2000 Mules” is a 2022 documentary directed by conservative political commentator Dinesh D’Souza. The film investigates allegations of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 United States presidential election. The title refers to the concept of “mules”—individuals allegedly involved in transporting and delivering fraudulent ballots to ballot drop boxes in various states.
The documentary presents claims that a coordinated effort took place to manipulate election results through the use of illegal ballot harvesting and other fraudulent activities. It includes interviews with various experts and witnesses, as well as purported evidence such as surveillance footage and geolocation data.
Throughout the film, D’Souza and his team argue that these alleged activities had a significant impact on the election’s outcome, casting doubt on the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s victory. The documentary aims to provide viewers with a detailed examination of the purported irregularities and to advocate for election integrity reforms.
The documentary has fueled ongoing debates about election security, voter fraud, and the integrity of democratic processes in the United States.
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