The Big Picture is a bird’s eye view of the Awakening of humanity.  It entails a series of escalating energetic waves leading up to a singular moment known as The Event.  This looming event will change the very essence of what it means to be human.  NASA has confirmed our solar system entered a galactic energy cloud in the 1950s.  This energy field is in the process of increasing consciousness, upgrading our DNA and shifting humanity into a positive polarity.  The shift has a destabilizing effect on our consciousness that assists in creating transparency in truth and resolves karma. It is currently exposing man’s hidden origins, centuries of ancient history, government and religious corruptions, as well as the presence of advanced beings in our universe.     

Our solar system is at the end of a grand cycle, completing a 25,960-year binary orbit around our dark star.  Many ancient and religious texts reference the end of this cycle as climaxing with a series of galactic flashes and energy waves which culminate in man’s soul ascension.  This is now known as a constant or cosmic law, throughout the universe, with all planets, sentient beings, and human civilizations moving through the ascension of the cycle. 

Our Sun’s entire planetary system is currently undergoing extreme climate change. The maximum effects Earth undergoes as it passes through the center of the galactic energy cloud have the potential to be catastrophic in nature.  The Sun has increased in size and brightness from a vibrant yellow star in the 1980s to a bright, expanding white orb today.  Its increased heat and energy are affecting the core of all planets in our Solar System.  NASA has recorded climate change throughout the solar system. Earth has been experiencing an increase in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, shifting of the poles, hurricanes, droughts, flooding, wildfires, extreme record temperatures, and other severe weather patterns.  

The Great Awakening is based on the expansion in global consciousness, transparency, and the truth movement. Corrupted institutions are showing signs of crumbling within the Deep State, Shadow Government, and the global reserve banking system including; the US Federal Reserve, the US dollar IMF/BIS, the international standard currency, the western governments CFR, the Trilateral Group, the City of London Financial District and the US MIC (Military Industrial Complex).  Age old religions and secret societies are infighting for control of our planet, under the guise of a New World Order (NWO).  Among the imploding groups are the Vatican, Jesuits, the P2 Lodge, and all Western Religions.  Our education system, Smithsonian, big pharma, and mainstream media all contribute to this global deception.  The three letter agencies CIA, DOJ, FBI, NSA, MI6, Mosad, CDC, AMA are all corrupt and controlled.

A modern-day Civil War over disclosure is coming to a head.  The general public has become aware of previously hidden technologies through movies, science fiction books, limited technology releases such as transistors, computer chips, fiber optic cables, kevlar, and night vision.  Soft disclosure began in July 2015 when whistleblowers came forward disclosing the Secret Space Program (SSP).   These testimonies brought to light the presence of millions of advanced ET’s, a number of inner earth civilizations, new sciences, deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.) and advanced technological disclosures.  As of September 2017, the Civil War in Washington D.C. over partial disclosure vs. full disclosure has taken a front stage in the global fight for exposing the truth.  Full disclosure will now be required for humanity to experience ascension.      

The Big Picture is about connecting the dots, seeing the relationships between people and organizations, as well as power and bloodlines. Understanding there are no coincidences when it comes to our history and life as we’ve grown to know it.  A series of never before seen events are coalescing to create the maximum planetary consciousness, awareness, and preparedness for humanity.  The Great Awakening Reports look to help people with these stages of their Enlightenment Experience.  Our research, aggregation of information, and creation of original content look to provide a genuine understanding of these events for all readers, viewers, and subscribers.