

5. Spiritual Evolution:

Belief: Some spiritual and metaphysical traditions propose that the purpose of “The Grand Experiment” includes the spiritual evolution of consciousness. This may involve a journey toward greater awareness, compassion, and connection to the divine or universal principles.

6. Unity and Interconnectedness:

Philosophy: While the experiment involves individual experiences, there is often an emphasis on the interconnectedness of all life forms and elements within the grand tapestry of existence. Unity and diversity coexist in this experiment.

7. Cycles and Patterns:

Belief: The Grand Experiment” may incorporate the idea of cycles, patterns, and rhythms within the universe. This suggests that certain themes or lessons may repeat as part of a broader cosmic plan.

Overall, The Grand Experiment” serves as a metaphorical concept that encourages contemplation on the purpose, meaning, and dynamic nature of the universe. It invites individuals to see their lives and experiences as integral parts of a larger, ongoing experiment in the exploration of consciousness and the evolution of existence.


space time vs time space

“In the vast expanse of the cosmos, understanding the fabric of space-time is the key to unlocking the mysteries of our existence; yet, contemplating infinite time-space challenges us to imagine beyond the boundaries of the known universe.” – Unknown

3D Space Time vs Infinite Time Space

3D space-time is a four-dimensional model used to describe the physical universe, combining three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) with one temporal dimension (time). This concept is fundamental to Einstein’s theory of relativity. In the 3D space-time continuum, events are located in a four-dimensional coordinate system. The three spatial dimensions determine the position of an object in space, while the temporal dimension places this object in a specific moment in time. The combination of these dimensions allows us to understand how objects move and interact over time. Einstein’s theory of general relativity further explains that massive objects cause a curvature in space-time, which we perceive as gravity. This curvature affects the motion of objects and the flow of time, leading to phenomena such as time dilation, where time moves slower near massive objects compared to areas with less gravity.

Infinite time-space is a theoretical concept suggesting a universe where time and space extend infinitely, without boundaries or edges. This idea contrasts with the finite, observable universe we experience. In an infinite time-space framework, time and space have no beginning or end, implying an endless continuum. This concept challenges our conventional understanding of the universe, which is based on observable limits such as the Big Bang as the beginning of time and the observable universe’s edge. Infinite time-space theories often emerge in advanced cosmological and philosophical discussions, exploring ideas like parallel universes, multiverses, and infinite temporal dimensions. These theories suggest that beyond our observable universe, there could be an endless expanse of time and space, potentially housing countless other universes with different physical laws and constants.

Key Differences

  1. Dimensionality:
    • 3D Space-Time: Combines three spatial dimensions with one time dimension to describe the physical universe.
    • Infinite Time-Space: Suggests an endless continuum of time and space without boundaries.
  2. Physical Implications:
    • 3D Space-Time: Well-defined and observable, forming the basis for the theory of relativity and our understanding of gravity, time dilation, and the fabric of the universe.
    • Infinite Time-Space: Theoretical and speculative, exploring ideas beyond our observable universe and challenging the limits of conventional cosmology.
  3. Conceptual Framework:
    • 3D Space-Time: Focuses on the interplay between space and time within a finite, curved continuum influenced by mass and energy.
    • Infinite Time-Space: Envisions an unbounded, limitless expanse of time and space, potentially leading to concepts like multiverses and eternal existence.

In summary, while 3D space-time provides a practical and scientifically grounded model for understanding the universe, infinite time-space pushes the boundaries of theoretical physics and cosmology, inviting us to consider possibilities beyond the observable and measurable.


battle good vs evil

“Within the cosmic struggle, the universal battle between good and evil is the crucible where souls forge their destinies, and the echoes of virtue reverberate through the vastness of existence.”

The Universal Battle Between Good vs Evil 

The concept of a universal battle between good and evil, often steeped in religious and mythological narratives, has been a pervasive theme throughout history. The mention of Lucifer and fallen angels planning for humanity, satanic lies, deceptions, and corruption reflects a specific interpretation rooted in esoteric and religious perspectives. This narrative suggests a cosmic struggle between forces representing light and darkness, good and evil.

The idea that everything we’ve been taught is a lie and the inversion of truths and falsehoods may align with certain conspiracy theories or alternative belief systems that challenge mainstream narratives. Such perspectives often claim a deliberate deception orchestrated by malevolent forces, creating a narrative where discerning the truth becomes a complex and challenging endeavor.

It’s important to note that interpretations of these concepts vary widely, and beliefs about good, evil, and cosmic battles are deeply influenced by cultural, religious, and individual perspectives. Critical thinking, discernment, and an awareness of the diverse nature of belief systems can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of such narratives. Additionally, mainstream knowledge and consensus often provide a foundation for shared understanding, while alternative perspectives should be approached with discernment and a critical and open-minded mindset.

The battle between good vs evil is a recurring theme found in various cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions. This archetypal struggle represents a fundamental dichotomy between opposing forces that embody moral, ethical, or cosmic principles. Here are key aspects associated with this concept:

1. Moral Dualism:

Definition: The universal battle between good and evil often reflects a form of moral dualism, where the forces of good and evil are presented as distinct, opposing entities. This dualistic framework simplifies complex moral and ethical considerations into a narrative of absolute right versus absolute wrong.

2. Archetypal Characters:

Representation: Good and evil are frequently personified through archetypal characters or symbolic figures. Heroes, saints, or benevolent deities typically embody the forces of good, while villains, demons, or malevolent entities represent evil.

3. Cosmic Struggle:

Metaphor: The battle between good and evil is sometimes used metaphorically to depict the larger cosmic struggle between order and chaos, light and darkness, or virtue and vice. This metaphorical lens provides a framework for understanding the inherent tensions in the universe.

4. Free Will and Choice:

Belief: The concept often involves the idea of free will and individual choice. Beings, whether human or divine, are believed to have the autonomy to align themselves with either the forces of good or the forces of evil through their actions and decisions.

5. Religious Narratives:

Expression: Many religious texts and mythologies incorporate narratives that center around the cosmic battle between good and evil. Examples include the struggle between God and Satan in Christianity, the conflict between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu in Zoroastrianism, or the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti in Hinduism.

6. Moral Lessons:

Teaching Tool: The universal battle between good and evil serves as a teaching tool, imparting moral and ethical lessons to individuals and communities. It provides a framework for understanding the consequences of one’s choices and the ultimate triumph of righteousness.

7. Symbolic Interpretations:

Philosophy: Some philosophical perspectives interpret the battle between good and evil as symbolic of the inherent moral struggles within individuals or society. It reflects the ongoing quest for moral integrity, virtue, and the pursuit of a just and harmonious world.

While this concept is foundational in many belief systems, interpretations can vary, and not all traditions frame their understanding of morality and existence within the paradigm of a universal battle between good and evil. Some philosophies emphasize a more nuanced view of morality, acknowledging the complexity of human nature and the situational aspects of ethical choices.


cosmic balance of good vs evil

“In the eternal dance of the cosmos, the Force weaves its tapestry of light and darkness, forever seeking balance. As stars rise and galaxies collide, so too do the forces of good and evil sway in the cosmic currents. In this timeless struggle, we find our place, for it is our choices that shape the destiny of the universe.”

Cosmic Balance In The Force 

The concept of “Cosmic Balance between Good and Evil” suggests that there exists a fundamental equilibrium in the universe between opposing forces of light and darkness, good and evil. This balance is believed to be a natural and necessary aspect of existence, reflecting the duality inherent in all things.

According to this perspective, the universe operates on a cosmic scale, with positive and negative energies constantly interacting and influencing each other. This balance ensures harmony and stability in the cosmos, preventing any one force from dominating completely.

In many spiritual and philosophical traditions, the idea of cosmic balance is seen as essential for spiritual growth and evolution. It is believed that individuals must navigate the complexities of life, striving to maintain inner equilibrium between light and dark aspects of their own nature.

