When the word volcano is even mentioned in the context of the North American continent, most people’s minds automatically go to the “super volcano” that’s located in Yellowstone National Park.
But is this Yellowstone eruption theory in fact a distraction to the real danger at hand on the Western Coast of the USA?
The Cascade Region of the Northwestern Coast of the USA boasts 11 of the 18 most dangerous volcanoes, yet the fervor over a Yellowstone explosion overshadows that very real threat of Cascadia.
“There’s a lot of excitement and interest in super volcanoes, like Yellowstone, and the potential that they could erupt in a catastrophic eruption, which has happened in the past. But that is pretty infrequent, even geologically speaking. What’s much more frequent, and what’s more likely to happen on a human length scale, is that one of the Cascade volcanoes will erupt.” Explains Emilie Hooft, Associate Professor of the Dept. Earth Sciences of University of Oregon.
This documentary, shot in spectacular 7k, uncovers the truth and scientific research of the looming disaster at hand on the Pacific Northwest coast. With unseen underwater footage of the main volcanic vent in Yellowstone Lake, extensive aerial footage of the Cascade volcanoes, and intense interviews with acclaimed scientists, we get the true story.
Our experts, the most highly regarded seismologists and volcanologists from the USA give first hand knowledge of what would happen if and when one of the Cascade Volcanoes erupt.
Mega-Thrust earthquakes, lahar flows, volcanic explosions, a giant tsunami, economic calamity – is the USA ready for such a natural disaster? The Cascade Volcanoes and the Juan de Fuca Subduction Zone are soon to make themselves known and take the forefront on the world’s geological stage.
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