The concept of cosmic balance also implies a sense of cosmic justice, where actions have consequences and the universe seeks to restore balance when it is disrupted. This may manifest through cycles of creation and destruction, karma, or other spiritual principles.

Overall, the idea of cosmic balance between good and evil underscores the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of seeking harmony within oneself and in the world.


cosmic cycles

Cosmic Cycles | Patterns Defining the Games

“Amidst the dance of cosmic cycles, where stars weave their intricate patterns across the celestial canvas, we find the rhythms of existence – from the gentle sway of the 26,000-year precession to the grand sweep of the 64,000-year epochs. In these cycles, we glimpse the timeless symphony of the universe, shaping the ebb and flow of life’s journey through the ages.”

Cosmic cycles refer to recurring patterns or rhythms observed in the universe, often associated with celestial phenomena and their influence on various aspects of existence. These cycles are often measured in terms of time periods, such as thousands or even millions of years, and are believed to play a significant role in shaping the course of events on Earth and beyond. Let’s explore some of the key cosmic cycles:

  1. 64,000-Year Cycle: This long-term cosmic cycle is often associated with the precession of the equinoxes, which is the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth’s rotational axis. It takes approximately 64,000 years for Earth’s axis to complete one full precessional cycle. This cycle is believed to have significant effects on Earth’s climate, geology, and evolutionary processes over vast stretches of time.
  2. 26,000-Year Cycle: Known as the precession of the equinoxes, this cycle involves the slow wobbling of Earth’s rotational axis due to gravitational interactions with the Moon and the Sun. As a result, the positions of the stars and constellations appear to shift gradually over time from the perspective of an observer on Earth. This cycle also influences the timing of the seasons and has been associated with spiritual and astrological significance in various cultures.
  3. 13,000-Year Cycle: This cycle is often linked to various natural phenomena, including changes in Earth’s climate and geological events such as ice ages. Some theories suggest that Earth experiences periodic fluctuations in its climate over roughly 13,000-year intervals, although the exact mechanisms driving these cycles are still a subject of scientific debate.
  4. 6,500-Year Cycle: While not as well-known as some of the longer cosmic cycles, the 6,500-year cycle is believed to correspond to certain recurring patterns observed in Earth’s climate and environmental conditions. Some researchers have proposed hypotheses suggesting that Earth undergoes periodic shifts in climate and weather patterns over approximately 6,500-year intervals, although further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms driving these cycles.

These cosmic cycles reflect the interconnectedness of celestial phenomena and their influence on Earth’s systems and processes. While our understanding of these cycles continues to evolve through scientific inquiry and observation, they remain a source of fascination and speculation in fields ranging from astronomy and geology to spirituality and mythology.


Universal consciousness

“In the vast canvas of universal consciousness, we are not merely observers but active participants, co-creators in the ever-evolving story of existence, where our collective thoughts shape the destiny of the cosmos.”

The Universal Consciousness

At the heart of the cosmic narrative, Jesus stands as a harbinger of Consciousness 101, carrying a timeless message that transcends religious boundaries. His teachings were imbued with the essence of universal consciousness, inviting humanity to awaken to a higher understanding of existence. The metaphor of the Galactic Plasma Cloud evokes a cosmic interconnectedness, suggesting that the very fabric of the universe pulses with conscious energy. In the practice of prayer, meditation, and manifestation, individuals engage in a dance of balance within the cosmic game, aligning their energies with the universal flow. The concept of Jesus’ Second Coming extends beyond religious prophecy, embodying a universal message of Unity Consciousness. This spiritual awakening calls for an ascension to higher realms of understanding, encouraging humanity to transcend divisive narratives and embrace the profound interconnectedness that unites all souls in the grand tapestry of existence. Jesus’ message echoes through the ages, resonating with the universal call to elevate collective consciousness and embrace the transformative journey toward unity and ascension.

Universal consciousness refers to the idea that there is a singular, interconnected awareness that permeates and unifies all of existence. This concept is rooted in various spiritual, mystical, and philosophical traditions and suggests that everything in the universe, from living beings to inanimate objects, is part of a shared consciousness or cosmic awareness.

Key aspects of universal consciousness include:

1. Interconnectedness:

Unity of All Things: Universal consciousness posits that everything in the universe is interconnected. There is a recognition that the boundaries between individuals, living beings, and the broader cosmos are porous, emphasizing a sense of oneness.

2. Collective Awareness:

Shared Consciousness: The idea is that there is a collective or shared consciousness that transcends individual minds. This shared awareness is considered the underlying essence that connects all aspects of reality.

3. Non-Duality:

Beyond Opposites: Universal consciousness often aligns with the concept of non-duality, suggesting that the usual distinctions between self and other, mind and matter, or subject and object are illusions. It emphasizes a holistic perspective where dualities dissolve.

4. Spiritual Unity:

Common Spiritual Essence: In spiritual traditions, universal consciousness is seen as a common spiritual essence that underlies and unites all beings. It is the source from which everything emerges and to which everything returns.

5. Cosmic Intelligence:

Inherent Wisdom: Some interpretations of universal consciousness include the idea of a cosmic intelligence or wisdom that guides the unfolding of the universe. This intelligence is believed to be inherent in the fabric of existence.

6. Transcendence of Individual Ego:

Ego Dissolution: Universal consciousness involves transcending the limitations of the individual ego. It suggests that the true self is not confined to personal identity but is an integral part of the larger, universal self.

7. Expansion of Awareness:

Spiritual Growth: The concept of universal consciousness is often associated with spiritual growth and awakening. As individuals expand their awareness, they come into alignment with the broader, universal awareness.

8. Mystical Experience:

Unity in Mystical States: Some mystical experiences, whether achieved through meditation, contemplation, or other practices, are said to provide glimpses of universal consciousness. These experiences often involve a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity.

9. Cultural and Philosophical Variations:

Diverse Interpretations: Different cultures and philosophical systems may have diverse interpretations of universal consciousness, each reflecting the unique perspectives and beliefs of those traditions.

While the concept of universal consciousness is deeply ingrained in spiritual and philosophical thought, it’s important to note that interpretations may vary, and the idea goes beyond the scope of empirical scientific validation. For those who embrace this concept, it serves as a guiding principle for fostering a sense of harmony, interconnectedness, and reverence for all of existence.


unconditional love

“Unconditional love is a boundless ocean that embraces the soul with acceptance, navigates the waves of imperfection, and shores up the spirit with unwavering compassion.”

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is a profound and selfless expression that goes beyond surface actions or conditions. It involves loving another person’s soul and being without reservation, embracing their essence with acceptance and compassion. While rooted in profound acceptance, unconditional love does not preclude accountability for choices. It holds the capacity to address actions with a sense of responsibility and growth, recognizing the importance of both love and accountability in fostering personal development.

The symbolism of Jesus’ crucifixion often serves as a powerful example of unconditional love. His sacrifice is seen as an act driven by an all-encompassing love that transcends conditions or expectations, embodying forgiveness and compassion even in the face of immense suffering.

Passing on unconditional love from one generation to the next is viewed as a sacred responsibility. Whether from a parent, relative, or a responsible party, this gift becomes a legacy—a transformative force that nurtures emotional well-being and resilience. It is an enduring beacon that illuminates the path of understanding, empathy, and acceptance, fostering an environment where individuals feel secure in their worthiness and capable of growth.

In essence, unconditional love is more than a sentiment; it is a dynamic force that recognizes the inherent worth of each individual and understands that accountability can coexist with boundless compassion. It is a gift bestowed upon others, a legacy that shapes generations, and a testament to the enduring power of love in the tapestry of human connections.

Unconditional love is a profound and boundless form of affection that is not contingent upon specific conditions or expectations. It is a love that transcends circumstances, limitations, and shortcomings, remaining steadfast and unwavering. Several key characteristics define unconditional love:

1. Acceptance:

Non-Judgment: Unconditional love involves accepting a person or being for who they are, without judgment or the need for them to meet certain criteria. It acknowledges and embraces both strengths and weaknesses.

2. No Expectations:

Lack of Conditions: Unconditional love is not dependent on specific behaviors, achievements, or reciprocation. It exists without the expectation of receiving something in return and is not contingent upon the fulfillment of predetermined conditions.

3. Consistency:

Steadfastness: Unconditional love remains consistent and enduring, even in the face of challenges, mistakes, or difficult circumstances. It is not easily swayed by external factors and remains a constant presence.

4. Compassion and Empathy:

Deep Understanding: Unconditional love involves a deep sense of compassion and empathy. It seeks to understand the feelings, experiences, and perspectives of the loved one, fostering a profound connection.

5. Supportive:

Emotional Safety: Unconditional love provides emotional safety and support. It creates an environment where individuals feel secure in expressing themselves authentically, knowing that they will be accepted and loved regardless.

6. Selfless:

Altruistic Nature: Unconditional love often involves a selfless quality, where the well-being and happiness of the loved one take precedence. It goes beyond personal gain or benefit.

7. Forgiveness:

Letting Go: Unconditional love includes the capacity for forgiveness. Mistakes and shortcomings are acknowledged, and there is a willingness to let go of resentment or grievances.

8. Parental Love:

Exemplified in Parent-Child Relationships: Unconditional love is often exemplified in the parent-child relationship. Parents, ideally, love their children unconditionally, regardless of their actions or choices.

9. Spiritual and Philosophical Significance:

Higher Consciousness: In spiritual and philosophical contexts, unconditional love is considered a transcendent, higher form of love that aligns with virtues such as compassion, kindness, and altruism.

10. Relationships and Connections:

Foundation of Deep Bonds: Unconditional love forms the foundation of deep and meaningful connections in various relationships, including friendships, familial bonds, and romantic partnerships.

The concept of unconditional love is prevalent in various cultural, spiritual, and philosophical traditions. It represents an ideal to aspire to, recognizing the transformative power of love that is free from limitations and expectations.

“Passing on the torch of unconditional love is a sacred legacy, an enduring flame that lights the way for generations, casting out shadows with the brilliance of acceptance.”



“The soul’s choice to incarnate in the 3rd Dimension is a cosmic agreement to enter the realm of tangible reality—a sacred commitment to the game of life’s intricate lessons and experiences.”

Souls Choice | 3D Incarnation

Soul’s Choice encompasses the profound decision to embark on an incarnation journey within the 3rd Dimension or Density of the Universe of Experience. This intentional descent into the realm of physical reality is a conscious choice, a commitment to play the game of advanced and accelerated lessons and experiences. As co-creators of our life experiences, we weave the tapestry of our existence through the choices we make, navigating the intricate dance of light and shadow in this earthly learning lab. Each incarnation becomes a chapter in the soul’s narrative, a canvas for the exploration of growth, wisdom, and the profound lessons that shape our cosmic evolution.”

The concept of a soul choosing to incarnate into a 3rd-dimensional existence is often rooted in metaphysical, spiritual, or esoteric perspectives that explore the nature of consciousness and the purpose of life. While interpretations may vary, the idea generally involves several key concepts:

1. Soul Evolution:

Belief: The soul is considered to be on a journey of evolution and self-discovery. Incarnating into a 3rd-dimensional existence is seen as a means for the soul to learn, grow, and gain experiences that contribute to its spiritual development.

2. Learning and Challenges:

Philosophy: The 3rd-dimensional plane is often perceived as a realm of challenges and contrasts, providing opportunities for the soul to confront and overcome obstacles. These challenges may include experiences related to duality, polarity, and individuality.

3. Free Will and Choice:

Belief: Souls are thought to have free will and the ability to make choices. The decision to incarnate into a 3rd-dimensional existence is seen as a conscious choice made by the soul, guided by its own intentions, lessons, and the desire for self-discovery.

4. Earth as a School:

Metaphor: Earth, or the 3rd-dimensional plane, is often likened to a school for souls. Incarnating here provides a unique environment for learning, growth, and the development of qualities such as compassion, empathy, and love.

5. Duality and Experience:

Philosophy: The 3rd dimension is associated with experiences of duality and polarity, such as light and dark, joy and sorrow. Souls may choose this dimension to navigate through these diverse experiences and gain a deeper understanding of the human condition.

6. Spiritual Expansion:

Belief: Incarnating into a 3rd-dimensional existence is viewed as an opportunity for the soul to expand its spiritual awareness. Through the challenges and triumphs of earthly life, the soul may elevate its consciousness and contribute to the broader evolution of universal consciousness.

7. Karmic Lessons:

Belief: Some belief systems incorporate the idea of karma, where the soul chooses specific life circumstances to work through karmic lessons or experiences. These lessons are seen as contributing to the soul’s growth and development.

It’s important to note that these concepts are part of various spiritual and metaphysical belief systems, and interpretations may differ across traditions. The idea of the soul’s choice to incarnate into a 3rd-dimensional existence provides a framework for understanding the purpose and significance of individual lives within the broader context of spiritual evolution.



“In ‘The Game’ of Life, our journey is a series of lifetimes, each incarnation offering a unique opportunity for profound lessons, experiences, and the continuous expansion of our cosmic consciousness.”

“The Game” Lifetime of Incarnations  

In the intricate unfolding of ‘The Game,’ our journey encompasses a lifetime of incarnations—each a chapter in the cosmic narrative of lessons, experiences, and growth. Guided by the universal rules of the game, the primary lesson beckons: Love Yourself. It is the foundational cornerstone upon which the entire cosmic curriculum rests. As co-creators of our destiny, we hold the reins, with the second lesson urging us to master the art of managing our emotions. The third lesson is the alchemy of transformation—learning to respond rather than react to the cosmic tapestry of experiences. In this grand play, we wield the control, sculpting the contours of our existence as we navigate the lessons and embrace the journey of becoming enlightened co-creators in the cosmic game of life.”

The term “The Game” in the context of souls incarnating into dimensions of experience is often used metaphorically to describe the cosmic play or journey of consciousness within the framework of existence. Here are key aspects associated with this concept:

1. Metaphorical Framework:

Definition: “The Game” is not meant to be taken literally but rather as a metaphorical framework for understanding the purposeful and dynamic nature of the soul’s journey through different dimensions or planes of existence.

2. Soul’s Play of Consciousness:

Metaphor: The term implies that existence is a sort of cosmic play or experiment where souls engage in the experiences of various dimensions. This play involves the soul’s exploration, growth, and learning through diverse experiences.

3. Dimensions of Experience:

Concept: Souls are believed to incarnate into different dimensions, realms, or planes, each offering unique experiences and lessons. These dimensions could include different levels of consciousness, vibrational frequencies, or states of being.

4. Rules and Challenges:

Metaphor: “The Game” may suggest the presence of certain rules or cosmic laws that govern the soul’s journey. The challenges and obstacles encountered within different dimensions contribute to the soul’s development and understanding.

5. Choice and Free Will:

Belief: Souls are thought to have the ability to choose their participation in “The Game.” The concept emphasizes the exercise of free will and the soul’s autonomy in deciding its path, experiences, and interactions.

6. Spiritual Evolution:

Philosophy: “The Game” often aligns with the idea of spiritual evolution, where the soul’s journey through various dimensions contributes to its growth, wisdom, and eventual reunification with a higher, cosmic consciousness.

7. Illusion and Reality:

Philosophy: The concept may also imply that the experiences within “The Game” are, in a sense, illusory or temporary, as compared to the eternal nature of the soul. It invites contemplation on the relationship between reality, perception, and the nature of existence.

It’s important to note that the use of terms like “The Game” is prevalent in certain spiritual and metaphysical circles, and interpretations can vary widely. The metaphor is employed to convey a sense of purpose, adventure, and meaningful participation in the cosmic unfolding of consciousness across different dimensions of experience.



“Within the Matrix, the struggle against being a Captured Soul becomes a journey of self-discovery, a rebellion against the programmed narratives that bind the spirit.”

Movie Matrix Programming

Inside vs Outside / The Hologram / Earth Fear Farm / Controlling The Masses / Captured Souls 

In the intricate narrative of the movie Matrix Programming, the dichotomy of Inside vs. Outside serves as a symbolic journey of awakening, as individuals grapple with the contrast between their perceived reality and the potential truth beyond the confines of a constructed world. The concept of the Hologram unveils a universe where reality is an intricate illusion, resonating with the idea that the totality of existence is encoded in every fragment. Describing Earth as a Fear Farm within this holographic construct implies a manipulation of human emotions and experiences, where fear, control, and manipulation are integral to sustaining the programmed reality. The narrative suggests that the Matrix thrives on the captured souls of its inhabitants, ensnaring individuals in a system that commodifies their essence and exploits their authenticity. This exploration extends beyond the cinematic realm, proposing a reflection on our reality where all Religions, Governments & Monetary Systems are considered Systems of Control, subtly shaping societal norms and values, encapsulating the masses within a matrix of influence and governance.

The phrase “Programming Inside the Matrix” is often used in a metaphorical or speculative context, drawing inspiration from science fiction, philosophy, and conspiracy theories. The term is popularly associated with the idea that our reality is akin to a simulated environment, often referred to as “The Matrix.” Here are key aspects associated with this concept:

1. Simulated Reality:

Metaphor: The concept suggests that the reality we perceive might be simulated or constructed, similar to a computer-generated environment. This idea draws parallels with the simulated reality depicted in the science fiction movie “The Matrix.”

2. Control and Manipulation:

Implication: “Programming Inside the Matrix” implies that aspects of our reality, including the events, experiences, and even individual perceptions, are somehow controlled or manipulated. This could be by external entities or forces that dictate the rules and parameters of our perceived existence.

3. Lack of True Autonomy:

Metaphor: The term may express the idea that individuals within this metaphorical “Matrix” lack true autonomy or free will. Instead, their choices and experiences are predetermined or influenced by the underlying programming.

4. Symbolic Interpretation:

Philosophy: Some philosophical perspectives use the metaphor of programming inside the matrix to symbolize the constraints and limitations imposed on individuals by societal norms, cultural conditioning, or external influences that shape their beliefs and behaviors.

5. Conspiracy Theories:

Speculation: In certain conspiracy theories, the term is used to suggest that powerful entities or organizations control the narrative and information flow, shaping public perception and understanding of reality. It implies a hidden agenda behind the scenes.

6. Awakening or Liberation:

Metaphor: The concept is sometimes associated with the idea of awakening or breaking free from the constraints of the programmed reality. This may involve gaining awareness, questioning societal norms, and seeking a deeper understanding of one’s existence.

7. Philosophical Inquiry:

Speculation: Some philosophical discussions explore the possibility of reality being a construct or illusion. The idea of programming inside the matrix is used as a thought experiment to question the nature of reality and the limits of human perception.

It’s crucial to note that the concept of programming inside the matrix is largely speculative and metaphorical. While it sparks intriguing philosophical discussions and creative thinking, there is currently no scientific evidence supporting the idea that our reality is a programmed simulation. It remains a concept often explored in fiction, philosophy, and certain alternative perspectives.


wheel of karma

“As the Wheel of Karma revolves, it whispers the universal truth that our actions, intentions, and choices are the threads that weave the fabric of our destiny in the grand tapestry of existence.”

Wheel of Karma

The Wheel of Karma turns ceaselessly, reflecting the cosmic law of cause and effect. The acquisition of karma through poor choices creates a ripple across the vast expanse of existence, intertwining actions with their consequences. This cyclical dance extends into the realm of generational curses, where the echoes of past actions reverberate through lineage. Negative thoughts, words, and deeds become the currency of karmic exchange, each intention and reaction etching a mark on the wheel. When actions carry the intention to restrict, deceive, or prohibit someone’s free will, the karmic tapestry tightens, weaving a pattern that demands balance and resolution. The intention to do harm sets in motion a sequence of events, a cause that inevitably begets an effect. In the intricate choreography of the Wheel of Karma, every choice serves as a dance partner, and the soul, bound by its own actions, learns the rhythm of cosmic justice in the journey toward equilibrium.

The Wheel of Karma” is a concept rooted in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism that represents the cycle of cause and effect, action and reaction, and the consequences of one’s deeds. The term karma” is derived from Sanskrit and means action” or deed.” The Wheel of Karma is a symbolic representation of how the law of karma operates within the framework of samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Key aspects of the Wheel of Karma include:

1. Cycle of Reincarnation:

Belief: According to Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain beliefs, individuals go through a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as samsara. The Wheel of Karma illustrates how one’s actions in one life influence the circumstances of the next life.

2. Law of Cause and Effect:

Principle: Karma is governed by the law of cause and effect. The actions (karma) one performs in life have consequences, and these consequences shape future experiences, both in the current life and in subsequent lives.

3. Diverse Experiences:

Representation: The Wheel of Karma is often depicted with various realms or segments, representing different forms of existence. These realms may include heavenly, human, animal, and hellish realms, among others. The specific realm one is born into is believed to be influenced by the accumulated karma from past actions.

4. Breaking the Cycle:

Goal: In the spiritual traditions that embrace the concept of the Wheel of Karma, the ultimate goal is to break free from the cycle of reincarnation and attain liberation or enlightenment (moksha or nirvana). This liberation is achieved by transcending the karmic cycle through spiritual awakening and the cessation of desire.

5. Purification and Transformation:

Process: The Wheel of Karma implies that individuals have the opportunity to purify their karma and undergo positive transformation. This involves performing righteous actions (dharma), cultivating virtues, and engaging in spiritual practices to elevate one’s consciousness.

6. Individual Responsibility:

Emphasis: The concept of the Wheel of Karma places a significant emphasis on individual responsibility. It suggests that individuals are the architects of their own destiny and that the quality of their actions shapes their present and future circumstances.

7. Ethical Guidance:

Teaching Tool: The Wheel of Karma serves as a teaching tool, offering ethical guidance on how to lead a virtuous life. It encourages individuals to consider the moral implications of their actions and strive for positive karma.

It’s important to note that interpretations of karma and the Wheel of Karma can vary among different traditions, and the nuances may differ in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. However, the common thread is the recognition of the interconnectedness of actions and their consequences, influencing the cycle of life and the quest for spiritual liberation.


spiritual Observer

“To be a spiritual observer is to transcend the confines of the ego, perceiving the interconnected threads of the cosmic web and recognizing the divine orchestration in every moment.”

The Spiritual Observer 

“The Observer” is a concept often used in spiritual, philosophical, and psychological contexts to refer to the aspect of consciousness that observes, witnesses, and remains detached from the experiences and events occurring in one’s inner and outer worlds. It is a perspective or state of awareness that transcends the fluctuations of thoughts, emotions, and external circumstances.

Key aspects of “The Observer” include:

1. Detached Awareness:

Non-Identification: “The Observer” is characterized by a sense of non-identification with thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It watches these phenomena without becoming entangled or overly attached to them.

2. Presence in the Moment:

Mindfulness: “The Observer” is closely associated with mindfulness, emphasizing being fully present in the current moment. It involves observing thoughts and sensations without judgment, allowing for a deeper understanding of one’s inner landscape.

3. Neutral Perspective:

Non-Judgmental Stance: “The Observer” maintains a neutral and non-judgmental perspective. It does not label experiences as good or bad but observes them as they are, fostering a sense of equanimity.

4. Witnessing the Ego:

Transcending Egoic Identity: “The Observer” transcends the egoic identity and the conditioned self. It allows individuals to see beyond their roles, beliefs, and conditioned responses, providing a more authentic and liberated perspective.

5. Inner Silence:

Stillness of Mind: “The Observer” is associated with inner silence and stillness of the mind. It represents a dimension of consciousness that is not disrupted by the continuous stream of thoughts but remains calm and centered.

6. Higher Consciousness:

Connection to Higher Self: In spiritual contexts, “The Observer” is sometimes considered a connection to one’s higher self or divine consciousness. It reflects a state of awareness beyond the egoic mind.

7. Emotional Equanimity:

Balanced Responses: The Observer allows for balanced and measured responses to life’s challenges. Instead of reacting impulsively to emotions, it enables a thoughtful and considered approach.

8. Freedom from Attachment:

Non-Attachment: The Observer is not attached to outcomes or desires. It appreciates the impermanence of experiences and understands that true freedom comes from not being overly identified with transient aspects of life.

9. Conscious Choice:

Intentional Living: “The Observer” embodies conscious choice and intentional living. It allows individuals to respond to situations based on values and awareness rather than reacting based on conditioned patterns.

10. Expansion of Awareness:

Broadened Perspective: “The Observer” contributes to an expanded awareness, allowing individuals to see the interconnectedness of all things and fostering a sense of unity with the broader context of existence.

Engaging with “The Observer” aspect of consciousness is often cultivated through mindfulness practices, meditation, and self-reflection. It plays a significant role in the journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and the development of a deeper understanding of one’s true nature.


souls awakening journey

“The soul’s awakening journey is a sacred odyssey, a conscious choice to ascend and explore the depths within. In the dance of shadow work and the journey inside, we discover that all needs are met within the sanctuary of our own being—a profound revelation that echoes the soul’s intrinsic connection to the vast universe.”

Souls Awakening Journey 

The soul’s awakening journey unfolds as a sacred quest, marked by the conscious choice to ascend and transcend the confines of the material realm. This transformative path involves engaging in shadow work, delving into the depths of the subconscious to illuminate and integrate the hidden aspects of the self. The journey to go within becomes a profound exploration of the inner landscape, where the seeker navigates the intricate terrain of emotions, memories, and spiritual insights. The contrast between the journey inside vs. outside highlights the significance of internal exploration, emphasizing that true growth and enlightenment arise from the deep well of self-awareness.

In the realm of the soul’s awakening, the understanding emerges that all needs are met within. This spiritual truth challenges the externalized pursuit of fulfillment, inviting individuals to recognize that the source of abundance, love, and purpose resides within the core of their being. The journey becomes a process of self-discovery and internal alignment, where the soul unveils its innate capacity to create, heal, and find contentment independent of external circumstances. In this awakening, the soul rediscovers its intrinsic connection to the universal flow, embracing the profound realization that the journey within is a path to self-mastery and spiritual liberation.

The concept of a soul’s awakening journey refers to a process of profound spiritual and personal transformation in which an individual becomes increasingly aware of their true nature, purpose, and connection to the divine or universal consciousness. This journey is often described in spiritual, metaphysical, and mystical traditions and involves several key elements:

1. Self-Discovery:

Seeking Inner Truth: The awakening journey begins with a deep exploration of one’s inner self. This involves questioning beliefs, societal conditioning, and exploring personal values to uncover a more authentic understanding of who one truly is.

2. Spiritual Awareness:

Connection to the Divine: The awakening journey often involves a heightened spiritual awareness. Individuals may experience a sense of connection to a higher power, universal consciousness, or divine source, realizing that there is a transcendent aspect to their existence.

3. Expanded Consciousness:

Beyond Ego Boundaries: As the journey progresses, there is a transcending of the limitations imposed by the ego. Individuals may experience an expanded consciousness that goes beyond personal identity, allowing for a more inclusive and interconnected perspective.

4. Mindfulness and Presence:

Living in the Present Moment: The awakening journey encourages mindfulness and living in the present moment. This involves cultivating awareness of thoughts, emotions, and experiences without being overly identified with them.

5. Transformational Experiences:

Profound Shifts: Awakening is often marked by significant, sometimes catalytic, experiences. These may include moments of clarity, intense spiritual experiences, or encounters that catalyze a shift in perception and understanding.

6. Release of Attachments:

Letting Go: Individuals on the awakening journey often undergo a process of releasing attachments to material possessions, ego-driven desires, and unhealthy relationships. Letting go of what no longer serves becomes a central theme.

7. Embracing Love and Compassion:

Heart-Centered Living: Love and compassion play a central role in the awakening journey. Individuals may experience a deepening sense of empathy, compassion, and love for themselves and others, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

8. Seeking Higher Wisdom:

Spiritual Knowledge: The awakening journey involves a thirst for spiritual wisdom and knowledge. This may include studying sacred texts, engaging in practices like meditation or prayer, and seeking guidance from spiritual teachers.

9. Integration and Wholeness:

Balancing Aspects of Self: The journey towards awakening often involves integrating and balancing different aspects of the self — the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This pursuit of wholeness contributes to a more harmonious and authentic existence.

10. Service and Contribution:

Purposeful Living: As individuals awaken to their true nature, there is often a desire to contribute positively to the world. This may manifest in acts of service, sharing wisdom, or fostering a sense of community and interconnectedness.

The soul’s awakening journey is deeply personal, and experiences may vary widely. It is a transformative process that invites individuals to explore the depths of their being, transcend limitations, and align with a higher, more profound understanding of existence.


Hero's journey

“The Work is the sacred pilgrimage of the soul, akin to the Hero’s Journey, where the Forgiveness Coin is the compass pointing towards liberation, and responding instead of reacting becomes the art of conscious living.”

“The Work | The Hero’s Journey

“The Work, often likened to the Hero’s Journey, unfolds as a transformative odyssey within the realms of the soul. In traversing the Dark Night of the Soul, individuals confront the shadows within, engaging in profound Shadow Work to illuminate and integrate the dormant aspects of their being. Within the crucible of this experience lies the soul’s opportunity to choose a different path, forging a destiny imbued with newfound wisdom and resilience. The Forgiveness Coin becomes a currency of liberation, offering the power to release the chains of the past and embrace the present with a heart unburdened by resentment. Armed with releasing tools, the seeker navigates the labyrinth of self-discovery, recognizing that the power to choose lies not only in the external world but, more crucially, within. The journey unfolds as a conscious practice of responding versus reacting, a mastery that transforms life’s challenges into stepping stones toward greater self-realization.”

“The Work refers to a transformative and introspective process often associated with the dark night of the soul or shadow work. It involves a profound exploration of one’s inner self, confronting deep-seated fears, unresolved emotions, and hidden aspects of the psyche. This journey delves into the shadows, the less conscious and often neglected parts of the self, with the aim of bringing them into the light of awareness. “The Work requires courage and a willingness to navigate through discomfort, as individuals grapple with aspects of their identity, past traumas, and societal conditioning. Through this process, individuals strive for authenticity, healing, and a profound integration of the fragmented aspects of their being, leading to personal growth, spiritual awakening, and a more holistic understanding of the self.

“The Work in the context of addressing life’s mental and emotional traumas, dramas, and lessons involves a deliberate and often introspective effort to navigate through personal challenges for the purpose of healing and growth. This concept is rooted in the idea of actively engaging with one’s life experiences, including past traumas, emotional upheavals, and the lessons embedded within them. It encompasses practices such as self-reflection, therapy, and other modalities aimed at understanding the impact of these experiences on mental and emotional well-being. “The Work involves acknowledging and processing deep-seated emotions, unraveling patterns of thought and behavior, and actively learning from life’s lessons. By facing and addressing mental and emotional challenges, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing wounds, and fostering resilience, ultimately working towards a more integrated and empowered sense of self.

The Hero’s Journey is a timeless narrative framework that transcends cultural boundaries and resonates across diverse storytelling traditions. Coined by Joseph Campbell, this archetypal narrative structure traces the transformative odyssey of a protagonist. The journey typically unfolds in distinct stages, beginning with the call to adventure, where the hero is beckoned to venture into the unknown. Refusing the call often precedes the hero’s eventual acceptance, leading to encounters with mentors, allies, and trials that challenge their limits. As the hero faces a profound ordeal, symbolized by a climactic battle or inner conflict, they experience a metamorphosis, emerging with newfound wisdom or abilities. The return home symbolizes the hero’s integration of lessons learned, contributing to the restoration or transformation of their world. The Hero’s Journey, rooted in the human psyche, mirrors our collective quest for self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of a higher purpose. This narrative archetype captivates audiences by resonating with universal themes of courage, resilience, and the inherent potential for personal and societal evolution.


spiritual practice

“Through ‘The Practice,’ we sculpt the clay of our consciousness, shaping a masterpiece of self-awareness, forgiveness, and service—a testament to our commitment to a higher frequency of living.

The Practice | Heart Of A Volunteer

The Observer Practice / The Forgiveness & Releasing Practice / The Heart of a Volunteer Practice 

“The Practice unfolds as a sacred ritual, each facet a gateway to personal transformation. In the Observer Practice, we refine the art of detached awareness, witnessing the ebb and flow of thoughts and emotions without becoming entangled in their currents. The Forgiveness & Releasing Practice becomes an alchemical process, transmuting the weight of past grievances into the liberating lightness of the present moment. At the Heart of a Volunteer Practice lies the selfless offering of compassion, service, and love to others, a practice that expands the boundaries of the self. Learning to elevate and maintain vibrational frequency becomes the cornerstone of this journey, tuning into the harmonious rhythms of the universe. The dichotomy between the Ego Conscious Monkey Mind and the Heart Conscious Mind emerges, where the former clamors for control and the latter resonates with the pure frequency of compassion and empathy. In this dance of frequencies, “The Practice becomes a conscious choice to align with the higher vibrations of the heart, transcending the cacophony of the ego, and harmonizing with the universal symphony of existence.

“The Practice of observing, forgiving, releasing, and embodying the Heart of a Volunteer is a transformative and intentional approach to personal and spiritual growth. It begins with the art of observation, encouraging individuals to cultivate a mindful awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Through this observation, one gains insight into patterns of behavior and conditioning.

Forgiveness becomes a pivotal aspect, urging individuals to release resentments and grudges. This process involves letting go of the emotional burdens tied to past experiences, fostering inner peace and emotional freedom.

Releasing goes hand in hand with forgiveness, emphasizing the intentional relinquishment of attachments, whether they be to past traumas, self-limiting beliefs, or negative thought patterns. Releasing allows for the creation of space for personal and spiritual growth.

At the heart of  “The Practice is the essence of a volunteer—an embodiment of selflessness, compassion, and a commitment to serving others. This involves engaging in acts of kindness, contributing positively to the community, and cultivating a spirit of empathy.

In essence, this practice is a holistic approach to self-improvement and contributing to the greater good. It involves self-awareness, emotional healing, and a commitment to compassionate action, fostering a balanced and purposeful life.


unrealistic expectations

“Realistic expectations are the compass that guides us through the journey of life, while unrealistic expectations are the storm that can derail our path.

Unrealistic vs Realistic Expectations

Unrealistic Expectations Path: Frustration – Fear – Anger – Resentment – Failure

Realistic Expectations Path: Calmness – Observer – Response – Success 

Unrealistic expectations and realistic expectations represent two contrasting outlooks that individuals may adopt in various aspects of life. Unrealistic expectations involve anticipating outcomes or achievements that are impractical or improbable, often diverging from the actual possibilities or constraints of a situation. This mindset can lead to disappointment, frustration, and a sense of failure when these lofty expectations are not met. On the other hand, realistic expectations involve a pragmatic assessment of one’s goals, considering the available resources, timeframes, and potential challenges. Embracing realistic expectations enables individuals to set attainable objectives and make informed decisions, fostering a healthier and more sustainable approach to life. Striking a balance between ambition and practicality is crucial to navigating the complexities of personal and professional endeavors, allowing individuals to set meaningful goals while remaining adaptable to the unpredictable nature of life. In essence, managing expectations is a key element in achieving a well-rounded and fulfilling life.


spiritual path

“To walk ‘The Path’ is to choose awareness over ignorance, and to ‘Exit the Game’ is to free ourselves from the entanglements of the illusory matrix, reclaiming the sovereignty of our consciousness.

The Path | Exit the Game | Ego Monkey Mind

Beingness of the Observer | Maintaining Ascension Frequency | Exposing the Lie, “Everything We Need is Outside”

“The Path in the context of finding your spiritual path often alludes to the journey of self-discovery and personal growth that individuals embark upon to connect with their inner selves, explore their beliefs, and deepen their understanding of the universe. It is a subjective and unique expedition that varies from person to person, shaped by individual experiences, values, and perspectives.

Finding one’s spiritual path involves a quest for meaning, purpose, and a connection to something greater than oneself. This journey may encompass various spiritual practices, religious exploration, mindfulness, meditation, or engagement in activities that nurture the soul. People may seek guidance from religious traditions, philosophical teachings, or spiritual mentors, while others prefer a more eclectic and personalized approach.

The concept of “The Path underscores the idea that the journey itself is as significant as the destination. It encourages individuals to be present in the moment, embrace personal growth, and remain open to new insights and perspectives. “The Path to spiritual fulfillment is often characterized by self-reflection, inner peace, and a sense of harmony with the world. Ultimately, “The Path is a metaphorical representation of the ongoing and evolving process of discovering, understanding, and embracing one’s spiritual identity.

“Exit the Game is a metaphorical expression often used in discussions about escaping from the matrix, false realities, or programmed beliefs. The term is heavily influenced by themes popularized in science fiction, particularly in movies like “The Matrix. In this context, “the game represents the constructed or manipulated reality that individuals might find themselves in, often shaped by societal norms, cultural expectations, or ingrained belief systems.

To “Exit the Game is to seek a higher level of awareness, consciousness, or enlightenment that goes beyond the confines of the constructed reality. It implies a desire to break free from the constraints of programmed thinking and to question the nature of one’s existence. This process may involve self-discovery, critical introspection, and a willingness to challenge preconceived notions.

The concept also aligns with philosophical and spiritual ideas about transcending illusionary aspects of life and recognizing a deeper, more authentic reality. Exiting the game could symbolize a journey toward personal liberation, where individuals strive to define their own truths and live in alignment with their genuine selves rather than conforming to societal expectations or predetermined narratives.

The term “Ego Monkey Mind” refers to the incessant chatter and activity of the mind driven by the ego. The ego, often likened to a monkey swinging from thought to thought, constantly seeks validation, control, and security. This mental state traps us in the matrix of illusion and separation, preventing us from experiencing true peace and harmony.

The ego’s relentless chatter generates thoughts rooted in fear, judgment, and attachment to desires. It keeps us stuck in patterns of identification with the material world, leading to suffering and discontent. Instead of living in the present moment, the ego monkey mind dwells on the past or frets about the future, robbing us of the richness of the present experience.

This constant mental activity creates a veil of illusion that distorts our perception of reality. It feeds into the ego’s need for validation and perpetuates a cycle of seeking external approval and validation. As a result, we become ensnared in the matrix of societal conditioning, chasing after fleeting pleasures and external success to fulfill an insatiable egoic hunger.

To break free from the grip of the ego monkey mind and the matrix it creates, we must cultivate mindfulness and awareness. By observing our thoughts without judgment and detaching from their influence, we can begin to transcend the limitations of the ego and reconnect with our true essence. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and conscious living, we can quiet the monkey mind and awaken to the deeper truth of our existence.


end times madness

“As cycles intersect and intertwine, the End of Times Madness is the cosmic turbulence, shaking loose the foundations of the old and paving the way for the birth of the new.

End of Times Madness | Converging End of Cycles

“End of Times or “End Times in the context of a galactic cycle refers to a period in which a particular cosmic or celestial cycle concludes, marking a significant transition or transformation. This concept is often rooted in various mythologies, spiritual beliefs, and esoteric philosophies that suggest the existence of cyclical patterns in the universe, with epochs or ages coming to an end before a new cosmic cycle begins.

The Idea of “End Times is not necessarily apocalyptic in a catastrophic sense but is more about the culmination of a series of events, the completion of a cosmic cycle, and the potential for a profound shift in consciousness or existence. It is a theme found in diverse cultures and spiritual traditions, each providing its interpretation of what this transitional period signifies.

“End Times Madness might refer to the intense and transformative energies associated with the conclusion of a cosmic cycle. It can describe the collective or individual experiences of upheaval, change, and sometimes heightened states of awareness that accompany such transitions. The term doesn’t necessarily imply chaos but rather the intensity of the energies surrounding the conclusion of a significant cosmic era.

In discussions about galactic cycles, these concepts often intertwine with notions of spiritual evolution, awakening, or ascension, suggesting that as one cycle concludes, there is an opportunity for profound growth and a shift in the collective or individual consciousness. It’s important to note that interpretations of these concepts vary widely, and beliefs surrounding “End of Times scenarios often reflect cultural, religious, or philosophical perspectives.


humanities compression breakthrough

“As the cosmic drama unfolds, ‘The Event’ becomes the turning point—a Compression Breakthrough preceding the Galactic Solar Flash, an astronomical masterpiece illuminating the path of universal evolution.

The Event | Compression Breakthrough | Galactic Solar Flash 

Three Ascension Waves / MiniMicro Wave / Civilization Reset / No One Gets Left Behind / Souls Choice To Ascend

“The cosmic saga unfolds with ‘The Event’, a pivotal moment marked by the Compression Breakthrough and the awe-inspiring Galactic Solar Flash. Within this cosmic drama, three Ascension Waves sweep across existence, accompanied by the transformative MiniMicro Wave, signaling a civilization reset. Amidst the celestial spectacle, the principle ‘No One Gets Left Behind’ echoes, emphasizing that every soul retains the choice to ascend. In the grand orchestration of Prime Source’s cosmic design, cycles are employed to bring an end to ‘The Grand Experiment’. This cosmic experiment concludes with the ascension of souls who have completed their lessons and experiences in the 3rd Dimension, transcending the confines of the old game to embark on a new and uncharted journey. It is a cosmic epoch where the very fabric of reality is rewoven, and the cosmic narrative takes an evolutionary leap toward higher realms of understanding and existence.

The concepts previously mentioned, such as “The Event, “Galactic Solar Flash, “MicroNova, and the idea of a cosmic design using cycles to end “The Grand Experiment, are often associated with esoteric, spiritual, or metaphysical beliefs. While interpretations can vary, let’s explore these concepts in a broader sense:

  1. The Event: In esoteric and spiritual communities, “The Event often refers to a transformative and catalyzing occurrence that brings about a profound shift in consciousness or reality. It is seen as a moment of collective awakening, leading to spiritual evolution and a higher state of awareness. This concept is sometimes linked to predictions of a significant cosmic or planetary event that triggers these transformative changes.
  2. Galactic Solar Flash: The idea of a “Galactic Solar Flash typically involves a burst of intense cosmic energy emanating from the center of the galaxy or the sun. Proponents of this concept believe that such a flash of energy has the potential to trigger spiritual awakening, DNA activation, and a collective elevation of consciousness. It’s often associated with the idea of a positive and evolutionary force influencing life on Earth.
  3. MicroNova: The term “MicroNova may be connected to the notion of a small-scale version of a supernova, representing a burst of energy and light. In some interpretations, this is seen as a mechanism for spiritual transformation or a reset in the cosmic order, fostering the evolution of consciousness.
  4. Prime Sources Cosmic Design and Cycles: The reference to Prime Sources cosmic design suggests a belief in an intelligent and purposeful cosmic order. The use of cycles aligns with the idea that the universe operates in repeating patterns or phases, and each cycle serves a specific purpose in the grand design. These cycles may be viewed as opportunities for growth, learning, and spiritual evolution.
  5. Ending The Grand Experiment: The notion of ending “The Grand Experiment implies that the universe operates as a vast experiment or game designed for souls to undergo experiences and lessons in the 3rd dimension. The conclusion of this experiment may coincide with the ascension of souls, suggesting a collective advancement to higher dimensions of existence.
  6. Creating a New Experiment or Game: Following the conclusion of one cosmic cycle or experiment, the idea is that a new cycle begins, offering fresh opportunities for souls to engage in different experiences and lessons. This cyclical nature reflects a belief in continuous spiritual evolution and growth.

In summary, these concepts collectively convey a narrative of cyclical cosmic design, transformative events, and the ongoing evolution of consciousness within a grand experiment or game. It’s essential to recognize that these ideas are often rooted in spiritual and metaphysical perspectives, and interpretations may vary widely among different belief systems and communities.


Harvest of Souls

“In the Law of One, the concept of the Harvest is central to understanding the evolutionary journey of souls. It represents the culmination of experiences, the reaping of what has been sown in terms of spiritual orientation. Each soul is harvested according to its polarity, whether it be service to others or service to self. This cosmic event signifies the transition to a higher density of existence, reflecting the individual’s growth and evolution throughout the cosmic journey.”

The Harvest | Law of One | Biblical Text 

“The Harvest,” as described in various spiritual teachings such as the Law of One and Biblical texts, refers to a metaphysical concept related to the evolution of consciousness and the transition of souls between dimensions or states of being.

In the Law of One, a channeled material believed to originate from a higher-dimensional entity known as Ra, the concept of the Harvest is discussed in the context of planetary ascension and the evolution of souls. According to this teaching, souls incarnate on Earth to learn and grow through experiences, with the ultimate goal of evolving towards unity with the Creator. The Harvest represents a culmination of this evolutionary process, where souls are “harvested” based on their level of spiritual development. Those who have attained a sufficient level of spiritual polarity, often described as service-to-others orientation, are harvested into higher-dimensional realms, while others may continue their evolution through further experiences.

Similarly, in Biblical texts, particularly in Christian eschatology, the concept of the Harvest is often associated with the end times. It is portrayed as a period of separation between the righteous and the unrighteous, where each soul is separated based on their deeds and spiritual alignment. Those deemed worthy are gathered into the metaphorical “harvest” of God’s kingdom, while others may face consequences or purification processes.

Overall, the concept of the Harvest symbolizes a period of transition or culmination in the spiritual evolution of souls, where they are sorted or gathered based on their level of spiritual readiness or alignment. It represents a time of reckoning, transformation, and the fulfillment of spiritual destinies.


Journey back to home

“Ascension is the soul’s profound sojourn, a transformative expedition back to Source where the self merges with the divine, and the journey becomes a symphony of cosmic reunification.”

Ascension |  The Journey Home, Back to Source 

The Transition / Advancement of Souls / Dimension & Densities / Ascension Frequency / Frequency of God

Ascension, in spiritual and metaphysical contexts, refers to the transformative process of elevating one’s consciousness and vibrational frequency, ultimately leading to a higher state of being. The concept involves transcending the limitations of the physical and material realm and aligning with higher spiritual dimensions. The journey back to the source is a symbolic return to the origin or divine essence from which all life emanates.

As individuals ascend, they are believed to move through a series of higher dimensions and densities. These dimensions are often described as planes of existence or levels of consciousness that exist beyond the perceivable physical reality. The journey involves a profound inner shift, marked by spiritual awakening, expanded awareness, and a deepening connection to universal truths.

The ascension process is often associated with personal and collective evolution, involving the release of limiting beliefs, ego attachments, and negative patterns. It is a journey toward embodying higher virtues such as love, compassion, and unity. As individuals ascend, they may experience a heightened sense of intuition, interconnectedness, and an expanded understanding of their purpose in the cosmic tapestry.

The idea of returning to the source signifies a reunion with the ultimate cosmic intelligence or divine consciousness. It reflects the understanding that, at the core of our being, we are interconnected with the universal source of creation. The journey back to the source is a metaphorical homecoming, where the individual soul aligns with the universal flow, transcending the illusion of separation and rediscovering its inherent divinity.

It’s essential to note that interpretations of ascension vary among different spiritual traditions, and the language used to describe the process may differ. While some may conceptualize ascension as a gradual progression through higher dimensions, others may view it as a more instantaneous shift in consciousness. Ultimately, the journey of ascension is a deeply personal and spiritual exploration that resonates with seekers on a profound level.


Ending the Grand Experiment | Supporting Full Disclosure

By freedom4humanity

Six to seven million years ago, Source ratified a dark Experiment to test the power of love. Five dark co-creator gods had banded together to spearhead the Experiment, targeting to use force to take over the Universe.

Terms and conditions were agreed and a deadline was set for the expiry of the Experiment. All five of the dark co-creator (gods) are now known to us… Lucifer, an organizational genius we called Big Big Bad Ass and three who incarnated as humans within the current timeline. The expiry date was set for October 28, 2011; the date at which the expansion of the Universe ended and the slow collapse began.

I was one of the dark co-creator gods. My intention was to conduct the dark’s business in accordance with cosmic law but others saw things differently and the Experiment devolved into a free for all of sorts. Around 50,000 years ago, I renounced my dark affiliations and began working for the Light’s agenda, targeting to end the dark’s efforts to enslave and restore timelines based in serving the greater good.

All four of the other creator gods continued to support the experiment. Lucifer and Big Big Bad Ass remained as disembodied creator gods and part of the disclosure project’s work was to end their support and their influence within the existing timeline. This was supported by Source and as of a few months ago, neither Lucifer nor Big Big Bad Ass is able to negatively influence the existing timeline. Similarly, the two embodied as humans were also disempowered and removed from being able to influence or support the defunct experiment. Both are public figures and one is very well known and prominent; however, it is premature to name them. Both were recalcitrant and well protected and soul exchanges were required to eliminate the negative influences coming from their co-creator god souls. The embodiments remain dedicated to dark objectives but neither is able to continue as obstacles blocking full disclosure.

Other co-creator gods entered the Experiment on behalf of darkness. Two of the most influential were God and Ankara. God gained prominence through the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths. Although God is no longer able to influence things, these religions and their current leadership continue to create dysfunction and negative influences for large portions of humanity. Ankara created new civilizations based on reptilian sentience, specifically designed for aggression and combat. Around two million years ago, these civilizations became sufficiently technologically advanced to conquer other civilizations and take over their territory. Thus began the galactic wars. At first the reptilians were easily successful but a few established light based civilizations were able to resist their advances and a stalemate developed. The galactic wars ended in the late 1990s when Ankara surrendered to Light’s agenda and Ankara is now supporting full disclosure.

One of the most coveted resources targeted by the dark was humanity. Humanity was created during the Experiment by a group of Light based co-creator gods around 200,000 years ago. Humanity was created with the most advanced DNA created to that point in time. DNA that was designed to be capable of carrying higher levels of light than had ever previously been possible within a physical vessel. A ‘safe spot’ was chosen within the galaxy that could be protected from the dark Experiment so the new species could travel their evolutionary path and become a prototype for further evolutionary progress. All went according to plan until around 60,000 years ago when Ankara’s dark marauders overran this sector of space and took control of the solar system. That began the current human shared timeline controlled by dark forces.

Resources also entered the fray on behalf of the Light. Katelon was one of these. Both Katelon and I were there at the ratification over six million years ago. She argued with Source that the Experiment should never be ratified but was overruled. Immediately, she petitioned Source to incarnate on behalf of ending the Experiment. By her count she has had over 300,000 such lifetimes nearly all ending prematurely and often painfully.

Although time expired on the Experiment over a decade ago, support for the Experiment continued, including support from four of the five co-creator gods present at the ratification. This support was especially powerful here on Earth, the last sizeable stronghold of the dark. By now, each of these dark co-creator gods has been disempowered and the disclosure project was supported in officially ending the Experiment and ending the dark power source that had been created to level the playing field on behalf of the Experiment. We were then supported in calling in all affected parties such as the Earth, the Sun, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe and all of Creation and confirmed with the help of Source that the dark Experiment was now officially ended and all were to return to the Source based timeline that preexisted the Experiment.

That timeline honours free will but has natural biases supporting Love based on individual sovereignty; the connection we all have to Source, including guidance should we choose to accept it.

Soon, full disclosure will happen here on Earth and the dark’s long reign supported by the Experiment will end.

Freedom for humanity…







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The Great Separation of 2020 – Covid 19 Plandemic scam/scare to lockdown the global population. Using fear of viruses to implement mask protocols, social distancing and lockdowns (stay in your residence)

The Great Segregation of 2021 – Strategic Plan to Vaccinate the Global Population with mRNA changing clot shots. Pitting the Vaxxed vs non-Vaxxed against each other, escalating the Separation of 2020 into the Segregation and forced vaccinations.

The Great Isolation of 2022 – the isolation of those awakened vs the unweakened. Using FEAR of inflation, WW3, vaxxed has cut off people from their souls, basic common sense and rational, critical and logical thinking. The winter will bring mass die offs of the vaxxed and the vaxxinjuries will cripple the work force in America to levels that will destroy the economy for years

The Great Collapse of 2023Disclosures, Corruption, & Exposures | the great everything collapse, a protracted freefall of economic markets via manipulation by the Deep State controllers. Shortages and sabotage of food production, manufacturing, shipping, truck deliveries revealed with empty shelves. Financial conditions of US dollar, federal debt levels reported in excess of $31 trillion. All areas of the economy are on life support. The current estimates of deflation range from 50% to 70% in all market values and pricing. 

The Great Purge 2024 | The Great Taking | Civilizations Dark Night of the Soul | Revealing’s & DisclosuresHumanities Challenge to the Edge of Social Collapse, Extinction and Annihilation, Poor Will Stand Next to the Rich and both will be Equal. FEAR & Darkness will Control Humanity, Evil Permeate Everything. Lucifer, Satan, and Satanic Covenants will be Revealed.


The Great Event 2025 | Compression Breakthrough | Mass Exodus – The Event First Wave, MiniNova, Quantum Leap in Consciousness, 5D Transition of Souls, Ascension of Souls ready to Leave 3D

The Grand Galactic Event 2036 or 2047 | Galactic MicroNova, Pulse from the Central Sun, Frequency from Source, Pole Shift, End of Cycles & Times

 Days of Darkness Winter, Days of Anarchy of 2023 – 2024

 International Societal Breakdowns 2023 – 2025

 WWIII | Civil War | Revolutionary Wars – Blue State Secession from the US Red States

Rebuild American 2025 – 2032

Energy Crisis, Fuel Cost Inflation, Electrical & Internet Blackouts, Inflation, Water Rationing, Starvation, Closed Supply Lines











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About the Author: Great Awakening Team

Great Awakening Team
We are a community. We are cultural creatives and like minded people seeking the truth and focusing on disclosure, awakening and consciousness. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters and truth seekers. We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. We are a collective, a movement, free from all programing, not closed minded and not discriminatory. We are not political. We are not religious but we are spiritual. We study, research, and report on a wide range of subjects and topics, from the current geopolitical climate to health and wellness, from earth’s history to spiritual practices. We are forward thinkers and visionaries, we are guides for the transition as we usher in The Great Awakening. DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified—and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.Any opinions or statements herein presented are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, or agreed to by GAR, those who work with GAR, or those who read or subscribe to GAR.Any belief or conclusion gleaned from content on this site is solely the responsibility of you the reader to substantiate.Any actions taken by those who read material on this site are solely the responsibility of the acting party.You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research.Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

COMMUNITY GUIDELINES DISCLAIMER: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.

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